New York Clipper (Jan 1895)

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732 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaet 19. —'TheOrett Brooklyn nuidlc«p"itnn4ed»tUia Allumbn llieMro, UhlCHgo, Ju. T, wbea Uia pio- ptrtj of the conptor wu MUclMil for iMk Mltr- Iti. ne wTlu iurecl«il ttie oompuj'g aonnr tnd trankt, wblcb bid bton Hartd Id UieOrttaUl wire- boDM on Wat HtdUon Blraot, OtictfOi orlj Sdd- d»7 momlDf, ud vert lined Id fnor o( Bmiu FoMUe, Ksle ToDcnx, Adelaide Fltzelleo end Diveoport Sebn, Oeorgc W. MlddleloD, Jobn U. Wlllluu, ObirKe I^bler end fonr or are IllUe colored bore who wlib ibe comiiur. \at] wm tleo mtde on two borate owned bj fie comnnf ud kepi Is % eubio et TwentT Mcond ud 8l«t« Streete. Wllb (be comnoj, In one cipeolty or •noiber, were Ike (oar lllitentbtl llrotbei»-ObreT, I. H., Huiael iind llenrr, ell of Kelemeioo, Hicn. I. M. Hiueniliel, who le CDieged In tbe proitnu Kommleeinn bulneie In Kelunuoo, wm eoppoMd to owD the (bow end oil tbe brother! tMleud Id III nMnegonioot. Mori of the codidmij ere bcMod u fer three wccke In their eelirlee. — Wm. 0. Bennilen, clarloneiilek bae Joloed U<Te B, l.eTl'e "Uucle Jaeh Sprncebj" Co. — Budnueter Uoianey hti wrlK«D a new nurcb eoDi for Mitle Kibel LlDdler, enilUed, "Boomp-ii- llldoy, Uoon, Boom t" Bpaldlng k Qrsr bare tbe compoilUon Id the prcm. — Alei. Klllnwood repoiie good bnalncee (or hia compaor tkna far tbie aeaton. Tba roaicr: W. II. Ilartlian. Uarold Vlner, Jamea Halaldr, Dame Broa, Uw llcUord and wKe, I.llllaD Boicr, Qacenle Foje, Leitli Bkeppard, Harlllo llaileU and Pro(, ilarrr Urralne'a band and orchcaiia, iDcladlngt Uatrr Lomlne, Orrllle Walion, Jacob Fettle, Frank Belraondt, (leorge Ouninilon,/aniea HoLaca, Harry Oaoiliell.aeo. nice and Wmiam Weir. Tlioa. Rllln- woiid la aole proprietor and naoaiier. Mr. F.inn. wood baa pcrcbaaed tbe actinf dos "Halor," lately Importad from Bwlucrland. "Haior" will play an iniporUDt part In Mr. IlarUgan'a new play ''Ni. agaia." — Notea froo tbe lllinole Oomady and Oonocrt Co.: We art now la our Ktb week aod are dolai a good bnalDeaa. F.ferybody la bappy, Obaa. Bkel- cber la mtklni a bit wtib Obaa. K. Ualn'a laleat aoDg, "le LKe Worth iilrlag A(iar All." There ban not MOD any cbangra made In Uie company ainoe we opened. Tbe roater: Kobena and Allmon, Fred Bargy. Uan Iladaon, Uatrr Holrey, Ilert nodeon, «lbu. Bkelober, rro(. B. d. Undaoo and Hra. Uarry MnlTay. We wlllbe In Obloln ibree weeke. — Oeo. \r. JackaoD, adferttalng repreteDlatlreof OllgL 0. Ford'a -AmerlcaD Dero" Oompany, hu beeo tranB(erred to Ford'a Ununallo Company, re- plaolDg Olarenoe U. Ilarland, who retiree. — Obaa. Oodard boa beeo coDDeoted wllb tbe Uoore comedy Uompaay alace laal Noreoiber, wbKn be oloaea ibo tsar of lile own conipaay. Mr. Oodard aaye ha doea not eipeot to make agy at- lampi at management again (or eome time. — Noiea from iba Bpoonen: "We opened oar Indiana olrooli at Lafayette, In 'Inee,' to B. R. 0. Uarltog Welle baa Joined for leada, and Harry JackaoD for comedy and alaga management Tbe roator: Mna May, I'eell Bpooner, Ollre Orore, Hol- lle a. Bpoooer; U. B. Bpooner, manager; Will Ho- Alllalxr, InelDOaa manager: Harry Jacteon, lUgt manager; Uatlton Wella, F. 8. Oall, Traman Jobn- eon, H. K. Bpooner, C. C. Palmer, and Roy N. Uair, mailcal director. — Ud leemlDg of Uie death of May BacklDtbam, wblcli oconred at (.oDliTllle, Ky., morning of Jan. a, Hatlla Oolden, manager o( Lincoln i. Oartar'a Northom "Fatt Hall" Co., of which tba daceaaed badbeoD amember(or tlio put Dto yean,called tbe oompany logeihor In the hotel parlor at upper Baa- duiky, n., aad Otilng reaoloUoDa ware paaaed expreaelnj grief at tbe death of tbeir former com- panion. Teiegranu of oondoltnce wert eeal lo tbe memben of Uie family, and aucb oUier action taken aa waa deemed proper. -Noiea of DaTla' "D.T.O.Co. (Weettm): Bnil- neeacoDUanea good wllb ibia ibow, allbong there wu a ptrcepiiule drop off In tbe aKendance Itatoagb the noHday wttka. Freaania, nnmeroat and ooetly, were given and raotlTed on Obrtalinu and on new Year'a Day. At BprlngOald, III., tbe oompany wucalledon ilieatage,and wllbneatand approprlalaapoeobea by oar gonial alage maaagor, Aaa unmnlni. Leader 11. A. vinderoook wu pre- aanlad witb a gold beaded cane, aod Korrtat Mo- OlUard, car mall man, wItb an laliial ring let In OlamoDdB. Uarry L. nation, barlione eololat, Inlned Oeo. >8, and la a valaabla addlUon to oar bead and ortheilm. A leading Obloago Orm of toanlo arlla a bare Jnat llnlebed and ablpped na a oomplete new eel of epeolal acenery. Obanea roonuaD, donble drummer, Joined 80, and 1^ P. Yoang, comedian, Joined Bl. Wltb tbe eictpUon of ban colda Ibo company la In excellent bealtb, and all are doing well. — "MoMnlly'a Vlali" ttporla meeting wllb ino- otat oa ibe road. Uoiineea Manager Will Bbade wlUiooa begin 10 book Umt for ntxtietaon. It la alto ptooalile Uallblaieaaon, wblob wu originally Uitendeil is lui natll tbe middle of March, wlU be extaiDded Into April or May. — Hat Gray hu reopened Ike Obarlotle, N. 0., Opera Bonae. — Jala Waltart la Diaklng elabonta preparatlona for bu new play, "A Money Otdtr," to be prodooed neit leaioD. The alar pan, wblon Mr. Wdlen will play, la that of a iramp, but of a dlObnnt type from (be one be now porintye In "Side Tracked." — Kotoa and roaier of Ibo fiareka Theatre Co.: 0. R. Ooddtrd, proprietor and manager; Jamea Qod- ley, iiagt manager; Liaander llouk, Fiogene rbelpe, Ubu. Fonta, U. N. Bweet, adrance; Oleo Benoir, Oeraldlne Lealle, Mra. G. Kydon and LliUe lluel. Thoyroportoxoellonlbnalneee. Ubtlaunu Kre UioT wen banqueted by the management of Ibe Opera llonee, Kenny, alter wblob tbe company preaenied Mr. Qoddard wliba Congo wood walking allok wltb allyer inonntlDgi, inllauly Inaorlliod. In teiom, eaob member of ihe eompany recalled a praaent from Mr. Qoddard. Among tbam new tripa, irunki, hale, wltb a flre dolbir bill for eaob. liaa Benoir wu preaented wltb a ihopbotd dog Kppy. Tbolrroniefortbeiemalnderotlbeecuon a tomugb llllnula, Mlaaourl and Iowa. — Will T. Burnaldo, wboaa mother, Mn. Mary G. Thoineaou. died recently Id Woaterly, It I., learlng a will In bla faror, li ediiing a weekly paper at Bnohnnan, W. Va., and hu beeD lliua eDginod for the pati two ytara. Joa rickeni, o( Newton Beera' Compaoy, who aaw tbe nnia in lut wcek'a Ourrin, uting (or tbe wbercaboulaol Mr. Bom- ilde,aenda na tno abiio>ln(onnailon. — Uol.M.A. Baiea'UntniaUo Co. will aurtfrom Meuipbia, Mo., Feb. 4, wllb alxtecn people, a unl- fomied band and orohoatra. — Tbe Upera Uonae, llaaung, Minn., wu burned to the gtouDd Jan. e. It wu ibo only place of amuaemeDt In tbe town. I*, arlillo, tbe pnpttolor aod manager, laya be will rebuild tbe bonte Id time lo book for oexl Fall. —Jaa. B. Mackia will have "The Side Show" en- Urely rewritten for next eeaaon. Uo will produce "Ortmei' Ci ller lioor" Feb. 4, with many new membtn In ble oompany. Cf the nieacni company be will retain Loulao Sanford. KItile Qllmon, U. K. Moealer, Jobn r. HoDonald, Hurt J. Kendrick and Waller A. I'bllllpa. lie will add the OoUum Oily ijuariel, J. Ueniy Micke, Kaio Wcelon, Uattle Kent, eoptano, and Uoroiby Kent, conlialio, and Nell Lllobeold h Joalab Qrlmea, the eccentric Tankeo. Hualncaa la reportcd|to be good, and bu really picked up all down Kut "'rbe Side Bbow,>" Mr. Maokle writea, "bu prored a good Bleca of propoilT, and, although really liooked for ID wseka, liu played Iweniyaeren etialgbl weeke wiikoul lotlng a night, anil, witli only oat axoep- tlott, bu prorea a moneymaker fnra tbe itart. I Bbali play back over tbe kanie tome to oae the old paper np for Ihe i>our,' and have all new paper for liolb abowa next aeaaou. Wltb my bntber u half partner In my ventare^ I aball open early Id Aognat-lD Name, u uaual." — Marlon Mttobell left Hoie Oogblan'a Company on Jan. 11 and lejolncd the rotieMlellew Company U. — Uoward r. Taylor wrllea na regarding a com. plaint wblob hu appeared Id print, fnm Die mem. bera of Ibe "Maine and atorgla" Oo., that tbey werenotpaldlora per(otmance In Oamden,N. J. Mr. Tkylor uii: "Itrmlt me u Iba anibor and owner of <Ualne and Qoorita,' te atalo ibat compuy, without an excepilon, agreed to oonaldar that perinimanoa a dieu rebearaal, prepaialory lo cpaDing Ibe following Monday in rbilaoe)pbla,aBd II waa explicitly underaiood that no aalary wu atlaohed lo It Not a member demnned." — Notea from Ualta Bn>a.> "llumply Unmplj" 00., No. I: Wean aim In tbe Bontb, and, alibongb wabaie bad cold, wet weather, beeldee tbe low price o( ooilon lo work agalnat, we an doing a good bualneaa, and ererybody le well and bappy. The oompaity la the aame Ibat we opened wllb, wifh the excepilon of two. Mr. PIroeatel, orobettn eader, oioaed on aoconni of alckneaa, aad Mt. Oookly, baa and tnba, oioaed to atland to pnpaiti be baa an Intanai Id. Both bare been aeeeplably epiaoid. OarbandandonheatiBtreblgfeMDr —Kenplan Comedy Hotea: L. A. Kampton bu Jnat Dnlaned a ancceami tour of Mexico, playlag 'Tbe Flnnger." At Hontmy we wen compliment ed by tbe OoTemor who occopled a box. "Itie Flnnger" tna Ibe only prodncUon.eliber In Bpulab or Engltib, be bu erer honored wllb hla preaence. Dnrtng the perfonnance the ladlea of tbe company were each preeented wltb bandaome aonronlra- L. A. Kempion, u the Flonger, made an Inalantan. eona bit, the apeclalty work of unrti Ober, u the T^wrlter, and Cam Bally, u Simeon, were well Retired. Car advance agent met the company on their arrival, anayed In a red bUtnket aod a«m- brero, which canaed a great deal of menlment — Waif r 0. Bolto bu lelt ihe Lew Dookatader MiDalrel Co., to accept tbe management of Oeo. T. Rranat' 'The Two Fainu" Co., which will opto lu •etaon Mareh 10, Iniuad of Fabmarr 4, u had been originally Intended. — 0. W. neckley bu recently aaanmed tbe man- agemtntef Clint a. Ford'a iccnlo production, "An Amtrican Bera." — Maerlce De Wilt la atlU wllb tbe Pat Ilooner Comedy Oo. In tbeIr farce comedy, "Lord nooney.'' — Jo*. M. Oallea, anther of "A Railroad Ticket," "A Wild Duck" and 'Iba Electrician," bu gone to Farli, Fnnee, In aearch of maitrlil for hit new play, lie tiMCta to ntom May 1. — Note and lloater fnm tbo Robtrt A. FUk Co.: Mr. Flak bM rtorganlted bla compaoy and II now IDclodei: Minnie Adelle Dip, Lena llahn. Mre. An- drew Olauford, A. Olaaaford Sr.. Harry cordon, W. C. Relllm, Fred O. Olp, Jaoea Olbaon and Pro(. Wm. Boou, leader. Tbo npertoiy bi"Pre Tern" and "lilt MliUke." Tbe company are now lonring Weatera New York Btala. — Otu Yelton will aaaome Ihe management of tbe Newton, III., Open llooae oo Feb. I. — Lillian Tower, lata of tbe Seymonr-Biration Dremallc Co., la nported lo be very III at tbe City Uoapltal, BomoD, Mata. — Cbarlee Crepewin la playing with Wllla' "Two Old Oronlea" In Philadelphia, Pa., tbia week. Lil- lian Wooda and la Cbeveller Bliltra have alto Joined the company- — Wanen Aabley, Frank Olayton and Robert Oonnell cloeed with tbe "Ohi What a NIgbt" Co., being nplaced by Maurice Wblib, Bobby Bryant and Etbel Lynlon. Following la Ibe roaier of "Chu. A. Loder'a Ucmedlaot:" Onu. A. Loder, manager and proprietor; U. R. Illckok, treuorer; Baoka Wlnlar, Mannce WhUh, Bobby Bryant, U. 0. Cub- man, John Foley, Etbel Lynton. Evelyn Temple, AllleManball, Minnie HcAvor, Nellie and Llezle MoOor and Mn. Obu. A. (Ader (Ruby I.ylion). — Eldrede A. Blela aenda tbe following from MaiiUion, N. Y.: >Tbe Townaond 'Oapt Racket' Co.. In reality oioaed eeaaon at Wbllney Point, N. Y., Dec. SI, but we managed to pell oat and Mr. Townatnd and wife (Lillian Oarllile) and miaelf and wife) managed to reach here. On Jan. i Mr. Townaend and wife left aod we were lert here alone, but will probably get cot 0. K." — Paulino Markbam, well known eaveTtl ycare «go aa a bnrloaqner, annonncea that eba la In abac Inte want, aod aaya the Onda It impoaelble to get an engagement Two yean ago, while itarrlng In "llerllDtband," In Ualarllle, Kv., MUt Markbam fell Id an txcavallon and bnit btr Itg. 8bt brengkt aolt agalnat Ibe oontraclon of tbe buUd- IDR when tbe accident occurred, and got a verdict for ta,ooo. Tbe caae wu appealed, and ellll awalti Dual adjudication. Since that time the hu iieen unfortanale In ber engaiementa, and la now, aba clalma, pracUealiy llvTog on tbe charily of ber boarding bonae keeper. — A will bu Jnei bean llled for probate In Ban Fnnoltco, Cel., which Itavot tbe ettale of Hia. Jennie Paraooa to Minnie Adama Itrooke, and la the olotlDi cbapltr of a tlraoge ttory. Mn. Itreona WM oae of tbe Maodavllle Slaiera, well known In tbe pnfetilon yean ago. she wu one of ibenaa- lengen on tbe etetmer Paciflc, loat oif Cape Flat- tery, In 18TS. She left nearly In hank, which wu turned over to tbe Public Adrolnlitnior. Hela- Uvea of Ibe woman'a buaband eatabllahed a claim, when Mn. Brooke eamtforward wlibabolognpblc will, which wu found In a botuc wuhcd unore from ttat WTtck. Tbt will It in tht form of a letler to herdanghler br ber lint butband, and bu Jnat been found, after being niaatd tlxtcen yean. — Clan Ilelle and Cbarlet Jtromt, botb mtmbcn of ttat Ward and Voket Co., wtre marrltd Jan. B, in Buiraio, N. Y. — Cbarlet n. noyl, who It a member of tba New Htmpabire Laglalalnre, la amnging to take bla entire onnpany, now playing "A Black Sheep" at tbe Park Tbeaire, Beaton, Maaa., to Concord, N. II., 10 give an afternoon perfonnance before the law- muen. A tpeclal train wUl carry tbe company aod ttair of Ibe Park Theatre to Ooucord, and re- tarawllb them lo Beaton Intlmefortbaevanlag poiformaaot. — Cbarlet B. Hopper will open ble itarrlng tour In Lecuard Orovtr tod Clay If. Orttne'e pbty, "Tne Vale of Avoea," In Wublngion, I). 0., Jan. in. — Ida Fnbawk, a member of Fanny Iiavenport't Co., wu mamed Jait 3, In tbIa city, lo Lvowood Palmer, an aniat, well known u a painter of hnnct. — Tloltt Anbny and any Bailtr (non profet- tlonal), wen marrltd Jan. 10 at the Churab of at Mary Ibe Vlriln, tbIa olty, the Rev. Ur. T. UcKee Diovn onielallng, — H. amtlan Donnelly liu been engaged to irrlie a new farce oomeily for Nellie MoUeory. — "Don'lTeU ller Bueband," the new comedy by Angualua Tbomu, wblob waa recently pnrohaacd by Obarlet Frebman, will be given a copyright per- fonntnoe Jan 16. al tbe Clobo Theatn, London, Eng. — In Ibe caae of tbe Uolled Statea agalnat We- myu Ilendenon, Ibe CIrauit Uonri of Appeait of tbli olty decided Jan. 10 that theatrical coitnmet abonid be admitted to tbia connlry dnly free u loolaotlrade, alUiongbihe coatumea an Imported for tbe UM of employee of a Arm of which toe Im- perttrlaamember. Thia deolalon nveraeaa decl- alon of Jadge Bhlpman. Dotlea on ibe ooelamea bad been paid UDder proteat — Barafoe Wbaeler wu graoted a divorce Jan. T, In Kinau Clijr, Mo., from Edmund K. Wheeler (non prefeealonal). —Tbe Bnprame Oonrt of tbe United Statea bu itt tbt oue of Oharlolte Ewer agalnel tbe Siaie of New York for bearing on tbe leoond Monday of nrxt term. TbIa la Ihe caae of La Regalonolia, Ibe child dancer, who wu taken oirtbe etage oo account of ber lontb by tbe Oerry Soolely, and Invulvea Uie vallillty of tbe atatnte under wblob that aoclety opentea. — Knnk C. Qrimiba bu begun inlt In tbt Muni- cipal court, Boalon. Matt., agalnit Mre. Langtry to noorcrlMB. Mr. arimitawu ber manager during tbe eeaaon of latl-j, and clalma that the amount he toaa for la a balance wblcb la due him. The nrlgl- oal amount which Ibe plaintiff clalma to have ox- etnded la tl.eae, but tlila la reduced by the receipt y him of 11,200 from Mme. Modjnkafor a aeaaon'a natal of Mn. l-angiryia parlor car. Mr. Orlllliha baa agreed to allow ibe eaie to go over nnttl the >le- ftDdaDl It In Ibe tIcIdUv of BottoD. Mn- Ungtry denlet owing bim anything. —J. C. Otoomi, itDor vocallai, la tptcUUly en- gaged for Uie Ottawa, Can., Winter Carnival, Jan. 11 and week, u aololat Mr. Crooma, we an In formed, will lake out a company next ataaon, un- der Ibe management of A. U. F. Southerhind. — Mra. Bydney llama Jr., who, u Kluy Brady, waa a popular aoclely girl In tbIa cllv aeveral aea- eona ago, and who le conaldered a good amateur actreu, la. It la annonnoed, preparing to go on tbo eiage. —Tbe Acton' Praleollve Union of Beaton, Man,, are agitating a movement for aeouring for aoton an amendment lo tbe elaoilon law wnenby ibay will be allowed to vote Id tbe place when ibeir pro- feailon mav call Ibtm od ileeuon day. — Wm. U. Cnne bu decided lo call bla new cooedy, by Martha Morton, "Uit Wlft't Father," Inaiead of "Father Vennt Bon," u originally lo- ttnded. — Notee mm Carpenter't Jnvenlle Cinderella Co.i Willie Strlogfellow and Mamie Knoir were each preaented recently wltb a diamond ring by A. ". Petnon. We are playing loioodbnilneaa. — Roater aad Nolaa or Sawtellc'a Uramiile Co.: Jetale Bvana-Sawtella, liello HteveDaon, Winona, Urlilgta, Florence Mack, Laum Dnrrll, Baby Jouc. Ulaienoe Qeldtrt Oeo. II. Summon, Joa- W. Glnutl, Uarry Bewley, Kinrit Rice, J. B. Price, I.. K. l)oane, R. a. Wbllller, George II. Miller, M. A. MoAdami, 0. A. Fiene. Emit Koennnoke, K. P. Wbltoorab, John I(. MallbeWB, Jaa. H. Cole, W Beaold, U W. Baraea, J. W. Smith, H. K. Beldeo. J. Al. Sawteile, aole proptlelor and manager: Walter Aibmno, ad- vuoe agent; Geo. II. Ulller, mnalcal director. Onr eeaaon bu been cootned In New Rniland, and we are booked here for Ibe remainder of Ihe eeaaon. Bntlneta la eioellent Laat week we plaied to reoord breading bnalneu al tbe New THUton Theatre, Itenlon, Maaa. —"Lonlaltsna," a tentatlonal diama In four tola, by Lao Bale, will leocln lia Initial production la Manb. — Fmnk W. Wilbur, maaager of Wilbnr'a Stock Co., Infoma nt Ibal lie oompany doted owing lo poor bntlneta. — Edward Amtdent Ootnadiana have cloeed nnlU Manb, when ttaey irlll open for a eeaaon et tea weeki. Fnnk Amadaa la at work on a play ei- Utled "A Sintnl wonao," which will uke Iha road aeilSeplefflber. — Lew H. Newcomb hu wittidnwn tion Frob- nant Wcttem "Jane" Co. and bu Joined any * WoodhnU't "Aunt Ballr" Oo. Mr. Ntwcomh In- foma na that be la wrltlnt a play In wblcb Bugo Ulcka will alar next aeatoo. 0- B. OIlHngwaitr, lata of "Tha Utile Cbtletopber' Co., bu aucceeded Mr. Newcomb In Ibe "Jane" Co. . „ .. — "Tbe Irlab Uomeatead," with Joaepb J. Mackle u the alar, opena tbe aeteon Jan. 91, at Lexing- ton, Ky. —Notes riomStaw and Otalg'a "Jack and JIU" Oo.: Oar bulnenconUnuea good. F.verybodr In ex- cellent beallh- We Bpent our Cbilrtmu m San Bernardino, Cel., and many pretenta were ex- changed tn tbe company. — Lydla Barry wu unablo to make ber appear- ance. Jan. II, at ibe Opera Bonae, lo Pattrton. N. J., In "Tbe RMIng oenenilon," on account of lllnctt. Her place wu fliled on abort notice by En Butler, a member of tbe company. —Clint 0. Ford, of "An American Uero" Co., bu engaged Prof. B. H. Band, aa director and leader of orckeatra. A new manb. by Antaor H. Cohen, la nanad "An American Bero." — Will B. Rlalng coniemplatet organizing a com- Mor (or tbe production of "opereiiu," which be will produce In addlUon to an entertainment en- titled "Songa Hluiiinled and Illuminated" upon tbe orderof entenalnmenia given by "Bnazelle" aod nenman Thompaon. Mr. nialng aaja that be will cater to lodgea, cbnrcbet and tocleilea deilrlng beoellta, and will have tbe aialaunce of eicelleni perfonnert. ^ — Oecrae J. Bnh requeita ua to elate that "Tbe Copper Lion" le an original romaDtledmma In (onr acta, and not a farce comedy. Meaan. Bub, Reed A Olarke own the dnma. — R. Dane Smith, recently advance agent for Janea B. Uackte'a "Bide Show," realgned bla pcal- llon at Wocnaocket, R-1-, Jan-1, and bu accepted tbe poalilon of bnalneaa manager for Lillian Ken- nedy. Joining her company at Portland, He., 7. -CharltaBluea "Colonel and I" Co. la reported 10 have cloeed at Scnnion, I'a., Jan. 6 wlUi lalarlea In anetrt. TEXAS OalTeitoD.—One of tbe eventt In tbe hietory o( the city occurred Jan. i, when tbe New Orend Open llonae, under Ibe local management of David A. Welt, WM opened, with Marie Walnwrlgbt, In "Diugbten of Eve." The building occnplra Ibree lute on Poet onico Strerl, between Twenlletb and Twenty.flnl Streett, bu a frontage o( UBft, la isoft deep, and It tear and Ovo elorlea In belgbt. Tbo aootta front of Ibe bulldlog la to be deroteu to hotel pnrpoeea, and contalna fifty rooma. The (rout or the building la o( St Lcula preteed brick, wllb alone irlmmlnga, and ornamenia of tern cotta. Tbt entrance to Uie open houee la on the ground floor, at toe eontbweat corner of the build- ing, and conalata of a oianlre and bandeomely carved none areb, twenty (eel In width, bearing the Inacrlpuon, "Open Bonae, IBM.'' Tbo lobby, aiiMd., la paved wltb Tntctn marble and It exqnitlttly deconted. Tbe box once Is located on Die right u one enten tbe bnildlng. Paaalna tbia tbe auirway la reached, alxteenfeet In width, ccnalating of adonoatapa which lead to the foyer, elxty feet In lenglb by twoniylnvldib. eninnce to which la effected by meana of Ibree folding dcotv. Tht newel poet le entmounied by a haodaome gu llxtan conaliling of a group of etatnary In illf er, npreatnllngLovt't Victory and Including tbt llguret of Cupid, Payobe and liymen. Immediately above and extending the full longtb o( the (oyer la a piece of grill work, 3ft. In width, making a pleulog effect Tte bal- cony foyer dupllcatea the one below, and In the aouili end It bu a Bnolyexecnted acene. Tbe doora of bulb foyen an panelled in artlatic doilgna and bong with bronze blngea. Tbe Uoore and ataltwara are covered wllb Wilion velvet of crlmion color. Parlon (or ladlea and gentlemen are to be found on each elde when one ttept open tbt paiqueite floor. Tbe alalea are wide and convenient The entire ground flwir la given up to parqueile aeata ttaere being no family circle or pit Tbe aeata are formed In a olr- ole and are pitched downwarda. Tbe aeata are folding pingb covered open obaira, flnlabed In oak wltb plenty of room between tbe rowa. The balcony aeata are almllar to tbote of tbe parqueile vrlUi tbe exception that tbey an contlructed of quarter sawed oak and veneer. Tbe baoke o( Ibe aeals are veolllated grill work. Tbe protection to tba balcony and gallery conalata of nicklo plated nil- Ing abort tbe bannlaten, tbe woodwork all being In white and Ivory. Then are eight boxea, two on each Bide of tbe parnoette floor and two on each Bide o( the balcouy. Tbey are flulahed In white, gold and silver wltb pale blue pink and old rote illk and damatk dnpenea, itae darker colon gradually lightening towarda tbe top. Tne grill work on the celling c( tbe bnxet Is c( tbt moet elegant detlgn, canoplea o( Moorlab dealgn o( white and gold and blue and pink covering them. Tbe banla- ten environing tbe fnntt of ibe boxee are flulahed In white and gold, tbe top being coveted wlih crlraaon and pintb and inrmonntcd by allver railing. Tbe tealing capacity of tbe bouae li aboni l.MO. Tbe walnacoallng Ihronghont Ihe building la of yellow bard pine, flnlebedin harden, while tbe body painting la of a delicate ahade of brown. Over tbe etage the decorailona 01 tbefreize are elaborate. Including loren' knota, tropical flowen, raniloal Inatrnmentt, nutkt. play hooka and other appropriate emblemt. Tht tiage It teventy-flve feet wide, ilxty-elgbt feet deep and Blxty-elgbt feet high from ibt^oor to tbe gridiron, making It one of tbe largest ttagea In tbe Bute. There are two gallerlce for tbe handllngof acenery. bonae icenery being bandied from tbe tower and road aceneiT from the upper. The dreaaing rooma for tbe elan are on botb atdea of Iba atage, and be- hind Che boxca. tbo other dreaaing rooma, twelve In all, are under Ibe alage, and are fnrniabcd wltb hot and cold water, mlrron and dteating caacs. On tbe souniling board above Ibe alago la depleted tbo awakening of Love, conalatlug of Uirce flgure^ artlatlcally renderod. The drop curtain le a copy of a celebrated palotlngof Sappbo and her compinlont, there belogllve female flgnrea In all. The work la exrcoied in the moat arllitlo atylc and rellerta much civdil on Frank Cox, who executed It, and who wu alio the deelgner and ar- chitect nt tbe building- The open honee can be lighted by either oleciilolly or gaa, the former akine tioing uaed upon Ibe alage. Ileal It enpplled by two botair fnrnacet. PtolccUon from Are la ample and the exits are nnmerona and euy. Freeh air la teoored by meana of a large ventilator In the cell- ing and an ample number of windowa. The open bouae proper la aopareicd from the hotel by an atr abaft eight reet In width. Tbe aconitlo properilea an pronounced almoai perfect Tht opening nigbt In tbe Grand Opera Bouae wu a aucceaa, and be- fore her departure from tbe city Mlaa Walnwrlgbt had preaented to her ibe aword of ber father. Cap. Walnwrlgbt commHUdrr of Iho United Statea Han of War llarrlti I.aue, who wu elain In baltle In Qalveaton Harbor, on Jan. 1, IMl. The bonding la owned by a Joint atock company, and wltb ground and flxturet cott lioo.oco. Uenry Oreenwall A Co., leaaeea; Davlil A. Welaa, local manager: U. L. Czollie, trtunrer; Edward Auailn Pond, chief naher of Ibe parqnelie; Leon Levy and U. P.Oautlre.aaalatania; Bud II. Uorrla, chief uaber of the balcony; Conar Walker and Mr. Ornfaman, aailiunta; doorkeeper of gal- lery, II. Ilti liert Adolpb Wilde, wltb tn able body of auUianta, will have charge of Ihe alaga. Doe: Jan. 21,24, RIobard ManaOeld; 2t, 18, "She." Marie Walnwrlgbt cloeed her engagement Jan. 6 lo a nod elaed audienco. TuxoKT Orsna boiqi.— Oladya Wallla preaented "A Olrl'a Way" lo a large audience 1. Bbe alao cloeed this bonte. Tbe leate of U. Oreenwall and comnany mnt nnill April 1, ms, when It le under- tiood that ihey will aire Ibe hooie np. Dnrlog the unexplied term of Ihelr leate 11 wlu only be used for ainalcur performancee. lloniUin.—At Sweeoey A Coomba'Opeianonte Uarle Walnwrlgbt Jan. a bad a crowded bonte, al adnnced pncep. "lu Old Keniuckv," 7, a, bad three lilg honiea. Pauline Uall, In "Dorcaa," drew well a. "Lady Wlndemere'a Fan" came lo, Rtaea U, Sam T. JacB'i Exiravaganu Co. It. Palici TuBiTwa.—Builnen It fair. Week or I: Antonio and Coocblb(MBrilnea,Malda Pope, Rihel Barlnw, Run Uall, Tnm Kelly and Flo Wllllania. Norrta.—A new opera bouae le again nadtrmu. ildeniion, liot ihia time It la an aaanted fact. The old bouee win be recosalructed; atalrcaaea Ibat have been ao diniciill and wrarlai'me lo climb. wMI be removed, and Ihe audllurlnm lowered lo the ground floor. ^ NORTH DAKOTA. Fargo.—At Ibe Fargo Open Bonae "Ibe Ooanly Fair" drew big boutes Jan. a, 10. Coming: la, RUMO A Swlfi'a "n.T.O."Oo.; 14, "Oharley'a Aunt;" ai, Jobn milon; 3), "Oor Flat" The patvo Dtaniallo OInb played "Breiber Agalnat Bntbar," la Qnad Forki, Deo.«. Toi followlog list of Cbrtatmu gIflB, txcbaaged by memben of Sam T. Jaek'e Oteolt Co., wat crowded ont of our lut lune. At a banquet ten- dereo Ibe compaoy by tbe maoager many baod- tome pretentt were exchanged, u follow: Maa- ager lahaw, a beanilfOly eoraved gold watoh, by the company; Tom Mclntoab, gold Onlabed umbrel- la and diamond auid; Fnnk Hallory, diamond aet K. of F. cbam and diamond ttod; Cbat. Jobntoo, (Old waUih: Hrt. Tom Molatoth, diamond ojr- hnp; Belle Davit, diamond ring: Mario Boberta. baodaomely engraved allver toap cate; Klitle Brown and Hits Merrill Bnrab each received dia- mond earrlngR. JiHU ABHSTBONO, (atber of Ju. J. Armtinng, tbt well koowo manager and booking agent of tau city, died In bla borne In Philadelphia on Deo. 24, after an lilnesi of three mooua, aged 73 yeara. Hr. Armatrong wai well known in tbe nudovllle pro- (taalon, and wu (or maoy yean conneeiad wltb B. K. KeHh'aBIJonTheaire.FhUadelpbla. Tbetaneral Kcrvlcea, held lo Philadelphia, werelarg'ly attended. Tbo nmalna were brought to tbit city by Jat. i. Armatrong, and Inlened In Calnty Cemetery on Deo, 27. Mints MiLi.tnos, of NelBon and Mllledge,wu taken III wlib La Orlppa after tbe performance at Uyde A Behman'a Tneatn, Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 7, compelling tbe leara lo cancel their entagement Tna EHMtTr Trio (Bob, Kl'ile and UUIao) will leave (or Auatnlla next June. ^ , LioroLo'B COMSDiiKS, nodcr the management of Bert Johnaon, opened their teaion at Jollet, 111., Jan. 7. Haiiy Leopold la tola owner, Ben Johoton, repnaentauve, and chu. Rotten, nuier c( tnna- ponatlon. Their louie laya In llllnola, Michigan, New York Bute and New Bntland. Mr. Leopold wu formerly o( tbo taenia ol Smith and Leopold, Leupold and Bunnell and Leopold and Green. MoAvoY AND May, Itau three Marvellea, and Bin- nleThornton have folned RuaacliBtca-'Comedlani- Feter S- Clark 1b now the manager, John Rnaaell. auge manager; Max Flelda, advance agent and Chu. Smlih maater o( properuee. Tht company report good bnalneta. ^ , .„ M. wiTMABi A Soxs Inform na that "Sbe'a All tbe World to Me," a new song recently pnbllahcd by them, la meeting wllta aucceat. NoTisPBOiiaiLDBRre' UnwnsLS-WoflDd bu - neai very good tbn.ngb Weatem New York. All tbe bora are well. Tbe Enire Nona Qoariei Joined na at Middletown. Johnnie Tnlnor la Juai u comical u ever. Walter Bmlib la making apio- nounced tucceea alnilog Cbaa- K. U>rrlar"Wnile Ibe Danre Ooea Oo." De will alng Mr. Barrla' lateat balled enutled "Mod Fie Dajt," ttaning next week. BSN LXATirr, and not M. B. Leatltl, la Ibe man- ager o( the BIJOU Theatre, Palenon, N. J. M. B. Leavlit la In no way connected wllb the Dense. UowABp Fowsaa denies that Oeo. B. Rli^ bu purcbaaed tbe iltle, priming, wardrobe and para, pherntlla cf Barlow, Dolaon A Power'a Hinatnle. Tax Pablox TaiATRS, Unlntb Mlon.,cloaedJu. 6 for repalre. The Welcha have led for California (era ahurtatar, where tbey will onduce Ueir three act comedy dmma, "Trtrance Brady, Eiq." Bd- roond Welob bu managed the above theatre (or aeren jeata. The bonu reopene March 4. Froh Mauara's Oolobid MiNSTBtLS.-We an Ibe only colored abow on the cout now. Jack Mahan and Fred Hyers, oor ageota, bare been vlalUng ua Mr tbe lut few daya, and ihey have made arrengementa to take tbe company lo Uono- luln (or two weeke In Harcb. Barry Fiddler bu arrtvid (rom Indlanapolle, where be has been dur- ing niB motber'a tUueu. . ^ ., MiUBH AKb RuasiLL (Hr. and Mra. Jobn Kane) mourn tbe lota of their uitie daughter, who died at HInneapolla, HInn., Dec21,otbnin trouble. ALttmrvs AND Bartrah will close a eeaaon of Iwcniy weeke Jan. I«, witb Bydo't Oomedlana, and open in London, Eng., Bborly. Tut WiLBUB GNTBRTAiNBRBreportexcellent bnal- neu- Fr«(. F. J. Bennler,ot the company, bu fully recovered from tbe effects of a antglcal operation performed on bira at Denver, Cel., recently. Babt S. Ciuiorb and Mile. Dolores Fernandez are In Boalon, Matt. jAMxa W.THOHrsoN ANOWiFS (Kliiv Smith) are playing tbe New England clrcut,afiorOKvlogtpent a Merry Chrlalmu with their family Ui Baltlmon, Md. CLtquoT's performance It one of the tttnoUve (eaturea with tbo Onlu Bros.' Show In Mexico. BLOoxeoa and Bdrns and Textrkanau were at Ibe Empin Theatre, Beiraat, Ire., at lut acconnta. A. J. ANDBHSON hu Joined 0. W. Vreeland'a Mln- atralB u gcnerel agent Tnit Is bla ttaird teaion wltb Ihe company. BCBDTLBR AND NASB tuve cloaed Wllb the Bob Roy AihleUc and Specialty Oo. MintL anTSR, OP ButaTiD and Odtsr, cele- biHted her wooden wedding at Baltimore, Jan. 7. An eojoyabie evening wu spent by a number of Invited gneeia. Padi. bobdmah, and wife, Ltuie Bloaaom, wlU tall from Ban Franclaco for a proteaalonal tonr of Auatnlla, about Jan. 20. IIiBBT Gordon bu led tbt John L. Sullivan Co., and will work in patioetablp wllh Hay Mortimer, doing their varlona aketcbes. MoRBis AND GOODWIN Opened wllb tbe Intema. Ilonal Vandevlllea Jan. >. • RosTSR OP Ida Olatton's BDBLiniDSBa —D. E. Handtll A Co.. pruprleion; J. S. Blewari, bnalneu manager; Pro(. Fnd Weaterlaiu. leader of band; Al. Time, leader ot "nhettn; Ida chivton, BIJou Ruaaoll, Mane Florence Doyle, Llllle Wllllama, (nr. no Feaver, LauraTllua, LliiloMorTla,Ru Hcnioon, Hinnle Emmett Ibe Bouktr Sliien, Jeanle Kalion, Baule Wade, Law Spencer, BHIy Mack, Obarlet Buckley, W. M. Malao, Jack Ford. Fred WealerlalD, Al. TIloa, Frank Eooway, Artie Otcen aod N. Davld- aoD. The company opened Jan. 14 (or a tonr o( the West ROSrSR OP SCANLON A DUHtlM't UlOD OLASS Imperlala.—H. F. Durkin, manager; Uarry Tempft, eIHgo iiiiinager; Sotnloo and lempeai, Teeley ana Jenmoa. Shore and Cornnell, Cadden, Carroll and fveli-y, Lydla Jenklna, Cbarlee Oeaaely and Tommy Waiera aod wKe. I>. J. Kbnton wu a Ctiri'SB caller Jan. 14. Ue hai |uai returned (rom Ooba, whtiber be went Deo. It aa a raem'.er o( a compaoy under tbo manage- me'itot Wm. F. Wlae. Tbe feature of tbe abow wu ■The Deairucilon of Bercolaneum." Tte company opened Deo 2t, bni elnnded Jan. V. Many ol Itae performen are left ttaere wltuonl meana aod wl'ta no proepeoi ot geuing away. Hr. Keoyou slated that Hr. Wlie wu daaerted by hlBfinaoolal backer. Louts I'ABetBY, of Our Broa.' Mlnalnla, wu preaented wltb a gold headed cane by Oeo. Ony Sr., and wire Jan. 10. OoNROv AND HoPABLiHDareailll Wllb the Hsy Howard Bnrleaqna Oo. 0. J. WiiRATLRV la no longer connected with itae Audiiorlnin Thealre, Cleveland, O. Wllb U. I,ane he le managing Itae Imperial Hoalc Rail, that city. OxoHOi R UiiLOH buelgned to play Jeada with Belle Ureighion in a repertory o> shtheepearean playa Tba oompany la rebeaning at ibe itoblller Tbeaire, Obluagu, III. Tea ASBBY8 nave oioaed a two weeka' eonge- menlat Uall'a Rogllab CIroua, Chicago, IIL WiLLARD AND tlAti have flDlBbedaalx weeka' eDgtgement at the vaudeville Uieauea la Chicago, in. TiiB OorDAH CiTT llDABm are doing wen With DemlDga' Hloalrela. NOTB FRoa ZeteeUi'a Oalety Eotertalneni: We areplaylogourseooDd week at itae Ponland, lod,, Mnaeum. Hr. Toms, ot tbe team o( Brad(ord and Tomu, wu preaented by bla wile, on Jan. 10, wllb a pair ot baby boya. ROtTBR OP TDB AMBBICIN VAUDBVILLB Oa: Palmer and Parker, Bradford aod Tooua, Rulb Denul*, Fnnk Bedell, Edna De Forreai, Martin and Roget>, Canle Walker,T.Leo Deonu.and Andy Riker. agent t'oooAN. RAND AND TAPS, the Oallfonla brio, have be«D playing for tbe paet three weeka upon tbe B. F. Reiita Uircult, and have met wllh great auccen. Uatibb a Rob's Tntaaty On. notea: We aia doing a fair bnalneu and giving atUtfaoilon. We bavo added new mnalo, Bonga and dances lo our flittpart Onr llvlngplolurea are very auoceaafnl. NliTBR AND tViLLIAMB luform Ua that they bare poaiponed their contemplated European trip until April. Tbe team appeared at tbe A. P. U. benem at MIner'a Bowery Theatre, tbla city, lut week. Bbrt Uaofs AND Wallt UBLsroN have Joined baoda, and will play dales. J. Aldbicb Lipbby, tbe popular vncallat. It now In Ibe long publliblog botrneat, at 303 Weat Forty- sertalta Street Among talt pobllc%tioDi for which ancceu It predicted an "Oomndea BilU," "ma Ber LIlUe Band la Tonn," "She's Irish AU the Time," "Tin Old MSB's Bloiy," "MelUi's tht Olri orMa,"aad"ErtBade." 'can. Tbe organization wlU be equipped at tbe SIghib Avenue Theatre, aod will open Ita eeaaon FBiin Tar Bbishiw^ vitb, Addle Uvlomona pnaaata«blmwtttaababydtogbtar,jaa». and otaUd are doing nlody. J. Bbbbbxt Maox, maoager ot Rice A Btrton'a Bote BlU Engllata FoUy Co., oelebntcd kit bIrlhdAv Jaa. 7, at Itae Ooloonade Botel, Woroetttr, Maat/A coUallaa iru aarvtd to ttae memben of tbt coin paay. Coven were laid for twtaty. and soon, reollaltoiis and ttorlea irere hipplly isdolged In! and a royal good Ume wu ttae remit ^ Tns TIAH OF FOX AMD FISBBR bU dUSOIred paiinenblp. ALBUBTua AHD Babtbam wUI olc*eibelrs(asonof twenlyweekswIltanyde'tOomedlaotJu.u. Tbev will play dalet up lo rtb. is, when they wiu tall (or Lnnoon, Eng., oodtr engagement lo play at tba LondoD Pavilion and other boutes. BsBTia Tbobnton notnlly dcttd to elitatweekt' eagagement In tbe Junto Tbeatn In MlnnnDo- lla, Minn., and will reat tor awtaUe al ber bntbn!a home la Cleveland, O. MUBIO PUBLISBBB BABDIKO. Of tbla City, hU In Kit a oew soog by David Marios, enitiled "nia t Good Bye," aleo oa tela a new anng by Roben Reeker, both of wblcb Mr. Bardlag oonalileTB among tbe beat be bu ever pnbllabed. UcrcBiNtON AND CoLB have beeo forced to can- cel all eogagemeou owlag to ihe aertona lllaeaa ot tbe former, wtao Is down wllh (a vrXp^, in Brook- lyn. TBI T. M. 0. A. Oldb teoeailr nve an antenaiu. mentatsteteon'a Hall, Fblladelpnia, for the bene- fit of Itae gymnatlnm fond, and bad a crowded bnuac The people that look pan wen Dewiii Broa., William Derman, Fnnk MUlar, Joe Page, the Three Marvelt, ttae La Stales, Dannie BoyI* and Joe Artrent. Soaaa A Co. have onaalxed ttat Metnpollttn Specialty Co. for a tour ot tbe State of New York. Toe following an engaged: Ben Ia Olain, Sam Bolaleln, the Eulmana, Fanny May, LoMIe Weatnn, ttaeOoltonB,ScbngandBctaUleoberg,aod Dan Hor rla. They WlU carry a bran band aad orcbealiB. FiBLoe AND LBirui, ot HIaco'a City Club Co., oon- templaro playing a engagement In Ban Fiaocltco next Bnmmer. Obo. RtnrroN bu Joined bandiwlih Joe Letler. O'BntBH, JSNNinaa and O'Bribm pliyed In New Baven, Ct, lut week. Through a mlatake that were billed to appear In a Beaton theatre Uat week. Frso D. Bandbu. recently cloeed hla tbirteentb week wltb Frank Uall'a entetprlata In Chicago, which Included el|ht weeks at ttae circus aad five at BaH'a Culno. Dan bbbbban. op Shsbmah A Mosmr, propl1^ ton ot the "A Jay Olroua" Oo., requests ut to cor rect the report ibat M. E- Banley wrote "A Jay Olrcn%" u It Is now played, bot nyt Mr. Bulty atalated In Ibe aulbonhlp. Tbe Taylor Twin Siarsns report meeting wltb incceat at Eogel't Open Pavilion, Chicago, an4 will pbty over Moore'a dronlt Hons. Forbbr, jdoolsb, la at bla home lu To- rontn, O'n., vlBlilngbla panata for tht fini Ume In twen'y yean, be lafonns ut, and will get np tome oe* ieatnr«< for bla act Gbo. W. Woods tailed for the Wett India oa Jan. 11. Oboroia Diam SrADLDiNO AND F. B. KsHTwera OurpBR callera Jan. 12. Tbey an playing daua during iht winter, bur. an conremplatlDg makloga lonr next Spring tbrongh Mexico with ttaeir own companv, which will be known u beniofore u tbe Spaulding Swift Bell RIngero. Manaobb Loina Robib. of Mlneft Eighth Av^ nut Tbeaire, tbla city, will place ou Ue road next season, we are Intonned, a apeclalty and extnvt- gaoza compaoy eoHUed the "Wuhbam Blalert' laat Sanaailoo," be bavlog engaged Blancba and Lilly Waatabaro, our Informant alalet, (or fire yea " ' Elg - at Ollmore'a Andltoilum Theatre lo Philadelphia. Tbla la noe ot tbe orgaDtzaUcDs organized under tbeanaplceaof Ue VaudevUle Managen ot Amer- ica Aaaoclatlon. Bdqo a Sntdbr Nona.- Bugo and compuy an amoolbly lalUng along. Hngp, ot conrt^ It tbe feature ot ttae ataow. ne roaier Is u foilowa: Bugo A Snyder, nreprlaton: Bairy Bnyder, bnalneaa manager; B. S. Slater, pUui- let; the Logana, aketoh team; Barry Monroe, motto aingtr; De Roy,Uematlcalprodlgy, and Obat.0. Jor^n, idvanca agent we wui ne In tunny Florida nnUl about Mareh U, when we oome Noiui to gtt Into abape oar European FavUloa T1lealr^ tor the Summer. Mlib- LiSBTTB, ot Bayaes and Uaelie, opetsUc dnetlait. It aaracung atteoUon In vaudeville olrdea In the lUnatnUng ot popularbaUadabyatereoplloon views- necenUy this alnger Inletpnted a aew aong, by Monroe H. Roaeufeld, enUUed "She For- geu and She Forgiven." lo wbloh lea diatlnot itage plotnreawere need. Tbe act conaumed eighteen nilnniet. . _ . . Ma JOB J. A. MiODiRB aod Belle Tboralon Joined T. B. Mlaco'a Olty Club Oo. Jaa 14. Ed. B. Mason wIU abortly double np irtU Dave Foy, to do a black face act BowABD AND AiAON hsve oloaed a aeaton of alx- teen weeka on itae Tezu circuit, and opened at Edea Theain, Few Orleans, Ia., Jan. 14, for two weeks. Manaobb Jobn W. Ishak, ot BamT. Jack't Oreolt Co., wu caUed tway tnm hit compaoy at Rochet- tar, N. Y., Jao. 19, by Ibe dtaU o( bit titter at Uilca. Mahib E. ELtNB.Irith vocalist, wriitt nt thai, owing 10 a tevere cold, tbt It laylag off. LOBBNZB AND LoiTA iDtom UB tGtt thtyteouted ajodgment Jan. 3 U Ue Denver, Cel., conru agalnat 0. R. Oleaton, taorte lamer, tor ISOO for back ttliry. Wb BATS reotlved a letter from aeveral o( Ue memben o( Boyd'a Modern Minalrela, complaining o( unprofeaalonal treatment at the haada o( Ueir manager and advance agent Nona PBOH TBB Fat Fostbb Oo.—We oonnnue todoawlnnlngbutlneu and give excellent tttlt- laollon everywhere. Alextnltr Bros, olottd In Providence, R. 1., and were tocceeded by Barton and Cameron, mnelcal ptrtonoen. Mile Rltlia, oleomcal dancer. It engaiged tor a limited aeaton. Bcbaffer, tbe Joggler, aoengUeu In BalUmore, Md., week ot Jan. 21. Ollle Ardell (Omega), wat Ut recipient o( a mtonlOceot gold wauta and chain (rom trtenda InPtalladelpbIa, Fa., reoanUy. Ronu AMD NoTss OP raa waibon Sisms' Ei- invagaozt Co.—W. B. Walton, Jeaneue Dopn, neo. Oiark, Hay Clark, Ue Bozzam BUten, Roae I.ealle, Orlnin and Brioe, Lenotte SItltn, Mabel RuUerford, Obaa. Kenna, Maggie RouBdt, Athlon BroUeia, Blanch Fernandez, Fred Rounds, Alt nie del. May Bardlog, Oladya Aikluaon, Hinnle Fonda, Sobenot White, aad Frank a. Pleroe, advance. ThlB la our twanty-aecond week and we have not minted a aalary day. . Oabhanblu and LuoitxB hare algned tor ue nmalnder of Ue aeaaoa WIU the Lilly Clay Oalety 00. LffLU WBHTWOXTH, baDlObU, IB Ul WlU U gllPP< al her home lo Brooklyn, H. Y. Bbnrt J. Gbadt hu Joined taaadt wlU John J. Pompbret ROSnS OP 0. W. WlLLtABS' COHBDIAHS at TBB Oenn Street Tbeatn, Buffalo, N. Y, ibli wtek.-- Mlle. Agnes Obtrcot, Oaaeman, V. P. Wormwood, L'Ule Flonle, Ward and Lynch, loogeoe, O'Brlea and Buckley, 0. W. Williams, Ryan and Apdale and Al. Reevea. AsTABrs madeberlntEnropiaa appearaaoe in Vienna at EuUetaementRonacber Jaa. 1, aad In- forms na ot ber decided tnooett. Bbe nmalia Utre (or ont monU and opent Ftb. 1 la Bndapetu tor ont montn. On Jta. 1 Aslatle htd Ue pMuuie otpretentlnghtr sot btrore the Royal Family o( Anttrla. A Lirm FBOM OsiFpaN and Bbtob ot the Watson Blalen'Co., aU'es that Mr. Birce'a ri(hi arm wu burned from Ue writt ro Ue thoulder urougb ttae burning of Ue bed eloUei In UeIr room In tat Columbia Botel, Albany, N. ■>> week before Utt Mr. Bryoe hu njolned ibe company.; _ Mrr. Edward Oubanob (Jetale Waner), who bu been lU WlU la grippe tor two weeks, bu been nmoved from ber borne to itae Fieabytenan uoa- pltal Itala olty. Btrob'8 Vaddbtillis WlU open a pttllmloary aeaaonof twelve weeka oa Jaa.M wlU a company wtalob InclDdfB Ue foUowlng people: F. W. Buoib, Ue Bickeitt, ThomtoD aad Bunnell,Ihe Biannlgatt, Edward andJ08leEvan%UllleUrkeUhRloble Foy, Ue Vedder Blalen, Banla and Wallers, the Valdena and Ward and Ijneh. F. W. Strob, pnprlalor; Chas. B. Uaytlotd, maaager; Jobn P. Bill, bnilDea maaager. BBRT Martin will open tbt Edts Muee, 9t Joseph, Mo., Fob. 1. _, DizoN. BOWBRS AND DiiCN, •Tbt TUtst Rn.WJ.' are apeclally engaged ivlU ''A Jay Olrcns" ult week St Ibe LvcenmTbeatie, Beaton. _„.. FiSB AND ODioo sn plajlng In SclU'a BUoo TbeabreUlaweeklnPblladelpbra,Fa. ^ Babbt FiDDLiBL, of Mahan'a Mlnstitla, who wia called away fnm Ue abow Bavea weeka an ai PortSmlU, Ark.,on aecount ot Ue nineuot hit mother at ladlaaapoUsL lad, rejoued Ihe oompaiy la Lot Aagelea, Oal. JBB BhowaLtbb, ot Bhowa«ar and taae, wu (Bkea taddealy Ul lo FhUadelpkia, PB., Utt wetf.