New York Clipper (Dec 1894)

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Deobmbeb 22. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 667 . 'A »tA>-MeywvW*, ly.. Dm. It, ruUa»4LL«x. tagtoo a\ **. Bardatown B, V, JefferaMvlLt*, fed. 17- Strfhaelro—Atlanta, Oft-, Dm. S-9D. BU Mlna-Indlase, P*-, Dm. N. Brooklyn. If. T., IS. Bdaa>Wood-A* n>*& through Booth Anterle*. Fllat'a, Fret—Dnbuqu, Ik., um lf-xi 0«nld , »-HuoT«r, M H., Dm. '9, La>benon It Ueg*nb*ch'a—PltUborg, Pa.. Dn lf-*l Colombo a, 0, Hobln'e Main Kit Orison % La, Dm. If - 31. flillii Wlem Wli. Doe- EMB BiimiB-Memphis, Tan., Dm IS, LoulerLUe, Ey_ tl, u B*n.Uton'a, Ones K.—Tieom*. Waeh., Dm 11» E*U*r-Aitooaa, Pa, D*c «, MohT* Prof.—iAoeutw. Pa., Dm 19, York 0-33, Berrl*- bare M X?. FitM BLU*a Wl'd Weet-Nleo, Prut*. Dm 17-31,9ymm Fo**JLl—Marlon, lad., Dm tL BtoeTe Oeear B.-MaBtthMUr, H- H., Dm 19. Concord ff, Bum A flmlih—£n rou^tbrmch AoxiralLe. PortUm), Me., ». Boaton. Ma**, ii-B, YsitalHlB Prof. J.-Perle, Tex, Dm tL We*Uake'* ■*wOrl**«aa1ue*oin-Blel 17-Jaa. a, 18BL WclPiWonfMUBd-TaUabvaM, PI*., Deo. 1741, Jack- eonvUle, le-J*. _ _ -Blohuond, Ye*, Dm MASSACHUSETTS. Bo* toaBttnUfol weftttter, bneiiiees boomior In th* theatrical Hot, and, ooaeaqasnlly, bit balance* on Ibt right aide of tbe box sheet, Mrrad to keep lb* nunaccraoroarvanooi ahow booMi In a olearAnt frem* of mind daring the part week, and It laberrtly needful to aey tbey hop* for a continuation of tbt seme good for coo*. _ Coutbbia TnnTRi.-Tht eagsA^ueat of Marie Bar roughs U rapidly draw lor to a close, ud lb* woek of Dm lTvin so* lb* tart ot this MO*** In Boaloa for mom tin** to come. Daring ibo week aba win appear on Monday an* Tv*atUy evening* and at iho WatJnaadaj t—T 1 "^ i*. '-Tba Profligate." a play la wbleb aba baa aohlevtd narked aucoeaa, aod Iba ramalnlaTOf htr en- agaaaat aba will b« aeon ai vaibll, la Hoary Arthur Jonaa* ,, Jaaab. M We*korR , TbBAjM»na, ,l w1thJoan* ■toM Baaaatt Bolus Ktubt Tsbatbi.— The raeoesaful ran of "A Gaiety QU\" oImm 1b. and oo 17 Dell* Pox ba|laa a two w*ek** booking la "The Ltula Troopar." 0 said Ofsba How b.-- "The Crou Boedi or LI fa" draw One paying boalneae to Maoatara Menafleld A MagMl hone* but week. TbU weak Had la Haooo, Id "A Eentnohy airV* nait week "Oliver Twlat/* witb Bit* Proctor OUa, Prank J. Eeenan, Wox A. Mcelayer, Obaa. Barron. Obaa riooie and other*. BoTDOti Bqoabb Tbbatbb —Too prodnolloB ol "Paul Eanrar' last week mat with patronage tn abandanc* aod rlohly merited. Week of IT, Robert Oavlor open a io "Sport HoAlUaUr, One ot th»«JX" N*it wme, Ont tlmo la Anarlea, Bnt'.on Taoa't , •IlananltJ. , ' Pau Thbitbb,— "A Black Bbaap" ODOtiaaaa to draw erowdi to Managar John BtiUoo'a boaaa. In fact, It taroad paopla away nlgbtip lart wook. "A Black Bbrap" la MUaa anul farther notlco, aad leaau aararad of a loog as4 proaMrosj roo. BotroK bjobbom.— **Tba PolUUlan," aa praaaotad bp Bo land Baad, literal!/ packed tbo Majeom to 1U atooit eapaoltr laat weak. It wa* a conmoo ooaamnoa to bm paopla lonad away. It will ramalo Iba aUraeiloa tbla and waab of M Ou 31 Woolf a Wira'a oaw oomto opam, "BJaatward, Hoi*'willba prodoord. Oabtu bqdau OiKDU —Lattwaak waia' homnar" for "Oapt Paal" bat all tliloga mart bate an aad, and Managar Bom anoooaoai tbo praaaot wMk aa the Uat of bla blatortcal dbtb! drama. Next weak iba Loolae BaaodotOpara Boa(T« Co, la "Jaelata" oodir tbo Baa- acemaat or P. 0. Whitney. Taxif TfliATXi —"the FrlQcaea BoddIs" eloaed lu reign 15 aod la aaooaeded 17 by tbo Ltllpetleot la "Banply Daopty Up to Date " It U blllfd lor week of 34 and, perhapa, longer Bonos Tbbatbb.— 'Io Old ffentncky" fa aUU the at traollon bare and drawe good bouaM KiiTB'a Waw Thxitbb —Tbla boa** main til di ita well maritadrepoutloD u the foramoat raaort of Ita klod. Por WMk rf 17 Barloldl, tbe Plopara, Baymon Moore, Wataon aod llDtobloga, the Marvoua Trio, Lecterand Wllllama, Bark Ban Aehmetaod blairoope of Araba, Bry* ant ao4 Blebaoad, Wdi. Bowe the Povete Fainllr,Car maoalll and Lnolllo Jagglar HarrlgaOttbe Verdi Quartet, the Dalton Dao and Dlioo aad Lang. Hotabo Ann^iDi -Manager Lolbrop'ararlaty elan weak of 17 nanbera Frad McCart and hie troope ol wall trained doga Obaa Ceamoo, Ulnee and Ramington, Ida RnaaeU, Daly aod Lyon a, B ten art aod Olllao, Blille Oartar, May Merrlon, Ella Caldwell, Mar end Uogb If bill Dg. win. aod Minnie Aberoe. AnoaO'HBllay.Lug- try aod Pattaraoo, tba Matlcal UaTeoa, AL aad Mamie Andonon. Ploreaoe Eleae, Mamie Plover, iba (lelety OlrU* BalJaL and <be Howard Bnrleaqae Co, In the new bartetU, 'The O Flynna," wbleb latrodoeaitbe fall force ot tba organisation. , Palaoi Tbbatiii.— Manager Wo. Aaallo anaonocae. for aalngle weak only a aenea of nearly twenty lirlng pletaraaofelaulcaland blatortcal aabJecla.aBd which will ba aappleaiaatad bp an aaonally largo tarlety ahow. Obawd MtmBUH.—Tbe new Ore act drama, "The Maid ot the Mine/'will b* prodacad tbla weak(l7)Bt Lolb* rop'e8oathBod lionee for the flm tlmo many etago. In tbo IcBdlag rote ot Mariaiet Anderaoa, la Eaiberlna Bober, and alrointbe oa*tare Lillian Mortimer. Ueleoa Undo, Orace Hemiltoo. Ellen Mortimer Wn Faroum, Leonard Bowe. Juulo Paige and oihere of (be etock. A loog and IntoreillDg ranety entertainment foilowi tbe drama. Bioxbl ODXoy.—8ooceu Heme to follow Meoagera Lltohaeld A Daano la tbelr vealare ol preeeailng DorelUee and eoappy ttaga abowaat tbelr oow boore. Tbe ooetof admlaaion la eo email that lorera ol light en* lertalameatj and Ireaie Io natore aod art are alwaye certain to ba aat>eflad, and the remit li aeooatantoow ot liberal patronage. TbU week in ibe two onrlo halla BraLaBar(earpantlnevoodar),RoM Let, Nile. Ralvlco (aaabo charmer). Pi of Blgard (maglolan), Geo Mailt ran and bit human art gallery, Hatanna (Itoale aalamaa- der>, the myeterioae female aod her dubIo boi, aod other noTeltiM Onthaaiaga: Been and Wood, Jae. W. Dwyer, Obaa. Lee, the Lewie Mlitera Gaatle Laiaan, Ethel Maaoo, Oeorfo Bnov, Chaa. Hoffmaa, Elala Gray, WallleTohi aod adoion mora. AranH A Btokb's MosBCH.—The eeoiaUon of Iba K»k hare will ba tb* adreotof tbe lion "Walleoa." In lee tore hall are Virginia Enapp, La Boy (Nail King), TUyMlta.LalaTeaipeat aod bar alllgaton aodcroeo dl)M Ontheetagearatwoitron|»p*clallyandoMnedy com pan lee In boarly ehowe Lyoiou Tbbatbb,— Manager Mofar will giro bla pa- trona, beglnnlog 17, a week of old time mlnitreliy ai hie Bret pert the mage being eat for ita grand aaloon of a rlror ■ team boat, on her trip, aad gorgeoealy farolebed. Iathaaoobod part of the b'll be prorldaa an olio In which appear Uarlotlo, Cob*. B Grape win, Tbompeon and Oollina, Wrth and Becket, Byron and waatoo, Med EaUar. Mile. Becket, Jaa Nolan. The California Qiartat, and the aoow will coadado with ■ Capt fall," a rtdioa- Joaa triTHty, la which Obaa. 0 rape win aaromaa the leading part^ Nor is,—"ibe New Bor" will be aeen rery aoon at t*>a Colombia Theatre Jolia Marhwo-Taber will proba> bhTboBMoaa LadyTeaale doriog her coming engage* meat at the Uollia Tba ' llamaa(ip"Oo. hae been rebeanlof for tome time put at the Bowdoln Sqaara Thtttra ....TbeTueadarmaUaeeahaTebeoome a uo- oaaa at the Qrand Opera Uoaee Too patronage li largely from ruborbao reeideDta, ol whom ladlee aod children predominate aeo. W. Wdeoa le meeting wl'h too- oeei with "The aoT'oor -1 on the New England olraoiL Cbaa II. Hoyl baa lot odnoad two new character*— Jtorah Markaaod May Cbln-lo' A BUek Sheep." Jaa B. Mack la will prod ace 'Tbe eiaeebow" at the Grand Opera Hoaee new Tear's week, and will oee aoaolo tffecu oomponlog Id the moat real lit lo way with the ordinary circaa aide ebiw Attar tba engagement of the Eendala at the Tremont, Jan. a*, there will be flra week! ol opera. Tba next •dramatic attraction will oe aa extravaganta by Ihi Oadeta and Mr. and Mr*. Berbohm Tree will be the flrtt roaDjdramaUoattraollon after the Kendall Tbe an BaalbeoeQtot Boaton Lodp ofTbeatrtral Macbanld AeaoclaUoo will lake pUo* at tba Hollla8trMiTbealra afUraoonof Jan. 19, aod tbooJd draw a packed booaa, aa tba triaolaaUon ia pnrely baaavoleat aod daeerrea liberal eopport Ijjdbi— At iheLjDnTneiirv UiflWalteDrmmaUo Com pan r did a flood bailoeae Die 10-lb, and baa b*M angased to remain th>a week glrlQf two perlonoaooaa adar. Uomtoit: "Workaod WagM '13,Mule Borroagbe IT. Dan Daly, la "Attar tbe Bel?' S MvbioUall— Euoodr'eRrlgbtLlghu 17-10. com poaed or Kennedy aod Stewart, Oberaller Caleat, Momaaty and Harrti, Bbertdan aod Porreet, Muter <jaliUy. the Lorori and Prince Aibena. "True Irlrh llearU'* I0-A Lvool A Ererett'e Ladlee' r) Q bM-9 OOBaif—Ibe Mellon Dramatic Compear, a local amateur organisation, will open lo tbe Lino Theatre 9, andar tba management of Harry P. Ooea, aod praeeet "Mario*-" Lrda L Donoran, Margaret Lealle. Lolaad. Edith PraBcu Boat, Edward J. PiUxerakJ, wiibnr By mood*. Obarlaa Moo roe, Jtmei Cooler. Edward BardeU, JameeOlUh, aad Dawlti llonier 0 rah cm are the lead lax people In tbe oaet Willard HtantAa. adTaao* eg eat Eor^Banda Aeroea tbe Bea," made a flylea- vlelt to bla botoe tn tbla dry laat weak Btport otmea that J era Orady, of Lyna,la doiDBBi^odbdn'^eaa with hie dramat- ic company lo Eaalarn New Eo gland. l«owe)ll.—At the opera IIodm "Coon Ut-llow" oame Dm 10. II to good boaeee. Ueo.W WUeon played "Tbe Oovamor*' li to a eat lueclory booaa Btoddaid )aota*ad U < bia Frobmao'e Co. gave an eiceUeot pro- doatlon or "Bowlog tbe Wind" 14, le to big boaaaa, DoJTe Opera Co. oomei 9. Mtrsw Hall.— Pauline Parker In "W1M Koae" oloeed a EBdwMk'aboBloaaala. ''IothoPeothlUe 'conmlT-lfl. b Bop Athletic and flpeolalty Co. tO-O. Manager* Thornae A Wataoaare orgaotxtBgaetoek oompaoyfor it aod weak. HVPTTHurov HAU.-Orlde Mwln'i Concert Co. Wore eater.—At tbe WorceHer Tbeotre I)en- BMnoupaon'eeoogaaod plctaraadraw fairboaeaa Dm ko, II, It Kate CbuIcB aad Mme Janaoaebak, in "The Two Olpha■A l, had a good bowe* la, The WelllDgiOB BldMMlo«nbi(loMl)crowd4dtbo booaeU. Delln>ox rialoguoa bulneea at adfaaoad prlcee 1*. "A Texaa Waer"i7. "Bowing the Wlod" 18. WllUam if. Craoe l», "TDeOotbM ElB| T ' 34-99. Pboxt Btbbbt Opiba Bocax.—Tba Pay Poi'rr Par- loaqaeOo.did a big tmiloeaiia.ia Tbe Reatx-tluUcy Co.drewtheblgtMtcro«d*olU)ea*aeon 1V1A. raollne Parker tt •'WMuVo^** 17-H. Loruor'a orau UooaB.-KaUieriae Bober, in "Pig* mennew40*leteeV'matinee* only laat week had gaol p*4rooa*a. William Umat Camp Ko. i* (Mrah, lo "The liefaiaali*" nnwtml the bnnea eTaalag* all teweak. Mora, labor f***rtory. 17-Jl m . fftBtw* Boobka b. lata or Lothrop Atoek Oo, boo baas awiBgaWwa BtBjre miBOgar U Pwpe'i TbMUe, ax Lcnia. ■mil72. m !i*'r At * h * °P«rB Hotjbb *flowliif the Wind,** Dm ILpleaaed a sood hoaea. -OIlTerTwlit." with a eaat baladlog Elite Proelor OUa. Prank J, £t^5f^ Ql ^. M * m * *** William Meetayer played to a Ur ate* aodlanoa, IL "Coon nollow, U, plaaaad a ^ W, •The Darby Muool" bad % top heavy hooeelA, Oornloi: B, "The PoU» fatroL" Oaibtt.— Tbla booaa oonuooai to play to good bail* nee*. Book I ore ftrr loe week ol 17: Ward ead Traix, feUi Baaeett, Taonar and Rannaat, and Haul* Tbomp^ . -I* 1 " . hott *. doMd tU door* 8 for an Indefinite peilod.elurabOQt Br* weebe'baelaoae The maoAgera. Wo. Ha«Uy and Tbo* Eni*eo,dld every tblnglooatorand pleava. bnt It eeem* the ronolDf ex- piate* wt ap a th*rM*lr>m, the beet taleat being pro- cored at all tJawn et big expenee. Tbe permrmore wereoompeoenteil end eirmaueniiatUed. Itliander- etood the boo** will artuo be opined after the bolldaye. onder a new nam* and new management. Bprlagaold^-At QlUnoro'i Court Square The- atre D« W>Mlo' radyoJ L»oni,"drew r»irretorna 5!i , *f« tn li 1 ?*^ 1 ? "fa^rOo,' bad goodboeloaeall. "The 'DaatrlalA," a local production of comlo opera, wee Braeented by en amateor out to (air buelneu II. 13 •Da Pox, lo "The Little Trooper," drew a larae hooae !*• Booled: ir"PrlBo*aiBonnle,"l9"A Texai 8leer," B) W. H. Craoe At Tnoher'a farlor Theatre week ol » tbo rocalpu were lb* larg#n lo the bletoryofthe bonio. Week or 17: MoUle Khllnabfck, Konfi, Dan LMTltLBantx Slater*, Pray and Bran*, Chaa. B Killing beck. Mananr Tucker attended tbe recant Barn did Bailey Bale at Bridgeport, Ot, aod pnrobeatd part or the equipment foreoittqe wbleb he Iniende toiakaonthe road at the cloee oJ the aaaaoo, aboat Hey 1. Tomnton.—At too New Tbrntre Geo. W, Wll- eoo, in "IbeOoT nor." Doc. 7 drew good baeloeax. Hal- lan k Bart for the Bike' benefit 8, bad a big home "A T*xaeBtMr"B,hadrelrr*tarne Coming: ^ThePrldeel Mayo" 17, "The Crou Boada of Life" ■!. MISSOURI , St. Loale.—At tte Orend Opera Uouae ' IaHIr,- xoorm" did not draw vary well, but "The Q tided Pool" and "Da?Id Oarrlck" draw to the fnll capacity of the boaaa. •The Black Oro*i" No. 1 lb la weak. "A Trip to Chinatown" Dm S. Oltmfio Tbbatbi.— "rharlet'a Aunt" draw fairly well lart weak. TbeBandow-TroeaderoVendeTilUethlewetk. "A Coon try Olrooa" EL Baoab Tbbatbb -Donnelly A Clrard a M Falam»kera" did*good btirloeee lan week. "Alabama" tbla week. Petrioa, In "The Eld." n. Uavlib*i Tbiatbj.— "Acrou ih* Potomae" drew lop haaTyhooaM laat week. Batle Burnett ilila week, Oli- ver Byroo and wife a). _PorB8 Tbbatbb.— Deltorelle Brother*, two Blcketta, Thorna and Wltlatt (1. Park Byer*. Belle PriteMt. Por- a*t City Quartet Harry Rleketu, Pord aod Pranola,0. Park Otgoj aod Roe* Wifoo. the dramatic cm pen r, In' Barr Oake" tlanr Tborna'aPaotomln*Company, ln"HappyOo Lucky"0 *~ " key uowenra comoan^ a weak, Btabdabo Tbbathb. -May Uoward'a Company did a Blend in baaloaaa leit week. The Ol'yOlabihU ury W. williama 1 Me'eora a. Loxdor TuBATM-Mareb Da Van. OerUa Uaaaoo, Bitty Pnnola Barry Stewart, Lola Brent. Qm D.Nei* bod. Lew Po'mer, Vivien )>e Mod to, Muell Lola, Ada Clifton end Oertl* llotdm. WiSTiR OARDUt—Ed Fox baa taken the poelllooof augo manager. MertMn Troobadonr* (3). Edward Mar key, Mabel Monroe, Dot Pieber, Daley and Heiel Carle too, Wn. aod Jeonle Eld ridge and Mabel Wllaon and ber llrloflpiotaraa. McOiMLiT'n Mcbbcm.-EaiI Cado (contortloalet), La> waodeOloobtetjepw), John Been (bnmtn Medici Pop Bogere* ran eh aod Jady, the Premooti (eVetch). Amee' (eerobauk J. J. Murphy, II a. Beldia, Chin. McKee. Mart Tuoby. Lnnra Wiiaoo, Rolla White. D. T. Raymond aod the etock oompaoy, lo "Dora." r.tu Tbbatbb - Howard BmII, rioraooe Levanton, John B More*, Dale Parker. Wm. Hayter, Billy Laclede, John Cnbarn, Diamond WhlUacb. LotUe Laelie. Lilly White, ElUle Aihley and Obu. Or arty. w EBBBB'e AlUiMRRA TBB4TRX-W. P. (Irey, EmBU Redmond, ArehioB'ealey, Munie Boaoloo.Meod Lewie, Orcir and Ballle Keherna LolUa Tbcrne, Belle Patter eon. John Bulb, Larry Coonors, Eva Howard and Prank L Cey. Tdratrr OOHKjOB.—Oeoxg* LawreiKa, Dot Delmer. BHIle nilTonl. Jvhn Wll (ami. Clyde PblUlpR, Boea Nay! bod, Annlo Elntle, Pearl Andrewr, Hettie aordonand J..I Murray. Bbtaht'a Tsbatri -Maoegar Bryant li met log a big hit with the Midway daneo'e. aod annouocae Ua Beebe, QoainettaCberba ueorgiaoa. DolorteAmorlttaeod T<ia Walling; for the olio: Mlonle L*e. Beuie Uardner, M RoleBroihere Dave McCord, tbe Malcome, Klttv Bavef, Alice Atklojoo. Artolph Oooiaiteand Billy UtrL Buou Tbvatxi.— William and Joaie Hayter Louia Worth. Mamie Marehall. Walter PaoUy, Cherlea Henloo, Tracy M Ltad. Jeaaia Adam*. Ethel (imy, Oeorxle Hill* yer, Oracle MIUa.Til)le Colllni Llllie l>* Lencha. Jobu Pall, John A. Leell* and Clark and Do. BelL Cbat — BaL Held, the actor and author, hae made a oontrac'.wlih W.8 Cleveland, iho mioitrelmaneger. to pnaaot "On the BaowanM Elver 11 oeit •eeeon.wlih Berlbe Belle Weilbroob ae tbe heroine W. D. Hoa- elog. latomanageroi tbe Harrington-II nu in eMInrtreU, baa Joined tbe Oaio fttow Company -The Derby Winner* Company will reorgtoiie and make a irrtn ■lart 19, with Arthur Donn ei manaser.aaaUted by Louie B DalL Olga Vera* will b* leading Udyaod Porttr White will take the part of Jack Wright. George W. MunaonwUlba ed ranee etent John Hoarecform* erly flnanelal aeoretaty of ihe Theatrical Mechanic*' Aeaoolation, ol Rt Lonle, wa« arreeted Wedoeadey night at Chicago aod brouahttoSt. Loniaon o charge ol em* bexLlemeot. It la charged that lo company with Preel deot Cook, of the rame organliatlon, he approprlatai] •90 of Die aaaoolaiion'a money Harry Randolph, late ol Nell Bnrgeaa* Comedy Company, le bere vlnlttng Irleoda Sidney RoaenDe.d arrived here »to read a now play, an tilled -'Hla Pi ret Campaign," to Nat Good- win. It deal* with the experience or a roaner meooi wealth In Newport loctaiy and New York politic*. Marie Hilton, ol tbe "ItPl' oompaoy, wbo hae been very III bare for the pail two week, wao well enoogh to •tart Eaat 13 for her homo la Noetoe The Princeton Ual- Tar*ltyOI«e, Ban lo and Mandolin .nioba gare a concert at Botertalnment Hall 31 a branch ol the Actora' Union waa formed bar* 13, with Oicar Ebern* aa chair man; B H. PrankHn, eeeretary, and Prank L. Oap, treamrer. TVy ere waiuo* lor racognhlon from ihe New Tork beadqaarrera .Bteve Carroll le very aick ot bom* bete TbeUralgKamrp, who have been at the Theatre Conrque lor aeveral weaka. |oln tbe Imperial WinterOiroui at Kaoaaa City H, and appear at the An- dliorlom Theatre, Banau City Buck Taylor'e lo- di*ni aroeiblbitlog in a btg itore room oo Booth Pourtb Street, oppoeite the Convent Matbet. ...aua u. Wein- berg, comedian at Pope'a Theatre, will rest tbla week. KemeoL* Clty.—Lut week'g atlracUona were a little weak, and coneeenenUy buaineu waa net up to the standard. Tbe otd rale, "poor tbowa and poor bueioeas " waa oloaely followed oat The proapwu aro brighter for tbla week, with uhrUtmaa week coming up alrosg. Ooatbb* Oraru Hoce*.—lhla week, "LTvin* Wfaiet." Monday andTaeeday,by local particlpanie.'TbeMarble UeerL" Wednesday by a met* on end "A Trip to China- town*' the laat three nlghta. ''The Black Crook" came iait week i~ "-*■* *~-' —* ~ - Beabroohe, I tut week to light buaineu. Obn*tmaa week, Thna, g. "aabrook*, lo "Tabaafo" and '-The lale ot Champagne/' ontBD Orxna HooaB—Tbl* week LotUe Colli« and ber merry trooper*. Laat woek ' A Hailroad Ticket" opened to aa 8. h. 0. bonae. bnt rocelpta fell otf daring too week. ' Io *'ld Eentnoky ' Company No. 1 will onoe more entertain na next week. Manager Jndah la willing to try the ei perl meat of booking tbe a me ahow twlco lo one aaaaoo. MixtM BraaiT Trbatrr— Tbla wiek, "Jane.*' Laat week "A Banco of Key a" bad medium bualneaa. Murray A atack, 1b ' Plaoigan'a Ball," will roll around next WMk. OiLLta' OrsRA HooBt.—Tbla week, "Blp Va* Wlokle." Laat wMk,'The Blaok Plag' waaonfurl«d to fair bual- neaa. baodowoaod the Treoadororo. corneal. CtJrriRixua.-Manafar Jo Bpeara. or the Ninth btreet, la well agala and hick at bla old noat Tba glee clobe are preparlog to awoop down np^n aa at the Audi tori am. Prloeetto coaeall aud|Yelesl "Em; Ljnne" waa ancceufallr preaeoud at Mniie Ball U "I nele" Cbaa Cbrlaly la back In town once tnoie altar another OREGON. Poriiamd,—The MaiqaamOrBiid was dark week of Dee. 3. "The Coonly Pair" opmed Dm 10,11. Tba theatre will be dark onII114, for which data the Tavary Opera Company la booked. Co bj> bat 'a Thbatbb.— H A Night lo v« D 'ce" we* pre aeoted week of 3. Buaineu contioaM excelleut. "AmorllBfOr WblteuaUdeln Ploreno*," wae preaanted 10. OBTBBOB.-Koaoo A Bwlft'a "Uncle Tom'a Cabin" Compaor waa atan 6, h BmIumb waa fair. Merle Heatb opened f, lo "ATurhuh Beta " Mobiobub Nbw tbbatbk COBiqo*-H*rry Brown, John T. Baker, De wiu Uilotoo. ueorae lime, Lola Temple, Mead Barmond, Loile Lvon, Hand Bo e, II. BolbelL Pranki* Orervtn. Anna 0ray. May Bbandley, Lottie Alooao. Nellie Clayto*. Eoolr* weet. Lou Plem- iBg. Battle Clark, May Wallace, OuaEUne, John Yoahel andMllgamUa. ARIBobib.— Lang and Bote, Lola Zoma and Tearl A ah ley. Loo via — BeboglhUl'e Spaa lab Btodenl*. Nona.—The Prrtland Unlveraal EapnelUon opeoed I atthaBipoeltlonbulldbag onder the manageseot of H B. HardL Muelole roroUhwi by ao orcbe* ra onder tbe direction of B. Uchroeder. The orcbeaira waaaulated tbe flret week bp Miu Cohen, eoprano, aod the 8 weed lab Ladlee 1 Quartet William Malloy, bic/eliet, and the De Armoe Pemlly, eerlelLite, appeared a. SB Ptkb Or ira noMrAir eloeed lie eBgagom._. Oordray'a Tbeolie, thu city, M. aad left at once ten Oordrare hoauio Theatre. UTAH. Bo.ll Lake) Tfeteailr*.—Local talent, Id "Led Aetray," at the Bait Lake TheaUe Dec 4, 4, bad poor bona**. Tbla bona* will msaJo dajk until Dec. II, wbn "The New Boy" la dna LTCiOB —"A Urea* Bebeareal," glveo by borne talent, had a big aecoara IB, II, tnrelag peopk away • Bltfat U bard.— Tbe opeolngdate ha* at lut boea aaocmneed lor uUBeweoMlar pri<* tboau*. Dec li ia the data, aad "Caan-grth' 1 toe MIL to be preotated by aa able atoek enopaay. Taw xeanagwr ol the sew boo** wlU ba J.aVBogera. — J. J. Dowllng deolfl • report attt ool by J, L, Ajhton umi Mr. Dowllnf bod oloaod hla awaajon to WuhlDttoD, D. 0., recently. Mr. nowllfii amyi: "Mr. AJhtoD wbj the oslr noabor left there, or I ahooJd gov, rather, tbe only ooo wbo paM hU own fare to New York. He doood thWTuia u Mr. Koi, my maaafer, did not know where be wanted io go, did not get bla iiaei. Uo paid hla own fare to Sew York, aa any other person would hare done opon olotlng with the company. On arrlvlni tn New York Mr. Foe gare Mm a letter to the B.and o. agent, wbo agreed to re lorn to Mr. Aaoton the difference between ihe fall Care paid by him and the rate paid by the oompaoy. I have no Intention of oloalDg my Mason, and my aejarlea are paid la fall to date. Kindly do me tbo Joailce to make cor- rect ion, *■ the report or mj oloalDg mlgbt oauae me no end of trooble will managera ot hooae* where I am booked." — Gilbert Clayton closed with the Oreo Opera Oompaoy Deo, u and Artbnr Woolly took ManUoe, —Edgar ■ opera llooae, nook Springe, Wyo.. waa (otaiiy degirored by Ore Dec. lu. — \VaJterKeUyJoloj "Own Hollow" Deo.-.M. — Tbe stock company enraged for Ocnrer, Ool, and Bait Lake City, Utah, arrived In the ronner oily Deo. li. Tbe opening of the new Broadway Thea- tre In Salt Lake On* Baa been poatponed to Dec. U- with"Moiha." T.W.Prawley wlUart aa tbeecJe repreteniailTe of Meavre. Oinen and NelU at Salt Lake city, and the company will looladelne folio*- log: FVidj Boit-HenrteitaCroeman, AnneBlaockp, Kate filancke. Madge Van Cook, Belle Archer, Jamra Nelli, t:barlea Kent, Uarry CorBtin Clarke, John B. Matter, Hobert R. Dell, Oharlea Dude, Wal- ter 0. Bellow* and Howard Kyrle. — Stanley Dolonxo, apecUi adranoe artist ud lightning cartooolat, now npreatDilog ••McPad- den'a Rlopement," onder the tnanagTmuDt of Davi* A Keogb. wu a Oi irraM caller Dec. m. Accom- panying Mm wu bin Eogllah ball dog, Birr, orna- ileif wild a plug bat i " ineniei a'andtng collar c wild a plug baf and an oicoedtng high r of patrloUo dealgn. Togeiber tbey manago to attract mucb attention to toe play, Mr, DelooBO by bla hnmorona and Initantaneoui plo- tureiproviDg an Inralnable adTertlmr. — what purportg to be a complaint from the members or Mac ready ft Llnton'R Draruatlo Co., with tbelr algnatoxe attached, alleging that tbey were left dealt iota in Newnuo, ra., ia at band. — Hosier of Wllta' 'Two Old OTonJe*" Co.: Pr-nk M. aod Jobn B. Will*, Ireno Rice, Ad* OMileton, Mary Jordan, Wll lard Bluer*. Pearl Andrewg. LllUe Weitoo. Rdwtnna, Rmma 6elge'< Oharlea Roach, John Dillon, John rergneaoD. Jotmny William*, Bijoa (jnartet, Fred Uavta and A. L. Donon. — Arthur T. Oorman baa been engaged a* bual- neaa manager of "In the Foot HlTl* T ' Co,, a new WcAiern melodrama. — Ual W. Ilrowo Joined tbe Mora Co. Dec. M. Ula wife, Margnerlle Oojbmao, will reat at tbelr borne In Bbelbonrne Falls, hi*aw. — neater of the Boaton Comedy Co.: J. n. Nerf, manager: Kdwln OnrtU. etage manager: Will K, Barton. ll3rtC.Wood,8IUByLiayea.r:d.U. rlargtlte, r*rof. Herbert Mleelog, maaloal dire cor; duMle Belknap, Maud Barton, Irene Craig. Jeoule Bar- lelgh; Ok)j a Biedmao, properties, and 0. B. Clarke, traveling ahead. — UqbIq*** Managor Harry Kitingbai closed with tbe Mr. and Mra. Robert Wayne Oo , aod accepted ao engagement aa aastaunt manager of ibe Kmplre Tbeatre,l)oi roll, Mich. — Harry Mark ham, aiage manager with the Fraokle Carpenter Oo,, write* that bnalneaa wlih that oompaoy conUnaea to be good, also that be Is wrlilog a oomedy for Mlaa Carpenter and ber comedian, Jere Orady, entitled "Uoboe Dard Tlmes.» — The Interior or the opera lloiise at Coshocton, o., wen entirely destroyed by Are morning of Deo. u,and Manager McCabe baa canceled all engage menfiifor the season. -Mra. Mary R, Thompson, mother of Will T. Boi^tde (ffni. D. Thomptoo), died Decia, at her home In Westerly, K. I., aged fltty-one jeara. The faneral occorred 14. — Notes from John K. Breonan'a "Tim. the Tinker" Oo.: J. Pranols Hayea Joined Dec. 14, aa mnalcal director. We are doing a good bnalneaa. Utile Winnie, the child actress, held a reception at the matinee ia, on the stage, and presented to each* of tbe Utile ones a aonrearr of tin. —Thomas R. Orady baa been engaged tor J'roc- tor's Theatre, this city. — Nellie Yale Nelson lias Joined Carrie Tomer's organization to play Mrs. Kcho In "TbeOroatof Society." — Oracle Era mot t closes her season Jan. s. — Sydney Worth plays Marelta In -The Mon'a Month" in Chicago. 111., week ot Deo. 31, with Frederick Warde. — Mande Moo roe commences on Dec. 24 with Onenocey oiooit aa Kate. Utile Lynne having closed wn h Mr. oiooti Dec. 16. — James Wail and W. V. Henons commenced with '-in the Tenderloin" on Deo. n. — Hlngtey Kales leaves the "Alabama 1 ' Oo. neit week. — Stella Blair, wbo baa been 111 at her borne in Detroit, Mich., la recovering rapidly. — Donole Meyer, of tbe Meyer-Toorne Oomedy Co., writes as follows: "We hare received over two hundred answers to oor 'ad.' In Clippes, and let- tCTBPilllarTlTe wlih every malL Onr hnalnesahere baa boon eioeHeot: we have played to standing room only every night, and last night at this placo, Rocky Mount, N. o., man* were toroed away. Wo hATO coocloded to cancel oor next date and remain here ihe Drat inree nlghta or tbU week." — Iieatrtce Karle la the prtnolpei aonbrelta wlih Howard Wall'a Ideala. Iter singing specialties aio aapeolal attraction. —c, H. HanaoD, leading man with the Earl Oom- edy Co., closed Dec is. — Mark Thall Is aUII oonflned atMonntSloal Uoa- plial.thls city. He Is unable to walk, having no use of bla lege. — raliiceleft "Tbe Kid" Company Dec. i:. — Kilie Seymour baa been In Farmlngton, N. li., for iho past four we»ka, attending ber mother, wbo died Doo. U — W. T. Clark joined Joseph Hnrpby In Chicago, 111., Deo. o, to play bearlea. — Cbsa. Krohman baa parchased from Augastoa Thomas a new three act comedy, wblch he Intends to have copyrighted In England, that be mar con- trol tbe play for that country as well as the l.'nlied siatea and Caoada- — Prof, Slgmund Kosoboska, mnalcal leader, disappeared from his home In tola oily two weeka ago. Prof, Koscboaka waa onder contract to Wal- ler Damroacb to train tbe chomafor tbe teller's German opera company for the Metropolitan Opara HoDje.thla city. — Roster of Oallllard A Mack's Oomedy Co.: br neat Qallllard. managtr; W. u. Rawaon, advance agent; W. ll. iobrjaon, treamrer; Prof. W. U. Terry, mnalcal director; Geo. Thatcher, Uarry McQlnty, Chaa. Newborn. Art bar Kieeee. Agnes Florence, soobrrae, Hty Haffold and Alice Jones. — Ona. Wolford baa been n engaged for "Tbe Rmngglen," and joined tbe company at Hellevllle, 1U., Dec, 8, — Pearl Mamey annonnces her Intention of alar* ring neit se ason. TEXAS, . Oalveiton^At the Tremont Opera llooae Pel is Morrle pre a an led 'Tb* Old Mulexaa'' and "Tb* Beat Mao" to a fair aodience Da* S ' Cbarlty'a Aual" liad fairly Bood boAloea* 3. S. "Alabama" opened to a »lim attend en oolD. Do* : »,H, «*■ Jaua*/. OorbeU ; aH 17, Robert Dowolog. Saaswoona Maecor TaaarBav—Aama Lee, Prank I* Wbiiomb. Juo. Eeir/ar, MaJda Pop*, Pearl Lament aad Oharlea Oatoa. Nana—Boras Brolbt<r*' Comedy roiupany, onder canvas, bave boea doing a fair baelBea* for tb* past week Tba AaaUaUan wild girl la b*log eiblbl'cd to large crowd* Bimmtafirir- Ltbby (liaae Wotka opeued 10 for a abort atay..... .'-tflalia," tb* painUe*. la being exblblud at aUibei and Tweatleth buaine**. b Btreete to good Dalloe^Ai the Opera House Felix Morria had two large boaaa* Dee. ML II. Cbarlan'e Aonl" did well 15.14- JamaeJ.Cortwnil. Bobert Dowslag come* 17, Id "PrlaBda" 1ft Ji, the PaUl SWa Co. H, II Jos MiLL'a—New people: Blcardo Elralfo. rrankle and Leeu Rvmo MltchelLOoorg* Marehall, Ulile Bowe, aodJfallloVaaihn. Baeioeaa u good. Atutln.—AiMlllett'a opera House Felix Morris did wall Dec a "Charley's Anal" played to crowded boaaa* 7. Robert Downing, etadraocoo prioe*,drev a large boa** lx. Mr*. Potior and Errla Balbrw vnf* D»r. ». Jame* J. Oorbeu U, "Tba Black <;rook" B "Pmode" ». laftai SOU TH CAROU MA. Charloetoa,—At OwenaV Acadeisj of Mule Barney Poraraaoa, is w U*a>*s Bl*ad*ra," aad a good beoaeD**. w. Tb* is*saiaifsr of tbo weak tbo boose w*< dark, "few* Ticket lit" eoeaa* la, ^Edgswoed lefts"*). CLIPPER POST OFFICE. ■r Amnn tuSSmttnm' ' W tb. ftnm addrwatod showJd he glvwa, la order tn rim~PTof**xtotui* aad othere ahoold iMar la Bind thai ail taUaraato^utna^sltrjetwM Mates aad Canada, bmiM be prepaid, otherwise they ere not rot• LADIES' LIST, /lnager, Mead Vaordoo. Mabel frardoer, CamUla Uroviai, Jaanie riordea, B Qioaaon, Alio* B. □nnrop, Lotba •Anaoo, Ada Anaeo, Marie U. Alberta, Mir*. itlaoTVlfuf A/mar, Louie ^bao, Mrs. (laa|qr*yaoo, Boaai Bnroelt*, Edna 0. Baum, Lola A. Booth, Alma BroughinD, Mart* BetraMlllf* Bell Battle Baniee.Urv* Bererlr, Dlddy Boebell, Carmea Beverly, Daley Ballool, Elan* Beck. Mra. P. U. Be rot Nora Bell. Mary L. Belle, F " Brand, Pogar Blanebard,May /^ameron, v< Joeophloe Croaby, Viola W. C| renal— Carre Pauline Obuton, zaUa at. Carlion, Agnea Callahan. He Wo Ooan, May Ooau,Dollla Calne.Otorg'e Carter. Mr>. (i. M. Ulinon, Lllllo Carlion. Adah rampbell.Clarloa 0raw ford, AdoUlde Charlee, MluyM. OaTTor. Loolae Cary, Hmma Caat i n an Biatera Uhuur, riorence DovelL KlUle DoTauP later* Diamond, Nellie Derr all, Madg* Driden, Mamie KSB.'a&sr tltlmorevAIlo* "adia.Etate Qordoo, r*" lman,Ci Aueobrer. Nat'la Oaiaon, Dell Barrlaon, Maod Heckler. Lillian Hater, Mr*, a A. Ilanley, Llul* II el I too, KlUle Hamilton, Tan Hamilton. Flora Hoyden, Mm*. Howard. Bmllr Uogb**, Nellie C Howard, Helen Hansen. Marie Hill, Nellie Hayes, Llnl* Holme, Mrs A. W. Taliao.Mn Pr*d|fli v Johnaoo. Lltue alderd,] Dlaod,Bi BoBAdTYtotoTla Reed, Jennie lernoMa Dottle Booney, Joale Rloa, Louise rloaa, Arllna Rivera, Mabel td.lillle □earn an. Bay Put Olalr, fanny Banulnter, Nary fltowaMr* Jaa.B. RhebfoB, Lnlo Hey mo or. Lottie RargenL Iaabal Dure, Mabl* Doaglae, Duddl* DuDoot, Laura Dai rail, Bell* Devtre. Jennie Downer, Jenee M. Delhano, Mile. Uubea, Mr*. U. /. Deacon, Llllie Delmora, Hay P. Elleoe, rinrence Eroeat, Bertie Bolalt*, - Kogeiliarui, Helen Rvaue, MagglO Edgaie, Helen* Honor*. Kdtlb Evaoa, Mary A- UJwATdi,* icretHA Kdutuoda Marj U Braoa, Nellul. Bhnor* HI at era Jjiootalaebleau^ Pnllman, Lula Frank tin. Clara rrater. Hyacinth Porepau|h. foarl Fran a IID, Martba roneai.Ktninalfc lobnaoo, KlUle King, Ber I ha Nana, Mabel King. Maude gepihla, Kloi Elogalef>,Kdoa LDiiie, Boooie Linden. Loulia La Bord, Pioroooe La Marr, Praukie Llatendeo Jennie bealle, brlt* Leonard. Mra J. B Lo*. Nellie LaVard, Belle Llad.Blaeb Jennie LmII*. BaUna La Pontaln*,Joale LawTeooe, Mabel Leonard Biatera MeOoovllla, BeeUloe Markoo, Delay HoOuuoBb, Edna Moore, r loreoce MftyoTBdttb Mauleo. Addle Meoadeld, Vede MeiroecLimieTJc Marqaom, Pearl Moore, Roia MOIer, Ploieooe Morton, Mra J. A. Melbourne, THIle Meatioaa. iileo Morello. Ida MarehalLMadallue Murray, Minnie McUuliufh.Bonoie Mulvoy, I.leue MIHurd, Wavie Maloolm, fleule Maroo te, Yma Newton, Marguerite Helton, Dora 0'Bnen.MlaaO E. O'Brien, LUala Omen*, — UHlfler, Jaiale Oliver. Olive L. O'Neill, Nellie Orlando, Ada Potter, Ella Pott-am, bnt I'll sr. Lillle Jw]gart,a*rUe Ba Veal, JoaaoU* Prlruroee, Bluaha Palmer, Lola Power*, Maa romerof, lota rartlogtpa, Eatle OBipley, KlUle Ptajniood.BuJl* lUnana. Babe Rover*. I Caudle Kob*r. Eatherlne lUndall,-(or rtoyeotdAFaulaV ordTMIaa B. nveryo Bcou, Carrie Seymour, KUie P. Hiultb, Ida rtianley, (Harm Hailax. May Sllotaey, Oriule flnoon er, Cecil Hheereo, Lrdle BUoeoo. Mn At Rweet Joele flieoer, Oruile lla fbnylai Slater* Hid i!»na, Ida BklUmao, Lula ^tergwon, Luaie Thumb, Mr*. Tom Thorn* Ail* Temple, LIUlanB. ile,""- Tempre, Phi III a Tutnbuu. Maodo Vara, Mil*. Yedder, Fannie Van, Oladfa Villa, MluU Violetla Veu ollle Vernon, Alice Wilbur. Holt Woodward, Oartrode Wrlgbl RUiore Weaie, trma witch ot Wall ML Wakloa, Pranoee Wentwortb. Lulu Walker, Abole Whitney, Ann I* Weet, Home WlUnughbi, Edna «aHoo,Mr*,C. Wjoo, Muu* Wsiaright, Ella v/eiker. Lain Walker, Luile Walton, Mane Waahoora Ha Waaiey.Teddj Well*, Kilty Wllaon. Ida WelleaieyJIarle Wb*elan L Mra,AIC Waatoo, Br ely n yala, Mme. H. Vemore, Madge •^orella, Hmma /.•ua, Mile. ISO. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Aleiaoder. J. Cannon. Big. Adaioe,Utu. II. 'iark.Ui AndcTBuo, llarry Auilaiaou, — tul H. a P. CO ) Andenoo, Praoa Andraaa, i baa. A on in, Prank Arto « Hayea At to, Wm Ara,ocd, J fJ Aroo:d. Pr«nk J. Albert, bam Allan, Archie Aiward. A A. Appei. riaok Aihinl. ueiborl AlliBK'.ou. E. Aiba*. Menard Arlington. U*o A)to*r,t)jfar AKlriUi, Ukaa.T. Ar,ui4ion,ueo. a I:.n, Jaa W. AIUD, __. . Arui.uuo,, Kirk All.o t fr(.l J T. |ln«mto, ti- V. BMoioitoi.. bx Hndpl K r. H.o.o, II W Uttmu, fni Hcafn,^ A. K. H.n«llol, La* B*tlt.l.fAllu«aril Brown., W. u. VtrDbuiluUH r BuJj, J.H. BHD,, EdWID H.DIOD.J. Howard jrmlburT. J. II b.mioo t H.rrT l)o Unionil, W. 0. Bun, w. u. oowmrt A O'Brln B.U.O. A. Brooko, T. Brotk, K. II. B.roui),U.W. . B.itrun A WllUid ■l,rwp, W. II.^aK. BAbeoek,Ta,o. noird. V. II. Boom, Col. E I). Barol«!|V.rnoB BUWM.D; tunmU.rrrte. Brf ul, Bobbf BAuicbor, rrof. a. a BMebu, KillH Br.01,0 AWliMWr Budd, into Bu.r, r«. Btru.lL <J«.D Boal|,7. ■. k.a Ail, lluua Bur/. Hod Bolmoot. Ulwf. Biro. Jobo r. B,.l.iio, visoraw B.IUV0, B D. B* J. b. Borouil, Obu. BM! Wm. BUt>,WlllJ. bici.uj, m hlHlL lilwud bwtt, Erjalo Mrbbira, u.o. BAUiBroL Bill, B- U. Bur. Audi,, BrOWBIAO A lUldf MAMO, — bauoo, md . Borntld AL..I. ««U. Uuit BUUM, Ul.Ud. BuUau IMo.j Bord.cbw K. Bruwo. ii. t «i»«ip -U Brtniivra.lkill 14DU, kj,u L. Biowij, iiu Bovar,, Bd. Bojd, i II SruMIt a K B Budwui rror. h. H Br.oo.0.J. J. B>m>,u BAiWr. KB Bllla, Y. K Buu.iiurT • iara, ua>Tl/ Con alio. Paler Carter, llarry Uhbe,bliaa II iH^aan, llenrl Ooicoiao, fi<a Uialg, Marah Cariuanelll A Luclhe cooper. /.. !ue Man. — orell, Ubea. OollioaA Farley Coo now, J >'norov, John II. Jurran,*iaa T. Uat olio. Clue. t)iark, Duncan Uheaamor*. tfllfred CourUiey.Cliu <*. • arnoe A Webatcr Jhauoy, J«e iktnktlDg, £»l >,uioy, a. W ilunnolnxa, It K OIHUn, Arthur i^mpoau. Prank '-uiliuaaColiiaa 'UIMarl L'lmnn.J D., iv>nrad Oalcedo, Juan A. Carlton, fail II. oiu. Charley Coho. Leaier Cauldy, Jobn ilteV r— 1 Del in ore, Harry i:arneHa, billy rutmar. Cbaa. A/heWllL L Delmor*, Merry Uoubelii, Tommy Uoogherty, liogh Oeaae,H.ll. Ovbloaofl, J.W. Dempeey, Jerry ueefcer, KrneaiC Dobaoo. Ben P, Ureke, Uomar Davldaoa, W. I, Del mar, Harry ueiavoye, W. Davla, n. II. lla vl a. U. B. Dixon. M. J. Uookalader, Lew Urydeo. llarry Dumont, Prank .n.diLe D. D. Dearborn, Beit Daviee, Ed U. 0*11 Uro, Lulgt Daniels, — (ocoll Op. fJol Deover.E A LI HI a Uerer*, Prol. K. uu Mar.Uaroiue Dawaoo, Milton Dixon, W. P. Uer«w, Tbo*. uobtilea, Jo* DleJ.UJud. DnmoDt, Prank D* Caroo. Uhaa. Danny, W. p. Uuncan. W. A. D*imo Dot Dtbbina, Uarry DUIon, Joe uanlela Edwaid DoFlllppi.Joa. Doyle, John 01 Ike, Jae Diamond.Obaa Doarea, Waiur Donne, Jaa I DoVete.T. a. DaahiBgton, A. P. Dnon,* red EHia,Cba* T. AAgle. w. Emeraau, K. U, Evana,beu. Kagao, Louis EJUog, Kerry BtmtHirn*. tvllli* Elna, Arcble H bliAeodori. W. C. H/lwarde, Kddia K.drldge. IU»bU Fink, Fred K. P. p. U. Frlio.Blg. rtaher, 0 P. Poi.JuLOU. tmanaierj Keves, Fniicta Prank, 0. W. /lokea, E B I e.tou Broe. Pmnigan. Too Paa i, A J. rord ««Ii*tU, »<y**,A E.H. Preeae, Larry Penton, Prank Pane l, L J. Por reat, P. Pleery, P. Pi ado, (leo. Pielda. John F. Paraawojtb. Tibial Ftemlnii, Freak Fux biM Foot*, Com. Freeman, Tboe. Pnrlosg. *IUy Fltber.J. D. /iardnof, Chaa ^^lUlaa.Vaa. O^rdon, Uarry n,L*w _ OMvjq Uio E CuU.ii J ll. (artir. ntcbaid (Jon ao A Aoauo C*'deU.w. W Ciark. Bit bet i K. Cbnttie. David Carry, a P. Ujiiioo, Br>an i ail law, Aua Uunai/r. Euaund Coacb. EP. Ucole,Ja*. Carver, Cba ■ Cohere, J. A Cofiar.fhaa UulLn«,Etf. Ulare, Earl ip*to*j aTeeaos tow, Pi Claytoa, PraaK Uftrouo.THoo J. Uraham o*o. P, Orinnell, Ben P. ■Hoce, bl'ly tl eaavo, hrof.O R, < a. (Jlnvannl, Ultaa. Uamble.lH A. uliOn aMaike (lai bolt. Hue (Jlenroy. blohard (lodoard 0. M. tiejer, Edgar tlregory.ileo. I*. (lohi, litrman Uieua«l,Louia HHIetie.W. U. iiiloore, Will Orani, ju. P. Oarrlaon. W. J. doeraa, K. 0. A. (JlrdellaLouia drlavoid, A. M. Urati, J a lea urey, KC K. Uur, Albeit K Hanlea, Made Ueota, tt II. (lorey, Dr. J. P. Kerrigan, Prank MutcblRX, Poaur Hell, J. 0. Hlrat,U H* Hogaa.Pfol W. A. n)odaun, W. A. Iluiehiason, J. D. ilawbiae. Law HoweoD, N. J. Mo wart, A o. Ilanloonroi. Muotlngion, Fruf. Bart, Jerry Halo. Harvey llarila,Lbaa, Uardmaa, M U. f (owe, Jobo L. llubbanvW. E. Sicker, Wm. enry.O. D. Uwbert, Fred li tele j, Mart Heoniogway, J. Hamiitua, Wiley Uranl, Jack Hanuiaide, t). Harrtagion, J.O. Mow aro. W. 0. ijuwtJi lii's Ulbernlca Cu lluuuog. BobL lien It, alodoey llagbea rrio Uuiioo, J. W. UHlman, Eugene Herbert, Obe*. Uaoeon, John I Io worth, John Do) (troche, The lliabr, W 4. tlolwee. W. H. liairla, Jaa lluwaa, Tbe Ifubln, Prank B iiohanaieln, W. E. Uagaa a Pion llaworth, Jaa. Hancock. 0. P. uaoar, fJadJ Hall, u. W. If ami'ton, OA TO ale 11 awl I loo, Uarry flayvocd.Cbaa. leory, Booy llutrt, Qeo, llaroo, 0. E. iraatlon, Harry Mall, Ed. r. Hal*. Ben aual, Jo* nrd.T. J. lioee, Cbaa. A Hallla HoiUto. Jaa B. rlovara. Frasfc Ireiu. Jaa. Iralu, Woj. Jaekeoo, ueo. Jpoaf. John jooaa. rrana Jeaa,John June e. llarry Jo-lAbB, Will J^enoedy, Prof J, Kcaoody. S. W. Js,'tro°ir- w - B<M,Ed. hMf.i r. Mu.MbA El,,. W. W. «.ll7.i»l F. KlOH. J. W. KID,, bill. BMAb.T J. K. C/ub >. BAM.Ugib BlfHOli AT' l,mptos, L A. iiUr.v.;. KMMdr. Trof 8.A. ■lis*, Uun ~ >r>j*u» A D. lAaoDt, Prwd uniA,H,rb.n _.»». H« Lam. Id.. LoftbwoodjCbAAA U»U,B D. LelAD, Kraut Lwsuil.JobDB. tuoanBroa LortlDDoa, raal I« Draw. PHI Lw.IAEt.ratl UWTT. V l> Lb Van. tad R. lABtlABd, B. IL Lluk Jul U Burt, Ran Laa, Rot, fT.t. LibbT. Jobn Laa, wot Lob. Kur lltrr, LarUrra. rUUI, Lonaloa llarry La rj.ll.bIo.>. LtthAm,W. A. LAWMne. ft HurlQRIon Lorraln, t'h.i. Uo,. R b. Ua,-Uonl«l) Lowary. JhK LowaiM., Tonr Labrd, Aribur Ltab, — (ailraae.) (Ul) L, Raaoa, Hairr LaBOBan, L»aur Laor, Jaa Mot, Blllr Lncll.r. La Hoat. Jo* 1Lf!ll.r,(nua. A. ■Turmr.Ju UuiDt.K, Wm. MoAdow, Dadl.T MoDo.ouRb, — (nitnan.r) Millar. Ban Hollar, Uao. II, Kurphr. Ja*. Bo-aiihr. luck UoUuiMid.W.W Maann.Toa, P. Hleh.IM-.rl H„|ik, rbu Hiit|<hr ft Maiup "film,. « HeAnr. Olok ■ >«>, Uan J. H.rarl,n.l, td. ManulL llarrr ■oAlllibv. — B.lhiroa. fill Nllaoo, tiara!- Navmao, Dr.rT. L. O'Rrl.o, A. J. (Vrii.LMarlu OUa, ll. W. (I llourb.A Boro.ll niir.r, J. (1 Pn». ll. II. rauloa, Chaa ro*lAi:)lntoti I'arbi l'rol. M. a. lnb..U.i.rU Prarl, Blllr Par.Dto^iTao, I'owUr, wm,, Kam 1'alm.r. Law raarl, Tnnr Pattoo. Frank ll. popp, cha. I'loanl, Frad ralhain, rtaad, Phllllpa, D.V. I'arloo, CorM Pat.Man, It (I. Pro.J I'. Prnaho, Tlioa, riorca. Jnha l-rlor, Mb l'.na. Philip Prrrr, T. R Ruawll.J.J P. Rica, (l»o. T. Rua.ll lllrhtr. Blllr H#no, (laa. B. Hi.o. Jaa Rlrnalilr. td. RaJLJ.eV Raaran. J. W. Kar.R. V.>,<l II. Ruanll. I'llnuin Hanaoh, PrM Robaruoo. Frank Rautlllaoa, oluk Rainano.— Rio* ft Aodanwin RaiDolda w. B. Rf don. W. M. Rat, rlilllp noblnaon. Punch Kaanan. Jaa W. Thoa HcKror. Ilillr Mlondll. F. r. Hllaa. HrHnall. K T Htaoo.Tom Monro, ft Hub Mubbani. II. M. HoAllular.Haill Haann.B H. Biter, Ban J. HoATor A Dojrla Hac.ioalla. 0. (l. MeTab. A MeBrld».W. II. Af.rrllL, J. y. Miliar.!), tl. MoNarln.Jaa Miron ft I'aail M,leomb. I'mf. Maraball. Hair; Marb^Joal ManUr, (Jliu Maa... mam U. MalcAir, K. K Mclllonla. U A. Mtlrllla/Pnok Marab, W. L. Marlov, Jim Moflabart, rraab BoFaddao. K. R. MoOarr*r. Willi* Malcoma Tbo Moora, Ravmon MoOarthr, J. K. Marba, llu M.odroo, L. Monl.llo, Fiaok Marr.Ua llan MuatAOf w.ll.i Millar Sroi B(Klab«A Moor*. WaW.r H, Moodr.O. R. Morao,M T. Mart,-(or Morrar ft M.) Mr'*- ~ • lack, E J. I lie It«, Max Mettayar, A. A. BoHeTieo, Tom aiwali. Buien* L ling, llarry (onnan, E. B. Neery, Jaa, Nlckl**, P. D. NevlUe, Outave Norwood Bros. Norrla, Dart Norma*. — (fro* man) fltavart,'nia.., II. f . RwHIaMd, J. 1. Hh.raun. Dan ni.wanialll»n KUpioo, 'loth tHraflln. Pred D. ■Illlw.ll, V. U., li. II. rlouM'A Band Rtanton. Chaa. 8. rpaiaa ilarrp X Carntral TowoaOBd, Laa Tltntnona, Qao. II* Towna, K. C Tripp, Obaa B. Tr.ntmao. Bd. ThiirbBr.P. II. Tarlor. D. VT. Thumpioa, — fnaoafor) Turotf, UU* rara. B«n Tliarar, Bar Tnonian, Bnrt Tr.laian. H ff*. miter, Mark Talbot, W. J. Thnmlon, W. T. Ttleodnra B. B. rrter. u.o. Tann»r. al Tlllntt. VA. Tiiil.lll, Ban Talhlll, lionry Urban, Jack I roil*.- TTna.1, John V. Y v*rulll. lla Voroon, Carl vara.r Jr. B. W. Van Dao, Wm. Van L*.r A Barton Vincent. John P. Vinton, llorac* V nt>, Dlilr Hainan). Kd. "o.,ra XV II. .lla, nr. II. Hilar, W. II. Rnetia A nhtlloR Raoo A Pnnl Kn.Mll. Banl Rudd, A. Hand, rlilllp Hlchraond.Hnbt. ItMkwall. J. n. Rud ft flomian llah), Rolantl inter, K J. Kir*. M. R Una-era, Darld Hoblnann. llarrr Rar, Vlo. II. nial, A. J. Itaoalna. Thoa, Roala, Hroa rtoborta. Win. Raoohft Konn.ilr lulal.h. II. H. Itlklell. Obaa A. Itoeho.l.r, K. rulin, Oaear Slrombarir, J. A. Hhaw, Lew flw.rl, AI. 0. «urrow, Dr. 0. K. Hliiii>nn, Jaa "ulllian. K. II. ^•Il.ra. llarrr HuillMoaL, J. U. Hpllr, Ah* Hataon, a. P. KtlUK. Han bin, P.tor Halllran.J W Ht Aubar. I) VT. "hl.Wa, Ran HchaHor, II. IL Madman W. H. H>mnn, If. VT. hcanlnn A HtaTona Harp. W. T. Koliwana, Iba Rloan.. llarrr Rpancor, Hilly Halllranlirain.Ci.. fUaraut, Lan Kouthara.Kilwln Klalaoo.U. Hlmpa, ll. II. Hn.a, Rllro Mualral Hlanrord.TnDy H|.ar,«.J. II. hlooam, J. W. Wil.wleb.T. II. KaaUr, IN.) Chaa Rerlim.rft Haillh, ii. w. Ullrar Weildio," Uo. Rebh*rt, Aloi, Hiraino, Frad «,«. J.H. tthariuaii ft Murnuaj Hlegrlat, Wm. Inn, OH alilla, J Verni.n. J. U. Vino, Win. Van. Biilr Voul, w. K. Vlrilna P. A. —all.ra. Mw ft Delia Whipple, WalJo WArtan,<). K. Walla., Jaa Wlilailer. Ua». Waldo, ll. W.IK a M. Wllb*. Hay Whlllaker. R. IT. WllbeaK.1'. • ft Hall Wllllama, J. D. IVimanu^Arlliufii Walla, llarrj Wnotl. Jaa. W.aL Tony Vfl.ttliiia. 0, W. n'anl, Jnali WaaiYaki. K.A. Waunn. Hilly Wllllama, Tommy ITa.lar.1. V. II. William., Rrodo Wiiahl Oiden Waldron. Joa Whllfl, Tom WalUin, IL J. Whlln.Ja. Wllllama llarrr Waalilurn, I. W. Wllllama. Fr«l Wearer. Tliea. II. Watbl.a, llarry Weak, Koaene Wlill«,llaii. Wood,tlrant 1>. Ward, llarrr Weal, Albert II, William.. I). II. W.lm.n, II M. Wllrnio, B. W. Wehalar, W. !'• W«UMt>auiu, K. White HaaleHIII Wllmn A Itelniuin Wr.ul, Frank «hl... tllartoo K. Winl.r. Juhu Wrll«,W. J. ttllo.n. K. U. WalL Hull WLdl.Ji>l.n A. Wlllla, F. I). Wliililiiian, Allen Waloarlltlil. Arthur whitman. K.nok Wylla. Judd WolrrVrad Wlialan, t'hae, W.Ik Hal ^aolan, Wm. -rrnunif, Wm. J Vetauma, — Vmin>,J. II r/.l,l.r, U ll. "Zattii, - 7«rr.lli, K.I. y^lluna, II. Zenio. r. I". /..nlnnr, Dan. Karallo. rhaa. /■.inula, J. J. CANADA* Toronto.—At Iba Urantl Upon lluuao, Dec. lu- 13, "Wans" had lilg builneit. Tlie t.ertetnn Oi>era(Jn, IB-IS, had a good adranoe tele, ftoining: IT-ID, Mr. and Mra. Kendal; »3J. Emily Haoeber. ToBOB-ro Orstu llouas.—Ueo. 10*16. "Die Two Hla- tare" drew la rue houaea. Uoinlog: 17-31. "The Hnut'j Before the War. n AnaoBBrurMiraittwaj dark wiek of )a-H. ('orului: IT-U. JnU F. Plerde' Vaudeville Co. Mooaat's Hussa—llaalneaa la fair. Ireelure Hall: Mo Hoy, Lovaada and WlUim. Tliaaire: Ntilan end Uo- Shane, Bros. 1'alaro, the Wtiglitriietere and atarluw ami Fluakett at Mahbv'n Memo Hall 11 "The Meaela)i"had big hoilnaa*. I'aviliok.— YaAve cornea IH. AoitiToniiiy.—The Klavln Bnn had a crowded liouae H. Ilsmlllnn.-At Iho Oratid "Weoo" plajad In one Af theiaiKait endleocaa ilratenr nllwfiJielHjQM Uao U. Jamaa V Adaina.ln"A lira*/ Uit," cum a an. the flTldoo Vnmniy Co. play a week, coninieaeliig 31, at popular prioea htj* Tnkatbb— f.lttU linn I la, foriiNirly known aa riukle Mullaiey. tun wlih aucceae U-l weak wlih t^tir rlever denning. Dec 17 end week: Tl>* llnalnya, M<t- Hawaii and Kiovena, Ella t/erliaiiun, firaili Eroa., aod Jennht I-earr. TniATMS Hoval -HuraeH'e Block Company will pro* du"e "Chaek 1 17-ltf aod "A ilokleu Olanl '»-3l. W, E. Rauuiat will give hie iaailure, "A Trip An.und Hi* World," in Aaaoelatlon Hall Chililniae, matme* and night. LoiiUon,—At iho Jr/vQd "Wnnr." Deo. U, V; had immenae tiuaiuM*. llieyware t>ix>**\ fur It '-nly andHr.Tboriiaall Thr^e hour* alter llin aale eUrta>l every eaat In tbe liou*>>i wee taken. Nafrlnlhn lilalnry ol UioOrand waa auoh a demand inade for aeaif. Nana* gerTni*. of "Weog," bought off thu HL Ttimnae daln andgaielwo perfnripancei IS to cr>i*dad houaea.. TQe wonderland Thraireend Mueee cArna lo a auadati elna* alter oo* week'e porfTineoco. Under the leadar- ablpol U. N. Hlawart th* houae opeoei S, when ' I'*" eiun'agla'o" and "The Hidden llaii<i" were put on dur- ing the week. On ID Mr Hi*werlla(t III* eltr. Proprie- tor lloreman, of lit* Oietit Huua*. lo wlimn Mr. Htewart bed aoarsnioed die Ipuanl ot that Cuinpeoy, had film arrested betore he croaeed the 11 nee lo Port Huron, lla waa irleti II by Hie Police Hag* latrete aod aeoured hie releaae Mr. Kiewatt'e lawyor argued that iran>l could nut i»e proven, u lie bad not left the country, aod that elvll proce-adlnie woiId have to be taken for ihe collodion ol delite. Onl> ass wae found on liiapfraou. Tim iheaire continued open week of Id. Mr. Uur*man tuonloa It lo aecure hie account. It eloard It and Uio f»llowlog p*"|>le are leu with hardly rnaana eotinnh to leave for il.olr homaj P.. J. Loe Kohl. Flak, Percy (llllTord. llarrr Hnnlun. W. ft. Hell mm. J •<» bean, Mhmla Adeie. Mllil'«-J Heher ami NellleUranvilre. t) II llaratead and wife (Joua Mllla? fared varf »«ill. aaMr. Hie ward had advaoc»d them iav. oral emounie. The ownariof Ihe hooa*. the uri-haalra. prlotiniolhCrea ) *1c.,coHieontwllh aloial loaaof alnut SBD. NesntlaJiona ire about eouiplela*) by |le«*ey A Uoere, ol tli* Pier Theatre. I fain i Moo, to leaae Ihe houae Uaol|»h.—At the Ho; a I Opera Hume Our brut. 1 MlBS.rel', Dio II. 12, appeared to larse houaa* W K Hinaey id bia llluatraieo: lecure, "Hound iha World/* hadaBOodaud'encoli. tUtmlim: f)ao 77. Webllng Ufa. tera; S), Battalion Eaid; Jan. 1, Noll? tlaulhony. ttooboe^At Ibe <juobeo Tliratro tlio Kreucli Opara Company, lo reptJitory, are playing lo good )ium« neaa. >««S*>4 - C OLORADO . Deov*r—At tba Tabor Opera lluoae week of 10, the Merle Tavary Uratid gnu Hah Opera riayed to big buaioeia Week oi M.Loitiei Coll In*. LtosumTmbatbo— Weebol 10,'Three Hate." by tbe piayed to big buaioeia Week oi M.UuIf* CoIUi * bThbatxo— Weekol 10, ■Tbr— "— _. nipaar. did a targe bualnaae. OeansSrasar Tssavaa-Week of 10 Denver Com in Opora Co, ia "The cnimee of Nornandy," bad good Osbtbal THBiTSB-Weokof 10, Nellie Magolte, Bell aod ■llliar aoJ iheThie» Keieoa rlualoeaeie nool. COLLxauH.-IJeo Ba. frof. u. li. Hleaioo, borae tainer. Ii peaking the borne nightly. Poolilo,—At ihe firand KllaaoD, Iba Ho fin u a wiiard, gaveaa*a*.teDt*--« toarair bona*. Milton Ko- blew coioee ». The London Empire Euieitainer*, booked bore tor ii,iaicelad. COLPBSfA^ Nothing newanooontod for tbla week. BAiairaflrAiDAiD.—Baker and II an mar. laataesaon with Sella AaUntfto*'sOiro«s, are new thlawcak. (Jar* mUandLowla, Anole Aabley. Moaa. Outdo and BtUts Mart, are retaJned. Baaioeaafsfair,