New York Clipper (Dec 1894)

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656 THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER. Deoembeb 15. TEE N EW YORK CLI PPER THE RAM QUEEN PUIUtWIM CO. (UmIM), noranoBL am. w. sjchi, majuoib. SATURDAY, DEOEUBEB 16. IBM. BATES. Tnaty easts per Una, mm* type manors; speae of M look gun oast I wl te A dodssCUxors par seal U illml en aduall—iiiaoj whoa paid lor three asoeMhs la edvtaea,ead «a •dmtuaaaMi wmoUi HIIH BUBSOBIFTIOH. Oaa rear, la miwHi els ■oathj.B; »!«»•«} Perots* soataawaxba, Ugweopk*U sawn seat. O0B TXAMS 111 OAIH. THB lbe" ON f UUDAT, Th* Fenu Olodoc Promptly «t 4 PJL noose mil br comnao*r oreer, shook,P.O. or- dirct rsgtotered letter, tad •.DDRBSS ALL OOMMUNIOATIONS For Um Edits rial or the Btulaaaa DspartaBont to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, ,. o. Bei n^JfSSSiSSSSni, la ballad-*" ouirnaaa be obtained wholesale sid ntaSloToar anal*, balls, AleaUea 00, la riaaa>^mourrnliMadaalSnalaia'«atn 4«oet, IT Aran* do rOpara, Parts. IB OLOTEB U Issaed nary »•*<*»■" ukjltii aad lath (advertlalei) papa 0010 r KrTDAT, asd me Itta, ItoTaal otter pag «• Tim new vook oupfib ni- llahes owly- aaa adltloB, aad «ba* U date* rroaa Haw Yoa-k.^B D K, Mowc-No. A. B. •.. aim QUERIES ANS WERED. NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O R TELEGRAPH. ij>gj»MO>wMiaui»>qTiBot orrm>. sal nqtraar or noa nwu win to thou www tm m tm, i* oiBiovTHlOXjmftl^ornot. AULtatrrmBavux u .urnrm on tm o*xt. Ir rmn warn or in ruiiBiou.oo-rriafT a town, umnmur o* —- IMS. WlOUWfl " I. THEATRICAL* H. P. a, Danbuir.-Som* ol tbe plays you meotloo ere ■otprotaotad by copyright anil* oihir* la your list are thuieeeond. A* yoor second query, hon-evar. suggest* a disposition to evade the liwn prefer oot tolarotsb von tvlthany Information, oordo ■elhlok It within our proving lo give you InrtnKUon* IntJrxmUJo bualn***, IrowlRiMrtaMolwblcb should afford sufflelsnl raesoo or miralolocyoo from *ni*rtng IL O. J. W.. Ohloafo.—1. Wtknoworno oot doing Lbe act. a. Prom flit? to ill If dollara Mr week (or lb* uml *. Junes J. Armstrong, 10 Union Bauer*, New York. 1 Tbe company bu been f»r *obii Um* ond*r lb* name you mention. _ ... . ... luotjoiiiir. OlnoioaaU.-Tbe Illusion woald v*ry likely piov* attractive, bul we cannot UU you «bat Srlo* too aboold p»t lor it. Yoo might obUln fllt| olUr* par ink for IL A ilmlbu Mt w*« doon raoMllj In thu oJtj- , O. r. W„ rbllidilpbla.—Tonr prerutu* oomnanleUlOD iu umnd In tbla oolomo. Addr«M lb* pwUM In r B. D., Albur.—Addrtw Uit Uwr*Dc» NoTolir fcnd iuppl} Oo^ S and 80 CooU* Stmt, Maw York OHt. rfiDHaTT, HtwIokUj.-1. Wo cannot furnUb jou with lh« iddroatai you dwlra, lor w* in •tott w« (IUcoudu- oum pl» pirn*/, t. Tba addrata ol T. II. Praoob, pnbllabar. la t0 WoatTwantr-tblrd Hinat, Haw York, AHaVTiun, Wllmtorton.—durt In amnMom. OowioT, Ortaiaoo —I. Addrwa Sbaanoo, Millar - (Jru«, 70 Brondvar, Naw York. 1 Uaa mutton fratM an i rub ll vail Id, _ , , a V. D., KMt LlfarpooL—Wa know ol oo aneb acLooL You an too old to baooma a oontortlooUL P. * P., 01*valand.-AdvarUaa In Tki Ourrin. imua it bnad of tbla oolnmn. WimiiT.abionio-WnltarL. Muo'i Olreun. s _ I*. B. P.,Boato0 —Tbapnrtv lanodar oonmot to B. P. Kotib. Addnanblm labia ouo, or to oaraof TilOU** J., OoboM.—Tan dotlnn par waab. . -About iwanly dollar* par waak for attnarnei U.AB.—U* oarar oroaaad Ui* "pood. , M. W., Dank Irk—The r>»rtr la on lb* rood and la OUlDf hiadnua, ao Ur una know. . _ Mu.O. W. a Jnv-Addraaa tba paxtr In onra of Tm Uurrin. . . 0. B. B, Pbllndftlpbla. — Yonr flrat commoo lent loo nr- rlvad too lain to ba noiwarad la oor but Uaoa, and «a noTarfurnlab uawara bjrmuL Wo do not know tha nmmoof Iba aunaiar opoowblehibo pnrtjraaJlad. wa bMabanrdornodlataiar.aud tblok tbaro la do oauae for aUrm. P. O. P, Uttaft.—Bao anawar to U B. P- In Utla laaua. J.L.LoaUTlLla-NoUooor LhadaaOiol tbo partj ap- pMj«d In oor laaua baailoi data Nor. U Iul 0. U. B,, Atliana.-Wnu Olob k Plugarald, 18 Ann HUML Naw York, for tbo raolialloBi, and Vraak Hard- lot, 0 Bowarr, tnta elty, for iba aonga. floajoua.Tror.-Taa opaf»lua, "Tha Bpaolra KBlgbt" and "f%ariir Baa lot at llona," war* baard at tba B l HSSo. op * T *"— 0. 0.0.Bt LoQla.—Addraas Prank llardloi,tn)Bow- arr, Naw York City. _ J.J. D., Port D. A. Raaaoll.-Wa ttlok iba uml la Qao. W. Wooda- Addr««a hilar id onr oara. A. P. O., London.—Wa oannot tall jou whloh papara uanpraaintadbroorratpondanta. ipplleatlon t>f ' ' tor would dawdn thkL _ T. fl, Warabooaa l*olnt—1. Tha Barnum A Ballar Bbov aihtbltad atOrand Rnplda, Mlob^ Aua. 19 of Una ptar t.Wa do not know bow loop; tba party raooaload ■lib tba abow. U. II., Obtojkgo.—Wa ba« oo knowladiaol tbawbara- ntwnta or tbo partj. Addraaa laltar lo oara of Tub Our ran. Duva, Wllkaabarro.—Tou oan probablj aoonra a pat- aniforroBr act, which will alvajou a aiaodloajioaoab Erotoouoa tbrouib ibaooaru, to oaaaaof toltioiaciant. onault an atloroar wbo nakaa a apaolallj ol aaouriog valant rlthia. B. S <f. BL Lool».-Adrartlaa loTuBOurrna. ralaa at tba haad ol thla oolaom. U Y. Wa know of but two pUoai ol amuaamant in Lbatowo.LbaOparalloaaa and Vaablofton Mualo Hall. Wabavano knowtadiaonMrnlngattiaoUonabookad at •llhar booaa. U P., Waal Jooatport —Wa do not know ol any plar batrlDi tba UUa >ou dj«oiIoo Tba nlay, "MkTunman, 1 ' waa wrlttan by Oao II. Jaaaop and lloraoa Townaind. OaLauiTT.—You oan oartaiolf aua lour lata manan*r, buiwbatbar or not ion oan obtain judfnaot dapaoda ttartly upon tba word log ol yoor ouotnoi and partly upon tha alalm lor Inoompaiaooj tba toaaagar will haw nponpourllap. Bbonidiott obtain ladgmant you may ba nnabta to aud anjtnlng or Talualnbiibandawlin vkloh to intuQ IL BAHKBAIaL. objokht, btd 1. P. J., OinolnnaU.—Tba aruallaat total or aara li' mada by profavalonal taami in anlna inning auua. waa InihaoonlMt bat ■•an tnoToladoaodOiaoionatioiuba, OeU ft, UBS, wbao tba latur taam got tba only bit. Movingoy aad Oaahuan wara tha pltebara of tba < taodlni oJuba. W. ft. r, Pblladalpbla.—Tba lata AIaiand*r Maapbar aan mada 1» run*, not out, lor tba flluburf Clubagalaat tba ataiaa laUsd Ulub May SI, mt- 0. M , aalraatoB.—Tha run la boi oountad. UAHD8. II. P., Itanl ktathla*.—Tba daalar haTtat taboo up tha foul band, ataadi oot ol tba gama for that band, tba O. B. L.. Dtion.-If tba gama waabalog play ad on a atrlatly cbaehbaaU,Bwaan«t aoUtlad to tbat» goW piaea; otharwlaa ba waa. ton you tuianast of tba eaaa L O. Li FUtJtrirrg^Tba facna ton maatlw ii not aaabra\ and tbara ara tw ralaa In nlataaaa tor IL ■nitlaa wbo play aoab gamaa maatmaka thalr on ralaa tojoram lb* aatna. . . P. B. D , Jaraoy Olty^B. baa a ran of Bra lor tba but ward in 7, B, 4, • and a. J. P. B.,Tanntoo—ErarypkyaThaa a ntbttoabufla tba aarda, bot tha daalar la anUtlad to tba laat ahnSM. » M. L. If, BaJUnora.-At aootioB pi lab, wbaa a playar falla to maka or aara tba oaoaaaajT nambar of porau (Lfaraa In thla Inatanoa) ba moat ba aat baok tha aumbar or polnu ba bid. BILLXARDI, POOL, BTC, 0. 0. L.~llarray Holaaaa waa aradltad. dorlag bU Ufa, with aoma anonoonalr high rana at blUlardn, but aa thar wara mada In aahlMUon fanaa, wa bara no raoord rib am. A4VATIO. H. M. II., BalUmorc—Wa ara wtthoat tha n ioaiaa r y data by wbleb to anawar yoor qoaaUou aaaotly. Tba boat boarhr araraga by anooaaa ataamar for twanty-loar thaL«eanla,or tnaOnanrd Una. and for a Toyaga Mtwaao Haw York and Qaaauatowa 21 at knot* tha toipado boat Daring, la a trial tbla yaar, la Eagllah watara. mada a mlla agaJut tha Uda in q. gV, which la at tba rata of ta alatata mllaa par boar. Por additional Information aaa pagaa BO and ai 0 rT» Ottrran aubqal for IBM. BIWO. J. B. Omahiw-Chajlaa MltcbaU and Jamaa J.CorbaU ara tha oaly man wbo bara kooakad John L. BvilWan down la tba tiog aiooa ba bacama gaaaraUy known. Don't know what may bava bappanadl to blm in aiblbl* tloa aattaa praTioua to that Uma. . . v 0. w. It. m loBaapoUa —Wa do not know thai ba bo Ida nbaltamblamailo ol iba laatharwaigbt ehamplooablp. bat, II ba dona, wa know thai ha la aatanilUad to bold U oodar tha rnlaa governing ehamplonablpa. for ba aarar yat taogbt aa low u tha laatharwaigbt limit, ^ p. p. u., Balam^Tba laU Joa Ooburn alood tft In bla atoeklog faat, aoootdlna to bta ownatatamanL Joa Wormald'abalgbi waaftft. IIKin. # OoKtTAirr BaibiB. Pbiladalpbla —Tba loUrfaranoa by tha pollca, atopplDglha flgbt, raadara tha bat told. ATIILRTIO. 0. B. P^ Akroo.-Aa A fallad to maka aura polnta than B^O loaaa hla bat,orooaraa. .... W. B.-0 waa aot glflog odda at all, tba moaay ha paid to Uka iba bat off A'a hnnda barlag aolblngtodo with tha wagar. a. B H, BaaiUa.—Tba artJola rafarrad lo baa baaa mla- UM. Ilyoo will lonrard a dopllanu wa will aadaavor to and room lor il _ W. J. OalTtftoa —Wa do not know any aprlaUr baarlng that nama. If yoa maan William Unmmlnga, tha Beotah mlla and dlatanoa waa UTlagla Oraat Briula whan wabwt baard or bin. Wa don't think that tba party yon rafar to la him. TURF. J. M„ Mampbla—Ho padaatnaa can baal n rannlag bona poaaaaalng any alalm to ordinary apaad om a dlatanoa of Bra mllaa or laaa. A Buoaa. Haw Tork.-l. U you will tlata tha i that waa balog play«d, and wbathar tha carda wara laian Ib band baiora Iba faUa baadwaadlaoovarad. wa wi 1 — ever tha qaaatlon I. Baa our ad var tiling oolomoa lKroaauTioa. Haw York.—It tha playar who opanad tha Jaok pot waa oil 1*0 by another playar who a lay ad lo, ba mutt abow hla wbola haad; otharwlaa, ha waa ra> iiulrwd toahow opanara only. J. 0., Haw York.—At doubla plooola tha ht-Mar of (bar blnga and fonr quaaaa oan maid ttu polau. L A. 0, RJdg%fleld —At tha four bandad gama ol pio oala a playar la aailllad to maM ao loag aa ha ha* not board ad B tioard. Vim mi a, Poruraoulb,—Taa; la tba gama of aavaa a: tba jaok oonota for lha daalar at onca ararr tlma It 1_ tarnad ap, unlaaaamtadaal abonld ooonr banra tha jaok la tain ad. Banmohd. Waalharlord —B oaonot aeoapttha card that waa aoatdaaially aipoaad lo tha draw, but ba moat ba glran tha nan oard irom lha dack baau, and baiora any uayar to bla Ian Ii halpad. Tba aaxd that waa tarnad up lanlaoad on tha bottom of tba daok. ft. T. 0^ Hlddlatown.-In tha gama of draw pokar _ aard aipoaad by lha daalar id tha draw oaaaot ba ao Ofptad by tba pfnyar to whom U waa alTaa, bnt moat ba plaood on tha bottom or tha daok. and tha nait card bom tha top of tha daok muit ba gl«an to aatd playar btfora any othar playar to hla laft la halpad. Tba daalar , PimnkUo.—If lha gama waa oily two polnta, A, -_ utad ibraa polnta lo win. oould noi go oat or blgh and low; but B, who bid twaWa aad mada than Ii play, waa tha wlnuar. ha balog 4J. Parhapa yoo mla ata'ad tha qnaatloB. U. B. E^Ulavaund.—Yoo eannot eoaol la, It or trio band or arlb at orlbbaga by any poaalola oomblnailon ol thaoarda P. B.. Toronto-It U pUIn that It waa tha Intanlto maka tut particular baod an acta or battar Jack poi: ooaaaqaaaUy tha playar who opanad tha pot on a pair of laokaaldao wlualajaaband.aod mint aland out ol tha ivaa. tba pot going to thai oaa ol tba ptajara who atajao la and hall tha bant band. naiad and/aa. BU80BLLANE0TJB. J. B- Hn Walling lord -Tba gama having bat oa a aoonar buli, and bo dlnarant agraamaat having baan nbaoqaaatty mada. It moitba bald to bara ao con Unnad;eonaaquantly tba pool obaoi did not oouDt,and tbara balogbni ara plaoaa of mooay In yoar hand, yoor opponanl won whan no guaavad "odd." IV H. 0.. Wallloiford.-Baa anawar to U J. B. H." A oo estxwt aaa oam, Woroaaur.-By ma eaaani of 1874 Pakln. Oblna, waa erodltad with a popolaUoB of 1648,811, wbleb, yon may raadlly dlaooTar, u many lima* graatar than thai of Boatoo. A. J, P., Laa Ornaaa.—Dnlaa* tha daolaloo of tha Ooooty OommlHloacra, wboaa doty It waa to count tha to to*, abonld ba rararaad by tha eourta, it daoldaa tha qnaaUonlndlaputa la farorof tha party wbo bat upon oandidaia B. 0-A Y. A Co , Oaltatton.—Among tha makaraofblll ooalar'a broibti lo Phlladalphia ara Bldar Jaoka A Baborg. lm Horlb PlflhBtraat; 0. BrlntaloghotTar. 1.105 hTarkaVBtraat and Oaorga W. Man A Bona, BJB Marfcat BtraaL _ _ — — & BUtfT( pward. CoRariirr Rbadib. Fataraoo.—Wrlu to E. t ara of f?u Htmllng Hft, Pbiladalpbla, Pa. J. R, Undaoo.—Tba eard wooM ooat from |8 ol J. D., Rlcbmood.—Tba addraaa la Oaaga, Iowa. OHEOKERB. To CorrHpomdamta* W. 0. latino -Write to Ohaa Baftar, eara of Chicago Ohaca i..d Chaohar Olub. Uacan giva yon all tha In* formation about tha party yoo daalra. Tou oartalnly ought to bara raoalf ad a raply to at laaat ona of yoor JaooIPLbtobrb— PotiUonraoaltadwltbUianka. Olid lo oooBt yon with na. 0. A Buhdibt— Uara wlttaa yoa. Paor. PUMT.-Yonra raoaiTadO t , ^ W. Liwia.-6Up at hud O K. Am glad that tbay will maat ao boob. Flawa ol tha Ga The iVoWdeact Jvumol aaya that tba backer* of 0. P. Baikar bara written bun to aooapt Jamaa P fieed'a obal- laaga to a match for lha champioaahlp of tba world and |t» a alda. Aa iba ebamploo can aama tba battla ground, Mr. Barker aaya Providence, R. I. Thirty gamia will moat likely ba the number to ba played, and tha oootaat will lake plana January or Pebrnary oait Mr. Barber dlaplaya eioellaat ladgmant in aooapllDg tba dad, and obooalog an early dale Tbla will bo fir. ftaad'a ■reaUtl effort, aad be olalma to ba la tha fioaat Irim. onr brethren will kindly withhold advene orltlolau until altar the match, aad yoa may be aura of eeeiDg checker* ol lha blgbe't order Bro. Olouaer, ol The irorU, haa baaa giving almulianaoua eihlbltlona at tha Jaraay'Olty T. M. a A. rooma. Ua bis inloreatod quite aaumbarlauegama.and Ilia lore to enliven thlnia lo Jeraof Oily To the met«b for tha Rhode Island enun< Bloaaoip, between John Calraa, of Uarrlavllla, bel, ol Provldenca, lha aoora to data la: Oairaa, I, UbeLI: drawn,*; wlwfoor gameajettoplayv :; *- 1 ^ BartlelL a prominent London player, baa ohallepgad Alfred Jordan forth* ehamplooablp or that city L M. Etaarna. or Dairy Dapot, n. U., la now bo ay with Vol. 1 or bla Book of Portraila. and would be pleased to have all obeoher players aand blm their pbolograpba, Barrle, of Palklrk. a atroog Bootoli player, will be a taalaollathe national tourney Tbo would ba asplr ant for Lbe oolorad ebeoker cbamplooiblp ol the world baa act yet derided to aooapt J. P. Reed'a eballeota u> Klay a match of ten games lor ttt a aide, Mr. Road allow- ag him tha drawe. Bat ha aa>i In bli column in Ttu POUtnuv l\ft that when oooveolaat to bimaeiriSherrow he will give Read aobnaoe lodamonatrata bla (Read's graalaeaa. Hull ble ftlenda think be u the atrooaaa oolorad ohaeber player in the world Willie O. HlU, ol Manchester, t*. If., baa resigned the Maw llampablra ahampionablp. Qa aaya that owing to aindlee that ha moat lake up tblsWInUr, will ba too limited. We ______ not play much, as ba la a Boa player. BiUlwe do not dlapair. aa be oan ba relied upon to alwaya play tba game. It la a lingular fact that wben oaa haa lasted tha victory ol a hard roogbt game It leaves a tracing on memory's tablet that oan never ba effaced And wben those atodlaa Mr. UiU apaahs of ara mistered be win ague turn and aeek renewed pleasure In the grand old game ol checkers. Than will hla brother players wel- oome blm with all lbe klndneaa they posses* It baa often baeo remarked that players wbo era atroog can hardly ba loduoad to play with leaner*. Tbla ib many ease* la, alas, too true. There ara notable aieepilcna to thla role. Dr. Bchaefar waa alwaya willing to play any one, sowaaMelvla Brown, also the UU R.D. Yalas. Wa raoiambar aoma eighteen year* ago ir wa oonld play with Yates, Brown, Keller, or Coakly, bow happy wa wara, and we shall alwaya remember the kindly treat- ment wa received in those days (torn Kelvin Brown. Prom the Una he would eonie Into baadquartara naUl ba went borne he was continually play log with aoma ona and ba would pi if the weakest player with the earn vim that he would tackle Yatat The Inter-City League)* .... York, Brooklyn, Newark, Pateraon and Jeree 1 Oily have formed a league lor Inter-oliy team mala i play. Details or the method ol eqnaliilog the strength of ibsdlffereat learns will ba given later. OnThaaV giving V ' c to play c Btra- " lr»J . . fhs IyvAvm; .... Mgbl the player* from oluea mentioned mat play checker* at Begeu'a Olob Rooma, No. IS Hudson Btrast, Hew York- There were Prof. PUoi* of Yfce Brook- Jttol<; M. P. Olooeer, of Me War,A: A M. Bnslgo. ol iVvawM; A. J. Da Preeat. of Tan Ourrin: Dr. Bohaafar, ax-ahamplon or Hew York Stele; B. K.Obat man, former champion of Maine; J is- MoBotee, Ma v In Brown, a A. Blandlo, secretary of the Newark Olub ' bom af ohaakera); John Jtmpaon, B, P. Oatrandar, iBp- lal- lub Ia deUnulned bustler mrtha goad af ohaakera); John loSotne, Wa Oolgan, & J. Bfmpac Mr. Bonggay, Mr. tlonon, a H Y*ob . P. P. Ouuk, P. Muldooo.Vohn Doharty, J. Johntnr, Meeara. Piltgarald and Billa, of Brooklyn; B. Maawa », Oao Btawirt aad A. Waller, ol Hew York. Dr. Bchaefar gave a aimoltaaeoua eiblbltloo, alter which refresh meals were partaken ot: lhao the proposition to form a league was broached, tt took loatantly Mr. Olouaer, champion ot Jersey Oily, kindly consented to aot aa chairman, and R. P. Oeirnndor did the honor* as aaore> tary. A vote to electa preaidint for one yaax was taken, and A. J. Da Praesi, receiving a ma|onty, waa deolarad alaotad. 0. a. Blind in, ol Newark, waa Bleated aeara- tary, and each club 1* to elect a representative wbleb will aonatliute one ot a governing oommlllae. Tha whole oommtttee ao sleeted, together with the praaldaat and aaorataty. will draught rule* and schedules lor taam match play. A trophy, emblematic ol taam matah championship, will be played for. Now that tba league la started, II la the earnest desire of the offloora that all tha players five thair hearty ajp- Cirtiomeheltasueaeea. ir we all wort narmooioaalr geiber we will give oheekers the greatest boom that " baa ever bad la tbta part of the oooauy. BolatloB of PoalUoB Flo. dOJVol, *flj. ■v oa. ecfliargit, naw voaa. BHD OAM B. Black 1 9 10 11 II 18 White 0 B 88 N O ll PaatUoa Be. 41. Val. *»• ubiua in i BUck ta pUr aad dm. SIB, 41, Vol. «H. OBoaa riaial la Naw York nauUr balwatn Butt FlUabarr II II s u S 11 T S II II U II • Ka) n u i u IB ll 11 B 91 17 7 11 a a Mesata*. Hi. HoBata, pl»l«l blank. 9 U a a • 9 a u « n K> tt • 19 II I • It II ■» ii a a • I i< a a n ll a u i i a ii it ii 3H 11 u o a 11 7 Drawo. (a) o r H*»l, la "Th. Miw Ba|Uad Obaoku rlaju,' g.T. lb. roUaalai tor a dnv: l J I I to a I u a 19 u • ii n i < u i« it ii li u I 10 u a u 11 u 11 11 I la i» 7 • o a 10 II » a a ao a io II a n il S 11 I 11 b a 10 li II 17 a a II IB 11 la a li I 7 a ii It 19 a it 19 17 ii a 11 10 • u a n ib a n « n a Dimva. 1 9 7 11 I 9 II 11 I 11 B I 17 U b a u • 1 10 11 7 10 11 7 11 IS 11 11 IB » H a rl ■a a OHB88. To OoiTwapoBdanta, Bio Pawn, Peru.-Can yoa give oa tha desired In formation about M da BalntOatana aad bla work; and publish In IA arauvk tha two mlddU"qoatJalo* ,, not on tba Ulie page ol * A B. 0. daa Bobaaar 1 Joai Oaiditbb— Yh* few blank* wer* tora reminder of the "palmy diysof cdbem^-dlsa^ama. Wahavaoona Ban RiiOBBatM.-W* don't believe tha little ancloa ores will maka yoa, or lha other friend a In Pbiladalpbla, Lad ona bit Bio. Pollock —Will you kindly give ns ebrief account 01 Bro. Bahaoa'a prase ot condition; and ll wa may, {robebly, ven lore to write a note to bimt ir so, what la HaddraasT Bio OALaaBATa.-Thiei yoo for generooa axpraa- Wum PuLiT*«n—Olad to hear snob fUttering pn>s- pooia for yoor naw problem boob, and thank yoo for proailee and lha ollauoas, both or which will ba used. "II«ar Yr, Hear Yat 1 * All problamatlstB designing to enter Taa Ourria'a Touhmbt lor Its No. lOOO ara her*by noUB-d thai wa have flied noon Pet 9, *8o (Chess Ho-1.890), as the data ol closing entrlee-1 t.: all comoaUtlona, at Uu lottat, matt be mailed to ua by thil time, is none will be re- ceived that are oot aialled on or be Fore Feb 9. UKkV Oor method of treating them will be thla: All th* problem* will be copied by our own band, and each de- partment be s*nt to a different fudge wbo 1* oot a com- petitor In that derailment, with carte UancJu to obtain any aid ha may desire Than the urea problems award- ed first prise, raspe.tively, will ba seat to a final nmplre lo decide which shall bave tha bononble dlsUnctlon ol being oor actual No 3.0CO. April to, IBSt. Tha problsma will remain intog one mooth aitar pub- lication for the c tit tea to abow op demolition* If they can prove aoy. Then(Aprllll > 88)MLron will aay.aa ba does whsn be manias 'sm, "If any ol yon hoowa any reason why this abooldo't become a Ox to re, apeak now, or forever afterwarda remain ellenL" Tbara, w* believe that la aipllclt; bot If any brother lAhis to iik farther pirlloulirs. my oo. Should any of onr brethren or the chess quill have tha apace and In- dication to makeaooteof the above uaouoemenuwe anoold ba very thank lol to them to do ao. I A novelty. E B to K aq U battar. I U^B X>VQ X E B?U..EttoQB8*mat>j*t*orn i way of prWora. Wniu *aolfloaa a P (or aa at- ft [Herr A.*a oot* bara will oot wort] t faaahonJdbav*pUyadlf..PtoQBA hYarv fins: prnsn tin r tha advance of K B P; tor if ■ B M •» *»i B«..a.a, A aaj aa «, saaH — —— (0 Herr Albln my a: ^Thva mora leada lo » ^raw. Tea. praoUeaali; bot tba alndloni laadex would like to "fcoow tha reason why." Bo we present the poellian as a atody after this move. Admittedly dlmmlt, but a good ona: WnrTB(HsrTAlbla). finlgma. Wo. l.W*a. Prom DctUtcAc SchadugittmQ OonlnbaladbyJ B. Ruwidb.Bio^ '-One of the most dlmoult three-era lo eilatanoa.*' ITDI I V OOTTdCBALL. ID. D B. & m* 1 *a & t S S !,IQR,KH«, QB, KRB. QRi, QB3, 3, E Etl. wUli t 1 t uit hi, qa. Kma,«iti si. b. ii Wblta to pla; and bit. mat,la ihrft. morta Problem No. l.UBI. WIIITK. Whlta to plaj and ■!.« mat, la loar nora, Gama Ma, l,e«a. Th, loumliDi third nai for th, Udlu' ehamploB- •hlp.-PwMIc LMorr. Whlla, Bluk. Mn. WomlLBraShowalut. PU>Bi SKl-BS rxr KtX II MiSS KIt-BS run., it-qnii K a-Rt + R Kt-B < IB-bl.S 8rxr Bx r KRXQ + I It-I B BCOTOB OAMBIT. Whlu. BUck. Kra Woitall.Bn.ei»nlt,i. IBtoBI ~ 11 X II II..BX P+ll) - IR-Iao .11-11 ■ Q Kt-R 3 .OK-Iio, •M M + r-QHS 9..IWI001, ll.t-lll Wblta rwl|tD«. BtobliMO IBXB I XIB K B-RS SB-IB R-lM| 7411 K-tllq 8B-B1 RXB ill? aw R-4 9. aad BLACK (Mr. gbowalur). Hot. mtd^-Bt..Pto q B i. I.thalbani Wo dlamt Quatrain, oa Chea,.; it a. oi unrr oauia. Booisodr watto r*e CKru JVouAlf. Tot in. p. 99, tb. ColIowlBBTonaA/'oilriolad framaaold book " It voald rt had bo toM ii mot, ibool that old book. Itt dito, aathor, a to Tt, ant ud hut atralaBro. Pntl |1tm u a motto od Ibo Utlopai.ol _~B.O" B,i1ruUioaalboruailat.Oiaui Bat aa atpaolil laurat u Imputad to It br Bro Bu- lla la TV Jfd&Mnu loaAtr. Wo fir, lha llttkt poom to brlot l..ftoKi I..I KI-B3 B..r^t I. KItXP T.f-QBS a..r-t mi Vr-iKitr n..r-KBt II. .I4ai(c) ll..P-iRS ij..r-iKB) ii..BrxP aoraa. Baa iiHtm, ookdiitsbd. (a) Black', doTHM lo aot parfosllr aatUlaotory; Q to B I waf pra(.rablo (I) Too oooHrratiTa, alTlaa Black aabaaea to dtrolop I. .K B to B 4 aMmaproforabl,. Tbo antmora lo ton, II pro motor*: at laarl It to it and Outloo wllb q B, tboold proooo. Ibo adraoo* of a Et F. (ll BtcollMitl lutoporlortoEttoKoq. (cl lrll..QBtoBllteaamo«OBklprooaad: II. . IBXB+I |IB..ItoBl IU>| n..IxIBO> 9-RI+ lud Blaok alaa (ll IIII..u x S, It to B Iwuu oltawth, E P, or I EtP. id) Probablr but; ah. oaoootdtfOajl K P. («) Blaok dloplafa oicolloot poutloa Jadnotat; tbli a.U tlmod mot. foroM tbo •■obaaao ol Wblto'o Q B, wbieh vai io Talaabl, lor th. d.fMo». (7) PnolpltatM dclau. Toon atom, bo oao** for th. uorlfloa of a pltoa, aad Wblla doat aot oraa |tia aaj (/) BUok'a pUr I, ilmplr admlrablo. Whlta. Ib out, boo oo oboaoo to offir aar raaUtaoe*. Th. p r o m t mor. thraaua, to via lh« Et, or bIto nato Ib Oto moral. Tha ftlnlb. Oaaaa or tbo Alblo4)bowalur matoh.—rae Am QIUOCO PIAKO. A Albla. J.W Bbowallar L.PtoIi PloEi A. Albla. J.W. Bhowaltor. B..gRtoItaqBtohl.l S..iR-ai R-bi>a ..QII-BS KR-Roq r»..l-gimi) q Rx R + B..QIIXR ER-Ra ii.RxitMPqi-Ii I Rx It Mil QB-Ei _.!<-! I av.r-i Bl THB ABBHIOA COP. Lord D*m*mw6B*a ChalloBH* aud mm £i- pUnntA9rp Lolier. T\M ohBUcmft) lBBtied by Loid Dtinraven through ttw Boral TMbt SqaAdnn wbb noetTetl par cabn by BeoTvrtvr Oddle, or Ue New Torfc Taoht Olub, oa D»». 6, and tbe alaanier whlob arrived on Saior- daj, 8, brooflit alfDfftbr axpUnatorr leUer Irom toe cbAUeiifnr, both of wbiob docnmuiu are glvna below: THB 01UIXEHOB. Cowk*. Dm. 8. UM-Oddle, New Tork Yacht Olab . i an rMnaauc on a ehaUange for aonorduig to Bngllah notion* of so«h oat tha raymaa: <)oMooe on coup aa vain Perd on grand avantaga: Jouanr habile at *ag* H* (sis rlea aua daaaalo. Qualqaa ooop qnl ae baaa, Tola la suite area coin: Blbaoa vole delola I^Umpsdavolxiepisaa. Eo Ilea pnpraaderendro Plioss (Tioord ton Bol: Et soar toot garde tol Da txop d'ardear da prendre. Distrait* na anient ta* yeas, Ni tmmiln trop lsgore; Un bon eoup s offre a taira: Tol* s'll n'est rlea de mlenx. Bona members of tba Melbourne O. 0. competed In InnsUtlog lha above. Their work was submitted to Professor Tucker, or Melbourne University, wbo award, ed tba palm to J. Olesy for the following neat and free version. (Tba original wa* turned rrom qoatraloa to eonpleta, which, probably, account* for tha form of Mr. Olesy'a translation.] Who play* a bootleM mora at obasa, Lets slip oeeaslun of sncoses. Th* Bkllliol maatar ot lha cares N'er play* without tar reaching aim. Weigh well before yoo maka yoor move, What tba full cooaaqnanoa will prove. Omitted one* the doe lore east, That iMt occasion la yoor laat Baa flrat that yoa Intrench yonr Elng, Safe from aaaaolt on either wing. Of Itching flogar* ba*~a a ear*, Th* capture eft reveal* a snare. Buocese and victory demand The heedful eye, tha caution* hand. If a good move yoa bava In mind. Be aura ao baiter yon can find Tag Mblbopbhb OHAJiPtomnir.—A* baa for aoma time bean loreabadowed, P. E. Baling won tha local tourney from eighteen competitors without mingle lost or even a drawn giniel Thl*.cooaidaring tha fame and known power oi alx or eight ol bla antagonlat*, I* n very bmllaat and honorable perform in oe. Those wbo won mora than they lostware-klr. Baling, a clean acorn of lfl: Messrs. HodK'on and Hivlland (•)« aqw. II to4; Mr. iLooghran, ISK-tK; Mr. Wilson, 1W: Messrs. Tnl lldgaaodBaynasa aqua. and kfr AroelL lt-8. Tbo** on tha mlnoa alda ol the agnation, beaded by Mr. WaJlaeewlthfltoia were Moesr*. Orawa, LandallaHaU, Lilly, Payne. Hose, Oiesy, Collin. Bemmy and McAdanL— (•) Mesara Kfodnoo and HavUand plajad off thalr tie, tba former winning. A Few Fragment** Owing lo ana'taek ol Illness Mm Bbowallar ba* not played in her match with Mrs. Worrell slnoa oor last re- port During the past weak two nma* bava been played In the Albln- Hoowalter match, Mr. a win- ning one aad tha other being drawn. Tba aoore now aland*: Alvin. 4; Bhowaiter. 8: drawn, 4 We see Major Haabam reported leading in lha Man- batten handicap, with three or four so eloa* after blm that no one oan predict the exeat outoom* till the last gam* I* won and lost Another weak will settle It According to all accounts, tbe Y M 0 A O O .of Brooklyn, contains tha fiabf Ingest lot of yonnv fellow* now out at Urea on tbe field. Whan thev era Juat play lag all around and rigbtovtrailpiasumiblyequsj ~ their oo them, ss it were Beware ye, 0, my cbtMiaa, ot that er "-*- " bead Tbejollk r . good lime* was enjojed at tha Print I In 0.0. JL Pblbd*I- phia, oo tha occasion of It* last "knock oot" tourney, ObaUaiig* seated bare Sunday night. I am raqnaeted by tha Earl of Dun raven to forward yon a ehaUange for the America** Cop on the termo and eondlitoniof the cnalleog* lent by ma on hi* behalf on the Bth of No- vember, 11S1, toot subject to any ntodlnoaUona a* to data*, courses, start*, aad other details wbleb n ay bj agreed to between Lord Dnnravenand th* eommlUa* appoloted by lha Hew Tork Yacht Olob to oondoet neio- tintloos and irrnnge all detsJla. a L tberalora, oo bebalf of tha Royal YaohtBcjoadroD and In the name of lbs Barl of Donravan. a member of tbe eqoadroo, challenge to sail a serif a ot tnatchaawith tbe yacht Tally tie against any on* yacht or vessel con- lira clad lo tha United State* ot America for tha Amer* lea's Cup. The following are u* particular* of theehsj. langlngvsaseLvls.: Owner, the Earl of Dunravsn; name of yaohL Velar* rie; length on load water Hoe, 69 fe*L Tbe thutom Booaa masanramantwlll follow as soon a* tbe vassal can be measured for reglairatloo. I ebonM be aneb obliged ll yon will cable me the receipt of thla challenge aad let mehareeraply by letters* icon as the matter haa baaa laid before the oommltua, Obabt. tower. ^ LORD DUHBAVBNU LBTTBH Adas* Maioa, Adara, Connty Limerick, Dec, 1, IBM. 8tr: 1 have the honor to aeknowltdM th* receipt ot your letter olU»elcm loir, advUlng m* or tha appoint- ment oi your commlltee and replying to my leturol Oct. 89 to Mr. Oddie on the subject or th* cJuluog* for the America's Oop. In ragsxd to your remark* concern. lag the provlao Ikwusgrapb 3 ol tbe challenge Issued on my behalf In UB2. without eipresslng any opinion, I most point out that the club laaolng tba cbilleog* can alone have power to deal with each a metier, and that If lib*referred to the Royal Teefat Bquidron it La quite iDpomlbl* that their daclaloo, whatever It may be, could be obtained la time to insure a match next year. It never occurred to ma that any difficulty would arua In tbaeoMptue»ofatmallengeidantleaJwl^lh IfiOT. If yoor oommiUao ara oruble to accept aaeh a chal- langv. It la qslu certain that no challenge eaa b* mat; buCtnthebopethulmiy not be thoadlabaiTed, I pro- ceed to consider the other point* mentioned la yoor latter. I am glad to find, a* 1 eipeeted, that on the qutrUon of trmsurement* ud weight* w* ara In complete accord. Th* supplementary coadluona set out on page SO of the report oi the America Cop Committee to th* Hew Tork Yacht Olub ara not, I think, quit* aa lis fie lory, but the points Involved ere merelydstaJl* which can easily ba settled by farther correspondence or attar my arrival. Starting lbe windward and leeward races to windward I consider meat Important. Thai they abonld be ao alined ba*alwaya bean admitted. It 1* very advisable la order that th* object ot the provleloo, that lbe majority ol tha race* Bailed must be lo windward and leeward, akonld not be frustrated by change of wind. I would point out that tha first supplementary condition on page 90 of th* report give* tba Regatta Committee power to shift the starting point, and that under thla power a a tart eoold, in aim oat all cases, be mads to windward; though, per- haps, with some considerable inconvenience IthLak, *<io, tbet some attempt should ba made to ensure that a majority ol the race* should be to windward and laaward, ana suggest the Insertion of soma provlalon. to the effect that If ona of tb**e races Isatarteddovn wind, and either vessel fatcbee back without a tack, that race absll be void. Thess questions cannot ba decided off bud, and Croitded the prlnolple la recognised Ism quite content ) leave deisii; for future consideration I would, there- lore, accept your •oggestloB. omitting (he worda "Bendy Book or Scotland Lightship." It would then read. "That all race* abonld be eun*d ta windward, If possible." I notelhecoDfirmatlon ofyonrcabt* message to thr ' that the load water line fi reqolred, and to that I agree. . .. IJ ^ 4v0 it wras on ma uviu. watm ubt en jubi piay- round and rightovtraUpresumablyequalan- iand will soon fly at a higher quarry—whet a on th*o. is It were Beware ye, 0. my t easily besetting dlaaaaa of youth-big ilUest of lolly and most racoacaful or enjojed at tha Pranblln O. O., PhlUdel. . _ nalon or It* list "knock oot A tourney, TbanksglvlniDay TboprsllmlnarymestiBgforaoew New Orleans 0.0 appears to bava baan all that the moat ardent laborer la tha close could havawiabad Bro*. Qalbraatb and Segoln are at the head of the most Im- portant commltu«a,and their duties will be performed to tbrtblgbaat and moat»fflcieot standard Ill* oot to be denied that the following Introduction to bl* laat week's game lo The Sunday Stata byBro. Oslbraath la Eleleant reading—to na Be aaja: 'Whenever we wlah > find something particularly good, wa generally look lo Ta* Hbwtobx Cljrram'a cbasa departmsntfor It Wa take (mm It lbe lollowiog fin* gama,*'eta, oiling the Bslms-fiton* oorrespoBdence Kvins Lieut CoL Ryan, of Brighton, England, proposal a "Laltar Prob- lem tan roam eat," of throe nof era. open till the first of May next. Toe pruse number nearly twenty; artlolas ot verto, penoDil idornmanU, ehea* works, ate. Thepilia list remind* o* ot * tourney thsr bad In PbPadalpnla many years ago. Of th* value o( th* priiis wa are oot vary exactly informed -A.QTJ-A.TIO. Daatta or a Diver. We take rrom TTia Sporting Li/t, ot Loniloo, Eng., the following account ol the aad drain of a hlgb direr well known throDghoot England, whlon ooonrratl Kot. 18: "BhorUr after eight on Sanaa; morning Bon Poller, the well known exhibition direr, who alao followed tire ocoopation of a porter at Bllllngagats Flah Karket. leaped bom the roof of the eastern high level of the new Tower Bridge Into the Thames, and waa drowned. It la atated that the deoeaaed had prerlonalr attempted to dire from the bridge, bot that hla endeavor had been fmatrated bj the vigilance of the ofUclala. It I* alao aatd that Poller bad atated that, If •□cceartol, be wonld Jamp from the Clifton Saapenalon Bridge at BrtatoL It appeara that Poller, having arranged with aotne of all friend, to be In a boat in the vlclnirj ot tbe bridge, proceeded on lo the tlgh level, and, evading tne offlcer on dotj, eocceeded In making bla way throogh a prima trap door, oaedonlj br worimon when required to get on to the not. Here be dlveaied hlmwlf of hla olothea, and dived In hla acooaiomed faahlon, feet flrat, Into tbe water from a height ot at least 240ft. A voir anrong onrrent waa rnnnlng at the time, and be fell with a fearfnl oraah, hot waa aeen lo rtae to tbe anrface ot the water and place bla hands to bis face. Tne oocnpanu of the boat polled toward blm, bnt before they reached him ho sank, and was not aeen again. The deoeaaed apparently reached tbe water feet Drat, hot It ta soppoaed he waa Internally Injured by the contact. The nature of the Injuries will, however, not ho known nntll tbe .body baa bw recovered. Tne Tnamoi police ware bully engaged all day dragging tbo river, bnt np to the UmeotwriUoi without euweea. The deoeaaed waa about fortyseren years of ago, and leaves a widow and one child." It bums riOBiiLi Ibal the University of Penn Slranlal beat eight oared orew will take pan In e annual Benloy-on-Thamea Regatta, eonednled for July t, 10, of nail year, as the oollege ta not in favor of bluing a orew against an Interior sight from Corn ell, and neither Tale or Harvard will agree to make a raoo with the Ponnsylnnlana. Therefore, the atodenta are considering serloaaly the advisability of eendlnga orew abroad, aa Cor- nell's best oarsmen Intend having a try for premier honors at the bla oollege regatta on lbe Thames. Tib OuamoxT Boat Club, of tbla city, hare elected lbe following oncers for ISM: President, V. P. Bgan; vice-president, 0. Kendall; recording secretary, P. A. Mangln: I uncial secrotsry, A. B. K. Mealier: captain, P. A:alo- Eegney: drat UsntanaBL BL J. d'Keete; second Uenresant, kL 0. Onnnlnglram bow the cooaroiatloD of yoor cable roeauf. to tbo ,11, ct "ist tbe load vaur Ho. Is reqolrod, sod to that 1 sgi I sr.stir regret that tho M.w rork Yacht OlobhsiK.- _Bsbl. to soeodo to my roqout that th, match aboold b. aslUdoffMsrblobssd. Ob, tacoavooleacetbatettscliei to tbe eoorat ol lutrosr Is pateat in the dlOeslty. sod perbsps lb. Imponlbllitr ol atarUBs all lb. rocs, la th. way wear, sll sarood liter aboold be stsrtcd, osrosly, to wlBdward. Tbo bsIb coBiiderstioo Is toseloet coonet sarraeupoulblelroroolHtraoUoo. I oasd aot asslo allodo to u» diOcolliot oiporltocod last year lo keep. iBfaelssreoorie; UrararessvollkBowBto roar com. miuee muds partloolarcoorso or looslltff has beeo laid down for tbsso latorBsboosl raots, aaa I hope lb. Mow Tork Tscht Ulab may recon. elder my nquut oa its nertu. I do oot st sll Isilst opoo U, fHbBf. as oiprarjod Id my former tetter, lost mote posMoaea ol local booalodiro, sad wbo have to oroTlda, si far si possible, a clear oouras, are the best ladies. 1 sm s'ed that yoor coBmlttee will recommend that aa ortsws! chsuson may ba withdraws aad another aabatltatad, sableot to the ooodltlou meBlloaed Ib yoor lotur. With rssard to tbe "ooe aaa atsrt," that method of Marling Is. I tblok, tsr prerarablo to ue plaa yoo propose, wpsclsliy In s match. Two miaous msy roprsssBt,owiBg to vsrtslloos io the force ortbewlad occorrlDf between tbe etart and thedalsh, aaithlBg from 100 ysrds to h.Lf a mils, aad yoar proposal eooso- qosBllr lotrodoco, an elsmsnt ol cbsaco wbleb Is avoided wbers boih yacbis tara praoUesllr togoiher, aa aadoroarayslom. Bboald tbsy oot start together tbe adrSBtag* aslood Is rarely s togttiroate ooe silalog IronaoperlO'ltTorbsadlBesaor bsodllog Botuyoor oonmlttoetoelitioogly tbst the ordinary cos omol tbe dob abooM be adhered to 1 accept their proposal. As to the tan noBlb,' Bolloo, I must raoneat yoor com- mlltooto waive this to tbe eatootor acoopuoo bboiIco of eight, Issued of ton Booths-toe eaaot dste of tho Oral raoo to be settled later oo. Bsllins In October, or eveo lots lo September, mokes It very late In tbo seasoB for brlogleg a teasel home, aad msy lodlct such great loooavsnisBoo to a eaalleos-er that I conld not noder- assist yoor committee la tbln take to do IL In older to respect, I raey ssr tbst I sboll cbslleog. with sootier eighty olne leetoo load wster lloo, and that I have lo- dsi roqaestad th. Beereury ol the Aoya TacbtSqoadron to lorvsrds cbslleog. for mo scoordlog to lbs terms of mv oballeoge of IBtt. ' The oolr quottloBa rooalrlsg a epeedy answer ere: PusLwin the committee accept s cballeoso Idtntlosl wlibmychaUeogeorUBlr Second, will they eooseot tosbortoo tbe term of ootlce to IbeeiUotl bsve ra- qoeeted T As I thsll bare so bolld. fit tba toomI oat throe times, sad cross the oosbb, time Is ol great Im- portance to mo, and I aboold loel arestlr obliged if yoo wuloablemothe declsloo of yoor committee on those two points with near ihsoka to yonr committee for Its kind oners, 1 here the honor to remain, roars very lellhrally, Donuvav. The onalionge, goggestlona and requests made In the letter from LordDun raven will be considered at a epe"lal meeting ot the Oup Oommtttee early this week, when definite notion will be taken, the reanlt of which, It Is hoped, will be the making ot another International maun for the priced trophy ao long bold by the New York Yacht olob. 1'achtlng Newa from Abroad. Tne Olasgow, BooL, correspondent of Tht notion Slobs, who keeps well Informed upon snob matters, wrliesaafolloire, under dale of Nor. 32, regarding the probable next competitor for the America Oop, and other matters ot Interest to yachtrnen on this side of the AtlanUo: "Onr jaobling papers are buy guessing oat the variations in building In which the new onailenger will differ from the Britannia and Valkyrie, bnt none of the prophets are likely to gucas the troth. The so cocas of the Britannia ensures ns that Mr. Watson will not loae sight of her good polnta. The beat of these are mrnlng to windward and oomlng round In stays taster than tho Vigilant. It may be taken for granted that the new ohallenger will bean- other Britannia, caatloasly Improved, and probably In the dlreoilon of smaller displacement and greater power. Mr. Watson has, or course, to reckon with the tact that In a breeze the Vigilant la better than tha Britannia, a faot admitted by Tht Field, Bnt whether he will rely on beam or lower lead for stiffening, he only knows. Extra lead means extra weight; beam Is suggested ss tbe compromise. Lower lead means greater draught and more welted surface, and this Is another argu- ment m favor of beam. "There la a fond hone here that the Vigilant most have abont exhanstoa the Horreshon' designs, bnt that remains to be seen. Borreaboff's Dakotah, hut Summer the terror of the Olyde, is for sale, Heory Allen, her owner, having shitted his aOeo- Uona to tho ono rater class. This new olaaals tobe the Olyde fad for tbe Summer or 1MB, and the rumor Is that, whatever be may order on tho Olyde, Mr. Allen will probably Import a Dorreahos one- rater, and wipe ont that Olyde class, as he did with the Wenonah and Dakotan In their classes. The news that Howard Oonld haa ordered a 20-rater from the Hemeboirj, to race In English waters, threatens dismay to that British olsas, and will make those owners who have sold their 20 raters feel comfortable. Bin on the Emperor ot Oennany n having a racing 30 rater bout at Kiel from Mr. Watsons designs, the new HemshobT may be ex- cluded from coateste on the Oerman coast an dor some pretext, "In yonr present commercial squabbles with Oerman tarlns the building of small raters on the (Hyde will gtre a busy bust of work mnoh Deeded here. A class similar to the Dublin Mermaids haa been constructed at ntlsnshnrg for racing, and seven boats have been ordered. The Thames de- signer, Linton Hope, Is to be the designer of the class, aad the model la a modi Hod replica of bis champion Soroeresa. This means tbe beam will be abont halt the length. The Olyde Mermaids are over all lift, beam 7fL, draught of hull 1010., with eentrepatte lowered an., with 376 square feet ot oanvaa. These boats sre decked, except a large oookplt, and are lo be sailed by three amateurs wlthooibellhaV'