New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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610 THE ISTBW YORK CLIPPER. November 24. nlMMd the coDteai iMtween nooplir tnd Oonour •t Bmoiu*, N. v., MTeml jt»n tgo, in which UODOnn wt] klllcil. Uonohoe tl»n dacUrtil bli launiion ot rituMog from inj farther onoUl coanMilon wlih the tug. lie wu an lU ronnd •porUBi niu, aod hli oiilnioni were looked tor ipoQ *D cnrreDi topic* In ihat Hue, Ilia fooenl mrrlcciirerohfll >i iho linme of hU carente, 14T Rut ueih Hircot, in thin citj, on Nov. ig. TBI Keir Jeno/ Alblotic Cmti lield thoir anaoal meailDzoa tVeilnowUr cveuln^, Kot. ii at which the foiTowlnR ofllceri were cnoKii: rroaMent, Jtoea K. Bnlilnii; vice-prealdent, Jamta 1). Uojd; accreiarj, It, lU Cobb, CRICKET. (.'rlckfit In Callfui'iila. The flnal cliamplonihlp conical or Iho ataaon In San FranclBco, <;al, look place Nor. 11, when, on ntntml groanda, the Uohoinl t ami PadOc Cluba oonttnded roraecond pi ice In the UalKonla Aiao- clallon. h. Hood, of the cliamplon Alameda team, and F. A. AnaoD, of the Calirornia eleren, were ap- pointed nmpirea. Nellhcr capiaiu vaa ahle to lonaier hli mil atronatli, the I'dglDo eloven iHlng the grtaivr aalTertr m ihia rtapcci, aa urliniha, toeir beat bowler, wan uiiablo to p >r. UapltiD W. Roberuoo, nt the Uoheiuia Iciun, «on tho toaa and wont In. lie and A. B. Wouater opened In One form, the Ittur matlog :il runa iiefore he wai bowled. Bowhill ]u<ncd hia captHln, and did al. moat aa good eerrlco aa hIa prcdeccaior, gcuinff 24 runa wuii onlr one chance. Hoiiciiaoo, who tiail clcrenj Mitnplkd no tuna, Itien fell to a rer; etiarp catch bj Wlao «t polnl, ami, adcr Wallij and lloovca had coolrlbjied 10, not out, bciwcou i!iem,the Inn* Ing wai doclnred cioied at iTcrinr four wiuketa. The nn( dve wlckcunf iiie I'acinc tnim iinloklj fejl, J. j. Theobald, villi lu.andu. Oirdlncr, wlin lo alone makliiK uuuule ngurca. K. ,\. .Milla and U. w. Bon- ueli then made a pntionged nUDd, t»tilng admlr aWj for tbtlr leapccilro aeon of u.'iand 12. Tne re- maining wickola were raplilljr dirpoicd of and the Inning cloaed for lix, leaving ilie llohcmla icam TlcionooH. W, llubeiiBoi aapplemootcd bla great lialUOR p:rforiii»llc« lir a aplandld catch oiT uook' Hon and a remarliBble bit of liowllng, captortog no fewer than acrcn wIckeK, alx ol wnlch were clean iijwledandueoi'iercloverl; caaal«- Aaaroauli of ine match. Hie Oohcnilacloroo ukeaecond place, and iher^clUotoani ihlnl place fortlio Hcntun. Harold U. Illcuanlaou, iif Ihe BrUlah Club of Bakeradiild, Cal., liMl ino lieat iiatiiiig average lu the aerlea ol gamca pUjed during ilic recent crickelcarolvalatBao Wiinciaco. He la genorallr luinceded lo be one uf ilie bca'. hatamon of Kngllah birth in Ualiroruu, ranking aeondm ihurtapcct nnlf to W. Itotcrtaon, of the liohemlaieam, wlio, hovercr, has llio additional adYanlHRO ot being a reinarkatiljr crreoUvo Inwlcr. lUuhHrdaon haa rilayed wlin the Alameda Ulub In a nniiiiier ot uaniei ut aeaaon, airengilienlug ine c'laniplon Icaio. Tni Alameda Uuib won tho clitmplnnahlp of the Uallforola Aaioolalioii lurihothe ililtd euccaaaliro aeaaon, aod conaequeutif become poaacsaed of thn handaome ailver trophy, known aa (he flarrlnon Uop. A Pualpoitoil Crtlilcfel* The couloniplalcd conical boiwctn ihc Now York and Vicuna L'luba, to decide which aliuald pla/ In Iho drat aeollon of ilio Uciropollun lilslrlct Lcagno next BCiaon, which had been acUcdiilod lo lake place Nov. 17, was Indcllnliclr poaijioncd. Aa aoon aa the gaiiio was ordered to he ptA>C(l, tlio accrrlary of the vicinriA Ulub nuiincd iltOHOi-ti'Uirj or the New York C.uU, inal llii< Viciurli I'lcv. ii wero will- ing and would lie glad lo pioj the tlct;iiiing game, and added tlut, ai llis Vig'.oru ulnii hail prnrliled the ground for the drAwii rkmio, lio cxp^cicd Ihat the Now York Ulub woii'd iir.tvido ihit around for thla game. Tiio aeorour; oft'ic .Sow Vuii; Ulub, It la anld, failed to anaver Ibli.coiiinniulcnilou, nnil, ui)naet|UOUil]r, the g^nio Viu noi plajed Nor. 17. Halo, UQivever, woiiid havu caUHCd a poat|Hinonient on Itiit d4to, in ciur a grouud bail iicvn agreed upon. Ill Ibe eroot ut iIh Now Voik cloven liavlug ilefaatcd tho Vl<:tiirli< cu ven, ihc two rliiua irouiii Aiuhaoge piMca iicxi aenauii Inilio t#u ai-ciUiiaof lli« HoiruiKHIlim Uiilrict UaKUC. The .New York eloTon, If vlctorioua nver iiio V iiiurlii ii an were to plaj tilt I'aieraon Ulun on Tnauksglviug liar- Ell((1utiil vw. AtialliillH. ^,y, Uioddan'a team or Kngllab cilckcltia,altcr a vitT faromblo vejage (jcciip^lng ciil; ibliljr- ulnedaya, reached Adelaide, Hcuih .\»iiiiallK,oo ii:t. 30. Their Drat umlch kiu lo be agalnatnn eleven ot Suutb Aa»i»ll», coinuicnclog Nov. 0. at Adelaide. Tho Kugllah tram furriia a powerful uomblnaUoo, Ineluiilog ilro aiuaicum In A. K. Bloddard, oap:aio; I'. 0. J. Ford, A. C. Uaclareii, II. millpaoa aod L. II. Oay, aud clihi proreaalonala In BrocKwell, Lockwood, lltchaMaou, llrlgia, A. Ward, I'ecl, J. T. Ilronii ami llnnipbroja. or ibo abovs named Btodilarl, llrockwcli, llruwu, llrlggi. Ward, Maohtron, l.ockweod aud h'oni rankliigii aa baiamen, aud llionnrdson, Peel, l.uck>ued, Uilgga and liumpureja form a i|Utnlul of cirecilve buwiunr, while(■->}'and rblllpson are biiMc:evcraa wiukel Keanr. lu which pualilon lliejr will alirrnalo. Klvo leaiBiaiohcawlllbonlajed wlib iho eleven t«pra- Hontlng Auiiriila,liud aa fonr diva b.iTobeen a|. loltedlo each niaicb uiors aiinild be lime cliaooe til a draw, riio ilr^i t«at iuHto:i will b j pla/ed Ihio. U, 16, liandia,aii)ldner. Tub Oanadlan Urlckei Aaaoolailonwae to btva lield a tueutlitg Nov. i;i at 'I'orouto, Out,, In regard tutheeduteinplticilviMliitr a reiiri-aeiiiailve team or uinadiao amatoura to i; igliioo next Hcaaon. Uo acoonnt ot ibe wautor a iiuuruiii no ODaineaa waa transaetcd aud the niucllug waa adjourucd to IHw. :i, when a nnal decision wlil be glvmi lu Uieiualior. 'rnorommlilee, cunilsiing or J. K. II ill, 11. il l,;on and I). W. Hiundora, apptdnlcil to Interview 11 o. B. Mndaer as to liio ailviaaulllly or a vHli or a Ua- nadlan team tu Kngland, it la uiidentuod, will tec- oumond itaat Ihe vIbU bo poAt|)ODud uulll \soi\ and the aauouuoement or Iho vlali will aiirvo naao lu. ccotlve tooauadlan anuleuranexi eeaaon loeani a place on the team. 'I'liRrian"anioker"et tho Urlokctora'Cliiti waa Uild liiiuriUr evoolog Nov. II. al lis ho«di|Utrlers, loj WattTffoirili Sircot, Uila city, and proved to be itn eiijoirable and largcljf niieudud ru union of Hie iTlokoung fraiorniiy of iho moiropolliau dialrlot. P.uirlea for the coniciupUiod wlilat, otiuasaud crlb- bago tournami-uia: ulodud ou tiiat d«t-j, and theso Indoor evanta pronilae to ba clouly conlestcd aud douotleas will pruro atiracUvotoalnrca A email vnlnnuo fe« Ii charged for each conieaianl In aalil iavntuenla, which will be ilerolod to the parchaao at aallable pilcca. Tun Va'tCMoa |N. J.) Ulnb'a Ural cloven played foorteen gamca laal acaaoii, uvo of which wero wou, «lx lost aod ttaroo rirawo. Tho ICAni aait weak In liauing, \V, Uniioo ranking ilr<t tviili it> runa in fourteen lonluga. J. Wcai Icti In bowling, with the axoelleni record or capturing I'.i nickoia at a ooai of only r. t:i runa caco. Wiat nhio had tho lieat iMWIlog average In ubniupiouiblp cooicau. Too Paieraou elovon had ilio crooit of bclug tho only Mam In the Mciropoliiuo liiiirlji l.caguetodercat the Now J^raoy Aiblcilc i lub'a cloven la<t aeaaoo, wnhh they did In the concluding championship conleit. p. A. LouuiN, the once great Lugllsli bowler, la iha mtdont of a very aniall vliiago in tbo Ilex Hottttalno, Bouib .\rrlca, when lie wool to get i:urod of coniiioipllou. lie la cootldrnl or gelling ivail In a gaur. Uibooua, htrgo ainl luwcttul, lofeat rnla wild, deaolaie, uiouutiiuoiis country, and Loh- iiiaunsainlbat lilo lliore la very diQcri'ul lo what It waa for him ai the U> al. London. Tn> Biaien laland Urlckcl Ulub'a drat aleren played twenty gamoa lu all last aoiaon, of which tfleven wero won, aeven losi aod two drawn- A. K. Patlerjon led lu b.uiliig Viui a record ol .Ml niua in nlnet«tniuiilugi>,J.II.I,iuilikin Uilng a good «e«on4 wlib ■i>: runsloolevon Inulniia. Wrighr, Iho profeailuual or tne dull, ranked Oral lu bowling, with a rocord u( wickela, al an average or o.;j moaeaota. IN Till last DMich between Burr^vnnil I.siioa- ehlre, at the Oval, Uiulon, Kng, lllchardaon, by his very fast bowllug. Icrt a uruiej on every ouu or the liSUcaahlro baiaiueu, allhouBli iha wlvkel waa fairly suti, Uriggagot brulv^ilTour llmra, once bo- Inghlton th* by a"lljlitolng delivery" lhal ros* to Ibe occialen. Lroica, ottheAus'ralUnlcaiii, la billlug In bet. itr form tela year than ever, and la evru lUiiieg harder. Oeorgt Orlilln la alio In good trim, inak. ing II mill for bll new love, the Adelaide Uiub, on «epl. a. A TliM of rhUadelphlt aiuMeura may vlalt Kng- land nexiaoaaon, tho Irlpoonteniplaled Ihia eeaaon having been poalponed. The latest advices, how- ever, alale that tlie vlall to Kngland la illll prob- ^uullcal, THE RINGh. A KNOCK OUT BLOW. Dsatk or Faglllat RIsrdan hr an AceldeBtal Fdnch Pllasimmans. "Con" niordao, Ih* pnglllat and spairrlog psitiar of Robert Fitulmmona, champion mlddJawelghl, died Nor. It, at Byracnas, V. Y., from a blow on the chin he recclrsd from Fllzslomons In an eihlhl. tlon bont given by him on ihe preceding night at Jacobs' Opera Bens*. lUordan, It Is cbOmed, had been drinking heavily for aome lime past. Ue gave •rldcncs of hIa coodlilonaa he walked on ths stage, butdeaplto this he was allowed to enter Inio the bont. there were a few exchange* and then Fill- ilmmonr, wlthsqilck upper cm, landed on lllor- ^ai'ajawwlihbU right, aod ihe latur reeled and fell to his knees. Then ho tumbled over like a dead man. Tliere art dllTerencea of opinion as to ihe fore* ot the blow. The andlence wero worked np to a fory of excilcmenl. Hen and boia stood op lo their seats and ihoiiied like leoda, while the nocoucloua man waa carried oir the itsge and laid down In hla ting coc' lime, pbyalclans wero ennunoncd, and, while lie crown wero aliU *honUng, they weie valniy en- deavoring to bring lllordao back lo consolont- neaa. Ue remained In lliat aiaie deaplia every elfori 10 revive bim. It waa long after midnight Ihat the probable reanlt wu annonncod by Ur. Tolman. The Injured man breathed Ills last at half put Ihroso'clock on the morning of i;. After threv o'clock he began to alok rapidly, re<plrallon growing faluur every miniile, unill anailr, wiina few ap*amodlc cooiorilons, be died. The p'ly- alclaoa, a row membera of tho company and Mra- Fitzalmmons wore prraont lo the lui. Aa soon u the aerlonaneu of tec afalr wu apptieni lisuc- ilve u'Bilcn wu ordered lo renuin with Fli/.- almmons. About qnarler piet two o'clock C'apiain golglry placed Flirslmmona under arresr. The middle weight champion aeemed lo expect what wu coming and took ma arreei u a nailer of fad. Hall wu at once oiTarcd, but the police would not accept It until lllordan'a condiilon was more cerialo. An antopay wu held on niordan's rcmalos later In the day by Felloo Burgeon 1>. H.Toloan, ai iiated liy Ur. Ailing. Tnere were present lira. He Clary, Bmilh, Kaoifoan, Lane, Fay and Bond. Toe cause of death i* given u "hemorrhago within tho cranial oavliy, caualdg compression of ibe brain." Ur. Tolman aald Ihat lllordao wu fonnil lo be In porftet health and that ihe heart waa u One napecl- men of physical development u he hid over aeon, ihedepreaalonon the right aide of ihobmlnwu very deep and remained for half aa hour afler the do', wu removad, Uo aald Ihat iheis wu an ei- ceaalve hemorrhage and clot ancli as la seldom found, and that It almost encircled the base of I30 brain, and that no human being could have wlth- aiood anch a condition of things. "We Ond clot In apoplexy, of conrae,"uld ihe doctor "bul I should not look for such an cxicoalve coiidlilou u WHS here shown. The man muat have been atmck a temOo blow on ibe point or the chin which cumninnlcaud direct wlili Uio buo or Iho brain. At leut I ahould look for Jost auch a result If auch a blow was atmok." Thbi Is what the other docloia said: Ur. Bollh-I agree fnlly with Ur. Tolman. Ur. Kaaoman—A blow killed blm. Dr. AlllDg—I shall not antagonize tho oplnlou of Dr. Tolman. Ur. HcUlary—I went Into the room lote and left bororo It waa over, and saw only a mile of the au- topsy, and u there weroolhen who a>w morenf it I ahonid not think 1 wu quallHed to give an opinion. Ur. Fay—Dr. Tolman'.H poet mortem waa perreot. I abould not like lo aay what cauacd IL I shall not aay. Ur. Ilond—There waa no abrulon of the akin, and a blow which would cause auoli a condition must have cauacd an abrsalon ol ilie cuticle where It landed. Hoiuothliig Aboai lllordaii. "Uon" lUoMan vru a (trapping big fellow when ho arrived lo America In 1M2. Ue ramo from Dub- lin, Ireland, whets he ws* bora, Uo hi* arrival In New York he took a pcslilon In a lea and grocery alore In Ycaey Binol, but soon left for Bin Fran- cisco, wiei* he won aeverel Bgbia u an amaienr, and anally concluded to enter Ihe ptoftaalunal arena, lie then went to AuairalUt, where be did more or low boxing. In Bydney he gained quite a topntatlon as a knocker oot. no remained In Auamlta abont dvo yeara, and, relnrning to Ban Franolaco with a big reputation u a pugillat, he Isaood a challenge to Oght any heavy weight on the cout. Among toou who accepled his challenge wu "Tho TaiTlblo Swede." niurdan knocked out his sntsgonlal In six ruunds. In UiiH he became the aparrlog partner of John b. Bnlllvan, and, while on the lonr with Uio cx- ohamploo, us fought "Denver Hd." Bmltb before thelitiiruinb,or iTenver. Rlordan wu beaied In his flgbt, and returned to 'Frisco to bccooio tho spanfng partner ot reler Jacksoe, and, when reter went over lo Kngland, Rlordan accompanied mm. In Kngland he was whipped by "Jack" Blavln. Aiierthlahswu boaian oy "Val" Floo<l beroro Iho Nuw Jersey Aniuaement (Hinipany, of Newark, lllordao then branched out u a iralner ofOghtora. Two wceka ago Flizslmiiiona oirorod lilm the poalilon of aoarrlng parinor. Uo waa cn- tbuslullo over Fluslmmona' abiliiy u a dghter. O.V1.V TIIHEK IlO«:.VI>a. MeAallflTa lfiJari«B Ilia fjoft Hand and llio Huut l>eclBrpit a Urasv. The llghl wclgbichamplonshlp ot America la silll In abeyance. Jack Mc.vullifo, Iho premier llghl weight, met Uwcn /legler, (f rhiladolpliia, Uon. day night. Nov. il>. In the AUanllc Athletic Ululi'a headiioattcia at Uoney lilnnd, N. v., and, un- fottunalcly for the champion, when things ap- peared to be In hla favor, be Injured hla lelt baud by a blow that ho landed on Zleglcr's head, causing Iho contest to be niopped al the end of the third ronnd by Ueferoe Ecknardt, who afierwarda gave a decision ot a draw. While no defeat was laoked Ohio hla record >lcAolliro found lo the e.^-amaleur boxer /legler a man who lo the oailaiailon ol luauy ponions will In time mako a airoiig bid for Ibn ohauiplonahip honora. .tl least three hundrol I'hiladelphlasa swelled the crowd by their presence, having made the Journey from the ifoakcr Cliy to ee« their fellow- townauieii, 7.ieglerand HcUrldc, pcifonn with Ihe mitiena, aod must uf them telurucd to tneir homes alter the Oght well uilsOed wlihttaeshowtug made by Ihe foriiier. Inspe^ior UcKcivoy occupied his usnal seat al the riugslde, nmkcd by a capinin and several patrolmen, lletore the Oral pair or boirri were Inlfoiluced he weighed the glovea and piaaod them to tae anuonncerM "up lo wetglit." a band or niuato enlivened the proceedings belore Ihe start, and inespeoutora Jolntd in with hamlaanil feet In an attempt to work off the chilly lei'lnig cauaed by Ihe dralls that circled through the builillog. There were two preliminary bonis bctore Ih* chief atlracllon uf the oveumg came olf. Billy Murphy ond Jerry Diinelt made a draw of their contosl. Johnny Qorman defiled l'.>dily UcDrldc, ilio referee slopping a knociuut. A big c .vwd wu not looked tor, but ue aiuudauco wu ouch larier than that ot the Orst show given by iiila club. Too Oral liout wu between Jerry Uameii, or New Y^rt, and UlUy Hurphy, of Auslralla. It was announced Ihat they would spar ten lounda, Uu liol the little fcllowa appeared to have trained falthruliv, end looked well. Hurphy was much taller ibnobiaop- IDuent, and had a decided advantage In reacb. Alier a moment of oauilous apimng Uurphy led IsLding hard on the body. Do tried tor tho aaoio spot again, bnt misted, aod received a stinging leu bander ou Ihe J«w. Baruett landed again with hla left on the aame point a inomeni Uier, which aiaggeied Lis opponent. Tlis secood and third ronuila were very even. Kach hinded hard left banders on ibreo ocoaalons, but both were very wild al times and lost many gcoj chnuota to land telling blowa. lursett had the boiior of tho fourib round. He wu more ncgrcs- alvc than his opponent, and landed eevrral loll ami right bander* on tlic l>ody aud fare. Toward the endol the round tney mixed np, eaoh elugglog Ihe other bard, wilb honora altghlli In favor of UaineiL In Ihe lllui ronnd Unrphyalmoal put bla nun to alesp. The Aiialnllan niaytd conilnnaliy for the body, and Undod mere rreqnciitly. Alterlwo mln- uiea ut nghitng, Unrphy ac»ln feluted lor the body, and Barnelt lowered bla handa, then, quick aa a Oub, Hurphy landed a hot one on lljruelt'a Jaw, knoollng nlw down. Jcny got up afer consid' erableexertion, Inadaxedcundillnn. Marpby waa about to flnlah hini, when the police ordered ite timekeeper 10 termlnato the ronnd then and there. Bamell wu worked into pietiy good abapo durlDg ue Dilonte'B tett, and us nuaitd to keep oal ot the wsTOf Hnrpby'a vielon* twiogs. From that out the flghting wu light, and, sliEoogh Horphy bad Ilia best ot Ihe different rounds, liwu InaUy decided a draw. TBe next pair wero Johnny Uotinan, ot Long laUnd City, and Paddy HcBrlde, of Fhlladslpbla, Both men were loudly applauded when Ihey appear- ed In the ring. Each lipped the (osle aim poands, and looked to be In perfeot cnndinon. They were ■chedolcd 10 Oght ten rounds. The mlnnts time wu called HcBrhle led with hla left, landing llghily on the <ody. Use then Ultd for the face but Dltaed, and Oonnan landed heavily on the Pniladelphlan'a Jaw, alaggering hin. German bled 10 follow up hie advantage, but HcBrlde checked hlin with a hot right bander m the face. In Ibe accond ronnd the flgnl wu Oerce, both men landing trcqncnUy. Toward Ihe close of the round QoruuiLa knocked hla man all around the nng. HeBrlda wu very weak when ho retorned tomacoraer. Ilewu sitllweak atinecallortlme for Ibe third round while Oonnan appeared fresh and brighi. HcRrldc only go; Is one or two good blow*, while (lormao laoded several terrllc right handed blows,one reaching HcBrlde'a damaged cheek. The round ended In Oorman'a Iavor,ueo'ilpolnllngihc PhlltdelpbUn three loone. Qorman wont in to ilolahhis man In me flllhronnd. lie started oil'oy amuhlng Mao hard on the nose with bis lell,drawlng blood. Ue iiolokly tullowsd thla with a right bander on the Jaw ihat brenght his opponent to nla kocea. Uclirlde look his pnolsh- ment gamely, bnt Qorman simply made a chopping block of htm. The referee, seeing that Mclirlde wu gradosllybelogthninpedlnloaitileorcoUapae,and wl.hingioavuid a kuookoot, atopped the con:eat and declared uorman the winner. Time ot the round, forij.Oveaeconda. Then c:imo the a:ar event of Ihe evening, the ten ronnd bout atone hunilred and thlity.flveponnda between Jack MoAoliifa and uweu /legler. Uc- AulliTe'saecoedawere Con MoAnllife, his brother, and Jimmie Nelson, hi* old aparring paitaer, and Jack Bhcchan, who helped to Ot him for ihe con- leaL /.legler wu attended by Ooarloy White, of New York, and Tom Kennedy, of Fliiladelphla. Hound 1. MoAnliiro leaped, ralher Uuui walked, out of Ilia corner, be hao no pannch thla ilmo like ho had when he raot(Jrlir>; hla akin wu cear and hla eyes were bright /.leglor, u healwayadoea. looked In perfect condiilon, ucAultira feinted for Ihe body and ilicn came round with his rlgbt, bul he wu light, bnt supplemented Ibta with a drive on Ibe atomacb, while hla opponent Just mleaed a vklous right hand drive at Ihe face. UcAoliffe til en Unded a scorcher with hla left on Ihe face, and shortly afierwHrda lanoed both right and teflon ■he body, /legler coonterod on the ehonliler. Jack aeni lo auoiner aiiaighi left, and Jost before tne gong sounded /legler caught ths llghl weight ohaniplon on tho neck with hia left. 2. '/.legler led with his lefi, mncn to his eorrow, for McAullOii plaotcd a taiUor on his body, and aroused tho crowd by a beautiful loll hanner on Ihe ribs and a scorober on the race with hla right. /Icalcr made a plucky nucmpt to retaliate, and Onally did aucceed In amuhlng UcAulllTe on the neck wlib bla lelt andoniliechin with hla right. UcAnllife then got In aome hot ones on ihe rib* when IDC gong eoundod, 3. UcAiiliile cnngbt hi* man three timta ancces- flvely In Ibe face and Onally ruahed blm all over lite ring, /legier nUled wondertullr and smashed McAiillire wliu Ills lelt under lbs cblu. This np- peared to knock all the eieam out of the champion, and then 11 wu Xlegler's turn, who Immediately commenced to niako a chopping blocker HcAullife. The latter wu all hut out wnen Ihe police Inter- fered, and, anild deafening applauie, boih men wercasaiated lu an exiiauated coadltloo out of the nog. Tne bont wu declared a draw, ttie crowd In Ihe meanwhlls yelling for /legk^r. UcAultire, at the cloac of the battle, ataerlod that his lelt hand had been broken u a result of coming lu coDiact with /leglcr's elbow. Ue aduilia, how- ever, that lie awung with hla leltaeveral Umea after the "fracture" happened. AIcAnltire probably did hurt hla arm on /legter'a hard anatomy, bnl it Is aoid that It will iTi|iiirsa airoog certlOcaie from a reputable pbyalclan to convince the doubten that a bone wns broken, Tivo Knock Onts at tlteBTei'Kroeaa' Blag At the Bvergroen Athletic Club's meeting at RIdgewood, L. I., Nov. 13, a big crowd witneaaed some shaip glove Oghts. Jack Qreely, ol Brooklyn, and Jimmy McDuiTy, of New York, wore tho Orst pair to meet. They fought at lisiii, Qreely had tho advanUge at the start, bnt HoDnlfy waa game snd fought well until the soveoih round, when ho landed a knock out blow on Qreely. llilly Hunt, ol Rockaway. and Billy lUy, ot Lanrell Illll, appeared next In a ten round booL nuni slatted OIT with a rnsh end aingged savagely tor two rounds. After that Ray nad the beat of It and dually knocked out llont with a slunning right- hander In the orth round. The Onal contMt wu between Hugh Daniels, of New Y'ork, and Bitty Oallsgher, of Brooklyn, who fonglii at liolb The men fooght so hard for ten ronnds and u nclUieronehadany advantage then and u both wore badly used np Ibe referee decided It a draw. A SKIN glove Oght occurred shortly arier mid. night, Nov. 14, In a reaori near Ulirion, N. J., between Fred Ulerla, an Italian, and Kid Uo- gan, or I'atcraon. Tho matoh wu for l2:o a alile and a side bol of ivn. Uogin weighed lUdb, abil Iho luillin wu ten pounds llgblsr. In tue eleventh roend. wlion Uogtui oould n-jt land a blow, Ulorbi knocked blm out. J. W, Oaui'UIll, rurmerly or Campbell and Demp- sey, who traveled together for some years giving boxing rshibltlons, calle<l at this oOlce on Nuv. m, lie had Juat returned from a two years' extended lour of Kurope. While abroad Hr. tJampbell wu united In marriage. Uo Intends retunung to Ban Fruclsoo, (;al, UanriH Uowlino, the backer of nilly nimmer, hu |>ostod J'JoU with m /Ml/n nmelir, lo bind a maicb between Dllly I'liinoer and Ueorgo CorOeld to Oglit at aoveu stone twelve pounds tor r.v>o a side and the largest purse offered by any club. Yoi'sii McQisK, of rhUadelphlt, and Joe UcClos. key, or riitsburg, two middle weight pngllista, roughitoaDolsh Ina bnrn near Daltioore.Md ,ior (\V), the former winning ihe bout In twelve Oerco rounds. WHEELING. Ulryclo lload llccoi-iU Arce|ilcri* Cbalviuau U 1'. Walden, ot the tho Record Com- milieu of the Century lload Club at America, baa accepted the following toad recorda: rni mll'i.—L. C. Wahl, WaibiugloD. Tloio, 2Sra. Xt, RHon] (11 Olitlrlot Columbia. fwitj^t^'j —A.c, IttrdlDg.SI. 1.0U1S. T\o\t, 3li. Un. Ua Holt, coune reconl. frii mirr'—T. I, Ulril, UiDDeHla. Time, Sin. t?^ MloncM's Mate racorO. nwHly Ml fs.—V. C. Wahl Waihloatoo. Tina, lb. Tin. lt« llecotil lor OiBUlctt^uuiiibla. rKcAiiftilml iiil.ef.—W. L. Slelmal. Tlma, ISb. tOui. ZJ*. Auieiican reeoid. /'irr'en«iirrj> —a, Le.i«at, PhltadslpLla. Tims, aim. 39s. PeBD»rlvaaiA HIal* rceord, 7\i1r<n Miter.—Nat Hullar, Bo«t«o. Tlma, llm. U}i%. UiiaacbasaitaiMata rvconl. John s. Jounsom and the Steams team or 'cycllais broke lour records Nov. IT, at I.oulavUle, Ky., In the presenceot a good crowd al the openlog per rormsnro on Ihe now Fooiitain Fcny Park, of mat city. The track la a perfect third ot a mile. The recorda made were two milce.-In. Is-; Ibree miles, C:n. UJ.; lour milea, (iiu. W^*.; Ovo mllea. loni. Johnson was paced ine Orst mile by the quadruplet, ridden by U. II. Callahan, P. U. Connor, A. Loavy and W. A. Hhoade*. Tho mile wu mado In 'Ju. 11 los. The pacemaker the aecond mile wu iheuiplel.tbe tiden being Ubarlea Mnrphy, A. D. Kennedy aod I.. A. Callahan, un the third mile ho wu paced by K.U. Anderson and n. Steveaon, on lueundeni. Tne "quad" psoed hlo the next mile, and the lait wu paced by Iho aur taodein, Frank Mayo and wilUain Bander*. L.A.W. mlu were observed In every respect. Al no iloe did the riders leave the poie. a strong wind wu blowlns on the home stretch, bnl Johnson nnlshed U good condition. A 9I.V uiY proresslensl ufety bicycle race will lie hclJ III Initnstrlal Hall, al rhiladelphia. Pa., begln- nleg Dec. i:,and ending .on Ibe -J'. Many ol the beat pruliaaional rldera aio expected to take part lo the race, livery competitor ooteitng the race will bav« to ride al Icaat eight hundred mllu to *avo hla enirance fee. After the actaal expense* for piepailng lor and running ths race have been deducted,the remainder will bedevidedInto three equitl paru, ono of whlci ahsll go 10 nanagemenr, aod two 10 auch men as shall have ridden at leut 1,100 mllea during ilie lu hours of the race. Tl e ridera'ahireahall be.dlvlded aa followa: Toibe win- ner, oriy per renu Bee jnd iloer, twenty per cent Third rider, arieen per cent. Fonrtb rider, ten per cent, Fifib ilder, nve per cent. The rldera will Ii*T« the rlghl to appoint a tepr<*«aiaaT«tol90k after their Inteiefts. Ttie tnck wUl be fonrteen Ian* to tho mile, banked and bollt so u to be perfectly tare. Enirance In ot iU mist acconpaay each entry, whloh fes wUl be retnmed to all rldeia who cover etgbt hundred miles dnitsg the six days. TBtTom toroffloen ettliePsniuylvsala Dlvl- sleooflhaL A. W. wu coopnted by the Eleotloi Coomlliee at Bcisnton, Pa., N t. 17. The vole wu received by mall and the reenit forwarded to FtHla- dslpbla, where It wUl be'announced by Uhlef Coo- sol Hamnel A. Boyle, who vru not oppoeed for re- election. The only opposttloo was tor Vloe CooanL Tbe candidates were Thomu J. Keenao Jr. and J. w. McOowln, both ot Fltlsborg. 11 wss an exceed- ingly InieRsllng Oght, aid it Is stated that Keenas has woo II by a comtotuble margin. A JiOKa the notables who anlved In ibis clly by the American Iloer New York, oo Nov. K, were several lorelgn bicycio ilder* who tie booked for the Inler- UBllonal tournament, which takes place lo Madi- son Sqnsro Carden dnrlog toe week beginning Nov. 24. The Invading team Inelnde* Lugl Co- lombo, champion of Italy; A. U. Edwards, champion of Englud: Alexsnder Verheyeo, ohsmploo ot acrmaoy; Adrlen Oneny, ohaaploo of Fraoce.and Loolao r,e*na, ohamplon ot Switzerland. THE TURF. Vlr0lal« Jock«y Olab. KoT. U.—rint iftoa—Pan* |M. nlllas, Tour and ft tuir ranongfr-Hodmu B, liUi K Dogiou 10 to 1. von; MIoeTtb. lo, Orlitto, 3 to 1, Mood: If :1m MorriaoB nuj, ll0,BliDi,ft lo 1. tbtrd. Time, UiUj Secood luo- R«Ulo((, porM fjol mi lartoDpa-fadn. IM R D^aaa 'Jfjiol, voa; Iota, m. Himi, 11 to l Mrood; UtUe Mau. 1(H. Luilf, 6 to I. tbird Tine, 1:17 Tttird net- FarM«3U>,»isuKf » ball rarloniti-^l&lltM, 117. Sima, S to 0, woo: Jack of Bpadu, UT, (JrlOlo. 7 to 6, Moood; Cbaitnr, 109, Bocdtkor. UOlo i tbIrd. TlBO, Irl^ roanli raco-BoluOR. puiw 9jiL lu roriooita-BUa JUad, lor, Lamlfi avaa Bwoari woo; Jaek tbe Jav. ICO, BargoOs 10 tu I, KKOod; RomplDg OlrL loO, Kiara, 7 to 1. tbird. Tima. 1:16,*; KIltbraea-BalliBg, pgn* $3CD, fire aod abairrutiuuM-^-opiilght. 107, Nteoy.CaodSio t von; BlAckbawk, WL Lamlr, 0 to 1. atcood: Budonoa, lOP, MUslar.3 to 1 and ^r»u, tbini. Tina, laOii THt-tth nc«—HaUlos. puna taOD; oo* dIIo aod a alxtaaDili- LIiUaToiii.'Ji Kaaia.7 to 8. too; UaMiall, W, Hocd*> k«r. B to L Hcond: riaootri Ot, P«oo, IS to l, tbinl. Tim*,l:eO>^. Not. 14- iflnt rac*—SaUlnjr, pona. UDO, four and a hiiriovlonva-Uliib foloi Balta,int. ariOlo, 7 lo 10, flni; Vhoabua, lit). r«op, 10 to 6.M«0Bd; Mldiur, i(H, Dut- ' - ' ~*— " " " " il- J7. JO- , K.ium mmji tw, *>. tiiirv, a w iauiigw. TloiO 0:57* .ThIN rtc4-HeMof. pari* $300, St* rurloaga— Oviar. 10d,P«oD.8^ li om: MoK*e, lOXarlQlo.7 to i, atcooil: lola, in, Doggaii, 2 to 1, tbird. Tiai*,l:Q2>t roorih laca-SaTliog, paraa tSDO, ill rarlooi^ Lootbrook, 110, OoffgatL Ift to I, Aral: Loooaido, flS, ariiDa,0toft,HcoDd; Will Elliott, IM R.Trlb*. I to t, ihlro. llDM. l:UH Flllh nc«-lUndlc*p, pnra* VM, ono mil*-liO oaonU, 109, Koafa, ft to i. flnt; ElU Kaed, im, Laioly.3to 1, aecood; £mai«,f7,O.OorrlBaB, 20 to L ililru. TltDB, iMii Sipib raoa-Sainog. portotsiA una mll*-Ed. Kwrnay, US bima, 0 to liit dm: Uiu Diiia, oo, h. D«>g|iait, S to i, lacood; Tom Bkidmora, li-l, aritllo, )1 to 8, uiiri. Tim«, I :M>i. Nov. 16.—Plrat rac*—Puna tSD, hallmlla—NloaTah, 101 (irimo. IBto ft. Ton; Back*]a,lOU. JI.BtoTn,lSto 1, iacoDd: Ullia Uorrlion miy, 109, Bioia, B lo fts Ibtid. Tuna, Q:tO Baeood lac*—Porto $300, all furlonn— Darurgllla, 111, Ooggaii,Sto 1. won; Jack of Brtdaa, 112, UniilD. 1 to % aacood^ Uarilnjicon, ia9,B>iua 0 to ' Batt,5 to I. third. Time, OMii Bocaad rac*~B«i1 Tog, pnraa $no, faur aod a bmlt lorlODM—Ifarrla, lu7, anrlto, 4 lA ft. tint: Poucb colt, HB, Dovgatt, Ift lo l. aaa- ood;KdoaM»7.iOCi.B.Trlbe,1 to litfilrd. T' iblid. Ttm*,l:lO.. ..Tblri r flOJ. At* and a half (urlonia-Pioab, 101, Lunler, 11 to , woo; DoKgatt, lOtl. Doggalt, 7 to ft. aoeoitd: Pbi ' Un. Pano, TiTto l. thin). Tima,l:10>( PUtb tfilllog. pufte $900. aartii forlnoga ' Belling.pnne $in,aii andahairrariongi-PaQ«aT,lii7,E Trlb*, to 101,won; FlIrL liW,Blmi, I toa.McoDd; Koboata, UB, Doggact.aio I, Uiird. Tim*. 1:BM Poonb raaa-BaUiog. pore*. , . . joci ■ -' :10]4. ig, pufte $300. aoTtii rorlnogj^Prloco OaorgOsllOL .Sima,1to4 woo: Ooprngbr, llflLBergoo,9 (ol.aaeond; Nero. lOr.CottralLftSto I,tb1id. Tlne.l:SW Hiiib rac'-SaltiDg, porae $300. one mlla—tfatanbat, OQL Seel^ fttol. Qru; Weloirr*, lOL Blma,4 lo I, aecond; Planir, iai,arimo.9ioS,tblrd. Tina, l:ir. Nor. ift-Pirat rmee-Solllog, purta $180. ball mlle- Hlgb rotot Bella, 103. arllOo, 7 to fit, woo; Doggatt. ICB, DoKifQ t. 9 Co 2, aaennt); Pnncb, 110, Bargao, 1810 L third. Tima,0:t3>^ Seeood raee-Putrefua all fkirlonga- Llui* BHir. 10), BItna, H to »,and o:d Domlolon. 100. U«ggett,9io3,daadbeat: WaaUbeater, ill Midgtar, U to t third, Tiioa.!:!))- Hon olT woo br Old Dominion Time. 1:U74 .Tblrd raoe, aalJIog, pone 900 onamtl* -Ed. K*troer. ill, SImi. 1 toi, von; Cbaitar.SO, Lamlr. S to 1. aecond. t^tnnora. 101, Barceo, 30 to 1, iblid. Time, 1:13 Founhraofr-Samng. para*, $ua flro farloan —Worobarg, IDS, arlillo, 7 to 10, won; Longbnolr, lA, I>0S9«<t,7 to 1. Mcond; Ptino* Jobn,(£. ham.OUto I, ibird. TImaL l:0ix Piltb noe-Pura«$tx[ dT* Cbr> lonxa—Ully Oamoion, 10O.UnrOa, II toe, woo:Uvlei,li8L f*no, 1110 8, aocood: Hoderocctk lOD, Eaer*. is to I, thiid. Time. \M^ Btitb t&c4-0elllog.pnTae$0o.on*mlle —Maitbtll, UO, Hned*k*r, 7 to ft, wun, Leonardo, liU, Lamij-. 8 to 1, **coDd; Liu!* Tom, ICO. OnPIo, 4 to I, third. Tliiie.l:i3,U. Nor. 17.—flcUraeo-SalllDg, pnrao $S0 ball ■ mlle- Draioood, llu,Hlaa,3 lol. «on: MUaj, 113 Borgan, B to I, second; Taacaa, JU0, Naear. II tol, tblrd. Edna liar vaa laic at tbe poac Tim;n:n^i -HKond rtoo-Saili Inr, pota* Btftti, alx farlooga—iiarknaaa, lOI, OriiDo. r . QIj. . . _. ^ . . tacond; Beu Uelioir, 91. T. Povara, third. Tlm^ liEftK. Pnurtli race-BeUIng, purae $ni. balrmlia-Maurlna colt. 10$ Rlaka, 11 to 10, woo: reaUral, ICO. Peon, 4 to 1, ■ecood; Iroalan («14log- Itb. Borreil. 40 lo L iblid Tlma, o:ftj>i ...Flllh raco-Purae$UO,onan-"- — 8iniiaa,7 to 2 won; Aaalgnaa,IU8, Bi aaeood. Lady Violet alio otartad, bnlUnlUn waailiroon on the torn, nenareran two and a bairmllaa before lb* waa itop|>*d. Orlflla waa oot much buiL Time, SiKib m'e-««lllDg, pone tm, reran forlonaa -I'noca Ueorga, IIS. Blmma, 1 to Ii, woo; Void 107. Ulakr. tf lo I, aecosd; BpaoulailoD, llO, Hoadecbcr, B lol,Child. Tima,I.1D>^ Nor. 13—Ftratr*oe-Ponia$19lalirDTloos8-<lallallo, lia t:iffl«a, B to 1. woo: Black Uawk. 101, Peon, 4 to 1, focAod; Baoator Veat, in, Macar, 40 to 1, tblrd. Tiuia. 1 :iT'i fiacood rtco-PuraetUO. aU forloon-HcKe*, 1U3, Orlilln. ft to 3, won; Uoigeii, 109, Doggalt ft lol, a*e- ond; LoBaogola, lOi. Kaara li to l, third. Time, 1:11 Tnlrdraoo-OoeuiU*and a lorlong—Maj^alL Un, Lauly,fttoai ■on: MIra Dliia,09, Koala,] tol,s«oood: Btar Aoueaa, lui, B. Uoggeu.CPto 1, iblrd. Time, VX\ Fourth race—Purae $a)^lonr lorlooga—JewaLBO, Kacay atol, won; Bcnarao(or,S8>(, (iiltbo,3 to t, aao- ood; liaroago. W, Reera, 8 to l.tbird. Time.O:iSK Flllh race—Purae $3an, flve rurloon-McIotrro. 101, Lamly, ft to 2. woo; Wit) ElllolL IU3 E. Tclb*, 7 to A aeo ood; lola, lc9. Dogaait.S to l.lbinl. Tlme,l:0i9i' tlliihrAe«-Pnr*a$X3aDnamll»-0Qr JaobJOS, jTimly, ft to 3; won; Uallll«e lOL Sinima, 7 to 1(\ aecond; M. Keiroay, 1U3, Crtilln,3 tol, tblrd. Time. 1:41 Itaclng In Koiitnrky* Ttie Fall nco oieellDg of the Kontockj lUclng Association commenced on Tuesdaj, Not. 13, in plMaani wcatbcr, and In uresence ot % good at-.end- ■uc«. Toe CTontA dtcldeddaring ilio wcekiroBom' marlzed ImIoh: ,\0T. M-Firai mee-BatlIng, aaren rurlonga~4lreeo- wicb, Itq, Thorpe. iH lu I, won; Crovaaa*. », H. Wll- ltaraa,3>4 (o I. aeeond: Contaat,99, N. Uorrli, 80 to 1. tliird Time, l:2i Hecond race-BIz (arlooga-Col- lr«n,lti9, l.aiBb,7 to 8. won; Haaaroo, m, 0. Uraham.3 to l.aacond; Poco Tempo, Di, Oralian. lO to 1. third. Time, Ttiim raco-FineanaliUaotba ol a nillo—Theuimuoner,8l, R. Hodaoo, I to 4, won; Dare rala. 109, Thotpa 3;^ to 1, aacoDd: lotarlor.lQ, Perbioa. 30 to 1. ibird. Time. 1:3) fourih race-Wre tot- IvDK^Free Adilee, 119, Tborpe, 3 to I, woo; Duetor. 110, rarkloi.7loB;aeooad: BIr Lulu, 109.0 (irahan, 80 lo I, tbttd. Tim*. lO.K Flllh race-Stlllar, one mlte- I'lutua, 108, Brook*, eien, woo; Demlnioo, 57, A. Utay* lou,4 lo 1, aaeooii; Mevalliit, 77, B. Ulerena. 7 to 1, tJilnl. Time, I:4J.|«. Nor. 11-PlrH m-e-9(i (ariooga-WllIard. lOH J. Daly.n to 1, won- PrIao* Imperial. 100, L*lfb.3 to 1 OKond; ItaioO., lul, Parbioa. 4 to L tbIrO. Tim*, 1:18. Bfcond raoo-aareo rorlonga—Lindoleue, 109, A. (;iayloD, 3 to ft, woa: llimran; iq9. B. Blerlni, II 10 I, aecond; P.llaa Do^«u■^ lis. Tbprpfi. 6 to 1, UilrO. Tim*. Third race—Poor and a half furloon-NaT loween, inft, a. Olaftno, a la 1. won; Tenor, IQS rerkln& 7toft,iacood: AmyT.,l03i,jnMy,H to 1,tblrd. TimZ 0:67 Fourtb raoe—One mile—Probaaeo. tia, A. i^Ur* too, 11 to 10, won; Tbe Ironmuter, OS, Dobohue, 3 toL aaooiid; PUUbarc, 101. Orabam. i to 1, tblrd. Tluk 1 liy* Filthnct-Flr* aodahalfforlongi- Caaarian, 103,Clayton. I lol won; Campaola, 100 rarblBa,B to I, aacond; liaball, 101,Tborpe »tol,Uilnl. Tlm*.l:OP)i. >♦#»«—■■ ■—— Trolling Mattliei. Ilie two tniportanc trotilna malctiea Ibai war* to bare taken place on Nor, 17, at Itia Parkway DrIrlncClnU'a track, al Uraraaend, L. I, baiweao Ur, VlUett'a bay rialdlnt, Dnplax, and Tbomu Horgan'a geMlog, Jab*, or $w a alda and tbe niaicb t»«ia-een II, fiallav'a brown gaMlnit John Y., aod Paler Clark'* bay atalllon, Uai Waffoar, ror$B)0a aide took plac*, loU* preieac* of a fair >ia-d crowd or trotUog man. JabQ wa^ Inaiailad brorit* to tbe oi<«aloi armnt, and aUar ili* Brat beat fa* oarer UR bli baakaraln doubt, aa h* TOO tlia opaning beat after a brief rttuggl* lo lb* Rtiaicb, but lairly romped away m Ihe two lollowing haata. lie waa admirably drlran by Tbeodor* Ailbur. Time, 2:31.1:31, t:<i Tb* HcAnd niaub alao waa a one aided affblr, aa, alter Jobo V. waa allowed to w|a tbe ilrat heal on anfferaace. Max ffainervon the thrao ■nbac«|Qanc beau and tbe race wlib eaa*. Tbe winner w*a baodlad by Tbeodor* Arihiir. Tluia: Pirathaal, JobnT., t:w>;; aacond beat, Mai Wagnar. 2:40; third beat, Max Wagnar, I J»: (battb beat. Net Wagoar, iiSJii' Both winoera are from lb* alable of Mr, J. P, Rogera, Xlorallighaay. Tbar*wlii b*a aweaiiatakeeon Tbaoka- girlog Day Iraiween lorn well known Btooklin trolilBg narea Tni iToitloR tiblblUOQ 10 b«T« been tM)d Kot.SO BtKlMtwoodPtfktuabMO poiipontd nnill Not. 24 oivlDg to ibo condMlooaot the inck. Allx, Jobs H. Gentry, Ulrtctlj nod Fljlng Jib wui nppcAr. TBI E.XCBUIOII GriBIsB^B t»j botM BteoAftdoAb, flro jenn okt, by AUrm-Buka, dlod or blood ItoiBooingontlivnionUnff ot Not. 14, at WtBUng- wn, D. c. Callfonil* Jockey Cl«b. Nor. U—Fliat race Bik fnrlonga-Pioraare Dicktr 107. W. r(rao.8 to^ won: Wat, 107. A. rorlnataD.a lo 1 a*ooDd; Clan D. oolt. 107, Dacey,4 th 1. tblrd. Tim* 1: UK Beoood nea-Ber«n fa rioon, aelUoji-Obtf aaa! KUCeoBba, t to 1. von: Bridal r*n.f9 B.iWl B u 1 aacond; BfapaibaUe'a iaat, n, W. I'lynn.4 toT. third' TlMl«M..\rTT1ilrdraM-PtTe rurionge, maiding' ■ i-ODO ft aid*-<naqaer, U B. Xaom. B toft, won: Border Uaela,«.Cb*ralier,4toB,a*coDd "Hvf. OJAii.. Poutb noa-Abeo* all lortenc^Lady DlanonSTin c Weber Btoawon: WaJorKcUogb'le. in. R lton.i S; 1 iMood: Olrea, IA,Ceembo, 4 to 1. third Time, Mik rinh iac*-Oo* mil*. Bsliiog-Foiaaki. M. rbarali?r' 3U>l,won; Happy Day, 104. K IaoD.B toft. feooBd:Harr B.,n Rtley.B to". ihTd. Time. l:OH Biitb raceZ Oo* mU*—Irliat, 113 B. I*om, 4 to ft, 7on: Ponooa, m Coomb*. 6 lo I, a#cond; Monialro, KL u. Weber. 3 lo 1' Ibird. Tim*.I:il.'i. '«r.«ioi. Kor. 14.—Pint race—AbOQl alx furlonga, a*Ulng..Em. Rreaaol Norfolk, lOJ, 0 Webar, 4 to 1. won; AbnonMoi arraat. :o to I. aecond; Htaadlut, VS. Cheraliar, lu loT Iblrd. Time, I :I3 Becood race—Ahoolali InrJooaa-l FUni, Id K laom I to A wen: Mnlo Diablo. lOa. Hill 3U tol.iecond;rilrtlllA,100^W.Plyon,3io 1, iblrd. Time 1:13X - • '.Third ra«»-Plre larloete, aellisf-Joe Coitoo' 90, B laom. 8 to 1 won; N 'Tlee W, Obarairer,e 101,'re- oad;QnMO B«*,9J. W. PlyQe,10to I, third Tlme,l:01^i Fourth tac^Oae mil* and a taalC orar alx Uardlaa —Lodowhk. 141, Loog, ai to 1, von; Bwaanlo, 139, Blake. l«r,lto 1. ao«ond: Lvogwall, 14L Ailoiark, arcn.ibird Tlm*,J:i8M' Oaliforala record or t:aA broken. Hippr Band fail on Ui* tbird Jnmp riflh nco—Six InrlAaaa -Bir Richard, S3, B I turn. 4 (0 1, won; Bomair. lOL Hid- rietaa, 9 *o 10, »*cond; lluntman, V, CbeTallar.3 to I tbirS Tima,l:13«. ".^wi. Nor, IL—Pint 'aee-Belllof, fir* furlonu-Motlia li ICC. Carr.aran, won: Imp. Vigor, 113^ A.t;orlnKton,GO lo I. a«cooa: Tarn Nora, lUi, Jackaon, 100 10 I, ihlrd Time, 1:01V Ooa Buanaa thnw bla rldar and nn away HaoalT. alao noa«af Baeood laea-Abonc ali lur- loDgwjtm Flood, BS, H laom, 4 to S woo; Mary McUany 107, Xt. Flynn, 8 to 1, aocood; Olara O, ooIl U8 0. Web- er,3 lo l.lbird Tiffl*.I:II Tblrd nee—On* nil*— Broa'ltaaad. 101 Carr. S to 1 won; Percador. 103, Ooomba. 10 10 I. Booond; Ullaad, 1C8, Uoeraltar, 6 Cu 8, ibini! Tlm^ 1:4IV Fourtb rua~Blaepl*ehaae, one ml|« aod abalr-^iuadalcuiw, HitMaddcn, 8 to l,won;EMo- ndo, tlLBanford, eren aecond; lb* Cooo, I4I Cairna. latoLtbtrd. Time. 9:IJK ... Fifili neo-Saillor. alx Inrloaga—Motor, 103. llaDrichi Ift to I, won; Jaelcfilclia- liea,liti,0arT,4 to l.aeoond; Paiha, 109, 0. Webar.o 10 l.iiilfd Time, liuii- Not. 16—Ftrtt raoe—Blx forlonn-6t Elmo, M, p. Joo«i.d Co L«oo: LinriUa, F7. Bura«. 3 to I, eeeond* FthvlDlKoo,0, R laoo, IdioB Iblrd Time. I:I4X Secood nce-8alltnff,ooemile—Rico,O), lleorlcba. 7toft. «oo:aiBdiaU>r, (t7.fluraa, lU lo 1, aecond; TwuCbeara. OlOborallar, iLltd. Time, I:ilM Tbird nco-Pire aod abairftar|onga*<;iaciiuar, lui, W Fijnn. S to L won: Joe Uottoo, 0l^B laoD.Bio^i*cond;Lu(n.W.D BenrT. 610 1, third. Time, lOTU Pnnith nce-Selllog, ooa mlle-Polaabi, ICV, R. laom. 4 10 8^ won: Tbe Mailaxd. 9l Cheratlar. 8 to 1 aocood: Doebaiader, 100, Flynn, 4 to 1, third. Tlo*, l:4t Flltb race-fiixfurlonn—Oblytaa, 119, Coomba,! to 1, won: Ohartreua*. Bl. A. laom, 6 to 1, a*eond;R«ar Ouaid, 108,0. W«ber,)Dtol,tblrd. Time, 1 'MU- Nor 17—Flrat rac*—Sailing, about aix fnrlonga-Jack Riobaliaa. lOi, P. Carr 2 to I. woo; Bir Riebard, M, nan> rlcba,or*n, aacond; Bridal VeU,fi0 H. laom.Bto i.iblrd. Time, l:iSH Beeond no*-8eUlnr, fire furlooga— Tartarian, uift, W. Flynn. 4 to ft, won: Bemalr, lioTB. laom, 8 to I, aecood; Broadbead, 108, P. (*arr, 8 to l, third. Time. IrOUK ^ird nco—Pnraa $I,IUJ, the Belmont fltabea, dto lurlonga—Lady Diamond, IIL Cheraliar. 6 to I, won; Pliioanta. 113, P. Carr, eren. lae- ond: MoUUB.IiB, Uenrlna8,8loI.thlrd. Time, 1:00.... Fourth nce-Purae II COO, Id* Burlington Stake*. »>ur- die—One mile and a Hiteonlh-Floodmora, ISOl Alloaark, 6 to ft, woo; Argenta. I39, ailnor*, 8 to I. aeoond; Vol- oan, UU aalbrauh, B to 1, Iblrd. Tlma, 1 :ftiU Pinh nce-Uandlnp, on* mtle and a aixieenUt-tii«ier Uatr. IBL Carr, e to 1, woo; Articua, 107,0, Web«r. 13 to I, mc- ood; Happy Day, 110. K. laom, 910 1, tblrd. Time, l:i7JU. Nor. lU'Plnt race-Btx (urIonga-Coula cole, 101. P. rarT,3 to I, won; Wag, 104, A.C«riogton,81o6, i«cond; Mil(dy.lP7, Bnraa, 4 10 1, third, tad*. I:lft<£. Baeood ru*~8*Ulag about alx inrlongi^Paaha, UK. Coomba, 8 to I. wnn; Empraaaof vorfelk, lOi, 0. Weber. G to 1, a*4- ond;nockMtr*d*r. 101, F. Carr, 4 ro I, third. Tim*,l:l2<^. Tbirdnc«-On*mUo.«olllog—Major McLaughlin. 81, K. IaonL4tol wott:Cap'aln neea,W,N. UilKStn l, secood; Oakland. Ill, 0. Wabar, 3 lo 1 ihlnl. Time. I:40.'4. Kosrtli nc«-Flre lurlenga—Llaaak, in. H. laon, 3 to a, woo; Flayrnl, lift. P. Carr, 6 to I, leeond; Be Cectli* flUy, im Ueorlcha, 21 to I, third. Time, 1:01. Piiita nc4-A*lllog,ooe mll*-Bnw Bcoit, loi, p.0arr,3to 1, woo; Miaa Buokley, 7A, E. Jooee, h to i, aecond; Mary B., ft), H.Iaoin,13Coft. Iblrd. Tlrao, 1:41^. Ilacea at Aloiaudcr laland* Nor. 13.—Flnt n(«-FiT« farloon—Columbop, IC8, HaoK>r*,4to^ woo; Fagoi, loe^Marpby.4 to I.aacotd; Ted Oegg, 108, Johasoo,9 to 1, ibltd. Time, IM Beeond nee—Bli and a bair tartooga—Fnnk R. Datf, I07.Mantor*,3to6,iion: Grand Prli l04,Morpby,9 to a,aeeond: Maak.lUJ CUM, S lo I, thiid. Tim*.l:3«3j. Tblrd raao-flr* ftarloog^L«rIna, IIS, Coibley, 8 to 81, woo; Magnet. 118, Bander.B lo I,B«cnnd: NIca, lQ8,Congdon,BtoLtolnl. Time, 1:031^ Ponribrace —roar and a half forlong^PiQanee. 106. Uam,4 to I, won; Judge Poet, 103. Joboaon, 4 to 1, aecond; imp. Bonaa, 103,Ifnrpby. 8 toMhird. Time,0:fieK Fiitb nce-Blx and a i|naiter fnilonga—Tioga, 98. Bam. 10 to I, won: Format, 9l Manlor*. 8 10 I, aecond; Deinit, 99, Murpby,6to8.lblid. Tim*,l::PK. Nor.l4—Flnt race—Fire fdr'unga—Uno Gnnd*, UI, Foalar.eren, won; Do^ Wick, 117, l)wc*r,6io I, aeoond; Uuy A'l, 114,Johnaon. lOto 1. third. Tim*, 1:01 Bee- ond nc*—Fir* inrlonga-ltoaiia, ll7, Ham 3 to l,won; Btlgtarla, 107. Johnson. B to 1,a* ood: Tree Top, 107, BelMl,SO to ], third. Time, 1:01 Third nce-Mile aod an atghtb-^aec Wyno*. 81. Uoulahao, 9 lo lO, won; Pooce d'L*i)n, 110. Johokoo, 7 to z, aeoond: AtamanJIO, Ba<n.ftto Ithtrd. Time 1:36K Foorlh noa-Ftre lirlonga—Vanuabnrg, 110. Uam.stol. noo; noireHoma, 1 'J.Hurpby,? *oe,a*coad; Heedmote, 117, Beoder 8 lo I, ibltd. Time, lw}k2 Flllh nee—Six aodaquarler fortonea-Jaraer, liu. Ham. 4 to 1, win; Dr. Jobnaoo, lOUM. Joboaon, 9 to 1 aaooad; Harbitone, 101, Caiier,o to f, third Tlm*,r2QH- Nor. 18—Flrat noo-Foor and a ball Inrlonn-Do- trolLl07 MorpliT.Stol. won; My Ulrl onic, Ilo^Tatlor. ft ior,<B*cood; Uaary, 111 White. W 10 1. iiurd tIuia, 0:M Becood noo—Saren farloDga—Mapk, IU9,Claie, 7101. won:ByJore,98,Manlore Siol,ao^od;JlmMc- tMBblln. w. Morpbr. a to 1. lUinl Time, IJIM Third nee-^onrandahftlimrlonga-Coasaclt, 111 Ilaot, I to 3, won: Barwjn. lUJ,Taylor, lU to 1. eeoood: B*a- seuer, 97, Morpliy, 10 10 i, third. TJma O.UV. Foorlh noe—Mile udao elglilh-Dareberll, lOli Oaio, 8 to 1. won;Prinoe Kianaili, 111 U. Lnwia, H to 6,secood; HayC.10.0orblay,Buil.ifalid Time l.mi.. ~ kilx ana a ball, rorloog^FIno Water, lor, paraooa. Bm/u^^mfA ■a.v V aavas aus .vvB^~a smu ■¥ vmts, av., J vcwai*, 7 t» ^ wod; JlmDile Jmws. 101, llsin. lA to 1, ssc«Dd: TKoner- lei. Marpliy, U to 1, tlilid. TIiim. I :tt. Not, 10.—PirA raoe—Fnur sod a hsll fUrloDn—T,\l aua, IIS. II. Uali 8 to I, won; Tb. Jnksr, 101, Hsm, l! toK, Mcond; Pndenehi, lOB. MsoIots, oTes. tbiiil. Tina,OMX Sscoiid rsoa-Plxaod a bsll rortoDiifr- )lftrfcston.,IIO, Csf'sr, 10 to L won; JsrMr. lUl, Ham. I taS,K>eaiii); Ms>k.l3r,UUie,9tol, tblrd. Tlnis.l:»U. Tblid rsoa-rln fotlouis-rrank R. Ustr, lia, llsalOTe,Btol.woQ; t*.osack,liS Usui,* lo lO.artoiid; MunM in. Tsilor, 10 to 1, tblidrrioo, 1:0IK Koartb raeo—Uura nlla—Ties Top, n, Coogdoo, B to S, wob: LoTlDff llMrL lor. Fsnsr, lu to i, second; BricMno, l.lkli- — m Ii niotl.3 KoT. 17.->lm nn-UslI amlle-ilolo, 111, Il.tswia. lor. Tailor, a to SIM a qaartsr lnrloD|i riublag, tS, Morphr Mou ■' lid. Tlo<,0:U nilb nca-«x IS- f liaod Prix, 90^ Hun, 710 S, WOD . .br, S to 1. soeond: Dr. Jolinson, Ita, 1 Itol.tllri. Tlmt, l:i;)t. ISD.TII, Boras, iota I. Iblnl. Tim., 0:lli^ Pocvod racs-Hlx snd atoartorfarlooics—Bf Joto, ltM,Ta7lor, IOIo1,vod: MsUloCbon, W, aodnws, d to l.tocoDo: R«Dton..lor, Usm,9to8, Iblid. Time,l:lO>^ Iblid rsos-Oao mlla—■Irate, It7, w. Uorrls, 0 to 1, woo; Flists Oblsl, n, Hoitlir. a) lo l.ncond; Atamia, ill), Usm. HIjoS, thiid. Tun,,l;t8U t'oaitb raeo-Fko lurtoois-Olbstls, dl, Uoalabtn. loto I. tod: ramdeo, lOO^ PanoDi, 4 to I, ssonod: Uy (ifos, Uta. 1C7. S to I, ibtrd. Time, l:OD)i Klrth nc«-8lxaadaquiterlor- loofs—MeiBls lleok. ICO, P. UoDenuotl 7 ia I, woo; VQsrteriBsster, 181, rsraoa, .1 lo 1, seoODd; lleDSt, Mnipbi. 1101, tblid. Tine, 1:31. Nor.ul—Kliit rs««-Blx and a naarter furloo,*— Tesaolons, lUL Usm, s to s, won; Lslsb, Ittt asDloie. 10 1 secood; <>iitarlo, iQS Marpby, s lo 1, ihinl. Tlmr, l:3IK BvcondTsce—Fire lorleDSii—Aostrlaea iieUl. Ids, 107. F.MoDtraioit.lutol.woD;FeDoer. 107.T>ylor, atol,secoad; Lilllsiib., Mr, UoirU. t lol, lliird. Time, IKI) Tbl'd rsce-Hlx nirloDn-Fiaak IL Utn, UU, MsaloTe. «Tea, won; Fejiin, PJ, Ooiblsy, 13 lo IU, secood; Jim McLoniblla, 101, fiupliy, *) lo 1, ibltd. Time, I:I7<4' raaitbnce—Fouisad* balr niilonss-For- —U 101, Hsaloie, 4 to I, won; Faiamo, lo;, Hoiils:! to I "Tond; rsmden, 101 .Veery, a lo S, ililid. Tlui».u:U'4 ...Filibrace—aeTonfbrloQn-Uiaaa Prix, 101, Utii- Inre,S to L woo; Mssk, 101.1'. lloDsnnott, B lo I, secood; Flodiloi, N, aon'lirrr tol. tblid. Tlm^ l:aK. Till Conej Island Jooier Clab tsldlCaaiiniial mHiliig Nor. 10, In Uila cut, and tlie t iIIowIdk oillctn wire olscted: J. (I. K. liawrcnc«,prtild«iir, Lawrenoa Kip and w, K. Vandorbllt, vic« pml- dnis; J. U. Bradford, irctaorer; 0. Keuoiis, sao- rolarr. Tno extooliTt commlitM remain tbs same wlUi th* (zcepllon itaai F. Oraj Urlairold was elecicd to mtt. in addlilon lo Uo oiliera wtio ar« Uia olUcara abort Dontlonoil and J. 0. UcctMtier, D. Batumcld, Uerbert C. l-cU and OMrga rtabody Weunorc. Aner Ui« tIecUon tacro waa a dlscoa- non oC lbs prcmnt racing sllnaUon, bnt merely In- formal. Tbo clnb will bold a formal meol Ini at an eani data and legal talent will confer wlib Ibe odiclali on iba sllnaUon. Tni Oblcago ntcing Aesoclallon annonnoei tbe following list of lUUc^ to close Januar71.13>^: Tbe Ublcago Derbr, |2l,ooo guaranteed: tbe I'llioan Handloas, Annoal Butci, Uoiienun Btetea. Cbl. caio Hlaiea, Lassie Slakes, C, D. i g. (Hakes, Eou- lauon UandlQtp, BpcculaUon Uaudlcap, Vernal Biakca, Kxpoelilon Uiakes, Block Yarda^ Sleeple- ctasa, tbe Calcago Uerni tor ISM and tbe Hlalrton biakea for 1M7. Tbe added monej li Ubcial and tbe condition* wtU dctlaed, A nnioitnuiici ba* been sent to FrescoU Uv> nnoe, Piaslaant of lb, Kewpon Racing AiiooU- lion, pnlasUng i,galnsi tbe proposed plan to place Ibai orguiliauon on a pennaoenc baala and bold annoal racing moetlngs. Tbe protest la ilgned bj prominent Bnmffler rtsldcnii and townspeople. SnrmiMTCisnrr Ooii]ii.n- baa bad aarenl bna- dred men at work for ue put week on tbe new tiack al Uorrls rark and tbe new Wiibera mile will bo eonnletail sort sbonlr, so tbat It will baTO time 10 MtJe ilcel/and be (a good condiilon for UN optniBf daj Is Jose, IBM.