New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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610 THE nSTEW YORK CLIPPER. November 24, Ktnaod tbg coottal betireen Dagplir ud DoiouT itt Srneiur, N. Y., aeTeral jeui (go. In wblcta Uononii nsi KIlKn. Uooobue thtn daoUnd tli Inuntioa or »rrilnlii|i Iron aor tonlier olHolsl comwciloD wim itao tlag. )Ie mt to tU roosd •porUni mkD, sad lil^ (iplniona were looktd for npoo tU comoi topica In ib>t lino. Illifanenl Mrrlcci wtro titU st mo hnmo o( lila pkitnla, 14T Ktal llltb Wicct, IB Ibia cMj, on Hov. Id. Ton Keir Jonor Atbloilc Cinb held tboir annul DMUot 00 We<lncBil«y evening. Kov, K, ai wMch tbe folTovInK omcera were chuieii: rroal'ieDi, Jtoiu U, smiWan; rtce-prteldeni, jRiiiea U. Uu;d; aecralaTy, If. H. Cobb. CRICKET. Crlcjiot III Callftfi'iiia. TM Soal cbsiiirlontlilp contcat or mo ataton In S»n Fraoclaco, Cal , took pbice N07. II, wbon, on ntulml (rounda, Hie BoheuiU and PaclOc Cluba oontcnded tor aecond plico In Hie OalKomla Aiao- clallon. K. Uood, of tbe cliamplon Alametlnteain, and F. A. Anaon, of tbe California cleTen, were ap- pointed nmplree. Nellbur captain vaa able to lanater bl> foil aircogiii, Hie I'acinc cIc-Tcn ixing the greater auiTertr In tbia rraptct, aa Uriniiha, ueir beat bowler, waa uiiabio to p »f. l^apttln W. Robertaon, n( tbe llobenila teatn, won tbe loaa and wont In. lie and A. 8. Webeter opened In doe form, the litter maalog :il runi lietore ho waa bowled. Bowblll Ju'ned bla captain, and did al- moat aa good aerrico aa bla prcileccator, gelling 34 rune wltli onli one cbance. Itoliciiaon, woo had cleverij compiled mo ruiu. then fell to a rory abarp catcb b7 WKc at point, ami, after Walli; and lloorea nadcoQtrlUdicd m, not out, iietivceu meni,tbe Inn- ing wai declared cioaed ti llirror fonr wlcketa. Tne nnt Ste wioaeu nr ilie I'aclile tciim iiolckly foil, J. J. Tlieobold, witli lu.tndu. Gardiner, with lanlono luaiug uuuole Ilgurcs. K. .\. .Milla and «J. W. ben- uelt tben made a proinoged hImii J, iMUlog admlr- ablf for Ibelr icapevilve acora of upland a. Tno re- mainiog wickeia were npMly dippoecd of and tbe Inning cioaed for ioh, leaving ilio llobcmla team Tictoriona. W. Itoboiigoi anpplemooud bla great liatuog perforiiitdco bT a aploodld caicboif uook- Hon and a remarkable bit of liowling, captorlng Do (ewer Uian aevon wickelt, alxot wnlcb were cican lijwied and tne oner clererl; cauflii. Aa a reauli or toe matcn, Hio Oobcmlacloren takutecond place, aod thel'iclOo team iblnl place fortlioaeauia. Uarold B. RIchHrilaou, nf the Britlab Club of Bakenllcld,Ual.,liiil llie lieat batting average In the aerlea of gnmce plijcil during ilic recent cricketcarnlval atllan tranciaco. He la gonorallr nonceded 10 be one of Hie ben', batimen at Kogllau birth in UalKorula, ranking aeoind In thai rtapecl onir to w. Itobenaon, or tbo lloliemla team, who, however, liu the addlUonal advantage of tieing a ivioarkahlr aireollTO Inwier. Illciiardaon liaa plajed with the AlamedaUliib luannnilieroCgamei lui aeaaon, alroniUieiilDg ino champion lenio. Tub Aiameda (Jiiib won iho cliamplonahip of tbe CalirorolaAaioclatluii lor tbo tbe ilHcd aucceaalvo aeaaon, and conaequenili bccomo poiaeaaed of tlin handsome ailvor troplir, knoivu hi Hie atrrlaon Hop. A PuatpoiiotI Citiileal* The eonteniplatoil conical boiwoeo Ibu Now York and Victoria cluba, to decide whieh eliunlil plajr In tbe flrat aeollon of Hie Uciropolluin lilatrlci League next Boiion, which liid been aclicdiiled to btko place Not. 17, wai IndoOiilicljr p9ai|mncd. M aoon aa tbe gaino vras ordered to be pUictl.lho aecretarj or the Victoria Club nuiiacil iho HOcrciar/of the New York Cub, tnnl tin Victoria dcr.-ii were will- log and would lie glad 10 play Hie clti^lillog game, aod added, aa the Vlu'x>rl« Uluiinml provided thegMuadfitr thotlraivii gHfiio, lie os|>:uicd llial tbe Now York Uliib woii:il nr.iviilo thn ncnund (or thiagamo. Tlioaecretarj oMlio Now Yovk Club, II la aald, failed b) anawer tiila.cuiiiroiulcniloQ, and, oonieiiueuilr, the ginio waa nnt played Nor. 17. Italn, uoaever, wniud bavu caused a poai^nnemoot 00 tliit d4lo, in call' a grnuoil bail iii-en agiced upon. In tbe OTonl nf Hi') New Yoik olcvoa liavlug ilefealed the \'l :l»rlii eli vdn, iliu two iiuua nouiii a.^uhaage placca uuxiaeaauu In tbe i4'u arciliiiiaof the lloiru|toUiiiQ Diatricl lK;niTuc. Tlio .S'ew York elercn, If victoriuua nver tno Victoria iiaoi wcro to play lue P.>teraon Ulan on Tnauk'glvlug Hay. Eu(|luiitl vv. Aiialtiillu. i,y, moddart'a learn of KDCllab cilrkclcia.alur a very faTomblo tujago occupying cnly iblrly- ulne daya, reaobcd Adelaide. Keuih Auitrella, on 1 >:l. 30. Their Drat uiaich waa 10 bo agalnai an eleven or South Aoaiitlla, commencing Nov. I>. at Adelaide. Tho Kugllih trnni furma a powerful combloatlou, InoluiHog llvo amaicura In A. K, Btoddard, eap'.aiu; 1'. II. i. Tord, A. U.Uaelareu, IJ. Fhlllpaon aod t. II. (lay, ami eight profeaalonala IQ Biookwell. Lackwoo<l, Iticbamauu, Urigga, A. Ward. I'eel.J.T. Hrowu ai d lliiniphroya. Of tho above named Sioddiirl, llro-kveli, Hruwu, Uriggs, Ward, Maolateo, l.-Kkwood and Konl rank high aa batameo,and Itiuoardion, reel, lAjcxwuod, Uilgga and UumpUroyH funu a ijniniot of clfeuuve Irjwium, vDllaU^yand rtilMpaon are biib c:evcra« wioket Keenr. 111 whioh poalilun Hiey will Hlleroato. Klvo lealomtchea will ue played wlib ibecleTeii repro- Hontlng Auitr«ila, auu aa fonr U ira hiTO been al- lolled to aaeb match Ihom ah Mild be liillochanoe lit a draw, riie dr.u tMt mulc:i will bii played Doo, 14,11,17 and la, at Sidney. THE RING. A KNOCK OUT BLOW. Daalk of Faglllat Blardan br ■■> AecMeDteil Pwnch hy PIKalmmona. "Con'' niordao, the potfllet and aparrlag partner of Hobert FilHlmmooa, champion nKMIawelght, died Not. It, at Byncnia, N. Y., from a blow on the cbin he racelrad from riiulBmooa In ao eihlM- tlon bont given by him on the preceding nigbtat Jaeobi' Opera Dome. lUordan, It la chimed, had been drinking heavily (or lome time past, ne gara evidence o( bla condition aa he walked od tbe etage, but deaplle Ihia be wu allowed to eater InUi tho boat, there were a (ew exchanget and then FIIe- ilmmoar, with aiijick opper cut, landed on lilor- <ai'a jaw wllb bla right, and the latter reeled and (ell to til k nee*. Then be tumbled over like a dead mto. There ate direrencet or opinion aa to the fore* or tbe blow. Tbe andlenca were worked op to a fary o( excitcmenL Men and boit atood op In their teaia and ahoiiied lite denda, while the nnconuloiu man waa carried oir the Btsge and laid down In hli Hog eot- llme, phyalclana were anmoioned, and, while tte crown were tuil ahonUng. they were vainly en- deavoring to bring Ulotdaoback 10 cunscloua- nea*. Ue remained In ibat aiaio deaplta every effort to revive him. It waa long atier mIdolgLt that the probable reaolt waa annonnced by lir, TolDian. 'i'he Injorcd nun breathed lila latt at lialf putthreeo'clock 00 tho niomlogof 17. After Ihrev o'clock ho begao to aink rapidly, rcplralloo ~ faloier every inlnulo, unill nnwlv, witna growing r row apumodic cooiorilona, He died. The phy- alclana, a few meiobera or the comtnoyand lira. Fitzalmmoni wore prcaenl to tbe laat. Aa eoon as the senonaneaa o( tec alfalr waa apparent Detec- tive U'UrlCD waa ordered to remmD with Kli/,- almmoos. Aboni nearler piat Iwii o'clock Uapinio (jolglfj placed FlizalranMina under arreai. Tee luiildio weight champion seemed to expect what waa coming and took nis street aa a matter of (act. lull wu at once oirared. but the polio would not acc*pt It onui lllordan'a condiHon was more ceruiD. Anaatopaywu held on Illordan's remains later In the day by Police Burgeon 1). M. Tolman, as- slated by Ur. Ailing. Taera were preaent lira. He- Uliry, Bmilh, Kauiroan, Lane. Fay and Bond. Toe cause of death is ifiveo u "benotrhBge within tbe craolal eailiy, cauilog conipieialon of ihe brain." Ur. Toinian aald thatlHoidan wasfonml to bo In poittot health and that the heart waa aa Hoeaapecl- meo of physical development u he had ever seen. Ihe depression on the right sido of too brain was veiy deep and rcnialoed for hal(an boor alter the clo'- wu removed. Ue uld tbal there waa an ck- ceaalve heinorvhage and clot socli aa Is atldotn found, and that It almost eoolrded the baac of no brain, and that no human being could have wiin- stofld such a condition o( things. "We Ond clot In apoplexy, of contae," said ilie doctor, nbut 1 should not look foraueb an extensive coiidltlou aa irai here ahowo. The man muai have tieeo atroek a terrlUe blow on the point or the chin which commonlcated dliect with Hie buo or Ibe brain. At leui I should look (or Joat aucb a rcault It aaoh a blow wai atnot." Thia Is what tbe other doctors aald: lir. Bollb-I agree roily with Ur. Tolmin. Ur. Kaninnan-A blow killed him. Ur. Alllog—I ahail net antagonleu tho opinlou of Dr. Tolman. Ur. UcUlary—I went Into the Mom Uie and left before It waa over, and nw only a Ittile of the au- topay,and aa there were oihera who aiwmonof it 1 ahonld not think 1 was quallBed to give an opinion. Ur. Fay—Ur. Tolman'H post mortem wan per(eet. I should not like to aay what eauacd II. 1 aliall not ijr. Ilond—There m< no sbnalon of the aklo, and a blow which wonid lauae auch a condliion rauat have cauaed ao abraalon or ibe cuticle where U landed. lioitiethliig Abont lllorduu* "Con" niordan waa a strapping big lellow when be arrived In America In 1M2. lie ramc from Dub- lin, Irabind, when he wu boro. Unhla arrival In New York he look a poalHon In a tea tnd grocery store In Veaay Street, but soou left for Sxu Fran- olaco, when he won aeveral flgbta aa an amatenr, and dnally eonclnded to enter Iho profttaiunal arena. Uo then wool to Auatralbt, wDore bo did more or luaa boxing. InBydney he gained qniio a ropoiatlon u a knooker oni. Do remained In Anattalia abont Ovo yean, and, reiorniog to Bu Fmnolico wiiha lilg repulallon aa a pugillat, be laaoeda ohalienge to Ogat any heavy viclglit 00 tbe coaaL Amoog toote who accepted bu cliailcove waa 'Tho Terrible Swede." niordan toocked out bit antagonltt lo alx ruuods. In issa be became Iheapntring partner or Jobn (,. Bnlllvan, and, while oo the tonr with Uio e.x- chomplun, ue (ought "Denver td." Minlth boron theUuiruinb.of iTenver. Rlordan waa beaieil In hit Ight, and returned to 'Friaco to become tho aparnng partner or refer Jacksoo, and, when I'eter went over to Kngland, Itlordan accompanied him. In Kngland he was whipped by "Jack" Blatln. Aiiertblahe waa oealen ny "Val" Flood berora Hie Now Jersey Amusement Company, of Newark. IHordaoilien branobedoat u a itaioer of flgbtore. Two wcoka ago Flmlnuions oiRrod him Ihe poelllon of aoarrlng partner. Uo waa en- tbualHllo over Fliaslinmont'ability u a dghier. O.VLV TIIHEK HOl:.M)il. MeAallir* laJnrKs Ilia Left lla nil and (lio Bout Ueelaircil a Ura^v. The light wclghiehamplonttalp o( .Vmerica la still In abeyance. Jack Mcvullife, tho premier light weight, met Owen '/.legler, d rblladolpbia, Hon- day night, Nov. i>. In the AHantlcAibletIc Club's lieadi|carton at Ooney liland, N. V„ and, un- (oilunalcly for Ihe ohawplon, when thinga ap- peared to be In his favor, he Injured bis left hand by a blow Ibat be landed 00 Zleglcr's bead, causing the contrti to be atnpped at the ond o( tbo third round by Heleroe Ueknardi, who afterwarda gave a decialon ot a draw. While no defeat wai taoked ontohla RCOtd McAulKfe found Inttaee.T-amatour boier /.legler a man who lo the eatlmailon of many puraona will In ilnie make a atroiig bid for the obtuiplonahip honora. At ica<it three tauudrod I'hiladelphlana swelled tbe crowd by thoir proionce, having made tho Journey tnni the (loakcr Cl<y to ew iheir (elloir- towsameii, Zitgler and McUildc, pci form wlih the mlilooa, and uuit o( thtui returned to 1 neir homta after tho Oght wellKtihOcil with iheahowiug mailo by the (oriiier. Inaporior UcKcivoy ocouplcd his uanal seatat Ihonugnlde, nuked by acapinio and aevcial pair.<lmen. Uororo the ilrat pair or buxers wore Inlioduoed ho weighed the glevea and pissed thtin to tM anuounoeraa "up lo wtiglil." A band of luuslo enlivened the proceedings before the tiaii, and tne speoutora Joined In with bamla and (cct In an attempt to work oH tbe chilly feviiiig cauaed by the dralta Ibat circled through Hie building. There wen two prellmlDaiy booia beiore the chief attnuiilon vt tbo ereuing came oir. Billy Murphy and Jerry Barnott made a draw of their coQioat. Johnny Gorman defeated ISildy UcDrlde. tbo re(erco atopping a knocioui. a big oxwd was not looked tor, tiuiIhe altcndaoco waa much larter I bat that e( the drat ahow glveu l>; ilila club. Too Ural bout was between Jerry Baroelt, o( New York, and IHUy Hurnhy, o( Austnlla. 11 waa annouoceit that they tvonld apar too rouoda. bu ll o( the liiile (cllows appeared to hare trained raitbluliv, end looked well. Murphy was much laller than bis up- lunent, and bad a decided sdvaotagu In reacu, Alter a moment o( cauHout apsmng Uurphy led laLdmg bard on the body. Oe uled (ortbuaauo tpottgaln, but misted, and reoelvcil a allnging led bander on tho Jaw. Bamett landed again wiib bla lert on Ihe aame point a moment laier, which siaggeicd Lla opponent. TUe aecood and third ronnila were very eien. Each landed bard lert handen on three uroaalout, but twth wcro very wild al Hmaa and loot many gcoj chaoota to land Idling blown. Uaineit bad tho boiler ot tbo fourth mund. lie wiu more ai«ret- tlvr tbao bla opponent, aod landed aevural left and right handen on Ibe liodyaurt fare* Toward Ihe cndot the round tney mixed up, eauh alugglog tho other hard, with honoii allgblly lo (avorol Uaineit. In Ihe fltui round Unrphy almost pat bla tnao to alcap. The Auairellan piaytd conilonaliy (or the body, and landed men (reqnc;iily. After two mlu uica ot aghHng, Uorphy again (einled (or tbe twdy, and Uarnett lowerea bla handa, then, quick at a dub, Uurphy unded a hot oi^eon u.ituoti°a Jaw, knoctlng blD down. Jeny got up afer conaid- erable exertion, Inadatrdconditlon. Morpay was about to Unlab hini, when the police ordrred the Hiaekeeper to termlnaio the ronod theo and tbere. Baroelt waa worked Into pretty good shape during the ulnoteli ml, and he niua|(il to keep oul 01 Tiu UaoAdlan Urickut Asaoolailon wan to have bold a ineolliig Nov. 1:1 iil Toroiiio, uii'.. In regard toiheooutemiiUteilvinltnt a ruim-aentailve team of U tnadian ainaioura 10 i: iKland next aeaaon. On acoonniotihe waulof a i|Uurniu no bnaioeea was transtoled aud lbs inoeling waa adjourned to Deo. :i, when a llnal decision nlil bo gl vun lu ilie manor, 'mcommniee.cunslsiliig or J. K. IIill, 11.i). l,;on and II. IV.Saunilote.appiilnled 10Interview0 U.S. l.lnilaey at to tno ailvlaiiulllty of a vlill of a Ca- iiadlan teatii tu Kuglaod, It la undeniood. will ruu- ommoud that tbe vTalt bo po^itiionod until ISOO. and tbo aououuoemont of tlio vlali will aurvc aa an lu- itenilve lo Uaiiadlan amateurs next aeaaon to cam a place on tho teiiui. Tim i'iKOT"aniokor"of tbo Crioketera'Chih was uld H ituni ly eronlag Nov. II. al lis hoad<inarten, lUJ WaalTtroirHi Sireot. tbis olty, iind proved to bo itn enjofablo and urgely atioudod to union ot Hie Lirtokutiug (ratorniiy ut the moiropolliaii dialrlot. Itutiles for the cnnteiopl*lod wlilst, cbess and crllf twge tournamrutai uloawl on tiiat dat-j, and theao Indoor events promlae to ha oloaoiy ouuliaied aud dounileai will prove aiiracUvofoalnrca A aniall enlranoe fee I1 charged for eaoli contoaiant In aald ieijynamenla, which will be devoted to the pirchaso or ttl table piltes. TV! Fslcrson (N. J) Club's Itrtt eleven played roariven games last neaaoii, uvo of wbicb wcro won, alx loit and tbrce draiYu, Tlio toaiii aaa weak In liatiing, \t, Unnoo nuklni Ural ivitb I'jo runs In roortoen Innlnia. J. Weai led lo bowling, with tne oxoalleot record ot capturing '-■ irickeia at a ooat o( only 6 7.1 runa cacn. \\\hk nlao bad tho best howling average In obHiiiplouiblp couteaia. The I'ateraon eleven hail tbo credit of belug the only team In tho Meirupuiitiin liliirl:t l.tuguo to defeat the New J«raey Atbloilc clab'a eleven lan aeaaoo, wniih they did In Ibe concludlug chaiipluneblp conloal. (i. S. LouuiN, tho once great togllali boirler, Is thi reeldent of a very small vliiago In iho Ilex Huimtolna, Buutb Afilca, where be wool to get i:ured oi cootiioipttun. Uo la conildi-nl of getling wed In t yanr. Uabooiie, lariio aii.l luwcrrnl, Inteat rnla wild, deaolate, uhiuutaiuoiie country, and 1,0b- uiaun aai» thai lilo there la very dnron'ol to what It wu (iir blm at tbo Ut al, Loudon. Till Blaten Island I'rlckcl Club's drat eleven Dialed twenty gamea lu all lail toiaon, o( which Steven wen won, aoieu lost aod i«o drsnu- A. K. falierion led lu UitHiigViHi a record o( :>lt runa in nineteen luulugii. J. II. I.iuilikin being a good aeoood wliu 'A>J runt lu eleven Innlova. Wrighi, Ihe p,-oreBtlobalo( tne club,ranked Oral lu bowline, «iui a record ul v: wickcii, at on average ot u.;j TUiaeacb. I.H rat lul natoli between Surrevaml l.aiica- ahire, at the Oval, London, Kng, lllrliaidaiin, by hti very fui bowllug, left a urniao on everr ouo of the lAnowhIre batsiueo, allbougli thn wkket wu (alrty aud. Bilggi got brulai^d tour ilnifa, ooce be- ing hit on tba Kit by a"liilHnlng dclltery" that roe* to the occulon. LvoKS, ot the Aua'mlhin team, la li iiting In bet- ter form Ibis lear than over, and It oven lilllieg barder. Qeorgt Orlillo laalio in good iilo, mak- ing il runs (or his new love, the AdeUlde Ciub, on Bepu 1. A Ttin ot Phltadelpbla ainMeure may visit Kog- Jand texiaoaaon, the Itip eooteoiplated thIa teaseii btting bono postponed. The biteei tdvicot, how- ever, aute that tbe visit to Kogland It itlll prob- ^Biatlcal. Ibe way of Mnrphy't vlelons twings. From that oot the Dghilng wu light, and, alttongh Hnrphy had the best of the dlltcrent rounds, It wu OnaUy decided a draw. Tne next pair were Johnny Uoman, ot U>ng laland City, aod Faddy McBilde, or Fhlltdalphll. Both men were loudly applauded when th*y appear- ed In Hi* ring. Each tipped the soal* at l» pounds, and looked to be In peiieet condition. They were schednlcd to flght ten rounds. I'he mlnott lime wu called UctrUe led with hit left, landing llghily on Ihe > udy. H<« then tnid tor the race hut mlaaed, and Oorman landed heavily on the Fhiladelpmsn'a Jaw, staggeilng blm.' (Mitman Uled to follow up bla advantage, bnt McBilde checked him with a hot right bander in tho race. In Ihe aecond roond the flgnt wu dcrce, both men landing frequently. Toward tho close of the round Oorman knocked hit man all around Hie nng. HcBrlde wu very weak tvbeo he ntorncd to hit corner, lie wu atill weak at ue call of time for the third round while Oormao appeared fresh and bright. McRrldo only go: In use or two good blowa, while Gorman landed aeveial tetrlOc right handed blows, one reaching McOrlde'a damaged cheek. The round ended in GormaD'a (avor,hoODlpolDilogthe Pnilidelphlao three 10 one. Oorman went in to dnlahbii man In tae flftbrennd. He atarltd oir uy sniuhlng Mao hard on the note Willi hlaleft,dnwln( blood. Ue qolekly followed thia wiiha righthander on Ibe Jaw that bionght his opponent to bis knees. Mcliilde took his poolsh- meni gamely, bnt Oormao simply made a cbopplog block ot blm. The referee, seeint that Mcllrlde wu gradnally being thumped Intoait tie ot cobapte, and wlnbing to avuid a kuockont, slopped tbe congest and deoiared Oorman Ihe winner. Time of the round, rortj-llveaeconda. Then cnme tbe s:ar event of the evening, the ten round twut at ooe huodred and thliiy-Ovoponnda betwren Jack UcVnliifo and uweo /legler. Mc- Aollira's aecooda were Coo HoAoUire, hli brother, aod Jlmmlo Nelaon, bla old aparrlog partner, aud Jack Gtaceban, who helped 10 lit blm for the con- tesL /.legler wu attended by Onntloy White, ot New York, end Tom Kenoedy, o( rinladeUihli. Hound 1. HoAollge leaped, rather Uiao walked, out o( hiacoroer. be baa 00 paoncb this Umo like ho had when he reel UrlKi; his skin wu c ear and hIa eyes were bright 'i!legler,as be alwaya doea. looked in perfect condition. MoAulld'e feinted tor tbe body and then came round with his right, but he wu ligbt, but eupplenienied this with a drive on me aioraach, while hia opponent Just mliaed a vU-loua right band dilve at tho face. HoAnliffe tiien Unded a scorcher ivlih his left on the face, and tliotUy srierwaida lanced both right and lefton the body, '/legler counteied on the shoulder. Jack aeut In auoiiier straight loft, and Just before the gong aouodcd '/legler caoght lbs light weight caainplon on the neck with bla left 2. /legler led with his left much lo his sorrow, tor McUliiTo planted a nillor en bis body, and aronaedtho crowd by a boautltnl left bander on tbo ribs and a acorebcr on tbe face with hIa tight, /legler mndo a plucky attempt to ntallale, and flnaliydld aucceed In BmumnRMcAnllire on Iho neck with bie left and on Hie ohin with bit right, McAnllife then got in some hot ones on the ribs when toe gong eoundcd. 3. HcAiiliile caught hit man three Umeo snccet- >lvely In Iho face and dnally toahed blm all over Uio ring, /legler rallied wonderfullr and tmathed HcAiillife wlib Ills leit under the chin. This np- peared to knock all tbe steam outot tbe champion, and then It wu /legler'a turn, who Immediately commenced to make a chopping blockot UcAulliTe. The latter wu all but out wnen the police Inter- fered, and, amid deafening applause, both men wero astuted in an e.tbansted condition out ot the ring. Tne bout wu declared 0 dtuw, the crowd In the meaowhilo yelling tor /legler. UcAullffe, nt Ihe eloto of tbe battle, atserled Ibat his lert band bsd been broken u a ivsnlt ot coming III contact with /legler'a elbow. Uo admits, how. ever, that Ue swung wlili his left several times atier the "(raclurc" happened- UcAnlilTo probably did hurt bli arm on /legler's hard anatomy, but It It eoid that It will rriinire a strong ceitlOcaie (rom a reputable pnyalclao lo convince tbe doubtere that a uone wna broken. Two KiioekOntaat llieKvei'greeaa'Blag At the Brergroen AthloUo Ciub'a lueeUng at Rldgewood, L. I., Nov. 13, a big crowd witnessed some sharp glove Oghtt. Jack Oreely, ot Brooklyn, and Jimmy McDniTr, o( New York, wore the Bnt pair to meet Tney fought at lltlb. Onely bad Hio ndvanuige at the atart, hot UoUody «u gamo aud tnught well unill the seveoth round, when be landed a knock out blow on Oreely. Iiilly llnot, of Itookaway. and BlUy May, ot Uorell IIIII, appealed oext lo u teo roond boot. Unnt started oir wlib a rush and slugged savagely (or two rounds. A(ter tbat Hay had the best ot it and dnally knocked ont Hunt with a stunning rlghi- hsnder lu the nfth round. The dual contest waa between Hugh Daniels, o( New York, and Blliy Oallagber, o( Brooklyn, who (ooght al U(lb The men (ought so hard for ten rounds and u ncltherone had any advantage tben and u tioih were badly used op Ihe referee decided It t draw. A SKix g'.ove Oght occomd ihortly after mid- Dliht, Nov. 11, lo a resort near Clllton, N. J, between Fred (I'.orta, an Hallan, tud Kid lie- gan, of I'alorenn. Tbo match was tor }2:0 a plile anil a side hot ot iion. Uogan weighed ll(.li., and the luillin wu ten pounds lighter. In ue eleventh roond. when Uogan could n jt laod a blow, Olorbiknockedblmout. J. W. OmruiLi., formerly of Canpbelland Demp- sey, wlio travrled together tor some yean glvlog boxing exhiblllont, callcil at tbit eillce on Nov. 20. He had Juai returned from a two yean' extended tour of Borupe. While abioad Mr, Uampbell wu onltcd In marrbige. Ue Inlenda reluming to Ban FranciKO, CaL Uahtih Uowiisn, tbe backer or nilly rilmmer, baa potted tiM with Thr fmia nairlln, 10 bind a ma'ub botween Ullly I'limmer and oeorgo Cnrdotd tongbt at toren aione twelve peiioda totf.VK a aide and Ibo largeat pnrae olered by any club. Y'ot'sii McOiRK, ot Fhlladelphla, and Joe lIcClos' key, of I'liisburg, two middle weight pnglliata, (ought to a Oolsh Ina bnmnear B.ililaiore,Hd ,ior {.■^o, the former winning the bout In tweire Oerce rounds. a(fer their Intereats. The InckwUl be (ooiteenlaH lo the mile, banked and bnMttou to be perfectly tare. Entrtnc* (n o( lu must accompany each entry, which (e« will b* rctnned to all riden wbo cover eight hnndied mUes dntlog the tlx dayg. Tut Tona ror offloen ot the Fenotylvanla Dlvl- tlonorthaL A. W, wu conpnud by the Eieelloi Commute* tt Beitnton, Fa, V-y. 17. Tb« vota wu received by mall and the reanll Corwetdtd to Pblto- delphla, where It will be announced by Vhler Con- sul Bamnel A. Boyle, who wu not opposed tor re- election. The only opposition wu for Flee ConanL The candldaiet wen Thomu J. Keenan Jr. and J. W. UcOowln, both ot Flttahorg. It was an exceed- logly InieiTSllog Oght, aod it it aiaicd that Keenan has won It by a comfonable margin. AMKO the notables whoarilred in tbls city by the American liner New York, on Nov. 17, were sevenl foreign blcydo rlden wbo ate booked ror the loler- ntilonal tournament, which ttk<s place In Madi- son Sqnsre Garden dulog toe week beglnslng Nov, M. Tbe Invading team Inclndet Ldgl Co- lombo, champion of ltaly;A. U. Edwaidt, champion ot England; Alexander Verheyen, ohamplon ot Oermany; Adrleo Uoeny, ehamploo ot Franc«,and Loclan I.etna, champion of Hwluerlond. THE TURF. Vlr0lnla Jacke>' Olab* Not. U.~rint raca—Font fUL rtUlBg. four aod a bair rarloogc-Rodman B. lu), R DoiMti 10 to 1, woo: NioaTtb. iia, arimn,s to 1, MOODd; HUM MorrUon UJj, lt0.a]mi,ft to 1. third. Time, OK^f BaCADd raca— BellUif, porta 9309, m iDrlooga-ladrK 104 R Doftact. %a to 1, won; loia, ItiT. Himt, 11 to L wcood; Uitla utt, 1(H, Lamlr. 6 to I. tblrd Tina,!:!? Tbird nea- Faraa »3LiO. tic aod a ball rarioDKa-tlalllae, 117, flima, 3 to 0, woo: Jack of Bpadaa, 117. Urlfflo. 7 to 6, Meond: Cbaitur, lQB.Hatii«ktr. UOUtI, tblrd. Tlma,l:t)M * Koarth laeo-Balllot. punaSA m roriooiia-Klla Jlaad, lUI, Lamlr, artamoBfr* vod; Jack tbo Jav, in, Bargan. 10 tu I, BKOBd; Bomploa OIrL M. EmTo, 7 lo 1. tbirt. Time. l:lb,'4 riitfa raea-BaUiDB.|rQraa VXD, Araaod a ball rurluusa—Rop)right, 107, Ntoar, 6 aoo S to b woo; Biackbawb, n, X*ml7, 6 to 1, ateood: Baodowaa, IIP, >lidsiv.3 10 1 aod aT-D. tbitil. TlnailiC^^' with nc*--iHUloii. puraa 1300^ ooa nlla aod a tKiaaoili- LliUeTom. 91 Keaia, 7 to 0. woo; Uaialiall. liu, Ho*ila- kor. 6 to ft. Mcood: flaoatr, 9k Ftno. la to I, tblrd. Tima.l:W;i. Nor. 14- I'lnt rmca-SaUlar, porta^ UOO, foor aod a hairlarloDO-UlRb Polot Baua, U». OrTOUi, 7 to lO. 0r»t; rboibui, 110,1*000, 10 to B.moodU: Mldaur, i(H, Doc- Sott,ft to 1. third. Tlfoo. OMK ttacond raea-8«i1. Dg. porta $101^ foor and a balf larloQita—HarrK 107, 0rillls,4 tn&. Dnt: Pouch oolt, JCB. DogattttlBlo l.*«o. oDd; KdoaBa7,i(KkE.Triba,l to I. IhFrt. Time Q:ft7. Thini r«ce-b«|.lDff, patH $3D0i Ato rurlooga— Uirltl. ICd, FtOD. 9 to 1, Drat: UoEaa, 103, QrlQlD, 7 lo «, atcoDd; lola, IVt, D»gg«u, ] to 1, tbiiO. Tioia, J0K I'oortb raca-SeliiDg, pun* laiOL tli ftirloaga— Lootbrook, 110, Doggati. li to I. Brtl: Loooardo, 89, aritAo.etoS.aoconr; Will Elliott, M R,Trlba.4 toll iblrj. Iloia, Filth raca-lliodleap, paraa tXX 006 mtlB—Lo MonU, 109, Katfa, A to i, Ont; ElU H««d, lot, LaiDly, 3 to 1, aecood; KioiDa, 97. 0. Corrliao, 10 to 1, third. Time. 1:«X di'ib raco-Htinog, porMBtX), one mlla-Ed. Kumtv, US Sloit, 9 to lui dmi; Uia Diila. M. " ' — • -■—— Skiduora, It-iariillD, WHEELING. Ulcyclo ItoafI llcconia Aecepteil, Chalriuan II r. Walden, or Ihe Ibo Record Com' mitteo or the Contnty Uoad Clob or America, baa accepted tho following toad records: TVii Mir-f.—L. O. Wahl, tVailuugtoD. Time, Om. tQf. R.eonl tdr Ol^irlet Columbia. rttn!fs't*ti B.HU.—A. (i. Ilanllop, RL I.oulii. Tlaie, 3li. Zlto. Da Hotii courie rtcuio. un mlu* —T. L Ulnl, Uiaoeiota. Tints. Sin. iJx MlDnemiaHlal* raconl. IVvnly^il'i.—L.O. WabL WaihlDgtOD. Time, Ib.Zii). It. IlKoiillor biitrictOi'lumbla rK'.AiiHilrra iiil.'n.—W. L. Btaioal. Time, 16b. torn. 3i.. aoiaiiesa recoid, i'trt'tn atlh* —A. Le .teal, rblladtlpbla. Time, arm. 29a. renn»rlT«iiiH Hial* rccoia, f\fltfn nirfi.—Kal Kutlir, Boabin. TIma, tin. 2t>i'c MaieaebuianaSiata itcorO. Jons S. Joux>oN tnd Ihe Sicami team of 'crcllais broke tour records Nor. i: at iKiulavllle, Ky., In tbe nretenceot a good crowd al the opening per- formanro"nthe new Fooiitaln Fcrtr ran, ot mat city. Tne tnck Is a perfect t bird ol a mile. The recoMsmadeweretwomlKa,JO. It.; three mlira, a:n. iij.; four miles, 8m. ovo miles, lum. K'in, johntoo was paced the llrti mile by the uiudroplei, riddeo by 0. II. Oallaboo, P. 0. Connor, A. I.otvy and w. A. Kboadee. The mile was made InJokl I lis. Tbe pacemaker the second mile mt Ibo triplet, tbe riders being Uharles Hnrphy, A. D. Kennedy and I.. A. Callahan. Uo the tblrd mile he was paced by K. U. Audetsoo and Il-Steveaon.on tue tandem. Tne "qtud" paced him the next mile, and the last waa |iaced by Ihe alar tandem, Fnnk Hayo and William Saodcra. L.A.W. mlea were oliaened In every mprct At no time did the riders leave Ibepuie. A siioog wind wu blowing on the home stitlch, bnt Johnson ilnlahed In good condliion. A 9i.\ uav proretalonal urety bicycle race will be held Ml liidnitilal Hall, at miladelpbla. Pa., begin- ning l>cc. IT, and ending on Ibo -'. Many ot tbe liesi profcuienal rlden ate e.tpecled to take part lu tbo lace, livery competitor entering Ue race will havo to ride at leaii eight hundred mllaa to aaro bis entrance fee. Alter ihe setnal expenies for pieparing for and running the race have been deducted, the remainder will bo oevided Into three equal parts, one of wbic J aball go to management, and two lo aucb men aa ahall have rlodcn at Icaai l,lou milet during the 141 honta of the race. Ti t ridoia'ahareehalVbe.dlvldedaa tollowa:Totbewln. ner, ony per renL bee ond tloer, twenty per cent, Tblrd iider, nfteen per cent Fourth rider, ton per cent, Fitih ilder, nve per cent. The ndcra win btve the right to tppoUit t ntireientaUvt to Wok Dials, n. K. l>.^fl«tt.''t to (.awoodrtom - r«. lt-3,arilllD, II to 0, thin. Time. 1 HVi, Nov. IS.—Pint nc*—Puna tin), hall mlla-KlnaTah, lOJ (IrlOln, ISto t. Ten: Boaaia. III). II. Bn«n,llla I, aaeoDd: EllM alonlaoo nilr, lie, Sioa. 8 lo a, third. Time, OM BaODDd raca-Poraa gaoo, all rarloata— Dflnargllla, III, Dogseil-Slo 1, w»o; Jaelr of Sraoaa. 112. Unino. I to 2, iseood; Uarriogton. a to I, ■bird. Ttriia.t;lf Tblrd nee-Uelliog.pune gainata aDdabalrfaroDg*-Paaaaf.l07,E Trie-, V to 1,won: Flirt, Kff, Blue, 1 to a. aaoond: Hoboala, ItB, Oogaan, S to i, Udnl. Tlm^ 1:IIK reonh raot-MblsV paraa, taxi, dra aod a bair furlonia-Flaali. lot, Laafey, IS to .,1111.1 1 W . WWU. VVllJC,,y,, IIVL J IQ Nero, lOr, CoUralU n u> I. Ultd. Time, isnt- -'^'-Suili raea-HalllDa, poiae ^tA one mlle-Uauukac, U, gaelh Stol.trat; Mclaut*. lot. slmaa u I, aocoad: rlaoiy, loiarlino.OloS.tbiid. Tina,l:<r. Nor. le-rinl nee-ltelllog, pnrM gBO. U1I mll^- lllBh rolQt DaUa, 108, Orlnia.7 to I. woo; Doggatl, ICB, DOKa« t. D10 2, aecand; faneh, na. Bargao, la to A. third. Time, Saeond rm(a-Pon« $xUl ala forloBta— LIIU, Bllir. in. SIma, II to D, tod U:d Il«olnloo.l09. Uaa>eli,9iol,daailhaat; Waiubaalar, lit. HiOilty, li tol, Iblrd. Tiioa.l:ie. Koa olT woo br Old Domlaloo Time. 1:U?; Tblrd rac«.a«Ulog.pDiae tno. ooanlla —Ell. Kaaraey. lll.Simi. 1 tea, von; charter. M, Lanlr, so to I, aacoDd. Connora. im, Beraeo, ao to 1, (blnl. Tlma, 1:12 Foarlh raca-Belllog, parse, tU(l, 'liie'rdTioon Wembers, 106, Orlino, 7 to ID, mn: Loosbiook, lA, ojiail.7 to l.aacoad; Frinc* Jebn, tti. Itacey. a to 1, ibltil. Tlm^ \stx FilUi noa-FurMttuiliafur- loDsa-ullr OamoioB, IfO,Urifflo, II tofi, voo;OwlaL lis. feno. 1110 S, aocoad: HodaToeco. lui, Ea«ra. la to I,third. Time. IMa fiiitb raca-fieulDa,puna 1290.00,mile —Marahall, ItO, Baedakar, 7 lo ft. wvd, Laooanlo, 101 Lamiy. B to I, aaeond; LlttleTom. 1(S. QrlOlo, I to 1, Uilrd. Tliiio,I:i3i{. Nor. 17.—flr'tttoa-Balllog,pone 1210 ball a mlla- DralOQod, 110. SIma, 3 to I, aon; 2ld,y, 113. Bertao. B to 6.MconO; TnMan, lut,Naeav, 12 10 1, third. Edna tfay waa leu at Ihe post Tima,0:aej^ KMoad nca-Satl. low, puraa alx rorloaaa—ijarknaaa, lOL Oriino. T to a. woo; aleoMmo. loj, raoo, U to I. aaeoaa: Poijdoia, 10\Blae,lt tol, third. Tlm^ l:ICK Third raca- BailloB. poraagOOt mllaaoil aalcbio—Sontaod Daoca. Itfl. onfflo, 1 to 7. woo; Mlu Diilo. 99. Kaera, j to I, aaeono; H.aa Mcboir. 91.T. rowar\third. Tlme,l:ia>i. rourUi race-aoUlog, puraa tlSO, balrmlla-llaiirlDa colt. ItC Blaka,ll to 10. won: reaUta], 100.1'aon,i to L ■ecood; Iroal«at.bllng.luS.BDrrail,40toLlhlnl Tlma, o:6i), ...riiui raca-PaTs«|lao,oBenlle-OorJack, lu\ HCboTallar, tJilnt. Tloa, 1:41K Tblrd nco-FiVa * ,101,r " - i.BtOP, _ ia.l»rii ralla-rolaikl. lO, B. Iton. i to 8, woo: Tba lltiuKl,9i, aad abalf ftarloogi-CUcqucr, Idi, W riioo. S to L won: Jao UottAD, 99, B I•om.Ato^tacond;LalILts.D iaflrT. Aiol,lbira. TimOilOTU Prmrtb ra£a-BaUlDr. ooa <Hutmt«^ av<, r. vMa m tmt •.wuaa,B,a laiwataiu, av, UVU* rtclM,aTtii. itcoDd; Bridal Veil, W K. 1ioid,II lo i. third. Tlma, t:llM baeood race—SaUlor, Ato rorloDgt- Tftrtarlao, iM, V. y\jDa, i to 9, vod: Bemalr, I'lXR. aimia«,7 lo 3 woo; Attlgoea, HS, Biobardaoo, UD to I, ttcoDd. Laur VlolataJio tiartad, batUntUa waaihmwn OD the turo. Tbamanrmo tiroaada boif mlleabeloia the waa ttopi>ed. UrlDa waa not mncb bott Tima, I :ii5i Siith rt'e-Salllog, parto tttO, raroo rarlooia —rnoea Usorga, IIA. moimi, l to U. woa; Void 107, Dltk». a to I, eaeood; ttpeooUtloD, UO, Unadacktr, 8 10 I, third, Timo,lHD>i. « Mot. 19 -FtrA rMe-?drta$13}.tlirarloa8a-<lillatlo. 110.«l(D«i,8 to I. woo: Black Utwk, I0I,>oob.4 toT. focnod; Saoalor v'ait, 108, Kacer. w to i, tbiid. Tuna, IMI.V sacoDdrmce-l'or•afUO.■iIrorloo>•-UeKo^ lUlurlilto.ato3. woa; Doigait, KQ.DoggatL A (ol,aeo- fud; LoB«Dgala,101,kMra 13 to 1, third. Tlma. 1:Id. Tblrd raco-Ooauiila aod a (urtoog—UanhuLlOl U-uir, A to a. «ooj Mlia Dliiv, 119, iCeato. 3 to 1. aacood; Htar Aouaia, lb), B. Uoggatr, nto 1, iblrd. Tluir, 1 -MX Fourth r«ce-rur*a IflOLloar Inrloota—JoroLSS, Macer 6tol,«iiD; Bcnafaoior,UJj, c«ilibB,3 to I. •t^ ODd: ilaraego, 90, RtaTe, 8to 1.tLird. Time. 0:^ Pllib iKa-birM taifl. Ave furloon-McIatri^ lOJ, Lamlf.AtoZ.woo; WIIIBmotL ID E. Tilba, 7 toS too- oaA: lolK,li9. Do^eait.z lo l.lblrd Tina, 1:01V diKihrAce-PutaogmoDamlla—Oar Jaok, IQL Ltmlr, Aiolvon: aftlillfto lOL Simna, 7 to 10, aacoDd; K1. Kairoar, liU, tirimo. 3 to I. thinj, Tlma, 1:U llacJng Im Koutnck>** The KhU nee meeUDgof tUe Kentacky lUclog Assovlallon commenced oq TueBdAj, Nor. 13, iq plMunt wcatDcr, and Id prcte&ce oc» good tt'.end* •uce. Toe eronts dtclded durlog Die wcekaio um* m»rlz«d below: Not. i:i-Kir«t rmcA-RalllDg, laTan furleoga-Oiaao* wieb, Hi7. Tliorpa. <K lo I, won; i^raraaia. W. H.WIl- |iamB,9H to 1- aaootid: Coot«it,«9, N. llorrla, M to I. H«ood raco-SlE larlooga-Col. Ireo, 109, Lvigb, 7 to A. won; Baoaroo, 1C9. u. Uruua,3 (o l,t*ennd; I'oco Tafflpo.DJ, Giabtjo, 10 to I. tUlrd. Tlraa, l:Wl Tlilrd rtM-Pineen aliueatbi ol a □illo—ThaUomoiooer.SI, H. Hodaoo, I to 4, woo: Dare TaU, M, Thoipa 3H to i, Hcond: loierior, 103, Farbioa. 90 to 1. ibtrd. TiDia. fourth nee-hra fnr IvDRa-Frea Adfiea, IM, Tborpi, 8 to 1, won; Duetor. 110, rarl(lDt.7to8,**oood; PIr Lola, 1(0.0 (inhaiD.tOtol. iblid. Time, 10 H Filih raca-s«llloi. one nlle- ^Jtllu^ 100, Hrooka. «ian, woo; Domloioo, RM. uiar* toQ,4 to I, Hcooii; I.tewalbu. 77, B. Ulareoa, 7 to 1, tbinl. Tima.l:4:i4. Not. ll.-Flr'i ra-a—Sli forlonfii-Wlllanl. 103, J. Dalr.U to 1, woo- l*rlooa ImpariaL lOB, Lettb,3 to 1, •acood; iaiteO., lUl, ParhlDa.4 to L tblrd. Tlma. 1:18. - B*eood T«oa-tfaTOo farloou-LtDdolotia, 109, A. UliytOD.S to 8. woo: Uimran; W. B. BIOTlajL II lo 1. amod; Ellao Doaglai*, MB. TboTpa,Oiol, third. Time. 1:0* Third raoe-Foor and a half fiirioon~llal* lovaan, liV, A Clartoo, A to iwoa: Taoor, IQA rarkloa, 7tnS^ieooDd: AmyT., tux to I, tblrd. Time, OM Fourth rac«-^Da mHo-Frobaaoo, 98, A, C]mj. too, 11 to 10. won: Tba, Dohohua, 3 lol. aaeond; PltUbarg, 101. Uraham, d to I, iblrd. Tlma! l:i\U PilUince—FlTaaodabijrrorloDga—Otaarlao. lOS,UiyioD. iioIwob; Cafflpaola, 100 rarhloi,B to l, aaeoDd; iMball, 101, Thorpe lltol. Iblrd. TIma.lKlBKi Trolling Matcliei. Ida two impoilaot trolllu natcbao tbal war* lo bava tahao plica on Not. ir, tt Hit Farbway Drlrlof Ctub'i track, at UraTaaeod, L. I, bttvacn Ur, WlUaU'a bay nIdlDB, DuDtaN, aod Thomu Morgao'a geldloc, Jobe, lor $u) a aide aad tba match betwaeo U. Uallaw'i bnwn gilding John V., aod Feur Clark** bar lUllloD, Mu Wagoar, for $100 a tide took place Not. 9, lo tbe pt«aaoc« ora fair >li-d onwd or ixotttag nao. Jehu wa^ loBUilad fiTorlla m iha oi»«biog avaot, and aUar ilio Ortt bttt he oarar left bit baokanlo donbi, aa ha won th« opeoiog heat aTlar a bnaf ilroggia lo ue ■tiatcb, but iktrlr romptd avaj to the iwo followiog beat*. Ua waa admlrablj drlrea 1/ Tbcodor* Ailhur. Time.2:SI.3:3l.l:Xi The aecAod mauh alto wu a ooa aided affair, aa, attar Jobn V. waa allowed lo win iba nnt heuon BoBanDca, Mat WatDarwoD tbe three aabaa<inao', haaia and tbe nee with eaie. Tbe wlooerwaa bandied bj Theodora Arihnr. Tiuie: Pint heat. Jobs V., t:iOU: tecoodbaat. Bai Wagner. 3:10: third beat, Mti Wagnir,l:af: feutb hear, Max Wagoar. 3:y7>t. Hoih winoera are from iba tttble of Mr. X. P, Bogera, KiOR'a 1li|bwaT< Tben will ban BwaepetabaoeoTbanba> llTlDg l>Aj batweeo loiix well known Broeklra trettlag maraa. TBI UouiDgeihiblUon to bkTo been At Fleetwood TtfBhni been poiiponcU anUl Not. 24owloglatba coDdiiionsotibe treck. AluLjoba H. GeDtiT. DLRcUy ud Fljlog Jib wui ftppeu*. TBB E.\CgLAIOB BTABlaB'A ttj taom BteOABdOBb, flre jenn old, bj Amnn-Banki. died ot Mood roiaoaiog on itie monlDg of Kot. 14, it WaaUBr lOD, D, Ci Calirornl* Jockey Clab. Nor, Ul—Pint race—0ix tarhege-Kiotpace Dickir MOttd; Olan O, oolt, 107. Dncar.4 th I. tbiid. Tlm» •tM^ a. A --^-BeTM lorlonaajelllog-Obiraia! on; Bridal relLh B. iWlb'JTi ■a lAm n w. puoo, dtSr, third: 1 :IIH' • *. JleeoDd nee-BfreB farloni MD.C«oBba. I to 1, wi - ' - ~ ' . ipetbeUo' riM 1JW.:....Tblrdrr^n-Pire fariongi. mudxn^ LODO a aide—Cttqnar, ffi B- Xeom. 8 to a, woo: Bordar 4Mla. 8B Cbenllsr, 4 to A, tecood Ttmi OMi Ponnbfiea ■Abeouli larlono^Ltdp'c Weber 8 to I woo: waJorHcUogb-lo. ill. R laon, ] u i aeoondjClrea, MCoomba, 4 Co I, third TimtTi W' Plfth nce-One mile. ■elilng-Poiaafel. 9i. ('bavalilTr 9101, woo: Happr Day. lU. H laom. A to A. aaooad: Hatr B,09 Bllaj. A to I, tb'rd. Time. 1:40X Hiiih raeVI Ooemll^iitlat, 119 Rliom.4to A, woo: Ponooa. n Coofflba.A to I. tfcond; MooialTo, 104, 0. ^febar.a to i* third. Timfcl:ll.'4. '^.•»ioi. Not. 14.-Plrel race-About all furlooga, aalllsE-Em RreaaolNorfolk, 101.0 Weber. 4 to l.vuo; arTaax.tO U> I, tecood; bleadiut,{(8. Cbaraliar, lu loT third. Tine, 1:13 Becooo race—Ahoatilx torlooiB..I FUnt,lC9.R loom 1 to ^ woo: Halo Diablo. 1(0, HUT ai to 1. aww&d; FllrtlUa. m W. PJtsd, 3 lo 1, iblr?. Tlma 1:13U Third raoe-Plre lorlooia, aalliDg—Joa Coiioo' », B leoo). A io L woo; N«ilee fo. ObaTaiier A to I, »fc* ond; Queen Bae,Oi. W. Plroo, lo to 1, third Time, 1:0)*; Fourth nc^Uoo nile aod a half, orer ali hurdiM —Lodowirk. 141 Loog, ai to 1, woo; Bataulo, 138, Btake- lar.kto 1. tecood: LvoiwelL 141, AHmark, aTio, third Time, r.HiC California record ottM broken. Uap&v Band fell on tlie third Junp Plftb race—eix Inrlf'Biia -HIr Blebard,99i,B |mbi,4 to 1.won;Bomair, IDLHid- rkb^ 9 'o la wood: llnoiaioao, 99, (^TollaraS lo l third! Time.l:13K. ".^iwi. Not. li.-pint tace-Balllnr, Are lorloogi—Vollie li 1(0. Carr.aToo, woa: Imp. Vigor, 119, A. t;orlottDo,fl8 to' 1. a>cond: Terra Nora. lUl, Jtckaon, UD to 1. iblrd Time. I unit. Ooi Buanm tbraw bla rider and nn awtr Mabel T. aiM raoawaT Becood race-Aboot ati lur- loogwjin Flood. AA, h [anm,4iaa woo; Mary McCany 107. W. PlTDn,e to«>nd;CUmD,colLiiA O. Wat- er. 8 to Libitd- Time, 1:11 Third rtoa-^aemllA- Broa-lhead, 101, Carr. A to I won; Parcador, 109,(]ooinb«. 10 to I, taeood; UllMd. ICB. Uharaller. 6 to A, thlpi TIm», l:ilV. ruorih rt«e-8laeplaebaae. ooe uti1« aed a bal*—Ouadalcupa, 141 Maddf d, 0 lo 1, wco; Eldo- rado, ISi.Banford, aran aaeond; Tbe Coon, lairairati JttoLtblrd, Time, 8:UM Pifili rMa-BallloK, tlx larlooge-Motor. 103. Ilooricba fA to I, won; Ja«k Blche- lien, liDLOarT.d to I, aeeond; Paiba, (00, 0. Waber.8 to l.ihird? Time. l:H^g. « Not. 18—Plrai rana -Blr lorloAn-8t Eloo, 69, p. Jooea, 8 to L woo: LmTllle. fT, Biim«. 3 to 1, aeooad- RUialDlloOiO, B Iaoni,l8toA tblrd Time,l:UV... Bacond nce-8e1liOK ooe tnila—Rico, 9i. Hoorlcba. 7 to A •on; OUdiator, f(7.Buru, 10 lo 1. aecond; TwoCbeata,' CneraUerB to 1 aacood: Dochaiadar, 100, Plyna, 4 to 1. tblrd. Time, 1:41 Plltb raee-8i:«f\irlooga-0bljffa«. ll9.Ceonba,3tol,Ton:Oharuaiiie, BI.A. ltOB,C lo I, mond; Bear Ooaid, 10), O. Waber, 10 to 1, tblrd. Tlma, Not 17—Pirat race SaUlog. about aix forlooia—Jtck Ri^alies, 101, P.CatT 3to I.wob: Bir Blobard.aA, Uao* laom, 9 to 1, aeeond; Broadhaid. 108^ P. t'arr, 8 to 1. ibtrd. Time. IrCDX Tblid race—Porte $1.10), the Belmont Atahat, ore turlooga—Lady Diamond, lis, CheTallar. 8 to I, woo; Pliioanla, Ui, P. Garr, tfeo. lec- or»4: MoUleB.Ub. UenrinuiLetol.tblrd. Time, im... Fourth rtoe-Pnrte tl ODD^ toe Bdrllngton Stake*. *>Dr- dl^-One mile and a tuiaenlh—Fk- Imora, UOl Airmirb, 8 to A. won: Arganta. 198.Qilmore, 8 to 1. aecond; Vul- can, 191, OalDrarai,B to 1, third. Tlma. 1:81^ Fiah raoa—Uaodlcap, ooe mile aod a aixieeoih-tii^iar Matr, UOLCarr.etol, woo; Arilnii, 107,0. Weber. 18 to I. tec- ood; Ha»p7 Dar.llO. H.Imo, Sio 1, third Tima. 1:«7JU. Not. Iti-PInt race-Six furlooga-^'onla colt, lOi, F. Rarr.3 to 1, woo; Wag, 104, A. CoTiogton, tt to A s«cood: BdiidF.irr, Burnt, 4 to 1. iblrd. Time. 1:18;^ Heeooil race—Selllog abont alx Inrloniv—Paaha, 100. Coombi, 8 10 1. wno; Rmpreu of "Torfolk, 101,0. Waber, 0 to I, ■et- ood:nockttrader.lOl, P.Carr,4toI,thlrd. Tine,l:ll,U> Third race-One mile, f alllog—Mtlor McLaugbUn.JU, h. ItouL 4 to Al won; Captain Rmb,N, N. Hill, 3 m), j , Oakland, 113. C. Waber, 3 to l third. Tina, i:4D<4. Foorih raee-PlTO lorlonga--Llttak, 123. R. laom,8 to a, won; FItFrol, 119, P. Carr, A to 1. aaeond; Bt. Cecillt BUT, 103 Benrlcha. 2) to 1, third. Time, 1:01. Filth raoe-R4lllog,ooe mlle-Braw Bcott, 101. P. Carr, 3 to I, woD;Mita BuokloF^Ta^ B. Jooea. n to i, tecood; Marts., 9), K.Itou,13lo5.tblTd. Tlme,l:ii>{. Racei ot Alexftudor Iilantl. Kor. 19.—Plitt race-Fire furloogt-ColoniboPt HanloTa^dtoA, won; Pigot, 10e,MDrpor,4 to l.aeooLd; Ted Qegg, WA, Joboaoo,3 to l, ibltd. Time, IM Seeood nee—Six and a hair forloogi-Punk A. Barf, 107. ManlOTe,3to A, won; Omnd Prli Kli,Marpbr,9 to e^iecood; Maak, lUJ. Claaa, 90 to 1. thiid. TinB.1:3i*;. Tblrd raoe—Flra fnrlonga—Lerlna, UX Coiblay, 8 to A, won; Magnet. IIA, Bfsdar.A to 1, aecond; NIca, UE^Congdoo,Stol,thlnl. Tlma,l:a3A( a^orthraca —rou and a bair furloog^ Pi nance. ICO. Uun, 4 (o I, won; Jadg* Pott, lOli Jobnaon, 4 to 1. aecood; Imp. Bonea, 109. Mnrpliy.BtoA, third. Time.O:0«M Pi!ih nee-Hlx and a iioarter fnrlonga-Tloga, 98. Uam. 10 lo I, won: Format. 9l Manlora. A to 1, aacood; DairoiL 19, ..—tblrd. Time,!::9Ji. - Jt race-FiTo lopooRt—Uno Omnde,lU, Poaur.eren, won; Do^ WIek, 117, uwier,6io i, aecond; " ir A'l. lU, Johoaoo, 10 to 1, third. Tine, 1:01 See- id nee—Fire lortooia-ltoaita. II7, Ham 3 to l,woo; BtlgiaTla,l(F7,Johoaon. B to ond: Tree Ton, 107. BelDel,99 to I. third. Time, la)l Tbtid rnce-Mil* aod ao aighib-Jaoc W;nn». 81, Uonlahan, Oto 10, woo; Ponced'iaejo, lid. JohDhoo, 7 lo v. '(-qoihI: Ataman, lli^ Hail. Ato 1 tblrd- Tlv* l.av;^ Foorth laoe—PiTe lirlongt—Veoutbnrg, luB. Uam,ltol, woo; non*eHoma, 1 9.HorphT,7'oA.a*oood; Neadmoie. 117, Beoder Sfo l,tblid. Time, IfliM FliUince—9l\ aodaquartar tnriooBt-Jeraej, nil. Ham. 4 to 1, wm; Dr, Jonnaoo, IIWK. JcbDaon.flto A.tfcood; Uarutoae, 104, Carter, A to [.third Tlma,l-30H. . . Nor. lA—Flrat noe-Pour and a baU Inrtonga-De- UolL 107 Morplir.9(oI. wen; Hf uirl enlt, llOLTATlor. AtoI.<ieoond; MuerrtUX While,im lol, tbiid T1n^ 0:W Second noe—Seren fttrlooga—Matk. 109. ClMf, 7 lo 1. won: Bj Jora, 98, Maolore 3 to 1. tonond: Jim Mc- Laoghllo. 9i. MoifAi/, 3 to I. iblrd Time, l:3iK Third race—Fonr and a hall rnilooga—Cottack, 119, llaa, I to 2,won: Barwjn. luiTaykir. lO to •, r— ~ aemer, 97, Morplir, iO lo l. third. Time U.-eA}tf. Foorth race—Mile and an alghth-Dara 1>otII, 10) Oaa, 8 to L woo: Prloee Riaroarh, 119,11. LawIp, a to a tecood; Max B. 108.CorbloT.Slol,third Time Um; Fli.h rac*-lilx aoo a hall farlooge-Ploo Water. lur. Paraona, ■ ■•u a,* waiH V BaKB. a«,nrvav—a aaaaa Twama. av. M WVHm, 7 to 6. woo; Jlnmle Jamaa. 101, Uam. 18 to I, aecood; Taeooa;. lOI.Marpbr.Utol, third. Tln«,l:S. Not. 18.—PiT«l raofr-Poar and a ball forbogt—Ted Qegg. Ill II. Lewit 8 10 1, woo; Tbe Jnker. Mil. Ham, c to I, taeood; Fradencka, 108. Maolora, eTeo, thtnl. Tima,OM>i Seeood race—l)lx and aball inrlooga- Marketooe,llO,Car'er, 10 to 1. won; Jareer. lUl, Ham. 4 to A, BACood; Haak, 137. Utare. 9 lo 1. third. Thoe, 1 :XSil> Tblrd raoe—Flra fbrlooga-Praob R. Uarr, ifn, MaotoTa,9toliWoo; l'.oaaack, 1 lA llan,9 iol0.iMond; Mainet UP. Tatlor, 10 to I, third. Time, l:Oi;s Poorlhnee—Uairamlla—Tree Top, S^Congdon.e to 8, won: LoTing Heart 107, Paoij, 10 to l, aeeond; Brleaeoo, 107.Tailor,8 10>lrd. Tlme,0:U PUtb nee-Six and a qaartor Inrfooga-drand Prix, n, Uam. 7 to A, woo; Ploablog, 99, Murphr, 8 lo I. oecood: Pr. Johnioo. ItA, P, Mouermott,9tol. third. Time, l:lf'>t. Nor. )7.->int laee-UaU amlle-Bele, III. D. lawU, atoA.won;lm^ llonaa.111 ll4m.7to l,Mc«Dd: Flutl- len. ni,Bnma,IOtol. third. Timat OMfi Pacuod nce-Hli and aaaartarrorlooge-Br Jora, 104, Tajlor, lulol,woo; MaUiaCbao, PO. Andrewa, 0 to i, tecood: Bomoraa,107, UanLBioS, tblid. Time,l:t9*^ Third raoe-Ooe inlle-Mlrage, 1(7, w. Morrln, A 10 I, woo; PlnMObleMBHuTdir, 9D lo 1. tecood; Atamao, IIU. Uam, BtoA third. Time.l:4S); Koortb moe-FIre turtooga—Sibeila, 81, Uoulaban. ID lol, woo; ramdao, lOA,Panona, 4tol, aaonnd: My (i/na, uam, 1C7,3 tol, third. Time, 1:00k Klfih nce-Slxandaqaatterfor looga-Maggle Beok. 109, P. McDermott 7 to 1, woo; (lutitermaater, 109; raraeo, n to 1, leeood; ilemai, 13. HurpbT.Atol, third. Tlma, 1:31, Not. 19—Flrat raoe-blx and a naarter furlongs TeaaeiooA I1& Uam. 8 to A, won; laelBb,lu& OaaloTe.10 ttl eecood; Ontario, iQA Murphr, 3 to l,th'rd, Tlmr. 1:31X SrcoBd race—Fire lorlooga-Anatrlaoa geUl- log, if!t, P. McDarmoiLlOlo 1, woo; reooer, l07.TaTlor, ntol,aecond; LillluL..10r, Monli.Aio3,iliird. Time, l.-O) ThUd race-fliK forleoga-Frank IL Uart.101, Manlora.ereo, woo; FA|no.9Ji,Corbley, 13tolU,aeeood; Jim Molaonibtln, 101, Uuplir, 10 lo I, Iblrd- Time, 1:17*4 Foorth race—Four and a ball furlooia-Por- eat. 101, Maotore, 4 to I. won; Fancoo, 107, Mtrrlt, n to I. atrODd; t>o)dao, 101 Naarr.B 10 A. ililid. T1uie.u:A3.*«. Piribrace-flareorbrlooge-unod Prli, uil. Hait- lore. 3 to I. woo; Maak, 104. r. McDermott, A to 1, aecood; Plaidilog,98, MurpbF.7103, third. Tine, 1:9^. Till Coner JsUnd Jookey Clab Held Its aDooftl meeting Nor. 19, la thU cUr. and tUe r illowlDg oiDcera wen elected: J.O. K. LlkWTenc«,prcildeDi; Lftwrenoo Kip nod W. E, Vnnderblit, vice prtel* deate; j. U. UrBdrord, trcuorer; 0. FeUowe, aeo- rebtfj. TbeezeflDllTecommlueeremilBtbeAUio wlUi Ibe excepUoD ibti F. Qmy (irlBWOld wu elected to ieiTe la AddlUon to tbo olben wbo ut tbe ofdcera Above menUoned and J. Q. UcckBOber, D.Bouerfield. Uerbertc. I'eUuidacorge Peibod/ WetiDoio. After tbe clooUon tbere wuBdiAcm* eiOD ot tbe prcAent nclDg bHqbUoo, botmeiel; lo- fornul. Tbe dob will bold Bformii meet Lug At bd mta date ond legBi uleoi wUl confer wiiU ibe oiDcltlB 00 tbe AliutKn. Tni Oblcsgo lUclDg ABAOcUtlon tnnonocM tbo roUowlng llAt of AtAle«,to oloee JaAuarrlaiStO: Tbe CblcAgo Derbr, lAooo guranteed: ibe I'Umno Handleu, Aanw Binket, uoreemnn Bukei. Col* CAAOBtAlee. UBAlefibLkes, C, B. A (MMUes, Eou- lAlIon liAbdlonp, BpccuUUon UnudlciP. Venial Hukes, EnoAlilon suke*, stock Ynrdi' Steeple* cbue, the OolcAgo Dorhv for 1S90 eod tbe Btalllon tiiAJiee for im. Tbe added mooej U Ubenl ud tbe oondlUou well dcTlaed. A BBMONfmAKci bag been eent to rreaooU Law* moe, Pneloent of tbe Kewpon Bacing AABooia* tlOD, proieAtUg agalDAt tbo propoeed pua to piAce Ibat orginltAtion on a penmaoent baali and bold anaoAl racing meeilDgA. Tbe proteit ii elined b; promioenl Sominer raldcnia and towupoople. aurBBUfTBNDB:<T Oobman tM» bad aereral bnB* died men at work for the past week on tbe new tnck at Norrta Park and Uie new Witbera mUe wlU be eoopleted very Abortli, so tbat It wlU bave time to BBlA ilc«ljand be in good coadlUoa for tno optniag dA| IB jone^ ism.