New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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796 THCE NEW YOBK OLIPPEEl. Febbuabt 16. ■uioD, ud will tpcM • tew wMki H OgonOiji*, —IHe Mn. a«D. Tom namb Oo. tr« now plir- Ins ArkUBU HlMoart to reponel ftir bul- ttm. JobiT.Pavcn Joined Ui«coinptDT>tJack- UD, Mln,, to do bla ■ptcltUj, tad do » AMcb wllb Aniile Nolwn, In pUco of U>ni|ier Edwird Noun, wbo Is tt not Spying*, iitlog baibn nd retdng. Bb will rejoin tbe umptn; In t (o« weeki. Tbo Bftn FnncUeo trip will be nude In April, over tbe Nohbern ronle from 8L Paul lo Hmiiia, relomlnit Tit Canute loMoDiretl, p. q., in Aagun. Jobnn. Ilodge le ailcndlng to tbe front of the nouee In good ehape. A Klegram received from ManaRtrHozart euiea be lua booiiht a bab/ HbeUaod pooj and can (or Oonot Hagrt (huaband of Mr*. (len.Tom Tbomb), for parade pnrpoera. — aarland dadcn ba* given op ihe lease of tbe AcadeiDT of Hiiele, Ricrllng, III. Mrs. Oaden Is Im- proTlngliibealib,aDd ibcjr will Oil all Ibeir Eaalem dales. beglnnlDfi noit monib. —Jobn T. Ilanwn, ibe BwcdUb dlalcei come dlin, u playing ibo pen of oic, wim Ulsbop t Ulume'a "Olo Olson" Oo, — 'The OlrcDS uirl." which Is on lour under Ibo management of L. L. Qrcen, la laten from "Tbo Arabian Mlgbla" and "li MarrUge a Fslloret" — Oeo. U. Ha;e«, lale wlUi ibo Ilobert Wajno Co,, bas acccpied an engagement wllb Ibe J. lie llumle/ Oomcuir Companj, lonrlog Iowa and Illl nols. — Roiter of Frohman'n WcMera "Charley's Anni" Co,: Oweo yawceit, Haymond Capp, Anbnr Lar- kin, unan Uarley. Ooorgs II. Trader, Mrs. Qracc Thome Conner, Prances Blevcns. lielia Biacay, Hllllo James; naoagcr, Itobt, M, Hhelloi advance, llcnrr P- Orcene; elage manager, J. IfarllQ; car- poDter, Obaa. Iloaib; properly man, D. J. Hbrrwood. — Roeier of "Tbo AlnaoaC'Co.: Henry E. Wll. Ilarosoo, manager; John A. VIcior, irnviirer; will, U. Harlnei, aulhor; Hairy Vonillycr, P., 0. Marine, Oeo, II. Olbson, Kdgar X. nardacre; Harry 8, llop' pings, musical director; Ueo. M, Fallb, advance repreaenuUve; nilvo North, Myrile Vinton, Beaslo Ollfion and Poarl Mnrine. — Roster of neiraaa k Coddlngton's "Boand hj anOaih' Co,: Harry Hlincbard, T. F. Kervin, W. II, IMhIman. Al. Wilson, J. II. Cllllll, ]. R Maxwell, P. Cohen, Clara Allen. Nay Rosa and Annie Ullcb ell; nelmsn iOoddlngion^proprlolors: Al. Wllsoo, advance reproaeniailTe; w. il, i>elllman. siage manager; J. II. Qllllit, propcnies; Allen E. Farr, mntlo dirtcior. — W, P. Croniloy wrlles: "Ohas. E. Blanej's 'A Bsggage Check,' as rewrlllen by bin. seems lo have caught Ibe pahllcio a verTHailsfaclory degree, as far as Ihe boi office rccolpu wonld Indicate, on ibotr roiure dales throgsh PonosylvaDla. Tbe ros- Ur: MarkSnillvsQ. Rddio Hagec, Erie Pollack, Ilao SglliTan, Obaa. Uorion, Lcola Belle, Mda Clarke, Madge Yorke. Utile Melrose. Nellie faullloy, Claire De Bhorhs, Nellie Parties and Urace Cbadwlck. The muelo and specUillica an all now and very calohj." — Blen Vookey gavo an eniertalnment In norman recenily heforn a Cornan club in Wasblnginn, D. O, Bhe gave "Tlio nivor," by Schiller; a scene from Ooeibe's "Faust" and '■Don llajniro," by Heine, whioh were blably anprcclalod, — Prom "Our Uorotnv'' (Jo.: We are now In our iwentyKilghib week. Kelllo Spencer and Uurt Sim- mons are recent addlllons lo Ihe company and iheir tpeclsllles are a featoro. Ousslo /obnstone, our lliuo Mubieilo, la making friends. She la sing- ing wllb luccons ■■You Can'l I'Isy In Our Yard" and "lioys Under Ton." Ilcr new dance, iho "Pas do Narlposa," Is doing nicely, Ulioh Ingrsbsm, tbo Soung lenor, Is also winning favor singing "The niel Hiss" and "Kngsgemeni lling," Ouslness Ihrougb Texas li fair and everybody It happy. — A special irain, carrying Ibo memlKrsot the Clint, 0. Ford "An American Hero" Co.. under Ibo management of (ico. D. Udckler, from Robinson to Newton, III., waa wreotod on Iho Imllana and Illl- nolB Souihem Railroad, near Oblong Siailon, on Feb. e. Tbo wreck wu caused by raiten Ilea and ■ defective Joint In Iho milt. Tho car with ihe speolal aeeoery, elo., nmalned on ihe Iraek, noln- jured, but the coaoh containing (be members of ibo company and several freight ears left Ihe irack and lumbled down a dfleuo foot ombankmenL Several of Ibo company were severely Injured, but nose were killed. All Ibe ladles of the company were more or leas bruised and considerably ihaken up, Tbe following Is a llsl of Ihote who were moot s«- rtonsly Injured: 0. 0. Ford, arm Injured; 0, H. Adams, injnrod Inienally; S. W. Belgrlsi, badly bruised and band oui; Prof. T. H. Hand, Injored aboDt tbe head: O. W. Jackson, left foot lolnred: Larry Fabmea, Dead bmlwd and arm injured, Mr. . Beokley was at Mowlon, awalUng Ihe arrival ol Ibo company, and honoa eioaped ibe aocldenL Teams worn seonred and Iho oniiro company were driven Inio Newlon, airlvlna there Sunday night, where msdioal aid wu rendered to ihote who wen tbe moat aeversly hurt Al this lime all are RoUlng along ai nloelj aa osn be expected, and all are Terr Ibankfal that oodo of ine members were XIIIM, at Ibe coaeh In which they were riding nmcd complelely over In lis flight over Ibe cm. lankmenL TSIs will not Inierfero with Mr. Ford laying his fnlnra datoe for ihe seaaon, — Darrr 0. Keenan oloeed a twenty-seven weeks' eaaon wllh Probman's "Charily Ball" and ■'Men ind Women" do. at Logantpon, Ind. Uo has Joined Oeorgo Kendall's roHttory company, lo play InvoDlles lor Ihe remainder of ibo season, — Hand Edna Hall writes lhai owing to ihe oloa- Ing of "In Ibe Ttndcrloln" she Is rosiing for a fort- nigbl Id New Orleana La., before opening an ox. tended engawsnient aa loading woman of Ibe Cmnd Ofiera Uouao Bioek Co, In San Franolsco, Cel.. Hatch II. — Fannr Davenport bas received from Vlotonon Bardoo, from Parlt, under dale of Jan. la, the fol- ~ lowing lelicr: "My Dear Miss Davenport: I must convey lo ynu my taeariy thanks for all tbo beauil- (al reaalia of your labor on my 'aiemonila.' 1 fell certain wbtsi placed borin your fUrbanda thai anoiber auooeta awaited you. To an artlii the arUstlo Is doubly welcome, and I understand from all aldet how marvelous Is the nilse m seme, bow grand jonr aeung, and bow perfcei In details the pmdnollOD. My sincero applaute and heanfcll uuDlis. Sinoon." — Hobert Rogers, formerly In Ihe support of Katie Putnam and Pcie Uakor, baa signed for leads with Cimi (I. Ford's "American Hero" Co., under the mansgemeni of Oeo. II. Ueokloy. Qco. W, Jackson, bSKlncM manager ol Ibis compsny, bas recently added a Bno oiebeeua, under tho leadership of mf.T. II. Hard. — Hany M. Illake Joined Lambert A Williams' Plavoni./an. n. This Is Mr. UUke's second eoaaon nndor Dave II. Williams' mansgeniont, — BenoQls woiD tendered to the Lolghton Biook Co., In 8L Johni, N. P.. on Jan. 14, U. Throngh Ibo failure of the Conimenlal Uank, in that oily, and •ibei anfortuntto olrcumslancee, (be company had become stranded then. The local nresa and tbo clUiensof St. Jobne, romombcrtng Mr. Lelgbton'a prevloaieltbrisln aid of ihopoor andoihereoarltiet of that eltj, loyally responded lo the oonpany'a ap> peal. —There aeema lo be two "Urout fllrlt" Compan leaontlM road, and a conlllcllon of letilmonyfaa aent lo us), aa to which Is tho original roropany, eto. As we publltbcd an Horn last week sent by one ol the eompanlet bearing that title, we give beUtw the aialcmoni of Ibe oinor company, which will eno our nolloe of the matter, Tbe letter before ut atalei thai Ihoir company It ibo original and only "Cirous nirl" Co,. Ibtl S. iMrroil wnto and oopy- righted Iho piece, and still owns II and It managing II on tour, and any one producing a play under thatUlle la Intringlngupon Mr. I'orrctt's righia. — John K. Ilcnshaw and Hay Ton nneck have resumed Iheir original roles lu'-The I'ssslngsihow." — "Other I'eeplo's Mouey," a new comedy, liy Rdward 0. Towno, haa been teourcd by Chatlos Plokson, — Ur. William Clark, of Ibis city, bss begun a suit to recover tlU lor professional aervloea from Loulto Deandet- — Caiollno Uamllten, one of the prima donnu ef the noalonlBUS. bu entered suit In thlt city for absolute divorce from Charies Kdwaid llamllion. —The Tacanor In the position of stage manager of Ihe Uamrosoh Wagner Opera Uo. retulilog from (be death by drowning on ino III fated Ribeof Adolf Uanmaoo, liaa been Dlled by ihe engagemoni of Mr. Harder, of llamborg. — Joeeph Jcgbrton haa elosed bis scsson and gone South for Ibe remainder of the Winter. — "Trilby," I'ani si, Poiter's dramslliailon of Dn Manrier's uovel. will be produced by Manager A. Palmer al tbo notion. Mass., Mnteum, March 4 1.. lece will be In four aois, and Ihe principal nlea - 'be piece will be filled as follow: Trllht, Vlrainlt named; Svengall, W, J. Ferguson; Utile Blllle, Alfred lllnchmtn: Tally, BntrHoIntoabj (be UIrd, K. M. Holland; Qeoko, Patan illbba; Zuso, Ignaoe Uaninolll, and Dodor, Leo Ultinebtteln. — Joseph Mealey will prodooe his new ooasedv, "Tbo Two Oonniry Heyt," on Washington's Blrtb- — Woilej Manlsll bi* Jpal ReoTered from a se- Teie Maek at la vrtpft. -fle bat closed for (be '—f Mloh, ' —A eorretpondeM stales that the Brot, Bjmt's 'Eight Bells'' Co. Intend to sne a railroad company (or damagea tbrongb an accident to iheir scenery ctr,caaslng Ibelrcompanyloloae tdtleIn DIoom- Ingioo,!!!, — Etelka Warden win resume her lour In "The Diamond breaker" al New London, CL. on Feb. 31. — "Wblle Sqnadren" Nous: Frederick Jnllan, wbo has been siek. Is bsck again, aa well u ever. Mn, Nell Morton hat also rejoined na, and Is gain- ing strength rapidly afur her Illness. Business Is ss good aa ever, wllb exception of two stands, where mercoir wss ten degrees below uro. — Roster of Heed's Comedlsns. now toortng Ceo- iitl New Talk: l^rlene HadclllTe. Lillian Evans. Flora Weiiley, P. F. Orabam, Hairy Weailey, J. W. Tmmball, Mrt. W. P. Kempehall. musical directrcta; and W. F. Kemnshall, sole proprietor and manager. —The Karl Doty Co^ composed of (be following people, are Uonng wisconiln and HInneapollt: Earl Doty, propneior and manager: Paul Uarrls, sgenl; U. Webb Cbtmberlsln. Oeo. B. Edwards, C. H. Greene, Pauline Fletcher, Mane B. Rnatell and lAin DeardttoT. They are playing "FantL" "Davy Crockeit," "Tha Tagtbond,'' "Tbat Mytterious Sword" and 'The Sportsman," Untlneu la said to be very good. — Uda Wella It engaged forlbeaonbreue part In Dcnnitn Thompson's "Old flomesiead" Co. next lesson, under (be management of Wm. Warming- ton. — Ollle Halford, Daby Wara and Cari Brcbm are resting at tbeir boms In Erie, Pa. Mist Rslford Is taking danotng lessons, and preparing for next ItSSOB. — Itoeter of tha Ten Dyke k Ealon "TSIlow Can die" Co.: H. Waller Van Dyke, Ourtla McClenahao, Harden Klark ,Fred W. Camptell, Byron Archer, Will J. Flaihera, H. O. Rogers, Fred McOlenaban, Jobn B. lloinenr, Ollle Baton, Znla RIsrk, Crace aee and Babr Omce, — "The Almanac" Company wore eolcnalned recenily at uanford Oily. Ind., by J. II. Ilelndman. — Naiaa from Hyde'e Comedy Co.: Our bnalnera Is bettor on our relarn engafementa than on our earlier vltltt. proving that our company meeis with the approval of ihe people. Leola, traneformatlon dancer, vocalist and lonbrelle, and Mao and June, Ibe wonderful mile oblld dancers, meet with Ibe most beany welcome. Lonit and Kale Baldock are making a bit with their new act. enillled "Who's Pet, or Scenes at tbe Race Track," Ur. Hyde Is singing "Tbo Ship I Love," and has lo repeal It "ibtly. Ttie aiiiklog sb' esectlve. Mr. Uyde naa written two new songs. The titles of them an: "A Fsmlly Photograph" and "The Favorile Boo." They are scoring nigbily. Leola nnden Ibem In an anlttlcmanner. — Manager E. H. A. Mlaemer irriles se tollowt "I have organlxed a strong farce comedy company, beaded by Oalberinc Uarr, who bad her dramatic schooling In England and Paris. I bavesnrrounded berwith Ihe very best farce comedy talent extauL Below IS a partial list of Ihe company engaged: John Chinee Leacb, Warren Ashley, Alex. Leoosrd, 0. Jay Smilb, Hsrry Leoly, A. L. Strode. Flora L. Keller, May £. Onnard, Sadie Cheatham, May Wdh- orall, Lee Reynolda and Ihe Olympla Qosnei. Tbe seaaon opens Feb. n. Wslker Kennedy, of nie Cituelam UaOer, is the antbor of tbe comedy." — Mtnde Banlson has porohaaed Ihe American righta of "U LocaodleiB," the thraa tet oomedy, by Oarlo Qoldonl. In whiob Eletnom Dose amtied ti Ibe Fltlta ATtnaeThettn, thla oltr. — DonoanB.Barrlton hu Joined Panline Hall's Oo. u bnalneai manager. — "A Hldwlntait NIghfa Dream," by F. Ouo Oolllnga,mntlo by Onaa. E. Brmv, was anng atoor dray's Toeaire, Sealtle, Wash., Jan. it, by the mem- btrt ef the Seattle Athletic Clnb. — BoweU Otbom, t well known mtn about town, died Feb.«, In this oily, from la grippe, at the age ol tbiny-tlx laara. Tbe deoetsed wm at one time reported lo be the hntband of Allot Burrllle, an Rugllsb aotreaa. At tbe time of bla dettb report made him tbe bnstando( Fay Ttmpleton. — MoltttnmMelvlUe'aOomsdlant: Witt might have proven a fatal aooldent In our company at Veederahnrg, Ind., on Feb. l,iras happily averted by the pretence o( mind o( onr manager, Obas. HelwlUe. Utile Bscel, onr child aotrett, while alone In her room at the boitl, had her olothlng take Ire frcm an open grate. Beraonamtbrongh: the eompany to her aaalitanoe, and Mr. MelvTllt gnmd ner m bla armt and ton the bnming ololh' ug from her peraon, bnming bla hands In a shock- tig manner, and the oompanr It laying off In con aegnenct. wvond the loss ol a portion of her hsir Little Uatal eaoaped enlliely nnujnted. Bssliieaa bat been fair. — Batter ol Ohatheiton's Flayen: Will Ohather- ton, J. B.BletheD,JalInt Kaianll, Lonia Wetcolt, 0. J. Fntn, Uarn Forney, W, K, Newoomb, Lett FDmei, Maida F. Barnard, Profeator Oordon and IsabalM Rouatean, leading lady. MUs Ronstean bat been mtking a bli wlib htr tpsclalUet, tinging "I Dent Wtnt to Play In Tout Tart." ^ • • -_ Manager Obariea P. Cromwell wrtlea nt aa fol- lowi: "I netloe In Tat Ourria tbat ■The Trolley Sntam' Oo. oloaet lit teaton Feb. II. Will yon piSMt deny tbe nnort. I have no Inltntlos of doting Tbe TnUeyrnnUl lata In Hay, Tbeatow haa beto a winner from Ibe start, and baa given eomplelt lalliiacuon eveirwhere. I have already aeonmd twelve weaka for next aeaton, all wrex tlaodt. Tbe red wagon haa been open every Wed- netday, and tbe company Is happy and contented." — Engene Bllsworib, wife and oblld. Utile Ethel Hay, an wllb Walle'a Oomedy Oo. (Weittm). Mr. -Nep aooTffla bat oleted wttb J.W. OoniCT*a -tad tk the World" Co. tod Jolna VaTaB. Uvlt' Doela Jotk Spraoeby" Co., to play tbt Ditob part, op«nliignb.M. ^, ^ —Joeepb Jelfenon win ptoy hta next enngt- ment la tblt city next Fall, at the Oarden Th eaW. —An appUcauon haa been madetolbeSoprana OonitotwlsBlateln behalf of Mrs. Jesale Snrob- ilad for alimony and oonatel feet pending an ac- Uonwblcbahe baa brought foraaeparatlonfnm Benrr B, Barohtted, of the "In Old Kenlneki" Oo. —The Haneua (0.) Opera Hoosa wu il!«*'ed Feb. T by tbe MarleUa Vborti Society, In "nt Het- -■■fc ti —Noletfrom'"ODibeOo"Oa.: Barry E. niokox, AlUe Hsrshsll tad Bobby Bnant dosed their en- gagement wllb tblt company lo Tonngstown, O., fob. 3. Frank Duoonijoined ns In Beaver FtllSb Pa., on a, snoceedlng U. E. Dlckox aa boslttesa manager and ncaaurer. Utile Llszle McOor, of tbe McCoy Maien, met wllb an sceldent In Salem, 0., during Ibe performance of "On the Oo." She autmpted^ la torn a cart wheel, when her hands slipped on tbe sandy ataga from nnder bsr and abe fell on her right cheek. She wu nnconsclont for several mlnniet, but no terlont reanit It anttd- Mlid. Banha winter baa a song enUUed "Ella Sabie," written eiprtsaly for him by John Lewis- Robert A- OlMer, who succeeded Ohu. Willis u mntlcal dlreclorln"Ohl What a Night," contlnnea to wield tbe baton over Ibeonheatisin "Onibe 00." — Corrected roittr of ibe St. Oyr Theatre Oo.: J. i. 8L Cyr, Bttiy Rodgen. Will a Lear, ). P. Lester, WlllTrlpleti, B. B. Le Vere, L. H. Hardy, B. 0. James. Mn. Sydney Bmltb, Elsie Eaya and Ber- tbaBell. —The ''Jothoa BImpklna" Oo, oloted Feb. S, at Btdford, Ind., owing to poor bnslnett. — Tbomu MoWtda bu signed wiib Fenntll c Reed ta manager for their prodncUon of "One Acre," a new operatto comedy, by Flora HoWade. The follawtng comnany hu been engaged: Tom Huk, Ed. Le Vay, Aank O'Dell. Joe Tanner, Harry Wilson, Edmond HcCautey, L. W. White. Will Roat- ley. Baby Rose Stanley, Mabie Temple, Baiile Crav, Hedge Howard. Hit. Frank Buckioy, Jeanette WU- son, Oartmde Btsoley, Doroihy Mason, Prof. Bnok- ley, leader of bind and orchestra; Huter WUlie Bnckley, dmm msjor; Oeo. Owens, advanoe; Ed Wcrlsy, oantponauon, and John Bonunert, stage director. Sraron opena Feb. U. -James Bndhnry McCabe,ttae eleven months old aon of Mr. and Mrs. James L. HcOabe, made bla debniat Philadelphia, Pa., Feb.*. Lily Coleman, tbe alar of tbe "81 Perilns Oo." presented him with a diamond ring u a tonvenir of the oocaslon. — Annie Oakley Is meedng with anecete tbrongb England In "Mlas Rosrer," by DUie Akerstrom. Me win nmn to this connl^ In March to Join BoOklo BlU>a"WUdWest" ■ Mrs. Matilda A. Davids, mother of Oeorgia Dtvtdt, died Feb. 4, al LonltvUle, Ey.,tnmaoom- pUoatloa of dltntet, tt tbe age of aerenty-tbree yeara. -LenaBnoehu left Hurray A Maok't "Flnul- gan'a Ball" Co., and It resting at her borne In Ob|. cago.UI. — Edith Wataon Kromer, wife of Dan Knmer, died Feb. B, at Yankton, s. D., leaving a baby boy five dayi old. — J. B. SwaOMd, auitlant manager of Fenton Bioa.' "Colonel and I" Co., hueignsdu manage Oar No. a of tbe L- W. Wubbnm Olrant tor tne oommg Summer. H*H RHODE ISLAND. EUiworth It playing the —Batata Horton hu folly reoorered ttom her teoenilllneta. —J. 0. Bendy, for the but seven mnaloal dtnotorot ue Moi»-WUUaina'Co.,Mvert bit oonieoUon vrtlh tbat oompasyon Feb, le. —We an In notlpt of a oommunlcaUoo, signed by eight former memben of Ohaa. J. Steventon't Block Co., at lAnUng, MiohH oomplalning of nn. pnfattlonal aeataent from Mr. Stevenson ud a man named Head, who Jolnlly opened Ihe StarTbe- aae in tbat oily. — Nolea from the Empire Oomedlant: The Empire Oomedlant, fomeny Empire Olty Stan, have been obansed from abalgbi nodevUle to taice oomedy asd tbe Tenon hu proveda bigsno- usi. The fane la enUUed, "For Sweet Ohariiy'a Bake." Tbe roater la: Robert Morrlia, manager; U. 0. Tan Morden, bntlneta manager: Joe K.Kelly, stage manager; Alice St. Olaln, dbat. Hairlta, Jaoi Oardner, Prank Parker, Jay Manhell, Billy Stanford, Oenio Stanford, BUly Oogan, Rote Bacon, Ohas. r*or, Ida Uanley, Amy Mnller, WUllam Biriua, advanoe; Victor De Rega, leader, and laadi HInen, treuunr. Kelly and 8L Olaln have made a new addition to their specialty, "in tbe Poor Plokanlonlos." Jtmu and Con Netblti doted wllb the oomnany on Feb. g. The oompany felt vary tony lo have Ibem go. flood bnalneu prevalla everywheie. —Tbeftnnionneatre al Tannlon.Maaa., which wu bunt Iwo yean ago al a ooai ol 110,000, wu sold at a norlgagee'e tale. Feb. a, to Jamea V. An- thony for The atookbolden will loee every dollar of tbelr Inviatment. — LIUIaa KnoR, fDtmerly of Ibe CamlUa D'ArrUle Oo,, bu been engaged u prtiiia doana wllh Ibe KlmbaU Operm oo. — KItUe HoUlat, who met with quite a uven ao- ddent lut week by fkUlag, It Imprwini and bopu 10 be out In a few wteu. She It al Eer hont' Bo*lon,»_ -Wilton LMkaye It to begin aalarrlng lonr, April II, In a taroe oomedy by William 0. Hodaon, enUUed "Tiro of mm." BewUlbennderlheman< ageoeni ol Jobn H, Maecb and iaaea W. Horrit- ley. —JUlloe Sndlu Joined Ibe Beymonr-Btntton Oom- edy Oo. at rhanlxTllle, Pa. — Fttuk Otriton bu beeame a member ot Ibe Aolcn' PiottcUve Union, No. l, of New York, Jan.ia. —Sadie Battoa, wbo It hkylng off tblt week, opau Feb. II, at dndnnau, 0. — Matt* fiom Ohu. P. Onu: I have oloaed with Prtoe'aFloaUngOpematur a lonr of Iwo yean of ooaUnnooa tkowlng, Hy partner, Pnik H. Bstsl, sad mytell, wlU £ke on("A Bweu Affair." Onr teaton will open the latter part of Ihltmentb. Tbe lealer laoludea: Fred 0. and Katie Jones, the Owtna, Karl Dane^ Non Osldwell. —Jamea B. Haolleopened at Fiederick, Md_ Feb. 11, for the remaladtrot Ibe aeaaon, In "Crimea' Cellar Door," wltb almost an enilnly new oom- pany ot elgbleen people, among whom an the Bine Jeans iJnulei,wbo|oliiedHr.HaokleFtb.4, having dosed ibeIr aeaten *IUi "Bine Jeana"al Banford, Tbe new oompany also Indndea J. Henry Maek, Kinie Ollrooie, Bpenoer and winaton, lady daacen; Lonlae Banford, In her own part of "Pan- don," wblob she oteated; the BmyUie BIstera, con- tralto and soprano aingen, and aohoraaotladiet, mating a Strang company (or ibe nmalnder ol ■ the seuoB. Tbey plu ibe routaln Bqoannwttt*, OliiclnitM,w«ek olPtb. and play baok over tbe ■toe rent* played tblt stMon. Bntt j. Kendnek it hank wtik ue company, and W. B. FittMt and Jobs P. McDonald an totad. TU eoaiaay an bovgadiMad till Jane. Nona PBOM Li PlJOK * AtnOti'SCOlltOTAMI) Panu>mineCo.-We an suil pUyIng logood hnil- nets tbtiragb Scotbem Ohio, considering Ibe condi- tion of lbs cooniry, and eniy person with tbe com- pany Is In good heallb except Mens. La Place, aerialUK, who received a spramed wriit and a num- ber of braises on bU right thonlder. Wblle doing ue giant awing by ibe feet his rigging gave way, leiung him fall In ibe oroheslra. He expects to be able to resume work in a fow days. LeonUndola, down, WM called home (or a few daya last week on account of bis wife's iUness, and Chas. Anxola look bisplace In the pantomime. >'»'!• "•?»,''i,'Vri'5S" ter dancer and blgn kicker; Miller and HoBiide. iketcb team: Martenetle and Dtrese-o, mntlcal clowoi; Chat. Waltb. Irish comedian, and AnioU contortionist, are meeting with soccesa. xno SntomlmP' Flip-Flsp-Flop," closes (be perfonn- iSuIn dne'ehspe. ProL Bchafer's down band and Marie Heclow. dram majorees. an eini the drawing cardi Id onr tireel parade. Tlie comnny has c»n> celed dl dales In West Virginia and will suy in Ohio Ull Spring, when ibey will open nnder eanns St Chllllcoibc. 0., the early part of May. Prof. Bchafer la man agent and CUrrtB canler,and be It a mncb wasted man every Saiurday. TH x two WiLCBB, Ed. and Kitty, have postponed tbelr trip lo California. Edmond Welch will retain Ihe management of tbe Palace Theatre. Duluib, Minn., wblcb Is being nmodcled and wlU re-open "poLui HoiHis, the Iriah Dneheea, wbo Is filling a lonr weeks' engagement at Tony Pastor's ThM- ire. Ibis city, will ule a ranch needed rest at the condutlon of her engagement there. Hisa Bolines hu signed with Mr. Pastor's rosd company for tho Spring (oor, and will spend a few weeia at ner home In Providence, previous to the opening. TnB DiLTS, Hsrrr and Sadie, say ibey bad to leave "The ClrcnsOIrl" Oompany on acconnl of unpaid ealarlea. KuBT Sdbhsrt, wife of Rany LconI, ot Leont A Everett's Ladles Clnb Co^presented her husband wllb a baby boy Feb. 4. 'The Utile fellow wu only seven Inches long, and weighed one and one-bait pound!. . . STExroK -UD WoLPOBD have Joined hands for Ihls season. RiCB AND Maox, ptrodlata and eccentric come- dians, recenily doted a successful Iwo weeks'en- engagement at Kobl A HIddleton'a Olobe Mosee, Chicago. AprsR fonrteen weeks' tour tbrongb Kentucky, Tennessee, 'i«'»«'n« oeorgIa and Florida. Ed, Ulcker, solo cornetltt, snd Pref. Albert 0. Uoyd, euphonium soloist and director of Ibe Win E. Oul- hane's MInsliel Band, closed iheir engagement at Rome, Oa., and ntnned to their home, Fayetu, 0.. where they will lake tbo ume petitions In ibe Payette City Band until Spring. Mduuibt AND LiNCOLM have Joined bends. OiBTiB AVD DnLHOBt an again togelber, after a aepsntlon of five year& Bill (MLLDIS A.1D VUINII UXXBBAW Will ClOSe wllh 'The Black Crook" Company at ibe Academy ProTldeac*,—At Keith's Open House, Feb. 4-a, *]a Old Eaataeky'' played to a tots waak'a boatniis, and gtfa lbs bast asUiCtoUoB. Tbla weak. "Tlie Devn'a AaolloD " W«ek ol 18-n. Oarl A. nuvlB'a "SilTar ■lag.',' WssmissTBS TSBiTSB.—Waek of 4-0 FlaUa A Bao MW'sDrawloi Carda plsrad to allBtitwaak'abaalDaaa. nia waek, Reillr A Wood'a Oo. Mtaea'a Uity Oleb salt WMfc- TaownsiDOS's Rrim Tauvss, fonnarl/ Lotbrop'a Onn lloua—Rlcbanl OriUIn. In^Tba TIetat of Leave UtD/'plaaaadlaTiahouMal-S. TbIawaak,DaaMoOaTibr. ID "nbo BambiarneiDClir*'* and'Tbarrtde of Haro," lotloaed br Eaibarlae Bobar, id ■■A Harotoa Id Baxa " Psovioasca orima Uocia —Ptb. 4, s. 4. "Bdpoiim:" r. SLt, Km Oooddo: II. IL 1), "Ibt Pradlial Daaibler; 11 Is 11, "The raaalDg Uow " ISHSvar Uitx—Fab. 14, Boau'a Band, m twn mb- 04rta,Ba4*rthaaaaai«DiaDtorD W.B«aTea,or AmariesB Bans, and larea hoosaaar* loohad for S^oiaa—Tha dqiIbpu maaanroftbe BavTrowbrtdga Star TboalrewaacoDaaad 10 bla homo Boat of laatwotk thnagb tllDDta. Ud baa raoovand nifflotaDtly to aat •boQtaltulo AUlhalbaatrtabadto so baoktolba oMsaaltihta two daradDflDgUia Plat va«k.oaoaad br tba Veal alaotrio llgbt oonpany balDs flooeod oat br Uia aarare ttorm. Mr. Keith, aa DRual, lad tfaa lot lo antar* priao br bsTlBs aomo calelam Utbta atatloDed od tbo op pofiloitdaortbo atnot, aod tho affaot ot tha Itibt vpoa iba wliita Inat OB a dsik atroat waa baaau- ftl. Tba olbor booao will probablr tall to IIdo tba Beat braak4o«B Tba praai olob win bold lla asaoal baoqaat at Tracadaro, Feo. lA TboaDODaiaDtonaiomaDt ol iha Tbaairloal Hoehastaa took plaoo at Kottb'a Opaia Book, Fab. to a oiowdad vairploaiiof PTOiTsiDma; Jalla Ifaokta, WUilo OoliK.. T w. Eokart, Boma B»rx Maahlmaa Trio, AL Qrant Edward Olata, if ibid Lidd, Joaaph Oalvln, Tletor Bar- raaL Dnalap'a Blaetrlo FooalalD, mod aa orobaatrm of twrBOr-nrapioeoa, oodarlha poraoaal dlraotioa ofCbaa. Lovaoborg Obaa. A Farkar waa In town u toaaatar of'^M KaotDOby," la r' *■ waat to atUBd a faDaral Pawtseket—At Lothrop's Orand Open House, Fab 4->,gaUiarla*Bolioi aad Uia Blook Co.did alarm waak'a baalDaaa m 'Tba fioobare." Tbla weak, "Tbo Italian fadroaa." ^ CONNECTICUT Nevr Hbtob — At Ihe Hyperion Nat COcod. win oaaia lo good beatBtaa Fab. 4, u did "la Old Eao- taekr" S and Doaaallr aad Olnid A Jooapb Hawortb ama 9 lo lair latena. "Prioco Pro Tom" oomoa 11, ~ni« AmiiODt" a. Mr. asd Mn. loBdal II, LIUIan lan- DSdy, to "Bfaa CODtdD't Harry Tbilo," la QaASn Orsaa UouaB.-01lTar Brroo eama to blr 0aalDaaa44. "Tba Dovll'a adoiIob" bad big rstorwi T-t. Tba BaTopoaa Olrooa aad HIdwiBtar Oaralval wa«k or 11. Fou*a woSDBauHD TaaaTSB ~Not*ttbal*DdlBg ttaa blioaid bealBoaawaa nod weak ol 4 Tbtawoak: ualb UadJ Tahar'a tnapa of Moora aad BadDalaa,Wlltlaand Oolflaa,Oaliforala Trio. Hill Huton^.Mauda Ba)moDd, Ooorga AutiB, Praok Bllar, Kara and Uaator aod Qrw elo aad Baiaoldi HmnfoBd.—At Proctor'a Open Honae Joeepb Ukvorth. Id *'IlaiDlaL" oomaa Fob. II. Effla Bl' "Uaaal Ktrka." IS: LUIIao KaDnedv, 1b "fba CoaMa'. karn Diroo." U, II; Mr aad Mrs Kaadsl, la "A Wbiu Uo,'!* i-niD PoDtr of Oold." It. "Baal Lraot." by loea l talaat, lor tba baaaSt ol tba Oaihilio Bona Foad paotod ihaboaaa 4. "Frtooo PraTaBL"draw fair bODaDO I, A Agoaa Harndoo. la "La Bal'a Harte." bad a attm attand- aaeay. Oaorsoniatch'raDdCarToltJoboaoB'alllDatrala vara aaooboaad oa ibo Naw Boglaad road aad oould DottattoUartloid la ilma lo flu (hair aDrsiaaiaol& OooDalljaBd Utrard, la -Tba BalDBakaiD," ptokod iba booao 0 DitvT Hau.— LiDcola Lodgo.No. SVE-o' P.,boDaais II. with Iha Taidl qoarut u tba allnaUoB. Poor OOABD Ball —Mr aod Mrs. Darwaid Loir, Id laetiAla II; Laeltla SsBBdan' Coooart, aaaltled by Maria Qtorar, Tom Xarl, Albort Meaaflklo aod Tiolor Horbart, 14. Borabaid B-aTaahafaa sod Jaan Oorardy dnw largo aBdtaoooT^ _ C OLORADO . Paebla,^ttheaiand Hopkins'TrantOoeanIca Fab. B. "Pad laovai" a, Maila Hatlh, lo "A Toihtah Bath," II; "ATamparanaaTovD" IS, Ooi-oaalA —Waok eoBoanalDi A ''Loat lo Loadon' aad tbo liTisi ptotona, Boaloaaa waa fair. ally lATia progitmoio wiok of 4. Tbo poopla: Mllo aod Biaalar, PoarrAtbloy, Praddia Faaa'ay, Bhalfar aad Wl|. llama. BUly Rttial stadStoBo aod laay da Boy, 1 dIUoB to tbo oM atook eompaor. FSBB BrosB, BOW appaariDt alUaDlta'aStaadaJd, tava la aablbltloD ot bla ahllitlao lor Iba baoaflt ol tho An laddtaaD(lbolUatlloaaOa,Ho 1. Demvar,—Al tbe ftbor Onnd Open Bonae. weak ol FaV 4 Badio MarUaot sad Max Flgoiaa, la ■nt faaiport," pbiyad lo (air bealoaaa. Weak ol II, TampormBoe Tooo " BaoASWAT Taaiviia.-Wook ol 4.8tfflBA HUla'ai Oo., la ■ ToDDg Hra. Wlolhrop." draw good boaiaa- ODBVisltraBBTTaBAVBB—weak ot 4 Hooro'aapaelal. ttaaaad ItviDtplotaiaapaekid ibo booao atabUy. OBirvati. TaaiTaa ~Woak o( 4 tbai* wu ao ebaoga la Ibo paopla Baiinaaa la (sir. Lrctua taaATaB.-J.W. ■attia'aBiktopttaipoetalir Co.dlowfalrboaaaa. Msmos.-Pior. Roaiaady,aaalaiod br rradansBor- Urd, wiUgiTo acosoart M Itliroaioiad that Btdla AMllla'BuekOo.. orsollLabo Oltr,wUl oloae Ibatroa- lagaaoDtlbaiwaboalMarob 1. FLORIDA. jBoksoBvllle,—At the Park Theatre Wm. H- Oraao Bade bit tottid bow to a Jaakaoavllle tBdItaoat piaaaatlag ^a eaoatot" to a arawdad booaa, al ad Tmaaod pnaaa. Fob. L *Tbo Fe i aa a i^" by loeal Bleat aoBTBlMd a Jama aadloBeo*. ATo-Plald'aMlaalrei btdfUiji nod aaaadaaoas SJ. Oaiitat: loM. O. la- pttiad (oblgbtMaasAA Fun DinniiT tartttd Ua eonneodon with DooktMttt MlntMi noently, and bu Jdned (naAA.Lodei't'H>nUeao''Oo. ' ""^ m Aum Bhow elosed tbe ttaien at Bofkio H.T., Feb. •. Oonttnaoni bad bniUMM wu the of Motlo. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. it. SmoNDS, HnoBBB AMD BABTOB ctoeed wllb litW Docksiader's Hlnstnu at Cincinnati last week, and wont to Ibe Peqple'tTtaeain, Milwaukee, Wis. Rosna or Jot Millxb'b EtaxRTArMtiia.—Joe Miner, owner and manager; Ohas, Welsh, stage manager; IIiob. Hart, advance: Anxolo. contortion* Iti; Hsria Hsrlow, Bell Nelll, Richard PUceJIUIer and McVeigh, Nellie HcBrido and Cha& Weiih. Tbey are In their tenth week aod report good busi- ness. MnsRAY AND Maox have signed a contract with Manager OnitaT Walter to appear at the Orpbenm Theatre, Ban Franctico, for ux weeks, commencing Mayll. Bailsy avd Oobdom, dancere and comedians, tn DO longer togelber. Cam Bailey hu Jdned '-The Plunger" Co., to play the blackface oomedy pan, while Oeorge Oordon Is Redng at his home In Oal. veKon, Tex. SBAMAH AND BuBBB, gyfflnasts, VTOre OLirriB callefs, Feb. e, having oloaed eight weeks' engsge- ment wbltb Adams' "A Crazy Lot" Oo. Tbey open wllh "A Jay Clreus" Feb. 11, Will H. Hicxbt, leader, and his New York Orcbesm tuve been engaged lo supply ihe mudcal part ot the programme »f tbe Oalely and Bijon Vaudeville Uonse, Fall River, Mass., nnder the management of L. B, Pike. MBBBirr AMD WiLOH an booked to appear on tbe Hellb Circuit after tbelr eogagement wllh (he Rentz-Ssntloy Oa RosraH OF Hdrfbt t Soto's Hiob olabb En- lenalnere.—Hurphy and Boyd, Deino Frttt, Haude Churchill, Monroe Slsien,wauer Evans, Whippier and Plokert, Lew Vann, Ollben Bros, and wav. Juggler, under (be management of W, B. Stevens. Daibv Ratmomd, of Miles and Raymond, Is laid to be meeting with success singing "Papais Utile Man." HiHKiB DtSHOND bu been quite 111 for tbe past six weeks ai her home In Brooklyn, N. Y, Wi abb iNroRHBD by Managen O. Olark.Raall- Ibin and Juan De Zamore that the time for their New Watson Blstere' Bxtnvsganza Co. la rapidly fining tor next season, Tbey have some good book- ing. Gave already signed some of the best ot vaode- vlile talent, and pnepecta look bright ter next tea- ton. Frank B. Pierce, advance npreaenlailve for tblt season's compsny, bu been re-engaged to aa In tho same capacliy vrilli tbe New Wataon Slsten' Exmvaganu Co. next seaaon. Tbe Vldocqs, Jobn and Edna, have also dgned. The roelor ot (be full company irlll be given sboniy, Vam Lbbb AND BAinoN bavo not separated, u was reported recently. Tbe report that ibe Istier would do asketebwlibblswlfelsimtrue,u weare Intoimod tbat be bu no wife. Jot La PLBin,BenaaUonal ladder and table act, opened Feb. 4 at the WestmlnslerTheatre, Provi- dence, R. I,, wllh John F. Fields' Drawing Cards, for nmalndor of tbe season. Tux Prbntiobb will go wllb Buffalo UlU's Wild West next leason.lo do their greleaoue aorobailo aei In the tide snow snd concert, 'rhey sre now playing over lbs Davie ClicnIt. Eooab and Oubbam, wllh John F. Fields' Dmw- ing Cards, an one of Ibe hilaoltbeehowln their tnclally and the adetplecc, "An Irish Brownie." Proptlelor John F. Fields hu this teem cut for prominent pans In the comedy In wblcb he wUI star the Rogers Bros, next season. Nona AND R03TBB Oilbbbt'b HntsratLB—Tbe boys an all well, and we find hnalnett very good. Mr. Smilb. the renowned contra tenor, le making a bli bit singing Oeo. W. Flemings' "Bcttie Petite.' Master Oorwy, the phenomenal boy tenor, hu Joined onr show, u have Messrs. V/ynansand Uenncil,who are a great acquldtlon to our mio. Roster: John J. onitgan, sole mansger aod proprietor; L. Flynn, advance: Robt. Troy.slage manager: Jos.Scbwenl, musical dlieelor: ihe Entra-Noua Qnartei, Wdter Smith, Len Flynn, John Trainer, Banell and Morris, Novelty HuslcAl Qoarut and twenty oihen. OwiNQ loibe Uluessof Leoaa Bland,of Howard and Bland, tbev navo been laying offTbul open st PIke'e Opera House, Clndnnail. 0., Harch i, to play enngemenis at Frank Halt's new hooset. HUBi WILOH, ot Welch and Welch, singing come- dians, wu maiTled to Kilty Francis, character Tocdlsi, at Fort Smiib, Aik., on Jsn. 24. Ton Hack, who Joined Hopkins' Tnna-Occanio Co. In Kantu City, Mo., appeared wllb (ba( com- pany five nigbis, when he wu taken down wllh eryilpdaA Heexpc«iaiobeable(onjoln sborily. KATntniNB OTLsa, club expert, will open at the Dnion SquareTheain, this city, Msrch 11, with Mr. Keith's other two houses to follow, slier which she vrlll plsy In Ban Francisco ud reiura to New York direct to esll for London, where J. J. Aimttning It now arranging for her appeannce in a new act, ■The Queen or the American Tennis Court." Tub Pbbnob damcbbb from the Howsrd Athe- ncum, Botion. Mtss^ gave Iheir servlcet lo Ibe Red Men's Bocisl on Feb.a. TberwcreJodo Clare, Nona Caney, Vivian Qnlnn, Helen Batea, Tot Onlebard and Hariy Lamalr. Tbb Wbbk-Ddband Co. report meeting wim ancceas along the llndson River. Daxior Dnrand received a beautiful fiora] piece tram his former manager, rraf. Wm. 0. Tborp. A. U. LxvBT bu Joined Jackson Qregory, black face comedian, and Ibey win presenl their original burlesque, "Mare Antonv up to Dale." WiLLARD AND IIall Rpori doiug wcn vTiih their new act They an booking people tor tbelr road ebow, and expect to begin tbelr lour early In ibe Fall. Hu, JasRT CoBAN, of ibs Foir Cohana, bu en Urely ncoiered from her recent Ulneta. Tbo Co- hans Jdn Cbaa. A. Loden's -On ihe Co"Oa Feb. 34. Fbani W. Hxad Informs ns that he will redgn from w. A. Hcstaisr's "Oliver Twlsi" Co., and wUI apuar vrlth ElUe Albion In a new comedy akeldi. to. 0. DATn^01 tbe Uadon OaMyOina' Oo- • mat ha raotnily nndntal a tnglatl ^ m Ba«oMtaiB,aad wlU be otUcta lo Vefftnraivml— WiLLO.PnniBwtltu nt tnm Brighton, tta ibatPeult ud Elltet' iot,u wen utbii oi lii TwoUMaPeWet,lt wtU likad In Great BriiiuL Tbey are booked toUd tor leM at tbe leading mule •■iHi. Jnom AMD Alsub, oODtortlonlBts, doeed wiib tbe Keerer * Palmer VandavUle Co. Feb. t, at the Standard Thtatn, Bt. Lonlt, Ho., and are on Uielr way Seat lo IIU encagementa. BAKES AND Kbnho btve Jolbed binds and ate dolsg a bisok taoe conjbatlo oomedy aeL NOTB FBOU mi BotAL Tacdbtillb Co.-We opened at Blngbamton, N. Y., Jan. ai, and did a Odd boalnesi. we have been playing Scruton k., when we used tbe "B, R. 0.'> dgn. Itotier' Wm. Deane and Sidney Harris, proprteloiii; ir. u' Tan Dyke, manager; Lonla Bonffon, oeo. Bouion Frank Reaob, Onat. Yorker, Wm. Bcberer, I/inlt Camtlton, w. R. Rogen, Jeade Woods, BeUa In- lng,Harlon Newkirk, Ollle Irving, Sealy Boutod CeiUe HuTington and tbe Bpeok Broa,, midget boxers. ThU oompany win play New Tork, Penn- sylvania, Maryland and tbrongb ibe West Habii RosrBLLi bu gone to Ban Fianclsco,Cal to put on a burlesque and slar In ibo Orpieuo Tbeatn. Tbe engagement Is tor an indetnite time. Will B. Jobdah It working alone, kavtig ceased to be a member ot tbe Fonr rnnoblnellu some time ago. PAnKTAietnrnedreoenUy from Havana, alter a sncceufnl engagement ot three monlba, and was eniaged tt onn to appear at tbe Vaudeville Club. Tbla wu ber fonrUi engagement tbere. Bhe bu Jut oloaed an engagement at Kellb't Colon Sqaan Theatre, thta olly, and It to play Boeton, Mats., ud PbUadeipbla, Pa. EnWIHA, TBB EBNBATIOH DANOBB, JOlbS PSGl DrCS- ser'a "Tbe Creen Oooda Han" for ibe nmalnder ot Iheaeaton. BoerlB OF HABDlN'a EMnBTAIMtB.-R. H. iisr- den, manager; San Haiden, Flora Campbell, II. j. Olaik, Wm. Carroll, Fhllllpa and Campbell, iltx\ Obirlea, propcrilet. Ntnu FULD9, Ibe buck dancer, bu Just played an engagement over tbe Hoon olroolL Abobu Baldwoi, of Baldwin and Dalt, wh presented by bit wtte with a danghttr on Feb. a. Vatii.iND's MiNBTBBL'apUiyedln BoonvUeN.T., Feb- T lo a fair boua, and wen tnowbonad en route to Korwlob, Ot. OBiFrm AMD Dd Bois an at tbe Empire Ptlace, London, Eng., and will play a monib's return en. gagement then In AprlL Fbamk j. WAnoK, of Wataon and Erwin, became a momber ot the Fittibnrg Lodge, No. ll, B. p. o. E~Feb.e. Haut Dbtdih, of Dryden asd Mltehell, wbo but reoently bnrted hit wlte, bu igain been at- fiicted by Ibe loti ot bit biby dangbtar, wbo died In Plittburs, Pa., on Feb. t. Fbamx Olatton, mulcal comedian, bu lost oloaed H sncoesafnl engagement at Fnni Hall's Cs- Blno, Oblcago, III. Ltomb AMD Lawbinc^ Irisb oomedltns, late of tbs American Trio, an doing tbelr new specialty, enuiled ■Tbe Two Rati* rs." W. H. BOHOOLIT, dutltl, lanow located In Boston, HoCABTm BBoa. have doaed wllb Ed. P. Davis' n.T.O."0o., and have algned wllb "Tha Derby Winner" Co. Hamaobb Oto. B. Holland, ot Ft. Worth, Teiu, aad Llllle Kenwlck (Oolejwen married in ibis diy Jan. a. Tbe bride wu one of tbe Kenwlck slsten. Hat Walsh played at tbe Hanbaltan Athletic Olub, mis olty, hut week. AL Watmb, oonlotunnltt, who hu ncovered from bis recent Illness, opens, week of Feb. 18, In Beaton, Mast. RoerxBOF Boat AStdill'b London Bbllis.—w. W. Bndabaw, toleowner and manager; W. H. Oelati, bnalneai manager; Jobn SydeU, aeatnrer; Joe vnioiiiriw iiiiBii»Boi, «uiju o/uou, hvmiuw, Bhepp. fage manager; Fnnk HoLaugblln, proper nea; Roae Byddl, Ltllle Sorter, JuUa Kdty, Qmce Oetest, Julia Enrlgbt, Harle Wallaoa, Sally Price, OerUe Lynob, Fnnkle Parker, Franklin Slsten, Oeorele Biadsbaw. LUUe Syden, CampbeU ud Bhepp, Moran and Mnrpby, Loa Tegns FamUy, four Fox Brotlnrs, TOny Ryan and Hudcsl Sllba John amd Lioib moDowbll open at Tabor'i Opera Hotise, Denver, Col., Feb. la, wllb J. N. Bent- fnw'a Oomedlant. TBB LOTBMBIBO BiSrXBSAMD LINA LOTBNBBBO arrived In wit olty Feb. 10 from a tbree months' trip to the West Indies. TBI PBLiiiBoeB Qdabtit, who are flUlog a ali weeka' engagement at Hall's BngUsb Circus, Uhlcago, ni., open Feb. 25 at Keltb's union Bqnan Theatre, tbla city. Watson and Dutbi next seaaon wlU do a new act. Mr. Watson will do a neaL refined Dnlchman, and Hiss Dnpra wiU astnme the rde of a Fnncb eccentno obaraoter. Manager Wataon It now book- ing the French Sportug Clrla tor next season. PtLAMk W. Bblobbb, of Jamea J. Oorbett's ■■Oen- Ueman Jack" Co., u per notice In tbe St. Psnl and Mlnneapolla papen, la making a hit with 0. t. Bar- rls'two lateti tongs, entitled "Hud Pie Days" and ■■Fifty Yean Aga" Joe E. Howard, the descrlpllve tlnger wltb Bob Fltulmmons' Speolalty Co., Is Ulnstnllng the song, "Fifty Yean Ago," wltb twenty colored newa. Julie Haokey elates tbat li Is one of tbe pretUesl songs she hu ever looked over, and that she la now bard at vnrk learning It. Mr. Bams wrilet: "Lstien aaklni me to hurry up tbe professional copiea ot ■Fltty Yean Ago' nave beenpoorug in Crom aU my pntetalonAltilendi, and I detlre to thank them Umngh Ihe oolunua ol your paper tor tbelr kind wishes ngardlng the song." BiBMABD DTiLTM bu ntumod lo New York, after playing the Empire oiRnit at IndlanapolM, Ind,, and OmolnnatL o, and (be Lyceum Tbeaae, pnuaddphta. Pa. Mr, DyUyn's voice It In splendid b[tm,ud be is engtged tor Byte A Benman's Theatre, Brooklyn, N. V., next week, with toUowIng datu well booked up. Josit Zahoba, ot the Hexloan Zamom Family, wu anddenly eaUed lo her home In Chicago, III., by the aertou inneu of her father. Her tltler, May Olark Rastinon, ot the Watson Bitten' Oa, wu also oaUed home. Edith Elmobb wrltea ns that abe played week of Feb. 4 at Balser't Hoilo Hill, Canton, O., and not at Ibe Theain Oomlqne, u billed. Bdbt Babt nportt that abe It sUU tinging the baUsd, 'The LIlUe Lost OhUd." Hiss Bart wu one of the tnllo inuodnce tbe song. Lbha LAOoirriBBlstlngmglhenew Irish walls song, "Sweet Dora McOne,'r|o three and fonr en- cores nightly. It la published by Joe W. Stan A Co. Loma KooBi, tt preient the aorobatto dancer with ''A Blaok Bheep^ Oompany, ud ber huband. AL Bellman, Ibe ainger, wUI do a suglng aod danolng Ueiob next setson, and expeol to go Into faroe comedy. Jani Dalt, at present wllb the Hay Howard Compsny, Is meeting with sncoeas singing ■■Doia DeU." Tditib HoKion, Ibe eight year old daiubter of HalUe L. Rlobmond ud ine late Jaa. H. HoKeoo, eves pnmUeof becoming one of onr leadlngdng- ganddanungaonbratlat. She hu tppeared be- fore the pubUo several times In children's festivals. jAMta BABIOM, of Btmb and Fomat, with Ihe Bob Fitzslmmont Co., wu taken mddenly lU on the train wbUe Ihe compsny were going ttom Peoria, DL, to DanvlUe. iVhen Ue oompany ar- rived at tbe latter place Mr. Barron wu given an OTerdcH ot landannm by mlalake, and bay nnoon. solou for several houre. He la now at Dayton, 0., and al laal reporu iru Improving rapidly. *^tm TO TBB BBir'' It tbe uile of a new de- loilptire long, dedicated to Ibe memory of the cap- tain ot Ihe wrecked iteamtblp Elbe and those wbo perlibed with blm. It wu wrltttn by Annie WUtnay and Herbert Dlllea. Mlia Whitney la ilngmg the long wllh considerable inoceas. It is now In preu.and will be Istoed by Jamu Btlll' man, puUliber, ibli dly. Luni NonoN, who. It it olalmed, bit been mar- ried three limea withoni having leoniad a lenl teparaUon fromdther bnsband, U being sned (or dlvotte by husband No. 2 (a man named BrIalol). Huband No. a, who ta wmiam about 10 aak Ibe antboriaea to look up tne noord ot Ihe woman be married, wbUe huband Na 1, It Is said. Is aervingasenianeein BIngSing. DoBOTBT Dbbw bu been ill, but inienda to re- snme work Feb. I», al Oopkln'a Theatre, BL Louis, Ha Bblxoht and ATxofB an playing ihU week at the Tneaire Oomlqn^ Kaniu City, Ho. Emma PBiLLtoN huannonnoea ber Inleniionof tetnningto tbe vandevilleitage. Dl MOBA AMD Toioo.eqalllbrtita and hand bd- aDoin,have oloaed wltb the BoatoaBowtMAibe- nnmCa OalactoaaIlghtaeoldaBt,Mr.D*Hon .BilghUy apnlhlng Ut tan vilsL oo rsb. s, ihey wereeoapelledlaeaneellhtlr Hew York tuple- BSM aia weak. IMy wlUonaaatBaUtwIntar oinna, Ohleago, DL, Fab. I*.