New York Clipper (Nov 1894)

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612 THE MIOW YORK OLTPPER. NOVEMBEB 24. THE 8UBTITAI OF THE FITTEST STILL SUBTIVES! Under the Perpetual Baaner of Uerited Success. Lilly Clay's Colossal Gaiety Co. Tr*T«llBg In Ihglr own 110,000 Palace Hot«l Car, andar (he loIr mBBagement of HARRY W. 8EM0N, HEADED byUn AMERICAN TRAVESTY STARS. EVAXTS and BirFFMAXT Mt Bverfwhere dellRMIat tbe vaellbroBHe wbe nliblly flochtoiee Ihli "TRULY STUPENDOUS MERITORIOUS SHOW." The odIt Barlexiue Vompanr whs bae Dlared H. R. JAOOBS* IRPKRIAL CIR- CUIT, BltADY S OAHWOOO'S CIRCUIT OP THBATRBB, AND THB PRINCI- PAL. VAVDBVILLB THBATRBR OP THB WBBT, WITH UNDISPUTED BEOOBD BREAKIHO BOX OFFIOE RE0EIPT8. **Ilotiirn DatoD Booked ESverywhore." HUW BBUINNINU ITH TOVIl OF THB BAST, WEEK DEC. 8. MINER'S BOWERY THEATRE, NEW YORK CITY; WEEK DEC. 10, MINER'S EIGHTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CIH; WEEN DEC 17, LYCEUM THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Woaldllhe lo hearrfom tbe Leadlag Famllr and Vaaderllle Tbeatne of the Bait fur Januarr and Pebraarv time. AIM, WAKTBD TO HBAR, at all timee, from NOVBLTIBl), gHNSATIONAIj ACTV.DANOBRB, VOCALIITS,CHORU8 I<ABIE«,<Me(e. AddrMeaepemBleabave. THIS OROAHIZATIOir IfOW-OOlCPRUESi TIIR AMBBIOAN TKlVBiTr BTAR8. Agme-EVAIfS and HUITIIAN-NtUle PoiitlMlr the HudMrBHt Dra«Md Udlu OD lb* VMi<t»»ill«iiu«a Tbe OreitMt Bualllbrut led Ujnaut Btuot, Tbe Utetl Baropeeo NoTelty, DE'MORA. llMKlwelblBg epd LeePlDK tu e High Hulrwey. THB VITAOIOUB DAMOBR, LIIXI&N WILLIAM. AHBnlOA'D URBATEST NRORO DELINBITOB. 20 YOUNO OAPTITATINO I'HKrrv BOUHHKrrRii. 20 JUST TWO PLAIN OUMIIDIAtiei Bett-LESUE ud RIOH&RIM-AI. OBlalKATOBS AMD DP TO THB TIMBS. MANDSOIIB AND BBVIICIIINa aiiANOHE OBEAOO. PBIHA UOKNA SnpRANO. DBLlnHTPUL DANIimo DITBRniOXa MUE. THERIESAif AB, Auliud bv MlMe DilU Polism, KIlUe Pembnibe. Otere B«e<!i, Tot Le Betne, Kltll. CbapIo, Louis Bo- Nebe. VenileBptrblendLitil.Wneoe. TUB eVBBT VOIDED TO0ALI8T, OHAB. E. PERRT. OIIABAOrSR HimO AMD IMITATOB. Sensation of all Sensations^ AN ILLUSTRIOUS, EXALTED, IMPOSINO NOVELTY, ENOAQED AT A SAURY OF 1260 PER WEEK. MARVELOUS MELVILLE, THE MAN OF MUSCLE, IN A MOST ASTOUNDINQ, SENSATIONAL, ORIGINAL ACT, ENTITLED, '*LA CHUTE DU CIEL." PRODUCING TWO NEW UP TO DATE EXTRAVAGANZAS. AMD THI MUainAL BnBAVAOANZA, "BON JCMSE," WrlUen ud ooDpoted ecpeoleU/ lortbeLlltr Olep Oc. TUB LAUan > HLB cnvBDiBrrA. "A LAWiv party; Ofitioeud bj tbUonippear, KXKtJUTlVU HTA-FFi HARRT W. BEHOK, EDWARD KENDALL, UIJHT LBKMB, ........ II. U. ilBAI.U, ........ JOHN MOi8, ........ HUUBIt II. PB*IINO:V, ------ Umtty Bird Arthur UBteon Win. Pollerd Uko. Mllrbrll Kd. Unwell Harry King Calrb Thitin|teon LILLT OLAT'fl PALAUR IIOTBL rlAR. COLORED BBRVAWm BULB nAKAOBU BUSMBBB HANAOBH - Stage naDBBer . naeloal Director Blaeter Meehaalc . ' . tfecretarj fftewardeee Head Porter iecoad Porter Head Waller Becoad Waller Chief Cook Becoad Cook Ah I Xol(t "Voul Xo 'FrlMoo and Roturn. ANDREW MgPHEE'S BRAND DOUDLE MAMMOTH SPECTACULAR "UNGLE TOM'S CABIN" AND "TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM" CO. MILITARY BAND AND ORCHESTRA. NOW IN OUR TWENTY4I6HTH WEEK. HAVE RUCHED THE COAST. WILL START OUR RETURN Iti OF DECEMBER. WANTED, AT ONOB, Kail Compaay fbr "Vaele Ton" aad "Tea HlghU In a Bar lluoiii" aad good Hrperloir* People. Will Blar good Comedlaa and Moabretle wbo have repertoire of good plBVewlta email oait. " - ""' " _ og *- . - ANUIiKW MrPIIBK, belter kaovrn ae ANDHBW DOWNIB, Proprietor. Addreu "Uade Torn**** t;o., Geaeral DellTory, Vaneoavrr, B. C. Hegardi to Carr and Ingram, aad all fVleadi. DOWNIB. MTHOSM HIT AT KEITH'S UHIOH SQUARE THEATBE, THE MUST ARTISTIC BANJO ACT ON EARTH. n*f«r*nrpii Jmt, Oppi>Bh«lBi«r, Jai, H. CarilOi AV«b«r dl FlMdt, Robert Uan- rbfMtrr, Feler lllc* and Prank Mlc«. OPEN FOR EKOAOEMETB. DOS BAMT FIPTBBNTH 8TRHBT, N. V. CITY. mm MVSEE ANBFAIHILT THEATRE, (Fenaarlr Palme* Hum), BaltlBoM, Md. CURIO HALL AND VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTIONS AT ONCE, Por Opening on ThBakiBlvIng Day. Privllegei to let. A 1 Piano Player. Addreie qarrh, aLBX ANDBR L. 1.ABBI, 41* Eatt Baltlmoro Street. WIITH ALL OUR FAULTS WE ARE WORKING STILL. oEo^-mEEKER and MACK--" In r«^|aartloB wllb tks -BALFORD SISTERS lanCLARA It COMEDIANS, « ACROBATS, • DANCBRB. I B...OorBcti aro norel fiom ilart to flnlib. At Prottor'e laet weeb* Regardi to all fVleade and brother O Kame. UlROUS and THKATRIOAIj. STORED, OARS TO LBABB. NEW JERSEY CAN STORAGE Bid REPAIR CO., Laha View (PatenanK N. J. "GAIAHITT W A Wild W«s« plaj la wbick ladlftBS, po- ■lM,aad a daaclag b«nr an lalradac^. 4(alT«B*fbiaaUa*CMsaff7latk«c«tt. It kas»*«BglT«a b«fbr«oatof tftvrn mail* •aeoiwItC sac«*M. L. C. ■■ITII, JMO Biawlwar. Room asift, IV. V. HERE WE ARE. I "KEEPSAKES,'' 0oDir with Wftiit lumiD. t>/J. 0. Mter rbll popaltrtODKbMRMMl.vbOlMOlD* I vordt, with k Ttrjr plsulog mvlMlr for I nwliiiffl voice. "THE COLORED 400," A OuHlr MftTchloff 0oa|. OT J. WhMUr. Thia loog litoowsh koc to DMd so* iDtrodDCtloo. ftod ir 1 dOB't»iogiL joooDSbtUf. ItlifrMLj "HANDSOME MARIA JANE," , Bj J. Kd. LAkamin. Tlili Dtrkj Ee- I MoirleTty It fall ol Ufa, ud wiu auk* I Ainrs to OD lh« an^ I PralwInoiJ eoplM OD AppUaUs?!. I Orctawtn ptrti, lOosoiA Witmtn Bottom com and tec tu. telU we imi toelL OUvor Ditson Company, j iiS-*a WsiblGHtoo BlTML Boitoo, NEWTOBE: PBItAADELPBIA: DlUOO A Co., J. E. DItAOD A O., 897BmdwAr. l.taOhwUDtSt naslc, Wolti BJovomcnt, Catchr* Words rlaht np t<» dat«. Hogalur cop^to pro* roMloQBlalOc. OrchoMtratlon lOc. Bead prognnmo. DOLLY: Taken fromcbonii. "UlTe HImtbeShako on the Comer. He Ii Only a Champ Prom the Connlry, Work IIImPorAII He Hae to Spare, Comb the Hayeeed Oat of Hie Hair, Jait Leave lllm Bnongb to Pay Hli Faro. Dolly Mine." PIBRCV CO., Pnb.. Troy, tl. Tf, SPECIAI^ Tbs Ut«DUoD 01 oor idverUiBg paUdos Ii uU«d to U ftai that the otit edItloD oi XHE will U an ERPBOIALLY ATTRAOnTB BOOK, niND- SOMBLY ILLUflTIUTEDvlih nomeroaf FbotoeDRnT- ltc«, Aod thil the MTtrd ap^lal faaloTaa, looladlDg a compUUBIflTOBT OP BVEKTB Id the TBBATBIOAL WORLD, dariog tbe put fw, ■boald make a fraater deinaad lor Iba book thu before aod a eonieqDent Id- creaaalo Itawellknovo valaetoadTertlMn. Tbetonoi will eloie aboQi Dec 1. Pleaee Mod Id UTertltlog matter early. For ooa page, 7X«X- PorhalfapAfe HOD Porqoarterolapage KM Portwentr-flrellDee.»gkt«* BO Port«ollDei,afate 100 For Are lUiee, agate l.OD •AOATB MBA8URBS FODRTBBN LINES TO AN IMOH, AND TUB COLUMNS ABB 1S-inN. WIDB. Address all commaalcatloaa to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, Clipper Bonding, N*w York. GOOD THING, PUSH IT ALONG 1 P0jy.lUOtSONST.O<lCAC0'l05E.i4ySr.NEWYDRK NOTICE OP RUMOVAL.-Our Dew Jremitet batDg ronipUtdd at 60 ETergreeD TO., Dear Wood Die e,BT«iklrn. N. T..9 bloeke Irom old •taad, we will more tote Mtoa OeL Vt IHM Id two weAki after remoral we iball make oor ft wonted Uthtalo aar color do •ir«d. and shall bave enttoo tigbu lor 11 per pair, and ibirts to match Id 4 color*. Shall e«DUnue to kMp goodi op to the stAiHaTd. u l>eroTe, Tbaoklag the pnlenloD for the geocroue sopport Id the put, and tnutlog lor a oADilDDAnca of theaame *e are, tralj yonriL flPICBR BROTUBRfl. Catalogues and «mple« of tlghu mailed free. BpeolAl esU- mates by miiL ORPHAN'S COURTSALE. mmm mm PHILADELPHIA, ITRDNBSDAY. DBa It I8H. AT II O'OLOOE NOOH, AT TIIB rHlLAUBLfHIA BXCHANOB IN THE onV Or PHILAOBLPHIA. TUB WBLL AND PAVOBABLT INOWN TIIBATRB, No. SVS7 u<l M N. lib 81: lot ahlion- C<implM«lr e^ulDlwl. BoU to oloie •aut* of joba lloD«noaeb. i^«UMd.^_PmilioaUie iddieu No. 40 W.lDat BIfeel, rtll»rl,lpbl^ Colo's Eolipso Banjos THE SWEETESUduD TbNED BANJO HADE Imporial Mandolins. Special ladncemenle are made lo teacher* to handle theie goode aa they are their beittriende aod are qnlch to appreciate merit. Bend for calalogae aad tvrmi. W. A, COtiB. ITUTremont Bl.,Bo«lon, Bfaet. PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS. Bend fbr natalegM. ■ PHOKRAL BL, AUeghenr. Pfc "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR' W THB "rBOPBHIl," est th, tiM eildi • emt llak u> roerobelD of ru>e. If ,o« her. e nod poftimll nx ol T«Bnilr lor neuooeiT utf .dmtuliiB. We mAho tbe r1|hl kind tor .1.01 Au kladj of oen Ar ibow MlnOai elaOlHOODt irtlU CHICAGO PHOTO ENGRAVINO Ca, at Medlioe 8U ChWe. EN ROUTE, DAISEY DEVERLT, OMDBR MAXAOBIIBNT oy wUiBim M. oAia. IN OLD VIRGINIA 30 WHITES, 20 BLACKS a THBILLINQ DBAXATIC CLIKAXE8, UBEAT CAST OF CHARACTERS, TTON. DEBFUL SCENIC EFFECTS FOB ENTIRE PRODDCTION, UBAND STBEET PABADK BY OBENADIEB (Wblte) BAUD, JDBILEE SINUEBS AMD FLAMTATIO^T SUOVTEBS. A FEW OPEN DATES AFTER DEC. 18. WANTED, TO COMPLETE CO., A1 EmoUenal Lsading Lady, mini b. Rnl clais and tine letklng; SIreiig JuviBll. Leading Mir. SoubreH. or IngeniM, Wofiian lor Cbaraoler, one wllh child III or .IgM yiirs old prtlerrM, and Man lor HmvI.i. A lew Muilolani to oompiete Band and Orohntra, alM Peopl. lor SbmII Paite thai ean donbl. In band. Colored OaarteHe, Jubilee Sbouleri and Plckanbin; thai play brau. Slat, full parllculan and lowetl lalary flrat letter. Management paya R. R. and keleL Addreu F. W. MINDROP, Manager, 36 Enlly Street, Cumberland, Maryland. WM. CRADOC & CO., Proprietors. An Extraordinary Sale, Many Car Loads of FIbo drcoa Fropertj, Comprklni; Every Article Needed wltli a Show, flrom Ballroad Cars to Bridles aod Bits, all tte Snrplns Material of the Bamii-Bailey Oreatest Sbow on Earth TO BE SOLD, WITHOUT RESERVE, ON AT PUBLIC AUCTION, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., Id the WIMTEB QUARTERS of the SHOW, at BRIDGEPORT, CONN., AND EVERY DAY THEREAFTER UNTIL THE IMMENSE LOT Is DISPOSED OF, the LARGEST AMOUNT of SHOW PROPERTY EVER SEEN AT ONE TIME TOGETHER. ConalBllBg ef ererj coacelrable kind, amoog which are elegant speotaoles, with Scenery, Properties and CosUmes complete. Lire animals. Elephants, TTIld Beasts, etc., etc. Ballroad ears, stock,- hex, flat, sleeping and adrertlslag cars, ticket Wiigons, calliope, organs, cUme bells, etc, etc Magical lUusloiu, glasses, frames, cases, etc, etc Calelnm light plants complete, chandeliers, tanks, etc, etc Poles, stakes, obalns, seats, ropes, etc, etc TV hole sets of nnlforais, blankets, harness, bridles, etc, etc All hinds of saddles, gons, spears, revolrers, swords, helmets, banners, flags, etc Tegether with ether material, embracing In Its en- tirely and Tarlety enough tofaUy eqnip sereral good sized droas or theatrical shows fer the road, or any ont door exhibition. A large part of the material and costnmes la onbrokea packages, absolotely new and perfect. Seme of It but little used, while all of It Is la exeellent order and oondlUen. To be sold In lots t« salt, at pabUo sale, or tlie entire to one or more parties on prlrate terras. Kow ready, contalBlnf fnll deiorlptloa or artlclea tobeaold. Sent free to any ad- dreaa npon application to J. A. BAII.BY. Proprietor and Manager, ~ ■■ " - . — — -- — 37,11 Btreel, N.Tf. r Baranm-Balley Oreateit Show on Barth, 100 W. 3Tth Btreel, . City. HEKHT O. MINEa'S ENTERPRISES. Hanrj O. Hlaar'a Fifth Atsbb* Tkeatre, N. T, O. Hijwr'a PMpU'a Thaatn. H. T. Hanr7 O. Ulaar'i Kawark Theatra, Hewark, N. J. Haarx O. Ulaw'. Bowair Thaatra. K. T. Xvurr O. Bflnar'a Eighth Ava. Thaatra, H. T. Oebia AMrai, ■Vlkk." Addreaa an eommanKaUoaa to HENRY C. UINER, lib Araoua Tbatlie, N. T. THE ZENITH OT AOROBATIO EZOELLENOE, The Four Biehards. withO. B. JelTetaon,Klaw ABrlaaaer^e OreatFrodactlon, Palmer Coi'a<'Brownlet," at the FoartoenUi Street Theatre, New York. All commaalcatloaa to DIOK RICHARDS, Care of CUPPER. THE COMEDY XRIO, EMMONDS, ElIERSON and EMMONDSe OHAB. MORTON and JVLIA HEBTIia WITH 8VCCB88. MoFAJDUKN'S BCOPBMENT COMPANV, KEOOH & OA VI., Mm. THE SOIVG FACTORY, Principal aargeon of the parody *ort, eaad bagged, aeparated, react, flirted with, aewed Into ahape and anctloned to the hl.heat bidder, llercatler l rafoae to take old clolbea la eichanae for par* odice. orace hoare ad lib. BANCTUn, llv U. laih St., M. Y. Clly. WONDERLAND MUBEE AND THEAXIIE, WILKBBBABRB, PAm J. W. HAHROIOTON, Prop, and llana«.n alao BIJOU XHEATRE, HAZUBTON, PA. WAN TJB D, CorlobAUennoUou.el«> nete people who bare Ml pUiod ban. WANTED, A tod "OnoloTom"Bbow. wllb ft£i\!S?lf;?i".^5i'..9°J*")JSV.*?A°AS'JiiJ"i* """V'tt'f^ie^'i ofl Meld,'ConraoUoo. Be»oW 5S?J.iS'.'7JjSA'J?.'.;S',! ?I^"*""?«""Brwrt"n»- ''•■■opIeien.acodioajOBreddiaeMa. roBHALK M, dnau, • BDBB STAOT," *ltb all my aleiut eeenrj, pHaUn., ddiIo. alo AddraeaJ.W. BAR.INOION, Wondarlud, WIUHbura, Pa. WE NEVER O L O H E . L Frank Hawkins and His Morry Company, niproBnNa toe tidlt talbntbd vbbsatilb lbasimo lady. ATBLBTIO BAtL. OAll.'gi:'5?o".*J'? -^.W-'^-"'"^ THIll. SOB!(B»TaDds)«euieUi - ^' " flee baatSM piae*. aad i allAbla.-AU ANo. IcoBpulo, phrlaiW/oalei,doa'tiail topUrCun n TOO will DO BMd ecu. g yn j ^Jni with ALL NEW Cuiii.r1a.Wto.. uuua rRAMK HAWEINS j?:y:r.v*rg^4V;'e'ri.c"yaTJ3;? *" - •»""•-'«— wiTi'ill!*n^.HSr 'it*"' "!L't?""? «*>r the American ataan by William OeaB Howella. Addroat Ibr time la Bnl elaea honeea. CHA8. J. ROflAlTf, ■•■•gor, ■» »er mto, AHTHDS WlgDBAJg, aopreMBIallTo.