New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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NOVEMBEB 24. THE nSTErW YORK CLIPPER. 611 RiirlDfC In Tenneuee. Hot ll-rmt me-Flta farIon(|wIHr»lo ff«Jg«. «Md. UB. J. Bill, II too, won: lltichftvaj, 119, Olbion.1 to 1^ Wood; Equ'lAo. ua, A. Hwnlt. 13 to I, ihirO. Tin*. 1:03 ifo«rnOrM«-9«n(oK,ioaru<lalMir Iot. lion-Eluo. 10*. UsTdD«r, 9 to 6^ «oa; Ha'iDoii. I i. B«mr.« lo LMcond; Iloou%l09, McCo* 4 lol.tblrO. TimVorftlW TMnI rut-ull* m iLitMDtb-U Uruda. 1CI>£. J. mil, ft 10 1. kod: Turo. Ul, Cuiio. •rM, wcoDd; Lord WMlo«brMkf, 103 HtrdlDt. 7 lo I, ihtrd. Tim», UiSK Pourlh rteft-6«1linR, tri ud a hM forloDtft—MauDpol« lOJ. Koljihi, I to 1. voo; Lon^t UllLi. KT. Berji*r, 1 io4. Mcood; Jcbn Danojin; A. Dki- MlCloOto l.thlrd. TinciiW ...viim rAre-S«lliDK. •ii rar1noji>-Qaick«iep. I0i>*,MaCu9, S to 2, tod; Wbit. n, rawlo, 8 lo 1, mcodu; Jim T., Ill, E. Bum, 2 lo 1 thltd. Tin*. l:lft,*i- Nov. U.—riret nco-Aolllor, ill nirloogt-Raroaa*, liaB-JoD»»,Gto 1, von; W. T. Klili, 110. A. Harrelt.fito 1. foood: Abbeu, UH, Hi»rfer. » to fi. thiM. Tiai», l-KU 8M0Dd IMO—Firo firlono-Ktitfh, ill J. IW, a'io'A^ «od: TrtBton, 1)9, Knight, 3 lo I, Mcond: 8«lll, toi MtCao, I trt I. thirl. Timo. I:tns Tblrdrmco- PlfolarloORl'-Ptfllovdftr.iOBk J.llili,«TU, woo; Ltok, )jj7,iL B*ticU.Uto 1, ■tcoDd; JooL., ICJ Towell Ifttol, thitd Ttno, IrHL Koonb nco—Plro luctoDfi- Tnmo. US. aiMoo, 3 tn 1, «oa; WATerlT, lIQi Bvrott 6 to 1 Moood: DooTor. 110. Farpor, 7 lo I. tbird Tina. wu. PlOb nca-liDt milo-blmar P., IM. J. Hill. T lo iQl woo: JaoDla mt,, ioo. UeCua, Oto I. a*und: Tbacdora H iuibM*io,3 to I, tiiird. Tloio, 1:4 .*;■ i}oT U-PiritTue-8iilarl«nita-Oeerfb't,]10iJ^UIll. 8 10 «on; Jodgo WooJa. 102, Catilo, 3 to 1, iccoDd: Joeo lOJ. Bariar, I to I, third. TImi, 1:1ft Ceoood Ip^nr aodfthftir rorloo««-fl«irilr lUft.J. Uin.4 to 1 wod: Uoaot. n, Raiih, 4 lo 1, Mcood; Prloco. 100. CtMlo, 8 to a, thlid. Tin)a.O:W TbIrd rao«-eaUlD|t, KoroD rarlonai—Prou CodIb/, 100, D«r;:ar. i to I, woo; notd Dait,lUOiMeCita 2 lo f.weoQrt; W.T. Kllii.lii»,J. UilLfltol.thlid, Tliua.1 28H Fourth ru«-8liud ft hsir rarloofa—GUr* Banor, 101, J. IIIH. S to t wod; Boula Nichola. lOi, HMth, 1ft to 1, i«coa<i: Nellie Oiboroo, 81. A BMT«U.iato l.iblrd. Tlmn.l:0K. Pinti T4C0 —SollloB, ooamllo—Klaso. M, airdDtr,3 to X won;T*n 8srlD( Ul, Reretr, 4 lo I. Hcood; Raiuiii), SI, A. Barrolt, ]4tol.thlrrt Tiai0.1:ll}j. ,\or. 16- Pint rac»-PiT0 ftrloost—SUrli. 103. BetRar, 8to8,WDD: Mlu Sturiai^ IQ}, UoCud, 8 lo l.Mcond; fUsaont. IQft, McUoB,! to I, third. Timo. MB Kaoind rw*-ttelllog, nva rurlAoaK—KoTanaa, llOl H Jooaa,8 to 1. won; Saul* Nicbolit, iQS, JohoaoD, 10 to I. lacood; UarobAwftr. Iftt Qlbaoo, 8 to 6, tiilrd. Tlnia. 1:01'j TbIrd rMO-FiTOlurlooff«—Jiu T, 10), U BarDt,!! lo ft, woo; Mftrr]D»>l&, UeOua. C to I, MCoiid; Laab. lUS, J. mil. 7 to 1, third Timo l:<Ot; Poortb nc«-flolIiDf. oM mil*—Pokliar 0,98, CfttJoar, G to 6. won: Thaodora H,93, A. BirrettSlol.iacoiid; JaoiiIa.\T., ^ HcCna,7 to S, laird. Time, l:ii,'4> TUBLALBot miUog 8ioci(,Uicproperiror Wm rioktutrdt, Nfttban StrnaB ao'l James D. Siultb, al the pflTAte Btablfw of Mr. rickbardt, lo lUls citr, oo Not. 14, was well atteodM. TircDiy-aevcn tiead wen disposed of for fttfH:*:: an ftversge of IJIS. TveniroDC head of ficknarU's Horsta broocbt ii.tOj. Th4 highest price received vaa tot Obeiwood, irii, gr. a., ten years old, hj Cblthester- Vanity Fair, by Alexander's AbdalUh. Iledirltt. Sapphn ftud Fer«itila. three mrtnn, 8old for t4uo e^cta Three bnnue of N'aihaD SirHUS* vere sold fnr 4=730, Uj llullDg. a roor year old flliy, by Mansnetd, iirloglng lUo lilgbest price, ;jlo. jAoea U. ilmith's three hoiMsbrnQghC f i;:^, «^pIoo, a tiro year old bay colt, by Piedmont, aelilDg fnr $2:o. J. Q. K. Lawbbkcb, pretldetitot ibo Oonoy Islaad Jockey Olob, sailed for Bnrope od Nor. 13. Tasv liftva orgmoixail a uportiDic leaaua (q LonjoD. t'ja intlu tiarpOMoT wlitoh la locouDiafacttba loiitiooca oi tiio poopU who Bfill^* aBWDitraeiDgiQdotharii'urir; TbocoDodlor tbe laagua UenmpoiM oforar Tour boa- dr«i ropraiaotaiiTM «■! vatioui linoeliM <^1 ipori. Id- dudlOR nob DiftD u III* H«rioi Durham. Lord Unnkr. Earl or Mure)*. Furl of Loii«dala and ni«H IIpd. Jaoii c Lowtbar, H. P. It l« ibe iotaDtloD toatttljllah brineb Uiaoaa ibrougbout Ifoffland. "Pttapico.'* Tbia opaTa,bpLouIa« MoUoriDd EllloU Vood*,waa BDBi (oribaflritUiDaairord*! Opara tlQaaa. Baliluoi*. Ud.Kor. 1^ by aBattun, Tba act Ion of tba opara ta avppoaad to tak* pla«a Is Jqlr, iSSt, wbaa ih* city oi AUiaDdrlsBcfyi.«ai bombardad by tba Eoiltib fltat, nodar tba conmaod of Admiral S«ymour. Tba flntact takaa placo od iba dacb of tha Uoliod Hrataa cruUtr Pa- tapaco, to wblcb tao Amailoao railoaau ol Alaiaadri^ Oad iorrafuf*. Anoag ibaHrofngwara HelenuUmor mod Uaod allao. Ualrn U betreuiad to Ltiut Uairy t^mar. nl Iba cnlMr, and Maod bait a teoder If allag (or Lia"LnAiara,ofih»«amaTeuol. llaDca.lhalOTfn aio b-chly pltautl at ibo •margnry wMch brlota ibam id- calbar. Oo tha TMvel la a.tiDlTanltr pioTaaaor who baa ooma to Kiypt In uarrh ahar mammiap, and who wiihai to marrr Mlaa tlllntor, that be niay inaiaoaeof bor loooay for Ma Kleoiiae iDtaatljtallooa. Au lopeaialtiuibDt high bore jouog kogliihnan baa followad bar to tba PaupKo with tha aanie daaigoa on her fortuoa. Tacnab Faiba. a wealthy Ataiaadtlao. hai loDg adraliad ilia two lair Auerlcion. and maila irulUaaa atiaupta to woo tliam, Egyptian faiblon. FiDdloa Ma ■altrapolaed, ibftproteuar maku a bargain wiib Piuba toatealtbaglrlilor liiiD In ratarn lor a roaoiof. uiu- iiiat«ly lataodlog toraacoo thim ■ndfocare adoaVlo r^- ward, Tba gIrU are Moieo from iha itiio bj a liand of Antba and cartUd cil lo the hirem ol Vacoob, where Uarry follovR tbam, with a derotol old lar.wbo halaa woman, bai adore« Ma yoncg lleuiaiitnL Tha N)mb>rd- niant begloii, and iba reafiaan enter ihe barooi, the wall being )>iowd dowo. But aa they are alooi. they aracompeileO todlagalMtbamaelrM ai lomataa llllihe Taacnmg pirij Iroui tiia ciuitar arrlrti. Ptto. tba old ur, aliracis, mach to hia dleguet, ibe tdrntnilon ol FAitmi. tlia p'ldaof the haram, who uiakei panialaQt lore to him. Tbemaa Id diagulia anconnter tba pro- faaaor aod thaEegli^h nobleman, who hare alio ooma to Iba r«««ao. and, ai^er eouei)Dent complicailoeii, la- ctaaatd by tba rase of ihe proprietor ol tha bareni. tbe party of man freio thecraleer arilra, aati tbe loreraara reanit^ aod diroilucd to bipplDtia, uoderiherroiici- log fol'la ol tha American flag. "Tha Land of the Uvlng." Tbii play WM acted lor tbadrstUmeoo uy aiax* at Monaco a Uraod 0;cra IIoom, Ban Fraaelaco, CaL. Not. 13. TbaalorybagtataDd aadalD ViagUDd, but tbe a«ooDdactlalaldln Alrlea. Briatly, iha atory li thia; Arkwrigbt and Tiwdgold are bankara, the lailer la In lore with Iba lormar'e wile. lorgaa iwnila ao u to inToUa tbe driu.aDdlalorudtolaareUiecouDlty. Illaparinor al«ot«avaa,aa It doaa not atam peaatble lo dear Mra- Mir. Both go to tba diamond flaUa Thara Ark- trrigtit galna a fortune. Purauad by roUbara be 0aiJa rraiage In Tradgotd'atkmae. Tredaold auba and roba bim and alaru lor Loodoo to wlo tha wMow. but Ark- wrlgbiauiTlrea Tbeoikeracia,lnclaaia|ihe SfUi. ihoa tbeatraggia between themallgoedheroaad tbavillair, who la properly [oiled. BASEBALL. NO DoDAbue, an cx-profcaalonil pitcbor, died darlog. Mvent beaorrnaiK, on Nor. u, ki hl< home.tsobujlerrlrlo, N. V. Tbe clcc«a5ed was In Ll« tir.nlT lltib year, .nd bad rcsldeil In that plac nearly all bla liro. l>onaha<) van witb tbe Oneonia team, oC tbe Neir York S:ate Uague, In IS'.io, and ranked well dp In ibe onichi bitting aTcrdces or IbatorganlmUon. In lyil bo vraa enpiged by tho Tacoina Olaii, ol ilio I'ltclrlc NorUiveet League. Ulfl moat noteirortby conieet Ibat season wa^ tbe ttrenty*iwo Innloge gaiiie between tito T.coma and Seattle teams, played May l>:, at Tacoma, Waah. The acore stood a tie e<cb Inning alter tbe iliDi nnill Ihe tweniy iecond, tbo Tacomaa Uien wlnblog iiy n Kore ot a to s. Tbe AeaUles nude only eleven aafe bit oir Sonabne, oiT wblob ibey earned only two ninL From tbe Northwest be went soolb and played wlib several teams down (here, where, It Is tbougbt, In the mirahy regions bo contracted tho rtUcaae which caiiiea bis deal b. While playing In Savanoab, (ia., he waa alracK In the rlgbt aide by a lull, tbe eirecla or wbloh be sever was free (com Ue wa, obliged 10 retire from ibe diamond fat It In tbo preatot Iear, and alter slopplna awblle irlib friends in New eney, he returned 10 bu home, when ho died, lie leans a widow. Tbe American Association delegates held a meet' log at Chicago on Mot. 10 and IT. There were present Ptfsldenl w. a. Kames and K. 0. Ricbter, I't FhtUdeliibls; w. U. Bcoinnon, of New York; William Barnle.ot Brooklyn: N. K. FfeiTcr of Ubl- eago, and 11. Ii. Qola, of Mllwaokee. Wasblng' Ion and PiiisborK were represented by proxy. The principal liiMneas tit Ibo nieeilbg was lo con- sider the report of the C'lrcnlt t'ommliteo, and Ibis took up tho entire tine of Ibe Oiat d ky's aesjion. There waa only one vncabcr to nil, lud tbeie weie appllcatlonafromSt. Lout., Ueuoltifiuiriilo and UoC Ion. All of these places mule ancb oxccllont shor- iDgthatths meeting was dlrlded as to where to place Ihe one francbieo at lu disposal, an i ibo tn' tire alismnon was conaomed lodebailog \'M mat ter and when adjoornment waa takea no coq' cloalon had been reached. Oo trie followlag day, after being In aesxloa nearly all day, tbe delentta decided npon Baoaio, N. v., ai tbe right city. Tbon tbey adjourned to meet .s'nv. 'M. The ArllQglon,, of I'rovldenco, II. I., will present one of tho alrongest ama'enr teaou noxt eeason mat will be louuu anywhere In IbulSlatc. It will Inolnde rowera and CooMy, caicbeia; Ryan, Howe and Coleman, pitcbers: Conroy, Lewld and Nayeooi on the bases; Cohen, short stop, nnd Downey, Uir ley and UcGraib, In tbe onuielo. John H. Ward, manaaer or tbe New York team while at Obnrloite, N. C, on Nov. le. was qaoted aa laying tbit he had tlgued Oeurge Divls sa captain of the N'tw Yorks for next year. A special meeilngcf Uio Wcalero AssoclailonTras taeld NOT. li, at Hock Uiaud.lll. Tneroweropctt' out tepRseuiauTca from all ihe cities In thu cir colt, except Ki. JoiwiiU, tho latter lielug In aireare $3ti0. Noltce was acni tu Iho club in pay up or te expelled. Too assodailon Iks applications from Slooz Oily, Uonveranl It :cl>ford. tue pennant of levl was awarded lo the iKck Island Club. Tbe •aiaij limit for next soasoo was Increased from ((DO to i'joo and It waa decided that no club can oconpy lor basebaU pnrpoata grauuda lucd for clihtr fair gronnda or race iracks. Crack Wins Biioli, Ad iDlaraiUnf niatcb wai mida Kor, 19, uchlcigo ill., b.lwff»o«ck nloa ■bou. Dr. Vf. Y. Cutor ui Cpt J. Ii Br«w4r oo on. ililo, aod J 6«kTtr l'.f 0 iot atow Work. ibA w.U koovD and olerar .naLuri. ol M,w Vojk our, OB IhB other. Tli. match \t for %tci a Mnor, ortS.uLulDalL No dtntu. dalt baitiooDaiod for UlB Itaoot. owloa to Ur. (Jarror'. loabllltr t« «b.n b. vllt be ab'o to b, lo No. York. Tbt coilrb wi take plao* at tbo arouDda of lb« Woiliiiliui.r Koao. Club at Um .irUiil praotld data. A Haarllta of tbo How York Tioht Ricidr Aawclalloo will b. bold OQ Nov.», lotbioollr. ' Toiatu ooaaiDltlwill bo proMBlod, NEW PLA.YS. "Alimony." Tbe Ural Mrforuanceof Uerbait UallWlnalov'f new olaf. "Alimooy," wu glran at tho AUdeuy ol Mualc, wajLlDgtoo,I>.C-NoT.9, witLTim Uarphyaa iheatar. Thaplar la aaaure on tbe lacllliy aitb wbic)i diroicea as theolitaloeJIn wmool iba auiMof tbeUaion.and Inoldantlrbrloiain New York pollilca and tba reform moTemaot. Com. Towltna an Iras at tba Broken Pet:eii lloiaL Jayvllle, H. D.. which la tbe head(|uarteiH o( tba diToroaeolooy.and liera are iDiroducwi gtafa widewi. gtaai vldvwaraaoddiTorceMakera. Tbe Comioooora'a nangbter liaa aiopped at Uie canie butal wlibbar huaband OB tbeir bridal uip. They are Inlacicd with iiieaiinoi- pbereof tbe place and reparate. Tba comuiodora'a aoo aad bla dime mtuaon wile tore up looking lor > dirorce. and tbe act anda witti ihe marrlagt oftli oommoaora to tbe Toiaran of all tbe alimony c«il leetora Mr«.eepanteMatotenancf. ThaMcoodaciabowL tbe drawing loom lo Com. To-*llDe'« city tealdaoce. The eommodora hit gone Into poUtlca to haia an eicoje for laavlOK bla bom*, which tba »«vDd Mre. Toallna bat made aoytblng bot pleataoL To clear bioaeU of tbe diarge or beint a platocrat be aooouorea bU lallnia aad ratolreatoliTe on hia caoal boat. Toe tbird act tabaa place oa tba caoal boat. Tbe cAmmodore la de- reatad la bla aiiort to reform New Tnrk, bnt all tha laaglaa aiw ttnigbteoed, and the paymioi of alimonr ir Btopped. Tbacaai: Com. Joabna fnwiioa, TlmMorpby. BenrTowlloe, Eugene Canfleld; Ua* J. Hyrd.aeorie MoCeubfr; Vaaderbajden Koickarbooker. tUrawoa Haadydde: A. Haabaiian gtlek. **f. Richard Collar; Hon. Wari Heeltr, Jauiet Mauley; paMII, I>oroiby •band; Mra. laparaie MainUaaoca. Uonaloe Draot; Paa Ta, Balllt Siambler; Mra. Clara U^to Date, Jeaa Wmiam«. He R. JACOBS' THEATRE, Coiaer Slat Btiaet aad Tbud ATaana. MaUnaes; Honday, Thursday and Satordaj. •aperb Prednollon of the draad Botala MaMnBat ''The Power of Cold." KoatT «a-THE Waira OK NBW YO»I."_ PEOPLE'S >f.w PAUL KAUVAR. _ A fIti J picture of the Itelga ofjjirer. ^ Herald Square theatre, Broadnray and 3Slh Mraet BTBN IWO. 8.1ft. KATUKDAT MATINEB, 1 WmTNET OPERA CO.e IN DU KOTBN A SMmi'S OPBRi. i.TTiiod.* oub cent EACir, ANV srVLR rou WAMT. Band aleaaia lor aamplaa. B ARRy tiLARK. ft OBpnioe Ht reeL PhUailalphla. Pa. BBllJlV*dUPKHA H«>UaB UNlUKTUffHr^Y! Open lime Not.. Deo-, and biter for OraicUaa aurMtiona. Band preferred. AiMrea* I I. E, BERRY . Prop, aod Utr. B- »IIUW'~trAn9 WANTBD.—WAM TO Birr OR LBABB: One Bill Car, Twe Stock Oar*, ThieaPlatCanand One Bleeping Car. Uuatbedratolaaa can Id good oondlUon. with modaro ImproTementi, air brakea, aia BIda reoeUrd ontll Dec. 1. Addraaa OlfAS. LEE, Box 171. Canton, PeDO. BbANK COUlH>N TICKBTM. ll-lSX:|:a>3 IN.,0UOLOnfl.lSUUPOR$l.&<kBLULUn)R»Tft HAyPLEH TIIR HIUNfiT PlIINr. 178 Boulh Eighth BlrneL Brooklyn. N. Y. F.iL IRQ VANTkU, A~KlliT CLA^'h iVlMBDV CO. ONEWKbK HrANDS, CUMURSCINQ JA.NUAItY S.I899. aoodiowo. t>>uaty leaL Couriaaek. Honie aaata ftOD. Alwayadogood buiineu llafa oihar daiaa 0 i»eoal<m. Addce" LnTBLL k MfH > RE. Rf ckport. Mo . ' BLOtyniKlBljD.irao., ik .\ur hiii A.'iitiii- CAOu, Hur ir>t) a heal aLi:vi-:ii r.irTLK mioff TOH'fr.JtflTTIlE 8A1IE. WANTAI MlNTiTELCOH- PANV. All good people write ma. It will do you «ood. -m RAIftBOLT. Bloomflakl. lad. WAVTBD, liooa HiORie AttraAtluo fur Sinie Koon Bbow(n o aoinialB). Adil. w. J Williame. Qincloni ll.O. TO SABIUBL'jVHN'HAnDV (tur^^^^ n ral- IM), lormorlr n Cnealar, Boglaod. who \% i>eII»TMl lo haTo taken tha ntma of HTANLBV VEI;N0.\. Vogr mother, EHiabetli Randr. la dead, ami rou are re<iceii( J lo communlcaie at noee aiih HAUUBL 8MlTII,To«n Clerk. Cheater. Boglaod. piion tra'oboy TO nruuKtirKiTJir ria'r writing (all mada). "gned." *'i|olck'* and "cheap." I'lara. aketchea. mooologueii, etc, made entirely "new." Keiaj a"«ump" Ifjou "eipeet"aa "anawer." UARRY lie.v. DBRBOH. LAQUoocreae H 'r#er. LonlaT lUa. Rr- AT LIBKH'i'V; " REP B. 8C0V1LLB. Character Uom*dian (BlBinag and Danoiog Spaclalilaif), ITA LBBCH. Javaollea or Rounreite*. Addiaia MBboltuBtreei.Chlfago. 111. RKKTCIIICK. M(l]«ni<OClUB8. 0IIOHT COlicUIBfl. PAKJEfl, BTUMP SPKBOIIBS wnltao Prieea ngbt aod aatlalaeUon guaraoieed. Tema for alMBP.__ W. B TOOK . A^hlaiHi^Mae* _ ~\VIi>L« ftoy pooiOKrapborioiomettOQpertaitiiuctn Tom Tbnrab'a Engllili Walnut earilate Will bey Badm cbalr. WM. OLAREWCB V ML. Byreoure. K. Y. Ai^nav GO Round WANTBDi-i't^'nb Say spot eaab lor ReciiHl Hanit Tpaa«tnda Hacbicv, [Q«t be eheip. . tON LOHIKQ. >=looghlon. Mao AT lJUlflU rV.nBLLIB UAHHBT'A'.Cbar. aotera,Blogiogand Dauoiog Old Maid Bpadalty. Rail ahle aod experienced. Andreas lor t«owe*ka care of WeKtern Bouaa, Waalngtop. fnd. Permanent a^Mreaa, aOX W. OUrt Bireet Ci.lcagn, ni. riTUOd.. ONB tJBftV BACH. Aluioet naw. Tbeae are "hewti<>w." Bend "ailrer* dlaie inr ' ram- plea " Q. LUM. i BHCongreM Biroat LanlaflHe. Ky. WANTED, Lady Paiiner lor Refined Hieidj Work. Huat have har own apMleltlea (aoog and dance |>ni- (erred). I hare mr own oorapaoy. Plenty of work lotde ahead. Tbia la a cSanee. (lond amateur not ob)edcd to. Endoaapboio W. U Poolalne. PoatOfflca-Juliat. III. FOR IIALB.BWURU WAIilCl^U OUfKITH, whb aeareibowtodoihlaactilO. Btaok art outdialoonJar, $0. Limber Juice, with eecrat bow lo become a contor- t'onlor^BJ ft lllualoBi In one tn, one tblid with order. WM NgLSOK. Maor..n Falton tft, Wor cauar. Mate. FOR HALtt.—fliBTHIviBD WUMAN, witk naw paiatiDr, lOitait; mermaid, nlae tanol Taylor organ, cartalna and baoner lor atore room ahow; taken far dabi and moat aell together or aapirat* at onoe No raaaen able olfir reluiied. Addrcai PgEO HILLBR, Boi tit, Touogatowo, Ohio. NOTIUE.-*i good leatQTe for travellOK nuaaama and Btore abowa, would like to bear from ancb. A good thing for the rlgbt party Rand aiamp for pattkuUra, Lu'lieriaaTArouraumpa H. P. Bowm%a,WTiu. idrtieaa J.-iIIFf P WOLFE. Hotel NewLelaod, Hoom & Peoria III. AT I'lllHRTV. KK^NK J. UUND, IRIHII. Di rull AM> BI.aOK KACB COHEDUN. Unod alogar and dancer. Woubl Join aoy abow, WouM like loiiMf frem a good man to doub'r. Addreaa P J. ROND, Uan. DeTlTerr. Combarland, Md , or eareOLIPri'.li. iH^nuBil TVPB ANu UAreiTTuR biiu« BlLLfteie cat.Tree. B . TA YLOR A OO. CloTeU &l.O. i>'R«(VI£ MAHB/kCl^ YOMALIir, liANCER, (XJ- MEDfANaDdBlBglogClovo,at Liberty.altberoireus or Tau derille. Aajr«M Mt H^ca m-reB* . < loclnnalt.O. ~\V. U. BHO%VNKrAT MuksrY, AVlVASUE. 8:age Director, oran/ihioglo repertoire: experieoced; lot* ol maouatrlpta^ Addreae Ilowoar«Qrore. Ill "^OD COUNRT A«l> Flii/Tifc HOl4>]tff open lAr enngen'oL DIract baoda. rorrMpoBdaooe aoliclta d. J. X CONA WAY.Co rnet Hololat llitt, Mo^ ~niI81C AlliHA\aV:b,n>Ul>HCliBHt'iL>^ BAND ORMAHIKLI.V OIIOUBSTRA. HOQia coapoacd Maalflpattnv ordaora^aptnimeotmade (or melody. Addreae CIIAH. L. LEWlB.a9IW 9ih H. ClnalnpaH. O FOR 8ALB. A leraa aaaurimattt ot nae atteet and half-aheet Bpringer LltboBr«cihe flood tor any ibo - Bargain. B- H. BULLIVAh. I B Third A tenoe. N. V IflARRY llB'FOlliClCHi'. PKl.NUjiEuF IIUMUK- 19Tri. MoDologute, reotuuonn.ebetchea Olaba, aoela- Uea, wrile for lenua. Travel wlib atereopilMB or other eula tlalnmeot. Hd We« t For'le th Htreat. ~''f.VFBllNU" (IM>l(K'i*) tjANTkllN HLluS^ •etoru, dotly colnrrd. Ureateihibiilon. Tbeae orany coIoredalldeaBSc «adi<bairprlce) rialDall<lMVc eanh, colorloa aoa We eave you uonay. RAL^U A CO., Waal M adiaon fiireet. Clilcago. ttUoWMUN.*rine Baakea, a looi, |i: Mookeia from 84 to tif. annadllloa gio. Prairie l>o|i 81 eacb liepfaTtwHb 0.0 D ordm. J. fl TeeL llai»rlilll._llaa«. 4, nThi amtinkV., at i.t A kht vr' r\ mi uLuh MJbOANDK PLaTTL BAPLAVBR. Boboraiid lelMtle. Would Ilka to bear from a OiatcUaa railroad eircoa era good aieadT band In fondctty or eoMlera' bona. Adrfreta care OfOLIPrER orHnMier»' Home Raud. Belli. H. V WAiVTBU, t^medr OKI Nan, Utd Woman aoO I'lao let BalariH very low. iCe i<ay all evpaoeea alicr fin- ing. BIJOU COMKDY ro . boi I QI. Ww dypo rt .V. Y. FOil'SALtiJ^ flna~\fai"Figuiea siau; __. nireOame.glO: pair Buck akin Pania. •l;lluck»hlDCoat, heeded, Buekakln War Bblii, 8IU; i«tr Hacbahin Levginga, tkaadad, eic, AuiABai<e Wax Piguie of birflS'uBULL. wItb palntior. 1110: Aerial Hn*pen*!oo, nickel plated with pelnllog.gtu: &9 Bong Booha, t<: Ho Uoteiii Hilda a. tU; Tvni, I^OO. IV; S \\\f. Ilrada an] 3 I'air ol llaodt, BJO. Tbrae gomla arA ar«lc1aaaaDd diit cheap. Addreaa W D J.rlia«, 191 AocnaiaSt.Cliicacn. Ill " tALTJ^^TSUVOTiMBiiii*' ■ wifK.^ i < "RK»V YUHCaiupat 141 aul l'.'> Kaat 1 ifteenUiBireeu rUEAT. HIUAL UBAD'/L'Altrari9, twohtucha ffou ell Hie llita- treiandninaeutna Kurnfabed looiua for Uglit liiqaa- ke«plnK. B»Brdlfj]e«lred. Hiiri J. BAKK'>W»I._ LUmUEtf WRITTKS TO OlIURH. Beod euop. J09HPU ERRRIlAtr, IX Palrpinnnt Are , PMUJelahia. "cLA'KIPiBT'rWT AT i.iiiBiift/ 'uAtg OIL*, ri Army. Theatre or Winter Reeon. Aoiliev :AK *■ ■ ■ - - B. F. Keith's AnuseiMDt Enteiprisu. E.T. AIOEE - - • Gu.IIkV. B. F. KEim NEW THEATRE, BnlOR, ■ut.; THE BUOU, Pkllld«lphla, Pl; a. F. KEITHt OPEU HOUSE. l>r«vM«K«, K i., AMD B. F. KEITH'S NEW UNION SQUARL BOMB or MB. (ErtUI OBlOWUi ContinnouB Ferformamoe. KooxTOiaa. Kogror. STAR PERFORyEHS WHITE FOR DATES MURICiVk. W at. rotflch Mrool. Qiatoo. i:>Bid.. WAStS Awirilix Soi-IJATBD. HSriKKU, iiRica. "l-1V: rAia alKIIER. T»t,L *N0 SLInUT. ciiahck TO LBAI:*. KOT aiLAKV Tim OBJECT. AdOrvl IVAW ltPWAHPj._<mjlW*J»rtr_ naNB 4K^l''A'Wi}A. m:i... ^ ^ I OBIIKBAI, BlSIKim. nrent ilailit aad daactof •ooclutMs. will MaitdoroIMimnaSmolaii Bod. 0*. AddroM, iaoa. 111. TONY PASTOR'S, ...iliri,... PIII.TINBBS TUBKDAV AND FBIDAV. IMOGENE COMER, Contralto, rtaTrI^ tony pastor and his CO. OArrabnta, Dancei-a, NlnRen, Hia* Iri-a Pmloii, llamaa and Arun, fill QDtbrooka, Urace Vaoabn, Hurray aad CFNTS *'*^*"- ^**»"i>*' Beriloa and KOSTER&BIAL'S MUSIC HALL nARMEKCtrA, MON<l. AND KMB. BRUBT-IIIVlKRr.. TUB Rosaowa. ronRiifiT bhos., uilz rouoRkE BRaiNiA iihbli.i, THB FINNKm TP^'iSKSIKl HLLB. BERTOLDI. BAKTINUTIll), NEW JEMES LIVIKU PICTURES. HABLEiUL MiJSEUMf IIBHi SlTMt and Third Ave., N. V. City. TRENTON MltSEUM, Nertk BfMd Stmt, Tr«nton, N. J. JOHN IIANHUN Proprl.tor BIIWAKD C. HHITII Manani WANTBD AT ALL TmEK, BlroDI Footura., <^ri. oiltloa aod NotoIiiu for Loclulo llatu: alio Ittib Clou VaudoilUo Aou for Itioauo*. All appllcatloai lor OOIUOSMOU (tM^'t hooMH) uoat U oddrMod tn BDlTAnii 0. HSilTII, Uirltm MaMom. HMUSEUM. Open all the year. WANTED. POR TIIR CUBIO If ALLS. LrTlngOuf1o:iltleN,rreaha of Bature, Rate aod Cnrloui Animate o( ecery deacrlrtlon for our naw Menagerie DepaTtoaoL and at all tlni^i the T^ry b*at VaudeTllle Btan for Iba tbeatie. Ko ulary \»*o bigb for Firat Olaae NoYeltlaa. Uncagemanta from « lo 11 weeka daring the IIBBB AMD OLYMPIC 13U St, uid 3d At*. HIghClauVaudevlllM. JAa. II. cuRTin, auf.r. The Wilmot Duo Leading Double ^Oyolists, Addrau Zl Erie HL, Cambrldftport, Maaa. Tbla apace lo CLIPPER la reserved for our weekly card. O- H. TJntliarL, I'.MOM RUUARR TDEATRE, NBV TORE. WKKB OK NOV. IJ. . A. TULLEY, DlgE.\UAUI£U AKTER NOV. ^V. Car« IIAVLIN'8 TIIEATUK, HI. iMntt, Ho. AX LIBERXY. MORTIMER MARTINI, X.emd*, JnvanU*. or HmtIs.. OK^'L DELIVKBY, KuliTlUo. Toea. HAMILTON'S IDEAL THEATRE COMPANY. POPULAR PRICKS. WEBK VtMDn, B X ROIITB. IM l'rViTII<i~MBir LAlioE nOOB BKKT rilB AalAiriUjIO lu conULwUh portlooUrii hov lo OUrt ta tbo ibow bnilooH bciI loom ill blodi or ocu, lo iolbor wirti lllDolralMt t»o1c or »liir •lablo.w cuu Addnu JOIIK U. HUUBIULER, CItTolaad, Oblo. piahTst (gonoiictor aWTrraTg'er); n'lTII WIKK. FOR CIIORIta (III RHALl. ranTB. ATLIBkHTV AriKRDEU I. RELIABLK MANAOBRfl ADDRB4A A IIAU'l. COfOOftillppT. At LIbirli, LeidloK Man, Ludin; Udi, Hni) MAN, ('haracler, IJeneial Mui. JoTeolle Ltd?, Houbrette, Horn aad Dane* Teno aod PttBUr, irl>h Comedian. UROROE OThVKNi^ No. II Month Iftlh RL. Ht. Loala, Mn. Wuled, Quick, Good All 'Roind ConidliB OTHER VaRFL'L rE'lI'LE WRI TP. HAI.AHT LOW BIT HI IIB. J. n. O^VRNrnRT, Muoior. Eloclllo Bolt Co. Hooilitlllo. Wlo. A SENSATION. Pnl(!R TEH (lOl C'KSTII. PAOM ll« AMEUICAN KWHIRAVIWO CO..Chlra«». AT LiBERTY, "w7h; SCHODIEY, FLUTE aad piccolo (BoefaiiO; over llyeara'eiparlaneejdoaolM: pu* I< menlha Crawronl'a Thtaire aad Pryar*B Band and Orchaatn. Addt'-nPlPranniast.Mt. Jneepb. Mn. CIRCUS WAeONS FOR SALE CHEAP; SUIT- ABLE I'UR A IVAQOX HllUtr, IH (lUOD RIIArB. Additio U. BI'BTON, Boiltl. MoolpolUr. RlMhroid Oou Dtf. lad . DOYUU WlNTi-b MAKE MONEY J I TANT MAK WITH tXU. tloll II Urwt oioall Mioitiol <>> or ropu'olioo. aoro r.tuniB; oo rUli. Addrofi, ror piriloiil«n.>IIXdTltliL, Rleh.ood lloo i. Boolo. ■ o»i. WIGS (HUMAN HAIR) CROP AND DRESS $1 Eaoil ABD Ur. roll BmkIiUo. oicli aad o|i MouiUcbo oa woToa .Iro, Uil mado, Ya. oocb, J. I. BDMI.aMlToihlootooHrool.rotHaad »,.. At Liberty, Double Bass and Tuba. LU.Va EVBIIIENRI!. arnicTLv TLUPEBATE. id. dioM iiiBPanD BAI/iM l.fwcooi rom.tToiiboai.iliiy . ATUBERTY, FIRST CLASS PIANISTE, SIGHT RKADKR. aounKtrri!, rixuiNo abd OAMcmu arBi'KLTIEH. Atldrou UELLB 1.11.1,1, l.oiloiUo, Vlr, KoT. 1 1. a: por rn uu Boloi Hrwo.' "Iloioply U oaplr" Co. WANTED, PERFORiiERS THAT DOUBLE IN RAND, alaoMrnriANS lor amall rarlaly'bow. Ralarr mu*i be low u It la acre. AddreaaJ. T. earejnuif- SUB'H Pnetl'igUiTICB. Ilfi Waabieainn.Ht.. Boeloa. Maaa. DANCING-Jig. Clog, Sng aid Duel, Irlik Jio wo RBi:(,UANci\u TAUunr fob the iTAoa ORAHD.Bar.Nr. CIRCULABB MllLtO. JIIIIN J. BIKIAB. 31 fluid Atwoo. How Tom. WANTED, tt Actir lor Hinlii, ud Sm ITS Br rBOBiNBKr bono aitirtr. **Th«t MamtaBwMt Bella Ara RIrl---. Sang with OrftvaueReoiiauTeie Baaoeraa bTgbtC ty MAY MONTFORD, WItb "DVPPT'B BLUNDBBR" CO en tnnr. McOIeaaoa'a maattrplece. the gnat llngllili I>eaorip- plreRoag, *'To Bit la llaBaaa» To Fot^lT*. DlTlnttP* Kanawiib bereloaacceae bpAmerloa'aeuinant Ranione HERBERT HOLCOMBE, 0( nOLOOUBS AND CUHHBAN. ADdborouaoiiioro: "AND VR WAN Hl:utl A FUNMT OLD IIAK:" ■THKRIfll A NBH- OHBOOUINO IK TUB HOaKI.Sil/' ' I DO LOVE YOt<, UB HY OBiR OLD DADDY," Baal lo BObouadod apptauH hj MADBE ELUS, The original Bowery Ulrl, and the guean of BiilHanu, and bp t^ebrlght aad vlTaalooeabaraolaMlar lOA RUSSELL And bor. an too Irlih bito; ■'.Hothlna'a Too OooH Vox tba frith." (JOB UUOUWIN'B HIT) Aoil ■■Pafojr anit Ihii lloimhoo,'* i>iriiLP..'<.vo:<a uiT.i a.og tij SAM MgBOWELL. Of MoDOWRI.t AMD iILRSK. Mae aayannderdai^ Phlta^ Not. IT: "Vouraoag, 'FAT* BBT AN6tHK IIOllrtBBIlOB^ II t go. I em aln|log It lo three aod lonreaoorea oighily, anil will run II ihmugh the aeaaon. Very reaneciroUy, HAM BcDOVTKLUofMeDewaUand Qlenn." Any odheae aoDRa: "Back lo the OM llonte Again." "HheLafitheManlTho Lorad liar for Another,''^"The RameBveet Belli Are BloilDg," "To Brr \» Unman, lo Porgire, DlTlne!" "Puoor Old Man." **Tbere'a a New One OnmlDv In tlie Morulag," ''1 UoTaOve You.or Mr Dear Old Uaddy.i' "Notbinv'e Toe (toed for ihelrUlt.'' "Pataey and ihe lloTi*ulii>f," "Tbe Porgetien Word," will i>e aent oa receipt »r lOo aaeb by tba ENQLIHII HONt; TUB. CO.. 91V. Woora Kt, N. V. P ongeUuilit to Pfnfea^loaale Plt>Kbetween lend4 I'.M. WANTED, A CAPABLE YOUNB LADY GYMNAST Todoiberaiolilog in a firat tilaaa Hatuni Trapeaa A^L Apparatua all ready tor practice. 8»ad pboiograph in eoetitme aod ataie all parllculara, or rail HLUl AimX AUSTIN, Lalo or tbo Auitio Nitlon, Molrooolltu UoUl, Oiatf _HL_iod Kont At... Bio i'blro. V. v MAfiiC AT HALF price: Have Iml arrlvid from Europ* imllli ■ lirgB ilock ol MB|le. Anyone purohiilng over ono dollBr'iworth, II will ucuro goodsalhill prlct, Wrili al onoi. FIrtI ooni, llrtl lorvid toad Iwo cania lor oalalogua, A lol of niw Irlcki. PROF. LOWANDA, Whilo Haven, Pb. THKAtUE iOU NAli: Oil LKANK THE PARK THEATRE, ALIiKOIIISN V CITV, PA. AI-ROaiTIIK BIIIDlIK FROM rirTaBIIRll. .iluau:10B llilo KUott, dffo ntootot' wtUi Irnm Piuo. burg. wItb a Hati.g eapictlr or a.l0), A liimlooiii.l* oppololod ooO oloiaollj turollliod (boalrik. attod whb Iho UIMl paltora opora elioiit and o.oloi no i,*n oltclrlclloUtrlauL HotUblo ror oil klodo or ooiromi. one*, locluroo, oto,: eoa tionaod roramuMuainriliootf. A. In lormi 0|ip1> u FARK TIIBITHK COMI'ANr IIKNIlY linaEI.Br Trwuuror. All0iib«ii», i-a SEYM0«TRATr01IIC0Jo.2 CompBlanl Reptriolre Pcopl« With Qood Wirtf< r«bt, Mutlclini Duubllag Bms ind String. AOTORn Wno PLAY RRARfl WIIITB. We par axpenaea, bnladffaoce ne lare* loonly tboae hoowo tnna Luaaai UrmaBrai letlar Managara in Middle, Rouihero aod Naw KogUsdaend op*n ilmeasdterma Addroaa MANAUBBBEVMOUB-RTHATTON Cy. _ PaierMD, N. J. Waflted alOncB for New Opera Housi, LAMBERTS POINT, VA. sum AND OiKOB LAPIBB. BtBIO YdUAMHTB, KXmii TBAlia, aOM) ANH DANUB TBAan. KTll. Loo. oon|toiaODtJ tojioori Mopla. AUo bunhlog lor FRliili.tN tiiBatrOukfolb. \J,. Botb Rood porroitjl.0 liouioo, U. J. BVAN. Mootior. Addroia aintUoro lu W. U.TRUBUEAKT, Riiiiotoo Hanoaor. Norfolk lltun IsB. JBAR BI'UBLky, lluil DOoa Booaaor. JUTBKILB LBIDI, loJr loi iaTOalloo tod lloawa'. : •Kopiororrad, wloi " boud. ■aJUaEacuBEDT ._ Irroiiari Haaaad.Kapfororrad, Bolorrlov. B ia n oi w iaiwi . _ -P. Ttu.BMaiMTYonaooI WANTED, iiVU)Ky roll SURRICK & CD.'S "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN," ACTORS for everr Hale Uharaeter, Udlea for Ophall aod Topay, HoHolaoa. all parte, Piiat UUea Tra UruBUier, Kualllne Adranoa Agaai, COLOKHI QUARTET WHO DOI BLB BHAtH. wTll hfre or buy la. good Tom Doya. Aciera who double Id Brmaeprerened. PoelUfely no larea adraoceO. <llve your "rees bottom" aalarr Orat latur; ft muat be luw; nniime tocorre* ■P^iw KdneOIaire aod K M vinebetter write. O. nT. Manaa ar. »U_Hni|]B A i;o^rarllaIa, Pa. MAQiCIANS, SPIRltUAUStS, MESMERISTS, ETC., Try Tlieaie I! aiTolh«nalrlal Batil IhaTima. My Baby Sweetheart A good a^ng, fall of bualoua and can be inag aaiwbaia. Wuida he Hoaln bt J, r. MAORir)iBNBY. ALBERT W. BB OWW iuni wlik lainoato ouoooia br NINNIB BOOULT al Elpp'l i'AalBo itrvolouonlof ooo. lor toabloUH. Mullo br U. U. ROHEMBBRll. "Sweethearts Again" Oonipanton aongtn "Whnen liitUeOirl Aravunt" Worda UM roualoby ftU^HK. NAtKUYTll aodROHBNBBBO. TilK .FOI.IoOWINO AHK BUNO Jltb Immeoaa anoeaai by the (bllowieg atare: bdla YMuaaa-Tllaa, Tharera Yaoihn. Katberiaa Lewla. Batle ,jp„,j P-...- a*od ynnr addraaa ud route, alio any lafbriiialloB abooi your plaoe aod preaentilolnga that you wiah to be boovD to the magical Iraterotty ibe worM orer te "3iia:A]3.AtirLa," aJoaroal devoted toihloca magical, etc. wbloh wlH Le lunad nanmnoth _M^llATilA. Hfl w. pt'h gt., a. V. 2 PICANNINIES. Muitbagonddaaeera. ire II to If. Call or addreaa. oHah. pckz A CO.. ^*'"''' TURNER.SHAKER MEDICINE GO,, MT. LOUIN, MO. Compflant Letlnrere for Ilia Imeliieaa. Htate abllliy, letroa ol encagaoeoL and leod photo- graeb uDlaaa rataonal arbliraiien It made. Tuiaer ihaler Medicine t>».. arenuaHtLouie Mo. I FIRFR WAHTFfl ^'<oliB»t •ad riaout, who can LUUCn niUIICUl amagaaad lead nrcbeaua. R* pertolie oonpaoy. Weei aiaoda, fute loweai aaUry. Bend refereocai end pboto (wbichwill be reiuroad; In flratletier No tine for eorreiMindence^ Hueijoinat ooce. Ladrpreie'red. WILBI'KU fiALICMgr.baiMy Beterly'a '^LitUe I'anaej" Co., tfuleWagar Honae, Clare land, iJbio^ AnyHtrleNagroWig. Meanu: Krlgbl Black Wig. |1; CliaraetAr Wig (natural hair). It Mi Hand bat iite lor meuaremeet r.tpfida ean* 0. p. D. aabjKi to roapeciloo. _ It Rtl?AltT, I. Oig Mi dfao B AToane. Naw^j^hT W/kNTED, ONE GOOD, STROiirSPE. CULTT POK WBP.E OP DP/,*. 10. n. f, WAlTL l.«n Colnmhfa Afa ana. rbila<lel|jila, fa. REED BR0S7hANUFACTU'RE THE TeNUINE BliAIK)W(IRAPnBiNBBLAOK ART. No f^ia ur fahee. Kaeloae auop for detcrtirttre circalar. .No. U Aider H'raet, Waiilia m. Ma aa BANPMil BIC. !iT?«?^;;^ffi Uoetbl For Holiday PretouLs. Sll Off AlliNiitWMk't CLIPPER. "opLD«ijiWTBi:im." aiithAToa.>.«i aifM i.B. r. ENCORE AHER ENCORE WITH THIS SONG, Rooney, Bbnale Thornton, Mnllia Palter. Joaie t* Pos' ulna^ Anale Wilmuih. Marie Warren,Jemleoilivir, An, J. P. (hinan, Henry R Diter, Hen. D. Olamoa* Raaiuel KaoDedy, Fred Andertoo. Joe Mawmaa. John V Meiare and oihera. Whose Little Girl Are You? Tti«bl||wlhltortLliiooioD, ooai b/UI of Iho .boi. Dioiod aiuili. ".MOTIIKU ANll 1,' ■-IIUSII A HVH, MTTLH UNK. BLBHP.<* TIIR TII.\T VONK4 AT KVMNINtI, .'lilT-n.K PAPOdHH," Woldt ol Iho Uat rotir Bnnib.n ar. br or WAHMAN, oulbor or -HnKlir BAHIIt" a«Di Kith linaionio oucfoai br I-rdlaYoanao-Tlluo. ".MAIIY I.A9in.<- "Tlin U»!«H MV NOrillDU WORK," •■niDAIl LITTMO IIOHR," ■•llANKaUfTlinilKIIlK," "OOIIAI.HR." rnARAOTLR HOmiB. '•BIIK'8 llllltll," "IIIBT VRIl VMnRUHLI.,t," WnnlobyOY WAIIMAK. "Who'a Dal Nuggln' You. Hannah Brown V "TIIBlin AllID mOVRRAL OTIIBRI." To rroroulontio. Id <«nu and pfoinninio, RAOll* lH' .olhir «llti orolmotfoiion, or eolltMiMOaUT. WIDMER.ST18LER MUSIC PUB. CO.. IJt Wvat -I'la Nt., New York. Honge taught tree lo pro'rmf n*ie frrni 11^ *1*. M.Jal lr. SPBCIAL. Tlio alttolloo ul iiiir idvoillllae rllroo. Il coUod tu lh> Hot Hill til. orit odilton ol XIIIO CLIPPER AUL will be an KtPKmALLY ArrnAOTlVK HOOK. 1IANI>. HOMKLY ll.LUHrRATKUwIUtnuiueruue Pliolo eograr- lnga,and that the aereral apecial featorta. Including ft ertmpletelllHr<iRY OP KVENPrt lu the THBATHIUAL VTOHLD.ilurlQg the I'BKt year, ahouti rnabe a greater diniand fur the iiooh Uian Iwrureand a eunaeqaeut in* oreaM Id MB wall knuan raluatoadTortlKaie. Thelorua will oluee alKiut i. riaaaa aond in ailrartiaing tnatiaraailr- Pi.rwie page.y><i4>j Korl alia )4ge t'flr<(itarierbf a pege Par twentv-flre llae^aiate* Korleo Uoea, agate Por Irellue^ agate .140.01 .. D.QD .. IOO .. 5.00 .. IID IXU 'All ATP. MKAHDitEH POUIlTKRN LINNflTO AN \K\\tL INU rilKC'OLUMNH AIIBaa IfllN. WIUB. Addrau all oommunloatlonato THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, <:ll|>prrllnlli<l.lR, Naw Varll. PENDY "HAPPENS" EVERY NIGHT Wini TUB MU.IT AllHRIIAIILK UP LADY HTAHN, ill's II Co., A vary pleaiant eogag»ident, where all uiembara ate Elven free auipe tu "HC^Mli: ' a« brai tbey oen with tlie- I'NHIIINB OP PAItiiR rOMKDV-iloDele Heaele Bone- bm_l11 e M 4 N INW111T R d oee^l .lad uiy. Nuf ce d . LET ME HEAR FROM YOU. I hare )nat publlalird "Alter the Hhow*' fdeaerlptire ballad, viih orebratrailcn), "Uun't Tall Hnibar*' (aa aungby Iuioiieiia4)oiner, the niaooi'liy V^anolte,Hue Ueariaa and many utherr). "Kaile'a blrUKiay Parly'' (by llharley Patteraunt, 'I'/etty Ky«a" <wioh end danoe, by Arthur Weil), "llHit ol \»t Heart * (ballad with or "ilt'UArS BIOYOLB miOB." rro.e Mioa al waaaaenot eoelea 10 ala. each. TOM OABTEB, MUBfc PUB., lb Bowery, B. Y. Cll rliaitratioo. bj Will II. pot), "Picre'a Nu One Llle Mother lo Vou" ti>aliail wiiu oicbMiratina, hr J. k Lucler of Luolar'a MInaireli). ''A Park of Oarda" (of* finugeiie rouinr), Ooeor the whole ttilircUnn inailad lii any prufaaalunal upon raceipi el 0 DBNTH lu pay poiiage. FRANK HARDING, i440 HOWKHV, nr. V. flin MO.IU Dllll>. \rrl(fle ma lhal ahv haS rnadn •■! '*4<iinrmuii< lall" tvUli Itan aaiMB* ■•A Kiallier'e Liivp.** N» iiiDrfi roplea aaiit oat aiilria llACi la Inrloartl. fV. V. Aariiey, Lftwreiirti .^orelly «iiil Naa|i. Uo., Cllpiiar Haillilli^g. O. W. tANi}, I*ulillehor, Ulniircalfirt Btaaa* Wauled (jiiick, Fhino Player, FortiUt and Hpechlty Coinpany. Kuat liable to play for apaclaltlea Kn time locorr^ apood. Huiattiveiiaaiary III flrii latUr .Vo H. A. fbrea adranrad Wiow now nn (Iin rnul AU^reaa MA.VAURK IIHYOR- ^ OIFTA .SD RPP^IIIALTT V A\ . lUi erei owo. Mj. FIRHT CLANS l)ll,iM.\TIC fEUFLK. Prefer tbnae who can aing anddaoce. hand loll par- llculara aad aalary in Ural letter. Maoagauaoi pat* Uiud aad trarellng eapeorat. A auady engage me at aad a lung aaaaon. I do not pay fancy (aiarlee. Bvirrbody laflil draff wall Uiih rn and nii tin aiige. Addre*a II. WAMK.-VANOyKP. Palrfleld. la. AN ELEOANT WALTZ 801(0," Wirif A BOOTHIA'; MP.U>Dy. JI IT >t'BLIBDf!D. "COME BACK, MY CHILD, AGAIN." WorttbrOBOHR IMWrKB: muilobriautl .1. IHIK. ELLY. Ooplol Iroo to prorofitootl. Modlo. proaramoio or eatft tad ouni'i I'lr |n>iIo.o. AiMroao Ul'UII J. UOHBLI.Y, Auib'ir ud rublialitr, m iHii mrwi. Ho» Yom riiif. HAUIC AND TlLUHJONN, ETC. HBBD B r:ENni run MY NBW ILLIRTKATHD BOOK nATALOuuK. TiiK rmuir i.v THK tvuHLii. rou. tlToIr BO oopiif 1(0111. atldiwi W. II. J. flilAW. _ III Auoill'aHlr.oL ('lilroin, ni. Iml. Lltlio. Stands. Beod reading matter and Bl for aagpla of U ahaet ataad VloNAC'LTTMa ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS FOR FRANK A. R0BBIN8 _ Ti) MAM' i'Di iioi;» B, BoarotB. t a. LEE AVE'nTe ACADEMY, BROOKLYN, N.' Yi PIrat claaa Variety and Barleafioe OenblaaUoDi vllt be ettae fair tr#aimani end good tema Pordateaanir 10 R. B. PHfCB, t;LlPP£R i • Igeodtama Pordateaanir R omee or al.the Aeadeny,