New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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NOYBUBEB 24. THE -JSTEW YORK CLIPPER. «09 ir.L.BIklsi..,....% 1 noBMoaABkad I A. B.I»lUag I j.]>l«kiuBBnwn t Tnia. KwM I JobDA. Logaa I rniur W. L«*. I «. a, TkUu 0 Ibbmt ■•lib I owrnOBQkbon 1 3uam rnwUr 1 Jobs Bo9r 1 D. A Hmmootf I WlUum UUMW 1 J. n. HeOM 1 OArfaftm A. Worth 0 Job! Attbgr. 1 Htm. p. O. BoDni* 1 Haib Brian I OolvoibiA FWm 1 W A. Ooop* I J.II.O«nWt ■ B. O. Dxklii 1 Kadltcn SUbu 0 Butt T. r*un 1 ■n. bulon BtslT > a ir. Bbiw I a«>inB.Biilm«. 0 H. B. Nolta. 0 J. l>.Caa*fOB 1 tank r.ourk 0 P. B. Dtanll I IsbaitHM.... 0 0. B 4B O. Hort 0 H. aP. Boob AOo 0 MoLooehlln Bfolbu*. 0' a. r. wbiiBtr o J. V. WIlMD...: 0 / OIlDcb Onllb 0 UlmU U. BtU. 1 A. A. B«Ba«. 0 LBAOUE-AaSOCIATION. Ajiii«ml BlMtlBg R«ld, und Borne Im' pertant CtaBogci MbiI* Ib the C«Datl' Tte tnniiBI mNtIng of ttig Nuionil Lmgoe uK Anerlam AoocliUan wu beld :iot. m, i>, is, m Ui« Ftnii ATeone Hotel, Id tlil« city, TM lint •«•' ■Ion bold wH UiAl ot Uw Boiril of DIreolon, wbo coBTOnod u 10.90 o'clock, on tbo moralDg o( u, ud ona or tbo Drat UilngB dona wis Ibo awtrdlng tbe obunplonaiup to tbe BtlUmon Olnb. Pnaldant roong'a nport for tbo paat aaMon wu icad and bc cqitod, voted Umpln I>}ncb bla atlarj for foor daja, oDTlng wblob ne was ill, n-«lootad N. Tooig pnaldest, aectMBir and inaannr, for tbe ii<xttbnajc*n,ataaalB>TOt t4,0OO per year, ud •ner attending to oibar malian o( minor Import- uoe, Rdjouned. At 1.80 o'clock tbo delegates to tbe rtgnlair meet- ing went Into aeialon. Frealdent M. E.' Young ooonpled tbe cbtlr. Tbe following penons, repn- aenUng tbe dlOmBt dnbs, wen present: B, H. Tender HontandE4wardiUnlon,ortbeBBlUDora Olab; A. B. Boden, W, B. Oonant and J. B. BlUlon, ot tbe Beaton: F. A. Abell and 0. H. Byfne,of toe Btookirn: JameaA. llart,or tbeObicago; JobnT. Bniab ao<l N. A. IJoyd, of the Olnolnnatt; F. De U. RoblsoD, of ibe Oiefelaod; J. 0, Rnobitobl, or tbe Lonlanile; 0. Van cnit and E. B. IWcotc, or tbe Kew York; A. J. Retob and Jobo I. Bogen, or uio PblladelpbU; W. 17. Kerr and P. L.Aoten,or tbe Pltlaborg; 0. Ton der Abe, of tbe 8L Loota, and a. W. and J. B. Wagner, or tbe Waablngton. Afler beutng tbo report of the Board ot Ulraotora, wblob was adopted, Hod disposing ot otber bnsloess of less loportance, tbe rest or tbe af lemoon waa taken np In diaonaaing certain cbanges In Ibe conatlio- tlon, wblob will bare a very Important btulog on tbe aOtln or all tbe dobs. Tbe ant seoUon taken np was tbat wblob provides for a nayment ot ten nr cent, ot Uie gate receipts ot eaob dab Into tbe leagne's treaanir for an emergency fond, and it rtsnliedlnaloDgand hitterargament. TbeEts^ em clabi contended tbat as long as tbe leagoe waa cot of debt ttaeie was no necessity ror tbe ten per cent, assessment, and It sboald be abollsbed, as tbey were geiung Ured anpncrllng tbe Weeism cinba. Tbe latter atllllnslited on malnialnlng ttie ten per cenL levy. After a long wrangle tbe sob- ]ect was laid over nntll tbe following day, as no de- cblon conld tben be reacbed. Section 2S ot tbe constitution was amended ao tbat bereafter wben a ten days' notice or release li Sven tn a player, tbe notice abaU begin to mn from e time tbe nouce Is lecelved by tbe secretary of Ibe leagoe, wbo abail at once promnlgate tbe same 10 all otber olnb memben. Attboeiplratlonof tbe ten daya tbe pUyer ao released sbairbe ellilble to contract witta tbe releaatng olab, or any otber dob member. Thia means tbat bereafter, wben a dab gives a player bis ten days' noUce, It cannot wlib oraw It before tbe ten days expire, but it It after ward wants to retain bis services It mast sign bim anew, and make terms ss ir rrom tbe beglnnbg. Tbe ODly otber section cbanged was tbat one re- lating to postponed or ued games. Bereafter, snob games must be played offon aacoeedlng open dates on tbe borne gronnds. bnt If no snob dale exlats tbey may be played oir on any open date on tbe groond ot tbe other olnb. The meeting adjonmcd at SIX o'dook, r. n., to meet tbe following moning, Bboomd Dat'8 Bbuioh. Tbe delegates reconvened on tbe morning ot li, and It was plainly evident tbat the Western men were willing to concede almost any polntratber than to have tbe leagne's olrcult reduced In any man- ner, Tteasnnr TBIcott came tally prepared wlib tacts to convtBoe bis eopartnere or tbe fnJosUce or maintaining a ten per oenL aaeeasmentof eaob club. At Oitt more than bair of them opposed reaclndlog tbe mle, then Mr. IWcott presented bla agareai wblob were ao couvlnclng that tbo delegates gave In, sad by an ananlmoua vote tbat part or tbe coosU- totlou was cbanged, wiping out tbe len percent, ss- sesament, end providing ror a division ot tbe gals recslpts on sn etnal basis between tbe visiting and homeolnbs. Tbe antes wblob Mr. Ttlcott produced, by wblob be won nls esse, were taken from Tteasorer Yonni's report ot tbe Onances ot tbe National League and American Association ror tbls year. This report showed that under tbe ten per cent assessment there bsd been psid Isto tbe NsUonsl League and American Aaaodatton treasury by all tbe twelve dubs In tbs sggregato mote than tBT,ooo. In tbls relative proportion: Kew York, lll,soo; BalUmnre, tB.too; Pblladelpbia, t8,loa; Boaton. tB,m; Plus- burg, $a,000; Brooklyn, |>,H0; Uhicsgo, ti,I0O: OInotnnau, 13,900; 8i Loals, t3,W0; Olevolaod, $3,900; Wssbiogton, 13.900; Ualsvllle, gi goo. Alter deducting the tROOO tor the sinking tiud and paying Ibe yearly expenses ot tbe National League and American Asaoolatlon, there was left ot tnis amoont about tS9,ooo, and this earn was eoually divided among the twelve dubs, glvlog to eaob about |1,M0. Thus tbe New York Olab paid Into tbe fond gil.800, and received as Its dividend t3,W0, wbereaa Louisville paid la tl.MO, and ro- calved as Its share ot the dividend il,eoo, |l,ooo moie than It conirlbnted to tbe fund. Under the new order ot things, theaxpenaes ot the Nauoasl Leans and American Association will be paid by isaes s lng each club for lu pro rata abate, so tbat tbe Louisville Ulub will pay aa much ot lbs sx- peascs for lbs salary of ue praaldeot and tbe ex- penses ot tbe umpires' stair aa tbe New Tork or any other cinb. The cbaugc made wu by ebnklng oat aecUoa 49, and making an addition m aeoilon a, u toUowa: At tbe oodoIqiIod ot mo^ cbuiplooiblp aanie th« bone olabahill eollTSr to Ibo muufcor of thovulUoi olob a atAlainoat of itao total aita roeotpta and ■hat timonnU by malL u tbo proohloot or other dtaltiulad JUtlsa t roeotpta and ohall ^ or other dtaltiulad oaelalortbovioltlJiBelob,a daplleato ottbe«mo; tbat la » otuanoBi ot ibotoooipuof mM nso, which doa looladt all flttv BDd tvooly flro ooat aSmtiitaDO, i ' ihftll pay to nu TlaiUag olob fifty por ouL or nld .end aalpta. A aim i ainking fund wu formed ontof the money now In tbe ueasury, by tbe following new seotlon lo tbs oonaututlon, which wu adopted: Beelloo tf -Oot nf iho (aadi of thii loofao, now In tbo bantfnot the tiwwnror, thoio ahftU boenalod atlallag tnad Bot to oioood 911,101. wbtcb ihall bo inTooiad in KronnonI bondi. All olhir loodo iball bo pbeod lo I luiiiiij. to BootooiTOBtoiponaoa Tbe next thing done hi tbe delegates was to amend seoUon u. This sddltlooal olanse tends to farther prevent any team tnm leaving tbe MM dnrlBg Ibe progttsi of a game. TheaddlOon Is u folHwsr la addlUon to the ponilty nbofo rolomd to (poaalty ol 11401 paM by Uio 0(00 " or other ponoo la nopoaolbM lor the poulty ol (KD, which •ball b< Iho iia«no wlihia flro data a BlPodvndor anrclroomotaaet 11,000 paid by Iho onodlOB elnbl, tho captain, naaisor. or other ponoo la ebtit* ol im oOtodles loam, and the Uam looTlni the BoM, uaU taoor a I bo paid to Iho oonoiaiy of a aad whieb iball not bo lo- — - r anyclraainotaacoa tbs magBBtea tbea took aotton looking toward the better discipline or ihe teams npon tbe ball Bdd, to pievsnt all noisy snd unnecesury coach- ing. A reaolaUon to Ibta street wu adopted u roUows: Thai tbo OomaiUtot on Bnloo oboold b* Inotneladio vopoitaltboBpflasnioollns inch acoondDontiU may boaocoanafyfiBcoiDPOltbo anplro to onforao lhaplay* Ing nloa partlcoUrlr IhOMportalolni lo aol«y ceaca- ' '—d diaordtrlr eondnet on tho ball Bold. mm,n Ilia OBdeiaiood tbat the oomnlttee will make tbe peBalUes rgalnat all the above oObBoeB nnch aiore asTers, and win, piohably, give tke oapln power, Rlcbaril J. Knux, wbo wu a member ot tbe Obarleston Olnb, ol tbe Bonlbem Leagoe, during tbe past seasoB, wu bom Aug. is, 19<4, at BalU- more. Ifd., and It wu In bli nailve city that be leaned to play bdL After playing with sevenl noted amateur teaoo, and galolng consldsrable local renown be, In 1899. accepted bu brst proles- ■lonal engagement by ilgnlngwlib Ihe Bocbeiter Olab, or Ibe lotematfonal Assoeiatlon, wlib which dab be began tbat aeuon u an ontflelde r, bnt fln- Ished It with the Albany Olnb, ot Ihe asms league, where be filled the position or eeoond basemaa Ib tweaty-Beveu obamplooeblp conieeie. lo iste he wu signed by tbe maBanmeaior tbe Oonandalgua Club, ot the New Yo't state League, whOH oham- plonsblp season beian oo Hay 19, and ended on Sept 90. He ma eognged u an lotelder, playing part ot Ibe time at aeoood base and tbe remainder u a abort step. Bis batllug ibat year iru one ot bla atroogeat features, be ranking ailb In tbe on CIS] batting averages ol tbat league. Bis excellent work tbstyesr led te his ebgagement for the sea- son ot 19W with tbe Troy Club, aUo ol the New York Stale League, he taking part that year In elgbtr-IIve champloDsblp oonMs, ility ot which be fliled tbe position ot second baseman, and tbs remaining tweniv-llve gamu he played In tbe out- held. Daring tbe eeaaon ot I9ai se plared wlib the Ottawa Olab, ot Iho IlllaDls-Iowa Leagne, hlllug several noeltlons on Us leam, ehlotly that of seconi baseman, and taklns part In miy champlonihlp contests. In igpi bs Joined the Albany Oluo, or Ibe Fuura Leagoe, and, daring bla entire engage- ment played In the oalddd. At tbe beginning or the put championship season bs ms elgned by i he Obarlealon Ulub, or the Soatbero League, and re- mained with Its tesm until that lesiue disbanded during the Bummer nonihs. not only to remove tbe ooeudlog player from tbe game for that day, but he may be given the power u suspend auch player wllboat pay lor tbe rest or tbat esrlea, If not longer. A commiuee ot Ibtee wu appointed u receive snggtsilons nn playing mies, u report at itae an- naal Spring meeting. Tbe commiuee consists ot KeastB. Banlnn, nobuon snd Hstt. Tbe following Board ot Dlncure wore appointed James A. Hart, John T. Brush, Obrls. Ton der Abe, 0, H. Byrne, A. H, Soden and H. R. Ton der Horet. Tbe old National Board wu re^lecied. It is composed at A. H. Boden, 0. U. Byrne and N. E. Yonng. A receu wu then uken nntll Bvs o'clock, when tbe delega'ea reconvened, and look action on the letter presented by George Floyd, tbe thea- trical manager, aeklng aid tor the widow ot Ue late M. J. Kelly, tbe piolesslonal player, and a sum or tl.doo wu soon raised. The money will be ror- irardedto Hra. Kelly by Presldsnt Young. Barry Wright wu reappointed chief or umplrca, at tbe aameaalary be received ihia year. Uenrv Otadwick iru added te tbe list or honorary memnera, which also Indudes A. 0. MUls, A, O. Spaldlag, John B. Day and Oeorge \v. Bowe. Then alter diowing eaob club tbe nsud twen^-Dve general passes, tbs mooting adjourned until the following monung, PiNii. Day's Bbbsioh. The delegatea Snlabed op their bndneas on tbe letb, and then adjourned until Ihe Spring meeting. At ten o'dook tbe ddegatea went Into sesdon, and at ones settled down u wort; Tbe Fbllsdelphta Olob matter la regard te tbe gate receipts wu In dly settled by tbe adopUoD of tbe following rtsolu tlon: Boaolrod. Tbtt tho tpoeUI ifrroomoat with Ibo PhlU- dolpbla Clab, rolatloa to lh» divltlon ol ntorooolptaaod |fud fiud admlsBlooa, doled Fob. 4, U0I, bo onapondod or lonr yisil fion Ihio data, and In llou tboroot; Ibo dlvl too ol Sato laeolplo priialllns la 1919 bo aabaUtntad dorios Ibo lao*ooding fonr f oar*. Then on bearing ot the death ot F. J. Donohne, a promlueut eportlog ivrlter, tbe delegates adopted tbe following lesdouon ot condcleoce: Tbo yaiional Loaaoo and Amerieu AMoelatlon hal bf ard with itoeoro ratiat, of Iho doaih of Poior J. Doao- bn*. Por mtoy roam tbli able sentloinao and looiol friend bai boon idowb lo all IdootlSod with th1i or- Eoltallon, ti ao oainoat fritod andiapport»rofbaao- U an able vrilor la lla bohilf, tt umoaa Mvon eIrtJo, bDtalwaTit*lr,JnBavi trao. Wo dMlio. tboroloro, aa a bodr. to placo oo rooord tho foot, that In lha dotlhofPotorJ Donobao,baJOball and all oibor manly iporta baa loot aa abit adtoeato aad loyal fflood, aad wo horoby aitoad tolho good molhor, [alhar and alitor b« baa loll babtnd, oar alaoaro eon. dokoco for lha aOlleiloa wlUi which they have booa Tliltod. The next nutter attended w wu tbe appointing a committee of Ore, cona^sUng of N. E. Yonng, 0. H. Byrne, B. B. Ton der Honi, Jamee A. Bart and John T. BmatL Tbia committer la te conalder tbe laote In Ue case ot wilUam Barale, N. F. PfelTer and A. 0. Bookeoberger, who were Initramental In organizing tho new American A«aoolaUoa. Wben the commUue bu completed Ite Inveetlgatlon It la to make a report to the major leagne. After Ue adjonranent of tbe leagne the NaUooal Board held a meeting and llitened te a grievance tbe Pennayl- vanla Stale Leagne bad agalnat tbe Olnclnnatl Olab. Tbe Hoard conld teaon no decision nulU It bad received doeumeatary evidence, wblcb tbe OlBoumail Olob pnmlaed to fonlsb. THB LBAODVB HAmFHaTO. Ttaraa HeB HBwe Beea BaspaBded* The leault of Ihe work of the commiuee ap- polBted at Ibe teceat meeting ot tbe National League and Amerloan Assoolatlon Isu tdloivB: To TBBNanONAI, BOABD OP PBOPOBIOKALBIBB- »tx AS800UTIOML—From tbs year t9Te, whan baseball wu eatabllsbed In ttis country on a snb BtantUI and rupondole basis by tbs disbandment ot tbs so oalisd Nallond AsBOolailoo aad tbs organ- iBtlon of the National Leagne, doivB te the prea- eat time, tbe diti bu beri Imposed upoo sons body or organlxailon te opbold and enforce tbe ot>- ]eou tor wblob haeebali iru esiabllahrd. lo wit: "Firai-TO jierpetuate baaeball u tbe natloBal game of Ibt united Statsa and te anmund It with soch safegaarda H te warrant for the tulare abao- late public oonadeooa In lu Integrity and metboda, "Second—TO prelect and pioinote tbe mntoal In- tereste ot proteaalonal haset«ll dabs and pnfsa- donsl baaeball players. "The National League, toimed In ISTS, found a difflcult taak before It In nndenaklog u carry ont Ibe objects sbore referred te. Interest In baseball wu at a low ebb, Oaoblen wen la poaseaaloiL ne gaffle wu without dladpUne, orgulsailon or legtUmateoonttoL The sport wu conducted wlib dlabosest laetbods sad lor dltbooest porpoees, and bad nelUer the tespsct nor conlldence of the press nor public Bereic meuuies wsre absolutely uecsasary. ■^e sucoeaa achieved by the RaUonal Leagoe In Its elforte te develop baseball u tbe national game became apparent In lu rapid giowtb tn popolar favor and Ibe eatabiubmenl of cluba and assocU Hone tbtongboat the vailou Slaiea. It becaiBs svldeat soon thai something mnat be dona te foster aad pioteot tbe rights and Intereste uf ibsasvatteaa Oedlea^aDd that then wu a reoogolced need ot soms ceairal power In bBBSball to govern all asae- dattOBS bf SB eqoltable eods ot gsBsnl lawa,lo put tbs game ou a prospenus and luting basis. To accomplltb this purpoae a neciIng wu beld la tbe Fifth Avenue Boiel, Mew York, Feb. 11,1983, at which delegates were present repreeenllng tbe Matlond League, the American Auoclatinn and tbe Northweatem Leagoe. At Uat meeting the so- cdied Tripartite agreement wu di«wn np and agreed te, which luDatantuily wu an otlbnalve and detendve alliance, embodying a maioal reapect "f all contraote and other obllgaUoba.aod all rights ol the paniM to tbe agreemebito tbe urrltorid rights, playsn under contract or held under reserve, "lbs adoption ot tbU Ttlpanlu agresment opened a new eta lo bauball, and It wu ao readily lecogulEedubelngaBUpIn tbe line or progreu Uat when tbe commiuee wblob drew up the agresment were called ugeiher In New York City In Uouber. 1999, Uey decided to call the Inetru- ment Ue National Agreement or Pturcselooal Uase ball Olubs, Leagues and Associations, dedrlng te live iiader tbe conditions, roles and regolattou or lbs agreement Imioedlatdy aeveral leaguea and associations applied ror the proteouon auured ibem,and readily pledged tbemsetvuta sblde by the reqniremeois dsdgnated in ine asitement "Toe action ot Ue committee Id framing the new National Agreement wu subaeqmntlr ratlQed by Ue signainrea ot Ue preddeaia or tbe partita Uerete, viz: ^be National Leagus of Proreulonsl Bsseball Clubs, A. a. Hills, prcaldent Nov. 33,1883; lbs American Asaoolatlon ol Bsae'mQ Olobs, U. D. HcKnIgbt, pieddent, Dec. 19, 1983: Ue Noruwest- era Leagoe or Froteuional Baseball Oloba, BUu HaUier, president Jan. 10,19U; tbe F-astem uagns Of Prol'eulonal Baaeball Clubs, Willism 0. BtcSio, president, Feb. 19.1184. ■■Today Ue InUre of baaeball Is confionled I7 a Bew condiuos, a coodiuon which In every partlou lar Is u bamfol, and Ib many reepecu for more dangerou tban open diaboneair or dagrant dUal' pailoo. That Is ticacberr wlibln ue lines. "The obligations or coniracia, tbe right or n ssrve and ue Urrllortal righu or dabs, sssocla- iloDs and leaguea nuat be upheld, and shall be at Bur coat ''It Is a matter ot public raioer and Is also a fact which bu oofflo te our knowledge tbst men Iden tued with olobs, memben ot tbe NaUonal Agree neat, have tieen co-operailog In the tonnailon of dobs or orgaolzattooa whoee pnrpoee la te eoonict t^tb tbe NaUonal Agreement In view ot Ula knowledge the NaUonal League and American As- soclalloo, In convention asHmbled, respeoifuHy snggesu te and requesU the National Board te de- clare A, 0- Oucktnberger, William Usrale and Fred Pteirer Inellglnle u be employed either u maoager or player or In any capacity whatever by any club or organliallou operaling under the Natloaal Agreeoeai and they he torthwIU ana- pended. Hnoh eupenslon te remain In force until snob time u ihey or elUer of Uen can sailsly Us Nsilonal Board that they have In no way been en- gaged dlieouy nr ludlreitly In tbe organization ot any dob, I'sgoe or sasoclatloo rormed or to be rormed in oonniot wlib the principles or the Ns tlonsl Agreement. And In Ibe event or their rdl- ure 10 relieve thetoaelves from this anspenalon within aoch time u your board may direct, they aball be expelled aad forever detarnd rrom any onnneotlon wlu olabs or orgaoliailoaa IdeatlDed wlib tbs Natlond Agreement ot rrofeeelonal Bass- ball Olubs. Ws tarthemore reauesl tbat yonr board take Ute action In Us com of any player, manager, nm- Blre or dub omclat wbo In tbe tutun loentUes Imaelf wiu a umilar moveaient U. U. Btbiib. i. T. BBOSo, Jmu A. Uaar and N. E. Yotmo. NaUonal League Committee." "To ALL NATIOML AaaBBBBIIT OLUU, LBaOOBB AKD ASBOCiiTioHS,—At s oueilog Of US National Board, held lo New York Olty Nov. 19. ie»4, a com- municaUon wu received rrom the Nauooal Leagne and American AaanclaUoo ot Frofeaslonal Baasball OlQbs In convention assembled, rcqnealing Uls iMard te take action lo Ue caaeof ceruui Indltld- nala beniorora Idenuded wlu cloba operaung nnder the NaUond Agreement, who have been obarged wlU traacben te ibelremployereand tbe orgaiUiaUou wlU which Uey have been Idenlllled. ToaRqneatsopieeeoted, wsesopplemeoted byaa appeal from tbe eiecnure cnioen of the Eutera tessne ot Baaeball Clubs and ue Western League of Baaeball Oluba, te take aucb action u wu proper to trotect said leagus In the rigbUauarea Uem imder itie Natlond Aarsement "After maton cooaldenUon, and govensd Bt>- solouly by a desire te comply wlih lEe letter and Ue aplrtt ot Ue requeete made te Ula board, and having reaaonabia and aulalaatlal evidence upon wBlcb to baee our acUoo, Ula board bu decided U annoonqe, and does declare, that A. 0. Backen- berger, William Barale and Fred FTeirer an Indl- Sble to be employed either u Btaoager, player or uy other capacity, by aoy dob or orgBBisalloB Identlded wlU Ue NaUonal Agreement, and said penooa ua hereby declared aoapended. "Ttie board rortber declares thataoch aMpenalon aball remain lo rorce up te and ludoding Dee. Bl, I8M, and In event of ue taiinn ot the above aamed persona, or elUer ot itaem, on or before Ibe above named date, te abow te Ula board that bs or tbey have beea In 00 manner, dIrecUy or IndlncUy, engaged In any attempt to promote tbe oripalza- tloaot doba, leaguea or auoclsUooBBtagDsuilo to the NaUooal AgiesiBSnl, Uey stall bs expelled and (orsTBrdsbanadtrotB aaycouMeUaa wltk diM oroigaaltedbodleBOpenUBg ander lha Nallond Agneoeat, •H. B. TOtnia, A. H. 80BIM, 0. n. Btbmb." Mr. 0. B. Byms also ibts oalUatollowlag liuer, whlobsiplBlBs Itsdl: ■Nbw Tobb, Nov. u, I8M. ■TO TBB HiTIOKAL LBAOITB tNO AHBBIOiN AS- SOOIATIOK OP PXOPBBBtOMAl BABBBaU. OtOBS- Oml/enwn: We, Ue npieaeBtaliTU of Us UBde^ slguad teagoes, opeiaUBg nnder Ibe NaUoed Agieemeni of PnteailooarBaseball Oluba, respeot rally snbolt Ue tollowiuBi "Tonr body is tbe recognised major biseball orgasltaUOD ot the country, and have eole right to elect the NaUonal Board and coninl dl biidlcs lileatlted wlU ibs sgteement "It bu been made known u u, and we have Bond and aubuanilal icasou tor bdlevibg tbat such knowledge Is ourreci, Uat a new organlsaUon ot baaebdldabelaoonlempiated which, ot neceauty, moat operau witboat the pale ot Ue NaUonal Agreement It appean tbat It la the purpose otue new aaaoclallou. If It maurullaea, to attempt U take tnnn onr respecUn orgulaauona and duba plaren now bdd noder tbe right or reienauon ac- corded to na by Ue NaUooal Agreement We, theieTon, request that von, u a body, lake aome aoUon to pioieci ot so nr u pcedble agaiual dl outalde organisaUonh We ttuat yon will give Uls Immediate atienUon, and we await loir aoUon. Heapectrnlly, B. B, /obnbok, Becntary Weatera leagne, p, u, B, 0. l". T. HOWBM, rreddent Butern Leagne. DIAMOND KIBLD aOltUP, Latoat ■•ylBBa aad Dolaga of tlie Daav bBll VralarBllr Among Ue prominent pennna who were aeen lo tbe oorridon or tbe bold during the league meet- ing were: Uury Wright chlel ol Ibs uoiplroe; 1*. T. Powen, ptesldentot Us EutsmLeaguo; Usu B. Jobnaon, prealdent of Ue Weaiem l.ea|ue; Janea Franklin, prcaldent or Ue UunaioOlnb; II. II, Did' ■ileooch. arcreiary ot the Penoaflvanla Bute League; Hanagera Jnbn 0. Lliapman, or the Buffalo Club; Uavid L. Fouls, or the Brooklyn; Arthur A. Irvin, ot the I'blUdelpbIa; (i. II. Bchmeli, ot the WuhlBgton: Conny Hack, ot the H.iteburg; A, 0. Anson, or uo Obicago; A. U. Uuckenberger, ex manager ot Ibe Pilttborg Olab; Ubarlea II. Rhliete, aooreiary nf ib» Brooklyn Oiub; llngit llnIT;, or tbe Uiisiona; wtirred Oaney sua Oeorge Tamer, or lbs Pblladelpbia; Ollbert Uaiaeld.or Ua tMiedo; John llatleld, Ibe vsumn pisysr and loag dlaiancs tbrowsr; W. U. Teny, Oeuras 0. aad John Bliar rot, John B. Taylor, W, U. Ucoannog, U, n. Rltfe, Oharlee Ulsob, Jobn Havss, Jsmes Roaeman, Jobo Troy, William Bamis, Tbomu Simpson, aad many otb>ra. Tbe Texas League inaBagen analreadyoutlook' lag ror playen for Ueir next aaaaun'a Issms aiusnger, rorme ly or Us Bt Louis, Uoblle sod oUer oinM, bu been elgned ror nex> eeaaon fur the Loularllle Olnb. John MoHahon, who played abort atop dnrlns tbe put aeuon ror the Wiikesbarre Olob, or ino uai- »ro League, wu married at tbat city loceniiy to Hlit Mary Weiss. It Is uld Ibat Uey will take op UeIr resldenos at Olevelsnd, 0. Tbe Bosun Oluli hu purcbaaed JameeOolllua' releaae Irom the BuiMo Olnb, ot the Kaetera League. He la an ootdelder. It 11 uld tbat Iho new Amerloan Aaaoolatton people have ao opuon on Ue (Joogreaa Bireet groanda, at Boaten UolUday, Hlller and Uognlver will make up the Olndonail leam'a out Mi next aeuon. At leaat Ibat Is tbe Idea at Ue preeeot lime. No telling what will bsppsn when ue season really beilna, Uenry Chadwiok, Ibe veteran baaeball writer, wu complimented lut week by bis elecUon u an bonoiari member or ue NaUonal League and American Aaaooldlnn. At Ue same lime a com mluee, oooalaiing ut 0. II. Byme, N. K. Young and A, J, Reach, wu apoolnted to draw up auriable reaoiotlona ot rejard to be presented to Ue vet- eran, wbo Is tbe ant ot baseball writers te be Uns honored. A. 0. Buekenberger, ex-manager ot the I'lUabnrg League Olab, In a recent Interrlew, aaid: "I have been oUs'Sd ue roanasement of next ssasou'a To- rouu Olnb providing Itgete s tmnoMse In Ue Kaat- era league, and I think It wonld be a money mak- ing loveeunent Toronto la one or Uo beat tnll uwns I know of tore minor leagne wlU a compact cireult and wonld support a good team In a league aucb u la propoaed tor tbe Kwiero'a make up. I candldiT bdleve Ibat I codd make more money Uen ttan 1 poaslbly could by maiiaging a major leagne leao.'r Ibe annual meeting ot the Ewlem League will be bdd In ibis dty on Dec. {. Tbe OinclnuaU team will preaent a number ot new racea when It appean next sessou, but It must aet a rew bialny Indeldera, wbo will work with leir manager, berore tbat olub can ever hope te win Ue pennsot Msnsger Frank llancroll hun'l golibat Cuba bee .-\at or blB bonnet yet, and It will keep basslug un- til Ue bosUIng manager aiaru at Ibe head of a team tor the ahotea of uat mild dimate. Mlluo Whitehead, who played UIrd base hist asa. SOB lor Uo Boraatoo (Pa.) Olnb, and who Is olsimed by tbe loolsvillesfornsxt season, hu been playing bdl ten yean or more, Maoager Tebean, ot Ue Uleveland Olub, vlalted Uat cito recently for tbe purpose ot abaping op airdrs ror nsxt sesson. fie hts Ue will navn uo tronbe In signing any ot his old playsn when Ibe proper Una comes. Oxokalepla, Ue Indian, who played wHh the Po- land Bj)riggs team lut season, uauendlng sohnol at Holy Oroaa Oollege. Be will pnbably play with Its next seaaoB's team. Atue annual mesllogot Uis New Bedford IHsm.) Olub, tbs old board ot iilrscion wu elected. Tbe report ot Ue treuurer ahowed Uat toe total attend, aoce tor the put aeasnn bsd amoanted u Bfiy tboosand. During eighteen weeks ality rnnr gamw Old been played. Tbe early part ol ihe ssasoo Us dub did poorly, auBBclaUy, but the atteudaoce pk'kad np during Ibe latter part ot tbs Hummer, allowing the club te wipe out a debt and Onlab nearly IMO ahead. Tiis Kaatera League clrcnlt for nsxt sesson, ir madsupsvcordlngte President Powen' plan,should be a atroog one and reedi In anaocltl auoceaa. There ihoold be a good Beld for Ohio and Vir- ginia leatnee next eeaaon, for Uere are plenty of young playen over tbe ooontry that could be nUI- lied by Uoee leagues. Manager WaUlui, wbo will have ohargs ot Ue Indianapolis Isam, ot Ue Weatern League, next aeaaon, la gauering a One team of yonng playsn torus Uooaler Olty. The Boston Leagoe Olnb la dgoleg all Ita old playsn u tut u It can, Many ot tbeee men wsol- sd so adranoe ot lut year'a ealary, sod it la more Uan Ukdy Uat Ueir wants were uUslsd. We acknowledge tbe receipt of a group pho- tograph of tbe chaupioo Bdtioure team. It also cootalnaexcelleotllkeoeaaea of Uarrrltaad der- man II. Von der Uonl and Manager Edward llan- Ion, whoare aiandlng lu Ue back ground. A new Iwgue to be knowo aa Ue Interatote Lssgne, te to ue formed at a meeUng to be held on or about Dec I, at Oolorabns, Ohio. Fartlia In Florida an uxlnua U> get four or Ue major leagne Itama to vlili Uat Bute ror Ue Wlu- Ur, and locate at Jackaonvlllo, Ht AugusUne, Tampa, and one otber city that wlU be decided upon later on. Tbey think a achedoleol gamea can beatTaugedno tbat tbe leania can begro playing about Jan. l,and anlib up abont Marcn 1. Tbey UInk thatroorgood teama would proveprogtablete dlooncened. HanagerBancroli.ottlieOlbOlnnaU Olnb, la aowdlulaaaed with the ackeme thai If he cu set ihree other teams to go Into Ibe venlore, he U willing te step over oo ble relora from Onba. Tbs uonat mseUng of tha Weetero Leagoe will be beld on Nov. ai, attAlcsgo, III. BILLIARDS. Iwas Ts* iehaafar. Our last Isns oontslBSd an aooooal ot Ue drat Bighfsplay, snd tbs oondlUoBS covsralag lbs six Bights' ooBtesi belwsen then players, which began InHadlaoB Sqnare OardsB ooBoett Ball sight of Not. 11 The seriu ot gaoss earns te a cinte on NoTsmber IT, whan lies piwed Ue victor lir a scon ol 8.aoo against schurer'a total ot a 074. no Us secoBd olgbt's pUv Ives oooplsisly turned llis tabtea on bla mon espsrienced adveiwy and sa- samsd a oommaadlns lead, n* mm* opesed with Ibeseoresiasdlsg eoote miIb favor of Bobuter. IB Ives' seoond IbbIbb M snond a ns ot I6T poute IB Us sutk BlUiapt be eemUed bis b li nacruwBSBfj&BSlBr.tti ' ' nsoe<sary aoo poinu for Us night's play wlib a pntiy break ot IB points In nls lenth inBlng. Bcbaeter, during the time Ires wu ihowlBgauoh BBS excooUon, aeemed fairly anchored. He made bniobemnoi overonebniidrcd, aad his average wu hot 83 It, while Ives'average wu 88 It. It wuabadnlghtrorBcbaerer, Toesoors: SoliwIar-gUr I, 1. u >, r. It, III, t, tl-ta. Hlsbeel iwa. IM Avortso, iSK. irw-tk ur, 0, • B, aa, at, Id, iB-i,in. iiiihHt rao.ia, Avtriso.aaM. Tbe largeat audience, np to Wtdoeaday night aaUersd to obeer Bcbuler in renewed eooiia to re- once bla morn luulhtui aniagonlil'a lead on Ihe UIrd night or Iho arriee, Nov. 14. Bobuter Is a populap lavo-lte lu ibis oliy, whonever his oppoo- sni may he. Ires' day «u not near so nril- lUnt u on the pravloua night. Ivea, In Bve Ino- Ings, socied hni 104 polnta,l>ut ndromed bimseir darinithe ptugrsasut iheoliht'a conteat which wu doUbed with tbs score for lbs olgbt's aund- log: Sobaster I.CM, Ivea 1,900. Wednesday night's score: ..■lS?-». '■ ^ '"< >. 4S-et)0+tBU- Hbaarai~s, 4 81, It, e, 41, 0, If, o, t>-m*at- l.(Bt , ATaroiu-liaa. IS, till Srbaalor, B. Illab raaa- ItM, lit: SchaoHr, al. It wonld have diibeartened any billiard expert In the world to face Ue aeon wbloh Bebaefer liad u overcome, on the fonnh night ol thiaaerleeal big avengoa and wonderful balk line billiards, ITM wu tIh points abeail ot bin, and that. In It- adr would have been enough to diecourage any- body, bui one oau never tell what to expect or Bchufer. In hia roonh lunlag he pot togeiner the iDmense mn 0I344 pninu, and 11 la not neceatary to deaorlbe 11 fnrther tban 10 mj It wu period Bchaeter bllUarda. lie made runs ot lis In tho seven'ta Inning, and 101 In tho eleventh Inning. Tbi Wluni bad beaten hia flppunent 111 polnta on the night's play bat Ibsyi'uuaater atlllhelda lead or 80T polnta 111 a told Kure ol 3,400 rur four nighta. The scoM then aiuod: . iroo-* m, (f n 17. in, 4«.», ^l^s.u.ul,n \ii-ian- I.B1>-I,I(D. . £S)"f III-" •• '<*• I* >«. "». '1M1I+ 1,081—1 m Aroimsaa-Uu a IS-tl; 8«|ia>l«t 41 l-\x lllsh roa -flehaalor, *I4: !«.«. ITT. Uraiii] aToraao-Irio, 4N ta- 4I^Bchatror, Sa tt-ia. Tho audimoe or Friday tiliht. Nor. IS, wllnetaed BOms very clever lilillania ou ihe pan uT linth oi- Krts, tbougii Irea al lliueapiayed in very bad lorm. hurer played In iho bartfnt hind ol Inch, but the balls ran well rur Ives. NoUiIng uli nlinlng oc- ourred In tbo way ol big runs during tbta olahi's plar, thoogb Honater inaoagrd to redure Ivea'lead by lee poiuu. Tbe acore rorUe avenlghternlluwa: lio>-i«. Ill II ou, lie, ti. M, 4 0. u. n. 8 III, 0,4,4. Tout Sili-i<Oii-.iran. AfoiaaoUilT. HMtrnnlii). 8«hai«r-lis ii(,ii.i,7u 1,0,111.14. i,M ir,B,iu, 1.0. Total, Ta4-l,ISJ-8,MS. ivoiaaa, 4719-M Hut run, IBl Th* Urgeat audience or thla remarhalile aeries or gamu, gathered to wlloou what wu expected would be a hair rdalog aolili liolween them knigbia or iho cue. Tbero were niaiiy In Ihu audi- ence who looted to aco Bohacler perronu tbe almoat ImpoMlble luk or ninqaeilng hia aiiversary, who then bad a liad ol 4tl pnlnta. Iven hegan play, and aooRd 39, giving way lu Bohnerrr, who put up a nice enlleoilon ot VJ pnlnii, and then railed on ao oaay cuahlun draw. Tlitn came Ihe higheat run In Ihle, or any oUer mateh, at tbIa atylo ut gamo, lor Ivea oaiahllsbed a rscoril wllh s run ni MI pnlnta. Daring Ihle InauUrul dlapiay iirierbnioal tillllards, Iru' Judgment ur pace aiiil illircllun ciiulil nut be excellrd. Wben be passed Bobarlcr'a rnninna run or 371 Ihsn was loud applaoac, but when Ihe player reached the 9oa mars, the htll nog wlu cheen. Ivea continued llio run wlin nerrent ooiiloeaa, hut mliaetl a Iwnk la ooab- lon ahot and clo>ed the piotileai eihlhltlnn or balk line "nuraing" ever aeen In Ihia onuolry, It wu eaoy wurk lor Ivea alter thin: he had tim mateh pmotlcally won, anil hia htihcat lireak rmin Ula point wu ou pnlnu. Hchaeler put iiii a flne run ur 3U poinu In bla al.xU Inning. The aoore roilowa: Kohaaior-ss IX 0, ta, n. lot. Da 11. 1-118-8,074. iTia-B, 131, It 98, IT, a> 11. B, re. ii-au->idSi. AroiSBOo—iMaolor. WM. Avoriaoi-t>M, SI Oranil araiaso-achaalor, 41 tll. Oranil aioraaa-toa aU. lll«ho»lruna-Bohiofor,gt. lllaliMlnin>-lMaiUI. ATHLKTIC. Id tho Foolball VIold. The rooiball games that were played daring Ihe put week sre lierewlU sumiinrlMd: Nov. 13, Uo Hloyveianu deluuil the Tlonu iiy 13 l<i o, at Brooklyn, N. V, Nov, 14, Yale Unlverally eleven dcreated Ue Ohirago Athlello Olub liy4Hlocal New Haven, Ut Tlie Lafarntua defeated Ue Le- higba, liy 311 to 0, at Kaaten, I'a. Tho I'rIuoeUin Freahuiendoroaien theruiyteUiuIc loalltiiindeven, by la to », at Kutern farii. Broukiyu, N, Y. Uw- rencevllies deleaud the Anilovere liy ai to 0, at Uawrencevllle, N, J. OnlunibU Oollego Hoilloal liepaninectdereated the (lenonal Thenlugloal Benil- naryleam by34toa. Bmnkltn lllib Hohool, 34; AdelphI Academy, 0, at Prnspeot l-ark, Hronhlyn, Dickinson derrated llaveirnrd by 14 to 13, at liar- riaburg. Fa. Wlllbinia KreahiueD dofealod llnub- klu Boboul br lu bi 9, at Fdia Village, Ut Nuv, It, Ihe Uarvard llnlvenlty eleven deleaud the Urowu Unlvenlir eleven by la to u, at (lam- lirldge, Maaa. The elevena or tiauiliton loatl- luie and Baruard Bohnol met at Ihe I'olo Uroooila, UU dty, tho latter thru winning by 40 10 0. Tbe Ootlen deleated the Trinity hr «l to 0, In Uila nity. TbeBt Uunavenliiree deleatetltoo Klmlru by ui Cu 0, at Allesanr, N, Y. Tbe Tlotaa iieleated the Froa- MCUIiyla to Itedlurd Fork, Bruntlyo, N. Y, boT, 17, the llairenlly ol ronnsylnola defeated OorBell Uolverdly by e te I'hllailolplila, I'a, The UnoBo AUletIo Oluii defeated the Ureaoent AUIeUc Ulub by It te 9, at Onoge, N. I. Wllllanui dereaiad Amhent by 84 to lu, at Willlathsiiiwn, Hut. Henssalasr l'ol)lschnio lualltuui derrated Ue Hldaeatld AibleUo Olub by 13 to lu. lirowo OnlTereriy derealed Howduin by 13 te 0, at Providence, H. 1. Ualea deruied (Mliy br 10 te 8, at Uwlaton, Me. Unloo College de- realed Rooli'tter liy 03 to u, at Hchooecladr, N. Y. UUawa derta'ed ijaoen'a Unlverally, or Klogaten, by 8 to 7, al Toromo. It wu lor tne oliaiuplunahlp "I (Mnada. Uenrgetewo Uulveralty dtl'-ated Iho Rlchraoml (Va.) CiiTirge by in to u. at Wuhlogten, U. 0. The I'liUhurg AUileUo Ulub dorrateiT the OarlUle Indian Hcbunl lir 8 lu 0, at Plusliurg, I'a. gu AtblsUo Olub, 3I; Allegheny AthletTca.o, cago, III. Denver Athletic Olub defeated the Bt Louis FuUmes 311 te 0, at lienver, Ool. Tlie Uni- versity or WIeoonain defesled the Unlverally ot MIohlgsn, by 0 te 0. at Hadlson, Wis. PirsH J. INiKoitUB. s well known apurung writer and editor or aporuon Tim UicnrOrr, ot Ula oily, died or conaumptlon, on Nov. ic, atl,akebnni,N. J. IKinobuewu bom In nls oily April ao, 1891. It wu while attending Public Bobooi ti, lo Kut llltb Btreet, tbat be arat cuitlvaled Uo lute roratlt- leuoaporta. When barely ol age he tiwk a prom- inent part In the urganltaUou ut tbo Harlem Alta- leUc dub, and became buneeir a pedealrlanolaoine note, boldlog aereral reoirds befiifu hie bealUibe. gan to rail and he wu compelled 10 give up Ibe acUve rollowing uf aUilelIca and IIjs brilliant Held ■ ■ career lu ibatOeid which hie eoUualuUo Inaglna- Uon bad uapiwd out Aa a meniiier olihe uld llailem AUIeUo Clun he won me llultuup, iudlcauvent the Bve mile championship ot New Roiilaod, He won Ibe llsrien Athletic Ololi's colon n>r leveral rears and won many walking compcUtloos. Ills lut publlosppsaranceasaa alblete wuat Ui« gamea ol the Harlem Atblello Olnb, held 00 tbe old Polo Oronuds, at Fllib avenue and llOUi Htreet, In Ula dly, In IWI, when ha then won tbe one mile chae plonshlp wdk handicap from Dan Le- haae. Rb wu one ot the letdtng apirlia In the formation of the Weeicheaif r llan and Hounds, aad ouen or ue soocesa ol tho cr^u country run- ning at Uat uriy atege can be alirlbuud 10 bis lalthtnl work. As a nompetent Judge of wdhlog. It Is donbllul 11 he had anr aoperiiira. He aotad u Jodge at tbe Br>t obanplon^hlp meeting of Ihe Amatenr AUilello Union, held at lieUoU, HIch,, In 1899. Among amateur auieiee, he lor yoan wu looked upon u an authoriir. Ue wu very well veraed In all the recorda. Ue wu very panlal to all forma ot amateur iporu, Includlug akailng, abooling, bixing, awlmmlng and lancing, Itwu while he wu ooooeeted wlUi tbe llariem Athlello Olob tbat lie developed a talent for wrillbg on aUIMIo apurte, aod ola Jooraallallo career htgao nnder the aupervlalnn of Bd, Flooner, aportlog editor of 77le Naw Yt/rk JtportMtiuin earl/ In the sigbttee. Prnre there liooobue went te Tim Wuria, and soon afler ward liecaujoipoitlngedlter. llaflni became prominent u a baaeball writer In 1999, and fur several yean tbtreatterwrotenpon that subject In a alralghifntward, cocadenllnoa aod agsreadve manner. Ho and Jamea o. Kennedy suned a sporung paper knowo u Tim .Ijuirllng Tliiin. but he aooD aflerwaida urered hia ounnecUouwIU that paper, and oooilniied wrtung sporting natlen for m Woria. "e remained wlib the laiur paper onill be wu engaged u sporuog sdltep ol Tha Bteorittr, where he gained oondderable rsaowB as 'P, Jay" Ihioagb Us pBgllMo oobb*oUoc«, Bt