New York Clipper (Jan 1895)

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718 TPIl^ :N"F.W YORK CLIPPER. January 12. MmiBS. Aimav, rHODHiN, Piluiii, riRTOB,inil oUwr tbuuiul muiitgon, at t rtcent mMiInt, ds- cldcd to ■rning«perturnunc(*tol>«glToii •Imultt- Beonlj on me tKernoon ut Ju. it,m ibo Actdemj of Hulo >D(1 tho Onni Upen llosw, for the mnent or tbc [tmlllei of Btiuilon Ctilet Bramia And Anln'kfit yortiiMO Itoonoy, of Track 13, wbo irtro klllM Deo. £> M Uio Dro In Woit Tnotj- foanb Hired. iTiarumnrcililutoirtr lliitimtnlclnli looklni (or * ilie for « dow iniiilo ball lomMrher* MlirMa Ttreoly UilM nod Fony.wcoDd Blretta. I.roiDU TiixiTRK.—Henry Arihnr Jonea' enter UlnInK cAmcdy, 'Tlin 0«H of lleliellloua Bonn," baq tounil favor at this honu, wboro It began, on Jan. T, ilio lecond week of lie raa. Tbe plarli rcrj clOTCrlr written and ahoiinda In liomnr. It li cap- itally played br (be oicelleni aUMk company of thli Iioutc, and BllOEeihcr (lecuploa very blgb imnk among current aiuact'nni. latbel IrrlDg wu nn- ahle 10 appear at ttio matlneo 6 and ber aUter, Kvangollne Irrlnn, aHinmoil Uie role of l.idr Suan with no other atody than (hat alTorded by neirlng heriUler apeak the llnea npon aoveral oceaalou. Hbe Ravo a credliaiiio performance. Kui'in TflBiTHB.—"Tlio MaaiincraOen" la a brilllaiii H'jrcrsa, and Henry Artbnr Jonei leemi llktlyto monopollzo tbie honae during the entire H^naon, becaoao of tho reception accorded to ibia play and to 'The Bauble Bnop," whleb preoeded IL The alKlb week of the mn of the conent Httmcilon l)Gf[an oa Jan, 7, and ae the only olMlacle In MR path haa lieen removed, aantated In onrlaat l^tue, there la proapeet of an eictllent record. W. II. UromploD nnirappoarani JloimyUlokta In place ■if W. II. Tliompaon, now at I'lUmer'a, and lleorge llrrant baa I he rule furmcrly aaaomed by ilr. Uromp- ton. liOKia' Mueiuu —What la Intended as tbe alar reunre of tue curio lialla tbia week la Prof. PesVs natatorial inonktya, which are claimed to be the iinly amphibian alinlana ever exblblled. Two otiior now fcaturca fnr thia week arc the Anatrallan ant eater and Carabaa, atylcd the King of Cati. The All l.nb ItoOHtcr Orchcaira la bore (or a letnra rniBgoraent, Culp llroa.' Holland Sand and Jn- lene'a anakea hold orcr. Lynch, tbo cleTer shadow- KHpbUi, anil Kll/-ger*ld'a ranch and Judy are es- lertalnlng. In the llicauo Kanny Herring Is ap- pearing In '<nie numb wimeaa." AotiiiHr OK Uvait'.-"The (kiiton King" coo- ilnnea on Itn pmspcroua way, and opened, Jan. 7, llaalitb week atthfa hnuao. At the conclnalon o( ■ be mn of thIa lotcrcstlni drama Jamea 0. Ileacb's Irlah play, "Ikiry of the lllll," will be prodnctil. FoDiirKKNTii smiiT TiiiiTNi—Mmer Uoz'a "Brownloa" entered, Jan. 1, npon tbe ninth week at thIa honno to continued iiond buslnMS. The iiualntncaa nf ihia piece, which ahowa the doings of tue little fellowa made ao popular by Palmer Uoz, Iniereata tho young and old alike, and eaoh performance uofy aeema tn tighten its grip on the Hirectlnnaiif iheamiiseinentgoingnnhllo. HTANnAHuTitiATKK.—"TooMuobJotinaoni'began Jan. 7 the wvcnth week of Ita stay at this hooae. and waa Jiiatai potent as a Ungb proTOktrasIt was upon Ita flrat perfnrmance. UMOt; TiiEtTiis.—Peter K Uallej wu acontlnned favorite In "The Uountry Hpflrl,<'Jan. 1, when be began hia third and laat week at thIa houae. Ward aid Yokes, In "A Hon on the Oank," will begin a wrok's onEHioraont M Tua Ai.ToiiH' Kii.Mi ID' AMiHiOA has announced Jan. ^'i aa Iiiv date of lia aunnal beoeQU It la In- tended to preient an attractive proorMome made up from now playa lulorpreted by well known per- formera. Fin-ii ATas'ui TuBiTRS.—Kanny Darenport la rniilng tlio bHrvcai wblcli beraploudid production uf Sarilou'R "CtatnoQila" dcaerrea. Tho merits of the play, ilie excellence of Ita performanco and the luagnineence uf itRonrlronnient haveall found re- ougnlilon, iiio rcault ticlngacontinued aocceaslon ufcrowdod hnuaoa. Tlio play, aa preaeuted by kitaa llaTenport, la. In IM outlrely, a auperb work of art, tbeeiioalnfwiitoh la rarely aeen upon the stage. Tie length of the porfoniianco baa lieen reduced ny ibeomlBRloii of por-liOH of ibe dialogue, and the play In 11a ri'Vlaud (iirin waa given for the tnl lime Jan. 7 at tbo bcglnnlOR of tbo OtUi week of the en- ginetnuni. l'<uri.ii'H TiiRATHB.-"lUrkeal Ruaala," tbe molodnamn which liai prevloiwly inei with anoceaa Id other tlicatrea In iiila city, opened a wcek'a engagement hero Jiin. T. Tho uudlf nee nn Hon- day night waa a vrry largo one, and unbonnded nnUiuil-uiii reigned ibroughuut I he performance. Tlio drami Iclla iin Intaroaitng aiory of life In Ituiala, and liai Ikou rialionioly a'agod by tlan- Hger Hldnoy It. Kllin. Tho company la capable In every parlteolar CUaiiouiy illoott. In "The Irish Arllat," rloaed a week nf very Urgt buslneaa here Jao, 6, M-iUilo Uortroehiiasoecoaded lA)tial,ynne In the cluracicr of Kate Habooo. Nazi week, Eille KlUIrr, tliiii.n'H TiiRATHH—Walter &inford'a prnduoUon, 'The rroill|(Hl DnuBbter," began the aev-ond and eonoluding week here on Jan. 7 to very largo busl- neaa. TbIa la the nrcend ODgAgomentot ttalast- imoUon M tlila lioiiao during Vblsaoaaon. Next weak, "rho Ivt I,<mr." Wunrn'ii MiwBuu.-Tbe Oelorad MInalrels still eonUnuo Uirir pmotahle engagement here. An Innovallonihls week lathe iirodnoUen of a nsTal lint part and a drama entitled "Oood Old Oenrgla In Mu." Tho prlnetnal performers are: Herr Win, >'reil I'ljier, Jerrv Ullle, Hob Uoles, Stella Wiley, Alice kUuVny, Wilka and aiaaolle, \y, U. Proctor, Jaa. Ruaicli and llio Unique ijnarteL Stah TtiiATRB.—Dennian Tnompion, In "Tbe Uld llonieatead," liegan, on Jan. .7, tbo eocond week of hiB ciigageucnt at thIa honn The good old play Bllll OniTB many ndmlreti, and tbe bualneasll la doing la vuiy eucourntlng. It bus come (or a long »i«y. KosTBR.t liiAi.'s—Tbo management of this la- aort ctinttniiu tn give Ita panoua toe beet to be bad In tbo vanilovllle lino, and the big alieudanoe oon- ilnuca. Tno third sorlea of living iilolnres la prov- ing to be evpn more popular than Ita prede- eeaaora, and la one of tho maguets ot uie honao, Tho roin^lniler nf the programme preaented Jan, 7 for week wu ooni|iaacd ot popular favorltta. Paul Ulniinovalll, king of juggKra (founb week); Kiigeiile PeircHOii, contnrtlonlat (alxtb week); Hona. anil Umo. Itruet Itlviere, dnetlata and Imltotors (olahlh week); iliu Itiaa^iw Urothers, llllpntlan Hthtelca (tenth noek); LoaFour DIcz, iioartet copor- chio (aeound week); A. tl. Iiunnsn, ventrUoiinlai, re- Intnod; IrfiaHayoa, cocentrlo akHt«r«(aeoond week); FlorH Irwiu, coniedlonnotfonrth week); IvanTBober. iiniT aod III! milled dugs (ol|htoenlh week). Amelia Dliiver, dancer, waa on ilio lull but did not appear. UoAvoy and Mav.whu were on the bill at thia nonae ilie begtuDlng uf laat week wem caneeled after ibelr norforiuanco on Jan. J liecauao they were appear- ing at another oily liouao without the knowledge or periniaaliin or Ura.ira- Koaler .V Ulal. They were paid their aaUry fur iho half week. Tho Rnppear- aiienlii Amrrk'Hiif Uuua. Htaluvllle la announced for next week. TiiBTiiHKK llonAS,acmliatB,made their Anierl- uAn doliiit at Tnietor'a Theatro, Jan. T. Manaiikii IlKNtiv ('. MiNKH, It Is aunonneed, la III Willi In tii iinf. tMHws I'tiKATnB—Tho Kmpiro Knteruinera nrovlde an e.\e<>lleut progniiunn thli week. Uo Vaux and Taylor, a team ot Weatom moslea] Hftlata, upeiioil thli bill In good style. Pat J. Ricks, Irlih vnoAltai. roudcrpil aoino oliamolor aelcotlons. MoAvoy iHiil lioilo. III their knoekabout act, dis- I ritintcit miudry Vtcka and pnnebea on raeh other's uoatnuiy and exvcnied aoino funny falls,oonolnd* lugwltliaiioinloat bnxiDg tiont. bOIUo I.onsdale, tbe lively Kniiltiili aerlo curolo aingor, next enter- lilnod with MiverrtI amiga full of Rluger. Menbau and Uaymond rolkiwrit In tlieir clover neu Nellie Magutro abowril her well known ebamolor i-banges witn aonga ai,il Intltattuna of aotne of l,(inUon's in- babltania. Uuuigoinrry Irving, atrung nuu, gave nn exhibition of phnu^al ilovvloptnent In nuo- Ipnlntlng heavy welgbti and breaking atrapa H-id chains with auriirlilng easo- Ilia aot waa tieiirtlly apiMaiided. Charles. H. Duncan, Iho I'imte ainger. rendered four aonga. Ktaaell, 111* gon maulpuhlor, oloacd tho olio In bla ninakol HUd Hword Juggltiig act. Tbo bonaoon Monday iiitfinoun Hint ovuning, J<n. 7, was wcU Oiled, Next week, Hynn'n (lately (ilrls, UxTKdivi.irAS oi'HHA lloi'MB.-Tho eighth Week of Iho Kea-aouof aranil opera liegan Jan, T with a petforiiiaiu'o of "Kaimi," with Mme. Uellia, Jean do llea/.ke, IMooi\:d de llrMte and SIg. t^ipanarl In the caat. Big. Aiicona had been announced fnr tbe iiilo uf Valeiitlni', but he having a cold Big, Oamn. narl waaaulii'.ltuted at abort notice and met with inarkeil and well deserved favor. The further an- niiunccinenta for Ilie week Include "Lohenerlu" n, ■ l>JU liiovannl" il, "l.ea lluguenote" iiituneel-', and ihu double bill, "I Pnpltaocl" and "liavallerla Ituatuaiia," eveiilng of II. Bybll Bandenon, who, though burn In Ualllurnia, bas won all of her fame atirond, not having yet been beard In opera In her native land, wlirniake her American deiiui Jan. m In Haaaeaet's opera, "Minon." In tho aimonncement of this event Meaars. Abbey A Qrau make tho vrrnueooastsienienitbst this wlU i>o tho flrat production of this opera In America In French. The opera was done In French ID New iirioana, en Jan. a, Isrit. It was bnt presented In iiiia inuniry liy the Mapleaon upem Oo„ tt tbe .vcaUcuiy uf Muale, ibia city, on Uto. 'Si, ISU, VIB Ma auuuuuuvu iiuui »uii awKv, 1^ iioilljf liiip slble to follow a regular programme. Monday's n ners waa Terr good. The Union baa also seenre Inter date at Hr. Miner's Eighth Avenue Theatre UBMiiiNTaoiinoN'slltmDAV tiHniiraiNgBn-.- A large and thoroogbir appreciative audience as- aemMtd at tbe Star Tscatre nigbtof Jan. t. Tne entetuiument Is styled "Bongs iTlnsliited and llln- mlnaled," and conalats of a aerie* of plomrrs, viewed tbfongb an oblong opening In tbe cntuin. nearly tbe whole width oftbe proseenlnm aroh,and one naif Its height. The prosmmme a-inounces that Kessra. Thompson, Mayrnofer and Rrer, are ibe proprleion of the entenslnmenta, which will he given on Hinday nlgbla and Wednesday matl- neea, dnrlug Hr.'Thompeon's engagement at tbIa theatre. Ttiere are twelve excellent examples of tbe scene painter's art, eleven of which are from the bman of Oomer F. Kmena, and one by John II. Yonng. Moat of tbe plctniea were accompaoled hv appropriate haliadi, while the laat, "Tbo Qardon ot tbe Oods," wai enbanced by a aelenllon from the opera of "Kmanl," "tlrowned with tbeTemneal." by II. W. Frlllman, and 'The Old Ilometteail" ((uarteL Mr. H-iyrbot- er'B electric effects In light and abade, and alao bis reproduction ot a thunder atorra, were totti novel and Ingenloui. A acene entitled "The old Bnwanie RIvar" Tu very nalnrnl; the colon ot ibe follais were tme to nainre, and the change of bnea. re- neollng the rays of tbe setting sen, preaented an admirable effect. Ap'ctnreof tneUrooklynbrldge, and one entitled "A Mew England winter," were among the beat of the paintings. Tbe alnalng ot Mme. Hvera, II. J. Joae, U. wTFrlllman, John II. Davla, Tliomas Lewis and Tbomas E. Olltford wu ezoellenr. Isidore Lnckatone waa ihe piano accon- Sniat, and the Biar Tbesue Orebealra nccupled eir anoiiatomed places. MiNBB'g BOH-BRv TniATBB.—"Actors' Protective I'nlon No. 1, New York," have Ibe hooae tbia wetk and are rnnning the ootfonnances for tbe benett ot Ibe charity fund of tbe organluilon. Tbe bills presented Include some of the heat talent on the TsndevlUe stage, and pstrons of Ihe honae can look for good progrsmmea, different performers appear- ing every day, Tbe following artlets were seen on Mondsy sfiemoonsnd erenlng, Jan. 7: Uolllos snd May, Marv Uriinih, Eddie Olgnem, Facy and Usn- ley, the Fletchers, Waller E, Ueaves' msrloneltes, Ooiham Oltv (jnariat, Batsnma, Irene Franklin, the Paynes, Flaler and Usmll, Frank La Itosa, Oil- more and Lwnard, the De Foreetta, Memphis Ken- nedy, VUTOW and BInda and T. u. Howe. Perform- ers are announced from the stage. It belnjr Impos- nns- secured a r'a Eighth Avenue Theatre for Ihe aame purpose. Tbe peirormancea tbli week sro In eliarge of a commltva composed by Oeo. Felix, John II, W. Byrne, Vlint Wllion, Thoosa Carter and Al. Foslelle. Next week, <Tbe White Orook" Uo. Mb. PiBDT, innsleal director, bu been engaged by noyi t MoKee, for next season, fer Uoyt's Theatre, tbIa oily. Jacob*' TaxaTBB.—"The Diamond Breaker" la the present wrek's hill, a large patronage isas- sureddnrlnillsslay, IIS aenaatlonal climaxes snd tlie pKsentauon of an active diamond breaker servlngsa the most potent (actors. Tbe caat la aa follows; nexina Alden. Mlaa Rtelka Warden; Wal- ter Warren, Olarence llandyaldes; Reorteem Hark- eu, John J. Pleraon; Pike Price, Frank a. Mack; RIokotr Rloe, Hairy L. Rawllna: Wonderful U«m- Ing, Horace James; MoOork. Kdward O'Connor; Twiner. 0. K. Townsend: Old Dowser, George Clark; Warden ot Aaylnm, II. L. Rawllna; Bnpeiln- tesdent nt Aaylnm, A. J, Parker; unicer, Ballla E. Unoley: Red Manoli, aeorgeOoaa; LogoParloUo, John Kirk; lltm Wallace, Chariot K. Clark; Janoa Doyle, Arthur HIms; Bolnmon, Edward O'Connor; Chatloile Kirk, Blauobe Honiton; Sles Rice, Flor- ence Marlon; Edna, KiIa K'neison: data, Floy NIohola; Klla,Oora llelraont; Ida, L'.lll Vane. Next atiraoilon,' Tno World Against Uer." Tony Pastor's TasiriiB.—Haggle Ollne does not anpear here Ibis week, Hr. Putor de-ldod aba bad better lay off a week and teat her voice. Hbg la doing a'l abe can to gel In condition fur next week, when abe hopes to be able to appear. Tbe bill this week la a good one and Inelndea tbe Hondlnla, In myatlfilng and mind reading illualons; the Fortetiiie Bliiera, who are roeellog with eonalderable suoceea; Jese Lewis, Antipodean and band balancer, who does some ex- etllent work on bis hands, with bla feet In the air; KlUy Nolan, in Irlah ballada; Frank Herbert snd Frank Uarin, knockabout clowna and clever tumblers; T.)ny I'aalor, In his songs, which aeem to lake aa well aa over; Ohas Boiie and Canle Ura- ham, In an eccenirlo ooniedy aketoh; the Blateis Wood, In VUigllsb ballada and deacrlptlve duets; Tees. O'Brien and Clara Havel. In "Tbe Newaboy's Conriahip;" Mile. Fongere, the vlvaolons Freoob ebanannetio, and II. and Mme. Yaldare, expert bloycllata. who are capable ot bolding Ihe andlence to the last. Katrn'B Ckion Sijuaiib Tobatrb.— Tbe dlaagroe- abla weather nf Jan. 7 did not aeem to affect tbe hoalncaa atthia bouse, for standing room was at a premium. The bill la np to the naual atandard ot excallenco, and la ananged to satltfy all taa'es. Taete la plenty ot Inn all through the bill, and the large andlence vma kept In centlonona lansbier. The bill: Raymon Uenre, In Ihe lateat liillada; llrolbers Forrest, funny clowns; Hilly Carter and Ills banjo; Dryden aod Mitchell. In a funny akeiob: (lllberl Barony, tbe "Qlddy Old Qlrl:" Swan and liamhard, funny aerohata; John and Nellie llealy, In tneir laleat nianialton melodies; Lavender ana Tnmaon, oomedy dno: Orase Vaugban, danaense; Oarlln and Clark, In Irlah and Dotoli fnnnyUnia; Cook and Clinton, sbooteis: Wills snd Ualpin, Tho Cop and the Tramp;" tbe Harlans, In <belr Udder aot, aod Carlisle's trained dogs. Tbe llraaiz Dror. were billed, bnt on acoonnt o1 sickness they could not appear. They hoped to be able to be present ». HlNSH-S' RlllllTII AVBNCl TUBATRB.-dnt. IIIII'S Nsw Yolk Htars began a week's eugageaent bore Jan. 7, and wu welcomed by one ot the largest andleneosot the present aauon. Tho organlstuon la one ot Ihe moat comp ete u vlalt this tbealte teoently. Is numerically atroug, aud liberally eiiulppea with everything that goea to make a Drat class vaudeville company. Tbe programme offered on Monday nigbt gave entire aailafacllon. Every apeelally iraa liberally applauded, and tbe pc- eunlarr retnma for Ihe week ahould be heavy. Next week Ihe Uoward Athenuum Co. nROiiiwAT TuBATBi.—Tbe Uoalonlana began on Jan. 7, the eighth and final week ot tboir engage- ment, wlih "Prince Ananlu'' enduring to tbe laal. Toe eiccllenee of the score of this work, con- irluhted by Victor Herbert, won favor for II at the atart. In aplte of tbo original weakneu of tbo text, and ibe ImpreTemanla eventually made In tbo hook secured tor tbo work a comUnusnce ot favor snniolent to make the season a gennlae sncceas. On Jan. II, Kathryn Kidder will give Sardon's "Hme. Bans Oene" lia Urst metropolitan preaenia- Uon. Oariibm TUBATRg.—"Little Ohrlalopber" Is nuk- ing a due run at this honae, a result largelv duo to Ihe uianagorlal oiperlenoe ami ability ot G, B. Uloe The extravaganza u It wu drat presented here In lis original Kngllah form wu undeniably dull and wu tnieaiened witb apeedy oollapae, tint thnngh indefatigable work II ku been brightened In oveiy part and Is now continuously cotertalolng and enjoTable. I.%bor npon li never ceaaoa, bow- ever, and new teaiuru added each week oenstantly add to Ha atiraetlvoiess. Tbe thirteenth week of the mn began on Jao. 7. Ueirn Beiiram was III evening of ft ud tbe title role was aunined at a tew lulunies' notice by Beule Abbott, one of the alsters whose ballad singing la one of the moat pleaaing apeclalilea o( the periormanco. She won several euoores. AuiiBV H TitBATBX.—Mr. BOd Mrs. Kendal be^n on Jan. I the tbtrd week o( tbeir ougaaement, with a revival o( Plneio'a play, ■■The Beoond Mrs. 1\uiiiueray." Our opinions concerning this play, and lira. K>ndal's remarkable conoepilon of the title role, were expreasod (reelyaod at length upon tbe ocoaalon of the Urst production lirre lut asa- ton. Nothing In tola later perrormaice fnmlahed any reason for a reveraal of ihe Judgement then pronounced or for (oriber ooromeni. Tne play will oe preaented at every periormanco thIa week. uaHAinBqUARxTnBATRS.—"Koblloyia atlll a alrong (avorite, and oontlnuea to play to crowded hooaes. alibough 11 enterod, Jan. 7. upon the eleventh week o( Iterun, It la fully worthy o( Its ancccu, for It la adellgbtfnl opera, and la rendered by Mr. Wbltney'a excellent company In tbe moat exbllarailng and aallafaotorr manner. The one hnndredtb oerformanee of tbla work will be given 10, when Reginald de Roven, Ihe compoaer, will conduct, and nandaomeaouvenlTS will be preaented, I'AUiBR'B Thbathb.— "The Fatal Clatd," Vhailea Frohman'a experlmnntal vcntun In tbe fleld of melodrama, bu ihus far drawnaallafaclorr tonaes, but bu not atonatd that onlhnslum whleb la a guarantee Ota auccesatnl mn, Althongh It la by no mcana a perfect play. It la nndenUbly a good one, and Is worthy the attention ot all lovers ot the drama. It entered on Jan.: upon tbe second week ot Its mn, wlib a large andlenco In atiend- dance. UARBiOiK's TUBATBB.—Alter SO looK su Bbaencs 11 la very pKaaaut to have Edward II urigan aod bis company with ns once more, and li la very evident Iron tbe aooeeu of ' Noiorlaty," that the public appteelatta Ita pmant oppoitnnliy. The play began on Jan. t, ihe BRh WMk of Its run, aod ua ihiu far made a very aailifKtory rtcord. uorr's TBBATBa--"A HHk White Fug" la atlll c loaplcuooaly anoeeasful at tbis bouse. It entered 00 Jsn. 7 upon the fourteenth week of ita aeasos, and Its audiences are yet testing Ibe capacity of the houae at each performaooe. Bnch a resnit la, bow- ever, not oncommon with Mr. llojt'a plays, and no doubt Ihe leporta concerning thIa one will vary bnt little for maoywecka 10 come. Tbe one hnndredtb performance will be given II, and will be cooem- moraled In the osnal manner. lIUBBB's Piuca HtJBBUii.—The management of tbla house baa prepared an cvo-lleotblU tor his patrons this week, and Ihey snowed their appre- ciation ot hIa efforta to pleaae them by dlilng the bouae Jan. 7. Tne bill: Myrtle Corbin (four legged girl), the Tnrt',e Boy, Ell Howen (leglesa wonder). Uuo (tnake enchantreas), and Rnnnlog Kik and Wanna, theatre double ahow and Japanese Living Flotnrea. Dob BroNR, sdvenislng agent of n. R. Jacobs' Theatre, will have a bencllt at tbe above bouse Fab.17. Harlem,—Duslnesswuonlyfalilsatweek. De Wolf Hopper, In "Dr..Bynlax,"began a week en- gagement Jan. 710 a large andlence, and u tbla Is bis Drsl engBgepent In Harlem he will no doubt do a big week bnalnesa. Manager Hoaenherg aaya the Music UslI wui open Marob 1. Next week, Ulga Netheraole plays "Froo Fcon" for the flni time in thli city. Uer repertory: Monday, Tuesday and Wedneaday evenlnga aod Banrday matinee, "Fion Frou;"Thni*day, Friday and Batorday even- ings, ''Caollle." CoLUXBVB.—"Down In Dixie" proved a money maker at tbla houae tbe nut week. "The Buatiar" opened to a good alzed nonae 7. Next week, "The Prodigal Uanghter." A Sunday night concert wu given e to a fair alzed bouse. Oi.TBric.—"A Jar Olrcns" played to poor honaes lut week. Flynn'a London Calety Olria bepu their aecond engagement here ihia season 7. Arnss-iitnf.—This week: Tnnett Meabao, Fanny Reynolds, Baunden and Renua, RnsseH and Ken- ney, F. Biockwav, Brooks and Onle, May L. Dell, L. H. Onnal, Eatelle Llaselt, 0. Rich, Yonna, 0. U. Dawley sad J. F. Toms. 1. L. Laneu bu been en- gaged aa stage manager. Hablxh Mubbuii.— Manager .Smith bu decided to give a aerlea ot living pletnrea at tbe houae In s week or ao, and he thinka they will prove a big drawing card. This week: Ourlo ball—The 7.wroa„ E. B. Theodor^ "Obalk" Baunden, Jesale Allyne, A. L- Morrell and Pnf. While. Bisge- Tony Hack, Olarence and Kale Worrell, Qeorge Kalne, Mile. Fancheiie, Ohas. Frey and Minnie Evans, Jessie Carll and the Irvlugs. NEW YORK STATE. Brooklyn.—The New Year wu nshered In with CAoildarabIa romp, the thutrfeal raanagara add- loR tbair ibmi* to the damoDatratioo by kaapiag open houaa Item i r. v. ontil after 10 o'eloek, rteeiTlog naoycallacadorloa that Una. Hnw that ibe boltdaya have gone and thtagaaiaafalD reanmlog their Dormal ■ute, lhatbaatiaawill have to await a laacjloe on the pan of th« pebllcbalora they ou aipaettodo Ibaboal- BemdonadorlDg lha adiaDt of the Ohriabnaa faaUvt- Uea. A duns aaaarmllr rollQwa a faaat, aod Um Io«b] rlavhonaaa tnjoyad the laitar for aoma vaaka bafi^ra ha New Vtar made Ita appearance- Bach honae pr«- ■•Dtad bl| altraallani, and Ihay were llbarally tavardad (or thalrifforta- Tbar* aia. bo«avar, mora good tbtaga to aloia for Broohlyoltaa. Tlia apactacalar will ba the laallDg Ml« or iba thaauleal aUraottooi lor ihti weak. Some or Ui« playi wtu ba aaeo bare for the flrat tlina. but OAma wlQi aioallant eoinneodattooa from other placaa- oaisiiOpaaA HoiraB—A laraa aadlaocewu praiant Jan. 7. whan Blchird (loMao praaanled "Old Jed Preoty-" Mr. (loMaa aonoonou thai ihia la bla (are- wall aagaremaot bare to tbla place. "BlaaJeaoa" did a good DQiloaaa bar* laat weak. Lonta Aldrich, m "My Pattear," Jaa It "A Baaaan (niecb" 31 Pahk —Wltllaiii Cotllar, who opened hrra 7 in "A Back Number" batora u aadlaaee that (utij taated the ■aalloa eipaclty or tbla hooBe, la a popnlar Munadlan wlib aquaiDtaiylaorhhowo, and ha haa addad mate- rially to bla popnIarKr by aaaomtog the taadtog lolaa la a conadv (hat stvaa bio anpla oppoitnatly (or dla- fil•ylDR hIa ablllir to lotarpret the aarteaa aa wall aa laeomlo parte ofllla- Aa BaDjunlD Baanalt, do mora raallaUoeoantiyichool muter eoold ba abowo, aadaa aa Idler, bia RhlfUau Ika wma a •(ady. W. II. Oraoa wu ■eao bare laat weak (a "Tba PaoldoHalL'' Olla Bklaaar, in "BtaQraaa D«anmm«ot"ud'7ba Ktos'a Jeatar," week of u. WIIUD Rariau IL Cot.OH8iA--Rddie For. In "Off iba Battta," wu aaao bare lor iha ntat time nlibt of 7. balora a larga ae. dtaaee. The eompuy la Urga ud the eoatamaa aod voeoarr era budaooie- Tba compuy: Eddie Foy, Loulae HoDtajjna, SadiallaeDonaldiUlllan nawihoraa, Miu,— awifwHu*. ■—KM wvuMiu, uijiimi iiawuninia, Kate Hut Lola Uawthoraa, Hena Dooalaa, Badia HlDar, vivlaa Boaaittr, B. W. McDanlek, Joaapb Doner, llaorr Carur , Qaoraa 0. CbMoaj. Cbarlaa JoboiOD, William norasD, aaorsa ail, (jbarlaa Baol ud Maaur t barlai Bwaaoer. D« Woir Boppar, la "Or- Syoux " wu tba attraouon laat weak, ftolaod Bead, In "rba PollUolu," II, Bra. LugtlT 31. Buou.—Uaoaaer U, o. Kaaoadr hu for bla attzmoUoo Ihia weak "Dawo Id olila," whlah wu aeen bar* lor the ni«ttlmanlabto(7, wbaa oae ot the larfraatBratntaht aodianeaa of lha aaaaoo wu praaant. Huy D«aroaa aoU aplekulDQrbud foniiaapeolal faatnfaoflnlara»L A tbnIltDK aptaoda wu tba leaeae ot a joung oinear by lha harotaa (rem balaa cru«bed In a couoa praaa Tba ioanlo affaou ware new and the aatUDsa baadaoma and raallaMc "The Hndlar" bald (be boarda laat week. "Darkaat Ruaala" 14. Uaolooa* ^.^apariia" 31 Btar -M anuar Uatfr Doel Parker hu atapad aoma oicallaot ailracuoDB thIaaeaaoD. bnt Booanf tbam bu firao niera laUalaeUoo Uiao tbe Irlah melodrsma, "Tba ry Laat" which bu bald Ita own for aararal aoaaooa It wu piaaoatad bare niabt of 7, before an aodtaoee that Bltad uw hoQia from the pai^aat to iba gallarr. Iia pletnraieua aeaou. and (be naay axoKlog aptaodea, are lully u much upiaelatad now u wbaa flrat aaao bar* Tbo acaoe where a child la carrtad off by a maehutcat aagla, wUta (ba aabaauDaot rwKna. the leap from a blab tower by (be bare, and (ha aiaeoUoa aoana ware u et. f.ottTO u avar. ud wai* liberally applauded by tba aadiaaea 1 mi weak, WaKar Banfnid'i Btook Coapaor praaan(ad "YotKb " (-Tbe Power of Qotd" u BydbA Bi;aHAR's—Twob(aaodlaoeaauloTad (hem. aalvaa at the two parforaueaa glrao bara 7 by the Boa- ton Howaid Alhaeuum Ccmpar The ahow [a (oil of Dovalllaa, and la brlabt ud antartalQlDg Tba bill la a lona opa. and lotrodacaa the Tortajioa Traopa. Bam Baroanl. Linn asd Vina, Joaephloa Babal, Kalkaaa. stta. aon aod MarlOD. PtI'nt. Conoora ud Blalar. tba Ronialo Broi^ NolUD ud Mlllaa*. Blllr (JaiTOll and HcBrlde and WaltoD. Hyde A JMbman'a Own wu bare lut WMk. Utda'aOoraedlua la. Boiiaa A UKauAaor'a Oaaixo—Tbo aiahlaMth weak Al the llrlag pletuiaa bvgu oiibt o( 7, whan aTary aut to the bouie waa tUaa. and muy ware glad (o lat iUQd(nB room. The rudavllla part of the pregramaa 14 an aioollaoi ooa. SMI Inelodaa HIKon, QartleailaoD, Koh I Baby, Laaa LaOoorler, Ed. Bofaiaudo(bara. Aaraios.—WbatpromlHa to ba a necaaarot waek'a anaagamaot wu bagoD hare T, whan tin ontulo wu rung up 00 tba flrat Ml f I "Bepeiba-" TliadlmMatroa 01 'the Ampblon'a ataaa atva tba muavamut ample opponsnity (or Blue aatuoaa. aood bnalaaaa lut weak.; ConilDB li. "A Teiu Buor." EHdaa-—WaKar Suioid'a B(orh Companr praaant "Touts" bar* Uila weak. Tba plav hu baaa alaatd lavlably ud la wall tUan cars of la (ha budi of a oapabia eomoiar- The opuing booMwu saod. Fair ba«loaaa lut weak. Comloa II, ■'Bbaftlto.l Qaibtt.— Ilrda'a ComedlaoB are bare thlaw#ah, aod the probabtliltu are (bat (hay willdnw big audlancaa all tba weak. Tba paopla; Ifalana Mora, Johnny and Emma Ray. Al W. Flluo and Lea Brrol, (ha Kwcirla Qoarut. Uo lltphlya. ud Porbu ud (Jalao. Fair builoau lul wa<b (irmtag L tipoit HaAilU er." LKa Avaana AnAoaHv.—Tfila hnnw aloaad Jan. a, and wdl raopwll u a aumlahtvaudavltkbooM.uDdartbe DUM*iiiaot or John Barhe, wlih nao Bloha u tNaa- uiar. Pint olaia TaDdavltta parfrmiueaa will ba atvan NoviLTT—Tbla bouia hu oloaed lla aaaa^a lor (ha praaant. 8. M. Itlckar, who bad tba taau of tba pliea, dacldadt at tba bnalaaaa doao no loagar luiuflad bla lioldtOR on. * Ooly a Fannar'a DaniEter'' waa (o ba livao ibara tlita weak. Lvcioa.—TbaPetllpa Block Compuy (bla weak pre- aoni "Aliioa In Londoo." Able audlaoca wu praaaat a*.ibaopaalor partoimuce. iluaaar Fnyaipraaaai hIroHll OB balDB aottraly aaUiflad wiUi laat waara boat. aiu4. "ltlla*D Oaa'i It. t'N(QeB -Rtoce Uanaaar Oarr hu bcAa Id ooatrol hare tba bnalaaaa hu taciaaaad ataadllr Ho bu uduvotad toelva a rafload prrformaaea and ku made a aarcaas atoag lha lloaa ol hIa oDdaamra. Tbla weak bahua wall aalaetad haaaa cnmpuy. The npaotna partormaneo wutoablRbonaa. Oood boitoau laat weak. CooiIdk tl, W. U. Aahun'a Early BItda. Nona —The Uilrd coocan ot tba Brooklm Soldi RoeiatratthaAridanyor .Muale ntaht of a lotrodooad Rngana Viaya to atari* andlanoa. Ula aalaedooB ware RalDtSaui' violin nonoert No. a,Bnlnor., and wlanlawahCa Fault Pantaala. la reapoiua to u anlhu ata«Uo encor* for tba lauarha pla^ad. wlih onhudml accompanlraaat, (he Roado (^prlccloao by Balatfiaau In a manner which made aran Mr. Baldl and bla or- clirairajolD In Uio trlbor* of tba aud.aoea, Tba o(bar aalacdoaa ol (ba areateB for (be orchaatn ware: R*aoad Bynphaoy. No. t. Draijor,Baa(hoTaDi(a) FnaaialMoala, eompoBM for (be occuion or Ibo iDiaimaDt o( lha la inalnaol Carl BarlavoaWabar(for wind teatnmu(a) (b) Phoaptio»H«n(a (from aymphonteoda' ThaBaa," ud armphoBle poam, "Ouih aodaiorldcatloB.") KrtTbnrK,—At tbe Academy of Hoalo, "Tbe PaaalBRflbow- raal wlih liberalpatrous*, I>aa. SI. ualao dld*-0'd Jod Proaty,*' Ju. I, a«d (be ''Roatn Uood" Opera Ca, 3 Jaa, A Uarea'B "fiijoia Aeraa" eomta 7. Tba MaudUltlrau Oomady Co,la-le,platinirapadorr atfxipatar prlcaa-IO, II and Sd canla, iba Oiat lima In thoblitory o( (hIa lioaaaforaaob low prload a(arialB- mao(a Batarml mambora of "The Paialna Bbow" worauaablatoappMr hai*. Mrs. Bert llavarly wu ao 111 aba ooQld aceompup (ham ao Ibrttaar tbae Poaph. haaptia, where may wataobllsad toluva harfbrmadl. eai Iraalmwt Oittdrao fren tba Cblldru'a Home and (bo Uoma lor (h* Frlaiidlaaa, Iwn rr ear elty'a ehuitabia iDidtnUnna a(taadad lha "Old Jad Proaty maUBM on New Taar'a Day Jebo T, MeCanley. pro. Kitetor and nuagar or MeOanlay'a Tbu^ LboiavlUe y- wu bar*, 1, wl(b Um "Bokia Hood" Oo. H* ' laaaadhlaUiMlf* lor the aaaaoa, ud la tinreUag with tbe opera comfuy, aetlag u maaagar. Uocbeainr,—At the Lyceum Theatre oUa Hkln- oar baiaa. Jao. 7. In tap-norr, tat (be flrat half of lha WMk.CibalollewadbyTb* Amasou'ror tha laat hall ol thawaifc. Dell* Poi left I flvloe a alnala partorm. ue* to rood boaioaf a 0>ffltBS IR. 19 DaWnlflloprar. Oooa OrsRA Bocia had "a Cracker Ju»" 7. IJ irmaln IhTMnliibta "thePoworol (ha Pre.B"comeatO forlba runatoAr ol llia w*at. ria'da A Huua'a Dnwlng Catda dapart<«I ». playtng in mid paironaae. An. nonDlad: 14-It. Harry Uey; 17-19, -lha Crou Boadaof Tsa ACADBIT or Meeio pc<a»nl»l Bam T. Jick'a nr*olH 7 and weak. Mme. aod Aaanallo N'u'llla Slaved to good bnilneai laat weak. For work of U Jobo :. BnDDan. WORnaai.mpMwssTBaitaa.-Thafollowing areu- Donacadlordiiwaak: Curie ba'l-A 0. Babol (c'wboy plulat), Ma(Ua Babal (aorui aololni. boI Buna (liibl- BlBx calaoialor) aod Bara and Badt^StlMBlwhlulara). Tbaatie-MaalCBl Dale. Richie Foy, Vaddar BMan,tba NawOB, Morrliay ud Proelor, ud T. J- UalTreB (OD* laagad ducar). Albanx^Tbe new year entered briskly In thaatrlul eirolaa, and mora thaa (be ararua aodianeaa aKaadad oar plav honau Tba Lalud Open Boou opuad (ba weak wt(h (bru pertonnaaoaB ol "Tba (IatalyOlrl,"Dao.9l,Ju. I.aadluaaud wall plaaiad SBdlaBcu wen praual. Otla Skteaar appaatad ib "Ilia One* da aranmoDt" for two parlormueaa, I. aad mat with food saeeea* Edmaed Oolltar pnaantad "Tha OroaaBoada ofLlfi*'(oaicellaottBnOBUS L Booked: 7, 8 "Rbalt No. 1; * P. LTcenm Thtaire Co. in "Tb* AnSBOU:" 10, 11, II KarrtaaUkB and HUBome. In "OOBBIof MoouCrtau"aad "L*d Ailny " 11- U,Rllla Praetor Otla, la "Oliver Twiat;" 17,111.19, Mule Bcr- roosha HAaifAlira BLiicKia II.\ll opaoad I>*a SI,with Dall* Fob. Id *Tba LIIU* Troop*r,'' to.,* mat houaa. New Toar'a Day and for tha rematadar of (bo weak, (ba wtl- bar Ofn Co. bald Uia boalda. and atBS bIb* oparu dBriBx tba aBawanwL Lara* aallwcM war* praaut at aaa p*rformaoc«. ComlBi: S 9. Daty'a Theatre Co.. 'T-XM"and "A NllbtOB:" M ud IL"A Oncker Jaak;" IS, D* Voir Hopper, la "Dr. 8/Btav.'' _ TaaOAirrvTuRATBlhadarad a((arw*ak,(h*wa(aoB Blaura Borlaaque Co. preaeadBs tha bdlloblaboaau atucbperroimuce. A apaelal ma'lB#a-e,waa alffaa for (ba bwaflt or (be aUaebu of the l)*Uru Houaa, wbtebwubBnaddoaBBenday Blfbt AlarfaaBmwa* added to tb* tallal (end- Rooked: Jan. 7-II. (ha'NI|bt Owla; ll-», tb* Lilly OlayCo- Bnffmla.-At the fiur Theatre "A aalelrnirl" beau Ju- 7 for oae weak, "la Old ReBtocky" lt-19 Delia Foi drew aubvtuual homai. icADBHrorMCBio-BanrO aodMn Baidwio baalo amyalloMtanaiDmwtTtorooowuk. 'The New Boy" 14-le. "Tha AmaioBB 17-19. Bou CoghUn dnw a food patrenaae. LToapH TSBATaa.—' A Rao on the Buk" alartad 7 for a w**k Haitwaak, "ThaPowarof (hePreaa." "A Craehar Jack" mat with aood rwolu rV)DRT BraiST TnaAvss —The latareatlnaal Vuda- • Itluthlawaak.O W wililama'Comadtua la-19. "Tbe While Orook'' WAI tndilTArently recalred. Bull's M(7SI0 Ball— Fa|i| ud Caia, Kradham and Sally, Morelud ud Thorapwa, May Adami, Fred Ho. , . ....... jm CkHu. UftTlu ud Nsv'll*. BAller ud Boi ClkTUtD, LeoI&Blllt. lb« V*UoTMiDd Barlol. WiLUAJi Parri, wbo %o loott ud cfflcltnUr fil'*d tb» HMt of trtwanr «t the RUr, U mined ilis thuue'e patn>si,hii paccMior b«loK Mr. KoTtoii,wbo uud lo ibe ame eepkclij noder Mtuf lUdred. ByracDHa^AtttieWleUDf Opera Jlnme DelU Foi. lo '-Tbe Little Trooper," bid 8 B. O. Ju. 1. JobD P Pleld'i Dnwiag Cftnli 7. H, ud "A Ml|ht OIP* 10-11 BaStablb TniiTBi —'Two OM OroD'ei" vu fslrlj *t tudedl. "AaMoiTOIrrdr«wlarv«builo*ri4 A Otit niDDtr, In ' m* OrftA* De nrmraiDoar." "The Kloi'i Jealer"ud TheHerchutofVuiee" 10.11. H. R Jicon'TaiATHi—'Tb4 Coeat OoAnl'* p*«twd • lujte asdiuce One Si, Jen 1, a Rilled: ■'The Power of Ibe PnM" 7-9 "Td tbe ToDderlolo'-10>13. Korn.—"T«oOldnroole«*'dli^>udedhereJtn 1. Tbe Sroprletor iietee ihit ell mooer doe people ww piid eod ie(the oonpur will renrgenlu John T. Roarke lolDed '^eCoeAOoerd'^Cn. Peo. SI, pUylBg the Ittd- log pert OD two duii*Dotlce Troy.^it the GriBwoM Open Honae, "Tbe OroeaBotdeorLife" bed good b*aHW. Deo. SI,Ju. 1. "A O^etf nirl" plte*ed e laree ladlrDce. 2. Pruk LoMe.lD^*flb»ft N't.*," drew well i. 6. "Id the Teoder- lolB** cerae *'P«ok*i Bed Boy" 9,10, "Oolr aPermer*! Oetiihtei" II. 11 RA!tD*a Oi'iiu Houai-Oiie Sklooer, Id *'HU Once de Orammnot" diewwell 1. Tbahnau In daik ilitaweek. OAiaiT TavATaa.—"The Jay rireoi'* oaoe? for tbe week. IbaNUbiOwls did tbeblBieet badoeee oftbe ieaeon at tbli hoeu laat week. viica.—At the UtioA Open Hoiue '*Tbe Two RIeterii** were will reoelrad at two periormuea* New Yiav'* Dep. Wo>. Cell er. la "A Biek Ndoibei" Ju. 9, *iid Otli KklDoer 4. Both did well ConlDg: FuDr Rice. In "A Pian'i Pralie."7. "Id lbeTeDderlolD"9,'Tbe Orofinoadi of Life" 11 At the Wonderlaod Onrio Hall: CoaotiTeo OrlofT. Prof Caddr. B'agetPrerud lAltarIf, NonD«n. Cbaa. A.Alleo, Seaolon aodOterena ud Eetoi. Blngliamtoii.-»At StoDe'a Open Home nofl. B. Rbea. lo repertorr. pieaaed aood alxad aedleoeei Dee. Sl-JtQ A BookiDgi: O.PanBrRieelD**APr%n*BPro)lo:" 10. "Hie Two hletoni;" lA 'Tbo New Boj." At lha nijoatbutn Aaiiio'iOlauteaoi bed good atuodaace Dee. Sl-JuL 1 ' Peck'e Hwi Bot" bad good bQHoe** S-5. Dd*: 7-9. "Tbo Piliate BecnUir;" 10-U, Uarrp BeltOD'a VaaderlUe Co. > « I LLINOIS . GhlcBgOs'Tbla week brloga two otaAogee of blU at the down iowd theatrea aod narke the Ant Ohloa* go pradaotlon of "A Way lo Wlo a WonUi'*at Uooley'e and'Tbe lid'* at llaTlln'a Tbe nmilolDg offerlaca hare been frtqaeatlp eeeo la tbeia preolacta and are taoklagin lDtareit,aelda from tha Individual merllaot the MTeral attreoUoo*. The weather bai DiodeTated cod- ■Iderablf, ud if do eaddeo ebuge takea place ibe week btglaalog Jao. S may bring come goodly proOtc CBicAOO Onaa Botisa.—Prinnie A Weit'e Hlutnlri eeTeDtpetrong, wlilbe In poMeiilon thie week, glylog way, II, to "AQaiety Girl,'* tbu piaieoted for tha Ontilae ber«. Prof. Herrounn wu awarded geaorally lalrbaeloen darlna bia foriDlabt'a atar, atthou|b bla eQcaieneat waa iMa profliable Ibu ninal. OaiND Oriai Booaa.—"A Tamperasoe Town" bie en- joyed two «i>eki of preflia and bu atlll three week* to oodQTo. ThepfTforrauciglTOi tbn eioollent aellafut- tloo Qpgally attcadant npon all of Ur. Uoyt*a prodqo- tloniL Iba company being tborooably eSeieoL Ballon ud Hart ara booked to begto a brief wgaiemeat fdllow* iDeibaoaneatbllL Ilooi.IT B TnuTHB.~B. H. Boibam win out on tbli week, for the 0nt time here. "A Way to Wlo a Wodu," otocladlDf aeooceeefblihiee weeka' e^gaienuL John Drew wlirintjodace 'The Bauble Phop" oeit week BuiiDPia wutnfi Utt we«k, wh*n Hr. Seibera gaTa •The IHibaat Bidder" and '*Lonl Cbamley." CoLOaiiiA TflUTaa.—"Sbeoandoab" bcRU tbe third aad laat we#k of lU nnprofltable eogagenient A ud will ■Irowey to Rlee'eeorprlae Party,whioh will Inlndnce "1191" for a all weeka'enaegemeDt lA eoBiUaVB TuuraB.—Predarlok Waide aod Loola Janeebepu their aecond ud final week A DroMolatlone or ■ Oibelio,** "lleory ]V«>' "Jollna rwxer" aod "Blebard Ml" baloi annoanoMl. Laat week ther gave "Tbe Llon'a Vouth" loprofltabte and appraolaUTeaodlenceiL Cbu. Diction begu a ritam eagagemant IS, la "lo- ^A'cVioBiB'e TBiiTBE~The Black Orook" begu a atay ol uoeooonooed dorailon Areplaolog "On the UlBila nippl,!' whleb had been in poaaeatloD, ooproHiably, for Ore weeka HATMAiKkrTaaATRi —Robr. mnianl vUlbeieeo tbla week la "Tho Nomiaea." preoteded by "Tbo LtUl»et Girl,** (be weok of IS being giTen over to "The Eoilgn." Laat week, "Tba Oonotir Olraua" eoloyed ooe or Iba molt prolluble weeka of tbe eearoo. aad pleaavd Im- raeoaely. Beadow.Troeadero TandeTlllea ara ooder lined foruoarlyvlalL LiHOOLR TBDAiaa.—"Vonaa Mra. Wlaibrop** la an. ooaaotd (or tbla week with Oilrer ud Kate Bjmn to follow. Tbe pt*aenuilOD ol "Paaat,*'t>7 John QrlOlth, attiaoled good andlence" Itat w»ek, and aa la oaoal with thli gentlemeo, bla work won tha bighaat pralie fcom prvee aail people. Uatuh'b Tbbatbi.— **Tbe Kid" la aeeo tbla week for the Qrtt time hero and will b* followed by Bam Pletober and Hulooa* "Putaaioa." Palrbnaloaaanaaltad fn>n laat week'ii portraral of "Old Olor*'* u acted by Jobo A. np1aman,LonlaaMontrDaeand oiheraot aqoallyeleTer Bowery'* tbla week, with 'Tbe Coaat fTaard" neat Id line. I«aat week bnilnew waa ^falr wlib "Tbe Derby Winner," tiiu bItbdIu local Initiative, by a caat to- cladlec Adelade Ptlta AUu, Eama Foraatb ud Aobrey mileathal. AOADBHTorMreio.—'Tbe Ooa*t Oaard" la aeenlbia week for the tint time on theWeit BMe. lAit week Olareland'a IIIoatr*la were veiy ilogtrly pationlud ud gfeve a rather IndlfTerut peilnrmuco. OLABK eiRBtr TiiiATaj.—Pr«dWaldmun*a Specialty Conpaoy la In potaeaslon tbla weak, ud will be leMewf d br "Aeroaa tbe Potomia" Bnaiaeai wai lair laat week, wban Carl A. Baaain laTo "Tbe BlWer King." than oon- elndiDg hlitblTd week oa Manaaar Jacobe' localeireali atu T. Jack'h oraai Uooin-oriioa. Hiaco'a city Olob Barlaf (|ue Conpuy beau the lait bell of a two weeke' engegamiat 9, baTlna baeo ihua far lalrly well n- warded. TboolloamplotaThoe. 11 Nolao, UanrBrTaal ud Carrie Paliop. ruoy Eferettt Al. D, Plaldeaod Oava Levia ud Chaa. u. Bryut ud Oae U. Barille. loamplotaThoe. 11 Nolao, llajirBrTaal ^uoy Eferettt Al. D, Plajdeapd 'TbeOld Uone-lB'Htaed" le the cooelndlog burlaa^oe, oDiailngRaby Harloa, ft male ETorettamTnlbari. RoTAL BHQLtSB CiBCCP. — Tbe epeciAl feaiQrerlan- neanead for tbla woeh Inclode the ReoaiTd Btoihera, the Mania Patnlly. ihe Melroaa Blalira, Panll ud Manoo, and tho Poor Molt Blitera. TheVerlormueealiatweek employed John CleTelaod, RadI Airermbl,Chaa W. Pl»h. AL CaroB. Hooa Catau. Boee Meen, ibe Suaenla Biata'a, Wnt. Do Hoit, flellm Naaaer a Araba. tba Delto- relll Broa.,aad thePabrlnaa Qaailet Builneaa ntaln- uloa an eicellent atudard ■ PajKR HALL'a Oabiro.— The attandtnee hero bu ahowa liule lalliog off aioea the helidayaandualiba eeaileg room neatly every alahL Billy Rioe'a MieatiaU, lododVagBllIf IUe«,Bd.Tbompeon. Bert Norrla, Obrla araeBa,\ew U. CarrollTaM- Oaaila. Pi«d Maloomb, Cbarlap BUwut, A. W. nalme and Part Baedet are ■aiamlaedthUweeh la addition to the blUofooatla- oou vrnttoty, which will employ tbe Three Beno«, Beaale Phinipa, llieiey aad Oola. Andy Ban aa4 Plonlvana, Ida aad Pimoela McNalt/, tba JeaaoB^ Chu. and Jaenle Rtevart, KeooeJraod Biuh, Marry and llnnt Rlea ud Cartfill, llaniogton aod Aaberp, Rtaoloy and riculuo, IbeStdottDa. the Meniro*e Trio, Morrla ud Maloen>e. Hemllaodaalvln ud Daley Mayer and harfoarrlck- aoloolea- Cora Baeawiib will enter ber fenrtb aad lait week of an attempt to float tbirtydaya in watar, Ltoboh TBKATaB.—Vanager aranter ofan a bon*e blllihl<week aiil«d>heaotham U'cbBoDera laat weak t uilaaaa waa ooly lair with Pred WaMmun'e Specially Compuy, Bpitt'adBI Blpne ^d Blaoaj ^p>l _ _ _ , . _ __jipaoo Rak T. Jack's Eanu — Loolaa flt (Jlalra'a Bar- mmmioi, (lie tiitmpla (Joartet. Jaa. H. CoUen, the Patiereon Broa.. Hlla. OtUlioand fl A Sampr" laaqnera la th« rfferlng Ibia weeb.Eauaa Waid aoa- taloln* thechlefroie. BobPliulminoDe'iipacialty Com- puy made a creditable boa oSee abowiDgUat woe>, uo gare a aatlalactory parformuce of tba atialgot variety f or L (lAihTT TnuTBi.—O. W. WllUaaa* Comidlui played to wretched boaloMa laat weak, and for tbla week aboaie bin la olTeied atyted Blllv Bobloaoo'e (.'omlqnea. OLTHno TiiBATaa.—Bellly A Wood'a Conpuy la billed ihlaweak for tbo oeoond wraaeoieBt ot the an- eoD.ud will be fellowod week of U by Kay Hoaard'a Big Barlatqne Compaoy. Boaloau we* fair wlih laat veek'aboaMbI L whleb emploted tbe ^dy Pamilv of fonr, Berth ud Pltmlng.Lew Baker, the llaanlntaTrio. O'Brtea aad Redding. iTarlon and Pearle Alei. W. Wll- BOO, BUlj ud Laoa Orace, Ja<. Wnlbmok 0 Brian ud RuekUy, BAdle Ooabmaa and Uirbert Uoloombe. ud J)U BUTlU. Park Trratbi— ThIa waek'a amoaemeat will be pro* vidad br Borton aod Clsda Btuley. h\ Mttba a"4 May. nerd, WIU White, Barilgu ud Btack.Carria Monioa, Oeo. and Ualler Beroarll, Catherine Morgu and iLo atock. Bbobl'b OriRA Pavil(o:<— Kor tbla va«k Muagar Bagel praaenta tba live Pardoaa ud rion (re oagaeed), LaBlrane ud Ninv Leo ud Obapmao, Lav Baker, May Tampla, and AroMa and Roia Boycr. WHira'aLosoiMDiMBHoaBB—AMIdvay parformuce on tba lower Biaga will bo backed by aim of cotio faatnrae ibU wMk. loelndlog Prof. Bowoan a inaglolaD; Madelloa, a anake eliarmer; baodaiaoo'a marloua Ur, u.lMmo.Bowniu'e performing dog*. _ KOBLAMlDDLBTOrB OlOIIB MCBBB.-CorlA Ilell Will beglvworerto BUa Bwlog, a a-uTaw. Maj R*» aort wI(S, mldgeiB. ud Byan,a cardboarJ jorfcer. Op O-e eiAgo Mack LorlDg ud Allie Lvalle. Pioraoee Miller. HlKgloa ud Milligu and otbera will conulbnta towarda tho Mldwir perfonnanee. ... « , KoBL A HioDLBTon'B CLARK Strbbt Mof RR-The cnrlo Hat tbla week Incladea Mila. Mltward and her dghtlag uaiMwda. SonU Bea lalaad Joa, Com. Spark, a nildnt. ud Mile. Coonieand hir doga. Tha mld-ay will be "twleted"npon ihalowerataaa. , , ^ r o • AvnoMATB.—Muager J. P. Eeonedr. of John L. Sal- llTu'e compup waa bare laat we«B uil algoMl Cora BoottiodothaBonbrette lole Ib*a Tna Amertou." 0. A. fampaoD ended hIa pllgrliaage with Pr«d WeldmaiD'o Bpocialty Oompuj wlih iba Lyeeani rn- guemeot Raevaa A Palmer\CoamnpoUtua laid otr bare a cat of laat waei W. D. Coile haa algocd with BlngllogBrotbera Clccua aa praaa aaut for the Oltb DoaaecaUve aeaaoa Miy Uoward'a Big Dur- leiqne Compuy win lay nn here ibia week • Otanrop, nf tba team of Blohmoad ud Oleatoy. tfld not work with Piad Waktmann a eompaoy lut week, ovlof to eerlona lllneaa Bella Celeete. Jallen II. lent aod Geo. La Moore, of lha vailety ira- tamliy, ud B. Webb Charaberltlo, a legitimate eoior. era being eared for here by Reerelery Thotnaa L. Oraavee, of tba Aetora' Pood Cora Beek- witbvugrulad a dlvoree,byalo«al eonrt^laat week, from Ubarlee M. EaraaL ataga manager of ibe Bodtge, St PanI, Minn Lew BUer baa tiKo^ Be aiage manuar of Eonl'B f^m Pavilion......The Abber, BdioafTal A Oraa Iiallu Oraod npera Oompuv wIU plar a two we«>ke' uffeRamut at tbe Aodltorltun begin- Dlog Maitb 11 The Oermao Stoek Company gave "Maoerbeamebaa," afaiaa comedy bjO BlomeoUiaraod 0. Kaddliberg for the ant Ume In Amertcaai Bnplay'i e Wm. ConiUeIgh haa reilrad from "On Ibe Mlaali- itppi." 'Tbe Bbip ofBlale" la bare Iflogio ahoal ^nlncy,—At tho EiDplre DmW "Uode Tom'B Cabio,"had lu naual gnod hAnia Jan. B Morrljon'i "Pu*t" played to a large aadlanee A Tooy Parrel In "Oanr (Jwen." bad g«d aUaoduca Haw Tiar a Oar matioee ud nltlit. IVanle aad Jamea, In "Oibollfc" played a re(Dm date to 8. B. 0. John Drew, la <Tbe BatterdlM^" bu large aa'ea at advaoe4 prieca. 'The Qiri I I<«a Behind^ Me," cornea 9, 8luieretu JoneaIL Deeatur^At the Fowert* Oraod "A Oreeo Oooda Mu"drewa fair hooae Ju.l **rheOlrl1 Lett Beblod Me" did a good bnalaaaa 4. Comlog: "Pan. tafma"7 S,Tboa. Q. BeabrooA0 9. "Loatlo Loodon" 11| "OW OUrf' I B. MASSACHUSETTS. Boa ton.—Somewhat of a frost fell aponlbe»t- rloal bflalneaa here lait weak, aod tba gueralranof hooaea ware not doabed to tbo doora, with the exoepUoDa of Ihe Ilolila Btnet and Bowdola f qdaieTbeatraa, where large aDdleocaa, eiof dally at ilia fotnar, were ibe rale. Atthathoue the flrat week of ibeaogagemutol JnlLe Mar:owa-Tab«r wu marked by a ancoemoa ol large, ap- praolatlTB ud highly tnthoalaatlo aodlucea, wbo man. Ifaaled tbalrdellgbt at the ablllty-u will aaveraatlllty- o( thia talented fonng aotreia. The aetood week ol ber eogagemeotbofu Jan T.anddnrlog'UBbewlli preaint **Ae Ton Like It'* Monday and Batorday avulogB; Tnu- day,"MoebAdoAtrautMothiagiWedneaday, "logomar:" Thunday and Pilday. "The Balle'a Rtratagen" ud "Ohettartoo," aad on Bnoday altaraoon "Borneo ud Jollet." b'eat weak, (ha third aod lut o| ber anaage- meat, aba will appearia "PigmaUoo aad Oalatea,"^"Co- lomba'a Birthday/' 'Tbe Lore Ohaaa," ' Bognu aad Tagabonda" and -jogomer." _ Oabtu Fuoabb Tueatbi —There wu abit of a Horry aroand town oo Batorday altaraoon and evening, coo- aeqnant opon the rauote of the Cutle Baoara to open Ma doora, uo mnoT had It loat "the new bouae had gone op." Socb la not the nao Tbe lllnau of Loolaa Bear Tbe llloau of Loolaa Beau- data prima doona, rreviDted ber from appearlog, banco thapoetpooemeoloi ihe nerformucei. -"^ ooBpuy will produce "'rhe Diaaooa' BrBt AmaricBD preroDtatlon). with theJoU atrangth of Kia'a Dughler (Ita an Leon ua ou iraiatooooKeyi, uaieana vidis [y. lha Wllmota, Smith ud Oamphall, Montaaao and at, Ooorao. Bud ud Tafe, Horphy aod HeCoy, Iby, Pearl, Keya ud Nellla, Tom riyon, Bebwleger- arn Auvncaii |iiwFwui»ii«aa/. «.» .laB* the Baadet organludoo aod an uUryed oboma ud orcbaatra. The libr»tio la adapted from I. W. Noreroaa Jr. and the moeloleby BermuPerleU BOWDOin PqrARB TBBATRiL-' HomwHy" bu pipTin a aneoeaeat tbia hoaaa. bnt lU Boat prwuiallona will be given dorlog the current week. Next weak. Waller §ufoTd'eCo.. lo*-TheWageaoiBlD.** CoLtBiiiA TutATRB.-' TDo AnufoaT' bad a good run here, oloaloa ft, to an eiceUaot bon>a. Weak of 7, A Jl. Paluar*a homecnmoaoy openaan engtgemut In *Tte Mew Women." MiOBforiwoweekiormora. aiABO oygRA UorBB —Jamae B. Maohie, In "Tba Side ebov " draw rair buaioeu laetwaek, aod la followed ihia week by "Bou and Bou" Hixc weak, lor the Ant Ume Intbiaolty.'TheMenWiibout nCoootry.'* ^ Park TnBATBB.—'*A Blank Sheep" Uonaoflbe atroog- utdnwlogcudaaTerpieeeoted at thaPark. It la oo for a nut. Boero:! HOBtOH.—Tba prodoetlonofWooUaod Wan'a oomioopem, "WeatwanlHo" acondaaacoeu at Mao- ager fleld'e hooaa laat week. It evofeaa lugbtar ud uplnoM oontlonallT; la repleU with gorceooBeoatamaa, aod novel acenio efTeeli and allnailoM Tbli weak aome noral lotarpolaMoaa will ba featored ud Hi* aoooeu wblcbaiteodedltaloltialparforaiueu abould eoouaoa donngtheruD. . « ^ _ , Truo.nt TuBATRn.-The Lllllao Baaael Opetn Boeff-i rompuy, drew fairly good boalneu laat week to the TrimooCeheretbey prauoied "Tba Oraod Dnebau " It will ranain ihe aUrao.lon ibla weak. Wm. Hoty, lo 'Tba name" K .^^ BosToy TasATRS. — Jamea A- Beroe, In "Sbore Aerea." ba« orawn fairly good booau her^ Eritb'h Nbw Thiatrs.—a atioog bill eu He bhd llila weak. The toatar: Qeorge Thatcher, the 8u- noeka, Leo Dervalto, tho Mubattu Comedy, Poor, olranLeon ud hie iralotddoolceyi, Linieand Viole U • •• Weet, ( __ Melby. Pearl. Keya l, ^ ,— liog'a MariooattaA Belly ud fit Clair, and P. Eoiaoe Sweat NicKiL Odiox.— A chugo of ilCaln bu takeo place at tbla low prica hooaa. Oo the Btat of iba moolh a dlaan- Intfoa ol the putnenblp eiiatlog between Pruk V. Donnudtl.D LKebBeld took plaeaaadoowMr. Dnania aole nuagar ud laaaee. ThIa week: Cnrio Uall-A le- mala (oothall leam, repraaeouna Harvard, Vela, Princa- tooud lha Uoivenliy taama, Prof-Sloaan (blaokui) Maoda Veotrli. LemyToall klog), ProC Meleolm (hnmu BloQoahloo). Ten (maglolae), aay Bvua (Br* qoMo), ha^ Baaibam aod Doyle wiuiama' Puo^ and Jady. Biage-MeCartaraad KlDgibniy,Cora Armatnog. Alice ObeaUr, Jaa. Dwver. Tloia Caloaia, Blllv AlIea/MlDole Pna and May Bvena. Jennie Praaer, Mloole WUllamA Oirtle Brown ai>d Vuger ud Wooda LvceoM TnRATBB.—ThIa honu appearB to Ooorlib nodar ita new muagement, and liat week Ibe fioat thawed oat very malarial^ aad bnaiaeu Improved to a noUeuble degrae altar Manager 0. U. Baiebeller aa- aomadoontror Tbla week beoiferaadranibambMlor "ADfaam of Life Down Booth In ISBO, or a Df ean of Darky Lud,"and lo addition an oHo, which loolodw Qeorge 0. Thompaon,Iinog Jonee, llerryT- Leonard. Harry Plenoo, Haijorle Muwell, John Marrltt ud three diitlnet qoaruU. u MRO MvBBOif .-Bibel Tacher. u ClBlraiu MooUlth. leadatbeca*tln"AFalr BebaL"uhlch boldatha aURO tbla weak. Rba la aapportad by tha atraogtb ofLeu; rep'e Stock, and ibe play la staged nodertoe peraooal aaparviaion of Bury Mawaoo. Joe Plynn beads a long lul of apeclalty eotertnlDera, „ Howard ATiBa.acH —Oo the ataga week ot 7. Bfr. LetbraDpr«Hoiaa big variety ahowjiaaded br Maogo BlUe, Norma WlUla, Menu Collloa,Bie« ud llalvar^ Joa PlyoD, lha DQCrowa. Joale Oregory, Brown and UarTlaon,BdwaTda and Eenell, Padgu ud Laoora- raare, u eoaaeuiu paaaoek ud tialoed aebn, the Qalety Qlrlalo ballet. May Hervlon, Conroy and DeUaey. Hlla. Boalna, Prank Ootton, Dlek natoU DickBudi,May Wabb ud the llowaid Borleiana Ca, In 'Tba Two Tnmpa" AnrriirABTDHB'a Mcbbdh— In tbe lecture ball here eao beeeuabalf ecoreof wbatnay be urmed mao of perfect phyaical development, tlkewUe Qeorge Fowler (Iron nu of Ouada), Tullaa Wright (American Apollo), Blgnor Qnlaeppa Morral (liallu baraaiM), Obaa. Bar- men, (be baby gorilla, ud other novaltlaa In tha fiaak Una. On the ataga are tbe DorailTwIo Brotben. Cole- man ud Dayden. Orlando aad Loratto, May Ollftoa, Ibe OnlllTua, Dave Oeouo, the Olvaaooa, Bmery and Roi- nil, O'Briw, Juolaga ud 0*Briao. UlirtaeaBd Leall^ MavBryut, Ihe BuaellTrio,BfTaotand^ConBora,Myrtle Tr«atller, the blaun Penooa, Bay BUteoo, and Marrlo andlAog. PAt.AOBTRBATRn.-TbaWataon Blitafa* Barka^MCo. ua bookal bar* f^r a week and appear In too eatnvn; nnua."Pnona Kokonnt" aod •'On ibaBow.Woverr." la udltloa Manaii«n Aoatin A PlUlag have booked a Manaii«n Aoatin A PlUlag have ^ hat of Al vaadevUle, comedy u-t iMalalty peopMan4 wlU give tbalr patroaa a blf variatp UtariedA