New York Clipper (Dec 1894)

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678 ' i "H h ; NEW YORK CLIPPER. Deobmbeb 22. THEATRICAL. COHTTNOBD PI1QM PAOI676. INDIANA. Indlanapolli,—At tho Grand JQ.UMerlowd- Tebor prored b«r popularity hate by attmUoe; large audiences week of Dec. 10. Doringhir engagement she wu tliegiieatof honor at several reception a gifen by the local The Ward a James Co. 1H lb* Pauline Hall Omri Co, lo ' Dor cm." 31-3/, Tie Murphy, Id "All Biro liar'k.-B«mI0 Bon eh III, lo 'TUymebae* 1 railed to reealfe Uia patron Me aha merited 13-18. H-Dlona' "Panuama" 17-10, the American Trtvaatr Co. lo "Off the Banb," 3120, fleeree A Palmer's Ooamopolllanj 041. Pang.—Rlekett'*Tronb.vJo>ira played to fair business 10-12. "Uli Nib*, the Baroo" alti£ci*vi felrilavedeadl- a nee* 15-18 "lilukllited'* 17-19, ■'Kllterney ud tha Rhine" 30-O, 'The Plan; ot Truca" H-W, "A Bunch of Kara''17-25 Ba.rian.-The can collation »l tha MayRhew Bar)e*-<jue Co earnedthli Iioum vo ramalnderk weekorii), batU willba reopened by Bob Pltvlmmone' flpeelaltyCo 17 and week; the city Club HurleiqueCe. wa«kor3i. NoTts —ThaHlMleralUJoDfaConoartCn. will appear M Boiliah'a 31 and tha Harvard Ola* CI oh at tha Oread 30 "Bouod br an Oath" will he presented by locaJ talentst the Grand 17 Harry Von T'Uer, an Indian* apolij boy. 1r(t tha "Ills Niba Uia Baron" Co. harn It Lola frvli*. a mamberor tha B*hni BonafalU <^., weiglrenadoioor pohon, hy error, I it hradicfaa medicine, end for several daja was In e precarious can- iIIUod. hutaUraoovered aallclaoUr to rajolo bar com* pany J7. Morion—Despite lta ttiidj reoeUiloiu be re. "Tha Burglar" has oot Ion lia lota ran for Ihaetre goera, and iha company wu r mil ad by a tana aodieooe Daa 11. "ThaOolooil" vii wall received II. Underlined: "TballMporH'atA" J a, ilieRoflneyConedyCo. IB, Apollo Coocart Vo. 33, Powall, magician, a The Rooney Comedy Co , after a hard battle a pel net amail bouaee, wm compelled in otoro at Rlclimond, lad.. 8 PI 11 mora tod Adams will op*n their new theaveet fill wood, lod.. Dm if "Uia Nlbilho Biroo." wbloli haabeao Laying oiT for two weeks, resumed at Indleuspolt*. 15. KvanaTlllo.—At tho Grand "Tat SUwr KlDf." Dec. 6. had a fair hrmaa Maria Wainwrlgbt. In • Dangh- Ura of Bra." appear*! to Rood baalneu H. Bookad: Wards and Jamaa 16, Nat C. rioodwio 17, "Laml of lb a Midolfht Bon" 31. 'Tha flreet Brook It o Band leap" 37, 'Young Mra Wioll.n.r." 28 At the People's "FlDOi- nan's Ball." 9, aold all the standing room, and Urned crowds away. Coming: "A Br*>f7.y Time" 18. "A Ulaao Bwaap" C Pan I Draaaar, Id "Tha Green (Jooda Mao,*' 35,80. ^ ^ PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. Want* of Managers tnd PtrfofiMPa, Open Dalai, ctc-Sac Advartliejmants DltAMATlO. AUncliuDB can honk good time at sieloberg's Grand Opora Uouio, Travi-rse OI17. U Ir.b, Companies can piny a oircult ot three houses it Evads Cltj, /olleniiplo and Kltffood Olty. Ward tnd Voknn »ra roporiod to turx ioor»n an nni|n»IIOodiurcfMln tuclr fnra comedf, "A Kan on me Bank." Tho genial and veraatllo "Ilnppj" Ward and tUsHtnUornuineraraatllie baad of an exoellont company. D. 8talr Um anmraod con- trol ot tho ornanlzillnu, Mil (leo. II. Nlcolal la Uia bnalneai m«a«nr. ah <1*'c«, to hold good, matt ba TtrlQid by tho new ininngomenL Oorao Tayion wanii a gi>oa leading Jnranllo nun tj nunaxo tho aingo Tor till company, wblch la In IK aoveniy orai week. (loon daua can bj OlloJ at llobloaon'a Upera Ilouar Otnclonail. L. W. WuUlmro noilQea managers that lila la tboonlrSUiaon'a "llnoleTom 11 Uo. "UcMuUy'a Vlall' 1 la reporlod to ba?o acorod a Mg auccoaa. Managers am Invited (0 ikioi tills aluaotton Ihrougb W. II. T. Sbado. (leorgo M. Winner lathe nimagor. Uaoager fjothrop has open tlnto for stars who have apcolal plays for two week'a engagemant In Uoaton and rawiuokoi. Alon. 0. Uarleton, late ot Jamci O'Neill and Ures- ton Olarke't conipanlei, can be engaged ror )u»en- lies and heavies DratnaUo poopM aru wanloil WT Kva Tanquay, Leonard Ultoholl, Wm. l.lovd, P. B. wuiard, Kd. Anderson, Joe Williams. Howard WalL W. K Of. lag bar. A. Warron, Uoo. K. Mltoholl, Jamas Walker, Kelly Comedy Uo. At Liberty: Aotor, Minnie Btanley, Alex. 0. Uarleton, deorglo Mvlogaton, u. II. Ranaon, May liddiaon, MIODlo Uranncr. William M. Urako has aecurtil the leaso of tha Drake Opora Mouse, Kllulioih, N.J. Uewanlaan stuaollon to open tho homo, Jan. 1. ■ "Tne Uolonol »n11," omlartho direction o( Uhaa, ntno, la reported to l>a booked aolld and eoorlng aaoceia everywhere. Peoplo are wantori fur tho Markoo "U. T.u." Co. New Year'a week oau lie Dllcil by two attractInne at the Oraod Uihim llouuo. Wheeling, W. Va. MUNICAL,. "Holly Malono" la 11 new anng, nniillnhod by It. J. Iilxou. "Tho rlwoolcal tilrl of All" Ik recoinraondeil by the John Unuroh Cn. as annthor song aiiuccria. Tho 1'hi'lpa Mualo vo. have libtued "Droatnlng In tho Twilight" tor ton conls to professionals. A. K. Osylonl publlshoa orchoatra parte at low retei. "The Onrlelniaa Hall," whloU In being sung with marked aucomi hy Julio Uaokoy, Marie Warren and other tirnnilnont voi allnu, la puollshed by K. A. Wurreu, llto author. "Only One (Itrl lu the World for Me," by Dave Marlon, la pnbllahed by tho Marlon Publishing Uo. Tho Urm has Jmt been organised by L. L. Weber and Davo Marlon. Copies are supplied free to pro- fessionals. '8woet Ulovor lilosaoma" la laaued by W. II. lllgglna. '■Marry tho Qlrl Yon l.ovo" la publlahed by W. I.. Bherwood, John A. Kollcy h alnglng'. "Ila'a BUIIMcrBaby Boy," nnbllahori by N. 0. lljor. He says: "I re- velTOd tho song four weeks ago anil I think It Is the beet song I ant singing. I get three or four on. oores every nlgiL It airlkon ovory ono and they all want me to alng It again." Muslclsns aro wantod by Lew Waters, Beaaey and Howe, Davo 11. J.ovIb. Frank llanllng has imbllshcd aotue new songs. Tho Polrlo Music Co. havo published four new and oatohy songs, whtoh Uiey snpply with orohes- tie, part* at fourteen ccnta each. "My Bwoelheartiir Unig Ago" la being pnbllahed by tho Springfield Mitalo Uo., wha have sooured tho copyright fur this song. They also advertlao "Kiss and Did a lait Karowoll," a now senUmenta) ballad. At Llberly: Low Cook, J. II. Wobberson. Orvlllo Walton, AUrcd N. l-aOrlu. "Dear md Jack's Ui'ooTrooToMe" la Issnod by the Mosett Morris I'niillehlng Co. "Don't Uoar Any III Fooling,""! Uo Love Yon" and many olhor now eong bits aro Issued by lie KogllaU Hong i'obllaliuig C«. at ton coma each. "Heroes ot Today" oau bo aecurod from B. A. KoellhotTer .V Co. "Ue'aBUII Her Uaby Uoy" Is published byN.O. Dyer. "Bring Bsck tho Answer" can be ordoretl from u. W, Line. Jos. W. atom .V Co. have pobllihed a now song, entitled "Thoao Mat Happy Hays." It is supplied bv thera, aa well a.i nve outer oatohy tongs, tor ten cents. Tho Ktuplro Uiialo Tubllahlng Uo. have hutted several new songs with orohetlratlons for ten cents eaon. A. H. Jossolyn has lulled a new anng, entitled "Nancy Uroen, 11 for ten coma. VAU1BTV AND MINttTHBLrl. l'olrle and Kllae arc bonked n year aheail In Ulo leadlag ntnalu halls of tho llrltlah Islanda. Tho Two retries, ohlsa of tho old bluok, will be thore also. Wm. Do Hoe, trnpete head balancer, i«n lie ao. rured for a few wcok. Wm. K. Weldou waula 10 buv a sol ot Bwltt hand holla. At the People's Thcaire, Clnolnnall, the week ot Jan. to la offered to a such! combination. Dr. It. K. Bpenoor wsnta performers tor his mcd|. olne oompules. Polite Uolinet, whoio Irish apeclalty la highly endorsed by Tony Paator, "si a few open weeks. Uarlln and Clark, cicrman comedlana, can be ad- dressed as per route. Thome and Carlotnn aro engaged to open with Uyde'a Specialty Co. Jan. 31. Uoraoe K. Merkol, M. 11, wlahes to hear from a atrong vatidovlllo company or from a celebrated band or olhor nitulcel attraction to play In Seattle andTacotut ror the benefit ot Fugel Bound Lodge, W, T. M. A. CI.: bpecleinea are wanted by Dello .V Nleol, Ur. lay. Dr. Qnstave Palenion. Qeo. 0. Tmllerday. Dr. 6. K. Allen, Dr. J. 0. Clayton, U. Auetan.J. A. Jones, Dr. Zoo, Ciinoroo, Dr. F. nrant, J. Herman, Frank willluuaon, Harry Kveret, Dr. C. u.Bpangler, Bpragne k Perry. Sharp and Klatt, whoso mnsleal (01 II highly spoken 01 by the press, nil over tha oonntfy, are at liberty to join a good larna comedy, specially or burlesque compeer. At Ubmyi Ward* (Bsksr), J, B. Burton's Dog 01 rent. Havens and Andrews are reporud to be doing well In their eketob. People are wanted fcr LnoleTs lltnatiela by Dr. Geo. w. U antler. O'Brien BioutTt, whose scroballe act Is re- ported to be a big anccf as, have a few open weeks, Iteiob want* people for his Oltt Carnival and BfeclaltyCo. Borne strong minstrel performers, black and white face, are wanted for Cleveland* Mioalrels for New Year'a week, and other peoplo to Join Immediately, Specially people are wanted for the Park The- atre, Chicago. Ranch and Kennedy are with the Irwin Brothers' Oo. Dan Sherman wishes to hear from Burke and Beamon. Attractions can book several good weeks at the Front Street Opera noose, Worcester, Mssa. The week of Jan. 1 la open at the Lyceum The- atre, Chicago. Fred D. Btrsflln waits people for Bates Brothers' "Hompty Damply" 00. Ilurugand Seaman wlah to hear from speolalty acta, booked In New York and others. ni Henry wants a versatile comeolen. Chrltila A Bamnelt' Mlusirels can he eogaied. rtarry Davis has ascured the New World's Unseam Theatre, Alltghony, Pa., and will open the same, Dec, 24. First class speolalty talent, wondern and novelties are wanted. The Elne-Ners In their bilanolng act an reported to have a00red a sacoess at Frank Hall's dlrona, Ohlcago. The sot Is a genuine novelty and can be booked lliroogk M. O. Uross. Millar Brothers' Diorama Is one or the many suc- cessful featnrea or Primrose \ West's Minstrels. nsdj Tahar can supply troupes or Arabs. M. Arthur, sssctaoalar character dancer, has ar- rived from Korope and can be engaged. Howard and Williams are booked at Ihe Oslely andBIJon, Pall River, next week. CIRCUS. ■tingling Brothers want performers, ring people, moslclsgs. sldeahow people, etc., ror uelr'World'a areatastsbows" for next season. Wrens wsgons sre made by the Bcliultt Wagon Co. J. II. La Pearl offers clrons tents snd other prop- erty ror sale. Animals, cages, etc., sre offered ror sale by Bam MaoFllnn. Rdward Shlpp wants ctrcna performers. J. B. Moabbon wants performers and others for Howe a Oushlng'a Railroad Olrcus. W. F. Wallet), equestrian, can be engaged. On In Broth era want olrcoa performers and ape- clal'lea for their theatre In the City or Mexico. S. Publllonea wants theatrical and droits attrac- tions tor Havana, Cuba. They are being booked by Tito Ituenes. Thiols K. Cooke wants hill posters tor the Bar num-Bslley Show. Charles J. Gorman wants a bill poster. niSCBLL,ArlEOUH. Attractions can book time at the Star Opera House, McDonald, Pa.; New Opera House, Windsor, III.; Opera House, Parmor City, III.; Ituka Opera House, Bosoohs), Wis.; Howe tln'rs House, 81. Johnsbury, yl; People's Taeatre, Kvanavlllo. lod.; Bijou llieair*, llazleion, 1'a.; Oabe'n Opera House, Henderson, Ky.; opera Ilonee, llraoilon, vt,; ilpom House, lllalraburg, la. The 1'hllharmonlo Theatre Hall, Winona, Minn., can be rented. For Hale: Uniforms, etc., by Mra. K. F. Usrdy; glaaablowere' supplies, by John T. Hackmsnn; dogs, by Prof. May. *~ Tne Uonsldaon Ooldo contains muoli valuable Information for managers and performera. Frank Myers supplies original letter head de- signs. The uhlo Show Print Uo. supplies papor at low flguree. A mlnlatore ooal mine and breaker Is offered for ile by Mra Anna K. Peuigrew. Wm. Dorr wants to buys net; Prof.0.Norris, lent, eto. At Liberty: Uarry lteltz, advance agent; B. A. Bates, advance agent; E. O. Marvin, carpenter and elcotrlolan: Chos. A. rtledell wants p altlon as advance agent. James W. Ilea Ulo can be engaged to make sldo show snd conoert announcements. Chas. Wolf A 00. fnrnlah show palnllngs and aoenery. Thos. Bpenoer mahiitaolnres ologa. Splcer Urolhersdeal la tights, etc L. Uoldsmllh, Jr., suppllss trnnhs, claimed 10 ho espeolslly adsptod for the uio ot theatrlral people. tiii inyiNinLBi {iRrTBit writer is A URBAT slONEV stAIBlT; aarooe esn ran it, mils or rwials: svary naseaoi or store show wants ono nest, with lull InllniotlODs, ror IS r. H. II8ALY, 8f^fort8tr»at.l»rlB|rBsM Mas*. FOR SALE—A Oood Trsurs ol Tits Youse Trick lloga; do PirtyTrlehs; good for ur snow; laSyorssot eaa work thear, ehear 1 ; naa ahamptos ftlssls Aoiibk Dog; tins Lanrs Dos, doss Klaslesa Trleks,$la Ka- elow stamp. I'HOF M AY. HanoTor. Pa WAISTDD, GOOD PIAItOPLA.YBR,LADY OR U>Nr; ess shov par sight and salary Bast bs acMrdlns; good sketch inaua cao gat from two 10 toor wssks. as w#open anolhor honas la Lood^D. Oat. Dae. U BRHIBV A HOWK SurTbsatrs, Usnillmo. Oat HIAOIUIARS —New eataloasa ready Jan. I. hais rsturoad to Troy, N. r. Locatsd 11S.U1 elilh Ats. Bir galas Inalterable Aililrau CLOSSOW. Maslclao. WANTsTJD, Position aa Driver of fast horses or Biirabtsk Rldsr In Wlotsr nirciie, ao« or later travsliag. nontrscoinmandslleBB. MRU MAY raUX. Bsraick.fs. AHE YOU WEAHING DIAMOHUSI I hsra awoluulr the bssl acbams on aarth to naks an lsaitlmats. easy llvlog this Winter vIOi small capital. HaodUo In sttmpa lor Inslracllona. No peddling crrso- va Mieg. O.SHBA sailrandBl, Bnw>Uo. X.T. THRO susi by ORIGINAL GEORGIA MINSTRELS, Hilly Wilson, Hlllr Young and ElDsrttioinas, woold like 10 hsar mm all drat oiaa. boussa. Maoaasra filaaM«rllsat ones, with psrlleulata, to A. U01IBN, [spa ae r. 01 Comn isrc s Slrasi . Heaers. W. J ~tTCsio AHHANOKO rand oh mandolin oiiuui Mnele pot to sorda or aseonpulmsal mads (or mslody. Addrsss till AS. L. LEWIS, ill w «lb Bt. OloolonaU. O. aeon OKCIIKSTHA. IBSTBA. Bones oonpoaso. HERHY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. HBBtEK AND WILklH._ WANTED, 4 LiKCi'URERfl "AND 10 OSNBHAl rhRFOimBRH. Musi bs sobsr sad uodar- stand llislr bsslnsss sod noti to suit times. Open .how Jan.S.taSl. Hotssnsvsaled. ForChlppsvaslsillelna Co . DW. U . O, BPAWimn. Pioprlstor. Millnuiwo, Pa. MAQIV. MAtTicl MAGIC. OstsloRasof ovsr4]J staodaM and now tricks, lOe. 1 bay, sell sod Sachses* rsllsbls sscosd bud sppsrstus Lists ofbATntosta appsrsloa FRBB. Call sr sddissa A. ROTKRBKRO'R SBLIABLB MAOIOAL HXroSITORY. at N. Ulark Be ('1st I), Cblssao, IIL P. 8 — Ju't rseslrsd raagelBoMt csntrs labia, worth >T8: price only W A aeaolae bsrgslo- W ANTED lor Beailltiii Urud Spscuuiilar Balrsr- agaoisr udcoogrsu ol NoislMsiamutolovsslSloj la ths sow* altractloQ; also Bpsclallv Peopls. msls ud fstnsls. Kbo* opeea Brat wssk in January. Addieas art Wssl RlalhHirssl. illoolnnsltl. 0^ YOUNn\AI>Yli>ARTTOI[R WANTED TO aasm wall kauwn slaalclu; 110 prsvluus hoowUdas Tsiiolrsd: oss doles slosls torn prslsrrsd. Addrsu ''■tTRTBRT/' Olhossl. Btslloo D. Post Onles BniMlag. New York- Yoprc-rraeloDBlUdleal This Is baslosss; no CSASIitSkSUSj FEHKY'SOPBIsAIIOUSH UWuKtown, H. Opes Unas Nov., Dsa, sH lalar tor flnlelssa eltreeUnna Band prefsmd. A'Tdrsss II. B. BBRRV. Prop, ud Mgr. "¥^ait>kBt^llBs\^talJatB\ Kir.. WRITTRK W ORDtlK. Bead sump. JORBPII gaiWIAW. ISS rstmoasl At«.. PhllnlslrJiis COHNILL McDogBCbTu.-U I do not hsar from iou -minsdlaisly yso can coosldsr ronrsalf ouosltd st Maoomb. III. lorttiswask or Jan. it, 1(S1 tlBQgOM T. AOIIKlV. staasgsr Oosra House. KN' TRICKS.' UtMl hntm Hnittlii ■aaio. .aMoads>gUas4ABit«intaalissa. BsadSssau lor saw OauUHtas: 10 cants (or oomilsu LUU; no postals, w.D.LBROT, 109CourtBlrset, Bostoo, Mssa. "Shooting the Chutes," THE PAUL BOYTON CHUTE COMPANY. OF CHICAGO, THE GREAT SENSATION VISITED BVOVBHMLCI.W PEOPLE Dl'RINO TUESEA- vosor M Tbaoliuiaa and groaoda otxopy an eallie block El« *at«d and alweirio omra Iron allparta of Cbloago u> ilia d °° r PRIVlLEQEt FOR SALE For nfraakmaau aod atlraaAJoo. ol aJlkleda,a<rlDia, irallaiT. amall aide abowa fatKb and Jodr, rUada Ibr ahalla, eorloaiUaa. toia, mlalatvre bowta, ate, ata, eta For la rate »od arsac* w>Ttta Tllli TAIL BOYTON CI11TB CO., Ill Paaibors tu, OklOMO. TONY PASTOR'S. Y?& r 13i™ w ' Hatlneea Taesdar arsd FrltUr- Amsncu dsbst of Irsiud'a prtds, KITTY NOLAN, Ths nicn Irish Ballad Rlnnr, Ksgaasd InRoropsbr TONY PASTOR. tirand Dolls' llallnse Frldar. 10,000 Dolls Olvesi Away, fl■dge Ellis, the kvarosklnegeas Ccmrr, iyS and Henry, Dl sun, Bowrft ami Dlson HARRIOAN'S THEATRE. U. w. I1ANLEY, Maaagsr. Sr. Edward Uanlsu'a sew pi POSITIVE " — ■nr. BIX rirlP7 B0KO3 BY DAVE BRAHAli. WEDNESDAY I MATINEES I SATURDAY, HERALD SQUARE THEATRE, CHAR B. BFAK8. Proprlsbir. B'way ud S»b Bbrset BaLMatl WhHnsy Optra Co., In Da Koven & Smllh'g Optra, MATINEPJ-OUHIHrMAS AND NEW TEABB. BIJOU, BROADWAY. 80TB AND 8IBT JTBl sfATINBBS WEDNESDAY AND BATDBDAY. LAST WEEK. h°o l s d s. BILL HOEY. "Tlxe Flams." Dee It. PETER K. DA1LEY, "NEW COUNTRY BPOBT." PEOPLE'S ffBNRfTJWHBB,.. ..Proprlstor IN THE TENDRJIJLOIR Orsst ronpur. hssdsd by PBEDERIOg 1 TO31 OOI'LD snd UEO A>PO at Bach PsrlormMCS. HOB BRYTON. H. R. JACOBS' THEATRE, Cor. 3ISI BLUM) M ATS. „.„__.v MATINEKfl MONDAY, THURSDAY ANp BATDBDAY. "McKBNNA'S FLIRTATION." Nsat wssk. SABrtBY KBRnUSON in "Dorry'a Blundara" B. F. Keith's Amusement Enterprises, E. r. AT.Tir.r. ... Oan. Mc'r. B. F. KEITH'8 NEW THEATRE, BoftM, Mau.; THE BUOU, PklUcelpkla, Pa.; B. F. KEITH'8 OPERA HOUSE, Prayloertcg, R.I., A1TD B. F. KEITH'S NEW DHIOtl SQUARE BOMB OP MB, IBTnt'S OBIODIAL ContLnaonB Performance. NOOK TO lOiS. NO STOP. STAR PERFORMERS WRITE FOR DATES. KOSTER&BIAL'S MUSIC HALL PAUL DIKQUEYALLI NLLE. PBTRE8CU. BRUET-RIVIERE. TUB ROBBOWB, rORHSRT BROS.. EBUlrllA C1IBLLI. JULES LBVY, FLORA IRWIN, TBC'HBBNOPP. THIRD 8EB1ES LIVIKU FICTDBE8. UABLEM MUSEUM, 115th 8treel and Third Ave., N. Y. CHy. TRENTON MUSEUM, North Braid Strsat, Trenton, N. J. JOHN HANSON Proprietor BDWAUD C. SMITH Manager WANTED AT ALL TIMER, Huong Pastures, Out- oslUas ud Novsltlss for Laolars llalls: also Ulsb Olass Vandsvllls Acts tor Theatres. All applications for ureasmeals (both hones*) must os addressed to EDWARD 0. BNIT1I, Uarlsm Mussom. HUBER'S ii. MUSEUM. Opu all Uis ysar. WANTED. POR TUB CDBIO BALLS, Living OorloslUea, Freaks of Nature, Rare ud Curious Animals ot every dosortpUon for onr new Henagsrte Dspartmanl, ud at all times the very beet Vaudsvllla Biers for las thsaors. No salary too blab for First Olass Novoltlaa. Bagegeraeata rrom 4 to U weeka dsrlag the OLYMPIC 130 St., and 3d At*. ^BkdB/ Hkih Class Vaudevilles. JAB*. r 130 St., and 3d At*. Hkjh Class Vaudevilles. NOB OF PUOORAJrlMXI WEEKLY JAS. DONAXDMOS JR7, ProP. H. CCRTIN, - - - - Jfaeusjer. THE WILMOT DUO. W. D. WILMOT, W. It BARBER, The originator of tltla atylf iHia chaoiploo alnRla rldav ol aol id Kuropa and A marl lot Anarlca aod lavaotor of caaod maaj lovaDtloDa. | carriage wheal rid tog and ItaJkioa: llcjda apart. Tba oolf Kovelty Double 'O/ollnn Act, aod aa aareral taaoui Id ihiaoouolrr are coropllneDllDr aa bf trrlof to copy our toveottooa crooght iroro Knropa. wa art) otw •bowiog aararal new onaa. Tbl* waak "Oalatr," WllllarnabDrf: Jao. 7. KelHra. DoatoD; Jan. U. Ecltll f, N. V.; Jan. II, Madi-no Fn. iiardaD, N. V.: Jan tL Ealta'a, rblla ; fab. 4, two wroka. P. Hail'a »oyti Eogllii Oircna, Chicago. Prea hae. at. si and Kob. 10 Addraaa aa abort, 33 Brla Hb, P^mbrldgaport. Maaa. C. LEX. TJra.tla.arL, AT LIBERTY FOR VARTBTIB8. Vannanaal addraaa. care of OL1PPBB. SONGS, Mill AND PRtHTING OF Art. KIND B AT FRANK HARDING'S MUSIC STORE, 229 BOWERY. (EaUbUfhad SO V«ara ) LATEST 80HO 1 "Cone, But Not Porgottao." Bd Rogera "Af ar tba Pliow." B. VY. Roaara. ' Moltr ktcOaa," Para Marios. "A 1'aok ol Caw a." Iinogaoa Comer. "Don't Tall Hollitr." Iinoaeoa Comer "Tba Oaatgaanl'tOaogb- tar," UharUx CuPDollr- 'Whan iba Utvd Tlmaa Coma Again," ballad. Lorain• IIair ol ilia Will," ba>U»d. llaTanx. Bong llook-i fur tha tDllllooa. Addraaa or tail. FRANK HAR0IH6,239 Bwem, New York- SHOW PAINTINGS AND SCENERY. LOWRar FRICBR. PIRST CLASS WORK. MILLARD A UAYDHN, lUa-IIO Broadaay, Drooklyo, N. Y. Plva ysars with Tueasr Bros. Professional Friends I tut to gUa yon a Ch rial mat tieat, maaloallr. I deilra to r-rraoot Tou all wiih a tnacopjr <«f m? taltaat, age "Tha ureal Kreneli Ball" and "Thli la a Know." Head ateaea, u> ,oor Kiiand. R. VINTON ANDRRBO!*, UdIodIOwd, Pa. Burke aud Seauioit, CAN YOU JOIN MON- DAY NEXT? Answer. Name salary. Addraaa DAN SHBRHAff. Cars ol Olymplo Theatre. Harleei. WANTED, A Billposter POR GORMAN'S THEATRE, Manchester, N.H. Addrass CHARLES J. BORHAN, Niiigtf. WIG S. Any Pijla Ragro wig, BO oanta: Plight BLaak Wig, II; —a- . a,^ Bl|> J 0f __ p ar> actio p_ H. WTtlAlif'tflTa'MavllaftV ATranix'Naw^Ark bliaitvaiar Wig caatoral hair*. troP. Saod hM alee ueetMremeot (J^aoda aant O. O. D, aubjaotto (eir " C. H. RANSON, HEAVIES, JUVE- NlUta, B-PLAT CLARIONET. P1RJT OLASS. 1U Bast Tsslltk Stmt, Raw Tors. NOTICE. THE NEXT NUMBER OF CLIPPER WILL BE ISSUED ABOUT IT WILL BE AN UNUSUALLY INTERESTS BOOK, WELL ILLUSTRATED, CONTAINING THEATRICAL AND SPORTING For 1894. A list sf Deaths in the Amssnent Profession, Aquatic and Athletic Perform- ances, Baseball, Cricket, Bicy- cling, Racing and Trotting Records, Billiards, etc, wrru Records of Fastest Time and - Best Performances In all Do partments of Sport. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS. pie, ft cum. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBUSHIN6 Ca <Limited>p CLIPPER BUILDING, New York. FREE! FREE! HELENE MORA'S Orsal DsseripUve walls Bong. "THOSE LOST HAPPf DAYS." Alan nog wltbinrMDaaaaeoaaia or ELLA CALDWELL. OUOBUB: Hhowyoarafrselloa; corns boas enos mors. Lstosbe bspp/ As la days 01 yore, Trytoaloppneilng, WPd ways ud rambling, Than win return dear Those Lost Bsppy Dsys (Written aod eom- PeeadbTLeo.Pelel) NOTE!! ABOVE ORBAT BOKO. ALSO (aifllo.her'a Fond oat (LalltibT), (3) a»(la.ine dn Fogert7 , ai Dnnolngj Seboal, (Joo FlyBw'a areat comic iodi) (4) SO DIFFKHENT FROM TUB U18T. gtrto Comic Song;). , Or««t Character Bong t w.nA the famooi bit, (0) THE LITTLBi LOST CHILD. AJla:iMngeaantfrM lo profoiilonala oo raoalpl of proirftatnaaDdlQcaotjIorTnaUtog. To otfaantfoeata aaiS per oopt. jna w. bterh a co. 3M Eaat FoDiUanu Stmt, New York Ottr* HERE ABE WINNERS. "I Went Home Wld Michael; He Game Back Wid Me." NEW, BcOLENNON'S Now Dialset lilt, snag to fonr as- eorta alghtly by Mlaa POLLY HOLMES, At TONT PASTOR'S TURATRR. Tills Brilliant Qasso ot Orlslnallty writes:" 'I WENT DOVE WID MIOHABV lathenltofrayapMlally. I am eompellsd to aapeat It nightly to Sand {encores."—POLLY uOLMBS, Pastor's ThSstTS. Another Teste's at MR. PARIOR'R TIIBATBB Snrlag ths past week was the BION'AL TRIUMPH of Little MADGE ELLIS, In Her J (treat Bongs by McOLBHNOH, "There's i New One Coming la the Moretig," "Ihe KIck-Up-a-Row Brigade," "I Do Lore Yoo, or Uy Dear Old Oiddf." Prom TUB N. Y. WORLD: "afadga Bills la lorelr tha QnaeD of Brllllaota 8be loade an tntraotanaou bit wltb barWDg«anl ia batond qaestiOD U>a ajr»aUlt art- la Uo anccaaa aaao lo Maw York tola aeaAon." «9- NOTICE. Aovottbaaaaongi: "Back to tba OM Borne Again,'* '■ShoLo*tibaMan ffbo Lorad liar lor Aaotbor, ,r> *Tbe Bama^ev»tB«lta Art RlD^nr," "To Err Is Hunan, to ForelTO, Dlrloal" "PuorOld Man," "I Do Lore Yon, or Aj Daw Old Daddr/'^Hothioi'i Too Oood for Lb© Irlab," "Pauer and ihe Honaaboe" and "Tha KICI-UP- AROW BRIO ABB." AU WITH OBOUBSTRA PARTfl will ba wot od recalpt or loo aaxb br the HNOLlflU BOKO PUB. CO.. M N. afoora Bt, N- Y. Roam Uaght to P.nreaai&oa'B FRFB batween a aod 4 P. a. Take tin Are. El R R. aod get off at Pranklipflt SPECIAL SALE. 28In., 6.76; 36ln., 7.00; 38ln., 7.50; 40ln., 8.00. A Trunk with 2 Trays and Make Up Box. These Truclu az« maoa of Baa Wood, corered wltb tlurAa, gload on: Uardwood SUfa wrapped with Rhaat Iron oo eaob end noder Steal Clamps; Bbaat Iron Bottom, wltb 3 Olaata aod 4 Steal Rnllara; Cnrnar Bompar Clara pa: Bicelalor Look, YaJauea Ulampad. No. 4 Bolu; 4 Lerga Iron Blimp HlORea: 1 Bbaat Iron Bands eroond the Tiosk; 4 Steel Eoeaa; ell pans wall protectee.; erarjr Traok laOloibLlaaduroDghaat: prorlded wlthoaeDeep Compartment Traj and Hake Up Boa, ud ooa Extra Dreu Tray. Shipped Promptly on tba receipt " 'GOLDSMITH'S, Oth Ave., 4Iat Rt,, N. Y, Orae'erNaw York's Ore*!eat Trunk Works. .IT'S TOO LATE TO BEEF [ AVTRB YOU BAVB BAD YOUB 'LETTER HEADS "Se^HP/ Made by a Orm that does oot ooder- ■Sl aiand tbelrbia. WB DOl BeodforPBEE Sam plea* and onr n*w Boot of Cot*. Address CROSS PRINTING CO.. 3» Dearborn Bt. Chicago. AT LIBERTY, The Clever Character Actress, GEORGE LIWGSTON. Paatrjrad the put fou eauons with "An IrUbman'i Lnok." (Irish put preferred). Fine wardrobe. Oood preMPotiosB. etddroosWiOnraiidRtr»at Brooklyn,N T. WANTED, QUICK FOR Minnie Lester Co. A Singing and Danelng Repertoire Comedian. Mnet have n|i to date epaelal* Ilea. Wire. No Collect. Join at once. AdilsseoqEU.Bi M1TOHBL.L, Plttston.Pa DRAMATIC PEOPLE WANTED FOR REPERTOIRE COMPANY. Tboaa playing Brats pra/erred. Management payiDoavrd. ALSO WANT BOUBRETTE. LKaU>IlVO LADY. CII ataJLAC* TBR WOIIAN. Band pbotoe Saiary tow,batsare. ^r-*"""-" - cub. Addi so re. went lo Good Band Ualforas for A WABASH, golaey Uonie, Boatoo, Maes- OBNE AMD ALL TNBATRIOSL GOODS Bosnsry painted cheaply and oalcklv. Amatsorasspplled. CHAR, a MILLS, LSP Broadway. New Tort City. Imi. Litho. Stands. Bead reading matter and SI lor eampls or IS sheet etas. laeolois:SiasaaA l B4iipstaiKla,sT: la,J9:S.Blt BA- TIONALL1TBOTTO..B8N. Beeond Bt, Phlladsftihla Pa. J. H, BURTON'S $10,000 006 CIRCUS AT LIBERTY lorDee.Haad8l. Addiees ORBAT ACT. OCOIDBNTAL HOTEL NawTethOlty. WANTED, A MAN FOR GENERAL BUSINESS ,„ WHO DOUBLES IR1 BRASH, iddrses gBLLT irOBBDY 00 . steComb, Ohio, wash Dsn as Bowline Uresnnsxt. WANTED, for the 6ALLA6HER COMEDY CO., LeedlBg Lady, liaarr Mao, JoraDila Men. Plan lit and ninerosaiolpaopla. Muanraaead open time. Addiaaa W. L. qALLAODBR, 319 Mdy St. Protldaaoa. R. I. NOTICE. Parfonnara flatting Chicago wishing rooms for light bousekeaplegend ain|leroom*at reasonabla prices can aecoieolMra. I*. WrooaM.ftte Waba«b Ave.Chicago,IU, BINBS 5 T ^°- NB - 0A ^ P -- J : w * c ? A tLAWAY l »eie. u.wviiD varaaswa . -. n.vnui 1 mrisa.a.awiisa. 0. R. A. 00.. HI Hi Jamaa Rt- MootraaU. Oan. WANTEO, pi, MAGICIAN THAT CAN DO OTHKg Tljajfg, ALSO BOTIOAL THAU. Addrsas _ BABRT BVBRET. Waaager, Barry Anstla win. Bradford, ra>