New York Clipper (Dec 1894)

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634 THE NB"W YORK CLIPPER. Deoembeb 8. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Ifondnj Night's Opealag* la all tie Biff Show Towmn. GOLDEN CATE CL EANINGS. Alei. Silvlnl and T. W. Keens Do a Big Butlneit-Varlety People Sail for China. [HpecUl Dlapetcb to The New Tork Clipper.) OiurotiiA, Dec 1—At tht Baldwin Theatre Alei. Ri'vtalbegao lbe eecond weekol bli Minpnut altblo howe to a Urge audience. "Zemu" wu the bill, lor which apodal preparation! hid been mid*. The per. ftormaece iu perfect Kleanor Moreltl, the leading laly, had aroyal welcome aa lb* daugh'erol Katherloo Rone re, an old farorlU here. Ciurouu Tiiwatbb.— Tbomei \\'. Keene nude Mr flmt appearance lure, U»t evening, io "Diehard III." "Louis XI" »U1 be ptodae«d 4 tad a. "Hamlet" fl, • Otlnlk." ft, "Richelieu" 7. and "ehyloek" matinee 8. tiTOCK WILL'S TlliATM.—"All Tfcat Olllttn ll Not rtolii" *u pot on lut evening by the stock company. T9R HOSfl bTHIT TVUTBB blS D**D rented IrotnB forfteeaaon. Itwlllbeieopecedby the Lillian Bedderd mo*iOo., with MlasBeddard end Ilerowud Hoi tin the leadinc rolee MUMCHC0 8 OltAXD Or BRA HOUM-The Shadow De- tooilve" *u the hii| laatoreolng. wben Daniel E- Kelly began ■> Ihrveweeb*' engagement ALti7.»i.—II overly'a Hloatiala art playing lo fdr bn»ln*»a Uftfita RtmbyTiiwatmb.— "The Mountain llsto" was tba fttUM'tnn utt week. Tivuli The Mikado" waa put OU las'. Bight, when Belle Tfaorue eat Alica Halliard made their reappear- ance TiHieRtltinvvrbad a benefit Not. 90, whan she m*a it "fne Mascot" Wiiiu'ah.— The Rurhe Brna.. Carter and Mack. Vernon Burnhy, Heiihft Kolloff. and Knoll and McNeil an thU w** >- a i~ople. Tin Wunuiki.i>D l« crowded avery hour lo ilia day by ttio onrtuqa and iniereeied alghiaeeni. NuT'H—LueiliA LaVernania severed hereonnectlon wlyi Wnroaeo'sdrend Opera llouao Mra. Bar* Bte- T«aa<Hra. JeboC. He*nin) wMlhe recipient of ebeae- It ftl Metropolitan Tern pit 4 .... Kate HtlgleUb. ol Ddl»y'a Dramailo Company, waa recently married at Honolulu t« a non-prol***lona1 Tba (Join* at ewer eallnd for Yokohama and Hong Kong Uat woak vl'h n fal'ly Htt a crowd of pft'trogara asd w*||.tadao «lib f «lnta Amaog tba pt*iana^ra tiara tba Oflolo Tioope, oonifaiiDf offtnumbarof RftHara rpaolaliy pooplotin •'or lb* mtniBain«Dt of W. It Vo'.tn. Mr. Kolai cam a boro (rem tlia OrUot Inokiog lor Ulaot u> Uto biroaih it hi do, livli* ami AqilraHa, Aooog Ibofo h^aaihtTAil »ora Hinll lltrard aod wlro, fhll Hack and wile. Prank Burt aod wlia William Hobinisn and wife, ilia ftrdaa Hixora. Vlolol Rrasdon and Ur* flrar Tb« toDr will onmroanca at Hbapgbal, aod Mr. Polaa aipoota Out tt will but Iiodi a yoar lo oightoao mootlja. FROM OTHER P OINTS. The Crusade Agalnit Sunday Parformanoei In Cincinnati Gontlnuet—Bob Fllzilm* mont Attracts a Crowd That Breaki Down Door*—The Fifteenth Street The* Atre and Eipoiltlon Hill, Omaha, Burned Ifrpoolal Dlapateboi in I ho Now Tot k Cllppar.] Philadiltdia, Doe- •-—Tborawaro<iulto*Douihaow aUracUona at lha Ibtairoa Uat oiRiit to aaUafr aron lha ■Do»t tnaatlablo drat nlgbtar Joho Draw icblavad a brllllaot aafCOM, In "Tbo Baobla Ship.'- at >ba Broad, whora tba oroboatn waa obliged to ratroat to lha aU|rt. Mr. nrawDirorappaarad to bailor advantage In Ffti'a> dalplila Aoononnoua aaillanco ajreaiad Yaafo, Uto Hilgiaa Tlolloiif, win waa lha prloclpal foaiuraof iba Huton Rtmphnor Uoncart at lha Aoadomr or Uaiir. Yaya mora llian roallMil tba eatltuilaatlo raporta w^lob >tau prac*dad lilm Tba Llllpollftoa, lo "Kuinpir DjmpirUpto Uato.'» nilad tlia l'ark to iba door*, (lit (tia«ar litila pooota pultlaa; up a aroat abow Vicani aoata wore faw whao iba curlala r^*a ob '*a*» !rt»1t Arilat" at lha Walnut tod Cbannror oioolt raoRivod u nvailon Mario Knowlaa madahar dabal aa.iul olio Uraatoo (I'arbo'a Roman at tboOlranl Atoooo io a larga and larorablo bou*e. Tbo anilro par- (ormanu waa nrnat croUuh^o a arowdad bouro ireatod Hit nrat looal produeilon of '-A Trip to Turka?" atthaKailooa'. Thaplaoo waaput ootbria r«a*aaao, batva^abeirwl arirr afftirtrlal. It la Tart mrdloor*. Itiohftid Manaflakl ropntad "ifapolaoa BoDap^rto' tn % rory larva andliaea at iba flhaitnut Biroattlpara Doom "fbarlay'a Aunt," at tba rboiUiat. and "Tbo Panolnf Mwior," at lha (Iracd Ooora llouao, bogan Ibelr aoeoad wart under famrtbla oi*oum«ianca Tba u<u*l afoodar crowd aaaamb!od at tba Hijon to toe Tbo Black Haa-Ar" and TAudft-lt* *llll»ni»' Hlar Ppto- laity Oo. paokod Hi* Auditorlun Pair bumnou pratallad at roraptuRh'a, wharo Amaa Wallaca-Vltu Rraaaotad "The World Action Nit." Halloo and art draw able houaeatUia Pooplo'a la "Later On." Tori peace aooietyUproieet eialnMlbeberie'nuo Hrlag plolurei at Uia niereoili Htraot D|Mitt llouao i e*o tied io lha "ft. R. 0 " algo Lou I a AUrloh, ta "My farnar." tamed people away from the Bmetre. 'Tloi lbe lina*^* lo whirli Joliu K Bronnto lo nianinv. draw a big hooaa at the Btandari Tt* French tlalatr Olrla gave a flrat ola«a burtaMia« aatar Ulomaotaiuia Lyceum to twoorowdod booaoa Jo- oepkD OHton and Janr Arnoit iliarod Hie hoaora ef "The Riooh King" at tba aTaoiiogion Tne avual Hondajbnslneaa praTallod at lb* Ninth aad Artli Ma* •earn. Bottox, Deo 4 —Tba eoal el approval waa rat upon '"A i ;altty Olr>." aa pr**ented beror* an Iramaoae andlanoa at lbe llollla ^tra*i Than re laat night by tbetifu Kd> w%niM Co. The place wai aporfclaied by Hiarcftrool llurard iiu<lanta pre*«L aa well aa by a ii.nntd»bk ritnUouaot or the alder owotant who were loihavft". • A Oaletr fllrl" wu a brtlllmt tucceaa and in two weak a atay here will, undoubtedly, provwaremonaniive ooa U> the manage men i a n( tbe houaa and too Muopaoy. Maria Rurrauilia made l<erBaaUtod*bntaaaa|«T laat evoolng at the Columbia Theatre, appaariat aa L»r- 11a Brndon»l», In "The Pronigate" l>l»i Pur ton phi waa ovldonilr fa rapport with bar Urga au- <1l«oor, wliieh waa warm lo Ida ei<rruH In itM onmni«THiaiion of bar admlrabte aoliog and wia not alow lo raoogolalDfeT the able aupport alfordad her by her own company * Oen». |*«al" rponad It* lonrtb w*<kattho raille Pnuar* Theatre, and. Indgmg from the atiand*ooo ami ihedemonatratioua ortieilaht lonrtb w*<kattho raille Pnuar* Theatre, and. Indgiag at tboeiottlna rr»nea ami aliuaimoa. I'abo'd upon pabllc fftTor laontooly Arm hutaiaailllr growtDg itnoni "i'wd Hnilow" u^red a 11| ancce-a at iha Grand Upera 1lonaa,aoil woo lit* yraiae nf qrovded hoqie At the Park Tnoaire lira. Laoatry begun a waek'a da>i» laat eTMtiag the aitraoilnn batnft 1 Baiher Raodraa" It wia wltaeMed by an »nihnali»tle aiiharinv lUland RoVt benn hla olnih annual engaitemaot at the Boalon hluaeum baln<e aa audience ikat Oil*J the hooae to repletion lie waa heimly w»loonttd, ud aa ilea. Joilftb Limber. In "The Polftlalao," ha -com] a trlnmpb or lha moat pronooooOd aaJure "Priiio*ea "onnle" tir.*w good buvloou lo HitTrenivnl Tliaatn. The vpora u brirlii aod hrwr. and mainly or lbe o'lthtiul kind rlogauut in abuodaune "Tlia TwAOrpliauk" R'lllnrpoarain h« » niaanet that attract and ih'i Ikotaa^ a'taiivd hy a crowded hunm at iha Huwdulu Binare Tlieatre, alifre an andlen^ that dltf d the bouiawma prvaent aod mealed Kn'.e niaitoo and Km* Jaoa<tr^hek In 'he I aad In* ru>ei K«1th'a New TliM'reMnd ihei<opular prkatl houeaadld th* uaual big bu*in»aa afternoon ami eraolng "In Old Keatuokp n IB MlllraDOtagatUiflrVa'OD. UHirAiiO, lieo 4—The weak be ran In ft r»ry comroon- K" tea raahloo. ft mojorllv <-f lha opeolog tuineatabeing law the evMog* Fault a* HaU gar* inroaa* 1 for the first tinn Uttn. the Clil^ato Opera lloure g oaly I antaliy AUo-i Merle Walnwrlght aiag»d "Dft*t|fai«ra ol tiva" at Uie Hohlller io oolv fair hu«ioea« The play won ivAvaa, ami her i (alt la Mkeli to ba prndlabla Kldie Coy produced "DfTthe Kirth" at ihaOrand. balora a rarr good houae ...' OathoMtuiMippI" began ft flwa weake' ma at HeVlcker'a. ana arored a Mg hit. The hou«o wai fair down atalra, but the baloootti> were anmdnl ... 'H VfoM Hopper liegen hla third and 1aM w«ok at th« 1'iluoiiile ft guod bnaineea Katvea A ralriiar'aCoMtifiKtliiaoa g**a a good abow a* Pan T .iict'a Opera Ifouia lo (air biiaineaa "Down In I Mil*" wai well rrreced Ir a goml home at the Lincoln At (he A cad amy butine** waa big, wheu "Slate* "i OolJ" wa« Hlvm a local loiiuilvo Klmor(liac> •It i -itl Kraairtuniford head every eaoibleeoinpanr, aod Iba play uerllaaucceai "Lead o^lll1Hld^l■blHun , atitacted a a/^td hcuae to ii-n A^anibra and "DurU" » aa I'raaentad at lltr'io'aby KrlleBlli!ar lo a d'eioroont. Al Bam T.Jack'a Baipiroagood r*rtorruan«ort> wenlid Uioae ao\iottl to **o Tbe Fortv Tbierea," AllbeRojal toaliihCUcnrttoda* Frank HaU'anaaloo t>mto**e aaa brlak Orcr at tbo nay market ''Ton ^'maon"waa wrr'liborallr ratroat led Laat nlgbt ■ Tbo Aran >n«" enur»d tbolr aeoond aod U* week at littler a with t« t r miatoeta in line ... lbe Haw Yolk Ht«r« benn iheir wr ck at the (laleir lo fair reauiii Hld*'a n flfn*ilanan>aaedatibeOljriopio ,0 * bnc*or ■ mh! hou-ea .At Die Olark Hireei John \\ ri*M> Drawloa Carde «pj<ived lair aucoeai Btralgbt variety ntUr#oUr*a Lreeum attracted (arbaalataavoBtanlfty rin»iririor*al<3 ta>| at il'artrJtreat, known aa i be OlyntMo Thaair*. and Dm uround upao wbleb It la o*ao'rd »*re ipa«d laat w«ei. Ttinagra<menLaa«aa- •**wd !• to andaicn^d no N »v f i aod ia between Hoary TV, Rlnf ab i'y, ul H^lllninie M l .tin ow» er, anil Cborlra K Cohl lioor«t> Mlddlet u o<l (ieurge i"*»U* Tho law* la rrnm Hap 1, If* uutll April 10. \M Tba oaitderalluo Tor the 'arm or leu la $11M>U iiyaMe in itwu'Llr iiit>a1imnnl*. K*lil A Mlddrr- t>a w^unipletn ei'enatve lmi>roT*uteola ai theniru> \>.t. Wo'k la to begin at ilie cloto of the preaoel <*aeoB Tbe eotranc* will oe completely renewed th« aidltoTlutnan|ar«Ad aod lb* aeatlngarrancamKafBou* t T*)y rh«o«at|- tThen cnupleied. tbehuuee alll bo tio • inal ol >nr rwrt In ibia city tian Vandfrbacfe. l> i*lnaaa uiaitager «| C. A. Lo^ler'a "Oh 1 What a Nigbt *' ia In tnwn nrrenclng for tale attract Ion in opto at too <"l*ft street oeUHumley N J. O'Neill hi* rein reed i root hi* pt I grim age wiih RIdcIId* Sroa.' CI* cue, and baa Milled down to eueintM at fam T. Jaoa'a Bntplta John IforriHaf, maaagar of Omlar'a Lyreom Thuu* Oo^labomefor a brtal Uy off. Thaiabow will taka tba road aisls at the foonialo Aqaftre Tbaalre, Cloolonall. ChrWSaa week. ...-Mr. Barnai of New York" eloaed tbeaaaann at Mllwaakee flatordayaad paaaad arongfa bore Monday, tn rvtU to yon clip. MrLWAVBjn, Dos- i—J6ba Orlffltb ooomanoed bli wa*k at tbe Acadoiny nandar lo bla eicallaot prodiotlon ol -raoa*' to good atuodaoco. matlnia and nlgh«, while laat nlgbfa bonre waa lair At the Dnvldaon "A Trip tn rtblaniawn" drew two good hoote« flonday, and Jnlia Marlowa-Tabar opened laat aveoiar.lB "TbaPchool r^r PcudaJ/'to Urge bnainof r,.... I. K Emmet, la 'Trillin a Madbonae/' had good Hi odor bnurca and atalr oo»> laat Dlabtat the Rllon Tba People a betiaa iheweakto lie e otto nary Hoodaf boaioeM with Lew Baier'a Hpo- dally ro Tbo Midwinter (Tlrcoa commented llaflf U week with nodecldid Increaaa The Wonder land be Id faJrlygoed nonaoa "Dr. Noue Oabofwai It^erilly patrolled at the Kiadt....Jacnh Litt haa aral n Incr^aard bla olreatt b» addlog lha Poop'o'a Tbrairo, Nlone a poll r, to hit Hit. iba name at which will he clanged U> the Mitropollun Opera Hooae and will be conduct- ed ea a bigb cImb ibaatra. lie will porcbaaa the con- irolllnf Inlaraat In tbe I'eople'e Theatre andBalldlng Oonpany, wbleb governed the People'* Mr Lilt Uaa o mo iced Lilt a burrord Opera Co., of wbleb bo ii praal denLJobnO. flondln, vice prealdeotand Lao AiafTord otMloowapolta,aaereiaryaiid treaanrar. The object of tbe company la to have two dlaul't olreniu, one for OiatoiaaA and the other ror popolar prlcad attraction', thafirathaving two woeki and tba latterthreawMka TbUdrcaitincladiBMHwankoe.Bi. Paul, MIoQeapciiA, Daluth aod Weatbapenor, OinnvirATi. Pec 4 ~A Urge andlencat at thB>Walnst Rtrtotgreeud Camilla D'Arvlllcln "Madeielnn" Bobt, aTantellnreaenud 'Tbo^orncao Rroiliera"in ablv hooae at the orand. Ho waa called out foor iimaa alter ihadnel aceno and made abtiaraddretB of ibaakt Tbe Municipal Reform Leafne commenced tbelr aetlva eroaada on the Bnndaj tht atria with Uavlln'a aa lha point of atiack. i:Iar1cil deUcl'van attended "(Iota end Uoaa" and demand** tbe arrrat ti lha eomraof and the loterrapilon or (hi perlorma*ce. wbleb waa well received by a big omwd. No mdi action wu taboo, but arre*ta were made afar the per 'onsanco At lbe Polka Court, in tho ahMnte of Judte Dragg, Mayor Caldwell waa on the bench and the ca>ea were cob tinned until Dec, 7 A remarkable ace 00 t/tok plana at tho Fountain, whore Bob FiUalmmooema^e hla flm fllacionatl appoaraace Tin cruih waa ao great thittlie plataglaaa dooraln the (root wrro broken aad the lallirr aod halooovdoora ware locked. The crowd waa a record breaker tber* .. ..other Sunday bnileeaa wu big. "A Oreckar Jack" did well at HaeeVi "fho oal'ey Rlava'a" return 10 ItobmanD'a wa«marWfd) by iplaodid attendance, and lbe iday * a» Inieroraied hy abant the airoogf«t ermpaor lint lit« played 'litre In y«ra Harry Wllllaina* Her ' pae«*d honara at lha Pooplo'a. 0r. Lotrie, Dec 4-Mam Davera'i Own Company drew to iha JnU capacity «l iha HtaodardTbeatre twice Son- day, and gave a flrat dauabow Pope'a Theatre wan crowded all the at te moon and even In a, end people wore inmedanay from the nppar part or ihohonaa K H. Wood drew two full booeea t^ Ilavlio'a to aae The Orphan! ol Now Yo a k." Lew la Morrlun drew a, (air hmiaa lo the (Irand "Charlay'a Annt" wancrvetrd with a good hooae at lbe Olympic, and will boona*Iewol come all weak Lou Ire Dooptey received a blow acroaa tba wriat Batorday night while fencing In The French Boy.*' at Popa'a,ibatiililoeaied that member and aha won't be able lo appear for a week Pate F. Dally reftlvad a warm welcome Sunder nliht Hoi Roilih Raaaall did the bigK"t veek'e buaioeai aitlio Grand liat week that he baa ever dona In hl i.nnla. WiAHlKiiroa, Dae a—Delia Foi. in "Ilia uiua Ty * cooD."hadBnovailonoB her opinlnc at Raplev'i Na- tional Theatre. Hie opera went great and the a'ar waa iha raoipteetol many eipreaalnai m tlm eitectn In wbieli the la hold by htr Waeblootou rileoda nia-e Netbenola made hor bow at Albangh'a (irand opera Hooae In "Camilla" be lore an audience thai tatted tbe capacity or tbe hoove, Hha lully demooaimed her powrr aa ao actieaa and ber week la certain to he a (ireat locceaa Lew Dwkatader'a Mloatrela at Rap- Aradeoiyol Moilo, had their u»nal crowded oprn- inw. and lha new teatnrealoiurMabtgwetk •-Tha Lireduird" opened at Butlar'a BMob Theatre loaatai**. laa; room honaa Relliy A Wood'a Show taroed people away Iron Kernes'e Lyeeom, LoDiiTitim, Dec 4 — ■ The Power of lhaPretV'mei with a eoidial reception before a Urge audtenet at lbe Temple laat night The Bunday opening of Murray and Mack at the Avenue waa Urge whleh waa reputed laat night Tbe Orend Optra Houta waa filled hut night, where John Kfroall waa (he attraction The wation Blatera Vaudeville Company opened at 'ho Buckingham t/» a crowded boue The New Oem opeoed to a good houae atiKBAg Citv, Dec. t—"The Darilor'' opened at the Irend yeatardar to a big hooae aod had 8. R. O. at night... .."Loaf In New York" had a light nun act at lbe Ninth RUertTheatre, but a good houae at night At Ih* OilMa Jamoa H. RelUy, lo "A U*rman floldltr," opoBrd laat night to a good bonto Tho Wllber Kn< lenainera bad a (air matlnte. Omaha, Deo. 4.—The Firuentb Street Theatre and Ei* poaltlon Hall were totally den roved by nre ihia morn, lo* at Bra o'clock Tba boltdlog waa SPOil.trlt. three ■lory and bnllt of brlok. It waa flrat opened 10 Kehru arr. ifwT. and remortelad at a ooit ot$3Aj500 In Dee#m>>er, IM. Tba owner waa A. J. Popplelon: leasee and man* agar, w. J. Burgen. "A Bonch or Reya" Co. loatnU llielr property. CANADA. Ilnnalllon.—At tbo La Oranrt •'The Private Btcreury" oomea Deo. a, tbe Oulaton Opera Co, 6. Bta nTiiiATaB.—Dee 3 and week: Norman (Irogruin), Acbewfdab a winger) WHIelt aod Tborne, Dalty Wade, OaTle MoBroe, Oracle aod Reynold!, aod Little LotUe, HoTia.-^)llnton Kuerell bu laaatd the WooderkDd. made a nonber ol Improvementaon the Interior, ftnd ihe bouae will bireaJter be known aa the Theatre Royal Br. RcBfell optna tbn place Deo-SwIUi bin atock com- pany io "3alnii and fllnnara" Irene Taylor aod Wm. Oorbelt have been engaged to pU» Heda Ilorhert Wllaott. whnmaaafad the prodooilon ol "BllleeTayhr," given here by iniatanraa ahon Una ago, left the cltra ciupler>l dayaaltorw^rd and haa ootyetaoooiinied for the caabrecelptalrom lbe three perlormance'. A non- ber ot creditor a ate detlrona of aeelogMr. WlUon. Toronto^Al tbo (J rood Opera IIoum, Not, »• Dee.1 "Rpeolftl Dellvary ,, had fair baalneaa. Coming: 'Madame Rtna ilene"3-B Toboxto On ha IIOOSM.—Nov.VDae. l.Mlaco'a City Olnb did a rood builoew) ' Tba Trolley Breton" $• 8, aoadihv or Hoaia—Nov to-Doo l.Nun T. Jaok'a OreoUadrewblrboalBraa. 'The Police Patrol" S-8. Moaai Mcaio Iliti.-Mai O'RellS. Paviuo."*.—Not. O. the Moiart Biro phony Clnb. or New York, bad good bedneia. Moohb's Mralr.-ButlneM Uu week wai erod. Lee- lore Hall—Tba Female Bnglara and Tableau 1 Viraaia. To»atre—Larry Tooley Marlow aod PlunkelL Bonnie Lottie aod Wllimaod Tboroe. Nona.—Oni Frledrich, who hie for a lose lime been oonneotfd with the Vuaea bare, baa received tba ap twilnmrnt ol umloal a I rector of tbe LoulJ de Leon Variety 1*. London—At tbe tltmnd Corlon*, lo "Jtendrlck lludeoo." played to gp'H honte, Nor. V. Max O'ReH the Frenoh tactorer.did fairly 19 Qor Hroa'Mlnairela at both performeooee Dre I bad lair boalneav Tbe Lonoim A meteor Opera "*o.. ailed bt A. D. IKmanaad ntaocbe Hradibaw, prodnced "rtnafo'e" Not. ti; under the anapleaa of the Maann<-. to a larjehnuee. The lame min- earemeal produced "Ttie Orand Duchata" on ibree orca ilon«lait Spring, aod 00 ihe evening ol tbe perlotinaBM of - Pinafore" they war* eervtd with a garolab»e for$TS on bebeiror Boo*ey Ailo, London, Bog-, who rliin ihe copyright, for Inirint.ement At iha Wotderlaad Mua^aa renovation hea been going cn ihe pan weak. The following people hare been eogaped lorth* »r«k notnpaoy: Obu W. FirrKEd J. L«s Roht Plah. W.i'. Kellluro. Harry Oordt-o. I'ercy nurTord, Will Walk na, JoaleMllla.lilMredB'vker Cairle w«woomb and Minnie Oil. The opening pfrce la u Paulon , aBUTi" Dec 9. dttelpli—At tho Rijni Optra lloo>o tfoi.trt Byrnohony Olnb played to fair hooaei Nor A The Bl Andrew'a Itoneart, with Mra Chtrlion Black (Awcaa Kbob). etoettUoaiat, and film r m. character Teealleraad areontloreolur, bed an niernowloe hooaa SO. fo»loe: Hold an Comedy Oomnaoy Deo. S.Uuy Broo* Mlnatnla 44neb*?.—At tha Ai-Atfeinrot Mialc, Mot. :to. lbe Mutart Aymphony Olnb played 10 lair baaraea*. Ihe Montreal I'reodinpera Co Dec. 3-5 At lbe QoeVe Theatre tha Freoob Optra Co, In reptrlory, are draw Id a big honaea. Berlin.—At tbo To wo 1UU tha Vienna Lndlta* Orebea'ra and KoyM Ooort Eolerlalnera plajed Nov. M. 17, loroir bnalBata. Unit—At tbe Town Hall aire. Mouolford 1 Lyrtla von Plnk*retelo), Orltotal lecturer, drew large honaea Nov. W, IT, IS. rorllwiid.—Al Iho Marqaim UrADd AUX. Pat- riot played to g.tod boalneai week of Not. 19 preaeoilnR "Hay Rlaa," "Zunar," "The Three Heaniimen" and ' HonCicur da Bfatn." "Thet'^anly Fair"Dee 4; (be Tavary Opera Comranr will follow. Cobuhay'w TuaATMt waa opened Not. riihp ttefjie Opera Company. A large and lance waa preaent lo wit ore* the opening oncre. The Banger Hinrf*ar." The rcmrae*: Laam Millard t^o^i Maafrwd, laonlaLld. dlani, (irece We*d Doroth* Heme* R*>tv»r- rtinha*. tliirlMM. Pvke.F'aoeUQallUM K\ Lee*h. William II. Weal, FraooliNtrboU*. Rarrr K llan'oo, Arbor Boice. W. A. Hilea and Rlohard Biabl,dlreoior. at who an a Nrw Tnitraa c h qia-JohnT Baker. Harir Mrneoe. DawlttClinton Lonle Lynn. Loha Tvm. He. Maud Raymond. RmIib Pewev Frank la Overton, Milaamlle, tlwrta and llabre^ aad atn*«« RlUe, AMac*KR.-p«irl AMilav. Ma Cmmr-bell. ilelrna Ad. dl«. L**lu Powere and Mftle A'ldta. Lui vat.—The Vienna Qaarlel- ARKANSAS-!^ iMpc^-l I Jiilt* HfH-k.— ai tne CapUal TbeatrvdiloBklu- oer came Nov. a, 19 to fair bualneaa at advanced prlcer. Toot farrell came B), to poor bnaiBeaa, Da»: Tkoa. O. Seft^rooke'a Opera On, in "The I ale ol fhampigwe" 81 advanced priree,haa a Urge advarcrd aaft, Jai J. orban IP, Con Van Tamil lC"Fit*Bda" 13. All Routei Muit Reaoh Ui Not Later Than Monday. DRAMATIC. Vlklnioo'a, Maude—Key Wait, Pla., Oac. a-7,Tiinpa B-l». '-Acroffl Uie 1'olomac"—lodlanapo'.l^. Ind., Dee.d-S.Rt l^ula. Mo.. 9-16 • Altrt-iln Jr."—Denver, Cel., Dee. \ Hiu Fraealaco, Cel., 10-15. "AUbama"—Oalvealoo. Tel.. Nov. 10. II. "Aunt Bridget"—Fatartoo, .\. J,, Dee. a, Baltimore. Md. t M A v.ntf Loi"-Danavllle, .v. Y^ Dec d, ML Mo*ria 7, Bochaater 10-1 a "Amaiona* 1 —Chicago, 111, Dee. 9 9. Birnn'a, Oliver—St. Van'a, 0 , Dec i, WnrakonetaB, FortWayae. Iod..B,Rbleagn. Rreonan'a, J»ha K —Philadelphia, Pa, Deo. &-1&. Bon-hill a. Be ale-OibV>ah, Wia, Dec. 0. WaokeabaB, Medlaon 7, Ullvftokee B, Booth Bend, lod., 10, Logaoa- portll. Barnai A Marrlo'a PUyera—Moberly, Mo., Dee. 3-fl, Pol'on in-14. Barrv'a, Wm-ProTldrnee, ll. I., Deo 8-S, N. Y. City 10-11. BurrouBb'a. Marlr-Borion,Maia, Dee. 3-S. BeveMy'e. Dalaer-Bt. Calberlnea. Can., Dec 5-^ Bakera,P.F.-Dartoo. O.JHc *-a Bodd Corned y-Athat Maaa. Dee, 9-& BprlogoeM 10-15. Baldelo-Rogera' Comedy—Tampa; Pla., Dee S-e\ PJant Oily 10. II, Hanford U. 11 Daland 14, is. BrenaanV Joho PblUdalphla- Pa. Deo- 3-16. "Burglar"—Tecnmaeh. Deo 6, Aog-ole. led., «. Oo<ben 7. Plymouth S Tern lot Wabaab )l, Marlon IB, North Manebeaier IS. Kokomo 14 Akiaoder I ft. "PiibcIi ol Kera"-0malia, Mb., Dec ft, St. Joatpk, Mo,, B. KanraaClty 10-11. "hlacb ('root/'Ttmpalua', No. 1—Dei Moloea, la^ Dec ft. Omaha Nob.. 0 8 KannuClty 10-lfl. "B'aek Crook,'* Tc-tnpktoi', No. J-New Orleana, La.. D'c.o-ia. "HrownlM"-N. Y. City Dec 3, indaflnlU. "Black flhr«p"-New Haven, rt. Dec ft. LUiUorda.7, BpriBfldaM Maa*..B Boalon 10-10. "Bretiy Time"—Foaioila. 0.. Dec ft. Find lay 1 Belle- loeiaine 7. Rorioefl'ld ri Tmy lO.Rlcbmoad.Ind.. II, fbelhyvllle 12, Colnmbua 13. Seymour 14, Waablng- '-BtwcrV Olrr-wmieinabarg, N. Y.. Dec 10-11 "Blue Joma"—Wheeling V7. Va.. Dec ft. MeKeaaport, Pa,, B, < harleaton 7, PoiUrllle H. Horentoa lO.'Wilkeo barre 11, ^Ullimapoitll, Reading IS. /oihlan a. Ro'e—N. Y. dtr Dec 3. ladefinlie. ^ ConieM a-lhorich-N. Y. city Dec s Indednlle. CoDlarV. Wlllia-E'tnira. N. Y., Dec 0, BUghamtonO, Wilkeabarre, Pa., 7. Reran t^n & Alien town 10. R#adlng 11. Lancaater IS, Wilmington, Del, 18, PlnloOeld, N. J., M.HiiAboihlft. Oomba, Jane—Bt. Joreph. Mo., Doc &. C)*^tnn Jananachek—Boalon, Maaa., Dec. 9-S. Worceater Con'terrord't, J. K.—CUremont, N*. ll.. Dee 0, Newport 6 B.Lft'ttnialii-ll. Oartla', M. B.-llarltm, N. Per. 10-1H. Crena'e, W. Il.-Baltlmote, Md , Dec B P, llarten, N. Y. 10-16. Clarke*PerklDion-OUumwe. Ia, Dec 3-B. Cboate'a. SJaUle-Karl haul", Mian. Dto A Korthleld S. Corbeit'a. June* J.—MerophU. Tcnn., Deo. 0-A Little Hock, AtKIO. HotSorlngaia. "nharlty BalV'-Dolotb. Minn., Dec U, 10. "Country ClreaV—devaUnd, 0., Dec ft. Sprlngfleld ft. Oarton7.8,Qnlney. 1ft. "Tork Man , '-lHU* PalU. N. Y , Dec. 6. Dtlca «, Rone B. nyracnaa 10,11, Auboin 1J, (leoava 13, Peon Tan 14, Li one 1ft. "i'Apt. Paul"—Boitoa, Maaa, Dee M, lodannt'e. •Olrota Olrl"—ecrantoo. Pa, Dec ft, Wilmington, DeL. 10-11 "-'onnty Fair"—Portland, Ore., Dec ft. ■ Tracker Jack"—Clooinnail, 0.. Dec t-H. Colombna 10- 11 najino ivu "Cnlonal and l"'—Keat Oreeuwlch. R I., D"C R *ri,.-W* Annt," No. l-PhlUdelpbla, Fa, Die J, ln- deflnlte. '-Cnariov'a Annt" No 2—PL Lool*. Mo.. Dee. S-S. "Claan Rween"—lodlanaoolla, lod- Dec ft, Frankfort«, Tipton 7 New iiwtle 8. Dayton, 0., 10-11, Richmond, lod., IS, Braxll 14 Terra Uaute 10. '-Crnu Ittada ol Life' —Bnaton. Maaa., Deo. 10-15. "Oollon Klcg." No. I-N Y. City Dec a, lodeAolte. "t-ottoa King' 1 No. 3-TannUn, Maaa., Dec B, Provl dance. R.I., 10-11. "Country Clrcua"—Cleveland. 0., Deo. ft. -Poon Hollow"—Pi• itoe, Haw.. Dec % h, Lowell 10,11, Kliebbnrg '2, Lawrence U WlUlmanUc Ct, 14. Drew'a John—Philadelphia. Pa,, Dec j_a Donnelly A Olrard'a-Omaha, New, Dae. ft. Lincoln •.fit Jowph, M<v, 7, yolnoy, 11-,g, HL Lo«|i, Mo ,0-lB. Dillry'a. Pal or K.-SL Loota, Mo., DfC t-8. Mempbla, Teoc, 10. II. Davit'. Obac L.—WiUliuabnra;, K. Y-. Dae S-B, N. Y. tnty 10-10. Dlckaon'a.ChM B.-Keokok. Ia., Dec ft, Davanport'A Fanny—N. Y. CI It Dec 10. lndeonll«. Daiy'a. An« —N. Y. Olty Deo. H IndefloW DHIoo>, John-tlreen Bay. wi», Dec 0, Mai initio 0 Manomlnae.Mlch. T.Oconto, wl-,.8. Dull'n romedlana-LlberiT, lod., Dec6, nreanabnrglS. Draw^Manrln*. PUjera-Bbamokln, Pa., Dec, 3-8. Bl andoah 10-lft ' DufTy'i B land era"—Savannab (la., Dec 4 Oharleaton, R l).. 10. •Danger Signal"—Wheel Ion, W. Va. Deo. 64. "Darder" No. 1—Kaniaa Olty, Mo^ DecS-x, Omaha, Neb, "J^MieU Roe*la"-Detroit, Mich., Dec Cblcaco, 1)1, "ltorny Ma«cot"—Law ranee, Maac, Dec lo. "l>*rhv viQner"-Oraod Rapid a, Midi., Dec 3-B. De- troit 0-15. "Dowq in IiMa"—Clileago, 111., Deo-S-o<. "havll'a a action"—Da Maa, Tea, Dec ft, 6, Sberoao 7. Deolson?( Ellalar'a Kftle-Clilcago, 111, Ore 3-8, Coluabu>, 0„ 10-14. Bmmette. Katie— North Platte, Neb.. Deaa, Ifutioga f< Lincoln 7. Blouv. la. a Omaha, Neb., 9-11 Dei Molnea! la,U.Pto'la.Ili..l4.HprlnyfleldlB ^ P.arle'a.Orabem-Mooileelto, Ind.. Dec S-B Attica 10-10. Bmmet'a. J. K—Milwaukee, WU, Deo. t-% Bl PauL Minn.. 10-10 ElUowuod'a Playen-lfanaford, Pa., Dec 3-8, Poobnry BUia A Btaaford'a Troubadoure-^rewat% O.. Dee. 3-8. hva Tangaay Comedy—Coboea, N. Y., Hacft-A. B>*u Comedy—Hack al mown, N.J, Deo. ti-a, Boonton 10-11 Etiia\ Chaa^T.—Wllllaiitiburr, N. V.. Dec. 3-8, PaUraon, "Boalgn '-NMhvlllo, Tenn . Dec ft, OaUanooga 0 FuTi^io?ru A Ab». 7 #i3" ODtB0m ^ * * nacoU - ••Kogineer'*—Rrcbeeie'r. N Y., Dec 3-8. Newark 10, Lrnn 11. Blrolrall.Ferantnfi. p».. ij-|* "Rnemlea for Die"—Nel'oovllle. 0., Dee. ft, Welltton 0. Waverly7 ChUlicotbeB, Cincinnati O-ia, Tjirohman'a Bmrlre Rtock-N. Y. Olty Dec a ladelnlte. •L Farreira Tooy-Uonett Mo, Dec A. Aurora a, Sprior- Beld 7, Plttabarg. Eao.,8, Joplm. Mo.. 9, OoHhaielP Havada 11, Cllnfon H eadalla, IS. Metloo 14, Alton, HI., It Ferrfa'CflmerileoB-frpeairardeaa, Mo..Dec.ft,Mnn>hya- boro,lll,B-8. Froaii Pauahawe'a—lallon, O.^Dtc ft. 0. "Frienda"—Terro Han**. lod , DecB, BvanniUi#, Hot Rtrlnaa Ark . U. LHIIeKocilA. "Fault ' Laaroo* a—Scrantco, Pa., Dec 0. '•Feat Mali." Northern-Ptrn, lod, Dec. 8, Hoknmo7. Bin IT on H Monipeller 10 Hartford r>itv 11. Dunkirk 13. Union Olty 13. New Cealla ll. Ruihvllle la. "Put Mall." Koathern-Kearoey Neb.. DtA. 6, Uraod ta'and 6. Heairloe 7. FalU Out 8 llortoo. Kan., 10. Ot lawa ll. Taola U OUlha IS, BreporU 14. Newton 1ft. • Pablo Ho"ienl"-('Arl(elc Pa, D*o .V Colombia 7. Kor- natown a Philadelphia 10-lft. "PuiaamV*—Plitthnre. Ha. Pec. 8-K afanafldd. 0.. 10. ll.Wooalerl'.ColumhnalS. ' ^ "Kauai." Morrleoa'a-jft Loola. Mo, Dec 24.n«en>* hnro. By.. 10. Frankfort II. L>ilngion It, Peril 11 Hamilton. O , 14 Colombia 17-19. "1193" Rlee'a-Brcoklyo N. V , Dec 3-3, Williamaborg "1191" Klaw A RrUnger'a-LouliTllle, Kt., Dec 4,0. "Flag ol Trnee"—nalHmora Md , Dec 3*8. ' ForaMIUioo 1 '—Olaylon. Hi.. Doc A Oileheater 6. War* aav 7. Cauioo. Mo., a La Rdle 10. Bdlna 11, Bany, It], 11 Wlncbratertf, LouUlana li.Bowllof Oneo, Mo., It. ... "Feuai'Mirlfllih'a-Miiwiukee WU.Dfet-B, * I'anaL" Morrlaon'e-Wilkeabirre Pa, Dto ft-c "Flnnlaan'a PaH"-Lnnlatll>a, K7 , Dto VS. Brantvire, Inl, 9. Piloceioa IA Mattoon.II).. ll. rcorUlt Bearda. town n Hamilton. Mo. 14. Jack'onrllla, Vljti, Belle- villa '8 GonlwIa'A. ti. n.-PL Joeeph Mo , Dec- ft, Raneaa city w*. flL Loo 1 • 9-'6 Oerman LIMDUllane-Phlladeliilila, Ta. D#c 3-16. filllette'a. Wm.-N. V. Oily Dre X Indetlalte Oordoo A WeiIV TUyere-Charleston, 111, Dec. 3->\ Coo- naraviile 10-lft i;aikir>, Bobby—Canton. 0 . Dee. ll. nray'a, Ada-Rcraoton. Pa. Do* 7 ■<>■ ■ lloriinaTkralre-Hnghravllle, Pa.. Dec. ft. Now Colum- bia 6 Rl*mpnrl7 n. "Clrl 1 ■ »U Rehlnd we -Baltimore, MC. Dre. 3 5. CM- raio. Ill, in-91 •lirrl I Lett H*hInd Me.'* No 1—'"anton O., Dec \y •lllrra Way"—KahaaaCltr. Mo.JDto 6-3. -oaliey BiaTe"-t*loclnr»i'. o, Die .* K "O'orlaoa"—Akron, 0., D*c 1 "nel»lvnirr-Bo*1oo. Maaa.. Dee .VIft "Oreat Rrmklyn Handicap '-Detroit. Mich , Dee 3-S. "Oray Mire"—Bluabeih. N. J, Dec 7. Haniwto'a. Bdward-N. v. ritt Dee la Indelftlle. Hillmen'r, w k adt-«ebanceudy, N. V., Dec 3-8. North Artam^ Ma*e.. 10-lft. IWma'a,Hidia— Wheeling W. Ya.Der. A Mannlng'on 0. Unl^otown. ra.. 7. Latmbe a, Apollo 10 Pnuam- teweeyll Phlllinmurgll Wllieabarre 131A 11 a 1 Ion A Hari'B-Pbiift>Ui|>hia. Pa. Dae 3-3 llide'aromeiir, v o 9-OrartN To-I. \itc 9-7. Htde-a (Vmadr. .V-Warren, lad. IVe. ft-7. llnkleo IV>medr-<tuelr>b. Can . Dec Ileey'a, Wm —M. V. miy. Pev 3-15 Ueonia»v Lerovle—Oafoaville. Tri.. Dec 6 5. Viti'Ai- »*yne M. "Ilumply Duiur't." Hut* Rrna.. No l-Radfunl, Va., rwo ft Pnla*kl 6, Wyib'ifUle 7. AbingdonB, Brittul, T-nn . n J oh Dion fiiy 11. OreeftTiCe U, Knoadlle 13, Athene ll. ' Humpty pomplr," Balea Bree,' Bo. I-Cnba, N. V.. Dec IV Addlm->uft,Man»flal<r. ra.7,Blmlra, rTt . \[ To- wandc Pa, II, Bmgbimion, N. V., II, Norwtcli 13, Few Berlin ll. -Beaver Palta, Pt?. Dee, a. Tenraetar t, Beth- Trenton, NTZl NawartTWl m wi • „ iaJee"-s\. KaTMIno^ Deat-8, Mlnneepolla •'Hartler" Ubem7, "Hot Tan 9- ii. "Uoaa and Hoaa"'-0laclnnat1, 0., Dto. M. Detroit, Mich ,10-11 hTq tbe Tenderloin"-WnrceeUr, Man., Dee. e\ Hart (oTO.Ct 8, Brooklyo, N. T. 10-lft. ^ "la OM kantoaky," Ho. 1-Boeton, Maaa, Dec. 3. In- dado lie. ..... "Mler t '-Wublngton, D.C.Dec ID-IB. • la Old Iinioefy," No. J—Cbarletton, S 0^ Dec i, 8, Rlebnwnd, Yn-. ft 13. Norfolk 14 It. ' Ivy Leei"-N Y City Dec 34, PblUdelnbla, Fa., 10-lft- "Io Old Ken tact t." No. 3-MlaoeepeliB Minn.. D<c 3-B, Omaba. Nab., 15-13- "IrUb Aitlaf'-PhlUddphla, Fa. Dee. 3-11 Janaen'c Marie—SprlnadrId, Maaa, Dec. ft. Bridgeport, Ct,8 Brooklyn.N Y,K-H JelTeraoo'a, Jceepb-BoRaJo, N. Y., Dec 1 Detroit, H'eb. 6. Colnmboa, O., 7 Indiaoapolla lad.R.Naah Tllle. T?nn , 10, ll, LoaUrlUe, By, 11, IS, Mempbla, Tenn, II 1ft. •Jine"-Wllllmanilc Ot, Dec 1 MerMen B, Wert erly. R 1,7. Rrldgeton, N. J., ft, Wilkeabarre, Pa., 11, It.Tateraon.N.J.UKL h .ioaboaBimpk)na n —AtUoia 0s>, Dec 0. Eaaae'r. Tboe. W —Ban FraoebMo. CaL, Hoc 3-11 Keodal a. Mr. aad Mra-Detroit Mich., Dec ft, Cleveland. 0. OA PlUabnrg. Fav. 10-lft Ien«edy'e Flayer*—Ballaton.N Y« Dec 3-8. Klni'B'a. Mane-Ironton, 0. Dec 3-8. Keodaira.Bara-'imaha Neb, pee 0-1 • Kid"—Marion, Iod„ Dre ft. Rich mood ft PortaaonUi, 0.. 6, Ironton 10, Aebtand, My., II, Itantfort 12. Looia- viUe 13-U. cenm Tt definite. Loiter'*. Mia ole—Walk lea, N. Y.. Dec ft, Waverly ft-8. La'aea'a, Oeo. W.—MtYernon, 0^ Dee. 3-8. ZanearlUe 10 it. Ljoeom Theatre, Bjera A Olaigow'a-Union City, Pa, Dec 0, Cambrldf e 8-8. UndleyX Harry-Uallfai, N. S, Dee, 1 Indefinite. Laoatry'a, Mra.—Beaton, Maaa., Dec 3-8, Oblcafo, ill., 10- lft. L>wlf, LIlllan-DaUaa, Tel.. Dec 0-1 Lambert A Locai* FUyere—Spring Yaller, Mine, Dec 10-11 "Limited Meir-Beat Liverpool, O, Die ft, Bellalre 6 Wheellnr, W. Va., 7. Cambridge, o.. 1 Dennlaon 10, Canal Dover II, Maaailon 11. Akron IS, Oallon 14, Mana- fleld 10 "Uod of iha Midnight 8u"-rAlcago. HL, Den. Ml • Loat In Now York''— Kanama City, Mo. Dec 3-B. "Lire aoard"-Waablnston, D. 0.* Dec 3-t*. Phltadel- Pbla, Pa., 10-lft. "riiile Cbrlatopber Colomboa^-N. Y. Olty Dec 3, In- daflnlU. "Little 8peeutator''-JeaneUe, 7c, Dro. 1 Apollo 8, Ber- wick 7. Danville 1 "Little Trlale"-Laoca»ler, 0 . D«c ft. BtenbeavUla 1 Baal Liverpool 11 Whtellng W. Va. IS-lft. "LoatinBgypL'-Beih. Me. Oec ft, Augoau ft. Water- villa 7- Bangor 8. Porttand 10. 'Lady Wlndennere'a Fin"-Cedar Raplde. la., Dec 1 Daa Molnea 12 Marlowa'a, JulU-Mllwankae, Wia, Dec 3-8, Indlanap- olla, Ind.. 10-11 Mnrpby'a,T1iD-rittabnrB, Pa., Dec S-cCaolon, It, Cleveland 13-16 ManteU'a R. B.-Clndnoall.O., Dec 3-8, Orand Raplda, Mloh.,13. ManineM a, filebard-FblUdelphle, Pa., Dec 3-8, Bllu- beth. N. J.. 11 Moltenry'a. Nellie-Pittaburr. Pa. l>eo 3-8, Akron, 0, 1L Mackle'cJaa. B.-UornelUTill».N. T , Dec 1 Klmiral Fein Van 7 AnburnS, Uilca Id, Oloveravlllell.Troy 1 13 Albany ll U Martinot'a. Sadie—Cleveland o., Dec S-8 MurphyX Joseph— Monde, Ind. Dec 1 Fort Wayne ft, Aurora, 11L.7-Rwloe, Wll,tiCbl»p;o,111 .9-14. Mark! Broc'-Carleion Place, Can, Dec 0*8. March'a Select PlByere-Sallabory, N. 0., Dec ?-3, Char- lotte. 10-lft. ■Mmc Sana Cone'*—Toronto, fan., Dec 3-1 Moo I red 10-11 "My Partner' 1 —Philadelphia, p». D*e 3-lft 'feFaddan'i Blnpement"—Loilarllle, Ky., Dec 3-f, Wheeling, W. Va., ll "Mitoo and Georgla"-Pbll*delphlc Pa,, Dee 10-11 "MoKenoa'a Filrutloo"—Wilmington, DeL, Dec ft, Blltabetb. N. J., t. N. Y. Hiy W-ll "MaNalty'a Tlali"-F]iot Mich.. Den. tt Keg I new 10, Port Koran 11 PoolLail2,HoUyllOarnrd1l "S|llk Wbtta Pl»g"-N. Y. Cfty Dee 3, IndeBnltc Moblea', Milton—Butrop Tex., Dec0 LaOraoielYle- ™ torla 7. ^.Laredo 11 Fan Antonio 13.14. Nethtraole'a, Olia-WuhlngloD, D. C, Deo. 3-8, Balti- more, Md.. 10-11 Nwaa' Jollltlee— Atlanta Oa.,Deo 11 Newman 7. Grldln 8 Columboa lo Amcrlcae II, Albany II, TalUba*aee. Fla.llApaladilcolalL Nfuvllia'a Mme. aod Ang-CleTeland, O, Dec 8-8. Philadelphia, Fa., 10-11 "Nominee"—Trenton. N. J, Dec 1 Bcrantoo. Pa, 1 "New Boy-Hartrord, Ct, Dec ft, Newbnrg, N. Y.,7. Plltaborg. Pa.lO-lfl. '•vow Soulh"— Brooklin. N. Y, Dee B-l "New Bey," No.S-Ban FruolBco. Cel.. Dec 3-B, "New Dominion'*—Rocbliter, N. Y, Dec 0, Blngbamton 7.1 Q'Nelira.Jamea-Jamy City, N. J., Dec 3-B, Blfitbelh Ott'c Joeeph-Corombua, O.. Dae.0. Buffalo, N. Y- Mi- ll Beranlon. Pa., 13 A lien to-n 14, Bead toe 'ft. "Oo theMlealBdppr-Ofalcato, III 'Deo Mft "Our Flat''—Port Doron, Mich., Dec 12. St Tbomaa, Can.. 11 Hamilton ll ' Old olory"—N. Y Olty, Dae 3-S9. "O.'d Firmer llopblnr'-Rlnlay, 0. Dec 1 Flemtni*- hurg, Er-» 0. Oarllile 7, MlUarabara; 1 Vanceborg HL Loolaa II, Montgomery. W. Yi„ 11 Point Plaaaantis, Mlddltpon, 0., H RaTonawood, W. Ve_, it. New Mar- iiniTllle 17. "Ot the Bowery"—Toledo, O., Dec 3-8, LonliTlUt, Ky., 10-11 "(for Unola Dndley"-Troy. N. Y.. Dee 7,1 1 Oh. What a Nt*M:"-Aleiajidrk Ind, Dec 7, Rlwood 8 Ohieego. Ill, 9-11 "Off tb* Kartb-—Hilcago III., Dee 1-11 palmar'a, A. M. Block-N Y. Olty Dh.3, ladeOmie. -t Payton'a Oorae-Bonth Naod, led, Dec B-K Parkera, Panllno -Turner'a FaUa, Mam., D»o ft. Amherat n Wabater7,South Fretnlngbams Lonalllo-IO Paige'a, Mabel-Pelenburf, Ya., Deo. 3-8 btanntcn 10-11 Pouar-BeUew-Naw Orleana, La, Deo. 1-15. "Paul Kauvar M -Brld|enort, Ct., Dec B.BobIco, Man., 10-13 "Prodigal Faluer'-Flltabare. Pa, l»ee. 'O-ift "PaMlngShow"—Hoeheeter N.Y.Dec 18 BchTjJo7,8, Oleveland 0.. 10-12 Detroit Mich. 13-11 "Powerol the Preta"-LonlivllIe, Ey., Dec 3-8, Olndn- netl. 0., 9-11 "Police Patrol"—Toronto, Can, Dec 3-1 "Prloee Pro Tern"—Woroeiter. Maaa. Die ft Lowell 8 ">-«<dlgalDftn|TiUi"-Readlng, Fa., Dec. 5.0, Al.'enlown 7,8. "r-iwer OoM"—Brookljn, N, Y., Dec 8-1 Waablonton. DC. 10-lft * "PoleeorNew York"—Cloolnoatl, O-DecB-ift. "PawoTlcketlKT'-Naw Orleana, L\, Dec M, Mobile. Ala, 10, Montgomery II, Macon,Oa-.U RavAoaah IS, 14. Broniwick 1ft '-Peck*! Bad Boy," Eutern—AllanU. Oc, Dec 7,8. H Peek'i Bad Boy," Waa tern-Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec 11 Adrian 11 Monroe 14. Wyandotte 13. "Private Secretary"—Hamilton, Ont, Dec Detroit Mich. 7.8 * J^aiwU'a^oJBmlih-Decatur, HI, DecC, Mllwaakee, fivei'lTa,* Edwln-Cenlervllle, It, Dec 11 Bloomneld Bonwn'B, Bloarb—St Paul, Minn-, Dec 3-S, Mlooeapotla 10-11 Redraood DramaUe-Zombiota, illno., Dec 3-B, VTavoca 10-11 Reed'a, Boland-Boaton. Maaa. Dec. VIA. Rnaaeli Rd and LeU— Campbell, N. T, Dec 0,1, Hornby 7 Coming A, HiPb*u*aTmub%donrr—Kalamico, Mich., Dee 1 Three Itlvera 8. Lotaniport led, 1 Iodlanapolle 10-11. ntooey Comeiy-Dait«n,0. Decl Rlobmond, tod . ft. Hbea*a-A)baay. N. Y.. 0«. 1 Plttafltld, Kaac, 1 Wor- ceeUr7.H. HprlarOald 11 New |liv*n, Ot It. Bridge- port 12, Norwich 11 Fall River, Mua, ll. New fkdlord Rtce'c Fanny-Tror-»-Y. Dec 7,1 "Ror, ol the lli|ls"-Boboken, N. J.. Dec 8-8. • Run on the Bank"—PlttaBa'd. Maaa, Dec 0. Daahorr, rt.lBrld|epot'7,8onth Norwalk 8, Brooklyn. N. V., 10-11 "toredale''-Newark, N. J^ Deal HoDc-kent-A, Blltev hetb 10. "Ranch Klag"-FblUdelphift, Pft, Dec 3 8. "Roth Clty'-ElliLbeih, N J., Dec 1 Newark 8-8, Rochcaier. N. Y.. 14 IA- "Rttlm«-i Tickcf'-Barllngton, la, Dec8. Kanau City, Mo,, 10-11 Sothem'c B U.-Prnvldance. R I, Dre 3-8, BnKkho, N.Y..10-n ' Rklnner'a.ntla-Mempbla.Tenn.D^e ft Ai|«bu,(;v« i RaT.nnah 7, CbarUelon, B. (L, fl Norfolk, Ya., II Rldi- mood It, 11 Balvlore, A'm.— Ban Franelaco, CaL, Dec 3-1 Oakliod 10-11 Fan Joee II >*■ Bhaa'a. Thoc B>—Kailon. Pa. H>c 38.Trenton, N.J , ir-11 HullivAo'a, Jo^o L— Detroit, Mich.. Dei .V8 Fremont 10. F'at or la 11, rind lay. 0.. 11 Lima IS, Beilefontalne 14 L'rhitalA fUntorf'a, Walt-r, Rtocb- Brooklyo, K. V.. Die Wtl- llamabarg 10-lft RehJea'a Edge'—BMtoo. 1'*., Dec 3, llneltoa 8. Belli- m- re, MI..I0-11 Bwariwood Draniallc-Maionriiy 111, Dee 3 a Peiere- hrrg 10-11 KoUrx Den-Denre*. Col, Def 3-1 Oi*renne, Wro.11 Beward'a Mlnole -WapplBger PalU N. V , D*o 8 8 Port Jam* 10-11 Peiooeielera'-Odail UI.D*«.0.r. Ba«tell* l>emailo-OreenQekl, Maac, Dec S P Newbary- pftrt 10-lft • Bad le Raymond r>naedy—WalrOlly. Kan.. Dee A* "f>nn Nc r-N. Y. cut Dec 3 f, WUUwBbnrt, N. y.. 10-u ' filter KI««"-Evanavt-te lad . Dec 8 Fplder and FJr." *eaiern-lndlAaap»lia. Jnd. Dec M ' iBrionail 0-9-11 BiillAlatm"-Brook|ir«.N Y . Dec 3-8 Fpu 01 Ufa"—A.i<eetown. Pa. Dvcft Wl'ketberrel Rcranton7 WUM*m pori&Pltiabortlft-ll "Phenaadoab"— Harlem, N T., Dec 3 A. Washington, D. Rtd'e Tracked." Jule WeMera'-Srerllng III. Den.iLa PalU 0, Kewame 7. Macereh 1 Wicoti CHr, Mo., in, Chlllicotbe II. Ouawot'omte, Kan. II, Cbanote 13 (HrardllPUUbnrg 11 JopHo,Mo . 11 ^wiogibe Wind"—f awrenea. Ma'a.. Drr hi ■Shore Aorea" No. I-Brookljn. N. Y., Dee 3-c I'l.tUdel- i-lila, Pa, 10-11 "(UilpotRtaie'-Oraod Rtplda.Mich.DecZ-l THavaaol fJokV*-Galeag* 1U Daci-13 81 PnMkard-^iirm. P»,^iRew Cnat«7,Reeh. etiar 1 wheelUg, ay \ e ,10-11, Ban LirorpeeL, o, 11 Tonnte 14, Martin ■ Ferry U- '^owlnf tbe Wlod"-Brooklvn. N Y-, Die 3 ft, *ihnmwfty"-BobokeB, N. /.. Dec fl ■Bbore Acrea." No. S-Troy. N Y. Dec fl, 0 Jobnaiowii a^apsar^fisi> •* »«snic "*»■">•: BJ=nnrd"-at Joaeph, Mc, Dre. ft, Council Btnfll ia« 10. "Rha"-Nuh*iHe. Tenn , Dec 3-8. rTtorner*n. Carrie—Wllkeabane. Pa.. Dec lAlhntAwn J- 8.Readlog7.Laaeairer8 llar.^horVKl rAuS£n McRierprrt 11. Clrelevlltn, 0., W. Chlllecothe 11 Tonlo'c John B — Man* Odd. 0. Deo 1 Nftrtb Baltimore ti. Rowling (tieen 7. Ann Arbor Mien., P. DeiroD 9-ift Tbe Rpowfr*B-Davetprr, le, Dro S-B. Rmkuk in-« TiIden-StaelaOomidf-Bnrllncton, fnd . Dec. 3-8 * Trip to Chinatown, Nn. 1—Ai p 40 i. Nlnn . Dec 10-14. 'Trip to Chinatown." Nft. 1-New Orletni La, Dec 9-1' Trin to Turker'-PhlMaipbla, Pa. Pec 3-P. Al'oona 14 ' nVf'ioSi ' LyD " ^ Protla,Be *"- ■Tnta'lah Baih"—Chehaha, With , Dec 1 Yeocouver. B ft. 8 AMoTie.Ore., 7. 1 *TwoO:dOroolea"—WiUumiburg. N T.. Dec IO- 1 !. TrollevHvatem"—Toronto. Can. Die 3-1 fit Caiher. Iota 10. Nlanra Fallr, S. Y., 11, Med lea 12, Lockport 11 Ba'avla 14, Oleau 15. ^ * * Tornado,*'Korthem— Akron O., Dec 7- Tornadc" Son*hero-Weahlnamn. Ind., T»tc 1 Tin- econeaft.Bmil 7. Parla, III.a DaovHle llL\favatre II, Lononapor^U Lebanon 13, Terra llaola 14, Frank- rortll Temperance Town"—Harleo, N. Y., Dec. 3-8. Jeraer Clty\N J„ ll-ift. ' ^ r "Two Johna"-Reranloo l Pa>, Dec IReadloa; 8, Paltt. more, Md., 10-11 Tom Sawyer''—Dea Holoa*. I a., Dec 3-8. "True IrUh Uearta"— Blngbamtoo, N. Y.Dec3. Reran- ton, Pn, 0-8. * Two Alalare'*— Montreal. Can. Djc 3-8. Tcronro l^-'l Ten H igbts In a BarroonV'-Maonlncioo. W. Va. Dec 1 Fairmont 8. Buaknennon 7. Wewon 1 TbeOllhooleia Abroad"—Sonbury. rg, Dec! Will lima- pot 8, Lock Witob 7. Rellelonte B. uTToyier tho Llon'a Paw"—Linn. MAm . Dec 8. ^ "UnolaTom'a Cabin "8h*a'e— ntckman, Ky.. Dec ^New Madrid, Mo. 8, Pleaaaot Point9. Carntherarllle * Uode Tom'a Cabin," NePhee'B-Reaiile, Waah . Deo 2-1 1 HneU Tom'a Cahlo " Davli*. Weatern-MarahalHowo. Ta., Dec 8, Port Dodge 11 Boone is. Daa Molnea ift "Toole Tom'a Cabm." Rtowc'a-Parkorahunr. W Ya, Decl Middleport0..8. Point PlauantT.Obaileeton, W. Ta, 1 "Undo TonVaCabln." Markoa'a-Uoadllla, N. Y n Dec ft, Haw Berlin 1 Baloorldge 7. Walton 10. Van Oortland a, Ida- Wert So perl or, Wu, Dec 3*. Dn- roth Mlon„ 10-sa V.r,|» Lee-Lo Roy. N. V.. Dec 3-8. Walewrlghra. Mai la-Chicago, 11U Dec S-H Warner Cumedy—BMoradn Ia,. Dec3-A Wllliami', Oof-Norwalk. U.. D#c.l Lima 1 Uonilnn- loo, Ind., 7. Baekikne. HI, 8. Mllwantee Wis. 10-11 WhliMtde's. Walkar-BaginRw. Mich. Dec 8 VF*^Comedy, BtiUrn-lAwell, Maaa, Dee. 3-D. Lynn Weita Comedy, Woatarn-Corry.Pa., Deo 3-3 Wall**, Howard, Ideila—Tama a □ a. Pa., Dec 3-8. Maoch fhnnk, 10-lft. Warde-Jauia-Qaleoy. Ill, Dre 11, RtanjTMle, Ind., ll Woed'a. N. S.-bt Xenli Mo^ Dec 2-8 Warren'a, Bmma—White Comic. Le.. Dec 3-1 Wei'orTa. Baron Lou'e-Beoaoo. Mlno. Dec ft, WlUmar 8 B Montevideo 19-11 PavBOHTiPe ivift. Ward Comedy—Coloo. vieb, Dec. 3-B Union City tO-lft WaJllck'l, J. If -MemphU, tenn., Deo 1 HaabvllU ft-K ."Work and Wagea"-Wli]Umahnrg, N. y.. Dee 8-H "-White Fnoadrm"—Noaark, N. J., Dec ft, Fatenoa 7. B. Newborn,!!. Y, 11 "Wile for Wile''—Vilk'ahejTe, Fc, Dec ft. Bloghamtoo, M Y.. 8-8. Broobljn 10-11 " 1 •Wr rid A gal rut Par." Acaea WiOlaee-Vilia-Pbllidel- phla, Pa,. Dea 3-3. Bridgeport Ct. 10, II, Mechanic* Wile. N. T., 11 Jehnatown 13, Canandai B ua 14, Olean Yo'aBg'c Jaiiiea—Wett Point Mine, Dm. ft, Durante o. Hatchn7. "Yon Yonaon'*-Chicagrt, IlL.Dee. 2-8, Milwaukee, WU., o-lt '■Young Mra. Wlnihrop^-Ryracaae. V. Y„ Dec ft, 1 Aobnrn 7. ItbaoaS. Rochecter 10-13, Buffalo 13 13. BIVBICALt. AbVr A'jOra i'a Orand Ooin-N. V. Cliy Dae 3. lodeA- niu. "A Oar Ulehwatman"—IfBOtlng, Mich , Dae 13. Boaionian Opera—«. Y. City Dec 3 lodeBnl'e. Corlone Flint Mich., Dec 1 Ja^baon 0. Lanalng 7. nrand Raplda 8. KaUmaioo 10. Fort w«nc lod , 11 Lotaniport 13 Fnuikfortll. Kinhik'e, 111., IA CamllleD'ArvllleOpera-CiDdnnati. 0- Deo 3-13. narleton Opera—Hamilton, Can, Dec 6, BnffAlo. K. Y., 10-11 Ceiboon Opera—Fargo, N. D., D*c l French Opera—Montreal Can. Dee S, lodellolta. French Opera— New.Orleana, Le., Dec 1 Indefinite. "Fencing Master"—Philadelphia. Pa.. Dec 3-8, Rich- mond. Ya, 10. AlUnlcOa. II Cbarleaten, 9. CM, Orao Opera-New naven, Ct. Dec 8-ft. Easton. Pa, 10, B.ihUhem 11, Lewi• ton 11, Heading 13, Hamtbnrg 14, Hall a panllno -Cktcagn. Ill. Deo 2-8 nonck npara-CaTllavlllo, III., Dec. ft, Pane 8. Beat St LouU7.RalJeTllleB. Uopper'a. Do Woll-Cblcago, HI. Dee. 3-8, Baltimore. Md., 10-11 "Jaetnta"-N. T. City Dec 3. Indrflolie. LIU Lao Rueaell Opera—N. T. City Dec 1 Indefinite ' Llltle Trooper'—Waablnelon.D.f!, Deo. 3-8 Wilming- ton. Dil. 10,Rllmbeib.N.J,ll Wflrcooter Mane, 11 McOibeny Family Oooeert-Bt AibucYt. Dec- A New. pnrtl RUhlerd 7 Bwaot^n 8, Roore'n Point. N. Y . 10, Chaieanjiyll.Maion6 , 2,Norwoed 13 14. Pons 1am 11 Ka-bvllle R'odtnii-Rorbi-oTi. Mo.. Dec A, Oregon 8, Sa- vannah 7. Lawrence ll Topeia ll "Prlneeie Ronnie"—Roa'oo. Mam.. Ore 3-lft. ' Rob Bor"-N. Y.CHyDecS. Indefinite "Robin Hood" Orera—Richmond, Va., Dec. 6-3 Wa»h- logton, D. 0.. 10-11 Ran to'd Siaiera'—flainiavlUe. Fla-, Dec 0. Oca la 7, 1 l^eabure 10, Orlando 11, Banlord 11 Klaalmmie 11 Bartow ll.» Beabrooka'a. Thoa. g-LHUo Rock Ark.. Dec 1 Mem- phU, Tenn. ftl Hrrlogfleid. Mo, 10, Redallft II, Bt Joaeph ll Mailco 11M 'nhalitovn. la, 11 Routa'aBand-JaraarOlty. N J., Dro ft. Orange 1 New Rnioewltk 7. Brooklyn. N. Y., 8, 9. rotutown. Pa., 10, York II. ar W hl»ton. D. C, U Belilmore, Md., H Phiudrlpblc Pa.14.1ft. Taraiy Opera— Dulmb. Minn.. Dec 1 Ooiiha, Nab.. f~S WHeon'a. FTaorie-Wlllltmibura;, N.Y., Dec 3-8, Now. ark, N J., '0-!B ■ 1 "» Wllber Ouera-BoiTalo, X. Y., Dec 3-9, RocbetUr 1Q-IA. VARIETY. Autlln'aaiaan'eanB-WliManubnrr. N. Y, Dec S-8. Anderaon's-CiudnBBil.O.. Dee 9-11 AnaUn'oOlganteana- Brooklm. N Y.. Deo 8-8 fllti Hporta-OleTeland, Dec 8-1 Buffalo. N. Y_ 10-13. City Oloh-aiodnnail, O. Dec 9-11 ° umT* J " k '*~ ^^ ' w * ^l^, N ' J1 Dm - ^ Belilmore, Md., Devore'c 0am-Ri Lonle Mo., Dec 2-1 Dlioo'a, Ueo -Rrracnra, N. Y . Dec 8-8 Bloghamtoo 10. On-fgn u Danville, Pa, 12, H bam ok In 1J, Mt Cermet 1L r-otUvlllO 11 Evirhart's, .rack-ArkaoHi CItr. Eao. Dee 1 WlofleM 8. Wichita 7. New tool Bmpoilom 10,Topekall,Atch1- eon 11 Leavenworth U Kanran Ql**. Mo, 14-U. FiaMa'. John P.—Chicago, III, Dee 3-8 Frwch^yollj-PAlerioo, N. J., Dae 3-8, PblUdelphla, PrttfrnmoBB', Rob-Olnclonall, 0, Dec t-8, LoqIitIIIc, Ky.. 10-' 3 Fay FotUr-Lvoo, Mate, Den 2-8 Wo'cednr Hvde'aCoiiiedlana-ClilcaiOi HI. Doc 3-8.Oleveland, 0 , 10-lft. fliirsL One, NoTahUe—N. T. CHr D'c. 3 8 Uophlna^TraoaOceanlce—PilliboiR, Pa .Decft-lClrve Und. 0,10-11 I win Brot'—Baltimore, ltd., Dec 3-P, Newark, N. J , 10- ft London Spot tt-Virion. led.. Dea 7- Llllr Olav-N. Y. Olty Dec 3-!ft. London Empire Rnierlalaara— Denrar. Cel.. Dec 3-S LnodonMnalo Ball Bnr|e«f|na—Pnje lap. v^itli. Dec B, 8fta>UelEIUn»bnrg7. Pprenne 10. Bark 12, WnUac* 13 Miatonie. Mon.. ll. Deer l^-dre tft London Bpeolaltr—Wnreattor. kfu*.. Dec 3-S London Bellea lloffrnann'a— Beading, Pa., Dec 1 N. Y. Olty 10-K Lwoo OtlMy Olrle-Lvno, Vena Dec ft AnneibnryfL Poriamnuili N H.7.Kxe'erS FaHRlrer. Manj, 10-12. Ladle*'Clofc—Harlem. N. Y„ Dir. Uobolen, N. J., MUher'a, Fetar-Hftttrerd, CL, Dec ft. 1 Baltimore. Nd., 10-11 May Howard-Indian■ polle, Ind., Dei 3-S, 61. Loot*. Mo., Marie Banior-Uoboken, N J.. Dae S-« New Tork 8'are-Chicago, m. Dec Mft NUht O wb-Baltlmore. Md., Die 3-8, WMhlogion, D. C, 10-11 'Old floaili'-Wlllltiotborg. N. Y., Dre. 3 tt. B*nti Butler—Prondenee. B. I., Dec 3-B, Worceater, Maaa. 13-15 Pwe Hill-Troy. S, Y , Dec S-*. Svineuao 10-U R»y*I F.i U'lalPtra-Pe'reDc Can.. Dee. 1 Ooderlch 11 lltaeell Brra.'- Buffalo. N. T , Deo 3-8. RttllyA Wood'a—Warhlogioo, D C, Dec. 3-B, Plttabura, Pa. 1H-I1 Hlce A Batioo'aCrinadlaaa-Binton, Maa*., Dec 3-s. RHvea 4 Palmofa-iihlrain, IH.,Dec2-'ft Rindow'a. Raiene—Bt Lnale. Mo . Dec. 9-'n ReiiOB'a-A>bany. N. Y.. Deo ft-R TrcrinlA BbenpanAMorirey'a-RetdlDg, Pa,Decft-8, N. Y.City 1011 "Jr-alfc Bafnre iYm War">-HrrAOOie, K. V . Dec 6, Ro- chester ft-A, Buffalo IC-15 Tltao'a—Dn^nnce, la.. Dea 1 Waterloo ft Cedar Rep<da T. Iowa Clti ft, Davenport 9, Dei Molnei 10, 11, Atlin- iloll omaba Nob. ii-|i Viriaa De Mcnto-Milwaakee, WU. Dec t-B. WIlIUuc' Harrv, Owo-PbLUdoloble. pc, Dec 5-3, Will Umabnre.w.Y., 10-lft WUtiama, r 1Iarry. Meteora-Olnclonatl. 0-. Dec a-1 Waldmann's Fted-Pillibnrff, Pc, Dec. 3-8, Cincinnati, O..10-1*. WaberA Field'a-K. Y. nitv, Decsa Wataon Rlatera—Lonlavllle, By., Dec. 31 "While Crook'^-lodlinapolU, led., Dec r. Barlow Br.ia *- Q'own wood, Tet., Dec 1 Temple 6, Waco 7, Taylor'. Cameron Kt ltearoe 1L raJaailnelL Cot al- cana 11 LI 1 Habere ll. WaiabachlolA Burd'a—rerteiaviiie, Oa. Dec. 1 Dal>«-o C Pay ten. Toon .7.TnJtOoma)0 Murrreeibtro 11, L< bar call Gnl'aUn 14, h'aibvilla 17-19. Chrtatie A Bainoera—BaHloore. Md.. Dec. W, Havro do □race (a Port Depwlt 11, Bivion it, t ewmrb. DeL, II oxiote.Pa. u /innv, ra. u C.lh.1 0*Ul