New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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812 THE ISTETW YORK OLIPPER. PEBBUABY 23. — ne "014 Firmer Ilopklnii'' to. clout ti Front ROT>l, V*.,ooucaont at tho IIIdcm of Frank H. liivldnoD, who It «utrgrliii Inm norroun prontri' IIOD. Vx». llarldiioD Ibfurinii u» tlitl tho compun; will 001 reaane IK lonr llilii wtaon. We btve elu rtMlved llie followlnn. elgncd li; ever/ momb'r of Nii eompiD/: "We opened llie neuion Aug. It, ODd for iwenij nve weekn we pUjrcd to UDlforinl/ good liuiloeu, allbouRli ancaontcrlnj vcr; bid wcalbor llurlag our latl i<ro weeki, Hpcnl In lleleware and Hirjland, tbe air proved loo malailoua for III. No leaa than Ibrce inembeni of tbe com panj, one after tbe olbcr, were liken alckvrllboiii a momeot'H ncilcc, ond unanlc lo lake tlieir parte, Hr. ItovldaOD Rot ncir people aa rapldlr aa poral' iile, In the meanilno douiillOK parfa hlmaelf^ Oo Feb. 7 be waa taken down wlib nervoua proaira' lloD, but bold bla company loRclbcr live dara after- wanja. hoploi analnid bopo. li;rore bo wonid rItc ibe word dliband. For twcniX'Ove wrekanol one of aa failed 10 receive our aalary, and tbe vcrr lieM ireaimentpoHalble. Ilefore alarilnt for nnr differ- ont bnmea we will aitaob our Klinaturca to tlila andaend It to tbe inper IbaldcaH juillj wlib all men. We eincercl; bope Nr. Havldann win aeon li; blmiririvBlD." — Tbe nianajoia of 'ThalOlrcuadlrl'U^ write; "Wc traveled from Hiroudaburii lol.elEbInn I'a., Iir W4r of alcKb. a diatance Jf fiiny-nvi- mtlm, ibrouab tbe mounlaloa, lo onlcr tn b? on ilino for our perlormaoce at r^aoafnrd. Wo left Htiniidii- lium Fell, ». after Ibe atiow, at ulnvcD u'cloek ai nlibt. The company, coonlatiOK of foiinecn people, wji Id oiio mclgh and Uic bainio In anotbor. Wo arrived In Ulnlilon at nine A. M. Tburndar. and tbero boarded ibo iralu for Una- ford. Hot one momlisr of the company dlaplayed anyalgna ot boinR fatlaued aflcrlboir lung, ledl- ouaand llreaone Journey," — "IllBbt and H rong," wblch la lieing played by ino May Vokea Co. Ibrouih Ibo Weal, la aald to !« a pirated veralon of "Ttie I,oji1 I'aradlao." Mra. Do Ullle Intenda bringing aiill aaalnal Ibo coni- pany. — acolt Nartile. wbowroie-'llownln l)l«lo"ror Davlai KeoRb, baa liecn commla^loned towrlie two more conieiiy dnimaa foribein. —8levo lirollo, wbn la now Marring In "On Ibe liowon," baa made Ibo laai naymoot nn iwolirowo atone four atoty bouaea on Kaat Tbirleenib Htrcel, Ibla city. — William Wanon Hbaw, wbo la lo inarry Hina Von Uoeuboir, Ibo ptioclpal conlnlio of tbe l^vary llrand Upcra Company, wai formerly ibo ptlnclpal tenor ot Ibat ennipany, and not la ibe cborua, ea reported. Hr.Hhiw realgncd hiapoalilon wIMi Ibe coDpaaylo litcomo Ibo traveling aakvinanfora Oblcaio piano lirni. — V. C. Ullpin and Ulara I.iiganiua, of the Mlllnn uwla Co., an nported to bavo iicen mirrtcd at Aiblaud, Wla., Feb. 7, — "Hiirneeiboro. 'aii'a fouraci war drama, by ■tarry lluWiell, wlilcb la founilcd on tbo liaitia ot Hb)ne lUver, waa ecied for ibe Aral ilnio at ibe Urud Open !lou<o, Naabvlllo. Tenn., Jau, 14, — Albert Tledoman la now Ibo wilu manager of Ibo Joale lloblnaou Co.. and ruinrlagouO liiialneaii Ibrougb Wlaconaln. Tbo company; Joalo llobln- eon, lAltle Mavball, Mlaa lluab. Anle Ijaoalng. Will banilDg. UbarlcH Unalng. II, II, Walroua and Will Niendort. -"Mavei of Hold" will commence lla Spring lour *l Uavlln>a Tboiiiro, HI. Loiila. week of Feb, 74. After lie ongaiemeni In HI. UoU it will lie aeon lo Indlanapolla, l>olrall, lluniilo. Hyiaciiae and other cllloa. Tbe cjuiI wiIIIio Ibo name aa during Ita lour Id tbo Gaau — "The Ulitb uf Vonua, or tho Halo and Ibo Hodel," a iwo aol operatic comedy, by K. Jakobow- akl and J. W. Herbert, waa produced ul the Lyceum TDoatie, Ilalilmore, Hil., Feb. ii. — Hra, Edward claninco (Jcnalo Warner) luia loft Ihe hoapllal, fully roooveroil Irani la griptit, but will be unable to leave licr home ibla Wlnicr. Fricnda ai« Invited to call al bor realdonce, 943 Hecond Av- onne, Ibla oily. — Kotea from llatca' nranallo Co.: Col, M, A. Ilatea' comedy aucoeaa, "Tbo King of Tranina," opeoed Ibe aeaaon ai Mcinpbla, Mo,, Feb, 11 to tj/ll. 0. Toe company numboia alxioeo people BDd a tramp band tod orobuatr*. Tbo romer; Olallaica Uonna Tarltoo, Trixlo llarlnw, Harry Do Hello I. W. Ujrmore, W. H. Welli Wm. Ulller, I.iiic lliid- ■on, Harry Woema, lloy birilib, ciiaa. II. CoIhou, Harry Olaaa, Fred llborar aud Ubaa. Ilcrllon, It. A' ,D«le«.^'nanagor of ibo coiapaiiy, prewoled Do Hello and Tarllon wlib ahandaomo waicrapanlcl pnn. Our route Ilea Ibnmgh MiMOurl, Aikanaw and Texai. I" monaglDB Ibe Auailn MuMr- u Union, In Aualln, Tex., and eoacblog people for toe atage* — WDllamF. Koobealerhaa broiigbi aiillngtlnat •••^J-P^T? WW'"" "> '»» ""r Court 10 re- iwvor IDlt, olalDOd to Iw duo biragolt and hla wife Annie. Hr. Rocboetcr clalraa ho aud bla wife wcie eogBgea hy Hr. Mwarda for iblrly-nvo weeta In Ibe aeaaon of INI-J, lo piay comedy paiia in ibo Sieiailo |<roduciloii known bh 'Ynu Kbcuive." r. Hochcaler waa to tocelvo «7t a wuek aud bU wire lit. On Sept.« Hr, hklwania gave Iho uaual two weeka* noilco. — J. U. Stoddard baa been engaged by Charlea FiDhnwn loriho Kmpiro Thrmro atoek. thia ciiv. — Daniel Fnhinauhia oDgagcil Cecil HorlouVork 10 plar hoavlea next aoaauD, — Oladya Wallla will ap|iear lu "Faneliou'i uexl aeaaoo. — "ThoTliloofClty I,lle"l» Hie llllo of a inolo- dnma, by Okarlea Uvorton.whleh will bo pnxliiced by Kale Olaxlon at an early dale. — Cbarlotie Uurand (llcnillcka), a mcinlier of ilio Irving llaco Thraire (X>„ ibla eiiy. aud liaron Fred enck voD UuBunyl (non-prDrcMbiual| wore iiinirlpil Ft:b, II, In Ibo Ooveriior'a lloom nf Ihutliy lull ihlaclly.bif Chief JiiaitcoKHIch. — The «m of William I'riiolie receully imwuliil ber buabaud wlib a liabv boy. , J" V'*'?.".'"' "•"'"on was granted a illvorco from tJbarloa bdward liauillioo ou Feb, 13, In Ihia cliy, —The principal feauira of "Kaja'a Wife." a new pantomime aeon lo be prodnoed lu Parte, Fruce !f 'i?■""> *>»lli Wayoung Kogllati omoer. luthuaeene Hala'a wUe, eotlielt anrnnndad hy namta, la reaooed by tbe youog em. oer, woo maoea ihiougb the At« and oanlea awai Uie woinin, ptoleoted by bla fellow aoldlen, tK pantoinlme li In preparaUoo. and will b« prodncod InParladnrlngttemoDtborHarch. •""""'^ — Jennie Piatt, laio leading lady wHb Han*T ud H«ok>a -'Ptnolgaa'a Uall" Oo„ ulu lo tboBlaten' Boipltal,lMaH'>lnoa,la. ' '"° ,r''A,'''."".''<"^' wrlleina that hehaarooon- -The AbberUnmaUe Oo., noder the manaie- nentof Hia.Uatile Uowole, waaaoowed In foFiwo daiiand loat fear dalea, but they are od the nad, dolDf a hotter bnalDeta than ever, ihay Inform UL They oany a band of ten pleoea, be«ted by Malar llwryLoiao whou niaklnga hit with bU double !f. i'.V.S'"'""' K rtolhl a •t aol with hta anate drnm. Toe roater: Hra. « ^^I'i""?""- o"""! Anna sl JoS H» Weldrlok, Lura Tbompaoo, Major Hun Lonn Waaler Kogenu UarryTjv^ngaione/ l'r3, kSSE PItiM, Kioer Bmiih, baud iMdorjl'nuk LymSi, Hoy Uooiluie, Uernle Leel, and Chaa. uTBakor ad' TtBoe aflenu ii?" """noo Brookway Joined tbe "81 Ijrklna" Oo., in rbUadelphia reoentiy, uiU belM their ieeond engagemeni wlib the oonipanT - — »nie Ponndilng'■ a three act taroo oomedy, by W. Ljatocqand K.ll. Robaoa, waa played to?tS iril line In Amarloa at Uooler'a Thoaira, Cbloaio III., F«b. 13, by Obaa. Fnbnian'a OompiliiiT ^ SlSffc!? "lil " TwyaTheiire. Lon- don, Rnf., Anf. SO, 18M. — "Oiliar reople'a Mane/," wbloU Obaa. Dloktoo " ««• Atademi of Hoalo, Montreal. OaS; ki.".f!!S^.fS?^y" ^ '""^ '"4 Pool from ii. ■??....fumpuv to one 01 hla "In on Kaaiaoky"oompaaiw. •-^'•<^ . " ""niaon haa aooepled a new play writ. S'v <»»«ihor'3r-The Diauiot AUoraei." Tae uita of the pleoe u The FrtMMartmaa.'' It u daaortbed u anmaniic wui mnir* a Uig* oMt and al*boi«ta aeeoerr. — "A Yabnlne reitletnan." ooa iiMM>a naw Bwedlab.Aoenoan «m ™'h«a t^'SS^,'°tM^ Mr. LIU will have It prodnoed mxitooUl «^»S2"Srj''.,H"»' V "» Informed, hai been SSi'J"..S,'*S..2L'"'"'^ •» H»J Wa lonr aol it** 'om^Wh." tor iwoWnOtod SS«SS w toe urder luruu^houi i;«o.d», n««a<^ — Boymonr-Slniton Hota: The SntnoBr-Btnt- los Oompur, alUiongt btdir crlpplad, have been playing to good bulneii In Shenandoah. Pa. The coDnnrwiacangbt In Ihe bllmril at Aailaod, P*., wsei niFeh. 4, and tbe roater baa been mora or leia atreoled. 0. J. W. Roe, hoalneaa maiuger; Jamoa B. Oonu, II. T, Brale, W. 0. TawneeoOaTe been III. Tbe proprtelor, J, A, OnMIn, and hla wife have given eretT atunuoo to Ihe aick, devoilnt th*lr time both day and night to ibeir care, fur which they have the neartfalt ibankaol iheamicted peo- ple. — Oq Feb. U Manager Jaoeh LIU will lanneh hit lateat venlnre, "The War of Wealth." at the Cheat- not Street Open nonie, Fblladelpbia, Fa. -Sadie RaymoDil and ber entire oompanT were hanqnetted by the oltlceniof JackaoD,Ha., while the oomptny were playlDg an mgagement men Feb. II. An enj iyabie time waa had by all pre*, ent The oompany la now lo lie twenly-llfth week, and bnalneaa la reported good. — 0 V, MottOD Informa oa that bo la back again with "A Baggage Obeok" Oo., playing wiilie walte and Oaogood aod managing the atage. — Noteafrora Dyde'i (tomedy Oo,: Tbe weather la getting better for trmvaUng cotcpanlo, and we have muagrd tu nil all datea eo far. We are now on our toortli week of retom ditet and ate doing a better bulnfta iban ever before. We are going back tn Indiana In one week. "Leola," onr aon- bretle, la anirerlng with a aerare cold, and wu no- able to appoir Feb. 12-14. Rate Baldook, of the Baldoeka, Lonia and Sale, la III with long lever. The other nemberi are all wetland happy. Little Mae and Jane are great favoilm. — "Jack aod Jill" Oo. Notea: Bnalnettoonllonea big with ni. We played to s. R. o live nigtia In the week at Vlailla, CaL We have made aeveral eliangea In onr company lately, and now carrr aevontoen people. Roaler: Sun T. Bliaw, pro- nrldor; F. II. Weaver, agent; A. B, lutnahnrg, bnaloeaa mtnager; Harry Boltti, nrcheatm leader; Andy HoKay, Jno, W. Uorner. B, M. Orimiih, Jack Ueek, nerh McOregor, Olarenoe Robbena, Cal Divenport, Lew Ooddy. Lincoln J. Pilomer, Jeaale Shirley, Nellie Maine, Elate Uamtnan and Hoe, On, — David O'Brien, of O'Brlen'a Oomedlaos, bu oloead hla aeaaon for the preaeot, aod la permao- enuy located at Levatior Uall, Clnoinnail, 0,, u manager, playing light enleiuioment* with a thoa- trleal ageoey and teaching amateur*. May Rowe, late leading lady of hla company, la one of the In- itnciora. — W. Horrla niia. pUnUt and leader, ealled tor Jaekaonvllle, Fla., Feb. is. where be Intendato stay for the remainder of tbe Winter, — Nolea and Roeier of tbe O'Ormond Oo,: Arthur D'Ormond, yonngeal brother of our lUtr, lolned tbe ooDpioi Feb.II. Onrrepertoryloolndta'■Othello," "Virglnlne," "Ingnmar," "Damoo ud Pythlaa," "Marble lltsrt" and "FantL" We are playing to Good bnilneai throngb llllnnla. Roater: Thoi- E. [acdonald, Lewla P. Horrlaon, Arthnr D'Ormond, AI, W, Croa*, Edward Ilalatead, laabell* Haodon- at<i, Elma Elton, Nellie Thomaa, Agnea Fuller and John D'Ormond, A. P. MoKce, moilcsl direrior. — II la aoDoanced that Juitin UnnHy HcOtriby baa followed Ibe example of hli wife, Olny Loitai, and leR Ihe employ of Angnatln Daly. He came to tbli oonnlry laet Fall aa (nnaialor ud adapter of play* for Mr. I) ily. -Manager A. H. Palmer baa pnrohaaed tbe Amoncw ngb'a for a play by Alexander Blaaon, entitled "Mooalenr )e Ulreoieni." — Oeo. H. Bell writea: "Prof. Nelaon Zelgler and myielf, aince oloelog with the Baldwin-Rugcn Oo., haro been making arraogemeuti for pniung our own compiny on the road. We bare everylhlog In good abape now, and will uke Ihe road Feb, -ii. will tour Tenneaioe. Virginia and the Oarollnaa, making two and three nigni atanda. We will carry eight people and anorobeitra of aix niece* " — Toe U I'eUie Rota Oo., which cloeed a few werka ago In Northern Mioblgan, wiu be roorgu- l«d by Will K. Haaon In Cleveland, 0., and take the road In a few weeka. The onmpaay will make week atanda, and pbty throngh Ohio exeloalvely. — Kotea from Oeo. A. BlU'aBUudardTbeaireOo.: We have been playing to nnltormly good bnelneaa all tbruogh North Oarollna, allhougii ibe wea'her baa beenlbe eoldeat for muy yeara. Alice Kemp la well liked by tbe Bonthem people, and la beoom- Ing quite a favorlie. Tbe company nnmbera twelve people, and will tonr Booth Carolina, cloatng oar aeawo there, which baa been, ao far, oooildeilog tbe time*, a fairly prosperonn one, — A aealed verdlot waa given befoie Judge Ae- drcwa on Feb. 16, In Part II of the Sopreme Oonrt of Ihia Btala.ln tbe caaa ot Stephen Leaoh,manager of "The Dark Secret" Co,, agalnat the New York. New llaveo and nartfoid Railroad Oompanr, Tho JadgmentlaforiheplalnUITfariaaodaniage*. The railroad compuy did not deUver aconery in time tor a performance. „ - ™'? • ft™* •« Buffalo, Feb. 29, for tbe MlQard Flllmor* R.ofP.Lodge! About l,e«i tiekela have been aeldaofar. Irene Tay- lor, Oeo. P. Drew and other well known prof<«aion- all wUI appear. "Divorce" wlU be the blU pra- tented. ..m.^SJ'.*' .""^ •ngaged by Robert UUlUrd 10 elage hla new plec^ "Coat, 24 noin." -''Uncle JoahBpmoeby"Notea : We at* playing to nod hoalneaa ttuoogh the WeaL Nep ScovlUe aod Delay XobUn ua reoeot addlilon* to the oom- Bwe mliaed no ittuidi doring the recent blii- batHr.Uwla, onr manager, wu mowed In ree dava at Philadelphia, Fa. ■-Mane Melville Hall, lb* two year old daoghter of tloirard and Viola Hall, died Feb. 7, at Debtor, MIoh,, from loog fever, — 0. ByroD Archer lofovma aa that he 1* not • member at tbe Van Dyke and laaton Oo, — Reward i Doyle have been appointed repre- aentatlve agentator the South and Weei by Robert K'Ai'i:S!i?''P'"'.'"*»f<" '«»•''• (Bart- ley Campbell) playa from plnatea- — auaya Lee. who baa been teaUng with friend* In Andereon oo account of having an openlloa performed on her eye*, expeoii to head » concert oempaoy of ber own next Mawo, ..7, "'^•5'' '»«>4 Fliher'* Mnelo llall, at AndenoD, Ind,, ud expect to ran It a* ■ Ini out* theatre. There hu been no taonae at thla plaoe for two veara. .vT^S^iJ" H*™' """'""l illrwitor Noi* JoUllr playing the moalcal onmedy, 'The Kodak." olcaea Feb.-ie with that company. «™-l!r.!2?'A!f'^*.J**' ""••"o*! oompinltehavo oompUlned abont tbe exoeaalve oharie for coatom bonaeanUeaonioeoeryand paper going Into Vlo- loformed that 0. B. Fee, general nimnaer and ticket agent of the Nonhein SJTao'RXSd OoS puy, haa made arrugemeoia with tbe ouitom Bonae omoiala In llrlUah Colombia to miS* ue duty tiom II to II, and not to exceed U, on wtut ever aeenery or paper oomputee may have, f-r is.""!?' 5"I? tecelvcd an of- fer from K. B- Oaver ey. of London, Eoi for atoprottlM largereluea of Uiiit UrtWiuJ In- land for the aeavioof I8» blaTMiSSnlu vetiloo of "Rip Vu Winkle,* the thfrd aotot wbleh la prodnoed with eleoirlcti oirccta appnprT aislo the well known legend, tbe anpporUigMm- pwy to h« engaged abroad, excepuog^ giohui (Hn- Uuni forffietoben and L'lUo Il.nrletw ud Uhai lull* fur tbe two oblidren. De doea not Mate that he haa aooepted tho oiThr, --Cherry Blopaon, who u atiraoUng oonalder- ablealienuonvvlib her vocal apeolaiuea In Wen. oey'a "Flama." Ualao a piaolat ot marked ability. Uer rewot rendltlona of tt* moat dlinoalt woru of LluLRublnatetnudother maalenbeforealinn ud demonairauve aodleooe have lodnced eeverE manager* to make her oiTen for ooncen reeliala. and It la probable that ahe wlU aoon b« heudin eoterulomentaof ihatordrr, "'~'''~ """i"'n Illlobte Ling will lUe hla place. "<"•• — William F. Uoey baa unonnced that he wlU not aur next aeaaon. lie doee not Intend to reUi* R'leeUta'SSd'"" ""' '^•» »' "Wo" DrTiSiRrbWien'^blMil? S'ui.!?nS°,S?ni.'^ — »^»^' •» — Kaite Bmoeit totenda to Introdnoa aeveral novemei In her pndaoUoo of "An Amerlou Boi" oexleeaaoD. Theit) wUl be* aoene i«pre*enllng railroad. wlUh a view ot the olty by night, and moving train* of car*. A huge gnin elevator oo Uie Bod*OD,udve*ael* mevfngoolhe rtuS;wiu foriD another aoeoe. She wui ouvy a rigunffla |l»»»«««»iitKaUeEBmeli'*New York •iBmban.L tlie latter being oompoeed of ativet nnhloa. The •Mo^^wiu be eUbonia ud the oompao^ Mil b* K^^'!!,w*!£f « B'«>Wo Belle." by Wm. KeUer Hack, waa p^noed ai Booolon, k. /, Feb. \ A play oaUed "hlephoola," opoo wbleh Itau Pleo* b probab^ fooodeS^ wu pnt oo the md ta ingnm^ssvbnt waa abort itvSi. ne lit^Sied play waa of Aeapootaoulv order. """""""" — Elmer B. Bllaworth, hnilnea* m»««— » of "A ne piece haa been almoai -'oertndV'Baynt* hu Joined "The Bad Boy" — "TU* OalltoniA Road Agent," which wm pnt on *t Bopklni' Thestre, BL LonI*. Mo., Fab. 10, U Wm. Poni*'* old play, 'The Well* "W., EJP"" H(**eDg«r.''wbleh wu played for the nnt ttme abont twelve leari aio. t1i( ~ enurely rewritten. Oo, — JniepbUait,of Ballra ud Bart, will, aa pre- vlonily annonnced, head the noatcal comedy, "A OayOld Boy," next leaeon. Ue will have the in^ Kttot » good compuy. The chtrioler vvmtA the papular comedlu will farolih elm with toll icope for hli reoognlied ability. The compuy li well booked at niai claa* konie*. -"Acne* the Potomac" cloeed He tonr Feb, IS, atColn[nbna,0. John H. Mack, who bu been with the eoopui for twenty two weUa, reperia meet- ing with encceu with hu baojo epeclalty. Be played the role of Epbi*lm. — L bin haciMMd the Pennjylvula Senate fix- ing lloeD*e*u follow: Theatre owner* In eltlea of the ant olaaa aball pay tuo.aeoond olau 1200, third claN |7«, and borough and townihlpi ISO a year. — Mra. LesonRitbbnn, mother ot Annie WblUngi died at the leildenoe ot ber ioo, Wllbert R. Rath' bnn, In thla citr, on Feb. >, In the Mventleth year of htr age, nf fa prfppr; and pnenmonla. — W. F. Evana I* no lonicr connected with Ed- win P.TlUa. -Hty Mortimer rejolou Floivnce Blodley'i Oo. on Hareh 4. — Marie Bodworth, LtlMu Dn Bol* tod babel Moaber, ot the Lyceum Udle*'<}aartet, who have been ilnging lo ''aUmonda" at toe Fifth Avenge Tneaire, thla city, dartot the entire mn of the piece, b*ve been engaged for Mlaa Daveopon'i iraTellog compaoy. — W, J, Holme* hu cloMd with "McHnlty'a Vl*lt" 00, Ud joined J. II. WaUia'a "Budit King" Oo. — Tom MarUn'a "Breezy Day" Oo. report good bniloen Uroogh HlnMian. Roater: Tom MarUo, I,«opold ud Oretn, BofiBlopaon, Ckai. Bird, Hay Folun, Hand Uuley, Cba*. Uiil, Bale Suir, Oeo. Uawley, muager; E, B. Roger*, advaooe. — Johnnie Pflngte wu made a Knight of Pythlu In Edgewood, 8.1)-, oo Feb. 12 —Toe AodyAmun "CltmnBweep''(}o. open their Spring waton In Efflngham, III., Feb. 21. They will ^lay a beoeflt for Ufayette Lodge, No. r», K. of P., n BL Loola, Mo., Feb. 23, lo the entertainment haU. —Tmj Oomming* hu incoreded Harrlaon J. Wolfe M Co). ElllDghtm, Ihe young (^ofedtrale offlcer,ln "Sbenandoah.'i — wn. Morrow, we are Informed, look a epeclal compuy to Wllkeibarre, Pa., tor Feb. 7-0, to play "That (Jircna Olr)." Toe caat Indnded Ubarlt* Bagar. Alt. Bamplon, Lonli Wealey, Obaa. Prince, Btlie Feoton, UatUa Oeliwood, Marie Walton, Hn. Cbu. Oaylorud Ftwikle BL John. Mta* Sbjohn pbiyed Hie tlile role In ananutle manner. SbeaUo inirodoced heroostorilon ud acrobMIc daoolog. — J. 0. Feoton bu recoveied from u attack of i|otor.y lore th roat. RHODE ISLAND. ProTidence.—Feb. ll-lt wu a great week boih ID tbe war of altfaellona aatf boi olOea leotlptl. At Krilb'i Opara IToaM "The VtiWt Aactlon" playtd lo lh« capultr of Ihe hooM at Dloe parlonniacM. ind od Siianlir Blatat penpla wm« tamtd away. Th:i wMk Carl A DuwlD, Id **Tb« Silver gleg," nakei hli anaflil vlilL Xtil WMk, Mr. ami ■n.CUnt Byron la "Iba Urn u<11>owwior Lit* " Tui rnnriDiHOB Oraui Hoosa vai eark It, It, IS, oaoMd ^y fillara ot "tbo PrnOlgil Daogbur'' Co lo tp- \i^T. 7n« oonptny had wtno floasoul dlOlcQltr aod ihrlr HoDoiT wii hald. Tlia oorapaoy Uld oT<.rboro dduI 14, wheo Ihoy waat awar, tbe maUarboloK aOlaitad lo UiailliOMADtiy waa nloaitd- M. AdOkiod, irauonr ot Iba I'mvloioca Opwm OoaH,ii now oat wlib tbe co., and will iuy with lb«D unill b« aoia mooay wioaah to n«b* op Iba loM e«a*«d tho oiaoaiaoitnt by Ibe oi-a kp- Pf anew or tbt eompaar at >bo ueairo. Pel*. 14, U, M "Tbt PMolog MiQw" oaplored Ibo paitooi ai oolhlDe elMhaailoDoat tbl« booM durlog Ibtoouoo. Fob. IS- IS "Tho QUI I Ult BlblDdllo:"l(sa,l7,eol SoilhBu- loli: >a Hordi 1,1, "A Bloak nlup" wnnimaa TgaiTai.-Fob. H-tS RilUy A Wofid'a Show tad OoitDo. tbo dooeor, did tbo UiXMt wook'o bailooM ID Ibo hlilan of Iho bODM. nil wool Mluo'i City Oloh Uo. ploy a nUn dila. rob. B-Manh 1, "Old AkoodO YoDtL" TiownaiooB'a Rrai Tnaivaa-rak. II-IS, Dan Mo. raitbr, id ■ no Prldi of Kayo" aod Tba Rambler from narr,'^ gtvo Mturoclioo ODd ooloyod good baalDo*. Tfail woak KalhorlDt Robor ra ''A DornlDa u Ban." TblihODoo lo plobiaiopwoDdorfbUyudhuioiDelliol cloao auraoiloDi booked. lanarav mix-Fob II tbo two cooMrta glien by Roua ■ Bud OIltd tho boon. nobaodeuDoiuidirlb* nonoioiiioBl 01D. W. RooTOfl,or Rmtoo' AmorlcoD Bond. Nora-Obu. HoNiniori ibi bImo muupr of" rbo Ivy Lot" On. waa Id Iowo 14 Bod aun.wbo wu boiolutwool aboidol Ibo am I Loll BobiDd >•,■ oovorod bio ooBBoodoo wiib that oonpaar Peb le. to ii^ abrad ot "A Oilolr Qlrl" Co. John Ranklo. door- lotporoflbo ProvIdtDoo Opora Hoolo, la eooaood la ilobomaby u attack ot Iho irrip Hanuor Thoe. Trawbrldio, ottbo Riar ThoatrB, wu Id Xowtork Utt weak Moauar Pnak llowo, of' Cor Bailioid Hu," r*?..'° Wl'J w- J- '^aola KIrka doBodwilh ^ibrop-a Bloot rob. >, to Boppoct JoaJ DowllDg,ln ■«apt DooDO, D. a A." niOiabam Conoort olion D kD>K Hall. Rooday. 17. waa waU anaadiir Tiia f" i^C" **" "HIlB OllaiLOoa WIUIaiBa, LIlllsDObMlor. Porrii ud Cluk, Cbu. T. OHllor. Pal' eua()iar(aL Ohu Siaooa, Jolla liuaop. Rood Blid Qoonot Waller Poraaodai, Jnbn Paltu, Fnak Bala aad a (lasd orcboatra ....Tbo BoitoaSympboay Or. ohsotn WlU ilvs tbeir lltb oooooit at IdIuut BiU. Pawtocket.—AtLothrop'a Otud Opera Home. Pob. Il-ts, Blokaid P.Ownll.iD '^ha Italian Padnoo,'' dldaltlrwoot'oboalDOH, nii weak Mav Sollh Bob bloMB;.lilu«Tilil^"lollowod bp JO..J. DowUdEui '■OopL Uoiroo, U, g. A." ■ MICHIGAN. Dttrolt.—At tlie Lyoenm, lut week, "Ptlncea BooDlo" wu fovoiBd by fair oliad tnrooata. Dnaon OraRi Hooei "Bowini tbo wind" thla WMk, 'Tba analr aitl" Pab B-n. foUowod by Da Woll Uoppor la "Dr. SroUi" a naioh I. Laatwaak, Jo*. Muiohy did ootdo u woll u fonnorty. wanwar'a OuaoOraai Uon*.-This weak, "Spidor ud Pip." Lut weak Bob norlor, la "dpoit McaUla lor," fMkad, tbo houe at ovoiy porfonnuo* Moil weak,''BID* JouB " 0>arBii.L'a Earia* T**tTai —nii wook, "Spiolal Dallvoiy." Lut wook "Tho tTolonol osd I 'did ootdo •oty wait Nnt wook, Du MoJanhy, la "Tn* Iilib Haorta. WoHoxauao Tnaivaa aaa Mean—(?arto btll-Eli B«W0Bn0BlOBiW0Dd0I},0oil4 (tbO AUtlwllBB AlbtOO), Blilu (Btrool ami and tba Ilallu Qlpay Oreboam Tbuuo-roDloboDlBroa,iho BovnoDa Map Uoor. Mar. lowo ud Plaahotl, lb* Bowu Broa. aad Low BaadaU. Grand llapMa.—At Pow*n> Opera Hon** "flpldor aad Ply" plarod laaanollbonMPob IL "Ubar. loi'o aoBI,"l\plaiodlo»aH.O.'' UomlDi: IS, alba Itoywood. lo *^j«wood Polka;" 11, n, "Bobla Hood" Opora^Oo.; B, "TooDg Mib. WinlbTop;" XT, 9^ "Sboro auaopraaa Hoo*a.-»Tb* Oallor BUTo."wo*k ot !lt,Playsd 10 lood bDilDOoa Uomug; Wuk ot IS, Wllooo Day'BlTo ; avi7. LODdon BalUa Bpoololir Co. BMiTw a Oraaa Hoeaa.—Woak ot iS: Tbo WballavL LaliloHluloe, KoUlo Bobdmi, Blaaloy Pray. Manual ooUQuarut, lloldoo aad Cn r, Piuk WilllomwDud Ibootaok. wiiiikin B. llnllb,propriotor or tblahoou. oalond a oinkool patalioiilaat wook wbllo od bla way "l.'J*'?**'^ maooiod to raaob tbo opara boDH w UioaloBaiBiaaoa,ud u bo nadoaUpatwrwonobla wlto wusDmmoaod,aad Hr. Aillhwu raaoToduhli r«>ld>aoo OD I^imTo oiroat HoDaiar Wood lapotu hla eoablUoDBDnowbal Impnvod aad uvo aolblDi oorlooa iBoppraboDdod. »w*"H'f TT*5 A»l"nj of Mnalo, F«b. 11, ^f -P^iad.tolorao BBdIoDoo ot advuooV i«"'l>DBlDO» "Tbo hobID Ilood" OMia Co. eoaoi u" Jooopb Hatpbr II. "Tho aaiatr oiil" n at BordwoU'o OoanlloDH WatooD and JoDbo, Tlolol But*. Maitba Boillh, Al P»F Dop.NIIUBBdPoaltr.LooLaTutaDdlboaDwii. IiaiioiBjg.—AlBalrd'* Opera Uonu 'The On** Boadi otLlft 'dKl a lair bauaou Pob. |g "Obulov'o &?"tot!ff{lSid"J.'"""'™~ ••«'n7 0.-".««a Kalamaasa.—At lh< Aoadeny of Hoalo Th«i. Q. IMabiooto, to -^0 Qiaod TUler," rob.I.draw a luie U^iuo£"g ;.'Siiay;'"'''^ " • C OLORADO . Oamwar,—Al till labor Otud Opoia Home, woakcf Fob. II, "A Toaooruo* Town" played lo bl* b e ai B eei. Weak ol IS, Haria Bom^ka, Buaawiv Taaataa-Wook or ll.'AOalobtatid Oai*." br iboouokoompaar,aad llvlDtpictaroodnwlaltbul- aus Waok 01 iVLawii Hoivlaoit-B "FaaaP' pOT,^^7^",';S^ff,'^.i'-,;?««^j«" MfSSi'irb2?2Kd-i5S;i* OutwuLnaAnB.-BuiB0BB la I>a*bl».-At the Oiand Ho||Ma*< Tiao*-Ooe*Blc* pi vBd IS a ohm bsoBo rob. 1, oM "Pul laara^isbii H»wi.i»a«n»waD.-ll*(»urB^>iiJ!B wS!*'o» It. NonSPIum THE NBW ORLIAR* EI«T1RTAIH«»8- -We encountered tbe toll force of Ihe recent «*• vert rtonn,»nd were anowbonnd for four dayi at acmiutown, New York, hot maotged to do a good buBlneei, oeverthelei*. Some cbiogts have beeo made la Iho pcreoonel ot Ihe company, ud It U nowatronger than ever. Of the old company the only people retained are Chic Keboe.whoee won- derful club manipulation nita them hard, and Ida Ralner wbo Is making a big hit wllh her character eongi ud daucei. Tlie Hnllelly Famllyand Utile Pinkie havo Joined and held Ihe bill. LliUe Pinkie II ctraiing a aeneallon wlib her dancing Joe Ut- ile, tbe advanc*. hu rioted, aod bl* place U now mied by Obarlei E. Darling, Other meraberB of the company are: Rlitdorpb.coniortlonlei; wineli aod TueyTakeieh: Barney Munelly, In bla orWnal longi: Tony Koebler. mnilcal nombcra. and Tillle Drew vonllet F.BIIvemall Isitlll sole proprietor, and the "genUemeo In while" make* hla regular '*Tti?'lni°?BpioiALTTCo>iPiii<Twlll open ibclr Sprtngicaeon ihe latter part ot March, at Balem, N. J., playing Ihrongh New Jeraey and Penueylvanla. lie roner: Neelv and Wllion. Marl* Blanchard, Emma Price and Ja*. Uaai. The company U nndcr the wle management of Ncely A WJlion. TneKo(iPABEii.Qo**™r,N. B. Colllna, manager, are lo go wllh W. S. Cleveland's HInslrelt. TOM AND Jaci Rosslbt are playing over Mana- ger Walier'B FaclOc coast circolt. Tliey are now conaldeilngoiieiiforAuiiralla. Frani J. Wbssok waa preaenied bj nie wife, pro- feaslonally known u Lottie Wallen, with a baby boy Fob.». BlKT S. OILHORE AUD HLIE. DOLOBU FSR-VAK- dez are at the BIJou Theatre, Walthan, Mas*-, Mr. OHmore having charge o! the stage. Cdbtis akd Oordox have cloeed a eaccesatui eo- gagtmeot ot three weeks lo Detroit, HIch. They ue playlog thla week atCuton, 0,, at the Theatre Combine. „_ _,„ ThbTbrbe Ibvino Bros, ard Francis inil appear In their new dancing specialty March 4, S, In con- JuncUoo wllh the Hooks Hlniirels. ROACS ard Yorker havo Joloed the Royal Vude- vllle Compaoy. Ed. R. Bartor Informa as that Uie team of Van Leer aad Barton have teparaled. Mr. Banon la now ddnga skeuh wllh bis wife, while Hr. Van Leer I* working vrlth a Hr. Heel. TnBl!cur8EqDARrEr(Andenon,Flelds, Freeman ud Miller) have cloeed a socceBstul two weeka al Anetin k Stone's Museum, Boston, Hasa, HcCldre k BniDSBiw Inform ns that they wUI pnt out their new company, nnder the lltle ot tbe World's Vudevllle ud Bketch Cinb.on Uarch4, Inirodaoing their comedy, "Ha, Look at Ulm," They will carrr a full bend ud orchestra, ud will lonrDlloola, Indiana, Ohio and New York Slate'e principal citlesjrocceding to the Eastern cout for the Summer. The show, they stale, la booked solid to Angosu ARDiN, demon conloitloolst, closes his season with Freoch's Seoiatlon at New Orleaos, L*., aod will jolo Uerbert, forward bender, ud rehearse a DOW act. T, J. HSPBOX, tne ooe legged song and dance performer, wu preeeoted by Aitbnr E. Sermote, proprietor of the Wondcrlud In Dtlca, N. Y,, wllh an elegui watch chain, alio a K. of p. charm, beantllully Inlaid and Ml In a gold and enameled miniature boisetboe. Stroko AMD Wist are at the Palace Theatre, Bos- ton, Mass., this week, appearing In a new tramp epeclaliT- They thiol of going to Europe In May. Berbebt (IDINN, maglclBD, was married lo Fort Wayne, Ind., on Feb. 3, to Mynle Van Dyke, a non- profeenonil. Wi BXOBiTED lut week a oomonnlcaUon Bluing thatJohn B. WUllams,af the teamot Wiuiamaaod BartoD, iraa married on Fab. 7 lo Oora Herbert, in the Little Obnroh Aronod the Comer, by the am. Dr. Bongbton. We have *lnce learned from Mr. wuilam* that the atatemeut Is nntme, and opon Investigation we Ond that no sioh maiilag* wu oonsnomated. The original commoolcailon wu algoed John B. wuilaos, although we are now con- vinced It wu not signed by blm. Rome one hu deliberately lied to ni, and wa ngret that w* an at pieunt nnable lo brand the culprit. The oilglnrj oammonlcatloo li oo die In this ollloo. NOTBS PBOM Ods. Bill's Nmw You Stabb,— We have made aeveral chugei lo Ihe show, Romalo Broe. taking the plaoe of LIna ud Taal, Bon* ud Bait teplaolog Leonard and Moren, ud Mead and Delia Wemt* have anccecded Dalv ud Devere. The nbow wu olaaaed u one of the beat beton Iba ohugea were mide.ud 1* now uronger thu ever. 0. W. LttUegeld hu booghtaioed boua In Pater- eon, N. 1; which he will open at the clow ot hi* preeent engagement. Joe. Weeger won tbe medal of tbe Ell Target OInb With a deu aoonotthlrty- Dve. The Cnse Bret, ud 0. E. MoKeOEle were mode EU* 10 Naw York Lodg*, No. 1, on Feb. a. OorboBloeulogood. Phil hillbb and Wiu. Dbtoh will mske a tonr ot the BnnmMr i«*ona this icaaon. THE Two ODBiia (Bany ud May) olo*ed with Livingstone'* Pulcmlme Oa In Sooth Amoloa aod have atrtved In Ibti olty. WnUAMB AND BlBTOH JOlOed JobO F. FlSldl' Dnwug Cards Feb, II tor the temaloder ot tba sesaoD. Tbe WATSON SisTEBS'Oo.are laylntos thiswtek. Wtaon and Dopn an llllog the weeg In at Kalth'* Philadelphia houM, where iheyarafavorllei. The oompany wUl oontlno* tba leuoo at Raadlni, Feb. 2>, and wui olou In New York the week ot flay 27. Law H. Oabroll and Fbari Wmbson were re- engaged by Hunger Ryu for the aeeond week at MUwankee, wi*. they plar Ohleago, 111, tor a abort tenn, then will cnme Eut. llr.OatToll hu WTltKn three new abng*. Lassabd and Van Dei will work wlUi Obarlea GaMUe next aeaaon In an aorobauo oomedy uL CablBbibm hu sold hla bud tmltonnB to the tonr Emperlora ot Mnalo. Notes peom tbb Rosi Btdiu, and London Bailee' Co.—Oeo. P. Mnrphy ud Kitty KntBale Join at Onud RapldB, Hleb., Fab. It, tor i«at ot this season and oext. We played Sam T. Juk's Opera Bonse, Ohioago, lut week, to one ot the lantBt week'* bo*lnt« ot the eeaaoik TM io*ter Inolode* Ouipbell *od Shepp, Julia EeUy, Horuand Moiphy, BoM8ydeU,the Iioi Vegu Family, Qraoe OefiaL Rju aod Sylbo, tbe Aar Fox Bnthen, JoUa Eirlght, utile Sonore, Bailie Piloei Hule Wallaoe, Hatife Bayea, Delia Wation, Flora WHsoil Frankle Fry, W, B, Biadahaw, aole owner; W. B. Oelott, bnaueaa manager; Will Hloke/, mnsloal dliMtor; Joe. Shepp, stag* mAoagsr; John SydalL ouster of tiansporuiloo. Tbe Wbalutb, lady thBtniiientillatB, bar* ok)*ed * ncoesstul engusnwot ovsr the Moon Uroalt, and an booked aevenlweaks at Chicago, TBB MOTBEB Ot Nellls M. Korduot died Feb. I. OiUB YODMO, dob expert, is vnth OoL B. J. Dlsgle's AU Star Balenainen. Lottie Peny Is also with that orguliatlon. MoMTOOHEET iBTUia appeared In Shea's MobIo Ball, BoOalo, N. Y., last weak. TO* name ot 8u- dow u given In the list of people waa an error ot the manager. Babtoh and Made, knoekaboot ooowdlaBB, have Joat closed a snoosBstol week at Ollntore>s Audi- lorlam, Philadelphia, ud bare bMo eogaged lo appear at that noma Uterln the Be**on. UtBTT'a COMjDiANi report good boiioeuthnogh lUlool* ud lodlana. They play eighteen retnrn date* In lUlnou, ihen tonr Kutnciy aad Ohio, Billy arimn'* hujo work make* * hit eviy where. Bt rBRMiBBiOH Ot Manaser One UUI Ike Ro*«, bn*la«aemanag<r ot QniBlIf*NovelUee, 1*book-' log the ant annual tour of Olia Harden'* Amalou Vaudeville Ooopaoy for iSM-t. The Ameitcu Vaudeville Oompany wUI be uder the manaie- meni ot a siodlcal*. ~—».r HAciiM AND Edwabss report meettng wllh gno- otBS In UMlr new Idea, "weaiy ud Wiule." Dor Lonuiop Joined John A. Piyon'* London Oaiety OlrU lu Troy.N. T.,to play prlnd^ boy Ptftia wiLUAM P. Habnd wbi pi«s«nted byUs wU* wllh a new danghttr on Feb, a ' JiiSiSS^' ""^ nS"-!""!*"* tomerly ot tta* London Otlety Olils been veiTUlalher bona In Ljta, HHS.,bntl*nowi«oov*ilognpldly. .^*i!!%?T*J!!*'*n>hiDeng*g«m*nt kt Frank ^ '.f'n^ Sf"^ <'Uo*go, aft*r which they play aU ofHr. Ball'a enter^lM* Mere. auT BEOS.' HmraBL Nona —W* ware oanght In ' itV^',*"" Tlneland, K. I., on P4b. I, and bad 10 sleep ud star in the can Iwanly-dghl hosm, wlU»ntfood.Baai a tunalof n*i«T'dtoT* Ire nllea *n«r n*. Wa tad taiiettd ooe ot the paitrlaateaitnlsionntowaU tki** mile* to the MUM telegiepta *latloB to saad word tor i«M. w* lo*t three good Iowa*, Two aaglne* oonid not IhUf'o^r^^ W» arena fight EOF aad <niT. oor toor at SomenMiKy., Feb.s,-*ad iUnS Dsn dep*it«d for tbelr home*, wlihing ibuS.' Oolhuetlubeatnt booocb* lo hU oomlngnS yaenVf ny., Ftb*B, *ad the bumT for the'lr 'hoffle*. wlilSJg luSS,' ■tnt Boooe** 10 ht( oominiTBu? . .OnlhaDe>*Ooni<dlaa*. Thooomeuywaon:; Blxtten week*, tiaTellog over tonr thouand nnl uddldnolloaeanlgbC BnslBes* wu ot all mi3 Oom a oTOwded boo** to empty ee*t*. Pni ai' Uord, onr bud director, goes with tbe i/ir'tl Show; Ed. Bicker, wllh Bnn'e Clrcua; T. Oo^ with HanU' Nickel Plated Show; SnUlvinin.' oowu ud Oharlie White, with tbe Uckes'b»^ Bonebnke ud Bnw. to Olevelud; Lemar nntebin SOD, to Ooahrn, Ind.; Joe, Denning, to Olnclnnaii' Abe While, toPorlanonth, O., and a good manvof tba memben will be In at onr reopening. BeoLi Manager Onlbue la BatlaDed wllh hli ventSreiaib> minstrel fl'ld, and the show win go ont with evtn thing new mm top lo bottom, opening atcinan oatl.ud going over tb« aame route. Onibu«<a CoBMdIana win onen at Somenat, Ry,, f,\, o, playing week iiuda In renertory, ud rennlnom noill Joly, wheo Mr. Oolhue wlU take bie gm neaUon In Mven veara, and at the aame time nuka prsparatlon* for tho noond unnal toot of Cni hane'B Minstrels. ™" Nona AND Boena op MlATHnB* Oomest Co,-Wa an playing Uinngh New England to big bsalnet^ Everybody wen ud In good spirits. The meter. 0*0. B. MathewB. preprletnr ud mwager; Jamoi T. Omwlev, Dutch comedlu ud danc«r; tShaaTp and Edith Edwards, Bketch tram; Oeo. A. Uiein cAinIo TocallBtud Irish comedlu: Tom levanloi! trapexi and Bpulah rings; Hn. Mamie Hatbowa! •aetrh; Wh'rier ud Howes, moslcal team-Hoi! ni:o, mavlHu. and a troupe of Japuese per- formen,Inclndlni Sam Eltobl.contoiUon.andE Stkai,Jnggier,tnibelriiAnngbmkawayladderand perotaacL OnrbudandnroheitraanDlgfeitoiu and draw ih« people, while we do the rm. Waiur B. Holntln Is leader of orchestra, sod Prof, siatra leader of bud. ^ RosrXB op Srebman ft HoRRfBrra "A Jay Olr* cna' Co.-Mile. Delmore. proprietor; Du Sherman! manager; Joseph A. Eelley, stage muagtr: J. L Bonlud, leader ot nrche*tn; Al. Edwardi, leader ot bran bud: J, A. Fettle, eleetrldu; J. F. Tavlor stage carpenter: Beunan and Burke, tnpete- Davenport SIstera, vncallaU; Kelly ud Borgeta moalcal team; Mile. Delmore, aeroeoiloe daocer Short ud Edwards, mualcal comedians; J. P,TBr lor, oontorUonlit, aod the Ponohlnello*, *btdo* pulomlmleta. "The Jay CIroo*" ha* beeo n- wTltten ud pndooed u a three act taree comedy. The compuy la touring throngb New York, Ne* Jeraey and Fenuylvula. PBOtci Albbne 1* very HI In St. Vlocenl'i Oospl- laLthls dty.wllh nennlgl* ot the head, aod hai beeo obliged to cucel all dates. Bbdci l. Baldwin, gymoast, wu called lo bu home In Oasoade, la., by the de*th ot bla father Saoator Isbm N. Baldirln, who died Feb. I, Sena- tor Baldvrln, wh«o a young man, sang teoor with Ihe then tamona Lombard Family, ud wu afavor- Ita tn Chicago, in. SnwABT AND OiLLXK Write Uut they wen re- gneated to do the same a«t during both weeka of their recent engBgement at Hall's wbIbo, Chicago, Oarbib Latabnh, ot the Lavamle Slsten, Is very IH In Ulevelud J)., trom * taU. Tn* NEW RiAim 'TBiATBE, In Eweo, Hlcb., wu opened on Feb. il. The theatn la In a new bolld- iBg, wttn elxteen boxe* npMalr*, a large g^leiy, and eeallng accommodation tor three hudied and Btty. The openlnjr programme wu well carried ont, Ullle Morn*, May Laverne ud Tim Ryu mak- ing dietloct BOCctsstB. Othen who oppeaiad wen: Veule Sylvester, Ons WUIUdb, Beasle Oroalt aod BUaWard. Wm. Mitcbbli., ot Ultchen ud Lonaloe, npoita snccess with Oeo. F. MctSaon's parodies oo 'Tie Sidewalks of Nsw York" aod "On the Bowory." Baeeb AND Randall begu an engagement on Frb. U, at the Eden Husee, Bt. Joseph, kTo. Lmu Jameb Duppt, the three year old son ef Dall> and Sawielle, made hi* pnlBeslonal debit Ju. 26, at Franklyn, L*., playing a email atnglng ud talking p*rt In toe bnrteaque, "A King, Incot- Fbxd and Sadim BTOzniE, mulcsl doo, are visit- ing Hi*. Baaklrk's parents In Augoits, Ey. They have sKned with Obai. F. Ilaylor tor next Bummer. SHOBnANDOONHBLL *n *t work on * new act, enutled "Competition," whloh they wUI piodoce next season. OoooAM, Rand andTapb wen at the Wonderuod T)ie*tr*,N«w Haven, last week, and hare been re- engaged tor the Keith Olnralt in AprU. They will take ont thdr own company next season, they In- form DB. Blanoh Lb Oun pieauted her bnsbud, Jeseph Cousin*, WHO a b*bv boy on Feb. U at OUcago, 111. ANMix M. O'Bbien, of O'Brien, Jenslngs and O'Brien, wu preeented wllh *ev*nl floral piece* during her recent engagement at the Bowaid AthenBom, Boaion, Mass. Nona PEOK BTBon'8 Vauditiilbs,— We opened oorBrellmloatyseaionot twdve weeks Feb. 3, at the Fonotalo Sqoare Theain,OlBclsoatl, O,, ud played to good bualocn on the week. The com- pany indndes: P. W. Siroh, Fongere, the Bloketta, Harris ud Walten, Eluy Olayloo, Ward ud Lynch, Thomaon and Bnoell, Richard Fky, the Vedder SU- ten, Ed. and Joele Evans, the Valjen ud the Btu- nlgans. F. W. stnh Ispropnetor, Ohss. B. Hay- Btead, naoager; John P. Hlll,«dvuoe, ud Ed. W. Thonuon, stags muager. DAT! Tbaobt, big Ao* duoer, Is reiy Ul at St. Elisabeth's Bo*plisI, Dayton, 0. ROSTEB of THB IirrEBHATIONAI. Vaudbtille Co., now touring Utah, Arlxonaand Oalltonla.— Wdl Soydar, aole proprietor and manager; Ja*. Smith, bnalnen manager; Fied Oneo, advuce; Edward i[eoaer,Ieaderof onheatn; Zetia,trogmu; Harry WaUaoe, trapeslat; Devlne and Scott, aketcb teem; Muter Obanu Bird, tenor dnger: Jeule Dalmar, *klK dancer; Kimball, Fruda ana Blgga, brothtr act: 0*0. Juney, elaoa win ut; Fox and HoOuty, Irlah Gomedlaiia: Brookabuk* ud P*lmer, blaok face oomedlus; Florenoe King, serlo eoolo singer; Webb ud Lewis, vocaUet* ud ducen: J. Palmer, blaok lace comedlu, ud the Darkey Town <)oar- Healit and Rathomd will Join Bob FltBslm- mooB' 00. at Bnaaio, n. Y., next week. Their new *at I* aald to b* Teiy aocoestf ol. Oeobsb Zetta and Habbt Wallaob hare loloed hands. Oabbib Monboe, paper qneen, was leoentlr oalled home to the deathbed of her father. MleaMonroe burled her mother *bont eight week* ago. 0, K. Babbis Intotms ns that the en ore Ont edi- tion, amoutlng lo one thoiuud protesslooal copies, ot "Fifty Yean Ago" wu dUnoaed of In three day*, throngb his "il." in The Ourm, ud that he hu had hla printer sirlks oft nve Ihooaod more piuo ooples of that song; alao ot "Mndple Days,''"Floruoe," and his song, "WhUsIhe Dance Oaea0n,"all ot whloh he wUl mall tree touy of his professional friends tor one weekooly. Tbe McOot SmBBB are conildanog oSbn for Sommer engagement* In Europe, but have not de- dded u yet UiUe Uzzle MolMy la doing good worklnhernewlmltaUon. MinalsMoEroy Isnow ntgotlaung tor a new speoUIty tor Miss Ndll*. In th* out of "On Uie Oo," lut week, UiBle McCoy played the part ot Onte. JooN D'Alma ud bis troupe ot monkeys ud dogs opened with BaiTy W. WHUams' Metson Jan. 39. at Hyde * Behmu'a Theatn, Brooklya.N.Y., for toor weeka, oloelog the olio at each perform, uoe. His act I* pnnoonced a hltud caose* roan otIuBhier. He la at Hlner'a Eighth ATune Thea- tre, thl* diy, thi* week, the Frank BsU aod B. F. KelUi's olrooilB to toUow. FEET AND LB MAIN are mating a featnre ot Ibeli new act, "me Fanner ud the Inop." Ngmg FiBLoe, the buck aod wing duoer, wboee speolaltr Is ulnteresUngperformuce.bu been engaged to open on Keith'* droolt, In New York, next week, LOD BooBEPOBr, Of Rochefott end May, cele- hniad her birthday Feb. I, at Pinna, O.ud re- ceived many preaeot* trom Mmd*. QioH* w. Ulnar hu algned u biuliieu npn- iBtattn wlUi the Bdorlob Biotheii' HioitrBla, whieli Uku the road Mareh 9. Toe oompany will eonalBl ot twra^ fonr peopleL and wUl onr a band ud or nheBtta. TBI FBRTB, skeioh uam, cloaed a twuty weeu' seaaon wlUi Prioe's noaUng Open U Hew Orleans, U.,udopened F*b.« at Ua Falao* Thaas*,St. Uoula, Mo. UTAH. ■all lAh* cii|r_KaU* Pstoaa t*d poor bnsl< aaoaPabilha "Alkmpaiaaoa Tawa''l*d**ll-ak t<» Btoek oompaDy wblob hu boa an iieaaaBtal al ibo OnadwIU playa ihna altbta' uiBiimuinrT''" KM al IblBkoan U-BL piaiaaUag "loa aad Woaoa.' y Ihoa («IS Poniaad. On, whan Ik«f ai* MUod lor a pntnaiod MBagamaaL AuBB-Tli* proHDt atook eoBpaay an praauUoi '«lBts"lorllai{Mla* weak, aad an%lu*r>odbBir aau. A aaw eempaap wuI appow n. Ilowaid gy>a. Hiny Odibd* Olatlaaad Hiriia^UT Oook nBDau uoo the pmaaal ODDpaay to Iota a aaHaaa a( Iba aaw eoa '%m.-"Plnalot*'Baad I* pethu M taa n* " aad tba haasa 11 appanailp sera*Sul& daiE^