New York Clipper (Dec 1894)

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Deoembeb l THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 621 OHIO. Cincinnati.—Tbo dlmton of amoMonnla lo CtoeliDkU here bean hluMd wllh a iar Utur no of patronage tbu jiu ihu «u tbelr lot la live early n on iba of lent mmd. Tbli iMk, hovefar, the/ an ooi eep«olaUr thaaj^o.; beeanee th*7 era called upon to divide the week'eboaloeie al-h Inepatronaol "Cio- derellV' ft •pMUeaUr entertainment proeld«t at tha PiUe Opera Uooee bf ibe little people of the Public BebooU.ud iorUwb*MOtoilb»pooro>lldr«aortb«nltf. There ere oT»r**oof«of fOQtblalwnoriftnd umiin la lb« Cavit ud Robert Loo In Hellenberjr. a eon of Man- ager ■*tl60b«w. ii oat oi tb*a. ChrliilH SqIUtw le oa*or lb* no* Id* vpirlta in tbe prodasuoo. Ourd Omiu Uocta.—' Oa the Mlululppl" vae aeeo Not O Lut wmI, Hoe* Cogblea pr«*»nl*d ' Dip Ifiuwji" ' A Womu ol No Imponene*,'* ind"Forwt He-Nor to boaloeM that tree not mncb belter than lair. BiHrt Mental), nre a. Wij-kot -Tti»T Tbutii -JoMpb Morphr l«lt tbe Wee Bodtbilf»ftrutdwio«o<l bar* Not. l*lo Tee Kin* Oo« " willUm Collier. Id * A Baaa Hombtr, -.ujed to aadlenceeof 'a*r pnpottlooa. Camilla D ar- »nr«Oi>*rmr^iii)p»or. D*o 3 Havuh'0 TauTiL-Oilvor tod late Biron aere ee*>a Nor X9.ia*Tb«Upa aod Dowoe oi Life. 1 ' "Aeiwitba rotnmao''<Md laataeeh. "Uo»caad Uoaa" Dee.*. Poohtaim Attune TunaTaa —' Plnmigen'e Ball" waa Intarpitwl Nut. 35 by Uurrar »od Mack. 0 W Wil- liam*' Corned Lena played to tood bulo»M UU wee*. Sou PiiulanDopn'OanCo. Dac 1 i irois Okiu Uoraa.—' Derkeat RnMla' 1 opened Not. tt eiueVO'ilDg , *HI»t«* o» Ooid *' Tha molcorava *a*aftlaiieallrwc>rkatl upendiheweek'e buaioaaawaa ■plto<ild ■■•A'iraeliorJ»o»" Dec! Koaixauics onaiu IIoom-N. fl. Wood, In'The Or- ptuve of Mew York." wti tha ea<d Not "B. J W. Me> 4odr*<*e and Kata O'leelo did only a lair boelneae In "Tha Vtioran Deteotire ** '■ the Oilier 8Ut«" Dae. 3 PEOfu's TatATaa -8berl- an A Fljan'a CUj fporU, reinforced by tba Neleon Kliiera, earn* Not. 2B. flan Derere'e Own Com pan r enjojed a week of proepenir. Will lama' weieore Dao 1 Koike. KiooLkTOKfl MufliOM.—lo carlo hell For.» wara flira*faur*'a oerionnieg mookeie. Polly (talktof ■aal). Ra'atoo (raulo aaaka klaf) Lola Wtek (mldgrt) prtDcaHuafo.' odr>d«gaad gou o"oua.EmmaU nt <Br» quhd), Ufa Mlllaard and h»r monaiar Mrpant, 'XlDaUao»o '* W B. Dooovao'a eonthtro Qnftrta'ia «arblad« nth«bUou aU|#. In v * audltorion tha oM« wMproTidad by >ioelalr an* CarllaJa, Bakor and Ran- dalLHiampaaoil lluapml. tb« Allioatbe KtaowoodSla- tara. John KoMsr, Tom WiUiani nbarlaa Kolfbt^ R«U« JaoMD and Uaun. Last w«ek Um bloyela glr a In bl "ma** and Van Uoutao'a Paka Olrooa drew good alied enwda Outtur-—Hoaa Coghlan and bar company are to rati TbenhaflTlngreek fcdlo Shmooo latnJoiDhar. 'To Nemeela" ia m aotlTe rebaaraal T«a)« via traced bra tremandooa audience at the Pike attbeOrpb*w Club'a coo cart Nor. U. at. Lubaoioe ud Theodore Ptanllawera the other eololiu a. Uoweru Uinkleea- teriateed Buiane Taave. Aime Laebaumeand their man- ager. R R Joboaon. at dinner altar tkeooDoan. Cot*ra ■era Laid for Aiteen congenial apirlte Jodg«Ralaa B. 8mf-b threw a ibaatilcal ce»a oat ol conn Not 21 It wee the ault of Uia Robinaoo Opera Hooae Compwr and Mra. P. Uerrla agalntt Numri. R Wilbur on aeoo- traotof eereralTeaia aaio. The WilburOparaGomMnr 6Derail toed to play to fj.000 a weak lor fburweaeaat larria" Tbaaire but mieaad that flgura by 11.70) Tna rait to raooror we* lo«i on the around that the contraot waa lltoval. eoTerloK ai ll did Bandar parfonnue**. CberlM UaxblDaoo la already at work on the *peotaele ol "^laopaua." which le to b* airan at the ' ampaa neit Summer, under the atiapicaa or the "M) tuc Pol lower* ol laia.*' Ola Ueioen. of Sam UaTara'aCoDpany.wee petted and laud curing the weak. Ube wee ebowo tbrougli ifae College • I Maaio by Peter Rudolph Naff, and UUpoaalble that aha may eater that InaiUnilon afaoflger *. Y. reareoo, *IUi ba family, ware here tn roue to AaharHle, N. 0, where tha former bopaa tn ie- gain bie brukea naaJto Uoorea W. Bioek, tbe ma> ■jaun. beaatariad out agalo under the management of Dale A* Robineon. In ble company are Llaial Bcfaall. Edith vriUlame, AdaheoeHltdbelL WllllamaTtioot Hell Hlngera, Bobby Bragg ud Qaorite Borckey W. B. Bennett the formrr doorkeeper et lieack'aOpera Uoo>e, who loet a loot during the airlke of tbe railroad men, te to have a beoeOt et Central Turn Hall, D*o • B. J. Reynold*, lata of Earl B. Bteera' ■ Oganu** Com- --, waa entertained at dinner by char lee W. , lata ol ihe roi-ntetn Edward Llom mln> Bled wiib tbeatnul lolk here laat week anager Jobn D. Darin apraog e new wrinkle Iwt week. Ue gere away free metloee iicketa to ledie* who called at the b"i oiflca et Robloa^n'a between eertala houra to the morning Uetrle Uanlo te bare Ue learea aoon to Mane a comedy role m 'Tbe Ward Politician." to bepreaentadin Philadelphia Blia Eatacbena, from the Royal Theatre. Dresden, waa tbe aoloist et tbe Bon dey P.'P at Hualo llall Not. 23 Nuager Jamee E. Kenneaayepantpart of tbe week In Indluapolla with Manager Uyde Muager at U. Andeiaon la orguls- mg a Tuderllle company ol hta own. RrrlB(flrI<L—At lh« Qtud • Tit, tmw" «|'k JotMtMl In wotilttewtinHliim <tt«m 1 bad • Ukd koat Caalu: Mul* M OH|bl«n el Bn' 1 17, *-T\« >ow»r ol ..At Stat', Oswm UnoMUItUTrill* nil Ulad bw&T •-TbJTlA* - - plAlffl to good bntlnn Tba " OptTC HOQM Hot. B dfav •lajlppl" uHl - "^"t" 1 ^ Waienltbl la „ Iba rrau" ■ At Siea'a Ovan Hot. a bad a will Iliad IxMuiT -Tba "»aBUai CleT«lmnd^-Al tbe Ljctum Theatre Ecllar, the nasloimn. a»atiud br bn «if«. Ullad U>la houaa at aacb panArmaoea Nut 19.0,31 KiTioe adaligbtfal aotanalD- maat. Jo*»pb Murp^Tt lu "Hbaua Rbua" aad "Bam Qom." 2i 2S. 34 did a magniaeaot bounaf a. Evan at Iba matlDaaZtuaBdlDE room *aa at a pramlon. Joo Olt, la "Toa Htar Uaiar." la tha TbaatagiTiog aumtloa. Stdla Martinot weak of DcaS.- Bdolio AVRHoa Ok>au uowi.—"A Bitot Shaap 1 nada tta loplal trav to a ■ 'kraUDil aadlf oca Not. U, aod waa racalTrd by acrowdvd bouaa. Baaioa»a dorlOK tba wtak waa brl.k. Tba Camilla D'Amlla Comlo (ipara Company, lo '-MadalaLoa. or Uia Uatlo Elaa." aotaruloa waafc oi to "Tba t;*oour Clrona" aod Mr. aod Mra. Kaodal dlTlde waai of Dao. 3 U- R. Jaouoa'TURiTHa—rhaiplaodldwaaa'abaalnaaa of aua HeaKa. lo - Voo Yohioo " waiooihlog noralbao ba rlobly daa-rrad Jobo b'araall. lo "MeKaddao'a BlopalDaot , ' waak ol 26, followad aaaa 01 Dac S by Mm a. aod Augoallo Naurllla. htah Tuutmb.— Itlaeo'a City Clab opaoad waak of Not. lt,wlib big buaioaaa. Qaa UlU'aNoTalilaaQll Lo TbaokkilTlog waak. Tba n>r Spoila waak of Dao & CLBTBLaao Oh.t'b AgauHT^fraparaiiooa ara ualag mada lor the Midwiotar Ulrcoa to ba glaao by tba UlaTalaod Oraia oaxt moolb. Tbainmaaaa drill ball will bedUad op aa an old (itMuoad oaa rlojc olrool. No f>aloa oor eapaoaa bare baao aparad. Tna bait par* ormaraioaUbraocbeaoltbaataua bare baaa aa'iirv^. aoda blgb claMaolaruioQiaoti.aaaorad Tba traload boraaa, doga. goata, aud alapbaou ol Walur Malo'a Olrtuo b»*o beao aaeuiad. Coa^.—Bit rerkloa laotoraa at T. M a Aiaoetatlon rjall -st Tha i;laraLuid AUilaito clab will prodaca "A Soboul for Ucandal" at oaa of Iba opera bonate at ao aarlydata Wltbtba adreot of Ptat>caa VTIiltrd aod bar ooId watar brlg.da tha W. 0. T U. of tba worid. wbldi mat bara laat weak, coam tba oroaad* agaloat "Llilng plculral , ' aod tba eatanoloauoa of tbell mpb wbiob rboaa too nacb of tba lamala lorn dh Tba lllbotrapb of tba barbwaae Qaaao. lo "A B forthwith aquelabed. Tha polloa baTa pmu aorablp orar tba tbaalxaa, aod Ittboa moat now paaa tbalr loapaoUon Tba llTtog fioiuraa of Mlaco'a City Glob at tba Biar wara compelled to drapa Tba era- aada aaalaat the plotoraa raaehed Ita couolnatlog polot today, whao atlacbaa of Iba Buy Tbaatxe ware Ooad iaO for duplaytng tba lltbograpba of almoat oade woman. Dnwton.—The Wllbnr Opera, Oo„ titer ailing tbree alabu at the Park, played to fair buaioaaa at tba Uraod Nut. a aod 14 "Tua Amaiooa" bad a aplaodld hooeoU. "HitTta ol aoM" eodiu .0, "The Browolea lo Fair uod" a. it. Marie ffalowrlgbt ID,'Tba rower ol tba Preea'' Dao 1. rael Taevrae -Tba WUbur Opera Co, Nor. IMI, bad M K H. O." A. 8. Wood, to 'Tbe Orphan! nf New Turk," 844 J. K. Toole, lo "lulaioar aod tbe Bhloe," and tta V7ataoo UUlara' nereUlty Ca dlrlde tbta week. Tbe Boooey t omedi ik>. Dao Vb Pete Baker 64. HuLoiiiui' UuHa TukATao— Wilbur Dpara Co. packtd tba buuaeNoT )3 'ACraokar Jaek'SO. LoaooaTuaATaa.—Jobo Coburo.Jobo natpeotar.Doo Tracay. Louie Kiaber LanraLawietee, lakbebaO'Daxe, Ada Paiaaad Vio.etKarL abbuoutiqm Ball— Turbe> BteubeBTllle.—At tna Oilj Opera Uonaa Jobn L. BuUivao pa teu the bouaa Not. IV. bluwe'a "Uoob* Tom a O*bio" lia-i tao au«al boaaaa 14. "Lend Ma Pire Bath dr. 's fledle Baa«>D Deo ■. LoabuM Tmbaths— v?»ak of Not. 36: (Hat tlogeler), fraok aod Hat'le Wrlabt. Uatnlltun and Uemdon, Oreo- villa Btalara aod ibe f took. Bute A MTAByoao'aTaooaADOBBB opao toclr toor at Bbaro>iaffllle,U. Nut Xb and will piay weak ataad- at 10 aod 30 o-nia. wllb tha fnllawiog paope: Prank and Konlee E>tl<. L.pttla Haul iLlttla Buabaam). tftanford aad 8u UAlr, ao a Anbur Le Poioie. Colombo!.—At the illga Street Tneitn, 1 Little Trine' optovd fur tbiee oighla Not 01 Jot J. LK>wl log. in "Ibe Ltf.tlaard." bad lalt buaioaaa ia-ii. "The Power of the Preea 1 bad l.rge houeaa li, U. "Bloe Jeaaa" comae lur two ofgbta 39 Obabd uraaA Hocaa.—"Voo Tooaoo" cane fa, for tbiea olgbta. 'The Amatoui' 1 did But receive Ibe Rtronage daaarrvl l9-i\. Juho L SuUtTao did a un- ary buatQeae U-tL Kaooy Btea comae nVDae. I, Joe OtlS-6. LOUISIANA . Mew Orleans—Loyal galBlreri of Htiakeip«ar« ware, daytog tbe week Joel peat. dallgbUolly eatertaiBed bp brilliant portrayal! ol that tine booored bard'a trage dlaa Heia, Bbakaapaare la net alone admired In tba theatrical world, bat hea loyal admlrara lo tbe oblatara, and aoboola tbrootrboot tbe Oreaoaot City *Twaa in tocio abodaa oflfaroing, that Frederick Warda leetarwd donna bla atar in nor mldrt. tharabp, allowing hla repiaaaotallAa of tbe prioelpal ebarmotera In ami ol abakeapaare to be eajojad by appreetadre and grate, lot audlaoeaa Pbbroh Opbba Hobbb-Not.IB mallaea. "La Barblar deneTille"waacbartDlagl| lolirprated byMme-Moor*. wlaff aad MM. naltly, Buillan. Prelcbe and Boyol Tba abadow daoee wai loirodaad and recelTed an oration. Aa Don Baalla, Oalllen merited, .ad received great ap- 61ao«e. Oo Raoday IB, tha capacity ol the rreocb Opera louae waa laied to Ita utmokt ao large eaa ibeeuend aooa attracted by' Le Oraod Moaot," Not. to *ll Tro- Tatore" waaaung ton larae aad Uoce. On ■) tba Ooere Ueuae waa again tbrooied. notXIn tbe roleol Mlg-.on. M le DelonnM owe bar daboL aoadtjit of Moaio-Danog "lo Old ■eDtariy'e" r'ay hare, it attracted ipleodid ao4tancm "Ch riey'a Annt"M. tlHAjto Ofbba Hoeai-Jrar theatre roar! did sot team to aojoy Mlaa Lewli' treatment ol Bbafca.paere'a ' Cleopatra,- 1 beoee tba auaojitnoce va. not vary bvaw dortog barelay. PalLl br. t 'Harlbb — Larca aedlaooaa wen lo BUeoaeno* at tbtlbouaedorlog Ward aod Jamee' eogagemeot bare. TbeT pbiyad "Jalloa fey«r." Hlcballeo." Heorr IT," ■otballcV' end "Blcbard 111" Baroay PergnaoB ll NEW YORK CITY. Cnnton.-At tbe Onnd Open Uooat, "Tbe Orpbaua of Naw y<>r." bade awd booae. N"T m "Borneoand Jollet, heeeat to tbe Daugbtare ol Rebecca, had a big bouaa II D'ie: Bmlly Benc'er, lo "Oor Plat,' 1 «. "Blue Jean." Dec. S, Mcrlaoa'a "Paaal" A Tbbatrb t.'oBiuoB -Jobo aod Clarn Raroel. At Tbntopioo Sadie uart.Urace Laroe Maude Boojlonend OaorgeCAlTre . BAiaBB'e Moaio Hall -Artbu Fraellcb, Mlaola Orefl- Tllle aad Margt ete Newten Ifatnaaeld^At Ibe Memorial Open Donjo daninaaa praraile.1 n<l laat wa-B. ttareral oompanl-o elo-log their toora occa.iooed ll Ma BT.^d. lo "Tbe Orpbaaa ol *>w Tork " taowt a acnall honae Nor ll. J. 0. Leela, to ' Bl Plookard," bid atup b*e*y booia fi. J. B. Maekl., to The rude Bbow." » bad poor boaleeaa Pita and Wibeter come A "Bloa Jaaoa" Dee. L ' Tba Old Bnalb" S At ibe Fourth aueat Aodltonum Bollh Btrera' Coccert Co. eaag "tbe Holy Oil?" aa a beoedt lo lair buaioaaa. FmdUr.-At tbe UnlTln Open Uorur, "Tbe Tornadu ' bad a poor booae Not. 19. fba Boeioo Comedp Uo.ooaoedtoapvorbaaioaaaXS "The HaatLtr 1 *3D At Ibe Totoer Opera UeOH, Oaarr'a 8>ock ro.eon-inaea lodrawgnod bouiaa Manager Oaarr rtrea the enure receipt. r7 lo the ■ bonty Food oi 0 A B. Zenearllle.— On Ue Mtaataalpiil" played to tVmtog: wlilinm CellieraT TbaakagiTing matinee and nlfbt the local Alton Opera Clab will preeent "Mantann," Unat Week'a Krenta.—Tbe eyenU of Ike put week were of far.more than ordinary Imporuno*. Obler nmong tbem wu tbe opening of Ike gennn of grand opera, an event of peonlUr algnlOoanoe, becAQge It fornUheg eTldenoe of national progRge Id moalonl an. Tbla evideboo la dlaooTered bj cooildetlDg ^e large onmoer of ilngcra of tha highest rank, who ere engaged with the company, ADd who firm b> comblontloD eqaai to tooae do- manded bj ibe older ouliore of ronUnenlnl Europe. Moreover, the foot thnt the larger proportion ot tbe prima donnas of tbe company Are of American blrtb, ud nave won Laorell abroad, ahowg that, In- stead ot draining the foreign goarce* ot exlirjpply we are adding mnterbtllT to tbem. Other Import- ant events ot iba week were tbe lint prodnotlnni ot two new worka, one a plnj bj Sardnn, tbe other ■ light open bj * local composer. The bnalneea of tbe week abowed a saliefaoiori avenge Tbe contlnnons perlormuce* tnrthe week ending Nor. ■U, wen "The Bauble Bbop" at ibe Ekpibb, ■•Bben- andratb" at the Aoahimt of Mcbio, "Rob Ro)» nt the Hbbald Bqoabi, vr. U. Omne nt the Staa, "Little UhrUtopher Colambna" At tbe Oaadix, "a Milk White Flag 11 st lion s, Lillian Houell st Abbst'b, "The New Woman 11 st Palmbi's, "The Brownies" At the Fodbtbbntb Strut, Carrie Tur- ner st ibe Fifth AvgNog, "The New Boy" st the Standard, and "AOsletj QUI" st Dalt'u, tbe three last named closing upon that dste Tbe one week stands closing Nov. 24 were: "Paul Kauver" st the PgopLg's, "A Nlgbt st tbe Ulrcns" st Niblo'b, RoanUle" st Ibe Uhako Ofira notes, "The Power of Oold"»t Jacobs' Toird atsncs, Unllen and Hart st the Ambrioan, "The Booth Before the War" st the Buoo, Rlce'a "UD3" st ibe IIablim Ofxba Uodsb, and "The Irish At Usi" at the Colum- bus Comstook'a Minstrels continued at 6t. Jaubs Uall Varlttj snterialnmenl was fur- bished at Tokt FASroH's, Kootih & Bial's, the UNION 8Q.DARI, the LVNSON, PHOCtOB'B, Ibe 0LTM- no, and MutgB'e Bowbst and Eionru avanci rerlormuces in Cerman were given at the Ibtino Pi-icb and Oibmaxu, and performances In Hebrew at the Thalia, Windsor and ad- lib's Tbe Slock company of tbe LTgitm Tbbatsb having returned from Its road tour, tbe regular aeaAou of that bouse was opentd Nov. M, wltb the drat presentation on anj stage of "A Woman's BUenoe," s drama In three sots, written for tbls theatre bj Vlolorlen Bardon, snd sdspted bj Abny Bsge Blcbardson. The woman, whose persistent silence eonoernlng a matter which in Jurloualy affects her reputation, affords the theme ot this plaj, Is Dorotbes Marsb, a wealthy yonog BoglUb woman, wbo bos passed a portion of her llfeln Calcutta. Daring her stay In that oltj her biotber Oeorge, a weak and dissolute man, becomes the prey of Sir Anbur Qreyaon, wbo enconragts tbe gambling propenslIlea ot Oeorge MArob, and visits bis boose for tho donble purpose ot fleecing his vlotun snd wlnnlog the band and fortons of Dorothea. Upon one ot these visits, when ibe play bad keen continued far Into the night, Oreyson bankrupts Oeorge, snd the latter, unduly excited by bis losses and by drink, endeavors to shoot Oreyson, and panning him tbrougli the bouse, overtakes, and shoots him down at the door ot Dorothea's chamber. Overwhelmed by cow- ardly tear of the conaequeucea of his deed, Oeorge announces In tba presence of tbe assembled household, that he has abot Orsyson upon discover- ing bin coming from Dorothea's apartment Oeorge la to Inherit a title; he Is, or will be, lbs bead and representative of a noble family; bs has been especially commended by a dying mother to bis sister's oar*, and aa all ot three ooaatderailnns sweep over bis slater's mind, she, though appalled by the unjust suspicions cast upon her, resolves to submit lo the shame, thatsbe ma; thereby aavs tbs Istnlly name, whloh la dlstlnoily lu the keeping of blm wbo Is the family's bead, abd save her brother from Ignominy and death. In the Bubseqnent Ju- dicial Invesi(gallon she gives testimony which tots her of ber fair fame, bat which exonlpates ber bP'toer and saves blm from the conerqoences of bis deed. Blr Arthur recovers. All ot this Is by waj of prelude, for at tbe opening of the play Dorothea Is traveling In Italy, where she hsj met Maurloe, Oomle de Tlgny, whose heart she bAs won, and to whom hers has been given In return. Knowing the Impoeslbllliy of marrjlDg a man of honor while lbs sum reels upon bar name, and seeing no way of removlagit, sbe flees from tbe Count, wbo hurriedly sends for bis biotber Hector, ataiqols de Vlgny.lo Join blm, and then starts In quest »f bis vanished charmer. HedbaJIrdlecovenberdweuloglnavUle aiBellaglo, on the Lake ot Oomosndagaln'seeksto winner hand. Bbebasbeenllvlog berewltne small rellnue of serva&is and one oompanioo, her ooosln Lucy Cordon, snd her endeavors to opnoenl herself from Maurice have led ber to ao completely shun sooiety aa to bars aroused saislolon among tbe guests nf tbe neighboring Hotel, one of whom Is Delphlne, viscous teas de Ohamponay, who was formerly sought in marriage by the Oomte de Vlgny, but wbo Jilted nlm and allerwards regretted the set, This lady's cariosity Wade ber to tele- graph lo ber banker for Information lonotralng Miss Manh, and she re octree reply which coovejs brief Intelligence of the sad story ot the Calouita •caudal. This reply Is placed opon the dressing table In tbe room ot Ibe Count, and In tbs Inter- view whlcb be tmmedlAlelr Berks with Mb* Marsb, gna aailsnes blm of her blame le* at, eaa, bat refusal to tell him the story, fearing that oia seal for her welfare will cante him to break bis promise of ae creay. Blr AjibnyOnyaon oonresto Bellagtoanrt baa ao interview with Mlaa Marsb, during wblcb be re- coonta the happenings of that awful night, speaks of money still due him from ber brother, sod odeiato RuebUate her In society, by making her hla wife. She gpurna his ofnr, snd he departs with hints at ravage. ItATirloe le*moibJa»nation arUhlhe sayatary, aad makes aa attempt to oall him to ae> oonat, but la not only neatly tolled, but la shown a newapaperooetalslsg MlraMarsb's self oTlnUnellng testimony upon tba recaston of the Judicial Investl- gatltw. Maurloe then upralda rjorothea, and, be- lief tog the tesllmony of ber own words, leavta ber, aa on worthj of hla lure. Mlaa Marah learna of tbe death of ber brother, aad, steadontaa; herself to despair, prepares to end ber life, wli b whloh In .est she inn las contents of a phial of digitalis tn spot of tea, Blr Armor Oreysaa sella and asks for tbe permed of the runner which her brotaerowed blm. During her absence from Ibe apartment, for the purpoas of writing a check for tbe amount, Luoy Oordoo, her cousin, eaters aad gives Blr Arthur a oop of tea at bla own request. Ue rvynelvee the cheek sad departs, only to fall by the roadside, prostrated by the poteoo. Dorothea is aocused ot seeking to destroy his life, but La exculpated In the examination by tha magistrate whloh follows, by the teailmouy ot Luoy Gordon, corroborated by Blr Arthur's statement that Luoy gave blm tbe tea. During the examination the magistrate is banded a newspaper, wblcb coniatbs tbe dying statement and conreaalon of Oeorge Manh. Than la the period of self aaorltoe brought to aa and, sad Mlaa M.reb re galea h nor and love. The play, while It will never rank among the best that have fallen from ibe pen ot Ita dUUDgulahed suthor, la never- theless aomclrntly meritorious to awaken and oommand admiration. Ita relative porta are put together wllb inch skill, Its proportions are ao ad- mirable, we are liable, at a oureory or Indifferent glance, to Call to recognise the magnitude of He slalom, whloh will, however, be at unoe apparent when contrasted with the many pigmy creations of the present day, whlob a rut and pose aa glsota. In the Aral place, the plot la dearly denned, snd, without divergence, UM action prooeeda steadily to the end, gaining In suength and rapidity of move- mem to the oloae. There la mnoh talking la the oral act, bnl aacb dialogue aa only Bardon can write, smooth, natural, .oiled to ihecondliloa of bis osarsotera, and thoroughly inter eating to ue audi ton. Easily and graceroJlyaro wetoldtbeatorj of the prelude. There are no theories ventilated, no bids for spplaaae, nor la there a bit or unneceaaary business or one auierrmous word. Every line that Is spoken throws light opon the theme snd bean us forward In the development of ibe story. The gossip ot the women ounoerntng ibe redans is In- terrupted by the re tarn of their willing rmlsary wbo, upon hla Ueycle, has followed ber orrlage, and who carries forward the story by toe annonce. meat of his discoveries. Tbe name of the lady Is now learned. Then cornea the Marquis de Vlgny wbo tells In the moat dellahtfol and Interesting way ot bis brother's infatuation for tbls woman and of the ohaee she tua led tbem through Italy. Incidentally ws learn that one ot the gossiping Leoles baa Jilted the Comte de Vlgny but Has re- grttted ner precepltuoy, and thru Is displayed a mouve for toe persecution of the ill fated heroins. Sir Arthur Oreiaon cornea and lu hla account of his wsnderlnp shows us the manner ol man be la. The Oomte de Vlgny's arrival serves to Intro- duce the woman wboae vicarious aaorlflce U the theme of tbe work. Having been discovered by Maurice she baa no reason to longer dwell In soli- tude, snd thus are tbe factors ot tbe story brought together. Tbe arrival of the telegram gives ns a cine to the ojslery ot her lite; farther light is thrown upon 11 in her two Interviews with Maurice and we anally learn all, when fol- lows tbe meeting between herself and Oreyson. It Is needless to farther pursue tbe mtou'o con- sideration of the marvelous construction of the work, snob literary J.ilnerwork la rarely seen. Nothing la snpeiOaooa; nothing added to tbeatory d'sirois or mars Ha fair proportions. Nothing la brought forward too aoon or too Late. There le no laving aside of material until it Is needed, li la never seen or,beard of unill Just at the time when It Is necessary to lit It luto place to make Ibe work grow before our eyes. Every moment Ibe play galne In strength snd interest, snd when It has resched ibe ptenliade nf Its power the end is at band, without any opportunhy for an anil clmax. M. Bardon wu perhaps unfortunate In selecting a theme, vicarious aa on II oe, foreign to tbls age and clime. The conditions of life In tbls land are con- stantly growing more oppressive. We are over- crowded, and the sirsggle for existence and for place Is breeding a supreme selfishness. Moreover, we lack veneration and hold not dear or esored Inv dllionsof the past Toe name we honor is'.be name we make, and we cannot appreciate the value of a legacy of the unsullied record of high aad honor- able aoblevemente. tfor can we, at large, estimate that respect tor the bead of a family which la In- dependent of personal merit, snd which links the present wllb the feudal age. Moreover, we have in these latter days of lbs century become dlsolples ol a new oult, We are accustomed to the pbuoaopby or cant whlcb tresis ot tbe equal- isation of tbe aexea. We have had women of ad- vanced tbooght, women of unsavory anteoedeots snd women of brazen impudence so persistently i or nit upon our view that we have ceased to re- member that there are more, far more, good wo men than bad, In this world. We accept as tbs In. etllable, woman's deliberate saoiMoe of ber honor for the purpose of gain, or at tbe laailgatloa of a guilty pauioo, and ws view with complactncy her Impudent efforts to malota'n ber previous station; but we are dtipoeed to consider It utterly on rea- sonable for a woman to sllow ber good name to be sallied except for • paltry price. Tue pride of lamily, the respect for traditions, the sacred prom- ise lo a dying mother, the saving of a brother irom Ignominious death, these, according lo oor latter a>r philosophy, are prices which could never In- duce a women to allow a blot to tali upon ber fair tame. Moreover, we Insist wllb mo«b anieaaon that the drama!Lai moat not deal wltb Individual lives, but must make nia women types of a class. Bather than condemn M. cordon for bla protect creation, we should honor him for the suggestion that there is no limit to the devotion ot a good wo. man, no aaciince too great fur him or that she honors, and we should I either rejoice that we bare la hla heroine a woman bowed lo earth wltb shame, but devoid of sin, raiher than those creatures ws bare seen loo on of late, reek- ing wllb dishonor, but rearing their beads wllb BbanuUss effronietv. If, however, we lad It Im- possible to accept as perfect portraiture, tbla counterfeit presentment of s woman's devotion,lei as take lower ground, aad see it we cannot dis- cover JusUOceUon of M. Bardoa'a work. Accord, mg to the language of one of his obaraoiers, a woman la, la the area of the world, golitv of that of whlcb she la aocused, aad Oeorge March havlog liaaeli maligned his slater to save uls own We, and tbs circumstantial evidence of the trnib of bis sa- cusailos being preeent tn tbe person of the wounded man lying ai tbe thjeahold of aer apart- ment, who would have given credence to aer ai tempted denial of the CTlDlrtatlat charge. Then and taroogh all time aha might have vehemently protested bar Inncceooe wltb ao other oooae- qneoce than tha possible conviction of Mr brother to Igraontlaloua death, tier own vlodioaUoo waa a hopeless teat, nothing waa to be gained by bar pro- uaiatlvaa aid a Uia, dear lo her because of Ita source,swayed la tba taUanoe. We prefer, however, to pcTeoaaUy Ignore loeae islttr oonsUleriiioiis.sad aland a poo the higher ground, sad only offer Haras aaajagtaaaa to laoee who prefer to delve reluar than to soar la the search for truth. The porormaaoa was sntlsfiotory, though uneven, bat sJrovtled eofae siampkai ot oojavptooous merit. Oeorgla Oayran, aa the heroine, at lm selecwrd too low a lay, and tailed to show through the gloom of aer environment say of those bright gleams whloh aa approving oonscJeoce might lirally bestow, or those lashes of forgetful joy whloh the rapture of loving aad belag loved would almost inevitably produos. Later la tbe play, however, when aha drew opon bar emotional reacarcea, sbe waa again her beat aair. Herbert Keloej was, aa nana], moat satlataotory la his most qolit aceLee. W. J. Le Moyna bad a role which ailed blm admirably, aad gave a performance that waa absolutely delightful Uia exceedingly lengthy rtcttal In the Ural act waa moat charmingly and skillfully rendered, and wu replete with genuine humor. Frits Williams waa aa brecay and exbtlaia log aa osoal, and Katharine Florence was tenderly ajmpaiheUoand sweetly In- genuous throughout. Adrtenue Dal rollea, a new recruit from the ootnpaay of tha Keudala, waa worthy of high oommendauon, aad Ibe ohtef hon- ors were easily won by soother new corner, Stephen Qrattao, wboae performance as Sir Arthur Orejaon wsa ahaoluuly without bkraiaa. Ua bit tbe right key st once, aad, never tor a moment, elreted therefrom, displaying tbe hlgb breeding ot hla station, and that perfect composure and self possession wblob yean ot experience In the world gives to thuee clever enough lo prodi by ibetr lessons. Ue was ever remote from auglnees, never made a wrong nor aapeiduous moremen', nor struck a false or Jarttng note. Tbe siege was beautifully set, snd great credit therefore Is doe to Wm. llswlej, art and soenlo director ot the house. The sotting of ibe ant act, showing- tbe sun sink- log behind the bills that encircled the lake, stands unrivalled In Its beauty by anything to soeolo art that lingers lo memory. The play wu loos caslt Maurloe, Oomte de Vlgny, tlerbcrt Keloey; Utotor, bis brother, Marqale de Vlgoy, W. J. Le Moyne; Blr Arthur Oreyson, Stephen anttsn; M. Dopres, mseTLBIreif, Ooarles Waiool; M. De Roeaogee, Frits Wullama; M. De Lubersao, Fred Oousobalt; M. Vlguollee, David Elmer; Duval, officer of Oens dsrmes, Hobeil Wied; Clerk of Us Oourt, Edwin Meyer; Denis, servant al the hotel, Frank Bbort; Bobamjl, Mlae March's servant, Eogene Tula tun; Dorothea March, Oeorgla Oayvao; Lucy Oordoo, her cousin, Katharine Florence; Delphlne, Vis- countess de Ohamponsy, Adrlenne Dalrollee; Baroness Voo Hiannlta, Beaaie Tyree; Vlguollee, Maodo Venner; Olnevra, Dorothea's maid, Harriet Anbry At the bsoaiiWay Tusa. ma, on Nor. 90, Ibe Boston lens produoed, for ike drat lime on any mage, Trlnce Ananias," an original comlo open In two Hla, wltb mualo by Victor lierben and libretto by Frenole Nelisou. II tells the story of the adventures ot Louis Blroo, a vagabond poet, wbo Uvea by bis wlis and thrives through hla aadeolty. The scenes are laid la Ns verre, and Ue Impecunious poet, dressed la plo- uueeque garb, Is Bnl seen st the time of a vintage festival, liere be makes love to s village maiden, partly lo keep himself In practice, bnl mainly that be may seoare a meal through ber kind otBcee. liere, alto, be encounters aa old scqualabauce, Oeorge Le Grab be, a proscribed outlaw, wbo Is die gulaed aa a friar. Le Orabue, while robbing the occupants of a coach, baa fallen In love with Mira- bel, daughter of the King's chamberlain, and I- about to boldly aeek ber at the court. La Fontaine, menagtrof abend of strolllog plsjere, arrives wltb bla company, and Louis Immediately fslls In love wllb Idalla, the leading lady, wbo violently reolpru- caus hla passion. Louis, wbo Uaa already resolved lo aooompaoy his oullaw friend to oourt, snd woo, tor ibnt purpose, baa assumed the lilleof Prince Auenlea, effort lo give La Fontaine and hla ootnpaDy the opportunity of appealing be- fore Boniface, King ot Navarre, wbo Is sfBloted with proloand melancholy, and who cons tan tij aeeka for those who might cause blm onoe to smile, They all start tor oourt, Including Ninette, tbe maiden wbo tret attracted Louis' attention. Bbe has overheard the plot concerning Ibe visit to court, which, by lbs way, Includes an arrangement whereby Lou la la to claim the price set upon Le Orabbe's head, provided Ibe outlaw la delected. They arrive at oourt, where Le Orabbe's suit pros- pen with tbe uhamberlAln's daughter. La Fon- taine prodooea a play before the king, but neela with dire failure, whereupon Louis recites a atory ol the nllarious effect ot one of La Fontaine's pre- vlooa dramatlo efforts. This causes the lachrymose king lo writhe with laughter, and he thereupon re. watds all hands. NMlte, however, denounces Louis as sa Impostor, end berslory La, In a man- ner, corroborated by Oerdio, Duke d'Angers,one ol La Onbbe'a vlollma. The King orden the arrest of all bands, but Louis again causes blmtolangb I all are forgiven. The anther baa presented a good story, but, probably through lack ot expert* encs, baa tailed to eutnolanUy avail himself of Its opportunities. Us Is sadly leaking In oooetractive skill, and has practically wealed much good ma- terial. He baa, moreover, madesa unusual mistake la writing a book with none but comedy oreaUons therein, end without a single vein of serious or rornanilo Interest Uls humor, while It produces laughter, is found opon after cooslderation, to lack freshness, snd mncb of It whlob refers lo stags affairs Is too obvlou and too commonplace. Uls dialogue lacks crlapoess, and hla lyrics, while they are of that pleasing ibythm whloh readily leada Its- self to a musical setting, are, oeverthsltss, com. monplaoe In language and lacking In poeiio sentl. moot. Tbe numbers ere, sea rule, too lengthy,aod tbs drat act, with lis added encore repe'ltiong, wu consequently wearisome. The second act lacked both fern and sobelanoe. to a word, the book wu amateurish. The atualn contributed by Victor Harnett waaancb aa we bad good warrant lo expect from Mm. It au dellgbiful ibrooghoot, and characterised by daintiness. Aa might naturally have been expected, the orcnsstr-J score wu better than the vocal, aod some of the beat vocal com bora were loose la whlob the orobeatra furnished the melody wltb Ibe vo.ou accompanying It In snlson. Mr, Herbert la also fond of employing voices In oor eoo, whlcb lo this Instance la thoroughly pieaslng. He la, perhaps, loo prone to use the waits move meet, but while llatenlsg lo bis strains we ere content to enjoy all thai bs gives without qocsiloo, and if to err In lals direct loo lain any degree reprehensible, hla fault la amply ooodonid by some exoelienl inarches. The use of the mutes open tbe violins produces some dellghifoliy sensuous strains and In many of bis oumbeis he baa employed tbe IB' siramenls of the ore beam singly and ooojolnllf vlindlaunoily nunwroaseueots. It can eoweetj be denied that the sweelaasa of Ibe mualo cloys lbs asnass at times, aad produces a lexgor one mood, but aim avsn lo dream under snob loduence le dellguL Edgar Allan Fas avowed that tbs term a lose poem wu a paradox, and thai a compoaliloa ot that sort could not bs read ooolinoooaty without that feeling of mental ween area that would result la total Lack of ap- preciation, sad that eves Mllton'e greet epic la inly great only wbea reed u Intervals la frag' Beanie h a series of short posats. Tbls Is true of las mualo wllb which Mr, Usrbert aaa endowed tbla work. II ran nomt lie iruirougfili a|i|iisnislsil or estimated at Ha Just value until las opportunity offers to bear It la lbs form of excerpts, tans heard and baviag beoome move fraullar lis various asrassn oaa attarerarvJs bs kept by the audi tor a sp i r a l i evu wans l ls i aala g tolasaatlre soots. II Is mualo thai will live, and iboogh the open In other ivapeoie has many short comings, It gives through Its score greater promise than any other ol the worka wlm whloh tbe Dnstonianx have la the put two seasons experimented. The performance wu meritorious. The principal Donors were won by Jessie Bartlelt Davis, wbo not only bad the best role, but who lostiDcd thla illailDO- Hon bylheexcslleoceot both ber slutting end act- ing. D. Holes Morgan was soniewhal overwi Ight- ed by her tarroandloga, but sang sweetly and acted with modesty sad grace. W. II. Uacduneid, who had lbs title role, aaog and acini with hla accus- tomed Botah and made a very pk-lureequo appear* ance. Uonry Olay Barnabce was a trifle rurKotful, but waa aa humorous as bis lines wmilil p,nnlt. Eugene Oowles aaog wllb his luoal i itfCliveuOMi, wble Oeorge Frointngharu dtietl himself very snugly lolotbe role nt tlto lugubrinu* king. Tho open wu Itandaooieiy staged. It la an odd work, probably there la no precedent In the history ol light opera for oomniltllog the leading rolee lu tbe baritone and contralto, but u ibla was enviously the best smngetnent lu s work designed lur pro- duction by this company, there Is i.o uccwUn to object to Ibe wors upon tbls aoure. Vic- tor llefbort, the composer, wlotited the b*xa and directed the perf"ruiauoe. The caeli lioul- face, Oeorge B, FroUilDgltam; lino tl'Augcre. Wli- 11am Caellemeo; Killjoy, t'eler Unit; IaiiiIb HI- run, W. U. Maodooalit; (Hutgo Le Onbiw, Kirr, no Oowles; La Fontaine, Henry 0 ay LUruabix", Kugeuo, Joseph Sbiehan; Jacques, Jauiea K. Miller; Won, Ur. Uojle; Pellcle, Jus prune lurtliit; Mrratrul, Mens Clear J; Nloelte, I). Klolso Murgan; lilaila, Jessie Bartleli Davis 1 ho now event of Ibu peal week al the Ibvino I'lacb Tusaths was tire urn- Beotatlon. on Nov. 'JO, of Lcaacng'B tlvo sol citiueily, 'Minna von Uarnhuliu." Tltmugb ibu lion receipt tout of town lulelllgeaoe we wore luwIvunonUy led Into error In our butt Issue, wbcu we eicuided to Msneger Conrcld, of una iiuuhu, too buoor of Orat producing In tills country Hnociiihuu and Ka- delburg's cumcdj, "Dcr lU-rrMciuilur." Ibu play wu produced al llio S«ill Tlieaire, Milwaukee, <S'ls., on Nov. 14, one da; prior u Ha pniiluciluu In this city Fur tho M'cunil and uuniwi-iknf nor stay at Ibe Fifth AvsNt'g rMKirurt, i>rno Tnrurr cootluued to appear tlurlnsf Ihu uiai Half of the week lu "Tuo Ojuilog Wuiiun," oui, tngiuolug nn Nuv. 23, devuirdtbe rentMiinU-ror thu week lu lite prosefte'lon of "rnoOrUkluf Huuit-ty," wlrluli wu luua cut: Oliver Bl. Aui.yii, tiugar U Havinip<irt; I'sptalu llsudail Nurtlicotn, Juhn Fruuil; Onvuiitllah LOUIyns, M. I'., JiMrpu K. Wlilllng; Tim Karl of Out- uhester, Uerberi A)iltig; John, llsrv.y Kiiirraon; Hoger, llawlef Fiancee; Mm. Kelt", Kill* I'motor OUb; Vlulul Keruooil, Urtrrlu Itrtrtunrfu; Utdy lh>*viii>, Kate lyatrr; Salh-llr, Jiau uiialuhllu; Ura, t-*al- lake Uhspcl, L'arrle Turucr At a bencOt pur- tnrntaaceglron In aid of a linapltnl uliarltj at tlto FirTU AVBNtis TiiBAriixnfturuuiiu nf Nuv. a), there wu pieBauleil, fur tliu nret Uutu npuu any alagu, a one act runiody drama, ouiltlwi "A l/ivor'n Knni," tij Marguurlto Morrlugtou, tlto autluir uf "Captain UUariilalr." It told tliu au.ry of tiro eirurta uf a werutby woman to aoouro tiro tnarrlago of bur ■laughter lo a llueslan prince, rho girl la ri'miivcil to many a Ibrlvlog buaiuea^ mail wliu Iras wun lior atTecltuus. Tho niottior urfotris lu dce|ilsu trailu, elthoogb bor buabaitd la a uloukniaker, wliu atlll carries on tils busliioim wllluu lila imino, uuauown to Dial world of wbluli bla wlfo u a pari. Tun girl dually slopes wllb Utn luau of buy rliuiuu—Ttioaua- suo of grand opera tn Italian ami Frenun, uinlnr ilio direction of II, nry F. Alii-ry ami Manrko Ureu, bo- gan Nov. lo at the UcTaoruLiTAN (ifkha lluuna Willi aperformaiioeoruuuuud's"lbiinuuuijiilii-iui,''roii. dend in Freucb, llnasliil'a "Willtatu Toll" was no- aented Nov. 'Jl, wllb Hlgour TouiHgiin u thn aputrsl attraolloD. Luclllo Um was In Intvo mailu Iiit flrat appesruoe here upuo UiIb uucuiuo, but wu uu* able to do so beoauae of lllneaa. I.tnla Drug, who wu to have inetlo bur uioiropolllau dobut Inter lu ins week, ounsculed tu sssume thu rulu uf MatlilMo, thus left vacant, but unfortunately Bhu Irniku down oompletely, and wu obliged to loevu thu Htego, It wu thought that bor niomury Inul failed her, but Mile. Drug aatefla Ihalalie suffDred fruiu nu Bltauk of verligo. Bhs reluruod to lire alago, Irowevor, and dolshed her perfunuaace, The upcra, wblclt I aaog In llsllao, wu lUus cut: Matlillilo, Libia Urog; (Jemmy, Mile, ileuonuelaier; Kdwldga, Muu Hyan; Qugllelmo Tell, UlBUor Auonua; Oualllero, Bd. lie Keske; Ueuler, M. I'lancuu; UelonUI, Big- nor Abnunolf; Un Pescatoro, Hlgnnr Vannl; loldo, Blgoor 1)0 Vuiilnittl; llodulfu, Blgour Itloaldlnl; Arooldo, Blgunr Tumagoo. Vcnll's "Aide" wu sung In Italian Nuv, a. I.llna Drug wu btsrd In the Ullo rule, and met Willi suc- cess sufficient lo establish her In favor. In spile of the painful episode attendant upon Lor Orel appear, anoe. Upon the occasion Mure. Kngoula Mantelll, oontralio; Alfonso Marlanl, baaau, and Uaurlzlu Bensande, baritone, made Ifielr Auierloaii dubuts. The cut: Aide, LI uia Drug; Uua Heccritnteua, Mile, Bauermllstsr; Amnorls, Mine, Mniiioill; lUtu* na, M. Bdouard de Iteaxke; Atuuiiariru, Hlgnur Lion- aaode; II He, Blguur Marlaul; Uu Mirsaaiigiiinj, BtgoorlUnaldlul; Iladamus, HlguurTainagiiu. "Hu- meu el Julletle" wu repuaterl at Ibu uiailuco Nuv. 24 with tho asms cul u upon tint opuulug night Wllb the exception ibat Blguur Vlvlanul ru|il,icvit alga or Oulelusry (jAnary 4 Leilerer's lease ol the Casino having expired Nov. au, llroy sur- rendered Ibe building upoo that ilaiu tu inn Uaaluu Club, ud the A rontons are again In pi— easlun uf tbe boose. IT laanooaooed lluu A. M 1'iiltiinr liu snenrod a sILeoi partner la me prr»oii of J-ilru M-llirr, who will hereafter be Iniernaiiid lu Mr. PAiiuer'ailn-airi- cai eoterprl-es. Mr. Muilur will not, huwnvnr, luvu any vuioe lu the rrunduol of thu iiualin-as, tnu in-n- egemeot of Palmer's snd the tleriiou Tinva'rrs rai111 cootlaalug uuder me eie'iittbi control uf Mr. Felinor. - J. Wulbt HoaSHqusirr ami jFrfereuu, Kraw A Erbujger bate puiohaaert. in pertueranlp, a piucu uf property on one Hundred aurlTwobtr-rilili hirnet, n-*sr Third Avenue, on wblob ihuy luteud tu ereirl a ibeaue, Wurk un 'be no* ple;hoUM will tHirlo atoncf, end it La espeoted to have ll rooty /or opeijiug tif erpi 2,1HV6. Auham 1.. KHLANuBa. of the drm of Joffursnn, •.law A Knangcr, was ooarged in lho llarieiu Curt, Nuv. 21. wun eaaenit ou lleiirr rloauulrcrg, uutuagcr uf Ibe llarlemD.^rs liouee. Mr. IviiHiiiocrtt cliaiites Ib.t wnlis lu Klaw A Eriuger s F.xirnnr,git ou Nov. H Mr Krleugir dm ordered blm mil, at,rl, uu ins rdiual to go.eaeaolL-d irlio. Mr. Ituaeriintrg did nut sppcar at the hearioa and Ibo caee wee ad* 1'iUw.u until IT. Mr. Bruurger waa herd lu I too ball, winch wu proiiiptly furuuiinl. Tnu irnuniu wu catued by Mr. H/Mroirerg a cticelailou uf unu of the attractions Iwaiked by me arm. Otoaus W. LSDgHBs, frutn wh .rri hla F. U<li.rer dbiaiued au ausulute divorce lu tnis any on Nov. 23, wu married oa Ibe eemo date tit Adele Hli/u Iimo- professional). The ceremuny look place in sney Ulty. Bun oat BwrBrTTAiNMBim on Nov. 2s emiincol the Brat of ths pupuUr priced eocene et Ihj Metrupolltu Open lluuee, by the Held, Orch aire, wllb If. Teaye, M, plancuo, and Mme. hcaIoiii u aololata; the drat of a series uf concerts at the Herald square Tbauire, hy the llusalen Hvmpliony OiclrSstn, uf BL Petersburg, and a nuu.b r uf soloists; a ounce I al lee Academ/ of Mualo, by Oometook'e Mlnsirels, ud a ouucufl by Ueiunn stugiog societies st uaruegle Music Hall, lu al-i of IlieOsrmau llu-plial. Doaia' MtrascM — me cat Mlnsirels, a iroope of well tralntrl felluea, began a nmlied engsawsnt hers Hot. m. \< it a norel entenainmenl. The Uyset Fortune Tellers nave proved aa ailrscUon eurgnleiiUv strong to warren I their rek olioa aa- otnsr week. Tueir aoenea of 0» pay camp Ufa inier> est ths petrooa of ibla boua**. lu me ibeetre Fofd and Bowels, Ed. Hanaer, llerve; and Molruee. Bills Ocwiwrtgai, Waller sad Hind ipn aud Jond Taf- lor are ibla week's lut of eaicrialnera.