New York Clipper (Dec 1894)

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624 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December i. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUIUSHHM CO. (UbJM), norinmu. am. w. kbil, Mwion. BATDBDAY, DECEMBEB 1, ISM. BATES. f weary aula per Una, eeate Op* iiUMaAMMik AMMtftaofSpaaatu allowed on advartltawieata wbea paid tor three anatbe la advaaoe, ead m edTonleomeata raoaoorla* IS Um •f BM1 BCB80BIVXIOV. Oo* year, ib advaaee, M i at* noama, a i avrte ncatha. rmlfoponontn- •lnel*o»plee,»oenueBe*. o» nana ARB OAIH. tbb oijrrm u imi every wodaotoai mctwi. Hi* iBtbTuth aad uth (adrerrieusaj page* GOTO raxfla ON HoinuT, ast tbe lUh, IMS ead other papa oa TDIBDAT, Tha Forma Oloalnf Promptly at 4 PJt Dhm noil by nmaniHi older. eeoek,r.0.or- dtr or lettateiw letter, aod ADDRIM ALL COMMUNICATIONS For the Kdltorlal or the IuIihi DwparlmeaH to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, r. o. *oi 8,836, or ourru ioildiko, T) aod noeatre Itnat, x*w Tora. la BagUBd-mt Currxm ate bo obuuood, wbolaaala oad rolaUol oor unit (mltb, Abulia A Oo, S Row- wikmi, uuC la PTanea—Tee ourraa la oa aeUalBraataao'i am depot, tr Aroago Ho I'Opon. Peru. joy TUB NEW YORK GLtlPPKA pab liana* oalr »• edldow, and that la data) from daw Vork.-«* QUERIES ANS WERED. NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O R TELECRAPH. AD»UBUaoKviiUAK>cn»OTarTO. Au.tfqumr or icoi aooiD tun to nan vaorj nn oil n oauorTHE rjurn* foot wrwa. AutarnoWiu aa ABTBanamo oil waaa oair. Irm aovra or abt rtunion. ooctut a omtoit, umnm uavat loorra o« aaonta rial. WaoiaaoraiaaaotTai ar ■oil oa vtunaara. THEATRICAL. Qtbnibtioob>-1. We have no reoord ol mob an act «rer bar lag been done, 2. Bevrnl clrcut per- toman sow llrlng claim to bare tnoctte'ullj ac- oompbabed tbat feat. At leael ona of them, John Worbuid. lubmlued evidence tending to corrobo- rate bit claim. WeuaveneverteentheleBtBChlevea, however. Several peraon* Dare killed uemaelvee In auempla to do it. W. T. S., Burling .-1. Of the Henloni now llrlng Oeoiia withdrew from tbe abow bailneia Jan. 24, 1803. Previoua lu bla retirement lie went on aa a luper In "Faniaama" In order lo eee tbat tblnge were oroperly attended to. Tbo otber broibere bare not played prominent parta albce tbe wlu- drawn of "The Voyage en Bolaee." William li manager of "Buperbe" and Edward manage* "Kan- taenia." 2. Tbe copyright might be obtained bnt oomd net bo defonded. R. N. P., Obicago.-Addreei the party ln can of Tni CLifpaa. UiuXiTio, Adrian.—W< bare never beard of but one Eoglttn verelon of tbe play, and tbe one jou bare la undoubted!; (renal* ted from Bardon'a oi Igl- nal. II. L. B., Blmlra.—We bare bad no recent Intelll genoe from tbe oompanj. Watob oar route llet, or eend letter In oar can. Oiobob, Philadelphia.—1. Snob a torn U not In muob demand. 2. we cannot tall bow much aalary ;od ahoild ezpeoL Probeblr twentj-Bre douara a waek. L. N. It-, Luoaeter.—Yon had better adrertlae In Tni ULirraa See ralaa at head of tbla oolcmn. J. A. V., Faua Uitj.-Wo do not know tbe piaj. W. D. M., Sprlngdeld.—Toe pexu 1*> w « Ulnk, nneoplo>ed at prtaank Addreaa nlm In oare ol Tab Ourraa. II. K., Alioonv—Van Horn A Bon, Pblutdelphla. W. 11. B., Philadelphia.—Addrool Al. Uajman, Empire Theatre, New York our. KoouuTka.—We never rurnlab InformaUon oon- oernlng tbo domoatlo affalra of pcrrormen. L X.Y, New Uareo.-l. We would not. a. The/ are la demand, s, We cannot fumub tbo addreae. M. J. I)., Btockwell.-l. We do not wlah to dle- orlnunlte hi mentioning; anr ichool of acting. J. Aa too Inalal npnu knowing bow jou are dtaqnall' bed from becoming an actor we are oompelied to reply that tour leuer inrnlahea erldenco that joo bare lacked ednoauonal adTantagea, W. J. 0., OreeDvlile.-Ooo. Tnaiehar preaeated Toledo.' 1 Prtmroie and Weet net«r pbued It. J. J. J., Fall lUrer.—Wo oarer rnrniah prtraie addreaaea of performer*. Addreoa letter in our care. u. s. □., Port Wajne.—"Bob" Blarln died In To- ledo, Oolo, Deo. ffl.lbJJ. Huaocaiaka, Oluolunall.—We cannot apara tba apace required to aniwer jour Qurrr, nor do we know of auj hook that would enlighten jon. In quire of any member of tbe profeaalon. V. 0. L„ La J owe.—ronr ueioh oonld never And a place upon tbe etage. W. N. B., Mariana.—Wo kempt mob advertlae- meaia. U. M. D.,TIUiarllle.-Addreu Frank Harding, "at ■ Bowerj. New York OIU. a. A. Y., Oarllale.—we do not know whether or not the part; baa a oompanj out, aa we bare re- ceived no rt porta ocnoemug It. Addreea him ln our oare. H. B.i Hllobell.-We have never beard of the pari j. we wlu adraruae a letter addraaaed In oare of Tub Ourraa. at. R, Ban Anu>nlo.-Addrtea Hobert Netaon, ML Olemena, Mich. V. W., Waunlla.—Wnemaboula nnknown to na. Addme part; In oara of Tbb Ourna. F. J. Ooboea,-i, n Weat TtlrUtlb street, thU olij. i Probablvll'ijduUari per week. Mas. J. 0. M., Wllluuantlo.-Addr*aa lellrr tn our our. P., Philadelphia.-1. Notwllbouiaddmonalqnall. Soauoaa. 1. Advenlae In Tbb Ourran. Be* ratea at the head of tble oolumn. i. W. A., Philadelphia.—Yon oorreollr eormlied our antwer. We know of no remedj but (he law. J. W., u Oroaae.-Addnee Baldwin Broa., J>. 0. Boi lli qulnoj, 1U. • HkADBa, Qrand Rapid*.—Addreaa lettar In can ofluaOurna. i. H., kit. Plena lit.—We never turn lab tnfonna. linn ooncerulng tbe profeaalonal atandlng of anj one, nor bate we an) meant of knowing Individual aelartee, U. U A., Barre.-IIe la the proprietor, ao far aa we know. H. B. T., ZaneavUle.—The party li on the road, bnt we do not know bla wbereabonia. Addreu klm tn oare of Tbb Ourruu W. B,, WbeeUut.-1. Wa think tbe aot aaa been dona. a. Ptftj dollara. a. Advenlae tor eagage. BWhtlnTUBOurna. Bo« ratea at the head ol tEla oolnoiD. 0.0. W., Rt ad log.—The party la on the road with bla wife. Addnaa him In oar can. & tokos, Ooloago.—Tno party, who baa been la poor health, reoenuy went Boutb and ao advtaed na, bnt without naming the exaol looatlon. Be will direct bla enlerprlKS from tbat quarter. Ad- dnaa lettar In oan of Tut Uurru and we will adverUaelt 0.0. T.—1. It wat the property of McKee Rankin, i. We know nothing ol uelr reaponalblllly. a, Ue la known aa a naidenl of PlUahorg. B. W.. Bu Loula-1. Yen ahonld be mnaloally In- atnoted before going upon the etage, at yon will and no belprr tn theoompeny. «. Tour aalary with auch a oompany would probably be twenty oollan per week, J. R. M.. Brooklyn.-Aadreaa Frank 1 larding, m Bowery, tbia oily. A. M. I*. Boaton.—We cannot aspply yon with tbe material yon dtaire, tba creation of ]okea being out of oar lint. 11. B., Keene.—Addreaa any of tbe tong pnh- Uthen advortulng In Tet Ourna. R. II. B., Rlohmond.—You oannol oopyrlghi the title of a oompany. You might obtain the rlgat throng! ibe OommMoner of Fatenla to lla exolu- tlvt ute aa a trade mark, but would have to pro- cure tbe aervloea of an attorney to make the appli- cation. You probably will eiperlinoe no trouble If ion uae the title without eeeklng tola protection. J. n, rtibdetphla.—We never edvte* anyone to go upon the atage, and we think that yon ahonld return to your noma. B. W., Mttnfle.—1. Yew. 9. Any potUlon be could obtain, t. Prom Sfteea dollara upward, to- cording to poatUos. 4. DnOI be thawed Matte, a. Bee nice at tba brad of tali oolumn. 0. W. ik—We do aot know tbe party. Addreaa letter In can of Ton Ourm. P. Z., Phllatfelphbk—1,1 About twenty ttoUan a week for either act. a. Advenlae ln Tbb Cum. Me ratet at head of tbla oolumn. 4. Yon bad better etay at home. 1. T. R., Rutland.—We nut decline to antwer your query, at we never make oompaiuona be- tween performera. OiKciNiiaTi.—The two partial bear lo each other the relaUonabtp mentioned In your query. COH0TAMT Bbadib, Oedar Raptda^l. Bend two coplea of yoer play with prioud or type written thle page, togetner with one dollar to tbe Libra- rian of OoDgretv, WaahlDgton, D. 0. Ill would. 8. You oould tne for daaagea. «. Yonrmtaaing It obtonre. o. Jimet 1. Armatrong, 10 Union bqoare. New York. J. E. If., Rocbeater.—Tbe party baa jut cloaed an (bgagemmt ln tbla city. Addreaa blm In can of Tbb dura Tbix^-bm antwer to J. R. at., In tbla lane. V. K. i., Anderaon^l, TheoontraoXogagentwbo oaket cvntncla for feed for Ibe animate and atook goea ahead of tbe ahow, generally atxct three wetka. There la aJao a forage man who remelni wlib the abow and buya food for the cook tent 2. We know nothing of bla family affaire. BusBa, Allooiuv—It wonld be tent lo tba ad- dreaa, DDI we prefer not to reoelve paokaget. OABDS. A. I. K., New York.—Tbe opener of a Jack pot la oblltcd to ahow only tba cpenera. Tbe otber three car da can be piaoad face downwarda upon ibe buard. 3. Tbe player who opened tne pot with • falae band can be compelled to double (he amount of bla ante, wblob goea to tbe next pot. Of tbe otber play<n who atayed In, the bttt nand la en- dued to toe pot Tboae who throw np their hand* are out of It. F. K,, Savannah. Tbe Drat man cat between B and u wina the moaey. It B or 0 cannot go out to In tbat deal, all three play until II oru reaohet jMfO. J oat the tame. J. II. a., Ohlcaio.-UUamlideal,no trick* oount, and Ibe deal patjit. I. B.8.,OorpwOhrbMl.—1. If the aero appear*, tbe player* money la divided, Tola la uw cate at Monte Carlo, when roulette la piayed. Thlt one- ton, however, doet notexlat In una oountry, where the entire elate la oonnacaied on the appearance of the 0 or 00. a. It la alao opilonal with ue player to allow the money to remain until the neit torn of the wheel. N. J. 0., Wooeler.-O oan ralte to tbe limit of tbe game. P. B. W., Omaha.—At the attle of game had not been ohanged from the time A made nla alatement the original oondiiloni oonunued, and A It right. M. B 8., Ohtoago,-A airelf bt flub tithe blghatt K. L.. Owen Bound.—1. The band la dead. Be ahould nave dltcovered that bt* band wat abort ba- ton picking It up from the table, a. Neat to tbe age man hat tbe llnitay, after theageman dropa out Boarori.—l. A wlu the pot a. Tbe opener matt •how bit openen, bnt cab lay tbe remainder of hand face downwarda, It be onooaM lo do to. a, ho. 4. No. Jot H., Anderaon.—B la entitled to a "tight 11 for hit two dollara. 1. at, New York.-Any airalgbt fluth la a royal flub, to called, not'on account of court card*, bnt in order to dlailngulao It from a almple flub. M. E. N., Olenboro.—Any airalght Dun beau foor of a kind. I. L-, Anguata.—A la entitled to the game. ti. B. 0,, Red Wing—Low Jack goea out before blah game, ibe polnia counting in regular order. a. P. B., Phoobu Station.—Tne player who makei tbe trump can call on any ace. 0. U. 0., Mtnoheater.—B can give 0 two ohlpa and make lta Jack pot. 0. M., dnclnnaO—There an no ruin to govern jour query, and u (be game you wen pUylng waa arranged oetween the play era, we think the puyen ahould be able to agree upon (be point al teaur. W. ). M., PnUadeipbuw—There u a rub of four for A with the laat play in 4,«, 2,0,4. II. 1). 1)., Hoopor.-Tnen fa a book entitled "Stuupa and Plata," oontalnlog an expuure of the eecreta ot obeating at games of ohenoa and aim with card* and dine. It I* pnbllibed by Longman*. 0 run A Oo,, 16 Bait loth Bcreel, New York. B. F. J., Ohicago.—Tne moat that can be too red tor a hand or ono at onobage la twenty-nine, It being oompoeed ot four t'a an J a Jack ot the eaine eullaaiheura np. W. M,, Philadelphia.—Then it a ran of tevan for the laat card, and be alao oonnta two for thirty-one, the carta being played: >. 1,4,3, t, T, a and 8. W. R. 0., tfomeUaviue—Acourdlog to yonr query, A had a airtight fluan of heart*, and II •imply held a airtight from » to king. Ferbapa yon have made a ml*lake in your itettinent WauBir PoiBB, N. i.—After No. t "knocked," any of the remaining pUrere bad the right to eiohange bla entire hand for the band uhOu the taole. B.ANOD., Uoboken.—B makea 11 wlib ace of heart*, meld* 40, making 61 point*, and la, of oourae, out, no further pay being necetaary. L. 0. B., Sheridan.—The four flub u tn* eatler lo nil. 0, B. L. Dlzorv-Pleate tlate yonr query mora eBpUullly: UABKBALil., OBUOAUDT, KTC. 0. E. M., Detroit—OuarlM W. Bennett, while oatoblog for ao amateur team at Homer, Mlob., Sept. at, 18(4, performed ibe unprecedented Denting fntof retiring all tbe oppoalng amateur team in a nine Inning game, be polling ont twenty-threemeu behind ibe Dai, twenty being on ttnket, and throw- log ont the other four men. Weldmaadld (be pitch- ing in tbla oonteat, both pralettlonala then being wlib ibe Detroit Ulub. 1. B., Bo>ton.-A team ot Engllab profetalonali, oaptalnod by Alfred Shaw, piaytd Ave garnet In tbe United uutea tn uotober, 1UI. The concluding oonurai took ptaoe at Ban Prancltoo, OaL, where rjiyetl too red ltt runt, not ont, agalut a local twenty-two. BILLIARDS, POOL, KTC. A; V. W., Blmlra.—The player who pooketa the but ball of a frame, lo oonunuoot pooi, it obliged to continue play after the ballt are again plaoea In petition ln a regular way, and any Dalit be may boot* la ibe new name go to bit vredit a. Yea. be oooilnuei to play, In torn, throughout the frame. H. P. B., New York.—II la not a ecretch. 0. M. Da II., New Tort A and B uould play tnelr tie for flret prltt; the loaer then taket noond prue, while the third prue rail* to 0. AilUATIO. •A, B.i Pnlladelpnla.—The raoea betweea the yaebla Vigilant and Billannla retailed u follow A>gbaagow, Boot, Inly 6, le<4, Bniannla won, July T, tame place, Britannia won; July a, Finn of Clyde, Brltanula won; Jury 10, at Olaagow, Brl lannla won; July' it, tame place, Britannia won; July 19, at Rotheaay, Boot. Britannia won; July lo, at Bangor laland, uelfaat, Ire., Britannia wooj July 17, tame place, Vigilant won; July ao, at Klnge- town, Ire., Britannia won: July at, aame place, Vigilant won; July at, at Roche'a Point, Queena- lown Uarhor, Bntanul* won; July 24, aame place, VlgUani won; July a>, at Penaanoe, Eng., Britan- nia won; Aug. 4, at Oowee, Eng., Vigilant won: Aug. e, aame place, Vigilant won; Aug. », tame itaoe, lirliannla won; Aug. IS, at Hyde, Bag., Vlgl- anl came In third In a reoe won by Satanlta, Brl- tabula tooond; Aug. It, at Oowea, Vigilant I her oentreuoard and tbe not wat not flnltbed. ATHLBT10. L.J. B., Kokomo.—Beat atandlng long lump, with vreigb(a,iuttj4la.,0. w. Hamilton, aim welghta, Keiaeo, Mlcb^ ool 3, lira. a. Beat running long lump, with or without welghta, attv exin., C. B. Hober, Detroit. Miob., July 4, 1881; alto by 0. B. Fry, Oiford, Eng., Ibe name dlaunot and under the tame oondltioaa, on Marsh 4,1N9. J, A. R- SbuUaourg.-Bett lMyda., »H*, U. U. Jchuon, uleteland, O., July 91, lite. a. aooyda., lOKe., oeorge Seward, Londja, Eng., March aa, lwt. a. We nava no record of Preeooli Pulley. TUHP. T.D.T.,EIUabeib.-No. OomoTakt RaiDiat, Boaton.—l-a. Yonr atvtral qunea wonld take a great deal of Urn* to auwer -roperly. 4. Snore Ooodwln'a Tart Oulde, 341 troadaay, Mew York, and yon will obtain the In- formation. tuna. 8. F. v., Wat*rford.-Joe Dunfee vu Fttaaim. aou' anugontat after (be accident lo Uon lUordan in Byraoute, N. Nov. le, Hinlmmont) waa not khooked out by Dunfee, then waa nothing remark- able about their boat, end after they had flalaaod, they turned (heir attraction to the tuUruooteotou Rlcrdaa, while the audience Diet ont M. Ann B_ Wobum.—To* gght balwaan Oorbatt and Jaokaon wat deolded by lb* referee of Ibe Cali- fornia Alhieao Olsb io be "%o ooclot(,"aadiae «*• BrnarmreBB, Head mis.—See anawor tokLandB. J. U. B_ Mew Ravtn.—Cortxu and Saul van never metlnbnloneggtit F. P. a, raiadelpbbv—Jack MoAuarla wu bora In Oork, Ire., March i4, laer. MfSCBLLAJfEOUS, J. N., Oantaleo^IIagh VrCormlok wat, no doubt, oonaldered the akaiing champion of Can da noon Ice, bnt newer drnrvd ai the otamplon of any other part of tbe world. Bbooiltm Letter you refer to wu aent to Mont- gomery, Abv, on Nov. IX J. U. 8, Brooklyn.—We have bo record or knowl- edge of tne tooni ot bowllog being tal led. except nauer exlitlng rule*. Your friend oonld eaaily have bowled at the placet you mention under the eoodliiou yon atate, u la frequently tbe oaae. change* are made ln all aorta or gamea, which eball fovern that particular locality. 1 Up to within try jean ago, tbe game bad been played with nine plot, but at about that pertnd, gamblen began to ntlilte It fjr their purpoeea, and a law wu eaasted impotlng a heavy tax noon the game of nine pine. 11 wu at tbla time (bat a tenth pin wu added to ibe number. In order to evade the law. a. B., Bioomueld —The great tire In Chicago oc- curred in 1811. CHESS. To CoiTMpoBdeaU. Di-.HvUAiir ..Ei UDrviii, )u. Tb* nj Um totbor rt ittiM morm oat ol Frob. 1,174 ippiui to b* thli: KttoBI+, oow BlMJj It ilTto. anig.K to B B; I..It to B <; I..IU Kt 4, oto^ tud tbo nptiiorttroryoar MloOoD La thliTtxUUoD •ooabkwomwtupouwt Bot OB«i*\a1otUloB,llko jonw pUyod forBneb L.KtoB aQt on! oo a Id i«t do ntto Id oUtoo. Tour loIatloD mu bod rook; trot, ahonld tor do* Uui srop ont Floaoo DOtify U. Uiii H. P. L M it IK.—Tour d «d I OtUJ t>«M>rob i«m ■oom* od UmilLfcr. &od Uto mooa ftppoeuv. Tbli dudo **B" wim torn* four* uo pobliihod id Til currtm. dodl- oi tod to Mooum Utxrlt, Hopwood, BtnltiDO, and tbo fOOtoflboUC H0T.0ori«DH0l0O«Tt«aVtoUM00 0i^ ■•DilomoD forbid- npobliAbiDft icud trn>s»Uoi to oar- Mlf m oil tbo oonpllmoDlo or dodlcoAJoa, to thoir oioio- otoD- Tort>. oat. 'iluouin oai«AJC, H nlm*U No. fc—ThADk yoa for tbOODUeVOOO. "LiOtUi. «■."—»o qalto Bboro yoar ngroli *U tbo dloooTorj: bat Jurt boro oonoo id tbo boootr of oor motbod ot mooifomtDt- Tboro laVdoottioos, avmp'o tiro*) to porfoot "L. W.,'' DDd *UU oour tbo toarooy. Ttroatf boto problono uo Dot r*od«rod porfoot ond b*uotllal la o <1»i. or d wook. tioeopt oar tppreoUiifro tLuaks for Uodwliboo. m Tut ion "toM at," u od d lonnor ooouIod. TboD wo Hmpl7mlxaDdor«tood; now.|tm o/lU nDioa> lMroariJUwor,*bleb wooUUcwoorby. TouooaDooo iooaiflo DiAio Mrtulalrloodoto noraertKooi laTo*tip> tioD tbu nonaslr *io wu." Boo tbo work dnoo by Dm. HwUlott ootf HaiDuao Wo think Bro. Boiobbotm will modirr bu uoorUoD tbat tbo Qold bu Dot booo wou oovorod. Bed pollock—Wo e&o aolbo nnut Prloeo DodltD onobottorM ratbo iiappoood) "AiidonooD'o Odoaiob-" Id WeUkor*o "1,000 Ouiok," no. 1.009. It. u M oajo, KlooonDdry to. 8t Amtnt; obo 1008 (• K- to. tbo bnl liKDt Booonort wbo, lo thu gKmOfilTM oo » obanDloK tntt Klooontut hlnMolf moot b*TO Iboatbt blfblj ol No LOOP, for It lo Ho I of bu aDdoDlwly bnlliut Dot toniblr n)i«dirootod work, "rioqaonto FKrtioo Bko Bkiokkilm.— Toar hind offer tnoit tJiulUallj ro> oolvod; wo ot onoo »t»U ouimItoo of It Jork Oakdiik— Tooroow ptoblom aoit wook. HolaUo: Of Problom No. I.Wa.-l..B toHtS:J..It toBl; 9..Kt to B 8:4..B toB S; 5..B toK4; 6..It to B ' t.BtoQS; B..KtoBoo;P..KtoEt »q to B oql: U..Kt to Hi +i_ U..K to Bi«,i 14. B toll; U..B to Kt 4.K ootoo; H..Ktto to B 4. K to B8I ; 10..Kt to BB+, oq: IS..It to B3; <*..•> w *■.«. »»..»■« bCidotoo; H..Ktto Qtq; IT.. It to C 5; Io..KttoKtlK(o BBi; lt..Ktto QJ + ; ».. B to B6, oonpoUloi'S.\r K Kt, aoLo.-4Q. B. D." OP Br— — " BNIQMa NO. 1.171, ■T TBI AUTHOR. HttoES-f EtoBi " ~~ K-bUB8 K-KtS K-B 8 K-BI(I) K-B 9 R-htol K-bU< a.K-QI i..iPbi i..kt-it ..Kt-Be + I. .I4B1 u..KM|a II. .K-kU U..E-BI U.. 1-116 it. k-b a it..x-oe it..Et-aije + S..K(-B< ..Kt-E6 Z:.Ul ll..Kt-B4 n..Kt-is at ia..K(-i7 + at.k-oe « . (II nutihen; lor4..Kto ate* mOToa. i-ai I-OBI K-ltl E-RI K-Rl K-Ktl K-Beq Sis i-kt? K-B oq K-Ktaq k-b a K-Ktaq K-B OQ E-Ktat K-B>c K-Oaq(a) K-bOBM K-B BQ B^KUbiae ..K-B a S..I-B1 B..K-blll SI..KI-KI B..Kt-B7 D..KKJ4 S4..K-bial B..K-B6 a.. k-b a JI .0 Kt-B 4 3>..S(-KI S..K-BT *}..K-bla< 1I..K-B6 II..K-B7 I9..KI-Kt4 + II..Kt-Kl U..K-B6 M..KKUB4+ K-R9 I7..K(-Ktt+ K-Rl B..K-BT P-Rt «I..E(-bll6 P-RT »..Kt-B6+ E-Baq M..EI-EI PHJ) U. g Eimaua-iq B. 0.1 bill loaailomau) In forty. KtoBI E-Baq X-bome K-B to I-Itaq K-EtP K KtS K-Ktt E-RI E-B9 E-R< 1-B3 X-Bt K-Rt K-Rl K-Rl K-Re E-BI K-R4 (a) Bat. aialn; If M..K to Kt, White maua on tbo tblrtr-flratmoTo- IWo bavo room lor dodo bot tbo boat novea a* In Memorlwin. Ono ol Uw ool/ (wo racooa of (bo lamaDUd Dorut Da PoDULwhlob a eeerobtbmaib bnadrod* of km. panloo bnroilit to light.—Ttaej.CcwKrai. BIRUurS IIABBIT. D. D* Foot*. J, D. Soqulo. ~ i..pioE< run I..P-K-B4 Rrxr 9..KB-B4 (Mill I..EFXIV) EEt-Bl I..QK(-B1 IMI e..KK(-BS<») QB-Ktl I..i'-tall*a (Tail" E-9«. B..OHiorl ilea P-QBI Mill P-Ktl EKtKP(l) BPxB P-K R3 rv Peap. QEt-BS D. Da Foot*, i. D. Benin, V..QBX Bl 7..P-ERS II..Q-borl «J..Q-KB«I) "..UK|-E() ..KlPX P ..KKUEI H..qR-Baq ~ 3 R-Bi B-K(» ll.QEt-KI II..KBX Kt II..QBXP ia..P-Q.Ba PvPeav. s. U..EtPXP QEt-BS O. Whluroolraa X a ) iNoltborlhle mora nor luanawaranqolt* la bar- mooy with 1 bookUh thaorlo."] (A) Booorthant..ruga: •MBchQluon.Horpbr. (II11..PUQRlvaibtuar and mora natural. ER-B3I '-Kttl B-I B alKft XQB P+jad (I) Well plar Ml: vbelbor Blaok oaptor* or not, Wblt* "irlorl— . - qxr". RtoBaq BIO H bla7 leu o oanatn poelllnoal aoparlorlty. (tiNotll..Qx_BPj lojlbaa: 1-KB I K(-Etl III..QRXB I1H1 |B..Q-b*rB*Ql.aia iDTOlrltialltUo trap— Into whlob White iaadvart- - uirowa — loalagfai _ Bel Mr. Da Pon'e oaoorrod tbla tamo, ovao if b* did ofiMr lall*. anof uirowa awaj what, wo boUavo, woald ' .m« had bo played elmplya, " " bare boon a wlo gto not aotaaUy aohioTo It Preblou No. 1.WI0. Proa lanoc'r aTdadfrbxa der a^cAau/baom. I.—av a baua. I ear, h boltuh. - RLAIIE. BLAI'K. II. WUITB I WBITK, Wblta raatat lo lour. | Hate la Bra, wltboolx. Bnlgma No. k,«BO. Prom A. A C da Ettmt. uiLa raapioaav. tUKT, (Jit, 44, Kt. ft 41 t t WMto dimIam Id too. B> Hf «D a alQRt, K9, t)K(t,QBA WblU DLttM ID tbrOO. Qetntroi Oralau* wm ot flrot vappotod i broibor, Dr. B XeODkor. woat oror to ttoadoti'tawk Otum oi tbo oim, oAd hu tonod b a il 4t l B i£ U>Bft« tbo iwoinnii balHtln iboi bio dioimt hu po««od ibo oiiolo of tbo dlooKM tod woo d do«bUooo,*poodU| to* eovor Wo bopo oooo to bwu Bood bowi ol Bro. Bamboot Br. Btolalu pnt lo • dinnnv to bolao nlod o«l ln bio two with Hm Alblo. Dituiiirti evboal thlo-DObody eUlmo tbot bo bod oiModod tbo tlmo limit, bot tbu bo woald ho*o oieoodod It hod tbo rum Gdood How dtd tbo oomoilU* know ihotf Sod Mr. a ItOMUp uDOWOrOd llwtT A-'l DOS! tblWO DOTtt. % fOAt oa Urol j pooolblo, hlo olook woald otlll boro booo ton oa tbo two boa** Diit for thlitj^li moioo, oad Lh«u wu afl tbAtwAo rwQmlrod of bin BIaoo wrttloi ibo aooto w*> Data wmb Horr AlbiA'o AVWAr.wb^it i^ollv met BAlATtAltT dlSMAt. Bo ODl| OlAbSOlAAt tbo UmOllOAU WU lUOAOd. DM U000d0<1; ADO tAAt hft OOArwWAAl/ DOtlKwl Hr^ Ol tDO OlOOO ApMVAOb Of tAA tlOH UlUlX Boot a. aIoo atrwOM tbo odIaIod iha Br. B. hod Dot AOO.*jVrO>l A WiAAlAB oo^oMoillr oi potiflaD Wo data - AiMvfeotboTivro. ttlABt prodltloo; WO^irOlUTAld Of AAd rtwaoto for Won too Brooklyn 0. 0 u aBta aa4 woll. Ita t^fr 1 ^ townwr oom mo cood Nor I, o odo nmAdoTwltb twotro 0BbmD» Tbo otBoon lortlio owr- roat r*or ojo-Proktidoet, J, T. Maoau); jloo do-Wj Bdo oad Wav At do TlAvor; ootawlAtT. B> P A^Atfotd; tiwAonnr. W. DotaI^ tiiwttfor»-Pnd Booo, B. O. Bad. Dr BrowohtOD Jr., h Hohni, J 0. Taxsa. aa*1 I nrAK Too olnb bu ooUrod two ouitawdoi —_ tlu3tOAi ODO With BOOtOO A*d ODD With NOWAIW Bf tbU tlmo wo nppoM tbo four otomboro of tbo totor> twUoclAto toAaiwo dato MgActod tb#lr elumpiono. two wwtibTto do boulo for tbo trrOAt tropbi AlroAdr twieo woo hrColaaibiA bot wo on not Tttmnor too ooloetioD. No looo tbAO tblrtf.oil taodtdAiu pnooatod t1»Anu«lTu lartbo booororropwi-wilof RAirotf lotto lloU...... Tbo T.HOi.. 0. <}., or BnAlyn. oont a UAm of oloht down to DlAtoD iAUod. Nov. it, wbltb oncooourod a lib* Uab of IilADdon Tbo UbriitlAoo won bp tbo Tory oaV IttlAOtorv Horo of SJi to 1%. A rotarn nAteh will bo ploiod lo Biooklyn Bono tlmo a«o wo ■ATOAtOAtO aiAteb, twn a oldo. botwooo tbo Control And HAAtborO. 0(j,ol MoDtTAAL wblcb ruoltodln a drown bA'tlo To eooiplou tbo roeord wo oeo tbot tbo ntora moub wu won by tho Booth on. 10X to 7K Oar htoot boowl- odm ol tbo tewdlu'cbeuapl'in-btp mttch wu tbot tbo Ont radio wu woo by Hrt Bhowo'tor AAd tbo woond dnwn. both look And aitJoou OAttloo Id lbo«blrd.Mro WornllniAdo ao ororplfht or two, which woro •p*edlty taraod to hor diAwmfltnTA, ud tbo fourth wu Adjoum- «*i WllbA«l»DiPlVtVa^Ull7tlaAlMn 8. woald wio Mr*. W. It loportod lo ployu iboagb ibo folt UToroly tbo itJAla oFootr*iag Aooofllct 1/ onyooo huAooii- ooltT to too bow mora cor* oad lobor It tAfeoo to hoop lrook ol And wrltAOpibocornotebooonowf. lot bin 01- Amloo tbo lA-t Donbort of the Chm MoruMg And BrUUh Chat JTopailrtai. WbAt a oontTAot. If *ao io book atod only a QAArtor ol a 00DtarTl...,..Tbt Pruklln OO.ol PbllAdoTpbtA, UfbroarbkDiOf ttooLT 10 OTtry wmy, ad<i tbo fTAOi eop ADd otbor taraniAiDODU will ooon oor» moDoo. BoTonl ou*ron will *Mo tboLr poAllblo , ' to out Bro Komtot from bd prldo of pUeo Wo elott Ibo wooh'o roeord by ftflnf a tmboiotAd itAUawnt ohieb obowo OTory plojort roeord with orory otbor In tho ro CADtly Bnlibod City 0.0.'o toaraoy of tbo moaton: Alblo BAlrd Dolnur Holpora Huh«a Himu JAaBMBTodAky. • nuoboty ShowAttor Btolnlli m 7i ai ei n i 7 i n« «i mm «o« 0 0 0 Oaaat So. L.9H0. A good opoeliDOB el Jacob Halpore'a ahllloablhltad va Major Hanum la tba Olty'a (oareay.—PaoUc Utgtr. PHIL1DOBV DBrkNOB. White. J. Helper*. I..Fb>E4 I..K Kt-B3 s..r-qi 4..KB-B* I. .P-QBI t..K3-K(3 I"SkH9I B.a-barBI I0..1(-blaa II. .P-EB4 »..0-b*rt II..8PX P 1I..F-ERB l|..P-KKt4 l3..EEt-Bt Blaok, ThoHalor. ProKa P-O! Sm' KHilatla) Q-borBl quit ■ Kt-B I Kt-qt ,B-R< It-Ill. » IB-II «PxP iKt-BKS) Wbllt, J. Balporn. II..Oanloa O..P-OBt rt..EKt-R4 U..KEtxB a.QBXKt a..IpxP I QB-ItB IT..O-borBII P-Sil'? II..P-K(Mo) K Kt-R4 l(..KR-Ktao r-QB« B.QPxBP tjKtxP white baa oo mac, atrial BUok. TboMtlor. PtoQBl Oaatloa P-KI6M) iriit t7..r-SRa 0-E4 a..p-lR4 it-BKn ~-Etaq KKVJOa KM) E "Tbb rfi xta X Bl KB7 »..I-Kt »..K- ' UiiOrl-KBI SS.tJltKP S4..MOTB4 B..IPX B<e) 88..0Kt-Bei Tf..2B-bono Q-bor7 V..B-hl«S OjrKItPC/) S..Q R-Boq P-KB4 W..OK<>KB(o. Q-R I, And bU 00 D1ADJ ItXtllfO tO ElO bOW thot WO bATD't room for oil tbo tnooo—only tbli: II Blook x It bo U ntAtod Id lb too noTO*. KOTKA.IKO. KUIIITtOOHDIirUD. (a) Louortlmo; K Bio I 3,orPtoQ Bt4,wu pror* OtAblO (b) l4..KtxBwuproforAblo; IbondofotopQEL (cl WoAkAU tbo K'o ildo, bnt nooouory to iaIIoto tbo wuk K P. (d) 9.. K to R oq wonld AMtn prororAble. (f) PnnijUnio, oDAbliot Whlto to oootpo. tBoo: WUITB (Mr Holporn) Hot* modo—S..Kt BLAOK (MoJ. UonhAm) " - to B »7j B!*vok oooM now foroo a win: U.,0 B x Etl: S..Q K Q B, Q X IB: or, If 9..B X B, Q X B +, WlDDlDf A ploeA (li wbito'iplATfroniS.. to tbo ood libuoufoL Tbli dmto rail off tbo blook B, and tbroAUu Kt to B 4, wtn- nlni ibo Kt «) IfS-.Qxl^QxP+.forclMOi ofO^twBf. BAlng loo a P oh ood. Block would probAbly drow. (/) PtoK B4 vupropor.tMojbtliO itmowu loit. BUok oonAUuy OTorlookfd bli odTOTAAry'o brl UADtOOmblDAtlOD. (o) Booolllol AOdtfOOlalTO- CHECKERS. To CariwApoBdeatA* B. B. ToOKAiTA-BoeolTOd O K Will ow yoa oooo. 0. A. BLijiDii~LoUor roooiTod with itunko. Wu UATOkUbly dotAlood. Da BosiRriB—TblohltAoosooltontoaboiiio. M BHOU.IOK — Ttoju tbAt ion will oood boTO yonr fihookor toblto And otbor AltArAltono ln ordor Wm roLOaUt.—Tbo AOAlyiio U Tory flno. Hopo to ioo yon oooo. Pbot Puat.— Tblok tbo OArnlTAl wUJ giro a ipload Id oppoitunlty to MUlo tbo loAitao hnitnui H«w«rk wa. PatenoAi. M Tbooo two tAAAU mot At Novuk moatly, ond tbo foram Uab bod tblnwo qalto ouy, u tbo foUowtog oooru wlib pAlrlnn, will abow: « . wf.^i."- Won -~ PiTKMOK. WcmJ>nw* 0. A. BlAodln 4 Qoo. Poma 0 0 J. P. MDmy t Ooo. Mooteonory. ■ ■.. 0 I 0. aonoloroo 1 Wm BadoUff. l 1 Qoo. nompooD 8 Wm Oralf 0 1 J.N.LUlfbrldB*.... 1 B.zlboptT l l B A.UTtUatta S B. B Baldwin. 0 1 o. p. BooffAy a J. *v orAig. o l H.B Bootu 0 B,L.OralE 1 3 Tolmlo-NowArt....lT PaUiood ."5 it A roinro inAtohwIII oood bo pUyod wboo tbo Piiof- Spa oipoet to lmproro tbotr aeoro. It la by tbla frlondly ratir tbAt plAyon booomo oi porta, oad OTorythioi uonld bo dono to loator oad promo to iboao Timlngr PoaIUoa. Ho. a«V, Vol* 49. ■T W. OKWUaO, ATA* TOKK. Blaok I I 6 7 f 11 11 B BND OA MB PBOtf 8IK0LB OORNBB. D U Miiloi eTi^AJiioDi Ho. 3B,Tol. d>B, BID OABX BT IDIT BtjaXWVIX, WWW TOKK. Blub 8 IB 18 It 9 WbltA B B B 11 I IT Wb It* to DwaT AAt) dTAW. 311 B u It B II B II )t B Mil 5 At BM n - 14 10 B ST BM BB If DfAwp. Bows of Uto Gmanoe afolrla Broom oo4 B P. OttrBBdor atb plAy)nt a frlADdly oarlwj of flAt caboa. Mr. Ootraodor U pUyloi battar tbwokori tbAD otor- aod will DBnooiiudi r bl boaid from Ln tbo doat fotnro u odd of Brooklina flooat Wo DOtle* ibai B. W PplHtr and J p, Ruh* boo paM NowArk, N. J a a TUlt roeontiy. Aad bat, a iood tlmo. or At lAAttA HTolytimo air PpiUar Ion too odd gAmowltb Mr. BooniD)poD, And qu't otod wlib Mr. Blan- dlo. On look I oi oTuriho R*uno altorrmrdo Br. BplUor offoiwdtolMtflrodoiiArttbatbobadAwlo. Br. Blaodio dldnotaaom to iurroo with Mr. Bpillor oad waa wIILiok to au tbo bet Mr Pplllor than uw tbo otrong pnb- abUlry oflmlDit bla money ud oooeindod Mt u bot Mr. B'andio tbao propoood tbAt Mr RpiilorfUy blm a mAirbfAr $10 to tu a •MaIo which tbe Brooklyolio deoMnod to naioUate Jolt at proaooT, u ho bad the nbloet nndor ooDaldoratlOD tor a prior rhelUnn Mr doabt, rororred to Br. OotTAndor'i cballoBio to piavfortB a «lde. Br Otumadaria (ud buboan rorwMwalpauutlyAWAltlna: Mr BpilUfa plot-eon Ao tho propoolilon to play for money flrttoAme from Mr. HplQor. ono woald think thai the tlmo for ' ooojidarm lion" had about elapsed The match boiwooo tho two Newark playora. Moaara.LaTellotta aad Lillibrldio. la atlll nndar way Tbo reaolt to dale la: LATollotto, J: LUlibtidcro. 4, drawo, 11 Tbree more ratDtO to play. ..TTT.Tbo HlobnaD LAToltaUamatcheoded Ida tl% . . Bro. BtAArna dlffora with na Aboot tho colored ohAmplon- ablp. Wo owAltad Mr. Sborrow'a reply to Mr. Beed'i cbAJleoto, otTorlni to iHto blm tbo odda or the dnw>. aod wbao we laAinod tbat be declined to aooopt, wo than woodored bow Bro. tHearoa eoald loffleAlly ooootdor Mr Sborrowtbo eqaelor Mr Btowa. wb*D the latter ronilo- maa li today ono of BOKtand'a ■troDfotTt puyen Oor Aotboiity for tbla la Jae. HILL Compare tbla ropniation with tbu of ono wbo la Aimld to accept the odda ol tbo drawa from J Bood Jr Jaet oonnt odo more eop. porter ol tbe "fllTeit'a Method " Bra StoArai hu oorni oat la foToroMt h 8. Rood hu retamod, to Chi csfo Mr. Bead la now where be cad vol fool pneUce J. A. Marridto ItwilUoi to play aayoaeTlaltloi Buffalo. Bla office la 10 BlkB'reoL ATHLETIC. TALK AGAIN BEATS HARVAVBD. WhluIT t> M O II la IT II llaoklorlaytadwla. Oawao a*. 3V, Vel. aja. DTEB. Playod btrwwta Wen. Tola**, ol Row Tork, aad J. p. ii ta it ib Bran at a it it tr b ib a u a u ii aa tu aa au a ii iw bm aa ai w u B B li lt » h li a bm 1 II uo II b a lHa) II IB a M V II* H II U If a a it a r> ta a a u it a II It II 7 M 17 48 BB B> B 7 14 ■ «f » at ri i ta • ii a 5 a a n il -it ui* tr ai • ii 'I it I'J • Oalr lalklr RaiwbaU a a u » .Til tbo (oDowiai to wla; II • " *■ ' it n a u 15 Bat the Crlmaoat Hade a Good Showing In tlae geeoBd Hair. It la eatlrnated that over twenty tbonsud people wluteaed tbe annual football melon between the Tale and Harvard Uulverelly eleven* at Hampden F^k,Bprlng11eld,M»tt.,onS0T. M. It waa a great crowd and far exceeded any crowd that ever be- fore gathered at tbat park to wltnett t football {»am«. The atanda whlob Use the four aides of the treat open field wen banked with bnnaa taoee, aurnnnded by college colore. From ible great crowd came a habel olaonnd, oonilnuouaohiering, anatcbet ot oollege aong and boarae tonea of the college one*, The weather wu perfest for tbe ■port, and aa the time gnw near n r the game lo atart the ipeotaton became impatient and the en- thuelaim whlob bad been woried np 10 a high pitch oulmloated ln a mad treaty. The Yelo parti- tana gathered on the weatern aide ol the aeld, while the toliowen of Harvard wen on the eaalern aide. It teemed aa It all New England wat then to encourage the repretentativea of tbelr (wo greateat collegea In their atraggle for eniremacr. Biiortlr beloro two o'clock tbo teama nud* ibair ao- ptaraaoe oo the dold, aod tela waa tbo aliaalforaa- otborootbanv (ho tamalt daepooed and dooblad ootll Koooododilioaaoaploaloa In ibe diateao*. Too tou waa won by Harvard wbo eboae tbo aoatb gaol, Tal. Do- ing given the ban. There waa no edranuae la tbo poai- (hero wu bo broou rttmog At two o'eioci proolaoly Botoree Bovaird placed a aaw ball la tbo cootie ol la* laid aod tbo team. Hood op. Tae'oam* ware aeoro. All tbo ecort.B waa dooo In tbo Brat ball, the aoooiKl belDt epent lo aoa-aawlDg from odo end ol tbo flold tethaoihor.aDddDrloilbewholagaDeibo ballwaa .. . ._ u Boarlr, II not 'follj, oa mocb Id XAle u lo Bat. Tord territory. HorrenTa ooo toncbdown m ■scored by reiily bettor work than Yale'atwo, wblob wore inada od flak.a* of UarTArd ptaron HArrard mliaed aooring twice aeaId by tbe baro>>. poaalble marila oo two drop bloko by PAlnblld. tbe Ont of wbUh bit the oroaa bar of Tale a nal, and tbo aacood oi wbiob aaot tba ball between the eroej bare, not thirty tecoDdi AJur time wu called. It wu tbla lut hick tbAt led tbo twenty tboaaand end odd people to think that the Hejrard aooro bad booo Uereeaed to Dine polnta, aad a greater ponlon of tba orowd loft tbo field boilofloc tnAttbo Glay bad ooontod, Befe*ee Bovaird, boweier, dtcldod |ar ^ -a- ^ a- _at tbe Bto polnta ibunld oot be cooDted, t bad ctailed time before the ball wu anAppod book. uoiilnKAnd pmlwtut orowd aoiTounaed tbe roioreo when It bocamo koown to thou Dear tho line what the deolatoD wu. Tbla wu panleoJarly ABrrATatlnc to HaiTerd, u ita paruaana loll ibAt a decauon ahonld hATa bean kItod to Ibe wearer* of the eiitneoD in the DMbAlI,bat toob la loottAll lack. HnrrArd Uwk lla noom of defeat with a gruw daaroe of cAUaoeu than cotUd hATo booD eipeeted. Wboo the two teamj Uoed op It wu mod tbAt Harvard wu without lea captain. Bmnwna, wbo bad At tbo laat niomut booo odvieed by bUphriloiADtotUjoatoitbea^mo Bo waa lo noliorm aad ready to play. With tbli briiilut player oot of tbo team. It fa a wonder tbAt the otaer men did oot booomo dieooonied. Initud, bowaTer, tber eeome4 to feel tbat r tuk reated opoa ttemjelreo, and they played that ttOT won too AgToatei Ail tbe bl harder, aad by ttor won I > AlmimioD oi UiOTuanda. Ta'o played on old tattooed came, whlon wu qalto open, exoopt tovard the lut of tba ■ania when the rorolTlog wedio wu naed no- oAaafalLy. BatTard ^playoff the lor more brll Ileal frame, aad (ben wore many along the aide lloaa wbo aaaortod that with both toama id prima onodmon Bairard aboold bare wno. Tba wearera of •jjIduod plAied ovat aad fltroaly, aod with a a&ap tbey bATo oot ebowo Id yean. Their Intern recce wu do- oidodly brtlLunt, and their end rant wore eiooatod with uAAldaab ead Tim. Tbo> did moninaee work toaa did ■Ale. tho formation ot Water*, Braver, as4 a^metlmeo MAOklo, near the Una. with the baoka bolnj tried ooo Uoually with good nooeu. Thay alao fooled Tale by tbo orle-oroa. Oaiy ooce wu Ibo flyuiff laleriareao* need, oad that by Hart art, with alight game. Both aldei Goodod ooBtloaAlly at tne eoda and taolloa, aad a few galcj At centre wore not Tirp aaoaeia- fnL Io laot, mncb ol tho motLog aboat tbo Bold wu doe to playere' flokea, wh.ob luoltad from tbo carolaaooaa ot the moo. Bat ibe great laature of tho gama wu what may talxly be called ita brntalltr.. In All, aii moo, OToolr diTlded bolwuD tbo two toAaia, were Lakoo off tho flold injoroil Morpby wu tbo flrai Yal* niaamwirbiliAw: Indeed, bawu carried from the flold ooAauelober. Cliadwiokucceedidblm. Bottorworth, AnorptAylDglo AdAied way for eomo uma,ftATo way to Lottoo. aiymatTongbeooa.-wbaJf back wboo Jerrema wu hart, bat wu MmaeU ralod off with a uutaio mAO, n«yaa, for alagtlov. Tboo CepL Ulnkey eeot beblod tbe Uae, Baas (ping to leltesd For Herrant, 0. Brewer wu bar- ly la tne game, ereo while oatoulbly pla^ lag bla ooaltloa. Heyea, wbo Deomme laU book Lo bla neatl. wal tbe BArranl DLAD who wu caogbt alnhlog a Tale plaior. Bomo Tale dab tab a poo WrlghlLogloa eiier be bad been taokled, maklog it neoaaeary to eend Wbttumore id u h»ilbaek for Barrard. Uallowoll wu (ojared, gir- log Aheoler a ohaaoe to All in tbe nubet aLfaioat tbe Tale line, ead Oorjurmas played u ftUlbAOi ATtor BAyea wuaenttOtoroiJreniaoL Ii wu Uavu woo, after aoma good rooa by WrlfrbtiDgtoae Morad Bariard'a touob; down. NotvitbataiMlBBtiio nilabapa tbe game wu all tbatooald be dulcod tivm aapectaoatar itaodpoint And BAeTTerd buoo raaaoo to imI aahamed of the tuolt TBB TEAMS. Tbo leamj taced each othtr aa follow: YaM. tontkMM. Smart. Out Blakoy LL.ft«od..( fcAhot Burt.'.'.'.', .".. .Loft tAule... ..Hallo Tall, Wbular MoOrea Left goArd. - Maekla BtlilniAD Outre... P.Bnaw Blokok .Hlgbl rjjini J. N.Bbaw Mnnby,OhbAdwiu...Blgntiaekle Wauio L. Biakey Bight eod A. Brewer OoArtar beofc. Wreon | ..j-itbam-ok... i Bottarwortb, LoUoD...FBtl book Palnhua Tooobdowna-BUUman. 1: Bar**, 1, tad Tboroo, L Ooalarromtooobdowoa—Btokok.1 Uoroiro, AloiaiaiorMoDaa.orPrlaeotoa. Baton*, Dr. David BoTaltd,ol Pnoootoo. 1 iiawnin ooerj*D.Pratt. ol Aoiborat. Aanauat 1 Irrla Oofdold, ol Tbb Initial itepi for an Iniernattooal aUUeblo eoniatt being bald ln tola oountry wen taken at a meeting of ue Athletic Oommiuee of the New Tork AlrUello Olub on Nov. 20. The oommlnee then de- cided to tak the Board of Oovemonoltnednb to Invite tbe London Aihleilo Olnb to tend a reptw- tentative team of alhletea ben, to oomaele agalnat ue crack men of (he Memory fool organlaauon. Tbb much talked about game between tne Poly- technic aad Brooklyn High Bobool idevena will lake place at Boaiern Park, Brooktya, N. T„ on Tnarikaglvlng Day. Nov. 2). it will be a groat event among un young folk uf tne Olty ol Oharohea. Pbahk aoorair, aatltlant Inatructor at the Young tfen'a Onrtatlan Aaaooutlon gymnaalam. ot Boaton. while attempUng a double eomertault Nov. to, tall and broke bla neck, dying almoat Un- Anaanno will be held For. S*. at Balneld Ball, Brooklyn, N. for the pnrpoae of roorganlaing ue William,berg Albletie Olnb. EcoawB Buinow and Irwin Montgomery, tl It aald, will aboruy esgag, in a nrlal of ■trengtb at Tu IrocDOla AtbleUc Onb ot BaSalo, will bold a pi nraaw imal boUag tonmtmtnl en gov, a.