New York Clipper (Jan 1895)

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726 TH:S3 ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. January 12 PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. Wantt of Mtntgers and Pflrformert, Op«n Da1o»i eta—S«ft Advirtlsemflnti. DRAHATIO. ^ WbtUfD k MuUII ttUlm ftll rlihU to *1lontb R*lora UmWu" MdilmUuUUaa. A. T. OordoQ wtoli peuplt for QoitfoD A WtlU* World of PUror* Oo. "LIUU Bo 7—9** iad *'B«Ut7 Ud tht BotM" »ro off«r«d for nio br E. A. Loeio. Tovng uO Mamd will opoQ wItt "ACork Vu" /u. 14 HOBtorPAfton lincowilQlIf toorlBKihoPMinoCout irlth bli rwoMory oo. Hlu B. L. BfftukliDiidocii ibf iUletl IrMvrlllor. TooAmarlM DruuUo Eiohuio.Chluce, nppliu - »anninonti,ptepl*,«la. Ki»n LlUitifi«ld, bamomt tad mlDlo, uo bt •ogiiod. B«an«U*i TiiMtrleal BicIiuko, CbloftfO. Hl'i ^ aodor Uo muufmint ol B- 0. Boiloo. Or«aa*tle pMpl« ir« wuud by (itorRe A RUloMhs €UllwU*i, Win BonU, WilllUDi A Oo., J. C. Nnnnt, OrM«r«rtljr. RobU A Vln, r«a) ObwUi. 0. A. B, At Llbart/:WIII N. Bmlib. Boooftlr* Prle*, Ut A, WArair.B4v.H.S)U>.Ook«. A BeOntb. T. M. BroBo, Lwur B. Willor, Uoo tlovs, nbu. W. Birota. Juh J)ir«ll, Bmnit Wi««oll, Bobort UUud, Otrtio OU)f«, -D»)Urrtnflt,VaB Btrt Aduni. HUBIOAL. "Mod Pl« Dtya," Ohirlti K. Uftrrli'UUitHut.tecord' Ug to Iktut raporta. bu Morod ft hit. "Whll« tb« Duc« Ooea Oo,"«oo levtral oibtio ofbli compcpiiiloDi aUo ttroDc fkTorltoi. OrobMtn puti »• •upplloil for tM e*GU wlUi proof floplta. to wch of thoH Mail. Th»01lT«r Ditino Co. hM luaad Urn* d«v mdh, **Mf Promltod BrMo," '-Boutbody'i Dou LIlUt BvMUitftri*' ud "Tlir Bout" ThTM no* MDCi ua b« or4«r*d fron tbo Ool4» Bod Pobllthloi R«. "Ao Ola Pwblootd VAlMllot" ud **Tb« Ohoir BIdk' •r" «r« pabllihtd br Judm Bttllmu, vbo hu rtmorod to iUBIith Avoouo, Ntv York. A drit elftu baad or olbar moiloal kUraclloD eu book ftdTuttioooa d%uatopUjfprilif bfooflt ol iho PoRot iioaoo ^KcU.T.M.A. br. lloneo B. Mtrkolwili cooildor ftpplioatlooi. At Liberty: N lltrrli W»r«. Hailslta. liioi T Llad, Prot W. w. fludOrd, Hlobuil Boneb, B4rltoni Joi. B. TharrftiL 0 D., Prol. nanftr Beboltlt, Qoo. B PtDbom. Hun B. Flahor, Joba Nohata, Prod lltllor. Jolai Baj* boUl. "Oftpriot," 'Tht Llttlt l/Oti Obtld" aod fir* olber otw •ongi tr« tapplitd ifm by Jot. W. Btom k Co., tnd or- cbem putt too c«ou tvut. flmnr Broihtrt litro luuod a onnibtrof otv toDi Jilti. Tht Batllrh Root pQhllilifag Co. cao npplf toiaral now Importtd rticoaMfal miit: ■ I'D tftmnK K Liuit ilirl?Mi II W. Pttrle't ItlttI lucctttJal pnUM»tinn. VAHIBTY AND BUhBTBELS. Blooktom tod Baroa rapoit unltlirnipltd puceotafn) aasaitintDti at Hit Itadtoi mails hallt ol Moloa Thor aro alto booktd aiUDBlToIr oo tbt oeoilatBL Utllaihtraod WMt ara at Itbtrty toSlldatta. Tbtir vork wTih RMtio Boothlll'i "CUrBaiti" Co. baa boaa Torr faTorably commtntad upon. nlUr Ifeniain aod Uharloi W. Wtlktr, eotortd oom. odlaai of vidt aiptnanco, aro uld u hara malt a too- oaaalD ihttr rotnaeiirt comidr rolaila **0a tbt Ifiult- ilppi," Tito auUior and manajiaaitat of ibt play p^r tIeuUrly rootmmaai tlitn for ihtlr eltTor won. P. W.tliroh'a orgtolutlOD Jaolodloi maar wall known i»trforaMr(i,lt btmi booktd by Mao- titerOharlti II. Ilaratoal. A raw oiort Dortltp toit cu be vlaotd wlib tbt eompaor. Tnt rife ParJoi,(he oltTtr'fljolitli, and Eapb, tlii woodtrful blot ola ptrformlag btar, »%o ba leoartd. PraokUtarloo, mualoal, laliloi tad tloglotoomtdlan, can bt ttiRiiad. Pmi and gaiiiit a't at llttrty. Bam UtroAnl aad Muit B. Ilarnoad oto fill t few datai- Ptrfonnen and raotlottnii arewtnttdforRlot'iBIa* Wtllar aad Walltr, muileal eomedlaaf, oao bt ea* Ractd aftar Barch 11 Ptrformenarawaattdfor Prtok llall't OaAloo,Ohl. oaKo. Klraioltx* atu canalMf aa«oraao|agaatot«at tlie Rural Boullili Oiroat. . ^ . , ^ . JalTaa l« rtiwrud to bt dologwtUwIth HIcbtrdaA rrlBRli'aHlQtVrtU. Ltt Bavoi. tktiorlal oomadiaof, who are ADIor a laoMHraf tDRtaontDt at Kopttr A Hlal't, tao bt booked. Utrman Warbler waau a Udj aa partotr for a ipi- "'u'laoroand BoBbtUcan DU datti prior to tbtIr d«- pariart for Raropt. M. K. llaoltyaod Lofao hart tfaln lormed a ptrtaor- Blitp.aQd uDOar tbt oroi nama of llaBltr,liOgaa aod llaolay. oaoJoloafliHiolaHpo. „ _ „. , .1. II. PhtUtpthat tacurrd UarrrBarteU t Initrttt lo the Utrmaou Thatue. ilAooktn, and will ptraoDallj condnoi tht tamt. Aitraetlona can bonk tln^t. HMolaliiaa aro wanted iiy Hr. J.M. I'oodoD, narios'a Tbtaira. Nawport Nawa, Va.; J t: Ntrcla. D. J. Rfat, Vojtr A LtilDRtoQ, M. Uwla. rapt (1. II. Ptal^ljr. Tht Valdtrti, trick bietoliata. oaobt tonnd. _^ GomblnaUooi ou book tirat ai the KroniRirttt Tbta tr« Baltimore Md. Nallla SeruDur la tngaRo t with tkt llydt Show. KtllruraOlorteanbetoiiaRad. Tbt BiJou Tltaairt, Pattraon. N. J. la rttomntodtd lo maaaiem u a (Irtl eltu weak ■tat}d lur thtir aiiru- lloDt. TImt la btlng booktd by Mtnaitr Bta LtavUL Tbt Kin^ Nar*. »i|uiUbrliU, oan bt tMured llarrr W. Wllliauia wantariiittluafpecialllta t^ompanlti o»q ttooh tint at the roUom Opera Iloott, LMooie, N II. Jictba HToihtra att lioMIng a woMllBg out tale of traaatr^ at Bra dollart par pair. J.W.II vania a lady aa piriuar. Obaa. Peoi A U > have rani >Ttl ibtir tftaoy lo 103 B. lllh Htraett N Y. Ther «aot tn hear from liiRh olua SerfoniitnlorlmiutdlttttaitRtmeottaBdaUo for ibe uomeretMoa. OIIIUUS. J. N. RtDirrowwaoU olrout la'tDt«aiid pw»pltlD all braqe^4i for tbt Now ilrott Hrndlottt Sbowa ead ParltllippAilromt. lotx I'alaor. Iron Jaw Mrforaitr, can bt eagaitd for lilt olrout HtMID ^ ^ ^ , , KinRlloRUroiiitrV roatt book.oootalning mur kt- Ira^Ure ftataraa, oau bt itoiir«d (or atveatr A'* otota. In PMtroover fhtmRptoctr Altiander KcNattb k BrowQwaDi porlomtnaadnmiicltaaror tltalrUriyloalHjatliara VtudavliltHtait Olrtut. A. B. wania to togage atvtral liaroa oflargt Iralntd Indian tltphaoia. .... , , l>owni A rowlty olTtr railroad tkow vagont for aaU tlollmar Rmihart want olrout ptoplt. Thty dTer a abow outfit for wit. ^ ^ . (tol. Ban MoOlore oau lupply rootitr baoda. cat or- ^^AimeVeMooauitltordrouitdarita artwaottd by "K. ^Hra. Jamta Ifutray oifara a hurd!o hone for aaU. tlaomo llurtoli'aNtwHBnutluaWtioaBhow will etui' tnanot ItaKiroDtbttaaoDihltjcar. Iltwanu ptoplt In All bnoobtt- Thtrouto tKKtk ofllarTiB' Nicklt ritUOIreua la pub. Ilihtd by() K.dnuW. ColJ. II Wool waouiu buy aooit tbow pni)>*riy aud to tDgagt to ag tPL aiBCBlLLANnOVH. Attnollooa oan bnnk tlni't at Natlooal llal*. Mvnlraal. CaD«i1a; Naw tlur (ipera lloupo, MoUitotlJ, fa.; 1 tl o. P.Uverft Iloiite, nyniouUi. Bati Uptta llnuM, Ban- DlDRloD. W. Va.; Optra lli^iift JaektvoTillo. Ill DUnRohmtdt tDrnuDCti that ha la DotouoDteltd with Iht NowOrltautMiilwlntar Piir , PrlTlleRtii oan bo itoureO at ilio roropauin Trarllnn Vair; poDiea, tio, art tliu wanted bj W. H. AU. M. Partpauah. tiharlea Witll .1 Co. fiirelah aldraltov i«lotlDca W. U. J. rtiiaw wania io ticbaogt rtal-talatt for tkow '*H'/|iV'ltolmanwantaalotplogeaT. , ^ „ , „ Kor BaU: )).ipaliv II. D.tfurrtll. eanarltt hy N. Liitli, niiaoum br rrlTAli* UlBMOury. dona by I'mf. (I. tlkrb, mooW hoTtt. by W. \V fltrt A Co.. car by Tom ItMrr, tiRtr oal.oto., hyO. W. IrrlOR. ciroua wagoni oy k. P. llattn. J. \V. Cridlxihl lot* kbow |>alallnii. Mary fialtpr vaiitM lit hiiy car* oto. A mtutRKr la irantv I r>ir thn IMon M(iB#t, klunlrtal. Rnlwrl lloctiuMiih •U|>plloa wat QrutvA A t'liHiUoR I 111 and gruuoda art offtrtil (or aalt by JaiuttO. Uniiluiii At Libtriy: I', a. )*tultoia't, actoti 1. K. Vlatoo, *Vhe Keoiii-ny Sliiiw I'rlftt fimUhra rrlollOR la all '?ht'p(HM) l-:ti>n»lii>tu n-ill >ir*n P«b 4. ai tht Btnh. Alb4ur, K. v.. tiwUr li.e auMikft I'f ih* Hualoaai Btn'a Aaaoolatloo. H,>aot CkO l>» rtnlKl br arplyinR lo J. K "Litl(or^t»li* art lttrni*ht<l by lha l'ii>w rrlnlinR Co kOd the l.^«r-itCA Kni:r«TiiiR • a Our* Hh\wI:Ii U now Id iIip act ■<! arcom)illf1ilne lha r»t ot lli-iDR in a lauk ol waitr lur itilitr iltM at Hall's Ra*lnit.rhiraR>i Sh* ran b« tngaitd lnr Ihpiir^aand Hlimuono, Miller A rr«n« purp.y all nuianMhrKirleal ■oodi Thty nlli Aca'«i-<HUO iti>i>n an^'i^ttlna. Titlt't Kt'lipMt HaiO"< tod Imienal BaiulullBa art rvr- PiumtlnKI l*» nmalctBD" . , „ I'lrctia caotm^m bt* nianitrvtuiC'l bv Hunay 4 t n, r. ,1. Bikar, Jaoira Martin ,v Hnu. 8 )f. Tlnup A Co aB<l J. 0. (iMi A f.. frolttilnua * r\n oiJar Iruoh* irttni Hit t.antral j'\\t>\ Ptctory. t^ A.Ta^I'U. l*a*«r«-<n .t Co , H H .t B , Jiniei b. Lyooh BQ'I l> (iitlilpiilt)* •If. Hlngman .t *»<l ui«niirio*uiM aot) iiiii<i>r* tlRhl*. drttacnoilli. B|»»nu:o«. , li-r pr* l««»litDa1 U*'V Tbt Bruaawiok an>l ttalhi> (\i|leii>l»r RilliarilTAbtftiite in RAitral utt Ihrmit'ipiil ih- B.H Blawarl'a liaptitiar* wi«llhnn*ii ii)rtliKv^i-«ll«»r« of Inat «n<l W(iikin\ti»li<r. H*''.!'^ iii(i»u< n alftn «um>iiM by Mr.HiMvan t'Ol MiN'r rom. Ilf.ll.—//<r MilhhfilttKn ~iou\\-. Mav.drrtr. I Ik Imvc imi nii'cl Mr.Jeakln^ He'sA\t xnii'ic n llliU> iMu-K rtml Ihil hr*« ttftcr vim. 'Uti'ii- I tfui'tHUV nnl ilu* iliirk hc itailrr: liV ilio ilumlii.—JVir^fr iiiirf invmti. RAILROAD TIMEPIECES. It Is B tonrct ot wrader to idadt people bow • nllrosd compuj cAn reffQlAte Alt the clockn Along liellQea to ibtt cAcli timepiece Along the oniire roate ■aaII be la hAnnoDj with sll the oUicn. An omclAl or the BaAdlng RAUroAd vompADr hAA Mlved the mjeterXr dticloelng a Byeteni ai simple flit it In perfect Ai t&e telegitpli Raperlntendeni'ii onice. tt tBe niAln BtAdOD, Reulng,FA.. U locAied a mtof rc* puling iDitrumeDtA, which Are ronoected bj neAhA Af A AWltcli with the telegiBph lloeji of the ReAdlnK Rallroid pemtng ortermlnallnR At IlcAd' Ing. Tills rcpcAier Is operAted iij one key sllastcd Alonffalde of Achronometer.on which en operttor workfl •llthewlrcH slmaliAneonslj. Atsiflp. v. iMuinessoD ttierAilroAd wires Iss(upeni1ed,there> pcAter Is Avrltched In.And the opcrAtor bcKlni to oAnimli the word "tlmo" At Abort Iniurveli, thus ctlllDR ihe AiteDllon of Ue list of offices lo the fACt tbAt tfie time U Abont to be tnnimUted. AttwcDtysocoDditol o'clock sncceMRlre dota ere msde until Ave seconds lo 4, when the circali Uhcid opennQUieKAcUj4o'clook, when one dot Is given; ttao circuit Is sraIo held open until df* teen seconds edcr 4. irheu two dole sre given; cir CQlt held open nntll thirty seconds After 4. when three dots atb given; ctrcuii held open onUi (ortj- fivo seconds After 4» when four dots Are glren, sod circnit bsid open nntll ono minote Alter 4, when Ovo dots Are 0ven And circuit closed, After which the wires Are restoreil to their nonnsJ positions sod the reguUr business resumed. The wires on bnnch roAda tluU do not centre At RcAdlnfi hATo iheir time stgnaJB supplied h/ meAUit ot locAl repeelers ulsced Id the Junction oitlccA. hj thin operAtlon tne conect time Is imnsmiucd to ibout 460 offlcen end stAUons on the KeAdIng KtllroAd system, end the operatoni In the vAff- ous omces Along the Hoc bAve flve oppor- ttinldes for setting their clockn end WAtches on tbo second, AS the first dot Is aI wsys trAnsmllted on Uie exAct second of the divisions of ihe minute as shove nsmcd. The ilme as sent from Hetdlng Is isken from a cbranoneter which Is regolAicd dellj hy telrffTAph from llmeslgnAls from tnc time seir- Ico or the OoKed StAtcs ObscrvntorTAt WAKhlogtnn. PhitaMphta Rfcnr a, ZEBRA TEAMS. JAiiies /eedcrL>org (old me ihsi his ilrni, J>oui iwo months Ago, iKtugbt eight bAlC grown wild uhfAH rrom a huntrr nsmed (iroblAsr. (iroiiliiAr cAUghithem In Awltdststc betwceo four end flvr mouths Ago br riding After nod Isssoolog them. During ihc last month thcv hAve iKcn In trelnlDfi ror hAnitss, wlih the rcsnii tbAi four of them ore perrcctlj quletand well irAlned And tlic remAlnlng tour pArilAllj tfAlned. The plsco where ther Are kept Is st iho siallon At reienlmrg, in iho District of Zoutpsnsberg, Ttaos- vAAl. It AnpeAfs thAt they ere a little timid At nm when Ihe nttncM Is being put on, but KfterwArd they Art All right, And Mr. '/ecderberg bclleven tbsi In A month ortwo*s time thev will be as steAdy as horK9. They pull well sno Are very wllllnaand never ]lb, a vice which is verr prevAleut with (he hones of this country. In fAoC,oneor them will do bis best to pull the whole coAch-blmseir. jAmcs Zeederberg bajs they Are so sAtlsflcd with tbo oipcrlmcnt, so fsr as ihoy hAve gone, tlist he Is going to extend It with the object of nlilmstely MUlmtltuUng (hem for mules, as the zehrslsfree rrom thAt scourge of Bouin AfrlcA commonly CAlled "horso sickness," which Any of yonr readers who bAve beeu out here will know ooaIb au enor- mous Amount to rOAch proprietors in horse flesli (turlog the Bummer seAson. In some pArts of the low country It is quite stiniclenl for a none to iio Ion out All night In tbo veldt <grvs) to Insure lis dcAth from this dreedcd discAsc. The EobrAB, when lospADoed (hAmcMed to iho coAOh), stAud quite hUU and welt ror (he word to go; they pull op when required, nnd Are perfectly smenablo to Ihe bridle, end Aro softer moutlied Ihsn the mule. Thoy never kick. And the only ihlngin tbeshApeot vloe wblcbthey roAoireetis Ibel, when tinthAudled, ther mAnlfeet au Incllns- (Ion to bite, but as soon Astneyget tonuderstand ihAt there Is no InteoUon to hurt them they glre (his up. Fooroftbeso sebnts ere now inspAnned ADddrlvoQlnA toAm together, And ore AsrellAl)te end good AAtho best moles; the other four, bclr. older, require A little more timo to get ihom p«r- fecUj trained.—TAe London Fleia, HE COULD NOT BE OUTDONE. A Ncwfouudland belonging to a gcnllonuu Id llAlirAX, KovA Bcotls, WAS In the hAbIt ot going wcTj momlug with a penuy to a certAin butcher's Bbop Andpuronsslng bis own brcAkfAst Ou one occAslon, finding ihts niArkct cloAed, ho walked Into Another, where be dopoelted his oennyupon tho block ADd Itoked his chops, the dog's usual msnucr of asking for breAhfast Tte butcher, however, InsieAd ot sorrlnv bis would be customer, totik tho coin AUd drove Ibo poor fellow from bis shop. The next morning, on reoelvlng hisuBOsl Hllowsnoe, the dog went dfreoUy to the shop from wbtoh he bed been driven the previous dAjr, Isld inoy upon the block, AUd with s growl, as ir to AAy, "Don't vou daro plAy Any more trlckH ou niel" plAced hlB vaw upon li. The butcher, not OAhng to risk, under suon clroumstAUccs, the per- petr«Don ot onothor fraud, gave him a piece of incAt, which Iho dog quickly bolted, Aod. scleing Iho culu, startoU for tho shop ot ihe more honest tradosmsn wllh whom he UAnAlly deAli. Hero he FiurotiAscd A necond itreAkfAAi, And thus msdoup or bis loes of the provlous dAy.—i/o»ie nud Coun- tty Maffaiine. AN EXPLANATION. "The bHDter who cut ray hAlr told ino some hor* rlUte stories About murden And lynclilngA that have occurred hero lAtcly," said a New Torkcr in the Undlord of a TexAs hotel. '•Tho lurbcrhsHAn object in telling you those blood And thunder stories," ropllod ihe IsnOloM, •<WhAl 19 his object^" '•He wsnts to ninkc your linlr stand uo end, so ho CAU out It cnsler."—7P/ns suitnge. "RAM'S HORN" MAXIMS. H la belter lu fAll In trying todo good ihun uoi to try. v,o6 never gave Aiiy nuui ihe right to batelils brother. Kvery sinner would bOAdevIl ir lie had ibr |K>wer to tin AA bo wanlA lo. Tho nuu puiHon innurnlngwhen lovers qusncl. Ills A tulsIoriuDo ti> irtlong to h church where nubmly ever looks hi^pj wbllo a collodion Is Itrlnft lAkcii. IMS , LONESOME. Tho feeling nf stipcrloilly lu tho slenirr f<cx M liilmm. ••Msiums. do juu (bluk you'll gu to bvAvcor" Mill Jrtck,tlioughUully, looking Inio bin moihrr'n fACi'. ■•YcH, deer, It I'm good," Mid Ihc llltlo intrlhtfr CAiiilnuslT, wondering whAt would i-omp nr.\i. '•Thvii please bo good, ror pApA and I would l»o HO lonosoiuc without jou.''—Afl/c AWd s IIUV* SIMILAR. lln^lr:•A-Vr^, di>*r. It's h pretty plsnu lAuip: I naiiuHl II Jack Mmllb. Viiltor—AfdrryourhuibAiulT Wh.r. mai I sukt lloitoss^Wrll, iHrrAUAo It hm m guoJ dealer lirosaHbonl ll.lii handsome to look st,requUe«ii goo(lilos1u(atlcnllnn,Unot remarkably brlllisni, i!«rnthi>runsu*a<lyui>on Its legs and liable toe.\ piudo when uiilynaUlull.—^r&'nnmiir Trawtn: OF ANCIENT ORIGIN. ' ."^v, llvd sml you know ihst luoilmllV o\w 01 ihonlilchi nmoskniiwnr'' •■Sot Wbcredia }ou IcAm thatf "lloie In Kxodus, whete I'hanitih't daiiRhirr roniiil MoHvn hi Ihc itfRh Iinc.''--l'hffairr0>hff> t^tu. "I CANNtn'iinilcrniand bo Atiiorlcan ps|*fn»." i«ld ilic wluralcd foreigner. "Here I* one Mt Ktysre i«nk In gone up, and here ts ooo eaI ssys lo OAUk Is gone under." i'ii.i.KH.-"Wh)' ariMou waving yuur ImiiULi'i- Vllli l HO Wtllllj>'' J/Mr«/(1.—"SlUO t»pA hu* fill-' tiiiliUMi Jiti'k iiic liiuiitc we haveArmuei'il t rude .tf xlgiml-'." npi/ir.-"\Vhsi lull*" .Wwr/l/ti.-- Wlu'U lii: \vii\ei I It: tiamlkcrchli-l d\v ilmcMbii im-j)is •|to vou Invo lUi'l* and when I waw fnullcalV^ in iri»iy. n^. 'Yej". ilsrilng.'" r.iJM'.—".MiO Ikw do von sfk other qurs'lops*" <ion'i. ThMi's Ihe whole o»1c.*' A oambl hii twlee the CArrrlng power of ab ox. With AO ordlnarr load of rour hnndred ponndA. he CBB iTATel twelve or foonecn dAys wltkoni WAter, going forty miles a dAy. They Are Ot to work At five ycAiiold, but their Atrengih beilns to decline At iwenty-flvc. Althoogb they osuAlly live to forty. The Tartars hAve berds ot theso snlmAlijOf tea one thonand belonging to one rAnlly. Thejr were nnmcrons In AOilqDlty, for the pAtrlsrch xob sad ibreethonAsnd. The Timbnctoo or Uebarrl breed lA remArkAhte for ipeed, Asd nted only forcoorleri, going eight hundred miles In eight days, with a mCAl of dates or groin At nigbifsli. IIirTBi- Clisbk (to new 1*11 lioy).-I>ld you wske iipNo.44t •■No,ssh. Cuddentwakc him up,sah, init difl (he l>cAt 1 could, Mh." ••What wafi ihstt*' "I WAked up No. 46, AAh." IBIBH AND DUTCH C03IRDIANB AND Btagt MaoaRtr waottd for Jan. II, who con poton Cnt pert teu and borltaqata If auitablo. loeg tpRagt ntoL Mott bt tlofle.alioDaaetog Ltdlta. Wirt at nooe p. J BVAW. rrBaillo Th»atrt. Norfftlk. Ta- PLAVWRTOHT. PLAVKR AllD-PHOOi;- OB&-PiarswrlittoaBd rtii*<d;atwprcdactioopataied sbatcbta, SfMiotoRata, Htump Sptedit*. tto, a speehllr. Biattyoar "wanu" and t^nd "aianip" (or' ptitfcoUn," HAHir IIEypBRBOX. l »).:opgietaHL.Loolafille gy. fALK—BA<:rCIAH'H (it'TPIT. VTEBBOPTf- RONandTWO AI IIABI'H. Adilraaawlthila'OP. OEO. W. TMt BBBR,ISQtrdntrBirtaL I'rOTMtnct. It I WAITED, Rtittrtoira People, Boobiett and Come- dlio,mait ilnRano daoce: Piano Playtr, mularraoRt. AlaootbtrPaople to compute CO. Bute full ptrUcalan Unt Utttr, lodudlof lowait talary. NoftTtt anitati keow too. 0F.0. A flLATBR M Baio Bt. Daboqnt la. WANTICp, OOOU BLACK PACK ABU IBIBH COMB(}UN. ALSO BU6ICAL MOBB FOR ~ ' Urv moat Irt Ttvr low. Antwtr . tJ. MOirroOBBBY. Wyaott 111. MEDICINE CO. quick. WANTBD, for Paaama Btd.Oo.. oot good BUck /aeeComedion: onethateao pUy BaojoandUrgmnpre- ferred, and one Lady OrRonlit that eon work fo aiier- pttet. BUU yonr lowett prt«« la Brat latur. BUenee ^ ^rt»t«lo aUVRfa. Addrea* pa. J. M. CONDON. Tjiry. lowA UKOHOB RAIltiSHIDIC.THpnoUtiHLV OOOD PIANIHr AhD BlUUf RBADEB, WAHPS BN. OAOKBBKT. AlaoROod Id llRbt comedy,joTOolleaod slogiogports. Btitofnrtrtnott. Addreo* g) Bt. Hew York Cllr. VALKJIkU BathuiaN. |»: Ediaoo phonoRrtpha, aoppUet; mw olockwork roiobints. I7B. Amorlcaa TalklOR HacblDt. $D Balaey Bt, Brooklyn. Btuop lor punphUL To Ciraoi and Hldishow'iiaaastrt.—Am oovVr* pared to makellTt rabbit miDairtl, cai orebtaira and tooii. arbiod ooiau Warraoiod to girt ptrfeoltailifaetlon will make lalti at reaiontbit asnrea on taiir ttnni. Pent to any ptrtof the world Hart tpecltl paotr for ronturs rlrat eomt. lint atrrtd. Haft onW tint lo mtbt a few more twfore ttuon optot. Eliharof ibt thret ootdtt art ttit Artatttt aidttliow aitrmeUona to ihlaeouoliTr *°<1 m>nageraean tavt raootf byowulOR outSlo. Addreu New OrlttBt, La, n Boyal Slrett (ptd num^r). noL DAN HoOLURB. AOrsR TOOALIHT. flood Orta^r. eio. Bemnalbit inaa tBtrtOBly addrtat I.OUtflB. oraCLIPPfR SlMPAOff'B TIIKATHlCAl/ IIBlAD<iUAR- TBHS, 12 Bomb IBth Htreil. 8L Lonit, Mo. kanaaara anppliedwitb ABTIBT8. Two tUgta. wUb tovntrr, frte torergaoiilng. I,&(D compiolet made opto July. Pro. faulonoU to all ilota keep yourttlTtt booktu. Mao- ogtn, tta d yotr ooBlrmott aarlr. ' BIA> OMO CMAROI, (tl dtgrtt). eott MifOT tale or trvft. BLAOi TBNTff or BIOB WALL ■ ' Fa. WbatofftrsT VKRV IIASlAfHOlUli e or traift. BLAOK AhT, II. KNYVETT. Ptlalerrllle, THRUBlOIlVAIiQlfiOHfftlA niNSTRlCUf, btadtd by billy Wllaoo, Rliiy VoanRandBlmtrThomia, would llketo btar inmall drateltjahooaea Id N. Y. Butt. Maouart Platte write at oDca, «libjiarucalara, to A. OOhBh Mantttr. fli Cewmtrct Birttr, Newark, N. J. AT iiIllB.UTV, CljAHlUlVB'in'liiT. FJVB flBABONRat UalnohaiareTbeaue. h. Y. City. Addreat MUfllCIAN. ll7St PatrlcV Hiro*'. QuQlxe Canada. BTAUKDAnUlftU^CP TU llAl'fi:. UfBH*. BBIKr. BPAKISU. AL80 WINO. PUHlTrONS SB- CORBD Fablio apptaraoct ertry wetk. O Ka»t Pour* tetnih Rlratt Bflom IS. y Y. ULLB ADHLINE. WANTBiD, A LKAUBH lU PLAY PlANU AND TU Drill Local Cliomaea In ibe romio Optra, **Mllier't DauRhur," now btlog prodaetd by local laltot Heod loweit tema drat ittitr. Hon*/ aure. ni we plar on a —......— oao. HARTLBV. Btrre.VL LlVINOAT4>l«-'WALLlAm'«. —.MiKRIED, UN XONOAT, DR '.76. tSBi, at the rt'ldenee of ihe brloe. No. Its BadR«r ATtDue, Ntwaib. N J., br RtT.R.H. LnUiar. O. D.Br. PHANC M. LlVINOdTdN* and Ulaa BPFIKB WILLTAMH hoih <it Newark. H J. BUPBHIUH ilAfkO MUlflU. ». N A i n . m HL JamM Ht, MnoUtal. Canada WAn'rBiU, bAUY •*tANlIia*, AlliilJANHIbO, AND PLAY RBALL PaRTR PttEPEflRBI). Writt full "BUBIOAL." care P. 0. Boi 63S,tiraod BirtlooUra to aptda. MIob. WANTBD. AT O.^CB. A'lAnibT, WHO OAN DU BTR'IOHT IX AOrR LonetngagemtnL PtT ar^low. BIX NATION MRDI' IKB no »fictDK»rt.Oh lo. AT 1«IBIEKTV, bxutritDoed Buaoil Ltadtr. Vio- llD aod Ptann I'.ajrn, dttire togigamtnu f-tr Bum- mar aod Wioier rviona. Will 'nrnlth fail orobuirt It rvtulred. Kod* hut rf*pon«ibie oattlti nted applr. AddrwaPEPy, W. W. tfANDifOnP WlchHa- ifaoiiaa. UaHHIAUK KH A I.OTT8RV.—A'ftri> fm/rrr~l)n you think you will ite haitpy wKh my Oatinhli rr AKtmrnnii—I ihluk to. 1 was alvsys lucky In ■ambllfig.^HaUo. PIANIBT, PiAA£i;Okt:k.H'A< PKIiSroiCBIKR and aooonpaaiat, wiahet a poaiiion wiui a drat alau oompany a* eolo'it, aecemraolat t^r Ituirr None bat flrat tlaii oompaoita need apply. Addrtaa Prof. ODBTAVRROHOrTLR. Lsnnrand at g«n»aai-itr. Ho _WA(VTUD. HUlCH, goodarBUL tiitV PBUr'LE. Thoiewhteon obaogt a«t ertry night (or ontwttk. OBtgo'HlBaBjo HaotfaatcaopltyOrRau. LongataioD to good pteple. straremootT BiatewliU yon can and wlurto: alao lowtft ita*arr kinaiba to lult the tIaiiiB. Ho Ktsbtra or wouM ba roanacart wan'eJ. Addrefa INDE.'C MBUIOINE CO., Ko. i. Ol tarOtM Co Byltr'o^D Pa BuUtbTUIHU neH: ■ "a Btlrolu. 8onR_aod , MB*ig PUB CO, Indlaaapou*. ln<1. . - ifkt)>'B Ltt'vr* Ballad witb Walta fttlrolo. Bona aod OTjhtatra paru lo rrolta- t'ooaltfor 100 "~ - - LK^DS. WlT.. Mo collMt Will adtaoco tut 11 hoowa ptnouUr. Moiili%i.w.n1rr>1>.. HflBT A FIPK. LlTonl.fll.tlitn. K. V. AND OBMAMDULl.N OROIIIiSTRA. KODII COBpolS! Maalo pat tn woni, or .MompAQlio.Dt mid. for m.Iodr. jMn— CHAR. L. lEwrniiiw w. cUfmnni. a. WANTKDr, OK Kl' KAfUO IMJIAN M«U i Orit ct.M V.iutit. r«rlanii«r., Uitt ud ckKac. .MClllllH olgbllr lor ttio wMki MgKt plrtio udf on- dl.DC 111. Rood Motio iDfl CliATtc'.r RloRor, Hk JIoltD ud l^iDrh or NArlon.tIM M.o Kd, (!lf m.:.! and im OODB.llr, «rlt« Ko ht.i tilv.nrni t>i f»lnofi.rA. AMr.u .11 li'tor. VnYKH A LOMNOrov. Bull Bt* Man.. Uleh. l*. L— Ota Vo)*r A (.vvDjitM i«iid )>Mt r,R.idi lo Or. Jowph .Dd A K., ol tta. Bohi.k VhI. no.. .Dd All Irl.odiL Will.. WA'>TaU, u<HIO HPK lAIj'i'V AHTIBTi« TOR NBiV^a'iUETK At ALL TlWKt ll7. lo.Mt ulmrr, M mko.gMneBtj1.7a bMrd. Qo'd PiAoo PUrer wtsUJUODCA. CKn'RAI.THEATRB,<«B J«nr Bt BUiAlmh. 1. J. ■. LBWia llMi«»,r FOat HALE, TIOBR OAT, A DKAUTV, 1 ft Alio BklM.ov hAinUa^*, 10x11. I'.iAiioniuiii, IIotIIU RtroQff U.n. H.giolu, B[^l^ DtKir BADoar, eta, .U oaarlr D.w, BIO Mch: Porl .M. iTu*. $4. U.H IHVISn, ll»r«iblll.Mai«. KOH 8 AliS.—(III tot. il«onl W.lllDg UoUlt: ljidil.r.6i»onlAAlldlvr«t bow to.01; Lloibir Jaic», K; Bluk Att |3>: A.tlBl BolpaoaloD. lit: Mloalona 00., IS. t)a. third «ltb ord.r. biluio. 0.0. D. WM. HKLHOW. » Mtnli 81, Worifiur. Uttt. MTIIOII, OXS CRNT KACII, ANY 8TVUB TOD «ut Mod W COM lor atmnloa. IIARRT OLARK. UiapniMRl^bUid.lphlv I'a. ~i!kwroiiiEii,'s,'riinituiBs, dur. LBMUKh «rllt4D to ord.r Buoip lnr ronlr. JuaBPII RERJIIAW. la Palrmo uut At.: ftiHiJ.lpblA ~>Taub oanoino, banjo and mANUO LIN lAogbL BODRADddADCo Jip, ciflR, Ulablig.odr..l daDoiDgtaagbt lnr tbo tlAg. or.uua«in.Dt. b.Dd attmp for olro-ter. Pla. looirDDiPDt. .apwUltr. JOIIK J. BOgA)l..-Bi) Now York. WAKTBU—MANAnlR UR TnBASURKR WHb noil eapllAl li>r *Thonrp>TQua*n"Co. Calloraddioli A. LiWI^LN, ai V ntbK'.'N.w Vnri HAVK VOV THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR? STAGE DANCING, WnH QL'ICI METHUDR. TMCh Mt.ial dot.I ud p.r. loR AUK* ducM. iinl«r«l. I.m. (In.rmDIMd la a r.w laaMOa. I rtl.r (o mr rnpila now oa Ib. ataaa— 0LAT1ON OLIRK. RUBV LlLLIAK.aT. TEL caiiwwiWTnru wrbbt. private aoadeiiv WANTEe, QUICK. HEAVY HAN FOR CRANE'S rLATBRa,OllAU,ENaB BAND AND 0BCIIB8TRA: ain OOOD RONO AMD DAROR UAH. Addraaa PAUL OIlABLlia Maota.r CuD.'a riat.ra. Port Edward. N. Y Btcond Utad Blrim RIdiOR Oalltry Complat*, raady lor uH Mnat bt In Rcnd repair and dietp. Oaih. Addreaeti B BOBBRrrt. P. 0 Hm or.rorawa'l.oot TRAP DRUMMER, AT LIBERTY. JOHN SRimiN. oar. FRE.Vcn'8 NEW BBXaATlON, NO. 1. DONALProSVILLH LA. SONGS ODd any klou oi innate arraottd aod etmpetvJ. Rmall tonga ai teoaon- ableratei^ OriRtaalamigiketA^wnt ten. TUtndown. SennUugbt A. BBIKBBT. Bg B. lOft Bt, W. T. BATTERY WORKERS I fKK*Sr-Jif C'T toni, It; BaB|>)a^ lOc; BaUAriaa, la^ rboto/Oo, Bdao, LES MAYOS mmmn prtette SEATORIAL COMIQUES DIREOr PROa PRINCIPAL EUROPEAN THEATRES A GREAT SUCCESS KOSTER AND RIAL'S. LIMITED OPEN TIME LATER. All Communications to H. A. COVELL, l,in BBOADWAT, NEW YOBE, SOLE AeEMT FOR AyEfllCA. 3 1 a o u, RROADTAT, DTR AND SIRT RTB LAST WEEE. LAST VATINBE8 WEDNIfDAY AMD BATDRDAT. PETER F. DAEET, "THE COUNTRY SPORT." Noit wMk-Wtrd apd VokM-A RUN ON THE BANR. II. R. JACOBr THKATRB, OttT. Slit Bt. aod sd At.. MATINBEB MONUAT. TUUR8DAT AND BATURDAT. •TME DIAMOND BnRAKKR." N««w«,», "WORLD AOAINBT HER." B. F, Keith's AnnseinBRt Enteiprlses. E. T, AT.-RCT. ... Oan. Itg'r, 8. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Boiton, But; THE BUOU, Philttelphli, tn.; a. F. Ktmn opera house, Pra«id«ref, ill, AMD B. F. KEITH'S NEW UmON SQUARL BOMB or HE. SEITU'B OBIQDIAL ContinuonB Ferformanoe. XOORTO10.K. MOBTOP. STAR PERFORVERS WRITE FOR OATES. TONY PASTOR'S Sfff.^?S"d and 4ih ATI. FRBNOH AHTIhT, FOUGERE. HRRBBnTnKdCARUN, WOOU8I«TBR8, O^BfkeBaBdHaTfl, JoeeLewli. Hoyla aaid liraliaui* 'ilieUoDtf nla« Kllly Nolan, BlalrnPortnaur. BlATlNBBII TPEgPAIf AMD FRIPAT. U. W. UAMLBT, Haoainr. Mr. Edward Harrlgaa'a ntw play, I N INI. II0U4 BUlREBS INOTORIETY. - MATINRBH I BATURDAT TIIR I OHBAT RUCIIEB9 HENRT U. iil'EB, Prop'r. OARKEST RUSSIA. HERALD SQUARE THEATRE. BBWADWAY dc 33TH NT. EVE. 8:11: BAT, MAT 1 WHITNEY OPERA CO., la "ROB ROY." JAW. 10, BOUVmiR NtOBT, KOSTER&BIAUSMUSICHALL PAUL niNQUEVALLI MLLE PETBBSOUT BRUBT-BmBRB. TUB BORSOWa, PORBBRT BROB, BRttlNIA CHRLL1, J0LE8 LETT, FLORA IRIflN, TBOIIBBNOrP. TlflRU 8EBIES LITlNe nCTCBES. HABLEM MUSBVAI, llSth SbMl ud Ttlrd Av*., N. Y. CHy. TBUNTON MtSEUM, NeiUi Bmd Stntl, Trinfoa, N. I. JOHN HANSON Praprlator BDWAllD V. SanTH Unmatw WANTBD AT ALL TIMES, atmoa PaalDiai, iKrl- oaltlw aed Noraltlaa for Laotoi* utlla: alao Blab 01a« TaadaTlUa Acla for Tbaattaa. AU applleaUou (or ODBaiamMta (both koDR«tl Boat ba addiaaaad to BDWtm) 0. BMITH, HarloDi Mowom. HUBER'S 8*^. MUSEUM. Open aU tbt Toor. WANTED. rOB TOE OUBIO niLLB. UTlng OnrloatUti, Preaka of Natue. Bare and Onilona Anlmali of trerr dttoripUon for onr nev Booagerle Department, and at all tlaiti tbe Tti7 bett TaudtTlUe Stan for the tbettn. Mo aalan u>o high forrintOlaai KoTtltla^ Bngogamenti from 4 to U veekt dortng the OLYMPIA laOSt, and 3d At*. NlflhClu*VagdmUI«t. OHAHqi B»nag»» THE^WILUOT DUO, LICADINO DOaBLB *CY0LIST6 OP TUR WORLD. Ktlih'tBlJon, Beaton, Jan 7-it Etltk'tUolonS'inare, Ktw Tork.Jan U*I9. TsoltShow.KadlaooFqnaxeOar* det, .Nt« Vofh, Jan >l-fd K«ltb*t Bi|on. Phiiadtiphtt« JaB.k4.Ktb.<. NOTIOETO AGENIE ANDMAlfAaBBB- UaTlDgJorJaatiaable reaaoaa oanceled engaganMOtat ibtChioagu CIreoBvoare fVee Ftb 4 AddteterSFRIB BT. OaabrUgeport. Mt*a. AT LIBERTY POR TARimEB. FariDaawt addrwa. cara of CLIPPBB. YOU OtlOHT TO HAVB THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. AT LIBEBIY. Ou Acconot of the ClosiDg of Morgan's Vaudevillo Co., iM-itroiOntbtiiia- Donbit In Band. CointL Baod aod Orrhttu*^ 8t«nQ4| violin and Buitone. Trmp Dtn« BHr blPglf orJutntl/. UV B PIBBBR Ta*r*to»B Wf Tntfc AT LIBERTY, CLARIONET, BAND AND oKonnTBA, OB TiouH IB OB'-aunu. PRBD MILLBB, mn MoOauol HnM,BlUim,L ONE OR ALL 7 FREE I! THE INTERNATIONAL HIT. "LiTtlr Caprice, when will tbla eeaie, ••""T.*.^ 7* P'«a». twteUisart d<», htitoo mr kottr on'noR my bean lore to tfln. woo*t ron bt mine, yon know I m tbloe.'' * Latih:iraiotiinio«Do«ctue, ' Jatt same the dar, do . not dtlar, Tbat'Na*ITuk,d4ar Caprice.'' Ai>o(S) JoerirDn'tI.ateti Comld Sodc. ■MiDAVK hR POQERTVS DANCl.Va 8?IIO0L • O) Ilt'aot Hora't Ortat I>o»enp'lTe Sone, 'TIIO"*K L08P IIAPP? DAia * (I) Mloolt Hthnlt'a FtfOiHa Waltl Sang, '*UI3 I.IRT TBOUOHTft WERK OP V0U.» (ft) Will II Knx B RKtttMt BilUd, ••PERIIAP?-WIIO KKOWSf • (C) Prtltltat Lallabr In yeart. "MOrilKKB FCVOESr DRKAM." (7jand itit r^mnunblt, "TflB UtTIaS LOST OIIIId " Note!! Anr orall traboTtftrtnrongt tent free to rt- etlp^oi programmt aadlOctnUior nxllinc; c^mpierp orcnrttrationa 10 ctmt taeb eiira JOil. W. BTERN a Ctt. a-ji Hast PourtetBlh Buett W. Y. Oily. PETRIE MUSIC COMPANY, CHICAGO and NEW YORK, 4,0117 CbanapUlBATC. 4BaataO(h8t. I'M MAMMA'S LITTLE GIRL." WAJ.1Z (OKO HTORY. Words bithe talented loiog aullior, i J. lAUB yaskb) H.W. PETRIE Orclieitra ArraBgenent b| • > H. H. THIELE IbopeoTtiT proltMlooal reidtng thtKidTtrtlttmtnt vtU tend for tbt tooft* Von can lake mr vord for It— IT IS A WINNER. Proletalooala in ibeWtJit Mill rlotie oider from mr nblcaio brancb, and tbofe In ibtKait ftom New York. Eoe!of# tt«mp, and l( joa vant tht orohttira anaogt- mtot add 10 ctota. I am making mj beadqnarten at mj New Tork braoch.andtbailbe pItaM to baie my trltntta and all fnltatlooala «bo *l»b to laare mj looge, call apon nit. will teach tbem tn« of ebaigt wsiiiiii mum H.W. PETRIE. Tried AND KOUNU WINNERS 1^^^ "I.Went HomeWidMichael; He Game Back Wid Me." MCOLVNNON'H DIaltCt lltt« Hang lo fonr «n- COtea nightly bj Mlaa POLLY HOLMES. _J- READY THIft WRBff. Uo KDlHoVlog, Prollcklof:. Oharacter Huneh, Ologcr Ditty, UieCrau of tbe Lon- don Uua.o Dalla: "The-Kick-Up-A Row-Brigade!" SUITABLE POR RERIO rolll'\ FEMALE IBPBR'UN ATION.orlllKSTIIEL SPECIALTIES. Upicr IIT.IT ail<l Nil ol Popper. A ratillOB March Rnoc aod Hurrah Cbnruit Baas lo 4 ooeora. hrUie Briiilaal Uao.DOl X0T.IIIM. LIUlo M ADOR ElLlR. 10- ANU THIS NEW lUT t "Don't Bear Any III Feeling," (THE HIT OF LOSDOy.) a- NOTICE. Aoy ul IbM. aoon; "Bacli to tlia Old llnmo Affaio,'' •tbt Loll Ul. Haa Wlio Lo'M H.r for ADtUi.r," "Tlia Raioa BVMt Bolli Ar. Riogloa." 'to Err la Uaman. 10 "inlTO, DlrlQ.!'' "PooDf Old Man," M Uo LovoYou. MpDaar OldDaddr,*' "NoUilnR'a Tao flood lor itt. PonlTO, DlrlQ.!'' "PooDf old Man," M Uo LovoYou. orMpDaar OldDaddr," "NoUilnR'a Too flood lor itt." "P4U.pudUi.Uor..ahoa,"aDd>*Tbe RIOK.I'P. A BOW BBIBADE " 'Tba Workbooaa Door." "Tha »•" Unma ll>MI Home "aod "OUH T BB.R ANT ILL PEBLINQ." AIIWlTBOROBEnRI PARTS wl'l bo r.ol OS recolp'. ol 190. each bp Ike ENOLIRH 80X0 POR. CO. H N. lloora HI, 11 Y. Root, lanihcio Profualooali PRERbaKnnland.P. M. Take Clh At.. Bl. B. B. aod ff*tnlTatPrmnbliD8t WHY DON'T YOU QBT THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. Leader (Planiste) Small Soubrelte, wltbSpeclaltifialso Irish Comedian. (Pror* BOd ' aoelog tpeclattj-). Addnn 0 A. B, fTare of CLIPPEB Co. liaa a nniTtr**! repoiailoD. FOR SALE CHEAP. RAILROAD SHOW WA60NS-CARS TO RENT. PIFTV poor PLATS ANn STOOKI, lit permomh: CoaobM iArRlMp.r., tso t*T inootli. uo. 61 loot il«i< on. Oltr lool Slock id ulocl"na*l, oo. I'oaoh In Roci- ronl, III. Addiaii, D0WN8A pnwLRY. Car. fif rLII'CKn. Circus Wngons For Siilc: One PUUorm enrlng Hagtat^: IidrIIi, U fat*; 3 •Idea; otarlf ne«: coat UJUU) yt\f.$\VM. Ooa PlAiroraflpringCage; light; make nice TiektiWagoo: nt«. Pilot. $150 Oj. Tltaae \raaoDa are a bargain rnr toweonta H P. HATES HaTorhlll MaM PARTIES WHO HAVE BOOKED DATES POR JACKSONVILLE, ILL. Jaa. n «lll DleOM corroannad atib I'l^^ d«* HAaGIANS, FOR 50e. I WILL MIIL YOU TOELATEITTBIOI OUT.THB MTRTBRIOOS LIOa^<. Plo. ootAu ooaiel.t*,U. Bbeood head maaifi ovotni and aoM. E RARNRLLO 171 K. riart »•. nMia". I".. AT LIBERTf. JULES REYBOLD. lEADlR, VIOLIN. PIANO ANOCORNBT. 139 LaoeaH#r ATonat, Wllminttoe, Deltvare tut ban aaiary. Ho ohjtttiona to DnTc*> or v*on T*f <■ WANTED, A LADT AB rABTWBR IB OBABAOTEB BIET^:!!. Mnal atoi aod daDoa Addraaa JJT H .dUBMODd ATaDD..Ka» Yor» Cllr- IT U PIAAMBT TO HAW THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.