New York Clipper (Dec 1894)

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Deoembeb 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 655 NEW JERSEY. Newark.—At Hlaer'a too performance o( ''avssflAlo" bp Jns. Uavorth'* Com pup, proved t it- freehlsf eaurtalnmeotlaet ws*s, but btdrawooljiDOiI. «flt«t>OfllM- TbtpnUOtWMkwIU b«A RftlftOHWllh PmnelaWUaon'eOo In'TbeDerU'* Depolr." Tbeaels ofawts Inn4tttutbspnblle appreciation otnsood thing, and tbelr recepllon 10 win gsng*d bftbs elto or ib. anast D«& 17. 18. 19 tbe booMwin he reol*d lor lb* MMtt of tbo Hone ol lie Prlendleu: 10 11. C, Ihe DolT Open Oo. la repertorr. HaUnee ol 21 FrolTAegtillo'B Deneenle Jaeoss'.—"Tbo Wblte8o,UBdron"an6'"Ru*b Cllr"w*re kboat cqomllj favor*d |.»t week, euh plating to falr-r good audience*. "Tlit llaitlei" will nrobeblr pl»y e profile** 1 * engagement *" it opened la good etvle 10. Week or IT "Wore ud Weses 1 WatuaiH's —8«tn J*clr* Creoiee gathered enough people to to Oil tbe hoou at every performaBee I kit wool, wbleb wu unainailr gnvi. Irwin Bros.' Khow li h*re Ui'*'w*elc ud ■ relnrn to Airtight vulelr will Itkelr And pood rabrnnage The performance. 10, m woUiUMdrd. The London nalervfltrljt week of 17. ST**.—PrenB Is tinman, Reute Carroll, Hole Jeen«t, Janelo Lau<-*tte ud J. W. Crotby. Otona.—Minnie Dnpro*. Plole Brlgae, F. B. fieaoloa. Lit tin Aaron and Prank North Oiinr.—Lame Prancl*. Lillian A. We«l*rlr, Mood Elliott nod Prol. Bechmann NSW8.—Mrs. f*ol. w. M. MorinD gar* n dlnnartojiv. Dawortb. 7 Tbo frUod* of Robert Hell, *hn wu here tut wool with "Tbe While friuadron." preienled blm with aellrer Icewalerpitcher nllod witb rlowera. 3 Al- ter too performaoce Mr Nell waa gl'en ft reception at U Academy fluaet. Jersey City.—'A Temperance To«u'> will have we*k of Deo 10 at tbo Academy, "Tbo Coa»t aoatd" week ot 17. Juoftt O Nelll concluded ft ullifactory en- gegemant week ending 8 Bo* Tog.—Manager Dlnkloe haa tbe following people for week or 10: Bogert aul O'Drlen. Keroam ftnd 8*r- moor, Cftlo ud Debnl", foliloe and Colllne. Ulll fllstsre Howard ud Rlud. Hit* Dorsad. Hcculre tad Thornton, Jofttlft Bradbarr. Ileven ud Andrew***.!!** Belmont, B. J. Horaad. Brodo fflllUuns ud hie Pickaninnies. Bui nan continues good. J. I 0.—The naualrerlerycontlnaea. Bnalnea l« good. Nona —Jco Field* be* eepare'ed from hi* ptimer and la oow working wltb bit eUter, Fanny Plebla Tliay AIM law week at tbe Hon Ton Tbe Jeney City Kike and tbelr Udlee paid ft frftloroal Tlelt to Brother Mark*, of Qrlfflo ftnd afaria, at die Bon Tod, night ol 6 Souft'o r*ooeert Rand gavo a treat at the Tabernaole to a medium atieoduce 8 May Alpine will abortlvbe married to Bon Warr»nd«»rf. or your city, ftnon-prereo. ilooaJ Weber and Field* ud their corapaoy were gneoteftt lb* Bod Ton 7 to wlt'su Caruueilt and La. olllo'* miuleftl sot Thle fam wilt ahonlr Join the a bore firm A cbuge atnono tbe ftma'e portion of JamecO Nelll'* compear will ta>e placoweakot to JamuCarroanelll had tbo mUfortuee to be robbed or bla K. of F. watch chirm Rlage Muager Walter Selover wa< ftbient lart week from bla dutlee at tbo Bon Ton, through the eorioae lUneee of hie little child. Uoboken.—'-Tbe Stowiwaj" opened a Urea nlfhta' etay ftt the Uobokon Dea 10. "Roiedale," booked lor lS-lo. baTlog caoceled, "Tbe White Fqaadron" will ail the date. "Bory or the Blir' met with modlam au beadftoo* week oloelog 8 OtuiKlL-—Leoat ud Krerett hftTe week or 10. The Culno Bnrleattne Co.. heretofore known aa tbe London Bellee, follow. Tbo Mftrle Sugar Borleriiae Co. olond ft llgbtwtebtl. IMMIUL-—Oerlle Lareoo. Ttowenft Ward, Hay Matter, Ltllle Itnnedy, Tom Rlchardi, Tom JloMahon ud Faddy ktaber. Bnalneea letood. rTona.—Manager rhaa Dittmar wae a caller 8, Ilia ttar, Floronce Bindley, bating regained her woe. the etftfton will reopen at Pltuburg. Fa. Deo. 17. E. ht. Uott- bold will egaln re>ome htl old poilUonln advueo. The eontnu/will opm at Kriecoatar l.ud tbelr repertory will comprlee "The Outalo'a Hate," "The Fay Train ' and ''Fori Dooolioo" under tbe more capUraUng title ol **a1ftrehlng Through Qoorgta " Tbe lauor play la from tbe pen olOen. Dlttinftr KJ uoodmu la oologtem* p-irary adraaco work for Bberniu k Voruey'a l, Jay Olroue" .The areaory Putomlme Com- pany reeled the put week waiting lor new proper Ilea. Tbey reaooe at New Rocbelle, N. Y., 0eo in. TbeyplayftecrluoronentahtataQila until weak of 17. wblnhthey 111 at Fblladelphla, Fa Joe L. BdIIItu. ol the Oermula, goeeu prop* Three theatre partial will honor Barry Booker, ol "Tbe Stewawfty," by petli>g hlmeTLItwbllefttlbe lloboken. The Jeney City Kike will attend In ft body. ISIlfabaiU.—At the Lyceum Tbealra "Audi Bridget" came Dec. s to lair boalneia, Bou*a'a Band eplaredtoftemaltandienco. The Prloceton alee itlob flfled the theatre 6 Tbe Berkeley Lyceum Theatre Oo., In "Tbe Urey Hare," 0, drew e email but plteaed and. leoee. Coming: 15. Blebanl HU"0eld, in' Bean Brnin- nouV' at adrftneed prleu; ai. Rb«ft;.f4, '-ThePaailng Bb0w;"O "The Danlrr." DutlOnu Hopsk.— 'Tbe Black Crook," S, drew a fair alied audience "Hnih 0117." ^ bad a fair audience, "afelennft'e FlIrtatlnD" cane P for tbe beoedt of Ollee Branch Lodge, E. of p.. to a large audience. Coming: JftDMt O'Nf ill. In "llonu nnato," Id. Delia Vox 11, Willie Collier U, John Drew IB, "Tbe Coeet auerd" 20. NOTES— Blleabeth Lodge of Bike gare their Unit ftoolftl 6. Member* 01 the Newark Lodge were prMeut, aod,tbrough Brother tlitrord, tbey prenente-t Bliiabatb lodge with a bible. Member* or tbe "MeEenna'a Pllrla- lion" Co. were present and Drftbe'a orobeelra lurolabed mualcal aetectlone The oonoel meetloi ol tbe Drake Opera Home Co- will be held thla week, when new plan* lor tbe conduct of tbe boow will be dlaeuaaed. Trentou—At Tijlor'e Opera Uooee, nobart Hllllard did uir buamua Dee. 8. "TheBuaUer"ldld welL Tboa. Bliaa 10 and week opened with good butt- aeftft. Booking*: 6euu'a Band 17, Jobn Drew ai,"Tbe FaaelniBhow' T B TBitrroy Hcsicn—Bualnea* coolluu** anod Attrao tlooe for 18 ftod week: Lecture llall-Xllle. A to red'* mined cftU, Prof. Doner, Joe Jobuaon. Ida Smith ud Harry AUm. Thulre—Artie Uogbt* and Annie Lied aey, Dora Qenaro, LlRhtolug Learltt and Mite. Nerello, Bljoo Mlnon 0*0 RiokeU ud Meude RIckelL Novbltt Toi:*Taa —Tbe bueinee* at this hoo«* con. DnnM Iftlr with Luler Franklin and tbe Mock. On B the com pur played ft benefit In Lugborne. to the local lodge of Odd Fellowa,to blgbu*lo*« W*ek ol 10 the boou will be dark, the company plftvlng Beaton, Fa., for one week, returning to the Norelly 17. Paienon—Open Doase booklngi: ODas, T. Elite, la 'Cupar the Yodler." Dec 10-13, Frohmu'e "Jane* 13-15. Ueo. Monme preuutad "Aunt Bridget" to good bi'llneu 1,8. ''The white &|uadron" bal good hetueo7.8 Buoo Tanaril.—D* Leon'* Eogllah Variety Co., Id and WMk Wt*li of 17. Broadway Oirla Burrtniue ud Ppeetalty Co. Tbe French Folly Co. eloatd ft fftlrly good week 8. Bnlll Mosss.—Bnelnees waa good 8 ud week. ArrlT- ala 10: Baiela Bearl*. Val Vloo. Oculoo and Kilroy, Anoft Mllbura ftnd Dftrld II Wllaon. local amateur*, will make tbelr fliet profeulonal appearance M aeoclety ftketab turn 10. fllou ud t'oulby. Pe'chlog Brother*, Annie Llord. Harry ud Alice Oleaaon, Bilroutf Robert ud Maggie H ewlett NEBRASKA. Omaha—At Boyd's Tneatre "The Dazzlcr" opeoe ft ft or nlgbta' Ufagement Dec- 9, "In Old Ken- tucky" come* U It. It, "A Trip to Chinatown" IC. 17. IB. Donnelly A (lirard, in "Tbo Rainmaker*." did a poor boilneus->. Bui one Tompkloe' 'Blaok Crook" did a gtod bnalneea 0,7. * Kinal open* uree .-. week* Etra Eendall played to good hnaeca 8,7,8. Nora—The burning of the FiReootli Street Tlioetre, morolof of e, wu n *efere blow to Muager W. J. Bur- —1. bntbefore the fire waa eotltely out he had around nnatneeau, /. n nnl Taaarjia.—Ealle Emmett in "Klllarner," a ft four nlghle 1 enftejtemeai B. Tieeo'i Llrlnc 1'lc- 1 oomee IS. u. 15. ^'Tbe Prodlgftl Father" 18 ud eleeae or tbe old People'*Theatre, by paying Duncan Clark 1600 to etep down ud ont The obi Feople'a Theatre wfto repaired and repainted lut Spring, and rented by PblUipe and Palmer, wbo attempted to open a ftaeood popular priced theatre In Omaha out fatted, ud after remaining eloaed ail tiuinoier, Itwu ruled a tew weeke ago by Duncu Clark, who hu been rnnntnnlt u a variety reiort Tbe bonding will aerre Mr Bnrgeu to fill bl* boobloge onlll better quarter* can ba eeenred. The name bubMacbuged 10 Tbe Empire. "A Bunch ol Eeye" f'^., which wu pleylng ftt the Fit- teenthftt the time of tho Ore. loet tbelr entire icenery and wardrobe. Eetle E*nmeU'a eompuy, wblch wu to open u ugftgemMCO. loet aome of her erenery and a lew hotel truuha, wblob had been forwarded. Lincoln.—At tba LaMlne; TDcatra "A Bnnch orEeye" played Dee. 1 to ft lltut bouu. ''A Hummer BllraerrT' came 4, to fair boalnee*. "The Raiemakera" did ft nod bonne** G Kir* Kendall, in "The Bubalt on a wvou uuanin u »r« avmjaii, la joe ouwaii tulaV'did ft lljlht buaioeei 8. Eatle Bameit, In "E^ larn*r 1 "7. baoaralr bonee. Tbe Tarary Orand Opera Co. mica the bona* B, praiantlng "11 Troratore. Booked: SoebrookeOoemOo. 15, "InOld Eontncky" 17, "A BaJlroad Ticket" SI. man ortu Uodbi —Nftl ftoodwio, In "A Ollded Fool," pftftked Ihe home 8. Mine. Tale leniured to ledlu afierooon org. en "Fenooal Beauty." Itobt Mclntyr* gftreblelectnre. "Buttoned UpPeop1f,"7 "A Rcaaea Bti7.z«no"Co. were attached at Lincoln. Bxdale A Oppenbeimtr, leaatee from Mr. Bluey, an- or of tbe play, begu the leeaoa under rery auapl el on* clrenmiluc**,, patting on new eeenery ud effeota. Early in tbe eeaaen tbey had trooblawltb ei- Manftger T. w. Mallaly. Hoon alter thte Mr. BUney trua- lerretf the right 01 urodocltou too. L. Hegao a Oo ,ot PtLnula. Tlie attachment egltwubrooBblbr Mei'ra. Tyndftle A Oppenbelmar for the porpoee or encoring pay. meat for the eeenery and propertlM wblch they claim to own. The craning porrormuce wu not Interrupted, after which the eompuy gare a eallerectorybood ud wanton tbelr war- MAINE, Portland,—At tho city (tall. Sot. 4, Robert 0. lngeraoll drew a large audience. John L. Bloddardd ■are ftPlwelBg llloeirmlerl lecture on "Perlr" to n big wet neon "vowing the Wind'' will be tbooeatatiru tin la the eur eooree & Portland Alhlelle nlub wIL Klnee tbelr original comic opera, "Oawall," U-I& next ftiiraetfoo at FortlaodTbealrewlllbe-ollrer Twin," II, followed by Tbe Derby Maacot" U. IV -The flor-nor" la, la. "Leet In Egypt'' Co. duajlied I, and •^wo Old Oronlee" CO. got *tmnd*d at Blddelord Nor. ■ .The unual Lodge of Borrow wu obaorred In a fit- ting asinner by the Portland Elke Dec. 9, Hi?. HAiDiKn, wire of Frank BarttlDg, toe moslo pobllsber, was »e»err?lj btuned aboot too bands ud arms at bar borne at Wbltettone. L. 1., I)»o. 5, by tbe aijloelon or a bottle or naphtha, wlita wbtcb ate was renoraUof a pair or kid glores. Bee was alUlog nearastaTO, the beat of wnlcb Ignited tie fomea from the napbUis. Mrs. Harding wai aloae at the time, but b*r bosnand, wbo waa near by, was aunuted to ber presence by tbo harbini of tbe booae dot and soon •itlngntabed tbe names. Mr*, uardlog wae brongbt to this oltj for treat- n»Dt. noBitT rRics.of Barlow's Mlne'reU. la maklnpr a "gnt'wMh bla sew aoDge, "Bella or Fate" antl "Tba Olrl Wbo Ran Away." Frank H. Baloher, of J J in tbo canto ll*t with bin rendlilon or 'Tbo ucnnll" and "My Dear Old Ontim." Kidney di Out. baritone sieger, or Ward A Vokea'Co.. la restoring Uanrloe Lerl's now Bcnr, "Poor Ultle atary." Be Is alto alnging "Airy, Fairy Lillian," by iba aameooopoarr. and the latest popular ballad.''Her Byes Don't Shine Like Dia- monds." Jennie Itttl is also singing the latter song wltbanrceu. EiittB Craddoce sanda tbe following: "alaaj thanks for tbe good shape In wblch mr 'ad.' ap- peared. It o^tne a good engnaretrMnt before Inad seen tbe paper oontalnlng It, I Joined the'Wanted a Baby 1 Co. at Omaha, Deo. 3." ttiNioiR 0. W. npi-r bas engaged Law Baker tn bead an orranizailon under tbe title of Law Baker'* Ideal Comedians. They opened In Ibe People's Theatre, Ullwankee, last week to good btulness. "Say, Sadie Hyah," tba new "lore nick tough bny'a" gnng, oontlnnes to be an atnaetion In Jobn- nleOarTolPareportorT. Mr. OarroU U wltb John F. Field s'Draw ing Cards. OurtTn, tnelnggler, sends an Interesting letter from Portsmomh, Eng. Among tbe amerlean prrformera at Brighton went: DagToar sad 1M Cells. TOcalltta, and Lamar, wire walker. Mints A. Dunoin lororma na Ibat ibroogb ihe death or ber nnc>, sbe ban become belr to a for- tnne. and la shortly to wed Ed. Bryant, wltb wbom sbe will spnear. professionally next ioaaon. Fikkis Bt. Oi.tlitlssnccei3rulljrsluglog"Ltttlo DoraDelL" The Board ur Dibbctobs or tbe Association or Vandorllle Managers or America mot Deo. eat tbe Flftb Arenne Theatre, tbls ol'y, and eleoted these r.fflcers: President, llenry 0. Miner; rice president, Jobn DonaldsoD: treasurer. Wm. 0. Ollmore; secre- tary, Blobard atsmlok. J. M. McDonongn wss ohoaen manager or tba assoolatlon'a aganoy. wblcb will be located In thle olty. Ed. akd Llat.ll Dbntsb are singing "Johnny, Mr Old Friend Jobn," "Olrl Wbo Ran Awaj,»and •'Ob, Yon OreatUlg Darling." A BEETCif, entitled "A Bowerr Olrl," wss adrer- tlred at Die Unique Theatre, Wllllamsbarg', N, Y, Tor tbls week bat when Manager Frank B. Carr learned tnat Harrr Williams held toe oopyrlgbt for that title, be Immediately obangsd the name. Howard and Williams report snooess In tbelr new white race act. In a recent letter froo Frank Anderson, or Tony FarreU'B Co., be atates that Ills new songs, "Wedded st Last" and "My Dear Old Ohnm," earn fornlm rep*at>d encores nlgbtly. TDBTaaggMARYgLLiRwere Ourrgm callers 10. Tbey closed with Lew Dockstader's Minstrels «, and win loin Weberand Field*' 00. Deo. 91. Cdab. B. Wildron Is acting as bnslntss man- nger «f tbe M«rle Sanger Co. dnriog tbo temporary absence or Charles Vrnshle. Din Dily sang "We Uad to Hire Another Olrl," by Joe Newman, and "Poor Little Mary," by Henr- ico Lerl, at the Orabain Concert, in Boston, last Sunday. TiDDLBWiNgs and bis brother, LllWe Johnny Dogan, wbo are playing private entertainments, have had several offers or late to Join faroe comedy companies, bat are making snob hlg successes and dolos; so well at private affairs, Ibat tbey nave re- rued all sncb offers. Tbey recently appearrd on- d*r lbs ansploes or tbe Ootbam Olnh and received several handsome souvenirs, and are under the management or Ike Rose, of a us Hill's Novelties, for tbe next live yean. Tai Madia Bros., wlranerrbnnere, are meeting with ricoess wltb Harry Williams' Co. Bbaci. and Bowana are preparing to lake ont a mlnslrrl company. Job DotvNH. or "The Eld" Oomnany. la populariz- ing Courtrlghfe "Johnny, My old Friend Jobn," ibrongltont the West. OniRLia O.Tatlos, or Oormsn Bros.'Co*, reports a sncoeixfol reception for tbe new song, "Speak Kot Ber Kame." by Joe Flynn. Kotih froii tub Fay Fosiir BontiHcir/B 00 —We «re now In onr twelfth week, and wltb the excep- tion or one or two places ws have played to win- ning basinets. Wlikesuarre end Beading, Pa..and New Haven, CI., beat all prior records for tbls com- pany, and we can boast or "oanner" buslsoss st several plaota. Kvervthlng move* on harmon- iously. Louise (larlsnd celebrated ber Mrtbdav re- cently and was remembered by tbe company. Man- ager Oppenhelmer tendered tbe mem be re ot tbe troupe a spread In Troy, N. Y-, on elecilon night. We are ua*v rehearsing a new burieatioe, wltb new scenery and costumes, for return date* sad making other ohanges. We have not yet Inst s nlgbt or a salary dsr. Abe Levy has tbe song books and Is Btlrrlog them up with novel window advertise- ments. IllBRY LsOLAIR AND EDWARD LSSUS Will not aepsrato this year. Tbey bave signed a contract wltb Weber .V Fields for the remainder or Ilia nea- eoo. Tbls week Iber are playing at tbe Colon Snoaro Ibeatre, New York. Jodn Li olair. Juggler, lias been secured by Jas. A. Bailey, or tbe Bsrnom A Dsllcy Show, tn nro- dttce a port Ion or lbs water carnival at ibe Matlleon Square Oarden neit Spring. In wbloh will bo In- troduced to tbls country for the first time two novelties now bofore tbo London. Eng.. public. NotuprhmJamehP. Morgan'* Nbw Idka Vaudb- vllle Co.—Bnalneea wltb us through Northern New York continues to be good. Tbe band gives good satisfaction. Bert Cole catches ibem with bla irtok dramming. Tbe Bennlngtone ate askings hit In tbelr songs, and ibe Sanders keep ibem roaring. Crawford and Gardner, horizontal btr performers, are restores or tho 0U0. Tbe company will leave New York Butte early In January for a trip through ibe Western States. Tbe complete roeier: Ed. Ben- nington, Hlohard Barry, Otorgc flardoer, llobt. Crawford, John Banders, Bert Cole, Nam FUber, Al. Sweet. Fred W. Btnlth. V. I*. MoKenna, Oeo. Reals. Jobn BemJs. 1). W. Uslght, U. D. Miller, Prof. J. W. Obalawsy, director of band; Rena Banders, Molllo Thompson, the llesi Slaters, rjoldle Washburn. Jap. 1'. Morgan, proprietor and manager; J. B. Bwstrord In advance. H. ]'. Corp, manager or ibe Oem Tbrsure, Haver- bill, Hsu., Informs us that tbe bouse will bs closed on Deo. ID, vn scconnl of poor bullous, snd says everybody will be paid In full. I, a Ftt'iit ststes tbst bis new acrobellc work upon laddorandiablelsa success. TUB HBXUI.BB 8I6TBRB are ruling St IbO llDng rlsco Hotel, tbls olty, being nnahle to dance In "11112," aa tbe company la In Brooklyn and inev are prevented by tho law from appearing wllblu They appeared at ibe Vaudeville Clou, tbls city, during Ins past week and received an ovation. This Is tbo third, season for I base mile performers at Mils olnb. BTun FagRBB Madttnbtti sailed for Cjha Dec. To tor a alx weeks' engagement, after which tbey go to Korope. Ur. Nawn, or theNawss, was presenied wltb a diamond clutter pin but week by tbe Uengler Billets In PblladelDbla, Tub BtrKKsa Hill Oamtiko t' presenied Mtgglo Cllne with a baodaome gold bandied um- brella last week In recognition of ibeeeiticesabe rendered at the rcosnt benedt at Charleston, Mass. The Irfjnefit wu under the autplees ol the Dougherty Bros. JdaJOB J. A. Miut'inB, iba broad sword fencer, has been elected vice president or ibo A. I'. U. Kern iNDt'uriORD are laying oir on account or tbe Indisposition or Mtnde Bulb. Mr. Clifford Is learning nnraery rhymes and lullabies. A nbw boko His Just been Issued by tbe Kegllth Bong Publishing Co., enlllled "Iwn't Dear Aoy 111 Feeling," wblcn la at present tbe rage la London. 11 Is being song by the popular baritone, Allen May, of Primrose A West's Minstrels, and la written In McOlennon's most telling style. Tbe words are strongly patbetlo and descriptive, and the melody Is ssld to oe equally si stirring sa that composer's prenntu success, "Tbe Ship I Love." Owntu to Illness, Mabel Stanley canceled ber second week at tbe Howard AlbenKom, Boston, TBI Bio FovBISmltb, M/,llD, winismson and Bnarks) are in their rounb week at Ine Orphenm Tneatre, Ban Francisco, Osl. It waa Hart and Mlul Bkssis, and not Hart and EisstL wfeo sppeared last week st Pope's Thea- tre, St. Louis, Mo, Koam op F. Yatsr'Ooxiiiv Co.: Frank Yatei, manager; Mrs. Frank Yates, Maurice Uownle, Ches. Downle, Mrs, M. Dowale, Oeorge tilloerl, auge rnaxagTr; Mts.Oeo. (lllbert.Mastor Jaiues Ollhert, Tony Long and Qssenle fltaoley. Tb« company reporta good business inroogh Indiana and lliinole. DORA OOHtlOH AND Mabbi. (iRstttM bave Joined bandy. NOTgB AND ROBTIR OP DALb* 1 DOBD'B COUBDJ andrlpeclslttCo.: We are now touting IMnnsylra- nla lo good business. Hosier: lei Dale, Frank J. Bond. Mrs. Lew Dale, Edward Connors, Ed, Abl and Tons Bntke. HaRRiuiN and Black lerl BmwnlM A Hardy's Mlhsirvls Dec 1. st Kaness Cttv, Mo,, anil Deo. 10 at Kien Uusee, St Josopn. BooxtPita—At the Parlor Theatre. Mobile. Ala : Hop. Rraeri Kiar, Barrett Bme, Lyle ul Poe, Pearl Andrew*, in Ita^t, ill* Carrol'a, J II Hooper, prwpr'a'or ellh Tone Petty, me-ager At Kornlwrier** Wioirrilir. den, Bvuevllle, Ind : Btllt Poullain Frankle Lee Mtu. Dte L#e. Bill* Le Rot, victoria Marietta. Vet™, 'he Jep. Pd Walabet end llenry Blepu*. Builneu cnnliuna* Ana Bd*luee* Mamger Foullato wu underert a rerep. tloo on Thulcglvlog Dai by bla wire ud rr'enda it bfting bl* lorty snh nlrlliday Al the ll*m Thutre, HaverhilL Maui. Cb lU'e and Fearl, Xuru,,l.lltleAlaia, Juona, ud Helena (Jrace Maratoo. INDIANA. Indianapolis.-Klaw 4 Krlsoger's "140-2" ro- ceired Its Initial presentation here and wu amply re- warded by good el ted audiences Dee 3-3. Al. U. Fields Mloelrell played to moderate builoere 8. Julia Marlowe Tenor. In repertory, week or 10. ■kiiusu's— "The White Crook" failed to make an Impression 3-8. "Spider snd Fly" Co. was fairly well patroBlaed 8. Tbe event of the wwk wu tbe appearuco of Jocech Jefferson, in "Rip Tea Winkle," 8. Mr. Jeffer sob wu greeted by a large andlence BeMle Boneblll, In "Playmate*." la, 11, Uuloil' "Fenlaama" IT-IS, Blul- eretla Joou PI. PaNK.—" t clean Sweep" eajoved a euecaurul oogece- tn*nts-8 "Acrou tbe Potomac ' wu well receiroo S-bV Rtehet a Trnubadnra IU-IS. "Ilia Nlbe, the Baron" "Blaekllaled" K-n, "Klllaner and the Rhine" D-U. EariRS.—Tbe Mar Meward fiurleaine Co. bed a proa- perofle weeh'e engagement The May Hhaw Hnrleique Co.. booked lor week ol 10, wu cioceled and Ihe bouu will bederk in coneeeuence. Bob Pltrilmone'Bpeelalty Co. week ol 17. CHerrss.-Plyonud Walker Joined the May Howard Bnrleenu* Co. here 5 '■elin Bros' show puaed through tbe city en route to their Winter querlern at Co lombne, O, " Krama Roan Lee, or "The White Crook" Co., waa euddenly called to hor hone by the 111- neuolbsr mother but belore learleg the city elgued s eonlraetto liud Usrry Mnrill' Burlefiu* Co. ror Ihe Ml- sonollSII-tu, May Howard retiring trom tbe coinrany. Prol. Keller, tbe maipclu. suffered a patnluland eomewhat eerlone Injury by being elruck ever the eye Several allubw were taken In the Injured part, end the pbyelolann feu a noeelbla louofejeelshtuinsrelalL EvstnsTiiie.—at me urauu "roe ueroy win- uer" eppurrrt to fair bnalneea Deo. 8. "Prlende" bed a «ood nonce 8. Rooked: "Tbe Blleer Klrg" 8. Mario Talawright II. Warda and Jamu 15, Nat Ooodwio 17, "Land ol the Midnight Bun" 38 Faorts'ri —Frank Jonee, In "Our Country f.onelu" did wolll. Wllliame'Cemedluabad ralrbollneuS-A'Tm- nlsan'a Ball" I* eipected 9, "A Bteexy Time" 16, "A Clean Sweep" 11 «... Tits Minis Dicoa Coscaar Co. had ft Urge audience at lie Y M C.A.7. . , _ Eonnnsaiiss's Wltrrsa OlSDSS ud Ilia Theatre Coml'iue arernonlng nlalitlr wlib varied enuruln- tusnte. Tbe bill *t tbe latter Oil* wuh oouipnue Ainu ud Normw, Leo and Per** Klorenu Labord, Ruby Enllbt, Rom Mltcliell, Mattlo Browning, Blllle Mn«- iroio snd living plelnrea Terra llaole^-At Nsylor'sOpera House "lirri" Dec 8 had the 8. R. O. elgu out for the drat tun* thl* •eaaon. atallghuy advue/d prieea "Filendi." 5, plaaatd eo well ibat a return dab* ba* been arraoged for later to the reason, bot the bueinee* wu n'-t what it ahould have bean. Al. 0. Pleld'e Blnlalrela. 7. drew the eteood btggeat boo** or the week. Comlog : 17, Warde ud Jainw: la Nat n. coodwlo; 33, Lewie Mnrrleon Tbe ububi Tbuksglrlng dinnar of tbe Nerlot'a Opera Honeo employu tble rear wae Hie moat elaborate ererat- tenpted. Special electric leaturM were arranied lor Hip table decoration, lecludlng an Alectncal louolaln. froui which muy-co'^red etream* of water played while the loaUvl'leewere In iirogreea Tbe gueala Included a ouui- berot cltvud coutv otilelel* uu repreeeolaueuol ihe local pre** Mrs Helena-Potter Rorlo.or "Friend*,'* wu lL* recipient of many euciel nttenllooe during Iter brief etay here Tbe local lodge urElliB Rco a eoelal ae>lliiu7, tn honor ol ALU. Kind'* Minimi*. Tharo wuauelegutbuiinetepread In lite lodge room*, after *bioh MT*rel ninmi ol Hie eompuy and member* of the lodge coouibuted an eleaut proBranimn lor the beneBi ol the guatta. anions the tnlnatrel people who took part were Field. Tommy Connelly. Will Wall- Ink. Itarry Howard. J. A. MoPbe'aon anil Ueo. M*lf ille. ......d*o. MelTlUe, e>inllibrl*t, Joined Field'* Mlnilrals atTopekcUu. Mnrlon^-Mr.and Mrs. Oliver Byron, In'Tbo Up* ud Down! or Life," were STMled by s lair elied ftudluce Deo- Palrlce. In 'The Kid."played a return da'e to good bualneee 5-fl They were haw over here one day by the burning ol u opera houu In Ohio, whore they were billed •'TlieWbllettrook" wu produced here T. A nunber ol Sam T. Jack'* tlalely people were In the oast Coming: A. g. Bcammoo'a "Burglar" 13. Oscar Blieon. In'TIm Onlnnel," 14 On* sunlke, who wu compelled to lavoglorslluio by aichnea*. li** retumi-d ble old place In "Tbe Eld." Bamoel Aitkin hu loioed '-Thel'peud lioeneol Llle"Co. He taku the pertol Jeffrey Craweom. a wealthy contractor "The lion ftwfty wile ■' nnder the nuuimcnt of llorcco F*nton, will be glreu nt Belletllle. 111.. Dec. V. Kort Wayne.-Al Masonlo Temple Olcvelsnd'n Mlnetrelecajne Dm TtotmallpatrnoBge, Ollvar Byron h*d gocdbo^loer** 1 . Booked: The Bike' ltloitj*l*(lncal| 10, the New YnrkHtarell. KlmballOperaCo. If, It H.Mu- tell II, ' Tbetliut Rroohlrn llaudicap" 15, Ptu'lne Hall 17. Every eeat Initio Temple wu Bob) for lite Kike' Mln- niel*. MICHIGAN. DetralL—At the Lyceum Cleveland's Mlostrdls come* Dec II. It, followed by "The TwoHlaler*'' Clirlet- muwaak. "Thsareat Brooklyn Handicap" lut week averaged ooly lair attendance. DBTROIT Orasi H'il'*l.—"Tho Psaalag Show" M-te\ alter which comes KM* Ellattr 17-19, "Waog" Chrletmu w**k. Jea T. Powere. tn "The New Bot." Mr. ud Wn. Kendal played to good builneu Dor. *l-5. Jni. Jetferun rollonrd 0 to ibe houle capacllr. "The Prirate Soore'ary" Bolibed the wuk to relr builneu. WiiiT-iBvaiiBAsn Oram Hopes—Thla wuh."lieu ud Ho** " Lut week,'-Dark* it Ro*>la"had ft good ran. Neat week, the New York Teodevllle blari OaariatL's EHi'iBB Trbatrs— Tbli wuk. John R. Tool*. Lait weak, Jobn L Rolllvan, In "A True Amerl- cu."drew large Bleed aurABuces. Nut week,'Peck* Bert Boy." WosbiRMNOTRsavas iso Mr>is-Curio hall-tlal- lelll'e ilookey Circus Orav'* Marrlonsllea. and Mil. Hhtnbeck tiuklisl magloian) fltaga—t:iemenco Urn*., the llealejs. Jobs --' --. . .. •-- Wllaon. i snd Nellie MoCulby.U'l Al***ud*r R. M. Qottiiolu hu resigned s* bullae** m*n*g«r of "ThtUreet Btooklyo Handicap" Co. Urand Ilaplde.-At rower*' Opera Home "TbeChull)- Dill." Dec I. played to a crowded heuee. u did the Rlmball Opera t^i. A Coming: Robt Mantel) 13. Pauline 11*11 It, It, K. Barlon lluluiea 30. 31, 33, "Wua" 38. Oai5ii Urssi Ilocsi.—"The Ship or Rlate." week of 1 pUjed to big budneaa. Wuk of 10, Pickle' Drewlng t!ard* RsiTS's Orisa Uot'sa—Week of 10: The lti>y*r*, Tow. ell (coolorlloolet). Sully snd lluey, Mile. D'Arc, ihe Buule)* sad tb e Block Jackson—At lllbbard's "The Boralar" pleased a filr liouu Dee s. Corlnne bul eicellant l.qilnou 6 Jackun la at lut to bare epermuaut Wood«r- land. Msnager Alvab L. WltberelL bee fitted up t*o roomatn AM«mbly Hall Block, uch IBlill loramuunm ud ibeatra raepeollrelr. Tbe tbeetre hu e aeallug capacity ot em. The boow opcoB, 10. with lloia f .'lierim. Pokey Bell, Wauon a*d Jesk*. Mkbel B^werl, Jobn Bull* and Matter llauey in tbe thutre, with Barney Baldwin In tbe nounm. Lansing--.At llalrd'a Opera House "The Burg- lar" came Dee. 3 to a lair houie. t'-orluna. In ' H*ndrick llud*on."7 had good bnclneie. Psgllne Hall 11 At Ihe Bur Tneatre Reeve* A Palrotr* Co. ended ioo- ceeelul wuk I, "Tbe Londno Belle" come II. I'ror Nor- rle'dogelS, 11 Boot atenolol, of UnlMo. N. V.. and Ed. Brnwp. of Pilot, Micb., wruued 8 at tbeBlerThea- irerorglOOsnde. Haglnaw^At Academy or Music Ibo Kimball Opera Co. Dec. 4 wu STMted liy a Urge booae ud Wathtr Wliluwld*, In* ftlidielleu."8.had sood beiiotM. "MeNilty'a VUtt" oontu 10, "The Oreat Brookl|u Hand- leaii" 13 At- Bordwell'a Opera Uooee tbe London Beliu BorlU'iue Co. eloaed tbelr wuk a engegeueut 8. Buelueu wu good. Ka laaaasoo.—At Ibe Academy of Music "Aunt Salll"drew sgood homo Nor 39 "Th*T"resda" Der. I. did a relr bnelneu 'TbeCbarllp Ball." s. came to "R. ■ O" Rooked: Corlnne. In '-Uondrle lledeno," 10, Watur Wliiuelde. fer ibe beneOtof the gelftnjefm ninll carrlera, 13, "Tba tlreat Brooklyn HaMlcap" II At the tlrud tbe Troubedouli cue* 1*0 8 DELAWARE. Wllmlngton.-At Ibe Urand Opera House r»C a. S. and gltly Baldwlncloeed a weak'aeBgagement ol pnatable bnelneu Den 8. Boohed: Delia Foi 10. Willie Collier 18, Riuu'a Band It, John leioell IS, John Drswll. Aunanr or Mtlic—"Melenns'e Flirtation" draw llgbtbeums.4 s. -Tberircn*olrl" 10, II,II woieasuvD Mtrwia—Baatnew I* constullr increu- lag. Week or 10: Lecture hall—Towns Americas. Del Kue ud T*us Jim sad Ada Theatre— r>*hn«saiug Bras. Etwerd Joyce. Dick sad Alice MeAvoy.KUaMor- rta, aod Cau. sm Outs lrviag. — Wm. A. Brady will produce on an elsborato aosle anotbtr play by Sutton Vane, enUlled "Hu- manity." Tbe producUnn will take place Deo. II at tbo Bowdolu Square Theatre, Boston, Mass,, where It la eipeoied. It will rnn roor weeks when II will come to tbo Academy or MujIo, tnla oily, ror a run. Tito company will Include: Joe Orlemer, w, o. Couldock, Fraur Coulter, Do re Davidson, Scott Cooper, Drenton Thorpe, Ross O'Neill, Oler- enro Fergusnn, Jas. B. Sullivan. Anile Clarke, llebo Vlolng, Agnes Line, Frtlla Fnltt and rbiobo Davie*. Manager Brady will Rl*o soon have In pre- paration ror Mr. Cornell a new play, "A Naval Ca- det," which will bavo Its Drat presentation at tho but named bouse. — "A Social Moo," Den Sully's new play, wu safed ror the drat Urns at the grand, Pueblo, Col., Nov. tv. — Noire from toe Johnny Prlngle Oo.: We gave tbo dist production or Mr. Prlngle's new four est comedy. "Miss Nobody," at Douglas, Woymlna, to "8. R. ()." Tbeplay Is a anooeaa, and will ba added to bl* repertory. — "no ihe Mlaslaslppl" haa been so wall re- ceived at MoVlcker's Theatre, Chicago, HI., tnat It will he retained there fur several weeks to come. Some lime after Its Chicago run It will be pre- senied in this city. — Mr*. Antonio Navarro (Mary Anderson), wu delivered of a sou Dec. 7 at her home In London, Rug. The child died a fow hours after birth. Mrs. Navarro's condition was for a lime critical, bnt she Is nuiv considered to be out or danger. — "Oettysborg," after ashort season ot tennlgbtg through Connecticut, nnder the mansgenienl of Frank Campbell, closril In Tbomaatoa. CL, Deo. 8. Tbe ouanolal back*r or the show left ihe com- pany In the lurch, and Manager Oamphell got tbo meniiera home athls own ospenio. — Frank Duib, who remslns ror the rest or tbe season In tbe cut or "(la tbo Bowery." trill appear aeit season in a new piece nnder Davis A Keogb's management. —Jennie Parker, a well and taworably known loading lady, and who ban lieon on" Ibe stage for nearly flru en years, Having married and settled dowu in Uoxlco, where ber nusnsnd waa Interested In silver mine*, Is at present In Brooklyn, N. Y.. her hniband having tiled In South America several mouths ago. — (ieorgla Cnyran, accompanied by hor sister, sailed for Europe I'co. K. —it Is announced lhat Frederiii Bond Inlands lo atar, to a new comedy written fur blm by Molllo KtilottSewall. Tbo pisywlll reoolve lulratpro- ilucilon next Spring In Wasblngton, D.O. — <-Tbo New Mlolitrr' 1 la lite Ullo of tbe new rural ptey by Honn<iin Thompiou and (leorga Uycr. — Mrs. Beerlinhm Tree recently presented ber liuiNtnd with a bahv boy. — Alice Bomlce riiley, sister of tbe late Annie Plxley, and Julian rmicr (nun professional), were married Sept. 14 at the humn of Ute lirldo, Ibis oily, tuellev. Ur. Houghton onuiallng. Tbe groom Is a relative ot Mm. Jsmes B.own Poller. At tbe lime of ibo coreniony thu bride wis III m hod, snd tho msrrlsgs hu Just been annonnoed. — i.uollo Bill made ber American professional debut as Mlcbselt, In "Oarnten," at tbe Academy of Htulo, Fblladelphla, Pa., Deo. 4 —' My Lady necklets " sdapted rrom tbe French by Arthur Forrest, wu scled for Ibe Brat Ume st IbeUowdoln Square Theatre, Boston, ktau., Deo. 7, by Kftto Ulaxtou and Mme. Janausbek. — J. L. Asbton Informs us that Joe. J. Dowllng'a "Life onard" Co- closed lis season at tbe Uilon Theatre, Dec. \ wlttmot a moment's notice, leaving some or Hie momhois ot Ibe company to pay tbelr tray to Ihtaoltv. — UenrudeltoberlB (Mrs. K. J. Heron), rejoined "The Power ot Gold" Co., Deo. u, after an illness or two weeks. — Illcbsrd J. Illloy hu nearly completed all Arrangemonta ror bis coming tour. Tno company, when complete, will number about twenty-Ovo people Mr. lUley will bave, ho lororma ua, a repertory ofiesen plays, with the regular paper for asms. Hpccisl prlnUog Is being pronarod. — Haley liudlov Joined Ward snd Yokes Oo., at Dsnbttry, (Jouo.. lieo. tf. — Clarence llsndisldrs arrived In Ihlsclly Deo. 10, bavlug closod with Tim Murphy's Co. — Altco l.elgli oloses with lUehard ManaOeld on D:c. l.'i. — U. H. Curtis closes bis "regular" season on lice, l.'i snd reorganize undor tbe management of Mrs. M. U. Citrils. — Helsnccy Uarclay rollred from 'The Brooklyn Handicap" Co. after one week's sojourn. — Oeo. Wrlgbl hu left "on tbo liow-rr." — Milton IJpman Joined "Tho Cotton King" Com- pany Dec. :i — 0. II. Welles Joins Waller Ssnfonl's stock com- pany Dec. 'Jl. — Waller Sao ford auil Oeo. Ilooy sailed for Kurnne Pro. r,. Tlwy go In search of new play*. — BimmoDila A Hruwu have JuBt madr. upanoiuor ntock oompeny for Hie l.rceum Thua>re, Denver, Vol. Amnug thoso wbu started oo Deo. h wero llowaid Kyrle, II. I>. Hlsokmor, llenrleila Cross- man, Jean Cove, Fanny Hurl and Obarlos Hade. They open In i)unv«r nn ur about lieo. IT, and re- main there ten weeks, and Hton go to Salt Ijtke City, Utah, ror ten weeks. — i:pon Ute application of Mrs. Minnie V.Mo- Uo.1, an lojunciion ws* graaied Hoc. » In the Hitprrlnr Court or tnls Bute, reilrslolng Fred 0. Wltlinoy frcm removlog snv property f t Ibe "Ja- clnta" Opera Uu. Irom this Slate, anrl an order to show imjm why s receiver should not he spiwlnt. ed, Mrs. McLcnd owns an Inlerest In the company and claim* It bni lost money throogb mlsmuago- mcnt. -TheNollloClisntllcrljidyiircbeitnandUancert Co. sic now on a lour. Thn orchestra includes all- teen performers, wlilt sovorsl si'le soloists, sod Is umlor tho latiun of Mlu Chandler, a natlro of Worcester, Mass., and a blight young unlet, — It Is announced lliat arrangements are now liclng made ror Lllllau Itttseell to revisit LOBdon, Kng., nosiHprlng, snd to appear In opera In tbst cllr during a scsaon nodor Ihe direction of Mesa is. AhbOV At flrnn. — TonlDft Ailaifis, one or the Adims Slaters and daughter or lieo. II. Adam*, celebrated her fifteenth birthday Deo. and torelvad manyprenoni*.among whloh wero a diamond lirat ok-l and a I sok hook, wltb a snug amount u> Iter credit, from btr god- fatflor. Tony Henler. — "A Hludent "f rislsmanca." a rottr aot enmody, adapter! from llio Italian by AloganderSalvlol and Paul Krs'nr, wu ncbrd for ibo Irsl lime st the Baldwin Theatre, ban Francisco, Cel., Dec. It), by Mr. Halviul. — H. W, campiicll. ntanitgrror too Tomplo Thea- tre, Camden, N. J„ wires os that "Maine snd (leor- Pis" opened to a crowded bouse Ueo. 10. He uys tno play waa well acted. — Murray and Mack, In "Flnnlgan's Ball," ac- cording to a dlipalcb from T. J. Uroves, manager uf tho People's Theatre, Kvensvllle, Ind., broke tbo record at bis bouse Dec. 0. — The ros'er or tbe company wbo will accom- pany Mr. and Mrs. Beerliohm Tree on their furth- coming American lour will Include Lily llsnbury, Henry Neville, Lionel tlrongb, 0. M. Ilsllard, Her- bert Itoss, J. Nucntniie Oould. — Ur Ihe cnllnpfte or a Brand! in lbs New Ly- coum Theatre. Memphis, Teun., sevet n—s s'Bgn carpenter, thru- while scenic srtltts snd Ibreo cil- ored men—wero burial to the stage, adla'snceof about roily foeL The men were all Injured, Imt none serloiielv. Their names srs Al Mnrrls,scenio arUst; Chm U'sllsce, MceiilnarllsliJobnVoorbees. scenlo srllpt; Joseph Wykupr, slago csntenlsr, snd A. K. Will, B'i'sce Posey and John Wiley, The In- jnred men were at unco removed to St, Joseph * Hospital. — MevMortimer joins tbo "Veteran Detective" Co.atBaOelo.N. Y., Heel'. — Fred Lunsr and wife bave Joined i'eck A Bice's Urand Opera House Stock Co. — Mrs. A. Oady. moiber or Fred Usdv, comedian, died at Buffalo, N. Y„ Dec. *, alter a long lllneis. She rvceollr arrived at Buffalo from a Philadelphia hospital, where one of ber legs bad been ampnt ited Dear the ankle. Comedian Cady, two brutbein. Ibreo •IstrraandherbuibsDd. inouni Ihelrloas. Tbe re roalo* were Interred at I'me BUI Cemetary, Huf- felo, '). ALABAMA. Mobile.—At Ibe Mobile Then're Harney Per- gueen, in "Duffy** Blunders," Dec 8. draw s good honu. Alba Haywood, In "Edgewoed Poute," 8, 8, did a fair bualn***. Tliomu T. Eewgb, 7,8, bad good bulb "Dirmlngbara^-At O'Brien's Open Bouse, Das. 4, "Pub's Bad Ben" bad a fair boou. "Joshua sinphlne"dia weUl --TneEaelgn"wuherer.S. aaa- «ew Isdse II, Tbs feaclag Muter 1L Horn iioh mi PttwHRi BiLt Know, now louiDf sfrmoc«-»Tb»«a»ih«r(iii«li|hirDl, ind th« »hoir rItm Kod nU-rkollon. Tht Hkior ot Ljoph (Qor#mitr ol thi ulh ol Pnoco) s.Dd mtj mlHUrr olBMri »iil»«d tb« •how rvtoQUjT Thtrawboya furaofoialdtrf.hHtliRW oo ibo lookout for o turk*>7 rnrThtokftglr'niaioBor. bat lh«i lor b»re ^••D uokhlft in (iDtlrYO*— T«rt (•» «• HHP In ibli portol rruiM V«t«r4n Chu MoLtto, our bom oUfunlDtMTFi UIU to h»»« tlit uqv«j apoDtlmo, nnlwllhuoodloi tho dllllAullitjVi ho mooU wllh dt-ftvi oo tailrotw)*, Prttnoh *«orkBion, tiwo woenpa 10 bonl too •tnff «i« Goo llonkstr, a cowbnr, o> thiR utow. wu mfttajhod OftlDil H. L*rDbr»Khv btetolUt ehinioloa o( jyrtr-c* to run thlrt} siiiloa. ThA irMk !■ ft Roo vno. Mr. Unokerrr-detwoWt floo Diuaiknro U wo» tho i«n*rml Impraulon omuoj the Kroooh jvoop'o <h« eowbor. wliti bit lllllt ponlvM, u tboi c*il*d ib»ro, would b« bsMUn Tho WMlhtrVeU Qno, onO Ui» alortwli UsVo ftt anelnet la ihaflrotton niQad«L*imbr*chtlAflk llvorf •tur.whil* HiH>korworkrd Ittnl ftort »lBs>t two lopa. Iloutoonujsxl sjith tbo blojoloubUI tno ooo huodrM •od twtUlih Up,whoo. t<r o itmoit tpnrLLftiabnoht Rsvlnidft lop. Urn horovtniuftlly wionlDiibr (COIsML Tte wlBOorTweolfoUftioM mt^ftl.praooDlod hf I'ftwOM UIU ftod iho mtnuora ol tht Voltdiomo. mov. A. K. Lohadt *iro hlBB, wio mtniodlii Fbll* Ilp«wt*t1i • lr «- ^ to Hr*. HavHoO BUlhan. orttliksM* boiro. Mo hu reiirH mm iho -Uio. sod ii bow on* tftfod Id tboJowplnr bunnou ftt Wilkoihftrro. HOftTlu ot (M ll. J. Ulf|U'H Wurhl of NotoIIIm: Col. R.J. Dlrftft, niftQiaor; tlydo Towort, trtsunror; Olllo VouDf. ouioiaftoftnr; Chfta Lftlloiift,Mr« Mlo- dio Diafilo. Hoiur Oiftudo oad Boliy Ruih. Thajraro tnurlo|NorihtraObloftiidnportaoo<tbuaiDWi. tloorgo ■toanDrrftr, nnuMr of tho Oport IIodm, Mirloo, 0.. Wftftft Tlalior rbftak*Rl?IDi l)ftj. Oio. WuinLift. tho inoBwho wolka on th* wour, ro- porunioa>iio|twltbauco»H lo Boa ion. Tbo tn* oihlbi* (tonawblcti ho fifu on ibo Obftrlos Blfotfttofttid la dnwblfforowd*. BuoiuBix Hii'i "VroaUre Aniut*in«aU," whloh OPOQOd UlO lOftJOB April lit, It HQOllDgtOA, lDd. t e)04wfcl ot ViBotDBOt. lotl., hot. M Tbo obnw ftUru oatoftjrljr In AptII, Itv5 ftoti will tmol by wtgoo la • Poaibwoat dlrwtloD, oiooeilBR to ftrrlrolB lli*> Ulty of Moiloo br IboiiildtDootOotnbsir. sfrom thoro UuoktklB Bob will, wo on lororraod, aim ponplo for ft l*o jfton'toar of Coouftl ftod HaaUi Aviorleft. klft INUllM THOH H. AbPT will ONO on Iho tofalefc HIildlsHoo olreull Dva. 17, la ft now t«C Rcmtih or Bo mm BftOft.' Hmovt: j. o. Isom! pro- tnttor and niaotgor; Mutir Tom toil John Bona, title Joo Unrna, 0. A. HeOlnola, Blftoob Aittaon, Lllllft Btaaidoo. Da 11 Button. John H»or. Bona I a Orr. Owsvlro ftnd child, ChftrlloflulllfftB, aod Big. limit, laobtrgoor all pr It I Ion*. Wo hftToft loji 7AIv. with l*o 9KL ralddl* filoosivi, and etrrr ft band nf tight l'lvKfta, uadtr Uio atdortblp ol uUronco Mcii'onla Wo ■hill rout wo la UolTOiton.Toi, Uiroowofb«\ ftod oro plajrlogtoKR O. •Tory night at ub c«nu otliuiHion. *>nr baod luralibtd cnuaio lor UioOftlro«ton Hoaeh UotoKsudtliopioprlotora iproftd ftBoleionibftoi|uot Lima aiomiii I lvn Tim itoh opptftrod boforo Mlwt ■udioooftfl l)-o 6 tod fl ot Hhorr/'A. Pllth A*pnao ftod Thirty MTonth Kiroot, Din oily. It waa hor flrat appoor* uh ooioro NowTrtrb ancloiy, and prnvod to bo qulta • Baocooa. UlUa Uootrio baa HTorft) priraio draw log room mBaloftlfaloQII Kofot* tbo lat-oaihia olir. Tub Oirr BHtw. wllh iliolr in ok ind aptrrini boar, aro ailing an unniniai ftt tho Wondor'tod, Brla, Fa, NoTU vintt Eretl U Wlllla. Blioil Tom'i Biuagar: WoliavoiuiLiiiftiloUiooirdiilt I mm l)«nTarUiH*o fru> olaeu tit llalona, ltpukftn^ Vftaeouvor. Viol or l» moi 1'crt- laad to Loa Ang*>lo«. Wo io frmn hfroioTuiyoaftBd Kl P.UO, thoaco Into Hoi loo. Wo art having aploadld Our.<iT Oblovi', Hi* traqaparonl man, oloMd od Doq. H a too opakH* oajjagaiuaiii at tho Klnib and A roll Udoobd, fhlUtUlplilL wliioh, lit roporli, wat a ntoit pUaautone. Thruuili tlioklndfltMor l-'raok lloflbiaoo. Vr*-4 ktorlat and '"h«a. 4!*itrtilo Mr. Orl.tiT la a|>p-«r(Bir boforo tho modlNti onllKoa la lliat olty tbiawaob anil will opoo In Now Yori on lt*>o. I J. TnBHniitBAN BftsjM'Hiinw and Trained AntinalBtpo* alllon will tail Inr tho We at Indlu about Ilea. li. Its K. U BccKLir, iiroprlaieroi Hueklty't Knloruia- tain -to, wrllM aa Tuliowa: 1 1 rtceired toTtBly-thrwo lotion to anawar to try 'ad.' ol IHa I, and rogthl Tub UMrroRaanneof Ihenioai ihurnuali mad lama througti ■Inch lo roaoh profaiuiiinal pMplo. 1 ' pKimift Hat la wllh Oklfthoma Kill at fraokllD. r*., and not at Kohl A Mlddletoo'a Muaaum. (iinoinnatl, (>.. aa roporied. Oklahoma Hill la runnlog a ahow In franklin. HiaoiLLitiliiiTa RnoWH—The Hliakor Medioloo <*n., I'orty Nn. 15, cltMod their ••e*oi l ol lortr twu noeho Ueo. 17, aod will readme wnrk In Ave eoeki Hanafor Wallae* M. Vof vo*a to Holjufce. waM.,aod llio KuLto tlelt rrlendaand relailona; Kugou t'oucb, taoor aoiniataad plaolat, goea to hie hoioo In AnerdoaB, H. I).: frank Do (!aineo, aerrtbat Joioa Ihe Kloiahona. and rr«U Iteod, ch arte car comesllan. |ulno tlta Cllliori Hedleint t'o Id Tout. Dr. H lla)iiintHl will real In Chlcaio. Wo had tho pleaaoro ol utawllng N<>nnan Hiker at roraat ijlty. la. when ha la living wllh hli Wile, having retired uniporarilT inmi the prufowion Ibiater at Mohawk Medioiuo Oooipany, No. ih, now louring Nobraika: Dr. John U Fftye, laotuter. inoili eitraaior aod tnaiiaKer; Mvrilollaaeeit, aioainirantldanolna aogbreile; Joba M. White Irlih and lilack face baijo oumedlftn; A. J. HutHiea, comedian, vooallat aod dancer, and J M Myera, pi aula t Mra. K. W. ilMrie. *Um vt Ur. K W. Orurrit, of UioDharoieo Modlclno Uo.. rsaootvod on hor blrlhdfty, Hdt *i, ftanltd guld wTft'ch ant) chain Irom her Ijuthanri. a allrer eoirw (iti fnoi her broihar K J HUlrli ft torn rlngfrom Mra Janule llartunaod Hreralof-erproeeaia. Alur tlioooooert Mra. liasirce gave aohampaiintaupi'or, ■hen tTtr)body opjoyad ih»niM<vti till dayhriak. CONNETICUT. ttcw llnvon.—At iho Mfporlon Jiinei T. I'owora canit. Ib "The Now Hoy," to .food bvalnaaa, Dee. 4. "A Hlaek Hheop" canioioKll. 0. 8. Oomina: Trim- r«<M A Weet'e Mln-tnla 10, ktiea II, holla toi 13, OUalon and Jaoanachok 11 UniNu Uiiha lluini -Jolai Urtn'a Optra (fompftBjr Osvnt to blst rtturna ws»t« ol S thlwln r. Mayo outnae with "Tho HUM Alarm" 10-11 lllchanl (loldtn 13, tlia Hole Hill Kt>llr Company i4 IS. I'oli b WtiyniHUNiiTiiRiTiii—Thla weak: Rialey ftod Hlrboek, Hitwart, Maohin en I K.i«arda MaLfftO and Hall. Ilerila (JI)miii, KLIur* •ml Norlne. Ute fowere Kamtly, Klab nnd ti<n,n. ami Kali/ and Ht I'lalr. Ilnrironl.—Al I'roclor'g Oporft Uouro IIbIIod and llai> In * Lftis>riii "rome l»#e. IU, Rtihoit lllllianl. In "The Nominee," li. K V. Uavle' ' Unol*. To1n■■(l>b]n• , IS. M H Duitla, In , H*.m , l ol IWn " did Tairlf -rellS. Harle J*n*ao t id "Mlra llynamlle." did a i' tvl liualotii 4 "Tlia New B«t ' hail a UlraueiMtncoo. "A Hlaak Hheep * had crowdfl houaee ft, 7. * Jo UiO Taodoiloln" livl tophHivyauillMiciiii'. A i.i, vJ* IUtL.-roi«ir Mthor'a Vauderlllo (to, did a ((Aod bnalnoiaft.o KiMirUUAHD Ham. -A war eonrerl will Im glvan II. The Hoil*.n H,pijili<riir Oreiireira iUost a lull hmiae 7. J a mm HimiNiMB ma»arr<rM Hie Now luiiaio oper* ll'iuae, al tat: bed llin 1>;ii rliloe rrftal|na of I'aUr Maher 0 fnrlailiORin btp|> lila couirael. The amuuoteae MlUeU 0 for the full am ount. llrldgrftMrt.—Al llio lurk Cltr Theatre ".\ R'ath ^"»|i," I'rc 4. did a «.ml hii*lni*a 'Paul Ktufer" dr*sw a rmk! aliad nariiance ft. Wanl and Voboe dM a Htht biialn'M 7. aa did Maria Janrau tt. "The White M*1ial*oft"*foh<jri0. Al'JJirtJHll'M — Iturht:ily"i1ld a falrbu»ln'ai4. 'IN* World Autloat lier' 1 conitt 10. II, Hhe* 1*1, "Iho Mil)! Alarm' l( l^jaiait TllKATRR -^.'aaaneiaa' VftiidavMla tin. TlurLR in- Aiii'M(HR.<>r.-llaltle Hennait, Ainle Con- nor. Ulara < lhaveo, Huilo McKomle am) J. It wed. TEXAS. Illllllta.-A( 1)10 Dp.TA HQUAO "TtlO Devll'l Auriioo" Dec ft. A came v> top heavy Imaaea, and ft good uiftUoaa aitrndanc**. Lllliao Lewlt had largo hotjMi 7. H. ral> i M orr I a oouiea IV, II, "Cliarlt/'a Anul" IS, 14, Ja« J * I'll") at l l.'i. Ci*vtHu*r.T-K«Vr tod Wlllitma, Hal lie Van tho, Ml* He lli-we r,U- !•« AllsD. Joile Hrtgltt, Llllla Klliwoitli. ItoaeHllcball, MraceLoaitr, Kitty 'Jrantaftd l*oray Lloyd Ufttl«-«aton.*>-Aiilio Tremont upfr* Houm "Tbo Udt il « Aocilnn" elated en ooaatfiutnt Kot. 77 lo a loll Jiuuee. till'an Ln»ia iireatntod * Cleopatra" W to ft I tree fttidlenco. Mllu»n bihI Jfnll/ Nohlai pratan ted "Love and jLaW at ihn Thankaai*lov onauote aod "for Revenue duly" at o In lit to falrlv good buaioau, tn epllo nl the looleioonev cat iho weaUier. t*U* Morrlt opened lo Iftir iiunhiat Der. .1 Hue: IV, SU, 'The Hlarll Oroob(" 3f, "Old Hiiulro Mawbtna" Al Ahorw'tod t UaVteot TlneUe: KraBkie WJillronih. r r od Ouytll, NtllleNevlIlt, Oliae llele-, Anulo f.*e. Caarl Lau)0fll aad Mlaa Willi* rrankle. Huaineeeia lair. Auatln.—AiMllleti^Ocrcm llouiuLillian I-5win plated to ft well di ltd lmn*o Nov. 71. "Tha Uftril'a Aac- lion" did wall 80 "AlaiMiua" wae pri>aeo>e>l at two per- formance!, to otrlog l.dHhea* Mei I. Mllion Nobloo fame!. 'Klaher't "A Ojld Day," billed for ft, canceled. Tbe advene* tato of/eaia fur relit Moirii, 0, la vary large ootwlthataodina ihe advance tn prleee. Mobert DowBtojtcouoell. >-<i1<l Hnulre llavklna"la. Mra. Kot- iftraodKyrla Hel>aw». Jul J.Corbatt 31, 'The Blaok Urook"», "rrltoda"». OREGON. PorllaiiMl.—.\i tbo M»r(|atm (Jraod k LeotOi porlorioariea waa teodtrod Manager L'. 1'. Adam a r*i»v. Si A aodleoce wiioaaaad 'The Otlley Hlave," which waa praMfiled lir liral proleletooala. **The County faivconita 10; the Tavary Opera .Oo. will follow. CoBDRAT'e TiitiTiR -The 1'yate Opera t!o. did araib- Ing buiioeu week of M with "The Hagger HtudtnL" I'aoblo wore toiae/i a*ty *everal er#nm*». "A NI flit la Venice" we* put "n S.aod"Amorita,ur WhltaojiUdo In Klnreaca." will follow. ... MORMUR'i'si Now Thratbi: roMiQPB.-ilarrr Browne, John T. Haktr |)»*>t' Hlln'on (Itso. Kl'ne. Loin Temple, Mend Kay wood. Lonl* Lron, Maud lloae. If. B^lbel), Fraokie overtoa, A one Uraf.Mey Hhaedley, LotUo Alooto, Nellie Ulavtoo. Kaoice Wen. Lon ri era log, flat, tie Cart, May Wallace, Una K lloe, Jolio Vetkell aod Mil- ■anile A** ■(?■».-Peer I Athley. Marglt Addle, llettoa Add I a, Loleroeoia aod Vsw*. LocraJL-Tha VieoDft(Joart«i,