New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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766 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. February 2 RoMnreM !• t toft clenr rebnilder ot bnlly pltji bf oUierdmiuU«u,u4 Iim been ksowo to tura often tiinio4 UimMoet dUuWr iDto uionA no cur ui] l( tie will tlgorootl; ttlMk bisownwork, u eltber he or torn olber mil b»e to do, tben iDAj jet be * ctasnce to nuke ibe illftlone enter- ttlnlDg, fomlib eomelblni tor Ibe peirormen to bDlId npon. ani evert joe fellare wbtcb now tbreeiODi. Tbe onlr hope for tlie bnilett* at prei- ent le In He nailc, wblch t* bright end ptetir tbroggbout, ud ocoxloniillT wonb/ or ddoIi bigber pnlee tben tbe qiulir;ing worde eliore em- ployed cnuld powlblj conre;. For Ibe nrrottunce lltiio clae but pnlie It dne, eipecuilr couMer- iDg bow mile there me to work wIDi. Helen UtnfreT plejed tbe role o( I'trcr Versnce with muob ekni ud OnUb, end kept ilie girl beob- elor eo CHretallr wlibin Uio llmlie o( good leele ee to merit onbonoded preleo. Jobn T. Kellr wu en urtelnlbg ae HtcNemere ud will pier Ihe pert better wben bo becomee e trtno more femlller wiib Ik Al. U. WUeos wee inr emiielng tbrougbool end received msnj well deterved cucorce fur ble ■ODge. Kdwln Htercoe woe DOt In ble bippleit mood In the role or uinglewort end felled eliner to oiirect bnmor frumltor to enppljtbedeOclenojr from ble own aioro. Ule boreplnaterbuelneee' ' fer abort or tbe Inltsdcd end looked for cireotaiid wee, In feoi, retber dletreaalng iben oDierwlaa. Mr. HteTone aaog well, howevor, end ble aong eon- ceming tbe embliloae oiegple wu one ot tbe moat ftttiectlTe feetnra of tbe perfomieiie*. LlUlin Tbnrgeie untilbated aome rcrj energetlo end in- deolonaducing, whiob wee neTerttieiceeremerke- Vif well dono end which called fonb Ihe beartleat applaueof theonnlog. Kdlth Unwe,illnnle Lan- dea and Archie Ciawford were ell vocallj eUclent. Tbe piece le riadlj hendlcappod hy lack ot alage room, which renden eiTeciIre aeulog, and gronp- ingand drill Impoaalble, and le tbia reepect there la no chance to nope for Improvement, but In all other reapeote Immcdlaie change (or tbe belter naj conOdentlr bo exptr.ted, end tlie work will donbUeae win favor accordloglr. It waa Ibna CMt: Michael UeoNenure, ;obn T. Keliejj Nick Weddle, HIdnevUrcw; Juilaon Dlnglewort, Kdwln Blevcni: rani Wbliiloireo, Archie umwford: Piof. Angnit Uermenn Karl von BUderbogeo, Al. II, Wliaon; aeognr, Wm. I^arloe: (mrlmpe, afeaaoDger, Nowa- b<ij, Uarrr Kello;: Qlnger, Bemoel FUberj Fere/ Veranco, Helen Uenvray; Mollr, Hlnilo Landee: noae, Kdlth Uowe; Oraoe, l.tlllen Thnrgate; Kibel, Nina F«rTtoglon: Flo, Uelen Harlbonngb; btm, uneale Uarlfle; lira. I'otia, Jonnlo Weatberebr. BCNDAT iKTiRTiiNMina 00 Jan 27 were more nnmeroui than nanal, and Included tbe tenth of Ibe popnier conceria at tbe Metropolitan Opera Uonae, a concert Bonu'e Band at tba Herald Bijnare Theatre, UenmanTbompaon'a "Donga lllu- tiated and Iilumloeied" at tbe Blar Theaue, a leo- tare bj Itobcrt U. Ingeraoll at tbe Firtb Avenue Tbeaire, the urih anuiul entertainment of Ihe Tteaanrera' Ulnli at Iho Broedway Theatre and a benedt petrorownoe In aid of tbe faollr ot the late Arolilbald Ilouglu Gordon at Ibo Blloo Tbcalre. OuiRLm FnoimiN will produce, at Uo;t'e Thea- tre, on Feb. a, W. Leatoq and K, U. Hotnon'a oomedr, "Tlie Foundling." la the caat will he B. U. HoUasd, Oherlea J..1tlohaiao, U. Miller Kent, Joeeph llumphreja, Margaret Uiavcn, Qcorgle Bnab/, Helen TrM/, Jane Bieinon, Kmllr Beward and Madclino Ilouion. "The Foundling" will-he preceded bj a one act play, In whlob Annla Itnaaell will have a park OuniKu the uaat week Choi. Frohman renewed the conuacteollhocuiltoKaipire Hiock Companj, mating ongagomenta wllb Ibom wblch givea blm thelreervlcea tor two yoata more after tbe cloae of Ue preeeni eeseon, and ouaurca the relenitonof tbla orgeolMilon In lie enurolj. IT 18 rumored that Now York la to have allll another thuiue, whlob will IH) devoted to ihe pro- dnollon oraianoanl playe bj a aUjok companj. The coniomplaled alio la un toe Weat UUo, bulween BlxiletlinndHevontloili Streets. NBLue QiNmOKV liaa ertHnged to give at Uofl'e Theatre a eerie* ot rour mailoeea on Tuoidtja aid 'fboradajra of iblaweok and neik Tbe entenaln- iiiouta will coniilat or homoroua mualuel nketcbea. JouN KoaraH, ot the Arm of Koeter, Ulal & (Jo., baa recovered from a three wceka' lllneu ot la (ii-Oijv. UmiMi Biit'AHK Tiik^Tai.—"Itob Itof" began on Jan, 311 tbe fuutleentli week of Iih run. We cannot bnt regret (hiii tbe dav of lia deperinie la drawing w near, but we are glad that 11 received the tup- norl that warranted it In alajlog ao long aa It baa. Worka ot Ihla aort, ao well alageU and ao ably ren- dered, cannot lie too highly appreciated. Ae Amer- icana we aitunid be proud of Ueaara- Bmlib and Ue Kovon and Managur Whlinoy. liarld Warneld on ti aiaomed ibo role of Baudy Mc&berry, In plaoe of Juaeph W. Uerlien, who liaa loft tbe company to engage In a venture of bla own. llKOiDwiY TiiaiiKB.—"Mailamo Sana Qene" la drawing largeandltiicCHand el tolling inucb fatoia- ble comuienk There la great Hliniouventas In the rude apoken, uuconventional, but tree hearted and olear beaded woiuau whoao trlnmpha Ihe play dla- sloaea, aud Kalbryn Kidder la winning muob lepo- lailon and favor ilirougb her palnauking and con- aoientlouB portrayal ot Iho tolo. The play clalma and lioldj auouilon wlinout, howevrr, lajcing It too •everely, fur It li reatful aud aa'lafylng. Ii began un Jan. 'is iho tlilrd weok of lia run. EiiriHi TuiiTHi.—"The Uaaiinendere" eniered oa Jan. iia upon iho ninth week of lia run. It allll Blaya to eicellent builneea, and aeemi deetlned to bold the Iwarda at tnia bonae until tbe end ot tbe leaaon. Ii appeara to be ooo of Ihe sioat popular playa ever produced Id tbla theatre, wblch la no email honor In a houu whlob bai been tbe aoeno ot 00 many auocceua la the two yeara ot He cilat- onoe. ilovr'i TnkiTRi.—Among the many morlta ot Nr. Uoyl'e plays la the tenacity ot their bolil npon uopuhir favor. Touy are never partial ancoeaaea. ■'A Milk While Flag" la no excenUon to the rule, for It began on Jan. 2s the aevenleenth week ot lis raeiropoTitan run, with drawing powers unlm- palrad, and with iho Inlereac ot Ihe audience a* keeu aa ever. Itoae Buiherland, a olever dancer, uwde her llrat apiioAranoe witn the company a, as oae of the vlvaiidlorte. aaanaii TiiiaTHS.-"liltile Uhrlaiopber" li allll ronDlngaHilataoiorllyatihla bonae, where It eniered on Jan. '.i> upon the alktccnili week ot lis run. It la deservedly popular, fur iiallbrda unalloyed eo]oy> inent of tlio moai reiiful and rofrcahtng aort. It Is pretty, tuiielul and vastly ent«rululng. It belongs to a class of amuaementa the valuo of wbton lotbe public can aoarceiy be ovorcailmated. FiiTn AvBMUB TiiUTHS.—f'annT Davenport's splendid nrodnutlon of Baritou'a powerlul play, •4)lamonila,<> la allll winning admlratlou at Ihla lioute. Tbuao wbu delight In Iho bighrr forms of tbe drama, and those who desire to study tbe beat nodelBOf ilranullo art Bhoulil not fall to aeo this play. The work llacir, the uiauncr of lie perform- aneeandtho magnlloenoo of lie aeiilog, ate each worthy of the oioaeBi atudy. It began on Jan. 28 the elgbtb wotk of lie slay. I'ALHSa'a TiiiiTKa —"a Fatal Mrd" la playing to aailataoiory rciuriiH at tbla bouao,and It baa been dsmoiiatraled ihatnieloilrainaa will ami com- nund good nudlonoes, provided the playa are of good rank vlihln llioir daaa, and the company containa players of ropuio. Uolbof thraoreijulre- nWilts are fully luet lu ibli caiae, aud publlo appro- ulailoD baa reaulied. Thu play entered, on Jan. Its, upon tks ditb week ot lie run. liYOSt'sTjiaATKi.—'-TbuUiue ot UebeUloua iln- aan'Ma making a good record at ibli houae. Al- though Henry Arthur Jouca, the author of ino play. Intended It to bo daaalOed among naughty playa, the rsvlalon ot the text prlur to tia preeeutation at tbla bouae rendered it beyuuJ reproaeb, aud luado or It a delightful comedy, ttbeganou Jau.istbu dlib week of lis run. ^Umhiiun'h TuatTKii —Vhoae who have not s'en ■*Mouirluiy" ahould avail thitniiolvea of Iho few op- poriunUlea which atlil leoialn. It etarledoo Jan. ::ji upon ib(^ eighth and dual week cr iiaruo. and will be leUcwed, Feb. 4, by a revival ot "The Major," one of Ur. Ilartlgan'a former auceeaaea. BTiH TiikaTiii_-"Tlie did llooieaicad" euiared opou liB tlfin week at tbla bniiio Jan. wiih cnn. Unued Kood aticudaiica. Jijuman Tboiiipion haa fully recovered from lila recent Indlipimliioo, aoti Is appaaving tsgBiarly aaJoabua Whticonib. FouHTiiKTU DTHStT TitiaTHi—Paluirr C x'a "Utowuloa" tiegau ou Jan. ;>ii Ibe twelitb and laet week ot Ita run al this houae. This pleaalug piece badlllUediniculiyIn wlaalng popalar tavnr, and fullydeaervra tneanceeea It HOaleved. "If uuuuiliy," buunn Vitno'a imw play, will follow F«b. i. TiioHis w. UutiKB » olghth snnnal benelt oo- ourred un Jan. 29 al Ihe I'coplo'a Tnenire. Tne following appeared: IMIrol, Almee AugelcisJIarry Wrtghl, Will II. Fui. Ilasilon anil Marl n. Ur. Oliver, Initii Fix. Anulc llaic I'teaa KIdridge, Uoa Die Tniiriiion, Tlddlowloka MeAvoj and Kay, and nalkowaiy. Till BavKNTii itiuiuiisT ViTgRtM ciy) held a camp dte Jan.under tiut mauagemeDt of Jubo M. Tarasr, who bad under eniagenient the tnliow- lug well tgawn ptofeeemnala: UeorgeK. funescoe, Blohard OoroiAU. UulaVlalkoiiaky,theTlpaldl Hsu- dolln Tili>, Big. Uiloniho, gnlbariat; Rmil Kaiien ateln, planlat.Bild oau Dibeis. The ihow was pro aeoaoeda bit. LOKSON TBgiTU.—Watson Blalen' F.ilrava. ganu Oo. are playlni their fIratNew York engsge- menttbls week, optiflng Jsn. 38 to good alitd an- dlsncea. The Irat part, "Reception Boyal," Intro- docea Kay dark RazillllaD and Jeaaetla Dupre, anpporled by a well aelected cboma, wllb Oeorge Cbuk RatxIUtan and W. B. Walson doing tbe com- ipened !il ren. edywork In good atile. The songs aoddaDces were applaoded. Mule Rodgeti, aoobrette, oi ' the dto wlih a number of popular aongi, wel dercd. OriKlo and Brice, a clever team of come- dlana, followed In a funny ack Tba Olark Itazzll- llans, gymnasts, performed many novel tricks, ahowlng remarkabla agliliy, atreoilb aDd grace. W. II. WaiBon canacd mncb laughter by hla Uotcb ImperaonatloQ and wlitlclama, ably aaalsted by Jeanetle Uuprce, wboie alnalng and dancing la up to date. Ubarlcs Kenna, comedian, told funny atorles and sang tnnnraonga to every- hody'a entire aailifacUon. The Weston Brotbera in their mualcal comedy act, were balled as old ana favorite acnnalotances, and tboir music, Inter- mingled Wllb iLany fenny gaga and contrivances, wss liberally applauded. The Aahion Brothers cloaedthellalot apeclalilealnihetr boilzonulUr ack "On the Bow-wow cry," the botlnque. depicts aome ot tbe popular EisiBldecharaciers, and pleniy ot funis Infoeed Into tbe sonia, dances and fmper- aonatlone. The show baa been out iweniy-tlve weeks to ssUatactory biulneaa, and proipTCia are especially bright for neat season, when several new acts will be iDirodnoed. w. u. Wataon and Oeo. Oltrk Itar-lUlao are managersi Fred Roundo, mualcal director, and V. B. Fierce, reprtsenutlve. Next week, Mlaon'a <:ity OlabOo. MiNiE's ilowsBY TiisiTBi.—The FayFosUr Bur. leaqne Co. retorned to the Boweiy for the flrst tune ID two yearj, and drew good bousea to tbeir open- ing performances, Jan. 2). "Fon on a Yacht," a nautical burietta, opened the perfc^Danc^ Intro, duoing Florence Edwarda, Unlee Oartend, Jamea Taggart, John Marlon, Darry Barton, Ned Cameron and tbe chorus In adivtraloed aaaortmentot aong and comedy. Several novel dancers were roundly applauded. J. J. Fenton, baritone vocallat, waa Drat on the llatot apeelaiues,and bli songs were re- peatedly encored. Nalaoola, who praaenis a rs- markably neat act ot all vetlatlons, piraeed greatly Id his exhlbluon of jugglery, etc Bsrton and Uameron were alio In It In tbeIr mnalcal comedy act, presenting many novel alcctrlo and other enecta and aiartllng innovatloaa. Tbelr mn- alcal aeleotlona were well resdeied. UUe. Rl- alia, In her atfreopUcon dances and elcctrio light exhibitions, presented a bandaome spec. tacle, the outline ot her flgaie being clear- ly Iraeeable by lonomerable locaodeseeni lamps, operated with startling eireck B)ine hand aome color comblnatlona were depicted on the un- dulallog mass ot bar drapery. Ttggart and Oar- land, In a comedy eketoh, cracked Joiea and sang to good advantage. Tbe llroihers La Moyne per- formed a number of evolntloga on the bars. Ilalnea and retungUI, In tbelr Pool Room aet, raised tbe niua] laughter by tbelr Uoely local hits, the genlsl "Nat" being at hla beat once more. "Tbe Tender- loin Uhsppica" Is tbe burlesque, and shows James Taggart and John Marlon In the wall known char- aoisrs ot "Rawy" and "Caddy," the Impconnloua atrolleis, aa well u Horence Edwards, ablyasilated hr the reet ot the company. Next week, Bam Devere'sOo. AOADiMT or Htmto.—"IDry ot the Dill," Jamea 0. Iloaoh'a Inah play, vraa given an elaborate pro- dncuon at ibU nonae Jan. 28, before a very larf e and friendly aodlence. The play has been seen be- ton In this city, and has been noticed In these columns. It belongs to that type ot Irlab dramaa, wlUi which theatregoers have been familiar lor many lean. It atTorda opportunities tor singing and other apeolallica, itae Introduction ot wolou does not mar the play. Theie are aeveral ezclllog scenes and aome reallam lu the work, aad Ibeae were ahown to advantage on Monday night od tbla big stage. Tne play wu well moonied, ue scenery being eapeclally pretty and atinctlve, and tbe large onmber ot soldiers end peaaanta were well drilled and added muob natntalneie to the scenes. The company la a good one, aud tbe members made the moat ot taelr opporunliles. Jamea 0. Itoach, who played Iho loading tolo (Itoryi, wu aooorded abnndant applaoae for bli work. Joaaph A. Wheelook u Con Vregan, a madmao, gave an ex- cellent bit ot obamotor aoiing that won reeognl tlon, and Nellie Uragglns wh a pleuing Qrace Uarisy, an Irlah lau. Maude Marden made ber d» but on the aiags u Nora UcMahon and aang two Irlah aongs In a feicbing manner, reoelvlng sev- eral encores, tier role bad no apesklngllnafc Tne oaatio toll: Bqnireen Uarley, Jos. A. wllkea; Harry LTalrange, Enmett (;orilsan; Lawyer Mo- Silme, Uarry Hawk; The Huk, llonry B. Walton; Comey Delaney, Ben Lodge; the Hon. Ferey Wag- atair, Richard Oanuiony; Con Otegan, Joseph A. Wheelock; Mr. Deoonroy, T. 0. UamlTion; Adolpbna, Kmmei Uevoy; Ollee, Uarry Bcarborongb; James, Loula Oroxaon; Orace Darley, Nellie Bragglna; Un. Kimond, Mrs. F. 0. Hobcrla; Mrs O'Uallay, Hn. Uhas. Fetere; Judy Ktldniy, May Tnompaen; Nora McUahon, Maude tiaidon; llory O'MaUy, Jamea 0. Roaob. UOHis' MU8BUII.—Deglnoing on Monday, Feb. 4, Manager Doris will laautute a new depailai« bere tiy entirely abollaUlog the freak department, or what has been tbe axnlbltloD balla tor the dlaplay of living corlokltles. Tbe house will be given over to oontlniiont vaudeville performances by tbe con- version of Ihe npper hall Into a second theatre, wllb everylblog ollmluated thai savois ot a dime mu- seum. Mr. I)>rla will change tbe uUe ot the houae to Doria' New Kighih Avenue Theatre, and a con- tinuous show will be given from noon to 10 80 r. v., wim prices raqglog from ten lo twenty oeots. The ourto ball aiinictloiia for tbla week are: J. W. Cof- fey, skeleioD dude; OerUe Flatt, tat woman; Bouey, Albino; MarreiitDa, moaa baltad womao; Datloa, Wild weat allow: MtrjMbl's tialned birda, Leah Sherman, whiitler; Texas Uarry aad Dngrinia, roagic In the ihcaire Fanny Herring la appearing In "The rhantom sblp." RosriRA BtiL'8.-An audlenoe that packed the bonaoto tbe doora gaihered here on Monday night, Jan. 2a, and gave aoiple evidence ot tbelr approval nt the programme bv frequent plaudits. TneRlx- torda, acrobaia, aud oirard Leon, with bla singing donkey, made tbelr Drat appeanoce at this bonae, and won appliuae tor their tespeoilvs turos. Olisle Loftus began ber second week and won many new adaliers. TbdDervuujnesi noticeable on ber Drat appearance wu absent, and ber Tarione ImltsUoDS weieevenbgiierappreclaiodlhanon the opening Dlgbt. Mlw Lol.tu hu quits won the heariaol the patrons ot tnli houae, and the annoonce- mani that alio will ailil aeveral American aiage celebrlllea to her llsioiImliailons lipleauntnewa I'aul Cioquevalll, klog of Jugslera. began bis aoventh wret a conitaaed tavorlTo. Kugenle Pet- rcacu, ooniorUoolit (ulntn week), wu alio a popu- lar boldovor. OUiera on the tilll were lloiaow Uroihere, llllputlan aiiiio'oa(tblrteentliwcak);Jules Levy, cometlla'; Hoia. Hialnvlilo, charaoler Imita- tions (third week), and Les Four Dies, quartet oopnnhlo (Olth wwk), all ot whom were well re- ceived. Tbe enltriaiument oonoludad wllb the living pleiorea. Auaar'e TiiUTRi.-Iicerbobm Tree made hla American debut at thia bouie on Jan. 3). Along wllb him appeared Ura. Tree and ao English com- pany. Mr. Treo proaenlcd two plaji. Ue waa gist aeen u Orlugolre, In 'The Valiadmonger," and Hiterwarda u I'aul IKimeirioe, In 'Toe lied Lamp." Uo wu greeted by alarga audience andube came npon the atago wai accorded a DoatentbusluUo reception. Oonaldeiailon of bla parformaDces wli| be deterred until our next laiue. Jaooss' Tuii^Ts«.-A capiuu variety enierlaln- meni la Inrniahed thie wc«k by Uyde'a Oomedtans, headed by UoleneMora, who renders In luloltablo aiyla a long and vaiK'd renertorr ot aonga. Ham lloroard la alao very iniob In evMenoe, hiadbUtct impenonailona and recliauoos being daaervedly enooiod In tbe beanlral manner. Llizle B. Hty- moni), ID ber rolllcklog songs, la anoiber alcong feature. Uealde tbvie VfT«dy menllonetl, met* are a nnuibir of perfoi ujora o( merik l'ioKLi'8 ruttTas.-Plion 4i Jessop'a "The I'ower of toe rrdaa" opencl tbe week ben Jan. a In a aallafOuory manner. Tbe alia ot tte audience p'eaaed ihe oanageoient, and lhaplay.ludglngby tba applanee, pleueo Ihe and|enoo, ao too pTeuure wu mmual. Liviula Sbannon SQd John Qlen- dinnlngwero gtueronaly applaadedfor ihelrstm- raiwoA. Next week, "Un the Hiialaalppl." Maa. agar A. II. iinoldon'a anunal bcneai will oeoor ilgbiel Feb. St. HiNSH'a Kigora Avsscs TniATRi.—Sam De- vore'aairong aggregation ot vaudeville talent be- ginaieiurntniiaaemcnt hen)JaD.23. TDellatot perfiiruieia includea aeveral popular mtmbers ot Ibe p-aframon, and, with one exception. Is Ike eainf aaouriugihelr vlilt to tblt bouee earlier In tiu) aeaam. tiexi weok the Hielly t Wood Show play a rviurn engagemenf here. UaryoroMTiH Uyaai Uoi^ii.—Tie elevsnib wi-fk iif the ecaion of srand opera begse, fan. 28. wllb Ibe pmrnullon of "Fanat," wllb Ihe follow, log oaal: Uuiuerlie, Emma Eaiaea: Btebal, Moa. liuiciil: FaiiBi, JeiD de lleetke; Mephlttopbelea, K lunsid da nuike; Valeatlne, 8lg. Aneona;lf arlha^ Ulle. Miuermelaier. "Catmen"!! aDDonaoed fof 10, "Mauon" Feb. I, "OoDOIononl"ma(lMelaBd "U Ttof tloio'' ere])ln| t- ■ iluoia'B Fai.aci Mcsitm.-Uanacer Unber tiu booked savetsi (Irosg attractions tor this week, the two principal features being tba tat woman's foot tace and Me aod Dim, the fai and loon boxeta. Atsvery lectnra the plaitorm upoD wblt>h thns atnacilone appear are snrronnded^br targe crovda, and while Me and Ulmare atroog reatores, the tat woman'sneeaeemato attract the meet atlenilon There are tlx women In tbe contest, Ibe llghteat weighing over za ponnda, and aa they atep on their machlnee, dreaacd In neab colored tighu, they prtaentatoonyal|bt,BDd causa msnyauugh as iheymn. Otber featurea In tbe curio halls are the Zarros, Oapk BIdoey Ulnman. A. Lntea,Btg.Mnuv'a Ejrformlng monkeys, the Uoodlnese and Hue. ugenla Oarretu'a tmlned birds. Slage-The Deagons, Alma, May Walab, Fray and Erana and Ibe Japaneae living plolnres. KiiTB'8 UMioN Bqcass TssaTU.—While the atormJan.28maybave had aome rifectopon the attendance at tbla bon8^ It wu not pcrcepub'e to any degree. Tho programme for the week la ot good quality and contaloa enonab comedy tn u^ Ufy all claaea. Tne bill Includes H.and Hme. Bmet-nmere, P. 0. Bhortis, W. P. Bweauam, Johnion, Davenport and Lorella, Bmlth and Camp- belL Richard Plirot, Ramalo Broa., Van Leer and nutcn. LlsEle May Ulner and Maorice Drew, la "Jack Roaaa;" Laura BeDnetl, Oanpbell and Bvana, Fisnk RIlCT, Oiunlngbam Sliten, Meeban and RaymoDd, tna WhItlDgi aud '/oe Pronty. TOxr Pigraa's TBianii.—As nsnal at this honae Ibe proiramme wu fall ot interest, and presented a Hat ot excallententerlaineta. Elmer Ittnson alerted the evening's eotertalunent Jan. 28. Ue wu fol. lowed by UcBride and Ooodrieb, chanetarohanges, and aongsand dances; Billy and Lena Oiace, gro- leaquu; Bk Felix Slaters, slngen and dancers; Mualcal Dale, Leavitt and NevelK>, Jugglers; Wards Staters, songa and dances: Folue Uolmes, Irlsb cbaraeler songs, who irtcelved a donl harp; Dan McAToy and Jeaale May, In funnylama: J. C. Bar- nngton, monologulst and singer: Prof. Hampton's trained doge end hoxing cats, and, ot course, Tosy Putor, Id new songa and parodies. wobth's MroiDii.—The Colored Minstrels still hold fortb ben and tbelr perfonnancee In the con. Unuons show evidently please the patrona ot the honae, as tbelr long engagement testUes. Tbe Curio Hall aunotlons are ot the best order and builneu la cnntlnuallj good. Niblo'sTbiatxi.— "Down In Dixie" began the second and concluding week ot Its engagement here Jsn. 28. TUeandlanca waa ot goodslte.snd applanded very llbeiaBy Us senaaUonal scene and the playing of the Plekanlooy Band and Ihe Florida (ioartek Next week, Eaue Bnunett,"ln Kll- lamey." NSW Yoxi Lonog No. 1, B. P. O. E., reallied, ao- cordlns locorreoiedagntca, about gtw from ueli recent benedk SrAKDiin TBiiTBg.—The popularity ot "Too Much Jobsaon" centlnoee at this bonae. Tbe play began Its tenth week Jan. 2). Tax SBVsimrrH ihkual zxniBmoK of Ue Na- tional Academy ot Deatsn win be opened to Uo public April 1, and wUI close Kay u. LiLiiiM RuBSBLL wUlntum to Abbey's neatrs April 29, when the new onera now being written tor ber by Do KoieD and South, wlU have lu llist ptodncUoh. Harieo.—At Ue Bariem Opera House "Off Ue Earth" dkl o«t provalka drawing oaid tbatVaaagar HMaabargaipHtcd.dolDg oolr a fair waak'a bualoaia "Sowlog tba Wlod" optoad lo a geod hooM Jao. tt, aod •boQid do a big -aesk'a bu'laaaa ulbia atylaor par- ronnanca plaaiu Uie people of HaTlam. Naxt weak, "TbaColtODKIog." noLOMBOa —*Tb« Mail Wllboat atTooatry prorada box olboa wlonir la»t wMk. **A Tilp to Cblnjuvn" opaoed >8 lo a Rood aliad aodlanca. nazt weak, 'Tba Darhr WlDuar." OLvaric-'Tba Xlaht OaU" did a fair vaak bailnaM ODir. rattr Mther'a AUilaUo aod Bpeolalty Oo. made tboIr aacood appaaiaoea at tbla booae thu mamo 28, ' ■ii'd audloBca. MaitvaakthaBoaaltillCo. aaood ■ AraaiACH—Tbiiplaca fladiltbaid to saipaople up RUIra,ao bvaiaeaalt oot or the beat. Thoro litalk of nblalologapenDltlo wU llqaor. Tbla waak: iftora De Boll. Cbarloa ud Bmoia Oitaa. Jobn Clayloo. t^airta rraiartcki, Roao and Raola, tba AnatlDa, Cbaspalla Bliiera. Uarrlaaod Plalda, liairr rrnoa, Joba OooUwId. aad rhftla. HARLia MoaBDi—Pn>r. Bookir'i llTint pietiiTaa paokad ibabooaoaitho o|Mologp«rlormaQ<4 a,aodDo doubt will prora a bla draaloa eard. Carlo ball-Major Tallo, tho SbaBDol, RtlliloD aod Ibe TaoDora, nioi ra, , . llflDR plcmrM. Btaaa—W. B. and Bdllh BieanlDg, I.arr7 Loolar.Lillia HaBioo,raiU aad Ball faieiiloB, UanoaBanh and JaaaieOaill. NEW YORK ST ATE, Broofelyo,—gualnaaa wai only fair at the thm- trai laat waak. T^a noaa Iliad itata oi affalxa which baa ailuad lor the put two woaba batvaao tho amplojooa or tba meat railroad oompaaloa and tbelr amployara. bu baoD tba CAQM of tbi depranlQB ageot on boiloaai lo BOOoral.a9dtbotbiatreiloparUoalarlDttalidty. Tba dramatio dolofa for iblavaek abould pievo woitby of eooiIdarmtloD. Tb* book lofo are all good, aod otid the moat fiitldlAoi ihool|J baio no troobia lo balos lailod. For Ibo loTora ol tbo lisitlmata ibira ii iba oogieoinfnt or Jolla Marlowa.Tab«ratlbaPait, who will ba laoo Id annnd orebaiaolMawblob ihooldtaattba ablllirotihia giriad aouaia- At tha Colombia *-Tlia New womin" will bo leao. Eltto Bliilor II at Ibo Grand Opera Itoaie. aod "Tba Coltoa Xiag" la Itia aUiaollon u ihe BIJoa, wblla at tbo Blar "Tbe rolloa Pauol" la on dotr. Tbo opoimuo aveot ol tba aoaion wia Haa- a*aot'a "Manoo." with Blbrl PandinoD in Ihi tlUa 6art, at iba Aoadimj of Mono Jan. 19. AaMa ftom lu SADdaiaoa, Ibo out Inolndid Anooaa, Flanooo. OaiUaiDaiT, Mtagolara, Oromiaikl aod Uia Mtaiaa De Vliaa, Mlramar aad Vaa Caoteroa. PaTlgoanl li ooo- dooior. The tbea'raxoan or ibo Butera Dlitrlot will alio be glran a uaat thia viek. Tba booiw orar tboie bSTO ul boohed atroog anraetlooaamoDBtbom Mra LiaBlry. who wlU b« Man at tna AiaphloD, ud aba BhoDlddriwjuit aiblgbOBiei ibli waakuibadid Uat weak al tha Oolombia UBAXD OraSA UoueB.—Ema BUilarbtaao abrlof au- gasaaootbire, Jaa.s,ln"lloria." wblohwuriry ae- oi^aragiDx. Net oolj waa Iba audianca larga, bat It waa oauiaallr aalboaluUo and r«««lvad ibo manr good polQta or Uio plooa wlih tho graalait eoidlalltr. whlob wu, Id Itnir. ample taatlmooy of Mtu Blliler*a popular iir wlUi tba ibutn aoora la ibia ollr. Than will ba a louTanir ponoraaaoo olpbt ol SI. wbin a bandioroalv moaotod portrait of Mlu Uililar will ba alriD lo avorr ladr aluadlDi. Ult a oak "A Bagiuo Obaoh" wu thoauraolloa. Wllllaut Bartr, In "Tho BUlox Qaoara- tloD." fab. i. PAaK.-.jDlliMarlo«e Tabor iboaU foal proodof the laciptioQ accoided lohar.SB. wbon aha besoa abrial od- ■ARODODt ThabouMwiawoUOllfd wlibabrtUlADtaadl. eoco, the apptiaia wu rraqaaot baarty aod ol loogcon- tiauaoca, r*oalla birore iba oorialo waramado baiwaoD aou, aod oot ailDila opporiaDlty to ceoTloca Mr. and Mra. Tabor Uiatlbor war* anoog trloDda wu loA. Mlia Tabor oponod horraportory olBblol 7a, In 'tbo Bebool for BiaodiL" wblch will alM bo alvan u tba Salnidav miiloaa Htaa will ba aaan In "lagomat" Taoadar. "Twollih KIsbl" Wodniidar, '-AlVoaLiaa II" Tbuni dijr. "Tba Loto Obua" Ft Idif. aod -'Rnmco and Juliet" Aaiorday. Wliioa Bartau wu bora uat waai. uoie OoablaD Fob. 4. UoLDMBiA.—Manigar Koowlaa praiaota "Tba Kaw Woman" tbla woik, whlob wu bood boro ror the Brat timo Jan. 1^ wbao ararr aut lo iba bona wu ooouplod loog balora tho curtain wu raog up. Mra. Ladrut draw good bouiaa lut weak, wbao tho big ilrlka ii tuaD lolo acaoooL Tho OoUa Fox Opora t^mpaor, la "Tba LlulaTnopar,"rib 4. Bijoo —ganiaar U. 0. goanady appaara Davarto ba at aloufonomaulasioptaaMblapatrona UobuslToa tbima good manr plaauntiarprlaaa ihla aaaaon, aod laya ba bi4 mor« to iiaio lor thim. Tbla weak 'Tba ColloD gliR" II bli aUnollon. It belog aaaa bira for Ibo Brat lino afabloltt abeo ilanding room «ouU notba oblaiDod. Lall weak UaalonA' "Bnperba" playad to big honua,dwplutlM**llaap"onU)« troilernidi. Slara Hnidia. lo' Oa tha Boworr," wiU baslo a ra-anBafamoDt Fab. im sraa --Ilanaaar Banr UmI Faikar'a bill for Uila wank li "Tbo rolloa Falrol." wbicb woi oaao and appraolalad liara laatMuoo, ud ItliuiuOelinicbanDitomMtUio waaia of iba patioDs or ibii booie. A big erovd wu prauDt Jan. aj. Kaua Bmqiau wu tbara la*t vaik. Walur Bulort'a Block Company, la -Tba Waaw ot dio," Fab 4. UTDB A BaaMiN'a—Tba muigainint of tbU houu bu made Mma cholea MlooliuDa ihil auMn, bat noBo ol Ibom bu f iToa any nnre uUilacllon ibin Iba bill pre. laaiad tbli weak Tbe two pcrronnueaa Bl*ao - br WlUtama' -'Mitaon," Jan a, whia atorr miiwu ukoD, lollr atUllad iba lalliiaolorycbtTmotar ol Iho onlirlaln. mink Bariial apactll ttaturaa hava bcanaddrd tolhi no, or whlcli Baailo Booiblll li ooo and Jobony Ua Brookiya rarorlu, li inolbir. Tbo other ra: Ttia Moilci " " " " llim ud glula U ^ pallia lUrrii, Hilford and MmioU, tha Judau and profmun*, of wbleli B*al» Bonthlli li ooswd Johanr WrToik. lb* BrtxAlfB fftrorlu. la tnoihir. 1 n: Th* MoilCAl R4Teoi,Uio N'ftWDt,C»i Kd (lui* Uu^Kk. WiDiftmO.MftUi Haiford tad MmioU, tbt JudgH D'Atai»*iUoui»* Qf •^ooUotl doit tod uoDhtfi- ^ WMk tbi Haa;i8utl«r {Ior«rir ('ompur b«ld lb* teuil«. Hty Uo*uil OoDDuix r«b f UCHiB 4 QaaiAWT'sOASiito.—A ttningud^Uno- Ur«b)llUprM#i)Uda«Ttibii vMk,Tliloh l»na Jan. tBitotn «ftJI*QC« |bkt qiM cMirMU la tb« booM, HkOkitr Qtrhftrdi uMaoeoa itiu Bart uhI BtDotii bkT* t»Ma«Dnc«l r«r tbii w««k oql/, «tiii«u»oUi«n BobalL tfan-f Oilbsrt Cuii«ku4 th* Brit tppMrun btn uili wMon oi Cbarlu U. Daaou. >wM*t tb* Tudtflll* p«rrjniiue« m •nilralr now MriM or tb« IttlaipkiarMlwtdiu tddlUfwai «bun toib«Ml«r UlomtnL Akrflioit —A (ood tliod todlftsea wu prMtat Ju. n, mhta Un. IadbUt nul* bw Bnt appMnao* In tbu paMol'towB lo nurrauL DarlDB tb* aoisfaiMDi ■bcwin b«M«D la*'B«b«r BaDdrat," "i llkppt rur'> *Bd *'A WlWt r*iV*' UQl7 fUr'bulBMi lut «Wk. r*b «.'eo»lDgtbe VlttdJ' BHrif a— 'TdcWmm ofBlB** IipUjad ta«» Ibit «Mb bf lb* ValtM BfDiord iMk Ooup*Br Th op#olOf Ihil* • r*b. 4. Okjan —Tb« Mt»r4iamut bm IbU vuk U lor oUbtd by U 0. uqnra'c BtmMtimi fb« mmMU U b^lMBiliniB*. vub lopp^Baw ■QB|A McBridt ud WaltoD. a«MM and BtOlalr. CoUlDt aDd "nSi ud nuwOl and itulyr. ^Tb« oj^lnm bont% «u good dwplia lb* iirlba. A atnDB apMialir com- tb» rolllpa'fUKkearapMf. Tba ludtof j;!"^'** aayad br^nma Btll and Canl WUbor. Tta« opwlog b^anwularg*. Pa-, i-Tb» Wat o( L«f • Mm-'' whaa ita»llbaeb*r « Ma|MU«a bana a maoL Tbapaopla:raBball Vatd ud Brown. Ullmora and Boibal), U*Tji?^\^ PayaaaaodHaTbart Broi. Nait vaak iba Uafqaa Bpa- olaltT Barlaiqn* Cc. STruwes-At tbo WleUoff Opera Home Wll- lard SpanoWa "Piiocau Boula" Cn playod • daU toiTDod bniloau Jid. O niga Nitbarao a. io Ca- n»in»,""riwi FroB" Md'Tb»Tf»oaai»aMr,;' proTad a fltrooirartliUoudnauciaUaccaiaTBi,a Blnad: Kata (Tlaiioo aod Mtw. Juiaaebak, in -rbt Two Orpbu^f* ''BimiLi Ti(*ATRi-B«rDabaa k HacdooaM O^ra Co.piwoud 'BobiQUrtod-and'Toa Hoi^barbockai;" to gooj hoiioMi Jao. 0,10. Obaanear OleoU. Io'^na ''hI'b jlooBt* THiATEi.— **Ooob HoUow" bad good bailoMf Ju. Sl-S. rioraoca Blodlar, In 'Tha CapUlo'i Mata." diww vaU J4-». Cbarlaa T. Bllli, U TndKr/* oMnaa asi, Carl A. Huwlo, lo '*Tha BUfar ling," SI, rab.l Albaafw-^or muBgeri oooM flod no tAult wltb tba put wcak'i boMiiaai^ all atlnattoBi pro aanitdbalogwaUpalroDlud. Tba UUnd Opara Hooaa badOlraNaihaTaola iba Qnt two iilgbta,lD ■•CamlUa** and "lb«TraaffrT«uor,'*and tba eapidtr of tba bouo wu tattad both nigbta. Blehard Ooldaa. lo '-Old Jad ProQt*," Jan. O, ta«Nl a awMl alcad bonaa. Jan. R& ». "Tba am lUlt Babind H»" wu prsfaatad. and tba "A B. 0." Bico wu abown bafora aaeb parlomanea eom; nanead. 0»mlo«:S, B, in,a ratani aongamaotof "Oor Uoola DidUr;" 81, Wm. Barrr. In '^oa Riiing aaoantloDr* Fab. 1, t, W>o tba Bowair;" < Fanlioa Fukar. in "WIM Boaa." ^ « „^ w . HiRHiKra BLIIOXBK BALL~Dao McCartbr. la "Tba _ nda«* Pnda of Mtro'* and "Tba Bacoblar fron Olara," Jan. S4. Jft, 9. Tba niul larga aadlaooai rraated bim dnHag Iba angaganant Oomlov: O.S Robt UiUlard. m "Tba Noolnaa:" 90. Boatr>D Faatltal Orcbaatn in oono«n; Fab.4, -^Blaa Jaani;" S. DonnaUr and aimid. la "Tba Balonakeia." TBB OAinr TiUTRk cooliOQad lia promnoa aaaaon tba pan waak bj ptavantlng tba London aalatr Glrla In bartaaaoa and TaodtTlUa. Isarga altaodaoca wu notlaaa tbnmgboat itia waak. Oomlag: Jan.B-Pab 3, Boat U'U BngUab FoU; Compao); i4, Sam T. Jaok'a Oreolaa. Baffkla.—At tbe Star Tbeatre ttft BoetOBlana eaina, Jan. K, for font nigbti. "Atiddln Jr." oonai Fabi 1, t. 'Tba Tata ot Avoea'.' naxt waak. Fruola WiUoD bad a aobaiaotlal waak. AOADiMT or MuBio.—*Tba PrlneaaaBonnla'* ataitad, Jan.3a^rorone waak. Palmar Cox'a "Browolaa" nut wa.'k. CbaoDcar Olootl'a angagamant wu blgbl/rao* ooutiiil. and *^ R. o," ruad ai at arary Tlalt LTOIOK Tbutu.— "On tht HlntHippi" atartad iB. tot ooa vaek. Floraoea niodlar, In '"Tha Capialn'a Mate," oait waak. "Mr Aiut Bridgal" orovdad tba bona«olgbUr> Cotm Sranr Tbuthb.— Tbe Or«->Ui tbla wrak. Kelt weak, Bawu BbalTar. RalUj A Wood bad a apian* did anngaBtaaL BBBTa MoefO Biti.—Paola and Daka, Oonnora aod Otlaoo, Zaov UawkUu, Hutar Daa, Mlla Trlmbla, Bart aodLamOitbaZoloi, A. if. Salma, Ftof aod Lantlra, Fiad MeOlallu. Oalar HUlar. and PIokanlnnlaL OiUwiaBiR'aCiiCDBwu daitioyadbr Bra at Ktdlna 20. Troy.—At tht Grlswold Opom HotigB. Jut. 91, allanr Luy.lQ **Tb» Man from tba Wait" drew wall laKeUiaTiola In *Tba TnaBieaaor,"badablgbonia atadTaaoedptloaan. "Coon Hollow,'* ratara Tialt,did wall s. SB. Billy Barry, In "Tba^Rltlng Oanaratlon," euia 9, "On tba Bowaiy 90.31, "In Old Eaataoby" Fab. OArvTT TniTaB.—Tba LoDdonOalaty airla' Barlaaqaa Company camaJu. 28 fnr Iba waak. TbelAdlaa'Oiab BnrlBiQiiaCompasrdld a big baalneaa lut waak. Biso 8 Opixa HomB wu e ramaln ao ibla wt«k. ■ oloaad laat weak and will Rociieitvr^&t Ibe Ljoeam "Oo tUe Bowerr" conaaJao. 18.19, after wb'ch tbe bou« will ba cloaad lortwonlfbu. Tba Bottoolua oomaPab. 1,1 "Prln- cau BODDia" draw gaod boaau tbalattarpart of lut weak. KellK Uorrli cornea i. (. Patar Dallay, in' A Coon- try Sport," 7-B. AT TIB COOK OpBBA Bonas Carl Huwin. (n **Tbe Bit TerElnr.i* atartad Ju.28 for tbe Brat balfot tbe weak. CbwIuElih io*'Cupar, tbaTodlar,"aolab«d Ibewaak. "TbaCoaatODard'*dld a nieabnalnaaatbalattarbaltor lut waok. Oomlag: Feb. 4-C, Tony FaneU; 7-9, "Tba Wblta Bquidroo.*' T» AOiDBHT or Hoeio bad *-Eantnek''u Ita atlrao- tioD Jan. S wd week. Laat waak "flapt Haama, U. B. A..*'plarad to bonaw ol goodly proportlona. W<akof Feb. 4.^ba Itt Laar." " r WoxoBBLfeKD MoaBB-ToBiTBi praatttti tbafnUow bill tbij waak: Onrlo Balla-Toodfa (baby ata^uaiLj Jaaai OUbart and wife (wedded gtaoUkajid tbaWl lya. TbeaUft-aaorga Pellz, Jobn J.Oab, Pranda Bit* ant Edward ud Loulae X/onatt, NatUa Ilald^ Jamu ft. ColloD and Hanlagtoo. BlngbnnloDa—At Stone^i Open House tbe Robin uocd Opera Co. in "Bobln Hood'* and''Tba Kniok- arboobara**badblgbniin«aa Jan.3t,3L **OorUnelaDad- lay" daUgbtad a good mad aodlaoce S. Booklnga: a, Plorenca Blodlay, In "TbeCaptain'i lbt«;**a>-Fab. i, AmerlcaQ Plajera At tbe Bljon Tbeatra; Elllo* wood'a Playera bid fairly g»od attudanea JaD.U-SS. Doe: sa-ax '^a Ify Uaf:''^U-Fab.1L Botal VandarUla Co.. wltb fiTlDg plctvu Ibe Boyal raodarlllaOo. opaoaluaaaaonattbaBlloaTbaatra. Tbe rMUr: Wm. Dra'.a A BIdoay Homa, pr<^tialora; W. D. Tan Dyke, bnaluau masuer; Oatca Dnrant, Bobararaad Hewfcl^ tba tbrae Boa ffoni. Boub and Torkar^Obulu and Ollla Irrlog, Jeaae Wooda, BaUa Irring and w. B. Bogait. Klmlm.—At tbe Open Hooia "Frtnccas I _ nia" wu tba attnoiioo Jan. ato good bnaloaia. Aztbnr Oaailog'BHInatralabidatklialtadboDaatt. TbaFatbar Haiba* Boolely, for ibalr aaoood aoooal banaBt, nra* ■eaied Clianncey Ulcott, lo "Tba Irltb Artiil,**^ baiore a honaa crowded to ibe doora. Dot: "Tbe Oaptaln'a lla'e"B),'TtaaNawBey** Fab.1 After tbe mlnitral Earfomanea. Jan.SltArtbnr Oamlog wu lelUatad la Ikdom by Elmlrn Lodge, No. 61 A eoUatloo wu aarrad altar tba oaramonlaa Tbeaabara ot ibe Opera Hiuaa aaaoaaoa Bound Bead for ibalrbuaflt Aprlll. Looal talant will praaaat "Tba QondoUan''^Fab. 1041 Nowbarg^At the Actdemr of HqbIo "Bub CUr" Fab. 1, Donnally and Oirard, In "Tba Bain- makera.*' 4. tba Prau Olab Minatiala 8 Colombo a Hall wu ooenplad, Ju. U,n,M,bT MarBvoy'aHlbani' Icoo, playing 10 bigtwilneu DlTliloa Hall will ba oonipIad,» Bi, by tba Ollrer Wren Co.. In ''Darouon. or the Ssldler'i Batam," and "Bambooilad, or Jonab'a Haaoot.'* Uilcia^At tbe DUca Open HoQBe Olga Netber- In *Tbo Tranagreiaor,^' Jao. H did wall. *-The TwoJobBx**)^ failed to diiw. Dated: "lo Old Ken Uj*^'^'^ffl,^OM Jad_Proutf^' Feb^ i« <>1?hoc4^ Pleou^ In raw J. Bai airFarrerl. dtatt urw. Prlca and rnL Barton. 'AairlabAttut," t .At Wondertand: dulo ball~ Andrew J. Barmoar. WlUiui Daoay, AIL Tonng aod aig^Fajrerl. 8taf[e-BtTant and Conaora, Bay Bryant, I LLINOIS . chlcagoi—Tbe (en dayi endlfif Jan. 37 biongbt aa uapracadutad nnmbar of cbaogaa la tba maugtnal and Plaga fotora of oti amoMqiaat ruorta, and atartad a promlaad reign of ooni:napu performuopo In tbo Bald wbara ona booat baJ, for Bioia iban a yiu, bald nn dhldtd araj. Aa a raaoltof tb«Tar(outiiuran two drinutlo itock comFanlaawUI ba fonnpd andoontlnop permaoanUy, If ibe neaaora ol aneeau feUowtng ttp new dapartura will warranltbelr being maintained. Aa told lo Ult waak'a OurpsB, exolailra ol all dnmalip poblloattou, Jobn 0. bu baeonta tba leiaoa of Ibe Paopla'a Tbutra, Ibe BtTnl oaraar of wbleh bu biea fkiibfuUy reoontad In tbaaa oolonuu. Br Hopkiaa WlU eotibUab a dramailo atocb, aaimtntr ed by a lioe ot rarlety u a, and maoa at- *a '•ahly^clifcBga of bUl, and wlU on Fab. 10 opaa It for coodooona penormaacaa, ai Jobn llopbloa' Tbeatra. Tbe new naoagamant wiU open tbe EBPlrai u tba Uoltad BtaUi Tbaairp. n«xt Baoday. and malataiB conilnaooa rarlora«noea of tba dramaiio and - danlla aort. p.f. miiar, tba Milwaukea, Wli.. Biamaot fdraUhar, bu taken Uia Btasdanllfaaaira lor a terra ot yean. aod« after a tboroagb rrJaTanatloa. will open It naxt raaion u a oombiaallon boopo. tbe giaataat aaniauon of tbe waak oame Uu Batorday nitbt, whan a mmor gaload olroolatioa tbat Mauiir Frank Hall,oltbaCuiaoaadBojatBogbibOlrtua,bid laaaad lUrlln'B Tbeatra, and woaU uka immadlaie Doe- eaailoo. An lotarrlev wltb Haoacar Halt con- Bnnad tbe report, and, It ona nay ladxe br paac aoeompllabnanta, bla viior aod bulnaaa tut will be tbe medlom tbnggh vbleb Uar Ha a WlU taro from aloalog tbHtnea) umiiartr to a oar- lag Taotora. Ut. Ualt wur take pota-aMoa /•b.lOud ool7wiuopeotbebeaaaurrank|i'au'a Baraaia Tbaa- ^l**.!?^*^' HT^if^^ nrlaty,eootIoQouialiamoon aod Bfr additional noraonblapartlotbalaulagof Plla'a Omtb Hooaa, CinelaaaU. cf, wblcb be aaonrad >ndayaAd wKl OMnwltb a noa alop^iog atitigbtTaVl- btyptrtonpuceH Altboagb oaroarfaaarepSwtalir oirnag lor all aorUofanrprltaa, It la an aadUfntadlaSV tbitaaotfaorboaaawillalibircbuia tba napaitoiaht oroloia Id Ion ten weefeo. It mixbt alao be added tbWt Ibna ol ooV nanageia eoBtiplllni lailaty booaaa of ex. Mlleal loia|ioo.^TB aarloniHyooBtamplaUiig tbrowltag Ibainialraa aod tbeif bouiu into tbe propoMd aea 01 eoaUaooba partormaodii, and flgbtlpg IbaWtar oat on that lioa. Wltb a Na«oB of <laprei» log bojlBeiB bablod tbtnii a iluk morimAot of new mMbodi to tbe ngbl aod lalt, aodau montba of onoartataty bafora tbco, ibe atata of tulod of oar amatamaDt proTidara can be aa welt Imaglead aadaKnbad. UnKaatba paoaralcoodlUonof boMoaaa maku prompt ImproTamaot, tba ptani and Boaaelal coodiiion el aoma of oar maoagtrawlU take aome decided "ilompa" batoie -Kammar oomaa anio.** IbeoorraDt davaaranadaliBporubiby tbelatrodaotfoa r a B«v candidau lor TbTorat tba baoda of lorara of tbe rpftiTa-watWiffsaa."^ CiiOAOoOmA Botaa^-Oaoiia Bdwudu'(Vin.. ooaanaa piaaantiiiilona or "A auoty oirL" •iTi.'?V dnuatal neoaaa, tha third and ha waak or^u oniaiaDaatbiglulai 17. na ooaad. oUnui^^K iitJdubabladila oww paosliar "lAoaon'M^i? faablonbleut Imagtae tber foUow cornetlla'ilhl?' DlaadlBgwbeatbBweU aatabltabed eUqoe ■^^tu..L*t tbefaroB bu pioraa aa abaotnu falltirewbeir*^!^ framiMatudpoJnlo^r dra^^ doFB ton -> good lino of aitnotloaa.aiid t boldi oit atroag' |adBOfmktt 1 'bafaroB bu pioTan aa romibattandpolnlof dr llan BoaaeU bringa bar company to Muuar rr.iJr^r ion'a Rtaca next weak to bagln a brtaf wi^'*^!r opanlnfTn tba "Ormnd Docbeaa" Cbarlaa R£,i?b?^ beyana Edgar Bmltb bare wnuan a hw oiTaobieb^aBelodlonj seora,and a aaiaStaoQa^lHJit leprDmlaHl. -•••titu 4}uiiD OrBBA Hotma.—Barbart Hall Wlulowa juiiH c«l comedy."AUmooT,'* wlU be glreo by Tim u?.»k' and Eagena CaoflaUTlhta wuk for ibairuiimVh^i' - Pab.4 to Blebaid ManaUU who Jm ^J'.".'^ _ J HanaUld, wbowiiTmiS roand of repertory. Manaor BaiTT l rT^ linmoH nare lalt great raller wban llallen aod iuh^ angagameateapaltoanaad.a. *'I*tarOB'*badoiiia2 beanprof louly worntbretdbaxe by fNqaaat r«»ai im!. battf add tolta madiootiiy Hallaa aul BanaSd anllre company garo aoob palpable elvaa of ratiiaa a, llaUaatotaatbat tbeperfonnanoe fall Bat. Oo ib. o^A' tngDltbt a TaryTdprdanea flnlibed tbaaawnd iS' batibalocalpreuaaaalledltuaaaltbaodlt *«« orawa. Tbabooiowu almoat derortad ibroaghoot ib* anilraoaok. bnt Manager BamllB raiTer>d oo Dotaeiii lota, aa tba attraoUttnwugaaraotaed r y Maaaior daraon.or tbe Cbitago Opera Booia, where ib« lod?: bo<1xa wutookedforanapMaraBM. To aro .1 tba ttSI Dteun booking Baoager BandaraoB ranted tba QraiuiT^ Bai a the abow at bla own loaa Fred Railao. Joa oly FolUr.OarrlaDa Marr, Baicia TaaaebiiL uSi WU K Bdltb Hanay, Jaonle arovlol. Mark UnrbC Donald Harold. Ifd. Lawraoca, Oeo. Bernhardt aoi c^u KlUcaa were in the company . HooLir's TDUiaa-Olga Naibarvole, atdtd b* Kaarteeiunynioreand Baiton BllLmakaa barioiiS looal appaanaoa tbta week, preaantlag'iraoii-if >m *Fron Froa 'dorlog the Brat ball ol bar aancemaAi Bulnau ba< beu exttamely good dorloe tba du.* fortnlgbt, Jobn Drow'a praaeoUUona nt Tb« Bau^' Fbop" giTlni excallant aaUtlaction. nia aunroniQ! oompaay, beaded by Hand Adam*, waa well cbniao indodad U. Laalla AUao, Aribar BTroo,Cbu J. Bm nett. Harry llarwood. Thaddiaa Bbfaa, Leai* Bair Jaa. PadgaiL Bobt, Uolliod, Adolpb Kuaber Krtok It Lamb, AicaM Millar, Aona Adama and Elbe* BarriraonL '-Tbe Prlaccai Bonola," wltb Elaaoot Baio. Pruk Danleli and otbara ol tbe orlBioal coopuy, win be a««a open tbia aiaie at an early data. COLtTMBlA TllKATBB.-Tba tbUd Waok of BICO'B Be^ priaa Party lo *'lc9i' begu 71, «llb lot^reat aad aiini. antenafiuglog. Tbere la macb to prnlie laih* wayaf Haaery;Daob eradit to beglran fbr tbeiatwroni tiftn llat, and macb could be wnueo xagarding tbe ladivldod marltol afew memtwra of tbe big bartuqaeorgaatik. Uon, bat. lakaa on tbo wbole, Iba prodooiloo letBi raiberdloappolntlog. BoilaeaalabkelytooooiiODebli for foma lima. ^ SOflilXBB TBiATXfl—Back )o thaaeane of oequallltd ncoeaa oomu UamlUa D'ArTlUe lora return aotwi. nant la "Badaleloa. or tba Magio Kin.*' Ber tao vaatt' lujonm will, beyond a doabi, raaolk In iotdoqu ii mooa'ar propotuona. * 0 Ivor Twin** wu girea ka weekioandlaBooa of fblr pioponloaa by an actaputu company, loaladlng EliU Froetor Otla, Chu Barron, o a.Culti>D.W 0. HeMaycr, Cbu Coota. Eatberloa D <«|1 lag, A 0. Deltvya. Heiaae Helmlok. Violet Campbell. Inda Falmer. Oertmde Wlatbrop, Vera Crandali aid olbaia. Polloving Camilla D'Amite.a raiom eogsn- Bout will be pHted by Edwin Mllioa Boyle, (alUa Fatter Boyle aod tbelr aplandld comedy creaitoa ^Frleada.'' HoViOBKB's TaiATBB-Wltb Jai. A. Rarae ii Ka. tbulal Berry, aapported by Uraca Ftlklni, Hobt, Plicbar. OnoaOaylor Clarke aod oibara, 'Bbore Acrea'*bBiu aaengagamaatf7entbe atage wbora It wu origtoally noted, aboittbree yeara ago. Altartbroaweabaoriatbar commooplacaSnaDolal tacceu *Tbe BlaakCrook"bu departed, and, irooemaTjodga by tbaramarkabiaUll* lBgo(rior<oalpCi.ltara*amto thubon»e la oot pr«b abia. BInoa a olgbly laecaMfol nn doilOB tbe Bipod- lion oeaaoo tbe big apeotaale bu bean olt rapeattd, ud bu giadoally wora oat iti walooxie. UATiuBkir TaiiaTRB.-Manag«r Darla preaaou IL alok'a racing p ay. 'Tba Derby Winner,* ibia weak, lb Artbur Daoo featnrad In tbo cuL Heit WHk Joaapb Morpby will ba aaan in "Barry Oow'* aod "^buo Bbaa," to Iw followed by *^llTarTwiai.*' BunnanwuM tbaeapaoliy oidarell laat weak, wban Baodowand the Tio- eadaro Vudarillea he'd atiantloo. TbeprognmBoao- gaged Wdd. and Millie Loeller, Bao Danbam, L. O laaili and biN dog.' Sooitle;" Tom Brovna. Bugnerlte, Kior> aoeo Haabrook, tbe Jordan Fanlly. Amano, Billy Vua and Bogeoe Bandow. Thaweak'a baalnau wu ona of tbe lartoti to ibe hletorr of tba boue [•iBOOUiTuKiTaB.—Florrle Waat wlU bead Coagrote Aarant'aCopadlanatblavMk Inpreaeoting '^a Du> Bier" for Ibe Brat time lotbe Nonb Dirlaloo, baiog lol- lowed next week by Qoa Heege, In * Yon Tonaoo, ' Lait week Hanlon Broihara' "Fantaaoa" began Ita «tay to pbaooneaaily large boaloeaa. and malataload a proflt able aranga tbroogbont tba week. Maoagara Boitoo A TrtyaararapatUog lonb vlgorooa efforta to aaUbUib tbebooH In faror, and an moouag wltb reiy eocoor- aglog fnppoit ALU&MaxA TnBiTnB.-aaa. Be««e heada Jacob Ull'i oonpxnv praeentlog "Too Toason" tbia wuk, and good boiinaaa 18 likely lorarolt Lut wuk ^aTwoBiaien" attracted fair tan onia aod wu alran an aoeaptable pre- aaataUno. Jai. U. Wallleb moToaorerBextweektoecn* clode bla eoMamont on Manager H. B.Jacoba' loal olrontt ^a Baodlt ClDg" wilt oa ilran. UAvutf'A Tbbatbb.— ^Tba Bbip of Btata'* will make Ita third Toyageon tbo local tbeauieal aaa tble weak, aod will nllawar to make room for-TbeOofnA Fair." Lait week "The Daular" opaoad big, bat tha utter daya of •be week broaabt limited rawain, tbe arange ot tha aa- gagenent itrlhlox a poor laral. acadiht or Hoeia — BUnei'a bm, "A Ballxoad Tiaet*' —" *- throoph «UT«I Will eoaiUiate tbii wuk'a entartamnaoi, rh tha agenoy of Flllman'e Fanmakeia. Buloaaa irr good latt weak; whan Jar, H. Walllck gare^fb* PaodltKlog.'* with the aajUtanoeol tbrea borau and D. L, Laoy, J. B. Fheaban. Maorloa Flynn, Conrad Cooiun, Andy • eltam, H. B. Wbaeler, Loa Blandon. JaiL WaUar, Tboa. Marpby. ElU Fontainblaan, Bllanee Tyaa, Bia. W, W. Jamea and otbara. tJi^Bic fcTBBBr TuaATai.—Following Ju. B. Wallick'i praaeatatlon ol *^bo Baodlt Elnr,** ihiawuk come Bice A Bartoo'i VonedlaDi, la '-Baxua Danla" I«at wNk. *'PawnTl<kel310"aiincted modaiata booaaa,butmwit td far tiauar patToniiga, tt.e prodaauoa being utiraly woitbr and wall eiiulo> ed Tbe itaraare P. Ang. Andar- BOD, Amy Lee aad Fraok Doaae. and the aopporilog eonipany.headed bj Nellie Doabar. Inoloded Oeo. Wbila, Clayton StroDg.r Bare Laacallaa, Bora Watblna, J. F. bbany, Llonaf Bland. F. A. Coaoor and W. B. Badlar. Tbe company la maaagad by John M. Wobd, aod daaanaa ample aaeceia a&HT. Jaok'8 Opbba tlorei.—Uanagar Jaokptaaeela, lor tble week SamT.Jack'a Big Boriaaqoa (Jompaoy, with Bmma Ward featared. Toe entagemant of tba atook borlaaqda orgaoizulon tait weak, nodar tba cap- tion of tha "London HqiIo Ball Borlaaqaen," wu fairly pioBtabla "Tba Little I>oke,"tbecoaoiadlagtHirie«>iaa. amployad Lime Biewan in the title rola. baobed by Frank Fomaur ud Ohariar Buka. In the olio were tbe Eaunard Brotbera, Btia OjaidekTom Qonreayud Law OarrolL aod Frank Waaaon. A urleaof Uriag pic- torea, with LlaileBtewart, tba oblef poaer. wu alM> lo- ttodoead.immadlaieLy following tha opeologbarlatia. *'IbaDertl*BSolt«a,"ln which Fraok Forraatarappaareo uMapbljto BOTAL BxouBB CiBODB —Haoagar Fraok Hall ob- aarrad tbe two bondiadtb ooneeoBUre performuoa 11, and ia nor well away towards aaa her'-caatnry" mark. Boslneu eonUnau at a proBiable atandaxd. ud the grade of excallanca lo the performance wooU aeem to warrant oonilnoedproaperlty. Tba amoaamant wu pro- Tided laat week by Jaonle Aiward ibarebaok bardie act), Boale Meera (pnocipal baiabaab), tbe DaltoreJIl Broiben (maaloal alowBB), tha O Brian Brothen (aarobau), Btlrk ud Zeao (urlallit*). Moaa. Natalie (tiaload piga), Earl aod La DaU (borltootal bu). Boa BaitoUl (faaia of eoo- tortlOD). Obaa. W. Flab (prlooipal barebuk) ud Akaioi- Tba t>allat ud watar earalTxl, te a Troapa ol Ji which coooluda plaaatog portion el tbe prorramme. FBAVi 1UI4''B Oabibo -T^ perloimueOi nmaln the moat rBAiiKiui4.'BOAaiBO-noputweekBcor«d aooiber noloh in Muagpr BbU'a wand of meoaia, tba aueod- •npe tfelng aTaotr proaperooa in iptu ol tba aararlir oi Iba aMowniB. Tbo malniAloupe ol cooUnMaa fa^ lonnanoea lor tba comnt daya bringa tbe naul loo| llat of Hrlormere Into urrlca. Wli] J, Parrla Ming re uinpd for tbe ibiiiJ aod laat week u tha fealoie lil* hpynetlodamoDairatlona are decidedly Hnaaiiooal, aod bare beao apoUot tutor la drawing Uw orowdfTBuga ManagarB[[l^ nioe baiueaTwd for ibe watt Cbu ■ " . ai ' " u dr«d'UowudT^L*Ule MonT^^ - Blfly nica ba/ueaT«d L.. , Mor«landandMipnleMayTbonpaon,ObiB. aod Jeaofa Btawatt, Aoale and Fraseia U Page. Bobt and ba^sU Uewletu Cbu- and Jeoole Wolebl BUaCarllngtoiiriiit- dred Howard. L*lUe Mon la, Frank Cleytop, John ForroJ- tar, Maooaloonnao.iIorDmeand Alaxii. urry McPoo- aid, tha WonblngtoBB, iha Purl Bluera, t^oaway Hrotb- ara, MtOaon an4lPowara,Buterud Morgan, tbe Janma Brotberaud FDnytbeaodMiUer. LvoiDH TfliATBB.—Muager Tboa Ii. areolar buee cored Utrry Willlama* Own Compuy to prorjda Ibti week'aaataitalofflaQt. J. W. Bally udlmogue oomar being fpatarad oo the tilti Bualpea wu T#ry good lut Fuh. wtian Weber A Fleld'a Company wyrp Inpoaaai alon. The programine wu maned by tbe B0n>dppepr- uoaol Tarfona roambtra ol thp eopipany at dl^ereoi tine*, Ju. F. Uoay, Ju Melotyraaod Mr. Laalla, of La OUlra aod Laalla. balag out ol tbe bill tepealtdlr. Tbe progrmana called lor the appearance ot CuUlati and Ball, Le Olnlio and Leilla. Cbaa. H. Falke and Cbaa. F. Reamena, Jao. B. Draw. Wabor and Flelda, U>uleOll- aon, Jaa. Molotyra and Tom Beatb, Jaik P. Boeyaod Dlen W. Parniim and A.J. Beimoie. A pronooBoad bit wax MoradbyLotUeOUaon. BUT. JACK'S Biiriax.-Tnla ra«>rt|wlllttfndarkDe« Ibiaweek, aad on Feb. Swill ba opened u aoonUnooai perfoimancebonae, ander tbe title ot DoitedBtatu Tbaa- lt«. BldaeyHaaonwlUukubajiaaurapraaanutlTa of the Eaatem ayndlcata aaid to ba In poaaaaaioB ol the Maae, and Oeorge W. MIddleton will bare the ataga mao- anoiut anddliaooon ol the atoek acapany. wbieb will Open With 1 cket ot LaaTaMan."^MelalUM wiU belnlrodaooff In edolanstloa %Iih two'daUy rarfom- anepa br Uo atook, thb bill maalog eoBUeoondr froto one o'clock In tbe alterneon dbill oeuly rtldalBbt. ^e a«palo4.1M*«S!ol BaaagarBamfjaora oontnl *aa ■uTffo a oloOT laeoad. The elio einploycd: Tbok. li. NoUn. Uarrf Bnant aod CbnU FnlioB. ALJl Plal0» and Oata LaeU. Fannie Brarttt aDdObu.B.Biyaat aBdaeo.a.BaTlUe. OLiMrioTBKATaB.—Weber and FleUa mora orar to Maoagar CaeUa'a popaUr hoBBe tbla weak, to preaeol tbelr oBeaUaotmgnDBia. and wlU beffaUorBd by UarryWUlUtta'OwBtJoBpuy. Uat weak baalaeaawaa !^*r< a honu blU aaiUBg aader tbe captloa of Cu- Ua'a CalebTluaa, who pmad io ba ArtbarO-aad BUf Btdmaa, tbe Btgalas Bfoiberd. KarS-ar, Moor* and