New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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Febbuaby 16. THE i^EW YORK CfLtPPlIR* 805 To Zoological Gordons, Circus Proprietors, Monagorio Ownors AND OXHKKS. mtcrtaat bildaess In Bluojw demAndlng my ftu attontlbn, oomptiU in* to OTFEB JOB BALB, by CurtlB and Bsorngftrden, AootlaaMTa, th« fbUowlng BliOTrt, Anlmala, FropartlM, eto. at |ilIUTIi1r< The IMIo<»lBK wall kttowB aalmsl (pwlalilM, i M abd lilannieii Prlac*. the cnat WrmtllBK liloat RICOA ilr raccMifal paind Alilmal Kihlbltlon knowa a> ROAH'S xi^allaee,* Moai bilhir - maiBiaceBU7 rarvwi and ||IIdMl Froat Batraacv, ltala«d LloBr ~ dsnolBg Polar Bean, Th* ab bat to ntpoatlble penoBi, with nllabis iiaanlBtM, pait c'oald Maad oTer, IkcllltiM from w«w Orltani 10 all parU. Forcatalogae aad Airthtr pBitleBlani,'addra> ROAH'a ARK, a comi t«|>«tb«r witb iBj lu, KaBBamM. tiaTellBH, aXL FCaracTi . tbe BBtanabl* llcai Bla Praak, aUat ortglaal boalBg kaBgaraei Mil*. Paallaa Raaa't matchlMt gtaap or fBII anwa RrpaoWc BD018 GBOIIP OP BBAVTIPVl. LBbPAIIDS, aad tha OrewBlag PMtai*. A* Weadart^l Tattoowl ga«i*d Alblae BaintI*. gllOOIIDLV. Tk« a complete ekow thtvagkoat al ipevb UlflUiryOtBaa (eqaalliag b ele< Thli magalfleoBt eihlbUlo naPlQi ad a Terttable moae: . baad or l« I tloa U conp] (bipplag , loe, Zebtaa, ttaaaga, Sebaa, iTo Ollded Pteat Batraae*. Baad Wagoai, Ticket oace, Honei, Poaloi, Bagglet, elOi PInUj, ai golBg coBcerat. wkea ir aot cold, wlirao alip* 'Torn BOW ap to da^ of •ale, located at Lee CItelo, Hew 01 by pablle aactlOB.(wlllioBt raerre). lereed la eeparato lota to lait panha*en> Toraee or eale, CASH, ^rleaai, wkon aalaaU, perfknaaacee. etc., aiar be eeeai Obeap VnXiftC C. BOM'TUCK, aa abova. NO PRIZES GIVEN AWAY WITH THIS SONa, JOT A GENUINE SURPRISE Is In store for tbe thonsandsof singers who have song with great snoosss the songs of AHBBIOA'B HBPBBSEIITATITS CX>U> FOBEB, GH A.S. K. H AiRRIS Who writes songs tbat appeal to the heart, and whoso titles, stories and oharaoters are eSi taken ftom real Ufa No fake stories here, bnt genuine merit, whloh counts in the song line. The grMktatt of aU Ue Boaga alase "ATTER THE BAIX," "WHILE THE DAHOE OOEB ON," "KIBS AND LET'S MAKE IIP,'"'rAIXEN BTTHE 33 WAT8IBE," and "UUDPIE SATS," i« eatiUad "FimmBsiiiio TMe BOBg will epeak for Itielr. No partlcalar BTtlit advertleecl la coaaectlaa with aajelBsloioagibat will gire all elagera, aloglag may ot my famoa* ■oagi, a ihow. We alwaye give credit where credit <• due. Proof ooples of "i'li'l'V- YBAHS AQO' will be sent to professionals only, enolaslng oard or programme and a two oent stamp. Orohestra parts by the eminent arranger, Jos. Claader, ten oents extra. It yaa aro Bot a profealoaal do aot lead for thie eoag, aa I will lake bo Botlce of BBF lettera without card or programmo eacloted. Write plBlBlf to yoan, xAfter the Ball," CHAS. K. HARRIS, Mysic PHbllshBr. MHwankae, Wte. BEVERIDCE'S NOW WILD WEST, MEXICAN HIPPODROSE. REflllNENT OF ROUGH RIDERS MD CONGRESS OF CRICK SHOTS to hear fMat people la all braaehoa of Wild Weet Rallraad aad Local Ooatrac- ton, Oar Hea. Cow Boya, Crack Bhota, Tronpe of Arabe aad A I?o. I Special Poa. tarei. Ijeader for Cow Boy Baad, alto Boia Moitler, Bota Oaavae Maa, Matter of TraaaportatloB, Chaadeller ataa. Bide Show aad Ckiacert Fesple, Side Show Baad. All hoatet Bddreu Maaagev, 75 Plymouth Place, Chioogo, ZIL All othera addreu BBVBgUDOBI & DAVENPORT, Bole Proprietora, TS Plymoath Place, Chicago, III. At Liberty after Feb. 23, Eo. LAIENGE and IRIGTON, THE ORIGINAL "BOWERY SPIELERS," A Big Hit with Hftllon & Hart's "Later On" Co., will dote a aaccetafal engagemcBt of elghteea weoka with eampaair OB data meB> tloaed abOTo. At liberty (br combiaatloae or datea forbalBBce of aeaaoa. liAWRllHOB and HAaHINOTON, care of liallea d( Bart'a Co., llaymarket TheaUe, Chicago, 111., week of Peb. IT. CIRCUS CANVASES, • FolMondStakoa, SBAT8, Fltfrn, Bte. gsan^ lDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIBHTS. ^u^uD uiTia, sun, m, lot uUi THE NEW HIT, PfelfPlfl isOfaj A BEAUnniLSONe AND CHORUS! WOROa AND HVBIO BT HABKY MOOKK. "The song birds sweetly sing of Pretty Phyllis Qray, ••They tell her of my true love all the day, «The nightingale Its tune "No more sings to the moon, "Bnt oalls the name of Pretty Phyllis Oray.- PROFESSIONAL CCHIES ON APPLICATraN. ORCHESTRA PARTS, 10 CENTS. OLIVER DITSON COyPANY. 403 to 4«3 Waablagloa Street, Boatoa. New Torki Phlla.i OITSON dk CO. J. B. DITBO.V &CO, CIRCUS CANVASES MADE BY S. So TUOBP & COe, so PDLTOn ST~ H. V. WATSON AND DUPRE, I'M 80 Looaa NOW BEADT, TH CnilMill FRIOX: as CENTS. POn BALB BV AU, nBWSDBAI,BIU. MARK LORING^ALUE LESLIE CHAMPION BUCK DANCER. ONE OF THOSE SECOND TO NONE 80UBRETTE8. Jait Onlilitd the roUovlac Wtittn Uiuuw: DaiUa't, BL Loila: Punlfi, OUuIduII: Bmpln, iBlUaarolu; "ftirSme ifc >liM OL»M MAyiAOBIlSI WlBHlkd TO PlIt ODi )|KW AOT. WHtbs'll A BOM BIO LIT, addioH naiettOLIfPEII. A CYCLONE OF APPLAUSE GREETS THE MARVELOUS ACROBATIC PERFORMANCE OF The Four Richards. Poarth Hoath with O. B. JePeiaoa, KUw it Erlaager'a Oreat PiadaeUea, Palaer Ooi'a "Biowalea." Kb Iloate. All wmmoaleuJoBt to DICK BICUABJM. aaieolOUPPP. MAJSTAGICRH. YOU MJGHT NOT BELIEVE IT. BUT THE JERRY CUNNINGHAMS LOUISE AlB pum One Boat aad IHoca eaet r'ASaoT'L.. nreoaa. Pot Ute act. Hldraia ^ u-t^ P.a-Do|ia dtlllbtu but and blu. lor 'lit Uiilr aalara U>. WANTED. A HRST GLASS MAN TO TAKE ENTIRE CHARGE OF SIDESHOW. OPENTIMEI ; BEVERLY, MASS. .POPUUDON,l3,O0a SUBURBAN VlUAfiEt, 4.00a _>^taaa itlta tnna Baakia. Oeod eee ml, ■ ■■ij a twUeeawtna Sejeiaa i» m nmBs w. AJ ■Ifbt I NEW BRITAIN SSBSi d J. W. RltWROIC, UueeaidBassisr. OPBg TUU VBB. 14 ta SS, PUiTUO PBIOBS, ftaaa Bneea la gftr eeat*. PUMPS For Compressing OXYGtN & HYDROGEN GASES "^ro CYLINDERS BY HAND POWER. PRICE S 15.00 SLND ro^ CATALOGUE NO £ TO CHAS, BESELER- 218 CENTRE ST, NEW YORK. "OBNTKAL" TRUNKS, Ml, UXt: Bin.. MO): Bla, ttJO; Bla, iUD; lOla., em; ttD., ftUXJO: OospaiBDaoi uw, ntu booM. Bi lUeireuDuULHJSenaplal*. BlU buk^DiaiU uuUe, SMO. Lliha traaka, OUAII laildt, Ilua BoiHtBdaktlaua loUeaan, BtS aad Bl JB. ttlpiMl oa leealpt of tlA baL 0. O. D., tieapl OT*r OO mOt^ tad maBtian' tnflka to ardtr. Ballaa Batata, «ltb nr. Uain eater, a(&. Bio., SIUO: Bia., BitJD: 01a. lUili BaakauablppadoaraoalptolpriML iUOnAOO., ^BNTBAI. TSDIIK PAOTOBT, EiUb.iaBl XI fonh TIbBttaal. miladalpliU. SPIGER RROSs Th* Ottir flni m>klagTlihb^9U0;aklrt;L |30D. IB vomsd nodi 10 Aoy dMirad oolor tad to m«Ul nMmr*. doitM UlrtSatlO: wtUaUibu^lliD lobUat, pUtk. Vbtt* UhI UT7 biB*. tiU Ufbt^ ■leoOparMt: Frog niUL 1700 to 11100; SufestBibLfuUD 10 ISiD: PaBpi,lM«.: Ositon. IliD BMd for ofttaJetao u« HDipIw olUftiU. BMioiktMbrBftlL anOEK BBIML 00 Btwt— B ATO.. Brooilf. W. T. "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR" TO THB "PSPPBID," aad the bat add* a ateat llab to ratf Aals or twe, If pea hafa a aoed portialt aalef mnaU for aunaaaiT aid adTtnulDi. Wa tttba lha rlfl kud rar (IXDP lO blade el eau br ttew pnaUai aladlaeaaaL Wilu CHICAGO nWTO ENBRAVINO CO., la Kadlaea By. Ubiaaao. LEHER HEADS, S5 UP. iad S aaet ettBp lai aaaplaa. SHAUi EXaKATUlO of eai daaa Uon. Saad «epf lor aa lf aai a ■ aadWOaaheSt.S.T. FUTUIE WIFE AND HUlMNDt •U. Olmltn aaa tmap)m. tm Mta FUTUEB OOM- Tb« bo«lWT«ltT for «lreaMa,BaJ*a— ' rJJff. T» «i*iThlrt—alb aamt, W. T. ''CALIOPES." Satt iei ^nrtaaa feu Maetaa: redasad pftaaa TBoL J nOUOI. * 00. OleaaaaU. O. KW TIKIS. Utnt EnpM Imttln gaaia.Btaa^BlibteadAattepuintllM iaadtaaatt EraeWoaaelaaaeL 10 MaU tortoBpMalliu; eapoetBl* ^uCTStof.iBICeaitlfaa.l.Beaw.'gaia SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. JddnatellkBaaip,, ^-TiOBTDlAJIR^^ Dor. Hk aad OolaBbia Bifem mpvrt Kp ia WILL TRUNI For roflgb haodUnf aad anaU ■ —' itot The meabera of tko IkeaUleal pnt)»Btloa, who have act eallad fbr nheanal at MIKE TEUER'S HOTEL AND CAFE, 701 VlDsStrsat. Pblladilpbli, Pleaie report darlag the eoailBg aeaaoa. la elate proalmllir te Vorepaagh'e, LrMaat aad KeltVe. Foar aloeha from Qllmora'a Aadllorlaoa. MIKE] XXlI^I^SlICt tieBcrsl Mmsgar, Lite of Chleggo. TO MANAGERS WHO WANT TO HATE DOLLARS INSTEAD OF CENTS, WRITE N^V^ S OW PR INT^. C O leS. ISO X'RANKr.IN MX., oxzio^ca-o, I H- 31.. , IF IN NEED OF PIIIIITIlie, IT COSTS BUT 2o. TO BET ESTIMATES FROV THE CHEAP EST HOUSE IN AMER ICA, NOTHING CHEAP BUT THE FBIGESt READ THIS OFFER. Darlaa th* monlh of F^bniMrf w* will glT« » dUcooal or 0 p«r c«mt« on all ordmn. It you bsTO n«iv«tr oar ttaliti try th*m nowi Foil llghu, cotton, - • Sl.OQi EqaMtrlsn anlrti, cotloa, il*0O| Fall tIgliU, wontwl, - - iH.lKli KqaHli laa alilrla, woMlf^, iH.UUl Fall tlghu, Ut ffrada wentad M TSt Bqaoatrlaa ahlrta, woratad, i4.T5| Wbltacanvaa gallora, cloth aolei, ll.OOi lealhar ael«i,tl<AUi Uathar Baltera, iMtbar aolot, $3.00 and $.1.(I0| ranvoo pampi, KA, 30, JO, 40. I) aad 00 «ontt| aapportara, SU, T5 aad tliiMi aatfa traaba, collar and caffa to mateb,apaaglad oad Irlmmad, Sn.OO par aalti clown aaltj, •t.M to ST.uOt clog ataooa, blaab, red aad blao leather, IflttN). HO pago lllaatrated oatalogae fbr 4 cent atarap. In ordarlajt aooda ba aare and Band slvea, (aeaanremaata and colnra. flantlon TIlB CLIPPDRt Terma, Sl.OO with order, balaace O. O. O* aao Main |iltroot.HprlU0lIol<l, Maaa. STEWART'S PRICia FROM SI0.00 TO 8200.oo ALSO, BOOKS AND MUSIC FOB THE BINJO IN BREAT VARIETY, STRINBS, HEADS AND TRIMMINBS. Bead for Illtrtiatad Prita LIU aad Oatalona. Tb»M lalamtad «lti do o.l) to taad 10a. la tunpt fai a aeay erras BARJO AKD ODTAB JOOkSALAdlnaa 8.1. ITEWART, Bsiilo Munftabirar, Nn. 221 ud 223 Ckurak IL, Pkllidstpkls, Pg. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE ink TON BBOADWAV, II. Y., OlfB INWB BBLOW NINTH gT. (rorawrlr 41 IUI4BD UBti, MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUC COODB. Oold ud BUTCT Uoti, rtugdi, IfaailM, Han, Tuuli, Brooaddi, TlibM. Hblru, rMdlnn. U*X, WIfi, BkoM and ianliT, TbeaOtoaJ, KauniUa u4 AttleUo Oooda, Oomman' ua Bxlie Hueii' MoppllM. run tut Banaan, Mllltair u4 iooxttf Tnmmlnfi. Armon of all kindi to oidar. Bend (or enimiwi ne latftat •■Dfniinit tai bmnot nook of Uun looda to bo round aojwur*. Olroolan free. tento.0. D. FOR J. W' COOK'S BIO RAILROAD SHOWB, Wllil, BUY OB LIABB ONM gTtWIt VAH, MUSEUM XMD OA.BNIVA.L. OF' NOVKLTIKH. People tm mil broaehee ot tbo olroaobailBeaa mmd atdeahew. Want oaegoed Baad ofBii Flecee that caa doable la Orcbeetra. Performere and ehoer people addreoo - lllaaeBatlTo. Vtaaadellor * "^"'-natora aad Mo. Prar. jr. W. COOK, Belbaajr, Mo. T«eo weeka'tlloaeeanalllaaegatlTe. Vtaaa and caairaa maa addreae B. I, HOWBLL, BelhaDr. no, Aaeata, blllpoatoi olbera addreaa <i. B. MePADOBN, Albaar, HOLMES' STAR THEATRE, JAT AND FULTON STREETS, DROOKLYN, N. T. JOHN 'W HOI^MXX, - Fropriotor nntl Bfiinniror. na eiar wlU be teUralr ledteoietad. ra^laitd t^reaiboaL tod elli be d.Tolad ta aaotloaoaj ptrfAnaaaea, bl|b data ▼aaderl)l.,oMra,aecBtdf.ala.,trtaaatlBfDaiblai hut iba r.rrbaM. mtblt. It iha me.tpwalar thee- In la Brookljo. Waatad, tobMr EraBtot Ttrr beM anIH. lo tb. Taea«.llla jmlwaloa for tba aoMlBg aattaa. WrllijoerlevaatunDiatoaaa. JOIII W. HULMH, in aiailla. naaa, InMlria R t. HEHRT O. MZHER'B ENTERPRISES. Ifauy O. IflMv'a riflk Atmbs Ikaatra, If. T. Btmrr 0. mmm'a VamI*'* Tkoatro, M. T. Haair O. MlBMr'a Wavavk TWtra. Kawwk, M. J. Vamrj O. Mlaar'o Bowwf Tkaatra. If, T, Raur O. MlMv'a Elohtk Ava. »••«*•, ■. V. iiaaia AddreaK mita - Adi<raa.alei> IIBIIRV t1, MINBII. Mi A.M.eTkteli^ «, T. TWO OBEA.X C90N0H. By LOUIM W. ROtitUOF. «8KEKING CHiiBITY,^ A Great Palhetle Boas, aad (tglNCi: OVB MOTHER PA88EI» AWAY," A eeaa that aeTor laiU te briaa tearata Iheeree el aa aadieaca. Will be teal lapn. feeaieaaU aeadlag profraBma or card lor lOe.eaeb. Addreea L. V, IIOBKOP,Patai- eoB Aveaae, Patenoa, n. J. P. N.*Hy latetl, <*AII Ibr a Daace,'* will aooa be raad^« H mm s mm ^^^^ BBUABLB VvIGSA'M.BucIi&Co ■ ^BBH ^B^F IM ffaitlilllath M., Phlla. ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ M a MB a H A d-awBAH A B A H^aaaain «A*viarArvnna aiiAiiAavHa Abalardo Lowande aad Wif«« KQUEHT'XUAMM WITH MTOOK. irawvllbOcilada'tOlma (l«arth Maaee), la Oaba. Weald Ilka to anaaf a wItb rtipeaable aaaafen tofitMeB efua for IbalrprladDelaauaadtvo bora, (ernlaeaet Addi... ' • of mAnIibL nowBg, Bereadeeea, », Hayaaa, Oaba. MAGIC TBICE JUGGLDSTa GOODS»