New York Clipper (Dec 1894)

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Deobmbeb 8. THE ZSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 635 -Lafeyelt*. Ind.. Dm. A, I^gaaspoit fl 7, IndlaoaMlu 8. MaseU 10, Richmond 0.. It 3Cwu 13, Urbane HLflpriagfleld )&. OoBUtoah's-N. T. Ob/ Dm. 3-8. ClereleBd'e-Fort Wayne, Io4_ Dftt. 7. Dwkeiader'e—Washington. D.O.. Deo 3-8. DWlB^-^81tty fling. H. T.. Dec 0, Nyoch 7. Hseken- ffonVa, A^a-L%&^;«lU. Id0.. u D*£_*j J*j II, Hamilton, 6. . Oar Broa*-aw>pa,Cas., Dee. ll. HsTorly'B—Fan Francisco. CaL. dm. s. Indefinite. BIBurT^-ML Sterling. Kr, Tan. A Leilngton 1 Parti T.OnttaUua, BayaTUla 10, Bowling Oreea 17, Ueoder- BOB 39, Primrose A West's-8prlD|aeld, Mass., Dec C. Wortre- Ur7,B> Yiwelaad**-Baclbaanoo. W. V*., Dee ft, Orafua 6. Fair- most7. Meooiogtoii ft, Moaodn-Ule to. Bailor*. o., 11, Mextio'a Parry 13,itocbMUrft,L3, WeilnlUe,o.,U, Blenbonrilla l A. • CIRCUSES. Coeptr A flmltb'i-L^iuifl.Lt, Dm 1 Oakley 6. HtnoiioD A Boo'a-Hinllle, P. I., DM 3-Feb. 14,1891 Hell's, Frmnk-ftoleago. 111.. Dm 3, Indefinite. Harris'. W. II.-Ced%r Key, P'l. Dm A, Archer C, Waldo 7.0HrftS.OuUia DideCitr Hi Tamps 13, YoorClly ll FmnlOlry 14. Wlldwood 15 L* Pearl »-DactIIK 111, Dm 9. Indefinite. Main's. Walter U-UreenTllle, Abu. Dm A. iiV- — * L, JobBogota, 8. Dec 3. ladeDolte. Rodrigaas**, L- J—Milwaukee, Wit, Dm 3, lodeflotte. Sparks', John IT.—La drug*. N.O.. Dec. A, OoldsboroS, lib Oilve 7. Clinton A ruber too 11 Belli Bros.'—Oreoeda, Mlis., Dm. e. JU80£LLANEOV8. Bernard's, Jonlos-MeoifleW, Hut., Dm 9-?; Souih Pram lotion 10-10. BtMhir*i OleWblAWore—Da Wilt, It, Dm 3-8. ooyls's Mateom-Mobile, Ala., Dm 3-8. Claxtoo'a, Prof.—Forreat, Can.. Dec b\ParkhiU 6-s, oieo- om Ml. Newberry 13. 13, Oil Bprlnca 14. IS. TJroyoole\ rW.-Moekogon, Mich.. Dm 4-8. Ell Perk I na-Me nomine*, wla., Dm 7, Mink i to, Minn., Etas-Wood— En rnu/e throne* Sooth Amarlca Bllajon-Bellde, Pal.. Dm oYPIoreoeeS, Cripple Oraak 7, _ . r w lO.BaplalODll.Ale'fo, 1)1,13, Kirk wood li.LaBellelB. — a-Wor' — -" - ■-- nPoMto.To7cSioriM Hpringi loTDaarer ft ' Goalo—Melndoo Fella. Vl. Dm G, Baroeit 8, The I ford 10, BajtCoriDth 11 FelrleelA. Hegenbetk—Bel U more, Md, Da?. 3>8 Herrmann— Plltaburg, Pa., Dm 3-8; Cincinnati, O., 10-15. Haloa—HondoTl, Wit, Dec 14-18. Baailtoo'a, Obes E— Portland, Or*., Dac. fl-H. SealUe, Wsstu 16, lT.TacoDa '8-20. Jonea'TJ. AugosUa-WhlteTllle. K. O, Dm. i-8. ■elltr—Daytoo, O., Dm A, Columbu G-B, PlUabnrg, Pa, 10-14. Powell—Wheeling, W. Ve., D»c 8. *kron. 0.17. Steel's, 0. &—Lonlirllle, Kj., Dm 6, Jftmpbln.TeoD , EtMa A Bnltb'a— En route thronib AmtraJla. HcbaldJef'a Edas KotM-Columbaa, O. Dm 3-8. Bharnaa'a, Prol, Wn —JwaariUa, Via, Dm 9, Baku 6, 7, BalTidara. ILL, 8, DM5.fl,8lmcoa 7-19. Tamallo—OalvMloo.Tax., Dm S-h Walla' Wondarland—Paoaaeola, Fla.. Dac. A, c. WISCONSIN, Ullwankee.—At tbe Acadcmj of Uualu Jobn OrlOllh eommeacadaweak,Dec. 3, apraarlDf In"Paoat" Kmltj Blgl, In "Mr Barnaa ol Kev Tork," elowd liar rotdaaaaonl. Boalntai vu only faJr. Oaa WiHlama, la "Apru Fool," 9 aad weak. Dayi ueo h Thuthi —Tlia Ko.) "A Trip to ailnaiowu" Compuy camo 1 for two perfonnaocea, Jolla kfarlowa- Tabar opanad 31 ar awiak,praaenllog bar repertory, u followi: *llia School fur BcADdal" 3, -*RomM and JoJIet" i "Tbe BaUa'a Strataffam" and ,, Clialterlon ,, 5, -rwainii Wain"G'The Lore ChaM" 7, "Aa Yoo Like It ,l (ouUaM)Haod , -Initoatar" (oifbt)ft. ntiarlu Dick- MB I4T0 "locog" aad "A Jolly Oood Kallow," 30. X, V. 38, to odIt fair butloau Paallae Qall, la "Dorcaa." bad larte hooaaa ThMbaglTloovbat the remainder of berangafenent. wb'ch wu 59.90. Dee I. wa* only fair. PolBmTUi RomeU comu 13,14, U. ibe bouae being dark 9, 10,11.11. Buou Oi'im Uocaa—"PriiKlo a Mad Houea," wlH> J. K Eounet aaPrliit. opeoad,!, tor a week. Cooroyand Foe, Id "Hot Tamalen," drew fairly laat vek aicer the opulng pcrtonnaace wblch wai large. *'Von Yooaon" 9 aad week. Uid-Wivtbr Ciaopa.—Madam Uarentette and liar horaaa, BTargraen. Kllfnaher ao4 Jupiter, (lie Nippon Royal Jaaanaae Troup, Albert Rowall and Oror^e MoTolto, Kdwanl Btiaal aad atrard Leoa and hla ^laokaia, were the openloge vtik or 3 Loreoie and Lolta ware bald orer from la«i week Tbe baaloeaa at tblar«aendoeanotlm]tre«eaDd it not paying, although the Danaieiseat bnpea lo play even on uie holiday auendanca, aodeipecJs <o keep opeo uqUI alter January flrft BfADTTfiaATRK.—A drama by Broat Ton WIMeobniek, •olltled "Daa Heoe (lebou " w^a airoo by tbe ateek company 3, H Lola'a VaUr." Not 79. aod "Der Uerr Sanator," a), wan lloerallr attended. Paorta'a Tn a at a ■ ^—Wwk of Deo. 3: Bailey aol Boy- dalU Patar and Bidle BranDlaaa, Lew Baker. Andy and Bra Raotln. Haw Batelle Belmont, Lew P. and Mamie U. Diamond, La Hlrene aed Nina, and T. K and Sail I e Hagbea. Tbe llearr Bpeolalty CompaoT oloaed a fair wfefe'abailatat 1. A bore abow will nil m weak of 9. Woidwii.imk Mdsidm •-Due 3: Carlo Hall— Pred Howe ((at boy). Prof. De Yer and Madam Bo Rol (craina- tloa), UallatU'a Monkey*, aad N EagU ilodleo jaggler). Btag-e -Rice BrAihera.w. it. Da Ve«ux, Conway aod De- taney, Prank Mlltard. Anoie Sylreaier, OuaiDdrenaand Barry BanlooiOD. Baaiaeaau (air. Curl* Cocroxa- rleaOlckaon waajoal racoTerlDg from an aUaok of laryngltle wltao lie ailived liere Not. is, aod appear la -"-—-■*-* • ■-- did not i "Incog" at ibe matinee, lna under- i cle* " ... jppea . lew" eTeolog m 3r>. T. WHinot Eckert and Emma aiody plailagihepanaooTeverly tew were aware oiihe change. Mr. *"-*- * '- *" " —*~ * , Dickson appear**! In "A Jolly Oood P»i- Berg: nr* eapecUJly eaiaged (orala weakawltli Htalr A MlooUl'a "AUraokerJaak. 7 ' The * Mr. BaroaaorNew Tork" Co., with Emily Uigl as a a'ar, cloaod liaaeaaoa Dm 1 at the Aeideiny. The com pa or waa noder the niaaag«)i>ent of Mlu Higl, Dunce LewIaaadJauiea B. Moore, the latter auppoaed to be the aotlre manager. He. howaTar.iona weeks ago, accepted iheroanageuieat of ibe Oartle 8*tmI Theatre. Denver, Col., tor L. M. Craw- ford, abandoning Ida company.fend, It la reported, re- tail a g Ota roots whieb he had bobbed, butnotforgeiilng to demand hla thareol the recelpu upon Tbankaglvlng Day.The conipanr'a tbare waa garni Oiced by the Henry u. MlaerBpriDger Lithograph Con pan y, upon a claim ol •698 for peoer. Friday the receipt* were alio garniabeed, and Satarday the company refused to play I lie matinee and fbe aodteace waa dlimleaed. At night Mt>a Blgl aad UortoaLewliTolaateered their tervlcu and a per- (onnaaeewaaglTan.iberecelptabelngdlvldedairially be- tween tbe remalelagmemoera of tbe company It Mewi iheeompefir'jtmsloeei liubaro lair, and noder an or- dinary careiol * " " " wiibwrne profit MrtuKlgland ibe companyralornto yoar aity fmnaedlauly, and alio eipecu to recore "*"" pjay^ from M«oagar Frank Banter, reorgula _ (he aeaaon .... Joiepb Jeeaet, who waa lor yean Agnes Moradon'a manager, paaaed ibrough lb* city 39. lie la at preaent engaaod in merraallle baaloeaa The Milwaukee Yacht Olub will ban ant 13 wltbBolSmltb Haaaell at tbe lUT'deen flt-OMrge Hnaaey mat with a tersre Injury to har etea 30 at the BUoo. The caoae or tbe e*Tiiltyor the Injury cooU BoibeJaaroed Joiaph 0 Bailey, lorroiliy of Divid Headenoa'a forcea, wlabea to deny the state (sent mode to yourcorrespo'deot some wooia aao lo ibe eoeottbat he wm booking a No. 3 'Blnbad" aod "Aladdin Jr." Oonpany, and Dowatalaatbat be almplr eipeota to go with tbe company Han? B Falrbanka, of ' Ilot Tasialea" Co, hie added T. J. Koereer'a song,Wane," to b la repertory. Fond dm Lac—Pond do Lao I/idge. No. &7, U. P. 0. B-, held Itaaooual memorial terrlco at ibe Cresceot Opera Hooae, Dm. «. Major 0 R. Boardman, of Oabkoab, detlTerei tbe prloclpal add rem Dalegattoua of mem- bare of tbe order nfadjiceot loealltiea were tbe gaeataol the lodge. Jobn DIUon'e Co., comes lo (he Creecrat 4. MARYLAND. Baltimore.—Boalnfss vag heavy at all local thutnalaat week, Tbankaglrlog Day maintaining lu poalUon aa one of life beat In ibe year. The altraoUooa for thla week are rarltd and aicelleat, with aucoaaalal opulngi ere rywhere. Baaais' Icjdbmt.-A wMk ol proiperUy la a eer- Uiory her*, with UagMbMk'a Trained Ad inula aa tbe atlraoiloneadlwo perlormaoca daily. "The Prodigal Paoghler" closed a week of good boalneaa I. "My Aint Bridget" 10 roao'a Oraaa Hovaa -"The Olrl I Left Behind Me" waa Mihoaiaatleally recelred 3, by a large audience. Tbe UlipoUaiabaTaabtgweekio ihejr credit, doting I. DeWoif Hopper brines "Dr. Hyotaa" 10 Albaoob'o Ltcatu TaaAtai.— k hearty ncepuon awaited Will Urn B. Crane 3. wbM be nude hla Oral ap- pearaaoa oaitlde of New York In "The Ptolflo Mall." ''Brother John" and "Tbe Senator" will be done I tier In the week. Uerroeon did fairly week ending I. Olta NelhcrvAio cornea 10. BottiDAV Striit T«"A Flagol Trace," »>lb Horace Mliobell ia tbe sullar role, Tilled the bouM maUwM aed eight* 'The Stowaway" cloaed a good weak). "TbeTwoJoboe'MO. flowiRD AcorroiuoM.-A straight Tarlaty bill waa offered the puraia el thla boo tel. in Irwia Broth* re' HpMtalty Co, wblch attracted aodlencea ol good lit*. Patar Mebtr'i epeotalty To. 10. IlUANi MO.iDUBKTiL TflUTBB.—Tbe Night Owls fluttered into the preienee of a big audience 1 ftelliy A Wooda Co.dldaoImmensebaalneea,closing I. Bam T. J*-k'» Creoles 10. 0A«li»'sO»oxTMBiTaK— New 3: JameaandLydta PbMna, MotlcaJ Bllf o, Jeoole Robey. T. J. Ueffron and Deaaead Joee. Nona -Bouaa'a Baed will be beard lo two concerts is, la the afternoon at Ford'aand at night at the new 11 osic Ball Area<dentollblacUylaatworkoo a moilcal Mmeoy lorLfdla Yeemaaa-TI*na la which abe wilitoor nextaeaaoo Annie rroueh.deaiMer ol Prol F.N. Cloven, wlU go sU'oad ahorilr wild Xnntce Yaao* Baltlnoia Lodge Elkabold ibelr anooal memorial aer- Tleaa at FordVa Andrew .lackaoo, formerly propria tor at the Palace Mueaom, will rropee that reaorl lo. NOR TH DAKO T^ Fargo.-At tbe New Onuid Uie Ida Vao Cort- lan't Co. opwed Nor. 3*. for a week, to good houa*a Taaauy the; aara "BmiIo'm Baby*' id a highly ortdl" rr-^» %c. A, the Calhoma Opera Ce. Ita- — France* LouIm Clara IIaqIod, daogblcr of Edward Uuloo, or the HanloQ Bros., and John Knreuruy (non prorcABlonal). were manleO.Nov. 30, In thlB city, He Hot. Dr. Uoogbton onidaUng. — Florence, Laura and Lluta Dot WeUey are with ita© Rirte Comedj Co., now touring Kew Jenej. * -' The Kew Sonih" cl.iaea lia aeaaoo l)ec. 8, Id Brooklyn, and Manager w. A. Brady will Immedi- ately Atari ibecomptaj roheanlog "HomaoiiT, 11 ibo new plaj by Bnuon Vane, reconUy parcnaeed by nlra rrom Ifaunr Wm. Calder. '<IIumaaUy'> will iccelre lia InlUaJ preeentailoD t;, at the Bow- doln 8qnare Theatre, Boeton. where a mo la. ox- peeled. — Will 0. Voung hta cloefrJ bh (Mrteton C». owing to poor boalDew, and li now at work not new production for neit eoaaou. — LoQlA Kalbneld bu acquired a managing |q- ton hi in Garland (lideo'a prodnollon of "The Young Aniertoin," wblch opens Its season Deo. J5 si tbe Acadeajor MdiIc, Sterling, 111. — Noteiand roster ot ibe Gordon Theatre Co.: We opened onr aeaaon Deo. 3 playing "The Convict's Daughter.' 1 floater: Besslo Mam Oordoo, Ada Clarendon, ITarry Delmore, Claude rrwcou, and Oeorge <;ordon. manager. — W. J. Sohnlls joined Clarke A 1'arklason'sCo. NoT.£!,it Oblcsgo, III. — N'otea from (he Minnie So ward Co.-Tbanis to our recent cliitsr ad., whloh brought a nood or replies from well known aciore, we have succeeded In enlarging our company very sailsfaciorllT. h« too following list will teeWj: MJnnle Sewnrd, Lillian Aleiander, Florence 8. Hastings, Uertrm St, CHlr, lleleueH.BeQden.Frederlo Seward, Will p. MoNaltf. 0. Laogdon lawrcoc*. George L. St->at. LewMcCord, Eugone S anil or, Jaok Siair.rd, Uhh- terJack Gewajd, Harry Waldron, Prof. K. E. Ueu- den, and A. J. Wiidca, buslouja msnaecr. After Ibis week we via* no Hmall towns until May next. — A letter received rrom Arthur Sid man slates that, notwithstanding recent reports to the con* irary, be has not signed with Ml tone 11 & /.%brn or any otbsr manAgerslo tour In "Sqolro Uanklns." — Joe WIUIadu, managorof tbe Williams' Thea- tre Co., bag, we are Informed, put out a No. 2 flora- Biny, restoring Urlen Newman and Albert r. Keni. In Newman. It Is said, bu three piafs, written especially for her. .\lleo Hal ford and J. r. Vernon, bead Com pin j No. l. Doih Co.'a report good busl* nosa. — Ollbertl Learock Is pluylog tho role of Nera Maoo, the book agent, nllb Ward.v Yokee' "itun on the Bank" Co. — Manager Jacob LIU has bong lit from Frank L. Bliby the new electrical melodrama, "Shaft No. 2." and will ausnme control of ibe property at tbe close of toe engagement this week at ibe Orsml Opera Hooae, tbts city. "Shaft No. 2 * Is consid- ered a powerful melodrama, Mr. LUt wl.l reor- ganize ihe coaipany, prepire new scooory whore u is seeded to heighten ibe en eels, and get out uow printing. Frank Losee and Uarlun Elmore romnlu with tho comnuy. "SbaftKo.2* 1 will be given at tbe Onnd Opera llouso, Brooklyo, for two weeks, beginning neit Monday. — "The Idler" cloned Its season Dec. l at Mon- treal. Can. — '-Special Delivery" closed its two weeks' season on Deo. l. — Anus Caldwell fell on the suae In Detroit, Mich., during the pagi week sad broke nor leg. The three Donesare broken and all the ligaments lorn apart. Sue la confined to ber bed st tbe Uotel St. Claire, in that oity. -Charles T. Stlne withdrew from "A lull way Tiokei" Dec. i. — Clarence llandraldes leaves Tim Murphy's <:o. Id littabam, I'a.. this week. — Samuel W. Fort Is eorlourly 111 at his residence In this oily. — Vlrgle craves lias Joined OlaaNeibertole'sCo. — Jobn 01 en dinning Joined 'Tao rawer of iho rresB" Co. ai Urbans, 0., Nov. -20. — Edward J. Tliompson j doed the Alva liey- wood Co. st Tarls, Teias, Nov. 20, lo play tbe heavy In "Kdgewood Folks," and Tobe Daggs In "Down In lollanny." — Jolla V. Taylor ha* been successfully playing tbe Mubrette pAit In 'The UunUer" for the past two weeks. — In ihe Supreme Court of this Slate, Dec. :i, Jodge Truax denied ibe motion of Catherine Williams for sn Injunction restraining ber hus- band, Darrr Williams, from prodoolng >T Tbc Waifs ot Xew York," and decided that tho litter had tbo right to produce tho play. Lawyers If art and Price appeared fnr Mr. Williams. — Kste Naib died at Fairfield, Conn., Nov. w. — Roster of Dawson Comedy Co.,playing to good business through Canada: Bert lMwson, manager; \A Roy Palmer, proprietor; Prof. II. Mulr. mnalcal director: H. B. Tot ten, aisge manager; Ed. Mulr. Uallalr Bros., Lillian Dawsoo, Marie Crawford and Mrs. Tot ten Stewart. We are doing our new play, "Every Day Life." — During an amateur theatrical performance, Dec. 3, In Vienna, lierr Balskl, a lawyor. accident- ally killed bis friend, Uerr Cxroskl. h wealthy iradesman. Dolb men were performing on tbe stege, sad Uerr Salekl, when about to torn on Uorr Ozvnekl In tbe play, slipped, and. lunging forward, a dogger whloh be held in hla hand was plnoged luto bis friend's breast, Uerr Sstskl was arrested, but was released, as it was shown that ibe stabblug was purely accidental. — Stanley Lewis Dclonzo baa Jolued John Ker- neU' cartoonist. - — "The littlest Olrl," a dramatization of lllchard Harding Davis' story, "Her First Appearance." will he produced Dec. n. In Cleveland, 0., by tbo Robert Milliard Co., under the dlrocilon of Oustsre Froh- mao. — In the esse of Vincent Steroroyd against Richard MansOeld, for breach or contract, wblch has been pending ror a long time before a referee, s declMnu lias been given In favor of Mr. Mans* Held. The grounds for the suit arose two years sro at a rehearsal of' Nero" at the Harden Theatre, this city, when Mr. Mansfield discharged Mr. Stern- rojd forlflAubordloatlnn. — Oeorgla Cayran wilt sail rorKurope Deo. 8. She Intends spending tbe Winter In Parts. — Messrs. Klein and Fiske. authors or "Tbe Dis- trict Attorney." have sold that play to T. Ileory French. It will thorefore be produced st the Ame- rican Theatre, this city, Instead of Palmor's, aa originally announced. — Hosier of the Abbey Dramatic Co.: Mrs. UaUle Down If, sole proprietor; Jobn Downle, manager; Marry Llrlngstone, Walter Rogers. Frank Pierce, Heny lAfan, drum major; WllTle 0roves, Anns BL John, Kaile Uaker, Uaitle Downle, LUUe Nettle Reddell, Oharles Baker, advance agent. We are now Id onr twelfth we ok and playing to good business through New York State and Pennsyl- vania. — HortPfie, flute and piccolo player, has loloed Dave B. Levle* "Unele Jo*h dpruceby" Co This company fare two performances at the Temple Tbeaue, id Alton, U-, Thanksgiving Day, to large buimfss. QEORGIA. Allanta.-Atthe < I rand Boyd's Mlnglrels Dec. 3. 'TbaTonaAlo" was preeeaied lo h' UMiol talr pro portions Mot. SC.37. 'TbeBoiign"dldagood bua<oesi tH, 39. UinrletU Weeini met with fair auceeaa 80. Booked: OtlaSkloner DmC "Tin Peneiog Meatcr' 1 11. Da Qivs's Ofhba Hoosi — "Peok'a Bad Ror" 1, 8 Booawooo Avnsoa Thbatmb.-Noss' Jollity Co. 3. a. "81 Perhlnn "Not. 39, Dac I, did a aaUatactory bnal- nui. Tub Atui*ta Loinia, Th»aUloal Mecheoleat Asaocla lien, bad a tneetlo*. Not. ti. and Ma members ware duly laaiaUed by J. fl. Kloi*. ri "The Euatgn'' Co. who la a pact grand maMerln tbe national orgeoixeUoo. Tweity. aeren aUaohtaoltbelbreeihea'rMoi the c.ty hecama members. There were preaent at (be organisation ihe members or 'The Snalgn" Co., mm! J ere Cook I Id, ■ " Iwln^MelTllleCo. lormeilr "lib the Baldw 8avaianali.—'*Tbe Black Crook" was here Nov. M, IT, and played three parlonnaocsa to good bnaiorea. "In Old Ken tacky' 30, DM. I. ''oming: Oiia Bklnner 7, Baruer Kerguoa 8 J P. Barry'a Midway Com- paay la playing at Tlroll Park The perioralocs wu alopped Not. JP/by Mayor L. W. >eleoa, aa he did not ap. piore of the muecle dance. The daoce waa sot glT«a after that, bat lb* oonpany Allcilouttbo week Dempaer aod Roweo gav* a spa*rlag aihibUlon at TtbMThankigitlog Day before a good audience. Thiy are tobe at ton a beaedt at tbe theatre Dm A betoie (hey lMre for New Orleaaa. Aupzaata^Ai the opera Hooae "The Uslgn" appeared to a One bnnae Not. 37. Kprlnger A Welly's "black Crook" Co. came 19 to good attendance. "InuH leatucky" la doe Dac 7. FLORIDA. Jacheouwllle.—Attho Park Theatre ibeMaxo- Battli Combine ion. under the euiplcee of the Lyceum Aaeiswr Bo res a, drew fairly well Not. Si lllchard s A Pridale's flforcia MUastrela were the Tbenkraiflegoflir- iSg. pleaalbg a large aodlenoe, tbe colored eoausgast prkewjIaaMsg M 110MK«Btaes7 r, DwA,8,V I LUNOIeV Chlcago^.psollne nail's presentation or "Dor- oat" at U»o Chtoago Opera House, Wm. Feaoeaeey'a pro- duction ol "flleres oftiuM" at tbe A cad amy, Mane Walo> wrlght'a appearance la "Daughters or Its" at ibe Behlllar, and the prodoolloa of' on lbs Mlulsslppl" at MoVlrker'a are Hie oorelliee ol tbe weak beginning Dec 3, Tbe return of a Chicago boy at the head of hit owo organ'aeUoo li aa Important anoouotemeol (o soma of our tbeatregoera, and the continuation of faro rite play* and alars al tbe remain log thealrea, balance a the week's anoAuocemaniR iDatatlafaciary manner. fiuciii • Orana lloidB -Following Paul ne Hall, who la mm thla week In "Dorr*'," oomse Mra Lengtry. who win m 10 preaent Bdwmrd Rose's play, "Agatha TyMen, Msrcbant and BblpOwoer." Last wtek, Rtuart Robaun flaia*ied a fairly proaperouaengacemenr, hariar glren us "The Interloper." a new play, "Leap Year"' and "The UearietU" during hla star. Qhixii Opbra llofan —KUdle Foy and the Antsrloan TraTsaiy Company iiegan prearnuttnaa of "Off the K«rih"K. ana will reinalu for a lorlnigliL I^atwMk Hoy va "A Trip to Cblnatowo" flu tided two waeka ol latr surceea. , lluuLRv'a TuBarug.—"TheAuaaoe.^aa preaenled by Chaa. Frohmao'a Company, headed by Johnstone beo- neie, entered its laat week 3 > baTlog thus far attracted only moderate bust eras. Neit week Joseph Mandiy be- gins an engueineot with "The Kerry now " COLtMiila TiiBMT«B.-De Wolf Unoper and "l)r. Byn- (aa" began their ihtrd and lu* we*It 3 havleg been thus far amply rewarded. Neit week * The Hlrl I Celt Behind lie" comer for a brie! e^ganuiaoL Reg illi a Tn oat at.—Merle Waiowrlght beganafert- nlghl'a slay a and will give way fiChe*. Dlokson'i **A JmiyOond Fallow." Last week bniiBeaa waaialr when Edwlo Milton Royle'a comedy. "Frieada"earmed torte- light all fortunate enough (vwluiae the BPlendid pro duciton. The oontpany wai elm oat a unit 10 altectirs- oe«a. and the p'er far abore Hie geasral run MeVirKia'aTiiBATSfl.-Daria A ieogVer'^o thoMi*s iuIijii" entered upon Ua drat local ran 3 Julia Mar- low courtftie threeweeiv enngem«nt lialweeb, hnr- Ingnietralrflnaocltlrewerd Iter repertory was varied IIatiiaikrt Tiiiathb.— <laa IteegaeaacU ibetlUe role In "Yon Younn.'Mhiaweek'a roagutt. glelngway to Lot- tie Collin*. Laat week boiln cm waa only good, with Pettr K. lialley, who ueo gare "A Country Boon" lor Uie first Urns at (Ml house. Livcolx Tn sat be.— DaT la A RMgli'a' Dewo In Ulile" In given this week, belog followed neit by "Danest Rnstla" Laat week "A Railroad Ticket" tared ouly moderately we)L bat gave grnd aatlafaotion. ALHahhu Tssaibk.-A. Y. raaraon'a "Land of tbe Midnight Ron" U ihln w««k'a aUractloe, being succeed»*l bT'BlaTaaelOotd." Baaloeaa waa good lutweekwith "Prtwo io Dlile " lUniVs Tn ■ ATS a—Kille Rllaler glTea "D-nl»" il,n week, sereTliunday matloeeaod Ratordaynight, wlno ahewlll bvaaentn-Uaael Kirke." Laat week Jaa J.Cor- bett gaTo Gentleman Jack" to monaier turnonta, .tOAOBHT ov MLMio.-Wm K. Fenneany's "Blare* ol dotd" la alTeo thla week, belna- loltowed by "Land of Uie Wide 111 >t Boo " Laat week J. M. Kmmelt did only (airly well with -Frill In a Madcouae." Ct.ARK Firmar Tiitavaa-Joho F. Fteld'a Drawing Carda olalin atuniloo thla week. Wm. -leroioe and a fair company gave "Tbe Prodigal Father" last week to falrhor-bisM. 8am T. Jack's Opbhi Iforsa.-Ke«Tea A Palmer's Cos- mopollUns are here thla week. Lest week Ram T. Jack'a KortyThierea Burle<que rnmpany held sway, (he per- Airmaneo engagiug KminaWard and Alula MoEaniU In Ihoprloelpal rules Tbe olio waa piorlded hyj. j.Con n»ra and U. K. Staley, Htella Tbompaon, Marlon and Piarle, Lew llawkinaand Louise Allen's Dog Circus, Hovii- t'soi.iss CiariM—The aneutlanoe hoie con- tlouM to ten the capacity at times and la generallr oI exceedingly large proponioDR. Tbe bill for thla week engage* among others Hoale Lee, Prol. Oahoon'n trained horses, the Dellorelll Brothers. MlaoUe'* trained aiorha,ihe Lara Laraen rem Mr, Charley Dia- mond, the Berry Blitsrs. Rose Dock rill. Hoae Meere Julie Aihtoo, Btentoa and La Rue, llobl. Wbltuker, AL Carson and al. Burr. Frank Hall's OABixo.-Bualoes* le good, and ihe grade oi tbe performance la maintained at an eicelleat etandard. The continuous biU this wtek eogagea the Rloa-Nera, Charier Diamond, AI Parka, Obaa. Caner. Ford and Ore w ford, the Braoolgaaa, the Font I B^tnt BroUierp. Deadyand Monroe, Chan, and Jennie Stuart, Oil leu and Howard, Conn no Mulle. Byron aod Ueioh. Brandon and Regloa, Carroll aod Elmer, and Murphy and Riaii. Lvcvitm Tiibatms.— Manager (irenierfurnlirieaebouae hiiithinweekwiiitMaUleLee Trice, the magnetlo huly, ai ibe feature. Ruelneee with Oua IllU'a Now York Stara last week waa very fair, the performance employing the talenm ol John Daly and Anoto Dora re, (i W. Li II telle hi, Wm. and Lea Crane, Fred II Leslie. Nellie Waltarn, Jack, Denny end LUUe Dick Oaidner. Mme. Flora, Chaa. Ltonanl aud J. T. Morao, Leal end Viae. The alierpleoa, •$W0 Itevard," Introducing the author. Fred J. Hither, broacht Uie show to a hilarious Bnub, pleulng all baode Bah T. Jack's BMfiNi-This week ihe alage la alren over to the depndatlooB or Ram T. Jack'a "Forty Thlf vca," the chief lawbreaker batog Emma Ward. Lett w»ek bailoeea wa* fair with the London HsU'a Burle*'iue Company. Roue Rydell and the fuamabera la ihe bar- lss*]ue. "Hie Croat of Pobriely," the olio eogaglng Wm. Tbomanand Dick Welch, Grace Celeate and MayOrmy, tho Las Yegus Fanllr. Jul'a Kelly, Campbell and flbepp, Murphy and Moras, Chaa. II. Duncan and the Pardo«. fiAtimr Tbbatrh.— Manager Drlacoll preaenled Urn HIiraNaw YorkStarathla week, the Oral combloailon lo play tbla house under Uie new regime. Laat week's bill sn gaged Yaooareon and (larntlL A. W. Hulme. Chaa. Boyle aud Carrie Oraham Una and Mai Rogers, Piene Kronnn.Bam Coyne. O'Brltu aud Buckley, Mind Ray- mond and Win. and Minnie Bickeit. Olympic Tubatrb — llyde'a Comedians, eogigiiig Heleoo Mora and others, hold attention tbla week. ^Tba i>errorniance last waek employed Wlh'ard acd lla'l, /daoeea. Marco and (loodwin. (irace nievulnou, the Uerbuo Riatera, Tom Dipley. Jaa and Ida (I I Id ay. Nan- netia, PoitindOllnton. Ulckey and Cole, Bertie Klegel aud Prof. AbL Park Tubatrb —Thla week, Ploreuee Miller Dllka and Wade, Lew 1'sJmeraod Ylelan UeMonto. WlllTeggeand Auoie DiiuelaBob and MillieZfja'ow, Jenny and Lucv Warren. Fannie Dale, Dlek end BelleCouiuilogs, llattl* lletoanl. faueeLe Petrvaad Moranla RxdHL'nOfgKA Paviliox —Tlilawe»k J. II. Fly no aod Maud Walker, Ed. Lalelle.CuthiuaDud Holcomb. Ra|io. Jaa. HoVto*. Cora ha alt, Rulella aod Lillian Ktarr. Ukotto Music Uacl— This wsek, Mlaole Rarielle, Kaiuenn. fluneMne, Allen and Daluane, Tyrenn, Dp as? and Bullock, McCall and PurielL Nellie llouliban aod Hadte Young. LiacoLN Ave.ftjB TiiiATia -Thla week, Ren llooao, Ui« Hellly H rot hers. Frank I a Wooda. KHty Manlck, Tom Ucintyro. the Do Moll Riatera and Una Warren. Wil itt 3 Lo»i»OX DlMB HCrtSB.-Ourio Loll: Murlllo. a ruagli'sa: W. J. Smith, a cartooolat; Mile. Ollris, aironir "iman. and Olga, a glaaa dancer. Oolbeatnee: Alice c; .ion, Billy Jack sod, Clara Maok.Pele De luae ami Bi Wallace. KOMI- . MlDULRTON'B Own* Mumbl— Ourio Uall: A KaJr ot uoilog iiiookfyaiatbeclilef lealore, Ihe a'aae ling In possession of Kmme Lake. Wlllard and Hall. Kd HwaJn, Boyd and Burke, Bertie ft I ago 1 and ihe Uerhue bisters Koiil.V MiMir.itTON'11 OlukbtrkbtMunsb— la f urlo hall iheaheleioD, witbbn fatbnde, remain the laatare, the el age being given orer to Prof. Abl, Ber I ha For, Qoalrllla, Bartli and Fleming, and the Orollua Drauiatlc (Joinpanr. ArTlSUATH.—Tlte one haodredib performanco ol "Dr 8yniai"waa glrenattlie Colutnhla 8. appropriate aoureolra being banded io the lady patrons Mamie (illroy ]»lued Peter F Dalley's "A Country Hport" at Die Hayraarkot EuUI'a ended her lourneyloae wlUi "A Railroad Ticket" at the Lincoln Dto. I Prank Chase, of Helitand Onaae, waa robbed of a sun of moner by some lough characters on the West Hide laal Ruurday olght Manager Harry J. Powsra, of Itooley'e. has rieperted fur aha«lneaa'rip to year city. John P. FieVe Drawing Carda will dlehand Tor Ihe season 33 Chicago Lodar, No. 4. B. P. O. K, bad me- morial eervlcenaiueBcbllUralteruooDof 3 Thai D. Hormaa Julned WalS«r Wbllealde U Hlehmoad. Ind.. I«ai eeek. raplaelng Oeo. D. Paier, who loloed John (lrimih , a ,1 Faua'." Prices at HstIIo's hare been re- ducoti, beet atata aowaslling ataeTeoiy-Bre cents. (talncy^-At tho Knplre AI. 0. Fields' Mln- ai roll Not. 39, drew to ihe capacity of ihe honee. "Tbe KM" played to fslr bnalneaafr. Book luge: Ward a sod Jams* Dec II. 'Tbe Danler** 13, 'Tbe Couolrr Circus" le. Mol Rmllb nusaellliaa large ad ranee ror 8 Will afcVay was called tinne by the sudden death ofbla wife, wblch occarred In thla oily Not. 18. VIRGINIA. lllcfiiuond.—A splendid audience welcomed Joaepb J«ir«raoo to the Academy of Malic Nov. 38, when •'Hip Yea Winkle" ess tho ottering. Mr. Jefferson wu royally fated by prominent alliens at the Westmoreland Dub alter Ibe performance. Bates Bro* * "llumpiy Damply" waa fairly palroDUed 17, SB "Pawn Ticket ••0," Amy Leo, leading, drew good hooeea n. j}. Mabel PalgeptaytdaaacceaetolengegfuiaDt at tbe Richmond Theairw weak or Not. xa. AciDiuT or Muato — "Reblo Hood" Deo. B-o, "la Old Kentucky" It, 13. Barnsy Pnrgnsaon I A. RttSHOxn Tsbatib.— "Tke Fencfog Mailer" 10, Otli Bklnner ILIA. POTVAN'H TflBATBS CoHigDS — OpeolDg8: Hoaa NHIa, Juita Mnller and Joe Bryank Boiloeaa la fair. fiorrol U.—At the Academy of Music. Jos. Jirrer eon. at adtucad prieaadrew ooeolthe largeit bourei of the aeaioo. toroing people away before tbeeurtalo went op. Not. 17- "I Oder Two Flags." produced by local U'ent tor (be beoeQioi the CootederaU Moaomeoi, drew fairly well Not. 80. Dee 1 ' la Old Ieotacky," U, |5. Coming: OUi Rftlaoer, IS; BiiOoTsiATai.^>peoi0g 3: Barry Le suaaga aad Tillle RaiaelL Tbe living pictures are coal I sued. MlSS0URI.H3*ePAge»We.] Ht, Juiepli.—At Tootle's Theatre Mr. snd Mrs. Kendal uam Not. 1) lo gucd buitaaas. Nat C Goodwin comei Dec.A lej "loMluoo/a." Doosslly aed 'Jiraid, lo -TbeRilnnakers,"?. JaoeCoombaa. wlthmaunae. Cbawi-osi/b T beit as—"Down oo theBawaaee Kirsr'' came Not. SO to (air boil boss, "a Rammer Blinard" Dec A, alio return eogagemeot 10, "Jane" la, Wuart Robtoa 13. EoB«MrBis.-Ba*iaeeiiber/eetweekwMgoo)i Week oft: Li eg and Sharp, tbe ftaltaa, tajas. Hin aad Law. rencA^ibeOi^ya,MaegleI^ Clark aa4 Bwaaei mnrt CLIPPER POST OFFICE. say* A STAHrsp wrvsiora, plainly addressed, moat be UaMed f »r each letter, aad the Ilea of boalaeaa mUowwd by the person add rated aboard be glTea, lo order to preveat uiaiakea. Nora.—ProfeaalOBals and olhers aliouVI bear la taiad taatau lettara, ets., Ib traoall betweeo the OaltsofBtaui aad Canada, miwf or DrryaM, otherwlea thsy are not for warded. a aoboo, Ada Amea, Amy Anderson, May Arnold Bin era Aadeienn. Ltaale Ardell, Ollretta Acker mean. Lillian Armoar. Ada N, Ad ami. May ArnoIO, Ueotlella aImp, Mrs. R Armiiroeg. K*e Akaratrou, Ullle LADIES' LIST. OeraKL Ploranoe (lilberr. Addle dardnar, CaiulUe Uillette. Fanny atchlnaon, Mra J. D. Barnes, Mra. B. Saraea. Bihel llursera, LolUe R. Hellont, Blena Uroughtuo, Mails BeUe, Emma Bowen, llatile Baueruit, Viola Bel linger, Allie Booth, Alma BellowavMra. A B. », Floreace Bruee. 1 H' llnlme, Mra A. W. Milton, Red I a Hawaii. Bile lllreh, Merrill Harms, (lattle llartman. LIUiao U array, Cora Haaaoo, Annie Itigbee. Pearl llart.Uusale llaaaon, LlaleR. llarnng(oa,ueilis 40. Ueraandee. Irene Hansen, Mary llarvay, t-ora Harris, Nellie Herri*, Maud Ha)at, Lliile Uamlltoo.Ueorgle Ire lag, Addle Irilog. Bella _. _ jurvun -imu|. uwum Burnette. Alloe TulUu.Mra. Ftod BiirtoDrHdllh — Behler. Agnes Buros, Jeaale Berkley.LoitlaeM Burton. Mrs. J. II. .11 lair. Merle /UrhngtoD. Blla v Cano. Pauline Cole. Dollie Tarter, belle Crabiree, Lolta Campbell, Clarice Carlinl, Itaballe Couba. Jane Oair, Helen Carver, Louise Collins, Blla Collins, f'ertlo Clifton, Belle Carmen, Meoil a Cllquot, Edith Coleman, Triilo Carlton Dora Duffy, Mra. Jaa. iieliour, Ida Dneon, Ann la UeT|one, Dolly Del mar, Jeenne DaTenrort,Mrs II. Dwjer, Minnie Douglas, Maud Derere, Jennie Dncrow. Belle Oat i a, Kitty Dolgvrouby, Pnoeeas Dewene, Mrdae Deaoe, Laura Hslkanu. Ml>e. Drew, Mae N De Vora, Flora ErwlB, Nellie PJIip, Edith Emmet', Uracle HftlOD, Ollie Kllaal. Liseua Karle.Kine ElliotL Lima H. iTama, Clara 'Fair, Alice Frankly n. Nellie French, Mrs. H. Francle, Kittle Fruer. Ilyaciuih Flereuce. Mlaole Fonler, llatile Fcrbe\ I>oiU Frlia,KlltleH. FoirMra W.O. Foi. Nellie Fnresu Mllllf Fielding, Mlggle Gallons, Lena Oraot. Nettie Or* eee. lfiasM. Gilbert. Maude uorden, Aoiy (iibaon, iieoera OraoTillo. Nellie Uoldio, Mary E v Jobneoo. Alice Johnioa, Mme ~rogerus, Nina Kaateo Suteia Kirk, Haael KlmbalL Nellie Kasiao Rose Kel'y, Julia Karletla. Mme. Kemp, Alice -LJuslle? Fan U'llara, A ante Oorl, Rosa L. Oiaeae, — U'Brlso, Alice J, Oetmeo. Lola OrUndo, Arte are. an iluia _ _ . lay I. Lealle. Faorty Llltord, Jeuetio lAinaaa. Emitia Le Vine, Lettle Lee.Miaerra Lawreore. Laura Lake. LI I lie Larely, Mra Tooy Lortng. Lucille Lisle, Mrs L q. Lena, Leah LlTlogatona^ Louie, Boon I e Lyooa, fctta V, Lo ratio. Mile Long, bile LtTiagatooe, lluth l^agley.LouiieW Lanaler, Ada Lindsay, Jennie L«Yeme,Mai!eline Sjforrlaae, Lnla Utmreh Mariha Maraal, Minnie A. Mason, Mra B. A. MalTlilr, Joale Morao, clara Morton, Htella Marrtno, Dona Maiooltn, Violet MrNully. Ida ■c Do Laid, Maude Milioo. Bessie Mlhon, llsrmle N MeNolly. Ida MunelL May Merlr, Manila Maloomr, Hesite Mayo, Ruae Mehon. Marietta Mendota, Uleo Montgomiry, Kuby Mather. Marie MinerTo, ■- Mldih1p.laa Miller. Flu re nee May, tlracte Maeoolte, Vina K, Maniuein. Pearl Mora, llelotie May hew. Kaile New ion, Margaret Nlion, Harmie yawun, Edlih Newell, Mra. L. B. liuiile Jee,- PlerwoB, Jeoole Parker. Nellie Prior. LUUe rnwere. May Putnant. Fannie Rnea, Alloa few*. Merle Ripley, Lea Helllr, Kitty Rochiiiea, Paulloe Raytnoad, tlnle B. Heed, Jeaole itoooey, Katie Hupell, Julia RsymondL Llliie Reiulog, Lnuiaa Rochetort A May Houoda, Magglo Hoes, Marie Kelgner, Beaai* RailelltTe. Maria Keed. Mabel Suokoey, Banna rtulu.Anoa HylTeater.AnniaR. Hhfpard,Mamie Kt, John, Frank le Hluart him on Hstilar, Lotu Hhehloo, Lulu Riuart, Lola South era. Julia Ifpeoorr Julia Hiarr, Baati Rqairea, Mailellus MteTeoa, Louise riutherlaad, Koee Uhlan, Mario Hi err art, Belle Kmiiai.May Fiorens, PosrI Haods, HadliN. Sbaw. Mln ("A S Fly" Co ) Hand ry, Ada Thompson. Ollla . Tyler. ATlea Thomrson. Daisy Tower, Lillian Thorpe, Ada rlloe, Udoa tleL) U" . jdiia. Ye role Van Utrne LIUIe Vaaay, Anua Yedder. Fauoy Villus. Lilly Van, oiadya Wray, LIUIe Woih]. Marls Weniell. May ablle.Hallie Wells, Kitty Whalley, Mi»aV. Wagner. Herika Wllaun, Kdna Wentwortb. May wuiiuua, MleaM. Wreoo, Alloa Wokott, Floreoee Weal, Mania Winsioo.Kedioe Wood, Millie Ward.VlrglD'a B. WaUh, May a: incite) L Carrie Walters, rhoehe wiiuud.hlolae Weal, Florrle WilMin.Nloa Weat, Eta Wheeler, Eniiua Welter, Usui M. Wilbur, Motile 2«reelh, Ida GENTLEMEN'S LIST. a lliiar, J. II. ^ibL, I'rol. K. Alblona. Three Aido.P.iiward Alexaadsr.U F. AraliogNUli, Uo». Abbey, IL N. Albioo, Wm. Abgertiili, Billy Albioo, Abe A, Armand A 0 ran rills Auailo, Frank Algere,— Arnold, Frank A> mar, Otter Armand, lid. F. Andereuo, Otto A bora, Mtiioa Alieraa,The Armstrong. D>:« Atitaoo, \V. P. A M L. Adams, Jas H. Alfkio,- Albloo, Char. AogUBI, H.H. Aabluo.J L. Aodreire, Admrl Alblo, Herbert Ackermao, II J. Ac*ennui], B. Ay mar,w. Fred AppeL Frank unrtoo, W. B- -DBellmao, Al. BarnauadJr.B.U. Brains rd, W- 0. Ituab, Irrln T. Martoo, Harry Brookes, Co may Barlow Brus Boreal, A. BeroenUonluaCc Brooks. Ham Hsaye. H. B. Bode. Ai drew Uoyle,Jutia K. Hoyd, Billy B rower A lleaderaun Barael), Bdaard Moaworih, Dr.J F. Bruwoe, VV. O. Crareo, HIdaey D .HUrto, H P. OeiiHy, Frof. trial! intMoo, Jaa. ft. Creed, rhas. f£, - Clarke, Tbo (Jo hen, Moyer Ore* ford, Ed. t'uonlogiiam.W.O. I'univr, W.O. Casey, J.D. Cuuway, M. 01 in oo, (lev. Cunaat, Frank Corrigao, Bmmet uont, Huraca Bigger, J. 0. Elaae, H. M Beekem.Chaa. Heaee.>redrl Ball, (J. A Pood, Vorre H. Barber. W II. Barnes, J. D. Hlach, Frttd Barbour. Bdwlo Bee be, Wui Beaumont. H. 0. Petu, U. K. Bowers, Bd Bryant A BaTllle Boy lea, Ueo. B. Boot ley, Billy Backus, U to. Black, Otto Btrluw.Prof R Bernard. Ous mane. Fred K Buciey.Dr. K L. Beebe. Wm Baggeasao,C. K VuTke. Jack Bradl^rd, Edwlo My las, Wm. BriKoI, Prof. Bererly.J. M. B alow io. Law Boone. John Bowers, Hillr Buras ilpooaolly Bretoy.O. P. Clara e. H. B. Clark, Harry Ullrfoid, Lee Cra)crolt, B. H. Ctiipmio, A. '&. CaroD, Ueo. Csmto. Praub < Ban 0. Oower. Nkk flamrakClay CoulUr, nam CoUloa,Jaa. Caaoon, His. Cowper, P 0- Conwar Brof. Corrlsr, W. If. Caipen, Frank T. Co u alas. Jack Cbeeimaa. W. M. CarroU, Jobs t. f arur.Dr O.M. i teoway A Lelaad Colli oi A Parley Caatle, — P. A W. Mioil) Carter, elily Cowpar. Jaa 0. Crofoid, Wu. Codora, - Calcedo, Jaao A. ChamberllOj 0. B. Cooper. 0 B i lark, M h Case, B. M, tktnnnw, (J Crow|«y, Juhu Olark a Temple ■lufiilog, Praok Conuelir, WUI I'raig. Marsh llraafonl, Jack L'arey, Tom i^tnaera, P^lnmnil r«rew A Hate tune A Uordou Chrlatenado, 0. ';uonlo|liam,A.II Coortiy, relay ■ele* to, — Curtis. Frank DurolL Fred DoTlIn. J. J. Uulaoo. Al. L ie ue Harl, B. U. Daolela, N. D, Daroy, Ai. P. DeUToye, Win. 'Jearn, Harry Drake. M M Uenuy, W t. D'Unui nl, Julio Uaacon, Archie DePorreala. Tbe Dae la, Prau k Dooler, Chaa. Ueuaki, Jay Ue l.'ouraey, Ed. DaTeopurt, II. J. DeKhetier. win. Uelbaoo, Moos. UJlloo, J. II. Uteres, W B Deliace, Harry Uoblnaoo. J. W. Uufour, L.J. Dawson s, The Dtan.HaJrli paly, Carroll Oloseoo. W.F. Dwjiir, Kldie Davis, A. N. Ooe.MaU Dea Hwcliers.J. B. Use, A. V. L'elliauer. W. Ouiar A J^eonora Hemilo, Jay Braiia. Eddie E. BTane, P. B Edwards. Tommy Klioar, Prot A. V. Kugeoe, Harry Rmmlogs. Herry KckbuL, Fred Eogel, John Kumger, n. M. Kgen ( 'leo P. EchUir, Fred crereu, W 0. Frayoe. F I — agao, Barney Fijnn, John A. rittciinr. Welter ri elds, Bobby Fleming, W J. Purtmeo, 0. FoaS Fliber Faonlag,Thtis. Fell, Louis Feins. Wiley Frost A Fansbew 'reei, John Forreai, F Praakllo.O. W. Fshl.chaa II. Fun i, (ico. Feroaade*. Harry Fiih, i.baa. W. ray. HogbC. Fiiber ACarrull ('orreaier.Fraok Flcr, Chaa. f. Foi. finro Fiih, Chaa. 0 ruber. Ueo v.. False Jr.(.*bas. Fie ding. 11. C. Kit no. Maurice Wiirrio.II.P, "aalllgan. B V ailroy.Cbae. J. Oasaio, Dare (llaailord, W. A. 'Jreeo, Harry I rial, Alf. (Iraot.T.F. Uoodmaa. Bd. Uaraid, Chas. Ureen.Jaa F. (Illliain. Joa Gordon, Bd. M, Ureene, L. L. Uuro, Joe A. firabani.Heo. II rah no, W.I lard Uiegory, Ueo. (Illleil, X. M. (tallaghir. W. A. :oldrn, Frank J. iraham, K. A Hioea A Colby Hope, Kraai llulcbtnsoa, J. D, Han, Frank A. Holmea, Fred P. UobaouBroa. Ilanaoa, John T. Hoi-kloa, Dr. II00(0id, Bdwlo Hul)owlrtJRb,C.W. HaoIey.M.E. Ileoderaon, AI. IIulord, KJ. •Jiicey.Urant 'la; I or, Robert 'Jraat, Al .'(■Hideo, Tbua. J Ureoler, T. L Uoedwey, Ar*bax foil Oeo.T. Ite loldle, W. M. Oriole. Oeo. arts sell, fsa Uarlser,;. B, Henry, Larea fledlry, Praok E. llarrlinao.M. II. •lyde.O. U. Ilowa. John i* 11 arris, W. U. lloolly.J II. Horgan, T.P. Hauiey, W.J. Ilarruian, Prol. Heely, w. F. Ilnlmea, P^mood HampioD,Prol. Henriiuae, Allrod Hudl joe Harris. Boh Howe, Fred Healr, Frank B. Height, V. Hauling, Bob Uiyoe* Frank IHgby, W J. Uoddy, I«ou P. Karroo, Had K. lluth, Ueu Haaron, U. E, II i axa, Wed <i. Hlllieid, Ileory llowaid, Frang Hubbell, T. C. HvIririDb. Jos, llaoiiiieila fluiherland IferailUin.T. 0. Harrlaon. Bob Hew nr. j. II. Haley, T. M. Han. J. W. llealo. Frank tlalaiuosUuihlsg llubln.Pruf Prask llar'lwall. J. W. Harder, wm. llarbMk, Win. UilL Harry II. Hayoes. M. P. ilarapioo. Allen Hughes, Andy llariigao, W. If, IUwiioi, Lew llisae S Fins 11 ray A Teed l lob be, BllJy lljett. Frank lluotlogton, Lawrence Hopper, De Wolf itickua.ll E- Irflog.Mootg. IrTlog. llarry — S. w K Irriog, W M. Iresoa, F. it. Jackaoo. L. B. Jerooe.— Joadefo*. L.M Jodioo. Dr. Will foyte Pat crime, Hteolsy Jaoieoo. P. R Keootdy, J W. EellyaAogell King, John II. KfaerbcA. U. Kennard Brea. Kleeea, Alfred KeeaaB, P. J. Ku^aa, V. tf. Kent, Fred L. Klng.Pr&ffieaderj Keery.tieo Keogh.WIHT. Kendall, kd. Kelt, Jack Keppraeeh, Marl W, II. Keanu, Prank J. KeUy, K U. KtUy.J. T. Koareper, II J. KamsdN Billy Keeoa, Dot Kenoetlr. J. p. Kami oak I, V P. Kent. KdwInN. K alii el. I. Loots Kloiey M. L. Khld, Hao. Kerantna. L. A. La Roy, torn LlBdiey, (too. Ljnflh. J. F. Long4 Long Lowry A Itaoly Loedella, Jaka La Hose, ileory La Motto, Claud • Le Rush, Ben Laaa, T. Lamar, Pied Mrisen, Harry La Barre, (leu Ue, ITof. J. W. Laeiard A Van Dae La Rose Bros. Lrinngwell.Mlrou Leatno, Frank Lorrtooe, Paul MoAroy A Rogers Mays, O. U Maaton, M. F. MeMahoo.Tom Meere, U. 12c Marion A Cuurlney _ser. D II. Mo Milieu, I>. A. .Mnrrlson. Loula Maoley, Kdmuod Nelson, Billy .Nclaou. riam D. New into, lloiaco Morris iiroa. Norman A Matey Norroau. — (Irogmao) Nethkloa. Hilly XeTaro, 8lg. Norton. Merle Nordhelm. Fiwl Newman, llcrere NodlneJr, IL H. NaotoB, M. F. Nelmn. Ram Osborne. Ur, (VUnen.A J. (I'llnurke, Wm. •Oietlis''t'«- O'Briap. Marlttw (illrer. Tom lAogheey, J. P. Lo ran (oS Lamb Leslie, Bert Laaean], 0. bert Leea,The Logan. Hany Loon,llarry Lararn I e, Frauk Lee, L. T. Laione, Frank Leonard, Job a Laonio Bros. UIL Ed. a Lerey, Harry LaMoota,Tbe Loery. M. D. La DelL B«n Loiter. J. P. Langley, Fre«l Langdoo, W. II. I.otey, 0. U. Lyoos, Toby ■Jiloi {JilogaUm. 0. II. .orrelne.FraokO. LaHeaae, Harry LitlleSeM U W- Lerts, D. B Llrlngslrn, l.i'wli Lealer A BarTelt Langley. Albert LarhlD.M. Lone Htar llarry Lamooi Bro*. Done A Lawrence Leonard, Wm. March ea. The Melllol, D Morgan, Jna. P. Maliuney, J. A. Monroe. Bobt Monla, Frank Monlaoo, Jaa MerrlllS Welch Monday, Utile ■Blcol.n.M. F. Naoanl Tearji Marlon A Pearl Noreboun. P. 0. Mm tang Walirr MasraeJy, J. A. MeMahon A King Miles. Harry Mnrrla, H. T. Man'ey, Maurice Moray. D. A. Morion. Harry MeKfuy. Billy Muro A llertuiaa Moeely, M. A. Mnrrls, Ueo. 0. McAToy A liuylo Mourf.Rd- Mullaney, II. B. Mack, P.iKawleell CO) Miles. P. II. Melner, Henry Mathewe, (I K. McBrlde, llarrr Muotgnmery.W.A. Morrleisy. Julin Maxell, K B. Mueller, Ohaa. A. MoKowo, Lew Mltohell, Wm. MorUiier, — (female iinp.) Meaoey. Hi era Miller, Loan Msrtioea.The Msthews. P. II. Macau ley, JuhnT. Maok. Iletbert MilrHle. W. T. McDowell, ftonlos Mullaney, J. Z. Magrl, Baron Marshall. (I 0. Mortoo, P. D McDowslls, The Malum, W- II. MalUaod,Col. J. MoKea, Tho*. A- McDonald, Bridle Mo a Toy, llllly Maok is, Joe Mortimer, Edmund Mark ham. Fred W. Moioy, ft). Mason, Chaa. A. MoCny, Tom Millar. U.*<), Mcaulaeaa,JtiliOJ. MoOake, Den Markham, Fred Ml aeo, Tnra Mnllen, John Murpny. Mark Mnrao. M. T. MltchiUi Joe ley, Ch Pickering, llarry Pnwley. Wm. Frcatoo, (leo. Cowers, Andrew I'hilllpe, Capt J.n ''aitenon. Lock ar>l .'orris A Clark FemraeD. hmll 0. t'elliaiu. Claude raroy, Kddle reck, Al. PreuUceit.The l*reTO«t, Kddle I'orter.J. II. Pat ker. Prank I'enUergost, Thoa. Poat. W. II. I'errlne, Prof. K J. Pink, Harry Peck. M. Y. PearlACasalily I'auipllP, John Perry, John II. Potter, Harry I'a ii tier, Carl I'rice S Maok ratterson Hro*. Paulus, K>l. Pickett, H. W. lUlgloy, Doo fiodnsy, Prnf. A »Ryd*r,Tooy Rfllli.J. HowUii.1. Mgr. HackelUK. \. Hoderlco. W.O. Kogers, K (1. Rainaey, Chaa. P. HlanoA Deo Hey Mono A Ford Heck ell Bros. Konoda, Fred H. lions, Leo IHce, I'rua M Itayruond, .hdni Hlcbarda, II. II. Iliclisi.l*, Chaa H. meh, U. B. Hnwlauil, AHreil liemonilea, Us Honnay, Mlohael It IK 1*, K. Ka> iiioml. Bob Huihby, II. Huget*. llarry H1gg.tla>le ltlce,Cha* P. Ilunnlog Plk HlobardflAI'rlugle ItflWOIfl. I'mf. Hyler.Clin^. HaulTo, Ltiuut H/iwUud, P^l. W. Mice A Uarum Roaaloy, Tom Kudnl|.1i, A J. Hub Id sun. Julm Ittotlraud Mil) Kkknlt', Tom llehle. Frank MllSMllS.TIlP llnckfsall.J.C. I d, A. Hay li rue Haykun, W. K. Huaaiill. Fretl Bay, Jolinme Itohaii. J N. Kohblna, P. A. Heed, II. K. Kyilsr, Tony A. Ilfalng. W. H. Hlccl, II. H, HIcliiiiuBil. Joo Hlcc. Oeo, T. ltoi.11. Billy llulmrla, Wm. Snwden, Jaa. Hoyder, (leu H HUnwio A Mertun Hnwden S Miluhell Hi (Jenran, llarry Hpeace O. '" Hltllfor, H. psncer, C. W. Htlckoer, Hull. Rwalo, 6r. I W. tongue, Arthur i her i dan. 1'lnl ■(pencer, t). M. 4aTHIa,uui Holonian, Fred Hhanuan, Dan reimour, Arihur flteele. Proi o H. Hwiatlaiid. W. W. Htofcea, Julio Y.. iehwsrts, U- P. HLHourgetJiilio Holiuylrr, Bnb Smith, nendecsoo Summers AL Sulllran, Pao 4ampaoD,0 A. ftldmao, A. C no) tier A Buckley m Clair. Frank SL Jutlana, Three Hhelhy. U a. Arinlln, Lew richomaober. F. htmlili. Ilallelt rioilnn Bros. J'nn*. Pol fltosrt,— lUrlaa, C. P. SI ^IIUSjU. It. <twationl,J H. .^heeler. Hate ii**i, Harr RylTOiler, If. I. nuttii, w. II. ^tonsitii, J. P, <Hr«ll. llarry -ta Yan, ('has. •tiewarl, Frank'-. ■ta r p,W.T. ■lit* rman, Dan •tpfncer.Dr. B. H. Aeflnn, llarry HulltTan. J. u. sohaclerA Mnnlo ^•niou, llarry HI an tun. Pete Hiilley, Dm "iinrner, Tlioa K. I-Tarry. W O_ TraTSlfiek. BP. r.irnbull, J. W, Tlptnp, Ueo. Thayer, Itav Tiimotir, Kd. Ihornr.J. II, Tftlnr, Juhn Tall.Joku raylor, iiha*. J. reiinehiH, f. a, rullsT, w. A. ratiir, Had I rhiars, R. Tiler, (loti C rheodore, K- H. rhomis«<n,J. W.ft Kittle Ac. Trinities Kent Thtmias, W. M. riii»i, uula rills, Howard riiorntop, Jaa Thornpann, Harry Tlngay, Chaa. P. TranlniaD, Ed, ^oale,— Vice. Fred] It, Joe Yorielli. Prot. J. Ylnlnuthy Varnna, Wallsr VallT. Will Vanre, C. T. Van Die. Wm. Van. Hilly Viiterut, Alei. Yalvnie, — Yaaa, V. V. Varnitn, Chas. Vanii*T*ua,Wiii. Vandy. W.T. Tl/llllama, J). If. W West. Walter Whale Oil Hue WUieller.t'apt. U. Wllanu. Mill WVt, Wnller Werla. Chul Wesley, II. K. WaHh, Jim Wadm, Harry Wall, A I. Whiu. Tony Week, Rngenti WMi-h, .InhnM. Wsllr, .In*. R. W»n^ Al. II. W«nl*y, Char. K- WaUrhiiry.ilen.N. Wlliiims.Buri W..II. hilly UMIIams, Hint Wllvnit, K\*\. WhllnlKM, J. P. WoimI. Frank Willie, Harry Wnrnli Men) WtMnlwanl, I'tnf- Wlilari1.i:iis>t.U. Whlttlrr. P. U unirr. Al Xallluk, J. II. Wtn»r, A II. WHmiII, Ftod 1*. WrlihL Uo. W. Willie. Chaa. Y„ Wmd.tlhaa H. While, W L. tVlnueit llso W. Woo.1l.nlI. A. II. Warm it. Kdwanl Wllsou, Jul wavnn, Hobl. Wlieel'Mk.J. A. Wailsr. John K. We Hand t:ii as. Uuml, Frank W<HH|».IIOO. W. Will fctsi WchnI, llerl WhIcIi A Wnlcli West. Harry Wilbur, Ulaiericd Wllll*fii#s Henry WlU Inarm, llso. Wilson. II. II. Wlntios, F. M. Wosi, Tony Washburn. I..W. Widf JiMeph WihhI, Frank VYarria, Fred W»rr«ill, i:israB'-.e ^uung, Hilly JNiyarru, H rj Zaiuora, J. J. IOWA. lies aioliina,—At (liO UrHnd "Tulil Kiiwyet" comes Dec Sand weak, "The Danler" If, II. Tin hours wag dark week ol Nor. 34 ForTSR'H—"A Bu'oltol Keys" hail good hualneiiaf. Mr. snd Mrs, Kendal oarne O, pr*siiiting "A H^rst. of Paper 1 and 'The Brcood Mis Tainiiisray" to H It. fl. houses, atailraoceil prices. I'mnlnii: * Tim lllack t'luok" Ooo. I, I.TIaso'eMTlDR Pictures IU, II, "Lwly WJmlor- roe*e'a Fan" 13, Katie Rrumalt W WOffblHt.ASn MVAHUM Afl' TUFATRIJ.—Week ol 3: Curio aod lielur* liall-Ctiirlea llunl nnd lroiip» ol trained dnga, and U ri ||. Lawlnr'a •juarlBlul illu»lnns. Mijon alage—HI|ou f>iuiedy Co.. Loo and u telle Itlusbsri, Pearl Bnbrocb end Allan llow^ TheeUnlum-I'srcln Hradford, Kuteo Hisinra, fleillit P.wlnjf. Ahem aod Pel rick. Mrs. Wai. 11. Law lor. Konwlck Hlsi«>rs. Lee aod ifn*lda,aod Uie WIIHame Trlu. Rirellciit busllieu prn- T> Woru»'(i Fair Muskum ahu Pahilt Tiihithk — In Ihe eario hall, week ol Hie 3: Forsyiiin'd rii Isg^i-d/u*. Pansy (three legged rj,ioken> t 0. w. \\ imier (•learli, Prioeaae Zelo (mind readsn. Thiatorium: Kd. Flak. HalHe, Mi:e. Anolee (Ore and sword walhor). I'nnk ami Judge, Uts Blsliupa, In Hie farce, "A Haiml ol Fun in a Manager's Orflos." The new museum opened tn good D. P. HrusM denloi that bo lies any Inlnntloo of remodeling biebuiinese hlork in Ksst lias Moinrs iai<* aa Opera House. He aays he has ijusii api-roached on Oie matter a*»eral Utuss by Hast Hide cIm/am>. hut aa yetnnoeof Ihe oifera made here been kwI enmigli to cuoalder. Unrllngton.—At (he Hrand Paulino Hall drov nnebouaaNuT 31 eod plesssd. AMI, Field's Mlmlmla 30drew a fine houae. "Ola-lys Wslit*." TliaukegiTlng night, hetla gm>d baaloaai BvbWy llarlor ha/1 igowl oaikiok for Dec. B. ' Lady Windermere'* Fori" cornea 4, "A lUllroed Ticket" <■ Dubuque*—At lbs Orsod Opera ItowaoNoT. Oosgrore asd Oraol'afJomedlaoa. In 'The HJUler," hul a good hooae. "Land ol the Midnight Bgo," w. draw wrie sod well pleased eudleocu At the (laleiy, rarlely eooliouea to good bsaineu. Coaurll ttlutTe.—Dohauy's Theatre hm been dark during the put too days. "Placer Oold." i>y sinn- leaia, iiaooouDoed for Dead- "A Hummer HHireid" IO. Cedar ltaulde^At Oroeno's OpuM IIoiiho Nat HoodelO, lo "A fllfded Foil.■' played tn' H. R.'i." Nor.TJ. The Danler" I* hilled lor Der I, Tlaio'a LIt- lag Plot area 7- "Lady WlndermerVa Kan'H, u,% brook* Opera Co. in. MarslialUorvn.—Al Iho odeun—Bookings: Darla' "U, T. fl." Deo. K. Ibe Opera i.'o I A. •The Danler" lu Will Knots, ot ill* P.nola Cmedy Co. *aa id town oo builDiaa. The coni|>atiy ia tuuilog laTeias. TENNESSEE. Memiihii.—At ibe Oratiil 0|>era Hume "A Trip toObloatown" opened to a DnohuuH al mailers Nor. 3tsodliad a good s-jTince ul* up to Urn. I. Wards Jame*. 3fr-W, had good used aodtenrpa htiio Kiliinr ii(-i )good bullosa* 7J-3I. Due: J.H.Walllck Mtc 8-3. Jams* .f'orbeltC-8. Paler F. Daitay I'l, II, Fand'»w VI. 11, jo». .lir)«rsoo II, 16. LTCBrM.—Although th* hulVlliiu will not be otu. pleted, (Jill Bklnaar will of>eu '-'i U't*e tolltwpl byTnoi. (J. BeabrookeS-H. OluHkloner has a hlgsylTaacsialv. Aooitosiuh.— Uriivold's "t.acla Tom's Cioin" oime Hot. WDec I. Noulog is booked ahead fcrtwo weak*. Chattanooga—Al Uie Opera llouso "Jaue. wlUi tbe HouUiera actreie. Belle OUUrt, in Ihe UUe rule. pUaaed a Urge eudlam^ Nut. IS "HI Ferklos" did h Cr hualaeia 31 "Ihe Tcnadr, 1 ' 31, draw a fair l,ouir. • *oai Jollity 0>., JV. M. Oeo I, aod two ruatiocei. played to"S. AO," Tbaakignlng mat lose, aed good [•uiloeaa lbs reatol tbelratey. The ftandow Troraderri YasdSTllle Co , booked for Not, w.oanoekd, owlag to ttsstessessel ■eaaewi