New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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782 THE DSTEW YORK CLIPPER. J^BRtJAltY 9i UKTBOPCLITilf OnU HODBB^-TllttWeUUlWMk of tilt Mtfon ot gnaa open tofu F«b. 4, ul wu oudt Ub moit Imporunt et tlM ratlra MMon by tut lint prodnoilon o( "Fttittir," u open, In itm* Miib l>r Vardl, mth book fotuM ipoi BtakM' pnn'i "Hen; WIrei ot 1Vlii4(or,<' bf Amgo Bolto. It proTcd > mont trtompbtnt nonM. VlotorUu- nl cruled Ui« rob or F«lil*iral tbe flnt prodnMloa of tbg op«m, st Ia Sotik, H llu, P«b.«, lan, ud be not oDlr reb»raed ib« compuj for ibe preeent prodaoilOD, bat appezrtil In bli otlilul rol^ wlDDlDg the r«pat4U0D ot bdog ue (Inttt oxponeot of tbo cluncter OTnr eeen upon our aUEe. It niut be rcmembend Id tblt oonneoilon tbu H. Hsnrel wu an Mior before solng opon the Ijiloiuge, Ttae work bed beeseo uorooihlf reliecrKd tlut ererr one In tbe out Mog nil wud witb naunel atudon. Tbe bosee wuln»rt<nzr 01 delight, end enUinilaetlo pimod- lie were rtodered wlib cren rncaJ deDontlrulona. Tbe work wae Ihne cut: UliirMi Ford, Emm* Eemoe; Nnntils, Xelle <1e Lneun; Mlitreee F'gt, Jtsede VlRne; Oeme Quiokir, Hme. Sortobl: Fen- tog, Bii. KoeelWDO; Ford, Big. Uunptiurl; Ftitol, Big. NIcollDl: Dr. U«iu, Big. Vannl; Birdolph. Big. HIneldlnl; Sir John FliUUg, Vlotor Muni. Tbe work wu flnt prodgced Id Koglud M Oovent Qerdcn, London, Uejr 19,18T4, bat In tbe piodoc- tlon Dader coiuldenUoD Ibli tilj hu enjojed tbe kdnnuge of a mucb more eapkble end diiun- galibed cut Tin fortlier eDoonnumenU tor toe week Indade "Ue RogoeDOli" t (exin sigbt), "(Unllerl* luellcegt" end "I PtglleocI" t.Balni- Beene' "Bemron tt Uellle" (lint Ameilcen prodao- tloo) 8, "Ilomco ct Jallello" matinee s, end "" nOD'* ercDlDgofO. riorLi'8 TiiuTM.—\TllllMn newortb'e Dielo- drum, onililed' Oo tlio MlnlnlppI," opened t week'* el*7 Itna nlgbt ot Ftb. 4. Tbe oceuton nerkcd Uio Ont proieniktlon of tbe melodnm* In tbIjcliT. ItwHOntprodoiiodosBepLlo, leM, lb tbe AMdcm; ot Uaglo, Baltlmon, Ud., ud Ibe (ton turn oppmrod In oar oolimni. Tne endleno* on HnniiiiT nlglit enibaelietlosllr apptonded Mr. Ilevuitb'e IttUnt effort In plij wnUng. Tbe CHt Ii » eompeietit ooo, ud tbe eceoerr emplojed U com. ineiid<l>lo fur corracuieai In lonti color. Lew. reoco Uuilo; baa encooedod Wllllim Oonrtlelgb In tbe priuclpkl male rolo, endraoeUed aeTemi onr- Uln call< for bit good work. Oill Forreet we* In- ollnod to orer act tbe pert ot CeleeW Onindoi. Tbe colored pcop'a id ihe dnmt oleTerUperformed ■II Uio; *ore required lo do. Led bj Wlllltm Mc Claln, ihoj were prominent In in*or of tbe beat aceoea nl ilie dram*. Tbe Iborongbbnd mare, Alico Uaile;, t* ao eqolne acireaa oi IntelllgeDoe. Tne houiic wa* well dlled. Tbe caet followe: Med Ihvmnnd, lAwrence Uular; Dare Tjeon, I. J. Fiirrell; Bamool Peabodf. Joiepn Oonren; Blllj IMan, Tboioaa A. wiae: Jefferion Sanborn, Wileon Veal; Uum Ilaleee, U. Oonnlen; Andre Bert- nnd, J. Hay Ooiia*r; Uenr;, Wllllun HeOlaln; Vuon Bmnnlcr, Kdwnrd Howade; Andrew Jaok- «oa litowD, Ubarlee W. Walker; Uonon, Edward anlinni; Oil, II< nrr Varroj; Koaaoib, Ed. J. Lalor; Uajor Jooce, Alfiod Jackaon; Toar Vanot, Artbnr HondoiBon; l>lck Helb;. June* Uordon; Ccletie Qnuidon, Oall Konoet; Vlrirlola Tfeon, NlnaUer- ward; CaljTjIer, JoileHlaaon; Annette,Cordelia UcUlaia: Ulemy, A. II. Arobev, and Baroncaa Bran- nior, Out MllU. Next week, OllTer Uyron, In "Upa ■bd Down* of iillo," for tbe Int tine lo Ible cit/. ManaRcr Htirldon'e dim aoanal beneOt o:oan sight of Full. 24. Among tbo Hat ot rolnnlaen will be terornl ilrat appearaDcoa on tlio Bowery. JiCoiM' TuiATKB. -Mme. NenTille.aaalaud by ber ■on, iufiuiln Heuviila, nreaontea ben, Monday evoulng. Fi:b.4,tbelrul<l, butaonelboleeaBopnlar )ilar, "Too Iloy Tramp," wblou ha«recenily been rewrlitoQ and brigbtoncd up. UoUi motber and ■on do oxccUoot work la tbia prodaoUon, and a well balanced oouipuy givoa tbem con- ■oioDiloui eupnori. Tho caal In full la: Klohard >Mbiod, J. u. Fenioo: Alfred Karlaion, O. F. Hillor; Uote ralmcr. IL V. Ueredlib; Fairirk OIlea, J. F. Ulark; ItoT. l)r. aemuine, Jobn L Ulark; Trddy, Kd. U. Wlobe; unicer, 0. B. Doll; Myn Waynr. KiUUauicnin; UaUy.Ulu Jamie Ony; UU- froa KirUton, Madumo NeuTllle; Jack Hbarp, Auguauo NoovlUe. Tbo Friday and Balnrday per- toruiaoota will bo glren wllb "Cell 21" aa an Mtracilou. Next wci'k'a blU will he "Uown In Dixie." uuunTiiuTRi.—"The Twentletb ContarrOI'l' beianonFuii. 4ibe iliird watk of II* mo, with a new girl bachelor, Ueiuna Gonrd, In piece ot Uotan Danvray. Bbe prurod to bv more mannlab Iban ber {iredeceieor, and aang moro aoceptabiy. The dla- ogoo baa boao aouewbat abbroriated, and a new scale waa given to tbH aooond act. UiHHioiN'a TuaaTBi.—A rerlval ct Edward Banlgan'a play, "Tbo yajor," wu aonoanced for Fob. t, bill. In order lo rebearae more folly, the pre*«iiail<iD waa poatponod nntiie, the hooae being dark on Uonday nIgbL Fonber meoUcn ot tbe event inoai, iberefotr, waltanill onr next laane. Abbby'h TuiiTRi.—Beerbohm Troe began tbe aecond week ot hla ongagomoet Feb.4, ntoToIng u ble oloilng fur tbo outire week "A Uoncb of Violela." Uutlog ibo putweok taeeojoyedaoon llDuooa aaooeeilon ot urowdcd honaea. Soolety hu received bim with opon ■nna, bni It wonid hare beeD more ODjoyablo to thnao who attended ibe pettiimunoeB tnrongb lore of art If aoclety had not ihouiht It necoeaary to open lia month at the eame time, for tbe conaiant onatttrlng during ihe per fonoanca wu ao evil iliat calla for loglalatlve ac- Unn more loudly than doee woraan'e headgear. lIuvT'a TiiaarnH —"A Ullk White Flag" enloird on Fob. t upoD Ihe elghieenth week of lie rnn. It bu ihrco moro weeke lo lie credli, wheD the regn- lar Boiiion ot ihe buuao will cloae, and Oharlee Frobuan will tcniporailly Uke pnaeailon and prcaent "Tbo Kouniillni." A change wai made Feb. 4, whon Harry i^oiiur aaanmed Ibo role of tne Kapoleonlo colouel. Cliarlea Bianlay wu trant- ferred to the role ot theUeneml.and decrge Hloh- »rda naa gone to Uke Mr. Conor'* place la "A Trip to unlnaiown." Fitrn AvaNiiB Tiiiathx.— "Olamonda" nmalna tbe aiinusiloo at thia bouae. It hu rvcelred at the banda of FaoDy l)aveo|ioit • nagnldcent prodno- tloD.andhrr crcailonut ihe role ot tbe haughty Snohouot AihcOBla onoof btrSneataohleTtmeolf. Bho baa, mnicover, oxcollont auppurt, and Ihe play and IM pertiiinunco an nllke worthy of the atten- UOD ot all luven of tlia drama. Tho nlnibweekot Ita run bep^n Ftili. 4. It reniaiDayet three weeka. raiJiBH'dTiiBaTiia —'Tlio h'atal Uanl"l*roeeilng wllh gMillylnganccoaa atiliU hnuae, where It be- gan Ita KuU. 4 Ihu aixih weul ot lie tug. It la an rmoicating play, mul li lo the banilaot an excellent eo;>i|WbT. at the lii'aU ut whtUi la W. II. Tbumpaon, a vhitraoier acior wh»ao vork ihrouglicut hla career iiu cnutleil hlni to Iho hlghcel couaidrratloo, a fact wh:''h, at thia Umc eipechilly, It woold be well 10 r<nioiii'ier. LYcxtiu TiiaiTHi.—"The Oaae ot llebelUoDa Bn- aan" la eiill ilra* log well at Ihia bantu. It la a lety culcrtalulug p^ay, aud affords excellent opportoni- Uea 10 rarloua Oioiubera i>t tho cumpaity. Id taclj aouo of in«in could scarcely Iid briur eulled. and the mult la a |Krr<>rnanco wbicb could bardly be ImpioTCd. It brgan un Fob. 4 tho elxtb week of II* no. UiHaLO Sgiuux TiiRiTaB—"Hob liny" nmnlga a prime tavurlio In apiio ol all conipeligg atKao. tlooa. It haa not only boea a prolilc aoaroe ot en- lojuient, but. It hu uiade an lupreu opon ibe public mlnil. and added new style* and nooonola. luif 10 arllclia ot appanl. It la a worthy anoceaior to"lliibln lluud,"an>l will doubUeMharea lung llto. It bcgau un Fob. 4 Ibo Olleenth week of lia run. HiHii'a Uowanr TuatTHi.—.Ham Devere'e Oim 00. a coi'ccHoD ut c*p»blB pettormere, moved to tbla bouDO, obtiiing lu giiod aieod auillencoe.on Monday, Fuli. 4. Tho coiupsny Include*, beeldea Mr. Uori-re hluuiolf, Kraua aod Vldocci, Lllllo Wea- tvro, Uucaieil aodUixer, Ibo Uouovana, Howe and IteulE, Ola llayiloo, llaydon and lletheilonjjh* uuaker ully uuarlotaid omeoo. The larce, "what U Home Wliiiuut a Molhcr In Uw," oouUndod the enleralnment. „. „ , _„ . ' KuriHB Tuxixai. — "Tbe Uaniaonden" con tlniioa one ol ilie moat consplunuua ancctaaea of the present aeaaon. Tliiuuinnui Iho Ductuatlona ot bualiirM In iho l>««l toeairlcal told It buoon- atani'y claluiol aud rwulvrd ui.iru lUan lia avenge Bh4rc pairmiago. anil a Iirluimlug uieunre ot appr-'val. THAI ii liuoatiKlii tho popuUr fancy la laraelvdue lo tho iiiAuui-r of lie prtaeglailon. ent< icd nil Foi'- 4 u|mii iIi<> tf iiih week ot lie run. BTsHTvBsTHk.-" ilie Old llumcalnd" conilnnta lo h»lil Iho at'iiiu ai Ihia hunao wiih undimlnlakrd pupularlir. I • lural pluiiin a and realism uever aerni to Ium llirlr iiiiet«at tor tbe thoaire going Eniiiic, and «'>h| iiiiijni u la Ihe nle. The play tgao ou Fill.41'nsixth witk. AOiDaw or Mi'su-.-'-ltury ot tba IHU" enierrd npuu liaanu:i<l »etk at Ihia house Feb. 4. The plav abounda In lyHcal Irleh wllilclaoia, wblcb aeem lu liavo won mvor wlih lUo large andlencee wblrb luvu aueudi-.! aince lie opening heic. isTibDXHD TucsTKa—"ryuMuchJobuon" con- tinun lo bo tne Hi-rsoilon at ibia boute, with no lalliugoir In the atuudanoe. Itbtgan ou Feb. ' I* elerebili week. OiBsnv TaiifU—"UUIeOhrtatophar"eiiteied OD Feb. 4 ipon the aereMeeoUi week of lla mn. Balea Bertram wu dif nlaaed from Ibe compuy Feb. 1, owing to ber noB.appeuaioe npon lb* pre- ceding *T«Dln(. Waa Bertnm a«gt a phjalolan'a eaiUlleale tbai abe wu too III lo appear, and Iben atteaded a pertonnue* at another theatre. Bbe dalmatbat aba vruanffetlog from aoatabronehltiB, and, while DDtble to amg wu not compelled to re- malD Indoors. Ber place hu eince been fliled by Leila Blow, who will remain In tbe pan nnlll II, when BealeBoneblllwUlaaaiime the role. Among tbe apeolal fcalnreaot tbla exlravagaoia tbe per- formlBgbabooDlaatimctlDgmncbattea'ICD. Bhe la oaeot the neat aorpilsing novelUea at preaent apon Ihe atage. Bhe la performing In cenneoilon with Prof. Maeart'e dog and monkey comedian*. Tbe baboon handle* air ct the atage "propt," and doea It deftly and expcdillonalr. Trot. Macatt'a engagement ftnow la lie alxib week. Koera & Biii,'i.-T)ie bill pteaested week of Feb. 4 wu ot Ibe canal high ataidard here, and dnw a packed honae oo Monday. Alolde Capl. talne, on the Dying tiapeia, made ber reappeanace hen and met wllta a hearty welcome. The Olxon Broa., moalcal clowna, made tbeir debut at ula honae and wen alao well received. Olaale Loflna begu her third week an lncre**ed favorlle. Bhe added Hveral new Imliatlone to her llat, and won loQdsppIanaeforheraffona. Few performen on tbe maalc hall atage poeaeea the feicning qnallilee which Mia* Lofin* doe*, uid (be bold* ber an dieaee from her flrat eoinnce nnill her anal exit wtib ber peraonallty aud her clever Imliatlon*. Pul Clnaoevalll, the kiDg of lugglsn (eighth week), added new trick* to nl* colieeilog, and wu a coMlnned favorite, Bogaale Petreacn, oontor- tionlit (lenth week): Jole* Levy, cornetut; ibi Roeaew Broihen, illlpotlan atbiete* (tnnrtMDih week): Mona. Blalnvllie, cbaractar Imlutlon* (tooiib week), and Le* Fonr DIeza. qiartat oopnr- cblo (elxtb week), were popular holdover*. The rogramme wu ocnclnded with the living plc- area, which are atlll popular. Tne Amerloan dehntoinorleyandWUtog I* auoDnced for next week. NiBLO'a Teiani.—Katie Emmett, In ibe Irlah draooa, "Klllamey," made her Ont bow to a New York andlenoe, tbi* eeaaon, on Feb. 4. Ulaa Emmett can have do canu for complaint, eltber at tbe elr^ of tbe andlenca wblcb greeted her nor the cordial, ity wllb which a hcnee packed to tbe doora re- ponded to to tbe clever work ot ttae etar dnrlng Ibe ooorae of tbe play. Tbeo<stfolh>«a: Allen Tracy, Robt.Rbendao: CapL Archibald Deeming, Bnhert BukeU; Felix Drtaeoll, R. 0. WlUlama; Maitln Kavuaogb, Cecil Klngeloge: Paddy OormaD, Bart W. Wallace; Dan Oooley, Oharlee Qreeg; Jndlth Eevanauab, Ulliao PrlcetOma Rny, IbMoTbunier: Uanle gray, Mabel Tallatem; Mn. Bdmond wuiard. Carrie McOolloDgh; Klitle Burke and Terry Doric, Katie Emmett Executive ataff: Bnalneaa tDanager, Olarenoe L. Dean; aiage direotor, Hubert BMkeli: treunrer, E. N. Wblmcy. Next week, ''M<>FaddeD'a Elopement" Loudon TaxxTaa—Mlara'a City Clhb Co. opened their third engageoent hen lo a Oiled boue oo Monday, Feb. 4. Their entenalniDentaillipceaesaea tbe aame brlghmea and crlepnee* which have alwaya cbaraoterlied It Tbe olio hu been ohaoged lo a few numtMri, Fields and Lewie and Kittle Wella having Joined since ihe company'a laat appearance In New York. Toe former team do a good, lively parody ainging torn, and HIaa Wella' ohancier change* are, u unal, well received. Fusy Bverait la uplqnantu ever, and In the hor- leeqoe* and her apeclaJij wu roundly appUnded. Uariy Bryant alao had a good reoepilon, and hi* *ketcb with Carrie Pallonirualivclyone. Tooinaa II. Nolan, obaracur ainger. and Uryant and Bavlile conclnded tbe olio. "Tne Old Hone Inauad," with Itafonny iDCIdeou, la atlll retalneduthe bnrieeqna, and Olla all itqalrement* u a rooalog Onlsher lo a good ahow. Mr. HIacn reporia nDllormly good bnalneu ibrooghcnt the Weal, u far u ble ahow la a»oemed. Next week, the Ladloa' Olnb Bur- lesqaeOo. BaoaswxT TBiinu.—"Madame Bane Gene" la atiniotlng much atientlcn at thie honae. Rathryo Ridder'a reDdliion of the role of the onconren- tiooal Dncbtae bu proven ntlafutory, although It nu n.<t aroaaad much entboalaam. The produc- tion hu, bcwever,won an nnanlmcna verdict ct appnvai, aad the ptrlotmance u ■ whole bu pruven very Inianatlng. Ttae toarth week of tbe run began on Feb. 4. Euzi WaanBN will deliver a lecton on Shake apaare'a "Merchant of Venice" at tbe Metropolitan Ocllat* ot Healo, 31 F.ut Fcotteenih Street, on Feb. 1. TbiB la tbe lint ot a eerlea ct lecinna upon Bhakeepcuean plays which Ulaa Wamn purpoaea to deliver. FoDBraiHTn BraiiT ToiATni.—■■Unmanlty," Batten Tane'a Ave act melodiama, wu given He flntmetropcUlan ptodooUcn atthlabon.j Feb. 4, baton a large and enihn*l*atlc audience. Tbla play, ttae etory ct wbloh hu already appeared In thtue oolnnna, waa prcaenled for tbe drat time Id thIe coDQlry, and alao tor the Orst time on ■oy stage Dodor lla present title, Dee. 24, at the Uiwdcin TMatre, BoatoD, Maw. It wu originally produced onder the ilUe of "For England," at the tlnesD'e Theatre, Uaacbeater, Eng., on Feb. 2T, laKl,and was given Its Orat London performance Hay It, of thai year, at ttae Favillon Tneatre. The play waa mil aiaged aad wuuied byaalroDg company. Borne of the acene* are tbriuing, eapeolaily the explcelon at ihe cloee ot the foorih act, which oeitalnlydoea not luk realism. It make* a complete wreck of Ihe bnlldlngon tbe eiage and does It ao reallaUcaUy that It aeem* u thcngta IngmeD'* ot wood and atone were Oytaigthtoogb the air. Then are touchuot bnman Intenatthtongh the play, and wbi:o It la weak Id plaoea It alao hu ettoog acenra. The company genenlly played thelt reepeoilve tolea well. Jo*. It Orlsmer gave a a good performance of Llent Bavla Cranhonrne, thuuihal flnt be wu weak. Toward the end ot the tourih act, u be Is abcntto be lacked In a room fren which he will only be llbenud later to be ahot, hlk leave tat Inaol hts ailUnced wife wu partlc- olatiyaiioDi andegectlve, wbenu Id tbeeccond act, woen Hithew I'enn accnaee Llent aradDoone wlui miulng hla daoshier, bl* acting wu very weak. Toe rolo of Alma Uunhar lather overtaxed tbe Btnugib of rbuibo Davis at timea, but her per- formaucu wu otberwlae goo;l. Tne honcra ot the eTealug were won by Taeodcre Uamlltoo, who u Matthew r.:nD gavo a drawing ot a elem old iloaker tithtr that iru iborongbly artlatio and wu ful^ appreciated hy the audience. Bebe Vlnlng made a charming KixaUPdnQ,a daughter ot the old OUD, and Leabla Penn, another daughter, wu well played by Ague* Roto Lane. Ftator Ooulier as Major lUugerOtId won acme blaaea from the ■allery, wbloh wu tbe beat pnlae be could ncoive for hi* work. Don U ivldaon orencted Maoaaaos Harta, a money lender, bnt u he did many right thiDta Jua at tbe tight time he wu aocorded liberal appante. The nmalndor ol the company did well. Tne play poeteeaei the elenenuotaucoeaa and la likely to pleaao ihe pat. nnsoflhUhcnu tor some tine. Tue cut In full: Llent BevlsUfanboorae, Jo*. H. Orlsmer; Sir Felix Urubonroe, Scott Uoopt r; Lady Uranbonme, Mary Davenport; Yen UranMurne, Belle Dacklin; HiOorbai'ierlleld, Fiater Coulter; Llent "Baby" demroM, Ota*. J. JactecD; Matthew Penn, Thcn- dcn namllicn: Kesuih Penn, Behe VIning; Leabla Penn, Agnos lloae Une: Hanaaiee Harka, Uore UavlJaon; IkOT Mtrte, Hadic Filco; Jerry Oral- toD, Jami's E. Solllvan; Iiau Uurte, Arthur Kbheie; t>>rponl ljudioiau, Ssmnel Ony; Osl- vio, Frank Munht: Ilodgee, Chas. U. Richard*; Joalen, Don Park: Martiuoa Uoffmeyer, ularesee Farguaon: Paul Yoaloo, Hota D. O'Neal: Dana Kroger, Jamee F.. YInion; Muter ot Uounda, mepneu Brlerlt! Whipper In, Oso. P. Mcme: Karl Uolt, Ctpt U. Walsh; Alma lluniiar, Ptaoibe Davie*. "llQmanlty" la under tbo management ot Wo. A. Bntcy, and iru produced under ttae dUoouon of Joa. It OrUmer. MiNaa'a Kionrn Avaxiii TniiTac-The Rellly A Wood Hhow began a return engagement hen on Feb. 4. Tola organization le a veiy popular one «lih Ibe palrone ot tbla honae, and. Judging from the alia of Ihe audience on Monday nlgbt, a week of tne bualieu laaaauied. Tne tcUowlog oomprlBO the oompany i Athos and Wost the Fergusons^ ttae BaTase, Peny and Tenbiooke^ LaoRl and Uarvy, and Her, Burke ud Handall. In the oonclodlng buileaque. "lledee Up to Uate," and In Iheopeolog skli, "Tne Mysiic Utder ot Uoderlaken," Pal KelUy k'pi the large aodieace convolted witta langbitr. Natt «eek,tb* Ulty Clah. WoRTii'* MraacM.-aood boslneea la npottad Iron tela popular pUc* ot enteriaioment ThIa week'* teaturea are: Tniee Eipanoe, Calby and lleaoine, Une, Pilnce Albert, Billy Jaokeon, Billy Jnlineon, llan WtB^ Matuc WllkaTllobUalea, BieiU w iley, Jenr Mills, i. W. Lee, and Pnf. Alexuder. Biianui BBAPrkB, one of ttae Shaier family ot ^ijgiera, isade her AmeHcu debnt ai FroMora Kgiin'BOmouBQBiBi.—The atereotyped nport ot the bnalneu being done at tbU honae la all that (*n be add. At everr performance laat week standing room wu at a pteminn, and the nme state of albin exiated Feb. 4, when we made onr nxoal lonnda. Tbete at* uveral toru on the bill tbla week which have been aeen In tbla oily lloie and tine again, and one performer who hu been known for yean u doing a high priced flying ring act ThlapBrtormer la Harry La lloae, now known u Leo Damito, and Inataad ot appearing on Ibe nyluB ring*, u tomerly, he li now doing a globe walking act M. Dervalio doe* a aeeaaw act while waiting tie giohe, and alaoluggle*throe Indian dnbe, bat be dotea hla inm wlih u airong a piece ot work u bu erer been aeen on Ue atage otlblahnnae. Bltrtlngtrom tbe auge M. Derralui worta the globe op aa Incline epini nnill he rochet a plaifom at the top, thirtr.alx feet above the atartiog point and iben ralmly and coolly etaria down, while the andlenco remain epell boond. While Ibia act la not new Id thIa conntry, having been Intiodnced ben by tbe Beuleya upwards ot twenty years ago, yet It la Mhsatlonsl enoDib to become a future, and la a Dorelty to ibe present i<nenUca of theetregoen. A* M. bervallo leached tbe etaie tbe appUuae wu HUe.Ermlnia Chelll.hi herbalucing Oiben on nbleetnmpepeech; deafening tnpeze act, won considerable anpuaae. tbeblllanHDgheyl>oniherty,lnbleeti PaplDU. la ber beantltnlmlrror dance; Fielding. In hU Jnigling act: the Mldgeleye, the Terdl Quartet, Daisy lfayer<a Flckaninnlc*. the California Trio, Dixon and Lang, Frank OakM Roae, tho Two Omces, John Fatten, and Fndo and Stone. TONT Finoa'ii TaaiTBB.—Thli week muk* a new em In the bUtory ot thi* bonie, for on Feb. 4 an exira matinee wu given. Four matlneee an achedoled for thU week, Monday, Tueaday, Friday and Batorday, bnt wheiher this arrangement will be kept up time alone can lell. Should It continue It will make more work for perfoimen, bnt It will alto be tbe means ot dnwing more money to the bouse. Fricea hare alec been enavedoffa utile, BO that a good erat can now be had for twenty-flve oenta. In another monih Mr. Paetor will celebnie hiathlrileihanaireraarru a Hew York manager, and ihoieihlrtyyeara can belockedbuk upon with a teelloR ct aailafactlon, for then I* no manager In New York todaj wtao cu aboweo good a record of clever performuoesL nor one who, perhape, bu done u much for tne variety prateselon u Mr. Faator. Then la pnbabiy no perfcmer Id the vandevllle bnnoh ot the pnfeaaloD who bu not,at*ODetlmeor other, been to Mr. Puior for an ebiagenent or advice, and they have all re- celvedwoida otencnnngemeDt While then may be managen In thI* city, who ore doing all toey can to bring op th> tiandard of the variety profntlcn, notone of them bu woiked harder nor ao long, u the Jovial manager ot the gilt edged variety hoou on Fonrteentb Street To etnngere he li aimya pleaunt while lo performen and: acqotlnlancea he bu alwara a (mile and a welcome. Mr. Faator'a record I* one to be proud ot, andiohlmthe patrou ot variety pertonnaoce* In ihia city owo many thanka and well wlabta. Tbe bill this week la u einog u BDy that have been aeeo hen tbla aeuon, for It Inclndra the namea of aeveral partormeia well up on tbe ladder u enter- lalnen Henri Caanao. In hla ehadow pictarea and Joggling, won many ronnda otapplanae. Cai- man'a act la one that people could watch for an hour without tiring, u he doea all bla work before the andleoce with nia aheet in tbe background, and bla light wall down In tho front of tne atage, ao that everybody can eee Juat how the ahadowa an throim. Tbla la a complete change from Ihe usual etyle ot ahadowgnpha, and makee tbe ait more In- teruilng. Llitle Flcaaie, In ber eonn, dancea and channa, made a big Imprcaaloo. la ber dancea aud chaogea. ahe la u clever a little performer u hu appeared here In a lobg time. Follle Bolmea, ID her Irlah aonga, met with anccen, winning aeveniencore*. She aaogteveralnewaonga,allot which an very taking, eapeolaily "Uold Yonr Head Cp, Palay Hcuann," "I Went Home with HIcbtel. and MiokaelWent UomeWltb Me." and Jamea B. Donovan's btteat, "IreUnd will Be Irelind When the Bowery'e on the Uum,°> wblcb Hies Uolmu aug tor Ihe Oral time on auy tbtge 4. Fannie Lea- lie,acontoriIonUtwbcraokaweTlnplD the bntl- neaa, did clever work. Oihcnonthe blH who are well known In thia city an tbe Thne Rt Felix SIb- ten. Id aonga, medleya and character chugee; tbe Dawaonaln a skating epecbilty; Ooa WlllTama, In bis saual funny bnalneu; Ohaa. Boyle and Carrie Onham. In an eccontrlc comedy aketch; Torry and Haggle Fergnton, In fnnnylaraa and dog dancing, who arc alwaya welcome; Ungan and Qlenroy, fn 'TneTramp aad the College Boy," and,ot courae, the only Tony Paator. □OBBB's PauoB HinKDH.—The fat woman'a nee nmalna one ot Ihe principal feainree Id the curio hall at thIa honae, with Ue and Ulm, tho fat and lean boxen, a clou aecond. Other teatoiM are Zip (What la II), Oapt Sidney Blnman, A. Lnlee aimlaaa wonder). Chalk Sannoer*, Frot. King and lie. Eugenia Oamtu's troupe of tnlned birda. Hiage—Fray and Evau, Ed. Itogera, Usveu and Nevrllo, Wealon Blalen, Cha*. A. Unnuan and the Japanese Uvlng picturee. Harlem,—At tbe Barltm Open Bonae "Sowing thaWlnd'araatal a big aeoaailon lo thIa part of lha otty bat weak, tamloR people away at savsrel ot the parfonnaacea. "Tba (^iton KlnB"b*na awsek'aan- SasanaDt fab. 4 ti a orowdad hoara. asd ibonid do a law««k*abaalDMa. Nait weak. "TlieLlttla Trooper." lOLOHSDS—'*A Trip tft ObloatowQ" taned PMpla a«ar ourlox tba lattarpart of last weak, tsit ne«rlr braablDBUiaraoonl "Tba Darbr Wlooar" bao lu Otat Kaw Toribaarlotat Ibia faoaaa 4 lo a lair aliad aadl. aoca. Tha play daala wiUi M noaarapnloaa bookmaker ana aa bneit ovaar of r««* horaas, a boylib couoirj alrl, whortdaatliawlDaar of lha Darby, a roaetrritlr hrad by lha owoar of Uia Ilarbr wlaoar, a larmar ladap (0 all trloka aad a O A. R. ratarmB Dot loraattlo* lha trOQpa of colorad vtog ahd back daocara, who by tha war mada lha bit 01 IbaaTaolot. Tbe icaaarT la good aapadallrtbaatartlDBacaaaat tbaraoatimcb Tliacaat uaM b* Impfovad npoa. Tba caal; Milt. Waat, Praak SSialri U wu •Tid«l 0»t our ot5" fn""^ Mihlfwd ih«n Id lira ber k vrlooratol tbf> «umm «nuJo?^wu irrwi Brauer U*n b«r most MtbatU*tlo Buoa-Br*« Brwlle.iD-Onib« Bow#rr''will n»*o uoSInM eooUnaw tbroDnhrol ih# wwk u tt bt«M. Diibt of t wben the hoapa «« fliltd to lU aUnert e*. peelir. "loOM lenioe^j" II „ , _^w*w. . ud prewted "Tbe Wm« of Bio" to u wfl«» Bful* flUed Ibe bonie fb* oompeor li *>e«ll«DL toe *UMi* wiUote are haxdMiae eod ttaevlMbidiUlrto be*eaf»odnia ■ThaToraado" 11 . UToa A BaBKirs -May Howard'i SorlefiiaeCOBpaDr II tbe bill litre we#lt It li a good «m[*»)-H«e of tbe beat<>r lU klod-aod at tbe two perionD«DC«i M«a 4tbeboaiewaacrewdo4ioeie«fa. Sam Derere'e Coid- paoroomuforareiaraeBfaatmeot 11 navBiR * QiaUARDT ■ UiBiito -Tbat raoJeTlUe U Uk- iDKitoftttealatiicMiimailoD of iniQwmtDtMekera 11 anplr ibova br il>e bl* aiuedinre Ibat nlgbtir «tt- n<M Ibe blllJ praieoied liere Ibia week Htaa^tr Oebbardt baa arraoted a Kood pfMnanno*. wMeb bena Dlfbtofitoaerowdedhouoe^lli* »*odeTllio pait elodea DeveaDX aad Taylor, Era Rfflobonie and AUc* lovaid. MInDU BeboK May Adirai Harry A.. EinmaieoD aad oiheia, wbtle ib* UtIdr pielarei are illU an atmo- tlTt fetiore ol tbe Mnoimaace. ANPnio.<T.-"S4«ro« tbe Wiod" mkde Iti flrtt appeu aoM to tbe Barters Olitrlac 4 aod icored a dMided no eea. Ue aaditooa tb«t RrMted it «u a laiffe aod ap- prfolatire ooe. aod loit do opportoolir to ibow !•! ap- prMiatloD of ibeaotbor'ivoili. Ura CaamrT doled a •naeatlol easaRaiooat S "'^Q tb« UI«>iMlppi" atit EMPim—"DovD Id Diile ' begao a weeVii eataca .jeot beie 4 Tbe opinion bnuie wai |o<-d *'T1ie WasM ol f(in"had fair butlceu la»t week. CodIoe II. "nie ^ptalo'i Mate " OaTm.-BeMle Boneblll boida the llatoi eoiertalnara wbooeeupr tbe I'aie bare ibia w»ek. lha ot>-en la- elodo Detaar and DrbrioAot, HirilaiD (uanip lufuler), Ltnle fi Bajmond, San Baroard. iko Diib'tia. Keili and Calo. Tb<«rOeorte AaUle. tba Aattrallao Brotberi. and tbeBedoQiD Araoa Tbere wu a good auad aodleoea preaent at tbe OMnliir pertormaaoe. 4. BatUUotorr bnalDaaa laat week. Saadow aod tbo Trooadero Taade> TlUea naKtwoek- LTonriL—Tba Fblllpa' etook Oompaar eoDUoaaa la fanr bare, aad lu iriy will be iDdaflolte. TbU week (bay pmeol "Tbe Tlokat ofLeare Han ** A blf aodieace wai praaaot 4, tbe opantof Digbt Neuweek. "ABaa of lee," UaiQua—HanafferCar tbla weak beilna the Mcaf^ lODt ofaatook horlw^ne compaay. uebaidlfpukjed laocb taue andiodKowat la Mlaeilog tba nenberior fall »>Dpaa7- aod the raaolt 4, wbto be pat oa **8blp Aboy 1" waa a floUbtd perlomanca He baa dieaaad tbe playen la aew coiumaa and tbe Mate wltb aaw acaoery- Tbeopeolog booi«,4,wai ontwded. Bmloeo bai baaa reDurkably loed. balag oaly alltbtly affected bytheitnbe. Tbeollolifaralabad byCyraaa,tba7oor Luaoida, Foitar and Lewla, Joba n. Orlflla, Baoabaw aad uoUlaa, flora Leonard, Flora Dabolie aad Magfle Lonl. Kvm —ICasfle Olloe will appear wlUi Baia Darera'i Compaay Mat week at Bide A Babaan'a Owing to tba pnpalarlty of tba BUon Tbaaire oaUoeea, tbe maa* aiiaiaeat anaoueeea barealier tteg'aoiagFab. Utbree natlaaea will be ilren eaeb week. Tia: naaday. Tbnra- day aod Batarday Oa aeit Moaday DeLoogOooaell, B. A., will fire a mlaMret eotanalameotat tba Atnpblon Tbaatie. uarlDji tbe retaalader ot tbe week *Xta tbe Miulutppl" willbo pnaeatad A looeaatfol beoaflt perforaaaee laaldoi ibeiinklogooadaotoreaad motor- maa wia giraa Boaday aiibi at ibe Ualqoe Tlwalr*. Tba talaat wu lomlabad by the Aotora' Proieotlre UaloiL Albany.—Oar tbeatre goen were treat«l to » wide rasn of atlraeilooi laat week, aad reapoaded beartlly. Tbe Leiand Opera Hooie played a retam aa- ga(»inant of "Onr Uade Dodlay." Jao. S6L 0,3D, to good bmloeaa Wm.**rbeRiBingOenaraUoa'ieaae Siaadootaa lodi of room coald be foaod aftere1|bt o'doek. Stave Bf^Sla flolibod tbe week, appearing In "Oatba Bowery," aad the cDrleai fliled tbe booee at *a£ta parforouaea Coinlat: Fab.4, Paalma Parker, la "WlldBoM:" A Albany Yacbt Olab HIaatreli; 7. "Ooon Hollo*:" S, 9. Chauacay Oleott, lo 'Tba Irlab Artist:" II. lt,lS,raltx Morrla. ia-*AOami ol Rarda,"aad"BeolBd lb* Seanea;" II, IS, 1$, Feter F. DaUay* la "A Conatir Sport" lUmKAiiira BLnoKiR Hall bad Robert Hllllud. la -Tbo Nomlaee,''Jaa. a, O. and aodleaoaaol Reaerooa proponloaa ware afoa. Tbe Boatoa Featlral Orcbeatra cam* lo ooaoertS, and one of tbe Urgeat galbeilan of tbe aaiaoa fliled tba balL Coniloa: Fab. 4. "Bine Jaani:"e,7, DoooallyaadOlrard, la 'tbeBalBouken ' B. Paellae Hall's Upan Uo, la "Ooreaa." Tan Uaim Tbiatii nve Ita anal good ahow all Ian weak, tbe Rote BUI Bagllab Foltr Oo. faraliblajr tbeeaiarulameat to lair boaloaaa. Comlag: Fab. A-O, Ham T. Jaek'a Oreole Oo.; 11-18, the Olty Bporti. Daytoa; Jack VrinliL Porter J. Wblt«: Tommy BelL Aribnr Dnoa; Adam lluaobeeb. Vai Millar: William nallfdwieog^Lools B- uall: Mike Toaaoo. Oaorge [aobeeb. Vai Millar: Wllilaio iwirawivB^i'MBia o. ilall: Mike Toaaoo. Oaoni4 Kobtar; LeaTooBg. P Ihly; Ultlle Jooei, w. BMrtdie: JamM MarUn. p. Rowlla*: AUca Nobia, OIn Verao: HauMa De llan. Jaua Uaichar; Freda Uateobecb! Hloanaof^al: N*IIWi:iiuai, Viola ArtboriMatlaJoaaa, Mra. w. BMridKe Kelt weak. Uoooally aad Olraid, lo ' Tbo RalDmahen^" ULTMPio-Piter Mabar^a To. did lalrly wall tbepa*t ■eek. 1blahou»efeUtba«ffMiaofitkallD« lo the park morotbao aaroi lb* othirplacea or aoinaeoaat. Tho Roto Ulil Borlaooue Po. nada tbair ltt«t Ilarlam appear aooe Ihia aeaaon to a big boaae 4,aiHl gare eatliboiIotL Kaic wrak, the Pay Foatar Burlaaquo i o iTBiHAOH.-Baitaaaa at ihia place danog the pait week wai oolr Itlr. 7ke weekiOao L. flatter, Tetto, PanI Rohalar, Bophia Oeaaer. Oao Karoa Marie RawalL Phyliia i.^rle Predrlohi, Obappalle BUtan, Lnganaan, Ainerici aad Jainaa Uotur. IlaHLH MDvauii —Lait week'i ba<loaM was a reoord breaklagooa. belQB thebeatofiha veaaaiL Tbe llTiag pietorea prored a big aiiraotloa. and hara been aogagei for aaoUiar weak Tbla week: Carlo ball—llookar'i li«loi plQiarae. Kmara A Ouora'a RAye) Tnope of JapiDeM, aod aareral atbar attraoilODi Btaie—Qeo. aod Lore Hlleble, ^. B. Waller. Ctau aad Nillia Uowe. Bilbor, Bl. aod Bam Bojdell, Emma Mardook. Joa Campbell and if aigle Hiaaa NEW YORK ST ATE, Brooklyn.-DuloaM wu better lut WMk (banataoy tlmealaoa the iUlka ol tbe trolley car em- ploye! took plaae, bat U ii not ap lo what It ahoold be ■Ith Ibe iitraailoni elTared at tba dUfannt plarboaaea T^e Qaoartainiyaboot getting home at nlgbt after tba playa are over keepa maay peopleaway. Thu ta the oaae alia Ibe tbaatregoora vbo IIto l>ajood the eirola of walblogdlaiaaceto theTarlnua play boaiea Tbe bllli preaaotad bare (Man good for oobh «aeka peat aad tba boohiogi a&ow that thay wlU coaiioue ai tbe blah itandanl lor eona woekatoonme. Tbla weak will wit oauaoni lotarwtlag playa. twMaa lha retora lo tbla eliy 01 i«o popular plaoea Delta Fos appaarod bare tor tbe Int time, Feb. a, at tbe bead or bar owa com. pany, Roae Cogblaa becaa ber aaoaal eogagameot al Ibe Park, lo "Hamealik" wbloh wu aeaa (or the flnt lime ben 4. Tbe Oraitd Open Uooae bu William Batrr, lo "Tbe Riaing Ueoaratlon,*' abieb wu aeen aad mei wltb adoaau bora earlier la tbe «*aioo, and theBiloa preeantaRteve Btodia, lo'-Oa tbe Bowery," wblcb uae made a bit oa the laat wlalt to tbla ol tr, a few mootba ago. Manager Many U. Keoaady, of tbe BUoti, anaooncea tne rvtoRi ol Cbaaneey Olcntt, wblla oiber managara an- noaaoeMTatalotb«rplavaibat ware a«aa bare earlier latbaeaaaoo. BoneeiuieaitnoileoiattbeibaatrealD ttae Baeiera DIairict Ibia week are oieetlaat. Among ibaman'Soalni iba WiiHl." «hlcb !■ proOaeedatibe Anipbioa. wblle Beule BoneblU. who waa wltb U, W. Wllilami' Hetaere lut weak at BydeA Bebmaa'iLwlll bee«en attbeOuetT. Tbeaniatear«wiU beTtirmueb to oTideace tbla weei, aa aareial pirformaneaa are to ^e ■iTOQ. ferla V. Jervu «ill iite a ooooett T, at tbe roude gall#ry for bu pspiL Imogeoe Loilae pMb, UunoOraiA Uoiaa—wnnam Bany. lo "Tbe Rla tog Oenaratloo," nioned Fak < wbeo the booae wu packed, 10 Of tdanoect bla pepnlarfty la tbla olty. Uo blaformar eagaiemaat hare tbla laaaoa be eeored a aQoreae. aad ladtiot from lut alaht'e attandanoe be »boaM 4o Wfii on ihia trip. WiLlam Uoay, la "Tba r.aau." ■(•< bfgioBlagll. . PaBK,-BoM Coahlan begin bar aaosal aagagemaat bare nlgbt of 4, «ltn bar laltlal preieaiailoa la lEla city of^'Naaiaoli** Tbeaadiaaea. wbtob WW ft large oae, ae ieapiad the pleoa with daalded aaibaalaam, aad tbe pe^ fomaM* ItMU wall daaemd Ibe awlaaaa baatand npoa U Mfl tba |tor«a aftUi notlna aliba aloat 01 «Mh ILLINOIS. ChlcAso.<*AlttiODgb ttie past fortolsht bu bnaibtanoaanalamoaatof cbaagea lo tbenantger. lal iltoatloD hareafaonta, well fbaaded nmon polot lo farther aarprUaa lo atore. Manager B. a Jaeoba r« tirei from tbe Clark Btieet Tltutre Pab. B, lekrlo* aoolher opealog for new poMclea and changed eondl Uoni. a malt more than likely to be coaaammaiaij 4qi> lag Ibe eomlag week. Bomora coanect tbe oane ot Managar Fraak Hall wltb tba fotnre af ihta toaaL where coattoooni parformaaoee are aald to be apcuibi* eoarammatloa Later la tbe weak romora began circa, lallog wbleb told of an Inporiant nbange In maaaaaiMBi U one o( tba downtown tbeatrea, bntatibia wrlUtiitth> noblleaUon of faeU la oot pracUeable, aliboaab iba dm Mep lo tbe piopoud ebinie hu beea eOeoud. Tba (ererlahcoodttloaof themanaBanal iltaaUon hu not prodoced any aaaaoal boi pmc« reralta, and. If one out odge from preeaat ladlcatlonr the baalaau aliaauoa li ikeiy to remain nncbanged. Wortbv offeriagi en i^a accorded the patrcoagejuatly doe, while atbooiu vheti mediocre enlertalnmeau are pnmolgated tba auao^, (^lOAOO OPIRA DouBi.—Lllllaa Roaaall and bar o». erauo eohorta began athreoweehi'eBgag»ment4.prv aentlog "Tbe Oraad Dnoben " After three wetka ar Terr tllr flnanelal reaolta **nift Oatety Olrl" bu da- putad, and It can be aald tmtbtnlly tbat her paaaiDiwlli oot be aenoaalF reffratiad. OaiSD Orau lloiniB.-Rlcbaid Maaalleld baitna lottnlgbt'a vlalt to Hanaear Harry L. Uaffllln'a popuUr tbettra 4, praaootlBg dnrlaa Ibe flnt half of bia lur •Napoleon Bonaparte*' 4, ^'Anni and ibe Maa" { >Beaa Bnuameir' matloee S. "A Farlilan Bonaau' Bight ol ^ "Tbe Scarlet LetUr"7. "B«aa Branaall-* a. ^Prlnca Earl" matinee 0, and "Dr. Jakyll aad Mr. Hyde" nlgbt of 0. Boaloen wu Tory poorladaadUu weak, when Tim Murpby and Bogene Oanflald nada their local atellai- debat la "Alimony." The play gaia tbe moat indlfferaot aatlaCaotion. althengb Ibi lUn were gtroa credit for their ability. Jaa- Hanley. Fraak Oottmar, Joa, B. Eden. B. B. Tbomaa, Dorothy EUerrod Ftoieoc* SUTena, RaraTaa Bteiabter and Harriet Wii! llama affoided ample aopport UooLVTB TORATU.—Olga Nethanole won imnedlau aoeeeaa laat week, and wllT flniib berflrat local tnieg*. neat with praHaota)loaB of -The Tranagrenor" ^ Bnffialoa-At tbe Star Tbeatn "Tbe Vtle ot ATooa" came Feb. 4, for one week. OUb Bklnner l^N, Tbe Boatonlana and "Aladdin Jr." did a aplendld baBl< ntaa. AOABUT 01 Knia—'The Bnwnlaa"oome 4 (drone week. Mane Janaea II-U "Princeu Boonle" made an eiceUaot Impraaaton. Ltoiom TBaATBi.—Florence Biodley bevan 4, In *The Capulo'a Male," for one weak, "Sloe Jeana'* nail week- "On Ibe Mlealulppr* hada remaoaratlTO eogagameoL OooaTBTumraurnB.—TbiB week: amalia atorar^ Moatgonwry Itflng, Nellie Magolra. Banoa. Oeorge Saaa, the verhecka, Al. Boome, Hoborler and Na^ aod Moaical Dale. Rett week. Weber A Plalda' Oo. Tbe Oreoleadrew a good attendance. UBU'B Mtrno BaxL—Fraake Bme, Jodie Bnthara, George UBlle,Hoea Wynne. A. II. Halme, Myrtla Tree- alder, Plabor aad CnwelL Lottie Wut Bymonda, tbe Zolao. Fred MeOIellan and Waide Blatera. ROTta.—Ttae city aotborltlM aad tbe managen ol tbe TaQdarlUebooaM ate In coofllot orer tbe labjeot ot Bob- dar opealng. The hooaw promUe lo keep opea, girlog oaly aaare<rparformaBou The Tetaraa FAklrori,r- John W. Wbliioo, la aow manager of a loeal mnaenm anatomy Maaaear M«Jor.of tbe Btar. bu pot lato efTaetMranleoaTaalaaeea for patrona and acton at bin boaaa Mn. W,e.OlaTeUnd buretniaedboiDa. RocbeaterwAt tbo Oook Open Home Tout Fanell, la "Oarry Owen " begloa a three niabta' engace- ment Fab. 4. Tbe Whtu Bqaadron" 7. for tbe remaioder of the wMk. Cbu. KUla leit 1, playing to well dllad .. «—a. .,^^14^ DtUTaiy honaea. Oonlng: ll-ia, "COOB Holtow." Ltotdm.- Fella Honia began an eoL,-- ^ nighu 4. In "A Game at Carda" aad "Beblod ibeBceaaa,' foUowad by Pater Dalloy, la "i Oooalir ^tt" 7. fbi tba remaiBder ol the week Tbe Boitonlana attraoted lam " Week of II: Pint halt *The Eftto CLaxton and MmeTji 14-ie, igagaraentoftliiee lehnK"' ~ booaea. laaTloi S. Browaiu;"Ual naif, obek. Jollat" 7 and a. "CamlUe" maUof e 9 •„ Prao Froa" nlgbt ol 9. Her aopportlog conpaQT, headed by Barton HIU aod Maarleo BanymoraL ii aa- tiralr competent, aad loclu'iita John Bocltetona. Oh. Kaab. Orant Biewart, T. Q. ValanUne. Bor FalrdiiU, Mn. B. J. PblUlpa. Virginia OnTca, Ethel Mo11I*9d acd Marlon Oiey. The flret Amerleanpraaeatatlon or 'Tba Foondllna.*^ by W. Leatoea and K M. BnbeoB. will b« alien andar tbadlrecUoa ol CbuliBFrobmanbvacoa- *any Incladlna B H- HolUod, B. Miller Kent, Uargant JnToa, Oaorgie Boaby aod Helen Trwy. Precodios a* eonady A. B-Lancuier*! one act play, "Letbo," win be TBI AoAHMT or MD8I0 bu 'The lT7 Leal" for an openari, to remato fertboweak- "Bentnak"leltldolOK well. WeM of II Davla' **Uncie Tom'i Oabln" Co7 Wo^DiRiaAjro MP8U TaBATBB annoaaoei tbo follow, log for tbla week: Theatre-Mary Orlffltba, Taylor Twla Bialera, Lo Petit Pnddle, Foat and OUnlon, Beaale OU- berL aodCoooon and Qlbaoo. Oarlo ball—PioC B a. Biandell, Bonner (talking bone) and Big. MloolaOordano. Tror>~At tbo QrlBwold Opon noose, Jan. 29, Billy Bury, in "The Biaing OeneraUon," dnw a big bouaa Auto Brodie, la'On tbe Bowery." bad packed houauSCSI. "In Old HenioehT" bad big booaaaTab. 1, 1 Uaaoaeey OlooUalo'The frtab ATtlAL"ooa»M A 6l Carl A. Uuwio. ln=Tbe BlWarEIng,"8.9. ^ Hallo's OMBA BocBB.—Tbla boow wu dark laat weak. Don Daily and Qlrard lo *Tbe Eatamahen," oome 5. aAiirTTiiATEB.-The InleraabonalTandeTllleOom- pany camo 4 and we^. Tba LondonQaleij aittadnw big booau all lut wnk. _Syraew«,~At tbo WelUog Opont Homo Eau OlaatoB and Mme- Janaoaobek, In *The Two Or* Ban%"laoedalargeaDdlenceonFeb. 1 Oatheoardi: ohard Qolden, la 'Old Jed honty," 0: Palo Dallar. In "A Coantir Sport,"ll,U: Palmer Ooi*a "Browniaa," Barabli TBaATBL-ObaooeeT OlMtt, la *Tbe Irlah Arttat,' had a large honae 1. Fella Monla relnma 7, pteaootloa "A Oameof Carda" and "Beblodtbe Bceaea.'1 H R.JAOoaa'TiUTBB.—Obaa.T.Buia,lB"Catperibe YodUr^- dld weU Jao. Qarl A. iTuwl^jlir'Tbe Bilrer EIng." dnw large bnalneaa 51, Fab. t. Comlog: J a.— Tamalee.''4i-SpfoialDe. ■Hsivi •htaii, ui«a un* Ul Connr and Foi, lo "Hot llreiy^'7-9, the Lilly OlayCt ColoBial Oalelf Co. V«loa.«Attbe VUc»OpeimHoQu"Ia Old Ken- taoky." Jan. S, and "CM Jed Prooty." Feb. 1, ware weU leceiTod. OhaQBoeyOloott,lB*TbeirlahArtlat,"oloaed tbe weakFeb.l,toa|ood booacfiDr ibeAnclaot Order ol Ulbanlana' benalL Booked: *The Bilrer Elni" 4. " ~ ~ " —'" a, Felli Morrla WoRDtBLAVo. —Oarloa: WaUaakar (Uoal BreananaadATbeeler. BertEUabalLMlaa ~ Milai and IralaBd. Btage- — and aiDsliamton.^t Btone'g Opom Uoon Flor **l5lL*'ii''s"''^ ^tato'i Mate,"eaffle Jan Oto talrly good boilnaat Too Aaertcao PUyen bad Ulr boainauV-rab & Boeklpn: IBobt Ullllaid, In'Tbe Monlttee;" 7, PmUm Hall,In "Oorcu;" 9. PelliMonrla, In "A Oame of Oardf* and "B^lnd the Beeaoi^" a| BIlonTbeatn*Tba IrrLear pleaaed good abed andl- eooa* Jan. &aD, Tbe Boyal randaTiUe Oa, opeaad their aeaaoo m goodbulaeaa. Dae: Feb. 4-0, "A Bamlol Money:" 7.9."Tbe Pollee laapeetor." Tbe EMied Ulgh 01 waCoaiedy aad VandeTllla Co .of tbla oily, gare ap^ealngperformaaoa to good boiloeaa u Apaluun, lfewbmrg.*Atlbe Aoademj ot Uofllo DobmUt aod Ulnrd Feo 4, In 'The RalnDaiera," the Preaa Olab Mlnttnla B. Ihelr aaaacn opaoiag with tbla aniegement. "Boah Olty." oor oaly aitnotloa lut week, prond a dnwleg can aad caagbt oa In good ahape. Walia'a Oomady Oo. eemu ll-lKpiaylng a npertoryat popolar trtou DIflaloa Bdl wu oooapied Ml U. by Ibe ri«B-Dai*ad Co., la a eombtaatloa drnmade-fiadeTllle blU^ander Ibe aniplcaa of Btoim Slag UtAf» K. tf r., OoiAKBiA Tdeatu-— Rlco'B "IfH" eotorod Qpoa lie foorlb BoecaaaTal week, s, and aeama likely to (adore, wllb profli, ror many weeka to come. For tbU iraak living plotorw an lotrodaced u a new lealnra, aad Walter Joaea, Tbereaa Vaugban aad otben an ao- noonoodfornawBpeolalUea. SoniLLaaTBBATiin—CamlUe D'ArrUle hu npulad bar pnTlone laeeeaa wllb "Madeleine, or tbe Maglo Elan,'* and win and ber tao weeka'retnm eniaiimeoi, 9. with goodly prolu- Ber compaay remalna nnebaogad. tbe faToriiea,(leo. 0. Bonliace Jr. and Marie Dreiaiar. eootiBnlnr la airong demand. On 10 Edwin Mlitoo Boyle and bla aceompUabad wira,8alaoaPeUerBo>le, buaa a retnm eonagemant, in "Frienda" HoViCKiR'e T»ATEfl.-Ju. A. Heme, la Vanatar Hearr 0. Mlner'a preaentaUoa of "Shore Aoraa," ta wlo- Ingflatteringpralae(orbis IndlTldoalwork aadforthe ganolne ment of blapUy, bat the flnancial naoltaare not BO eaoonraiiloK. The aoppoitlng company iBTcty oompeleBt,aadiiMladuBobertPlAber,Ju T.Qiliowar. Pnnklln Oarland, John Dlion, Tommy Incoa, Ortce Oayler Olark, Once Fllklna. Louie Gentle, Helea Ooold, BeUe Theodore, Mable Nortoa. Myra 0. Brooki, LltUe KanrlU Burr, and otbeia. Tbe seeood week'a preianta- tioa wu uaogorated X Oatmabkbt Thbatrb.— Joeepb Mnrphrpreaenu "Ear- rr Oow,<"The Dooagb" and'?baun Bbaa'*tbla weak, and will be (bUowad by Wm. A. HMUrer*a prodactloo ol "OllTor T«lit,'> with Bllta Proctor Otia leading. Lut week bonoeaa areraged fairly well when 'The Derby Winner'* aupreaented lor tbe drat time oo the Waat Bide, tiw company Incladlna Arthnr Donn, Porter J. White. Prank Dayton. Mai Millar. Lonla B. Hall, Qio. Eoblar, Olga Vena, Jeaala Batsbar. Minna Oennee, Mn. W.BMrldie and Viola Arthnr. llallenandHartarodBe Boon to pnunt "Isater On." LiKOOui TBBATiB.—Ooa Heoge and Manager Ja<ob Litt'a oompany wilt |ilTe"YonYonaoo'' tbla week, gMig way 10 to Elmer E. Vaoce'a "Limltad MaiL" Tbe pie- aaotaliona ol 'The Daoler" lut week reanltad In niber M tnraoala, hot tbe preaeatlng company wen anongeDorouB aopport Plorrle Weat la lea* and IB well secoodoil by Will Wa«t. Wm. Maton aaotaliona c moderate I worthy an. tared, and la well aecoodoif by Wlll Weft« f and Bobby Balaton, tbe De wItt Buten and otben •qaaUy eompeianL ALBAUBBA TauTOB.—Tbe amoaomeat thlaweakwlU befamlaked by "rbeCoontr7 0lrcaa,"the next attrac- tion belBg "AMu Without a Connlry,"lU flnt local preaentalloiL Bumeu wu fair lut week, whan "Yon Vonaon" wu given by One Heege and a compoiaat np* portlag company. HatuiCs Tobatbb.— "Tbo Coooty Pair" will be lo •eaalon thta week. The aadleoou were of only lair pro- Krtloaa lut week, wbeo'Tbe Sblpoi Biate" bald atbo- n, twlag than praaented lor the flrtt time on the Booth Side. AQAxmiT or Htvia—Itala week 'Tbe Two filitan" alll entertain, followed neit by'Tbe Coooty Fair." Ban- neu waa rery lair lut week, when "A Railroad Tlohet" wunnseated br Wm. BlalBdell, Jaa. T. Eallay. J. P. Laaur, Battle Waiera. Alice Carle. Maybella Eokert Jaaneita Baegaard. and other*. OiaAmKBiBniTTekATBt.-nice A fiarton'aComedlana wlU giro "Raixle DaBle" Ible wwk, and tbe honae will tbanpaufrom Manager H. B.Jacoba*coBiroL Boalaara waa verr poor laat week, when Jaa. H. Wallick gave 'Tbe Bandit Klog." Bam t. Jack's Oraiu Housi.—Nettle Ton Belg baada *Tbe Wblte Orook" Burlergae Company tbli wMk.ihe nettattnotioo being Roae i»i dell and tbe Loodon Bellu BarleaqoeOompany. TbeatiendanceaTeragedwelllul week, when Sam T. Jack'a Big Borleaqse Company gave ■TbeTwInSlaten," with Ltule Btewart, PloraMitchell aad Fraok Forreater m pn-miaent rolaa. Tba olio en* ■aged Cbrla Oreane, Veroon Burnler, Etta OJarde. 8ig- bledtCaron and Ucdaier. tho De Poreat Buten, Jolm Beelay and Alex, aad Stella Datu. BOTAi. EH0LI8H CIB0C8 —Thts rciort U bUU In Ibe nn* viable poaltloB amoog oor high clue amuaement plaou. UaaagerBallnakei ficqoeot ohancealn tbeblA, tbu keeping Ibe oirarlnga atinctive aao iborooghly eaier- talning. Lut week tbe amuement employed Jenoie Alward. Mooa J. Oabao, Roale Meen. the Dellonlll Brother*,tbe O'Brlea Bioibara, Rtlrk andZMo.Chv. W. Plata, CalHdo and oiben. The water oamlvaliinlU tbe featan ct tbe bill, tbe ballet being alao a ptomlaant lector. PBAJtic Hall's OAttso.—Tbe cootlnaoaa perfomascei eIron bore an atlll attnoUng crowded booie^andthe 111 la mitntamtdtta utlafylng atandaTd. Tbeaoter talament for ibu week will employ W. B. BUrk and 0. W. Zeno, Bra Vlocent, Dan and Kelile Ulatt, Barke and Waat. Bertha Becknan. ObaaA. Moreland and Mloola May ThoDpaoD. Prealon and Rich, tha MoCnidj Blaian, Oaae and BUlolt,Cbaa and JeonleStewart, tba Draytona, Bttle Albloo, Hiewart and OlUen, Montgomeiy aad Moore. Levanfonand Uowalla. Ban trtreto aod Arearla. Ltobdh TUBATfti.-Maoobeatar*B Fnocb Folly Bor leinaeCempaoy wlllbe aeeo tbla we*k, Rnaaell Bnth era* ComediaoB being neat In laccemlon. Lut weak botlnaaa wu poor and the perlormanee given by Barry WllHama'^ Onn Company g:«ve Indiroreot aat* lafactlon. Tbe pmgrarameeagaBea Arthnr Ehena and Don Cote, Obaa,Dorell, Prank MoraB,ImqgaaeCom«r, Wm. F. Eayoe aod Ada Henry. Larry Monabe aod Sd. Danlela, the NaI*on Family and tbe Gregory Brotben. V B TtfaiTaH.—Thta honae, formerly tbe Empire, wu leopeoed alieraoon of B for conUonooa perforawncea. *The Ticket of Leave Man" will beilvan twlcedallr tbla week br theatook company, Including Geo. W. Mid- dieton. Will MoBoble. E M. Unlmea, T. J. Commerford, MeUleBuiog.LillianRUIImanand FloraHlictaall. Pre- oediogtbe drama, and dorlag Ihe Interim between lu preatntallon, apacialtlea w||| be oOiared by Carr and La- dalL Hobuffer and Clark, Coopontl. AlkX. and Sulla DavlB, Jaiia Kelley. Cliria are«ae,iha De PorrutBla' tan. dlBfrled, btia olorJa and Lew Uawkloa Oltmpio TaBATBB —Uarry WiUlama'Owa Compaay will be aaaa twice dally tbla week. Baalneaa wu verr big laat week,whan WeberA FleM'aCompanyeBlartaloed lo a flratolau manner. The perrormance ensued Outa- laitand Rail. Eddie Le Claire and John B-Dnw, Ohaa. U. Palkeand Ohaa. F. Saamon, Weber aod rieldaXotUa Ollaoo.0baa, Me[atyre,aod Tom Heath, Jaa, W. Eloey aad DIok W. Faretim aad A. J. Hoymoor. Tba penoim- anee gave entireutiaiaciloo. Pabk tobatbl- Maoaior Nick hortoo praeanti for tbla week Lew U. and Mamie L. Diamond, Tlolet fit Olalre. 0.11. Cniblng and Con Merrill De Veaox, Arala aad Flo Horrli, Allan and Burnett. Mable Buleton. fior- ton and Clyde BUoley. Uaitle Beraaid, Motmola, Fana La Petre aad Ohaa. 0. 0*borne. "fltrlogo aad Bprloga" la the aiurplece, and "Who Owoa tbe Ba^l" baama Iba ahow. BQUoeulaoiaproBUblecbanoUrattfeianaon coatlnnaUy. Lutweek tbe lypeamadameaaythai Hat* Ue Bernard Ohanwu at tbla honae. Tbe llatuaaot to lead BaiUo Beraaid, Ohaa. a. Oiboroe, eta, Tbaaom- {OBltor ^joaerted aa e after Obaa., which made It load Bkobl's OniuFATiuoif.—Managar Engal foroUhei an aeeeptable bill tbla week, aad pnnlaea an eiioaliy nerllortooa offering In fotnre. The amnaemeBt for tba eamotdavBwIU employ lha WUllama Blaten. Aitble aad Roae Koyer, Walter P. Ford aod Frankla Pranel^ the Wllliame Trio, Cora Eonlt, Will and IdaMonllo,ui4 0. A Sampaon. WBiTB'BLoxnoMDiMBHcBti.—Thaoorfo lilt for tbla week inclodea Qeo. Vanoia, a dialoutor; Belta.a Mr maglotao; Meradetb, a meamarlat aad oltaan> Tbe Midway u oootlnoed oo the lower aiaga. EoBLAMiDDunn'8 OLOBi Mtnu—AoBt HaDcy, a colored woman with loog hair, la the cono raatare uiU week, tba Midway prognmmaoaraprlBfc cblarattention. Tbe atage will be in poiauilon of Plonnoe Hlne^ the UigTBaBrotheta. Plonoce MIlUr, AKbnraBd EUaBld* own. and TambonrlDa McCarthy. EoBLAMiDDLiToii'sCtAnK GTsnrMcm—EllaBw- lor, a glantaeA aod the midway "twialere" «IU com- peto for atUntiOB to carlo ball tbie wMk, the atage t>0> log glreo orer lo the Ford Brolheni, Coillaa and wife, Uarry Pinion, tke Wright Blaten, Delia FostOT, Blaacba Zalika aod John aod Ltnle McDowell. ArTBaxATD.—A (orce of workmen anpnparlng tba People'a Tbcatn lor lia nopeolog. aiiemoonor 10^ m Uopkina' Tbtatie. Oontlnnooa performaBoaa wlU be gtvea. Obar. p. Elltoit hu arrived 10 begiB hla daUea H local manager Iboa. w. Eeene foUowa "8bon Aona'» at MoVicker'a Olga Nethatfola waa the jaeat ol honor at a hinchaoo given by the WMnanlaPiwBB UagaaatlbeAodlloriom batveek BobtBimaid bHoloaad bla amngement with Onatav frohman, and wlUlatatarebenader the manacemaatof JaaBartea K«r. OBU^UlUwa«k«a,WU,bawUrilnl&ilAlttal