New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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pBBEUABT 16. THE IsTEW YORK CLIPPER. 797 PENNSYLVANIiL phlUd«lpkU,-4lM tkUflBtfd tlie lot WMk cnrttll*^ 1« dMiMitba ■ttinrttnm altbctbtft* tiv^tbonfh a fair baHBM vu doa* mMtriai Um Mv«n Tttlb«r ud tht blo«lad*d urMti^ ud In iba «trU put or tb« lbM« vara uuf puud bonjM. nil wMk tb«T« u* ft Bomtor of DonlUM, **rb« Oottoa EiDf," ^HRurlotU Ooitftj" ud "DmofbUn ol Br*.** NMrij iU tbO pUM Ot ADBMBMnt prMot UMptlon ftllr itmf blilf. AoisiaTorHwo—iBtpltoof ib«a«r«nib>m ud bltur «otd, tb« Ifladonr «u pMktd r«b. 7. ftftoraooo tiM fTUloi, lor lb* olodBf pw1omu«M of Uw op»imU« "ralfltafl** la lb* ftltemoon, wlibJUnnlla tbo tiUin>l«.VD«.Btn«i M Mn. Poid, mi*, do Liutta u ADDO, MsDM, BebalAbt u Dado QuIuIt. OuDputrl w rord, wd BoMltoao u foetoa. mt* d«l(|btto tU abo vtnlortaoAtoaoafh to bo proaooL Id tbo OToalag "Ibo Bonoaofli" wu ilToa withoeaftlaoladiagllBi*. Mtltw, lu» Nordloa, Jwa sad Edooatd d« Book*. FUa- COB and ADoona la Uw prlneipal put& TbU woek BafOM Tompkins* **BUek Crock*' bedaa a two w««k«' toiM*noot IDDROUOM—Tbo Ktlaon imr* ui oieolUat rmodo- TlU* ootartalnawot laat wook, lauodaolag aoDaaoral- uoJL Boilnou la good. Tbli wook, Brdo** Conodlaai. KMt wook, BandoT aad Iho Tnoadtio vandoTlUai. Buuo BrauT Tbutbb —'Tbo Nov Bor/* vltb Juioa T. PowoTitkopt larg* awlltaooa langhbii last wook, iboagbtbovlardidnotplUM Uiooriuca Tbonwaato bavo MaaadlTortl«MniaDtti70U«T Pltigorald, bat iha *u too lU to aapwoaMoodaf alihttbouh aliedid a»- pMr UUr TbU WMk. Gaollle D'ArrlU*. la "Hado^ Ulaoant wook, B. B. Botbera, la "Lord OhanUr*' aad "CtpUnLatiarblalr.*' OaavncVTBraaiT Oiua Boobb.— "Dr. Rnitai.**rof itathird aad laitwocktdtddaiboalDtH. Pod. awaiibo two boDdrodtb parronaanoo, aod baadiomt dotoI odtod minora, ooatalatogpiotaraa or tbo leadlogmoaboraof Mr. Happ«r'aoonp«ar andmoaBtodoooaaob,w«r«pro- ••Btod to toe ladloa pr«M0L The eompaor wora at totlr bolt,aad (twao a galaolRbL Tbio wook. Mn.PoU«r ABd Mr. Ballow. la "Oharlotto Cordar;" aoitwook, Mr. ud Mr« BandaL Iflaraooa of Ifi Boraard BUraahagaa ud Jaaa Ooiardr glvo a rooltaL Osnnicrt Bmin Thutbi.— *\^Tlay'B Audi** eoa- tiDuoi lia mooo«ral raa lo aood boiiaoia, but ibla. tbo twelfth woM, will witaeM (ho lanwcUa ol tho old ladj ■ad tha oao bnodrodth poriomuaeo la PtaUadalpbiL Kntwaok Johoitono Boooitt, la * Tito Amiioai:" «o«k of r«b. a,*'A Milk Wblia nag," riom Uojt'B Tboatro, NivTork? WAiJiorBrBBirTauTU—"Tfao New Womaa'* plavod to good bDitnoai, aad Aaole RoHOU'a Irloada wtre gUd to we come bir lo ibe itago anla altar bar long Uloaia. Tbiawook -TbeCottoo Kbg''^wni baroluflraipiodao- Uoa lo Pbtladelpbia. Ittibookod foramo. PjbeTbbatm.— Tbo Hcood week ot Broaaoa How- ard'! **i(boQ«Bdoah*> *aw fbll booaaa. Tbia weak, Marie Walawrlabt, for tbo flrit Umo la ibroojoan. prtaaoUot "Daagbuia el Bva." "Tbo Blith ot vooai," br J. W. HirbortaaJB.Jakobowibl, Fob 18. SLBTiHTa Branr Orau UocaB.—Bnalnaaa la lood. "TaeoioaUoD, or Did It Take T" not wltb loMaM. 'Talo- phODo" Ii thu wook'a BOW attraotloa. Nurra iHD ABOfl McsiOH.—Thi attnoUoaa tbIa vook are Uf lag piotoroa oo whtoli, th« Uaogartaa Orohaatia, aad. la tbo tboatro, "MlDohor'i t^lval of Talaat" BariBB Theitbb. — Liwia Morrlioo, Id "Faoat** tboaah ofteo omd boforo. ahowa no ilgaa of ralllag popa- BaaiaoH wai apleadld. **T1io Piodlgal rather" la weak, with Wni Joroma, aat lb. U, **▲ Baggage Cbfok." OiaatD ATaatrBTBBATmB.-Ai It aad Monroe and Maok. larlir tbU - Peb. - . _ _ .._ ^ _ QiaatD ATaatrBTBBATmB.-Ai It wmatDpoaaible to get nore people Id tbo theatre, baiiDooaooDld Dot bare been b«tior(banitwaaIaatweak CraitoaClarlie,lo'1bePoori BeTeDgo**aad "Bonioo tail JaUet,**wu tbo attraoioa, thoaabalalrportlOD ofiboinoeoaaor iba latur pradoe- UooUdaeto tboartiailoJallotof MarleSoowloa Tbta week Mr Obutedoioibia eaiMomBOtwith ■-Hamlet" Mt<L Joba Drew, ai Mn OIlTlbranil, ta "The Arabiaa NUbti,*' wiak of IB. aad Bnfo Wby tat'a "Tapa " PoBirAOOB'aTBBiTaa—"Till Polloa Patrol'* tbe laat eomblDaUoB of the ceaaon. draw good hooaaa. TbIa we«bi Adelaide Oa«baiaa an4 the atoefc, u *Tb« Maw Boath;'* Fob. 19. "Womaa Aaatnii Wonu.'* Obajid Oraaa Hoosa.—'^bo Prtrau Beeretarj*' waa a mmr Obarlea B. Bopper and Aaole WatdTlfftari la •The V^aofATOoa" tbiawook; aeit week, **OarKoDle iBRgJiiaiQiTHE&TBfl—Tbe BartoD Colonaa Oomedj Compaap dida fair bailae«ilut week wl>h "81 Perblae Inm Pogbtowe." Tblaweak,'*Tnio Iriib Hurta'* aad "The Police loapector.*' NanovAL TflkATaa.—Oood ilxod aodleaci witaaiiid "Boab Olir" laat weak, aad were evldiotly olaaaed wiib tbe Waatorn ohaiaetara depioted. "The Boilga** thU week. Jaa. J. Corbott, In Oeatlinua Jack," IB- bToiOHTBi aTBa.—The Preoeb Qaiotf Olrliborloiqaed bilore Immeoao aadieoc^a Tbia weiv, tbe May Bowaid Oompaar Next week, the Boie Bill Polly Oompaar Paoru'sTBiiTkB.—"lAad ot tho MldBight6ua"bad a fbirlp good auaodaneo lait week. It la a thrilling malodraaiaaadweawell piv*A "Ibe Oozbr Wloner" tbie week, 'Tbo Power oroou" 11 iJraBDABD TflBATKB —Laroe aud lencea groalad *'Blaok> lilted" aad arerybodr reeelTed a allrer aoofaalr. "A OraokerJaok"aaaillTereonTUlra thu week. Neitweek, Daa MoOartbr. la Tbe Pridaol Maro." Buotr TBBaTBB.—"Pre Dlarolo^'aod a TaodeTllle aa- tartalnmeat draw loU boneee laat week. Thli weak la tbe laat of (»era»whia"dblp Ahor*'will be aoog. Tbe TandarUle blU: Brmlala Coelll Rarmoa Moore. Field lag Uoul«')i the Mldgleja, Daly and Devero. Haidlag aad AbBUl. tta TeaUo^a. and OarroU aad Uladoa. Kona.—Tbe Palaoe Theatre. Areh Streoi. abora Tooth, the old home ot mtaatrelip la the days ol Bimmoaa A Bloeoffl, ta belDff pat lato order for boilaesa Bamor Is biiST with tbo auaea of aareral probable leneea, bat ootblagdeftnlta baa beea annoaaoed E.Cbolmeley JoBoawUlgiveaooaoert at tho New Ceourr Drawlog Boom U, aad maeh latereatis felt IntbeflrMMpoaraace of Kta-M. JLOaToeour.amncoaopraao. Mr JODeawlU blmeall be beard la lavoral aeleoUoai Three Mr- formaoow of Waaoer operas, "Triataa aad Irolde." ■^leglMed" aad 'Tsaabaaier, 'nader tbe dIreeUoD of Walter Damnaob. will be glvea at tho Academy of Moslo, Marth 0 and 37 aad aftanooa of March ti Miltoa Abora aad the BIJod Opera Oompaar bogio a tear - -*- . Attheo)osooitlieruoor*Tbe of tbe Biata aeat week.. Ooltoa King* at tbe Walant Jolla Marlowe Tabor beglaaaaanaaded aagagement,u which abe will pn>- dneaa aofflber of piaje Mra. Joba Drew will play Mm Haniy Dora, la ■*Marrled Llfo^*' daring bar opgage- maotattbeOlcardATonaBTboatro; the part ofBamnel OoddtowiU be taken by Manageraeorgo Holland...... Tbe Mask aad WlwOlab bare bajiDO rebeuiala ot tbeir aew bnrieaaae, "Haallwortb.** Oiarioo HeMlcbael Is the aatbor ol the work, aad the mosio has beao arraagad hy B. D. Beaie a«>rge O. Bootlace Is eagagad lor Ibo OaaiUle D'AirlUe Oompaay neat aaasoa, PlttabaM.—At tbe BIJoq TtiMtre Oob Heegd, la *'ToB Toasoo,'* tbla weak John Keraell oaased mach nlrth with "Tbe Hastier" Dp to 9. Bobert Oaylor, la "Bport MttAlllaier." Feb. 18, „ , - DtTQOBiiB TiimATtB.-Jalla.llartowe-nbar. la reper- torr, for two weeks, oomo»aclB« II. -Aladdia Jr.*^ 1^ Marie Borroogha olooed bar fust atar eagagamaot ^ ALTiv TvuTaa.-"8owug the Wind,** 1^ tor tbe first time h*re. B. H. Solbom olooed a gooA eagagemeot 0. Palmar Ooi'a "Browalea" U. Ho pertonaaace wlU ?• • dlbraKalghtTem- be giraa 11, aa tbo bonae wUl be nsad plara* baa „ _ OBAXO oraaa Hoobb.' Lewla Morrlaoo, la "Faast,*' ibis week.' ' Prtaoeaa Boanle'* oloaed a Ibte eagagameat 9. Obarlea H. Hopper, la '*Rie Tale ol Avoea.'* 1^ for the Brat time bare. Babit Wiluahs* AOADurr or Mroia—"Tbe Boatb Before tbe Wai" will be stadledbythe paplls of Piot Williams* Aeademr this week. Urge^dJuaaa en|oyed Qdb BlU'a World ol NoTaltlea op to P. Sam Derere's "^BBTDATia* BdbkMobi —TboBBia Bala Daaoen sntbeprlaopalaewoaHo hall leatans thUweek. Aa ueeUeatatagaabow IsglTeaby tbe aalooB4aai«Taada- TllleCo. Boelaeaa Is good.__ . . , , WOBLO'i MoiniB ABD^ 15BAfBB.-Arthor Demlag's MlaittelaadPaioeOomedyOaU powlbe big iMUr*. Qoean til aad bar gypsy bead tell the loitaaes ot all fidiMfreeoiehargola tbe ooilo halL Theattaadaaoo '"B^ona^rruoes Roaaeaa aaraned the roU ol Prla eeas Boaale at ibe Oraad Opeia Uoaaoaltaraooaoldaad madaaproBOoncadiaooeaa B*nr ^f,*^*'*,?': daa aal Httohea playing wltb Oai. Bflra World of Nof elUM at tbe Aaademy fiat wa^ met with a borwre- wLflLlathe death ot bis lalkntdaaKbtar, Mamie. The baby^amother died at ObarleatoflL W. Ta., ala montbi age. aad abe bad since beoD oaTadlor by her aaat,ahu a mMber of the World of NoTelUes ,Oo Pitta- bun I«dBe. No. 11, a P. O. B, Ukaa Ita BBfMtaaoth aa»Ub«Baai alunooa of Peb. IB. at the New Oriad Opora Bonae. AU the atoactiODs at oar. Uiaacni aad maay Tolonteers wiU,appear. BraUier BdwSrB. Hay, Oraad Bialied Rolar ol the Order. wlU open the perforniaaeo with aome latrodaetory re- marfaTr.. MhIo Bamogba autea that bar tear baa bMaaoaaeeesafbl that Ibe wUI CDatlnae.aBd bopea to SadaaawpUy.speoUliTadapted to her,forprodaoUoo But aa*MB, toietbiT^ eaTaTalBhakeaManaa plus. oSoftKawAl P«»>^»»t*"Bomeoaaaj^let;'2ie ears abe baa read oao aew play a day. oa ao aTorage, anraSMOtbebeglBDlag of ber toar^t thu far baa SSi B««f»»tliSf aaltfaotory ;*^.5"»»'*fJ "Tbe Prlaceaa Boaale" Company, auiea that bo wlU bead a oomlo ooera compaoy of bla ewa. proaoo- uTg a aiSSopera of wblcTpie U'»'%'!2.«'; *n-?iSr B umiih. aad the mosle by Tletar uerben TbetUUhasBotyat been doBnltaly eetUed,bnt It will bTelihir^be %lae Maa ot the Nile" or elao "^o ■ ' Mr. Daalela atraaglT faToriar ----- _ ag tbe latter ap- K£um. %i«aneuUTd"lo BoPtjtt"pgCn^^ De,aadMr.Oaaleta wUl play aa BgTPtlaa (akir...... Oeovia Heyen wUl oOloUta u obainpao of a aeelal aaaalra to lie bald by Pllubo^^V-ifji'^v'Jr^PJSi algbtol IS Maaager Daftd Headerton, of Daqaoaae Tbeatnk bu iuTT^^^ Id tbe Uoli«] Btataa Ooort of Appeals, a salt to raeotar WXOtw dattei P*^ br bim oa the eoatoBiM for ' All Baba/* Tb s was tbo loarth trial ol pnorto^la final trlomph.... it wonld [raatUad tbatBUanorMafo,pnmadonBaof tJ^-Waoa^ Bdobm-* Oo^ la to marry Jamu Klreiaoa. of PKUodcl. pAla /agulrrr. Iba aooepted oongTatalaUOj;B oa the happy ereatwbHaetaglBgbiraJaarwoek. ''••""'V wUl probably take plB« to Apn* n"*i:-"-!Sf5i^" Blebarda, pnaa enat ol the Dooaeaafc baa irom a aaran ooid wblob oooOaedh » tobU aereraldaya Doneaa B. IIarr1aoB.adTaa«agaatror Paallne BaU, aho opaaa at ibe Orand Opera Uoaae. Feb « had a severe railway eaperlenea Id trying to get hero tioa New ToTk last week. lie »aB aoTenly oBo aad a blf boars o« tbe road, bis Iraia beteg no**d.^55,*?* ■soaatataa, aad the paaaaBgera botogwithoat loed tor twaaty-CMboaTavbUedarUa a PorUoa of that time tbeyveievltbeattaelalso Whoa ibo traiapallod la bare, algbtol P. It tookad Uka a lea Mdiin..... .The dark Bart BBd lliaau^ IIiBiUfcrtwoBlibti^ iLlgflaemea Ortaatal nb. WUk«abmm,—Tb«gtonaotiagtw«ttbroiicht tte mane of ga«d bulaaaa to oar play beeaM. At the Qnad Optra RoBaa.PaaUaaHaU, la^Dorcar> had lalraltMduea Pbb.r^'Tbe BbMbTI t dU ahUr bau- BM Otu niBoarr.bad a IgSTTm 'ABaggan ^Mk*- a. tMd a hgbt atUBdaaoe. To ooma: Bowaid WairardaaJall.|&lartMrtorT.Uobaapprteea. ^.Jl!"!."^"'^'™* pw>»i*T»*^ A beal cala- bnt7, Mlaale Browa, made bw debet la tisbia ea a cboraa BlrLaad targe aadlaacae were la auaadaaea. ''TtaatOfrne Olr)"7,a ftbad blr afaad aadleaoM To eoma: '^e Boy Tramps IL lA 13.' A Banal of Moaer" iiif &ieTlnkei'*urU^atorAO H SwUb. *T*o Old Cronies" IP, m, '*MlaaTe)epboBU" tl tl, ts Nona —The deaih of Daotal Bbelby may nuke aeno ebeagea at Haalo Ball, u It la mmoroi tlMt Mra. Bbelby (Ue^ea Bainaley) daatree to dUpoee of the laaa*. Mra Rbalbr eame oa trom Brooklya, end atur a coafeiaace wltb Weltora Maok waot on to lola tba"BoMa Hood'* Co^ wblob tbe left at Hamtltoa, oat-.toatuadberbae- baad'a fnaeral. IlertwoeblldraBwiUeuntlBaatoTealde laBrotdLlya. ScrttmtoB.^At tbe AGidemF oC Motlo "ne ddti AUna," Feb. It. for tbe banrflt of Crrsul Rosa Oo. "A Baggage Cbaok." 9. aaa wii recelTad. ^Tae Boalga.** 8. eame to a fair bonae. FaQlloe Ball, la **Doioaa," T, bad a good booae. FBOtsmoBAK.—Tbe Klrmeia for tbe benoQt of Leak*. waaaa Uoapltal, tb- part week, drew parked boaaea. Mvaio BAiL.~Tbe Liederkiaas CaralTal, 11. was aa aTODtorDBoaokl latarest Datu' TiBATBs—Peb. 11-13. "leataek." '*IUJamey ad the Bhlaa" li-ld. BaadlBf^PMillne BtU pUjed "Dorou" to large boalneaa at the AoBdemy ot MbMo, Feb. 4. Paaay Blee. who WBB booked to appear B, was BDOwboand at LyoDA foortaao miles tnm bare, oa the afunooa ot that day, on ber way from Alleatowa. ^e Bailga'* Com* paav. which waa to ooma 9, wu alao aaablo to get bare, aa It bad to eoma erer the aasM root*. JohnD. Mlahter, mansger uf the Academy, wbo bai eoma with ihe Rloe Oompaay tram AlleaiowB. toligrapbed from Lyo8a9tbal tbe oompaay migbt lure aome umo tbat algbt lor Bead- leg. Buoked: Pena Wbeelmea Mlaatrels li, "A Bsggage Obeok" IB, "Tbe HaaUer" M. OaAKDOmi Bonn—Daisy Bererly's*LittlePaniy'* Compear eomea ti-lA Bf/oOTBaiTaB.—■Troelnih Hearu'* did a fialrbaai- ness4-S. *BldeTraoked** draw rather llghily r-9 Tbe RoyalTaadeTlUaOompaa7tl-l«,"MlaTelepboDla"lt-18. Altooa» —At tbe BleveatH A.TeDiie Opera Botige The Baslgn."Feb.4,aad'-The Lost Farad Ibo," 7. dr*w anallaadlaaoaa. "The Danlar.'* booked for9. waa saow boond at Bomeraet Molb ol JobDstoen It baa beea aa- aoQDoed that they will eppear hen II, Varte Bamagbi* datea for 11 banag beta eancelad 'Tbena"tlar*ia, "B#B Bar" li Ik ' Ptaolgaa'a BaU" U. "Jaaa" a, Miltoo NobleaSB. "Cbtrlav'a Aaat'* A Habbt Datis' Edbb McssB.—Ttali week: Cnrto ball— Oapt O. B Perfclaa* trained aeaL Poll/. TaadaTllle stage-Bryaat aad Coaaora, aad BaUa Blaters Theator- lom-NeetoDBMn,u Wild Bill, In "Acroaa the Trail.** aadMraBamri BaMwia, theWbtto ■abatma^ cloMda saccaasfbl week's engacaraent Fob. 9 Cbariea Prab- liaaoaster,—At tbe Folton Open Honge Ur. Mssfbl week's engacaraent r__ I's 00, la 'Bowtog tbe Wind,*' IL MISSOURI 8t« LoalBt^nie cold veatber tad adepreiglDff elTect oa baatneaa laat week, aad onl down tbereeelpu at all the booaaa At tbo Olynpio Theatre *^e PollUclao'* wonld bare dnwa eoDaidarable money If the weather bad been pleaaaoL "Tbe Loit Parmdlee" la being pre- aeaied this week. Tbe LUlpntlaas presaat '*Bompty. Dnmptr." OBAVD Omu Hoosa-Jsmes O'Kelll sinck a **frost** bore ihatspolled bis engacament. Marie Barroniha le pteeeatlog "Tbe froBlgaie" this weak. Olga Mather- aole 17< Batlib's TaBATai —*Tbe Limited VaU" drew good to fkir booaea laat week. oeo. w. Hoaroa. la "My Aunt BrIdBet,*' thU week: "A Ballroad Tloket" 17. HAOABTiBATaa-JallaSuwartdnw Ugbtboaaea last week to see "Tirglola** OorlanewUl praiaat "Beed. rick flad*oB** tbla week. STABDAaD TaBATBB.—Bam T. Jsok*s BitraTagaasa Oomoaay draw top heavy bonsea afur the first atgbL The RaDtaBaatlai Borlaa^oo Conpaay tbla week, Irela Bnthera' Bpoolaity Comoaay 17. Uopxise' TaaiTBB—Tbe dramatic oompaay deaarre BDeolalaode«,lortheyalaajsdo foil Jiutleeto a play. This weak they will pre*eot a aew drama aautled'Tbo Oalllonla Road Aaeot," by Oharlee BrenBaa Tbe TsadsTilleoompaay ibla week: Lew Dookatader,Dora Wiley, tbe Carura Valrloo, Basale B«arlea. MadeliBe Fraasa, Dabols Bratbera aad Obarlea Dlamcad. nkATBB COMiqra—Mat Bobaafer, Jaaale Da Tare, MiDDlo BylresUr, Tom FloBegan, Maggie Oordoa, Lottie Lealia. Harrt Fraakllo. Joe £eUyrr«arl Aadrewa, J. J. Morrayaad Katie Aabley. WoiDiBi-ABD Mdsbb ~Topsor, the talking borse; Tbompaon. (be tattooed m^a and aall klag; Ucodeld, tbe Jogglar; Whale ull Ona iDd the two lagged pig an in tha eano balL la tb* tbaatorlam—Lyooa Iffaniatin nompaoy. In '"Tbe B'aok Dlamonk." FnL A. P. Jaeoba' JovenUe Bead raraiabes ibe mnsia. BsBBB's ALBABBBA TaBATBa.—Locilo DBTon, Bweeoer end BUrar. Leo aod Obapnaa, William Black, Maad B. LewiSL_LonleTbome,OMar aad Sallle Kberaa, the Nel- sona. Frank L Oay aod DotUa Dimple. Obb Tbbatbb.— Dovie aad Toung, John Morris, Billy La Olede, Barley and Jeffaiy. Joba Cobara, Ploreaoa Helen. Diamoad Wblilock, Llllle White, Ethel Ony aad Obas OrBdy BBTAHT'e TBBATBa.—Dare HeOonl. Adolpb Oooialec Wdl Uait, Ida WaUlDs, Morris aad Gocdela, the Howoa, Jessalloe Tyraao, Flo. PTMmaa. J. J. Haroert, Oberba Ha Beebo, Araorita, Dot Plaber, Tom FinBsgan and Alice AtalaMD. Buoa TBiATRB —Bd. Do Vera, Jeaale AdaaiA Oeorgle Hlllyer. Tlllle Do Lanoba. Bd. Tenon, Jamea HcDonajd. Toronir Baker, Benr and Pearl Hllsa, Bd..Loallo aod Belle ratteraoo. LoBDOM Moaio UAtx-Lew Palmer, VlTiaa Do MoDto. Ibe Bevlottea, NelaoB and Marfraerite, Madse Mack, Emma Weatoa, Aaala Lealiai, MUe. Lolo, IdaLa Pearl, Minnie Palmer, Oeoraie Falffler, Beaale Ia Tone, Oertlo HoMfD aad Maagle Merara. - „ ^ WiitTBB OABOBB.^^kaa Boaaa, LoUle Bwaan, Three Gathrlea, BUly Qray, Emma Redmood, Alex Elrfc. Ed. Harfcey aad the La Belle Fatlma Oo spaay Otagede Ba> hoot, Adgle ooatoUo, Miss Fanede. Baleem, George aod LaBelurstlma.) . ^ CaAT.-Bodd Maota, trauonr of tbe OlynplcTbeatra. took bU aanoal beoeflt 11, wbea William Morrla aod compaoy praaeated "Tbe Lost Pandlaa." Frans WUeak. the Tiollnist, asalaled by a oamber ol ToeallsU aad iBairuneotallata, gare a eoocert at MaiioHallS. BcoRBaimoBd. tbe well hDowo oomedlaa. labera Duklngpraparauoaa (o pat bleaew play. "Benteaeed to Death.'' OD tbe atage Maaager J. D. Bopklaa aad BoslBoa Maaager Obarlea P. Elliott west to Cbl- MO to eapenotoad iba openlaa ot tbe aew bopklaa' Theatre" (former y tbo People'i) JBoX Oaas leit ben 8 to Jola Bamam'B Show Bam WllaoD,for maay years with Baraom'sOlroos. baa orgaataadanioaleal, TaadaTllle aad specialty eorapiny beroTaad ibat make lUeir flmt eppearaoce at Oaotral Taraer Hall 17. Tbamaiio will be faratabed by ProL D. D Bafboo'B bead 01 osTea plecoa The loUowma la tbe oonpaey: Jnlia Blegar (Tlollaltt), Lilly aad TlUy(cor- iMttlau), Alice Aagwi (Bpaalab dancer), Joba Nbtid (balaaeer), Joe Cobora (baioo). Bewaro, lato Boward aad AateU (eoatortloolat). Bam Wllsoa (oomedlao}, at. Joaaph,—At TooUa*! Tbeatre "ObArlej^g Aaat" came Feb I to lbs largeat booae oftbeseaeoa. Tbe 'B. B,0." alga waa displayed early la tbeoTeBlog. Too booae wu dark tha past weak. Bopkloa' Traae OeeaalMoome 11-Waag'* U Bddie Foy H OBAwroBB's TBBATBB.-Dr. Trasp fare a series ot Iseturea to* past week to erewdod booaaa. Morrlsoa's "Feast*'cones 0,9 wltb mstlikee, OeTelaad'sMlastnls IS. "Biibt B»lls'*ll. "dlarea of Qold" tt, "The Feaclng Master" 0 BoBKMinia.—Bnsloess the past week was fair. Week ol 11* Baker and Rei'ift"i LuaTbels, Bam Forst, DIok aad Ilttr OaamlDgi^ i^akap, Howard aod BoMnoa, Prat. Bodaep aad McNul ty Mateia^ KENTUCKY Lom|BwUl«,-m aeTerttr of the weatliar but week bad adepiaaslog effeot oa the lhaatn atteadsaoe. AtMaoaley's Tbealm Mrs. Laogtfp faced a good hooia Fab. 4, la **A WUe'a Peril." "Aa la a Looking Olaas" aad "Esiber Baadrti" were prodaosd 1 6, to modento benwa. "A Oaiay airl.*'^r-9. bad fair atteadaae^ bet DOtwhat It merited. Tbe Llllpatlaaseome 11-13, Atoa- BBder Balvlai IMC TUPLB.-OUd|a Wallla,la*-> OlrPs Way."aDppoitad by tbe Pattl Boaa Company. Bava awv^ liable Dorform aaoe7-9tomodaraU sttewaBea Oomlag: "Tlrgtala** ItlB Obabd orBBAH00SB.-"Maa^aod^Womea" »»■ wfll reoeind tor a week's raa,aadlag9. MUtoaaadDoUp ^AmT-^AtlH «f Traea"reaelred lUr patnaage BocaiBOBAJL-Ifwla Broa* B-iSJty Oommaf hiUl ■ ■ - I last wmk. Woaa of lU Prat B. Abt's good baalDeaa ^u^$BaAraa.-Raw boM U: Joba Hastw aad Joba Ducaa, Parker BlsUra, OUle Dareaport, teaaMyer% ObsirDaTlia, aod Ed. aad Jeasle Foley. Boslaess Is 'jon MoOau. el the taan of tbe Two AmeHaa Maeo, pUylag at ibaBockioghaB.metwi^«DluaaaTenae eMent a. Bo was ttnniBg ontet t>u .boUl when bs iilpMd OB Sm lea, strlklBg tba beak ol bio bead, cattlfli u aSr gaah leadaBagbla almost^ aacpaseloas. Ha waa oined into tbe botol aad a pbyslclaa sam. moaal untied saToral aUtobaa to abee tbe woaad Mr. MeOala was aaable toappsarB, 10. TENNESSEE. BfempbU^Eitramel/ bad weaUwr Laterfend eoaaldorably wiib amaaaaaaU danag tbe preaeat week. Tbe thermometer went down below aera. At uToraadOpera Bcnaa Marie Jaasea dldaUgbk basl- l^rSh ^l^he LIUpelUBB b^ lalrsmed aadlSMao JSTguPab 9 AiatoiSbeldtbeb»rta«7 mSiSi Ried II-IJ. -The Ctooairy Olraarf* 14-H W. fl. OHia Clmelauu^aok mat llarnd here bU tbe week aad a blloard that baa brakao taeorda ol jmm ataadlag ainply plajed bavoo with the hopes of the Iheat- rleal luBsgen. Wlib Iba mareery daaolag from • to U degraes belov sen then vaa osthlag qalta eo obeery as a aoag, warm eomer at bcnik and ao nod attiaotioas aofferod. Tharalsaolhleaaew iBtbePiaeupeiaReaae naltor. kaaanrJobD B.Bavlta la baok fromlilairlp to St Loola aad OblcagOt bat be has aot yit tmltad Ihe lease tron Pnuih Hall. Tbe eaoooBoemaat has beea oiade aaat otBclally, bowaTor, ibat tbe opanlag oader ' lie *■ . ^oc_^ - came u> Laat weak "Tbe DeTli*a Depaty" waa praaeat ed, with Praaets Wilaoa la the r«l* oi Hatliaseo. tha an- peisaUons idd keeper. Amaada Pabrlaaaa 111 darlag Ihe greater part oi tba eoganmea^ aad Joeepbioo ~ Bed Iba r«l« ol Prianaa Miraaa. Bhye Kaapp Tbomaa. tbe aew leaor. as Utreaao. aaa takea lato poo- alar tsTor Tba awiot cold waathar iBtorfered wito bnaIaeaB,aDd a aavOlaolonatl lacord waa made by Mr, Wtiaoo iB tbewroog dlreetioa. PaallDO**Dor. eaa"lB WAUtorSniBBT TBBiTsa—"A Oaletr airl"oamell. Alei. BalTinl u uotberaallarar trom tbeK»ld eaap, aad, esteened CkTorlu aa be le bora, the aadienoeswanoi medloonalio. Mr. Balrlal waa eaeo In ibree of biaold playa. aad twice be prasanted ^e RtedeDt of Bela- maalca,** wblob ISDewbeie,andeblob wasappnolated by iboea wbo wliBeaaed tuprodactletL Mra LaagtiylB HATUB'BTBBATaa—**TBe Danler" opanad 10, niir- iDg ioen»rles ot Kate CasUatoa. Flonia Weat aad the DaWlttBlaton wan to the casL *'011rer Twiat" aa Kyad a prfrfllable week here, aod it was boldly pro- olaimed that Dot for yean bwa tbare beea a batiar pro- docUoa aiaged at tbe Weat Bad Tbeatra Boolety took the play noder its wiag. end "Oliror Twui" partus were pepntar all week. W. A.Mesiaper *as til at bla bout with ibeoiBailc goal, and be ooaldo't play Bombla or abare lo Ihe plandlu giren Blita Preeior Otla; as Nanoy Bikes, aBdCharlea Barroo. the Bill Bykaa ot tba play- Toe eogagameat waa eaeceufaL 'Ibe Trolley Byatam" FopirrAt.i BavABB TA,UTaa—flam T. Jaok'a Bttrav- acaaia Conpaay, la * Tna Boll PiBhur," oams opoa tbe acaae lO Laat week P W. Btroh e VaadeTlilaa prared a wlooer. TbatreaogDauottor, tbe eon or tbe orewer, proTed to be a LlUpotiAn glaaL and bla (baU ol beary domb bell llftlag created somachiDg akin to a aaoMloa Foogare waa a irlBabaycod tbe people for tbe drat lew pernnaaacee, bat before tba week eaded abe wu cheered by tbe erawda Tbe abow la a good oao aad did a big boaloaaa. Jamea B. Mackle, in "Orlmea* Ce<lar Door." 17. HsD0K*aOPrBA Bont.—"A Tbiaa Btaer** opuad 10 lASt week, Bdwio F. Majo was aa Ideal Jaak Haaiey la * Tbe Will Alarm." BBamasa waa op to tbe frigid ataad ard la TogaeaUarcoad. A. T. raatBoa'B"Wbne Bqaad. TDB" 17. BOBirma'a OrsHA BooBL—"Lost in New Tork" wu pot on UL last week "Too Tempi ailon ol MoDcy" played lopoorbuJDeai. Badia Uaaaoa 17. PsortB'a TaaATaa.—OoeUili's WorUof NoTeltiesar- rtved w ud Le< Tbniens were billed as tbe faaia e of tbe blU The Rosseil Brathen'Oomediaae did a Dice baalDeaSLOonsIderlag tha praakeof Old PratMaadbta ArcUe fiirtatiooa Bonole Tbomtoa iBoreaaed her p ip- alanty. la Olara Uaiel, wbo appealed with Tbomu O'Urteo ia the ocnbatio sketch. "rheNevsooy's Cooit- ship,'* an Ola fbrortto waa reooBBlsaO-ooe of ihs Obeaur Bislera Dartog tbe week ahe wu tar from well, aod after one pertcrmaace abe lainied in the wioga, aad lo Calliag struck ber bead with cooaidenble foroe. One of tbe Thru MarraUea wm alao aeder Iba waaiber, aad did aot appear ob aoTomLi oeculoaa Wballea A MarteU'a • Boath Before tbe wax" 17. Boat AMiDDLBron'eHtmaTuBATBs.—Tbe eoailaoou ahowa are atill a big maanei. Newiacuia ItieaBiii- lortam ti: Lester uaAUeo.Cbartaa and Mloole Belles. theTbreeBoDaidoa,tlieBL01aira,Harry Maok,Marpby, Uugbee aod Beam, "Tarn boric a'' MeCarty, tbe Muiray TeiD0iuare,8mttb Broiben. Ed.PoK,QooriBe8aa, Delay RllertoB, Coartaad Millioe, Raeaioo uit Wilaon,Charles W Mack. MatUB Cramer aad WiiilamSL Clair. oOurlo Uall Btobard Alleo fooe maa bead) wu priuy mnoh aloaeiD hie |iory. The mu»eum leatare laouw orar* abadowad bp the oUo and by tbe dapartare Maaaier Joba A. Arery hu made a bapoy sad prcflUbla bit. PiBB OrsBA Uocaa.—The Orpbani Ciob gare Its sec- ond eoocert of tha seaaoe oo the eoldut algbt of tbo WlnUr. 7 wbeo Artbar Priadbeln. plantat, aad Joaei Uoltmao, 'celliit,were inirodoead ueololats. Tbe Blks' banedtocoaralB. when. Id addition to a miDauel Oral part by Ibe uilared bretbraa lo bnrntoorh, ibere vlll He an olio, to which Herman Belleiedt Jr..J«epb Oe tnlla and tae Pureat Mudoiln Clab are already ll«ud u TdiuBteers LiTArtOM Uau.— Mamie J. HoDoDODBbapMared7ln aaerlei of dtamatlo recliatioaf, ander thauIrvctioB ui Prul.Utark Moaobtr,ol the Keataokr College ol Haaio 'UeaTta,"a ona act comedy, wood Mlu MoUooouib eui u Mra. CaTeodiib. Others ukiog partwenLjdlain EiMT, Blla Ktoooe. Leo P. Uarvaon aod William Den. Id the mad acaae tnm'Uamlet" May lADgiaad uwk tba lole of Qnaeo Oanrade. Maratto Fegla aod Antboor J. Uoulcharwan the other eontrlbaton of the eras lag. uoaair.—Lew Dookatader baa aecaptad Maaager M. 0. Anderwa'aofferioribeweekofli at tbe PoootalB Maoaser Jamu Wloierbura. ctaiaTof Welier White alde'a atalT. la oot ooco more. He vlU go to Bailaad to preparalora toor or tba yoangtragediao ivar therm. ' Ko leu thaa Ore "men id adTanee" wen boomtOR Primrou A Wut'a Mlastnlthera latt aaek. Hert Oaria and Joe Uarrla ware two of ue qotatoi Mary Looiae UtaiT wu tbe aokilit at tbe "Pop" 10 Cbariea H Uayataad, maaager of Utrob*s VaodeTlIlta, la an old bawbalt oathuftut, and wu ooee a magoato at Uamiltoa, Oot Manager M ('. AnJocBoa, oi the PoaDtaln,hu retaraed irom New York CbariuA.ZIramaraiao. ol ibe BmpireTheatre, la diaaaooiiB apant a dST hero wltb oid (riwde The boi odlce of tbe Walout 8 rest Tbaatre au broken ioto one morDlDR dnrlng the weak and 973 W atoiea Irom the tlaaetoablaat a. W Whelpiey.the librarian at tbe Uudaoau Poblie Library, gara a dlDoer lo oelebraUoa 01 PraacU Wllsun a birthday, 7- They an gr^at friaDda. aad amoDB the Koaata who anjorod tbe aiTalr at tbe boat's baDoumeCUitoa home wu Faonte Mnrdooh, tbe daagbtar of the UU Jamea B. Huidoeh. DawCoa,—It Ibe Onnd Opera Uoom "FrIeDds'' same Feb. 4 aod gare guoral aatUfuiloo. Bob File elmmoDB* Uoeclalty Oo. eame 8 to a top heaTy bonae. Frlmroee A West'a HlBatraiB gara aa eicellent perform ueeP, bat the eirtiame cold weaibar alFacted Ihe ban- aau to a certolo aiwnt Lilliaa BlaoTeit appaara II, na- der the auploea of the Moaart Olab, ''OdcIo Tom's Oabla" IB. Padh TiBATBi.-Whales A Matters "Boath Bafora the War" played a retsrn daU A B. B "Lost lo New Yorki" 7 8 9. dKla fair baaloeu "Aerou tbe Fotooiao" oemei II. 13.13. "TbeTrolley BysUm*'M, IB. iB. 8ot.oiBU' uoBBTSBATBa.—"Frioads" wu well patroo- liad B. Boyd's Minstrels Is booked lor ii, Robert Downing B. AnoouTiox HALL.-80I0 Bonetarlo, Bsgloiao, eomu GolvBabas.^At tbe Hltb Street Tbeatre J. H. WalUck opened lor threw Bigbu rob II., "Lost la New Tork*' dldwell 4-B. "Frienda" bad lair buloau 7-9- '■AcraiathePolo»M"oom»s 1MB , OBABS OraaA. UoDsa.-Bob Pitulmmoas*Co.opeBad It lor three olshls. "nhariay'a Anat" bad fair baalneaa weak eodlog B LilllaB Lawia oooiu 10, "In Old Ean* laeky" weak of 17. Bprlngflel4.»At the Qnod Opera nonBe Mr. and Mra Edwla Milton Boyle preaaBted^"PrleodB" baton a large aodieoea Feb. 6. Frimtou A Weal's Mlasuels BlMthe booaa S. 'The WblU Bqoedran" IB At BUoh'a Opera Ueou Btataoa's "Uaaia Tom's Cabia" did a good buinaia 1 Jola Waltor's "Bide Tracked" played tolairboAtoeu 1 Bob PltsalmBouoomHB. nABBfleldAt Uw Memorlgl Optra Bodbb Buu son's "Unele Tom's Cabia'* abewed to aaall bnaiaeM Fab. 0. "Obarlar'a Aant" Oo., No. 1 eame to a lair booaa II. **TeBBg Hn. Wlntbrop'^ WlU be hera 14, Bartbolo mew'a Bqalnu 0, the PoartbBtreelABdItorlom Lelaml Powers delightad a large aodience la els Inpe^ aooatlou ot Dar Id Oarrlofc. ■tavbanrllla^At the CltrOperB IIoaae'Tbe Trolley Byaian" bad a poor hoaae Feb. A Batreaa«ly eeld wutber oaasad Chu. A. Ledar. le "Oa tbe Oo." to ba*e a allm beoae 7 At Loodoa Tbeatf* wwk of 11: Law end Fuole Oiawford. AL U. Westoa, MaUaoay LOUISIANA. Raw Oyl«BBB.MAt the FreDob Open nooae: DellgbUal moiie bu bean aqjofod by freqaanlen of tbla place ofaaBsamaBt, aad, ootwIthsiandlDg ihs tber- moneier kept peopto saeuieji whether tbe weather woDid allow of aa aToalag M tbe opor^ the boase wu toronsed eeeb ol^t of tut week Tbe operu snag wm ^1 J«ftii Ml." "Blebard III." -Alda," *-Lm Noeu De JeaBaeito" aad *Yoto.** OBAio Oma Uocaa—Jamu A. Bane's "Bbore iorao" waiL dorlog last week, preeaatad to Ibe New Oneaaa paolla for tbe Brat tima Erery algbt large aadlaaaeB war* la attudaaM, Feb. UH the Tarary ' irado.: ir.Bleart Robaoa. ^^^''Cuausa—The Llli'patlaai, Ib "Homptp Dnmptp . w... .. .w.. ,fj^ _„ ipat»( this theatre. Onwded booau wera the rale tnraagboat Dp to Data," aitraetad lania boaau while u tbla AaA£n»?v&inio.-:LeUIeCoUiu weathepatroae of theoaBagaaBt Wm. B. iTriaa 10, OREGON. Partlamtf^Tbe Uarqum Ormnd waa dart weak of Jaa.S. NoDto MeHewT opeaed Feb 4, to "A Hl^aktbeOlreu'* Hr.HaymaawiUbe saooHdadln Hellg A Laastor Ib tbe maaagemeai or tbiaibfattef The epoalag oDder their maaagMsai will take plaea II, tha allraeilioa being tba Oalhotu Opera Cempaay la ■■ABmta.^ OOBBBAi'a TBBATBB^Tbs Charlu BlgpOponDra- matle Comoaay praaeatod 'Tbe Tlaket of Laara Maa** aad*TbaClemeBeeaaOaae*'week of Jaa.S. ■ wu Calr. **1A Balls Marie" wu pet ea Feb. A '*Tbe Froth of lodan**;. OrlObaA BleTa Bioafc OoBpaBy.el Dearer.OeL.M. _ ^ ^ ^ ■oaoBa*B BBW TflBATBS Coai4om—Ta«lely eoa ^■BBPan^DolUe mm. Bam Laag, Map U Baae. pick WtUiama and AdotoStaari. LooTBB.—BotegUsU'i Bpaalab Btadaata. Bena^O. B. alaasoa's aiblMttooa ot boru Ismlag - - el JBa.t9 at the Bspealiloa i ba epaaeTalAswriall, HEW TOWK C ITY. ■lllioaib nmuUbtj 4ull, wu bj to maltaX, u li tDml,ted oociiloii (Br lb, pintnl»- lion ot two Rnim opeiu, on, ot vtalota bMl Mnr btfore bMD IKSM la ibM connliTi *bll« Uw <Mb«r WM, Id ■ HUM, Mw 10 Ibla ollj. Agwt fngg unn InttituiDt m Impoitinl tTenti, lb, WMk offBRd bul mil, o( DOTtllj. O0I7 on, ntw pUr wi* pnnnlcd, ud onlx on, obtngt ot iiitm: Hon wu uuut, ouuiil, ct lb, ooo weak ,lu4 booM,, Edirttd HuTlinn ctItM on, ot bU tor mor tDccme,, and Uireo pta;, bad ibair tnl moiropolllan picMblaUoDt. A ootd waro tlnok Ibe cllj In Ibo early pait ot Iba wnk and lloferad DDlil II, ctoH, lending ibe nercarj lower In Ibla locailon Iban at an; ilnio lu m, protlou Oliwn yean. Accompanjini Uili low Umperainro,. ta Ibo liiitr part ot tbe WMk, wu a laow •lorm ot Ibo blliunl urt, ud tbe mull ot Ibla UDntuI rljoc waa poor tmalneaa all along tbo lino ... ..Tbo oonllnued portonnancea tor Ibe wook endlni Feb. 9 wen: Qnnd opera at Ibo HiraoroLrriN Oram llooii, "Hob Roj" ai lb, UiaiLD B^uiRB, "Ibo Maaqutnden" at Ibn RMriB,, "Madame Ban, Oeno" at tbo Baoao- WAT, BMilwbm Tree at Aikt's, "Tbo Caw ot R«- bclllou Snun" at Ibe LvoiUM.'Tbe Kaial Oard" at raLMiK'a, "Olainonda" at ibo FiKrii ArBNua, "Ulilo Cbrltlopbor" at llie Qirdin, "A Ullk WblK Flag' ai UOTT'ii, "Too knob Jobuon'' al ihoSnND- aru, Ibo aiock Conpan; ai OiLY'a/'ThoOld Home- ticid" al iboSTAR, "TboTwonUelb Oenlur; Qiri'' al Ibo BMoti, "TboUIMnalAlionwj"aliboAiiaHic«ii, and "llory ot Ibe lllll" at Ibo Aoaduit ok Huoio, Tbo one week eiaodi oI«1d( Feb.! won: "On Ihe Hlnldlppl" at Ibe Pioru'a. "Klliaraor" at NiBio'a, "Tbo B07 Tramp" at itcoaa' Tuikd Ativui, "Tbe name" at ibe (Ipamd Oraiu lluuaa, "no Coiion KiDS" al Ibe ilAHLtn Oriiu liouai, and "Tbo Doib; Wianoi'' at ibe I'oumaiiR Vaileij oniciialnmeni ww tomUbod al Toxv PAnoB'B, KOSTtB t UlAL'll, IbO UNION 8<)UAMI, IbO LONDON, Paooroa'ti, Dorib', ibe ULTurio, and HiNBH'gliowiar and EiaiiTU Atbkub Per- tonnanooa In Uemin wen gIren at Ibo Ikvino Plaob and uehahia, and portotaancca In llebnw it Ibo Tiiaua, Winikhir ud Adlbr'h. ..."Uumultj," a molodiama. In Oro aola, bjr Uulion Vane, bad Ita llni meinpolliu pn- wniallon Fob. t, al Ibe Foubtbbntii STNarr Tubatbk, wbere It !• booked for a mn ot tear wccka At aiBBiOAN'a Tiiiatrb Edward llar- rlgan'ii plaj, "Tbo Major," waa rorlvad Feb. 1. TbU plar wu Ont produced at tbo Now Tboairo C'omlquo, Aug. S9. 1)91, and wM lul portormod durlnn Uarrlgao A llart'a ocaupanojot Ibo Four leenib Siroei Tticaln, wbcn li wu nrlved Harcb 1(, ISU. Tbla wu near ihe clou ot ibe pannor- ililp of Mceara. Uarrlgan A Hart, allbougb ibla wu not Ibo iBKl play In wblob ibe; Jolnil/appoand lo IhiB clljr. ibeir laat appcaraDco logoibor In tho meiropollibaflDgbern ln"Oordella*iAHplrailona," on M171 tollowing, when ihclr briet ocoupancj ol Ihe Founefnib Bircet Tbcalro ended. Tbo play wu doulilloM Rieciod for rorlval at ibla Umo lie. cause after a lapac of ton year. It would prove an aUolule iiovcll; 10 a majoill/ot Ibcalrogocra, and bccauK Major Utlfealbcr, Ibe tacro of Ibo play, bu lonKbeeneatecmedone of llio beat ot Hr.llarrl- lan'i aiago oreillone. Wbaiioever tbe reauna tor Ibe prownl rarlfal, bowevtr. It w>e a welcome ovooi, and wu Itiua balloft b; Ibo boat ot ad* mtrera of tbe author.aclor-nianaitor. Tbo role of Iho apccloua, iDSIuuallog, crafly ecamp. Major Qllteaibor, who It alwaya dlaboueAi, bul alwayi equally good nalurcd, uorulbed aod ODIenalDlog, U one eapcctalty well adapted to Ur. Uanlgan'a mclbodi of acting, and glvei blm oven uiiutuil opponunlilce for diaplaying Ibal quiel, dry buDor with wblob balaeorlcblyeadowod. Ho abowed Ibal lu wu lUUI auiforing from Ibe effuclii of bis recent lllneaa, buinolBuniclenily lu mar bla perlornianco, nor the enjoyment ot bla auditor,. Tbe play bu a number of airong nin, wblcb won, ably tlllod by iboio to whom Ihoy were aaalgned, and among Uiom to whom orodit wu capcclally dno wera Hn. Aonlo Yeamant, llatuo Moore, Kama Pollock, John wild and Cbariea V. Uc- Canby. Bepanio mention anal alao tw made of Harry Wilgtai, wbo, u Uonry UIggloa, tbo role formerly 'uaomed by Tony Man, did not ualy ib, bMi work of bta cantor, but work wblcb enilUed blm lo the mgbeal prnlae, wblcb wa lake great pleuura In bereby renderleg 10 blm. Tbo play dla- playi very tolly Mr. Uantgan'a iogonuliy u a play. wiigbi, and the kceonn, of bla hiioor, and ibonld proveauacceplableomilngtoribo rDmalodoruf Ibo aeaaon. Tbeout: Major (llltcalber. Kdward llairl- gu; rhinru UotUegreon, John Wild; NIkoUlllea- pie, Joaepb Bparka; lleroun llnokbelittr, Harry A. Fliber; Bllen Uurpby, Vbirlea F, McUaribr; Henry Illgglna, Harry Wright; Perclval Pop, Ueorgu Mer- rill; ilranrllle Orlgbt, Edward llarrigan Jr.; Mr. Well, Dan llGtko; Harriet Jenblni, Uaro Braham Jr.;Ualebi«iklai, Jamea lloOullough;Auniy(lrceD, Jamea Burke; Ur. Bbroud, William WcbI; Bllen (Ireen, Jabd Uayon: Ur. Oimb, John Flyoo; Hpoiom, W. II. QuoDlng; Hia. Ilomet I'loob, Uattle Macro; Uenhella, llUHOle Vanar: Amelia llrlgbl, Emma Pollock; Jane Coomb*, Oura Marab; Hiella Blune, Ulllan Stewart; HIn Miranda UIgga, Mm. Annie Yeamani TUe one new play of ibe week wu ■eon at the Ihvino PlaobTukatki on Fob. T, when "Papagono." a muvlcal farce comedy, by lludolf Knelael. had a auccetafal drat prodncllon. In alary telle of an elderly huabaad, a homo but a gay fellow abroad, aone of wboH mlidoedi bare been by chance revealed la a pert lenrlng maid, nil damaei oaea ber power rtmoiMleaaly, aud by ibreaieolDg lo betray tba old fellow force, blm to do many ildiculou ihlsga. Bevorel parllea aialit In ib< oomplleailooi, wblcb an very amualng, bni wblcb, of courae, are brought 10 a bapyjrond. CbsDges were mtdo In Ibe caitot "A Milk Wbile Flat," at IIott bTbbatrb, on Feb. 4,whereby Hairy Moor auamed Ue rolaof Oolonel Cbniilan Berrlcl, roiilaclog Cbariea Blanlcy, 10 whom wu aa- algned Ibe role of aeneial Uurlay Burleigh. Uoorg, Ulcbarda, tbue relcaacd f ram ibo cut, wegl 10 lake Mr. Conor'i place In "A Tup loChlnatown." While It wu espcctcd Ibat Mr. Conor would appear to ad- vantage in bla DOW role, and while aucb hope will probably be In Umo toldllu), bli evident luk o( complete knowledge ot bla llnea wu a aerloua bar- rier 10 hi) iBmedlateaucctaa Tbe puplla of ibe Ameitcao Academy of the Dramatlo Art, gave, on Feb. T, at Ihe Uuinir LrcauM, a perforraanco of Don Joboaon'a comedy. "Kplcoene, or Ibe Blleni Wooian." lo Iba boxea were ladle, and gentle- men altlrad In coamme* ot Uie Bllubetban penod, and youog glrla wearlpg while cap, oObred for ule long clay pipea, tobacco and nfrcihnenia. RuabM wen BUawD opoa the euge, and candica lo aide bnckeia look tbe place ol foolllgbia,.... At ABBkr'a TnnATMa, afternoon ol Feb. 1, Ueerbohm Tree and bla company gave a performance ol V. Haddon Obambera' roar act drama, "Oapialn Bwlfl," for Ibe beneai ot Ibe auOkren by Ibe Kibe dlaaal«r. Ur. Tree made on Ibli occuloo bla tni appeannco In Ibla conRlry In tbla play, aaaomlBg tbe II Ue role, which be cnaied In London. Tko play wu Ihui caal: Mr. Wilding, Mr. TtM; Mr. Bubrooke, Cbanee Allan; Hany Bubrooke. 0. M. ilallard; Ur. Oardlner, Bonn Kevlll,; Maiahall, UoliaiD Clark; Michael Byaa. I. WUIm; Bale,. Mr. Mon- tagu; Un.BeabrMke, Fiaacu Ivor; Lady Biaua- toa, IiBUy Croaa; MabalBubroete, lily Uanbary; SuilB OaibUkln, Mia. Tne Al Dii.T'i Taai- TBB, alieraooo ot 7, Mlu OMoaaile, Comleeu de OaaUeveeoblo, an Italian lady, a member of Au- ■milo BaUfa Oompaay, gave a apeolal pertorni- UM (to diaplay her powen u an entertainer, in wblcb oapaolty abe bad already woo fame abroad. She appeared Hiat in tbe lliHe play, "OomMy and Tragedy," Iben oflbied "PerdlUt," a coalnmo iMltalloB, wllb mnalcal acconpanlmont, and wu dnilly aeon u Jullello In "Peillcoat PorlMy." HIee OldoaaHe pnvod ber poaaulon ot valuable drama- tlo gllla and ber ablllly u a apeolal entertainer. She met with a favorable ncepllon and won burty and well deaeived applauae. Bbe la ot pleaaing ap- pearance, and, although abe upeaka wltb a notice, able aooent, ber apcoob bu much ot oharm and diaplaya inielllgenoe and nllnomonL Bha wu aa- alaiod In Ihe onitnalnmeni by Ula« Fielding Roaeile, coniitllo; Catiorlna Marco, aopnno; Mr. and Mie. Boiwortb, Lloyd Daubigny, Loulae Muldoner Carolyne Kcnyon, llcnry Ulxey and lltnl AmbroM, acoompaniM A number of playon and per- tormen wont from tbla oily. Yob, f, lo Waabinglon, 0.0., loappcarat an oniertalnmont tor ibo beneUt ot Ibo Freu Cluli, of ihtt city. Among then wen Mr. and Mr,, Trre and membera of the London llaymarkcl Uo. Mr. Tree wu to have opened tho onienalnmcnlaloleTen a.m. with a pertoiniaooe ol "Hamlet," but owing to tbo anew bkwkado be did oot mob Having given bla peifomianco, ii wm found to bo Impoa- ■ible to naob n la city In lino for tbo evening per- lormanco at ABBBT'a Tiibathr. and oflosequontly Iho bouw wu doiod upon llial night, Hmo. lliar- Morin and ber pantomliulaia wen alao amnng tbo nntortonatca, and tho pantomime waa omlimd Ibe eano nlgbt al tbo Kiilm Miihbr At Ihe Mimoroi.iTAH ni'CHi llnvnR tbo iwoifth week of tho aoBMU of gnnil opera began Fob. 4, with Ibolnt porformanco In tbia country ot Vonll'* "FaUlalT,'* meotlon of which waa made in our ianl laaue. "Lea llugueniita" WM iiivon t(an oilra night), wllb the following caal: VaioDilno,MnioNor<llca;Uarguerlla de Valoia Uoie. Mriba; Urbann, Mmr. ScalobI: lUonl. Jean do Iteazke; Ho Xevern, M. Uaurai; 81. Ilria, H, Plancun; Marcel, Kdoiiard do Hcaiko. Tbo double bill, "I I'agilacol" and "Caraliorla lliialicana," wu preeonird a. In iho tint named work the uaal In- cluded Luoliie lllll, MiR. AiicoiiH, Hig. (Ironiaeokl Hig.'Vannland HIg. Iluiwolaiio. In the aeooud work appuicd Big, Tamiguo, Ulra Heller, Uiir, llauer meiator, Uiio. do VIgno and Hig. Uanuudo, Un Feb, I Oamlilo Balut-Bauna' ihreo aot open, "Hamaon el Dailla," waa glveo in operaiio form for tbo Oral lime In ibla oily. Thl* work, which la proporly an oniorio. and wu wrtilon u aucb, wu given Ita Ural hearing in ihi> country Ibroo year* ago, in March, IstM, at Carnoglo Huilu Hall, Ihia oily, by Ibo Uratnrlo Hooioiy under tho dtrcuiiun ot Walter llamrDMb. Tho work had Ibi drat produc- Hon in laiT. 11 ilio iiranti liiiuil Thratn, Wuimar. It waa not beard lu IhtrlH.ln iiporatlo furni at ioant, until un, when It wu heard al Ibo Kdoii Theatn, II had, hnwovor, lieon given al IIouod. Franoo, In liw. li. aniporfurinanro in uperafio form Id ihla country wual tbo Fienoh Uiwra lluuae. Now Ur- tcana, La„ on Jan, 4, Itlia. Thu mualo la probably looROroliruaud aovuru In alyio to porinll the work lo bocomo a favorite uputi thu oiKiraiio aiage, but WIN aiwaya jmtctt faKuiiiallng obariua for Iho vlr- tuuao. It wu Ibua i:ul: Halila, Mmo, Mantoill: The High i'riMt, Hig. Vainpannrl; AlHiiii'lorh, an oid llcbruw, U. Plaiicuii; A Hi'Mongor.BlR. VannI; Firat I'hlil.ilno. Hig. Hiiiaidiiii; Mccond I'hiiiatino, Big. do Vurboill: Hainann, Hig Tauiagnu. "Ilomeo ct Juliette" waa huard al thu malliioo 0. with Mmc. UuiiM, Jean du lleniko, Kdnuaril do Itniko ami M. PlaUL'on In the cut, and "Manoa" wu given even- ing of 0 with Hlliyl Handoraou and M. Uauglon In Ihe principal rolea, ATTUiotllof Utnager A. M. Palmer a meeting of tbeatrleal nitnagtra wu held at bla oniee, tbla oily, 00 Feb. a, to take aoUon In raferanoe to what la known M the "Hig Hat Bill," nowhrfon the I.*glalator, at Albuy. The aeoond notion of tblp bill nada u foiiowa: "Any petaon eolliied lu a Beat and ocoupylog tbe aame at a poullo enletlaln- mont or perforaance, aod dndiog Ihe view there- from ot auob eDlenalomenl or peifnnnaDae ob- Bimnted, or the proper nuietneaa diaiDrbed by any oanaewtiblntbeeoniMlof ihep'oprieuirormaBa- ger of mob plaoe, may rroover from the pro- pnoior or manager of auob place tbe prloe ot BDOta Beat, on auireoder of ibe oheok en- llUlog aoeb perann lu aurb aut, nnlfH auob obaimoilon or aunnyance, Interforiog with tbe proper aod nulmpalnd eojoymenl ana view ot sooh enienalnnirni ur pertormanoe, ahali he Imme- diately romovod or aiopped npon deoiand made lo anob proprlolor or manager or aohordioale." Ao- eordlnit b Uie managen ihia aeoliun give, 10 BTtir gmmbnog aoOitor wko nay fled blmMlf placed nnfavorabiy In a tbeaira Ihe obanoe u> anbleot Iba manager to Inilolte annnyaoce and poaalble Kmb. EveiyMew York manager wu preaeotat lb, meM- Uigeltlierla perun or by npreaoDiatlvo, and It wu decided Ui appoint a ooouniitee 10 vlail Albany OB WedDoeday next to proieat apalDat tba paaaage of Ibe bill. HeaBn. Frank W, Bagger, Tneodaie Hoea and Uaolel Fnhmao wen pppolnled u lb, oommiuee. Manaobb UiNRrU.MiNBahu hrougblaullln tba BDpnnuDanrtoftblaHUleagaloateiJndgeUenrT O.UIiton loncover li.oco.uld to have been to bind Uie aaio ot a lot adjuinlog the Fifth Avenna Tteaire, In Twenly elghih Biraet Mr. Miner, thnoib bla oonnaei, aaaorted tbat tbe property wu not properly dewrlbed In ibe deed by which 11 wu Bonghi lo be liaaafomd 10 blm, and ibat Mr, HIilon wu not tba owner, bat only had a oontraoi from tbeowoer, K. H. Konta. Mr. Miner bad oontncud 10 bny Uie property for, and tbe |t 000 be BOM Co recover wu paid on aocountot tnepor- obaae price, Ur. Illllon having retained It when Mr. Mioer rafoaod to tulOi hia oooirui. Mr. Ull< toB'a oouoiel aaurted iliat Ma client had bean damaged 10 Uie eitrnl of It.uou by Ihe non>fulti. m«il of the contract. When the cau waa called. Feb, «,Mr. MtDer'aeounael atkedUieOuuit forleav, loameod Ui, aomplilnt, u bewiahed 10 leant lo It UiatMr. Miner wu wlllloalu keep hia oonlfui to pnrcbaw ibe property wlien the Uilo wu olear and BBtiafacUvy. Judge Uogro decided tbat tbe CM wu one that akonld bo heard in Bpeolal Ton, andbad ItHDt there, Makauib a. M, I'alhbh bu agreed lo nleue hie claim oo "Toe Heart of Maryland" lo Maaara. Whitney and Uieiman, on oundlUon thattbaylaka tbe acenery ho had pnpared for Ibe prodooUoo oir bla huda. He bu alao raieaaed Mra. Lealie Uaitar fran bar oontnct wiib bim. According to Mr. Behueo'f cootract with Meure. WulUey and Bial- man, ibe play muat be prodooed during October nexiiOlUieratih* lleralil BqnuaTheaUeor uma olberdntolau hoDie In tola lity north ot Twenty- iblidBtreev IMBIM' TnuTBI.—The InaDgorallon ot a B«w en lut week In lorDiog tbla plaoe Into a oonuan- oua vandarllle theatre proraieu 10 he aanoceaatol lanonUon, u ibe bnalnoH lul week, Manager Uorta alala, wu aatlafaoinry. Tlie followlog ar* bare tbla week: Leonard and Fuiion, UoAvot aod Doyle, Pat J. Hlcki, Oarllaie, Cecil Une, Phil Rna- uil the Oaylor Blalert, Hiccl and Metrluall, Oolilna BM Uenabaw, Frank Manning, John I'enda, Bula Mace, OampbeU ud Wliilama, Belle Ulnton and Ubirgwln. ^ , ... UHAaLM FaonaiN hu aeoured from U, Sew- bohm Tne ine exoloalve ngbu 10 preuni "John- a'lmaffla," lladdoD Obamliera' play. It la Mr, Pnkmaa'B Intention lo prodnoe the piece at ibe CnplnTlHaire baton the clou of tbe Block oom- Baoy'B aeaaon at tbat bonu. ^AWAOBB oeoia UAaMBBinii) bu angafed Muan. J. B. MoP.ilatrlck A Bon u tbe arehUeoiB for klB new Ulyapla ^ayhonu, at Brcalway and Porty-fonrtb Bireet. The work of oleartog the aua for toe new bnlldlog la pngtcariag rapidly, aad Hr.UamBnMlnexpMrtatouve tbe hOBH ready to open In If onmber oaxL RtmoAT BiirBMrAiNaaifn of note on Feb. lower* Umiled 10 the twelftb of tbe urlu ot popular oon- ceru at tbe MetropoUlan Open Honu and Dm- mw TboBpeoa'a "Bonn llloaliated aad lUsal- naled" at the Btar Tbeatre. Ir la iNaeiiNcao Ibat tbe aubecrtplon IM lot Ibe Uamroaok open aeaaon bu been cloeed. It awnnit lo |U,ea*-ao avenge et li.teo ler ever/ perfonaanea.