New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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i^BBUABY 0. THE IfTEW YORK CLIPPER. 783 CidaottoD of 'loit J4 Honn/' bj W. A. TramarM ud M PalUr. a W. Oanla ku iltatd lo do tlx td- _jf ■•outi B. B. Jwot* hia ndoMd iba ptteH ITS iihamton. MM ■•u^oow ' ail ouu Tll»ii»i»r Jioob ■Ira tba loltUl pndnoUon of 0. T. Datar*f ear Siu "Tba War oi WaaUb." at iba RolamUa la Iba oaar (Btora. Tba praaaatlarc .eompur wUl to- ilnia 2dnr L. DaTaopoit, Jai. Wbaaloet, w. P. Oraabj, gtalb CamaUr, Mair Bba*. LmIh OaHsaar aiKI Aaoia Halaaabila n«pro«aadaot itaa Bitartar malloaa riuia tfaimarkat tbli 'aak, will ba darotail lo iba wldowol ibalau J. B. Oora7,wtao forairij maeagad unt -nror/naapb Matpbr Cbluiv LodicNo. 1. n r 0 &,vll)flra lla aloataaDlb aaautl maclaaa at SaflebiUar. 1*. la aid of tha diaritir load Loatu BaaadatoomatutbaBabillar. 17. lor tbaflrat localrao- dlUoD of' Toa Diacoon'a DaoEhtar." Aolon' rto uetfra amoa Cbleaoo Bmaob No. S, baa opaaad a book- lafofflcabara lllaa A. Hamptoo li maoaiar; Ot>ria. flnan. aaoiatarT: Dan O.ManBrof^tTaaaorar, aod Hol- btrl Sfaloomb. rrad rlibar, Blllr BoblnaoQ aid India Adaniiiloim tha Eiantlra Board (l«lnoy>—Attn* Empln W*U«r wmtealdt, In •'HaalaL" plarad to lood boalaaaa Pab. I CoDiojr: -AliSaina" IV "Tba Blaok Urook" It, -Tba Faiclni Mtatar" IC. sou HcalB opaaa wilh tba Moabart Famil; Opara Oo IB "Bald Puna." 11* vxLXia WllTttlDl addiaaaad iba ladlaa of Uba AUan< 111 nooiatr. rapreaantlng tba Uurarr Motion or tba Woman'aCiDnnoil, darlni btaangaiaaeat In tbij oily. DacKlar^it Uw Powtn Omnd Bob FllzUn- laona, boobad lor Jan. 9, atneaUd oo acoooat erbarlna taaopaarlorwIalatBrmcaaa. Ootmaa Broa. in >*Tba alllbooliriAbniad,"dldIalrlrwaUaL BoUaod Baadbad ablfbouararr "ElfbtBaUl" didftiood bnaloaia 1 OonlBi: Bob Pllalmmona Biwdaltr Co. «.-Tha Blaot Orook''7."nia8Qaooi Llla" i3,"Tba Paaafngaaow" Ir kllB OonlBL- - On>ok''^7."na8uaol Llla" IS,"Tba FaaalafSaow" 11, "A Ball Road TKiat" U L. A. O BboaS; maoaBOr ol ibaOpanHooaaatFana la.waqbaralanwaak.galtloi plana lor an opara bonaabavlllbnUdaaxt aaatoo. OHIO. Olnolnnstl.—Li(oonPuk,Bt Lsdlow, on tba Kantaekf abora, la to ba an addition to tbaronarof Bommarplacaa ofanmaamaat tbia roar. -Plaaafor iba Ifflproraoiaotaaia vailnndarvaf, and la addition to tha aaaal bnlldlnia, aoab aa danolar partllon. cafaa. bowl. InffaUoTa, aodlloilniB la promiaad wblcb will Mat IMJ paopla. Kanaxar John Mooaao la alraadr Iblralibtnrforntialoal and tbaatrlcal noralllaa. La- ROOD Park will ba taaohad br alaelrlo timlu orar tba Ludlow braoob of tha Olntlnaatl, Nawpoic and Cotidr- tooBUaatBaUwavCompanr. , Qaajto Orku Hovaa.—Pianola Wllaon and bla opara oompaor latrodaead "Tba ilarira Dapoty" rorawaak'a bnalaaMPab.1 Tba aniiaBainaot of John Draw, lo •'Tba Bnttarfllaa," will lank aa oaeortba aoelal aoccaaaaaor tba aaaion. Hand Adama aod Arlbar Bttod, botb lo<at lAToiltai, ibarad In tba plaadlta ao llbaralp baitowid. Prlmroaa A Wau'a Klaalrali 10. WauioT BTBUT TBBiTak—Alaa Salrinl baaan bla aojonm In "Doa t'saar da Baian." ' Tba Toraa Unardi- man" and "Bar Blaa" ara alio oodorllnad, vblla "Tba Btodant of Balamanea" la tba opiy plar promiaad In which ba baa not baao Baan ban. In ytrj tmth it iniit baaald that altar aoloni an abaaoca Jainaa O'Nalll did not raoalra a ramarkabl/ warn Biaalioa laat waak. The raoapUoD waa antbaalaatla anooBb, bntlt lackad noirar. leal povar To "Vlmolni" aod "Monta Crlato" Mr. O'KalU wlU add "Blohaliaa" and "fiamlafaa part ol blaiapaitorybaloiaUieaaaaoaaDdA HedaaarradtAdn a batur boaloau than wan bla portion. Uaorr Wat- taraonlactorada. "Iba Galatp Qirl" 11. DatuR'b Tibatbb.— "Ollair TaUl" waa latarpralad 9 bp a conpanr In wbidh Bllu Proctor otia aod W. A. Haatarar waia aBroUad. Ooekaiadar'a H Initials aitta BlllrBa]anon,dld aBleabnilneaa. The mallnaaa wsra aouTOBlraflaln^ whan tba ladlaa vara atran cooiba, with allrar baailaa, et ol., for tliair baek hair. "Tba Daz alar" » PODVTAlir THkanv.-atrob'a VaudariUaa, with Pn n lara, eaoMnpontbaacanaS. LauwaakQeorgali En arlok Introdoead, la "MeNol^'i VUlt" a card uul piorad a braad wlnnar. Bam T. Jaok'a Companj, in ■Iba BnUliibtara," U. □■001*8 OriAA nooai.—'Tba liUU Alarm" waa pot on 3, altar "Iba Bnailar" had aalojad a fair to uladllog aoitoivaak. "ATaiuBiaar'MU. Boamoa'a Orau Uocaa.—"Tha Temptation ol Bonar" opanad a. JaniaaR. Adamc, la "A Craxy Lot." plAiad 10 boilnaaa that ptorad to ba of lair calibre. ■'Loatlnlfawroik"ia Ploru'B Tnana.—Tba Boaaall Brotban' Comadlaoi arrlrad 9, with Bonnie Tbomton aa one of tba oarda Irwin BcDtbaia'Bbov did a nica boalaaaa. Piu Opbu Houaa.—IhaOlndnniU Opera Clnbpra- iantad 'Tbo Hlkado" dorlaa the paat weak, with Joe Hoolort aa tba Mikado and Olaranea O. Canaon, J. Olar- enca atnar. OUir Aabniy, H. W. HnotlDitoo, Addle BbottHobnea, LUtan lloracrali, Haode Aoton. Oltre Uomar and John Andaiaoo la tbi oaat. DIraalor J. Fredarlobj Lampa baa called tat tebaarvala of '-Paul Jonai." TbaBlk Mlnitrilabold lonb bare 19. ThaOla. elnaatl Bimpboor Oicbeetra Rlre eooceru Feb ai. 21, 33. and anoonaea Eniaoe Taaja, Coortland Talmer and ClorlBne Moore-Lavaon aa aololata. Tba laaaa lor tba Plkaie In Prank Hall'a binda KoblAMiddlbtdk'b llDBBB Tbvithb.— Ella Waaoar, Uarte Baideani, tba Allooata. Ilaloaa and Caulby. Da- varlo and Monk, Albert Dtalovcod, FlUiooia aod Adam*, ibaOennan BoaajPhllllpiand Sfarnar. Carroll aodOard* aar. WiUlaffl B. Boa, Qllmofa and La Laa, tbe Qlcaa nod Maok Oven'adoBolroaa ware tbe new people who vent on 4 for the eontlnaoaa >bo*. BaalDaaaconuooaa large. Ooaair—Manager Jamei B. Fanaeaif bu bun coo flnad to bia room all veak br ao attack of la grIpiK ManaaerM. 0. Andanon, of the Pooolaln fiquaro, la In Mav York Jamea F. Adama, atage maohlnlat ot "Tba Blarea or OoM," waa married hero, Jao. 70. to Oertnide M. Bovling, of Plllaborf Praai Wlleuk aod hli wile, and Faaqoall, tbe Italian tenor, wara tbe aoloiitaat the rope Feb. 9 "Babr" Jonea waa flrtran a beneflt at Inaba Ball Tbe Volud Slaglog Bocl'UoibaTe BliaadF daeldtd opeo a moalcal ootlog, at Woodadale Ialand,Junal Tbe Ber. Dr. Dudler W. Rbncea 01 thaChnrobor Onr Barlor.on Bt. Auburn, dellreiad a KataennoaontbeataseJan.Fr. Ue took tbegronnd t there wereaoneplare u good and itroog aa nnnooa. Al Oanbr apant ua week here Etna Croi and her raothtr apant part ot tbe veek taera. John Morrluer aod WlUle Clark era In thedtr Manager will 8. Hook, of the z>o. reseotlp aUpped on tbe loo and l^Joiad bla lag ■» badlF that be la coo&nad to bla bed Tbeie hire baao a lot or tha atlrrlBB mortaUi or the vblla lame m town dsrlOH tbe weak, uoodlog Qaorffe Alkan and IF. w. Fraeklla Baargatia Bam U. Uawaon, ol Benek'a Opera Hooaa etaCbaaalgnedtojoontuapaclalaReotvltli thaWaib. bun Olnaa Jamea Hamlltoo haa poiitlTalr been Atagad aa ganeral rallioad coninctor lor tbeSelia A Baatiraw Olrcoa Tba red vagona will ba thick beraabootii la Mar ilea & Bempell, lau of '-rtae Polaa or Haw Torki*' la hero orginlirnir a companp for proalaolal trarel tbep vlll plaF '*f ao NIgbta lo a Rar room" 0. U tfartlord. adaeruutK ageat for Iba FoantnlB B4aara,wll] go with ndrertielog Blagling Biolhir'a Ulroaa J. P. Favlo want to New Orleanaioatlaad thenU or llairaclrcna OlawolBBd.—Itii H. R. Jacoba'Tli»tr« no mort. Oo Jan n 0. 11. Bulklep. owner of tbe prenlMa. took poiaaaalonol thetbeatra and Jeu Burai, foimir mao- agar for Mr. Jaeoba, made tamporaiF airangainenta to manage ibe houe. The Boal daulla, bowaTor, ware not aallafaolory. and on Fab I the hoaae palled Into Uie poa- •aaalea ol 8.W. Bradr.or Brady aod aarwood. laaaee, aod Manager Obaa il Hinihav, ol tba LrcaumTbaalra. ortlilacltF. Tbla la Haoager Henibaw'adrat lore In tbli citF, be hanog managed too tbeatraeomaTaara ago. He will alao rataln tba meoaglmeat ol tba LTcaom Tha new deal will pat tbem id control of bolb the iheatraa bare, and a aoodlr^rllon or the Oleralon'l ihaatrloal patronaaa. The old name, the fTleTolaad Tbeaire, bu aaln baan adopted. A radioal ebanga la alao promiaad In tha clBM of booklagi, and It li porpoiad to naka It a blahalaaanopnUrlamUrtbeaua. „ _, , . , BooiJo Avaaok OrnaA Hoirsa.—Jfarle Barrooana, In "Tbe rrodlgau" aod "Jadab,"dld a fair waak'i bn>|. naea. Ttomu (> Riabrooke, la 'The Orsod Viiler," Feb. T4. followed IIMI br John Draw, In "Tba Butter Olea." FraneuWUjonweekofll. . ^ LTOkOHTSUTBB.-8andowaBd theTlocadeloTaade- TlUa Companr did a mumlloant boalaeil weak ol Jao M. Tbabouehu done a pbanomenal bnalaem for Iba laat lav wuka Mr.Bandov wu alUebed br l<a «rl^ Ibalauar'partoflhewiek^and wuonahla to'appear at MTeial of the pailormucoA Coigrora A Oraat'a Coma dtaoa. la *Tbe Daular," bold ibe boardi weak of Feb I. Eallan and Bart, la -Laur Oo," aod Leanu'l "Spider and PIr"dlTMeweakoriI. Btab THBaTU—0. IT. ViUlami' Comadlau did not doerenlaltlF wall week ol Jio.S Ibacospaar will cloea for a few wieka for thorough raorgtnliatloo. WabarA Fleld'a Own Co. ua auurred of a nualng la- oeotloowaakorFeb A Oao. DHon'a Co. waakof II CLBTILIKD TBBITBB. rOBUiaLT H. R JaOOM .—'A Man Without » Oouour" did a 'air boilnata week ol Jan. IB. Bamap FtrgnioB, In "Dollr'l Blaadirw" watk of Feb. t. Tbe matllle•^ whloh are now oo Mondar, Wedafidar and Batntday. will be ohaogad noder tbe new maoaaemeal to Toaalar. Tburadar aod Baiuidar. UeirMaxPutaeoboaer, laaler or the Lreaom Thaatra onhailm, will alao bare charge or ttaii theatre, and vlil atoucaaupeioodo the praieni plareia,vbo aiwalt nun uleo BOD, with nolooplai era. OUB-Capt Jack Oiawiord. the poet aoont gatein aauitalnmeat,enilt)ad"ThsCamD Fire and Trail, a; Armr and Marr Hall. B Tha comic opera ' aiiW diUa,"wiUbapniduoadbr local lalool, uoder the dlrec] donor mr.Moiller. Feb a K.U.BiackM, of Ciare land, haa algoad wilb the Boitoolaoi to iioalaadlog lolaa A Bomber of inaoagera were afur the Cltf e* landlbaatia, hot br prompt action Brady A Ueojbaw aesuad It for a una ol yaaia and ata ranlal of (ID.(UI KrannoD AjaUtanl Manager w. W. (loodbne, ol e Lroaom, haa retumtd from a Orlng Itip to New Torii Blllr Van, the minitrel, mat uaion beada a fanaonmedr and nlnitrel companr In a ailanutlad "Aaalnlla.'' Tblttrlra pvpla win be aagagad...... W. W. Ooodbua, formarlr manigar of the Por- np Open Oo, whloh plaiad at Ualiaorth'a Oar. den laol aaaaon. wliu durlog the eomlow Bnnunir iaaaon,niaaagalb«Amerto«auMraCo..which plaia at BchlllaPark.Mllvaakaa TbifoUowlogpeoplabaTebeen IBguad: Banr Bnwn,^HaDi7 Uallam, Btoart Barold, trrTBodMBUr. nanr D. Ctaaa, Lllr Poii, Ro»e Lalgb. toa, JowoblnaStanlon. Lilian Oreaa and Barter Joboa, mnalanl dliwetor. Prior to their eoaagaaiaot at Hit. wanaa* tbar vlll plar two or tbrea waaki at the Lrcaum (baaHw, aiaTeland......Tbe Drew lamtir ara much In ntdaaeawllhnaatpraiant. and Mra. John aod Brdoar Onw war* with aa a abort time ago. Pranl Draw^an- Agaod tbe Itar, U alwara with na HU father, Frank Dnv.wiaban IkU weak wIlbManeBamagba. Kiat vaak/ohapiwwoomeala Tba BututOlaa." and ai Ibe •Baatlat/oiiaE.DKwUwilliWaberAFMd'aOoBp*ar nSiuft■! BIft■Yinli* "* ***^ Dmytaa,—At tbe Onnd OMrtHoiiaBnoa.Q. Baahreoha piaaaalad "Tba Oraad TMaf balbi* a larn llS'.'ySr.if'J'v """kOrealKlBoaappaa^barSlMi balog IIM by bar aadaratadr. -Tba Silag Biow" EJfft^ JiLV.'fi'Wiu Prootor OUb, In ■^.""'TwIatV badalalr boaaa Poo. 1. Tbe ihow waa not bUlad unUI tvo daya halor* tba Mrlonnanea. wblA, no doabv affacled the boalaaaA 'TnandTioomaa • Primroaa AWeafa Mloaltab (. ^^PavkTBl*TaB.-.TbaOao. Dlion Spaclalt* Oo. paatad the boiaa to tha valU Jan. u-3d. SatanlDaitonapar J!" vent no againit Olioo. Tbo pollt^oteirend Toeedap nigbt. u niaoo booohed bla maa. HtaObid iS^'H, ^'*" Ibronih Iba rapee. Tha Paotoo Btoa, lo !l5* £<>'ooel and l" did a lair boUnru 31,Fab. tl Vt* """'ore the War"labookadfor4,k,•,"loal 10 "ev York T 1^ P. <=ouiaM' Hon TakATaA-Mlltoa Koblaa did vaU Jan. 31. CoralDg: "Frtaoda" Feb. Boyd'a Mlaatnli It ABUcUTioa Iliix-IbiCaoadlan Jodie* llBganaod ImparlalUrahealradallBbud a large aadlaoca Jan. SI. Tbe Harrard Quartat did a good huauau Feb. 1. Soto Bonelaro. maaleiu.comHlt niV2,*"'K.!,''""J "lolThu raialred from 0*0. F OIITerd, of Mllvaakaa, a gold vatob charm In Iba lonn or an elephant. v<ih Uia word "Nit" oi either Bide. Tbe Bllt li in eckoovledgemint ol Mr. Faloht'e eld and rag- guUoni to tba Charity circu Commlua* or Mllvaukae. CBBtoB.—At U» Orud OPCTA Hoiiid "Fkblo Bomanl" had a lOOd hooM Jan ft, Mnmr A Mick'a "Flaolgan'iBall" did agoodbaalnna Feb 1,A One: Robert Billiard 7 (ralurn dale), "^ba Blaok Omok" B, "TooB^Mra, WInlhnp" D, 'in OM Kaatuoky" U, „T«BaTBB Coiimr«.-w».* 014: J. M. Ballb. Clara Myara, Edlib Blmoia, Jim Holla, Tom Farb. Daily Wade and llarrr jAbnioD. BuAka's Mdbio Hali.— Week of 1: Orlando andLo^ rait. CoIumboB,—Attn* Hlgb Sli«et Tlieurt "L«it la Kav York" op^ed Feb. 4 for Ihre* nlgbta and tbe oaoal mailaaaa Cddla Foy'i Amerlcao TnTutr Co.. in "OirtbeBarth,"dli1 wall Jan. 2891. "TboPaMlog Bbov" badBoodhooMi3l-Fib.l. "Prtendi"eomu7-9. Oraro Orau llonn.—"ObarleT'i Anot • opened ror a veek 4 "Mr Aunt Bridget" bed falrbualnHe Jan B-S. "Bolder and Flr"ilr*virabtbnilntn 31. E. H Botbera had a good houae Feb. 1, 2. Bob Pllulmmooa* Bpaelallp Co. comu 11-19. HtaabenTllIe.—Al Ibe City Operm nous* Bar- tholomev'i Eqnlne Paradoa had aood bnilDau Jin. 31- Peb 1 Coming: Chu. A. Lodir, la "On tbe Oo,"!, "Tba Black l^k" U Atlh>I/>nd»Tbeau*, v*et ol4: Mollaneraad Llneoto, AL ll.WeMoo, Carleton Bliteri, Matt Dae aod tbe itock Manaaar Mortoo, of the ton. doB. recelred a taleinm Jan. o. anoooaolBg theaaddan death or hli brother at niocirn%tl. Ha laltat one* lor that point and roloroed home Feb.l.*td.—AI tbo OrAiid Open Hann the Connane. 10 'The QllhoAley'a Abroad." Jan. 11 did a good bniloeaa "Ben Oor." br local lalpot, IS'ti, orovded the hnoao aaeh olqhL ThoioaaQ Beaorooke. lo "Tbearand Viiler/'n ban falrbulloaaiatadTaneed pricae. Mllloo aod finllla Noblei, lo''Lore aod Lav." rab. Idrev light boelDOfi. Comlog: Hr.aod Mm Ed- wla Hilton Borle, lo "Prlenda."<: Frlmroie A Weit'e MiDatrellS At Black'i Opara noola8litaon'a*'Uacle Tom'B Cahio" comu t, Jula Waltat'a "BIdaTrvokad" 4. ■Isnaflelil.—At ilieHeisorlal Open Botue Mur- ray and Mack plaaaad a fair audience In "Plnalgan'a Ball." OhM. A. Loder fiwd a anall hooaa In "On the Go" Jan. SD Bamer rorgeaoo, lo "DafTff'e BloDdera." OAme tn imalt boiloaM Pab. I. Comlog; BtatJOD'i "UoeleTom^a Cabin" 4, "Charter'! Anot" II Bamer Fergoion'i mantgar laTi that "Dnffr'a Blonden" will cloae the leaaon thla veek at Claraland, 0. ZABtaTllle.—At Sohnllz'i, Jan. 19, 'Tbe Daz- tier" played lo acrowded hooM. comlog: Feb 7. "Tbe Black Crook:" II "Cbule?'a Aoot" At Mimollal Ball, vMk of f. tbe Cone Pajtoo Comady Co. GEORGIA. Atlanta,—At US annd "Two Old Cfosles" come Feb 4. Nat ao«dvlo, Jan V, hidcrovdod beoua at adraoeed pricu. Oo 3). 31, ''A Bancbof Kara." did fairly vail Rtuart RobaiD. Feb. 1,3, attiacted honiaa of gnodproiwrtlona at advancd orl.'ei Boohed: BolBml'b ltouall9.a,w 11. OraoeT.S.Robu MaaullP RhialMt, Robt O loceraoll 19, Mlia Vav II. BoM Uoglin It, John L. Rollliaa It Daairra' OraRA OotraB.—"ftiPluokard" Fab 4. (Urrle Lemontll and veek. Thie houM vu occupied tbe put veek by tbe Woman'* HofTmae Crnveatlon. Havnanah. —Hln Yaw csme Jan. SB, Nat Ooodvtn 91. and Bol Rmlth KaaialL two perrormancea, Feb I. Builorii for the veek wu unoauallr goad Corn- log: W. H. Cr*oo4, Roberto. loioroAllt. Etuart Robaon 9. Mtu Tav'a engagemeol vaa oodar Ihe management or Ihe Raraooih fjodge. No ISJ, B P. n. E. Derplto a haarr nio, vhlch luted all nlgbt. th* Hike tucceeded lo barlog ooe of Ihe Urgelt audleocu ol the waaoa. Aner Ihe coDcart Mlu Taw vu royallr entenalnid br the Rika, at a Ladlaa' eoclal hiiIod. Llltle Mlnoli Doprea, or Ibe Nat Ooodwln rn.. waa glren a anpper by Ibe mem- ber* of tbe old Ford Draraatio AiroclAlon darlog her Tlilt hire. The lady waa a membar of the Ford Aeaoclalloo, aad la itJU i|alt* a farorlta In Ike Foreit Oltr. Aaaaata,—Sol Btnllb Rataell, In "Ptacetal Val- ler,"lidne Fab. 4. Sloan Bobiou. e, in "Ibe Henri- elu" aad "Lup Tear." Robt Ingenoll leetnru an "-lbak«a»aar*>' 7. "A Boneb ol Eayi" bad a aoajl hooie Jao 79. Oladra Wallli and tbi Fattl Roaa Co.. for Ihe beotdtor B. P. O. B. mallaea aod oliht 99. oatted the Bike a loogaom lor the chtrltr fund. Heleo Beach Yaw, 10 coocerL 91. had a good hoaae. Wm. n. Crane, lo "The Seoator " u idTanced prlcea,bad a Rood booae, Feb. 1, ihoogli Itnloid hard WISCONSIN. gillfvank**.—At Ibe liAVldioD Tbratie "A Oalitr t'lrl" began a week'a eogagemeot Feb. 4. "Ollrer Tvlit 'vaa ahlr preieoled Jen. n.S9,go 17 Bllla Froc- Ur Otie 10 fair ilud boaaia ' Oir tba Earth" returaed to the KOBO or lu Ural producllon 81, Feb 1, 3,8 aod vu welcomed by large opaolog boaara Btdia Pop, Badla MoDooaliland Lnolu Mootague nmain ibe prioolpair, aod tbe now book by Lonti IlarrliOB Uao Improremeot. Lllllao Lewla. In "01eo|«lra," \i, Olga Neibeiaole. In repertory, week oril. _ , .. . ._ „ IcAbtMV or Ucaia-Oyrll Korman'i "The Man With, out a Coantry" a. 4. 4, (. Hallen and Bart made llirlr anal appearaac* here u Joint alara. lo "La'ir On," Uat week. The opaolog boaaea wire large, but boeloeu fatl olfaatba week progiwaed. "Tbo Ship ol SiAte"IIIl II, 11,19. Bijou OriUA Borsf.—"CM Olory" bagao a week 9 nanltna* "Pantuma," wltla Ita Dov icaneiT and me- cbanleal effeota, aod with Ooo. H. Adama aa Pico, bad an attaodanca vbloh made np an aringe good weak. Bobert Billiard. In "The Nomlae*," lOand wuk. PgorLI'B TBBATRB.—For 3 ood wMk: rlrnn and Walker. Lew U. OarmlL Prank Weilou, Dilaoe Love. Fnnk PorTWter. Little Blovart and the nock, lo Ihe borlelonM 'The Devll'e Boliee" aod "The Ltttle Doka." Rice A Banon'a Ccmpaoy bid fairly good boaaw Uat BTAXDABOTifBtTBA—Tbe Btadt Theatre Oirmao Block Company, by way of ao oaMrlmeoL ap(»*ared at llila houia, 4, in the eouedy, "Iter Parlur Tinpenehta^" adapted from Ihe Fiancb by Carl Tofpfer. A one act c-vroedy, "Tbe Arlhaoi' FMUral." via alio alren If Ihia oiperlment la aocoeairuL arTanaemeou will be made for the regolu apoearaneo of Ibe oomraoy at ihla boo'e. Woaoaau:*!! HDIBIIK.— Fori aod va«k: Curlo ball- Ladr wood lavlDg coetoal, Pror. O. W. Wathloa rrao- ■ rllooolit), William Qaeen, Mile. Orar wd Prof Do Orarfmagio). fliais—Alloa Winder, Rrlgie and Hall, Uatlle McRay.TomP. Kollr, lAira Mortimer, and Leg- gettaud UinleL . .„ .... FiroBiTioif BoiLDiito ~0io J. Broiorepoke3 An alhletloeahlbltlonvillbe alrene. atvbicii tbe follov. logarabilled to appear: Erao L*al< J. 0 Rom.tock, Uhaa. Raymond. Cbaa. Noidack, Eddie aobwahn and Chaa. MrUifaiael ........ CooroMA—Maaaaar Bharaao Browo. of tbe DArtduu Thucre,riturnid frooioor city lutveek......Ofiene, ibedaocar. vu to bold the booie bin at the People'e ibli VMk, but wu dauloed at bar home lo Brooklyn by thellloauother aon Ilalleo aod llertgaTa a pro- leulooat malloe* Jao. 91 Tbe Bladt Theatre Com- oaoy appeirad Feb. I at Weal Bid* Tonor Hall, In''Du RtllinogafHt."abotlo'que by Onaur Koaer......Dr. R, W. gncbowiiar. oft>ita cltf. who bu bun Inadraaeeot Julia Marlowe-Tabar the putlwo MaaonL liu hun re- eogaged (or neat a»e«>n The 10 oeotWedooider raaUoMa at the OarldKM eooltooa popular. '<)llrer Tolit"drew * Urge booie Jao. 0 John lllne.or Belolt, Wla, a iraioer of poglllala, got lodgmiot atalnat BtaTa O'DooDell OorbeU'a iparrlav rartoer, aad while the ehampioo waa har* he vie garalehaed to t>>le BOtion to the eiientortlU. which wu nit paid, u Mr Oorbolt owed Mr. 0 Doooell ooUilogattballlme Bobarrlptlooe to the Btadtloutra aid mod. vhlch vara all to he paid lu oo Jan. al. aggregate about »1 All In Tlev 01 loo lou llieeompur aallered In Ibe Are the aui load vlll come lu haodr thla yeu Maoager 0. F. Miliar, olScblltiFark, vu to Cblcago Uat wuk. MINNESOTA. lit.Faalr-,UUielletropollUn"A Tempenoce Town" made III drat appoannce herevaekof Jen.A and did a good, though not miblog. builoeie. Thoa W. KMnecaaaweekol Pab.4 In tbe foUowlog lepertoir: 4. "Uamtaf,-'»! "Uiola Xt:''rDallne* I, "Homao and JoliH:"»,"lllolaid III :•• T.^Tbe Merchaol orveolce:'; A"OlbeUo;" maUnw ».-Bichelleu:" ft'JIebanl III." Wool uf It, Tba Amertcan Tntaaly Co., EddU Foy, lo o'gjji'o^Jia. J. Corbatl. In * UlnUeaua Jaob" had big baalBaaawMtolJan 17. UaoloBi'Panlaama Fab. 9 aod week, follovid by "Old Oloiy" 10 aad week. Oaiatta,—TbaLyceainbadtbe Rooney Cometfy Co.Jan.ill « tofalf bulloeaa Ibe Idial Coocarl Co, with Sana SoocI, Mra. O, B. Tale, and Feed ind Mra B T. UalTiagaracnecoecerttnlllbl aodlaocoIJ. "IJieNaw Boy'' oouMl Feb.U Tbe Tempi* hu been dark for eomatime. . . — "ne A]otnic,"br Will D. Hailne, irlU lake Ibe road Feb. 4 and open at Nxwiaaile, lod. 'The SbSkwU' Ineade'wMI D. kartnj, nar^Von THanTlUTiBOnd Wblie, Edgar B. DardaoR, Kd. 0. |[^.B»*rt BOTd.'roniackjyrtj* VinloB, rwl D* TOO, Bn Ittttam aad B«MM ounon. WuiLX the tollowlnalial or ll» name* oraom* of iho people engaged to irarolwlUi me Banora h BaUej'BOnalcatBhow cn Eaitli next leaaon U an exlnotdlnaiT king one. It la not nearly oonpleto. Tbe namca ben only npreteol Uioae engagtl np lo date, and tally twice ai many mora people bare yet lo bo blrtd 10 mi Ibe quou required, lien le the lilt aa far u completed: LonU B. Oooke, leneral agent; Oco. W. Aiken, railroad coniraclor: n. p. Hamilton, genenl pieta ageoli R. 0, Hall, eon- moling aR«Dt; Ralpb W. Feckbam, aialaianl; Clar- ence L, Dean, apecUl agent; Oeone 0. Htarr, pre** agent; Bcnry C. Dcdiei, AI. Rlel. P. H. Matiox and w. H. numonl, advertlMni car naoagtn, wllb 100 blllpoattn and adTenlaon; Qcorge Hull and Jamea T. Cook, Uycn oni; Prof. Carl Clair, director o( orchefllna with SB miulclaoa and il boglrn; John CBrleo. eqqcairlan director; Harry Uenrlam, aa- elBiant Ireuorer: Jeff C^ao and Jobn FUodrean. ticket teUcni; TboA K Etana bookkeeper; Oeonn R. Ilaidr, alonograpbcr; Prank Hyatt, auperlnteD- dcnl; lleniy Bamun, aaalaitnt; Byron V. Hoae, maaier of innipoitailon. wllb 90 men: William Winner,Ropeitntendent of menagerie, wlib M men; Wm. KeinnAn, aaperloieDdcnt or clepbantA wllb 30 men; Wm. Oldknov (Whlicrl, boea eanyu man wllb 100 men; WlllUm HmliD, aupenmeDdent or ring Block, wllb IM men; Pave McKay, aonrlntcn- dent of liaggago piock, wllb 93 men; uojilHumpb- rle^ aialuani: Willie Wbllc. auperlnleodenl of piopeniea, wlib t> men: Pete Ralaiead, maaier mecbanic, wllb II ition; Boheit Ulxbjr. mauler ol wardrobe, wllb 11 men: Utk. Ubaa. wblie, man- agereta of wardrobe, alih 4 ladyaBBlilania; Cbaa Slocka. anperlDienrtent or llgma, wllb 10 men; Cbarlm Klein and Cbarlta Konl. manaien ot com- missary denaiimeDi. wllb M men: Prank Hook, delcciire: edos Jneepb. chief door keeper; Tbomas King, calliope player: (.'bailta llemard, cblet uaber, wllb 49 men; role Conklln Jr.. Col. Ilafcy, C. II. Lovell, N. Uavla, B. Banliuan, Pred Preniice and Dan Kennedy, ilctetwilei*. Tbe tollowlng penons are known by tbelrprofesmonal namca: Ullc. Leonl, Hme. Caatronl. Mile. Valeakl. Mr. and Mrfi. Wm. Rydon, HUses Cainella. Jiilltlla, Ulrdellaa.Ualbcwi KSereila), Dillon, Ilcer. Linda Jeal, Mr. and Hn. arry Potior, Ur. and Un. Uarry Wcntwonh, Joule Asbton, Ihe UceiH Fanlly (foiir). Ur. and Mrs. Spader JobnaoD. Ur. and Un. Aabey. Ur. and Uia. Wm. De Uoli, A. Clemens. K. U. NclKia Altredo, Coco Herbert. James llortbi. KamesI Uelvlllc, II. Clemens. Hsriy Wllsoa U. Jcuncro. H. Felix. II. Siraasburger, Ucorge iirvgory. Jolca Vtrr, Wnt. Burke, I-etcr Dell, B. Ucniieit. Wm. Walhilt Wm. Bbowlcs, 0. O'Honke and brmher. E. Uowvls. wig maker and makeup man; tbo Catnclla Un».(lhrro). airdollas Droibera, itae elgbl dying Dlllona. the Deer Bros., Walton Oroa Itourj, Karl Ladcl and La Uar, S. Oura's Troupe of Japanese (cigbl). Beck and lilg- Sns. O'Uricn and Weitz, Bimm and Konkwood, 0 Psrvanell Troupe Itouri. W. II. Ilanr and Wn. Henthaw, managere nt privllegea, wllb OO people: J. aod II, Uayer. publlsbera ot prograDimc, and four asslslanla. The ailraclloos for Iho aide sbow, people tor tbo coDcert, uabera. pcopio connected with Ibe ethnological congress blpnodrome Jockeys and riders an not Inclnded In Ihe loregolug list. NOrrJ PROM ClIAB. LBE'S WIKTBH QUARTIRll.— We will bare a surprise In Ibe riding lino noxl sea. son. CbsB. Lee Jr. Is now doing a back and for- ward twiBler lu a avingona barelutck hotM. Clias. Walson, bis trainer, says tbe boy Is a wonder. Ur. Waison Isgelilngalongflnely wllb bis liunica. Ho le breaking a tour bono act and a hurdle horse. The Sbetlaod ponies are doing nlcelr and ibe roullue be Is leaching tbcm Is now and trill be ;; novelty. The donkcya under Fred Jones' iralulng, are doing well. Tbo big baboon, C'udge, that works Willi Ibe donkeys in ineir act, hung bim- sell on Jan. 'J7. II waa * gasl loiu. Tor he was well Irnincd. Uiir new band wsgon Is ready, ami II Is bcaulltul. Tbe Hides arc KOld carving mil will lie decorated iu gold, Mr. Bliaier Is now in Canada, buying bersCH lor tbe sbow. lie Is taking time in buTing. for ho Is gelling all dapple Ktcjs, weighing from l.a>0lblol,3i»B>. Uur Uuo slock will Iwone of uur leaturee. Prol. Tom ilaiuwcll an'l wife s|n:nt Suuday at tbe Winter iituncn with ita. Mr. Bani- wcii Is on old linier and dstcs lack lo Iho elillcs. He Is runniog his ireiiicd aniiuals sliow in iialis aud rciions fair business. He Is going lo put on a wagon sbow In tbe Spring. JuiiM B. llEiiTKH'H i:i«ci:s is making a lour nl Mexico, at Ibe conclusion of whiuli ho will make an I'Xleoded tour of Ibe Weat Indian IsUnds and Central America. II. L. ilawMAK. nioseuiii nisnsger. haa closed conlraot 10 lake charge aud maoago the museum aoil cauily slauds of ibe Ureal Hyudlcato Hhows, Ibis making bis roartb Heajwn with Ibis show. Ur. Iloirmansays He will bavo cvcryiblng new. u>lng an HOfi. canvas, with a 40Ii. mlddio piece, and a large double deck Ironi. Ho lisa engaged Prof. Uhelry's coloivil liand and Jutillru singers. Jkiihy IIu.n'ivan will bo the ralltoad couituclor tor Ihe ureal Sjnilicain Hhows next Snniincr. KBOit trkPhbii l/KkiSiioa-.—Merjimlyarouiid Iho tvinler (luartens and shnpi sre banl al work rr|>ali1ug aud building vagons. palming, dcco- iBiliig ami nwklug |ire|unitoiis fur ibu coming of the blue Ulrila. UaDagrr Ucke purchased a largo psrt or Ihc WbiiiicySliutr. which waa sold at sue- lion St IniUy Clir, Mich., some wceka ago. slid wlUrelliil and Bdil II to his show. Hurt L. Ilallcy vlil have charge of tbo advanct!. wlili a scun: of hlllpostcn^ IlibograptaeM ami prugmmincrs. Pror. U. II. Iladcrinaun will Ire baudraiuler, ills sixlli Mason. The hand will lie a tealtiic the coming season. Joe anil Flo 'rillcli, Kriiilo (lay 1 aud Uarry llemard have signed. I.Kos W. Wahhsi iis Ntn-KS—Dam M. Dawson haa Blgnid wilb Ibe show, as special agent, tut Ihe coming scaioo, as has alio ino Nippon Kooalso Trobue of Jap*. Wild lione Jack will bo one of the features In tbe Wild West sbow. Owing lo the iu- crease In tbo size ot the sbow, li win Riiuire eigb- teen cars to tnnsport il. Wni. Kibble Iiss begun 10 pracilce bla lour burse act, and break some ring Slock. Ur. IVssbburu pays weekir visits In Winter qnaneiv. le see that all Is golog well. (Iraclo Washbiim Is riding a very nice principal acl. and, liy Ihe lluie Ibe sbow makes Its lliil "pilch" she will be In dne form. NuTgs PUM Coi. 0. W. Bill's Buowb —It U now in wet kg sine* our gbow eloaed hen In New Orleans, baring been out foitr-sUweeig. Biooe Uis show baa olesed palnien bare been bnay palnilng tbe can, ao as to glrs tbsm a /rood sp- peaiance on the day of tbe sa'e, (M. Hall bad advertlatd bla "LlttleOoid Uins 8bow» tor nalo on Jan. 23, but tba small crowd ol ibow people pre*, eot made It erldeni ibat not many wanted to buy abow pioperty, aid wbeo Ooi. Uwl bad reoelred aereral bldsol It ooo tor bis eniln sbow be soon saw to wbst an exunt abow pnpeity had depr*. cUled In ralne, and readily concludad to net aeil bla sbow, and be baa sines used all cKoils to pot bis abow obi on th* losd again aa Boon aa poialbie. Col. Ball lelt Jao. 19 tor OInclnnsil, where be Inienda to buy all ue old stock paper the prlotlng booses bare on band. The adranc* car, bearlog the name ol "Tbe Col. 0. W. Ilall'a 3 Big Shows Combined," la rsady to Uke Ibe toad aasoon as Col. Hall iviuniswitb soma isper. Tba looie lies ttaioogb T^iae, and, aa no Jig sbow baa been then tor three monibs, good bnalneiB abenid be the nanlt. Too foUowiog an a partot Ibe people already esgagtd: Don UcKen- tie, geneial agent tor two months, alib rour hill ten; Obaa. Uali, boalwu manager; Prank cart, manager ot Annes, wllb a numerous lot ol tteaks and cnrlos; O.lrer U« Jan, moalcal dinctor, with are pieces; Lon Union, eiioestlan dlrec tor and mall mm; th* De Ireys, ooo ot tbe leading atiracuona at tbe Ttvoll Oarden lor tbe past two monibL have been engaged to do tbeir aanal act with ua ibow. Jubnaon aad Cameo, aenallsis, who bars been with Uol. Hall's Bhow tor three seasons, bare not lieen r*.engaged because Ibelr taoaa bare beoom* so tamlllar along Ihe nsnal Bprlog nnle. ana Morton will bare cbarie ot afi prrTllegea conitacied wllb tbe sbow. Asld* mm booking a taw menjpeopi*, th* abow IB now ready u> uke lb* road. Tbla cliy bag been tbe "Mecos'1 ot sbow people ibis Winter. Ulrcns managers, ptoptleiora, agent* and olbers bar* bean boldlBga eunrentloDot isslr ovo down her* tbla Winter. P. E. VarU. formerly o( tbe III fated Cm- pin Shows, oonismplate* tailng onl a sbow In the BprlDg. U* la sow oooking people hers, Tne Ollieue Family, Icietlur with Prot. Hbosers and Herman Bterens, fermerlr ut lbs CoL Uali bbow, are organiiing a show bare, to open abonl Marcb 10. Ooi. llalPa Wlour quarters present a scene of (reitactlritj; all aroiud lbs cats men an busy repairing ll|hu, aawiog ranru and makug etalis. Tbe wagons and csiai baring been paJnud last Bnmmer la SL Lonlf, Inr will not re<inlre any paint this Spring, aa ib«y are looking rsry nice J nal now, Ooi. Bair has many soiprlses In glon for Ibos* o( lb* pabUo wbodont know bis abow. Lou MooBS, OLOWM, bartag Inlsliad a all week'saaftmest st itas lUd-WlBtsrOUcgih MU- WMkss, wE, U al koo* u MISMib Oa Bonn of JoBNSoit's WDin> Onooa, looMad t> leony Und, iLrk.-Bd. BaMwtn, Unansatar; KlUF and Obaa. Baly, mpeie; Hons. a*ller, asriat' Isli JehaAtMeD, bnidleilder; Eofsos Te^ ol*wn; Pint. BsmnoBd'a trained dogs, Raekstt Bns.. and Bob BilttoB aad wife. Oonoeit neoflei Jim Do- ■ont, John Bond, Bd. WlUlama aad Pror. TiraL Bun AND OnuMiHS, aerlallau and triple bar Bitotmen, and Prof. Hank Bnydei's tisopeotpeT. rmlBf wolre* and dogs, bars ilgned wllk Oeo, Bnrteh% New Benaatlon show. La PaiBL OiaooB Nona.—U Pearl'a WInlsr Otrons, at DaaTllle, III., la still doings bigbnatneaa, w* an innint amy people eyery Bataraay nlibt. Tksn an now tmity-dre perfonseis pnouemg hen, Ibe rtng being Id nae from morning till nlgbL Intbe osaraa ionihen are Uieenoanras maken buy on Ibe icon, nnnd top, wllb two dott. middle pteoea, a doxoon. dieaaing nom and a 90i OHi. bone lent, all now. Tbe palnlan, wood votkenand blacksmllba an also tent bnay. Tbe show will be twios Its tenner slse,aaduit on* oar ahead aad two baek wllb the abow. Pnt. Vaader- oook irlU lead Ibe band ot Iwenty-lwo men, making bla tonrth lesson wllb tbe abow. Tba ibow opens April BO, making Ibe aiib season. Onis. P. YsnsB, orebesin leader, Is engaged tor Ibe Bamom A Oalley Sbowa, tor next seaaon. 0.8. Pbibbosb has ilgned aa geneiil agent ot J. a. La Pearl'a R. R. Sbowa, and opens bla season early in April, u DaariUs. II). Ronsa AND N'OTis vaoM Toht Wnrra'a Bio Twasty-lfs Oenl Sbowa.—To» Vblle, wis pnptlelor; Ur. lid. Manly Ooff, tasosgtr and announcer; R. 0. Lawia. 11. Hoaewood, owner ol nrlrllegea. We me a eott round lop, In ebsrge ot John debban, wllb ibree asalalanis. The ahow ooniilna Judge, talking hone; Blllr, pertormlng gorllU; Uemesood'a alaaablowers, llardle'a wood- en beaded "I'inafon" Tnnpe and lloial Marion- ettes, Utile Uodj, temale nae shot; aallls White and harden otaerpenta, Qaael, Kentnoky magneilo ^rl; Adalia, tortnne teller and mind rider: OaUtea, llnainn; Uaon ohiet aad Prof Clark'a oolorad band ot six plecea, Pnl. Hardy glraa blah wire per- formances outside dally. The sbow baa been ont all winter and plailDg to good bnalaeaa. Wo are lonrlog Sontb Carolina ana Floilda, OUB BOSBNTOAL, an agent ot il. Hollo, Iho animal dealer, wu among the paaasngsn ol lb* lilfaled steamship Ribe who leak Uielr lire* In ibe North Sea. Ur. Holla aad oiher Importen lest large coaalgnmenia of birda aad animals. NEW JERSEY. Hewrark.—Al Miner's annilb'i "PMut" wu sn e'abont* prodoetion Uat wuk, but It racatvad only moderal*atl*allea. gatoOlaslonaadHaaJaoaoaobak prawnt "Tha Two Oipbaai'* tbla week. TbU old timer niaailrbua good lacepUoa la Kevarfe.and will prob- ably Dike eome noaay. It opaaad laronbly Feb. A *-A Trip to OblBatowa" II and vwk. JAOon'.-Joe Ott, in'TbeBlar Ouer," pivaeota a runny ahov, but 11 wu rather llgbllr deell with Jan IB, 9, so. "Land el the Mldalghl Sua" araatad mora lolarut 91- Feb a, and pLapad to good mooep. "Sbalt No. t" vlll no doabt Drove eadtlag enoagh to All Ibe houM 4, A A *nbe Blovawar' vlll Bnlih tha wuk, "Bhan No 1" opened Uriy good 4. 'OathaBovwy'-alopaberalland VMk. WAlanAsa'A—Tha Rallly A Wood Rbov vu given good palroaagvlutvub. Tbe bill li u Intaraellna aa uiaaL MUea Parry aad Devere aiv doing a Sa dj ilreie due* which la very pleulog aad lahee vail. Ilyda'a t:omrllue return thla vMk. They ven geaaroaily lopported on thilr last vlall, and Ihaopanlngliouae, i, RreprvnlaeorrerMUng tbe good Iblaga ne Night ria cone 11 and veek. Btab ^Lon OolllBA Lisils Braoi. Kittle BL Olalr, Bin* na (^arui^ Harry La straaga aod Pror. Donbar. nioia.-Madelloe Oevnp. Hlnai* Ewla, BdlUi Uapo, EffleSLCUIraod Prank Nurlh. Oisiso —lliaee ThompluD, Flotanea Roaull, Ltlllau 'itf and BtiA Bnov. Uaibtt.— jDlla rioUien, Bulla Ollffoid, Loulaa Doff maaa. Oarrle Freran aod Prol. Buhmun. Naw*.-lnthe Beooad D inlet Court, Ol Mrs. Matilda Halloa lecured a feidlot agaioal bar aon lo Uw. John U, Browo. leadlog man In "A Teau Hiur" Oompenr, lor IMS. which inm ilie eUlne to have loaned the Mb r OoDltabla Whelan attached tvo truuke belong log 10 Mr. Bravo aod vired ttia aetor the*, oaleu he ahuoU eome lo thla cliy aod aa'Ue. thetrunheand tbeir cooteola vould be a-ld to ullaly the Judgiiieut It. 0. Daoola aad Raul De Tlia trauorera ot Mluar*a and Jacobi' Uieatrea, rMP'Ctlvelr, veiv botb ao- Uveir loiareaed lu Ihe ainual beneHl or the Treuurare'fllob. In Now York. Jan. rr Mr. Doneao, or Eaaei. Inirodaeed a hill In the l.ejitalaUireal Treo loo, 00 Jan. Sl.thalmaktaltunlawral for "aur peraoo lo arpeer lo any tlieatre, opera hoaae, haU laolure room orolhrrpublle plac* ul aauruiomaot, amoaemeal or loatruottoo, wheraenadmluloo la obarsod, aod where ao noobatroo-.ed view le niaeaaiiT, but ii preveulad br the weartnaapparilelauy Indlvldeal, vurlog aarartlola that vill obelroet or lourfera nuderpeoallr ot eum- mary ajeetieo. ud upoo eouTlelloo lir a oooit mar be floedllo Bob Pile Inimooi wu lo Naverkll. R«- aardiBs till trouble vilh es-^apL alurl, be olalma lie le nader no oolliailooa lo tbe aa Oaplaio,. Md that be orgaalicd ue apaolallp companr al llln- rl a aolieluiion. Tbe cau** ol the aeparauon oo ourredat Clileago over eoma moniy. aod now Fiu la aniiOBato brut the eootraci He laid the coropuy win ruama buiineie at Hiiacula. 4 Mra.Julla Mar- lowi-Tahergareao mformel Isodilet Ihe lluiel flam hrldga New York, lo lainor ot li'adpe Dudley llemlltoa, Nevark'e loooa auilior. ('.otara were Uidforaiitun. The loeal Oriiial Mile le doles a thrlvlni builoaie Juetnov, ud pronila«ito(oakealongaur In Nivajh. Treaton, — At Taylor's Opera House Rellar cane. Jao. at togoodtuilnaia. "A Trlplntlliloatovo." S, diovell. Doonal'y and Ulrard. 81, had bis tiiiainiu. Cnarcyao'l Fos. Fela.l, hed send hsitoeia Rofibloga: "Iba DavH'a Aui'ion" 4 Mercer Couoly Wlieilraao's WlBSIrelaA "Troe IrUh llearla"T, "ParkulHoHIa" B, iBoerlal Yaudavllle i:<i II end vmIi TaaRTaK MrasUM —BuiioeaaeootlBuaagaol. Wnekut 4: Leclorehaile-Prel. I'baTtu thtun Waller lulilon. Lewll' rurloBlhl*-lt lod frol. Ileorr Alten'l Punoli end Jodr. Tbialr«-aa,irga IllRhlar end P.inina lllghlay, Larrr Toeley. Llllle waatno. W. B Broanlog and gdlUi Browning, Ce'Mte and Uaaaah BIrcb. PstaraoB,—At tbe Opera House Donnelly and rilraidprewoied'-TbiRatomabara'* to croedadhbuua Patk 1,1 Conror and Pos'n '-Hot Tainalea" had a aoiall belappreolillveaudlineaJao. 91. "Land oi ihe Hid. nlibl Btto" bed feirlr good boulu If, at Bo^bp Uaylur praeentad '-Sport SeiUlater" l-i oool baeloeie tl Book, lesi: "The DevH'e Aueitnn" Feb. 9, I. Oliver Byroo'e "Upland novaiorLira''7-S. BIJOO TilBATSa —Vha *<lahl Owls c'oaad aaathraau>ry veek I. ilua lllll'a TavleTllleH are 4-1, the Fay Foaiar RariaKiBO Company 7-9. Wataoo dialera' Cu II aod week. Boas Mossa—Bnaloeaawie lair at ILli houae .tan. n ud ve*k. Arrivals; A and R. H. Lovaoveit. KlU lluo bar, Rd, and Ba'la llinlonl, KM Rayinnotl, the Aiiiinuna- (ilarei* Trio. Win. llenrp Wbyte, Jamea and L)dia Rhuren. Marloa Beckett, Uie Brilliant Uuarut, aod Dolly E. Uowe. _________ JeraoFt-'ilpa—' A Trip to Cbloatown" will no dovbl pleaae large auoiencae et (he Aoadeuy week ut Feb. 4 "Bliaft No >" la ondarlleed to lullov. John K*rnill c'uied a luadiuin veik s. Dos Tox-Bsaloau remilaa the urne. Th* peniila thla veek eomprtaoArmilroog and Porter, geiiy ud ml iiiair, Fr«y aod ta Metre. Jania ilrey, Tom llalay, Welby, PeuLMeraend N .Ilia, the Three RaetellBroi. Oraele end Reyaolde Paoiur aed l-ia, 4;oliloa and Far.ay, Fl^reQee French aod Wm. Da Hoe J. I.ll-Belie Beeabav. giiiy Sloalair, ElBe BL Olalr, Jobn Lyoeb, Geo. Bala* and Prof. Raymoad. Bollnau IB f 00(1, WAasiworov.—Iliiel Oahone. Mabel acd Mamie Lake, FredXilUraadothara Vaaloou li ralr. Noras—Maaegar T W. Uiohloa la a meniberol Ihe Nav Manhauan Alhlftleninb, voer eltr. aod Is eooaeli- Ing member of th* comatuaa that Hcuru tha oecaiaarr attrauloai for the amuMmeol of Ibe dob Tiddle wlaknandbla broUiarvill be emoog the llitut atlrse tlooe lo upeir at the Waahleglon. 11. 0.. Prau CInb heoerLFih B fAralaFredericke wu added Ui Ihe Boo Toa bill laat week John Liooh, ot ihe J I. •>., alihooib auesdisg lo bli bnaleaia, la mil a aaffarer with hla twiajcd ancle .. ..Hadle Borgais uioorna tin le*a or her grip, while /a ruuie rrore HrMgaport to IMa ellr. It (ootaiBod a oamoeror mile Uiataha mliau ladlr rihu. B. Ward li a late addl. lloo to •'MeFaddan'aKlniiamaol'' Ueo. F. Uell, vhou plica h* OIlAvltl Itin 'The Nitmlore.*' ... A ueruee onrapiQF olllprarut "rheriie*ahonia."a olay by liana Uobara, moilo by Mu llabrlel, at Union niir I, aod al geular'e Hall, S Tbe eouipaar praunlo'l ihe pier el Newark, N. J.,& Thar pUyooenlslila wuk at Ihe above oamadpta^u .TbeLehtili L'aivaralirOieeend Haojo niab wni givea eoocara at llubrouos flail Feb B Pearl Rarmoo<1, while doing the spIlL wed the l^r. mentor for a rut U the Bon Ton tut wuk; Ihe ecane moved, dropping MlM Baymnad lo Ih* auga and glriaa herh'p abad vraaeh IllipoHlblellialJuhn Keroall vlll levlve "Tbe Uoatjer" neat aieioo. BllBaballa.-At the Lyosno Tbea'JC "A lug- gage Obeeh"ufae Jao Oloa maU aadlaoca Cooroy and Pol, lo "Hot Taoialae," came Feb. I lo a auiall houae. hot lb* perforioaaoa wai eseelUoL "Liule TrlBy"eamar. matlaae ud eveolog, to llsht buloaaa To arrlfa: Tbaiaber A Johaana'a sloatpala 9. 'Shart No l"!. "LaadolUMMIdnlgbt Bun" ll;-Ihe Puver oiao'd'll Oaiaa iipsba lluoaa.—Robert Oarlor, in "Sport Mo. Alllaler," Jen. >f, onv aamall andleooa. Kau OlaBU>o aoil Hme. Jaoanicheck lo"TheTwo rjrpbena " eaffla an to the eaoood larsoataadlaBe* lalbahialorrofibal-ouae, ud gave an eselileat pirformuu. Tbe booae wie dare the remilodarof ifaevuh To errlve: Sliue nbr-dasi. wuk 014, le fvperaopv; "Th* Riovavay" II, "UUle B* Feap." by echool ehrdru, II, IS Tin Joha Cherry ou taaeo ihe place of rnierlu Lor- raine, and Alio* uiunoiesoeoeeda Mlu SI Olalr lluaaay la"BniTamal*i,"taeehaaB* belaB made at Mabaeay ahtr. Fa, Jan. a Th* Lyeenai orebeetra bu bun eireoatheaed br eeveral aev aaalelus Thedlrsaors of this thuue viU, aesi moalb. coameac* the ereolloa . llajponrol thohosM, .tb*bolUl*g.Tk*yvlU ftaalstlbasslruss .. Ol laiataawwe viu, Bvai moBW. eoaB af apHfsoscAcnprar lb*sld«vall la?i sJ Willi sail 1 ettf eatlnftviHottbab SplMis&MgabsauUfkllBbaal . oiwaatulloaa thoi booorad. bAvabaaadolyiaoognlaadbyDenban ol Iba dlObfaal aoslatiaa llobak*B.—lannr Rio* made bar Ont bow In Ihle elly Feb. 4. She lemalae aalll S, "Peck'a Bad Bar* dolahulheviak. Tbe altiaolloBelulvMkdravamlf attandane*. The etadeau from Sloveaa Oolleg* wul give PurvBloaawalnmed, —, _ elroog ooaUagaal c. lovely vomiB, eoghl lo draw good money tbu week. Neat week, Miaeo'a Pantomlee Oo. laraaiAi. —na aaaal variety eontleuia. Bailaesa i» Balm large. NoTas--LltUeBgvpiwuaipeeUl fulnn at tba Oor. mania lul vaak. I. 11. HUieoA ealoiim man at this bonu. bubainenwagadhr Rlalta lo alUod ta her ele^ trioal elTec-e Maaaavr John nUrb, of the llobokea, haaeecurvd all olthe Fiobnan Btotbers* attnettoas lor Ihteand neat leaaon Maoaaar Phlllipe, ol ibe 0«^ manl^ aod Cbarlei Bliu, ol Blall aod Mio«rva,baTa had abailneu ennaultallon, wbeiaby Mr. BUtlwIU aa* sums oonmloftbe boom shortly. — "A Modem Mtpblalo," In whiob nelene Mora will next aeasos uanni* one ot tbe slallar loles. Is lbs work ol Robert J, Donnelly, a well knoim press writer ot tbla oily. The play bu bad bnt one prodnollon, whloh was dnrlng the week et Uay 1.1-30, IBM, lu Ibe Onnd Open Uonae, Bnok- lyn, Tbe press notlceaot Ibe play gare II tbo oiedll ot slKngih ol conalnotlon, a rniulsli* (inanlnm et boman Interest, a plaoalbie aiory, and orlglnslllrto a marked degree. Hlu Mora's lonr will, u nsnal, bo under Ihe maasgoment ot James Hyde, who wlH engage a sinng company. Hpeolsl paper and aiv acenery are now being pnpared tor too lour, wbloU begins at Syisenss, N. Y., ou Sept. 3, at the WslUos Open Houae, Harry Clark, buslncas manager for lu. Ilyde, la booking Ihe lour. — an. V. a. Jones reeorered eolDolenlly to ra- loin ' Bhslt No. 3," 00. in Newark. N. J., Peb. « llliils Saoteit played her roieotMra. Haibbune, tor two weeka. — Pailon * Burgeu hare leased Ihe new Onlgti. ton Theatn, now tteiog bnlli at umaba. Neb., and •xpoet to open Aug. ig. — Berersl memben ot Ihe Ourle Tnmer Oo, bare relumed to this oily. Those engaged In OhI- oago forthonewpbiy, whlobwuiobepiodooedln Kaosu oily. Ho. after nhearalng one weak, got nounngterUiolrUme, hai were left there Pab, 3. Among those who leaehod Ihls city Peb. 4 wen Annie Yalea Nelson, Kiesner Usrey, Oarrle Bad. olin and Herbert Ayling, —The "Trelloy Hysbm" closed lis season Feb. Id, -- Paony Donhara Honae Jolna ilose OogUn'a Oo.. Feb,R, InHruuklrn, N. Y. — K. li.TWnnehlllwaanporlml the past week to haredleil al Ashriile, N. U. Ho waa notileadnptn Feb. 4, although be haa huty consumpUun. uia brother, Fnnk Tannehlll Jr., la with iilni, ..-:.!'"'''?'','»''•" •"""•"'"•""(esthlsweek. W. U. Klwind, Ueo. U. Uhsiilln, the child, Iwo Ukrpen- tenand lbs quartet iuivs raiirod, Arthur More- land as Uol. Itlsener, Andrew iliihuun aa I'errr Das- comb, and Uiiiao lamsnn (Un, llobsnn) as Bus Rodaly comrooDced Poh. 4. — Aroklo lluyd ologcil hla aeasou In Lynn, Mass., Fob. 'A — Kieanor Carey baa lieen engaged by Daniel Frohniao for next srason, — "liuiTf's UlunJon" will rinse Ita tour at Olers- land, tl.. tbis work, aniboraaiiagooiontinfurmiour Uausdold, II., rorrosptmiloiii, — laaholhi llniuharl has lioen engaged by Don- nelly A Ulrard, in "Tlie llslninnmirs." — F. 0. Unuloy, nmuagor of "Thi' Fonoing Waa- ler," repnris soromi or Uio ohorus iiutie III wlUi severe colds, ciiiitmolnl lu the Hiiiiili. -Thoshuuiiugnr w. It. Ward, tiis manager nt Kitty Hliudos, uccurreil at Pliiatun, I'a., aud sol at ritlsliiirg, as rtportnd. — U. I). Hi'inMU has been engaged by Fred Wsrdo fur null aeaann, .-M*J! Whooler, Iraillng lady of "Coiuin King" Un„ In Unokiyn, N.,r., ihupaaiwuuk, met witn a serious acoldeiil Jsn, M in tlie sluvatiirsoeno. — Ueii. Ullllon is Willi Fanny Davenport, In '(llsnionda," at the FlfUi Avenue Tbcatre, tills cliy. — iluurgn I'. Hfco luu Julucd "A Trip lo Uhlna. town" Oo. {No. 'i). — It ia announced tiiat Uborlos Dlokaon nioaea his snsson Fel>. IS. — Jack Ferris his Joliiod "ThoHpanot Llfe"Oo, — Jo o Wnlturs' new |i!ay, "A Miinoy Ordar," liv HuyninurM,TiiiiMia.Uniiw In rolieanal, and will have an inrly prixlncilin. Tlio soouery, II la uld, will iioelalioraloitnil lip lu dale. — lloiiU A, Flak wrilea ua ag follow: "I hare en- larged my uriiiipanj und I am making a apsoisi teal- luro ot 'Kssl l.jiiUH,' oarrylog scenery sort ca'. oluma. Ill anawor in my 'ad.' in Ihe OMrrss I have a!rradT received auswera." — Nolo from llie Kdwsrd warren Uii.: We Diar aroiurnrngagomrnlln Uiinipeller, Vi,on Fell. If, and nniitlier reloru engagement In HU Albans on Ihe ista, — llarrr II. Ollflon mot with an accident st llM I'o- plu's Theaue, Una oiiy, nighl of Jan. 3U, while acting lo''I'liwer uf the I'reiB," Inilraitndinga huldvr ho foil lu liio slago an'l suMalnod lulotol Injurlrs. Iiarriijmrt Ueiias auumed hla role Bl. — Nell anil Uiifun hnvuwlihdnwu (rum lbs Onnd open House, Mall I Ake Oily, Utah, and Himraond A Urowu are engaging a stock company to open there. — Bninigaie Fli/.gcrald, ul tula city, granted a degree, on Feii. 6, paailng the nroanuiaot Iheex- c^uuin uf Iho will lit Kilwin 'i'. Ilooih, tbe aelor, Tha aocouutlng wu vuliinury, and then wu no onmaltlon. Toe ext'cuinra are KiiM 0, Uenedlot, William illaphsin ami Jnlin H, Usgnnlgle. The riuto, nlieu lliu nrst lnvaiiu<ry wiia nisde Uat tJoiulier, amutintoil to lavj.Kig suit lonslsied racil. iyiil bonds Slid mnitsagcs, Hoourliioa dlscovtred alncs swell the raia's In in';,n-£i.iw. Among Iho notn disrovorod ara tweiily.twn of Bum each mails liy Arahliiiihl 0. llayuH.uigelils Ihe Indehl! cdneasor ll,r«ui,[ Mluim rislu. — Will. P. Kiita j"ii:oa the "True Irisli Uearts" Co. Fv.u. il, iu I'bllaileliihls, Fa. — Ilerlieit lleniun Joined "A Uaguge Ubeck" Oo. F.;b. -J. In llwdlMg; Pa. —stpago iJuooa — KrannIa Uiiaille whtes ua tluit labadle and llowoii hare secured from iiw. i.ipslier a p'ar en. title'l "Ailanio, the Uan Wllhuut a Huol." It will Lo given ao early proiltioilon. — Nuiea from "llanda Acroaa the Hoes": Wm. Uo. Ourinark Imned Jan. U. to plar Count Pani, and bMinailii a hum tb*|wn. Uoslneaa hu keen very guud. Wears playlDgrolorn dalesIhriingh Maine liili niiiuib. Have bail a now set of scenery palnt*il for lbs iilg roarth acl(iheshipacerc), wbleli Isad- iniied arrry win y, Tha company is alronger than i«l aeasou snd Is deligUtiiig mauger and pnbllo al every sued. ' — Will », lilslni baa Joined the l/>ulse llsandel ripen Co., which has iMirn reurgsnl/ed and U now rehcsrsing piepaialory to Iho rcupcning et lis ata- son at llie Hclllller Thulrn, In Chiwgu, 111., whsra It Is lionked for Uirco weatks, ■ The Dtsgoon's DAugliier'' will alone lis pirsented. — Nrli Mlcbneiil hna oiuacd wHb Jamea B. Usckle's cmpany snd la issiing in New YorK. — Arriniiuuaniahavo lieeu made by which Mr. atiil Urs. Kruihil will cloio iiinir present tour la Ihla clli lu April, nl Ahlmy's Tlieatre. '-"Inthe Teiiderluln'' disbanded at Indlanan- oils. Ind., Fell. — l Ura UiiieniAn is ilosriv reconring from Ihe eifec'ariradeilcsto aurgicial npcratiun peifonued al tbo FrealiyU'tUn H'is|ilinl, Ihla cliy. — Tlie auge oiii|iioi en at the 0|ion llunae, Uln. noipiilis,Hluu.atru'k Jan, lo,licutiise Iho man. agi:iueui wuuld uot rocugui'M ihu union and the* conid but agree u lo Uie wage* ki be paid dnilna CALIFORNIA. I.OS Aisgelss.-Tiie Uk\» Tarary Open Com- poor enloyrJ LlK biiusae ar Uis Loa AogeiuTheauaJao. ll-iS. lileMatlBg "lllgolelui," "Ihe Bohemian nirl," II Troralore." "Faual," "Tauobaoser," "Martha," ^I'liies." "flaralliila Hoitlcaoa," ud TPaglUcel" B/KVioiei ' Falirlind." Fib I-fi Prof. llMimaiin ll-Hl!alli.ronl)pera(;o,ll-aNeUI*MsUenrT 'V.y'i'i' • ".'^"'."""J' lhaatraotd veUJan.S)-A with Jeifroia Lewll. in '-Eut Lynoe," "Led Aetrap" vudoeazr-Peb.l flo^l bnel-iau lethe rale at thm Orpheooi. abaie the people St-Feb. 1'were'Lydla Tei^ iIhl Hlg. Lnre'to, the koeaUri. #Ai*eaau mmmA f rial* flM Vj^J? mtlif-Tilut, PM- liofi,. _.„.^,, .... Jani> U«4ruri Mooigomtr/aod LUU* Jim, tod Emu U)4 Euako. nmu UlPgo^AX Plihfrr'f Open Houe ItoTtrlf jilaatrsls plaiad a ratnre aegaaimeol Jan. II to Uaht hasioau "Ailpalbu Pass la lla Might" S, aueaCd, Oaorga Kunan leetaiedao.. — •- '"" ta lieNigW;j>,-fc™„ palAjjuu dUalvuk.- " """" "•^ wauBiiiB CM ttam m an nu