New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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780 'l^ H NEW YORK OLIPPEB. Febetjaby 9. —Hit PiTlon stock Co. wMno* boDDd slidtjn ■o4 Ore nl|tU on Ibe 8. F. V. r. R. R. iDd F. R. n., Willi TUT HUlo 10 ctt Tbo eorapinT tr. Ilre4 ID Wlllliini, AiU., wbera tkej were hooked to pUr OS BnnDtj, Jin. 30, but were too tick to ■ppetr oDtll TnmJtj, All luve lecoTered, ud ire en rou« to Otliromli. Tlie TMter: laiic P<)r- ton, proprtetnr ud miDinr; Millie Keene Pitton, etir; vciilli lliH,idrertlMq>i||eiil: llinr 0. Jick- MO, ftiffe miDijicr; Will Colrer, nco. Joorpby, E. Oteene, Btrnlce nd arire Bie»tile,r,doi Fimll ■Dd Bt* TbonipeoD. ntj Mij rooneen plecei. three finea lod two coritia niMii. md mike from oneolghi lotwe week*' Minda. flood lioilotH U reported In Uexlco, New Meilcn ind Arlzoiii. The comnnx It tmked Nonh to Oregin ind Eiiit to KtniM Olt;. Hft. Dukid cIom* In Jnoe. — Pinnle K. Traroboll bit Joined Jobn I..Balll. na'f'ATnio Ancilcin" Co. Vlolt Amatronii la •Iw 1 member o( Ibe coirpiaj. lilMTnimhnlllB 1 tMer o( OHIO HMk. ortMomr ind Huk. —Tliomai Q. Beibrooke'i now open for neii eeuoD li cilled 'Hie Oillpb." Tlie book Is b; Hirn B. BmlUi, inlbor of "Rob Ror" md "Rabin Rood," md tbemnnlc li b; I.udwii Rnglinder, Ibe eom;ioMrot 'Tbo PiMlnRBboW'md''TlieTweo- ilethCcnlDrraiil." no dm prodncUon of "Tbe Oillpo" will tike pitce it tbe Onnii Open Home, VblUfo, wberr It will bare in elabl week*' roa. ■tier wblrb II will be brooRbt to Iblii dlj. — ClHep Fltuenld, tbo dioclnR nlir of "A nilelyOIrl " woe bu been eniincd bj Cbiilee Frobmm to plii ibc pirt ot Trickej Utile MiTbnd, In'The Pouodllnii,'* will not ippetr In tbe role In Oblciiio oD Ibe opcninK niRbU imt will aimpl; do ber dance. Tbe company bin Ixen reheinlnfilhe piece roraome ilnie, lod li no fir idvinoed fn lla work Ibit no lUompl will In mido lo «el ber up In Ibc pitl. Hho will nudr li dnrlov tbe Cblcitocn- CiRcmeot and he broken in tbeie, ao Ibn sbe will 0 anooib In It before tbo comiiinj cornea to Mew York. NiM FlItiRrald ippein b; courteaj of Oeo. Xdwirdi, ot the Oilei; Tbeilre, Iiondon.all IcriI dllDrulilei biTloit been ■micabi; idjnated. — Lowe'a Oooicdr Uo., reorKtoleed. ire pliylDK Honlbem Rinua lo reported KOOd bnalnen. Tbo roeter: Oeo. V. Lowe, 0. C. I/emett, OUIr Comraosa. Jobn Comraona, Obu. T. Ilin. Krcdorlck D. Hoa- , low. tm. BllleDce, l)in Reed. Ju.E. \rird. rrof. II. A. Stone. llirrta. Hiraie Binell. Leillo 0. Bioie. VIoftncc Kolibt and Utilt Winnie Bione. — Eddio Taylor, ant bom pUrer ot Prof. Pred Bnller'a Nllliaiy Bind, witb Jelferaon, Klaw A Rr- linner i "A Coiidiit CIrcoa," wto bii been In Ibe hoapllal at Omibi. Neb., tor two weeka wllb In- flinmitlon or the ejoi, rejoined tbe compiny i%D. Jt. neirlr u well ai OTcr, Ills place wu dlled for iwoweekabr Emmei Campion. A new inircb for hinde, conpoied b; Pnnk Tbommon. bis been ni'iied 'Tho Coun'ry Circus Marob," and dedicated 10 Prof. Pred Bullera. — Bdllb Howo, a pupil of Artbnr Oiwald.ot tbe Royal Academy of HmIc, t.ondoD, RnR., and laai year prlmi donna of ibo Oarl Row Royal Opera UomMny, miita her Ameilcm delmt In -The Twrnllelb Ceoinry Olrl," at Ibe Bljon Theatre, Ibh oily, Jan. 3>. — Haoaior llrowo, of the Jino Ooomba Com piny. In order lo reortiDlte and rcleiae decided lo fsT off one week, reaumlng tho lour al Harqueito, NIcb., Jan. II. BoilnDaa ainco IoitIdi New York Oily bis been l«yond oxpeciatlon. TbrooRh Pennaylrmla, Oblo. Vlrilnli, Kentucky. Indiana, Illinois. Iowa ind Hiaaonri, we played almost con- tlnaonsly lolbe rapiclty ot Ibe bonaea. Tbcy arc now beided for Ibo Kaat, wllb every prospect of a conllnnous seiaon. — Wirner Uroab; bia joined Pete lliker'a "Cbrli. and L4H"Co. aa mnalcal direclor. — Joe Wllllime. manager ot ibe Wllilama Thca- iro Co.. hia revived "Hli I^rdiblp." which be la pliylnn on one night aiaoda, with Aliieit r. Kent In (he title role. Mr. Wllilama now has Iwu ropeitory companies iDil one ono night aund company. —Jai. n. Mioklo will pnt oil '■Orlmei' Cellir IMor'' rob. >. lie will taive "Tbo BIdo Bhow" eO' llrtly rowrlllen. and will lonr Ibat piece next aea. aon wllb aairoog comnsnv, and cany new aoeoery. — Ralph Dell and wlhnimraallardoujbavoilgnod wllb "ThoKliilrof Mrs^'Co. — Hr. ud Un. Hoberl Wiyno will reopen tbeir lour Feb. II, al Nowirk, 0. The following people bive been oniaged tor Iheir aapport: w. F, OiO' Held, Tony Weal. (Icorge H. Ilayei. Harry Ulancb' aid, Obaa. VT. Hureb, B. B. Dltncbard, Catrio Le Hoyne, Kn Btnton, and Frankio impieo, Robert Wiynelseole prourloiorand ninagnr, and Prof. UurtU. mnaloildlrhotor. Hn. ivayno baa fully rs- ooverod from a severe allick ot plenrlsr. — Cbii. A. Lodor's Uonedlau* •iiitea from Mont' poller, lad., for Piuldlng, O., a dialmce of Otty milea, lasi week, but mlaaed conneolion at Oblo Clly, whioh Decmliated iheir iillroiding two bun- dled nlles, and riding live nlica in a bllndluf aoowKonn. In order lo tulOII ihoir cngigenont, liut thty were rewardod with i packed houae. ud erorybooy was pleased with bla now comedy, "On Its Oo." — Will Robynaind wife (Adrleone Mliobell) are wttb "A Cnoker Jiok" 1:0. Tho lilierli playloga alioDginak chancier part, and Hr. Roliyni Is play- ing "Tbo Cnekcr Jick." linn. BaraucI Derrick. Tbey ate locclving ver:r favorable proaa comraonia N(xi aeawn Mr. Hobyna oxnccu lo put out bis now •eosalloDal comedy. "A HllllonalnTramp." — "Martlod Ibe Wrong Man," 1 comedy drama. In tcnr aoia. will go oat next leiaoD. Will H. Danr hsa beoD engaged to direct the lour, — T. Wllaoi Bonneiio baa lolahed an original aensailonal comnly drama. In four sell, eniiUod "Uaatlnga liall." Tho play Is aald to bo ot oontom- poraneous liiiortal, andIncliteiially touching upon (ho labor Qoeallon, and calls for much accnio emiet, the lail act eapootilly being ptnonmlo. li la Hr, Bennelle's lolonllon lo produce the play In, or ad- Jsoant to, tbe clly of Providence, R. I., for the por- KseolcoirocllDgany minor dctccta. Hlsyonngost y, Buclld, aged four yoara, will appear In ibo out. In a comedy JuveDlle part • — lUny Birelt, the comodlin. la producing the play, "Jim Uowie, or ibo Blego of Alimo,"lnTaxu, wlin irailoura. — Ilullne Parker will, ncxi acaaon, produce a DOW playenililod "Ulo Vlglnny," wriiien oapeciilly tor her by Hioan Taylor, ot Ibe Academy ol linslc, Rochester, N.Y. — Arthur J. O'llrlon, after being out ol the oaslot the "Bpon MoAllialei" Uompaay tor two weeks, re. aomed bis part ai Faloison. N.)., Jan. 'Jt. —The Powell Musical Comedy Oo. will lake the nad again iblt moDib, aficr a four weeks' real In Donglaaa, Kin., opening it Ccdarvalo KVb. a, pIST- ing a few towns In Kiuaia ind tbei going Inio Missouri. — TiMneitre lla> Bill. leotDtlylntiodBoed Into lh« Leglalitnro ot tui Biale, hia bean lepoiled la- vonbiT 10 the Uonae. Tbo OommlUea 00 Oeneral Lawa nia beld two argnmenta npos Ibo bill, and ■ow 11 la preuy certain that the bill Is oonatttn- tlooal la all polnis. U hi* boasndloiUy amended. Tbe penon who obauoota the view ot uother, under the bill, ii aoanded, onat be ejected from Ike houBOb but cannot be Oned lao tor mltdeoeanor. In bnof, tn bUl now makea ike owner or laaaee ot tki Iheatn liable tor tbe oomlort ol pairona. — Mrs. Kmna P. nomua died Feb. 1, at Hyde Park, Mali., aged torty alk yean. Bhe wma the tMiMrotOllT«OertnidelIonakns,a child lolieea. — "oeaslp" la the tills ot ihe tonr Mtoomtaly. by Oljde Flioh asd Uo IMotrlohileln, wltb which Mn. Uaglry will begin her season at ralmer's Theatn, Iblielty, March II. — Noiea from the "Annt tally" Oo.: ThemcB buds at UMOnwturdOrud Open Uonae alWI^- ta- KaB.,wentoaaBtrlke dnrtag ih« peitormaaos ot "Aut Balli" Oh Jan. M. Tbi pertormuoa wia de- hkyed nearlr an hour. Looal Managar Oecrn N. BoartB llnallr look the siaie maaatemenl tad the perfomaooe piucoeded. Tht aWke waa oaoaed by ttiemag* managar tatuing lo wall nntu the itgn- lai monthly pay day for his aalaiy. — Bull wilier had a narrow eaoapa la Dele, waia, O., by tbe premature dliohaq* of a revolver wbloh be naea durtns Ihe pwtoinuea ot «0b the Oo." Be Hilbred a sev«i« bin on ono ot hli handi. — Jake Bebwan baa dlipoeed ot Ui Intertft In Um Orud Opera Uonsa In Btjan, TW., and will aooo oova lo Waoo, Tax., wbeia ha will Iheaiitoal butneaa la Ihe a«ar talaie. — Ballon asd Usrt, when ther lopanu at iha elofa ot Uu present saaaon, will eaoh orgaalia a ooBoaayot hit own tor aaitieason. Mr. Hillen will head u otgulsailon lo ba knoim aa Ualles'a Oomedliaa,and Hr. Dart will iiar la a new tiro* ooaedy, anUUed "A Oiy Old Boy." — Oaotte MoMuni, tor naay yaan awl stint manaier of ins Orud Opeia noua, 8k Lonla, Mo., baa ban appointed naaager, 10 laodaad Iha lata loba w.Nottaa. —Or. David Bnrbuk, owner of the Boitaak Theane, Us Ahgelsa, Oat, dlad Jan. gl, tron has- nl(la ol the heaiv Uawaiaevaaly-tOQiiaaa ol —n* Oardaa city Qoaitat: R. 8. Thaker, Chailai BaitMd, Oharldi Lea aM WUHam Davlai, an with ihe''C*ntaer>Oo. — UHaTaaa and Oaorga Ooodtloh (son-protoi' doaai) w«a Banlid ill. 19, It Toakera, H. T. — It !• reported that Jolla Hanowa Taber and tarhnibud, Robert Tiber, bare decided to man- aga Iheir eoopaaj thenialvea next lea wn , laalsted bf Theodora Btonley. — Edgar Ii. DavonnortiRnib Carpsnter,BIdnev Dnw, Jcieph Wbealock, W. F. Orcaby, Uniss Oal- loway and fliua Anna MoUnghlln are among tboae who UTS barn engaged by Kinaf er Jacob Ult for th« eastot "The War of Wealth." — Th« Oama Tnmer Oo. dUbanded ireok ot Jin. 9, In Kiiuaa Oily, Mo. — Fredeno Febvre, the won known French actor, aeoonpuled by Hmo. Febvr^ amved lo Ibli clly Ju. n. H. rebvn esoocti to make an extended tonr ot the 8onth and Eiat, and heton nlnralng to Fnnoe will visit TenesaeU and poaitbly other Booth American oountilca. Re will not appear In pobllo dnitnf his iUy In Haw York, bnl may give one or mora private redtala. — The Bt Lonla newspapcn say that Oecrge A. Taylor, a retlrad knalnaas nuu ot that dlr, bia dla- coveied In Ohat. A. Tiylor, tka playwright, a long loot aon. _^ — 'The onicaat" 00, doaed Ju. 26, owing to had boilnsas. Banld noloea ud Bebe Kiel wen stamog la the play. — WaUaoe B. FrUble joined Jii. B. Htokle'i "Orlnea' OsUir Door" Oo. la Wasblogton, D. 0., Fjb.«, as Bdvuoe agent. — Kolea from Ilyoe'a Ooixedy Oo.: Noting In Ournaot Ju.»thai8am Bernard ud OanMc- Avoy wen Intending to pni nut a company next aeaaon, styled the out Edge Eoiertalnen, I woold lak that yon look op uurriaiotiaMud note It or not the title doca not mbilolly belong to me. I have written to the (entleiDen above nimed con- oemlng tte aame. 1 biTeallrlghtaseonretoiime, and would uk Ten Ourrn to give credit where It beloofa I un gnlof to pnt oat my onmpsny next aeaaon under Ihe olf Utle ot Ihe Ollt Edge Enter- talnera, and do not want uy Intrlogements on my rigbla. My comedy oomnany la doing well. Nos, 9 ud 8 in closed down for an IndeOnTle period, u I oonld not attend to the work ot three cooipanlce. We an working over onr old ronta ud bouaea are crowed nightly. — Walter D. Bouo hu oopnlf I><c4 ■ new one act by Geo. F. Knnaa, entlUed "The Beconil 'enns." In connection with Artbnr II. Rourcblcr he will produce It donng tbe Bummer aeaaon nt '■The Tao Fililea" u a cnnsln niser. — Blella Morton la recovering from a long and serlona apell of lookjaw, bni will bo unable u> n- torn to the stam Ibla season. — Kuager w. 0. Bardou wntea that Bard- mu'iTtonbadonn will coomonca their season ot IIM-M on Ang. I«, headed bv Olbsin and Tudy. A teaton arlll ba made ot Mlaa Olbson'a eleoino dm00, tor which we irlll carry a complete hot small dyoimo. Hr. Vudr baa Inat lolahed his new thne ut farce ootneoy, entitled "A Box ot Ticka," which will be produced for tbe trat time 00 oar opening. Onr soanery will bo ready by the dntotAognat. — RibL Irving has signed avltb Jnle Wallen' comedy dnoia, "A Honey Order," for next aeaaon, u suge manager. — Roiter and notca from "The Olrcua Olrl" Co.: Kotlolag In your paper racently that "no Circus Oirl" waa produced lo tbo Kenalngton Tbtatn, Pniladelphla,Pa., we wlih to stale that tho original "Olrcni airr> did not play Uen last week. B. 0. BoikT, thetormer adruce of onr oompuy, put on u allerpteoa asd called It "The Olrcoi Olrl." Aa we an playing the bni honaoa, and have been all tb«aeMon,wedon'twlsh to be mlaisken ror tbe company which went nnder that nime at the Ken- alngioi. Rosier: HaodeOnIg, aa ihe Circus Oirl; Vends Vere, Fanny Lyona, Dorothy Melville, Annie Benoue, Mra. J. Somen, I.. L. Oreene, manager; W. K. Uo Vere, bnilneaa muager; Will Bniwtr, suge manaier; Donald Orov, nuloal director; Arthnr M. Witter, Clai. Lejoom, Fnnk Lyons udOso. B. Dalvla. — Uotter and notes ot lbs Olpay WardeBlook Co,. We MS now In onr sixteenth week ud piaylne to very large bnalnen. We Jamped lo London, Uoi., tor two wNks, ud nlom 10 toe Wonderlind, Port Boron, Hnh., for remilnder ot aeasoo. Following la thercater: Olpaj Ward^ Bather AUeo, Oagniar Tempeat, Joaoph J. Ryu, Kogue L\ Ror, Wm. B. Maok, A. O. HoEaehfoo, Bcou R. Deal, Ruby Rrwood, ud R. J, Brwood, manager. We have not mlaiad a portormuoe, no alokneaa ao far, ud every Bundiy the "man In white" penmbnlatea. Eogene La Roe Is engaged wllb tela oompuy, ud not wllb the Obaa. J. mevenaon Co, at LuaIng, Hlob., aa was staled 1 eoantly. — Joseph DUloD, adranoe npresentallve of the Panllne Hall Open Oo., and hta wile, wen among the Injured In tbe Vudalla Railroad accident at OoateavUle, Ind., Ju. IS. —Joe. n. Bla'er la writing a tonr act oomedy, en- UUed, "The Blue Eyed Faimer from Obeliea." — Eleanor ReU la a member ot the People's Theatn Slock Co. In Oakland, Ual. — Fitd W. Kenell Informs ns that he Is In no way oonneoted with the New York Block Co., aa waa ncanily nported. -Motes from tbe "A Jolly Olrl" Co.: We will caiTT special soenerj and u elocirlclu, for tbe light elrool*, flvlna a oemot npteseniauon ot u eieotitoalrahlp; also the great Berah gold mines. Interior and exterior, which wlU also have eleculo light effacta. During tbeaeioeneaiounberotspe. olalUea will ba Intndnoed, The roster: Chaa. E. Belleiu, manager; B.J. Bomar.ln advance; Eanoat Ballon. Altnd Oonld, R. Ravmond Ollbnt, Marie Hall, Jarcme Uowatd, Uaael Kelley, Joe Litord and Deno WTioer. — "Ooon BoUow" Hotea: The "Coon Hollow" Oo. hu been playing to good hnalneaa thtooih Maaaa- ohnaetla ud New nampahln. Little Lonlae Uam- lltoD.oor leading lady, la leaving a big Impraasion averywhen. BeroertOlBrk, who pbiyed Annt Joan for urea weeka, while Lonlae Arnot wu sick, la now In advance ot the ocnpuy. Mr. Callahan la In New York booklnf tbe allnctlon for next season. Oni Mortimer Is now plavuig Sharp, Caorge Ball having Joined John Kernell. — Noiea from tbe naacall Comedy Co.: We an touring Illinois to good boalueas. Tbeoompany now oonalaia ot ten people, ud tbe repertory bia l>een strengthened br Bve new plays, amongst them a oomedi drama written especially tor this com' piny by Uatrli AlBc, enilUed "Bnlns va Money." — II. Allison Ttiorp, oblof door keeper ot the Temple Theatn, Owenabcro. Ky., writes ns that a romor taonmnltotho ellect ibat tbe Temple Thea- tn baa oloaed lla aeaaon owing to bad bntluen. Tula rumor, Mr. Tbnrp says, la talae. — Roaier ot Andenon^ Theatn Co.: Kale Wat- aon, lia Leach, Beatrice Oooley, Obaa. A. HoOntb, W. H.Oooley and L. T. Rookbnm. We an touring Illinois to excellent bnalows. Prof. Cooloy'a violin aclos. Kale Waiaon'a duolng speoiilUea ud L. V. Rockbnn'a mnaloal Mta in aU miking big htta. Hr. Asderaon's play, "The Lightning Rxpreas," is the big dnwlng cird.udtbeB. fLCiignli fn- auutly seen. Ed. Andenon Is manager, Piot W. I. Cooley, vlollnlal, ud Boainoc Oooley, plulsL — Babr Rex la with Ada Cray. — WllHam Hnlioo ud Tom MoMabon, ot the ■Hlolonal and 1" Co., an doing a novel comedy apedill} with inoocaa, ud BUly E. Hack la weU TMOIved tn hia new aina lag ud tilt log acL —Manager Barry WlUlami Informs ns that hs win ptoduoe "A BowetT Olrl" In thle oily late in the Spring. The time of the show for next aeaaon la nearly all ailed by Rlaw i Erlanger, who an doing the booking tor Hr. WlUlama. —Joa. L. Roa joined Panllne Parker's "WUd Roas" Co. at Albany, N.Y. — Noiea from tbe "BUU Ham" Co.: We have Just eloeed a very sacooaalnl engageoent at Camp. oeU'iEmpln Theaue a> DetrolVHIch. Unslneaa Haaager Faieil la looking after the Interesla of the company, ud la alto utlng u treaannr. —'TwoCldOronlea" (Boulhetn Co.) nolaa: We an meellng with good aooceia. All ihrongh iha South tiutolla, ibsduoir, la a bit; tavorlte every whan. Next aeason she will bead a oompuy ol her own. Oharlea Orapewlu Is playing the oppo- site pan to John B. Wills. Habel Waide, sopnno sinter, la noalvlng Ine presa endonemenl ud eriOclamafarhernndltlonof'TUe Buk thoBn- gageoMil Ring." mia company will play the en- ilnBonih, uf ttian work onl 10 the Paoiao — •Tbe Ship ot State" Co. have eagagod J. H. B/da,tocinetly with the Alvln JodynOo.,aathelr advaaee reprtaoniattTa. — Lotto J. Bowaid played Oimbler Jim In the "Fliofer" with Byroad Oo. al Oreenabonngh, Fa., Uatwetk-udalaodid aspaolaivy lBUie<'IJpaand Doana ol Ula," aypaaitng 10 good advutaga In both. — Boward A Doyle ban beu engaged u book- ln|^a|«ntslot<TbeShip et BUta"Ooiforim ud — KltUe Biatdaley, hU o( nemhaw ud Ten , haa alfufid " CDBuford Co. IB "From Bin to Boa," now m rou/a Bnak'a "Haboba'' Witt the J. 0. — OhiB. B- Bausn Is with Iha Maw Boglud Mfjla^ PMP* Go. - Hirgnny laitu Witt IbaMew bftaad "(kpL rHi"o». — "The Birth of Vennj," a new BOrtcalMmedy. by Joieph Hntien ud BdwardJikobowakl^win h«;3Jat PhllaaJalphU prodncu «»JjM* Tbeatn on Fob. 1», ind will shorUy after njJJJ"" in Sew York. Tbo c«t wlU Include CmiTuw once aniden. Roae Lelgb'on, Elsie Mueller, Joeepb Harbert,WillisP ^'^'WE-«• ' ""'^I'w!; Deaboa/R. W.Haflllnud Edgar Weniworth. Max Freemin arlll direct the ptodoeuon. , ..j,. ^Keddle Bnke,whohis become <iullea favorlle In pulomlne In l/indon. Eng., writes ns sbe remma 10 America next aeaaon, "'"£1^; aort of Bowery fin chancier lo a well known melodramik. . — Iiagmar ud Do Cello wrlle ns from London, Eog., aa followi: "We are playing at prtaenl In the l)antimlne"ClndetelIi"aMhoNowMetropoleThea- ire. ind have mide a great lucowi, »"•« pUylngtheprlnclpil boy part TheMndonpreis Cava pronnoDced her the dneit principal bo; in Rogbind. dlr Annatos Rarrla bis "HB'd both Hias Digmar and Hr. De Cello for the principal parts tor tbe Drnry Lue ptntomlne for the aeaaon ntiitM. We biTO ployed since arriving in Eog- Uod. dvo monlba it the Pi'mo Thwire and tour n»nlbaattbeAlhiob»,ud ire booked up solid to April. IBM." — Noiea mm the Bpooner Co.: Cecil Bpocner HITS a banquet 10 tbo memben ot the Bpooner Co. Ti Deduce, O., In honor ot ber seventeenth birth day. Bhe ins tbe reclplont ot numerona presents from the compuy ud frUuds, ud rece ved a birthday bnx contilnlng "torkey," cake, Jol^, etc., flora Hra- Rllzaheth Payton (grudma), ot Ceuter- "-Vho"8pencer Bros- Joined ihe "Blacklisted" Co. at tbe Btandtrd Theatre, PblUdelphla, Pa., week Feb 4 _ .. . .v — Henn. Bpttnitcr ft Welly, who have In the last two aeiaoua produced a popular rcpreaeottilon of "The Black iTrook," claim to have Jost dlscov cred that tho copyright nt that dntna expired In 1891 end, Ibat It ban since been public praperti. They hive begnn soli to recover the Urge royilites paid by them nndrr Ihe belief that the copyright asatlillnforce. . , _ „ „ — Hr. Md Hn. Iloblnson left "The New Do- minion" company at Wasblogton, Ind., Ju. 9. Their placra wen Oiled by Lonla N. Oloverand Francis Drake, who jilntd tho company 80, at EvMsvllle, lod. _ ^ . . — Lillian Haynard Joined Pole Baker's "Ohrla ud Lena" Co. at New Albany, ind. Jan. 3S, — Notea from Kirapairick A Niblo'a ": Dumpty" and Specially Co-—We opened Feb. . newly orguiied. WeanpliTlngliOnlalana. From bera wa ao to Tolas, Indian Temiory and Rutaa. Rotter: R. A. Klrkpittrlck, prnprletor; Mona. NIblo, boilu'aa muager; Fnnk Harris, advuce; L. U. Bloaela, llthegnpber; Lonla Pemult, master of traniporutinn; T. T. Doffy. Chaa. Mwk, Fred Obrleo, O. P. Lymu. Din Kennedy, Dollv Ar- moor, Mllle Jerome, Utmle Elnora, Annie Perry. Hntlclaoa: 0. I. I/)veleu, Iradcr of bud; R. P. Baker, leader of orcncatra;H. W. HcOregor, John w. sucottuaa, U. D. Coaler, L. Wilson, J . A. Barham, Fred Obrlen and A. J. OamlL The "Bumpiy Dnmpty" clown bind Is a fcitore ot the atroet parade- We win plav two night atudr, pl<ylng tbe "Dumb Boy of Mincbesier" the seoono nlKDU -a.H.Falth.of "ThoAlmuao" Co. wrliea: "A new teatora In 'Tbe Almanac' will he th» 'Ouce ot the Rosea,' tor which ten new coeinmes bare been ordered. We received OM answen tr.>m onr recent 'ad'In TBI Oi.irrin." — Bunley Walls ud Mrs. Tt. T. Btelaon sn re- cent additions to the Birbour Theatre Co. Fruk J. Dean's sensiUontI comedy, '-Only a Rube.'' will be prodQceditan early date ly ibis company. —The New York Tnnire Co. ronon good hnel- nni In repertory. Tlie company will change toone aid two night sianils wllb inn farce comedy, "Aci- or'i Uolldiy," IS the itirwilon. — Frank A. Uudge, lite mtoager ot tbe "L«dy Windermere's Pan*' Co., sstumod charge 01 "n» New Dominion" Company at Evuavllle, Ind., Jan. 30, flee Obirlea Wilbur, resigned. — Walden Ramsay, for many seasons a member ot A. K. PaJmer'a stock company, haa retired from Ibe alage, and resomed bis real name, which la Walden Prll Rouen. Ula l4St appe uanoe wai made here laal F<ll, lo tho anpponlng compuy ot Rich- ard HansBeld, al Ibe Herald Square Toeatie. — Manager Ubarles E. Kama, ot ihe Uenld Rquara Tneatre, this oliy, will be a partner of Fred O. Whitney in ihe proauctlon ot "R"b Roy" In Europe, next Bummer. — Moiara. P. o. Whitney and Max Blelmu have •Igned a contract wlib llavld llelaaon lo produce blapuy, "Tbe Heart cl HaryUnd," at the Herald SQuaro Tocam, Ibla clly, next October. A. H. Pal- mer, who flratacqnlred the rigbie 10 this play, wUl ptobUly try to prevent lis srodnctlon. — Noiei from tne Habd Paige Co.: When the companv was in Oreenvllle. Mlas., the memben were banquated by May Ward, anthonn ol two of Hlaa PAlge's plays, "A Spanlth Romance" ud "Daphne." During the performance ot ' Uiphne" Hlaa Ward preaenied Mlaa Paige with a handsome bracelet. — Marie Hlibi, vlollnlat ind planUt, with Fnnk Divldsnn's "Old Farmer Hopkins" Co., la at Sella bury, Md., snOerlni from a severe attack ot la erfppr. Uer buioand, B. 6.8togdlll,also a mom- tier 01 the company. Is attending ber. Her condi- tion 11 repcrieCI crliloaL — Charles Aebli, late iraianrer ot Klaw A Er- Itnger'a Knoxvllle, TenUj Tbeim, li doing tbe id- vance press work tor Wills' "Two Old Oronlea" Oonioarn") Co. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WavhlDglon—0U« Bkloacr, IQ "IIU Onoa dtOnmnoDt," "Tht EiAg't JeiUr" ud **Th* Ktrebut ol T«dIc«," Btdtft iuumwIu) d«bat babr* VuhioftOB aadl«DOMlwivMkftt Allao'iannd Op«m nouw. UU lup^rt Ii nMllaDt ud th* plan wm bMnUfsllr ■ug«J. WTilUUn todltoMi w*r« Ml luge, tbef wen tpprMlAliT* to i dour**, ud tin otv lUr hu tlMr ouiblr iDfTitlaUd hlDiHlf iDlo tht Kood moMOl oor pUriMTiudlitlvkji un oft bwrtT wtleomt. **A T«im8*mt." wiih Otorn VooOvud u HM«rldk Bru- d«r. ud Allot Btutat Bottr, had * furif wt*k ttRultT'uHttlootl Tbttin. .CbtrlttU. HOT"^ 1. Horptr*t It*!' JD ThtTaltor UrdtbQtfttntpit-'i AoAdtmrof Matlo,(L Amt," vrltita br Lwrtnl OroTtr ud nia; h. aratat, wta u artotot montliu niuti Importu't. Haatfer (Tbartta B. Bnoi. of fht HinJd H^DtrtTTtettn, joor ctir. It ibt fpoottr for iht piodaoUOD. ud ba bai nirrouDdtd Mr. Hopptr wllb aa tsotUtot np- portion ooBpao? ud auttd Uit pitet wlib nort Iban onllowj oare. Tlit oharaoltr of DasoT Famll, u- DOBtd br tbt tur, airnnli him tictlitDt opporiDolttu to plw*t bliaudttDota with bit tlailoa.utl aomtthrilllDV loeldtDU ID Iht protnn ol *bt plar toBbioblin todo mtrltonoua uUdw. Tba play, bowtftr, nawlt a Ituto mora gioitr, ta liJraRHtd tcvtttbii, bat tblt dtftoi ou htrtmtditd vllboat macta iiotblt. Jtmtt B. Machit, lQ**Th« Hid* Bbov,'' had a ittr wt«t tt Bailar'i BUon ThtaUft, but not half to goodaa hod*t*rT*d. Lonli* riuiord M a niiuTkablr lood topport Oat NtU'i NOTtUItt «tTt ibt aitrtotinD at Kttou'ii LyeaQm Tb**- In ud lallyJiitiiatd tht tio^lltat batlotu b*tlAv*d. Takao w a wboit. ttat put wtth wta tb* Allnntat ot iba t*aa«o. altboQiih ibar* war* two oav atait udaplaj ihatbadbaaDHttoatlwi htli a doitotimat, fat Iha old play bad bj tkr ih* btatol tbt baaloata dooa HArLBT'aNiTioifiLTaiATaii.—JuliaaaTlow*.Ttbtr,ln rtMnorr* r*b. i-9, -Tht Uirl I Ult Rablitd-lla" U-ie ALUir* OiAiiD OntA lloou—Mn. PolUr and Mr. Ba11««. m r*p*rtorr,4-9,CbftuDe7 OlooU, lo "Tba Irlib RArLiTHAoaDHTor MDtio—Sudowand UwTroca- dtraTatdtvin** «-P,^obB L Bioddard't lllattniad Ita- tarai llaadB. BCTLu'B Biior TnBinii.—'Tbt Frodlnl Patbtt'* 44, III ll»nn*a HiD«lr«U 1UI0 ElRAAtl't Ltoipm TnUTII.—Tb* Nl|ht OaUi^f, tba Rota lliU roll* Oo. 11-18. HiraiROTT llmo Ualu— Borton Brmpbonr Orsha*- Ml. OOD PauoTB llAtu.—Prof. Oirptnlar'a bipDoUc tibt- bliloaa NOTHi—Tb* Ooaltdtnta Yttaru AaoelaUoo ot WaabtDitoo 11 trraoilai a baotflt mr lb* old tin* bId< •tr*l. Dtaitl Uacator Bmnait Itinlharlj koown In ant* btllam dart *■ "Oas" Hmmttt, who wu lb* attbor or that (•niUtr toog. "Olil*," wb1cb b* wrou lo UU. Mr. KiDin*tt la now opaanl ol tlRhtryaara of tfv, ud It aaldtobaallil lo •Ke^iltoi hoalih, but la rvUtar ttrmlt- tB*d oirounutuota, ht lltlog In ML Ttnoo. O. Tbt objaotof lb* awMlatioa it lopot Mr. Mmmtltln •*■; oir«amK*aeaa darlog iba ramtlodar of bla Ilia. Tba btnaatwiilifckrplacolBthltoiif daring lb*latUrpart ortb*pnt»nimonUi CoraPrrorbaantnmad lobar Itoma lo ibla cltr tor rati tod rtenparatloo, having b**B IB lll|b*alib for torn* ilmt. Utiotr Und, lb* vooni VaiblDffioa buliAD*i,wbor*outlr T«t«ra*d toBonp* to eoauBM bit raaaletl tiaiaioB.haa alioad with ua Oarl Ro*a qpaia tlOBpaay. lla wiU mak* hit dabat la UvarpooLBa*. IB 'Ifanbo* *'and will oraat* ih*lead- lag rolaol Melwr In Ain*n BraneaB'a opat»Uo Tarnlon orioU'a tkatob, "Is'Atiqaadn Hoallo.*' DELAWARE. WIlBBlMgtoa.—At tbe Orud Open Hovm "Tba Raioniakirt'* waa pi«a*nl*d t« a larga andlnra Jao-tt. "A Btigag«ch«*k"did(urir«*n ai,aa O*o. TtittohtTud Otrroll Jeboaon'a MlBBtnltgaTvlbtlrln- angntmlparfamue* 91. "A Cia^ar Jaai"dtd«Uiht b«a(n*aa rati 1 CoBitag:*-Oait*atBaMl*'*iauBai'a Raw VarkRUfir.Paaar Bl«*ll- Woii»BU-Afip Mrnna-Oood bnBln«a la tb* nl*. NMl*ror4 ud w*u: La«t«i« b*U-AJU>*b'* Boo«ar OwftB*U*aBdJobwQ Bh aMK i . Thulr* MaMakOBand ■IH. KU*.0*r1t[t,t^Taabait, UPMil*Idlih,B«iton BB3p«AlB0B^itb*tlaaM*Trt» Vcm fBOM AL. 0. Pi WJ»'B Mn«TWUL-We bire bad Terr bad weglber Blnce Jm. I. ""^i^!"^ bn-li«M h« been profllAble, f ? ,111 meokgo tbe negro rtow. ADd to'"""*"^'° " ilDBDClaiir, t«8 t>een Teceoily; J. C. H.tScl4ibefA»berotA].O.Fleld. "nuW.a.FleM hu retamed from a tIMI to her bonie. wHI m- company tbe tbowibroogh tbe Boolh. The prceeol BoQilfcrn loor will be ■ ehnrt one. Afier one weei Arthor Tale e(i for Goelpb, Ont. on Jen. ai, m « nco.D. KelTllIe bee been on 'JS,JSS put few dera. Toramy J^T^J J^VifJ^h AfnS^ Konk'fl plAce end fliu It nicelr. JJ^ *',Jl*2SS SelR. et rfeneevllle, 0^ »*«*™J«fJSiS? ^Sh naoT ADdtbeMdADdBBdden newB brongbt fonn SaV; hSiiteU woJiof mjl-IM for <^^^^ 0«sr and hU bereivei '""'"i- ^S^S.Sd S Mrrir£'.*Va™o««.Wn; corapinr. John W. Vogel. of IM Fnmrwie t WaJ Mln£reli.hasbeena(roeBtlbei«l week. Hirw Hiding* will be Ibe Rcneial •«•»'»' Field Beal Kenro U oeircla and will A. Jonker ireisnrn- The compaoj will open Joli 4. at Otand SSSs MIC™ ne~l.6.Flelfillniirclsirill pu^ nio^lj week Blinds the com ng season. The cnler- tiloment olrtrcd will bo bullt npon new Hues, In so tsr IS mlnslreliT Is concerned, and ular In cbsracier. It will embrace Weas new to Ihe mlnnrcl oiajo. The companr will nuolier "'AlMBOBil k WEST'S Bio 70 "t"'?"! complele perfomsnces and trareled Ml mllMj" tbinr-two hour* Issiweek. The companr gave a mallnee and night perforaiance lo Cfe«l«niJ; Jan. M. and opened with mallnee on schedule time ai ibc llagan. BL Louis, ihe 'o"?*!" ^i^^*" naTl«.ihe press agent, wnie; '5;i"">'«t?„'S; celpiB in Cleveland were the largest ever taken In thai cli; b/Ibis mIoMrcl Orm. ■,.„,.,„ dointiN AND IninixT B New To»x Speoiiltt Co.wlllopen April l,andwUl go as fir SonlhiB llarani. Cuba, Albert Undlej Is manager, and B, F. Corton UnslneNi miniger. , . FiNTiEK AWD Dehonio biTC loloed bindi. Fbani ArpsL. someraanlt llahtwlre performer. Joined Qui mil's World of NoreluesatthoAcademT ofUnelcFlltsbnrg. Fa..Feb.4. ^ ^ „ S. A. KENNEOT. rentrlloqulit, with bis wife and daughter, are wintering ai New Orleans. Ia, where iber will romiln unlll aflertbe Mirdl Cms Caml- Til In Febmar;. ,^ « . LII.UAN Raubet Is singing with Bucceas "111 hot Forget Yon. Didd;" snd '-A Cmel Hiss." Hamt Eaton and Alf. Weatbebe will Join bands sgaln next season, snd bsre signed wiin Fljnn 4 Sherldan'B "CUT Sports" Co. JDi.ii Wauott haa been snOCrlng from larrh' alls. She Is spending Ihe Winter wltb Mrs. Sol der. In Baltimore, Ind. SDrm Uato was sdmllied lo tho Acton' Ffotec- llve Union, No. I, nt this cUj. Jsn. no. noSTIR OF FORBESTER & Al.POED'B VAUOICTIIIE Exirariginzi Co.—Ed. Forrester ind John Altord, proprietors and maoagera; Prof. Jos. Killer, rlolln- liitiind leader; HI. Ra;mond Brlgga, planlnl and cUiractcr comedian; Oeo. Robbs. Dutch comedlin; Mens. Raniaks, magician and Tenirtlwiuln; Dun and Hlchmond, knockabout comedians, end E<1. Scboolcnti. omedlsn. 01. Urlggs msnagrs Ibo Blage. and Joe Sllrer Is master ot Irausponstlon. TuEKooEE«DROTaBB8,Charle/CaseBndJahnnle Carroll are reported to be nieeUngwlihenccess with John F. Fields'Drawing Cnrds. The Rogtm Bros, star next Btawn In i comedT, under John F. Fields' msnagement and the bookings are nearlj complet- ed. Ihcirnaperwlll be In tonrcdored llihograpbs. Jules sud Ella GirrlBon Joined the Urawlns Cards Jan. 3S for tbo remilnder ot the season. Tbe com- pany Is still under the guidance ot Jia. D. Flrnn. wllb Johnnj Carroll, stage manager, and Sam Oreen msster of iriusporuilon. Eddie K. Etamb, club Juggler, plajrs tbe Kellb CIrcmt igaln, ind will shorilj leave tor Frisco lo plaj sn engagement there. AN ATniAcriTE LULiABT BONO, lu waltz time, cn- llilcd "Mother Lovce You So." music b; Halllc A. Mdulo, wcnlB bj Rubj R. Brldg«^ has Just been Is- eucd I17 Jenkins' aons. Kansas Clir, Mo. Nellie 8KTiiooRlssluglngan).McCann's luest song. "There AInt Anj Medals On Yon," and "The Sidewalks ol this Town." Tbe UEwinrEs cloeed tholr sncceasful eninR mcnlil Frank Uaire CaslnoTheatre.Chicago. III,. Felj. 1, and opened al Hopkins' Pope's Tbeaire, M. Louis. Ho., Feb. i. Ther an booked solid lo June, they Infonn ns. and pliy the Keith Circuit again, commencing April a. Tat UiLL BI3TEII8.SEIUEAN0 ANNIE, appeared al tbo Manlistian Aihlotlo Club, this city, last week. MaooiiOunb tiled ber new btoycln act Jan. ai, for Ibe am time, it the Oalety Theatre, winisma- burg, N. Y. Mlaa Ullne, dreaaed In a neat IliUng bl«ok stik waist, trimmed with aUver spaagles, a blact skirt reaching lo the tops ot ber black ahoea, which were laced with sllrer Isolnga, biwk Moomeraand stockings, and ajunty cap ot the same matetlal and similarly trimmed, nude ber appcinnce on a nickel plated Columbia wheel. She baa a new song, ast Co martial mualo, wbloh h>s been ananged for ber by Pnt. Mater, leader ot orohesliaat Hrds A Behmao's Brooklyn Theatre, who went to WUIltinibarg, 81, to lead the orohestra for Hiss OUue'a tot. Few people In the audience noognlied "The Irish Queen," u sbe sprong the act wlihcDt noUoe. It waa a big go. NUaullne plays Byde & Behmto's urooklyo Theatre next week, wllb the Bam Deveie Co. She wlU begin a six weeka' engagement at Kotter k Bial'a, this diy, soon, after which sbe expects to go Sonth tor pleasoie. Ciuui Dbanmiox leqieMs ns lo correot tho report that she waa eniiged at tbe Imperial, In Uuboken, N. J., last week, and Informi na that she baa retired from the stage. Dam BBiuiAM wrlles na that the "Jay Olroni" has been rewnuen byM. B. Binly, and that It U booked nptoHty. JOBH AND Lizzie MoDowill are oompeDed to cancel their dates altar week of Fob. Il,t8 they Join J, N. R nttrow'a Comedians Feb. II. Tax Bijou TaiAraa, at Anionla, ct, oloaed, on Feb. 1, inrungu want ot patronage, we are In- formed. WiBB AMD Voxis are meeting with excellent luccees on the New England cucnlL In Boston, Mast., and Providence, H. I, their bnslnoaa was very Urge. Paddy MoariiT and Hyleb MoaBia have formed a psrtuerebtp to produce Irish mlnairalay, Oeluo opera and an Irish village. Uabbbncita sailed from Uils clly Feb. 1. Sbe Joe* 10 Eorope tinder the management ot Leopold ordan, and Is loapoear In London, Berlin and SL Poursbnrg, following which a lour ot the world la smngsd, ind she wilt ntoni to this country by wayoTBtn Francisco, tn about two yean. U. B. Stewabt'8 Jliu\K>andOK<uirJ(mma<for Ihe months ol February and Harch hsa Joat reached us. It contains the usual inlerosung and Instruct- ive reading lur sll nerfonnon upon these lusin- menta, together with vatlcna exercises hslptul 10 ibose seeking to become nroDclent In tho nae ot the banjo, mandolin and ■■utar. The Dualoil Mleo. Uons comprise the Falemo Muoorkaand the Ideal Two step for Uo banjo, and a gypsy dance ud a InnenI much tor the guitar. The Journal li pnb- lUhed ilx limes a voir br B. 8. Stewart, 931 and S33 Church Sinet, Fhuadelpbla, at a anbicnplton price ot ntw cents a year. Jahss Wallbioox opana on the Haiiy Davia Oltouli Fab. 4, at Flitaburg, Pa. MB. AND Hbs. Oeo. Cinr Br. are reported to he very 111. Tbb Wiluahs Tbio, Swiss bell nngan and mulcal pe ituiuiei a, hare Jnat hnlahed a retom dale at Ball's Cutno. Chloagc,aDd have bean en- gaged at Mr. Ball's aew honisa, BafUa'a In Dhloago, 111., and FikCa in Cincinnati, 0. 'Ibsy are also engaged tor ue Oljmplo Theain^ Chloaao. MarIm Juuak hsa succeeded OtyL Qlorl u manager ot Bob. Flliatmmcna. BiMNEY AND OHAPMAX an at PiootOT's Thtatn, this city, this week. Tbe MBiDEBa report a sn uu es afu l anga|saaitat Lolhiop'a Open Houae. Wornester, Mssa, waek ol Jan. 0-Peb. 1, doing their Oemaa oomedy acL OEO. DurcDiNtoR, or BDnmiHaoN and Oolb, la nNororUiffrom a seven atiiokOtisgrlpjut, Oe has been ill ove weeks. OLLiB Obnnbtts hu retired troa Ihe team known as the Oeonettrs, aid Kilty Arnold takea her place. Tne team title will not he changed. J. H. Bateblt wntea that he haa sold hta Intsr- eat la Danny's Mloanela to Chaa. AlUkey. Mr. Htverly wlUdeniehla ilme and aueattoBln the pnpanUoB ot Baverly'a International StiowB,to exbidt under oanna. L. r. BOBxor, Ma ot the ASMnoaa Maslcal TMo, Is III! hnsKng slihlili|«iiBiB. I riiihsilB. a Boval BMMBl iMliBf aazi BMM. HBBinr La Shi awd Tim JxrraBaox. eoi«?.i coaMdlana and athletea, now with the "Old PUniZ tloB" 00., IiaTe sicned wlih the Bonhenr BnsT^ Tax Lxai add Banow, knookahoot comedUk have disaolved partnenblD. Mr. Barton win bur altar do a aketoh wtth hU wife. HaBBY 0. Oahdiibb, maglMan, late ot Uneermui A Gardner's Foi Carnival, la lU at hu home In £1 tlmon, Ha. Fbanx H. Obvulb, aon ot Barry Orvllle. viii loin bands with the Ornilea. ' " Dora ADD Roam or SEina's Oobbdt Co - We are umiUg Ron hem 0., earning a brwa band andorcheBtiK. Lew Seeker, arepneior and mtn! ager; Ada Wllkca, Clan RoMhson, Cbia.Tennr l: v. Sbnlor, Blllle Brenton, Prof. Obai. Buria lca<lerof bindaod orohestra; Blllle Yonng, Jidm Rverhart, Barry Johnson asd Bert Willianu. wZ •nphylnglogood bnslness and hang ont the "s B. O." sign Qufie often. Tee motbeb 01 Maater Martin, ot The Big 4 dledlnihlscltyonJan.21. She wu seventy.nine yean old. TBB WIPE ot I. Adams, nt Wllilama and Adtiu. preaented Mmwlthaboyhabyon Tbb UOBEiLoa are playing a two weeks' ennte. meot at Engel's Pavilion, Ohlcago. m., at tbe cl!<sc ot which they vUl appear at TOoy Pastor's TheatT this city. ^ TbbAbbbmb, Wm.and Mlsol^are thUweeksi Atlantic Qtrdon, thU oily. Waltib Honboi, trmnatlaotto comtane. u u- peering tbu week in bla Impereonitloni ot Eoiiisk music hall celehnUea at the Academy of Hcslo. Hontml, Can., la conjunction with Prol. liirn Oalit, mind reader. Pbiu and Bbbbib Uabbb are at DorU' Kse Eighth Avenue Theam, this city, this week. Toer ire doing 1 new act succeastully. Lai4X KiNNXDY hu recovered from a recent in. neas and hu Joined Miss Boward. DocisrADiB'B MiNSTBEU, wa an Intomed. eloaed In clnetnnitl, O, Feti. 2. B. B. Ladlow mm Barry Sellers have Joined forces and will use the Dockstader bookings for 'The FUg ot Trace." Lester Onmey wlu allemila with Hr. Ludlow In idvtnce. TED EOAN denies thit Nellie Mordannt u his wife. Be saya he hsa a vrlte already, who la pro- teaslonally koown u Trlxte Evana. ALLEN Mat, while playing with PriDroee i Weit's MlniiTcla M aevrland, 0, wu the leclpleot of a gdil headed cane,preaRiied him by the lool police departoent for hU lendltlon of the scnr •The Loat Child." Jdlib Hacxxt, the star ot Banlon's "Bnperbt" Co., Is slng1ng'<Toosa Lost Bappy Days,"a nsw de- scripUva ballad, with snceess. Fbanx Oablr>n U suffering wtth la trfjipt it his home In Ucnntoh, Pa. We bate Intc been Infenned that Ja'res B. BIwk. the legteas dancer.and Berllna Leslie (Benina Law. resoa Jones) wen married Nov. W, I8M, at Norfolk, Ta. Eddib O'Diu. hu cloaed with Jamts R. Adams' Only Lot"Co.,an4lspUylngthe Moore circuit. MUEBE AMD Hack have Just oloied an engaie. menton the Davis circuit. IOWA. Des MolBei.—At the Grand Open Bouse May Tokes opened Ju, a. la repeitorr, to Ulr baslawi, si popaUrprlees. "ni«atIbooIersAbnid"eomeiF«b U. Fcena's Ortu Hovsa.— Joa. Morpby, in "Tbe gtirr 0«w," came Jso.Blo one ol hl« old Ume aadleocM. "ChirlArlB Anat" had the only e. 1.0. honM 90 for ra« Urn* 'llw airl I Left Behlod Me." tl. hid amd btil. naM. Oonlna: ''WuE" P«b. 9, Thomu W. Ke«ae 11, "Dm Ftn Ing Bsiur l£ WovDEBiaRoMrszca Airo TBUTaa—Week oft; Prof. BMtlaratgioind theDiTeoportRlilsrt'iDAflo CkblHL BIJOQ slas*—"Mrs Mslooef's TitmbiM," by the atMk, I#«o RlDtlilrt, r. O. BAbeock. Mtu Hove And Jab.i t>07l«. TbsAtorlam—"Tbe Corner Orocair." BobImii '^^^LD's Faii Bnsami avo FAaar TBEATas -wttk ot4:ODr1obAlt—"Bive icud," Prosfer ud Dlunood and Dick nold*B lallieUi«ttor1aaith«.to«kcoopuy giTA ■'Teo IflBhtAiQi BAT noon" loriHcood tto* J, 8 CoVBOLLT, lomorlr muAiier or tbe old CapIia City Opera Hove*, li at the hud ol a new PobemA lorUio •reettoo of ad Aptra booie to EA«t Das Bolnt*. TbeCltr OODDOIl bu dMidad to AiADpt ewt side honaa* from liMww for BTAyffin, lod Mr. OoBuollp will «ndaiTor to nuebr nbMTipOoo anfltoleotiaioaDttoerMl a nb atsatiu tbeAtiA. Coaocll Blan.—AtDohioy'sThealreConons attno'ad A ffood ■ffed faoQM Jw. sf. "BovIds tbe Wlod." booStd for a. cueeltd. 'Toe O'rl I Lett Biblsd WAise*Bbr u aodlAnce of lAlr propottlADiaD, Birlov BroA' HlQitrAla, booked for Ptb. 1, nnoelcd Boukid: olAfAtAiid'a BtnAtnU 8. L«>U Monuon IS MrA JADOle Xlmhill, of the atoball Odaib rvslqae Co., noAlvad A talaaraiD, Jao. ST. idTlaUa that Arthor Kiaa. a maatwr ol btr oonpADr «bo waa tleh at Bt PaoI MIOD-haddladlQahospHalatthAtplAea, Vn glnbAll Immadlalalr wired to 8L Paul 10 bATa Mr. KlDg*! nostaa leot 10 bla Baalare boma, at bar eipeon. Cedar il*ptda«—At Greene'E Open Bouat *X!hArla7'a Aaol" pl»a.«d a Una bovaa Jad. rt "fht last Dafi of Pompall" eaan Feb. I, Olavalaod'a Bla •in!il. "Tbt Olrl I Laa Bebtod Me" is duo I. "rawi TlokatXH^e. "Waa|"& HBrahalliown.—At the Odeon "The Girl I Lett BabInd Ma" eaa» Pab. IX "AUtana" Ol "Pan Tloh«tSMr* n. "The GooBry Pair" did gaod boalaaai Jan. BB. Mantcer Bpaarv eueatid Falmar'i "Laae Dayi or Pompall," daiF.b. B.oQaceonQt ol oobvonbla ra porta ot fia oompuy. Keakak.—At the Keokuk Open Bouse the Haotlav Dniaauo Co. cloaad a talrlr good weak'* baai- aaat Fob. I. Walker Wbltaaldai had a fair outlook Inr A ■^ba Bpan of Lifa" oomaa S. '*na Oilbootayi Abroad" 7. • Tba BlAok Omk" It, "Iha Ptaeing Maalat" U, "Mea ud Woman" II. Dabaqae—At the Gland Open Houae, Jan. % * Tba Ooaei* Fait" draw a Urge bona*. Jan. O-Pab.1. Woodward Tbealra Co., Id raparlory. bad amall boajoA doa to aioaaatraly eold wtalhar, Oomtag; Pab. I. ' Waac;" 7, "The Olrl I left Btblnd Ma;"l^^t^lay'i Aant" BarllaBtaB.-Jnie GnndwM paoked Jan. t) to iaa "Tba CoaDlrrOtrcQa" at ataadaid prieea. JaaapA Mnrpbp toUowad too aaon aod bUbniUM aaffarad 91 "PavD TtekalJIT'oaiDai Pan. Ik ■nagpu ot Llla" T, Iha tlormiiiiP _ RHODE ISLAND. PfovldaBce.—At Keith's Opera Houae, week o( Jan. a-Peb 1, Ward aed Tokea oiada lhair Irtt aUUu appaarueela thU elly, to "A Bqd an the BAab," to a bif vaakudpleaaadthapeopleImmaDMly. Tbll«sat,"Ia Old ■aBtaeky;"nait weak, "The DavU'sAoottoo." Tbii aimatloa bolda the noord U thU dtp br tha UrfOl waak'B boalaaai of last aaasoD. PaovioMci OpaiA Booia—JAa. sg, 0, D, "Bill** Hoar, In 'Tba Pla<Di;" Jab 81, Fab. I ud I, Prof Banr Kallar. Booted; 4,8 S,HaaloB Breo' •^parba;** 7.,!, UNalOoodwIa; II, li. It, "Ilia Prodigal Dtnihur." K. Ul W, ■■TbarAatlDESbOT.'' wsemnfaraaTaaATRB -Ju. S-Pab. 1 ryoD A ebail- dan'a 4fltr Bpona, who ware bar* aarlr Is the saaaoa. plarad a ratars aosaiamaol ud boat tba bai'Dau op Uiair roroar viril hare. Thia waak PIslda a Uuana • DrAwlBg CatdB mAha Uiatr Int appaaranoa bare this aaa- lOD. Maltwaafc, BaillrA Wood'aOo. LoTWior'a OrniA iloDsi-JaD S-Fah.l "Pack'aBud Boy" did tba baat bialoaaa of Iha saaaon thai far Tbli waakBlohAid OrlfllBAOd a atrong eompanr will praaaai "The Tlokat of Laara Mu." Rnt weak, gatbtrtia Bobar. tn rapaitoir. Bqnse.—ilau nyan, of PIidb A Bhtrtdu'a Clff Sports tlo.. BApa that ba isgoiBg t« BaropaaA the doaaol tna pt«a«Dt aaaaoD, to aaaieh or novattlaB for a saw abav thathBtatopatoBtha road nait aaasnn, nBdar tba aaaa muajramaDlaathaOltr BportA. Tb* Daraa of Iha na« •bowTato bf^aNavlaDaalloD" BlU Boay.wU vaa at tba PiOTldanee Opar* Hooa* iba Brvt of Iba laak, na siek wbtia 10 Ihta eltr, ud hU iiIka vaa dllad by a mambar of the rompuy Olin BalL a isaai<Mr of ih* Ward ud Toka* Oo, vta nsAbI* to appaar on tho llAga at fonr parferoaii<** last wad Fab 14, at IdKiup HsU, Boaia'l Baad Btta two eoaaarta Bodar the isAiiAgamaBt of D w. Iu*T*A of Baaraa* Amartoan Bud. Mr. B«*Taabr«D|kl BoUA'a^and bat* aarly Ib Iba aaaaoB aad had tba bo«a* Pawtaoket^At Lothnp's Grand Open Bonse, Ju.a-Pab.a"MafaMooap"ilr** latr bBnaaaa Itla vaat. galhdrta* Bobtr, to "Ths BaekatA" At f,* AadltorllB Fab. T, tha PaMbS Mtulnis, ftam Pro" daaaa. FLORIDA. JaeksoBvllle—Atthe Park Thean"Udy And- toy's Baent" bp amataan, lor tha baaslt of Iha Jatk' lOBTllle LlibtlDlBatiT, aotartaUsd lalrslaBd Aaidlaaaaa JaB.S,D. aolgmllb EbubII mad* bu Bntappaaiaaea hara Pab. kvata Iha ibaan* vu lhf«0B<d wllb Iha itattvap-■ •'- ...—V ator," S,'^ihs raiaawia," of Bom* waDi, Mtastrala I, BobL a. iDianoU I& It fiof. 0*atn a BoBlaaaadDog BbovvlU giro tonr paiforsaBwai A aSsibaa taarOi*BlAU.....*"aiallA" aad -TheWaiUa nu Hodsl" bavoairlTed, aad aia dotag fairly w*U. SOUTH CAROLINA. Ckavlaatsa,—At Owena' AcadeBiy ot Music lobuDowalafhBdaioodkouaJH.B. IIltO.<>aod' wla,81,BadW. B. Oiiaa,F»h.l,dnww*B 11 attaKSd nkaa. Comlai: Bbait BobSBa 8. los* ObiMbb U. ^^b£^£^hlLSS/£)MttStiLS: