New York Clipper (Dec 1894)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. DBOEMBBB 22. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER THE FUNK QUEEN PUBUtHtM CO. (United), raoramou. OBO. W. UU* HABlon. BATUBDJLY, DEOEUBEB 22. 1691 BATES. ADVSBTIBH1CKNT8. Tw*B)ly teat* par Ua*, BsfBi* tjp* Btfinnt aped* Of OM IMfe «U0 MA MM**. JLdldUUOBOf BpilMlll allowed a* *4nn***m*flta wtua paid lor thrw mean* la tdnsM. and o* edv*rti*anuatB mi* wring IS Um or mm SX7B80BIFTIOH. One year, te idruM, Ml Um owotha.M, thmoaoatha PonloipoffUitoab*. Msttoeoplo^UoaiciaWb. 00a TUMI AU OABH, UB OUrrSB (a laraad at #rj Wedaaaiey n* Ah, tub aad Mth (odTtitUaj) pam OO TO ■OXDAT. aa* tbe 14th. IMTaad ottaar pa Till Too' ON tVKMDAW, The rormt Olodnf Promptly mt 4 P.M. nattt remit br nma moaey erdtr, cheek, r. O. or- der or raaHtand tatter, ai ODRI8I ALL OOMMUNIOATIONt For aha Kdltorttl ar tha fi«aJ>aa* IHD^rtaa**! to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, r. o. aoi ujm. or ouffm buildwo, lad B Oeatn tttau, Ho* Tort. la BoaUad—Tai Oum* eaa be obUuad, who and null, of oar Menu, taith, ilaatta a Co., S autfoBfraat, ItraaoV _je—TawOurroUoo tala al Brataao'i ana Jepot, It Arena* 6* 1'Opeiav fart*. TI1B1 NEW VOKK ULIFPJCB pab- l.afaa* ouIt oao •dltloa, ud that la 4»tad from Maw York.« QUERIES ANS WERED. NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O R TELEGRAPH. .n aiaean. na ttimii ■nimrmniT^r ixLiaQVwr or aooi aiomp nm to taoa* war oiaa oi THB GMPI'EB Poar omn. ■■ADTmtfjamaoaiTBiz q*lt. If tib um Of ait rauTENUL ooarur » aomaT, taraa to on lot or aovraa o* Asoraia rioa. wi oiaaor ■AIL OK tlLHKAn. THBATftUVAL. Bor?, Pa'l Rlw —Wo iiroDg'r adrla* too, *r*a aa •meteor*, to mas* do punb**** of pirated oopies of play* eor lo hate any dealing* with ttaoa* wbo offer than for Ml*. Von could not pur any of th* play* job mentlo* wi bout tha peralaaloo of tbalr loeWmeie ova tre, aor la it litely (bat permlMloa wold Mud, *e p*el* If war* Uhaowo yon bed eeoundaplntedoopy. Tbaroiiaaoldadaiawbiohaaja'Tba recelrer laaa bad a tha uur" ll, II. D. add II, (Juahoo— t. Wo doubt II roar via tare wonldraowad either Id tbla olty or Boatoo. You oertatalr e id Id not dao*nd op d iho fraoeb r**ld*nt* of olUier elty for petrooM*. We would ad via* you to corraa^oad «lib aotna of the local managan here. You will, bowere-, have taeaonn flnanolel book log baton tbey will listen lo you. A nrelimloari par- aonelTlelt la advisable. I roily Are dollan a plcten 3. Ooe hood red aad etgbty dollar*. 0 W. P., Fort ffayoe — Wo rrRret that we are noable to oblala the iDforraatloD yon da tire. W. W. &, Chicago.—1. Wnile there Ii Dodamaod. ■•gam en la might readily bo had. 1 Probably Ueoty- fire dollar* oer wart. a. Geo the eompaoy'a m to agar. If ion do all jou claim yon abou Id readily flod eogM«- meou aod mlgbt iood eommaad betur ^jniraa. OoMTjanoaioT.-Aea anawer to **L. D. D. at." In thla 7. A, Roohealar.-'-Tho Power of the Praaa" baloaga to AagaauuPiloaud wai written by bin andOeorga II. Jaaaop. J. a. II. RpringiUk.-1. Dan Rlca ran bla drat ©Irene Urine- a 8#oanrwar obi L. 0.,Toirlo|t*n.—1,1. fUlarr vat iwar ai the aot aod merit oi the performere. abow la 1MB. oo the ateamboat Allegheoy MalL t. lie ttoMtaue delivered temperanoe laoturea. Ua ta atlll tiring- a Baa aarver andar -'King." B.L. n.,ToirlDgton.—1,1. fUlarr varle< according to drawing power ai the aot aod merit oi the performere. Ja, i. aaiarlea raage Iron arieao dollara to eeron! ban- red dollan per *oek It la Impoailble to qaole tbe ararace C Aboat the aama. Taaaria.—1. They haTo ool f. It baa aarer been doaa InBnglaad. a. Viola Allen waa born la 11 anurtile. Ala.; W. U Thompson loaiaaaow, BooUaad.aad Ifeory Miller Id ItllngtoD, London, Eng. 4 It la aot true. & It did ool 8. HO. 0. W. O., OMoaga—1. We do not know wb«ra laoh a Hit cube had i Apply lor the lalormaUon to Herr> dado AahubnwaB, wbo *lll be at the Taatro Tooon, HaranvOnba, afur Dm II. U. H- r.-Norirlah.—1. It la. a There )■ coaataat de uaod. B Tbaprieoraagea from eigbt to ten dollar* per play, with a rwdnoed prloe. of ooarae, lor sun I (old oopiea, A.J.O., WaAbiagton.—It I* Icupaealblelogltadalaa of Knormaaoaa In email plaoaa nearly a quarter o( a oaa- J7 Bgo. P. r. 0.8prlnia»ld.—AdrerUw la Tub Cum* for what»« want. aaeraiaaatheadofthUevlumn a. P. T.| BroobUa -h. aod log room only. W. add T.. Uartford —1. Probably forty dollara per weak 1 Addreaa Jamea J. Armeuoog, 10 Uetoo Bquua, Mew York II. H B., Oljuipla-Bdala Booth toured tbe United Suiaaforovor thirty yeara beioro he appeared aJoog with Lavraooa Barrett lie alao t III tad Auatralla, paid three vialu to BaglAAd aad ooe lo Qermaay. Tan, Wellnllla^l Mot wlihln our memory. I. Wo thlakthaUUahaabeea vaed. S There la a well known play baaing taat title p. W. On PaekakllL-H doaa not; the lleenee la paid by the manager o| the bonao. J. H.a Obleafo.—l About 811; dollara per w*#k. I. Taaaty oeau per Hoe. J. L B, O.ntblana — You eanoot obtain aorlptorthe ptt> jou meailoo la aoy bom J. L B, O.ntblana—You eanoot obtain the menu aorlptorthe plt> jou meailoo la aoy boneat CaabF' - aeJuier Baie toutbo right to pie* It hlon. B. B, Brookh n.—We never advlae anrone to go upon tbe alaga, and can In do manner aaaltt yon Tn joor tfTorta 0. A a, OroDOfo.-Bee adTortlatnteBta In another ool- vmn 0. N.T.UIbwmUiij.—We do net know any of the par Uea. HDBaoaiBJH.nhloaco.—1. Addreaa Diet a PliageraJI. in Ann HUeettMav York Olty- t Many or the leala,or trieka, aa yon call thorn, are ont deaaribed In any boobx and tha method a ol their perfomaaoe are pronaalonal A. U. B.. BaOale, 1 —Yon hare a perleet riant to pro- due* the flluaion. 1 Thirty dollara per weak to begin with A. W.O. Mew Orleana —Thar* la no demand tor the ait, therefor* we oannui qeote eatery B. K L-Thirty dolleta per week. U. M. O^O^booe—Whereebonia nnhnown to ua. Ad- dreaa letter In reue ol Tan "lima H. F. U, Rooheeier.—We do not know the wberaahoota of ih* pane — Addreaa bin ineareofTsaOurpaa. P. B IC.NuDde.-The Ureal American Bngrmvlog aad PrinUBgOo. J irBeekmtnBireet l Kew York City. _ . RBADBB.-I. About Are ihoaiaad dollara. 1 They aomaumeo rear, bot uauilly take p* roan lag*. B. Too would oi^d a maaarer. K 0., Lowell — Prlmroae A Weat hare aeTenty paopla thi* eeaana. W. u. p., MaannUlty—^TheLoak Paradtae" waa flrat |trod»edTat the Ooluub.aTheatre, Ohleago, 111, ea Aog. pV. U.V., Moo«l^-l, i Ab tut Iventy ftve dollara eaoh ear week, aad locreaae acoording to merit when yon ba torn* known. S. There la e g-od demaad daring the eoUnjtaeaaoa. L. D. D. M., Brooklyn.~8baonon. Miller A Orane, IBS Broadway. Uali oily. _ Kude. Ifeoilereon.—W« know of nnne. Byadrb— We do not know the rotter ot the company, nur do we know tbe party oonoernln* whom yon la* uulre Addreaa letter in can ol Tub (TLirraa B 0.0„ Ja.HaJem.—The party waa bora la Pblladel phia. Pa*, or at lepat that baa been ber home tor many I ear*. Meat of her pmfeaalonal life baa been apent .v trtuo aug* The name ah* beara became -Ug* Bhelaamodel wlieaod mother. _. Qraad Ledge—Aboat twenty dollan per week and traniportetioo. W. J. U—The parly be* elo*ed hie aeaaon temporarily, aad we do aot know bte wnoraabouia. Addreaa LVm In our car* 0. D. apd O., 01 Loo la—You might obtain twenty dol- lara per week. Buoaa, Mobil*.—It oertelnly doe* not, but the reou* tatwo of a aong writer or eoag publlaber oueote lor eomethtag. OoaeTAJrr Rbadib— The'-ad."vlllooat yon tao dol- Ure. MR*. A. Bn Ohloago.—Addreaa the party la care ol Tbb our ram A. q.a.Dhlaago.—"The Lady or the Tim" wa* pro- duoalbylh* Mo'aall Upera Co at Walfaak'e TbeeU* (oow Paimer'a). thla city, May 7- Ik* with De Wolf Uop per prominent lo the oaat. The follow Id e eaaaoo It weal apnathe road i with Mr. Iloqper lo n hi* orfgiojU rola Btrwet, Uh'l ber* by njerrUg* a 1. Addreaa Boott Marble, la) Olark . loago.IU I WtaleliTlog. l Maatia, BaltlBore.-W* can idrolah jon with no in- Addn i letter la a iliueeoi ui ooy& avrevxr.ivH ■vaiunraituiui It to aeour* aa engagement with alt eipenee* |*ld n ► boy a really ptaj veil yon might probably get Oily Uara per week and Uanaportellon formation ooooaraing the party, ol tbb curria. U. B P.-W* eanoot quote ralary wltheat knowing the abilluaeof the th>ya Moreover, yon acnldBnd ltdlffl u *.t « the doUara'per week and Uanapoi A. A —*e» the head ot thla eoleaio. L U. a, Brooklyn.-Frederick Bntoa waa leadlag man at tbe Uolon Kouara Thvaira, Ihlaolty, aader the manaa*meat of Bhook A Palmer. II* he* alao* ap- peared her* la "PorgtTea" aad la other plaja. VAHDI. L. aao P.—Al poker, a player wbo opaaa a laoh pet, aad iaaot«licd,Be*dabow only opener* or bauer. L. K., Haw Torm.-Taa rale la aaeai* baartag — the »nbj*ct,re*d* ea follow*: ••flhoold a plarer p'ay wlih mar* or I*** than flv* card* or the dealer neglect to dia- eard before ptaylu the deal atanda good, and the delto- qoeel party forfeiu two polnia. it lour axe play lag, and four I r a Ion* hand t* puredi aod they an debarred tmm awrtng any polab Ihey nay hare made that O. A. M. Marion — Dare la the rple: to tha playar who broke tbe pot, tbe taller take* _. ^ and can only ba compelled to abow laeka, or better, 'If ell pee* Bp ah** the pnel, neeaeaary to orvak'tbapoL' Of ooarae, aho^ild any qaea. Uon aria*, the player aboatd eatlafy the other* In the game that he bold a Calr band. O. ■-, Martoo^-Bee aoiwer to 1 O. A. B. W. M, MaiioD^-B wloi. Only opener* an required to ba ah own in Bach a eaaa. J. W. B, Hartford —Yea; aoy atralgbt flaah u what, lo eoma place*, la termed * "royal" floab. wbleh la only an other war of d latin gnlili log it from a aim pi* gaab. U. U,Cl«*land.-Io poker, tbonM ib*dealar giro any player more card a than tha latter called lor, end tha pliyerdleeorereod aonoaooathe fectbeior* railing bla tarda, tha dealer matt withdraw tfa* anparflaoa* card* and raatore them to the pack; but II tbe player ralaee t>>* card* be for* loformlog th* dealer of the miataka. ba mail retire from the game daring that hand, flaah laB» rale bearing on Die point You an mlatabao lo your atalerteni** to whet r *lloyIa* aaya regarding th*matter. U B. M .Orand Porha.—A gate a run of urea for <ba bvteard lot,6,9 dandl P. O. B., Detroit—Th* eoaotlo oibbag* for 8, 9.4,4 and 6 la tweoiyloar, ol which elibt an by flfteeaa J. ft. Mew Yorb.—Tbe geme yon were play lag waa aot each re aod you will bare to make your own rate* for It. Ota RVBaoaiBBB, London.—If yon wen playing forty- two point* to tbe cam*, aa ■• inter from yoor letter, then A, wan I log bat one point, went out on to*. BAStCBALL, CIUOKKT, BSTO. 0. U. P., Philadelphia—1. The qalekeet played game of nine Inning* took forty eeven mloalee. LTna Hur- ra a Ana pal of IMH oootaina a complete Hat of th* pitcher* wbo hare aocompllihad th* feel of retiring a Uam wltbont a rafe bit in nine cooaeeatlf • Innlnga ol a flnt elan gam*. W. B. P, Chicago.—The ball waa dead, baring been Milled In th* wicket ke*per*a haada, aad the ha tarn en wa* not oaL T. B, Jere*y Oily.—Tn* Otnclooatl Bade, tn IBB), waot throagb th* aeaaon without loelog a gam*. Harry Wright played eeotr* fl*ldand managtd the teai~ ATaaLJBTIU. KBivaaT.—I. Th* Ceateat recorded tlm* for rnnalag OMbDDdredynrdalaPK^; and for SB yard a KM*, br a ptofwlooii, and IPMi by aaamataar. I Tberemayh* that many capable ol dologaacb a perlormaooe aa yoa menUoo. bat not nearly to many bar* ao fer aeoom- pllahad the leal OkDBoaaoaiBBB.—Ton ehoold r^aauaded w'*-«n»lDg the present record a good buOog (if you ewa), wltbont oTereiertlngyoanalf. Baiure that yoa mik* th* at- tempt In pabluxaa'l onder th* aopenlalon ofdiaioter* aalad ana capable offlclala, which uoeoeaaaryto aao,in a record. 0. P. K. t Kew York.—Yea: th* Uolveralty of Penntyl eaniafboibaJl team beat tha tram of Prlnoewn Colleg* at Philadelphia on Nor. a, 1*1 the aooro etandlaa 8 to 4 Y. B. D., Ohleago.-It leloolateoowforyoa to forward theaffldavltathalarareqnlelte in mature ot record. Oi ooarae the endorsement of the Senior/ Road Olab woald b« eauafactory, ont it i* alao too late for that TUHP. A. a D., McDipbla.—Th* lour mil* hut no* between Tan Broack and Modi* MeOartr at Loalarllle, Ky^ foi BBOODaHda, took plan* on Joly 4 1678 0. U.T.,M*w York.-l No. Yoa are aaUUad (o on* half of what yon woald bar* got bad your bone woo outrtihL I Wbataortof aracavaalL 8 II yoa inr— lo tbe eame order, yea. U a li., Phllllpabnrg-Baivator defeated Tenny In the no* for lb* Ohampton Btakee at Monmonib Park, in IBM, winning by loar tengthi Bach bura* carried IOt>, Beiveior being ridden by leaae Morpby and Tenay by B U. Oerrleon. J.8.B., Dacatar.-AMordlog to pabliahed.aad appa* reatlyauihorita'i** autemante the length or reach ol theboien ntentlonad I* aa follow*: JameeJ Corbatt. aJMlB-: Bob Pitaalmmooa,80H»n. Thla lad ubtleaaap- proEimauiy correct, bat w* woald aot advlee yon to bet ob theOgur**. J. a It,Sprlngdal*—Tuuotglr*youth* lofbrmaMon you want, it la pretty cenaln, boaever. that JameeJ. tlorbeti la the wealihieat boier In America. J. K.. Phllad*lphla—U*prn4ao*d thai amouotatth* tlm* ol the me*uog boiwereo him and Pnulmmone_ tbo oIDc* of a contemporary eome time a to, hot he bad nooeaaaloo to put It up. a* iL* oppoalu party waa not prepared lo a tea* ao much then, tie may bar* potted It aloce- D. 0.. McDonald — Bee aoeaer to *'J. 8. R." U , NewTork.—Jamei J.Corbett, the pnglllaUo chaa plon. ladrLlla. la balghL T. li. Oro nity —Th* flihlbelweea Oorbau and Jack* •on at Ben ProDcleco, rd., waa declared by th* reieree "oooonieaL" Had U be*ndecided adraw,ih*C*l'for- nla AlbUUo Olab would have baea In duly bound to have alrea tneacb prlaoipal one hall of the par** tougbt for. Io«teadlhey gave thnm ooly peitoi lb* money. BatBia. Manbelm —1. We do not keep them, nor do we know where you ooald obtain a oopy. l. Tbanleree'e decision la the Ogbt between Oorbtit and Jaabeoo, '~ Ban Praaclaco. OaJ., waa that It waa "no content" _ Corbell wea born on Bapt 1, IMA, and the fight took plaeaoa May 31,191 • IMlBf INOBB, DICE. ETO, (J. B M., New York.-A wloa, aa B did not b*at *Ut*d, wbleh h* wagend he aoold. M180BLLA.NBOUB Btaibuolbbb, Maw York -II the nartlaa mentioned were the only oandl 'ate* tor the offlo* Bmltb wlna,aa bla man waa elected byaoODmaJoritr. A. J.O.. YancoaTer—IrP bet that 0 aad Owonid both be aleeiad, tbe defeat nr the buler make* blm a loaerof all tha money he wagered ll Y. 0- Bocheater.-The party wlio bet that th* clock wu "» mlnnte oat of lb* way" won th* wager, aa It *aa wrong by mora than that, and the greater alwaya In olndea tbeleeaer. B. a P., Waahlngton.—1. Mr. Ounn aaa entitled to the money, aa the other party to the wager waa preaonlet the Ubi* th* lormtr gara bla check Ineaohug* for the oath, and made no objection to th* traaaaetion. Blther party to a bet can recover bla money Irom a atakebolder h ba chooaaa to eo to law. 0.0 0., New York.—Tbe mous* and ntbe<oogtotbe aame family, but an ol different ipeciea The rat le not atoll gro*n moaaa, aor la a moon a email nt. A moaae I* full grown wh*o It bacomaa about i)itn. long, while rate rug* from 6 to cXiP- lD laoath. A wloa ■ " i.-The a Rbadib, Manon.- < accident to which yon refer occorreO.notdMrlng a football game, but al a croaalog ontheM. Y. and N.K.R.B.. »tttoalhbrldg*.M*Ja,Nov. 9. Tb*omalbu>conr*ylogon*of tketeamiof player* to lb* ground* we* at rack by a paaaeogeriraln. three pereeone b*log killed loaiantly and one latally ln)ai*J. 0 H. P.. Waterlv.—The qeeailoawu decided by tbe □amber or vole* reepeoUvely received by the candidate* mentioned. 0 Baboatb, New Haven.—A, having made the Decreet gneaa to lha aeon ot the winning club, la entitled to the pool. A. 8 0-, Columbia a.—Tbe party that wa* placed In nomlaaUcn wlthoat hie coombl end who** name waa witbdnwo by aa evidently aaunriaed party on the morning of the eUotion, waa not a candldaU, and ibere- for* lb* bet la null aod void. J. A., Denver.—Pleas* restate yoor question, aa w* think you bare mad* an error In the leti«r before ua. J. K. UreenOeld.-Yh* offlcial vol* In N*w York nity IcrOovereoratthe laat elerilon waa aa lollowa: Hill. 117,088; Morton. IH.SB; Wheeler. 8.19; BaMwIo, TO; Maiohett,r.ilf: Mattbewa, 1,183; defeoUT*. 1,1*4; blank, a86U Toia\ 174,174. CHEOKERB. hewa ol tn* Ubbi* Richard Lac«r, the obamptoo of Providence, wbo re- eently defeated Jaa. A. Kovan in a match, baa been ehaHeaged by Oh**. Law eon. Thirty gam** will be niaied, aa I* usual in cliy cbamploBinlp matebea.. a la poor recalling , lerrow, who, forty yean ago, pteyed Robert Martina tor tbe worM'e chentpionahlp,la iWlcg In DcuaIan, Boot- lead In the Rroan Oetrudar meich the la'eet eoore la: Brown, 14; Qalnader,*. drawn, II Mr Uatnader la doing wall with th* veteran, and we think that tt wont b* long belor* h* la able to bold any of Brooklyn'e leaden even The* llardl*,ag*d eighty two. a gen- tleman well hnoaa in draught clratee le Aostralia.dled noaatly M Bmo'llok.ol in Pint atcou*. M*wYork, I* about to eolAig* hi* cigar etnn aad put In four more checker table*. Meean Bcoaeler, J. Brown Jr. I>e Preett aad R P Of render an orten >een then fnlo>lng the Stmt We bed the plea*tire of eeclng ihe veieran looker editor of fa* A'noart Nundup ca'l. J. 0 Palrchild, ncaally. He told u* that he bad beeo coon*ai*d with cbeckera In n» Cuil leraboottareniy on* jeaxe, which taahae him the ohleet enntlauou* cheoher editor in America, The three o:de*t checker oolnmna in the world an: P1r*t,TBB Haw Yomb C^jrraa'efabooi ferty yean): eeoend, nu Olaipnc Kftlly llemU'i; third, The Anaori tfundat CaU't. Mr. Pairchlkl baa b**n la poor health lately, but no* 1* eomenbel better. In recalling the many pleasant oro*a b «rd eaconoten ihet we bad with blm In both How York aod Newark, aorae tlateea to nineteen yaan ego. It mafcM ua leel quite ancient An Important tuaub oi sight gun** I* aoon to b* plai*d between J. tt Lewie, ol London, and Henry Boll, ol New ■ ol £k> Mesar*. Tartey ob, Kew York, an com- plajen Jamee Me- j U aome talk of aattlag upaiubecrlptlon melon b*l*e*n him and Dr Beba»f*r. lb* quMtioo la: "Hew b*dly will John b* beatenr' A cartons dieoaatlon ane* recently b*iw**n tao of oar metropolitan eipert* Wa will call uem A and & They bad played *)■ gantea, all retnlilne In dnwa B desired that aone ol the game* b* publlabed, a* be waa avetee to having his linea known on cocooni of fipecilng to play a money match aoon A, being a little the weaker fUjtr, thought Uiet he bed made a good ecor*,and that h* framea weuM add to hi* nputatlCB. an 1 olalmed the f>nvlTeg* of pabllahtog th*m Wa* n* Juailfled in pnb- lahlng tham aA*r B requested btm not toT Newark w*, Pateraom* A meeting between thee* two teams took plan* recent- ly ct Patereoo, M. J Tbe Mewarh player* wen abort eome of th*lr leading LaJsot, u Hymea. Marray Uebore coold not go. The pbvjere lload up u follow Hymea, Marray and Nawaaa. 0. A. BlaadlB.... 0. Moaalogicn... P. MaMoon U. k R**vaa Q*cl Thorn r«o*— 0. r. Baoagay BA.LftVftDeua... . Blaaihaa tekate Wtwark., ... 1 Patbibob 0*o. Moaigomery.. 0 w R Radallff 1 w.Halr 0 B.b.oraig • Geo Torn*, O. P. Bohradar... W. M*E«nay..., B.B. Baldwin.. Tha Mewarh playanwen nlealy entertained afar the play, aad laft tar horn* 00 th* 1081 train, hoping in again sTseat thalr Mend* In tha aaar f otnre. BalmUom ofFsMlUon Ho. 41, Vol, 48. Block I tt B White a* Mil 1 Black to play and oraw 18 fa 8 10 8 8 8 B II 18 U IT 10 14 0 11 s m*> <•) Only mora to draw ai 14 a w n a so s Drawn. Poaliiom Ho, 4», Vol. 4U. bt db. atmirraa anr tobi Bod gam*b*tw**B Meters Fcheebrand De Preeat Hl*ck» 8 10 80 m B mWw WblUfl II » 7 Blaok t« ptor ud d r««. Siu Ba. «a. Vel. M. BIROLB CORHEB. TlAftA Id N,wwh mutlj b«l«Mn Kmih A. J. D, t i, M t of Bmilin, ud Ju HcBnlM, of rhIUddpbl* kr MoEol MoEato, pi*)*! bU«k. II it n is U B ■ U II II u II II H a » < 1 11 n » u B H 19 B R 18 10 IT 11 II II >«« B U II B SI 9(0 • 11 m u 1 1 0 tt 1 u *i 'I a n u 11 17 10 u 17 n 19 u n m J 31 B O 1, S U WlllU vlu. a 14 (a) loiitffl, Mwmd Hum. WIIwd ud J.JU«iJr. Ih, lennu- vtrltd «■ (olio*, at thli polot: 11 II II 10 17 It II II so m» ■ • (10 B B B tt 0 I (» I 0 10 M U B ii It II 1, I II 14 B B II Ditvn. (c) Th, foltowlQ, will dm* alio: S B • 10 B 11 10 If I I u u ■5 B B If tl II 7 10 >< I S 10 IB B B t t M It 1 < II U li s a u '1.1 SI B II II U II ■ IS B U It 11 B B II S 50 B II II s a S I II 10 I II HI t t I Drnwo, Brrdu ud Molr- t 14 IS I t 14 a is Drawn. B 14 II IB 10 It B IS I 1 • 13 I 7 II 11 a is ii S OHE88. To CorreapondeBita. WaLTbb PpLrnaa.—W* bar* given three of your preblem* Of thia pair, the on* with White E 00 bla B 4, Black K on hi* 4 (twenty tw* men altogether) yon by 1..B to B8 Both Ba can do that, which ooef ]. Oubk. Btalna, Wis.—Well tried, beginner, thank you. Yoar eolnUeoaofjbe tint three Koa 1P7» are cor *olT*byl..BtoB8 W.O. Our- **" net; the Pnb,Part II,not ao. Blaok woald l..Px P. end oatllv* three We do not remember having Men eaactly yonr notation belon. but aaveral form* of on- mer*4 notation nave b**o proposed end all epeedllydle- earded. "fl M."'—Be en re we ehall mlaa you very much when thla •art** or"8tudi*a" la coded. Hope yoa will flod tlm* end laclloaUon to *lv* us aomelblog elee before the B. T. tUio, Botton —Our game* of cheaa can only be obtained through th* die* ol Tbb Ourraa at 10c per 0 amber. Jobb Uabdsbl— Mot for eevertl weak* yet; ihenwll b* plenty ol time for at tenet twoot your* J. B. Ridwihb— Our idea waa ihat perbapa yoa con Id readily reler to the eonrca wbence you took ihat Bbihb- barb lufaUuitr,**yougevelt)ie: irAiu.-KatbT; gi l; Eui« end*4; Pa7: BiadL-K at b I; Bgl; Pa b 8. b 8 and b 3. Mate tnJbur. w* prefer not to indloaie even the key, aa onr readen will *o!oy th* treat or iolv- mg It—when corrected. Cnlgma. No.l.vB3. Prom Pim» bnf. Engtuk Cam f^ohlnu ar mvr HOB4TI0 soltok. "Tbe Arahlaoa" 'The Appioaibea. 1 & t& & •IhllBH. 4. KKtft. « t t aihteHT. BBtd, 6 White matea in eleven. ugt. QBS. Kl. KBI. ,lbli4. Whlu m,IM la lourtMD. Probl.m No. 1,1103. WHITE. Wblla 10 play, black lodnv. Ubbi, No. l,tW3. llUr aakaoaMglag blmMll baalan out ol allowlc-ff Hr Hboaalur to idtmi lo bl, fiTortl* **8uuDtiia*a Kt'f Oama," Harr Alblo iwwrtad totb, "rnoeb;" ud tbli Ii lb,lr UBIb tana.—^Ibanv JouniaL FHKIIOU UKFENOE. Wblla. Blaok, Whlta, Mr. Hbowallar. l..rtoI4 a. Alblo ruKs Itt-BS BUI B X Kl Kl r -9< Xlt-BS IB-KI KBXB IB-KI j.-J-KKHCCuU,. t..aF7r M..U-KHS ii-.r-KBi II..C.U.. u.mi-Bi II..KUJ)l(b) it* U..KKl-Ktato) KtxBF f-KBII JKtxri Hr.BftOWalur. 4 Albln. I6..K X Q Kt PtoQIIJ 17..KB-2l<a) BP X Kt 1S..KIX KtVMQR-blatl - - - Jb-qi QB-bllS tWurl KR-RiO. UHXR + lt..K-R»q S..Q Kt-BS II..SMiKtlq .I-Ktaol ■B V x B :f|5P Wblla iHln*. KBP -bu-l B-KII XBAaad (a) A la., aadarlo, forn of allask tbu 6..PIA K6.K Ktuql:S..PloKB 4,PloQB4;7..UPXP l rollo*ad bj Q to Kl 4, Wblla ntalolof uto tvo Bubopa. (I) Ul.ll.. lorutallad WbTu'au.ue, of K IIP; ud ibl. varr imvi mora utlolpau, Kt to K a. thraabulai bolbKtloB7aod<JtoIt+. (bi Bomavbat o(uoT,n(,bt. KttoQII, QtMt'.fu ralao. BulM.m. RtoB n. It lo K t (In; U.. I X Kl, B F X Bt; l« .Kl to U a, tbraatulo, l/.'.P u> . [Br. a. t, raportadto ba„ Uku lortymuiulaiorar 7 Bt. Ibl, DOT,.] (o Alblo prafara 18..B to Its; t»tbuiaplr w»U ,1111 baTabaaoKtxKtP. (<)"irir..KttoR4,Q toR I: IS..K Kilo Bt,Pto Kt I: ll..B,oiKt,x Kl r, riatal»a,«laaUii a iiIm."- AUl>. (•) TobrlogQlo IbaHoeor; aalap Blaok prarula b| a povarlo] aadlodaad vlaaiog Mnka. Tha FoBrlaaBlb Oama. Play ,lav«o ui a ball nova, aa abo,,, tb,a: Hbowallar. II.. U..KtoKtaq II..K Kt-KI S..K BX It ..K KHBII Albla OBloQI r-KBf U Kt-K H/) If Xl II - ,41 KRMFU I7..KKI)?P MIW ii .qmxgp ubTxKi - ~ B+ 2-RM) KBKQ URXKI An" ' ' KtX 8h K IIS KIXQ PX It ORtoqi obuj f-1114 OB-! I-B a, P-K » Alblo BtoB4 B-XlS r-QB, «»1JT..1C J-Kiq B..KBXP a..K-QM| B.KR-Kl U..K-IJ1 U..P-K, O..I)aVqS,udalna R-« Baq(b) R-B7 + HX KKtP B-KIS + to have played hen Uw Q to Bt 8 veiiailo*, aa m the tenth guna (t) It le very dim cull to pnvant th* attack ol thee* Bta, e.g..' 18.7 It ( »..IElMP I It. .2 BtKij Rio Ben |0-.KtxSR Q B x R R X at H..KtPxR ixaKt KMI QBxg Q..BBXB. and wloa (I) Bat 1U8..(|XR.Black 18.. irBtoQB(*) rt>..ORXB QtAharB4 ir..KBtXP Q-Etl 11.,0-Jj stt8+ K-Raa U..QB1XQP QxKEt |a..Hx Q Kt P, with th* D. it x B •> g X q It [better *>m*. (*) ITa* moT* giraa in the tail before n* It Uspo*- atbte; oermonteao*a|»ctaj*l aanndaUoa -Ba>. Ctir. - I K^ 1 And UQ ta B*q 118..BIx 01 , T 1 tt.PteBB8 tFxF |U.. Bl tali r QtoB4 18, aim w la*. 18..B to Kt 8 leads tn similar reealte. end It aeetna aa with II.. Kt to K 8 tha game wa« lot. Thla Important eogawUoo. end the Are Tariallon* *T)ho*^«lTomli;c*miDlTm*r1l*dl*ATmm; th* more, aa It llroavat** both aame*. w B rrn (J w. Bbowalier). BLAOK (A Alblo). (A) [Black acknowledge*all the** move*ton* Imper- fect, tha*]: IT.. Week; Q lo K aq and K B home wen preferable: IV..K loB 2waa batter:B..B to K *q waa no****arT, with a view on the strong K P. (I) The gam* I* now Irreparably lost, loaamueb aa Black ha* lost hie oorychencaloradnwbynot trying to win the K P.—AX a is, to The Tribute. Oar Uheaa Slmdlee. Th* remainder ol oar Btodiea. two Eta vcone P, can now be eummarbed Onrc^oUlbutor a Mo* 25-4-and a wen by Mr. Relehbelm. end h*v* already been given In Tbb Otirran; ao need not be repeated. Po. 9 1* th* e*i*brat*d "Leaker posiUoo." which we bare alao given, with the eoluuon by Bro Babeon, much eborteoed by Rev Mr Wright In brittth Chat ba&uinc Tble only leave* two ongioal positions by ' B M." blmwlt ooe o'f which la onr ureeooi problem; lb* other, *n •lanteu ponoder, will close lo a Dlaae i>f glory tble apVandld con trlboUon. Haas Lanaiea Ph. D,| L* L. D. TKt cktu Manikin ba* never dona itaall more honor, or given Ha old time render* a more lively pleasure than In selecting for It* December portrait thla pn eminent meater. Th* "Blographj" la * peg* cud * naif; and then eharactarlnd. rightly enough, aa a "dry ak*icn " 00 account of It* oondenaaiioo. And never befon have w* felt obliged to do each violence to onr wlabel by merely giving utxaot*. Prom WIS to U8 Dr. Lang* edited the Dtmuth* ScXadueUung, nonniao't Blau. tor cheaa player*, *nd cbeu column of Leipuger lUmtrtu ZtUwuTibtL Bla Oral Imported work I* TKt Miy*tfoirtrrr ScMrkretima. 1819; Id liao,-OrlUqoeon tbe Openings.' laid tbe round- ailonof the aolentiMo method oi the game: JtUc 'Lebr- bach aea Bchachaplsla;' aecond ed. '»; 1857. ■Collection 01 Modem Oamea,' and 'Pembeltea dee Bcaacbapiela:' UW,'Paul Morpuv;' aecond ed,inne byPalkbeer,'ta; 1881, 'Uendbncb der Ikhachaufgehan 1 [An ImoarUhabi* monom*nttobl*uate, reeearco aod accuracy.—Mtaoa J and 'Anoaal of West Oermao Obwa AasoctaUon; 1BK do. North 0. 0. A; 1(01. 'Meleter dee bchecbsplelb 1 telgbib ed.): 1871 V9tt\ "OollooUon ol LI* Correspond- ence Uemee^ and in IbW-s, Anally, * ibtrd ad,oi -Pan) Morpby.'" "Or. LaoRS waa Justly couldend equal to Aadermea and Lonia Penlaen aa a player, wblla at a theoretician ana writer be oatdlstaneed even v. d. Laaa by hie work a on the gam* la aU Ita brancbee " Ciena en ensu, as cryetalinKl In tbe varloaa Obeee Aa eoctaUooe. aod moat or all ibe grtu O. O. A , owee an oopajeble debt ol gretltud* to Dr. L. and th* let* lameotea Uerr Hermann Zwantlg; and, auer the loaa of bla co-laborer, the cbeas world wlir never know lte loll obligatlooa to the unflagging seal and*abaoitJ*aa •nergy in evary dlrecuon ol Dr. Mai Lang*, wbleh alone rendered poasible the uinmubanuy *acce*ainl interna- uonal congTvu at Lelptig laat Hummcr.-Partb con. deLe*d,an<Jpant> original.-Mi box Bro. Uotfer conclodea: "When we drat lound Dr. Lange'a oam* on of tbe tiaodbaob, we Im- agined bim then aveuenb^a old gentleman, end were agreeably aorpriaed on ineeUog bun tor the Ont um* at tbe Mui«mb«xg Coogrftaa, 'ai, to Lthold a lair haired. •IIm, wiry man. full oi vigor and spirit, tnitead ot ih* tottering old gentleman ol our imagination Tim* be* dealt kindly with the Doctor; we lound blm wry little altered at the Lei win Congr***, and It la onr lervent with (in wbleh we ail Join) that be may proaper aa on* or the aiauncbest pi lien »i chase for many >eara to coma.'' Ohio* ik AyruorioN.-A pleaiant laatenc* ol th* capacity ot chase to wile sway the otherwte* tedious buuraoraickoaaa baa noentlrcome to ourhnowledg* Our new contributor, "W. a U" ihu narrates bis ex- parleoce: "About tLree mouth* ago, white alek Inahoe- plial, 1 nappeosd tecomeacro** seven Tola ol nu/llua. traud Lendon iVooi and copied the pnblema and cnlguea-about three band red In *1L To almplift and eipediatemaiten I adopted tha endoseo numeral oote- ilgn. laltotlginalf and what do jou ihlnkol lit" LB** •To ComapODd*ota."J Obe*aci*aft. The championafalp tourney of the BrooklyaCbeaa Olab winch be* been lo prognw for the peat ell weeks, waa won Dec. I8 by U. U*lma,witbaacon ol: Wcn,«; drawn. 3; lost, 1. J.C.Tatum aot aecond place with woo. 7: dr*wn,I; lost, I. B. M. Oily la now third with won. 7; drawn, 1; k*l,3; lutW. Pnn, with Bwina.1 draw ant 81oatgamna,baaacbaaea ol making a tie with Mr. OUi by winning the two game* be baa j*t to play The iwo game* played Tn tbe Albln Ubowalter match laat week resulted m a win for Uerr A. end a dnw. lb* score now ataoda: Bhowalter.B; Albln, 6; dnwa 6 We do not believe that alee* cheaa wa*. Ultra ha* ever bean*tun*ot each general acilvltt In cheat circlet aa iqui*aam*M*onorUwi-'l Mr.Steiniu le report- ed to have challenged BerraJbin to plat oat their dia- puted gam*. Mr. B. offering th* odd* of the dnw. ibe atahe to be died by Uerr A Dr. B Laaker took the ppportuoity ot being In London lo aUeod upon bla — the dnw. ibe Dr. B Laak*r took th* biuthtr tu display hte uleate ar cheaa, wbleh be did briuiaitUi, Ua made mab) warmcbeaa acouajouvnoee. waa made an Uoo. member of the British D. 0. daring bl* *Ur; end general!), wu rec*lT*d In EeUopoUten cauBoircleawlib oorolallty.ud btacuUtrated maooeri ae well aa still at cheaa have won bin mao> uieoda Ooeof 'he oioaaatof baiuea In tbe Meinpollian Laagu*! indeed about** cloaeaacouhl be and bate a dMuion at ail. waa thai betw.en the MetropoUteD 0. u. and oily 0. M.R,8>a;M,UIH That's aucb a inaiob aa w* Ilk* to aea, or read ol The top tea stood 8 to 8 Bqaally eat- I Uoiory waa the so anal future, Bl Oeorue'e ve North London, eleven a aide. N. L.,8; Bt O . 8.7... .Tbe gnat mauh, Kent ve. Bunr, eighty a aide, reaolied-fient, 8».;8umy, iiH ....buaaei beat U*n!« bySU ta ok. That niluK master. 0 B Jon**, again di mi ngu(ab- ed bimeeif by beating the renowaid a. W Krenchard. Appanntl> they were tbe captain* ol team* of tan, flgbung a battle. BrIUabn Athene am. Bntiah, beaded byMr.T.,3H; Afenaiam.eK Tbare are some vary strong not to aay aoathlog c.iUclau* npon th* dectalona ia re Ttu Sl Jana' Bwiqu probtem looniament a auoog movement ha* b**a pot oa foot to nvlv* aod give new vitality to the Briileb Cbeu AaaocJatioo. Tbia ia lor a special and moat laudable puipoa*. We shall have more to aay, and nptrt, an eat thl* a* aoon aa speoeadmlta. THE RING. THE ULOVKS IN NEW OULBAJVH. 'Kld u LBVIgao Prove, Too Much For tile SoBturoD, Andy Bowea. Abotber flailo engagement took place at tbe arena of the Auditorium, Club in ino Oreaoent Oltj, on Friday etonlng, Dec u. Too prtnolpaia to toe encounter were Oeorge ("Kid") Utlgna, of Sagl- daw, Mlob., ud And/ Bowen, of Near Orleana, who were maloned to Oglit at 180lb for a porie of |t,too. Toe dltappolnllng drawt which had been declared on aome of the reoent ogdu Uero led the nunaga. menito eeek aome more acceptable concloaioaa, and II waaaocordUjol; arranged iballf no deoltive reanlt had been aualned al the end ot the twenty- inh round the referee would award the right to either contetlant on point* or oondiuon at the wind up. Prof. John Dor// wu the referee, and, aa uinal, had the full ovnOdenoe of everybody. The atateloaa ring had been entirely renorated and waa reaplendent in red paint on rope, and ataktt, while a anowwhiu canras covoted tie door. Bowen wu handled by Jack Uemptey, liuiyalo- Oartiiy and BlUy Uyiou, with a. Van Prague u timekeeper. ljMlgne had aa hla aecond. Bam Flu. patriot, Jim Hall aod Merlin Murphy, with o. V. Ooneadlne u timekeeper. 8am stem kepiUae tor tho club. At ».H o'clock Heferee Uuffy entered the riDo and announced the urma ot the light. Tho auditorium waa ool more than oDo-qoarior fnu, there being acarcely more than 8,000 persona pree- enu Uowen appearod to tborlngaig.2oo , olook i and hi wu Immediately followed by Layigne: Bowen weighed 1331b and Iangne lsttb. In tbe Ont roondLavlgne slipped lo Ihe floor twice. Dp to tbe third round be waa the eggreaeor, and had tbe boiler of Iho fighting, taough Oowen landed tomoitlirbody blown, lo the rotmh round LArlfroe bad all Ihe betl of the Oght, landing aoveral bean right hand,™ on llowen'a face, ataggerlng the home man ae the gong eoonded. Too 11 fin and alxtn roan da were aia> To Lavlgne'a favor, though Utile or no eifecUve work wu dune. In the seventh round Bowen wu cm over Ibe evo. Lavlgne looked every loch a winner. Tbe eighth and ninth rounds were both Lavlgne'a. Bowen wu dearly ont- olaated. At tbe end of the ninth round Bowen had bellow, to mond, while lAVignewuunacataed and eeemlogly u freah u when he began. In the tenth and eleventh round, Lavlgne had much the beat of ihe Oght, Bowen being knocked all over the ring. In ue twtina and uurteentli round* it wa* the aame old alary—Lavlgne did all loe forcing, in the fUiesnib. round Bowaa wu nearly downed by a beery right bander on the law and would have been floored bad sol tbe gong saved nlo. Io me seventeenth round Bowen waa knocked down. He received terrible punishment and be took II gamely. In lb* eighteenth round Andy wu knocked out. Lartroe fonght fairly but furlonely, and deterred his victory. Bowen fell lite a log aad lay there while he wu being oonnted onL rar aome reason the padding had been taken off the floor ot tbe ring, which wu cor. ered only by a piece of canvas. Bowen** head struck the heavy boards with lerrlflo violence and he lay Bit on hi* back with bla anna extended while hi* breath came in short and labored gup*. He wu counted ont before hie aecond* came to bis relief. Bowen wu carried limp u a rag to hla cor nerand hi* attendants tried to revive him by the usual means, lie seemed to be coming eroun*i alier Ore mlnuies' work, bot lapsed again Into no. consciousness, from which he wu never aroused, lie wu carried limp and almost lifeless totbecrude dressing room In the club end laid on a lounge. Dr. Finny, who wu called, said that Bowen would recover. Bl* eye* were sunken, while hla breath came In short, qolck gups. It wu two o'clock next morning when Bowen wu earned out ot ihe dob bouse and taken to hla home, ou Thalia Street He lingered nmll, but never recovered oonaoiouaneia. The body wu re- moved to the undertaking establtabmentof E. Duffy 4 Bon, on Terpsichore, near MasMlne Street. There an antopiy wu held bi Dra. John Leu ran, and B. D. Marjlu. William J. Lepperi*, Horns Bush, Rtohard BrowD, H- J.Ormsby and Oeorge F. geman were Impanelled u a coroner'ajnrj. The bead of the dead ptulllai wu opened, and Itwufound thai the brain cavity was Oiled with blood, showing tbai death bad resulted from coanuulon aod hemor- rhage. At the base or the brain, near tbe right ear, the blood wu found to be coagulated, while there wu a ■erere bruise under the scalp on the baok of the head, Indicating that Bowen had fallen with terrible force. The body wu embalmed, and tbe funeral took place on aloncay, the body being Interred In Bt- Patrlck's Cemetery. As aoon as the news of Bowen's death wu made pnblio Mayor Flupatrlok lasned the following proclamation: To Col D B. oibtbb, BoraajirruDBirrorFoucDL— Dear sir: OoosuerlDg th, fetal andlosol laatnlght'.. conle»t- aod lorUisr coaildsrto, a possibility of a ,ln. liar Molt lo fotar, ooatailf, I deem It la toalotanat ot pasosajtd pobllo order to lavos, tba permit liloed for tonight', coqum*. Yoa are. tbanf.ra, directed to notuy tha oruesro of ta* Aodltorlum Alhletlo Olab of the revo. eatloo ofperaltior taecooteiiidvortlstd to take ylaea toalahtatth«Aiiditorlaaiaiablloaa,. Bamotfallr. JOBH FIBZPATBIOI, Major. Supt, Outer notified ihe management of the Auditorium Oiub of tbe Mayor's order. It was. however, the Intention of tbe olnb, attar Ihe fatal accident, to declare the light off. In speaking of the revocation of tbe permit Mayor Fltipawck s«ld: "I do not know wbat effeot the death of Bowen will have on pnglllsm In tbe future. A material point, 1 should say, would he the actual cauae of death, which will be decided at the autopsy. If death wu caused by the blow which Lavlgne struot, then iheaport Is falsi, but If death readied from Bowen'e bead striking the floor, then tbe death wu altrlontable to a circumstance whloh can be avoided in the future, and the sport Is not fatal. I have revoked the permit In order to remove aoy possibility of a repetition of last night'* accident." - Lavlgne wuarralgned, along with Bam Flupat- rlok, Jim Hall aud Martin Murphy, hi* second*, and UUJy McCarthy, Albert Bpllsfeden aod BUM/ Layton, Bowen's seconds: Oeorge Oonaadlne, Lavlgue's timekeeper, and "Prof." Jons Dnffr, the referee or the fight. Lavlgne wu charged with murder, and the other* with being accessories. Lavlgne wu placed under lio 000 bonds, and the other, nnder 16.000 each. All furnished bonds, Domlnlck O'afal- ley signing most of them. Jan. X wu set for tbe hearing of the cue. Jack Dempsej waa not arrested. Tbe verdict ot the Ooroner 1 , Jury wu that death resulted from ooncusslon ot the brain. After Ihe Inquest Dr. Martin said that the concussion might have been brought about by Bowen'* head striking the floor of the ring, or by tbe effects of the blow administered by Lavlgne. When uked how the fatality would affect future contest*, Capu Wil- liams said: "In my opinion ins outlook for a con- tinuance ot tbe pugUuruo snort in Louudana u par- Uoolariy blue. There may be contests In the furore, but at ihe present I don't think It will be poasible.' 1 The dead boier wu bom la Kew Orleans on Feb. 6,1M4, stood Ut- 8Id. In his stockings and In condi- tion weighed about lain, the lightweight limit. He began Sibling whin but sixteen yean of age, when be defeated Oeorge Duraion, a considerably heavier man, to two Queens berry rounds. He en- gaged in numerous glove contest* afterwards, his more Important battles being u follow: On May H, 18*0, he met Bldy Myer, of Btreator, IIL, Bowen proving the victor In twenty-eight rounds. A aec- ond match wu made between uem. which resulted In a draw. Boaeu then eusuuued defeat at the hands of Jimmy Fleming Carroll, In New Orleana, Sept, id, INO, after righting tweuiy-one rounds. After- wards Andy met Atuitu Olbbona, ot Faterson, N.J., by whom he wu defeated In forty-eight rounds. Bowen then again encountered Jimmy Carroll, the battle termlnailng lo a draw. His last fight previ- ous to the ooe tost ended fatally last week was with Stanton Abbott, tbe latter winning. He wu very popular with hla auoolates in the Oirsoent City. Boilng Tabooed 1b Chicago. A dlipauh from Chicago, IIL, dated Deo. M, tnu> Bound* the death knell of nstio oonteata ot any sort or description, or for any purpose whatever, In that moral town: "All exhibition* where 1st* are brought in oontaot with face and body, even ama- teur boxing bouts at ihe swell club house ot the Chicago A. A, have been strictly prohibited by special order of the Police Superintendent, who la backed by Mayor Hopkins. The order may even be applied to the theatrical perform an oea of Ihe Oor- bau and Fluslmmou order. The New Orleans tragedy bu served to male the authorities more determined than ever to suppress boxing. The police order whloh wu issued two week* ago brought many protesting delegations to the Olty Hall from clots, athletlo societies, and even (port- ing editors, to allow sparring exhibition* for vari- ous purposes, tome of a benefit character, but all were refused. A $200 right to a Onlah wu In pro- gress In tbo rear ot ■ saloon but night when the polios entered at the end of the alxth round and ar- rested everybody present" It is announced that a match has been arranged between Oeorge Dixon and Alfred Orimthi, alias "QMffo," who are to box twenty-five rounds, or to a flnlah, at catch weights, for a good share ot the gale receipts and a poasible side bet, on Jan. 1», next, before the Seaside Athletlo Club, Coney Island. The match, which wu made by Jim Ken- nedy, u one In which great interest will be taken by nog goers, and lbs arena of tbe club will. It oan be safely predicted, be crowded on the occasion. Tbb death in London, Bag., of Oeorge Smith, the pugilist, from injuries received in bis contest, with •■Dummy" Winters, Dec 7, hu resulted In the. arrest or tores sporting newsptper reporters, together with the timekeeper and the promoter ot the Oght They will be charged with being acces- sories to the crime ol mane laughter. Oaaran Lxok wu returned the unexpected win- ner of the glove Oght with "Ktd> : Ryan, of Denver, Col., which came off at ibe rooms of Ue Pelican Olnb, in Chicago, IIL. on tho evening of Dec. 11, he being given Ue verdlot on point*, although he had the worat of the punishment, being repeatedly floored. Bl* coolness, shiftiness and clever taottot gained him the day, howover. Jaox Eowaaos aod Mike Conway, respectively of Brooklyn aod Jersey Olty, met near Newtown, L- L, on the morning of Deo. 11, and fought wlUi akin tight gloves lor a pone, which Edward* won by knocking bis advsrsary out in the ninth Quseas- berry round. OoaouT Wood, of Camden, N. J., and Jim Judge, ot Bcrauton, Pa-, were opponent* In a glove con teat in a bam near Berlin, N. J, on Deo. 11, flgutlng for aporasotgMO. They wore akin tight gloves, aad. Wood gave np the struggle alter he had Injured hla. band In lbs tblrtMnih round. OflaaLBY Wood and Jim Judge were opponent* In a prize flint that took place at UadaonvUle, N. J., on Deo. 11, the latter winning. It is reported Ihat ibe OamdSD county grand Jury will mass the affair a sub] ect for InreaugaUon. Jiimf Mtnaar and "Bud" Laliyare staled to be matched to engage In a unlah oght before Ihe Lonlsvllle (Ky.) Athleilo Olnb on onrlsunu night, for a purse oi two Tu*"Kentuaky Rosebud" and Solly 8mlta are to box before the Buffalo (N. Y.) Athletlo Club, for a puree, during Ohrtaunu weak. "Kin" Hocut and "Bod" Lolly engaged ta a C*oonteatat01nctnnaU,0.,on Baiurday night, U, bat ua polios stopped It al midnight, when the lad, wen In the ninth round of a capital bout, of whloh Hogas had u>e beat al the Um*.