New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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CopjrlgHlcd, latu, ij Ito Fmnk Queen Publlsliliig Coapanr (Llnlud). Founded by ) FRANK QUEEN, 1833.) NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1895. {VOLUME XLII.-No. 49. I Prioi 10 Cent!. THE BUILDER. BT ANKA R. BROnV. I ture Mi caoh itone In Ita meuant plK«, Tamt, and towtr, tai atalr, PlUanind umngatlittaund on Uialr face; And I know Uiat my work la fair. Tat Uia donbt or ira baanv and wortd grows itronri Kow Uiat mj work la done; And I Ind Uie UiooiilK I tiara taeld ao long Kol wonky to itaBd In stona. And Me qneatlon oonea, aa lla towara (leam klgh O'ar tka lower walla ot the town, Have I falaed eartti'a dlit to Iky teal, 0 aky, Or diagiad tky oiyatal down> LIpplnaXPt Ho, CAPT. MADGE. nvrm loa Tia aiw tobe ourraa BT J. LOTERINO. "TwenCj-roDT konn to leare cunp In." Signed, "A nloa note tkat," lald Tlotor, aa ke' propped kIniaeU np on kla elbow, and tka WBO, tkln kand shook and aklfeied aa ke keld tke paper to tke llgkL Broken Brook wu In an nproar, the "boya" all ont, Ike mints okiaed, tke Samaon blown np and all tke non onion man ordered oat ol camp—"ounp" meaalog not Broken Brook alone, bnt all Broken Brook dlaUlot, Ale^oa, Pytkon, Winner, and all tke ootlylog oanpa. The Joknaona, Victor, tke elder by a docen ycua, kla brother Will, and Hadge, Will's wife, owned and worked tke "Pretty Folly," two mllea np tke gnlck, and tnar miles from tkeneareatcamp. Bolltorioga, wllkaokltnneyandflreplsceotrongh atones plas- tered agalnit tke back wall, tke konae faced a gap In tke bill, tkroogk wkick tke anowy cap ot Plke'a Peak coold be aeen. Placed on a little plateaa, tke back agalnat Ike kill, wklek roae akarply away from bolta tke taarand tke left o( tke cabin, to tke tigkt a llUle giaa plot. Hedge's pride ant pet. Irrigated by tke spilag abore, eack Made or graaa ol wkIck ake knew and named and nnmberad, ao Will declared. Twenty yarda off tin gnnnd rcU away, tke trail leading down to tke nlley below, wkeie a break In tke klka allowed escape ror tka spring, now qolta a brook. Win, tboogk tke younger ot tke two, tke "boaa ot tke ontat," towering a kead abOTO kla brother, wko was no small man, wia blond and bins eyed, "look- ing," aa Hedge wonid aay wkan ke cangkt ker np In bis anna and carried her aionnd Ilka • baby, "looking, tor aU tka world, Uke BlegMed." Good natoted till roused, tken witk all tka ferocity ot a ■Tlizly, great ktarted, open kanded, with the etrengtk ct a Baneon and tke tendemeaaot a none. Victor waa darker ot complexion, with serloos, almost patketlo eyea, tkat made one long to speak a word ot comfort, yet restrained by tbemasterfal look of tkoee eyee, which told yon as yon looked that kis lira lay In the put, as WlU'a did In the fntare. Midga, Oapb Hedge, reatleta Uke snnllgkttkrongb tke waving trees, here, there and ereiywhere, now a laugh, then a bright bit ol song, a look ot aym- pathy foryonr pain, a pleased glad glance at your pleasure. Llltle,darktoahnoatatllowneaa,liiegn- Ur featnre^ redeemed by big gray eyes tkat met year look squarely with the konest open gaze of a little ohild. Not OTen pretty, but with tke unnam- akle okarm that dings like a sweet perfume to the trae woman, the rougbeet In the camp nerer lallad to doff hat aa "Iket Utile lady" passed. Ylctor had for a month past been slowly consuming with a nountsin farer, leaTlng Will to work alone at the Pretty Polly. "They cant mean u, for we hlie no men and work only for onraelTes," ramarked Hadge. "It la 'git np and git,' regardlflsa ol all that," and Victor sank back on kla pillow with a algh. Twoamall rooms, originally one, but now separa. ted by a partition ot thin boarda "paoked over" trom the Brook by a Rooky Hountaln canary, other- wheres known aa a burro or a donkey. Aa you entered tke door at tke right kand comer ot the cabin yon stood witkin Hsdge'a "parlor;" tke window to the rigkt gare a view of the "lawn;" over and on both sidea hung the guns, the rlIlea and WlU'a liaio, and In easy reach hnnga bead worked kolstaf, a pretty thing, picked np somewhere by Victor In his wandeilnga,and,llke ererythlng elae, giran to Hadge. Prom, this kolster peeped tke butt ot a email sized "goo." In tke oomer beyond tke window stood a tanol tolly carred bookcaae, acme of WlU'a work In the long winter erenUigs, dlled inik books, tka only lis, aa Hadge declared, tkat bonnd tksmtodniliatlon. Ontkeotkersldeoflkeroom reoalaed tke bnnte built by the original owner agalnat the wall, now hidden by a cnrtaln ot pret- tily llgnred cloth, and beyond tke bunka tke stare and cupboard. In tke centre atood tke table, usnally Uttered wltk papers, periodicals and Hadgt'a baaket ot aewlng, bat now aklnlng In the lamp Ught, with Ita snow white cloth and polliked glisa and allrerwaie. Beyond, In tke far oomer, waa tke door, opening Into the Isner room. Hedge's own la- treat, bnt now glran np to Victor. Tke waUs wkltewaaked to a daaillng whiteneaa, wet* tanf OB the right (the parlor side) with plctorea In nuda tnunta; ^ oarloalty or two on a little shelf, wltk spedmens of ore. On Uie "klioken" elds (the dlnlnk room oconpled tke centre) hung a oollecUon of pota, pane and other store tnnllore. Sopper nma, and WIU came home only to pit*- dncaa BlmllarnoUea,Uiat had been tacked npat the entrance to the mine. It's inlunous. It's an ontrage: they know yon can't more, and I went orerto KaoDoaald, Btaek Hac, and offered to qall working, bat that wont do tksm. It's loin the gang ooSleeiBlUorqnIt tke esmp, and m see Uiem In —" "Win, Win," and Kadga'a kand was piaaed over klemooth. KIsaIng tke ntUe Ongeia, WIU took tke soft palm In both otfela. "I cant help It, Madge. It nakea me wild to iklnk tkose Radnecka shosM diotale to meaod VIo. In the Is kola." *VeO, dw, wa bars three Wineheateis, yonr gns aid via.>B, baaUa mlaa, JOB kaov," aid tnm the dainty bead worked kolater on thewallnke drew a preuy pearl kandled,Oolt, a present mm Vio. the lut ctirlslmas. "They shall not dilre us away, for It would kill Vie to more.blm." "That'a all ime, bat It I weie wtU we two —" "We Wn, It you pleaae,"and Hedge drew her- srir op to her tall height or tear reel ten, and tried to tasame a very teroclooseiprrsalon. "I stand corrected," and VIo. gUnctd acrota to Will with a look or paterntl pride. Hadge and WIU were victor'a "kida," and no father coald be more lonngtbao be. "We tAree,tken, coold not stand off that wkole gang. It wonId be aolclde end I won't bear of It. Ton and Hidge go down lo the Bpilnp and send me a noree. They won't bother "Ton know my bntker la too sick to be mored' It wonId be his death." "We'U be his death It ke don't go," said a new rolce: ' A coiee sprang to WlU'a Ilpa, wklle tke lerer ot kIs Wlickeater came back with a akarp snap. "Mo, you won't But ir I can get a bead on yos, I'll be tke death or yon, yoo Interaal hound," eack word ttlling Irom kla Ilpa aa If blueo off. A mur- mnrooialde,then: "Will yer git out r Ther Uat call." "No." Betore Will could epeak Madge's anawtr rang oat skarp and clear. Craab I a doien shota came tkrougk the two windowa A groan, a sigk. Will tank (o tka door. "See wkere ke la shot and wkat la to be done, nrat aend one or thoee nen ror Dr. Dowland." "Bat ke wont come, Hlsa." "Then bring kloL" "I'll go; dam me It I don't," and a face appeared at tke window, "and knug kim, loo." Tke face waa gone and a ntile of koors went down the trail a moment after. Hao looked np tioo) the proeirata form, eaybig: "Ue'a only stanned." A groan, one conmttlre twitch, and Will atood on kta feet, bnvmn the onUaw and tke meiacing Utile tube. Quick, too gnlok ror eye to follow, the tellow'e kand kad tonnd and held a puid, Ike muiale fairly preeaing agaluat WlU'a brcael. me. There meat be aome humanity left among the bratea." "Tonll hare agpper Brst, thenwewlUdlaoossoar plana," and Hadge soon kad an Inrltlng meal spread before WIU, wklle a glaaiotwlneand asUoe ot delicately browned toast waa glren to Victor. Eight o'clock and past betoie Wlll'a mountalu appeute waa appeaaed. Just as be rose from the table from tke Inner room came a warning klaa. BoUi stood aUll and listened. Stealthy foolatepe were coming np the trail. Qnlok aa a desk WIU caugkt np kIs rme and sprang Into the darkness of Victor's mom. A quick step, the door waa locked and aa eke passed Hedge whipped the colt from Its bolster. A face peeied late the room throngh tke onskutteied window, tken Uie door waa skaken by no gentle band. "Wko's thatP' aid Hedge's rolce kad a queer Utile qnarer In It "It's ther committee, an' we wants BlUy or VIo. Joknaon," annnded a gnff, and arldeuUy dlsgolsed rolce, outside. "Victor Is tooslok to see anyone, and you know It, Dick ;akna." Hedge's rolce wu dear and orlap. "Hsdse's getdog mad," whispered WIU. "AInt tke clear grit," Victor answered. "Wall.we'U comein an'dug ncse kls caas." A choma ot chuck lea tollowtd tkia retort "No yoo wont, yon nor any ot yoor gang." A puffand tke llgkt was ont, learlng tke cabin dark wklle tke moon medesll outside aaUgktaa day. "Cossed smart little derll that,"Baldarolce out- side, while a taint chuckle oame rnm victor'e bed. "Open that door and llgkt tkat llgkt, or IfD be a sight woiae rer you. We mean bis, and ir BUI Johnson's thir, let hbn come out like er man, and not ktde beklnd a womaa'e skirts." "BUI Joknson'e kere, Black Hac WhafU you karar> "Too an' yer brother oolslde tkeae here camp Hmlta, that'a Wkat wawaat, and wkat waHI har^ loo." Wltk one bonnd Hadge reached tke door, dung It wide, sprang clear ol the opening, more than one bnUet cuuing tke space behind ker. Oloae agalnit Uie wall btalde Ue door elood Week Via, a big nary rerolrer In eaok hand, one ot which Instantly corered her. "Don't ehnot, Hao, It's the gal," said a loloe and Htc'a hand alowly aank lo kla side. Hsdge'e lelt hand waa ktddeu In Uie tolda or ker dreta; the next moment there was a gleam and a Utile bright tube sured Uie onUaw la tke lace. "Drop yoor gone, Hao I" There waa no tremor In the rolce now, bat a cold ring like a knire blade agalust atone. Down to the grooud went Uie big "alxes." "Handeop and open I" Slowly backing Into the open, door wlUi a kand as steady u the mountaUis tkemaelies, Hadge said: "Come. Now llgkt that lamp, and be carefal, for It a man oolalde morei or your handa go out or eight, I'll pal a 31 itialgkt tkrougk yoor brain. Hatckea are beelde tke lamp." Tke moonllgki einsraing tkrougk tke open door skowed In bold relief the motlonleae body on Uie Door, tke leblewlik the eiUngnlaked lamp on It and Ike big burly form of tke eirlker. Six tool two stood Black Hao, wlUi eyea aod beard blacker Uian the deepest shade In monoulo gnlch on a moonlea night Tkree Indlctmenla now agaUiat klm, with kls own "prlrats grareyard," and more than one man awom **to drop him" to areoge some murdered "pard." Tel Hao stUl walked tke earUi aa thongk ke wen wkat he looted, a king among men. Out ot tke broad blade of light atood Hadge, bnt Hao eould trace Ike ehadowy ouUlne or tkat rigid arm and wklts art race. Strong nerred nan ee ke was, deeperado and outlaw, ha ooold not rapsaas a skuddsr aa ttwee cold, area tooee oaae ont or tke darkoasa. Wlihoni reaorlag kar ayes (rem him, lbs gill kaalt down aod took lbs pMol ftam WOl's "Drop Uiai gnu, yon ake cat, er 111 pnt a doae or lead wkere If II do the moat good," and a aoeerlng laufk broke from Black Hac'a lips. "Bsnds up," and a wklla hand and arm rrnm the other room keM Ike cold mosale of a platal against Ike back ot the outlaw's neck; tke cold eteel trembled and ahook, bnt nerer left tor a second tke cilDgluglleeh. Opweollhehanda,aadlBaBeooiid more the pistol wu In Will's grup. "Say, Cap., how Is Ibmgar" balled a roles from outside. '-Ten Uiem to go. Quick I" Agelo tkat roloa from tke Inner room, end the white clothed arm trembled and shook, hut Ike mutsle ot the pistol nerer left that bare spot Just abore tke desperado's coUar. "Ifs aU right, men. I'll meet yen In camp aoon. I want to lalk this orer with tke bora" "Jnet u yon ay, Oap.," eama back In donbttnl tonea. The cold ateel sent okllls down tke oollaw's sploe aa It pteeaed harder and harder. •Tea, yea. Oo, cnrse yer rool aoul I Oo 11 Do yer kearr" A skuining or reel, a nltllng of rocks, doim Uie trail lo Ike moonlliktsloucked tonr men. "IsUiataUr'aald WUI. "Tea." A elgk Uke Uie wind among tke pinea, aod Will tell two UlUe kanda clasped around kls arm and a talnl roica wklspersd "Tkank Oodl" "fk* down yer goa, vie. iokascn, iker UUIs womaa's won Uier day, Ohnma yer word not to meddle In ther sirlks, and yer akao'i be tsobed wklle I am nmala' Iklnga." Ootlaw, despendo, tkat ud more. Black Mu was a man ot his word, and Ike Pretty Polly wu worked aU tkroigh Ike bonbkni dmaa that fol- lowed. « i»i Oan—CU|f atarUman-J^n yon atea any- thing worth sbooUog at afooM hsnt" rarmtr - "WaO, ■», Mtun JOB mmtfl—UHSmlflt-BUt. THE PREMATURE MEET. wBimif ma tub aaw tomb cuppsit RT FAUl rasTNOR, On kls safely Strong and fleet kowas speeding to tke "meet," And ke tell u proud as Cnsar In kla prime. From hia cauraa naor toee to the glaiaea on kla noee no waajost u allok aail skloy u a dine. O'er kla monslaohed Up the while stole a aotl, com. placent smile, Ae ke Uioght, Ahl kow the ladles will sdmlre TkIa far, duking, polished hi, and Ikia rig so neat and ny, And Ike notlllneal mark beklnd my lire I Bnt, alaa, for rlilons fair and bright oasUea In the air I Round the bend a stone misd barrow kad bean eet And the fondly smiling okap with Ike gold laoeoD hiecep Didn't know for ninety eeoonds wkat ke'd met I STEPHEN CRATTAN Berred hIa dramaUo appieuUowhIp la AugnsUo Daly'aOompaoy, playlug small parta. lie nextap. peered lo "Uaptalu Swift," playing tke part craaled hen by Hr. Stoddard, nis neat engaiement wu In Steele Mucksya'e "Honey Hail." Pollowlog this ke appeared In "The Two nrphatia," In which ke played both rterre and Oheraller Hanrlce de Van- drey, lib then played a Bammer engagemenl with Jacob Mil's Btook Company, aHomIng each roles u Captain Nnrtkcote, In "Tke Omtt ot Boclety;" George De iMpam, In "t«l Aeiray," and Ray- mond iMiIng, In "Pliiae." lie liu also played tke Knslgo lo tke play of that name, the Prieat In "Th* RngUah Rose," and oUier premluent rolee. lu Um early part of tke preaent season he appeared lu the UUe role In Wm. Tonng'a "Ynnng America," which wu producsd lo Boston. Ur. Oraitan la at prsaent a member or Daniel Frohman'e l.ycenoi Theatra fltook On., to which ha has proren a ralnabla add|. Hon. Ills drat appeamnoc with thie company wu In Bardou'a play, "A Woman's Hilenoe," In which bo played Iho role of air Arthur Onyaoo In so thonnghir capable a mauuer that be not only won the chief konora ot the petfcmance, bnt made kla melnpniluo repulaUon. lie li at this time playing Jamea Harnblo, the derelict hniband. In Denry Anhnr Jnnea' comedy, "The Uase or Rebellions Bnain," which le harlog a auccasslul run at the Iiyceum Theatre, and lo which. In iplUi or acme, what limited opportonlUee, ke Is again proring ths wisdom or his aeleoUoo u a member ot Ikis com. puy. Hr. Orauan hu an excellent stage preeenee, a well modolatad rolea, and an air ot dIsUaollon. neeludlee lolelUgeoUy ud aota with eamotneas, and wltk that air of sincerity which conceals the an ot whioh It la the fruit He la yet a young man, whoee fame shoulil surely irow. IT WAS WORTH A DOLLAR, I once snswered sn adrertliement, uld a rtallcr 10 at Ixinis lo a mobe Dtmetrat reporter, wbleb ol^red In return for a one dollar Mil to aend an In* fallible remedy for the habit of learlng ene^ nmhrella behind In omoea, and more espsolally In rehldea. As a money maker that adrerllaer wu a dlsUnot genloi, for lo response to my appllaaUon, and In return for my dollar, I reeelred a prlntsd slip about four luokoa by Uirae In elae, with tke picture ot a nan allgkUog from a hack with an open nmbrella, which had got slack rut In tka door. Below the plctnre, which. It wu explained, waa pnrpoaely drawn ont or psrspecUfe, were a few lines explalolsg that It a man wonid nnoe Impreas Ike picture on hia mlid he would think of It erery Ume lie lelt a rehlcle or oar, and would he pre. rented Ikereby rrom learlng hie nohrella beklnd; I wu In auch a rage at being ewlndled, u I Uiough', that tke Inoldeolud lllnslratlon beUi be- came pkotnamphed In mp mind's eye, ud, to do the adrlser JosUce. that dollar bu otrtalnly nred me many dollars a year In nmhreius. The science of mnemonics la a rery peoulhir one, and few people underaiaod It Tun age It wu common to tie a knot In one'a handkerchief u a reminder of anyihlDr,and thia plan hu beeo Im- prored upon from Ume to time. I hare a friend who elwaya hanga his hat on one peg In kla olBoe, and bu a small brass die Just below ihe peg. By hanging looee memos, on this lie be ran aearcely leare tka offlce wllhont lieing reminded of Important dalles or epgagemeota. Another man, who bu no dock In kla olllce, Bllpa raemoa. In his watchpockei, eo that when he loots to sM It It Is lime to go home he will siso notlu wkstksr bs ku forgotten anything. Tke only Unty whlok no one ret hu been aMa to remember or Inrent a scheme for la mailing a tetter wriuen by one'a wife. Tke number ol Umea • ■ailonal hoiloeee man will carry a letter roond In hIa pocket fur orer a week, and tken eneafc quietly out and mall It lo the ooraer Itttsr bax, la aoma. Iblngremarkable, and this nnacconntaUa oeglaet ot hubandllte doty accouots tor no end ol bi]» undeiBtandlngs and broken trieudeklps. CALIFORNIA MISFITS. There Is stieul one lerel keaded fanner In Baa Joaquin Oonnty. There Is more point In tke fol- lowing few lines than can be found lo an arsraga speech oecopylog u many eolnmns. He uysi "We let car limber rot and bny fendog. Wa throw away our Hhes ud greue and bay eoap. We niae dngaand buy bnga. We let cor muBre go to wssle and bay gnaio. We grow weeda aad bny regetsMea and bmoma. We oalch BraeaBt aahwltbafonr.dollarrod. We build KhootkoBsu sad aend cor ctUdren oir to be educaied. Aid, luUy, we eeod our boys ont wlUi a foity.doDar gaa aad a len dollar dog to hunt tor ten^sat Mrda." Tkat la irreclHir what la being done aU orsf Oa fllata.-/(9n rranttm Oatt. A W tsisa s iB , speaking of the pertofiaaaoa of hU nilaga ckdr, uya that "U la Uke dllttwoM In Ue stiaam; It drags sn Ik* b*n,bBttl daa1kMqi«l