New York Clipper (Jan 1895)

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730 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaby 19 LATEST BY TE LEGRAPH. Xfoadsr Xlcht'a Op«Bla(« In all th» Big Show T«rw «. GOLDEN GATE CLEANINCa LottI* Collins, th« Tavary Optra Co. and "Lallah Rookh" are Doing a Phenoma- nal ButlnaH—Tho Buih Street Cloi«di ISpMiftl Dispatch to Tb« Iftw Vorfe Clipper. J BiK FaiKOUoo, in. 16 At Uig Olironila Tlx*- In Lotilg colllDi'TroDliailoDn remain 111* auru- tlOD, asd bnilntai oodUdiiuI good. In Uot, Die B. B. 0. iliin wu dUplajed at lertnl pwfonuwoea liatweat. BiLSwiM TnuTBi. —Harla Iterarj'i EnflUk 0pm Co. Mfin tbo aicood week of tlitlr eaMe- tntnthmUat eTenlDir,wl>(n "WlUlani Tyil" «m ■ODg. "ntvlaia," "OaimoD," "OiTeUarla Ro«U' caaa," "nmit," "UwUia," "Ttontora" tat "Lo- lieigTin" will fonn ibe rrpntorj for Die remalDder ot Uie w(«k. Tha aooc«u of me opera compaor la aanred. TtieattendtDcalut week waivarr large, Uie B. R. B. algn belog Oliplajed nlihtlj. ' BrocawaiL'a Tbutiib,— ■•(loldas Itelio" wia yreaeiled Uat erenlDg for llie Iret ilnie. ALCiziH.—Wllltrd and Wlllltm Neaell, In "nt Oparalor," began an engagement lieie lut ercn- Jig. OaiNV Onni Uoum.—"HoEenna'i Flirtation" Isthlaweek'abllL ' TiTou.-On acoonnt ot the ancoaai of "Lallah Jtoekli" It will lie kept on Indegnltelr. Tna Boan Briiiar TuiATaa le dark, where bul' JMU baa been ailremely bad tor aome time. OaraiDH.—Bnntli, Rodd and lOake/, Glare Do I.nnea, Louel'a nook of trained etorka, Bogcrtant O'Brien, T. J. oodtrar, LydUYcanian Tlios, Qeor- glua Dadlgo, noaaljn Broa., namr* and Ano, and the McOanbje wore tbo attrtoUre featorea lut week. Nom.-J.). aotUol) and Air. Rllnghonae hare dlipoaed ot tbeir managerial Intareatt In tba Imperial, Loa ADgclef,and liare returned lotbia oily. Ther art In March ol a good piece of ibeat- Tleal propertj Home Pojaer hat aerered bit conneoUoa with the CallCornlt Tbeauo, and Qot Bdlllnier hat been appointed to the treaanter'a peat nnru Lore, after a jerj cloea call, la again oonnleacant and hu renmed the tolllon of Riage dancing Oarl Smith, Beatrice Lleh and • ccmpaorwill abort] j make a tour or the FtcUo Ootat FROM OTHER POINT& The weak opani promldngly. although In aoniB citlai the attandanoa It not vary large-The uiual weekly ohtngea In the bllla are reported, but no noveltlet are Introduoad—Ethel Barrymore Overoome by Cas-The Stadt Theatre, Milwaukee, Damaged by Fire. Itpeeltl DUptubai to ni K«w Toik Clipper I OBioioOi Jan. III.—The Oolambla wu the Mecca or a large nomher of onr ehow goera Bandar night. When "14e2" wag gireo Itt local InlUaUre, bj nioe'a Bnrpriae Party, Late arrlralt were com- jelled to stand, aail (he pertormtooa won Inataot aaeoeai. Illohard narlowe made the hit of the eren- Ing by Tlrtne ol hia nukeop and atage pretence, tint a nomber ol the other membera or the clcTer orgaslcallon come In for atrong recognition •'A Tampemnco Tuwd," at the Qiand, •The BItok Vrook,"at MoVloker'a, and anoilraperfonnaace by rrimrote A Vett'e Ulntttela, at the Vhlcago, were the holdover atlracllont on the down town etagee^ and the auendanoe at all three houaet oonld eatlly led teaUng room In any oae of the Uiea'ret la qaetilon uharltt Ulckaon retomed to the Bchlller (or a week'a prodacUon ot "Inoog" and began bit enRagemeni with fair hutlneat lecorded "The Enalgn" opened bli at the naymarket, and at UavUn'a two good honiet met Hanlona'"Fanlaima" "Acrota the Potomac" did not open very well at the Olark BIrett The matinee pertormancc wu omiued at Uie U«y- narkct, "l^awn Ticket 9io" belngdolayeil rn roiiu, hot the night home wu ot good pioporUon Ullrtr and Kate Oyron met fair reward at the Lin- coln when "Tiie Upa and liownt ot Life" wm giren forlbeOrat time In llie Qerman aeuiement The many attract Ira acta at the Itoytl Kngllth CIr ooa twred to mi that permanent big top to repl^ tloB Btock bnrletque, preceded by excelleol apecltltlet, tarred to draw good hooeca to Bam T. Jtck't Opeia nooH and the Rmplte Down at the Alhambra fair Inm oatt wtro accorded "The Ooaat Qoard," and the aeniAUontl featnrot of the phky met bclausiooa reapontet fiom all paria of the houo Ilollly ,tc Wood'a Oom- pany tnlthcd the weok at the Olympic with a big torn ont on hand The bill of eontleuoua vailety at Frank DaU'i Cuino wu enjoyed by neatloi cnpadiT andlencca day and light Uonday night broogbt two noTCIUetto the local atage, tlic pretentttlon of "The Baable Bhop," by John Drew, Inciting chief Intel eiL Uocley'twaa Oiled compleltly by the fathlonable act and the lUr and play were equally well recclrtd. ....At the Ohlcago Opera lloutewo were treated to n aobattnilal anionnt of pretty women on the Initial appearance of "A Oalaty Olrl." Tho ntiendaaco wu very good, and the play tconid a ttir anooear. Hay Ilowanl'a UorlMqiio Uorapaoy cspigred two giKMl houet at tho Ulynipio John Hor- rittey't Qrenler Lyceum Theatre Co. held down home hue a*, the Lyoenm, aed, Jadglng by tbe amount of applauie, tho auiilenroa, which were of good pioponlun, enjoyed the ahow. Wllllt OUtrke and Annie Whitney mule hlii The apeclal tralna bearing "Uii2" and "I'awn Ticket aio ' met wlUi an accident between here and ritttburg, I*a., which might hare proved trrluot, but no one wu Injand Manager Sam T. Jaok arrlTtd home Bnnday luoratni from hIa trip throngs old Mexico wiih hit pocket book replettd and hit health gnally Improved J. r. Uanli hu gone In advance of I'riairote .\ Wcit't Hlnttrelt and hu been tnccccded by John T. West hack with thethow Hay llowtril'e Co. Uldoir here lait weak I). Phillip rbllllpt, adrance for Walker >Vhlieiilde, epent Banilay In town Paul RIoma la orgaoitlng an "Ola Olten" Vompany here to take the road toon Keale Clinton hu been called home by the lllnett of her mother, and Violet et CI lire la working with Ralph Pott thitweekal the Lyoenm The weather conUnnct tevere and will have an evil cirect on onr theatiet Ihit week. HIaco't Olty Club corata to Ibe Bmplie next week. PniLtDxirnii, Jan. 11.—Cimiililrrlng the trarclty of aortllltaat the theattealuinlght the auenduce wat all that could bo ddlred. William U.tTrane gave "The raclOo Mall" t) a large and mildly en thnilutio nndlenco at the Chumnt Blrert Opera House. It wu well alaged, and Mr. Oiane't tup- port wu excellent "Dnirj'a lilnnden^" at the Rmpire, iru the only other nnrelly, and the gallery greeted Barney Ferguaon vocttennily The pooiTtt Monday night honae ot the teaton wu at the Olrtrd Aveane, which, alter all, oompaied fa- vorably wlUi a nnmtier ot the other houea. The biu wu w.B. Ollbcrt't *araloheo," bytha ttook eoapaay. Tka play li totaaattDf, ai It dealt with the old leteat o( Fasalla a father oilglntl ntaatr, bet apoB the eeeadsu e( Ita toner Amtneaa pro- daetlcBt, never Bade a (avonhlalmpitalOB. The Faaat o( Onaton Oltite, the VtphMophelta of Boat Whytal, and the Qtatchea ol Marte Knowlet were excellent bitaotaettng FOrtpangh'tBtock Company, with Dnacan B. Harrtaofl,Ra)pb E. Cam- minp, Barry Dnffleld and Uode Hmt apecUUly an- gaged, gava a Ina perfomanee ot "Men and Woman" to two large hontea. The play wu elaborately ttaged, and compared favorably wItt the Itobmaa prodncUoiL Fanny Mclntyre ant Howell nnntelhava done nothing bailer at Fort- paugh't The Inumatlonal Vaadevlllea had a highoite at tbe Aodltortnm "Frinceti Bon- nle'a"ret«mtotheBmadwutheBlgBal forabli dcmcnttrauon. ne honia wu packed, there wore Oowen galore and the enthntlaam wu nnbonnded, "Ohartey'B Aont" had a fair honu at the Ohettnnt The new featorea ot Camcroat' Mlnamla were aajoyed by a large aadl- ence it the F.laventh Bireet Opera Honae. Bamabee A MaoDosald't Company gave "Tha Kniekerbooken" to an Indaigtnt and fair alud andicnce at the Park "The Tiolley Byaten" aeemed to pKateaMg aodlenoa at the Peoplet, where the Oameliu proved to tie hit favorltea. An snntntUy large andlance hetnl "La Perlchola" and taw the vandenUe bill at Ue BIJoo.T... At the Rinth and Arch Moienm tha new cortot drew big conllnnona hontee One ot tte itrgett hooBtt of the teaaoa greeted Comatock't Hintlralaattbeaiand Opera Honie. Billy Sweat- ntm wu taken 111 and Eddie French tiled h<a place.-....."Two Old Ctonlea" had a fair il»d hooM at the Kentlngton Bam Davereia Own Company, at tha Lycanm, ptajed to good bnilBiti. Oraeaa made a hit That "Dine Jeant" It tUU popular wu proven by a large honte at the National DOBBtlly and Olrard gave "The Ralnmakera" at the Walnut, where bntlneu wu only fair "A Banel of Money," Jadglog troD the attendance at the Standard Itat night, will make good l(a title Bntlneuwu lo bad at the winter Olrcna lait week, with tha exception ot Batnrdaj night, when there were teveial box- ing bontt, thtt ne atlraotton waa booked tor Ue pretest week ODtll tha elerenth hour- Arnold A Oardner't Female Hutodon MInatrela appeared before a very tllm audience lait night. BoeroN, Jul. u.-Jaa. w. iiarklu Jr.'a new American melodrama, "The Man Without a Ooan. try," had lla tnt Bottoa preaentallonltti night at the Grand Opera Honte before an andtence that mied tha theatre. The play It acted by a ccmpC' tent company, and the tcenio and mechanical lel- ttngi are decidedly novel The third and hat week ot Jolla Marlowe-Taber't engagement at the ncUlt Street Theatre opened with as audience the peer In tone, nnmhen and enlhutlaam ot any that hit atiembled In that houte In many moniha. The pretentaUon ot Itota Eiynge and A. S. FIther'a adtplatico ot Brownlng'a poem, "Oolomba'a Blith- day," u given by her laat night, wu not at all lav laraclory to her audience. She waa nervoua and not, at all Umea, up In her llneH. She lacked force when her Unea requited ttiongdrtmaUc power and exprtaaloo. Bar andlence wu onUcal but ratber cooL "Pygmalion and Oalalea" doted the bUI. In her lopertoaaUoD of the latter chaiaoter the star well earned the raptotont applanta accorded ber. .... 'The New Woman" drew a big honte to the Oo- lambla Theatre and received a hearty tend oit on lu tecond week At ntaa!,"A Black Sheep" packed the Park Theatre, In fact, "tomed them away." Not a teat oonld be oblalBed for aome time before tbe doora opened, and atandlng room wu tcaree, Indeed. The eitfavaganta im. ptovM with age and the Introducttcn ot new and tnnny bntlaen Ware A Wocll't operetta, "Weitward Ho," begun Ita aecoad week to a large and appreciative andlance at the Beaton Hnteum, and the favor with which It wu received wu fully u warm at on any occatloB ahioa lit pnm'al pretentaUon... "The Wagta of Sin," at tha Bowddn Bqoara Theatre; The Dragoon't Uanghtar," at the OiaUe Square; Bill Hoey, In 'The Flamt," at the Tie mont, and Jamea A. UemCa ''Shore Aotea," at the Bolton Theatre, aeverally received generona rap- port from our theatre goeia, and the week opened flnely It It alaott toperaooni to tay thatat Kelih't New Theatre big orowdt were contiiut In their attandanoe, and irluieaaed a ine vanderllle, comedy and tpeolalty thow, and the popular price houttt came In tor their qnolaa of cub, attemoon and evening. MiLwiuiBB, Jan. It.-The People'a Thoalreheld the latgett Sunday honaei ot the week, Muco't Olty Club Company commencing on that day. Mcnday't hontea were tlto Urge "A Bummer Bilnard," at the Academy, drew fairly waUBun- day Tbe BIJcn, with Morrlaon'a No. 2 Com' pany, headed by RoMbel Morrtaon, lu "Faott," opoied to fairly well flUed bcuaea Sunday, and about the tame lut evening "Uer Ptatrer Von Rlrohfeld," at the Stadt, wh given with good enect Bonday night before a large and attentive audience "The Ulil I Lett Be- hind Me" had a flue opening honte at the Davld- tcnlutnlghl,andmadeaproronndlmptttiloo 'Tne Wonderland'! held fair boutea Tho Davldaon management were tintottsnata in book' log Hutphy and Candeld In "AUmony" Sunday, The play and company ware flat tallurca and had poor attendance 0. F. MUler, tatcked by w. W. Whiulgand Joeeph Planner, the motlc pubUihcr. hu leased Bchllli Park for next Somucr, and will icopeo It about June 1 wllhaoomic opera company, Manager Miller will alto play a few top line nude- vllle allrMilona between the acta of tbe opeiaa. "A Bummer Blltzard'i wilt dote Ihelr louon It Bihd Banymora, daughter ot Uinrlca Banymcte, wu toond nnconadont In her room U tbe Uavldun Uotel 13. Mlti Btrxymoie, who It a member ol John l>rew>e Company, retired thotUy alter midnight, leaving word tor aa early oaa The oill vru made, bit Mlu Uiitymotedldnotrtipond, nor had aha made her appearance np to the time the train wu to Man that waa to take Uie coopany to Chicago. The door.wu loroed, and Hilt Bany' mote wat found Intennble. Tbe room wu filled with gaa, which had eeoaped liom an open burner. Pbyalclana ware tuaffloncd and the ycnog woman vru tettoied to oonidoutntia. It la Ihought that the will he able to appear with the compiny at Chicago At eleven thirty o'dock today, fire from a defeotlve eleelrle wire broke out on the etageof theSladtThealte. The damages will cer- tainly be heavy. WiantHOTOM, Jas. It,—"Sowing tha Wild" at. Iraoled a large andlence lo Raplay'B National Thea- This wu the iBltlal prodaoUoa ot tbe play here, and It tnlly met ihe hlgb axpeotailona of ihoia pitaent Mn-LaDgHTopeaada icpeitoty week with "Bittaer Baadraa" and The lUppy ralr ' at Ue Oraad Opera Houe, altiaeUog a toll sad ap- pieclatlve audience. This It Hia. langtryia firtt appcaranoe heie In Ire yeait, and ourloally la natutally high 'The ButUtr," at Rvlaya Academy of Hntlo, attracted a big honte, which heanuy enjoyed the blivtreklt DanMemthyt "Tme Irlth Heasta," with Ibe additional tettnreot PilaceTlaymtte,drew a large crowd to BnUer'a Bijoo Theatn Tbe Irwin Brathtn' Bpeolalty Show had their ntaal big opaBlag at Stmaa'a I^cenm Theatre, the ttaadlat toon alfa helat dlaplayed early. BT. louiM, Jan. u.—HaiiT W. Winiami' Oim Oompaay wu welcomtd by a Mg booae at the gtudard In the attemoon and a bigger one at night Hopkint' TraaaOceaalet drew to Ihe toll capacity ot Ihe Hagan and made a hit •a«tt In New York" wu gtetled with two full bontuat Bavlln't Pope't Theatre wu crowded afttrsoon and evening, and tha new tpeclally pe> pie made hlla "Aladdin Jr." drew anenUinil- attic andlance to the Grand E. H. Boihera prtaeslad "A Way to Win a Woman" to a large andlence Uit night at tbe Olympic OiifOniMin, Jan. l6.-Stoart Robion played "Leap Tear" tor an opener aid there waa a trplcal drttnlght crowd at the Grand "ThePattUg Show" began Ita retnra ingagement at the Walont Street and wu witnetaed by Ihe higgtat Sonday night honte ot the teiton there Gut Wlllltmt did fairly In "April Fool",at Bavllnl Weber A Field's Oim Company packed the People's. The fntmer It 111 with diphtheria at PlUtborg and Lou Field only appeared In the atlerplece, "A German Senator." "The Ollbooly'a Abroad" wu Inter prated by the Uormani to big houKa at tha Foun- tain "Peck'H Bad Boy" drew well at Rohln- ton't Anna Eva Fay had aamallhonaaat tbe Pike. LODJtviiLB, Jan. IC—A good andlence w» prea- ent at Maranley'a latt night, diswn by the oiilqne performance of llagenbech's mined animals ■Tbe BargUkr,"at the Ciand Opera Douse,attracted a Hue house on the opening night of a week's en- gagement Alba Heywcod opened at Ihe Ave- nue Sunday lo a good honte, which wu repeated lut night Reevet A Palnerit Cotmcpolllans drew a good house at the Backlngham The Oem opened to a fair houae. KANSia Onr, Jan. ls.-Joaeph Murphy opened at the Coatee laat night In "dhanu Rbne," lo a good boose At the Grand yeaterday atteropon "Yon Youeon" opened to a big matinee and at night had "S. n.O." At the Ninth Street Theatre Froh- maa's Company, la "Men and Women," opened to a big house lut night. MINNESOTA. Hlnntapoiu.—At the Grand Opera Uoiisc nallen and Hart opened for three nlgbtaJaiL It, and will be followed by Emily Banoker. Carrie Turner wu well received la "Tho Crest ot Society" >, e, t. The Bandow Tiocadeio (Mmpany had good houaes 10 M. "A TemperanceTbim''la underlined tcrjlandvreek. Ltobum TBUraa.—'The Omst ot Society" (Car- rie Turner) came K. it. Adele Ana der Ohe will give a piano recital le. Ratxrt logeraoll lecnrtd on "The Bible" brfcte a big aadlence 11. Bmoo 0ria4 UODSB.—uonnne comet 13 for teven nighit, "A Hallroad Tlckei"«i. "The Span of Ufe" drew fairly good boutet e-lL TBuraa Ooxiqui^Fortlx nigfaia bcglonlDa 14: MoOarty and wlillama, Edna Uontdio, Clara Aiiama, Weiton and Uall, nazal Floyd, Stella St. Olair, Ada Wlillama, Jack Price, BlUle Foiter and ttie ttook, Builneathfalr. KouL A MiDOLnoM't Pauob Muatnii.-ln the carlo haU week ot 14, Ume. Warren and Hater, Booth Sea Iilander Joe and wife, Ibe Qermin Roie, Shearer (bag pipet) and a month writer. Siage— Emma Woodt, the ilyana, U. Osgood, Marguerite, two Diamond!. Terry and Elmer and the Orollut Comedy Co. Bualneu It Improving. NOTxa.—The Minnetpolla Choral Society hu de. elded to disband and cancel the remaining two ccO' carta ot Ihe teaton, becanta (u they allege) of lack ol patronage at the drat concerL Thla la ontorta- nate for tbe lovera ot otatorlc muato, became there la now no orgaolzatlon that can tomlah that olau of muBlo to tola community Mlu Ana dcr Ohe will appear It nnder the assplcu ot the Ladles' TbondayMntlcale, whiohlaa verr active and auc- cetafnl society Charlea A. rarkor, formerly preta agenland atlerwarda manager ot the Giano, and httlarlT with the Colombia Theatre, Chicago, la now one of Jacob UU't itaffot preat agenia. Next teaton he wlUcome In from the roidand hold Ihe tame noaltloo at Mr. LItt'a local bonaea, the BIJou and Hetiopollun Wm. E. sterling and wire have telDmed from a vltit to Kanna Olty. They expect lo go to New Toik toon Jamea Harn- 100, who was itage manager at the People't, hu opened a dramatic lohoo) here. St. Pawl.—At the Mebopolltan Sandow and the Trocadero VaadevlUet came Jan. e, 7, 8, a, to full toll will deliver hIa new leotnre "The Bide" II. Emily Banoker, In "Car Flat," cornea la. It, It, IC. Hallen and Hart, In "Uter On," 17,18, le. "Wang" week 0120. aaiND.-Butloeuwu bigwiih the Kimball Opeia OotDlqne organlzaUon, aoppcrtlog Corlnne, week ol a. Week of is, "A RaUroad Ticket;" week ot 20, Ulllanuwl^ln "Oleopaim." BODloa Opening 14: Nippon Royal Ttonpe ot Jape- Uoldlng over: Weat and Fowler, and C. M. Emeal. Botlueu It good. OLTHrio.—Builneas It Improving nnder the man agement of W. B. (irampion A Cq^lbe new leaieca. weeka ot It and 31, Sherman't world of Wonders and Oano't Imperial Japaneae Troupe. Dalaib. —At' the Temple Opera nonse "Charley'e Aunt" made her firtt app<aiance before a Dulutb audience Jan. H, o and draw large audi encea. Tax Lycbuh had Qua Heege, In "Yon Yonaoo," 7, when the andlence wat of fair aite. TUX Pablob TuiiTHE has cloaed Itt doort for the Winter. FLORIDA. JaehaoBvllle,—At Ihe Park Theatre Hra. Pot- ter and Kyrle Dellew, In "Oharlotte Uordray," pleated a large andlence, at advanced prices, Jan. 7. 'The Devll'a Auction" had top heavy taooso. Oorton't Mlnnrelt had a fairly good atteodance 11. Coming: KaUo Emmeu lo. "The Prodigal Father" 17. Harle Walnwrtsht m, le. HrraorOLrraN UtLL.—laylcr'e Specialty Com pany did not fare well D, lo. Prol. Dan Daly't BoX' lag ud Variety Show met wllh moderate tnC' oeatll. NOTis.—Oooper A Co.'a Olrcni will toon airlre to leleet winter qoarlen In one ot our tuborhs. Amatenn are reboarrlcg 'The Forestera." which wlU be prtunted at the Park Theatre Feb. 0. Tho production Is lu chame of Harry Uogg, a clever actor, who wu formerly with '-riie Coral- can'a Oath" Co. ARKANSAS. Hot Bpriaga.—AttheOpetancuae "TheBlick Crook," Jan. e, bad a honae filled to oveinowlog, which wu well deaerved. 'The Fut Mall," 7, had a light audience owlnil, no doubt, to the bad weather prevailing. Robert Mantel, e, had a large andleaco to wimeea 'The (Joialcan Brotheta." Booked: Oladya Walllt ir'The Fencleg Muter" 14, "Alabama" It, 'The iMrhy Maaool'" 17, Sam Jack's Co. 31. I.lllla Rock.—At tbe Capl'al Theatn Robert U. Mantell came Jan. 7, I, to good l oalaesa. "Ala- hama" II, 13, had fair hntlneii- line: Kx-Oov hob Taylor 14, PatU Itota Comedy Co., wllh Qladyt Wal- III, iniUnea 14. 'The Fendng Maiter'i It, Sol Builth Ruttill It, "ne Derby Mucot''18, Ban T. Jack'a Extiavagann Co. a, Rchl. Billiard 14, lUohird Manifield t7, Rhea 38 In a elore on Harkham Street -Nana" li hooked for tbit and next week, rndligia (leneml Biaddook, the gbnt horae, la being oxhlblitd In a ttoit on Main Stteek IKANSAa. Topaka.—At the Grand, Sol Smilh Rottall cami Jan. t to "S. R. 0." befcie eight o'clock, Freemtn'a "A Railroad Ticket" played a return date 7 to good hutlneat. "FInnlgan'i Ball" » had a top heavy honae Manaatr Atklnaon opened tbe BIJou Opera Uoute 7 wlk "The CUhler" and 'The World Agalut net" bait a week each. ■laaTawwoHk,—At Ike Crawford Oiaad Opera Honae "le Old Eentachj" had hne bulnett Jan. *. Hnfiay aad Hack bad good baalneu a. Tbe Hay roku Ooaedy Co., week ot 7, opened to lalr batlBeu. OoalBg: Jo*. Hurphy B, "The Olrl I Lett Behind He" s, 'Tne Span otute" 34. All Route* Muit Reaoh U« Not Later Than Monday. oaAMA'nc. Aktntnm'l^ mila-K«w»aiTPort, Hus., Jia. It-It, A LavlattfiL Me., 31-V. Itaiaaon'a linS^-Dallon^ Ot.. Jan. It, BooUi Pills bora, Teon.. 17, Fajeua'Tlla II. MiahTlUe _ ^ "Acroa Itm FounuC'-Chleaio, 111. Ju. U-U,BoaUl "AUdd'n Jr/'-BL Loom, Ho., Jsa It-n. ladliDtpolK, led lU-UL "Aiiiit Hallt"—Mulea, Mo., Jan. It, Nanball 17, Booo villa It, JopIlD IP. ...... "Almbania"—ron Soillli, Aik., Jta. It. Jopllo, Ho., 17, Anion 18, BprtagfleU It. "A Orur Lot''—roilotla, O - -lu- >>• TIIBn 17, Plodlay U, UmttU IP. Clooiooul awt. „ , "Aoot Brldt<i"-l<<inkuipu>D, Hue, Jao. 1^ Doljoke 17. Pllcbbura IS, Lawtna II, Boralo. N. v., It-a. "Amauof-lyncu*. T., Jan. U, BalUa 17-II, f/otlJoDee.R I..Ii-M „ „ „ Bf lOD'f, Ollnr-Cblcuo. la, Ju. U-IP. Oaaton. O., 31, RMbtftar. Fm., a3,ar«*oiborx XI, 34, JohMtowaS, AltoODaV. Bakar'a I', r.—Loctport X. T.. Ju. 31, Ctiaadalgu S, Aobamll.BiraeiiHn'M. .„. „ BaiToafbi', llarie-Tny, K. Y., Jta. U. Albaay 17-lS, Phlliile!phlvr».,ll-il, . „ __. . _ Bam'M, Wm.—Walarbary. Ct. Jan. 11 New Britain 17, MldCktowD II, Marlilso II. rblltdalpiiia. Pa. 31-a. BnoDta'a, Jnbn E -Rncbfater, N. T.. Jan. ti-19, B«rT.ii'a, wilioo-K. Y. Clir Ju. 14-11, Brooklyo, K. T.. 31-a. B«farlr'a. DalMr—Hoaltdtla. Fa-Jsoa 14, FhUIIpabora 17. JtlMr tbora la Hraloonvllll IP, at. Oaimtl 11, BheotnJoahS). laDifoien. ...„.,. _ « Bobb Comadr-St. JobD, M. B, Jan. 14-13, nalKai, K. &, 3l-3t. Baldwin Roian Cootdr-Atltma, Oa. Jan. K-lt. _ "Borj^lar"—XoulBTtUa, Kr, Jan. IMP, WaihlottDO, D. "Bairel oriioner"-PblUdelpbla. Pa. Ja». I4-U.„ "Buoeb ol Xaji'^aw Orlaaiia. Ia., Ita. 13-IP, Mobile, AU.3I.MootfODerT33;Colainbill, aa.,a, BLacoalt, JackiAaTIDa, Pla., at. earatuiata, Oa, 0. ''Black Sheep"—BoatoD. Hm^ Ju. II, Indaflfllta. "Black Crook," No. I-Cbicago, lU, Jan. UL udalo'u. "Ulack Crook," Ho. 3-Padoeah. Hp., Jan It, EvaoarUIe, lod, 17. Inlltnapolla IB. 19, Colnmbui, 0.. a, 33. '-|liacklltt«d"-BlnabAail4n. N. Y., Jan. -16. tioiantos. Fa. 17-19, Kfnaloitton 3I-3B. "BiBUga rbKk"-Brooklpo. N T.. Ju- at-lt. "Broanlaa '-N T. Cl'r ."n. ll-Fab. 3 "BrMiT Time"-tfacan. Ho . Jan. 16. BroobflaM 17, ObU- llcoUia IS. CamaiDo IS. Kuuai Olty 0-3t. "Blua Jaana"-PhlladelFbla, Fa, Jan. ll-lt^ Williams. ban, M. Y. Il-a Qoi^lan'B^RMa—PioTldtQca, B. 1^ Jan. 17-19. Beaton, Clark»-'pHbrofon-rd>aiiIaTllle. Ill, Jan. 31-17. Cnlllrr'a, Wlllla—PrmldtDre, R. I., Jin. 31-34 ConraM'o. Blnrtch-y. Y.UItr Jaa. 14, Indalnlt*. Cnn^'a. w. n.—rblladalpbit, Pa., Ju. H-ll, WaahlnctOD, D.O-11-31 GIIiuibV Joa. D—PioTldrnca. H I.. Jan. 14-19. Onaaa'a RattleB*niBid-NoTfolk,,Va,Jan.IC. Olarka-Farblnaon—BmvUr, Mo., ju. 14-19. Olarkt'a, Wiltnd-Budiaa. Fa. Ju. 17. Corbeit'a, Jamaa J.—Naabviua Ttno,Jan. II. Loolarllla, Er . 17. Borlniatld. 0., IB. Indlutpolla, InO., It^ HU. w&nkaa, Wia.,3D-:6 "Cbarl^a Annt," No. 1-PhlladaIpbla, Fa, Ju. 11, In- delnlt*. "Ohailor'a AnnL" Ho. S-Bruivllla, lod., Jan. 17, IB' diaoapolla 31-38 "Cleu Bvaap"—Ballaroolaloe. O., Jan. 16. "Coon'y Fair"—Dnioth. Minn, Jan. 16 "Ortckar Jaok"—Joboatoao, N. Y., Jan. 16, Byncaia 17-19. "Coul Ouard"-Chlea|o, III, Ju. IS-19, Booheater, N. T.,l<-ai. *<:opp«r Lion"—Joootlon Olty. Kae.. Jan 16. Balloa 17. tinloblnaon 19. Ne«tni 31, Walllnatoa 31, WInOald 33, EurekaSI, Bmporlars. Pott SoottlS. "Colloo KiBi," No 1-N. Y. RllpJu. K-ld "TottABElag."No 3-Lowell,Uaia.Jan. 14-19 "CroM Boada of Lira'*-Srruul«, H. Y., Jan 16, Ro- ohaaUr 17-19. "(Clonal"—FanMlDt, O., Ju. 16, D«flue«17, Haryartlle IK. Cuun 19. "Capl. Fuf'-Balllnota, Md., Ju. U-IP, Waabinitoo, DU. 31-31. "<v,nefTv nueni"—6t. Joaapb, lfD.,Ju. 18, 19, Kuaia "i;bar1tr Ball"—Bnrllottoa, la. Jan. 34. "Cmq UoUow"— Patoraon, N. J., Ju. It, 8cruton, Pa., 18. II, lioanallf Aarnrt'a-^Fblladerpbia; Pa., Ju. 11-19^ BaUlmor*,Md, 3l-3t. Dowhntj^f, J.—BilUraore, Md, Jan. 14-19, Roohattar, Dal'lar'i, Polar P.-Janoy Oitr, N. J., Ju. 14-19, Waah Inttoo, D. 0, 3I-3L Dowalnx'a, BobL—Atlanta Oa., Ju. 18, 10. Macon 31, Amarlcnan, Jaokaonrllla, Fla.,33, Bmntmek, Qa, M, Barunah 3J, Aoaojlare. Dlllon'a John—Fargo, tf. D., Jan 31. SlekwB'a, Obaa a-Cbloafo, llL,Ju. U-19, LeadrlU^ Ool.,23 Downlaa'a, B. L.—OhatlaBooga, Taao., Ju. 16, Atlu'a, Oa, 11719. Da«anport>, Pannj-N. T. Olty Jan. II, IndeBnite. DarlaVOhaa. L —Lrao, Maaa., Jan. 16. "Dooya BlDndan"-FlilLulalpbla, Fa, Jan. U-19. "Dafff'a TUit"—Dayloa. O.. Jan. n "Oaa1at"-I>alnl>, Micb.. Jan. lS-'9, Chleago, HU B-^. "Darbaac Bnaaia"-BnatlTO, K, T., JanTia-u, Phlla- dalpbU, Fa., 31-3S "Down In Dlala"—Wllmlnilofl, DaL, Jan. It, Hobokan, N. J., lr-19. N. Y. CItr Fab. 1 "Dmby Maaeot"-Uot Bpilnia, Ark., Jan. 17, Little Book "Darbr Wlonar"-Ilook ItUnd, III, Jan 16. Iowa Ollr, !>., 17. Daa Holnta II, 19, Omnba Nab, tO-tS. Ciaalon, la, 31, Monnwolta. Ill, 36, Aarora 36. "Davll'a Auction"-Soma, Oa. Ju 11 BlrvloBbam, Ala, l7,Cbaltuooia,Taan, la 19. KnoiTlllo3l,Boa oka. Va.31, DanfiDaB. Norfolk 14, Rlchnonil 36^31 "niitrlct Altomoy"-K V. CItr Jaa 31, lidadnlla. 'Eillalar-a.USa-KY. Olty Jan. 11-31 'C' BUMwood'a Flayara-Mlddlatowo, K. T., Jan. It- 19. Blngbamlon 11-11 BTaTuBoar Comady-BoonvllI*. N. T., Ju. 11-19. BoDolt'B, la'la—JarhioBTlIla, Fla, Ju. 16. BaTunah, Ca. 17. Ilbarlaatoo, a 0., 18, Aaguia, Oa, t^ Brooklyn, N Y. 31-36. Bllla'. Cliaa. T.-Wbcaling, W. Va, Ju. 16, Altoooa, Pa, 19, Newark. N.J. 31-n. Barle'a Graham—Valpaialao, Ind., Ju 14-19, Ooahao It-36. Enuoai'a, J, E.—Ooiaba, Nab., Jan. 16,17, ConnoU Blaffa, la.. II "lIoal|tB"-rblcaao. Ill, Jan. 11-19, Fort Wapna, Ind.. 31, Mu>0a:d.O.,33.Culoa39, Balam3l, Baavar Falla B, Eaat LlTarpool 96. "Elibt BalU"-Oloelnaatl, O., Ju. 18-19. Toledo 31-11 "Edptwood Folha," Bayvood'B-LoulaTiUa, Ey,, Jan. 11-19. I|i|obmu'aChia,Btoek-N. T.CIIyJan. 14, IndaOntla. ' Fanalt'a, Tony—Chartotta, Mich., Jan. 11 Jaokaon 17, Orud Rapid! 18.19. Farrli' Coniadlana—Wlnobaatar, III, Jan. 11 Froat A Fuabawa'a—Mnrrar, O., Ju. 10,17. Flik'a. RobL A.-Bprla|waur, M. Y, Jan. 16-19, Angatlaa "Fa'al Oard"-N. Y. Clip Jan. 14. lodaanlla. "Frtanda''-CharUatoo. B 0 , Jan. 16, Birannab, Oa, IB, AtluU3l.33. "PauiL" OrlOlih'a—Toronto. Can. Ju.14-19, OnalphSI, Oalt 83, Brmnllord 33, Woodatoek 34, BL Thoaiu 31 Bt.Calbtr'na<3t "Faat Mail' Notihare-OildwaUr, Mich., Ju. II Pon Uao 17. Fort Uaroo IB. I'llot 11 nhatham. Onl, 91, PL 1boma«33, BarllBXlBrutrordM. BcOaibarlaaaaa "Faat Mall," Bouihara—BbarmaB, Tax . Ju. II MeXln- o«r 17. Oallaa 18.10. Poit Wmlb 91, Wtalhlord 33, Cor ilcua3l, Waoott. Tamplo 36 "Fulaina"—CfaloaKO, III. Jan. 13-36. "Fanat," Monlaon'a Waatam—Mllwaohaa, Wia, Jan. 19-19. Watertown II, Poa On Lao 33, Otkoih II, Apple- ton 31 HtaotarniFoiBtrt, BaaOlalra31 "1191" Riea'a-Oblcaiio, lU, Jao. 11 IndalBlto "1191" Ilaw A Brlaogar'a-Dauolt, Mich., Ju, U-19, Buloaw H 'i'lai^or^Tnica'-Pllubnra, Pa, Ju 14-lP, CleolnnatI, "PlBBlgu'a BaM*'—Oakaloofa, la. Ju. 16, Otlnmwa 17, Indapaodanee 18, Cidai B^plOa 19. rataaport " OooOwln'a,N a—OuvuioD,Tai..Jan.lB. 19- Oarman Llllpotitna-Datroll, Mioh. Ju. II-IP, Day- ion. O., 31-33 OIHalla a Wm.-N. Y.OIIy Ju. II. Indelulta. ollck'aComadr-Totedo. 0.. Jan. 14-ia. Oapbr-a, Bobby-WUItamaborr, H. T., Jan. 14-19, Pblla. delphia. Fa. 31-36 Gallaabar'a Conady-Roekliad. R I.. Ju. 16. Aatboay 17, PlaloOaM, Ot.ia, I9, Votanlown ll-n. airaulaThaam-N. v.Riir Ju. II, indalolu aarUnd'a, Gio a-Pitnlla. Fa, Jan II, Paitar 17, II or^iorr'a Oao. L.- North Adaol^ Maaa, Jan. 14-19, Fror. Idaaca, B. I., 31-11. OfBi'a, ida-A. LonbL Miob., Jan. 11, Battle Ontk 17, Foatiao 18, Pilot 19. Dalroll flC-XI (litninn a Walla'-JaabaoB. n., Ju. 31-3S "dirt I L.R Bahlad Ma," No. 1-Mitwanhaa, Wia., Ju. ti-ip '«iil I Latl Babind Mr," No. 3-Boohaal«r, R, T., Ju. 11-33. ilbur»-n "Ollboolr abToia"-CtBolBoat1,0.. Ju. I!-19. *'Ora«B Oooda Man"—HunlbO, Mo., Jan. 16 Qniaer, III., 17, laokBk, la. II Barllnalon 19. Davaoport 30 Cadar.Raplda 31. Oinrnwa S3. OakaloOK O, Daajiolaia 34. St Joaaoh, iJo., ti Afblaon. Eaa., tC "Qalatr OlrV' No. t-OlareUnd, 0., Ju. 14-19. "Ilalalp Olrl," No. I-Chlean>, IlL, Jao. 14-ru. 1 ■ nallay BlaTa"-MtrapblB, Tann., Ju. 11 NiUTllla I1-3SI Harrlxu'a EdaaM—N. Y. Rily Jar. II. tidalalla. Hlllmu'a. Mand>—Nawbnrf, N. W Ju. Il llOloT. amIUatt-ll Roar'r, Wn.-Boaloa. Maar., Ju. K-St. Uaaaon'a Badla-MaaaBald. O., Ju. 16, Rent ir.Salam II EaalLlraipoolie 8teDbanT|11at1,ParbarabBrB w. Ta., 33. MoOoualliv lla, C, 33, Logu II, Naw LaSlaa toB33. NoiiooTiiiaia • •• Uallan A Uaifa-aianaaoolla, MIbb., Ju. 16 SL FanI l7-19,Uhicae«,lU..Z>-rab.a! llamliloB'a Idaal Thnlia-fipaaeaTTllla. 0,Ju 14-11 BloirroB 11-36 nuBaaaT.Ureyla-Patla.Tax,Ju 17-19. DtBlroan-B. "—rth'a Josep)i->ltcbl "— •— " - - — Jth. K. r — ManTkl-H Baworth'a Joaaph-'PltchbBrg, Maaa.,'Ju'.Tt'^l^ila. M B, 17, MaaokaaTar ifZaacala 11 BaKST, . -I-H UolmaaBlal-eaatlBptaB, Fa, Ju. 17, Balrldar* U Oirardivtlla D, cSiuile U, WUUaaatova n, kSeS villa U "Bamptr Dnmptr," Bataa Bfoa*—Ploiaaee. Ala, Ju. 17, Oolambla, rima., IS, NaakvUla lt,OalSaIiriKtak iu.*ABowllBaOieaB Ky,,S a,BlaabtlhS Hoi Tanalaa'-Blaghamtaa, R.T., Jaa. U, BoiutoB Pa, 17, cartoBdaltMi wtltaabam l>,AlbfSiS n' Batdiag 33, roitiTllla 14, VUUanBiioit a, Builr "HoXar'-WBablBiloa, D. 0. Jaa. 14-11 nomulbr-ProvBuoa, R. I, Ju. 14-11. 'BandaAoroaa tha Boa"-WilllaaiatirwB, Maaa.,Ju li; Ctmblldia, R r, 17. Trey IB I*. • «">. i». IUInola Comedy aad Ooa«art-f 19, OwaaaolMt, Irlih Aitlal"-Kt*ark,H.J.,/an^l4-ItJBnSalo,N.T.. "In Old EutBoky," Ro. I-Balh. Ma, Ju. U, Buior 17 IS.ABinala 19, Dover, N H. 31,Muchaatar3f la. mc*,Mua.,l3,RLowall38.38. "la OM Ewtaur."No.t-Bnlblo,l(. V.Ju. 11-19,Sna. OBM 11-31. Wauilown34.0avago38. Corlludll "IntbaTandarlolB"—ClDclnBail,0., Ju.RI-lt. 'Iry LaaT'-N. T. Oily Jan. It-U^ Patatton, N. J., 31 Bfl>ab*lb33.Ttaatoatl ■In Ifea roolhllU"-WllkaibatT*, Fa, Jan. 11 ,IIvlIlal4,uu„„ Ooa«art-8I, Johna, Mich, Jaa It. Jrlab'HomMtaad"—laxioftoa.' Ky, Ju. 31, ParIa ta " .vevlUalXAahlaDd 34,OaUett" Va-16 EaUettaharg 36, Bnauagtooi JaaaM'a,IUila-AUula,aa,Ju. 16, 17, Angniuii Obarl«loD,S.O,ll "Jack aad JIU," Shaw'a-BaBta Barbara, Cti.. Ju. li- lt, BBuaTlalatt-n. "Jua"—WhaollB],W. Va,Ju II Dayton, n, la. .ITaaBa'a.Thoa W,—Porlland. Ore.. Ju. 14-19 A- Eaiidara, Mr. asd.Mra.-]f-T.01trJu. 14-11 Eoanedf'a Pitian-Fouauwn, Fa. Jbil 14-19 EaoDady'a LUUu-Butor, Mb,, Jaa. 11 Ananata lr-1'.i Bath WO. Eampton Oom«1y—RaDoa, 1!L Jan. 11 BoDor 17. Boopaaton 18 19. Butoalll-a, B«manl34-tl Eaoxb'l Thoa J.-8urord, Pla.. Ju. 11 Orlando 17 Bar. low 31. Tampa 3M>, Bt Fatarabara 3B. "Eld"-IadlasapollaIa<I..Ju. 17.19. Tyc«Boa Thaatrv; rrobnu'a—N. Y. City Jan. II, iDdaO. Bita. Lawla,' LUIlBD-BL Pul, Mint.. Ju 30-31 UaatlT■^ Mra-WtablBftOB, D. 0., Jan. 14-19, Brookli o. N.T., 31-31 larau^a, Oao. W.-4haroB, Fa, Ju. I4-U, Maadrllle 31-36. Lawla', Jasrara-Loa Anaalaa, Cal, Ju. 14-31 Lladlai'l Harrr-Lawlalon, MoWu. 14-11 Laopola'a ConadlaDa -Jae k aop,III, Jan. 11-19, Fort Ho. IBB 31-38. _ Lreanm Thaatre, Bharplay'a-Waatharford, Tax., Jan. 14-19, Oleboima3l-IS. Lowa'a Oomady-AnUiony, Ebb., Ju. 16, Xlowa 17-19. aarpar31-33, HadlelBaLodnsl-St. La Fellu Boia-MaiuDlla, MIoh., Ju. II17, NeaaoBaa IB, 19, Tihpamlng SM3, lion Koontala 34, Bapablla 2t, ObamploB 36. Lambart A Wlillama' Flayaia-^asoavllle, MIna., Ju. 14-19. Laer'a Darrr-Boehaalar, R. T, Jbb. 11 Syraenae 17-19. Lodar*", (Tbaa. A.-lBdlanapolla lod., Ju. 31-a Laator'a HlBBla-BUiahalh, N. J., Jan. 14-lt, Booth Nor walk.Ct. 31-31 "LoatParadlaa"-Fateraon, R. J, Jan. 17-19, Tianton 31, Bllubalh33 "LImllad Mair-BBBtlsxtoa W. Ta., Ju. II MayaTllla. Cy.. 17, Ftrli 11 UitBiloB 19. "Land ot Ibe Mldnlabt ean*,-BloghamloD, N. Y., Ju.» "Laat In Naw Yori"-Bt. loo1a,llo.,Ju. 19-19, Erani. villa. Ind., n "LlulaCbnatopbar"-ll T.CItyJu II, IndatBlla "LIUIe Trlila''-Wltkaabam, Fa., Ju. 17-19, Fhlladal- nhla 31-38. ^onliOB'a Lawta-Mootraal, Ou, Jan. 11-19, Beaton, MartewaV Ja'lla-BoatoB, Maaa, Jan. 14-11 MutaU'a, Boban-Dallaa, Tax, Ju. II17, Waco II Baa ABtoBloie,m. Aoatlnll, Branham 33, OalraalOBs, 31, Uonaton 31U Maikla's Jaa. B-Brldgapoit, Ot, Jan. IS, It, ElbabaUi, N J, SL TrutoB 33. MaaiBaMia. Richatd-RtwOrlaua La, Ju 13,11 Mnrpbp'a. Tlm-Oraod BapMa. MIeb.- Jan. It. MoTTii', Felll-Dalnit, Mich., Jan. 34-31 Mslvllla Oomadlau-LaUyalla, Ind, Ju. 17-19, DUT||1^ III. 31-38. HBrpby*a, Joaapb-Eulu Oily, Ho. Ju. 11-11 Topoka, Eu,3l. Laavaowortb Il,St Joaapb, Mo., 33, Omaha, Mab.,r4-31 MtrkB'BroB.'-Ba11arll1a,Oat, Ju. 14-19, OUawa, Cu., 31-Fab. 1 MartlBot-a, Badla-BoatUa, Waib., Jan. 31,33. MoTartkT'a, Dao-Waabhigtoo, D. 0., Jan. 14-19, Albur. H. Y.,343l • . ' "MoFaUdaa'a EtopomaDl"-Bridgeport Ct. Jan. 11 "Mu WIlbOBC a Conalty" —Bolton, Maaa, Jan. 11-19, Barlam,N.Y.,31-:l "Mbm. Sua aaBa"-N. Y. City Ju. 14, lodelnlu. "Muud Woman"—Kanaai Olty, Mo., Jan. 14-19. "My Parlnor-BrootlrB. H. Y, Ju. 14-19. "MoNnlly'a TliU"-Iadluapoila. Isd, Jbb. II Braail 17, PrlBoalon 11 ML Tanoa U, EraoavlUa 30, Tarr* Baoie 31, OrouBald 33, l>Bjlon,0., 33, Plain Olty K Bprlag- taMB. "Hagla Tal1imaB"-Raadln(, Fa, Ju. It-U. "■ilkWbltaFIaa"-N V.Ci^Jan. ll-lt. "MoCanna'a FlIrtBllODa"—Ban Fruclaeo.Cal, Ju.14-19. Nobla'l Hllton-D«a Molo«^ la, Jan. 18 NalUrtola'a, Olga — Bartam, N. Y., Jaa. 14-19, Aibur31,33. NoM'JolliUaa-Jaokeoa.TaBB.JaB. 11 HaHonoUa, IlL. 11 Aona 19. MorpbyaboroXl JatfartOB, Me., 34, OIlalOB 36. ■•Komlnaa"—UlUa B,-ok, Irk- Ju. 31. ''Maw Boy," No. 1—RnSblo, N. Y., Ju. It, Toronto, Ou., 17-11 eBlllmore,Hd,3l-IS- ■ Naw Bor." No.3-FoaaUlk>, Ida. Ju.16, Bolre City 17, Walla WalU, IFaata, 11 Fonland, Ora., 31-33, Taooaia Waab, 34, taaula 38,16. Q'NalU'a, Jamae-Fluabnrs, Fa, Ju. 14-11, WhaeUog, "Okl Jad Praoiy '-Troy, N. T, Ju. 17, Albuy 39. "Uor FUt"-SL FmI. Minn, Jan. 16, MlnnaapolU 17-11. "UM Farmer Bonkloa"—Hana da Qiaoa. Md, Jan. 16. North Ban 17, Bikuo 19. MUdlatoaa, Del, 19, Smpma 3l,DoTaT3iaaoraatovB39. "Old Homaatoad,"niompaDa'a-N. T.OIlyJu. Il-Aprll 37. '-Oparator"—Ban Praualaca, Cel., Ju. 14-19. "Old aiory"-Indluapoiia, lod., Ju. It, Daealar, 111., II Bt LoBla, Mo.. 30-38. "0i)rarT>lM''-TToy.N.Y..Ju. 16, UUoa 17, Byraonaa 18. Cbloago. IlL. 10-11 "OIT the Earth"—BallUBOia, Md, Ju. 14-19, Bailem, N. Y.,ll-M "00 iba Bowary"—WUkaibam, Pa, Ju, 17, Borulon 18, Baadlag 19, PhiladalpblaSl^ ■'Ob tha Mualaiippf-riuahnrg, Pa, Jan. 11-19, Olncln. nati 0 ,39-16. Palmar'a, A.M., Btoct-Boatoo. Maaa, Jan. 11-11 FHton^a, (^n«—Lima. 0, Jan. 14-U, Foatorla 31-31. Paraar a, FaBllne—Soranlan, Fa. Jan. 14-19. Pringla'a Johonla—Daadwood, S. D, Ju. ll-3tlL Bpaai- aih31-3t. PouarBallaw-RlebmaBd, Ta, Jan. 11 Norfolk 17, 11 WllmlBgloo, DaL, 11 Wllkiabam, Fa, 31, sorutoo 33, WIUlaDuport a, Lueutcr 31, Raadtag 3t, Allen, town 16. PolBam'a Ealla—Bpruna, Waab, Ju. 11 Brokua 1119, Ooiru 3L Moaeov.Ida.a. Pnllman, Waah;,!), Walla Wa'lt 34 FandlaloB, Ore, 31 Baker olty 31 Bolae Olty, Ida, 3B. PaliaV Mabol-Natohea, Mlaa. Ju. 14-19. PaopIa'aTbaairo, BookwaU'a-Foultaay. Tt, Ju. 14-11 Fatti Boaa Oomady-Meinphla, Tana, Jan. Il NaabTltla 17-19, Obaltuooaa 31. " EanTaf'-HaahvlUa, Tans., Ju, 18,19, Mamphia 31-B. "Faaalog show," Ko. 1.—Claelouil. O., Jan. 11-19, BoatoB, Maaa, 31-31 "FrodUal Uuihur'-BiTlam, H. Y, Ju. 14-11 "PaialnBBbn«,»No. 3—New Orlaaoa, La, Jan. 13-11 Mampta'p,TaDO, 31-31 "Power ol^ tha Praar'-BalUo, N. Y., Jan. 14-19, Fltla. bntf. Pa, 31-3B. ■'FBwBTIeaet3IO."-Ohloa(0,IU, Ju. IS-H ■■FoUea Patfof'-Naaark, N. J., Ju 17-19, Fatanon 3M1 "Frodlxal Pathat"—Bavaaaah, Oa, 'Jan. 16, Jaokaon. vlll*,l'la. 11 "Power or Ookf-Brooklra, R. T., Ju. 14-19. ■ Faok'a Bad Boy," Waatan-OlneuBaU, O., Jas. l4-'t. ■Rnaaea'a Sol Bmllh-LlttU Bock, Ark., Ju H, Mom. A* pbla,Tun.lrll Rohaoo^a, Stnart-CtaolBBalU O, Ju. ial9. Baad'a Bolaad-Broohlyn, N, T., Ju. 14-11 faglnawtl, Otand Baplda 31, Hlokait aTrMbtdonia-Eelaaa, Moo, Jan. 11, MtryaiUto, 17, Ureal Falla IB Badmogd DramaUfr-Wlonabaao Olty, Mlu, Ju. 14-11 ladmoad Dramauo—Wlonabaao 01 BInaBanbOily ll-m SobinaoB^a PnbJ.—Oaoaola Pa, * BohiBBOB^a PnbJ.-Oaoaola Pa, Ju. II II FbllMpa- bBrgll,31Woodludtl,3l,Olaai0ald 31, HOannoni' TlllatBLIP Bhoadsa-, SItty-Wavatly, N. T, Jan. 14-lt, Plttstoo, Fa Sl-3t ■'Kuih Our"—Woreaatar, Maaa., Ju. It. Broehton 17, Naw Radloid 11 Pall Bivarlt, BMtoBtl-U Blea'a Btoak-Coitlaad, H. T„ Jan. 14-U; Oaaudalgoa ■'Rn'alu6cBadron"-PalcoB,CoL,Ju. 17, TQcaon, Arlt, I13D. FonDIUonll. "Bailroad Tiokaf-8L Faal, Mian., Jan. u-u, Mmoa. apo1lalO-S6 "Roah Oity"-Boataa, Mas, Jan. 31-36. Colhara'a. B. IL—81 Lonla, Mo, Jan. 14-19, Clnolooall. O 0,31-36. Vawud'i Hiaala-OarUtla, Pa, Ju. ll-U, lluovii 31-36 aaimnnr-BlriltOB-talaBl, N. J.. Ju. 14-11 Balvlnfa Alai.-I>asvar, Ool, Jaa. 14-lt, Omaha, Nab, 31-11, lloinav, Bhaa^a noa B.-Horaa1laTllla. N. T, Ju. It-IP, Jamaa. town 31-39. BollWaB^a. JobB I. -Omaba, Rab. Ju. llOOBnanBluD*. la, 17. Falla Olty, Nab. 11 LlBeolB 11 et Joaapb, Ho.. •I, Atahlaoa, Ban. 33. Toiaka XI, Uwraua 14, oiuwa 31 La«Tuvortli34 Bulbrd'a WalUr, Btook-Boatoa, Maaa, Ju. I4-n Moot- naLVaB..n-a Bwanwood Dtamatio—BoahaalL DL, Ju. 11-19. Bnlly'a Dan-Wilkaabaira, Fa. Jaa. M. Bbiob BUUif—lotlal. IlL, Jaa 31-11 Bawialla Oiamaltc-Naabnt, N. B., Jan. 14-lt, Muehii' Ur 31-31 Bblooar'aOtia-Bntkl>i>,N.T., Ju. 14-11; BalUmora, Md., 31-36 ^ "mill AUrm"-Navark, H. J., Jan. 11 BUiahelh 17, Trao. ton 19. ■■Bpu of Ll(a"-Daa Molaaa, la, Ju. 31, 31, bane, worth, Ku.34. ■«MaTnetad,"jBlaWBltara^-Alaiudria, lBd.Wu. If. Biwood^lT MoBlpaUti U, KaadaUilUa 11 DalniU ■■apldat ud ni>:-OBlaoy, III, Jaa. 19. ■DowtBi tba Wlad"-WaablBttoB, o. 0.. Ju. Ii-I». NaaaA,II.J,3l-ll ■nni* Aorai," llo. t-Boatoa. Has, Ju. 11-19. ■Wut* Aena'^ Roi B-TrwaioB, R. J., Ju. 11 Uaeaatar. riiS.ir7BairllbBn.ta Wtlbtmapoil II Tort BL Altoooa ap^kutajn a, teEeaaport ti7wbaaUac W. Va, >. ■«>WBdeBk^-ODlnBbu,'0, Jan. M-t8; Flttaban, Pa. ■«iiait Kb. 3'^WUI'awbait, T., Jaa. M-U; *, T. Olty