New York Clipper (Jan 1895)

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754 THE IsriEW YOBK CLIPPEB. Januaet 26. In front of bin, >D<I poDCbM bio llihllr when ud wben be pluaet). Jick Irted lo nlij, but bla offotti wore pilntul. Orlee oC'>Btop Itl" on all iildeii soon ceuMd ilie rtferee lo pnl tn end lo Ibo f«rce bj dccldlOK In ftror of Rjtn. TOE BEOOND Niaiirs snow. Ttae lliHo 01 ttat nigbt beloro wu not ninioleQt to keep tlM pnUlo nk^from lb< «iUn«lDment nlfbt of It, when atu\j tn tboiuMul ptranoj Mnmbled to wimeM tbe boot between Oeorio Dixon end Albert Orinmia, better known u Yoaog Orliro, tbe Auiinllen boxer, ne loiera of glore oonteite know tlutt Ibej woold not be dluppolntcd on tbli occulon, u Uie repnIaUon o( botli men wu inob u to wtrrsnl tbia belter. Tola wu eapeoUllf ao of Dixon, for whom tbe aponlng ele- ment woald wllllnilj bnTeall aorta of dlacom- f oita to ate Dgbt, feeling aora tbat be woold appear tn the ring In tbe beat condition, and. If beiicd, il wonid onlj be after deapeiate Ogbilog. QrliTooad kboitofadmlreraoreaant, liatoanr of Ibeo bad tlielr douiita aboin him being able to atand op be (ore 01x00 for iwentj Ure ronnda. Tbe weather wu raw and cold and iho bonding nnbeaied, mak- ing lop coata and onrthota very comfortable thlngi tor tbe big crowd, which wu Terr orderiT ■Id capitally handled br Oaptain Ola;ion aad bti men. inapeotor HcKelrej wu not proaent, and the whole reaponalbllllr reeled npon oaptain Olay- ton, wbu need every precaailun to prevent toe law from bolog Tlolaled tif placing bla men to good ■draottgc on aTerr aide nf the ring. The booi be- tween Ulxon and Qrliro wu genenllr conceded to be b; far tbe beat glove conuit ever aeen In thli Tlolnllr. It wu annonnccd before ibe llgbt thai the winner woold take aeTonty and tbe loeer Ihirt; per cent of the groaa recelpta, bot ibe cooteat wu decided a draw br Referee TImollif Uurac, lo tbe uilatacUon of eTerrbodj preaenL The men were Terr ereolr matched, aniTo being remarfcabir qnick on nla feet u well u In hia pnnobing, but liixon, eren thoogh bit blowa landed anjtnlng bot fre- (IQentlr. wu tbe agiretaor almoat all through tbe oonteal. The vonderlal cleTemeaa dlaplajed by oniTo In araldlng mthea, whioh none of Ulxon't other npponenta have been able to do, wu tbe chief canto that preventtd the latter from getuog the de< oltlon. aniToohJaoiedtoitefereeUoratiliatdnaUy waived that point, wben he fonnd that the oino woold mUe no ohange, u OrlSo wu nnable to make any apeollo chargu agaioat DoiaL The eoiettalDOent opened with a boot between Hick Dun. of Anatralla, and Fred Woodt, of Phila- delphia. Both looked in aplendldoondiuon. From the very onlaei It wu apparent that Uonn wu tlie aopertorof the two. wooda landed toTeraliwIng- log blown on Dnnn, bnt mlaaed wben be tried to follow them np. Dann had the adianlage throngh- ODt, and at tbe end of the alxth ronad the rafcroe awarded tbe bout to Uonn, the deolalon helog well received except by Wooda' Phlladeiplila frlenda. The next boot waa tlx toonda between Jack Madden and Eddie Vanghn. They were matohed to box at 10(lh and both looked lo be at that weight. Doilog tbe drat three roundt Uaddeo ap- peared to have toe beat of It. Uurlog ttae tonrlh ronad the lighting vru fut and fonont, and It looked u thongb the police would Inlerfete. in the next roQhd Uadden fooiht detperately, and be wu 4liially awarded tbo verdict. The bout wu a very even thing, and there wu tome dlaniutaollon at the reanll. ' TOO next bout wu the ptlnolpal one of the oven- lug, between Ulxon and Urllfo. The former wu the Irat to make hit appearance In the ring, and be had Tom U'ltourke, Horace Kelly and Jack lUvllaiidlnhIa oomer. It wu folly len mlnutea laior before QriiTo appeared, and bla aeconda were Hlok UuDD, Benny Hurpiy and Paddy Oormao. U wu nearly Ion o'clock when tbe ptinclpala abook htoda ana prepared for TUR FiailT. lUiDMD 1. The run Oddlod for a moment. Dixon led wim bla lofi agalnat Orltro'a bead. Ulxon awong with bla left, but Orlira atapped it with Mt right, OrliTo Unded bla left ou Ulxon't face. He trred again for the alomaoh and mlwed. Ue wu met wlih a light lelt on the face, anira landed bit lettfoilonurxon anoaewliboat an effort, Ulxon played for ttae body, and Uriffo elopped the blowi with bit rlxht. DIxon'aeyewu awollen. Orlio landed on ine body with nla left, Dixon awong wildly, and ihe round ended with botbin acllnoh. 2, Both were auilllog, but there wu a look of deteniilnallon on Ulxun'e face. Qrlirj led for llixon'a face, but tbe colored boy iluppod It with hlarlgbu nrino landed a good body punch with hla left. (Irlffo landed a apleodid awing on Ulxon't nolo. The men wen tghtlog at dote quartora, Ulxon having ellghtly the boat of lu Olxoo tried again (or the face, but went far from the mark. UrliTo led wiih bit left, bin Dixon elopped bim. UrliTo led again, bnt before he landed Ulxon oono- teied on the (aco. Ulxon ruibed, blUlog right and lelk but OrlKo nimbly itepped away from harm u eaen blow came and wound op the round by duck- ing (rora a left hand awing. ■J. Boih tpartod, Ulxon landed a body blow, Uriifb oonnurlngon Ibe race. Ulxon tried to forte the alretdy hot pace, but Qrlffo held him off e>illy. Dixon wu not Oghllng ube had fongnt at other Umet, and wu evidently aniprlted at not being able to lanil hla violona hlowt. The men ollnobeo, Dlion toting wildly and Urlllb keeping dgbtlng on the loiiu, uilng the alralght left axdnalvely. Dixon landed a tiralght left on tbe body, then tried to follow It op on the body, bnttllpped. Qrlffo atapped away, glvlog Ulxon a chance to regain hie fooinold. Ulxon awung wlld',y, and before ho conld recover QrliTi) landed on hla face with hla rapid left. The men were In a hot rally when the ronnd ended. 4. Qrlffu led, hnl wu ronnlered with a left, aniro landed lullon the eye. Dixon tried hla right tor the body and landed, lie etoapod from Oilifo'i right and awung hla tight and landed. Defers anno coold get out of barm'a way he received an- othor blow on the rlibt tide of the (toe. Qrlffo landed a right awing (ull on llixon'a face. Ulxon kept playing for the body, Boib men awung and landed. Ulxon awung again, bnt mlated. OtlffO kept Ulxon hick with bit left, to the colored boy wu nnable to land any erTMilve blow. The men wen cllnohed In Ulxon'a oomer when Ihe gong rang. e. orlito landed on the body, lllionconnteredon the body. OrlllO'a blowa were light, hot he landed often and kept Ulxon In hla own corner. Orlffo landed wllb hu Iction the body and followed II np with bit left on the nook, which ainioit look the oolored boy off hla feet, lllxonreaortedtotlugging taotlot ana made vain efforia lo land. UrIffo bad uo tnnhio In atopping Ulxon'a blowe. Ulion landed on (irlffo'a face twice, which made arllb'a bead go back. Ulxon wu lighting aa he never (ought before. Not a aecond wu Icet In iparrlng. Orlffo looked very tired wben the ronnd ended. (I. Tiioy llddlod foreeveral momonu. when Dixon nihed Orlffo 10 the ropet, bnt did not land. Ulxon nlaaod another lead. (Irlffo led with hit left, bnt Uixun warded the blowa off. Dixon wu forcing the BghUngand mihed QrlffD about the ring. Doth ledand nilticl. Oilffo landed bin right on Ulxon'a head. Ulxon led and rallied. Qilffo landed a good left on the nock. Orliiu remarked: "AH riRht, Tommy, o'.d fellow," to 0'Hanrke,ai he aent in a atralght lead, which wu oounlered. It wu a apleodid flghil and honora were even. 7. (11100 led, but wu tlopped. Ulxon landed lightly on arino'B oio. Ulxon led again, bnt wu Btoppodwlthaainlghtlefi. Ilerepeaieotheblow wim lome effOok Ulxon landed on the body wllb hla left twice. Ulxon felnied with bla right, and landed a awlnging left on Qrlffo't ear. tirlffo lahbed Ulxon on Iho note twice. Dixon mibed, but Qrlffo eully ducked away. They cxohanied blowt In ttaecenire of the ring, onffii o«ntlnntily had hla leR on Ulxon'a face, but hla blowa wore light and did little damage, u. Qrlffo led and landed on Ulxon'a xuue. uiion ■wuDg hit htt, bni bcfon ho landed QrlffO tapped mm on the noae. Ulxon landed bit left on the riba, luvlag a red epot. Uo followed It up with iho left, landlog on the right tide. In the mcanilmo Orlffo kept up a tattoo on Ulxon'H face. Iilion plaicd for the body again, and Orlffo landed right and left on the face. aiMo forced Ulxoo to tbe corner and filanted tbne b'.owt In rapid tnoceatlon on Ulxon't ace. Ulxon awung hla left, landloi on Orlffo'i taoe. Onilo thereupon mahtd hit right aniUoft, nnncbing out ttnlgbt and landing un the oolortd boy't (aco. p. QrlSD led, bnt wu elopped. (irlKD landed on the body, bnt Dixon paid him b»ek wllb hit lelt on the taoe. Olxon retreated tn the ronat, wbera the; ollnohed. Both teemed tired, and Ulxon looked worried. Both led and mltiea. Ulxon kept play- ing for Ibe body, while onffo reaoned to left hand laba. Ulxon feinted with bla right and landed wllb jlelefi. Qrlffo got In a airalgni left on the face. Ulxon mthed and Qrlffo dncied, almott aeadlig Dixon over hla back. 10.—Doth exchanged iMdy b'.owt. Dlion landed a hard left awing on the body, with no relnm. tie tiled It again, out wu elopped. Doth led and mimtd. onno landed on Ihe taiee, almoat eplnnlng lilioQ around. Both were llcbting deeperalely. ))lxonled,bnt mitnd, Qium Mopped naa; hard Inngea eully. Ulxon iwnng wllta hla left for onSo't neck, bnt the latter threw hit head torwtidt alloirinf ttae blow to paaa haraleuly. 11. Dixon led for the face, bnt mitted. Both ex- ohanged body blowi. Dixon led vlclooaly tarertl timu, bnt failed to land. Orlffo tiled to ueak In a hlow, bnt Dixon met him wltta bla left on the (ace. They again exchanged body blowa. DIxoncllnched to avoid pnntahment Dixon landed a left band upper cut on Orlffo't note u he hrted to dock avny. Tib wu the beat blow Ulxon had Unded ao far. 12. Orlffo landed on the body wlih hla right, bnt wu conntered on the nock. Ulxon roiateo with a awing and then landed on (bo neck. De landed a good blow on the riba. Orlffo ducked away from a wicked left, bnt before be conld itrmlgblen np Ulxon (einUd wllta hit le(l end landed bU right on Orinb'a big ear. Orlffb mthed, landing bit righton the forehead. Orlffo wu now on the defenalve. Jut u the bell rang Dixon landed bit led on Qrlffo'a ]aw. 19. QnffO looked ilred. Both led for tbe bodv and landed. Olxon'a left eye wu aUnott cloaed, while Orlffo wat only llaahed. Dixon made foor aucmpla In tcccenlon with bit right and left, bnt did not land. Dixon led and landed on ttae iMdy. Iloledfortheiioniacb,aaid OilOO huded hla left ou Ulxon'a face. Tbla wu the lameet ronnd ao far. Both were tired (rem tbe hot work they had been doing. 14. Orlffo landed wllta bit left and wu conntered on the brrut wllta DIxon't left. Qrlffo then almoat atoved Ulxon off hla feet wllta kla left. Raferte Uniat cautioned bim to atop. Orlffo again Unded hla left on Ulxon't eye. The colored man then tried for ttae body and wm met wlih hla opponent't left. Dixon mtned, twinging tab ngbt and left. bnt failed to land, u OrUTo oocUy iienped baok and docked. The men were In a hot lally u called, hot no apparent damage wu done. II. Both men came np alow. Ulxon opened by twinging bU left on Onffotneok. Qrlffo got back wllb hit lelt on Ulxon'e right eye. Bota then fought at oloM qnartera for a moment and then lirokeaway. Ulxon niibed and a oUnoh reanlled. (in the breakaway Ulxon Undid hU left on Orlffo't iiody and hU right on the AnatraLllan'a face. Dixon led anln, tint t>efoie he coold land Orlflb ahot out hU len on Dlxon'a noae. Ulxon awnng and mlaaed- Ue awung again, bnt Qilffo ttepped uldo and Unded on Ulxon'a face. le. Orlffo led wlita a blow on DIxon't (aoe^ bnt wu conntered on tbe body. DIxcn tried hit taoona lelt band twlng, hot he (tiled to Und, u Orlffo ttopped ttae blow. Ulxon tried ttae blew over again wlin more tnoceat, landing on Orlffo't atomaoh. Qrlffo returned with hU left on the tace. Dixon cllnohed and Orlffo bit ont atralght wltta both handt, landing three good bloiva befora the referee could upaiale them. Ttae men were apatring when time wu called. 17. DIxon't left eye iru doting and ttaengtatwu In mourning. Orlffo landed a good ttialgbi left on Ulxon't tace. Orlffo than got In a itlnglng right body punob and ototted on DIxon't monio inthont a return. Olxon Unded a good right band pnnoh on Orlffo't eye. Ulxon rnttaed and landed three blowi in tnoceaalon and bad Qrlffo agalnat ttae ropet, landing a right hand twlng. Qruro fought baok, landlog npon bU onponent'a body and face. Qrlffo'a aeconda tpokalo Urn, anduhe tamed bU bead Dlxontentln a atralght left, catohlng Qtlffo lull In the tace. M. Botb led and landid lightly. Dixon mahed and mliaed. Ulxon mahed again and landed on tbe body Uahtly. Ulxon timng on tbe head. He landed on Orlffo'a breut and toUowed It op on the face wlih the left, Orlffo landed on Ibe fao« wltta hla left. Olxon clinched. In the breakaway Dixon got In on the (ace. 10. Orlffo led, bnt iru ttopped. They clinched, onffo landed twice without a relnm. Dixon wu ordored by U'Ronike to force the llgbt, bnt Oriffo wu with him at every ttage. Dixon landed bit left very hard on Orlffo'a e;u and tried It over again, bnt wu oounlered on the note. Ulxon twnng twice wltta bU nght, both blowa gomg over onffo a bead. Oilffo kept jabbing with taU lelt and landed on the laoe, while Dixon awnng wildly. Ulxon wu now Dihllng wildly and wu naing lit- tle JodgmenL onffo kept nght at him and got bU left on the lace. There wu now mncb exoltement, u ttae Ogtat wu (att coming to a oloae. a>. Oiiffo had a great knack of naIng hU elbow, and did more effective work wltta it than hedow with the gloved band. Oriffbtrled wllta bit lettand mltied, bnt retched DIxon't tace with the right. liixoD irted a left hand awing, hot muted and fol- lowed It np by landing bit nght on the bee. Ulxon Unded hla left twice on onio'i face, bnt the utter retreated, and ttae blowi were tpent on ItaaehUly air. 91. OrlBb landed a Tery dean lelt on Dlxon'a montb, whIoh woke him up. Tha colored boy then mahea, bnt mltttd two leh hand twlnga, and wu met wlih a Jab In the mcuita. The men were Bgbt- Ing detperately. Orlffo landed a olean left on Dlx- on'a face, and the tooid of the blow wu beard throughout the hooae. onffo landed bU left on ttae (ace, and followed It np on ttae body. Both men wen apanlng when the gong rug. a. DIxon't right eye wu allgntly cnb Orlffo opened by planting on the ton opuc. Ulxon ruthed, bnt onffo got ont of barm'a way by tide niepplng. Orlffo Unded a clean left on the eye again. iHxon tried twloe to land hU left on tne face, bnt Qriffb ducked. £1. onoo came np looking oonlldent and fntta. Dixon ttarted to rnth matton and worked like a piece of maohlnery, bnt ho conld not Und one of thota wicked bloin that have made many a good one bile the dntt. Orino Unded again. Dixon got hUloftondrlffo'tbody. Ulxonraahedandlaaoed bU left on the lace. He tried It again, bnt wu r«- pnlaed. 21. Ulxon landed lightly on ttae tcrebead. Be again landed lightly on Ihe taoe, and wu connured by Qrlffo'a left on the eye. Ulxon lande<kon ttae body with right, and miaaed a very hard awhig. Ulxon tried hla left for the body. Qrlffo docked, oalohlngltfalllnttaefaoe. Orlllb cloaed ttae round by landrng hie left on Dlxon'a eye. 2). Ulxon mihed, bnt wu ttopped. Orlffo landid hit lelt cn Ulxon'a faoe. Dixon wu Ighilng dea- perately, hot, no matter how hard he tiled to unda good blow, the AnttiBllan met it wittioat receiving any Injury. Orlffo landed hard on the eye and Olxon reiallated wlih a mth, which proved harm- leu. Orlffb led with hit left, which Dixon elopped, but m an Inttant OrlOO came baok wltta great qulokneti and landed on Ihe face. The men were aptrrlng when Ue ronad ended. The referee oeoUrtd ttae Bgbt a draw, which pleaaed the tpecialon. Kllialuiaoua ladlcletl. A dUpatoh from Byraonae, N. Y., on Jan. IVi uja: "Itobert Fllzalmmoni, the pnglllM, vru Indicted today by the Orand Jniy for mantUngbler In ttae mat degree. At a performance at Jaooha' Opera Uonl^ In thU city, on Nor. IS, im, Oon lliordan, hla iparrlng pariner, wu knocked ont by Pliailmmona, and died after lying In an nncon. BOlonattate(orteveral honiB. Hnenff Aoiiln at once telegraphed to Fltxtlm. montai8LU>nit,Uo.,lliat be bad been Indicted and commanded him lo appear forthwith for ai^ nignment on itae charge. BoDdaman Uolllnn had and commanded him lo appear forthwith for ai^ nignment on itae charge. BoDdaman Uolllnn had had an arrangement witta tbe DUtdot AUomey wben KlUilmmone wu nleaaed on ball that the laUer would anawer to any rtqueat which Ihe law made. BherlffAntuatayanadoeenotlhlnkltwUl be neooeaaaiT to aend an oinoer to Mlaaoort. Ttae Hhenff will, tnerefon, permit Fllulmmona to oc hero and aurrcnder hlmtolf. Wben Informed of tbe action taken by tbe Byiv coae anihorlUea he e.xpreeaed great tnrprlie, ta be bad not expeded lu Uo nlo, however, Ihit he wu a Uw abiding olUxen, and, of oonrae, wu willing 10 relnm to that dly,orio fnraUhbonda, u the aoitaonuca might direct. Uo went to Belle- ville wlih hU comblnallon ttae aamo Dlghk m il A DKici oy oiATi riann) took puce at;a reaon near Unoklyn, N. Y., on Saurday night, Jan. lo. which were wlineaaed by a pntty Urge crowd of nng gocn. The Int oonteal wat between Jim Ulark, a (Juiker City Ud, and llairy Horgan, a member of ttae Brooklyn AtMellc Vlub, and they had agreed to do batUe at l'£ilb. marke vru mncn the cleveiw lad of tbi twain, and tao had an «uy victory, knocking taU antannui oat In the elev- enth round, a trick he could nave performed much ■ooner had he ao dealied. The next pair lo come together wen Joe Ualy,of the Ridgiwood A. 0., and Joiry U'Brian, of ue City of unnrehea. who fongbl at I40lb, and ibia luUd nino nnndt, ruull- Ing In a victory for Daly. Tan Buproii Atdlitio Club, of Beaton, Mata., will hold tbo teoond of a urlea ot boxing tonma. menu which they have atranged to take plaoe un- der their auiplcea during ttae Winter ataaon. Tne following proteealonalt are programmed to cnu daddiea on the oocMlon: Eddie Ocnnelly, of 81 John, N. U., and Blllr Wdch, of Brooklyn, N. Y.: Johnny Brlggt, of Wilttaam, and Pale Hannloc, ot Honth Beaton; Johnny McNamarK of Beaton, and Tom MnUen, of Waliham; Fitnk BMle, o( Beaton, and Jot nattily, ot Idwtll. OreadoB Ha* a 8aA Jab. There wu a glove contuttaUeied to be tor a pnru ot $2,000, at Otlveitoii,Texit,Jan. it, be- tween Dan Onedon and Heman Bemaao, whouyi claim to being ttae heavy welihtctaamplos ot ttae Lnna Bur Slate. Tlie UUer wu contldeiably the bif ger and ptrhapa ttronger man. bat th« rnpenor aclentlllo knowledge of the InatralUn boxer en- abled him to eaally overcome thoee advul<gca,and he won In three ()oeenabniy ronnda. Jaoi PuTXBaad DennyBheafonxhtwIttaglovea, for a atake of |1W, lu the Eaat End of London, Bog., evening of Jan. a, the battle being Umlted to twenty ronnda, at calchwelgbk Shea proved to be Car from a match for puyer, however, and ihe lat- ter won wltta greatett etw In eleven ronnda, and might have ahortaned the oonleat maltrlally had he not been dealrona of giving the tpeclaton a fair ahoirlng for their money. Diox Buxox and Tom wiuiama met at Itae arena of ttae National BporUng Olnb, In London, on the evening ot Jan. 21, and contended for a ttake of l30OaBde,all40Ib. It had been expecled that the batUe would prove a very determined and pro- tiacUd contoft, bnt to ttae aoiprlM ot all Barge done hU opponent in ttatce ronnot. THE TURF. ATHLETIC. THE INTBRHATIONAL MBBTUG. Tke If«w York Atkl«llo 01ab*i ReipoBM to tht IjoadoB A« 0**i AeceptADM DclowweprcMDttbo foil teit oflbeleuerfrom the 0ecr«i«r7 of tbe New York AttaleUc Clob lo an- Bwcr to ibat of tbe London A, 0., from wblcbltwill beobnrrcd ibat tbe Board ot OoTemore of ibe American organluUon aie loclined to be aa iten* erooa and liberal aa could be reasooablr expected, aDdlilBlobe bopcd ibat ibe Eogllab represcnta- dree will accept (be coaceaalooe and propoeliloBe mado lo tbe proper Bplrlt, In vbicb event a bigblj imenallog IntemaUonal compeililon will be as- anred: Miv TOIE AC Ju. U 16M. u. E. Boufiv. Honoaiar BBaiariHT lohdoi a. 0^ SiAMroiD BiiDoa, LoiDOV, B. W.—Ceor Sir: I amln to •iprM lo too tbe tnutkauoD vlib wbiob loar Iftier or Ju. & lat wu r«M)Ttd by tbla dab, wltb lu oai41«)u- eipUfioe of tbo InntAUoo osUDiStil bj u to th» Loodoa A O. to MDd • (Mm to iblB oftontn to attend » frlwdlf eoDUitbtlvMDibodiibi. OartibUlloeommlUoe mot ibli dJT ui4 aathomwl ne lo wnte to }oa u lollowi: Toaeblng tbo time for boldloi tbo oootAoplitod pnu nftmd to Id yon loUor, 1 dwlr* to tkj ibat tb» mlddto 01 tb« BODlh ol Mftr, raaiMttd by yoo. (• a period ntbor urir Id tbe Meaop fieT«,«bere oor Bpriogi ar* Iftla, aod wboro oor ttbleui, tbenfora, do doi prepare lor early lamei. AiJaaetJaly ud Anroatue mooiba «blobai%DDfalt«d toyoo for thepiopoied meellof, car oommoD fTOQDd of aimeoiBat a* to data would teem to be eooaotd to BepUmbor, wbleb really le tbe moet eitree- able aod ■atlifaeutr mooib Id tbn i aar for tbo povpote, wboa the veatber U apt lo bo well uttltd, aod ibe mon ■eolallortbeeeeMD. irit woaM be aoeepuble to yoor eomntttoe we woold lodloale tbe flat of Replember aa tbo moat coQTeDleat aod tQllable data (or tbe porKrao ot boIdiDg tbe Raoaf, wbldi wa wonld propoee abonid tabe plaoe ID or Dear tbeOilr of Mew Ycik neeTealato be decided opOD.aa cnrgeated by joar .otDmlttoe, woold be aatlilaotoir wllb tbo fonowlof allgbtebiniaaaodooDdlUooa: Aftra mile mo iDatoad of ft ibree mile no wooM be aa eTeat more lauifaotoiT to oor aibletei, beoaoie It la a diataoea proTlded for by tba rulea of onr owD aiMMUUoo, and oae to wbtobtbey aottid tMmorelaatllu: bat wear* oot atreoaooaaa lo ■Bob ebaoge aboold yon. opod lortbar oonilderatloD, adbere to yoor oiiglaal aaWtloo. •Tbe addlUoD ol a ro yarda daab. and makioi Ibe "ahot ud bunner," iDitaad of ' ahot or bamner,'' a" a pan of tbe programne, would aObid oor owo moD. aa wall as IboTlalliog team.DD addliloaal opponoDliy todtaplay tbelrqaaimuaDdauoDglbtD the latofeallotbeanUre aerleaofeToota. Ourowo diamploublp gameilDolDde aeveotMo otoou, aod oor people wodU ooDaider Dloa ereota ralber loo few for oar roeellDg. Webopetbat fioawlUaeQBleaeela oordealre loadd tbeaa OToata to lollat Aaaagie»t«d by yoDlo regard to tbe compoal- Uooofyour taaffl,or ooaree oor own, la like miDoer, will be coofloed to memban lolaly ol tba New York A. 0. It may bo aanmed tbat tbo amatODT qaaliaoaUona of ihaaompeUtorewUl be deunnlnad bytbe raletof tbe Sogllab A. A. A. and oor Amateor AtblaUe Dnloo, vbiob.u I'DDdanlaod It, are aobataatlally alik^ Do* lallJ of tbe etenta would aatofally eoiae ander tbe mlee of oorNaUooal Aaaotlatloo bar*. iDanaacb as tba eastoms ot tba two oooouleadtfTarlnaoDaDiatteraol dotall; sad as It la deaiiable tliat yoor eommlttee aboaU bo lotoraed of tbeee Tarltboaa lo adiaoea. ao u to be adTlaedof eoodlUoDa wbieb goTom oompetlUooaben^ It may be as well to direot yoor aUeatlen lo tbe follow* logaetiL BDtdle racas are mo on apatb of olay and oloden railed, and tbobardleaaraDotlo iMftiad lotbegroand. In other words, It la OTor obataolea wblota are not flied faattotbegiODDd. All neea are run with Ihe left basd totbooorb. Tbenoyardalaraaoatba same path aa'aboTe,aiid U w Itb a corre In Uoea for tbe aereni competitor* so ar- ..lbolaopa,tbopaihlsHTel lo take off Tbeee few remarka wni,parbspa, Ladleato tbe dllfsr- eneelnthe details, wbleb ai« not roally fsasatial, aod mar •ofltaat loqalri«s mm joa aa to oibtr mattsis which at ue prtatat tine do not ocoor to my mind- Beeorriogiotbe ume atwblch the ercau are to come off It might M well to say iarlbar tbatoor Immadtata la- landed programme not ooty would looladetbeiDtara^ UoDSJ DAtob OD BepL II, bat also oor anaaal open Fall lanes. wbleh take place Sept. &, and probably roeetlna IQ Bofton or Pbitadelpbia, or bolb, sbenld yoor taam be acreoablaallartbeeTaniaol Sept. 11 and S. Itlscoa- toraptated ibat from Ibo data of tbe laam's arrival la New X9ik nnUl attar ihe laat of theae UUcroTents of BoPLll an4 0tbe vliltore wUl bo eotartalned as tbo guests ol tbla dab. Natuiallywowoiitd opeetlhemio Ttttrmln from oompetlUea lo olhar camas sats Ihooe dO' der oor arraagamentor aaipkoabat It would also be oipeetsd tbatulormaororitaataun would noulDaJiar Ihetwonmea ladlcatsd sboTs, should tbey cooalder It adTlaabio to do ao. with tbe ol4««t of oompetlag id otbar athletic OTeotstaklogptaeeaboot tbe aame'tune la tbla ooQDtry and Oaaadk Tbe qoesilon oreipeoaea, of couno, laqolte a material Item, and. In view of your irreater eipartenoa on tbo other aldck we bad anUeipataid aome dednltosugiestioo from you Id thai respeet lo itew of tbe slight prospect ot your olub, aa you aiaia. t>elog able to aeleot a team to "tyltaownaipeusaaiandtbaorab baTlnguo arollable jDd lor such outlay. It would baTO ooeurred to ua that a aubMTlptlon foreuchparpoea,droolatedamongirlendo ofathlotioaportain Eogland Intereatsd la an Interna ilooaleTeotaaeh asthia promlsas to be, would have met Wllb such saoooasastobaTO ptovldad Inada topaypait, ir not all, tbo aeooaaaiy eipendlture. Tbla la tpeeolatlTe od my pert, u I am not, ol eoDroo, aa (kmlllar with tbe sItnaUon ou the olber side as you ara. I will DBdartabe lo aaj, howaiar, abonid yoa be onabia to solTo tbo qusatlOD 10 any oibarway,ibal tbla olnb wlU relieve yon .ol any dUDoulty so fbr u tbat quesUoo la eooeenedbragjeatDgtopraTlde (or ibeeiMnHs ol a taimand ■abauiuleajiioi lo eicsed lllieea In nontber, (Von London to New Tork City, and return, the eiponaoa to IsolDdo railroad fstea from London to slaaner, Qni olaaa passage on Btaaraer.boaid and Htdaingfiom arrival until four days aAor the games, but this penod not to eioeed Ibruewtela I eaoloae two copies of the ralea of our presaot ov Uoaal aasoolatlon. the Amateor Aibletlc Union, tbe N. A. A. A. ol tbe Uolted Stales baTlog dlaeoUed soma Bfoyean ago, and oorelnb ooDBtltotioD. bylaws and nlaa. I woold aik yoo In ralom to aeod ms (wo copies of tba rales ot Ibe Bnglisk A. A. A. aod ofyoirdDb. we sbooM be Torr glad to knew ibe names ol yoor isan aa soon aa coBTsaronL somellttle Una befor* tbe meeilDg, eoaatoeonplete ODTprogramme ID good eesion. Etad- lylet us kDow, aaearlv aa poaalblo, whether Ibe above arrangemeau are aailslaatory to yoo. Ve^ alaoettly lOBTi, Joair 0. QDUOK, Beeraiaiy. Id (he VootbBll Field. AnomboroC rooiball ooaieita look place in tbii Tlolnlty Jan. 20, inolndlDf tbe eooond ronnd of gamea In ibe obamplonablp noe of tbe Long Island Babnrban AiaooUllos. engaging Uio Daontleo, OlraplOgOtendalo, WoodBldei AUanilo and Uamll- ton teama. Tte reaolla %n iier«wlUi ibowo: At tbe Rldgewood groondg tbe Oljwiplcs defeated ibe BayViewi b; a aoon of 4 to 3: at tbe Bay View ffionnde tbe woodaldea beat ibe reerleas Olob. 4 to a: attbofroDndtotiheoiendaleAUileUo Olabibe Olendalei dctcated tbe Newtown Atbletlo Olab learn, A to 3; at Rldgevood tbe DaunUeai Atbletlo OlQbpoliBbedof tbe Bmplro Atbletlo Olob, 3 to 1; tbe Atlanilo AtbleUo Olab eleven Tinqnlabed tba Boibwlok Clnb. 4 to 3: tbe Rldgcwood AlbMto Otob team ioObred deleai at ibe banda and feet of tbe Oamllton Atbletlo Clob, by tbe cloae aoore ot ft to 4; tbe Brooklyn Wandeion wbllewubed ibe Ameilona Olub team, tbe icor« standing T to o; and at Klliabelbpoit, N. J., tbe Kmerald P. 0. beftl tbe Weat side Rangen, 0 to 4. Pmd noTiT AMD E. D. WuKH, ohAfflpKm, met Intbeopenloff matob of tbe indoor lennlaseMoa at Newton, Mas., on Tboriday eTenlnr Jan. it. The Datoh wu played at Oraj'a UaQ, Hewton Oentr«, tinder tbe ueploes of tbe Newton Win* ter Tennla Clnb, In prtnnoe of aboat 200 aoolety people. Tbe pUy by botb eiperti wa« brllllaBt, bnt BoT«y waa inrer In bla net play tban bla opponent, wbom be ontpotntad, wtnnlnf in two atnigbtBeta by a aoore of e-l Anerwarda UoTu and Book nwt Wnnn and Oodmoa la donbMi,UM tormar pairwlBnlBi b/BUt*a«ito The ■•tloaal Bteeplachua AasoclaUon Met at tbe rooma of tbe Jockey Olob, tble cKy, on TbunKby evening, Jan. 17, elected ofliccre for tbe year emniog. aod annoonced ball a dozen now atakce. Tboeeprcaeot were Fred. Oebbard, Aagiut ItelmonL J. L. Qreen aod 8. & Bowtand, aod tbe election resulted In tbe cbolce of ibe followins aeoUemeo: Prealdeat. AognsiDelmoDt; tIcc preel- 3ent. H. De Coorcey Forbee; trensnrer and eecre- Ury, B. tt. Howland. Tbe following Blewards were elected to act for three years: For one year, A. BelmonL F. n. Prince (oC 6oflion)and J. 0. Polane- bee; for two yean. Foxball Kene.A. J.CaeMli and S. B. Uowland; for tbree jearB. F. Oebbard, J. 0. Oreen and 11- I)e Conrcy PorbeA The following Committee on Rolea for Biecplecbaae and Hunt Racing was appointed: A. J, CaaBait, 6. B. Howlaod and H. De Conrcy Forbes. New membera wero elected aa follow: J. 0. Dooner, F. aray Qrlswold, Oeoroe Work, W. O'B. Hacdonoogb, H. J. Uorria aod S. J. RnnL H. U. Crlckmoie waa appointed eecrctary and lostncied to annoooce and open (be loUowlngfltakes, to dose Uarcb 1.18M: National Aasoclftilon Bprlng Stsepleehaaa Baodlcapa, by■ubocnptlon ofgTI aacb enuy tor tbo ibieo bandl- MML CoDdlUODS: NewToit Btaeplecbasa Handicap:'guaraotoed eadi, Tslue •4eoto the flr«l. glD to tba oeooDd. IIOQ to Iho third, ISO to tbefoortb; about two miles aod a half; nn raauu BMplMbua Easilloap; iaaiu*M4 oib Ttiot aasis th. tm. tn) to Uw —mi. lis to ma tbli4,tntolhalbutli; atontthiM mllaa: naMarl. anai Intanullooil BtvplMliua Budleap; iisann. KM cull TtlQt ti,«0 to Ita. ant, 1901 to the taoMd; tan la itat ibliO, aatf (UD to Hi* Mutli: almt fgoi nllta: ran Mar 11- Mtiuatl auociiUOB Sprloi HardU Haadieapi, br nbaoilpuoD of tu nth utir lor th« thrM baa4itapa Coodltlou: BK. Rloholai HbiOU Haadlcap: (oaraDtMd eatli valaa •laotslba gi«t,«ilOt«tlMaa«iiid.Sia)u Ua tblie.,tO to tbt rooftta; Blla ana a kalL oftr iU boniM: ran Mut. WMtchMUr Hordla Batdlcap; naiutaad eath TiJaa Sgototbtlnt IUOIaUi,iMoa4,$l09totbtthlM.«aiu • foortli; iBll«aBdlhr«taaul,ra.onT aaraBhanllaa. lDl«k«rb«ck«r nnjOla Htodlcap; gnaiutaed caah Tilo. tun to Ue mt, tito u tba Hoonn, twu to tba thlid.a90to tba foulb; two eillu aad a qoaxtar, oier Ine boidlaa. .^.^^ RaelBf Bt tho Cnaceat Oily. Jul U— pint rua-Elnaaalitteatbiol tmUa-llUi Lillr. ire. Thoipa, .ru, wen: BmiI. NleboUi lU, u. JobMn, i u 1. HMOdTbcU Out, lU HeOni, ( (o I, tblfd. Time, 1:11 tacood raoi Btm forloDfa— Olara Btiar, 101. i. Olajloo,! Is 1. too; Mollla BiTlOt. OmiIo, trao, iMond; ObarI,7 B, UM, J. SDltb, 30 to 1, tbifd. Tlni«.l:3fiK...'.ThMiaca—riTaftiTloofa,budl. eao, tbfta |ur oMi-Corla. lit. Leigli. Bto 1; wi.ii: FMU- Til, 111. HoDD. 1101,iKMd; Mirtba arillli, llO. cialD. Itol.tbltd. Tin,, l:(rr Ponitb laoa-Oot mils, ull- iDi-BonaU'i Billil, m HcDontld,« lo 1, won: Hinel, UK a. 01*7100,4to aiannd: L« aiaadt, US, J Bmltb, a to 1. tbiid. tint. 1:10 rmb itea-Oao mil*, lall- lof-Ioeommode, 1(B. R. JoiiM, lA ta L woo: Bxeaulor, IK J. ■oDoailiL 10 to 1, MooDd; Foouuoo.r, in, J. Scou, 10 >o 1. Iblrl. Tim, lA Ju. ll—nranca-nra aad a bair ratlog|»-rtMd. Jan. 10^ Lallb, Bto 1. won: Dr. Baod, lOO, XtwooD. t to 1. Mcond; Eia L.. UB, B. Jooai, a> to I. Iblrd. Tloia, .RocoDd 7ie*-0B, nilla. toUloa-Ob Ko, 109L ijlon,<JO 1. woo: ButITp, lOr, Paon. 7 to I. ood; 3«i McDoff, m. Thoip*. S to iTtoI'd. TImo. nt*-Blx latlooia iaIlloi-WIUow- H) IS l,woa; Vandua. M, j; aaidoar. Hut llAuaui.,the WeaKm paoloi man • record ot iMK. died on Jan. le, at neepoii ipo". 111.. pan, IdL Lallb, Bto 1. won: Dr. Baod, lOO, XtwooD;, t to l,i#c0od; BTa L., UB, B. Jooaa, " ' l:l8Wi Btcoid tlo-Os, mil a. CKflon, 4tol.woo:Ba«t1Tp, ond; ^Hi McDi- •-' Iblid broot, 98. CaulQ, 10 u I,woo; Vanclaja. M.aardnr, » lo l,Heond; On Andiain, OS, BboitlD, i to 1. tbiid. Ttot, I jeii Foaitbim e a Bufotloaia.wUui|r-MIM lt,llD,Cu<la,9laLwoa: Ilndora,^OS,J.aTll,( u ond: BaUoM. KB, Full. 10u> I, tblidTVuia, rilib it«-rilu*ii.ilauenlbi ol a mlla, aoUliig- Uton Onltr, V9, Bmia. 7to 1. won; Obanoctr. lot J. WMilLu to l,i«<ood; AUbl,ia,7bon>a,> u Xtbltd. Tina. I'Myi. if- ".-.TV'S nf-rin forban nUlDi-Blid. uuhor. 101,1.Olanoa.7to>,woDi anna McNtlij, H. UoueiMMlol, laooid; OoUlna, IM. Ctiiln. 0 to 1, tbin).. Tlm.,l«t. Brand itoe. itTOD lorlonfi. Mil- Ini-aalalhia, m Caitla. < lo I. won: Boial Prlnoa, 107. L bodoo, 4 to 1, ucond; Oblaw IW J. Bill, a to 1, Iblrd. Tim* I:<IU..... TUid raca-Sii larlonn^ nllloi-La aiaada.llAJ.IjllLeiol,won: BrUnman lOI, Tborpa. 1 to 1, M<»Dd; Mtrtal, IIU A. Oltrun, 7 to », Ibiid! Tima.lSK .roarlb noa-rira torlogce. bindlcip tS"?* "W- I*onw,< tot.won: Imo. TroTilian, ;u,PMn tol,ioeon<: idab llloj, Cualo, 8 lo 1 tblid-^Tfoifc fllibrtM-^i ruloaai, wUlai- Jobnr.,II7.HeCna,9lol,won; ASMnla. llfirMabaiTT. a " lA«>"a, Kn. I^lo, W to 1, ibltd. TUB*. naclng mt Aleisader laland. Jan. 11-nnt raaa-Fira InrloDn, Mlliac-Basluiln, l».Par«i;t,UtoI,«rt»; BjooifA BmT ond: Di^loi Obarllo, llr. Ilonia, |9 lo I. Iblid. lima. IaV Baeood raoa-Fonraad a balf lorloaia. uuioi -Timmtar Hall, 110. llorTii.7 to X But; Un Poitor, •bird Tlni«,l:o» Tbudrtoe-Fonr udabaUlar- topB, laUloi-JoSnar. Wi, HaiiT. 8 10 i. Int; roian, l'^SS"S.''*'?i,'«»!!: •••iB'da.Iti, llnrpbr,* lo hllilrd. Tlni<,IK)l Foaitbra<a-Bli udaonaitar lorlonia, ialllnB-Irtoo. ',0, OlMaoD, a lo L Bnt: uluiie. t,lblid. TImo, IKS nnb nca-«U tod a qwrtor 5So''J{lSWN^''iSS;.'- Ti»,i<»; Ju.le-FlntTUa-Flretarunn-CbarlltB.,lKI,Coi, ¥N '•">;••> lU). Ban, rto 1, Mcoad; Uproar aUF,l^Bunmatlo l. ibUd. na>, l:n ..Braad V!St::1l*n"fl'°«^r<*»i"* ""«'• ""o. dm; Joltat 8S, 0. DonnoUr, 40 lo 1 atooad; Bobolink. 111. Ham. t to 1. tbinl. rime, lffl«.TTlKlid nS-Voar mabllllorlon»-Bolna,ieB,lIam,Ila 1. Bnt; Nlu, I,tblrd. ^ma, 13n^....Ponnb noa-Foir and a ball tarlonia-Bon, 111 .Ham, t tol BnljBTdo, IQB. Moipbr, fJSi •«»>» Ill, Trlb* i to irtbifd. Tfrnt lor,«lol.anl;l(uk,Ua. Btndor, 8 tot moniiilUtUt Oban,l(B,Uin,ltol, iblnl. TimMlBK ^'''.'X~'l>*>'*o>—'oorand onobali l^rlonii-Oon. lalao, lOLIiBrpbr, 8 lo I, am: Oatpair. lot. Bam, 8 to a •»t<>nd-*oodobopp«JO»,DoiSfTto 1, IblrtT Tlm^ 1:0I.....BMond laeo-FlTo InrkinaL •oUlot-jobnor. t£ KouT, > to 1. ent; Obuaaa, 107. YtuiV.f lo 1. irand= Dwtlrtb.l0I.Don«r.ttoi;iblid. TuSr \Sl..rmSi 7SSrJ!U.'!,','°S«* •«',l'?«r'"«°''- tW. FiiMlnmoM, Bbb Frantlaco Jooker Olnb. jin )0-piri: n f o Baron fnrlooia—Bmw Bcot IU r.oaire 10 a,won: (Join, IOt,n«aiSJ 1 to iTirand '••anl. lot, T. BmiiiT-o to 1, liitd. Tim, "c.'.TrSSi'. jnd laaa-Flra and a b^tatlonn,aoUini-«l« Bilb. ljl).^..Tblriiie*-IlT« ud a halt tarlooia. nUlniP Mar par. tai Oocbiu, i to 1, woo; Ob taulblT. B. im>d 810 a, aaoond; Mob? chiJ \in'niiSlr1r'!!.',:!yi Tint, J war, tB, uoeoiu, t to I woo; Obinaok.^1, B. Imho. -Jia. I:BU......Fonjtb noa-FIn aad a bair rorloBp •fUlu.-l/SUlo Ilni, U7, F. Carr. { tot. to; Ollria, fl? jonii«.lKj«iiJotl5r^^ Ttn. m. Oban. 10 u 1 itcnnd; Don rnltBO, ist Bad. ■vaayvfe waaou^—HBJVV no, in, Obora, It 10 I. atcnnd floM.eui, tbiid. Tina. IJD,>i. ,•'•0; 18—FInt naa-Plio lurloan—Bar MeCarlbr lOa SkanJ to I. won; AnndoL nf P. Ctn. '■uaM^o. iMiiD, J101. uuu. Tiaie,l:l1. —Bii iorloDM. sollLsg — Ooadalape, Oboni._l to I.wm; Psryear D.. Kn.'r.cKo to< i.nRosbaklbiol,iblid7 Tine, 1:30.../ .TbllS "Od; ■rroo.D^ nmB«,iuioj inm. Tina, iaD....Tbln rua-Baron foihoia-QiiIrt^ m, coehrS ] to I, won "folal'a,». a liOB.e 10 CtKmi ;ZobalrTiS, Wore, isrSa'cri-ifj?'•'•"^ A*"AJ7!r''"'.!»c*T'iT« and one ballfarloDta, sell- , •""A.*i:r""'.2«T~''^« MO OBS ball forloDta. sell ISSa^VTit i£.i'd°-'ft-*i? ...Boool ■ Tlmo,IS.. Booondraet-nrttad ogAiallloilooaa £, 'Iv'tt "a""-'2f; Obaoott-81,8.loom, i tol.tolid. Tlmt,l:llM Tblid n«»-FlTaand abalt JPV^^ "IU' •na-Plnaoda TUB JociBT CUB held ihclr aooul bnalneea iDCcUng In inoir Donia at ibe Cumborlaod. ibla clij, on Iho evonloi olJan.lT, ihe follawing mem. bore belnjt In aiieadasce: A. p. Walcoli, Angntt viL ^^Sf^'i- B*?". Aogott olaaoD, J. 0. Bonner, bdwardKollj, Frederick Oobhanl.j. 0. Oieeo.s! H"?'*"," *'i ^itff. Alter the report oC Iho tnialcci waa read ami approved, Ibe (ollowlni Mowardt wero cltcied: For two jcan. 0. Lee Knapp (ie<lccied), t;ol. w. p. ThompeonrA. J. Ca*. K.lf *",'',.'• 9: 'ddi named nnUeoian f.'".?*..'!'''?'' I'doler'a unexplnd term of ont jcar. II. t . Uljdc. of I'hlladolphla, waa eltoleU a member or hcJocterClub. TteMowaidawliaeetcnnahad "u'gStWmoTu'' "« « S!f fJ* ^* irolilnn tlaiuon Aile, '/it.*' filJ? "*'• ""i *«»1M!<»» Belle, br Adrian Wlltea. ton ot deorge Wllkee, died otleok- )" at VerttlUea, S». Jan? 18. Hrwitie joint propettx »f BottelljUei and A. O. Bmce. ot loDB leTer. She waa nlned bj her owner'ur" ton B. Mollenr^ at more than, an am'onni that waa olftred tor her thonlr before her deaih She waa if BUlj WUket, ont of Bennle BoTder hV MambrtnoAbdallah. i<"r.nj WINTER SPORT. COHUG BVRRTB. Jan. ai ir-Bkttliii neaa, obimploniblp of Bgrooa Boda.failb. BnniarT. —-vin. Jan. B--Obamploublp fliuw tkatlna oompauuoBi 8oatbOnaaa,ll.J. Jan,SO-.Jnoloraad iraan BaiuaakallaaoomDaUtloiiL llontrta],Oao. ^ Fab. S—Oaaidltn Anataor BhatlAi Af aoeiaUon tnoul flbamplooibip ooupautlooa, Mootrta] Ota. THE BKATUa OHAUPIORBHIPB. A Very UBeatlateetory lleatlBg, Uarreil bjr AJJegad Fonla Bad llBaportamaii- Ilke FroeaedlBga—Radd Won Two KwaBta, JohaaoB Oae, Bad Dawldton One. The inoDal iioea ot the Matlooal Bkollng Atto- datlon, tor the imalenr ohanplonahip ol Anetlra, came on at Onnga Lake, near Kewbnrr, V. Y., oq SatnTd*rattaraoon,Jan.lB. newetlherwatrerT oold, and the Om loa had to bo twept In onlcr to prepare a proper oerrlce for Ihe titok, which waa halt a mile In ItDgth, with tharp tuna, and waa orlginallx Ihlrt/Hfe feet wtde, bnt wurepaledl; encroaohed npon bj the tn or alx thontand per- aoni woo lined It, alaidlng In anew tereml Incbta deep. The managen were nnable lo prerent ihli, and the conieqaence waa that the atatara were con- tlderablj hampeied at tlmea,whlle the crowd wot jti} nnrnlj, Johnaon either fell or wu Intention, ally thrown twloe, and ai n reanlt there wu moi b quanelllng between the oonleatanla and ueir managen, the Donoghoe brothen beltg, apparenil t, malnljreapontlble therefor. Tbo ncee were lohivo been ttarted at 11 i. u., bnt ihote hartog oharge ol aifaln tailed to hare tne track in eonaiUon uniii three honre later. It being after 3 r. m. before the lint nee wu called, doring whlcn time the iptcia- ton wen obliged to aland aronnd and kick loelr heelt togetherlo keep from fiteilDg. The oDIclala were; Releree, Wiribim B. Unrtlt; ladfea atnnltb, aoa Walton, 0. L. Wanng and Uharlea F.Jane; OeU jndgea, John D. WUlla, Tnomu U. Keir. A. a. Jordan and John F. Tnoker; ume keepen, Romti BiolL F. a. Wood, n. a Ulgglnaoo, Dr. Wlllet KIdd and wendeU Baker; ataiter, James B. Ta;lor; clerk ot conne, Oeorge D. Fhllllne, ot the New York Ath- letic Olnb, aatlsted by wll;lam J. Leghorn and Charica A. Olxon; manna), R. Oonnne, hla at- tiBlanit being Emanael FarroU, Ohlef ot roUoe of Newbnrg; Oeorge U. Taggait,Ubarlea O. Dohaghoe and J. U. Uemmatt, Toe Dm race < v the qnarter mile daah, decided In three heaie aud a anal. Tnere wet« three ea- trlea in each heat, bnt oolj two ttarted. Vint heat: Startem-John S. Johoaon, ot Mlnneapoiia, and Jamee A. Donoghoe, ol Newborg. Thla wat won eaallj bj Johnaon, In tBi, ten feet ahead. Second heat: 8lanen-01aitBndd,of Hlnneapolu, and Uarlej Davldtoo, ot Toronto, Uivldton won In ioyit. TUlrd heat: Btariera—Joteph F. Dono- ghno, ot Kewborg, and Bemtrd UoPartlan, ol Ver- planok^a. Uonogone wonlnSTXe. Final beat: Joo uonoghoe, Johnaon and UavldaonBiatted. Johnaon led at Ihe blatt, Donohne eecond, Daf Idton Ihlrd. Johnaon took ihe right ot the conno, and aa Uoh- ogbne ciept np on hla left aide then wat a collltloo between ine two, Jotueon landing In a enow bank at the tide ot the cooite. Alihoogh Donoghoe loei hla tttoke, he managed to keep hla balance, and toon fell baok Into a eUady galL Bj thla time, howerer, Darldaoa had gained the lead. Ue. Onlahed flltaen feet ahead. In VlHt. Tom E«k, Johnaon'a manager, claimed a tool, bnt did not demand the referee'a decltton. On acooont ot tho ton! no teoond plaoe wu allowed. IntheflTO mile race the ttartets were Johnaon, Rndd, Olarenoe Ulark, R. Walter Olatk, DarMeon, HoFartlao, Joeeph F. Donoghoe, Jamee A. Dono- S'lne, B. F. PhUlipa and Edward A. Thomao. At e aiart Joe Donoghne took the lead with a mn. Aa toon, howerer, aa the akaien teuled down to a alaadj atroke Joe Donoghne and Jotnaon fell be- hind the teat. At Untlt wu thonght they wen taring themoelTea for a tpiut, bnt It toon appeared that tnaj were harlog a race ot their owil At the lint half mile ther were Otiy feet behind Ihe Held, and at thne mUea ihey wtra a toll lap, or half a mile behind, which dliretenca thej mafnIaliKd nn- 1II tbe end ot Ihe race. At three and a haltmlla Jim Donoghoe had the lead, bnt kept it only a few aeconda, Bodd then forging ahead. Rndd nnlahed tar In adnnce ot all the othen, In ITm. IXt-; OtTldion aecond, twenty ynrda behind. Toe ouen were bnnohed a qnarter lap behind Darld- BOO, ekcept Joe Oonoghue and Johoaon, who came In halt a mile behind, Donoghne flnlahlng an arm's length ahead of Johnaon. In the one mile noe Johnaon, Rodd, Obuence Olark, Darldaonand Joo and Jim Donoghne elarted. Johnaon took the lead, whloh he held paot the qnarter. Then he tell, and Joe Donoghne patted lo toe front. In the eecond halt what tomepenona prononnced the only real akatlngot the day wu aeen. Dandaon won the race in im. dtKt. John- ton came In aoloee aecond, having given a One ex- hibition olakatlngproweee, not only byregalnlDg loat lime, bnt by pasting tne other akaiart. Bodd wu acloaethlrd,andjoe Donoghne came In fontth, while the othen ilnlahed tar behind. In the ten-mile race the only alarter wu Olal Rodd. The othen who bad entered alaycd out, being dlaaalltled wlih the prooednre dnrlng the dav. Rndd Uniabedmaom. 381. Johnion and Hanager Eek came to New York after the ncea, and appeared at Uadlaon Bqnaro Garden on Monday afternoon, where^ In the coone of an Interview with a nporter of The Sun, Bck do- elated hlmaeltutolloirt: Thit afternoon I will pott tlOO with ne Spirit nfltvt Tlmea, to go toward a pnze ot tome tort, and I will chaueage Joo Uonognno to akate Johnaon any dlitance from one to Bvs mllet any when, bar- ring Orange Lake. I ahall atlpniate tnatthe men Blart from oppoalie ildca o( the track ao that then can be no laterference. Futhermore, I will per- gonally bet 11,000 or any omonnt, ihat johnoon wiu win. nod Uank la a good place, bnt I wonld like to aee tne eveni come off on Field, II the track conld be noooed. Onnge Lake, however. It ont ot theqneBUoD,u we conld not expect (air treatment then after the rlolooa behavior ot Oooo- ghne'e frlenda on Salorday." Eck and Johnaon aabaeqnenlly called at ne Sptnt of Itie Ttma ooce and offared to depoait tlOO lo go toward tbe porohau ol a trophy. They nada long Inlenlew with the N. A. B. A. prcaldeni. In the cooree ot which Eck expretttd a pretennce for the tonr tlandard dlatanoea ot tbe IntemaUoaai Bkadng Aaaoclatloa-M», l,uo, 8,000 and metrea. The Eck naiiy left ihe aame evening tor Montreal, where Jonoaon and Rodd an engaged In the Oaoadlao chaDplonablp lacu. In ngard lo the tronhle that occnmd m oneot thtkeveait the alarter gave ont iho following for pabllcotlon, which may lend to throw Bomellghtnpon the mat- ter In dlqinia: "Oonalaerabladlodotalonhuarlaen over tho Inlih In the final heat ot the quarter mile nee at Onnge lake on Baluiday, ihe f tih luiant, Aa atarier 1 8laced the men, Johoaoa on the extnme eul, Ivldionlnthe cealie, and Joe Donoghoe on the extnme weat, Tha men tiarlod In theae potlUou. Johnaon, alter golog tome dlaiance, croeaed be- hind Davldton and Donoghne, and then attempted topaaby Donogbee on the eilnmeweatof the track, when the men cane together la Donoghoe'rt path. Jams B.TiTi.oa, Starter." And here la a alaloment acondited to the nferee, wbolaagenUemanoi long experltnce, qnlok per- oepUon, cloee obeervoUon, and long noted for hla love ot fair play and hatred of lie oppoallcand who iborDnghly ludenlandt Ihe mlw, the viola- lauon 01 which lie will not permit when he hu oonlrol: '■Joe Donoghoe dnw number one poalUon, on the eut tide or aide neit to the thore. Davldnon dnw the centn, ud Johnton Ihe right, Oonog. hne't biother told him tha ice In the eenin wu bett, and that ho woold be ater then from loltr- fetenceu the crowd emahed forward. Douldjoe conld eaally ahake off Davldton, ud then take the middle track. Davldton held hit own, howerer, nntil Donoghne gndnally bored him over on John* ton. The iBtler eaaed np lo avoid being hemmed In, and then camo attem ol Donoghne toihe cooru VBcatad by the Nowbnrg onck. Donoghoe then took a tharp eaotera tack, and collided wlih John- aon, who vru horled In among tho apeotatoro. ne force ot the bomp npaet Donoghne'a balance for a moiBant, and baton he oosld gel np need again the deolMd Davldton Iiad a wlnmng lud." Wehav* raoelvada leuartiom Tim Doooghne, tha taUMT ot tte Doooghne bovLand hlmoalt a akalarotnaBTTaan' expertaBoi|,aad wteUolin