New York Clipper (Jan 1895)

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7:u TETT] ISTKW YORK CLIPPER. January id. DHOiDWAT ToKiTRi.—"Maitema Bmu OeBo," • eonuij, la f proloiae ud thcea toU, Vlotortan Buiaa mi Kmllo Homo, wu prodiucil u UUi hooMb for the Ont lime Id Uli olt^, on Jia, If b7 KttlirTD Kidder (nd li«r npporUiii eompuj, nodor Ut6 nuuugomeDt nt Augutu Plioo. nil pitj tatd tu flnt prodacilon, wlUi Mom. nejuo Id UioUtloroli!, nt tbo rurla Vaadevlllt, Oct 9,ieB}. Uma, RtJtDO wai ilao tan In tDe pl*7 tt Uio Qtielr Tlwatre, London, Kor., btglDnlDg Jodo 23.1S04, •Dd Ihe plH hud im Dnt Aniorlcao prodacilon u tb« budn nl Ulu Kidder nc Allen's Alhtngb Open Bonte,Waablngion, U.CNoT.e.ieoi. Iltnurr bH ■Imdj sppurcd In our colnmu. TDe lotcreet wblcb !• at prf lent taken In all ihat pertalni u> Ibo MapoleODloperlod of French lilatorrand munen bis canatd Uio hceiowmtnt or tnncb alfnilon npon tbe rortunee or ihia pla; and intelllnence of 111 tno- ccn In tbe Tatlona cluea In wblob It bu been ieeo iUmnlatedlhedcalrebcreto wllneta lU peifonn' ance. OosMqnenilr It wu gntui dmd iib open' iDf nifbt bete by an audlegca tntt not onlf OTOwded the booao In orcrj part, bnt ibat waa In tbe (nlloat mniie repreeenlatlte ol tboie wtao are roallj Intercalod In dramatic ait In tbiaoltr. Nor baa anr work ever recelred bore at tbe banda of a dnt nlRbtisdlenoe amore apnnlaneona and nnanl' mona rerdlct of appioral. It may, moreaver, be added tbat ranilr baa incb a Tetdlot been nor* tboronihl/ deaerred. Tbe pi*} la of eicallent con- ■trnctlon and viitlf loterestint tbrontbont. Tlx work of tranalHilon mliht bare been better done, It la ime, bnt tbe Teralon U utlatactorr In tbat It conceaJa none of tbe cblef menu of tbe pla/. We learn notliloR new from tbe itorr nor from tbe cbaracter akelnhes, but onr attenllon la focoaaad upon tbe pecoliar people wtao became noble nnder tbe Kmpire, Ibe people wbo were anceaiora and not dcacendania, and we were alio 'permuted to conalder Napoleon apart from affairs of itata and eolelr Iniarealad In domeallc prob- lems. Boob a view oriheHao of Ilistinf and of hia conrt Is oilreoieljr diverting, and exoIlM tbe keen interest Inspired bj spier goaslp. Kverjone who reads or tlilnliH,orwlio feels Intereat In tbe passing Bbowol Uio limes,will wast to see tbis plaj, Tbej sbonii see It, too/ will see It, and Its ■aooeu liero promises to be beyond precedent, or tbe manner of lie perforraapoe we are com- pelled lo apeak witb mme cacUon, WblleKatrrn Kidder doen not personally ttaemble In ine least onr Ideal of 0<ltaerlse Uobscber, lann- dress, Tlranrilero aod ducbess, and wblle we feel lesi tbsn tbo full meaaara of aatlsraollon In her ncrlnmance, we reraeoiber and respect beranterpnalog spirit wblob led berlose ante for beraelf ihe American rights to tbiaplaj; we remember tbo dimculty sbe oiperlenced In se coring tbe aaslsianco or a manager; we recognize tbo amount of atodj she bus bestowed npon ber nle; wa aeoln many Inatanceal'a eioellent reanlla, and we willingly uccept all lliat la good In ber per- formance and render ner Just trlboie, allowlngtbe earnestness of ber eiforis to condone all short com- ings. Angostoa Oook was qnlle saUafaciofT In the role of Napoleon,and If tbe Kmperorlaokeddlgnlty or commanding force In bla portrayal, It mnat be remembered ihu ibla la not ine man we bsTe atndled In blatoiy, bni tbe niandrawnby ibo aotbrra f or oomedy porpoaca and that a man'a vain da r/uim- hrn never dnds In lilm a bcro. Among oibers In the company onllilcd to pnlae were Harold ilosaell, Walfacottiiav, Janioa K. Ilackell, Uenrletla Lander and Marie .Sboiwoll, tbo lat er lady having been well oboacn for tbe rolo of ((aeen Uarollne, her haanir of face, her lino rorni and carriage ailing heraomlrsbly fur the role, which abe, moreover, acted admirably. Thoplayla moat tnagnlllcenily mounted, llio aciunoa, coaiiimes and tnrnllure be- ing both elegant ana aiudlonily corraor. This pisy will probably provo ilie most consplonoos snoceaa of Ibe nraacni anwiii, and will ceruinly linger longer In memory Uian any play seen bero In a long wbllo. Kmc. ilejane will aoon be aoen In tbia dty In Ihe same play, and her porforiiitnoe will be mora groaily onjoyed bucauae of the pree- ont oppiitunliy to becomo familiar wllb tbe work. The eaat of Ihe pre<ant prodnctlon la as foUowa: Napoleon, Auguilos (look; Uarsbal Lefebvis, llimlil lluiiaell; Veurhe. Wallace anaw: Us Nolpporg, James K. Uaokeii; Kavarv, Unto of Itovlgu, Jamca Oooper; Tallp, ciiirlea W. Btokoa; liespreaux, Cbsrlea Plunketi; Uroy, Uarroll Flem- ing: Bt, Harssn, Qoorgo R. Dowers; Lannelon,T.J, UoOrane: Oanonvllle, Pancoaat Kidder; Jonoi, Alvin Dreble; Uonenart, Frank J. Pleraon; Jardli, I'rederick Webster; liuroo. It, H. Bolton; Foninea, lleorgo N. Blavenaon: ArnanU, Frank Inilee; De Urlgoilo, IVIIIbun Aaliloy; Kouatan, Thomaa Matlln; Oomo raiii Kverion: Uod, J. L-Oarhart; OonatanI, iMwanl Uackar; Vinegar, George H. Fell: Vabnnlialn, Kdward Uoward: Joil- ciuor, Alfred Tison: Itlaiont, Felix Winter; Valet, Cliarica H. udiln; ijncen Catoliac, Kane Bliotwell; rilDceia Rliaa, Uenilella liUder; Uadano Do liolow, Vivian I'atee; Hadanie IM Vln- tlmllle. Vera Irving; Uadamo Uo IDvlgo, Virginia Bloddnrd: Midamo Ue Oanlay.Uary A. Bonston; Msdauie lie Talliouot, W. Kay Carey; Madame lie Baasaoo, Ueairlco Howe; Madame be Sloilemart, Uargaiei Bpenocr; Mad»mo lie Brignnlioa, Winnie- fred llnssoll; Madame 1)0 Uollinne, Bars Frestow: lbs BparroWiKiia Allen; J'lule, Nina Morris; inlle, Itulh Oliver; L'athorlne llobeober (Madame Bans tiene), Kaibrrn Kidder. riuri.i's TUBATHB.—Kine Kllsler, supported by a oonpotent oorapuv, picienied Robert Dronefs play, ''Oorla," on Jan. u, at itaia bonaa, wltb a good sIcM aodlence In ationdance. Mlas Kllaler's wall known emotional powers bavo good aoope In UUa play, and tbe alar la deservedly popnlar with tbe pauona of tbin ihcairo. Prank Weaton, as Brian O'Nell, and Itobert Dronet, as Kenneu Aablolgb, rendor good support in the Htar. Tbe osHt tollowa: Uoria Vane, Knln Kilaleri.Kenneib .iMhicigb, Robert Uroaet: llruin ii'h'eil, Viank Weaton; fir, Mem- Bood, Kveiyn Krana; Slepten Bruidj Oeorge K. arran; Mr. Iirotio, II. U Ooamberlin; Bimon Craw- ley, T. J. lAwrence; Jaokaoii, B, J. Powers; Mis. Uiawioy, ilolon Wealbenby; Mn. Herrlgood, Gllia lludaou; HIaa BUuibrc, Bophie Albert; Jeanelte, Uarbva btannanl. Will 0. Klialor la manager of tbe oouipany, and John J. Kllsler, advance repre- sentauro- Next week, "Bhaff No, g." Niui-o's TiixATHi,—"The Ivy I,eaf,>> W, H. I'ower'a piotorcuiiio Irish dnuna, opened here to a very large undleucs night of Jan, 14. TbIa drama baa been uresonlod uuuy times In onr city theatres and Invariably wlih good flnanclai results. Tbe pitaent eugsgouont will, no donbt, achieve the same good loriuno. Tbo cast, which appears be- low, Is H Ihorongbly oonipelent one, and llie speclal- iles. Introduced In act two, woro reoelvea wllb liberal apphiuao. The oaal: Mnrty Kerrigan, Wm. II. Power Jr; Uariiy Flynii, Foiix Uaney; Uenila Donovan, IIavo Beymonr; itnbert NoUn, Jobu P, ilarreii; Oerald lialy, Uhaa. Numoy. c'apt. uannon, jAOk Itojam; Tciliiy, Ohas. HoNnmey; Uolioe U'Brlen, Kaiharlne Ituland; Manraen Deeliah, Leah Btart; Uis. Deeliah, Juiiinolie Johnson; Norlnno, I. iuie Ilaby Jniinsnn. Next week and the following week, "Uown In lilxie." Hnvorai.rrAN iii'iiu lloi>aK.-The ninth week of tbe season of gniuil opera began Jan. 14, with theprrsentailonoranoriion of lH)nlr.etU>a "Lnols dl LMunirrmoor," followed by "Uavalleria Itustl- cana." Mme. Mclba appeared In the lltle role or the Siat named work, wllh Big. Itnsallano aa nd- gardo. Mile. UAueiuiolalor as Alios, Big. Beusande aa Rarloo, aud Bic. Alimuioa'as Halraondo. "Cav- aiierla itualioana" was thus cast: Bantnaa, MIta Heller; Liioia, Mile. Iliuonnolster; Lola, Mme. NanicUl; Turridu.Blg. Ti>msgno; Aide, Big. An- iiona. Un Jan. It, Sibyl !<«udonoo will make her American opcrailc ilcbtit in Massenet's "ManoD," MeyeriHur'a "L'Afrlininn'' mil be heard II, "Faoat" uaiinoo 10, and "lllgolciio" evening of it. HiJOD TiiiATna.—WanI anil Vnkea preseaunl on Jan. 14 Ohirloa K. Illauey'a larclcal piece, "A linn on the Bank," for iho Oral time Intliiacily. Thia Bhky was glron 111 diet pmlmiUun Aug. il, li^i, at pringdeld, ()., aud Ihc slury has already appeared In those coluuiua. It la iiu admirable venlcle for apeclaiiica, and waa well looeived by the hirgo HUdieuco iircaont. Ward and Viikes have long been favoritesun liie vaiioty aiato In iblsclty.anil their mctropoiliau tirbui on the diamatlo auge prorert entirely tallaraoiory to tbeir warmeat ad- Dilrera. Narguorlio Daly Vokea was auo^rlogftom a Boroto cold aud cnuld acarcely apeak, but man- aged 10 gel Ihnugb ibe perfomianco. Tbe atars won muoli Hoplniiae for Uielr funnylsms, and Ihey were ably aci'^iuili'd by an excellent com- pany, Alfred Oniil'a linllallnna being especially ulever. The cast In full: i.oid I'enyBoakop, Uappy Ward; Ilaron lUroi'l Decanter, Uany Vokea; ilow I.ega, Harry 1,'lav lllaney; ueneial Note Biiavsr, Tony Willtima: lieady Money, Bid Doat»y;Wimo t'haae, Allred Unoi; Con Mau, Uhaa. Jerome: liarley Com, Jou lIUBSCil; Lager Hope, T. Wllmot Kvkert; Nera Man, uiilieiil Uaiook; Kalcllo BbaTer, Msr- ■oeilie luly Vokcs; Iltlte Shaver, Inea Has; Uaaiy Wriur, Ultra lleile; Minnie Apolla, Emma lieri; Uanie RomHUCP. Hiatn Klinbell; iliaoe Ohorcb, iMiir Dudley. Nextwcel:,'-TaeTwenUetliOentory aiiL** uKOAR nAMUiMniN began en Jan. 14 the work utcleatlog toe ruins Iron bU new iheatn site en Uioadwaj, between Furty foortb and Fonj-flllb BUeeta. \1 MiMlB's BioBTn AviNDi TniATBi.—The popnlar Boaioii Darvard Athene:om i;o. began a week's en- Mmxnthae on Dec 14. Every seat in the the- atre tield an oeonpant, and there wu only coolort- aUs ataodlog room when tbe curtain roes on the opealiif numberof iheptogismme. James I. Arm- stroDg, Ihe well known booking agent. Is proprie- tor and direoior of this company, wlih Wiiilani B. Moore bnslucss manager. Evidence of Mr. Arm- smog's good Jndgment waa fonod In the selection of his peopU,and bis liberality In engagloganam- ber of cievar entertalneri, was highly appreciated br Ihe large andlence. Every act was heartily sp- plsoded, as It bad been applaoded oo msoyocca- BloDS beroio, by tbo same people wbo were prcient on Monday olghL Their domonsiratlona or appro- val were an Indorsement of clever aod enienalolng apectalty work by performers or recognized metli In the vandevlile profeaion. Their namea follow: Kalkaaa, HoBrtde and Qoodrlch, I'luoi, Romala Bros., roily Uoines, Btinsoo aod Merlon, Bmlib and Oampbeil. Ooonora aod Btaley, Preaa Eidrldge and Ihe Hawaiian Dancers. Next week "A JayClroea." liOBis' Mmsuu —Toe atiraoiiooa on view In the cnilo balls Uila week Include I'rot. Moore's ateam man, ItttUeanaka lltialoo, Texoa Jim, aod Ida, trlok rllle ahola, and Sidney Kinsman aod wire, life aaven. In tbe ihcairs Faooy Herring la ap- pearlog In "Lights and Bhadea of New York." MiHin's BowKBT TaiATKi.—"Tbe White Orook" Oo. an plaving a return dale at tlila honse,opening Jan. 14 to fair alxed aodlences. Emma Rou Lee, lbs clever singer aod daocer, still leads the orgaol- latloD, aod Banfordaod Lee, comeliaos, have laleir beeo added to the compaoy. "A Royal Rccepitoo'' opens the show In good style. Fields, the Oorman comsdlan,wu flnt on the list of specialties,fol- lowed bv ward and Williana lo a comedy sketch; Jsnole Lamootand Josle Love appeared In their new act, Emma Rose Lee's songs and dances ware well loceived, Beorord aod Lee were soccesafol in rslslog minh with thelrnotch aod Irish wlltlclsros, the Two Oracca, Billy and Lena, lo a clever comedy act, eloied tbe olio, "the WblteOrook" Inuoduced the entire company In a combination of fun and music. Next week the Howard Aihencom Btar Bpeclaliy Uo. LONDON TiiiATai.-.John A. Flynn's lAndon Oaleiy Olrle opened to good bonsea H. "A Dreu Rsheanal," Ibo cntiain reiser, and "A King for a Day," the burleaqoe, Introduced the neual oboma of shapely girls, Oeorge Divls, John A. Flynn and Ed. Oalugner fnrolshrng the comedy element The spevlalUes Include Tbomis llotilnson, harlione singer; FIcsrdo, trantomiaUon dancer; tbo Bmllax Bisters, vociIlBia; Victor Leo, Jnggler; Ed. Oal- lagber, oomedlan; llllioo, oootorUoolat aod acro- bat; Oeoria Davia, mimic, aod Battle Btewartand Ttooas allien. In tbeir boxinar act, Maurice Jacobs la bosineas manager for Mr, Flynn. Next week, Peter Mabel's Bpeclaliy Oo. Jacobs' TniATSi—Agnes Wallace Villa pre- sented hen, for tbe dnt time this season, "The World Against Her," tbs play with which ens has been so long and pleaiaoilyassoclated. The boose waa coraforiably liiled on Iha opening date, and as Eaataldera lake kindly lo straight dnmailo pro- duoUons, satlafaclory verdicts were assured. An entlralv competent compauy la aasoclattd with Ulaa Villa, aod present their respecUve characten In an eoloyable maoner. UiBBiaAi<'aTuBATU.-EdwsrdIIarrlgan'a latest play, "Notoriety," Is proving a strong msgoei at ihisnonsa- Manager Mart Danleyls qolte Jubilant oeoanae of lis success, and claims tbat manr patrons or tbe house have returned seveial times lo enjoy again the huoior of tbe play and tbe melody of Its nings. It began on Jan. 14, the sixth week of Its run. IIIBALD BquABi TsiiTBi.—"Rob Roy" U sUll reaping asatistaotory harvest. Iibeganoo Jan. 14 Ihe taelfth weak of llama. Each ancceaalve bear- log of this work nveals new merlls In Its score, Slid strsngthena the conviction tbat light opera haa imnly been Inirepreied by so competent a com- paoy. Its visit here haa keco the moat pleaaorable eveol of Ihe season. Is fniore Wedoesday mall- oeea will be glvoo. LToiuy TiiiATHE.—"The Oise of nebelllons Bnsan" Is msellog with well merited encoess at Ibis house. It Is an exceedingly well wriuen play, full of gennlae hnoior and clever sketches from life. It Is exeellently played, and la enilUed to a len^by mn. Itentereil, on Jan. 14, npon Its ihird EMriBB TaiiTRi—'The Mssaueradera" coo tiDues to dimw sxcellent honaes. It snita Ibe mood otlbeUmesaodla likely to have acoorapllahed a lengthy tun before the mood changes. It enleted on Jan. 14 upon Its seventh week. Tbe secoud aiutverasiy of tbe opming of this honso will be celebrated JaiL 24, and aonTenlra will be pre sented. ROTT'a TniATai —"A Milk White Flag" con tlnues to draw lo lbs oapaoliy of the boose. It entered on Jan. 14 upon the tneenlh week of Ita tnn. Ila one hsndndlh conaeootlvo performanco hero was dttlngly commemonted laai week, and It la now announced that It will remain here until the cloae of the regnUr season of Iho honaa. In March. On Itasabove date Genrode Reynolds took the plsoe of Rosa Fraice, one of Ihe vivsndlers. Hhis France, It Is stated, baa retired perroineotly from the stage beosuae of pnlmoosry tmnbliH. OAnomTontniB.—"Lllile Ohrlatopber" eotered, on Jan. II, npon the fourteeoUi week of Its tun. I( la still holdliiig a ptomlneot place amnogtbe com. pettog aliraellons, aod still merits and receives eommendatlon from a'l who attend lis perform- anosa. lis nomerons enteruining speolalites, and the Kllaoyl plctnrea, add grtaUy to I'a sttiacilve. ness. Film ATBiiai TnEATi<i.-Fanoy Davenport's magoldcent prodncUon of Birdoo's "Olsmooda" oooTlooes Its ruo st this house. The Judicloui cut- ting of portions of the dltlogue haa brought the pertormanos wiihin tbe usual al'.olroent time, and neeesaarlly qntckened tbo aciion or Iha play, It began on Jan. 14 the sixib week or its mn. PAiiiiB'BTniA'mi.—"Tii» Fatal Cird" seems to lisvs ealabllahed Itself In popular favor. Ila aa- dlonoca compare favorably In size with those se- cured by other current alliactions, and Ihe puy nlghily receives a vsidlot of approval, libu niaoy mertla and la worthy of sucotss. It began on Jan. 14 Ihe third week of a ran, which sho'ild bo long and prosperoua. On ihat dale Jrssle Bnsley a» sumod the role of oeclls Analsn, in place of Agoca Miller, who hu irjolned John Drew's Co. Konxa A BiAL'8.—Toe bill ptcssnled week of Jan. 14 waa fully up to the ataodard of this lesort, aod waaireoteo on Monday, Jan. I4, by the uaual bli honae. Mooa. Bialovlile, mimic and ohamoter Imf- tator, mads bla raappearanco In this counnr.and waa accorded a hearty welcome. Josephine Sabal, chsotreoso lotemallonai, an old favorlto with tbe palnna of thIa honae, ivtomed, and won approval lor her singing, Ivan TaohemotTand hIa trained doga, Dineleenih week, Inindoceda new one act paniomime called 'Tne rinman'a lUacne," in which the dogs displayed remarkable In'eliigeoce. I'anI Olnonovalll, king ot Jugglers, began bis Ofih week, aoa Introduced now feoua. Kogeuie Fciresco, eontonionlst, sovenlh week, wai a aooilnucd favorite, ber dimoult feaiH of hand walkingand bal- ancing, daociuR and Jumping winning ronnila of applanae. Tbe Hossow Brothers, lil'poiran athleica, eleventh week; Us Four Uleta. quartet copuicblc, third weok; Lea .Mayos, occonirio skaters, ihlia week: Amolli Olover, dancer, and A. 0. Danrnn, ventriloquist, sll did well and won Hie approval of the aodienoe. Too performance was concluded with the llvlcg plclur<:p. Toe uaual concert waa given by Ihe llungatlan iirchcaltm. BTABTnsATBi—'ThoUld Ilomealead." In aplle ot IIS age, seems to islain Us popularliy, as It la slwaya grcetsd bv large audiences that dnd pieai nn In Its performance. Denman Thompsin began Jan. 14, hIa third week In Ihit play at thia hooao. Aiiniv'sTOkATm.—Mr. ana Mrs. Kendal revived at this hooae. on Jao-14 Sidney Orundy's four act comedy, "A While l,l\"and gavo the inoit aatla- faciory peifomianco of their preaeiit engaseraent. It waa mnacaal: Sir John Uolyncox, Mr. Kendal; Ueorge Deamond, Mr. llucklaw: Uapiain Tempest, U. Co«|i«r Cliffo; WhcalcnII, Oeorge I'. Ilanttey; Dixon, P. F. Amea; Lady Molynenx, Marlon Lea; Hannah, Itarbin Huntley: Mafd, Minnie OAtthcait; Palsy Uoamond, Uartlu I'aleutlne; Kate Desmond, Mn. Kendal. Thecomiiinyla now lo Ihe fonnh week and tbo last foriolght of Its engagooeni. lliT«SR*s Palaor Hcsk'U.— The spacious carlo hallaol tbo house were crowded at every lecioro Jan. 14, while at night U waa a dinicnit matter lo move about. Lcoinn hsIls-Orn. Williama (luttlo boy), carl MIcbaela (ttrong man). Big. Alouttia Ugbt wire), Uoxia (Aliiinu), Count Ivan Orkitr Inosparvnlossidod niao), Joaephtno Myrtle Cor Din, (lour lexgod girl), Kli Buwen llegleaa and aimleaa man), Martin Btaiera (Alblune), and Uoo (wake oharner). Blags —Mmnlo Rirle, Uonard and Fullon, W. U. liAly, Frank P. Dale, J. J. Bhoebiu, the Japanese living plctnrea, and Ward ana Ufown. TBI BNmTAiNHcKn at the Academy of Mualo aod Qitad Upeim lloo-e no the artcrnooo of Jao. IT, for the benedtot tbsfanillKanf Uauf Bnsnan and Aislstaat Foreman Roouey, will laai from 1 anlil t O'Olook. Kaoh Uoket will aomtt lo elihcr hosae, aod the pngtamme In ssoh will oonlsln the names oltnanyweU known pertormen who bare volu- mrtdiheliseiTtoeitor IMoccasion. TOHV PisroB's TBBATSi.-Whi:e this honse was ool crowded Jan. 14, a good s'zed andlence waa pnsent, that loorooghly enjoyed the excellent pn- gnmme presented. Haggle vllne rcippetred with new snnga aod waa given a roualng recepUon. Ethel Irene Biewart, an excelleot aloger.look the place of Ulle. Fongers, who waa 111, and msdo a big sncceaa. This was Miss Siswart'a second sp- pearaoce In Ihe Ktst, snd Mr. Pastor oonddently expects to see ber attain a prominnut position aisong Eastern performeia. Tbe hill indnded, bcaldea the above, McUahoo aod King, In pUO- tailon pasiimes; the SIslen Fon«acue, m seilo comic duets, mug and dances: KlUy Nolan, In Irlah balhida; Ihe ratleraon Bros., horizontal bar perfoimen; Princess Oelgoronky, nosalan vlo'ln fai, wbo nude her American debut. She tiiorooth ly uoderitaods how to please, aod when she played "Yaokeo Doodle" ahe falrjy bnught dowo Ibe bonis. Beotley aod Ureve, blackface nnsical team; Nelson, Levanlon and Nelaon, In "Fun Among the Chinamen," and Tony I'isior, with a new budiet of songs added to the entertainment. Kstrn'a Union Bijdaiib Tosatu.— There Is no let up In the business at this honae; Ifsnythln " Increases. To get a seat afier 1.So is out of i|ocsilon, snd standing room Is at a premium after 8 o'clock. This week opened In the nsosi way, umiog people from the docra. The bill Jan. 14 Imro FOX, conjonr: Ilsymos Moore, ballad singer, tte Wllmot Duo, bicycle experts; the Manhattan Oomedy (luartet, Ueo. K. Fortescue aod nicbsrd Oormao, loeir drat appearance as a team; Olrard Leon's sloging donkey. Big. Boralil and Aunetta Zeloa In a musical comedleua, their dnt appear- eoce here as a team; O'Brien Bros., acroham;!! Louie, gymnast; ToePansonsIn "School Boj Days,' Al. Tanner In his dcsorlpiire aat"At the Bwltcb,' and Bchwlergerllns's Marlooeites. The Dlxoo Br-s were cloned sfier the drat show. Sorely this bill ataonid pleaao all classes of people. TaBNBwYxAaOAiiBOLor the Lambs Clnb oc. cumd Jsn. 13, at llie club room. The entertain, ment consisted of songs by Leo DletrlchB:cio and Ohanncey Olcolt, an amusing lecture entitled "Les Dames sux Chocolates," and two boilesques,one "The Maaquerader^" hy Augnatos Tiiooiaa; the ether "Oismonda's Binir,'' liy Clay M. Ureene. ffoRTO's Mt'SkDM.—The Oolorod Mlnaitcia con Unne their long engagoment here, snd oo change In the eijie of entertainment is announced. ■ TUB M Aiox" Is In nibearesi at Uarrlgan's Thea- tre for sn early revival. FoDBTSBNTB STKUT TasATax—Palmer Cox'a "Brownies" cooUnus lo hold forth at this honae, aod tbe aononocement nt the cloalog weeka of tbia quaint piece has had the effect of Increaalng Ibe al- ready good buslneaa. The "Brownies" entered upon their lenlb week on Jan. I4. AcAnmr or Mnsio.—A 1 irge andlence dlled Ihia big plaihouse Jan. 14, on Ibe occasion of the dtiicih performance of 'The Oouon King" here. Appro- priate sonveolra were presented in hooor of the eveot. Tlie play began on Monday oigiit the aer- enih week aod last fortolgbt of Us no. EtahdabdTbbatbi.— "Too Much Johosoo" con- tinues on IIS succesafui war at this honse- The crisp, witty dialogue, fnnoy acenes and ludlcroua altnailoon nave made this farce popular snd won rnises for its author. The piece began, Jao. li isilghtii week, Harlem.—At lite Uarlem Open Huoae Olga Nelbenole made her Dnt New York appearance. In "Fion Fron," Jan. 14, to a crowded house. It took four acts lo warm up the audience. During Ihe drat, second and third note, ahe did not receive ap- plauae, as her conception ot the pin waa foreign to any tblng ever seen on a New York stage. Judging from her Idea, one nronld snppoae that she was porinylng a child ol seven or eight. At timea abe rambled so that It was Impoiaible to ondontand her, and In conacqocuce Ibo audience became nervous and reatless. In the founb and flith act, she proved that she was capable of doing good work, and Ihe audience showed Ihat ihoy appreci- ated her efforts by onmerous encores. Tbe pro- Saiomo for Ue week: Mouday, Tuesday, Wedues- y sod Saturday matloce. "Frou Frou;" Thora- day, Friday and Saturday, "Oamlllc." Next week, lbs American Travoitv Co, In "Off the Earth," for Ibe dnt lime In New York. OOLtmsDs.—"The UnsUec" did a good business iutweek. Walter Bintotd's "Prodigal Daughter" waspruentedfortbe nretUmetoan East Sidanp town audiance li betore a fair size honso. Next week, "A MiO without a Counlry." aLTurto.—Tols week's bill: DsVeaux and Tay- lor, Al. Iloome, MoAvoy and Doyle, Meehin and Raymond, Nellie Hagoire, Montgomery Irvlog, John and Nellie Healy, Kissell and Baisnma. Next week, Ihe Might Owls. Atbbnauu— Iilihard to t«ll what the manage- meninf this place Inlrndtodo, ItwuthelrTo- tentlon to give a coollnnuos perromuncc, bnt Ihey only kept It op Ihe dial aod aecond week. The third week, wllhoot oolirylng tbe pabllc, they changed the opening to 3 90, and dia not give a peiforiuance udUI 3 o'clock. This week they will give two fbows a dsy. This week: Russell snd Kennr, Billy aud May O'Oay, C. II. Dawley, Uairls aod Fields, U. U. Ricii.CsrriuFndrlcks, J. Ilosi Nordhelm, Frank Manning, Mtehan's Uanlne Fan. dox and John Leavilt. II iBLiiH MvaiuB.—OyatrlctaUeniloo to buslncsi and good altraotloos tbla bouie Is oiakiug money. Uurlo hall—Me and llim, the Lyncba, 0. A. Bonney, Mile. Mantlna aod Alex Weyer. stage—Fisuk BInney and Kittle Ubapman, Will E. N. Naokevllle, Fraok aud Hiwicy, Dick llatria, Frank Cirllon Kdlih Lec, Will llukea and Kluie Wa don. NEW YORK STATE, Braoklyn.—The local playhoosca did a big business last week, and that, loo. In the face ot tbe most disagreeeblo weather that baa vliitcd na this season. Tbe storm came at the beginning of the week, and never abated In tbe Icaat until late oo Friday olght, when tor the drat lime It broke away and gave us cue day of sunshine. It wsa enougu to dJacounge almoa*. any one, bnt foriuoaicly tue Ihemrlcal maosgere had excellent aliraellons booted, some ot them being seeo here for the drst time, and the aUendaoce was good sll ihrnogh the week. This wss particularly so at iheBIJousud Ilio Onud Open Uouse, where big boosca wen seen at every perrormanoe. "Down lu Dixie" waa the bill preseuied st Ihe former, while "Old Jed I'nnty' was seen at tbe latter, aud both appeared to bo Just tbo stylo of ptnys the pnoUc wanted, anur act- ting a suifeit of the farce comedy. There are a numbsrof Intoreating scenes in both picocB thai pleased the aoditnces and held their sttentlon ihnnghoui the pcrforosnces. The current seek shonid have beens frulifnl onoin theatrical circles as all the bills presented are strong ones, bnt the strike among the employes of the different street osr railroad couipanies had a seiions cir<ct on tbo altendance. Silll Ilie dnt night performances were rar better atisnded than was expti-ted under tbo oircumstat ces The prlncliiat event ot ibo week li the appcannce of (Ills Bklnncr at Iho Park In two nolabis iiliys. Tne other bouses alio have sir ng aitiootions, which may riiablo them to comn out ahead even though thisirlte contluncs all tbo week. Tins Is to be a busy week among tbe amateun or this city, lu no iosa tnau foor prosrammes are booked by tbe leading sKlciee. Uoldra "Carmen" win be given nt the Academy ot Music, nlihi cf ii, by a com- piny fr<im tus Meiropoliian Upcra lloaic. Now Yois, nniler Hie dticcilon of Abbey ,1- Omu, for wblob the sale of srala began 14, and the demand for the choiceat onoa almost ex- liiuaied the supply on hand. The Amnnntu will preseul a good bill lo. The entctlaln. ment wilt htgln with a now play in one act en- lltied "Behind the Unrlaln." ana WIU botollowrd by "The Serious Family," The Florences will give "A Scrap of Paper," at the Urilcrion Theatre, 17, and ilio same night at Prospect Usll, the i;iks,a airman society, will present "Korllz I'orliz." foe Uoolbs Wilt give ' Oar Bosrding Qonse" IS. Oband OrBBA Hovii—Louis Aldrlch opened here, 14, In ' My I'artner," bofore an sndteoce that dlled a greater per too of ihia spaclons ball. Tne play «aa aeen here someyears ago, when It won dis- IInoilon.and the theatre goenof today cannot help but be pleased with it, ror It has ceruinly not worn ont lis welcome yet. Tne scene at the close or ibe the second act waa well recrircd by the audience, who were liberal In Ihilr applause dnilcg iho en- tiro play. ' Old Jed Prouiy''played to big houses Isat week. "A Baggage Check" n, I'AHE.—A new play waa produced here night ot II, when Oils Skinner made bis dnt appearance In Ibla city as a star. Ue began hia ongigomeoi wllb "Ula Grace Do Orammoot," bsfon an entbuilastlo audieore. For several weeks prior to Ur. Skinner's arrival here be had been oxtenalvely advcillsed tbrooghoui tne cliy, and a ttig crowd vab lotked tor, bat Ihe irolley car atrlle kept many nereous away, although the boose waa well dUeo. Mr. Stiooer's power aa ao actor Is well known to Brook- lynliss, ha havlcg bad a soooeistul engagement as aiook a'tor In one ot Ool. Bino's companlua fsw jean ago, "Ills OraceDeGiaamoni'- wllj be given a*, eath performance op lo and Incladlng ttai ot Tounday night, and will sisi be sc^ at the mttines Batorday, wtallk"rbe King's Jesur" will be given on Friday aod Batnrdsy nlgbls. Willis ColUer was here last week. Wilson Bamtt 31. CoLDUBiA.—Msnaver Knowlea bad for tl* at tnctton Ible week Roland Seed, In "Tee PollU. clan," and a line andlence was prtssnt night of 14, when he began his eogagenunL In thu plai Mr. Reed Is given every opportonliy 10 dispuy his pe- culiar persoosll^ In depicting oomic characters. The piece Is fanny and bighly enteruining. ''Off Ihe Earth" was here Isst week. Mm. Ltogfiy zi. BiJOD.—The attraction Manager n. 0. Kennedy has ror his patrons Ihls week Is "Darkest Rossis,-' wbioh opened here night of 14, before onoot toe oaoal good crowda that have been attending lU* bouse all aesson. "Darkest Russia" la a massive production deplcllog Russia ot today, with slabor- ale stage settlogs and magnltcent coslnmea. 11* story Is mil ol romance, love and sMrtllng realism. It Is undoubtedly one of ine most popnlar plays that has been brought here this season. Lsatweek, "Down In Dixie" did a good business. Hanlooa' "Snperba"3l. Brin.—Waller Bsnford's Block retaroed here, olght of 14, stier a brief absence, and prtseoied "The Power ot Gold" before a good sised audi- enco. It has been leen here before and has always met with success. It la fnll of Interesting sIidb' tloDs aod nfresblng climaxes, and la tiamed In a series of masslvs stage slitlogB. iMt week, "The Ivy LeaT' wss the atiraounn. Katie Eamen Z1. UTOi ft BsDUAi<'s.-No speolslty compaoy owld have bad a more eoibuslasUa reception tbsn ihat accorded Hyde's Comedians at the two perrorm- ances 14, when big crowds were preaeot. Bevsrus Shaeffer, a clever Juggler, has t>eeo engaged aa special atttmcilon. Tne rest ot tbe hlU Is made n of nelene Hon, Johnny and Emma Hiy, Fllson sni F.rroll, the Electric (Juartet, Harding, Chalfantand Kerra. the Uigbleys, Harris and Walters, Albuttns and Dartrom and Forbes and Qulna. Last week Iho Boston Howard Atbenicnra uompaoy held lbs botrds. The llentz-Ssniiey Novelty Uompaoy 31. IIOBXB A Obobabdt's Oabino —Manager Oeb hardt baa prepared an excellent bill tor hIa patrons this week, which waa presented night ot 14 betore aa large an audience as bss beeo seen here this sea- son. Tbellvlngpicturessreasgreatafsaturanow as when they were dnt prodnoed heie. The rest ot the programme Is as follows: Minnie Schnit, who made her rcappesmoco al'er a short vacation; Bobe and VIole Dally, wbo have beeo eogaged for ooeweek ooly; Paul aod Parker, Dot Daveoport, Thomas Bameusnd oihera. AxFniON.—"A Texas Bieer" la hen this week. The oomedy Is oo stnoger lo this part ot Ion, and has always left It richer than when It came oere. Unless the oar strike cintlnnes. It will no donbt dnpltcate Its former snccesaes. Fair bosineas last week. "Blue Jeiu" next week. BarreB.-"ShsnNo. 3'' bsgana week's eni ment hen 14, to a fair sized oonie. Falrbi lsatweek. Coming 31, 'The Stowaway." OiTnr.—In Rooett Oaylor, who Is bera thia week In "Sport McAllUler," the houae's palions recognize a popnlar favorite, and he will nndoobt- edly play a snccesslul engagement. There was a fair sized aodieocepnseoi 14. Good bosloea but week. WeekofSl, BamDsven'sOo. LTOiini.-Tbs Phllllpa' stock compaoy this week revive "EUeeo Uge." In tbe cast are Caryl Wilbur, Emma Bell, Frenk Base, Anna McOisggor, Louis Crollus aod Jamea R. Barnes. Week of 31, "The Blreetsot New York. ' LsB AviKoa AOADBitT.—This houso icopeosd 14 nodsr the management of John Burks. It will be ran as a straight vsriely hoose. Ths people thia week an ttkeo from the Acton' Protective Unloo, No. 1, aod Inolude OlaCilfton, Mercy and Bird, Rob. Inaon and Dolion, Con Blombard, Harry Tvebsr, and Dalley and Jordan. Wavbblt Tubathb — Max Rosenborg baa taken posseaalen of ihta place aod lotenda raonlog It as a iiraight variety house. Bla eoon Is to give a re. dned perlotmaoca at popolar prices. UKiQux.-Aries' Vaodevllle Oo. oseoed 14 to a big houae. The people Include Ohaoprell and Scliuyler, E J. BolUmd, ths Ssnnden, nlcs snd Lark, Irene nice, Soele Mandre and John Blano. Week of 31, Rash's "White Crook" Borlesqne Co. NoTX8.-Tho Btjoa Theatre has passed Its dnt anniversary mark as one ot BrooklyD's places ot amosetuent, and its staodiog as a popollrprleeu theatre is 100 well koown to need commendsUon. A specltl children's miUoeewllI be giveo 3a, tbat the IllUe folk may wltoeas Oanlons* "Saperba," Simon Ooodtrlend, who wss formerly with Richard Mansfield, Is now manager ot the OUs SI Inner Compaoy, which is Ihls week at the Park Theatre, Albany..^ne or two axim atlnotlona ware the featarea of last week that made It more than ordinary. The Leiand Opera Hoose opened tbe week with two nights of "shaft No.^" to fair re- turoB. "The Amazons" waa'preasoteJ 910 a lane house. Karrington and Ransome appeared In "The Count of Monte Criato" and "l«d Astny," to ■ood sized audiences 10, II, IX Coming: 14. It, BIIU Proctor OUs, lu "Oliver Twtit;"ie:Aotioa[ Aibleile Toorosmenl of the Cspllal City Athletic uinb: 11, 18. 19, Marls Bomogns, lo "ne Prodl- gaic;" 31, 31, Olga Netbersole, In ' Oamllie" and "The Traosgreasor;" 33, Richard Golden, In "Old JedProuiy;" 24,3(,3il,"TheOlrl ILeftBehlndMe." Baruands BisBCKin Bali, had an important attraction n, • with Daly'aOo., In '-7 30 8" and "A Night Oir," Both nighis Ihe nail waafiUed. "A Cracker Jack" had fair aized andleocea 1113. Coming: 16, De Wolf nopper In "Dr. ByDI>x''2l. 21 38 Dan McCarthy In repertory. TOB OAiirr Tbbatrb did a large hoalnsfs all Isat week- The "Night 0«ls" furnished the bill, and sll the performances were isrgely attended. Booked: 14-10 Lilly Clay's Oalety company; 31-M. London Gaiety Qirls. flufklo.—At the Star Theatre "In Old Ken- tncky" comes Jao. 16, tor dvs nights. Fnnols Wllion nextwtek. 'The Oalety Girl No. 1" was rnthleisly handled by iho newspspen and very poorly psironlisd. The piece was wsU staged and was cast meritoriously, save In two or tone In- elan ces, ACADiur OF MDBia—'The New Boy" cornea 14, for three nlahts, '-The Amazona" IT-lo. Ohannoey u:cott In "The Irlih Arilst," ne.\t week. Mr. and sin. Ualdwln aipeared to eieelleut receipts. Lyoidu TnBATi>B.-"Tbs rower ot the Press" opens 11 for one week, to be suocieded 31 and week by "Ny Aunt Bridget." Ward and Yokes had picked hooscB olgbtly. CucnTSrBBiT TasATBB.-c. W. WUllams'Oome. disss start a week's visit 14. Next week, RsUly A Wood's Co. ■ —, » BuBA's Music Uail.— Daisy Kayer and Plckaotn- Dtes, I'rancla Bryan', Ihe Delsabcs, Maater Dan, May Iloey, Mario Griintlis, Felix and Cain. Lolii Trimble, Llills Lsrkelle and Fred Hodellao. nochealer.—The Lyceum will rtmalndark nntll Jan. 18, when De Wolf Hopper comes In "Dr. Syn- tax" for the Isst two nights ot tbe week, Otis Bkln- ncr and '-a'ho Amazons" divided laat week to tair aized audlencee. Coming: 31-21, "The G.rl I Left Behind Me;" 34-30, "Priooess Boonls." Coox urXBA llorot.-Harry Lacy, li "The Han From Iho West," began a three nighu' engagement 14, to be rollowcd by "The Cross floadsorufe" it fur the remainder of tne wtok. "A Cricker Jack" and "Tue Power of Hie Press ' divided Isat week to fair business. Annoonoed: n-w, <Ths Coast Gnard." TUB AcAnxur uf Hviio has John E. Brenoao. In ' Ttni, Ihe Tinker," 14 and week. Last week, Sim Jack's Creole Oo. atmoled good alied andi- eoccs. "Capi. Bearne, U. S. A-," 31-3*, Tog WoKnBBLiND MDSBi-TSBATBi presents Iho lolloivlDg 14 anil week: Ourlo Balls: Jennie i)algley, Te.\ Bender, Unelda and Prof. Lee and bcluo Fritz- Theauc: MUe. Alelde Capllalne. Howard and Bland, Iho Garrlsona and the La Monis. Byracuie.—At tbo Wletlng Open Honss John '. Fitld's Drawing Cards had good bnslacss Jan. >, I. "l-2« 8" and "A Nlaht Off > dnw fairly lo! UeialdeU: "The Amazons') with Johoslons Benneu 14-10. Uiury Lacy, In "The Han from the WesL" "-10. ' BAnrASLi TtiBATHB—Oits Skloosr, lo "Ills Once no tiiammoni," "The Klog's Jestei" and "The Merchant ot Venice," was a luaoolal soccess 10-13. Booked: Ds Wolf Hopper, In "Dr. Syntax," 17. Eiiu Proctor Oils, In "Oliver Twut," 18. R. II. Jacobs' TaBATag.—"Ths Power of Ihe Press" drew Urge sndlenceaT-P. "In the Tender- loin" packed Ihe theaus 10-12. "The Cnss Rcada or Lire" comes 14-1(, "A Oracksr Jack" 17-l». Tray_At the Oriswold Open Ilonse a good sitcti audteuco greeted "la lbs l^nderloln" Jao. 8. "Peck's Bad Boy" drew well t, 10. ■Hloly a Faim- rr'a Daughter,'' booked for II, 13, klied to appmr. ■The Two Jobos" cams 14,18, Bllla Prooior oaaln "Oliver Twin," i«^ "Bands Across tks 8ea"ie. U. tiAKD's orsBA Boi;si.-lls(te BbhobiIh, m •Tbe "Old week, Pntllgau," came 16, is; Richard Oolden m Jed ftooty,"l7. Ths honse waa vSSi (,« reek. ' UAiitr IBBATU—The WatsonBlBlen'BntlefQUB Company comei li for the weak. "The Jav Sir cw'^w pao ked honsei all last week. ' ""' BlBwhmalon^t the Stone Open liooje- FSony Rloe. In "A Ftan's Fnllo," had fair bnsloeia Ian.». Ths Two Blaten" came to ■atlatactol! boslBeas 10. "The New Dov" dellghleda lackM andlence 13, Bookings: 14, fiookstader's Mlutrc^? ie,Connyand Fox, rn"notTamales;"l7,ia '•ni Redosa" (local): IS, "Land of the MIdnlgbi'snn >> At Bllon Theain'Tha Private 8ecr*iarv>'nt/i talily good attendaoca 7-». Setloa's Vanderma Oo. came 10-13 to large business. Due: "Blacklisted;" 17-1«, Demlng's Minstrels... u-' D. Van Dyke has purchased the belongings or the' Austin's Qlganteans, which closed hereafewdavi ago, and will take io lbs road u soon as he can book hlsdstea. The compaoy will be known as the Royal TsodevUle Uompaoy, wlUi llvbig pictures. Vdea.—At Ihe UUis Opera Hoose Faoor liicit In "Fnn'a Prollo," Jao. 7, pleaseda large audlei^ce "In the Tenderloin,"«, and 'The Oioss Roidii ci Ute" 11,both did welt. Dated: Marie Borrooibn in •'Ttie Fndlnia," 14, Da WoU Hopper, lo "Dr. a/n tax," 18, "Oliver Twlat" 17 A) the Wooder'aoii- Oorto hall—"Electra," Mexican Char.'esaoa Uaitin' Amazon. Btage—Rath Llvlngsiooe, Beanlan m-ii Kliroy, Aland Gates, and Bcboyler and Nasb. Mewbarg,—The Academy ot Music Is nc;oi>ic<i Jan. li-iehy ths Maude UiUmao Uomedy Cu. in tut following repertory, ai popnlar prices, 10.20 snd ;u csnis: "naiOirllo Yankee Laod" u, "TneVssn. bond Helrea" 16. "Hoop ot GoM" It, "Uharirv Bess"II, "OliverTwist' 18, 'Zippi, the uiiiM ,'t the Mines'' it. Jsa- A. nerae's "Shore Acres" well deaerved the big hoose It dnw 7. Blmlra,—At Ihe Open Boose 'The Two su. MB" was the atmclfnn, Jan.«,togDOd bnslntai John F. Fleldi' Drawing Csrds had a good slz^ii »i. - „ B -.i*(l houas II, Uns: "Eot Tamalaa" li, Dockttider'i Hlvtiela le, 'Trinceas Bonnie" 23, ohanncey (ikni 28. ILLINOIS. Chicago,—Last week brought dUsster to ihe local amnsemsnt deld, three companies fslling by Ihe wayilde and one hoose glvlog op Ihe straggle against scant patronage. Ualeaa business chaogn consldsrsUy more financial dlatrtes will be re. corded, as four of the honsrs now open an barely paying expenses from the avenge receipts. The season has thus far been very trying on the pniic attlnpof our managers. The cotreot days hold ■o ston nooh that is novel and pniseworihy, aod shoold the slemcots spare os severs weather souic very big boslneaa may be expected. The first local preaeotailon of "Mt2" at ths Oolnmbbt, "The Gaiety OlrP' at the Chicago and "Ttie Baablo Shop" at Hooley's mark ths novellles ot Ihe week, and li wide heiaMtng and the promised merit of these at- iTBOUoos will avail bialness shonid bo rather pioni- abls. Cbioaoo Ofbba Hoobb.— Geo. Edwsrde's Com- paoy give tor the Irat time here 14, "A Oalety (llir,"iben beginning a three weeks'engsgemeot- Frlmnse A West's UlostRls gave the best perform- ance Obicago has ever known In Ibe lino ol min- strelsy and met good patronage. The company, seventy strong, was the largest organization of the kind we have seen. Obamb Ofxba UocBi.—"A Tempcranoe Town" began Its toorth aod ooocladlog week 18, having eojoyed tbns far a nigo of evenly good buslneis, conplid with the splendid satisfaction invitlably attendant upon the prodnctlon of Hoyiean farce. On 30 Ballen and Bart begin an engagement ol brief anraUon, reviving ■'Later Un," with ihe statement that they make their conolndlng locil Ttalt u Joint elan with this engsgtment. HooLXT'B Thbatbb.— John Drew makes bis Int appearance as a star at this honse during the onrnnt fortnight, presentbig, tor the dnt lime here.Benrv Arthur Jones' play, "The Bauble Shop." On 13, E. U. Bolhern dnisbed a week's prcseotailon of "A Way to Win a Woman," and oonoloded a three weeks' engagement, marked by large tnm- outa. At nearly ever/ performance toe house wss dlled eomplelely, and on many occasloiis standing room was In dsmsnd. OoLtniBiA TitBATHB.—Rica's SumrDie Party be- gan a six weeks' engsgenisnt 13 presenting then, for ihs dnt time here, their prodneilon ot "1403." Daring the past three weeke "Shenandoah'- waa pieaentad In an adequala manner, bnt the painoago iraa of the iDost dlsoounglog aort. During tne coming Biz weeks, however, Mansger Davis will bo a pnmlnent factor In the division of spoils. BCBiLLBB TniATHB.—Ohsa. Dlokson began a re- turn eogagemeot is with a revival of "looog.," and hu fair proipecu tor the week, Fredertok Wards aod Loots Jsmes conolnded a fairly successful fort- night, 19, their Isst week having been devoted in Bhakespeaiesn plays. Beglnnlog 30 "OUver Twin" will be revived lor ooo week byaoompany directed by W. A. Hestayer, wl'h Eitta Prootcr Olla aa Kaoey SIkes, Frank K'eosn aa Fkgan, Chaa. Bar- ron SB Bill Bikes snd Wa. Meataysr ss Bnmble. MoVicigB's TBjtATHB.-Eogene Tompkins' pro- ducllon ot "The B ack On ok" began Ibe second week of lis fairly prosperous engagement, 13, with an unannounced period atili lo endure. The prin- cipal oharaoten are In the hands of Lena Mere- dith, Onssle Cogao, Ella Craven, Tlnnle Henahaw, Allle Utibert, ceo. Morton, Bam Oolllns, B. S. Goodwin, Frank D«n. U, cry KoaaeU, Bd. Ssntord, Frank O.liette, Ruisdi Hunting, John aearey, E.K. Bcaode,John Uendncks and asmnel Boldeo.ihe principal daoreis beiug MtcJolaTomaghl, Uile. BlAcclonl and Aiferdo BwocldoiL Specialties by Mardo and the Aihos Family add matartsUy to the in*tll ot Ihe performance. Batuabibt TOBATBi.—Jacob Lilt's Comnaoy will be seeo this week lo "The Eoslgo," sod will be followed 30 by the Uaodow Troadero Vaudevilles, tor tbe dnt ume here. Robt BiiliarJ met fair pAlreoage last week, then presenting "The Noml- nee," preceded by "The Liltiost Ulrl," bla own diamatlzatlon ot Rlohard Harding DavIs' sloiy, ''Btr Flnt Appearaoca." The soppomog com- noy was eotlRly eompsteot snd rncluded Theo. ibcock, Frederick Perry, Edwin Brewster, Msrte da OampI, Carrie Strong, Blanche llobloaon, Elsnor Gray, John Billings, Geo, Webster and Lot- us Dorotliy. LoicoLH TBBATiB.—Oliver BOd Kate Dyron will deplci "Toe Ups and Downs ot Lite" ttats week, sod wilt give way 20 to naolon Bioi.' "Faolasma." Last week Maoagera Hotton A Treyser gave "Toong Ura. Wlolhrop" tbe moit elaborate aod di tlog stage moontlngs of any play seen u these pre- cincts thiB sesson, and Ihe piesenilng company, tonlthed by Msnagen Wagenlaaa A Kcnipcr, was splsndldly choseo. The list locloded Lan- sing RowsD, Bml Daobar, Mn. Annie Mortimer, Robt. McWade. Una Abell. William Hunt, Colim Semper and Lillian Sohovelln. Ai.BAnnBA TuiATBB—S. W. Oomb'8 prodoctioo ot "the Coast Ousrd" will be witnessed Ihls week for tbe dnt lime on thsBonlh Side. Biiioeaa waa very good hut week when Stare Brodio gave ' Un tbe Bowery," with tbe assistance of Frank Bosh, Edwm Bbapley, Mvik l.ynob, Edward Chrlaate, Wdl Mitehell, Al. L>ar,is, Geo. Anderson. Jobu Wslsh, Irving WUIIams, J. M. Bonoksr, Joe. K. Krefe, Helen Macgregor, Valerie Bcrg<ra aod Isabel Wood. Weekof So.'TheTwoBistcn." UavuN's ToBATBi.—Uaoloo Bros-' "Faolaams" It Ihe atiraotloD Ihia week, and will doublleaa pros- ler. Next wejk. Floisle wes>. In 'The Daztlcr." .aat week, "Tbe Kid" was gmgeiley palnolzed and lodloeRotiy presented by Chas. Allison, RMph Bell, Joe Downe, Uns Boblke, Alt. Hampton. Helen Jonia Barclay, Edna West, Emity MUdred, Dorothy Kent, BUS Herring, Emma Sardon and BcUoFrlfoldL The high wire act byAdele Purvis Curl and ber specially on a revolving globe were the best execuud and meal woriby feaiorvB ot the performaoco. ACADBHT OF Mraic-'Tawn Ticket 310" will en- gage auenUoo this week. Amy Lee, Fraok Ooane aod Paul Andeiaon sustalnmg the chief rolea. Boslnesa last week wss very fair with B. ff. Combs' production of "The Oout GosM" pre- senledbya caat, loolndlog John Bnike, O.Berlt- ags, J. H. Ferris, L. F. Boward, Edward Faiton. F. F, RusaeU. Jenny Darrab, Lncy Taylor and oih- srs. Ospk L. D. UlondeU aod Bager sod Faour Midiley sre featored. coming week ot 30, Jas. li. Waluot. cuxx BrRBBT TsuTiB.—"Aonsa the Potomac" li OBnonnoed this week for Its first North Side pre- seotatloo. Fred Waldmann's Specialty Oonipsoyst- - tneled llmlud tura6nls last week opto Wednes- day night when the company dlsoaoded- The hooia nmalocd dark during Ihe real of the week. An intsrealtng featnre iTibe bill was the firal alaga appearance of uentySlrangier, aatrosgboy, who gave evidence of considerable muKle. '-Paws Ticket 110" oomes next week. Sam t. Jaoi'b ofbba noins.-ICaBafer Jack's stick bmlaqne forossi headed by Billy aod Louise Bt Olali* ua Emma Vaid, wU ooBhrtboi* Iht