New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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Februaet 2. THE ISTEW YOBK OILIPPER. 769 0 For Ito iMtt tto DoatOTdJd wt „. ditu>t /u. iti of eoultenttoo to im UMftif «aBlttMi.*'B»^ MdovBtotbtboud ftflilaivMD, •tittfftbu4fl|^"QMripwon. TBlalMTMtbanM*— ^amM^I dm^t^Ooulp, 4 (two br pkj ud two l«i Athmp Journal wirm th« loUovlag, pnnpud bv tb« iWDt dlMUtou bntwlth BnoUrn Udw ladMd. vwT naeh upUla ih« polDi nutd, bnt iuim «h«t«* b*r* woad«r«4 at, ud ukid oiUMlrM<*wbi I* •*Tb* II n. 0. mtxm to bftTt bMn ilafalulf nfor- toiuuor bta Id iMlaf lu floMt plAnnvbo. lor wn« rouou or MlMti, v* npnMDUDROlbuelDba latbHi [LMfMl wtAbw That, oelihtr BediM, IMmar. Bho- *a]ur, Buham, Albla doi Jaaofndttr ar« dov bnad la tia lUt ol cluBiploiuL Tb« oooatqMm wai that BrooklfB, vltb DOD0 of the bait of tbt look od Ita ilda, niMd t tfMidad Tlotory- Tb« nnlt wu r*wtv«l iho ulb«r«Bta ol tb» eborehiDtD «Ub oDdlifRiUad Mt*^ . ... . ^ji^j . boUoo; lor, orer tinea tba Tafonl ol tba Maahtutttt ibiM yaartaao to plaj a i«ain iiiat«b «ltb Brooklio, Ibt latltr baa b*ao buobig for aUtoittol rtftOKaOTtrtba BotDowlbalfaDbtttaDtuabotUiTlDg ibamtoltMaDO laillilDg tka DaeatilUM of tbt ott*. ara itrtTlBi lo rUa 10 iba r«i«liaoaDiiof tb« kltutloo. Tbay bava ttt on fool a atnti of tatm mttoha* aaoni tbtntalrM, tad UDplortd Kattra Uaabaa aod Bbowutar u drill maa- lari. Of. to obion tba flnra. io dUcipUaa tbtlrrtl- trmst and trot oal tbtir eolta, at aeilobtltrvoold mj. rbtpraliolnarj dnll rtaoltad In tbt foUowlai mtabam raelog «aefe otbtr. 19ib urn: 1/0. MrS'iBUte.Wm, Mai. B:tSide. Wm. DtbML 1. Sbovatiar.... 1 vt. UtDbtni e BielUaa- 3 Bebaldt 1 ti Oobn 0 Utinppa. & ni«b 0 n SaMotr 1 BlolUia. a A«ob«r- 1 Ti Dtltoo 0 BTtu fcW.Lallnaan. M nPtUiaon. M rblUdor, & Haibavar.... M vt Boll )2 Seoieh. iPrioa. O TLBiobardf 1 PtoQl THmtj. 0 TaWabla I K't0.dta. ftTtalon. U n.Btra^)l M PtoQl 10 0. LaUmtan. 0 ra Baton^ I Unogu*a. li.B.Btaik M Ta.Braa K rnneb! Tdtal 1 Total 1 ■r S*i braTct bad tht mort lal,^ 4,1 Sand 10; tba Mijofa, ta tba oibar flft. J- W. Btud. raltiM _ pitilBg to braak ibair Ut In tbt M. 0. a't rwtnt btadl- cap, tba toUowlDR mifooa and InatnoUTa pODlUonoe- oama Blaak,wj.BanhaD; W1ilt«,llr.Bbowalui' ^ Sl ^ lu to pUy, l»t' atbltl, KB4, * eaaaotwUL BABEBAXi, CHECKERS. To Comapondamta* O.A.BLavoiv.-aiUatbaodOK,tbaiika. Altoltttar. PBor. ruir—Tarr flid tbat joo can laa you war dotr to nanac* It- Baowg.—Tour vairkind affir and olTorti BMrlt, and no doubt will laotlTo, a raadr retoMM. J. D. Jaivtuu.— Tonn at hand. tbat yoa will 0ia«twiibtbataoe*H londmna. DB- SoHAini.—Jut tbont u I tboagbt T. nn.—Hart writttn yon. Sewa ol Uio Oamo* At Ibo annul mtatlng of tba Araulo CbMhar Otab. ol Torooto, Otnada. iba loUowlog offlotn wtra altotod: Praoldeot. 0. OaUoway; vlca pwldanta, Mtian. Oarnoi tod LlTlngitont; laomarr tratrartr, J. Bannlt; ra«ord< logaMnttuy, A. Atbar. A mtlob lor tb« Marbbun tank- tra wat won b7 J BanoU tqrtba toon of: Booala, %\ W. t. Irrtng. 1; drawn, I J. D. Juflor dtalfM tb« ebookar plajori to aaod blm toy oonaoUoni on tba >-|>o«tor''epanlOKibaitbe7baTa, for wblab bawlU gtra tnUciwditloblioonttnibook. Alw any oaw plar wonM ba tbaabfoU; raoalrad S J. Blmpton, a promlnaat Brooklyn plarar baa baan 111 for tba paat ibiaa waaku, bot la DOW on iba maod bro, Yaonuui baa addia Wadnatdar nigbt to bla lltT. to now tba Watt Blda OIqd ItopaoMoodar, Wadoaadaj udBauudajaTaDlataaacb waaK. Tiiiton onnllaUy walcomad Tba Pattnon olayan oannot «aa tbair way otaar to ooupata In tba iQieioliy Laagae. Wa aro farr lOTTy. aud bopa tbat ibay wiu tiranitbaaaplo Dambanaou toon ooma In, A. W. Lowery, a tirong Brooklyn p'ayar, la In Uaaloo,aod doaa not aipaot to ntom for aomt tlnta. Tba annual Seottiab lounar oommanead witb ati- taan aatrlaa, and anally nanoaad down lo tba fonr prtu wlonar^vbo won lo iba followiog ordar: B. Suwarb Aral (iv and ebamutontbip): Oao Bnebaooao, taoond (£iO); D.a HoEalTta,tbtrtfi£3); R. O.MellUlan, fonrtb (£i). asd tba foUowlni loaart la tba aacond raoalrad £1 aacta: M. Barria, J. U. Broan (Boidar obamptoa), U. Uandaiaon and J. Hlrk Bobart UeCaU praaanlad tba priiaa Tbla la tba aaoond tlma Mr Btawart won iba cbamplonablp. Ha la contldarad ona of tlia graalaat playaia la OnuBrltaln Tba foUowlog la a mBunary of bla aooraa agalnatall otbata in tba tonntniant: Wlna 1 BUwart, drawaA VUaon. wuuO 3 Btaaart 8 Barria 0 1 Btawart & MoHIIUb > Btawart B BncbannaD... Totalis 10 It will tboa ba aaan tbat Bnchaoun waa tba only plarar tbai won a nma off Btawart Tba aeoro In tna Mo- KntaaBcbaafar maicb la: Or. Bcbaalar, t; UoBntaa 0; drawn. 6 Tba frlaoda of Dggbi, tba rlalng youg iaaluol tba Vaat Blda Olob ara not aatlifladwllh tbat put of tba akalrb of tba olabwbieb waa pobllabad In Taa Curraa racantly, wbloh aaya: 'Tlian wa eoou to playara of blgbaratrtngtb, f. & Swain, Jubn XoBotaa awl B. r. 0»trander," Tbar tblok tbat Mr. Bngba can bau Jobn MoBotaa, and, Lf potalbla, wUl ananga a match batwaao tbaaa two gaotlaoiaa Sonw of uaaa yoang piayaia Id tbraa mootba'iima adraooa antlraly oat of lAalr olaaa, and tbat nuy bo tba oaae wItb Irlaod Bagba.—OB. Bo What la tba maUarwltb tba graat Boouh aiport, faiTlar It aaama atiaoga tbat tba maa who had tba oarra to play Wyllla lor lomitblDg tbat tba Iba Uttar did not poaaoaa rla. tba world'* obimploiubip. la ao qniat wban b a baa an opportunity to play tba raal ebamplon, 0. P. Barkar, of baaton. Mind too, asd BarharwUl go to Sootlaad lo pja? blm. Wbas mibty raart old. bnt wban ibalr loa la about tboir own ago tad GtarMaa, than tbay ara aioaadinglr qulat Barkar la a rapraaantaUva Amartcan Pbv^r.l* ^ Bngland and baat tbair obamplon, Jamaa Smttb, and ha alio aaot to Bwtland and boat ai-ebampion of tba worbl, Botwrt Mtrtlaa, and will go to again and no doobt baatPamall Itia poatlblatogatrarrlato plar. Thaia laa rait diffaranoa batwaao bin (Parrta) and Jordan. Tbalattar oaaa attar gaotlaman Immadlatalp algntfiad bit wlUlDg* to plar Barhar for ttan a tlda, and allow bin Bla) lor aipanaaa Prof. Pilot la gatbarlnc op tba ohaehar lalaat In Brooklyii, ao aa to gat tt In baat poaalbla taam abapa for Laagna play. BolaUoB of Poaltloa ITo. 47, Vol, ft8. nr 1, J. Di nam. Blaak i 8 U U IB D ■ 88 Wblta a 27 II fl U 14 KB Wbita to play and btuk to oraw, Tbli la giran la Janoaiy DroM9he$ WoriA by Jan. Lata aa a wblta win. 17 7 IS UIB lOS n u H IP* & 11 IS n u II m V S lS(a) IS U 14 10 19 U H T niB BDlS a IB 1119 Jhawn. • Ooly mora to draw. (a) lf^wblU|nmpa7tol6L tbao Maak 19 to tf^ and blaak for ebotoOi FoalUoBno.48. Vol. ««. BNO OAMB. Batwaao two Naw York aou'anra. Blaah 8 10 It 13 li vtui* 9u ta ir a) u 1llil utjpUy«B< wlJ. CtaHC Ho. 48, Vol. *». DTKB. n. foUodsi two nuM >«* plu«d Mwi SehMtor ud tinm BoBalM la utir luuh. SI".? Oni B I il 14 U 2 10 11 IKS) U U M a 11 U 19 u 11 an M U i M M H) U li u n a a ■3 11 a n U II < a ir II _ n i« u n ■ TuFaatcrPtnoalltUODillaooltdoD wu or- oalMta u OtDolniBU, 0- oa iu. n, with Ike tol- ■owlBR offlom; Pnalml, tuam Aobm, Euofl, aaentUT, E4md rsn, Loaimila, tj.i earn; J«4ly mmun, Moil* Enid; tattm, Aa- FBUDHAS U OOHTBOIk T. a Dawut. pniuat at tto OMt iBtrttaa Bmmvi^ ud FTBOat Ok, wiltM: "AD ■draniaa- BMtlBTnOummiKja a* b«ur ttM >■ ht M& iteMol <v aftow (vai I km (T* auo." ■s-RM*lT«r or tka MaakaUaa A, O. at tk* Um4 afth* Raw Talk Clab. Andrew FiMnu, ai-ncclTer ot ibe dafanct Mmtiilttii AtlUttle Clab, aeoorad conirol of Un Naw York Clab on Jan. 3>, when E. B, IWcoli, Utmnr o( Um clab, banded ortr to blm l,m abarea of tb« olab'i itock, and In niarn icMlvtd a cbaok ror Uie aniire amoani ciUtd lor In tbla iraniaollon. Aa l,m abaita are a cootroUIng In- lereal, It will be ae«n Ibat Mr. PrMdnan Intandi to ban lbs enure cbarce ol Itio clabl aHUh, and tbat b« will not b« Interfeied wItb lo Ita manan- mant broUwr atoctboldert. Ttu deal latbtbli- gett In tin bluotr or biaebill and Innlra tbe nr- ment of over Preedman taaamea tllMo wortb ot bonds, wblcb will be redeemed bjr blm aa aoon ta conTODtenL E. a TWooll, a A. MoAlpIo, Frank II. RoUnaon, Coraellns Van Colt, Joba H. Ward and J. W. Bpnaldlog were ibe oaeatomake upibetouitmonntot ttocktrenatemd. Aiaoon as tbe nulXr bad been aeiiled, conpttolitlona were In order. Wben aiwken lo on tbe agbject Hr. Fivedmanaald: "I am verr ikd tbe mauer ban bun teliled. I am In coDtnl now, and aball begin tnaklDR prepara- tloOB for Ibe leaaon at once. Al tbe anooil meeting ot Ibe clab, on Feb. 14,1 abtll be elected prealdent, and tome otberientleman. wbom 1 will aeleoi. will be tnunrer. Tnen will be a Board of DIrecioni, conalaiing ot leren etockboldere, and I aball auk J. W. Spalding to act u one of ibem, It E. B. Talcolt will accept a place on Ibe Board. I aball bo pletKd to bare olm, bat I donbt nij mucb wbciber be caieatoDoiberwIlbbtaeballanrlonger. Iwlabto aaj rigbt bera ibtt tben will be no managing dl- lector, aa I alull ailand to bla dnilea mjaelt." ■■Will the New York team go Bootb tor Spring pracucet" "Moet aaaoiedlj. I hare not bad much time to diacoaa malieta jet, bnt I can ur tbalWe will go Sonih. New Orleaoa la oat ot tbe qaeellon, aa Ine ownen ot tbe groonda Ibere want too macb monej. fltij per cent ot tbe gate recelpia. I bare recelred letiera tnm Sumter,B. 0., and Stntord, Fla., oiltir- Ingmocb belter terma. Tbe weather tt tbe latter (lace la much mots favorable tor oorpgrpoaea, hot I doobt If we could pltj ta manj eiblblUoo gtmta aa al Somter. I tbiok It might be well to attn about tbe middleot February. "It baa been attted tbat I aball lorn tbe Polo Grounds tnd Uanbatitn Field Into one rial arena. Tbat la not Ibe eiae at all, It would prove too ei- peoBlre, ta one deldlalowerthtatbeolhertndiD ImmoDae amonut of gndlng wonld be neceaaair. Tben again. It wonld coat a email tortine to build tddlilonil titnda tnd change tbe pretent onea ttoond to anlt tbe proposed arena. I'm aura tbat each a obtnge wotud coat more money than Ibe pnllla of dve rem wonld tmonni to. Mr Idea la to realrlct the Polo Ononda to Ibe NiUonti Utgae tnd Amerlctn AaaooltUon games odI;. It wonld not be well to pity toy of them tt HtDbtttta Field, because there la noibing like baring tbe letm ttmlllar with their own borne gronnd and aliu know Just bow to gauge tbe aan. It on certain days loe New Yorks abonid plar on Htobttian Field, tbe cbtnire might tliect tneir pitying and apoll everytblng. I propoae to make Mtnbtttnn Field t great centre tor aports ot all kinds. I ibtll not build t new bicyole inck tben, aa ] don't be- lieve It wonld pay, tnd It mighitlao lutertere with some other ecnenca I bare In mind. The old leaae ot tbo Held stipulated tbtt only tnulenr albletlo conteais, tmtlenr btaeball nmea, and footbtll Pmct could be held there. But, ts I undeistsnd the new luae penults til aorta ot sports tod en- lerttlnmenie. II Is even poealble tbtt we might bare t glove contest there once in t while, besides tbe outdoor borae abow and oloer blii events. It Is tiao poaslble ibtt the big Interatilonal aibleito tonmtment between tbe London and New York cluba will take place ihere, bealdea tbe big tooibtU gimee neitaetaoo." Mmn H«rt on tka Playlwy Bales. Prealdent Jtiaea A. Hart, ot the Chicago Club, who U one ot tbe Commute on Rnles, gives bla views on tbe subject of changea as follow; "You can put It down ts a certainty Ibat there will be very tew obtngts In the rules this year. For my own port I have tlwtys fought tbla feverish deaire on the part ot to many people lo dicker wlib ihe rules. II has become t aort ot principle wllb me to oppoae any propoeedchange In advance ot betrlng wbtt It In. This Ui bectuse there has \>ttu ao mocE nnnecetaary ttmpertng with tbe rolea. which have for a long time been good onuogb ta they stood. There bas tlwtya been, tnd alwayawlll be a certain unmber ot persons who will not be ssllslled wliboui cbsoges an made. Tbeae people I have oppoaed lor yetrt. tod I tbink tbtt a majority ot Ihe league memben have now come to lake a almlltr view, ao Ibat la why I aay ao cenlldenlly tbtt chtnaea ihla year will be tew. Then wUI be ono new rale, how- over—tbtt la at good u settled—butit will doi be t change of rnles. It will be almply Ibe tdopilon of t meaaure lo quell to tbaie that has gndutllr got Into tbo game. It Is auob a purpose as tbla tntt t commliiee on mlea abonid aerve. A law will un- doubtedly be passed doing away with Ibe piomlacu- oua nso ot the big, padded glove on Ihe toM. Thie prtcUce baa grtduaUygot Into the game; tben la no law aathorfilng It, none prohlblUog II, ao tbat It will be neceastr/10 pan leglalatlon doing away wllb the evil. The movement In tbla direction aeema to be pnctlcslly nnanlnoua. My Idea la to prohibit the oae ot padded glovea by everyone aave Ibe cttcben tud bnt basemen." "Yet, Umlt them to tbe catohert." Inlerrupled Caj>t. Anson, who bad dropped Into Fresldent Hart's onlce while tbe converaailon was In proncaa. "Well, I tblok tbe aist baaemsn should ba snow- ed lo use ibem," asid Prealdent Hart "Ue bandies thrown balla pilnolpally aod Is not an Important factor In eiopplng grounden. Moreover, be la lbs receiving end fRquenilydntlnglhe game while tbe FilUsber u warming up to go Into the box. On hese sccounis I believe he abonid be allowed to wear a padded glore, bnt the oiher flelden should be pnblblied from wearing tbem.'' "They abonldn't wetr any gloves at ill." stid OtpL Anton. "Let them go bsnbsnded end ibeo yon wUI see the game tt Us beat." "No, I hanUy think It wonld do to make tbat mnob of to InnovtUon alt at once," ssid HsiL ''The change might be made gttdntlly, butltwonld be taking a good deal In a (bird'—tfmin who had been used to wearing a big glove; be would dud Ihe obtnge to bare htnde pnliy aevere tud etiora wonld be trequeoL" "Ob, yea; It wonld Incretae tbe einis—Ibere It no donbt ot tbtt," aatd Anaon. "Nevenhelen It would help Ibe game, tor nobody llkei to tee t pity made with the tid ot glovea." ■aggaalad Okmngai Im Ika Rales. Chief ot CBpUei, Hanr Wright, aaya tbat many cbaagei an needed In lbs pitying rales, and bta nggtated mne which he has forvuded to Edward Banloo, Ohtmnan ot the UomDltiee on Rnlaa. They tret* follow: Bal(liBMUonl,laateUaMaua: "Ball ihUl selbt s>lM." AifoabDow. pltreraonto iDjoM iheball In pltv tor tbe ptrpoH or bavlot a saw ball lomlabad. Wbea neb la tba etaa, wosM It sot ba wall to patiDit IbeoppoalBiialdetbaprlvlUgeolrabbits lb« ttvOall with IM ooU or otberwittr Voeld tot Out Mop Un UrtekolesttuillNbtlI.eMJ , , ,. „ . llal«B.BaeirotI,a>ra: "llotaUnd pUyti •ball aatia ptrtlnlralt In tba itaa." How, tt Unoa^ a letm may btva iwvaral pltyais iDjored tod aiUied, tad ibojba- ooma ohoft baadad. ItBlgblbtwaU to nafca tbarals oeBawbtl •laallo, •» ibtt a ntirad PluaT, la etto or neb ta aoMntaer, ooaU be oibtuialad tai tstla takt Dtit It tbe Sana. nIslMll. 8t.dtad btlU, tool biu.ata. >tr: "ThabtU U la plar wbea bald byUia plubor, atadus It twutloa." Tbu li vasto. at Ibora la to allewiaoa tor th» baaa rao- nara to laoin lo tat touti u»lr btaM- if nx ■>» ■• TiftaiUrraapiBidtd wbea tka btU b daaS, ilabooU ra- mtlawlUi Uwaaipliatopattbabsllla pity. Tt»n>ot%, I woold add: "tad tba oaplra ihaU eall plaf." Tbla woaM alTalba aaiplra eoDtrol of tht (amt. itdbe coald mate lit beta raoaan lalaia qoleklr ta Ibalr laapacu?a liaMatBdootatlbelrowBopUno. _ ^. ■oMB a.ialtlleili>I>lratdronlblla Woitd Uaot ba u iBPiattaiaitla call aU lalold blu "tool blu"Uua roUmtaUaltaatld (iralUaoatwbalborbIt airtet laUia SSnt or U lha alr)t Tbaia wanlt latUi be to otr- awublaebaaitla pU»loi,botltwaal4taa(l to raltata SaimpiraoTtU dboowaata lawbatbar Iba ball ww Jt,",£S^J^v!^FtSSi lib. la ... U.I. rata WMdSl mSm nlr tba bataauawba dU la tab. bit ■MmMUItabalu bit n4CTor btlUasab^l ba idrM oat nabaUItdwd. aad U»buaua wbariwala^Ta ■ -UealimBa!!.lalrlb.wi«aabalKaaUdaddad te£liifabwaWaD.r,aaddlbat. itaaaianaat a ir tTtbSSSta^aiadJaa by u. ,!»«a5« J»"iS2 baa. a o a uaH adwUbealraaa aat." I waald aaoaat S7cS»r^%Ualnt ud amd basM ua MwUd, £dSt^nlb»aaaoaf,.wo aldwday nrntablr brbati tba aaBbar of Uaaa pwataajua^ SSfSSlSaallitdlaBialiMaiy pnrtt afOa Wba fg. toiSfSTiSTafaaa Is i«a» tiaptad JoeephJ. Keller, Ibo bard bluing tnd clever out- neldorof theBtltlmore Club, ot Ihe KtilontI League anil Amerlctn Atsocltllon, wu iMru Deo. a, 1811, tl Ctmbrldge, Htsa., snd It wss Id bla nailvo place tbtt he letrsed to pity bill. BeglDnlng at an early age ta a plicber, bo aoon gtlocd t locti repuit- llonln ihtl poalllon. Each year bit accn him ad- vance a ilep higher until he has reached Ihe blab- est notch In bis adopted protcaaloo. Ueleglnibe front nok ss a btiaman, bate runner tud nelder. Ula professional career beitn In isoi. wben he ic- cepted an eugtgcment wlin the Lowell Olub, of ibe MewEniltnclUtgue. ta one ot lupUchen. Ille excellent work wllb Uie Lowells aiiracicd the tt- teoilonot the mantgemeDt of the Uoaioo Club, ot the NtllontI Letgue, tnd ho flolabcd Ihctetion with Ihe litter club, itklug part In twenty-toar cbtmplonahip conieata, moat of wblcb were pltred lu Iho ouiaclu, with lit team. Tbla belDgblsdret experlcoceln major letgue compiny.tnd tbla, loo. befon he wis tweoty yetm old. In liol be Joined the Omibt Clob, of tbe Weitem League. AUer taking port in fonr.nlne cbtmplooabTp conleats, sod lylDg Sutclim) for second place Id ibo oiDclsl ottilDB tvettgea ot tbat letgue, be Joloed tbe Plita- burglJlob,of Ibe Nailoul League tnd American AnociailoD, tnd liter on be, with a moneitry con- iililcrailou, wuexobtnged torVtu ilallron, of ilie Utillmon Club, of Iho ttioo league, with which ho llnlihod Ihe Ktaon. lie wta re-engaged by Ihe Btlilmora Club tor Ibo aettoo ot 1U3, wbi'h ho madequllet rc|iotttlan lo tba dimrcnt liranchoa of bla protcaaloo, he taking part that year aaan ouldelder lu oae buudiud aid iweniy-toiir cbtiU' plontblp games, renklog alxlb In Ihe oltlolal grid' log averagea ot Ihe major leaiue. Ho alan niikod well up In Iho olllclal litlllog tversRea. Ilo cun- ilnuedwlib ihe litlilmum tLroiighoiii the actaoo of 18S4, and hla e«celleui work bom it ilie bit tnd In tbo outQcld.gretlly tided Ibem In winning Ihu penntni during the ptat acaanu lie taking ptrt In one hundred tnd twcnty-nlna cbainplonablp conieabi, nuking aevcnib In the omultl billing iTeragea of bla letgue tnd alxlb In tlrldloir. lie bti proven ■ lower ot Birrnidb lo ilio llulilnioni letmalocobe bectmu tmoinhfrof ibtturguiilzji. lioD, iDd bta mailo luanytrleodrt iMibluandoui of tbe prntcaalonal rank.. Kelloy haa l>ven credited wllb a number ot bailing perfonnancca. Tbe mnal ootewonbyot ihraowerein the iwogtiaeiinii la- bor Day. ileui.3, last, tt iUlliroure, Hd.,tinliiiit Ibe CKiveltua letm, wlicn bo went In bit nine iliiiri In tbe two gimrt, tnd waa credited with ta oiiny atfo blla, lodiidlDg elibt iloiililo btggen. baUa wblob play, la tar avut, wooM tot b.ttt«aptad aioapt ab.o Onl aad aMood btiM a.r. o««apl.d., Rai.47—laataad or "aieaptoo a toal bit" 1 wonld atr ".io.ptularol.4l." . . RaMlOl EwtlooaL—I wonld a4d ".leapt u piotldod lo Mcaloa 10 " Bal. autlso K-II, wb.1 Uia .mDlraoalla"Fl.y,'> altar tar .upmloaol a Bani.,ba (all. to ralDraaod uaih lb. bu. h. *u IwiUr UUtM la ooiupy balaia laacbiartb. iwit but,'^ u proTld.d la Mtloa Hal. U, fiMtloo 4.-I woaM aU " pllab." Ralaa-I would KM-bawoB balla." , ^ , , It would Man lo d. Ib.i. .hoald b« . rul. d.flnlBg a batudbaa Thctbatwdballl. a lMallyplleb.dball laiaallaaatty baUad oruoMnlallj hllbr Iba btuaiaa naadlailabltpoillloa. II aoold Uiai ba pUla ikal a pttebod Mil bit br tb. balaau lalmUoaallr or by aaoldaot wonld b. .qutllr lair. I do n.t bror aay . ^ oMdbotb Iba Battntl abtaa. la lb. praMol lalaL B«tf1oUaiu.pllali.rbud.v.lo«.dbotb Ibaballl _ aad flaMlBf, mtklos lb. aun. InUrwUes aad tian iiart'ta BauB, livlai iba ipMlator a ehaoea ta wtboaa at llaia. all uraaan Iba itis.. DIAHOND VnCLD aOBBIP. Lataal BaylBga and Dalaga of Ika Baaa- faall rratarattr. Prealdent Brush, ot the cincionail Club, In dia cositog tbu club'a aOlalii for Ibo coming aettoo, aatd: "It Is t llllle loo etrly to any much about trtdei. Uy eipeilence la Ibat Ibe Irtda we talk tbout before II la nude nrely ever cornea off. Treat urer Lloyd tnd mtaclt igree wllb Utntger Kwlog, Ihtl there tre aeveni iradea which, it conaammtied, would beueOt the Clndnntil Club, but iheio Iradea depend upon what the otber cluba may think ot them. Every edbrt will be made lo carry out Utn- tger Ewlog'a plans tnd deilres. We have dlacuaaed fully tbe proposed Houlbcro Ulp. Mantger Ewing ftvon 11, tnd Ihtt aelllea it. Wo tn filrly luro ot btaebtll wetiher in Clndnntil In Apill, tnd, wlih Utrob pncuce lo the Uouib tnd April pracilce it home before Ibe cbtoplontblp irttoo opena. Mtn- tger Ka lug will doubiiew ba able to aelect Ibo bcal element of playing airenalh which be hulniwenly- llve ot thirty pityen under coDiitct or reaervtiloa We rtvor playing most of lbs etblbliloo gtuea on Clucluntil gronodi. Wo expect to mtke abort tripa tot few netr by pitces during April. Tbtt will In- clude two or mree gtmea In tbla cliy. I think the intjortty of the Weatern League leama will vltit Cin- cinnati during Uio exhiblilon seiaon. Do 1 favor t chiDio ot pltylog ruletr Well, I don't know. I think, however, Ihtt iho pitying rulessra ss oesriy perfect IB It la poitlble to get Ibem. I im In ftvor of tboUablng Ibe mlLexcepl ts ttr laipplleaio Ibe ctlcber tnd ant (uaeuitn. It night M well to lenguien the pitcher's pitie u> ibliiy lucbet, wblcb would give blm a chtnce to ablft bla poalUoo a Utile tor right and left band bttlcre. I would like lo aae Ibe old rule revived which permllied Ibe trap Oy play. The rule ot lui year, while It protected man on btaea, roboed tbe (amo of one of Us pretllcat tettnret tnd mide t (tree of one ot lbs loml brtl- lUnt ot pitya" KnnkU. Helee, mtntxer of Ihe Itoaiun mm. In recently apetklog tbout nia letm tur tlio next set. too aald: "Ibtvogreat falih In Ouldelder CoUloa tna Catcher Wirncr. Wben I was In Hi. Louia but Fall, I tdvlKd Prtaldcni Von der Abe, ot ihe W. Loiila Club, to ilrati young Colllua from tbe IluOblo CInb. lis did not fallow my advice, tnd I con- cluded Ibtt I would lake blm mjBclf. Ue coal ua IKio, I conalder him u iba moat promlalog out- lieldcr lo tbe game- It haa not lieen decided wbeUier Uannon will be wild the imm In ISM or not. He will goSoulh wllb uauoleHbe la dUpoacd otinlbe metnllme. He la too valuable a player to releaae wlihont a conaldcnilon, I am InUemir- ket for t good pitcher, bull am not going to give t ftocy Ogure. I would like lo have llrelieoatcln. Ilawley or Arthur Claikson. President Von der Abe knows onr tddreaa, and the price we are willing lo pay for claiknon. It be wtois to do bnaineaa on wbil we conalder ftir terma, he will and ua ready. Harry Sialey was released br Ihe boalon Club because ho waa nnpopuUr with Ibe preu sad public. Hisley became dlKootenlcd and did not do blaaelf juMlce alter a series ot roaala, more or leaa deserted, for iDillircreDi work, There la lots ot good plicbing In that fellow yet, and I have resaon to believe loal Bockenlierger, who la a Bood jollier, will gel It oiil of blm. glaley la an In- IcUlgent player, tnd will huuie bard to renin loal Rreiugc. There la ooiblng ibe mailer with hla arm. e bad good tpecd lul yetr, but be did net exen biDiaelf, becaote, u be aald, be waa roaaled aay- bow. Then, again, t pitcher wllb i team like tbo Boalooa beblod him li apt lo loaf, depending on hli learn mtlea winning out by Ibelr Mick work." Prank Deckebtcb, formerly connecied with Ibe Clnelnnail C3ab, U now a Biite Scotlor oal In WtdUngton. The nioeling ot Ibe New York BItte Intercollc- ilato UueballAaaocltlluo helil N. Y.. wta t Biormy onr. The aenatllunal event waa tbo oxpulalon ot Ibo Union College nine fniu Ihe letgue un enargc. of profuislonallam. F, H. Monroe, ot Colgate, lotrnduced reeolutloni cbtrg* lug Union Collogu wllb btving hired tnd ttiem|>ted to hire men to pity on lit btaeball aod tooiball letma for auma rauslng from g'MO to SJOO yuarly, and tilompiing lo Itke iiioo from ulhorcollugea on accoiiDl of their ttblctic alillllles, and dliecilog Ibal Union be expelled from Ibo N. Y B. I, U. B. A. Houroe died lotianuei wbcro Union ell her luul »li lalued or Irlcd tu gvt men troui uiber cullrget b> play on Ita leauia, and where tuoiioy coualdurallon wta uMd ts tn Inducement. K. II. Newliud. of Ctilptie. tbon levtlOcd howcj.U bul l>een filtered lo bill It ho would go lo Hchooccttdy lo pity litae- ball. The rcaoluilonH worv uotDlnioiialy carried. Tbedebigaiea proienl wera: W. K. Iiavia lloiwn; A. T. Frcemsn, Unlvcrallyot llochnter: P. H. Wil. Ilima, P. H. Monroe, Voliito; Harvey U. Ilublitnl, Syracuao. Wlllltm Allen wta Uiilon't delegate, btit ho lost coonccllon tl Utica. John II. Uar, ox-PRaldentof Iho Now York Cluli, Is vary enlbualaatio over Ibe Ireuiter of tbe cot Irulling lolereBlIu the New York Club t« Mr, Freed' man, tud lu ttlhing tbout tbo muter, ttid: "Tbla now deal will gtve btaeball t gretl Imoin. Mr, Preeduuu Irtjuil Ibo man to run thugamo In Ibla city. From what I heir he la tn oxcelloDl liu.lneaa nitntgcr, and ahould make a aucccas. I have gretl cooOdence In Ueurgv Divit' tbillty lo bindle (he team well, bul It aeema lo ue Ibat a good tec- oud litaemtii la needed to round out Hie trim. I preiHcl t gretl aeuou Ibis yetr for litaebtll, Tbn auccewa ot Ibo Now York, lul leiauo. haa worked np unuauti Inlcroat, and If Iburu la no norae racing Id tbla vicinity many Ibou.anda of peraona will be compelled lo turn to baaebBll tor amuaenienL Willi a winning tcBDi Hr. Frecilmau ahould make a bar. rel of money, and I hope he will. I know Ibat ihe Natlonil l.eagun tnd Auiertctu AHmcltllun men wiU lie gltd lu have bliu Join their laoka, tnd If tben la auyihlog I can do lo aaatal hliii In any way, I aball be ooly loo glad to ilo ao." Prank lluwea. who waa abot and killed by Wil- liam H. Hoow, at Ureenpolot, I- I., oo Jan. 31, waa well known In Nuw York and Uroeklyn Inaalall circka. For tbo paat Uvo yean he bta pityed wiih the prominent leima ta calober aud Ural btae. Ilo raido t dno repuUillon while with iho fIreonpolDI Alhlellci, ifler which be pityed wllb the Orcbtrda. When Ihe litter olub dlalmgdad he Joluud Ibe Hena- lon, tnd bla good work aitrtcted ihn tiienllun ot Ntutger J- U. Kennedy, wbo engaged him tu catch for Ihe Brooklyn team, of Ibe American Aaaocls- tlon, for the aetaon of INO. Uuriog Iho paat two yean bo haa played In FJIialieih, Paloraon, and wllb Ibe Leonilnes. He wss a favorlie among ihe ball pityen, but bid t tendency lu Iw quick tein. pered. HIafuiienI took place en Jan. 21, at hla klo realdence, lai India Slreet, Ureenpolnl, L. I. T. P. Hulllvtn, miniiieror iho lloualou Ictin, uf Texia-Soutbern League, tccenily left Ibat city for Bt. Loulatnd olhercrilet.Iooklagtoryouoiplayeni tor hbi letu during Ibe coming aetaon. From Hi. Loula he will go to Chlcajto, New York, Htltlinore, tod wind uptl .Siirfuia, vi. He bta iirtoged to meet bla playeraai Norfolfctod iMglu Ibelr pitcilce. He will trrtoge t aerlet of gamea lo bo played ou tbe Irip loutn. In order lo Improve bit men and iHlal lo maeling Invellug eipenaea. Ilo will lake In Clitrlcaion, Auguaia, Atlanta, Mtvtnnab perbapn, Moolgouiery, Molille. KewUrleana. tnd ntrlie aome oiber pkcea. He Bgorei on retching lloutlon tiiout April bora, with loe men In goudabape, llepreaenbktlvea truu Kvauaville, Ind., Blofim- lugtoo, liI,,Terre Hauto aud Jnllel, who alao held proxlea for HprtogOeld, Ind., tnd Uecaiur, III,, oel It Peorli, III., Jtn. a, tnd organized Ibe Weitero Inicr-HUtc Letgue. Appllctlloua fortdmlaaion In uemlierablp wen Sled br UurllDiiton. la.. Hock, III., Fort Wtyne. lod., inn liubuuue It. bul DO icrlon will bo tiken unill II It ileclrtM whether II It 10 In t .Ix or eight club league. r/ie tjtnotnnati Ttmtwtttar does not commend the Khemc ot hsil playeri we;4rlig oumben wblle on Ibe held, tod auxgcata what II conalden a mucb belter one, would be to leiurnio ihe old planet duincllve colon In club unHurma. Hut wby not let well enough alonet Nearly every player In Ibe mijor letgue It koowo to evea the tveriged ptiron ol Ihe apon, end, wben a new man la aaCiillnled at any aitgs of Ibe gtme, tbe liirt oould be diallnclly tnuounced by the umplR. Elfotti tre belog made lo form a Coontcilcnt Stale Letgue. with cinbs located at Bitdgepoit, Hartford. Morwtch, Wsterbnrr snd other cllles In ikuBiate. iaass H. O'Boaitt./ofenUtnry.Jerry Deioy, W, W. BanhscLT. P. SalUvao are among BOBS who an IntcnsiM IQ lb* ^' Tbo intntgement of Ibe Colon College team bta anasged the tellowing Khednle o? gtmea tor next ictBon: April l>. Trinity, tt Sebeoecitdy; Hty T, Antleidtm Sttto Lttgo* learn,tl Amiterdtm; 0. Rocbestar Unlnnlly, tl Bobenecltdy; II, West roint Hlllttry Aotdemy,tt Wtit PoIdi: is.ayncnio I'alvenlly, it Siraonao; IT, Hocbetlcr Unltenlty, tt Rochealer; la. Ilobtrt tvllege. at (lenovt: tt. Kobart College, It Sobeneeitdv; it. Hynciuo uol- vtially. It Hobeneoltdy: Juno I, Wlllltma College, tl Albtny; \ Colgate linlvenuly, at llanllton; I, ceigite Voivenlty, it tlrhencctady: u, Cuban nitnit, It Schancctady. A trip will tUo he tr- nnged through New Kiivltnd, which will probably be extended to Wuhlngion. Chtilei II, Morton, manager ot Ihe Rulftilo letm, of tbo KtUera I.etgnc, la btving conaldertble HonblelnilinlngMinoot hitplajrn for iho com. lag wtaoo. lie citlnia ibat iho lucn have been laupersil with by otber olubt nnder iho natlonil tireoneot, Mr. Morton alinuld make every ellbri lo dnd out wbit cluba iro the gullly onet, lo ta lo make tn example of them. Tbomaa Bloiiiaon, ot the lliooklyn Club, has Juai Tclorned from t abort vlall lo tho Ptclfto tllopo. Ho doea not bring btck with bini very pleiitnl re- niembnncea of blatojourolnsan Frtnclico. He btd Quito a lively experience In onoot ibo ihenlroa outInere. Acuordlug 10 the .cbodulo arrtngcil by l'te»ldont Kuntacb. ot ibo Straoiiao Cluli. ot ino Ktaicrn Loaguo, bla letm will open tho avawm nn April 10, with t itniu tt Itbtct. N. Y., wllb ibo i.'oiuell Unl- rerallylcthi. From ibere Ihuy to lo Ctrbondtle, ■■a,, April 11 and 13; Allontowo, 11 mil It: Read- ing, II tnd la; Pollavillo,l«,ia,alan taking In Har- rlabiirg, Ltnciater and shontuuiab. BjraciuHi haa reletaod inober Ibiiwwcin, ot Itocbcaier. I'Ti'aldenl llruah,of ibn Clnelnnail t'lub,Iblnka that Ulhtui la itlll t good enough drawing onnl lo have a ptaco ou bit leaui, tnd he hit been algned fur tho coming Ktaon. I,albam la very popuUr wlih the Brooklyn enibualtaia. Probably luoro ao ilian any other vlililng pitjor. Ileorgu Tebetu, It la .tId, will bo leltlnnl by tbo Cleveltnd Club fur tbe coming acmon. Ho piii play eiiher In the oiiitlold or at fltai liaao, tml iloca very well 111 t case of oroergenny. A number of bill pbiyen have gone lo Ihe not Bprloga In Arktnata lo rid ihemHdvcH of aoine of ilio aupernuoui Hoab iboy btvo "bikcn on" ainoe Iho cloae ot iho laat chimplonihlp Ktaon. Prealdent IMwera, ot Hie Kaatoni I,oagno, will btvo, during tho coming action, aonio of ihn beat umplret In Iho connlry on blaaiair. JOKpbtlneal, Iho veteran ax-profoMtniitl second biwmtn, la Inoked to mtnago ihe Biinntnclil (III.) letm next Ktaon. Aiuot llUile, Iho grcit plleber of tbu Now York Club, tversReu t few potnl. over four alriku oiuh fur etch gtmo bo pllobed during iho paat aetaon. Tbo Unlvenlly of I'ennaylvania pbiycia wUI not bo permllied lo play on Hiiniiuur retort letma next H> laou. Tlio Norfolk Club, of Ibn VIriilnIt iUtio l,ctaiie, baaalgnoil for neat teaaun I'blKlrcur, nculonor, who realdoa tl Waablniton, II. u. Tho ColumlilA Alhlcllo CInb. of WnaMnglon, U. C, will have t letm lu Iho nold Ihla yiarwbldi will make any uf the cnok tmaleuv ninea biuilu lo win tiom ihom. John Mllllgan, Ihe voleran bcav; wrluhl ralcbrr, will mtntiio Iho Alloiilown teum, ot iho Puuniyl* vtnit HUie l,ctgiio, next »etaoii. JuiopU Connor, a liroiher uf linger rniinnr, for. mcrlyut the Now York, but now of ilio Hi. l.oiila i:lub, bat algucd wlih Ihe Wheeling |W. Vt.) Club. ttie Luulavlllo Club will itepoiiil up^io Jtnlsvn In ilo moat ut Iho ctiobing for lit leani uosi aciauo. Ilenola Brouibuit, Brat baaemat ut lbs obtmploii Baltimore letm. told fileodt lo Ualtlinoie lut Fell Ihtt be lud intoe hli ftrawell tppeinnco upon the diamond. Whether be metntinia noliody knnwa. Mantger ll.nlon bia not heird Irum him ibit Wlo- ler, tnd It not cerltin whtlhrr Urou'bsit will wast to pity tgilo or not. It bo dcea not, ibo Bililroorea will lot be without a dntbatemin. Newtrk'i talinn u> obtiln adralaalon tutlio Kut- arn Letgue bis detsmlned Ubtrlot Bnillh, the mintgcr ot tho old Sttr AUiletloi, lo enter the laid wllb a ptnlcultrly iIkdi tgiraiaiion of lull play. tn next Spring. pntMalontltintlnly. ThegroDnot alUbeincloiMind pity wlllbeii«gao very early IB Ue itaaoo. Tbe aeaion will be opened witb tbe Jupcn, 01 Manhittan Uolleie, A l/outtvllle correapoidcDt writes; "I am told ihaa oanalD lawyer well up In Ittgue law hia td- vlaed Ihe Lonltvillo Club lu bring I'tegerheiauil pity blm on lecood baae Id caie ha la not reln- aitied, tt lbs letgue ibennfiiMt tu lot hini pity Ibe LoultvlUe clob will bare grooudi fur aoHon,'' A Pliuburg writer atyti "Don't rout Fraik U. Btnenft tor tbat New UileiDi lilp, Wben tbe belt rirau tgeot Id tbe Leaggo oaanut warm tlilnii U|> tmuatoerttlnly le o«Td. Any reporter In need of a good alory can be eared when'Btnay It aronnd, Ua hnowa t oawa Ham erory day In ihe week," Tbe I'lUaburg Ulub baa a woadertnlly airong out. Btid In Hmltb, Bieotel and Donovan, both in bat- ling tod Oeldlng, b.lDg ci|ual In Uila nipeet lo llotioo tnd Pblladalphit, It II aald that there li t detl tor ihe exebtnge oltBtUlmoroplloharfortooilier nlaysr, wbo baa nsds a good Iroprcislon on tbe llalilmore Uliib'a manage msnL Wsablogion Beiryman, well hnowoMan umpire In Ihe Amateur I,tagU4, ot this viulnlly, rtlail nf poenmonit on Jan, Id, it bis horns in Hru>iklia, N. V. lis bid been employed in tbe Brooklyn Ntry Ytrd prior to hla dettli. Tbe B'labiD Inm will probably go lo Danville, Vt., lo do Ibelr prtollalog dnrljig the picllointiy Tba PliitbnrgUlub bu axohiDged PltoberOuni- bitt for Uttoher KInslow, ot tbs UruoklyD tcsin. John P. Uner, who la supposed to be t brother of one ot Ibe meabera ot Ibe Chicago police force, aod who la eoDlned lo ibo loune dcptrlnentot tba ootnty lill itFort Wt}oo,lad.,awt]UogtD eg- tmlnailun for lottnlty, tail bala Uapitln Aoaon, ot the Chicago tatm. Chief ot Felloe Liggett la In. vtatigiting tne ottter. A meeungol the Aoarlcan Uolltiliie AauolsUoa wlU be belif on Fab. II, at Doslou, MaJt. Mtntger tlitnig ia;i: "The lltzletoo letm will btve lomethlag to ity iboul tbe ditposltlon of tbs pennantof Uie Pennsilvsnla Hiata l,eagae cham- pionship aetsoB of laM." Thsre will be an lownstlng Ubie whan Ihe Pllla. burg and Bt Leuliteami meat next Mtaoo, wllb lltwiey, ol tbe former, aad Khrot, ot tbt latter, u opponenta In tbe plubar'i poalllon. Forbes Uolland, who died ot h4art diMaae Jan. a, at his rsstdance Id Uila city, was ons ot Uie pk)- Bssn ot the Hailootl gtme. lis gotrded Bm bate In im tod iwo tor tbe Lexlniloo ulub, wbloh had III hatdquarlsra tt Uamlltoo Ni|oars, aod wss fflslnlymidt npot nsambetaot the volnolser fln engine eeopany uf tbat nama. lie was also at one Unu prominent In raeqnei clrdas, belig t noied totlenr exponent tt tbal Indoor game. PItcbar (lombirt la reportsd at aylog that be will not algo tor otit tetaoD with toy club If be Is compelled to pUy ball ooBooday. THE TRIGGER. New Trap gbootlag Loagae, flspnssntallVM of t nombir of gun cluba t«<D- bisd tt tbs Aslor Uonas, tbla city, on Jao, !M, tor theparpoMotorttnUloca tnp ibooicn' leagos, tbe objsotot which was \o be the corrsoilon ot a- lattng tbotts, tod Uis rnnlDg ot rnles for Uie for- smnieDt ol thtapoit loeog tmateura, or Mml-pro. feitUmalt, tbiouiboat ibe Rtst. A leDBorarr organUailoD wu cirecttd hy the electloo or It. II. BnsataaU obtlmtD, tnd lbs tppolotmeoi ot Ed- ward Btoht at aonttry, tnd Uie foUuwIngooomlt- IsswsssppolBisdtu tormnltls pltnstora perma- tsBtorgaolxailooaDd to draft a consUtnllon and bylawLiobeprtsenladstthe nsxlmeeilng: J.B. Drsatcl, cbalnnan; L. U. Hchortmaltr, Kdward Bants, E. F.var>bUnm aad W. II. Wolatsocroft. It Is lbs sanounoid Intanilonof tbs orgsnlutloo to anspsnd tor a lenglhy period trap aliouun ooovlol- td ot thspiaoiloe of ■'droppisg,''ud lo ntkt Uiws that will cqatllie tba chances ot conlsaiabta. gaiD lloiT, ot New York, now at Moale carlo, gars the foreign alngsbolaa speolmeo of hit skill wllhthsabotgaoonJao >3, when bs wu tfflong lbs oonUstaniifer the Frit de Uaie Slakes tt Ua anbsal loorntmant, tod divided Irtt tnd ssoend iirtsit with a Leo. Thsre were Uiy-two tntiles or Um svsol Oirr. J. U Buwii and E. 0. Mtysr wifspilB. elpal* la a natch shoot at on* bouind itrgMiL tt Uwgtmadscf lb* loobtiWr (.v. Y.) Bod and Ona OlsffcaJtB.B,lh*fOfBtr«1nnls| bjascofsoc Mlotl,