New York Clipper (Jan 1895)

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Januabt 5. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 699 MiaOBUiABBOVa. BnutfWoalM-WtM^ Kwa, Dm n-Ju. & Butar^ Dr^LnlaitMLKT., Ju. t, i, rrutbil 4^1, BiaaehMVOUamowtn-ariBHU, Ik., Dm. 3>-3tn. i OiaBOD'A 8l|t.—BftnUtM. O., Ju. I, OnnnlMTlU* 3, liOlMlaBkUl, 6. Djt^^JPnt—aot SpriDfi, Ark.. Ju. B-7, Ttuikua, Bi rvkiu-Qhu ruKK. T., Ju. 1, Huiiu I, r«n ■noo <■ DtlnTlUt tTButom r. SdwWood—Ai mu Utroaih Dovtb Amerlem. racw A HuMnoB't-Horfolk, Ta.. 7-X1. Bigw^<>r»jOloeluall, O., Dm. il-Ju. >, lodUupa U»nmuD-Chl«M<VlU.DM.SI-Ju.0. IMau-FuRblU, wU,J>a.t->. Babla^oM^tw OilMai, U, Dm. SO->u. ». DuUtu'i, Cbu. r,—RMlban, OnL, Ju. t, 6, Alb- JoM?. J. AbiuUd— Ploruw, B. 0., Ju. t-t. BwoalU- TUtol-r. KoifU BlM.* E^slB<»-lltiutfrl*, Vi, Ju. X mOar. laMut 4, Ubwlott«nlUa S, aunglaa 7, LailoKtoo ^ BMMk*L 10. Lfnabbiin II, U r*wMa Blira wud irwi>^4uD, Fium, Ju. I tt—rt. Oimi B'-rai llTar. Mtaa., Ju. 1, Naw Badloril a, Xanwi^ B. I. «, rnTldaow 1,1^ Stila A BfDIth'a-jni miu thraoab Aailnlla SebaUlar'a Edaa MaaM-LA Orofaa, Wla., Jid. >, Da- boqiHklktM. TaitallVa. rnt J.-D«lrolt. Tax.. Ju. 1. ▼aatlaka'a Naw Oilaaiu Maaaam—RiehiiMDt), Va., Daa. •1-JaD.O. iraira WoDdailud-JackioBiiUa, ru, Dae. Jl.Ju.t, Bl Aiiriatl Ba7-ll. MISSOURI . au Loala.—Bulnea mada t bl| aiut ttit tnl put of lut wrek, bin letdowo titer Vfeaattatf, Oltmpio TBUTm.—Jolm Dnw uounanMd & wctk'a nimganwDi Deo. 91, preaenUag' The Boi teitlaa." "ne 00011117 Olrooa" did • fair bul aeaa laet week. Hod. W. 0. P. Breckinridge UC' tDisdSnndaT night. E. H. BoUiera Jan. a. Obind OriBA HooBB.—"A Trip to Oblnatown" dnw fair bouaea Uat week. Tboa. Q. Seabrooke tlilB week, pRienlliMt"Abtaoo" and 'The lale of OhampBgae," Btoart Rohaon T. HATLiH'g TBunB.—Jaoea U. Wtllick com menoed a week'a engagement Deo. 30. nr. and Mn. OUrer BTroo drew top beav; bonaea afier Ihe tliat niaht laat week. Haoam Tbbitbe —"Tbe KM" drew aone good hooaealiatweek. Htnlan'a"Pant>aDA'>lblawe«k. STAHDABn TBiiTRi.—H. W. wiUlami' Meteora did a good boalneat laat week. KelllT & Wood'a Big Bbow this week. Qreoler'a Ljceun Tbeaire Oompaqr e. BorBoia' ForB'a TsRiTBi-Jotephlne Hone ukea Ibe place of Oella Ataberg u leading Isdj. The following la tbe TaiideviUe compaoj: Tbe KIna Nan, Oerome and Alalia, Bamaei Bnrt, Ibe LoreUa, Oenrga Onbam, Bertie Ilalgle, Willie Roaaall, and Thorne and WlUelt. The dramiilc companj In *^he PInnger." KoOiMLXY's MusBi'H.—Fnnkiui (Are king), Zlena (Impalement act) RBod* irorkiah dancerj, Nat Oomatook (Spulata ringa), I.lllle BLVraln (eong and dance), and ihe atock companT In "Uncle Tom<a Cabin." WonriR OAiioiK.—Vaaager Robt. L. Oulelon haa Sited np a large Ttataonnt on Ihe aecond floor front. He annonnon the fo'lowing compani: Alex. Kirk, tbe TenTe/ Famllr 0) nrcbeatrB, Koa- t«r Blalen, Mammla Ohamplon, Ed. Fox. Dot Flaher, Ed, Harkej, Flom IlatUnga and Habel Monroe. EaBBB's AiBmBR* TnuTBB.—Hat, and Eoma Oomatock, Jamea and Nenie Nevelll, lloae Mitchell, LotUe 8waD,o<car and BalMe Kberna, Vlolotand LlDla Eahcr. Louie Thome, Hand E. Uwla, Mamie and Anble Stsnlex, and Oojetie. LONOOii Thbatbi.— lamea and Ida Olidaj, Emma Weaton, Prof. Maze, Kaaien Slalert, Prof. Agtzt, three KonaoUa, Ada Oiltion atad Benie Iloideo. BiriKT'e Tbbjitri.— Toe Londgrena, llMoar and Lee, Baker and Randall. Kellr Aadrewt, Uana and availing. Dare HcOord, Adolpb Ooraalei, lla Beebe, JueTio Ohrrber, tbe Haoka, Beaale Gamer, Dolorca Amoretti, Obtt. PAlmer, J. J. Herbert, Alloa Alklnaon and Minnie Lee. Tbbatrb Oomqux.—0(0. KtlL Too Talbart, Mauie Browning, Chaa. and Bertha Tajlor, Pearl Andrew!, Ed. Onilg, tbe Selge SlatetB, J. 1. Marrar and tbe ttook. OxM Tbxitri.— Relllj and Hackler, Mamie John- aon, John Coleman, BIIIt Laclede, niij While, Sit- ae Aablej, Diamond Whillub, LoUie Lea1I^John B. Morrla, i,<r,ile Parker and Ohaa. Oimdr. BijoD THBinu —Jeatle Adanu, Blaoohe WUbnr, Jennie Clarke, John A. Lealle, BUlr and Oracle Mill*, Ullle De Unoha, Ceorgle Ullljer, Canle AUeo, PhUllpt and Najnon and wm. Hajler, OBIT.—Florence Stone takea Uia place of A. Ton Ella In Oliver Bjron'a compin; tola week. Mr, BfTon Introdncea a ateam road roller on ibe'iaga Intbeltatact ThoDeltorelie Brothers, Fi^onfh olowna and moslclane, made a bit at Popio'a Tbe- aire laat week and were re-engaged The Boaron Ideal Opetm Oomosnr had two large aadlenoea at the newMnalo llaU, In Eaat St. Lonia, Ohrlatona Ueot, w. Allen, tbe ventilloqalal and maglolaii,lBheteTUIilng frienda and rtsnineathe tonr of bla out Oamlval ExblMUon U Ohrlac- naa preaenia were Ihe order of the day laat week. Frank L. Obt, atage manager of >Uher'a Theatre, recelTOd a Knighta of Pjthlaa badm from tbe com- panr and a Blgoet ring from oicar and Same Khema Manager Hoddleaton, of the Theatre Oomlqae, received a allk ombrella and Proprietor Thompaon aallver cop, Katnaaa Cll^.—At Ihe OOAtea Opera llonae, thia week, Btnait Hobion. In -Leap YearJ' "She Btoopa to Uonqner," "The Kenrleiu" and "The Id' terloper." Thoe. Q. Seabrooke caine Ohrleiinaa week, prearnung "rhe lala of Cbampagne" and "Tabtaco" to oolv a fair week'a boeloeaa. Next week, Sol Smith RnaeflUlQ' Peacefol Vtllej," "A Poor RtUllon" and ••The Heir at Law." OBiMO OrxRt Bonsi.—TblB week, A. T. Fearson't "Land of ue Midnight Son." Uat week "In Old Kentockj" pl»ed iti iceond engagement here I. Hie " thia aeaaon. The boHlneea goea to prove that Kan aaa Oltj la net encb a poor anew town after all, for a big week'a bntlncBB waa tbe reinit, people being toned awav at Ave pertormanoea, and toe bioae waa well Oiled at otocr ilmea. Next week, J. K. Emmet MiHTB STBiR TsBATBt.—Tbia wctk, "The Prodi- gal Father." Uat week Murray and Mack, In "Flnnlgan'a Ball," bid a good week. Next week, 'The Oharit; Bail." aiLUs uriBi Bomi.—Thia week, 'The Sblp of BtBta." Lutweek"TbeSandaw.TrooideroVande- TUle Oompanj did Ibe banner week at ilie booae. CLirrBBiiiai—Thoa. (l- Seabrooke and wife, EItU Croi, entertaliKd the memben of their com- PUT with aOhrlBlmaa tree alter Mondaj eTenlog'a performance Tbe Oborlln Olee CInb gate a Bncceaafnl concert Dec. 37 Bob Arthur, ad- vance agent for "A trip to Uhlnatown," loralned hiB ankle while here. Mr. Aiihnr left lor St. Louie on Ibe apcclal train with "Tne Black Urook" companj Tbe Harvard and Yale Olee OinbB will be here this week at the AaOltorium. BrowoKe k Bardj'a Mioetni Oompanj have lold their car to tbe <itrer Broa Chu. Ponl* preaented Jcrrr Lan', of "Tbe Uiaok Crook" Co, wlib a flne Irian water apulel pnp, and Delmoroand tvilaoo, of "Flnnrgan'a Ball" Co., were alao tlie reolplenta of a handaome dog Many protests are being bioogbt to bear aoalnti Hir:ln Regan ereotlni a variety theatre at Rlgbih and Walnot, which I* a gooo bnalneaa portion nf the city Momy and Msck gave the membfra oftbelrcompaoja 6aD(|iielnn OhilslmHseve Manager Jndab preaenied each of the employea of the Oiand with a t irkey Hembera of the San- tfow company excbuged many handaome Ohrlsl- mari preeentB. Ht. Jou|ih.—At Tooile's Theatre Ibe Crescent Nlnatrtla (nome talent) packed tbe honsa Chrlat- naa matinee and night. Leatlog and Lord, pnfts- alonala, now flillnB an engagement at the Mneea, Tolnnttred and maili a bit. Sandow ccmtB Dec 31, "In Old Kentncki" Jan. 1,'.', with .s'ew Yetr'a matinee, Lillian Laals II. OmwraiD'a TBaiTaB-Obarha Uickaon had good bnalneaa UhrliliDu matinee and night. Bto- art K4iiaoD come* x to iila advuca. "Tbe Sblp of Stale" a, with msilne*. '-Toa Uuzirr" New Year's BUUoaa and nighL Bol Smith Rntsell Jan. 4, Mnr. nr aad Mack e, "Ohartiy Ball" lo, J. K. Bmmei 1:. ■DIN McSBi.—Bnslneas the piat week waa big. Anewdspanare In cnno hall (or Onrtstmaaand New Tear'* week Is Jolrs E Oimer's industrial D«- aaar. Thealorlum.-Harle Wetflry'e Playera will pieient "Eaat Lynne" week of D<r. it. i m i SOUTH DAKOTA. Illaaa Falla—At ibe Ortud Hie Wilson Tbr*. ireco. opened,,Inrepiriory. on », Jane Ooomba appeared in "Romeo and Jollet," to a aaall andience. Onmiic "Yon YoDaoB"Jan. e. "ns Span of Ufa" U, Tba Slaodatd Tbeaira Oc, with Frad Tboapaen a* managiii, ia beliut orgaaiaed In thia dty.and will lake tba road aliont ife* middle of JtBaarr. PENNSYLVANIJk PhlladelplilaH-At few of tba thwrM last week wblb bnalnen np 10 tbe managerial expect*. Uon. ChilBtmaa week ii ninally a big week In PbUadalphIa, bnt liadlUon was sadly ahatlereil at a nnmbar of tba bonaea, Tbera are alx bold overt thlB week, and the noTelUea are tew aad tar be- tween. WAunrr Btuit TaBiTii.-Hn. langtry did a Dig bnalneaa last week, and bcr naaagemanl baa bongbt the time booked here for "la ihe Tender join;" thoa giving bar two week* In Pblladelphia InalCAd of one. Tbo aovoliy or tba week wm be her Brti eppearanee In Sardon's "Malaoa Nenve," whiob Sidney Omndy has adapted lor her aad called "A Honsa of Cards." The play baa never been sndnoed In English bAfore. lo addition to thia Hre. Ungtry will reanpear In "A Wlfi'-a Peril" and "Esther Sandiii," both of which ahe gtvalaatweek. "Ooon Hollow" next week. NiTioxii, TBBiTiii.-ManAger Kelly baa tbe only other novelty of the week In the liat Pblladelpbia prodncUon of "A Ron uo the Baak."ln which wardand Yokes are narrlng. ■Tbo IlnsUer" laat week played to large receip'a. Next week, John Keraell, In "HoFadden's FJopanant." ArADiBV OF UoBio.—From "UncleTom'a Cabin" to grand open is the change which will Uke place hen next week. Tha old drama baa done a fair bnalneaa, and Its second week sbonM show no IWI. lag oir. Tha oompaoT Is all that conld be dielrtd, "11 Trovalore" will be snng Jan. 8 and "ivwst" will be given la Fnicb 10. AusnoRtUM.—Lew Iiockslader'a Hlnslrela put np a nntdaaa show last week, and the bouse was packed at almoet every perfonnanc*. The praeent attraction la tbe Uoeion Howard Alhenicnm Com- pany. Nex( week Risaell Broihera' Oomedlana oome. Broad Btbixt Tbbatu— "Tba Devll'B IXpoty" contlnnea to be one of the grcateat dnwing atlrtc. tlOBB of the seaeon, and aeaia at any perrormanoa wera acaroe Uat weak, A large advance aale Is also reported for this week. Society bu taken op tba show, and box parties' ara of nightly occnr- iBoce. Yaaya will nlay afternoon of 0. Next week, Camilla D'Arvllie, In "Madeleine, or the Maglo Klaa." OOiSTNtJT SnxBT (IrIRA lloi'iiL—"Sowing Ibe Wind" had fair honses all last week and remains aaotber week. Suvenhagen and Oenrdy give an aneraoon recital 3. William U. Crane, next week, tn "The Merrv Wlvea nf Windsor." OBBsniOT SraBBT TniATRB—"Obarley'a Annl" had good hcnscs last week, and ptomlaea to bnak the Pblladelpbia record for long rans. Tha seventy, ntih parfonnanca oconrrrd 31, and waa celebnud as aonvenir nIghL ELlViHTB mBBXr Ol'IBA IIODSL — CtmoroBB' Hlnstrela tlwtia do their beavltat bnalneaa aboni the holidays, and tha onatom holds good Ibis year. Crowded nonsea wera tba mla every night but week, and preaentswere dlstrlbntad to the children at every pcrformanoa. EHriHi TBiATBi.—Beetle Bonahlll had a proflt- able week In "Playmatea." "The Dazzler" la an old Philadelphia favorite, which baa apparantly never worn ont Its welcome. Next week, "A Texaa Sifer." FonirAiriiB'.i Tiibatri. —Tbe stock company Em a doe perfomuaoce of "llanda Across the Bea'' at week, and bnalneaa was above I ha average. TbiB week, 'The Romany Rye." Henrietu Va- den has been epeclaliy engaged to play Mother Sblpion. Nut week, "Tbe SilllAlarm." GiRABD AvBNDB TBiiTRB.—'Ingomar" drew big aodlences all laat week. This week, "Wild Oata," which haa not been seen In Philadelphia rlnoa the days 01 the old atock company at tha CbettantsucetTheatre. Joseph Holland hat been engaged to play John Dory. Next week, "Iho Bella," with OrettonOltrkaatMaihlat. Oband OriRA Housi.—Bnainesa has picked np considerably dnnng tba holidays, ana "Oaptaln PanI," wbloh Is really n drat clata melodrama, well acted, baa played to the beat bnslnesa since the bonse opened under Mr. Ttssof s management EmsiMOTON Tbbatbi.— Tha Oerman Tolon- teer" did a big boslneat last week, playing to the capacity of tba bonta at every panomiaaca. This week, Hlaco'a Amerlcaa Paatomlme Company, In "The Maglo Taiiaman," Next week Davls<"Dncle Tom's Cabin" oomet np from tha Academy of Hnalc. LvctDB Tbbatbb— Sim T. Jack^a Craolea played to large reoelpta aU Uat week. Tbe Fay Faster Botle8(|oe Ooopany, beaded by Marie Binart, this week; next weak, the LIUj CUy Company. Faxii TniATBX.—Otu Skinner deserved much better bntlnisa last week, "flia Qraca, Da Oram- mont," being an atirtctlon at once nonandartlt- tie, and ■ Toe KIng'a Jeeler" giving tbe star great opportnultica. Tne oriaca apoke well of the per- fomaace, bnt tha attaadanca was lamentably slim. Tbe Amenoaa Traveety Company, beaded by Eddie Fay, tbU ire'k- Next week Rose Cogtalan givea 'To Nemeets" for the llmtime here. PiorLi'8 TaiATta—Big bosineea retnltad from the engagement of "Pan] Eanvar" Uat week, and thia week "The ff bite Sqnidron" U on. Owing 10 Joeeph Dowllnt'a wllhdnwing "The Lite Ooard," Manager Bradenborgb baa booked Bany iMj, In 'The Man from the went," for next week. SriNDABD TOBATBi.—Chrtatmta week brought ont Urge audlencee to tee "In lbs FoothUU," and bnilceea waa Otst cUaa. Tba atUBOtton tbU week U Sadie HaasoD, In "AKantnoky Olrl." Next week, "Work and Wagea." Bijou TBBtTBB.—The morning peitormanoea which an being given daring tbe boUdaya have been well patronised, and the naaal laria bnslnesa haa prevailed during tha atiamooaa ana aveainn. The openMo iiuncllon thu weak U "Tba FlrAtraof Peaiance," and tbevandevUte entortalnmant Is fnr- nlabed by Sevems Sobalier, the California Trio, McMabonaad King, Frado and Stone, Oeorge DU- mond, O'Brien, Jenningi and O'Brien, Banelt and Cocke, Oracy and Bnme(t,and John and Jeffreya Pendy, NiKTB AND Arch MoitsirH,—The attraotlons this week lnclaii« lllalto (sironiman), Walinso(blae mu), Jo Jo (dog raced boy). Ell Uuwan (half man), M. Bernard and wreatilng bean, and 0. A. Bonny, the musical albino, lo tbaatro ara Cnndail and Clark, Three Aabieyt, Dick Leggett, Kojalo, Phil A. Mcnonaid, Rnta and Adtoa aad Mile. Monllo. WiHTiR CiiooiL—Tha opening week aaw Indit- fennt hosinesa, wltl the exception of Satorday night, when additional boxing inatobea iirongbt onlagood crowd. This weak Billy Piimmer will boxaiib Joa McOnlb,and the foliowlDg vtade- vllle Uleni will appear: CaTmenallle and Loellle, Prof. J. W. Hampton, wlia hia trained dogt ana cats; Netdbam and Kelly, tha Loftua BTttera, Brown and Bventt, Romolo Brotbera, Qenie Oil- eon and Rita Dnnnd, KoTis.—All tbe bo laea tlve extra New Year'a oulloe >t, and Ibe Lyceum has a midnight perform- aace New Year'a evd Capt. Vhartea M.UIark, the it'egoerd. batter known aa "the velvet ooa'ed hero," has left town lo appear in "The BliU Alarm," ottderthemanagemintof DavlsA Kaogh "Men and Women" it In preparaiioo for producllon by the atock company at Foiepaagh'a Ed. R. Ber- 100, of Rice and Barton, wno hu been ill with pul- monary compUlnr, will be given a beaeot, I at Parktr'a Ba'l, Oermaaiowo Manager Joon A. Fotepaagh u being boomed for re-eiecilon to Common Connollt Jamea Bashy baa been engaged u maater roocbaato at the Pnople'e. EdwlD Wayne, of tbe Thomas K. Sbes Oomptoy, paldadyinivUittobU home In thia city last week. Arthur Beaton aacceeda Warwick Osnor In tne BIJOU Open (Company this week Some idiot yelled Are In tbe Nai tonalTheatn at tbe CbrUt- niu matlaee, and a panio was only averted by Ibe coolnest of tbe atuchee. Fully half of the andl- enca left the theatre before it ww discovered that there was no dre After lu disaattont week at the WaUint Ibe "Sanuon" company. In which J. Waller Kennedy wu tuning, disbanded here. Mr. Kennedy oUims to have been deeerted by bis man- agera, who left him withoni fonda. The acenery and propeniaa an held by Manager Howe. Mr. Kenntdy olalmi that tbete belong 10 bla wife, and that It lu an lelosdca to him to be held lUble tor hli Kanager'a debts. PUlibwM.—American drama, Eogllab oomedr, fares tomeoy, melodrama aad Amenraa comedy rooprlie tha atiractlona of oor legiamate bonie* tor the current week. BiJOD TBiATii.—'Oarkesl Rosiia" this week. "Eight 'rill" boomed np to Dec. ». "In Old Ken- incsy'Jsn.I. ALvm TBBATti.-'TbeOlii I utt Behind Me" thit wiek, the Llltputiant Jan. ;. John Drew cloaed a bnuitnt eEgaiemeot tMc.'a, EitT EiiD iniATRr.-Robtri HllUrd, lu "The Komlnea," Uic. ni, for tba Or*t time here. ' Toe PrIasteSecreitry" fliied last week's blU. Nothing is oaderllned tor Jan. I. Babrt WiLUAHt' ACAOtur IIP Mcsic-Tao French Folly Cn. Uir. 20 and week. IlarTi WU- llimt' UWBBptaaiiy Co. did a big bnalneaa the pist week. NBW Qbabd OriRA Bovst.—UallcB and Halt. In UterOD," ttu week; ElBe ElUUr Jae. I. 'Tba PrlBoatt Bonaie" did aplendldly UM wttk. HiBBT Dim' RDiN MtiRii.-ETaleen (wster qnean) tad lUrirPiok (eqaUlbrltl) aia tha priaol- pal naw teatnrea In the ontto haU tUt week, whilo Mllei t IreUnd't Tnnbadonn glv« a gna al*ga show. Woii.n'a Minini TniATtB.-Cnrlo ball attnc- UoDs thU week an (;oaman (tword twaUowcr), OkUhoma Bill and Pnirta May, Mile. Owens (long halradUdj)RadlhaUlklnghonaBanner. On Ihe stags—Mnaical Dale, Robetta and Donto, Travelle, Dixon and Lang, the lUvonporta, Iho Hldnuua ana F.d. Rogei*. DpgcnKR TniATHi.-"A Gaiety 0lri'> for Ihe ilrtt lima here Dec .11. w. u. Citne'a enguement Uat week waa * brlliltntsiicotsa. Rice'a "r4ii|" Jan. I. Hasb.— Xella uujtoo. vocalist, Joins tee French Folly Co. at Uarry WllUama' Academy of Hu<lc thU week There is a ramor thitt Joon T. Kelly and flue Williams may sur In seawn Fraptletor llsrry Dtvu will pracnt k anuveulr. In toe form of a gold breaatpin, to every Udy vlili- Ingtbe New World's Muaenm Theaire tbiiwetk. "Prlaceiia Boonie" did m wvllstilienrand Open Hooae but week lhal it hu been booked (or a niam eagagaracni at an early daio John UartU Is acting manager of tne New World'a Muaenm Theatn. Wllkeaharre.—The hclliiay acaaon liu not brought forth anch flnancltl returns. In thetirlcau, M wae anilcipaiert, owing, dm. 10 tbe general de- prtaalon; aecondly, to a aencral slump la the an. tbiiclta CMl trade, and,Inlrdly, to the tie op of ibo eleetrio system of railways. At the nnioif Open House, Walter Kenncdy'a Co., booked for Dec. 10, did not matenallie. "Princrtt Ronnie" (retgra daft), tit, bad Bneaitendanoe. Ward and Vokra,'.'!, bad light hntlneu. Cbsuncey Ulcoit, In "Tne Irish Artlsv' Hi. toroed them away. Joseph 011, in 'The sur (l>r.:r." te, had light buslnets owing tn siormy night Rbra, tn "Tbo New MagJnlon," i1, had light attendance, canted, no doubt, tiy the tie- np of aireet rallwaya. Ocagmre .t (iisni'a "The lUzzler," '.a, bad (air buflucea. To come: vtine .\CRa"3l, Uuls Aldrleh, In "My I'artnrr," Jan. 1: l.ehlgh Unlrenlly niee ud Banjo Clali 2, 'The Derby Mascot" i. "Roiiln Rood" 11, lu. Mtfiic llAU.-UlDola Sawiinl, In reptrtury, liec, IT-'.I, had lair bnslneas. W. H. I'ower'H "Ivy L«a(," 24, 'J<i, 20, tomed people awav. M^tla Jauten, In "Delmonlco's at Six," ST, bad light business. ' In tha Tenderloin" a, JO, bad fair businoas. liAlsy Marcoa's "i:nde Tom'a cabin" Co. for same datea canceled. Tn come: Kennedy's riayom lo reper torv week of .n. woNDiRi.iND TuiATU|.Ui'ti>.-Uuni'..< Imperial Japanese Jugglem, Aatarie (air walker) and a specialty company bad (nwd buslnets. Noris.—Tbe eetlous lllDesa of n twelve year olii son took Uansger Shelby to Naw York licc. 'je Manager H, ii-Bnrgnnilcr, of tbe Onnd, is a pruud father of an In fant girl, llarrlabani—At tbe Opeia llonie, Chrlslnias week, bnslneas wis lood. May Robblna. in "l.liile Triile," cams Dec. 2.'i, Khea'Jii. The nnulml r or Ihe week the hcnae was occnpied by tiio .S'ati- Teachen' Mosic .Issoclstlon CanVFnit"n. vil.lch brooghttoihisclty many dUtingui:thcil compoarr^ andaololsls. KellarcomesJan. 4. Edrn Hi'stt.—ObrUtnua week Wiu h iiig one. Week of Deo. so-Xewion Ueen, In "Tlio iir«nglen of Paris," with Margaret Tenet Kata Itnniaino, Agnet Furoali, Aggie Loraine, Thomu iMwards, Fred. Mnnroe, Maurice Fredericks, Ed. Thonui, Jfssio Pickens, Prof. CarUale and CarlKle Bisti-rs. OicnxireiON Uail.— Holiday week proved a big nne. Manager lloUabangh will reopen with Ibe \Vlnter sports In Jsnoary. KOTi8.-ADnla Fording, of iho Rhea Company, who hat been a soiTerer with rhenmAtlsm for many works, U once mora st her dalles, and almui fully recovered The Travoltng Men's AtHOclailon have closed negoUailocs with Honw'ii Uaml fi<r n beoedt Tbe local lodge of KIks are looking (nr an allracllon tor a lienelt. Tbo ad. In last week's CLirria brought many replies. Rcranlon,—At the Academy of Music Jas. A. Heme, In "Shore Acres," New Year's nnatlneo and evening; I,oola Aldriob, In "My PHrtner," Jan. 3: A. Y. Peaaon's "The Derby Mascot" :i, tbe Scranion Oratorio Boctely in -Tiie Chlmea ot NormanOy" 4. The Sundard Dramatic Oo. of Scraaloo, in "lland aad Clove," were received br a Qoa house i>co. 30. Joa Ott, In "Tba SUrOtzer" (rotara date), -ja, had a good honsa. Ohauncey Olcott, in "The lrl>b Ar^ ist." 'JT, had an overdowing houso. FBOTniKGnAV.—"Ilosa aod linu'' Now Year'a mallnea and evening, l.ehlgh Olee Club Jan. 3. W, II. rower's "ivy Leaf ' Co. wera well received Deo. 38,30. Uavu' TntATBi —Atkinson's ' Peck's Bad iloy" Dec. SI, Jan. 1, 3, (Iregory's Pantomlne Co. 3,4, r,. OhrislmAs bnsinesB wse h record breaker. Reaillng,«-Rhea gave two performancca at tbe Academy 01 Mnsio Dec. li, to large andieocei'. Agnes Heradon drow ttlrly well 30. "The liaziler" came to good bnslneas 27. ohauncer Ocou pUyed to a large house Wtnle and Vokas, in "A Ilun Uo the Hank," did well a. Coming: "Sgperba" Jan. I, "Princeaa Honnle" 3, "Shore Acrot" 4. Orand OrxiA notniB.—"Wtfo for Wife" wts played to good business Doc.'J4,2ri. Thecompaoi cloeed Its season 30. 'Tim. tha Tinker." drew well 3T-29. Howard Wall's Ideals week of 31. Ufjou TnxAmt,-Gregory's "llompty liumpty" had good bntloesa 31-20. A Urgs buslnrss wa< done 2i. Harry Setton's Borlesquo Oo. week ot ai. Krle.—At Manneraiior Hall "Wracked In Port," by home Ulent, will In tried Doc. 31. J. E. (ilRABD'B WOKUIRIAMII Waa (AVorOd With too bnalneaa the past week. Tha stock company continues. In tha Cnrto Hall, Kijl Jim and Ann and Annie Miller. NflTSR—Tbo advance ronnager of Tdcodnro Thomu' Chicago Orcbostre wm hero last week, amURlog for a March date A grand ainll. torlnm will be bnlli la Krle and Onlshed tor liie Hnmmer season of 1«'J.'>. Tne capacliy will tie .'i,»io seats. AllooBB—At the Klcvenlb AvennoOper* llouw Pior. KelUr had a largo audience liec. 21. tlio »nly attraction during the week. "I'dul Kauvar''ntter- nocnand evanlng Jan. I, Camllle U'Arvllle ilpen Company 3. Wllfnd Clark 4 and l.ouls Aldrtchli, AL (I. Field's MInttrelt 7, »A liarrel ot Money" 10. lUrry DhvIs' Kden Musan iliii a large tmM- nest the flratpart ot week ot Dec. 'it. giving tour iiertormMces CbrlslroM Diy 10 crowd'd bouses, 'rblsweak Uoyle and Granam, George Tnompaon, The Sbcebant, Mllo. Caroline, Collins and Madell, the Dtwaoos, and Stewart and Hart. lianeaatar.—Atthc Fulton opera llonaa "Pablo RomanI" wu well preseotrd to largo houses Dec. 'J4, 'Ji, Oosgrova A (Inut'a "Tha Oazsler" did well 3J1. Hsriu DcccA, snog recital, drew a crowded bouae27. Hay Smith llibblsa, lo "Little Ttlxle," badgoodbnslDess24. Marie Jaospn, in "Ifelmon- ico't tl II," had a Urge hniisa 20. "I'auI Ktiivar" 31 CALIFORNIA. Lot Angaloa,—Thomas W, Kceno dicw talily at the LoH Angelea Theatre Dec.'A-'JJ, nitb "lllch- ard 111," 'TbU Hercbant ot Venice," "Olliello'' and "llanilel." Aleiagder Salvlnl apptva at IhU bonis Ubrisimu week. Uooklngt: Biolc Hailinot Jan. <-l2,"A Tuiklib Bath" It-ie, Tavaiy Kngllsb Opera Co. 'Jt-3ii, Lottie Uollios 'a-V) Tne Uor- bsnk Tlieairc reopened Deo. a with h apacuoular production ut "The lilack Crook." aod Lea iicinon- dessndtJoanzaandHegilitaPd l,ee In apcrUiiIra Imperial Hoalc llaM oir^rol the foiinwing people 'O-x: Dig Four, lAlor aod Clinord, Carter and Mack, Dirwlu, Lamont broa., Koatrr and Evans, Boaeo and Wtliera. Harry lielalii and llvlug piclurea The unnd opert llouae paaatalnto another chapter ut Itt ubectered carver lieu. 31, when the Walter Orpbeiim Ci. aiaiinica l unirni and will open ibe place wlih vaudeville. The Waller OrpbeoinCo. itcomposrdof (loaiiv Wil er. M ■ll^ Sao FrancUco Orpheum, Joseph I'etrirh and Laooce Ur'-i bwell. ARKANSAa CLIPPER POST OFFICE. Hot 8piloga,—At the Opera Uooae "Lady Win dermare'a Kan" wu presented to a Urge aodlenca Dec. 2i. Booked: Lillian tAWit :il. "Hhe" Jso. I, ' Tee Black Crock" ' Tue Fast Mall" ;, llobt Maotell 0, (iudla Woliia 1:. Llilln Hnck,—At Uapltai Tbtaire "l.a-ly IVin detmere'a Fan" camo, Dec. 'U, to fair bnalieva. I,eaa Mltcbcli,:>, hud a lair bonse. "Goody Tau Shcs." 34.3'. 2t, 2v, by home ulent, under the diiTCtlon ot Mrv. L^on Rose, o' Chicago, drow mederata hooses. Doe: 'Bhe" 31, MilUn Levis Ju. I, "The liuck Crook" 4, '^ha Put Mail" H. B Utntell 7, t, "AUbaiaa" U, 13 "She" Ooopaaf syaai Xmaa weak beta. . a^AnAanwBtBvii«n,pUlalraddfeatsd,nslbt taauaad kr aaab lalttr, aai iK IIM ot k«iiS£u>M by the peraoa aduiaMsd ihoilt be glvaa, la eidat te praveai nuiakaa. ^Hova.—nvfaaalooala aad elbers aheoM bear U oiad lhai all lauai^ ata., la buali batvau tSe (railed iwsa udCutda,aHM »<im*ali,ethttwUa thaianaolR^ vmruev. LAOlEa* LIST. ■UIOB. Aui« M. Uub\% AllM MoBifbnl Mw ■iul«r. Bttft MuUuil.JialMl ■ftttur*. B. MoDoflkld KatM HmhtlLMidtllM Hunr.MnLj II MnTidk, rruki* aoTdMBL N*Ula Hiuo, ruDj Vorrlmri Lol* N»lJDD. 001%H NoflML Mftod irltndo k Lomtto OldMsMu 1HtB«i,Bll* ^Pnor, LlUI* PallmAB, Dot Fmij, Mav f rior, LIIJI* 'E*KMd, J*sbU naihronLIUM Rontlttfim* Rktudu. Kimt RalbdtD. Via R4imoDd, Hfttkl R«bM, Oor* M. Boat muL K«U B. Rooatr, Ktti* Rr«ient Itttttn RMQtf, Jocic Rollo, Uvt RfltoTa, MlDOl* AUluMB. BJlth '"•AynftT, LoUa AadtcvoD, lUlvn AMI*. MiDDl* Ard«ll, Olll* Adftnu, BUooh* Aduid, Ai1» AthlDiOD. Huby Ahboit, Aooi* M. B*raf a, (Ine* Belkar, A»l« BMI, AOBft iZ adu Hluehinl.klftr B«an*i(«.MtMl« BUk*,aBomi« Btch, Marl* A. Bwntlio. Mm. II. B«lloQl, Bl*u Btironl EliUn BalltDnr. AUi* B«lobAl«r, BaMwiD.Mn H.8 Brraa. lliltD Wra n.B ntirton, UtrnllD* OUDItr, iDOfH* Cady, Oartniile C(ayioD.Miu K. Cra',«r,HUaAli«a« II Callihao. NallU Caalfonl, Mina. 'Viwron. Add(» CaiD|>balf, Citric* t'aawroD, •ro*»|iblo* Ch*rt*r.a«untl« Call! v*ll. Julia Coop«r, Uat Rood. Xalo«*iL 0111* Ohaiaiiiao, KIIU* Oi>i VioUt narlloo, Ad*l* ObaM, llatu* h nrtaffo. Blaaeh* narllDKloo, Hlla CuDiiiipn, Buocb* D. fllinoo. J**iia D«bD(B)|, Madjt* U*T07 HaUio 04 V»r*. Vara OlamoDd, flora Oalhaso. HU*. Dadl*r,May V. Ouiina.Hiaol* Do Bar, f loronco DllOQ, tl*Ml* OaMoli Marl* Ofiji; MiodIn [liDiiDAro. Kalll* IVIfov. Ada i,K<U'* Oa iUvtfO. MlODlt Brail*, Lllllaa BaiDff, (tonl* K^rl. II«K*I Kllia, MaOx* Kllatoii, Maud KoRslharr, Il«Uo RvfliD, AonI* BuUll*. - Flibar. Miry Fui.Nvlllo PraDhlin, t'raalil* Poller, U*tiruilK Fraiar, llyaoioih NuRo, Uyrtl* Pr«Dch,Mr« M. FloraDea, MIbdI* rot. IHlfa riaki, Manila riif, Marlon KI*h*r.MlDQ(a PuMoa, Boila ~,)adrc, Kill* (IrarVMao (toraoa, Lllj tiajlor, Mar (lonloQ. Baoil* Urajwall. BOIth nrar. Ada ilrtifiD, Vlalal (lllbari, Paaal* [Jraltam, Blal* UilDiora, Killl* UoMaoa, (Irao* OllaoiOi, Mai7 (lr*f, Paarl (IraT.Dorothv Qnit uam V. Holm, Amy UtUrar, Allla Uanli*, Hrt. P. llaavie^, Marala lltrtwrL Oora llow^ KalliarlBO llaal*7- Lliiio Ho«*,UIII* llaTTlMQ, LDlla lUtaa, Lful* lUlaloo, MaU HuoLNIa ll*rb«rt, Mra Bi), Hnvin). .\*UI* UartiuaoD. Ltniaa K ll*rb*rt, Blla 'oandi rilbuTu, hajr ir*raand*«,lr*B* Hart, Oanl* ItajvoQil. Lirjtia Miomar. liadff* IBc*. Binna InlDB. Jolla Jaiu*B. Csoraaa Jallao.Mrt.Prad JuliDtoo, Balll* Jojca. Uoatia avoa. Mabal —KlOd.Paulla* RIlMf. OoortI* KaaUD fllM*n KnoroD, Rai* O. KtDura, May Rally, Jal la Vina, LatUa faovia. Tubal p. l.o*,ltni VIofor tsaail *«. NaQatia laavloa, Olara litODoL Kathario* L*oo. Mr* Dan LalrJ Mn H I. Labulla^ Mav L. (.#0. Km ma U- UtUa. Ralia r.Mra-H !iaTa)l*r HUtora baoora. r^rrlo Lamb, Matai* MHnntnt, Ida Mari'l*. Uura Marray. Lloda J. Har*lD0t.8adla Uooroa, rarno MarloD. Kloraneo 4lll«r, Mri. IsftaiH v«iu>D,HarlatuH. Millar. Jtwia VMidoia, Ulao iltDdtl Hli'.ora l^uvart. Haul* Riaoton. Anaita (Uawan), Linl* flprain*. A Ira PaTiflBiHIna Roniiiara. Jnllat Pablon. AUeo BoomOaiTlt Rtniar. Johanna tpanldlBi, Gaorrlo D. fluiia, Anna KnttAo. Nallla B. Km I III. Ida Hill tl, MriL Abo Hmlth, UfMo ~itumbalir>(Ua TbonMMiOlU* rhomai. Plom Varum, Mm. VadaivVaralt tilaila.yoo Voa darAiaUra WaiD*r Barthi Wailar. Taditr VilaoB.NlBa ■ ••UllrB Jaa. Walura. Delia If yoD, Hooa A'niio, Lula Wanihwonh, Mar irada, DaW Vooti, Hmma Va^iiiar, Boat VaitoB, Pnoeaa •^rorka,1laltn VouoR, Ada Ztniora, Mr* Ha) /. »m, Borila /.ili«r, HaiRia GENTLEMEN'S LIST. airaratil,Ha<ll *AT»ry, Ballr Amicrron, W. Ban ttnry, W. Atlirrtno. Prank Auilin, II. It. tiaiiihlar. Prank Amit'il. Billy \riutlrnPK Klrh tllao A Dalinain A|b*n«. Prioca Anihooy, Tlolor AlbUTlU", — luiilo A UaiTaay Amanu W D. irraaironf A PorUr Ahvmi, Th* iliaara, Willy Aoifiia — ibbay. H N irlioRf n. Uen. AthD, Joi. a Alllion.Oua Ailbloa Pr«tlO. A lira, Jr.* Ackar. M A Boraa, (Jao. B. Brook, John Baf (•••an, Oarl BinotyAnhapman Burrlll J. P. Barn.V J. BaldPln.B I, Brooke, Bam Baker, (ihM. Hacoo. Prod HaiUy. ITalUr Benton, — loor, rrauk Bit ant A Klcbioond laiUy. Harvey Rotb. I T. narUaii. Pred Burt, Prank Bryant, ubaa II Ho>d.« bai It Baflitort. Ulauti BaenaDan, W. L. BatiDo, - (or B. A Von Loan BellninQt Joa A Bronni*ll, W. A. Bn ant. Billy Baroello, Bijf. Bradley. D H. Hoitock. J. W. 04 Burke, J Frank BalUn. W. J. BoUey. U*n Braoi. e. A. lUldvlD.rror B.H HroDhy.J. M. Bay 111^ E BartliTPrwl BerinniAiriiisn] BarileitAMay BelL Jae. Barton. Her BarsaUirl.X U- Brandon A Haelol Bailar, Kilvard Heoker, P/J*ard Bo««ra fcd (If era. O. I*. Boylae Ueo B. KaroatMd Jr.. B. Hlanay, Cfaaa. R. Bowera, Billy BeUpbri tJ 11. Barralt Broa. Htckar. rraob Hrad-ay.J B loona. JoLn A. larka, Jubn M BenDlniloD, Kd. Baker, D. t. Barke. Chaa. A. Biuoa«.J J Oonror A tvx Uroebv.O M. Curua A ilardeo Oenaon, trig OODB'iW, U. CiovUr. Jobn ('llfforg. Urpou frmvaa Itldoe' rarpent«r. <>. V '.'an A Joialui Clark. BoitU Caspball, Jf rry i^bnreli <inaoai*r> 'naklay.M. P. Ob nana, Kd. Cralitf, Pat* Uord*, w. II •'uriia#. H M Colb*riaoiLB4ui Canol), Cl*f ar Crcadoa. Din Varroll.1. II Coibatt.W D. <'arltoo,C II. roB«efi. '•B>* Cary. B U. i'ftio. Xef er (:uli<aD*, W K. rooi>a. tJeo It Craoa. f. U i'r-«mn*ll,Cba« P. UifllloLjai J. r«J>. /. II. farfar.C R Clifford, Tuei f-'uburo. .^oIjO g«o A Bttu-y naUruaa, Prof Darby Maaooc'Co DarliA KroKh Dolnio, — Dalmora A f«aa Da Noa. Prod Dalaur A Uabrliooot Dllka A Wade Daly, R. B. Uleianbacli. fhll Dolai nay. i DioiaoD, M.J. Ulttriohl u W. Uatii Allan UulitiG, Win iHiera, W. B. Doll, llarrr l>a«Iioff. Joa. J. Ueroura*r,Bd«lo Do Wlu, Maurleo ElUworth, PliU Bllla.Chaa. Brans, Praok II OUrk, Prof. 0. A. roroalla,Paia, w. U ■ :lltronl. Lao Calo.B K atuUa. c.'baa. Caban, Clia* Dawaoni Ttia DaTla,Jaa P. l>*lniar* A Lo* UaPHIhl,Ji>a«l>b Unrla, W. J. Ulion Bf oa. Dtrcf, A. P. Uelinoro, W. Uanbam,Ban Dentni. Ariliar Oolaon, A L. Unanla, Andrew Uea Rncbara, J. B. Delaney, F.ddlo Uarla, F h. Uarrall.Tboa OlaoD.aovara A 1)1 BOB D* Atmto, PraBk l>tris, (leo. Itoylo. J. W. Deuoo, Will. Urrara, Ham Dallou, llarliart Duanay, Maurlo* DaTaraAKbarpliy DarrJr.J. J. 'Biieiiifaa fur Ltla" Co Emuial J K, braB«.Kd«nrd Kraaa, Prod Body, Albert U. El mora, Harry Pimiur, Jmm. PUlt, B*rt Pook*laaao. F. 0. Fialicr, B. J. Praaa, John Furaman, U. W. FiifiQ*!, Jaloa Fiecch, tJttpLA B. Pordar, Will vreokiln. Nat Fob a Ptabar PaitaU, Pnsh Falka.Chae II. Foairr, L'baa. Flynn, John A. Pari ell, Toor Fromann, If P, Franklin, Una Frteuaa, W. V. 'rra Uui»oni 'oru A La«ii Fiotda A liaoaon ProdciiQka, Wiu. rolimar. Uea M. Pay.J. V. Pialda. ALU. rraiier, A K Porieecua, U*o. K. Grluiea, t. A Oariie Ulllalla, Bait liuir, Pruf W. M. Oroatlioer. 0. Uaioiir, iobn B. Uaroaila, Robt. (Jr«the (fro*. iJofffIn A U»vU 'luf Brvi. oiiidun, Uau Uria««ll. P- B. Urrena, L. L. Onot. AL (lo'/en, Joa llulliria. KsMla Ul<*ier, W. T. uil^eii*, wu. Ulbba, Dr. Oatkall. W. r. Ilaaeoir, J. IJ. lordoo, Phil (lambol. Prtd OarviD. (lao. uollmar Mrui. UitaraiL Jbfan flrlaal, L. Ueiae. ta W. OrabaBi. B A Uaden, Uerlaod (Iracla A RernoldB (loldie, W. H, CI rata r, Dan (lanallaan. Maurloa Hnaorth'a Ulberaloa llalla. Ilarr* • rborlelo. J. O. iraMlBf, Prank fl llllL Uao. A. Iluiohlnaoo. B.F. llarria, W. H Hovaid, Bdvard llall.tlao. W. if oremaao, — llolohtnaoB. J. D. Hamilton, O. If. llnroer. Bam llaraood, A,0. Uolne. A. W. Uaoooek, 0. P. llilLO. B. iia«k. W. If. Ilanaon AMaok llaalr. W. P. Hamilton, (■oLti. II. Hart, J, W. Hnfay, Dr. J. B. Ileiwig, A. k UarrlnitoD.If. J. tiarria > WalUn HanloaBroa. ifaoioB,ioluiT, Uart. Albon HarrtaoB, Uarry Mart. Bob UaokerALaaUr HaorTiO p. Uoi»kina Dr. Hodia W.T. Uaml I too. Uiny A Black lllil. P. A. ifarrtiao llurd.Y J, imi,llariT (acrobat) Howard, 11. J. Uuward, frank llnrtt, H B. II ad lay, Prank K. HaDder«on,W. 11. HlgRlBa,D.K. "raion, Praoh U. 'Irwln, Oba*. foobof A MdinlBaoa frwin, M. Jaffaraoo, Tom Jairaraoo. Joa. Jnyoa, Edwin Jordoo.Pruh Jooaa, w. Prod Jaaoa, Ovao D. ITaaUaB. Daa A^Kaya, iobait Kaawaliar, — Koodail, B P. Kerr. Katbal Nelly A Wood! Kallay.JohBP lalir Oco. u, gallf A Uart gaoaaSf, MaoiLbii KMd.r, Obaa. Kallait. T. r. gabs a aaloar Kimball, Van klrtliarl, W. f. Kublaad. A. a. KalUarTb. T. Kanptoo, 1,. A. aaMr. Alftad -arl.».». -rarar, g F. KaDoadr, Krrta Kioi, AflharN. Kaalaul, V. ». lDaalaa<l,a.l.. glBs,- Tjooa,Allrad ^lanoB, Farar U gw, llav, W. Laaioo Uro*, Uabar.OavM l.ali>r, Frank Lifoetiar Uurj LaoB, fraaala U aoak, Bm Uais, ADdr Latoaa, frub llublald, gait la Bcr, Vat '.• Dail «i>es. Utu, ». L^ow, aui. LailiiUa,yita4a Laflaor.Jaa. laBaa Broa. Lafof, rruk toalar.Cua. Loaa, Oa*. w. Lao ton. rruk U>la.^w Laatiuilitva L,e*a,L Altbi '1>IU, Jacob iX.'-Rranla.Cbaa. -' » BB-w . |.ae,Ctias CummlbiT^ liii'l't jilorua'erTlK'a.^J, |L«arvva, Oao. A. l'i.rTaa.y!>ba (JiUll, W. U. 1'- - orraa f l,arh..lla'b Craoa Broa I'ciBBora Jaa. Clara a. Loan Ibaarnrt 0 C. Coglaf. Bdvard UaoipbalLW.g riiri(«, HarTTte •«.w.s".u. 'Laoa. llarrr ■liartra Baroait iLaa, victor <l>laiD.Htrrr Ugtaaaa-L-baa. (iilaart A Oouta lUiiaua n. r. ■mumu iirnd |'io;daaiL na Oodeud, u. e. JaUait, tan LaBoor.J. Uaia,U.IL \letMa t Oa toag UnaeaAAataU S^STluihDA. If aator^Jolin B. 9aKatl«,D«a aektooolur MtnuAAMaa ■avnU Mac lilaeo.AI(rad MoDanal, Rlabanl Soon^ Uurj teblla, <l. n. KallMk, Baooall MaiTOJlBroa. Moru A Harphr Morrlaaar nnn, SaMaboB. Jaa onaa. Wlllla liaAithor,8aoi MarvlB, W. J. Mtlbawa. W. 0. 3onlB, Fraok ^ubji'riiu, Moitaa. wm. ■ortaa, F II. MoATOva A Doyla Malllal, D. Mladrop, r. W. lleArola.B. lleDaoaM, J. T. Bast, Obaa J. iiaaa>*,rai] lloataarrat.(lao.U Marrar, Bdnr Morrlaaar, Bitb Maibawa, H. J. Mopuragb.llarrr ■llTlr,Oaa Manb. W. r, HoBridtA FIrao Malraae II MoDoQOaata Broa. ■anoD,.WIIIIa Millar, 0.L, MeOtlhrtrWallar pibrr, Paal , * PUelwr, Frad Fanr A Bllavorlh reiu, Fcuk u. raTaona,a. A. rack A Rlea Puloam, W. W. t'araoto. (lao. Palmar, Du Paihu), Walter I*Dvarv, JebQ T. Par aaa, Tha l*afrvD, CalTin rataraao. Rmll rarlar.llao. U Pulaar, — <eooL) Paarl. W. II. PItbla. (I«>. Paarca, (l. D. PuUar. a U. I'atarMn, K. n. I'Mb A Haauaa Pack. M. V. rolloak.Kila I'Mk. Uao I'atohlna Hro.. rnlo\ Bm. PAwara, lliivanl QalBlt. tlai). W. gulan.Thoa. J Upaao. Jobu Baooa, Fruk Roaara, Tlia Raia. Jobn tl. ■arrlak, Uairr MeXvar, Harry MuDlar. Wm. HakoblaABvua Hontaoa. CL P. Mrallb, Ohaa Huohaalar, Robt Xoftdav, Lima Harrlab. vtm. Haddaa A Lowrf Maaon A LotU Meaa, Jaaaph. Mood, Lanr Varadao, Bloliard MeMahoa,Joa If arkbam, llarrr Malhnlah. n. I. MarllD, Prar. aiua. V. n. aartu,J P. HcKalr. Joha Maodrow, J. ■aak. W. n. MaNail, B. H. ■Ilaa. Paalilr ■tlDtrr*.T. B. Mauar. lUaia ■illan,<laa Malaolnb, Prof. Harrar AMar Marrlwar, 0. J. MorrlBAD, Jaa. MaOaflhr, Uhaa. Noma. Prnr U. I Nortoa, R J. NataoAd.B A. Kaih. Ohaa Na>liw, Al. 0'Kaafa,Ji>lia nmaila, Haju O'ttaa, Murplir llrhaA McNalr O'Nain, P. J Orloir, CouQI 0'BrlaD,T|oiirn AtL Otawa, T. OrarlOD. II. R. (litoo. Albail OaUibbaa. "Brian. Arthur J (latoiu. (lao H. (lldbam. fraahlro Odall, Win O'Ronrka, T. P. Orabard, a H. iiailir, It. 1. (Ill, Joa Komalo, Vallar RoobvalL J. V. Rawa, J. o. RoiaalUR-R. ttailmoniUr.. Jark Hoblnaoa, llarrj Kailinonil. EilwanI KaaMll, K. U. Raoa, Laa lljru. J. II. KarmonJ, Tliua. RIeb,A. Roiar.iiD, t^laranea Rav, Jobn J. Rostra, Mac RIoh, J. llobartani!,ff.!ll, Knaa,w. R. Rano, Wri. RIohanlinn, Prof. sobartron.Frmnb lur, vio. n. HainoM.'Mtnit. Karn«lil>,.W. a. Rli-a,0. l4r. Robar.W. O. llnnaMo, K>l. Hella, llarrr SetTaa,— ABlniar Turner, llan, It. Tanner A Rannart Thompaon. Jaa. TarlQr.Ilarbart II. Tarrall. Fianb E. Tiittla, II. A. Thomraoo, Kil. Trawaia, J. K. Tkiwnianil. llarrr Tagsa A Daolala •■Tomailo" Co. Tarlor. il. T. Tahar, llaHJ Tumour, T. O. Taala Hrna. Tnolar, Larrr Tliorelon. Itarrv Tautiar, P. Tliomimn. Oa^ali Tiirubiill.J \V. Tarlor, Prnnb Ttioinaa. W. M. TuOor. K. Tbanlo. K lllca Rrmar, f, J. Ruaara Jr.,(lao.g. iu»iL r H. Ruiaall.Hii. RatnoM. Hantl aiuMMiaaa. tl. ^Halwmlio. F. KrWaalar, llarrr Hiuir, Fraob J. rilataon,!!. P. Siiarka, Jobn It. Hull|r,^nbn J. HlaiiiD. (I. I* KOIiOI. O. W. litrana, l> J. ikaldlog. (loo. a>u, Mark E. Harion, Marry Ht Laoo, Jobn Hanon, It. W. Ravaei^JohD 1*. HeolLW. II. ripaitilan Ham HIraum. Krila HtaTKB., Lai). H«titt. Lam L. Hpall'^aa.H. Hltaal.r, L. K. BlIoMO A Harton iixni-ar, II. W. jl. Julian. Du -loillinarAHmlth Mnpat, Al. I). H|i.noar A lAait Haairunl, J. B. Hplla. Joliu It. HralLF.II. Hlilalda, llan Hadlar, Win. Hainl<aon, (I. A. Irimllh. II J. Huillh. Nolt iHlaiilil, Wm, ■ilTtaur, Albert ntaslao, 0. P. Rallr, Denial HmlC Milton flnlloo, Dtak HtaranJL Lao Dweal. AL O. Ht AubDm, 0. R, Hhorthorn. J. R. Heoll, A. r. Hharlilu. V. It. HMart — Hhoa, wni. Hhaonon, llarrj Dacor, (lan. Hmltar, J. II. HL naoraa, l/arrr Kweal, Al. 0. flohraak. Oaear HharpA Piatt ilnow, (lao W. Hunimara, flhu E. Thoiiiaa, John Tajbir, It. W. TnrnlnlL J, W. Vlolnn, Kit. Vdldcoa, Ttio Varnnn,Ran Vnaal. Jubn W. Van, Wni. Vanatia. Frank l'ini>. Wni. Vail Kuan, W. It. Vraalanil. U. W. Van Vaahlao, Eil. Vnat, WIU. Vauola Hroa. ViMirhaaa, Ham A, Wahtr, W. II. Wa>(, AL It. Waeb, Kiisana Wnll, Privl Wllbar, Claranca Walla, tiairr Wllla, Jolinir. WilUnl.JoaP. Wall, Hub Wards Wllkia WoOilranI, Win. WIlMio. II. n. Wlillllar, tl. II. WaiLUIiaa M.M. Walla, CarlUm Warran, Bilvanl WIIItaiuBon, Prank Winiana II W. Warnar tirant. C'». Wali.lar Chaa. WniiaralMI. Walah, UanM. WaaTor, W. II. Waihburna, I,. VP. WilibL W. It Wllblna. I'lllliinl Waek, I'n.r ii. vv.iiiwiiriii. Marry W.II^J. J. IValla. W. It. WailaA llaxloia WtHMnanl, O. D. W.liMlar. I'liaa K. Wllllaiiir, ilrlir Will.. P.M. Will.. J. II WIlun, A, K. Waal. J' T. WilllBin.. Una WMi,, Irrliia TDIIDS. J. II. Viliins, (I. L. Jrora, I'Mif. '/.trroa, Tlia r/.«iuni, — l/araaUi, K. K. WASHINGTON, ■aBllle.—.M liaona's Hi.aulo 'riii»lri< ihoTavarj Opera Oo. opeoeil a foar olghta' eiigtgoniont Iter. ■U to tbe di'llglit o( a well lilloil huiiaa. "TbO aoOBli Fair" oanii' to ordliiarv liualnraa IT 'JI. ' Jnllr Old i;buin«" bail a liglil hmno ri. Tlim. w. Keene mmm :il-Jsn :i, Katln i'otoaiii 7, h, ( a|. boon Opi^R Co. week of U. CilRORAT'B TIIBITHR.-Tlio I'ykii (l(iep» (In, li.'- laa tbeir aecond wi'nk lloo. 'U In "A Ntglil In VoDlcu" til a big boose. ••Amoiliii" and 'Tb" HeggarHtodeol" atliaaii d giKHl liualiioss wi ok (if IT. "Hald Pasba" ni nod weok, Kacmb-TIis Healtle Atlilotlii umti will nrndiicn traveslv of "A Hldsuniiiior Mglit's liroain," ooniposed bj Ulto OolllDgs, aenrolnrv of ilieclub, end tbe mnslo arranged lir I'rof, 0. K. Iirav, at L'ordral't Thetiro, Jan, IT-lu I.iiulae Hublllnr, oC "Tba Jollv (lid Uhums" Co., Inlncd thu UpeimCo.M......I-;. O. Iijan anil w. ii.Tlioodurii ara eibiblilog Kdlaoo Kiiiuiuiico|ie in tlila iiitf, and ara doing a big basinasa. ■uokaiia.—Al Uio AQUtUirliiiii "'nin Conniy Fair" oamato Diodorato liouscs lieu.'Ji,-i. Knilii Potoam ooiiiea Jan. 11, l.', the I'ullioun opera Uo. U anA wask, PaorLS'HTitBtTnB.-'riils now vairdovlllo lioiise, under tbo manageiuont of Julib w, ciinatdlnp. opened In ooniniuillous iinartera In tbu IVankfnrd lilook Uro. 'J4. Tnn iieoplo: Klhol Carlnr'a Kngllali Hlonda, KIbi Hall, (;arrla inlniar, Kd. Ihilnii, May Uon, KIbk Loon, Maker ami Howard, Jas>li< While, Addle Hiatars, Inn Ureedan, Aiinle ttluai i, .1 iianlta, Ntllia Howard, KllndllborlKnil Iho Urlterlini (lusr- Il k iiuUreeiianlsaiaie inaonier, Win, LMionrd leader ol orebcatra and Wm, Mourn itiiieliliilai. TnBiTiB OOMiMft.-Mliinlo Orcgnrr. I.IIMo Hlii- art, Kva Lester, Filnco I'adI, Kllicl luruea, Uay Lillian, Lllllo llalnea, Amr Uuslirll, Mlly IIOHa.Bllna llolilnaon and larrjf Luiul, ■.ouvHi.—N'ew faces: The lllcktlia, SVIiliniiia and (lardiner,/ellnandJ. H KlrldlMg'H Minaioal liiir- lasquo, "Ixlun," are tho dmwiug onrils this work. Taeoma, —At Taixiina TliMtre "Jolly Old Obaou" piaioil Ui fair bualnesa liec. la. Thoy rn- inro 'Jl to good liustnoa<. Cumlog: Tlie Marin Tavarr Uo. 2x, 'Jv,Tlina. W. Keene Jan. I, r,, "Hani, lei." "Tne Uerohsmot VooIm" and'•Iticlwnl III." ......At llie Ninth Hireet Thealro "Uncle Turn's Uaiiln" plafed to good liiiaiiiofa iioo. tv-ii. K ENTUCK Y. Loalavllla,—At Iho Temple'^'lio Oreat llrook- lyo Handicap" illridcd Ibn tiriio la«i weok wllb llobcrt Haotall. Tim aticndancn the foro partot Ida week wu only falr.whne It lni.muio>1 aume. wbal the latler liair. Felix Morris line, 31, Jan, 1, v, UanlelHullr3-i, „ ., „„ „'aTiiIiTliK.-"yooiig Mrs. Wlnthrop" tiled a tnrta nigbin' cniagcini^nl [icr. -ji a. in modenia bonsoa, "Tbo inaek (.'MOk"3i, Jan, I, Barlow Bros.'HlaaUeU 4, .->. aRARii Oriiia IKii'HB.-'Tho Feat Mall" played to fair hnslneia lui week. "A Uoncli ul Keys" weakoll>eo.3l-Jao..'i . ... , AvgRDB.—'Ulavra of dnlil" rr(»ilvcd lis sliaie nf |iairontU4 lut week in spilu uf iml wcalhnr ami oold Digols. N, H. Wood week lu-c. -il -Jun. ii. BncgiHUOiX.-Kred Wnldiiiino'H HpiclHlir cu. altlractad good sized hoascs last wurk. Harry Wllllama' Hetenra weak of lire. :il Jiin. UIM TltlATHB.-.Sew laci'H llei:. :il: Mity HIevena, Dellle Ulmple, F,d II. and Marlon Huiian, HIstera Parker, Tbiess and Franklin, Ulle. Knku, Jcnnin Harton, F.llla Teroy, Tom Kliuib, llol) Kdirnrilsanil Rd anil Jestie Foley. Iluimean Is gornl. NoreL—W. K. Franklin, fiirim rly rallroa-l man- ager lur Baraom a CIr :oi, hna piirubucd a niiK lu- ttresl Id Walter L. Mtiu'a Kliuw, imw In U'tiili-r iinanera In ihia rfy. Mr. Franklin hii'1 Ids pstdicr aipeottoapcnd |A(X<ilu hsTtnittbrlr ahuw uvor- baoled. Toe circus will iipantho »;Mijn hero .tpill It,and then goon a tmiri f tbo country ioialn Folar. plariogaltba New Cctn Tlicaire, wu r.oii- floed 10 bcr luom the fore part (if laat week aod trna ODtble to appi ar Id iter act unlll Hen. V. WYOMING. Cheyaniie.-.\t llio iipora Hooh "Tin .Vew Boy" iiad H crowded Iiodko Dec. vi. "Ubsrioy's Annl" WM greeted wlili the Urgeat iiiulocas nf loo aeaaon Jso.'J. Cuming: "A Jolly (Mud Felloa" K. A LABAMA . Mobile,—Al the Hoblla Theaire "A Trip to CbinaloWD," IMo. V), played inatlneo nnd nigni in good bonsaa. Toe Feecrng Hulcr," 30, jt, paaked Ibe twotttt ImUi performtocet.