New York Clipper (Jan 1895)

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January Id. THE NEW YOKK CLIPPER. 735 msueoaBt tUi VMk. Ttiot. XUm's "CItr Olsb" Bori«a4ae Compuv DiiIikM two wmU tt Ikir •acoM 19. UiOr pcrtonnuicM lisTlor (iTto iplen- dld miatMtloo. FUDT Ertntt b(MM ihtbiir- leMU form Id lbs Ant put ud barlMiDe. "Tlit UM Qaiii»tii'8lead," btcktd by RabT HwIod, LIIUu WIlaoD, Bopble Erb*. Con Wbltc, Olllg AUiaitoii,Aiuile PtMrs n« Btrtlu Dongbui, tba olio afitiBM Tbo*. n, Notu, Hun Bijuit ui Cwrlo Falton, FkDor Enntl, AL H. FItlilt ud DtTO LewU and ObH. II. Bijut »ni (ieo, U. BiTllte. ROTii EHOUsn Circus.— Msiugcr Fmk mil bu broogbt»loog Una of efllolentjiorfoniien tbui far ud promliu mom lo rotore. Toe ntir feitDTe for Ui« wMk U Bn BenoUl nlxh Mrera Sobairer nsderllned. Tbo Derformuu lui wttkeoRkgtd Jobn CleTeUsd, Dollle Emmloga, Btllm Nuur'a Ambt,AI.CtroD.Oliu. W. Fltb, Hosa. Vibn, ibe Rennud Bioi., Roal* H>en, tb« Bsiuorl Blatara, Wm. Da MoK, rami and Harono, tba Da'.loRllI nroi.,asdtbaFM)liiaa(liuKeli«. Baalnca la tctt good. FBiMi BiiL'a OiaiNo.—Tbe aU«ndanoa main- ulna a blgblj pnlliabla atandard at tbia reaort and tba bill o( oosUoDona vatlatr la or tba btat aort obtaloabla. For tbIa ire«k will 0. Feiria, a mea- meila^ la tba (oatan, tba nrletr portlonor Ibe pro- Kianuia aDgaglgg nobatta aod Dorato, JaiiDle aid Aiuila Daolala, Ida and Fcancia UoNdI^, Walla and Monroe, HtrrT Tboma, tba SIdmua, aaorgla Eoarr. tba Beeob Oblldnn, La Vaae and PatDaod. Oleo Cclcatf, Val Vino, Haigla Wlliiu, McAroj aid Doile, Obaa. and Jennie Slamrt, 0. W. Andenon anl A. W. Holme. LTonmTBiATBi.—Foriblawmk tho altracUon will be Qrenlcr'a Lroeom Tbeaire Oompanr wblob baa been ont ibia aeaaon, dirattcd bj Jobn Horrla- ger wbo wu atone lime aaalatut manager or ibla reaort. Webar t Fleld'a Cnmpanj la dne week o( 3L liiat week Haaager Qienler preaenled a bonaa bin and met fair reward. Tba perforaunce eoftag. ed Dnpont, Dan Ktaung and Jobn Lord, Ford and Frsncea, Ju. R Beacb. Stdle Onabman and nnbert Bolcomb. Delaroj and Frtii, Edward and Linlaa LkTeite, Fred Barrand Yucca. Sin T. Jici'a EHriai.-An organlzailon atjled "London Hoalo Hall Borlnqao Oompan;" preaaala tbe amnaament thia week. Bnalneas waa falrlaat week, wban Manager Jack offered bla stock com- pany lo Ibe bntleatiae "Tbe Fortj Tblerea," enmg- Ing Emma Ward In Ibe oblet lole. The olio waa GOTlded bj Frank Healej ami Frank Porcell.Mand Ilea and Irene Walton, ObarleT Banka, Bliljr and Lonlae 8L Olair and Ibe Conwaj Brotbera. Oaiitt Taitni.—After iwentrweeka of bard llabling Manager Uriacoll aobmliied totbeloavlt- able U, and doaed tbe doom of tbIa reaort. He annonnoea a detennlaatlon lo reopen In abont ibree weeka nnder changed condlllooa, amoklog and drinking being tbenpenniued. Wlib Ibe exiim In- come fmm llqold rtfreabmenta Manager Drtacoll bopeatoHndproIlL Thelaatweek of alralgblra- rl«T brongbt oat atnggllDgandlenceaand engaged Dan BarreU and Jobn Flaberir, Orace and Roae Marre, Frank Onmmlngi. 0. Park Bjen, Dick and Kiwe Oommlnga, Roao Lee aid Dan and Kellle Blait OLTifPio TnUTBi.—Maj Howard'a Big Bar lesqno corapan; makes Ita Ont appeaiance of tbe ■eaaon at Ibia bonae week beginning 14, and aa tbe orfanlzaUon la Terr popolar wlib Manager Caatle'a following, big boalneaa laaaanted. Laat week Relllj A Wood'a oompaoT t»n a prctenilona barleaqoe and a fair line of apeclnl'Ici to good bsalneaa. Joe Allen and Jobn Weat, Tarrr and Haggle Fergnaon, Obaa. and Minnie Barao, John Perrj and Jaa. Ten nraoke, Llilr Lanrel and Hand Harrey and Her Ilorke and Randall romiabed tbe olio, the bnr- liaqne, ' Hades Up to Date," wHIi Maggie Fergnaon In tbe oblef role, flnlabed Ibe Mil. PAHiTauTBi.—Manager NIokKorton malntaloa llting pictnrea aa an ealabllabo'1 fealnre of tbe ontruig here, and adda loaire to the enrreni bill by tbe presentation of two loul comedies. Tbe olio will employ Barton and OlTde Stanley, Thoa. Leo and Jeaile Obspman, Mark Lorlng and Allle Lealle, Bobaeffer and Monti. Ed. Thompaon and Oeo. Bnn. nail, Lilo Tbels, BUI; Maloner and Harrr Wll- llama, Fanae Le Petre, EotUe Bernard Obaae, Oa. borne and Horanla. Ehoil's Oriu Fatilion.— Tbe attendance bete nalnlalna a fairly progiable atandard and tor tbla weekanexceUentbllllaprovlded. The feainreot Ibe week will be the piadncUon of Anhnr J. lamb<a bnrleiu "Bla Nobba Ue Nabob" wblob will be pro- ceeded by an olio engaging tbe Lonere Slaters, the Nelaon nmlly, Oor> Ronit, Sadie Onabman and Herbert Holoomb, La Birtoe and Nln<, U Belle Adele, Arable and Roae Royer, Lillian Starr, Uamie Canierand Lew Baker. Wnm's LOKOOK Diiii Hubii.— For the second week OapL Jobn While, the manager, maintains tbe midway aa ihe principle featore of ibe lower alage, tbe enno Hat for tbe week Indadlngtbe Alphonaos, Aremanlpnlatora; Amy Folletia, aapottedwoman; Jenny Bowman, with trained doge and Prof. Bow- man witb abadowgrapbs. Tbe preaentailon of mid- way "iwlatera" laat week brongbt ont the largeai bnslneas tbe bonae hu been favored wlib In more than a yew. EOBL ti MinnLBTO.s's Clirk SmiKT MOSBK.— The carlo arraDgement for tbis weak eongea Jo Lnaaale,an albino; Balbroma, a maglolan; OlB»,a Clrcaislan lady; Sam Font, awblluer, and Leab May, a gtantesa. Tbe lower auge will be In poa- aesaion of Edward and Lonlae Loretio, Will Mc- Roble. tbe Oelhert Slaien, Fatay and Sadie Urannl- gan, Oeo. R. Bonn and tho Beatles. A bomber of moMle danceta are contloned (.r Ibe third week, doe to toe fact that their presence has aerred to draw great crowds of cnrlooa alghtaeers EOBLA MlDDLITOK'SaLOBB DlHB HOSBI.—OOrlO ball this week la alren orer to Pnf. woodward and hia mined scalB and aea Hons; Ibe Oair Bnw., with wreatllDg bear; Welaer, an Albino; Mile. Connie, with her trained animals, and a nnmb>r or midway performero. On ibe alage Florence Hllirr wlU do Ibe "Koncbl Koncbl" and like "awlrel" daicea, and apeclalilea will be Inirodnotd by Tj- reene, Ohas. Rlob, Tom Olbbona, Bott Marlon and BUly Pearl, and Prof. Qnty. Hie mldwsr ezeralses hare oansed a big sport In bnslneu at Ibts reaort, and tbe end Is not yec AntBHiTB Welb A 'n'achsner's Qerman Slock Company acted at Dooleya, Bight of t, "Maner bineochen" ("LltUe Wall Flower"), a comedy in tonr aota, by O. Blomenlbal and 0. Kad- diebtrg, caat aa rollowa: Jnataa Wonnann, Fer- dinand^ Welb; Fanl Worman, Carl Uolly; Ed- ward Harborg, Max Flacher: llenrletu Mar- bnrg, Iledwig Baotlcger: Edith Marbnrg, Klin NUiBon; Bpangentanli, Blegmncd Hellg; Fianz- laka Spanienbtnk, Henry stnirer: Manin, Wll- helm Oehrlog: Dr. Lacai. Adolpb Byer; Jennie Lncas, Anna ncltbmolcr; Uemlolo Lncas, Clara r«piilng: Erunnlis, Can Koenig; Uerman, D. Otfebe; Jadge Henial, Hogo Crabee; Knut. Albert Miller; Btlielte. Victoria Marlham; BInie, Bel- mer Letsker, and Anton, Herman Illrscbbnrg W.J. WInterbnrn will deToie bla roU time tu tbo management or the tonr or Walker Wbluslde 0, E. Bklff Is perfecUng plana for a society circns to be glTen at Battery "D" W Bert Davis Joined Primrose t Weet's Minstrels here, re- anmlng bis former station u general press sgent Manager Nell Florence baa with- drawn Edwin Btrbonr's new faroa comedy, "One or tbe Boyt" after an anprodl^blq week on Ihe nigbt aunda of Indiana V. K. viator has returned home fcom bla evenirnl visit to Clnoln- nall, O, and will at once organlu a varlctr com- paay to take Ibe toad 27 at indltnapoUi, Ind oeo. Oeraier and Obarley Li Mar areplaylog tbe snbarbs with a company styled Kettle Wlllard'a En- tertainers LAwrenoe Ilanleybas been engaged to loin' 01 tbe Ultslsslppl," ii, at OinclnnatI, 0. Kogene Tsaye, the vtollnlal, will appear as aolnlal wlin tbe Chicago Orcheairs at ihe Andltorlnm. Feb. 1 and 3. This will be bla local debnt Edgar Owlnga Towns bia diaposed ol his plar. "Other People's Money," to Chaa. Dlckaon. who will at once bexln rebeamalt. Tbla play was prtacnicd by 1. mie Evans early tbla season, and Is a recon- atmcled varaloD ot Mr. Towne'a play, "By Wiia Onlwlued."... .Tbe last week In Jannary will bring "Shore Acrea" to MoVlcker's, where It waa orlsl- nally anted, OlgaNetbereole to Hoolej'a.tor berlocal debat,and Caraille D'Arvllle to tbe Soblller fora re- tnm engagement In "Hadelelne,orihe Magic Klaa." Boalneaa Mooaeor Geo. W. Sammla, of "Oa the Bowery," waa called homo Uet week iiy the aarlona Ulneaa ot bla wife, and bla place waa dlled br Bnal- ne*< Manager Victor Barmoo, of "On tbe Missis- sippi." Jan. U. Oallen, the Patterson Broiheis, OtUUIe, Blnni and DInna, Richmond and Olenroy, Higee and Orimraloa, and tho Olyropla Qoariet, members of Fred Waldmann's Company, which went to the wall bore last week, claim aal- sHea doe them from Manager Peter Rice to tbe amoant ot 11,100. A majoilty of the oom- ptny have departed for year pieclacta "nt Ortat Brooklf D Baodlcap" went to pieces at the eloae ol the Alhambm engagement t, and "Tbe Kid" Oompany diebtnded when the aogage- menl at Bavllo's was Inlabed laat week John E. Boyle hu signed wlihSella Brothers'Clrcos as general press agent for Ibe third conaecnllre season. Be Is spending the Winter with Treaaaitr Thos. J. Baker, of Ibe Oinnple Ceo. 0. Francis, who has bean ahead ot H. B. Wood's "Orphans ot psw Tofk," bii Ukaas Uks io«iua«iltkBisv« Bndle'a "Ob the Bowery." Mr. Wood closed hU aeaaon In bnlSTlIle, Ky., on scoonntof somenn- favorable bookloga,htt( ezpecia to tue the road later In Ibe aeaioo A. J. CaaUe, rather of Man- ager Oeo. CoaUe, of the Ulympio, U lorionily lU. He hu aoalned a veuetahie ago and la widely known In the profeailon Manager W. A. Kd- wstds, of tbe Alhambra, haa begun anit ror a divorce InmhiBwire TheaitaaheaoribeBoyal English Olrcns laat week preaenled a diamnnd honeaboe pin to J B.Flabenyaa atnkenolihclr etisem. Mr. FUberty bnt recently reilgned bla poaltloD aa bnalneaa manager ot Ibat reaort to rottheran entorprlaaot his osn,tbs cbarmcierot which will soon be announctd Tom Coatcllo, or Healey and Coatcllo, la oonDoed to the Poet Oradaate Uoaplial, In yoor cliy, and la being cared for by Madison Lodge, NO. 134, K-ot P.,lhlscliy. Uls eonditton is very critical and no hopes are enter- lalncdror bla reoorery Betnloe Wheeler waa granted a divorce rrom her hoaband, E, K. Wheeler, toKanauCliy.Mo., e. She la nowiutUlDlDgibe letda In one ot Oniuve Frohman'a "Charity Ball" companies Thronghibe oonrletyot RInglIng Brothers, I am In poaaoaalon of a copy o( tbeir roots hook, which Is traly an elabotaiesonvonlrot Iheir highly ancceaatui lonr of tho "World's Orcat. Sit Show." (iBlMir.—At tbe Empire DIsalerella Jonei^dld altiy well Jan. II. John Drew, in "Tho Bniteinier," drewan enormons bonae 7, "The Olrl I Leil Behind Me," », played to good liotlneas. Coming: Flu i Webster, In "A BteetyTlme," it, "A Oreen Ooodi Man" 17, Rob FIlsMnusona la, "Spider and VIv" l», "The Cmatof Socletv" a, Alai. Salvlnl is. W. c. Boward Is condned to bla home with trpbold fever. 0. B, Bowman taken Mr. Howard's place at Ihe door. KENTUCKY LoalsTlller-AI tbe Temple Nat 0. Ooodwin commenced a bait week engagement Jan. 7 before apacked honaeln"AOllded Fool." "In Mlzzonra" and "David Qairlck" were preaented the lemalnlng nlgb'ato ueqnallygood honaea. The latttr hall of the week was flUed with "r.<ul Kanvar" to fair andlencea. Jamea J. Corbeit comea 17. MaciOLBT'8 TBBiTRii.—"Charley's Annt" di- vided the week with 'The Pasalog Show." Tbe tormerdnw fair sited honaea, while Ihe luter at- tnoKd big anillcncea. Uageobeck'a Tialnod Anl- mala and Zoo Olrcas week of 14. Obano Opiba Uodss James Yoang, In a bhakeapeartan repertory, auracted good bogiea week ending 12- Waller Matthews, ot this city, anpported Mr. Yonng daring the engagemeoL "Tbe fiorglar" week ot W- Avsi<DB.-"Fawn Ticket 3I0" proved a magnet for tbla honse laat week. Tbe atiendance was big daring the engagement. Alba Bey wood, In "Edie- wood Folka," week ot 14- BDCiiNaBAH—Roae Sydell'a London Belles On- Isbed a good week's bnalnesa 11. Reeves .V Palm- er's Coamopolltana week of 14. OIM TnsATBi.—New faces 14: Dannie Norman, Dora Menzenola, Bob Edsards, Slilcrs I'wkcr, Cora Fntnkllo, EllUi Ten;, Magglo Tbleas and Kd. and Jessie Foley. Uaalnesa Is fair. NOTBS.—Sonvenln were given nt the matinee perronnasces or James Yooog at the nraud Opera Honae but week Charles H. Illil, or Baliloiore, Md., brother or May Ilnoklngbani, who diedatlho LonlavlUc Botel a, arrlvedin tbe olty 7, and acnim- panlcdiberemolnalo BalilmoreS. Toe Lonhi'llle Lodge or Elks were lonerous In tboir attentions to Ibe actress while sick, aud aaaunied responsibility ror her rnneral exponaes. Tno remains were tuken to Ibe Dominican Church a, where reqniem nuuis was said. Members or LouiBvlllo Lodge, U. r. O. K , acted aa pillbeareis Uojor Hughes,obleliho LoolBvlllo lire department, was preieoted o wlUi a gold walch by Mat 0. Ooodwin aa a token ot friend, ship. VIRGINIA. BleUmoBd.—With every seat In the bouaeoc- cnpled at advanced prices and tlie alalea crowded to a dangerons degree, lUcbard Uanalleld presented ".Napoleon Bowparte" at the Acsilemy of Mualc, Jan. 7, to one at tbe moat brllllaat audlencea ever aisembled In Ibia bonae. Tbe play Itself waa coldly received, the scenic cltects and Ur. Manadeld'sin- rtlvldnallty alone atoning tor the dullness or the action- "The While Bqnadron," s, g, was fairly patronized by a top heavy house, "rno llain makers," li. 11, was preseuied to unlforinly largo business. The Klobmond Theatre remained dark laat week. Col. Brecklnrldie baring canceled. AuDBuv or Mueio-—Mrs. Poller and Kyrle Bel- lew ii-ig, Sanaa's Band 22, "The Dovll^s Aocllon" 211,26. RionvoKD TDX1TR1.-0IIS Ulil's Korcliy Co. is, Norria Bros.' Ennlnes 17-ie. PlTNlU'STBBaTRB COBiqrB.—OpCDlDg 14: LCOh and Mocmalck, Tnxle Hamilton and Joalo Sbelld. Boslneas Is fair Norrolk.—At the Academy of Mualc Ihe Veteran Oorpa Band came Jan a, bnt met with poor bnal- neas on acconnt of a heavy wind and rain storm which swept onr olty. "Tue While snoadron" tol- lowed 11. 12 and plared to excellent houses. Booked: Souaa'a Rand 21, "TheDavll'a Aurilon"2l, Nonis Bros.' Eqolnes •a, it. BiJon TasiTBR—Opening l-i: WhlUock and Kaffilnkl,Trl«le Miller and Baroca nis'oni. Re- maining: (ionnan and Weat, Jo:in l.omue^a, J. Ittuti, Hay Miller, Floyd Slaters, U»i la Orey, Uhria- tle We|/ih, Jobn Omham and U«vo lloinail. 81. Hark f: Lynn'a Barleaqoe Co. did a good builncse. WASHINGTON. Beaicie.—At Uanna'a Seattle Theatre Kiule Put- nam opened for two nigbta Jan. 7, with "LitUe Uav- riok," to a good bonae. Thomas W. Keene did tilr bnslnesB 1-3. Sadie Martlnot and Max Flgmin bnog "The Paaaport" 21,23, "Fbo New Hoy" ti, 20. CoRDRiT'a TasATRB.—Week of Dec. M waa di- vided between tbo I'y ke Opera Co. In "Tho Tar aud tbe Tartar." tor Ibe Oist three nlgbls to picked bonaes, and Ihe Ohaa. KIgga Co. the remaluder ol the week In repertory to fair sized aadlencts. Tlie BeatUe AtbKtloOlab produce Olio Culllng'aoper. aUc trsveaiy, "Mlilwlntcr Night's liream," 24-2<i. Stewart's Comic Players, headed by Ueo. P. Mur- phy and Kilty Kursalea, open ror a week :8. Fiors.—J. B. Sbuok, or Ohiago, III., was hers In this city ror sevenl weeks looking np talent tor bla Calhonn OperaOo Martin Parker, now ot tbo Fyke Co., Joined the Tavary Open Co. at TMoma. Manager W. M. Itoisle, of Cordrsy's, Ih arrang- ing a new vermon ot "Fansf which be win pot on tbe road ahenly TbsT. H.A-Lodge are nak- Ing eltorU to secure a ArsI class aiincUoo for ihclr benelt. TscoBia.—At the Tacoma Theatre T. W. Kceno, In "Hamlel," Jan. 4, and "Richard III" i, played lo good bnalneaa. Tne P;ko Opera i^ompsny four nights commencing 7, Katie I'atnam 11,12. WEST VIRGINIA. Wkeellng.—Bnalneas al tho luoU lliealrca the past WMk was only fair, occasioned no doubt by tho ezlrcme cold weather. At Ihe Opeia llnaae "Land of tbo Midnight Hun" bad a good sized aadl- eoce Jan. 7, giving excellent satisfaction. The bonae was dark tbe remainder of tbo week. Booked: Al. 0. Field's Hlnalrels 14, "Jans" li, 10, Jamea O'Mell 11. "Shore Acrea" 21. aBAiiD.-"A Barrel of Money" drew fairly well 7-s, ai did Peter Maber'a 8|>e< tally Company 10-12. Coming: Chaa. T. F.IIU I4-|i>, Jarhtao Ijonicdy Company. In "Slarllgbt," I'-lo, Daii^lomew'a Eqninea 21.30. NOTsa.—Mr. and Mis. Al. UerrdlU have retnncd borne after a proaperoos seaion wltti Waller I.. Maln'a Show. They have aigned to go with Ibo Main forcea next aeaaon again Hanater Obarley Vogle, ot the Sieubenvllie, 0., Opera llonie, waa In lha city 7 Prank Vooig, nf "A Ken Incty Olrl" Co., spent Sunday, 13, hero with friends. Jos. B. Uall, a local oompcaer, has wil:ten a soug,entitled "Tbe Uobo," which he aabfulfcdlo Manager E. F,. Rice, who accepted It. It will be anng In "140!." Mr. Hall haa oeen at work o.n a comic opera, which will be tried here by local talent In April Wheeling I^idgoor Elka, No. 28. have amnged to have the BoalonUna here two nigbta In May ror their b«n>Ot Tbe operas will be given at Ibe new Casino In wncf ling Park. The caaloo, by the way, promliiea to be the aceneorannmber or operailc and dramailo pro- docilonsdnring Ibecoming Snmmer Manager Felaler, or tbe Oimod, contemplaua Intogatallng a seasoa ot vaoderllle at bla iheairs arier the elcss or lbs ranlar season at UwanndiSbOBI Uis BtUdlsglllay. — Jostph n. While has begnn two anlia In tbe Supreme Court ol this Slats on assigned claims of Sydney RosenfelJ, by which Mr. While seeks to i»- corcr t;,(00 from Fttncls Wilson ror breach ot con- tmct. In Ihe dtst comprint Mr. While alleges Ibat on March 18., Hr.wiltonenleied Into an agree- ment with Mr. Itoaentelil whereby lbs latter waa to make an ndanlallon from a French comj>oslllnn called "I.'Rtollo," ud was to receive iheiefor Ito a week, aa well as a hall Interest In tbe pntu of the mnalo of the opera. Mr. ROKnreld waa also to re- ceive IMOInadvance. Hr.Kosenteldclalmslhsthe carried ont bis part or the oonlrsel; that be adapt- ed tbe opera nnder the name "King Frolic," aid delivoied It to Ur. Wllaon. The complaint then gocaonlaaay that the latter paid Hr. Roaonfeld tsooin advance, bnt that tbo payments slapped tbcie, and, li Is alleged, that In fraud ot Kmenfeid'a rights, u tbo plalntlg bellsvea, Mr. Wilson pro- duced a version 01 "L'Etolle" nnder iha nameot "The Metrv Moearcb." to Mr. Roaeufeld's damage In tbe sum or ti.WO. The second cause ot action alleges that Mr. Wilson made a contract with Rosenfeld In December, ibsd. tor an Eogllsh adaptailon from a Pienob llhrello called "ubo- lln,'> forwhiob Ur. Wilann agreed lo pay Mr. Roaen- fcldgli a week when Ibo open abonld be produced. Ilie pialuuir aaya that the comraci was carried ont by Mr. Rosenfeld. and the adspiation daMvoied to tbe defendant. Then tbe plaintiff aaya that In violation ot Ihe oonlraoi fir. Wilson prodaoed "liitiolln" under Ihe name of "The Devll'a I)e- pnly," and has not paid Mr. Roscnfsld anything, lumagea In tbe sum or |2,.v» are aabed In this esse. — Mansger Edwin P. Illllon, or ths "Land or tho Midnight Son" Co., reports good business tor his aittactlon. — U. n. Atherlon, wbo hu lieen playing heavy aud chancier rules with ths Swartwood Dramatlo Co., ainre Bepi. e. closes with that company at Macomb, 111., Jan. 19. — Kllen Voctey gare a aacceural dninailo ro- clul, Jan. 10, In tbe concert hall ot Barrla' Acad- emy of Hoalo, Baltimore. Md. Mlu Vockey for aome time lutenda lo devote burselt to recitals for private social lanollons. — Qarland Qadan Infortna na Ibat 'The Yonng American ' Co. will lay off in Onicaio, III., fur two weeka, owing to tbe Ulneas of Unn Lomlne Oaden, lha atur. — James w. Forraet la In BolTalo organlting a company to snpportbis wife) Lillian Pollock). They have Juat cloaed with Harle Kinale, In "The Uangen or a Oreat City," and have aecnred F. N. Potter, Jaa. A- Uero, Ed. Bummera and Chu Stanley, who will play the comedy roles aad do a akoiob. — II. D. laifgrij, owner or the Academy or Hnalc, Roanoke, Vs., has leased the theatre to a ayndlcaic ol bnalneaa men or that cliy ror ths rsmaleder ol this acuon and next. A change will he made In heating ine hallding, and oiher alienilona and Impruvementa are In contcmplailon. J. L. Hooper has been spnoinied business manager, — The Fall Hirer, Haas, newapapera contain ac- connia or a dlsagreeaolo hapnenlng lo the Mom- willlams Co.. at Ibo Columbia Theatre, in that ally, on Jan. 0. The memhen or the Mora WIUIams Co. wen ready ror tho porfornunce and tho oroheatn bad been plailng a longer time than oaoal, when It wu round that Uio box omce recelpia iiad been attached by the aUge manager ot ihe ibcaire. who had alao levied upon tbe curulu ror a claim or back pay doo bim. A member or lliDMonCom- puiy explained mauers to ibeandlence, which Aled oat to the box omce and wen nimbnrsed tlie price of iheir tickets- No blame was attached to tbe Mora company. — F. U- billion will take ont bla cnrnnanr'abont Jan- 29- He will play "llamlat," "Tho Marblo llearia"and"Tbe Bells," and will lonr the West. Jamea U. Itoastll will manage Mr- Oorton. — The members or Andy Amann's "A Clean Sweep" Co., were tendered a "aoolal" liy Kokomo Lodge, U. P. O. K., No. ISO, Jan. 7. — Joa. II. sillier has lulnsd UJlle Akenirom's Co. — Lillian Fofflcr, planlat; Pearl Oonzalea, Span, lah akirt ilmcer, and Edwin Htewart. comeolao. Joined Holrlllo's Comedians atlFort Wayne, Ind., Jan.l. — The Bpoonar Comedy Co. oloaed a meet auc- ceaaful week, they repon, at Lafayelle, Ind., Jau. 12. During the performance. Jan. II, llille Johnnie, the aoven montna oldaonorobarleaand Lula lloaty, nuido his professional debnu Mr. Spooner maoo him a hauoaome proaent, which will ne treuured u asoovenlr of bis Arst nppeannce. IW. w. Cnig, we aro luiurmcd, la no longercon- nected wlib tbo company formerly mown u Bhaw & Cnlg'a Comedlaus, or "Jackand Jill." The rosier now Isaa lol nwa:SamT. Shaw, proprletorandman. ngcr; A. P. Ilalnaburg, Hairy w. Smith, Jno. W. Ilnrner. Lew lloddy. Jack Ueck, Ual. Pavegport, B. M. Oriniih, Uert McQragor, Clarence Itohherig. W. K. Anitnrson, Jeeale Bblrlxr. Kaihlyn Daveuporl, Nellie Ualie, vinuleOir, W.ll. Weaver,agent, and a l>and and oreheatra. — Reports of good boilnesa corno rnm MoPhee's " U. T. u." Co., now tonrlog (he rar West. — Klule Hbcadea Inrorma us thatahe waignnted n divorce from William K. Ilboadea, profetslooally known an W. R. Ward. In the Court or Common Plena, Philadelphia, on Jan. 6. — Tho lllHmark Opiin Uouse, Weston, W. Va., which WHS receolly bartied, will bo rebuilt by Manager Brlokman, wbo expects to have It ready by H4y 1. — Tnos. (J. Beabrookc'B now Iwo sot oponllo bniletia. by fl<tgar Bmllb snd Fred Oagel, wu sung fur Ibo Aral time at Powers' Unnd Open llonse, Decatur, III.. Jan 0. — Lee Hale bu wrilien a three set dnma, entl. tied "LaulBlana,''which be expccis to produce In Uarch- — Mansger K K. Rice baa secured the sole rIehiB to tho new bnrleaiiae "Midae," by A. Dildwlo Slosne, which will be produced Fcl>. a, In UtlU- more, ltd. — It Is now snuouncod that Ha; Yuhe and Lord Knnrli llopo vera married .S'uv. 27, a'. Ilompstead I'arlib, London, Eng., their names appearing on the reglaier at thnt place. — jQEtIco llirrotl, In Suprome Conrt Onamben, this cll7, has gnnied an Injuncilon reatralnlng Oiaay Flmerald, who has been doing a akin danoe In'The Ua'uiy Olrl," from appearing under tiio inanagemenlof anyone imtUeorga Ed warden. Mlas Fiizicralil was leillniC |M a week nnder her con- inclwllh .Mr. Kdwarden, hot recenllrsbe entered Intoaconinclwlih Managers Csnary h L-derer,lo Griorm la 'Toe Twentieth Ceniuty Ulrl,'> at a rger salary. Hr. Edwardes contended that her danoing wu ths featun ot bis play, and that her aervlcra could not be dlapeiufd with. — Ulilr Link and Jennie Plau will close with Uurny A Hack'a "Flonlgau's llsll" Jan. ig. — Notes from the KIrabull Open Comlqne Co : Biislncn with us bu been excepUonslly good, and, noiwllbiunding the cry of hard limes, our houaen have been eicellenL Mrs. Kimball hw aurronnded Corlono tbla aeaaon with the atmogeat company abe bu ever had, and It la no doobt duo lo lha fact that we aro giving one ot the beat ot performancea tbaiourbuiioeHsbasbeen so good. Corlnnolsat her i,eal and doing aomo remartakly clever work. Her mandolin S'lloa are making a hit, and btr adcplnesi on il.U dlillculi Inairumeut is earning ber well deaenel praUe. Ilooklogs are almost completed for "lleodrick lludsoD" next aesson, which will In all piohalillliy be tbe lut, as Mrs. Kimball contemplates golog abroad, and will no donbl look around for a new fnoe In which to set ber bright litlbi star. — Hr. and Mn. Char. Forre'ler wi-re called home on account or tbo dtalb or their alx monllia'old liabr boy, wbo died on Jan. 11. — Notes from P.O. Perry's "U. T.C-" Co, Wlo- lerlgg at Colo, la.; Rreryih>ng Is uodersolog a coio|i:ele renewing In the paint rh-ipa. We will bare a new >iii, also a new ilckclandadvanco saron for next season, and will pot out ono i f the Oacsl snd mml complete "U.T. O." coropanlis la Amctlca. TheonllrooutAtwill be fit-ihandnew whirii the aU'.w takca Ihe r<iad next Spring. — Ooa Wllllami' <^>. cIams the season Jan. IS. -J. r. Lcuer, comedian, Joined "A llailtoad Ticket 'Jau. 12 al Milwaukee, VVIs. — Ilrp<ins i.r sood buiinere come from Lovejoy'a Bali^liUo Upeia Co. lo lliaopf ra '-Hatoics," Uiruiigh the Ymx. — Uenvllls Howe, havlog cnclnded his iweniy weeks' contract with any A Wcodbnirs "Annt Hall)" Company- left ror bis homo st flnnitou, Va, Jan- II. A. 0. Noyes, who hu been Playing Ihe Jiy, sill aatnmo tbo IlUe role, lo puca of Mr. Howe. Lew II. Newcorah Joined Jan. IX — Ed. O'Connor, tbe Irish comedbin, writes that ha cliacd with "Tne Diamond Ureaktr 'Jan. 13. lo Ibla city, and hu J dned lbs Vernont Jarbeau Oo., fiicieniing Ibe larce comedy "Aiarllght," Tbe arre baa been. It laaald, recunatractedand bvoogbt "up to date" and It replete with newspeclaliles, medleys, etc T"elr laurexlsnda train New ToiK lo Sen Fnndsco and mora,and wlUeovaaMiBlod ottwaatiwiskg. — II. E. MoKse wrlMi u Oat be U BOt Iks iirail> oaldltecierot ibe MoAlplB * mstsr "Bad Boy" Co., bnt ig dotgw lb* Rabg wlib tbal eoBpsay. — BegrbohmTieebaadgoldedlo give a nadlni ol his paper ebUUgd <nM ImaglBtUTS rsenlty to Art" dorug his (oruoeming tonr la lUs oonsiry. Mr. Tive read this paper betom Ibe Rojal Intlta- UoB In London. —MoUarver Bies. Joined tba Ed F. DavU "V. T. 0." Ca, No. 1, at Philadelphia, Psm Deo. M. —Maria Hose Is 111 st her molbsr'B home In Brookllne, Mass. — The Vioni Street Theatre, Balilmora, Hd., will open OB Jan. 31, under Ihe BUBagement ot Ihe New York ADOsemeBl Oo. It wlU be ran as a oomblnailon honae. -Tbo UUlaa Tnoker Co., In 'ThB NIghls IB a Barroom," nporl good bnglseag plailBg thnngh Maloa. — K. D. TaBBehUI baa been ordered by his phy- sician to go to Ashvllle, N. 0., ror tbe Wlater, u he la sunermg with lone diatass. llelentorhlsWto- terqaanenJso.g. — "Ths Two sislsn" Co. closss lis season April s, — Delia FOX Is npotled to be seitonsly Ul at lialrolt, MIoh. — Frank a Jay, wbo tetlrad from Ihe atags two vesrs'aiolocondnollbeNaUooal Band orlffaah- Ington, D. 0., bu joined the John F. Biowe Oo, - Notes riom dowaid WaUis Ideals: Ws ai« iilaying thnugh Pennsylvania to food bnalneaa We pUied IteadlBi New Year's wsek sad sn booked lor a rslurn oste Jan. t*. John A. Blmme- leln U now ssaoclsle manafer or Ibis oompany. — Sherman Wads bu Joined "OnHJ's Diuaden," tutug the plaoeot Ben UrinneU. — Lilllaa Rpencer is st prossntat the Men MOSM^ this city, wliB ths pantomlos orgaaixaUon nnder Ibe name or Mils. Bevsnnce. — "Tae Binb or Venng," lbs new oomlo open by J. W. Herbert and Edward Jakabowshi, will lis pnduoed Feb. II In Ualilmoio, Md.. with tbe rol. lowing company: Don Tannsr, Once Ooiden, Itoae Lslibioo, filale MoeUer, J. W. Uerben, w. p. Bweatnam, K. J. Uenley, Fmnk Dothon, A. W. Madln and Edgar Weniwonb. Max Freeman will Bta«e tbe pleoe. — Manager A. M. Palmer has ncelved word rnm London, Eng., that he was elected to mem- lianblp 01 the Qatrlek Club at lis regnhv meeting, Jsn.12. — It la nported that Haiager llenri 0. Miner coniemplaies bnlldlni a new tbeaue in Boston, Msai. It Is Intsnded, ir the tbeaire Is bnllt, lo devote It at Ant to tbe piadBoUon et niaya by James A. Bene, and win be eonlfolled by Mr. Miner and Mr. Bene. — Notes from Fred UoUsc'a HIUlaiT Band, wlib "A Oooniry Olreus" Co.: The luanagvmenl ot Uo company have presented tbe memben ol the band with new nnlfonns, wblob we wear at all limes. FAldle Taylor, Ant alio player, Is guAeilnf from In- namnuilouoribeeyee. A gnhslantlal ngtse wsg raised by memben ur the oompaDy (or him, and he wu taken to ue M. B. Bospltal, uOmaha, for two weeks (or molt) treaimeui, where It la hoped bis eyesight nay be resured. — Ada CuUtiondesires us to dsny the slatement made iiy the manager of ibe "Two Old Cronloa" C«. that all salaries were p<ld whan that compinr olioied. In Syncuaa, N, Y., on Jan. 1. Miss Ouilo- lon aiatea ihat four weeks' salary la still due her, and lhat none or Ibe meniben ot the oompany had been paid In full. She alao wlahea na to alalo lhat her bnaband, Ubarlea lloach, wu not a parloer In Ihe ouuagemeni ol the oompany, u h<s bean or- roneonsly auted. — Uonry P. Otarke bu Jdnad "A Bniiehof Keya" tor tbe remainder ot ibe leaaon. — Harry E. liavis, suae manager, sow with tbe Punch lluberuon Co., willeloee with that attrasilun Jan. It, at BuUer, Pa., ti Join J. 0. Uwla' "61 Plunkwd" Oo. lo play the lole ot RobL Denny. CANADA. Toronto.—At the Onnd Open House, Jsn. 7-12, Marls Uarroughs opened lo good builneu. ToHOKTO UrsHi llousi.—"The Osplau's Mats" did a big business 7-13, AcaoiiiT 01* Muaia-Tlie While Crook" had good bnslneu 7-13. Owing to a ehangs of dstes ot Wsn) and Vukcs week ot u-l>, Ihe houM will be dark. MuDBS's UuBBB.—tlualaeu Is fair. Lecture hall —I.llllo (edncaied doe), and Uodderl. Theatre— llealey, Urothe Bros, Uill and Ulll, and Harlow and PInnkell. MtsRsY HuasB IliLL.—Ths Ant eoncerl of the Henlelaaubn Ulioir nf Toronto It, with A. B. Vogt, condiiclur, usiaied by Madame Lillian Blauvslt ul New York. Nnntreal.—At the Academy of Hnilo "Prince Pro Tem," week of Jan. I, did a fair bulueu. The booM la dark this week. Walter Banford'g Btook Company wrek ol 31. (jusiM's TiiBiTHS,—Lewis UorrlsoD, In "Faast," roopona the honae weekor 14. TuBiTsB HoTii Mme. and Augnailn Neovlile plnjed In big bnalneaa Wlib "Buy Tnmp." 1, B, o, '•Ulll 21" 10, II, 11. Week or 14, Dan HcCarty, In "Tne Pride or Mayo." nrsRA FRaNuaig.—Week or "U Bonn,' "1,'Kllocellr," "Mtgiion'iand'lM Hofvqnetalres." Week or 14, "Faust." "Hara'felle," •■Sltonche," "L'Aiiiio UonstanUo," "Fllle do Ueglment" and "U Sours." HoNUMSKTiL NiTioMtL —ThIs hsw pIscs Will be dedicated Id with taiilaaux viranis snd blstorlo: scenu, undi r tbo patronags or Their Excellsoolea the u jvetnor-Oeneral of Uanadaand thaOountsu ot Aberdeen forcharltalle pnrpoaes. Ottawa,—The (inid Open Iloaae hu been dark fur toe past two weeke Lewis Horrlaoo, In "raoal," paoked Ihe boose Jan. II and 13, "Bna- zeile" 14. li, the Wobllng Siauit, le IT. (iHaKT'a coxcBHT UaLL.—Marks Bros.' Oo. come lllortwoweika. FsaNK Cnaviii.sB, the Mugee maasger. Is lo town atrsnslug fur Ms atlracUons duilng the Winter camrval week. llamlllon.—Ths Oiand hu been dsrk during tho past two weeks. Damn H. and KIlUe Baldwin, tlie white Hahatinu, open a week's engagemeoi couiiiienuug Jau. 14. BraR TiiiATSB.-JaB. 14 and WMki R'eble Foy and the Vedder Bislera, Usri and Lirue, Wlllard and Hall, and Jennie Holiy. Arthur Cohen hu hern eniaged aa planlaU Tnsans Horai,—Toe s'ock company will ap- pear la "Lost In London" 14-ls,aod "Coder Ibe Uaallght" It-ig. AeaociaTiuN Uai.L.-Davld Obrlelle Hnrray will five bla leclnre, ' I'eacs and War," It. Londnn,—At the Omed Hex O'llell had a ratnra date, Jon. 0, to a large bonae. Kgllla Oanthony (re- lorn dalei. 10, drew a good alied andlenee Btneer A iloee nave jlren up with Iheir elfuris (o rs'abllah Ihe LjceumTbeaire. Albltd trial will be mtde lirCUM.A. U.'npwy. ol Port Huron, Hloh., who will reopen tne place 18. Maw aMraciluag will be tne venture tbisUine. the place being now larncd Into a curio hall and niuaeuni wllh Ibeatre aiiaobeil. (iwebee.—At Ihe Academy of Huslo Rnszelle flay>d to rio/>r liualoeu Jtn. 7-10. Tue (|nebco rcnch iipera Compur comes 14 for an lodetnlte period. CONNECTICUT. Hrldgfiporl.—At the Park City Tbeaua 'The BIsr Oaur" played to big bnstbegg Jaa. 111. "Oliver Twui" had a fair bogjs 11 "Ths RIslBg Uencn. lion" comes 11. AuDiroRiVM.-"Ths Police Patrol" did a big business a. o. Annia Ablmi, ths Oeorgla Magnet, cnroes 14, It, 'McFadden's Elopement" in, tbe Em- pln City Hiars 17, "The BideHliow" IB, l>. Ilaiireril.—RaslBeu Is vety qolet sinoe Ibe holldars. The Wilbnr Ooen Co. will be Ihe aitrao- ilon wiHi cbsngeolblilnl|htlr week JsB. U-l«. The AouE^u' did well 7. Ibiland Reed, In "Tiie Poliilclao," wu well received B "Oliver Twial' had fair atlendaaoat. 'Tba World Asaloot llcr" did fairly well 10. "feck's Bad B'ly'' bad a lop heavy boose 12. DELAWARL Wllmlni|(aB.—AI lbs Omod Open nonu "Tbe Wblle Squadron" wu piesented to good bnslneu Jan. 7, "Tne Ksw Boy" dnw a largs aodlsnceo. "My rartner" did well IL "WaTtry Days'' wu piessnlsd to tali bnslBssg 11 Cemlgg: ■■SboraAcRs" 14, D'AinilsltasraUo. it, "Down lo Ulxu" 11, Mn. Potur aod Kyrle Bellsw le, "A Texu Bisst" 9B, "Ths Rtlaoskstr' H At the WnadBilBnd MgwehtUnf M asel Sam raoa Waitbb l. Main's "aRSMDisT aud Best Sbowe on Eartb."-Onr new Winter qnarlen at LonlSTUIe, Ry., preeenis a scene ot great aeUvlly with seorea of carpenien, palnlen, blacksmllbs and haraeu and wagon makers, all ot whom are hard at work, roAitlng. npalring and replenishing, and the big show will atari out next Bpneg u bright u a "golden guinea." W. B. Fnnklin Is bnally engaged arranging Iho adnnce, and thai depeitaent will be ono ot the hast equipped on the toad; everything will bo brand new aud apeclal from the advance oan down to a date. Bpeolal lllbognpblo paper ot all alylea, alzes and deaorlp- tlone will be uaed, and II will be ono ot the beat billed ahows In AoMrlca. The two lloncqgeatrlans, Wallace and Mohammed abould prove big features, and In conjnciloowllh lllzey,iho iioxingkangaroo, Delay Wnok, the llllpuilau hone, iho baby none rnnce and gneen, lbs performliigelepbants, ponlu and boar bounds, our monagorlo duparlment will afford some very loterrstlng attnoiluns- Two now adverilalog can, one stook, two steepen and three Sat oan have been ordered and an already under way, Hugh Harrison will aaaumo tho management et Ihe Annex department Waller L- Main and W. B. Frantm, departed Jan. 7 in aiiend tbe annual meeting ot ibo Hhowmen'a Unnveiiilon, at Clnoln- nail. Tbe stock lain charge nf itobeit Alirams, ot PhlUidelphla. Ths mnsloai orgaulsailoa raulns Its same director, F. Hont l,ong, uf Olrolovllle, 0., sol- ing In hbi ninal capacity, this making his Atih ssa- son with the show. IxiwAHna snow Noras.—Bnalneaa conilnnes nnl! formly good with the enterprises ot Hr. Lowande, aud ourenlnnce Into llanna was one of triumph. Urge aitendancos have marked each pcrfrrmanoe. and thoonilook Is very nattering, onr Cbrlsiinu wu passed In irae American aiyla; a small onnge tree loadod with ths golden troll wu aeoored and IIS bnnohrs yielded to the burden or oosuy and beaniimi pressnis. Ur. Idwands distributed tbe gifts. Agnes Hon raoelred a gold watoh studded with dismondH, Mr. lAwande received a diamond Boartpin riDmthoemploiea. No one waa lurgouen In Ihe diatnboUon of gllu, aud the evening olused wllh a banquet glron by Ihe raanagnnionl. Several or the bora bare Men doim wllh lever, and Kid La Marline Is sow III. Mrs. 0. W. William- son and son have arrived trum America. Inea PBUnsr oonunucs a gnat favorite. Iiliiho llUle Hun la adding to her act, and la a vary clsver Jug- Gler; her kausi feature (s Juggling on horMback. Ills. Belle Jano is a verr accompilaied rider, ana does a lerrlilo Anlih, making her call with a round off somsnanli. Alinongli orrcua Nn. 2 la ihtee bun- drrd nllea tnm us, we ncelve dolly unilcw of Hi succen. .So one goems aniloua for gi> pleasant a season lo oloM, and we all love to diloh tho pure draogbtg from naiure'g apring In aun blaaed Uul*. NoTtR rnoH tub Fiuni a. nannHBR'a show.— Tho Xala famllv left Deo. 10 tor New Yiirk, Inlng Ihe lut of the late company that caiiio down a year ago lut November. Uiislnew has lieen vary large with Hr. Qardner np to within a low weeka, bnt roll off nn aocouni iit tbe hut weather coming on. u tbla Is Hummer limn in lliu Janolm. In a good many of tho towns ws liirned people away during onr eslire stay iit trum leu daya in uve weeka. Hr. (lardger expi ola to aoun cmae ami oomo to Nuw York to orgnnlto a new cuiupany. Tho Fnnk Utowa dhow oliMd their scawn liio- 14 at Rao I'anlii, Biull. Must ol his cuiu|mny are liugllah CBrtormora, who will go hnnio frum there. Hr. lown hu a great water ehuw, but It la very og. penaire to carry la lliat oiuniiy. Tnero an a gnat number of aiiitll nailro alnwe down bore, and aome very good unen, but the piilillo oeom lo want Amorloan ur Kurunean pcrfuinicrs. There wu no aloknoM when wo left. Titos L. Finn, venirllnqnlst snd lllnslonlat, bu signed wllh Unas. I.oii'b l.t)ndnu Shows for next Bcuon, making bla aocond arosun with that sIhiw, Sylvester, coinodlaii anil iloncor, bualso signed wllh thatahnw fur neat aeuon. Tits lluunsa, acniluils niid rMen, wnro com- pelled tu cancel all dates fur mis winter owing lo an Injury Hra. Ilughca r«cclved In une ot her knees. They are at ilielr hniiin In Ulnolnnall, and have aigned wlih Uiu Ureal Wallace Hbuw fur next aeuon. DoLLig EmiiNiiH It atlll at iho llnyal English Olrous. Ublcsgo, III. TubTubbb MuaiMO llHoa., acrolials, ullcd ror Cotia Jan. 10, where tlioy Inlo Tuny l.oKando's Circus. They nave slincil wlihScilbner AHuilili's United Show fur Iho oiiiiltig Numinur scaoiin. H. Olickoho Iws been te-oniKeil with W. F. Klrkhart's Oreat Amorluaii CIroua, Muaeum snd Wild Weal Show, u (cnoral cniiirauiing agent tor nest scsaun, making his seooud season with the show. U. W. Hai.i.'s show proiirrty Is on oihllillloo, prevlnns lo Itsaale, In Now Ijrieniia. NuTsa fRiiH iliiaH. LtK'H Hiiuws.—Oscar Jones, miitlcal diii'i; or, la pulling lugetlier a groat band and orchcalra lor ncxi aoawm. Miisli^lans who have slaned are: I'reu llico, H. K. ilwmia(d«aaea- sooa), Wm- Parker (lour acosuiia). II. li. Ilrowoand Mylrcsur Nrwman. I,nula llDnuvals, line armiil aoreiiai, and '/.viiio, uriaiui, havu atsu signed. J. II. Iloslil, tirasurer and liualneu iiianagnr, hu puri'hased a far ii iirat l.'anlnu. W. II. Cillt/in, bis wire (Jesale Ullfioo), lliitiiiy llcnnesay, Wiley Feirls aod wile (HI e. Treranloi i, who cuiiiiiuao part or the* iinoieliuiry" Co., now louring miiiajinnia under W. II. uiirion's iiiaiiagemoni, were gueais or Chu. Lee on UbilaUnu. Tlia oilftuns have signed for IBM, uiaklog Ibe eighth seuuo wllh tbe Lundon Shows, FoBBrivuii'n Tiut:rioN FiihComi'sny hare en- gaged K<l. u. Uiillenu lujer.l aguuilur next sea- son, binclilr and Carllile and ihe Hdirooiltr Brotbsfs bavs also slgneil. At Ihe WInier iioarters, Philadelphia, I'a., everyililng Is prugreaklog, and Ills red and iiluii paint la ililiig- Also.i Wiibblks, ul the wnco'.er lima., writes lhatbswill ovltiheiiulanrsbnw Ihs ooniingsea- son, bat lias algnod wllh lbs Usu. H. Uulo Huows, u genani oontrsoilng sgeni. ono Uiisnu hu tuiiiiod parlocniilp wlib HI Uolu Tag SopBoBDgn linos, have signed wllh Fore- KUBb's TraoUiin Fair [ur llis seAniii uf lll9.^, lo do ilr Irlple bar and gruioiijou twu liroilier aui. Juux U. HCIISIMI.SH, raaglolan.and Hiilllo nol>- sns, mind reader, have algnni wKb |,enn W. Wuhburo's Utrooa for llie ooming aeaaon, this niakigg Ihsir second season wllh this nbow. Tug UiKoiH Hrr'i ciiHVBKTiiit:.—Cincinnsll, o., wuUisuecca nl ilia ciroiia pi iqila list werk, anil al Douglass (Mallo Hall, Jim. a, tho Protecilro Lugue III Amirlr.iii Hhueiiion mot In tbeIr aeo.ind snuoal geulon. II wiu auwiunrud Uwt they are nowiia mcobsra onrnlird. Thedclegatea were en- tertained br W. II. Ddnaldwio und ilien attended Ihe rounlain Thesiro u gueata or Hanager Hex u. Andoreun. Tne CIrcUun ul new oiHuera reanlied In Ihe obiilcs ol Rphralm, prralilent; H. Y„ Wal. Uce,er<l vice pr>aldent; W. K. Fnnkiln, second vlreprrgldsBii U. F. Hullcnry, recording aecistary i W.ll. lionslrfaon.rnirrsiiuiidlng arnronry;Jamu H. TCiisipaon, Irraaiirer; Walter L, Main, I'eler Sella, Jubn l/iwlow, Hani II. Joaepbs snd James lltmllton, directors Mai-irrg Bsuh,, acrobats, havo signed wlib Bells Bros.' Shows fur llie rnmlnu si-nMiii. AtngsT MiLi-nrR of tne UIIKlia llrnt., grrnliats, waemsrtled Jan. In at Hi. Hirplieo'sCliurch, ilila cliy, to lilna(;ardln |'aaliinai). Nl7rn)'nOliTIIBWll.T>H(|UlTH<MI>l'StVr)!l.f.B'a Olrcoa and Museum.—Everytiud/ Is busy In each depiiloenl building. rKpalilug, gliding, aroaraent- log snd palming the wagoiii, imgra, eio-, for the lenllogamsonoriat.',. The fallowing poople have signed) Toney llimliton, Llizlo llsmilion, Paulino Uarr, John Davenpori, the Hagliilejs (loule and Kddlei, Charlea lllll, Jubn Ueirlu, Juo Mve, '/Ip Clalr,lleo. Umar, K. J. t.'aaii. U. (). Iloorr, U. I,. Ilolmca, K. W. llankanor, llonry HcbulJolil, Will Blerenann, Rnbeil llrmaiiy and Harry II. Oiinlib and his bind and nrohntlr* .f ten moo. TOIs com- ing aesson we will have a Ono parado, wllh mosilr sverylblng new. Alt or inn waguna, vagcs ami paiade wagnna will lio painted a iirlglil r<d, alriiw d wllh blue, gold and ctnary. Wo bare some lln- lahed up snd Ihey are tial ciroua wagana. SIg, Banlslle rspecta to make Ihli hia tanner aeaaon by having a larger, lirlgbu-r and liailir ahow ibon he haa ever owned la-fure, VaL U.OiLijirrs, ex circus manager and agent, wnitans that, after living wlin hia dial wile lor dtieen year*, iney were divorced, and aliorliy alier- ward ns nsrrled sgiln. Too yrara lab r Be wu divorced rrom bla aomnd wire, and Jm. Bhewu remarried lo hia orat wir<i at Uullvar, N. Y,, Ihe Rer. T. II. Oarryar oniclatlng. - Roaler or Theatre Knyal Slock Co., llanlium. Can.; Uarry Urunrldga and KJWln Uooshloo, letaees sad mgnagera; Wm. i^orbei, Uhai. wlraa^ Oeo. Pinm, Edwin Andera'<n, Oeo. Rail,Oeo.Moors, Ail.Mcl.ean, Vlrglnu lluuglitan, Annie Cansroo, Uertrude Ailiortnn. Emma Johnson sod Frot, Law* teoos Crowley, mntlcal director. (ovninae oi uggg IM iss TK]