New York Clipper (Feb 1895)

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814 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. Fifth Atinui Tnunwaiiinoiitfk"li»l)Oot tolttTeni, ud It la wilt nnetwamktatlieu- noonMBUnt It enteral on Fob. 18 npon IK eler- entb ud lln*l wotk. We wtraiM to note noentljr that Una DtTOnpott ottnaliee > deelie lo control • taeikire In mia oll>, Mrl we hope her vlili« in*r bo gtuioed. Un Peli. 2£ w. U. Onae will praecnt bu new pIftT, "Ills Wlte'e Kttliar," Hiheh'b Bowirt ToiiTRB.—Tbe Nlibt Owli opened tn lond doom* Feb II. Ibe abow making • (rood Imprewlon. ■TDo All NIgbt llotel," e bar- feiu, Is roniir, with J. K. HolTen, Annie Donn, nbeme MelMn, Edns HeWllle, Wm. P*i«, Oeorte Topuk, Oeorufi Hieelo snd U>ola Odoll lo tbe cml UcOlond ud Uolvillo, In tbclr aonRS snd dsioe*. with bsTiiKoonipsalment, opened the olio In good Rtjie: J.K. Hnlleo sn<l Aonle Dnnn, In "Brtdiej'a vUlt," Uokled the rulblllilea at the sndlence; Bsbsrct, the blab kicker, followed, snd wu sp. pltndod: TopKCk and HUels, Inthtlrskeuh,"Oro- ver and Don," were well rcmombeied; Bsmnel Ilort, ladder cqolllbrlat, nte a olevar eihlblUon of bis skill; Odoll and i'<u|0. In their aorabaUo comcdj set, repeated tbeir preTlooa ancceaMs; Oerllo Ollaon rendered a 101001100 ot aonga In pleasing si7le, cloaing the armr ot apeclalllei. •Thsnoril Among Uie Women" was the llolaher, and was well pot on. Tbe oboros la airong and tbe cosuunes arc handMme. B. B. Ilodgea Is bnalness nansgor, J. K. Uullon, aiage manager, and liana Albreolit, mnslcal director. Neit week, the French Vollj Oo. KosrsR k BiAi,'B.-The bill prcaented Feb. 11 and week was ot tbe nioal autndard at ibia bonae, Md was wlincased bj a nrj Isrgs audience. The PraniK Kamllj ot acrohais (Ore In nnmber) made iboir Drat appearance hero, and bj their clever, nest and grsMful work won applanae. Ulaate I/>ltna began her flfih week, and saTe for tbe lint time iier imliailona of an EDgluli coatermnn- ger dellieauirand of Ton; Pulor. lo tbe laturher aadlence had the Brat good opporinnltr Hiss Lottos bss oirerad 10 lodge or bcr abllliy aa a minio, and when she sang "WIUi Ills LliUe Bench of Whiskers on Ills Uhln" In Mr. I'aalor's voice, and witb all of his mannerlsma, the sndlence became so entbnalaaUo that It was Imposalble for the lliuo Isdr to proceed for aevotal ninntes. Eaienle Petrcsen, coolnrUonlsl, began her twelith and but week a continued favorlie. Paol Olmine- vain, king ot Jogglors (lenlh week), was a popular hold over. Aleido Oaplialne reappeared after a week's shaence and was well received. Tholtosanw llroa., IlllpntUn atbloies (aliteenlh week), aabeU- taled for their wrestling act a three round boiing contest, whiob was lilgnlj amoalng.and proved the lltUe fsllowa to poaaera nomo llatin abllltr. Olbera on the btll were: Los Foot I)lc7.'s QoanetOoporchlo (elghUi and last week), llurlo; aud Wilion, triple horizontal bar performers (accond week),and Hone. Bialnvlile, Ichatacler Imliailona (alKth week), all contlnnedfavotites. A oewlltlngpiotnre.entlUed "Ad fMiet Ilimn," was shown for the nraltlmo. LoNnoH TiisiTHi.—Thooiinal condliloo follow- ing the anDonaeement or Weber tc Fields' do, sa the atlnouon prevailed thia week, the honsea on Feb. IB being orowded. Uui few obsngea have been made In thu programme aince ibelr prevlona engagement, but the ahow Is stronger ihaa ever. TlieKansooa, In their sketch; Iki Ubilr and Lealle, who, like wine, gain In excellence with ago; Falke aud Bemon, dlHpenacrs nf fun and melod}; John K, Urow, the nimble dancer and oharaoter singer; WohcrJIc KIclda, whoao howling sllej act oanped ahunlaof laughter; liOttls Ollaon, Ihn "Lit- tle Uagnet," witli new aonge and old ones, eagerly demanaed by the audlnnrr; Uclnlrro and Death, In tliclr dollnoatloii of thediiak; dcniuna; Jamea F. Qney, In Mi comlral ImpenoDalloDB, and Vtinun and Seymour, In loeir acrobatio act, whioh la porfurmeil wlUi great skill, mado op a very en' joyHblo ontcnalDineni. UlNSH'S KldtlTII AVKNUlTllCATRS.-n. W.Will. IMna' Uetcira mnvod up hero from Ulnrr's Hnwery Theatre on Fob. IH. Tlieir Uondny night audience nearly taxed the capacity ol the liouae, and the eO' tertalnnent (urnlalied could hardly bo Improved iipou. Hut one change la noted lo the company from hull week, the Itogen llroa. r<>placlng Bilnson nod Kcrion. Next week, Williams' uwo 01. JiCumi'TuiSATHK.—"ThoBtownway"la presented here Ihla week with tlie fullonlog peoplo in iho oast: John lie On, wiiiih (Ininger, lllciiar<t llldnly, IlownrdTliorpe, W.J.Thoniiaiou, Hllla Hull. K. r, Wilson, l.liiUlo Kirk, llolen Hell, IliiH O'.Vell and Harry Baker, "The lliiailur" coinca next week. llAHUtdiN'H TllltATMH.—TIltH huiUin WM Cloaod Feb. la 011 ncconnt of the death uf Howard tlarrl' gan Jr. Tlio anuxm nt thIa Ihrniro hIiI clow March •J, and Mr. Ilarrlgun will tnku hia coiupauy upon the road. I'ALiiKn'ii TiiHATKS.—"The I'alHl Ord" la etill Playing 10 giioil linHliii.'Bfl ut Ihia tinuhr, whereon el), lit, 11 eiilcrctl iijion tliu riglitli week or Its run. ItR aiit'OC>Bla well nicrlteil, amlll lavery gratil)log lu note timt W. ll.Tonnipftou, who heads ilid fjtat, la receiving tbi\trei'f)giililoD ami prHlae uliiub he has pi> lone tnorlteil. FnniirBKSTJi stukxt TiiatThE.—"Ilomanltv" ' ooutlnuea to bo Iho nltmction at itila honao. Toe nlavlRfoll of Interciil, and iiivca giHid SHltafaoilon to Its audiences. litH'iran Kelt. IB Iho third andUsl woek of Its stay. ''Tl>e ShiuigliMun" lollnwa 36. SraKiiiini Tiihathii.— "Tou Uuch Jnhpaon" hC' oati Ita thirteciiili wctk at tlila lioufo Kch. 18. W, H. Oroaby, whu wiih rttiactil from thu casl for aev* oral ptrfurnwDCOB,owing lu IIIlum, lasgalnplsylog bis part. lltjuir Til»»TH».—'Tho Tn-rnllelh Century Olrl" hogan Fob. la tliu ilfili soil liui woek of Its slay, tflnnio Landra IHI itic i-att lit. owlug loa niaun- itrrsuudinK nlih lliu iiiaunx iiioni, iind her pisce wiu tillpri liy uutieilii' l.intird. (MmllloU'Arvllle, In ''Uadi Kiiie. ''r tt.ii Magix Klaa," followa H. liHiuuwAY TiiSATiiH.—"Usilaine(l4ns Oene"be- nan 011 Feb. I.s the al.xlh week ot Its run at this nniiao. Ii la still drawiug well and olloltlog much nmlao fioni all wlin kiv It, excepling oolr M. Feb- vre tho euilncul Freiioli pUyer, who dlloied hIa iimlBc with wiiito vi'ry Infantile conimenia npon an HOKllili apeiitiKg N«P"leon. Those who ace this iiiny (111 no lietit-r i iiulpneil than otiiera loss form- jmio for anprn lKtlnn ut the Frouohconipsuy wbloh Kill atiurtiv itindUL'O llnlauoiber bonae. i:ui'iiiK TtiKATiii 'The Unsqucradon" Is si III diawiiiir well ul Ihia houio. It Mgau on Feb. IB ilin luolllb week of Ita run,and npon Ihnldale Ihe •.Ml! Iiiiiiilmltli perloniiaiiuo waa duly oelebratod. A iin iillar ryatom of couiiiing perfonuanoes pre- viiliH lu inia house, which reauiis In soinewbat pit>- niiiure cuioliratlons, but 110 nli|eotlooB have yet lu 1 11 hCA'd Imin ilioao who delight In sonvonlr tilitila. Too play had lis llrsl pruduollon at Ihia liiiuae on Deo. 3 liui, anil there certainly lias not liorii nn average of nlue perfurmancoa a week since MiHi dale. AHUBY'B TitlATHi.—Becrbohm Tree and hla 7,00' doii llayiiiartot Co. began on Feb 18 the fourth and null week of itieir Htay. "Herry Wlvoaof Windsor" and "Tho Balladinougrr" ronsUluto the bill, which will remain uuohnngcd ilnrlng Ihe Oral tbree nights of the week. ''Usntaln .sirili'< will be given at Ihe luatliieua):"llamii<i" mil bo preaonteu Ul maitl and at the inatl'teo ami Iho oioalng nlsht of Ibo week will lieilevotrd infracnionuiof ptavs In Mr. Tree's repertory. Mute. Ilolauo irlllappearin "Moe. Htna dpiio" Feb. ui, Mr. Tree will reappear at this KouhO in April. Ilovr'e iilBATHt.—"A Ullk White Flagyl hogan nn Fell. 18 tho tirootlcth and last week of lis nn. Tlio tiukorlng with the i-aai has not yet ceased and viBllora on tho hIiovh date were pleaaed 10 nolo (-hat uhnriea .stnuloy hut iraiimeil hta role of the Ootonol. Unrry Uonor has roiurnod to hla place in "A Trip 10 Chinatown" and Mr. Keenan la again In hla old riilo ul Iho (leiirrnl. 'I'horeaularoeHSOnof tlila buuaa rloaen 'J:i nnd on mo folluwlgg Monday Uharirs Frihtnun takta ieiup«rary poaaoasiKU and will pro^oiil "Too Fuiiiidllitg." Tnu one hundred lUiil orili'ih norfuniiaiioo of "Tho Flag" Is ai- iioiindod rorll. (lAHPaN TilKATnc—"Llillo Chriatophor" enteml on Fctu IB nnoii ine uliiotoonih week at lia run. wItb Its reciml ot gund atli'iidanco nniuipalred. Iletale Jlonehlll has aohievrd suaiOMlatbotlUo rolo and began her second week nruuilalugly by presenting pevrial new songs In Ine apeolaliy scene. Tho Kllnnil pictures hIIII ruuainuie an atlmotlre test- nn> Arihur U. Uoll has roplai.-cd l^lfHT Teuphi aa Qsn* lluvnii's rAiJOR MiTXtiu.—Ifaome ot tbemah' agera wtiu tbluk Iho niiiaeunia ot Ihia oily bare seen Itarlr day would atop Into Ihia houaa Ihey might vhaiiKO their minds. Tho biialnna Ihia aoa- Bon has Bocu very largo, and tar ahead of any pre- vious tear lor tiio aaiue lenglli or time. Toe fat ladlea'race, now In lla fourth week, has Inel none ot |i| drH<\lngp<>irrrA. Utiior curio ball festaros an John U. H ;liiinl er. Iho Bmith Twin slum. Wal- lers (t'liio i<inn|. Uilo. Kivo (lioardoil lady). R, M. Wooda' opium Jiiliit. Ki'pyim (i-onliiwialaiid new) twbinoti) mid Mill driiir ,t r.>tiiii'T'.4 (la's bl"wera. H'agp-wiiiiiiniaHiiil tiler. Klg. Uogla'a monkeys. Nay IVnI'Ii, Filial and Tliiirue, I'lim. II. Iiunoan, Gnytiir ai d <ir~iriiiiil tho JaiMuise liiing ptrJnrva. UASiuau Ixii'iK Itiiiita. of Miner's i:ignth Avonuo TlicHtfi', t« ai-Hin liii i:n'ti. Ilia t»o wrcka' alrug- giu Willi tn ifWjifx- I'ltiiie very near lerniloallug the camruf Una iini-iiing iii.inager. Dakiii. I'aiitiaAN hits gouo lo Old IMInl OomCort, fa., fur a shun teat. KuTB'i nnoN B4I7A1I TaiATU.—Bot ona word, orowded," can be need 10 expreu the size ot the butaeasat this house. From noon ontll late at Dltbtstaadlog room Is all that oantMhad. The ezoellence ot the atuscuons preientsd can aoeooni tor this. The bill Uilswtek la brlmmlog foil of ezceDeot comedy. Iflanghtsr drives away tue Moes, surely the peop'.e who atleod the per- tonssnces hare this week should bebippr. There Is not* bad Rim on the bill, wbloh Is mado up ot Joan Oalcedo, an eiceedlngly clever wire per- former; Davlo Wsrlrld, mnnio and moiologne comedian; the KsOk Bros., hsretofere known as UasDZ and Abacco. In a new and very funny act; HIsko, the clown, with his singing pony, Pooch, and elepbaol dog, Jonbo: Daly and Devere, lo their farce, "Tbe Qneen of tbe Klioben; ' Adele Porns Onn, In alack wire Juggling, globe danolog, etc.; Wills sod Barron, In a fanny ikeict; Albnrios and Bertram, cinb jugglers; the Four Cobaoi, In "Qogglo's Uoll lloose,» Intradndng Joaie Oohsn's graceful dancing apeclalty; Bany Emonon, the TeniODio jester; Msson and Tlios, In Intercsllog shadowgraphs; tbe La Roao llros.,aorobala; Ulcli Legaeti, inoaitallng "Tbo Illilng aeneiadon;" atlllln and Dryce, Irish comedlsns, and Prof. Oeo, H. Decs, chslk talk- Noxt week, Tichomoirs dogs, James Thornton, Xenura and Toden, Kalkasa ana olbera. Tony Pismn'BTnii'ru.—Onset ihelarnatan- dlenoes 01 the season was present Feb. 18, whon •very seat In the house wss micd and aianillng room only awaliod late comers. The hill Is eicsl- lentandamrded nuch amuaementoo tbe opening night, allhough some ot the peoplo apntsred under dinienUlea. iiotlng the maiinee performance one of the I'slterson Bros-, In nuking the long sooer- •anlt from tlie Oral 10 iLie third bar missed his hold, and, striking his note on the liar, was very badiv ban; bat with tho usual grit which Ischstaclsristio of bar perforaiers he appeared at night sod did his work exceedingly wen. The PsueraoDB are not czcalled by any bar performera who have appeared at thia honia this season, ihsir work beloft gracetul and their costnmes seat snd clean, while their long someraanit Is slways sore of asloing hearty applsnse. roIHe Holmes was serlonsly Indisposed is, but, althongb bsr songs lacksd some snap, ebo was sprlgbtly enough 10 caase hearty laughs. Belle Bisck, in oharsctcr songs snd apcclaltlea, did not meet with Ihe approval aho expected. Iltyant and Hlchmond are aa clever ai aver, "Old Uncle Bill," Belling In aome good black face work, while Llizle lohmond as lbs oraty girl acted the part well. Geo. E. Aosiln, on the wire, wns very clever, while Meebanand luymond. In their sketoh, "A Lucky Strike," canard amnaeuent. Ualne* lud PetiloglU kept the audience In good humor by Ibelr fonay sayings and comedy work In ibelr skeiob, "rM Fool Room " Fisher snd Crowell were olever In an acrobHllo comedy sketch, and were spplsuded. Imro Fox, me conjaror, la not only clever, bat amusing. The Three Uarvela, ec- cenirlo grotesques, sre inony snd very clover in their slyl* of work. Tony I'astor, as ninal, iniro- dneed some new snngs, whiob were catchy, and he wss received with the besny applsnse which always greets blm. FSOI'LI'B TUSATKE.—"Yon YOUSOD," With QUS Ueege in bin clever reprruentatlon ot tbe Swede in tho title rolo, opeooda week's ongagemenltaere on Feb. 18. Tula drama, will lla prtaent alar, had been seen and approved on former occasions by psuons of the theatre, conaeqnenlly a large au- dlenoe saaembled on Monday night snd gave a warm welcome to iho aur. The log jam sUU re- malna lha mnit Mirrlog scene ot itie drams, snd the Lnmbernieu'aituariet sang a nnmberot aeleo- lloss with fairaklil. Tbe cast: Yon Yonson, 0ns Ueege; Amna Jenniugs, J. 0. UninntD; John T. Ilaliowsr, JuieB. Kusel: Qeiald Ilarcoori, Ollolon Uayuard; Holy, Ftankle Jones; Banklns, Jsson Downs; Vanderollt Dolls, Wendell PhlUIpa Blmp- BOD, Btduey Craven; Mr. McSorley, W. J. Corns; Urtce Jennings. OoraMaov; Mrs. Lasihlln, Ssdie OoDnollr; Jennie Morse, Daisy Loverlog. Exeon- uvs stair: A. W. Dingwall, general mtnager: J. U. Divla, aciing manager: Owen Ftrrte, advance repretcnisilve: J. 0. unlTmsn, state direclor. Next week "Hush Olty." Manager Sheldon's an- unal btnaltoccnrsnlgntof Feb. u, for which a long lilt ol people prominent In tbo piofeaslon is anoonuced 10 appear. Nini.a'a Tuiathi.— 'The SUU Alarm" Is tbe migueiof attracilon here this week. TheUondar night aadlence was a very large onq, which voolf- orooaly applauded the Ore soenes. The drama Is Inierpreleil hvarompelent oaat, beaded by Edwin F. Mayo. "The Still Abirm" (tuarlet tendered sev- eral selecitons, for which ibey were deservedly en- cored, aud Louie Uyde pleased tbe audience with her songs. Tho cut: Jsck Maoley, KdwInF. Mayo; John Bird, L- II. Wlllard; Willie Maoley, Tony lugga; "lioc" Wilbnr, AKred Beverly; Frsnklln Furdham, Wm. F. Newboronih; Jcoklns, J. F. McOnvem; Jo Jones Jjhartes II. Ssndera; A. D. T. Messenger, Charles Walton; Nouslo, Edward Wen- dell; Tony, Thomas llumphteya: Elinore Fordliam, FranceaOranamHayo; Oad Wilbur, iKiUle Hyde; Mra Manley, Marion Jester. Mext week, "Land or theHldnighlBaii." AuAMHY or Ht)8io.^aniea 0. lloacb. In "llorr ot the IliU," began Feb. IB bU fonrih week at this BtabThiatri.— "Tbe Old IIomcalesd"lB sun the aliraclion at this house. It heian Feb. IB the elgkih week ot lie mn, wl'.h conilnaed good hnsl- BiRAin Squiai TniAna.—"Rob Roy" still maintains lla place among the forenosi favcrliss ot tho season. II began on Feb. IB the tonrteenUi week of lis run, and on that date John fl. Uell mado bis Btst appearance In Uie role ot Saudy McSherry, the town orlor. The opera hu sliu four weeks to IIS credit at this house. Lyosdv TonATRS.-'Tbe Case of Rebellloua Suaan" la still In high favor at this bonae. It en- tered on Feb. IB opun Ihe eighth week of lis ron. llAixir.Y iNU UuaAHD. euceotrlo Iranif.imistlon dueulais, made their American debut at Prootor's Theaue Feb. IB. E. I.. DoNiLnaoM, saslstant tieaagrer of the I.on- don Tneatre, was msrrled Feb. 11, at his residence In this oily, 10 a non profesalonal Isdy, Ilarlent.—At tbe Harlem Opera Iloase Delia Foa did a big biulDua dorlnn Uia pait wask. Mia Foliar and Kyrle Bellaw tnid* lhair Srat New York ap- paaranee Id ivu raan at ihls hooia Fab. la, to a fair alwO auillanee. ,111 "Franotlloii," and ware vanuly r«- oalvad. Mra. rouar asTa a ciwlllabU p*rrnrfl>BDCf, vllhiha aicaptUtn ibat, altloiai.harwoMawaral'ilta. tIaoL Mnaday, Tnatday and Balurday Dattoia, '*KraD. cillloo:" WedocajA*. Tharfilay anil KrlJarBiibia, "Char- lotui Conlay," anil RalurdaT Dishu **Ttier*aa." Tho oompanr locludaa: gyrlo B«llaw.^«m«rl!iarfta«, tlaniT (Aanlnu, MauQ Miiohell, U. Rluar'. JoIiq Waiil. Mr. Wuran. Mr fox, llatoa Lowoll. Tonllu llwlapalli, Ida Ward, and Mra iViuar. Moil aeok, Baudov anj Iho Trafadaio Vandailllot:a. COLi'uaiia-Uoaoellr aud Olrird mido luonoy tbo rajiiweoa at llilohouoo. -*lo Old gtutuekf" buran a muro onaatriiionl 18 to a packed liouia. Nail weak, "On Iho MlooiMipl" DLvapio—Tlio Fay KoAtor Co.dld a falrbualnou loot weak. AlloaKooioanil Lula Oookorappasradnltliibo company matlDro ot IB, and mado aa Inoianlanooua kuo o«eoa atoBlns "Tho Uitvorjr Ulrl," "Tbo Hlilavaiho t>t Mow York'' and ooToral o'har Hiaaa Bom T. Jaak'a Cra* olocte madelholr am Uatlom appotraaca tblaiaaaoB to a bta liouao IB. and abonld do woll oil oook. Tbo pec- plo: Tom Bmwo, Johotoo and Hiown.MalloiT Brolhon, tlllllauia and Mar, Hia. aud Mr. McIdiooIi. llTlng plo- toroA and "Tlie Planlattnn faanina " koxl wook, Hleo a Barloa'A' Haiato DadIo" Oo. llAHLBH Muaal'U.—Uaititoaa lias ImproTrd artatly dorlna Ilia paat to* vooka. IoatIub no eaoas loroom. plaint. Carlo llall-CliAa. 11. Jotforron, Walker a marl' oo»uoa.ChAL L04.RIB. Parrail Aid NayBrooka Hlaaa -Wm.Oolllnoaadaaarae aiiloll. A. W. Wllauo.UOA- IV, Lowla and Laura Hullok, Billy aait Joo IllsBiaa and Nat K ''hapiD ATlfan.aoM,—Aftor alv wookl 01 bad baatnoaa tliU plAoo otoiad 1^ oaiOR iho porforuioia Htariaa for iho raAiwoob, tt^ti NEW YORK STATE, Uroolilyn.^Tho taturo of tho Park Theatre, nhldi bad booo In doubt oTor alacalhoaanouncouiaat voa mado that tlio Diananto ol that booao von ROlag to bnlld a DOW thealro. baa at tail boon aotllail. Wlion It booama known ibal IN>L William |f. and Waltor l}lna van undoelUad alpuot lha Park, folti OainpbolL tbo proprlotor or iho houao. ealtod pn Bdwio lanowloo, niao- •nr ot Ihs Aiuphtou and Columbia, and aakod blm to llVo the Fork. Mr (nowloo waa •llliDatf A. M. Fataior vould loTU a phrmonihip "lib bira lor llio oianaaoinonl ol Ibo hOQao, To IhU Mr Faltnor asroail and lhacon• lfm«t liaa b*to ilansd, Tboj will opoo tbo houao Bspl 1. «llh Mr. Koowifo u roAhiont QiADAgor. Sualoaaowu fklTly bomI with all tho plarbooaoa laat wook. wlilla at lOToraloIIho lhoi,'.ie«bis bniiavowerotiio rule a'Dairlr ororr potronuanco Tho publle vaa Riron ocuio oicol- lani atlfietlono, and lha boi pltlco r«cil|ita ahowod to vba-, oclani Ihoir otTona «or« approoiAlodtiy tho ihoi- Iniffiora on Ihia aldo ut tho btg btldao. Anollior thoatro ta 10 bo bnlll durms tbo cadiips Hnmnior, and II win be Toadr M ni^n Ho doora wbon tbo Doal aaatoD boalna. It oanDot bo donlad ibal ttnHikl>o hta aomo Boo ployboufOA, but iho now nnp. It ll BAlit. Ij Ul oollroa thooi all. In lla oiocllou parllculir All>nilon«l Iboslocp 10 UioeonalnlrlloD ol ihooiogo 11 taln'ondod lobalM It larfo oaouab 10 aoconmodola ADT pioco. bo uailor on li^ slsamUia aeaJo 11 nar ba IramaU. Tharo oro Iwo now Dioeoa pr*«ontod hoiw Ihla vook, Pntall thablUaare a«od and TofTPopalarwlib iha loeal lhailiwaooia. TwoorUioploooa^'ra«paDdoab."al Ibe Oolumhla, and ""Tba PlasiA," at lb* Qraad Opara lIoaaa.anhoMotaia. •;A^*rlpt«CbinaW»D''ItlJbaat- tisAloa at the Park, John taiooU. la 'IMorafloan a iSJimao"" U at ibo BIJoo: Mr. andg'""''!"? ua^aaon In' Tba Upa aod Dowua of I.II0" at lh« mar. Sd uiSSi't siraoXa are at U,d, * BobnuiTa Tho bonaaa aonid al do a (ood baataoaa Ihti wa*L,, kI SitSiaSlaaertiorioaU) ao by. riE?.?25^i^iS UM mlo al tho thoatroa Una walk, "Wiaoaodoah' Daini u! SlJ drSioa ifir"11 bo aoon Iho Waaum Dlalrtei fta prooont wook will bo a qnlot onaaiDoog tboama- Unia^ owing lo Ibo throe Pa'twaianwa hrlaaJMna Mclolloa lha" woi» alroD laal .waotand Iho ,r«»ansli lor ins Maithporfoiniancoa will bardir begin oraoooral dara. Tbo A<ffiphlDi»matloAaao<aAUM.wblebla»^^ poaod oaUraly olyonna mop. bare In aoUf 0 rohoaraal a &escoDOdy;wbfch tJor l'la<^ y> P""",',? torton Thoalro fob. II. H. Ibo Midpomono wlU prolODt a irlplo bum. at Uio Crllottoo. Tbo oolorlAlnniont will commeoc* with "falol Uoarl Motor Woa fair ladr,' 10 bo rollowod br ■Popplna Iba qoaallooJ'byIMYonnj rooplo-AOnltf ol Trinity Cbareb. EaanrawYork. Tho Krformaoco will clooo with •JopkootllllbnUUooa^' 0 amauura oipoel to have a buay Uroo ol It In Harob, and prooirallonaaia bolna mado for Ibom. CoLoaaiA —■'Sbonandoah" bof«n lha locood and anal weak 01 lU oaaaaamant bora 18. when anoUior Urso aod onthnalailloandlancowaapioaoot Aapoclalmail. Doo will be alrao 31. John Draw, In 'Tba Baubla Shop," »; "Tho BrowDlu" Maiob 4. _ Buou.-Manator Harry C. Eonnady was nit long in raalltlnalhataomatbinx In lha laroe tomody llna wsa aoadod u onllToo hla pairooa, and this waok ha piodoesd "MoPaddan'a Elopomonl," wlih Joba gamall IB Ibo teadlng rolo, wblch wu aooD for Uis dru Umo ban Ii oponad boroio an audience Uial lUod ihU ipaelouihouao. Tborowiu h* lour maUaaoadnrlnw Ibi nook, aapaclal one bolniilrau O. Bobeit Haatoll, la "Kaa.-' A'Trlp 10 Oblaalown" li lha auiaelloa IbU wook, boalnnlnB 18. bolora ona ol the nanal bis opf n. log niibi enwda, Tbo piaea haa booaaooo in this oily bofOTO, liDt It bu ho*U of admtrare, aod when It comaa totowathoyturaOBllnlorootofraotlt _ _ OSASD OrasA Houaa -wllUam Booy, lo ■ Tho nana" oooltonoa thta weak, Uia ouBAfomonl for two woebl waa a maaur atrokaon ibopirt or Manatar MoOnuhooa. Mr.Uoaywaa gioolsd byauolhorbia crowd, ibu OUod OTory aoat In Dio houio, whio bo bonn hU aacond and laatwook'a oniaaamant, U. A apMla] maUnao wUl bo slTtn n WlUlao roUiar, lo "On* or Ue Bofa," tS. STAR -Manasor Dany Deal rarkar daSo a good aolofr Uon whon bo booked Mr. and Mra <illTor Brnn. Tboy opaoad 18, lo *-Upa and DAwoa of Lifo" which la new horo. "Tbo Dartiy Wlooor"»- . ^ ,^„, Uvss A BBsaaN'a-Ltagaid'a Saienadsia li the bill proaonlod horo UiU wook, and tkay ogar aa aacallani programma, Tbo booao waa orowdod to lha doora at tba two porfomaneoa glToD IB. Tho eompaoy la a big 00^ and looladaA mnk Ooldla and SaUla Bl Olalr. PnC Jamaa U. Bartoa'a Dos Bbow, John aod Barry DlltoB, lha Dlxoo Brothora, tba Bteo Brulhora. Bamaid Dyllyo, A. O. OnncAO, Malihawa and Bulaar, Oraojaan and May. Ft«u BIdrldaa and a unnpe ot Badonln Anba BelUy A Wnod'aBlggMwrn llosaR A oaanAaDra OAaisc-MAnaaar aarfaaidl aanooocoa ihat tho Jobnaon Brothora, two atrong moo Ikom South Brooklyn, will oahlblt Ibotr atroDclb aiain Ihla wook. Tbaroatof ihopruiramme Inelodaa Hlnnlo IKhnlt, Uailon and Paarl, Waldo Whipple. Maa Oiay, W. II. Dally and othora ADlghooM waa proiant U, whan iba new proarmmma waa proaanted, and lbs aodlanca walled unui taa abow waa oror Aariiio!!—Dalla for, who acorad ao omphatle aoccaaa whoa aha mado btraulla debut at Mr. Koowlaa' Woatara DlAlnct Dlar bonao, a row waoka aao, Id "A LIUlo Trooiior," niada Juat aa daoldad a hit 18. wban aba bo- aaiBWaok'a ansaeamant bare. Thorawaa ablv aDdU oocopnaoot, and ItabowodllaopiiroTalwIlb many dam- ooAtxatlrtna Maria JanaaowlU brlog "Dolmontoo'aat Bli"wookuin. EMrina,—Btora Brodle mala bis Brat appaaraace aa an aetor bolora an Eaatara Diauluaudleoeo 18 whoo ha 00- aayad the laadlog rota la "On tho Bowory.'' Ho wu mode woleomo by a crowded bonae, atandlnc room belag aluxory. Weak 0(28, "Tho Power of Oold." Oatvtv.— TblA will nndonbtodly piOTS a red latlar waoa for Ihla houaa, u "Ibo BlAlag aaaaimttoo" la Ihe aliraoUon and William Barry la iba alar. Tho opooiog bouoo wu larfo sod aathoalaatla Weak ol 2S, "Iba Oaalar." LvoaoM.—A good alud aod laaca wu pitMot Ifl^ whoa lha Pbllllpa' Black OompaDy wuaaao to good advaolaia In "Tba Itoop of ijold, Tba prioclpal cbanoior la aaaay- od by Bmma Boll, Boalaou boapaup lo Iba oaoal atasd- anl. Waok ol 2S. "Laah, lha Foiaakaa." Sub, Bbarldaa A Flyno^OllySportsIMr. isaBwhmiw.—At the Academy ot Uaslo "Down lnDI.""Fo?urOaiSUtol»lt.l.'^^ B. na WalttComad,rA.P«inlomBandaadOrc^^ 5u5Sm wiilir or tht boot* mxntrr "^UMa-At Uie 0«m HooM "TO 'SSa%, CoiDiBi: •'Uom and Bom"tl. -Tb» firt MM Nliiii oinfiSl vid ilf Tcoii« BI»|*-8»» tit Plat LlBl* JohQ»B ud BrcwD Bto«. BlBghmmCoBa-Aitlie BtoneOpenHooMlIr. TTm till Bllon Tli6tt™'EIII»ro»fM«l the BbtoV' le Da*: IS-IQ. T«I«p>»0Dl»i»'ll-O, Wc* M»d fl»r- ten'i"Poodl»tiid McDoo dU" ILLINOIi. itr Uompuymtila !(■ loltli] appcannwa TtavMopI*: Mhc ud Coiur. Viok BiMto, lfo«. Beori •tlAToB Z«I>1«. ana WUllun W1U«U ud Tboma, tbe Ah6nia,Ui* Dmcooi ud Maui* Aubnra OomlDg X3, Ul* Uotqa* BpMlUlr Compu'- UiiiQOB —A Bood ititd bOQW wu pweot UL wbw lb* LondoDBpeoJutr Uompuy— ""ik ud Coil , arlff WUU Miooi ud _ _ . _ jlUlr Compur NOTBL—Tb« iDDul ooQurt ud nMpUon ol th« Id T«r(lilDKdepinin«Dtor the Bljoa TbMtie wlUb«bild MftrabS^ u BMDfdrbDod llAlLoonar flmlUiud 6«bir' mirbora RtiMU. tb«Mr#upuoDiu«i»tlJDgtob*ODB orUiewoletrmDUorUiliottr.ud hH* bMasono- Mttrul Id th* put Ihat iber Me looked forwud to by* Utro olro)« orirludi ud ifqu&lDUocw vltb neb Ufu •iptotucT tbat It bu boeo deeldid to mkk« tbii odi « Kr«Dd«ruilrUiu BD/tbtt hu prMidod It DuoIdr will Dot oommiDu b«lor« 10 90 r. M- Hoilo will bo for- DUbedbjthe BtJoaOreheairo, with Edwin O.Otuhou muilul dlr»otor tbo (hudi of tho Amaiutb Com* pinj «•» RiToii a tnit u, u iho Acadtmy of Mulfi, whoo Iho draauio oorpi of that locloif wu won In lb* ftutonl druio. hj Chirloi Rwdo, oDtlUed "Dom," ud oQDdod OQ tbo poom ol that umo hrTUBjaoo U It nportod that Jobuon A WuhDan will nm (bo Boplra TliMtn nut louoa. DarlDf the put two or tbno aouoM Mr. Waahburn liu occupiod tbe poiltloo ol roitdooiBiaDiKeruU Mr. JnhiiMo bu looked alterUie •dveriltlDg. Both iood aro woll aod IiTorablj koowo In thti part or towo. Th*r eUloti tbor will nn doUiIdr but opto date dramaa. ThorwIII coatlnao it u a popular piloo bouae. DnffalOa-At tlie Star TbMtre TtiOfl. Q. 8^ brooke cornea rob. 3UX1 DeWotI Hopper 11-37, ffiUoo Barr«tt2S-Manb 1. ot iSktBoerdid lafiij wall AoiDiMT oi> MOBia—'Tbo Oattlei" atartad Feb. 18 foribreoDlgbti,*'Old Jad rrootf"ai*31**8bore Aoru" nait weiit. Mario Jaaoea and B. U.6oUiera did waU, dlTtdlDjrlutw»ak. LYOiuiiTnufBB.-"TbolT]rLear*aimTttd for a waek 18, 'iMiMTba'* nut woek. "Blae Jeua" did a bie baal- naaiLlhooibbetBjtuovboiiBd preruted their opwlaa ttoiil TaeiSaj. CooRT Biaur TnuTKi.-4oo. Dlioa*a Co. lUrted le for ODO week. Weber A Flelda* Co bad a incoeuloD ol orowdad boniea. Muager Robluon bu deolded to dla> oontlone Auodajporrormueoa Id daferaDoe to pnbllo opIttloD. UavlDR (ouDd It wbollr DodeairaMe to allow the paiafor relraabmoDta Id thii tboatn. ud aodlov Itlo- poulble lo oone to tonnawltb Ba|g A WegolarUi, tbo laaaou ol that prlrileae, toaaoare liaitoppage, Hutger KoblDuo hu be«D upolatad reeetTirof ibooompuy, aod will ibm be la bottar eoadlUoD to atnlghun oat ihedllHiramaa. 8itA SMctuoniix.-Zara,Raaienud Paarl nolmao Uil Caaboiu.EdwlQa,KuD7l*atnani. Fred McOlellu, Judge Brothara Qallagber ud QnlBthB, Cathanna Ollaa ABOolIaUo Brothara and CatTud logrtm. KoTU.—B. E. rraoklln, for a longtima preu aiieot of tbo LjcoQio aod Court RireeiThoatrea, la nowaueodiog to tJio iDtervita of Kruk Brae, tbo boiei Aona Dumphlar, who ahot bar buibaod, Loaia Darapbler, In Hay. 191 wuallowad to plead golltr to auauli In the third doiiee ud ro on aaipendid eeuioDoe twrore Jodge Buvar, In ibeConrtorReuiona 13 Tbe pair are now llV* Inr happily tocether again. They are inUrealod In a thutre In tba lowar partol tba oltT BagweBu- dow'a attomaia aerred papara ad MonU[r«mory Inlng 16, Inbabair of Haodow, aemudlDgthatneeoaae ulog the name ol Budow. Albanjra—FIDO vegtlNr ud good gttncUons aarrad to d)l our theatiaa tho put weak. IboLaland upara ilooao bu Kalli Morrla. la *'A aamaorCarda * ud "BebtDd the tfcenaa,'* Fob. ll, It 13. ud the angage- mootwuaaucce'alalooe. Auu namdoa appeaitd la "LaBoUe Uarle, or A WoBiu*a Bavute." lolalratland* aiieo 14. Tba week oloaed wllh three pertonoueu ol "A CouDtrr flport,'> with I'oUr F. Datleru Ibo aUr. ud big tarnoubwrraaean. Cooitng: i8. aaoual tMilogtoarafr moDioltboAlbuyAthleUoOlub: l«,aD,Wn 'iollirr, In '*OaoorihM uoya:' 3L Maria Juaea, la 'Dotmonieo'i at ftii;"t3,lt,»DovBlnDli(e:"73i,*'ABarrel ol Mooay 3B. * Tlio EokinS7. V, "In Old Kentuokr." lljLKMiKca'BkKCKkR Uall bad "TboStill Alann** to good bualDa«« la, 15.19. t^tmlov: 31, U, ''rriDce I'ro Tom,'* 0, 16. "BowlDg the Wiod;" tj, 'The ruaiai 8how;"X-Marohl, "DartoBtUuaaia." * Tnu OiiRT TntATHH ■Itnaa'ad one of Ita moat ine- eowinl waaka, Fab. II<1S, wban Bhertdan A PlroD'a Cliy Pporta lifld lorih. Cointoa: IB-Q, May Howard*! Bar lo«<|ua no : O-Varrti S, the Oll« Clab Borlerqae Co. UanmaTCRitiRbia tetgnad lobar home In thIa dltr, afietiliabandloihor toopanr In guuaOliy.ud la now reailng. It U probable aba will produto ' UndarCom* ruUIno," a oow play, Snltoa Vua, a>tOQt AptflL opulBg at the Bowdoln square Thutre, fioaion. Roctieater.~Ttie LTceom Tbcfttre nWl remain dark nnill Fab. tl, whan Haria JaaNo, In "Mlaa Orna- mile." will tMilD a two aiibU'iur. "Tba Browalea** (iidabtgbnalooulutvaok, learing 13 Kate Clatinn aud Mino Jaoaoacbah fatled to put la ao upaannoa the laat hall ofttia waak. March 1, t, "SAwlag tSa Wind.** Toi CooK uraai Horai opoood Fab. W. with "OU Jrd rrouir."for ibroo oiRhta and Aaoei llandoa. la* La Ualla Uarle,*' lor lha lut tbree nlRbu of the week. La*t waak 'Hpeoial DoliraTy*'aad 'Coon Hollow*'pUy«d lo lair alaad hoaaaa. Aonoonaad: '*A1t1b Joalya" B-37. •-Pport HoAlllatar** »-Harrh I Thb aoadiht or Mraio gave lla patnu the City Haorli Pab. IS, to ran for lIiO w«ok. Lut week Davii* "UDOloTom'aCabln 'Co farad bkdlj. Week o( n, lola Pomaror. lo "The Lttile llunleaoe.*' TDi wo:(Daiiia:(n Uw*m TquTga attrteted good iHderuvilaluiwaok. Thuwoak'a proRramma: Carlo balla-Ztrrna. (wonder workara>, tba Eaoaloai (Mailcap (••ihar workara), uiliy Walla (irra aknll mu>, and Mabal MIltoD (long halml woniaa). TboaUA-Io«a Macoik*r, O'Brien and Ooljlna,thoBgluiboa,JnilaFiiBAaaadlhe rrauionia Troya^At tb« OrUwold pp«ra llonie, Feb. ll. 11 Agovi Ilamdon draw gonf taaoaae Ib * L% Belle Maria^* and ■'Harrlt<<, Not Mated.** Peter F. Dular, la "A ttouDtry Vport.** did a big boalpaaa ll, IL a M.Ber- traui'at'nmMlaoi la "Hou and Umb," dkl fbirty wall I}. IS "Lani of the MtdBlghlSuo** e«mal9i * Dova la liiila" 11. William CiQlllar, la "Una oi tbeBoya,'* '^)?i«D*8 OpiRi HOPBB.—■•Cloado''wlll beproJoead |g br tba AdontaOlob, alocalorruiavlion; 'Tha nuckai*.'* br the Troy Tacht riQb 19. D William^* Col^iaOUe riub o»me ll, Marie Walowrtibi la ^'DaaghUra of Bvo." The ben*e waa dark laat wi n. OaliTT TiuTU —The Fay Foi'or Barloaqse Don* puy came 11 tor the week, ^am T. /aak*aOi«oto Oon* pur peiAed thehooaa all laat waa^ Rrrmeate—AItt* WIeUar Op«m Bonn Fgi« "AOoutir •port,'* bad • ■tlitaairny iUy Clilcago.—Tbe week of Fob. 17 Ig nwto Import- utbr theretomof a farorlte oonlooperaatarasdthe addition ofasolbar coBilQaoBiparfoiinueetheair*to the local laalm of Tudarllla Bnimaaa U itlM at a low ataadard, la apiU ot u eieeodlBgly attiacUra line tt offarlnga. Lut weak arrugamuU were eompletad wberabf Chicago wlU biooae the pormaaant boma ol a grutelroUtRiogllni Brother* baring aacBred u ok- toadad laaae OB tbe mooaiar balULng kaowa u TatUr- aairi Tbay will Uko poaaauloa ib April aad opea a loorweeka' eogagamui with a ni|ht aiveat panda, ud taketbevoadatthoeodortbeaoitagemeDL Eaehyear thtaprof ruime will be rapaaled. and daring tbe coming BamnernllableqQartemwIll be flttad aptoteeoDno- date tba teated aBiorprlie during ibe Wlaier. OBICAOO Oraai Uooac—Lillian Roaaell wIU and a throe weeka'eBgaiemeac tbia wMkwith preaanlaUODi ol "I* Ponchole.''^ Uer bnstneaa bu been rary lair ud wobM baro been msch improrad bad tba bouae prlou oot boea adruced. Uarbart Beeibobm Tree betlna a threa wookl'eogaaauenC 16. _ _ u, OtiBD Oraai. notiBB.—>*ATaiaiBteer*' Onda abetter iBthlapopalar bOB*e lor Ibe boh lortalgbL Riehaid MuMlald eadad a fairly ancceafol eoguamoBtlS, tbe ■orara wealbor baring a dauUaaalal elfaet oa tbeat- ' indaDCo BooLBY*s TsBATRt.—"Tba Foaodling,*' prewnttd for the flnt Umo In AnerlcalAhu mat aerare crtilclim Ind the fare* la equal to Tbo compur I* well from tha localpreia. but to my mind the fare* la equal to tbe ararage BD|llab cAnady. Tbo compur I* well choa#n ud belpa alonji iha raibar lalat comodr atavont by their aetlrlty aod^iutalllganoa. Cluy Fiiagarald U UBtterdlaappoiBtmantto ihoao who aKpoeied artlitlo ductag. Oa M "Ihe riLaceaa BoobIo * beglai btr flnt local TiUt. COLDHDii Tobatri.— RIco'a Barpitao Parly begu Ibe alxib woea of "l*9r> vlib the cunaai dara, bnt ibo at- teaduoo woaM aaem to warrut u early eodiog to tbe falrtyaucoaHlnlnio. TbaprodacUon bu found lavor, bot la not autflelaBily attracura to Oad protpenty for u oiuaded period. iloiiLLia TBBATRB.—Louira Beaudet gtrei **Tho Dragooo'a DauRhier" for tba One uma liore. Laat week "FrTotda" wu giveu hr Edelo Uailon ud Seltoa Palter BovlelooBly lair bBBlnaaa. but tha menu ol tha plar ua eompuy deaarvtd tar battar raward. MoVicKiK fi TuiATfti.—Nait wuk llioa. W. Keaao b«- Jiaa a two weokB' eniacomaoc io lapertorf. ^Iiiro eiea." u glrw >ir Jaiopi a. namoaodan eicaltoBt oompuy, budiawB limltad audlaoua thu (ar in Ita fonrwaeki'TlalL HATtURiVT Tflurai.—Fred llallan ud Joe llart Bre *'Latar On'* toia «aak, belag foi:owod by Lewii oniJoB'a prodveilon of "FauL"*^ Lut week "Ullrar Twlit'* atliMtad lair bulBoaa. LiMOOiait TBBATRB.—-Tha CouBly Fair" la lo aaraloa Ihla weak,ud win be fol.ovtd br Etna Bllaler. Laat weak '^eLimited Mail'* aiuutod ralrbaalna«a AOADIHY oriMOBic—'Tho Hu Without a rcnstrt'' moreaorer thia week for lha Btat Umo on the wait aloe. La*t week bulneaa wu only £alr with 'The County Fair." ALBiHnEATBHLTBB.—*^oBpu of Life" laaoaatbla waak, aad will be followed by "In Old Eentnoky.'* Laat weak the atteaduoa wu lair, wban *The Maa Wllhoat a Couiry" wu vtren tor the dnt tloae bare. UAVLDfeTUBATsa.—Manager Fruk HaUlaunrated coatiDBoaa parlomucea l^ibe followlog perS>rman ooBtrlbotlngtothebUI of ttrttabtTanety: TbeMltor^ eUl Broihera, BiM and Zeoo, Byu aod BlahOald, Walter Fold ud Krukle Frucia, Bebaaffar ud Hall, BUar and RaadalL Bob*t ud Emma BtlckBar,tbo Aihbeya, Boaaio Phlilpa, A. D. WuA Ohu and Jaoala StewaH Earl ud La I>alt.BlgrHad.the OeForreat Blaiaraud Billy Rica. Muagar BailhuappolntedB-MoHayne u blalioalBaaa manager aad ObarloyEamat uatagedl redor. BiH T. Jaok'b Opbba Uousb.— Uuager Jaak praaonu bUBxtraTaguia Oompuy lor tba comiBglortBlgbt, la '*rb« Ballflgbar." tha underllao being ibe ButaBuUay Burleaquo l;ompur. beaded by Clara Blmooda. Bnal- wu very fair Uat week.wbea tboLondoD BoUm Burleiqao Comouy. beaded by Boaa Bydelt. wore la pea aeaaioB. ThooIIowgagod Julia EeUey.arauCeleita. Moru aad Hoxfby, Oamoball ud Hhapp, Tear R|u ud MuaioalBUfo, Iba loorFoi Brothen and tbe Laa Vogu Family. BOTAL BHOUsa OiBon—Tbe bnalnea bare bu re tnraad to a ataadard ol gwerona proaperlty, ud tbe bll i la of aoOcleot merit to warrut a ooaUaoatloa of teo<] bnalneu. Lut waek'a programme wgajed JeoBle Alwatd. Akaneto^a Troupe or Jap*. Boa* Sookrlll, the Daltorelll Biotbara, John Olaralud and Wm.DoVaa. tha Loreitaa, Obu. W. Flab aod BomttloiL a ttnrag mu ofeooaiderablo merit FaiBX Ball's Oaiibo— Maaagar Hall malalaloa a ■tioav bold on our amuaamut acakor*. ud prorldM a eoatiouoo* perfonauce ol eooalderable aiceltoaee. Tbii week be employ* Boonle Lottie, Aatatta, the Oioetbe Urotbera, Qao. E. Fiachar,01emaatandBorle. Tom P Eellar. Jaa. W. ud EltUe Blngbam, McOntb and Boothe. Will ud Ida Morrello, iho iionttaa, Jani aad Violet Allooat, FoaUrWllllamaud Bub.OeBouney aad Marki. ud the Victor Trio. Ltoboh TuBiTBB.-8uoh*a VudaTlllaa, beaded by Foniore. will hold aituiloa tbia week. Boalnaaa wu vary good with BuaeaU Brotben* Comediaaa. Tbe per lormaace en^lated tha effoiu ot Burt WhlUog aad Hamie Sbapberd. Harry Outlaga ud Dara Marlon, Will H. Fox, Bonnie ThontoB, Joba and Jamu Bnaaell,Oeo.P. Harpbr.Tho* O'Brlu aod Clan Havel, ud Anal* O. BoiaAlL Th*parlormueawuoneoftbebeitortheaea> aoo, and jaro apleadid aaUaruUoa. U. B. TBBATaa.—Tbe Leonto Brothara ttra their drama. "The Doe Scoot," thia wwk, aulited by tbe dra- niatlo itook. apeolaltlea belog loieipoUatad lo amke tbe eiriormuoeeooUaaon*. Lut weak tha olloaovaced ally and Aahbr. Du ud Nailla Hiatt, Lynch ud Tw' nor. Mile. Do Leon, Barry Beadon, Qao. Braaa, Plor> uoe Ohaae, Wilaoa aad Dawlay and lb* Flabar Brolhei*. noPBira* TaBATU.—Tha flnt week of the bow regime wu marked by |o«d booaea, ud tbe raatan aeami llhely to be a aueoMa. The atook eompuy preatat* '*A FalrBebal" tbia weak, iMolalUe* balog ftraiabadby Lew Dookotadar, Dorm Wilay, tba Fire Marula, the Bia«B City QaarUl (aecoad waok), Du ud Melll* Ulatt, Balla etawart. LyBB Leo Beeehar, Maagrora aod HoB' tagua and LIUla MIlbonrB. OLTiirioTaBATgB.-Bauell Brolhere* Conedlua ar* lapeauMloathlaweak. A honaa bill laat weak attracted fair bualaeai ud aniuad 0. U. Uatbaa, Obai^ A. Moro' UadudMlBDia Mar Tbompaon, Aaiarta, Uanr Bnd> worth, Fruk Clartoa. Joba and Nallla Hoi'aiihy, Mo- Brldoaad FIjaB, Wrtabt Blitan ud Roale,uaOroeth Brathera. Chu ud Jauie Welch aad Birrliu ud Blaok. A grut bit wu aeored br 0. U. Ualbu with hlJ wondarlbl aoL Pabk TButaa.—Thia weak'* bill aagagae Bartoa'a ' Life >n JoMai PtIboilx Jbo. J. Boyde ud Obrla. F. Burke, Masgle Le CUtk. Bd and Llnle Flaldj, Dooaa Do1ore^BDrtaBdLuraMaI1ea, Will Whliei,Boitoaaad Uyde ataalay. Battle Beraanl, Moianbi. Ohaio 0.0*- borae ud Pauae La Petn, BxuBL's Oriaa Patjuob.— The eatertalnnwnt tbli waok will be loraiabad by McBilda ud Flyna, Ruahaw, Ftoraaca Chwa, Park Ujera, La SlreBeaad Mlaa au BImpaon. BnalBoaa la rary lair of Ut*. Wbitb'b LOBBoi DiMBMuiBa—Tbeaarlo Utt for IbU week iBolbdoa Kmma Bchaller. u oaalOed ladyi Geo. Vuola a coBlontoBlat: Prof Ailama,a nugldae, aad MattloPamab. Thamldwai eihtbliloB la ratalaed aa tbe aiaiai KouL A MiDf>Lno)i'B QiiiBB MosBB.—Tb* Midway la malotaiB*d aa the feature of oorio ball, lha stage beiBg alrea oTor to tha Ranting Ohaa. aad Jeaala Welen Wriiht Riatara tud Roata^ Le Olalra, Tom KaUar. Haber asd OlUu. ud Kaattogand Flyaa. SOBL A HIODLBTOI'B t'LAlK BiaBBT MtJBBS*A COa* Tintioo ul mldjteia urt alaBU la la carlo hall this weak dalfgataa b •Ina Laha. Bila Bwing. Ohlog Wee, Mgl. Tlay. utte, ud Haj 8pa«h. Specially peoplo wm giro booib |Moa on tbe lower aiaga. ^ nare wiio oor oompaoT u, ua ranaaraea for laa rtnalo* der 01 the week. ivopMlsg bar leguUr toai at tbe Behli: larlT... LoalBeerett^ftoa.L.Oreoler^ofthaASora' Fand. laearlog lor OUieLarlna Mra. H.k.lfDrtoDand FEBBtTABY 23. iSojs? i;3? ir'i..5!'?;:i,si5?"'i Ti ■Isaar rebeanad b«ra •*rb* Blair oi Lll*'* iwt Ublag the roU fab. 18, at Elgin, III Oaroliaatffr j!& O L*aeb and Warreo Aiblor •» Ib th* oomMB* * MaBaMrOjrll HoTOM wlU prodno* Jaa. UaikiuViV:; B*wpiay.'^OBd*rBMi*dOrd*ra,"at tba ColuiBbnan:/ aire. Bail*B>.K. Y.belor* the seuoa eodi.. illf: Nub goes to OiBdaaaU, O., to rapreaent Maaatar Pn^w Hall at Pike's Opara Hooae. iHiular Btavard ■ m nu. BfO the auge Obleuo Marioe Bud ...Tbeatagoforeea for tbe prodoeUoa "lolit with lb. Id IhaBdililar oaat the Lloo-iln are gaUlaroDiV: •cenarr for tbe prodneUoa ot"The Oolf Poefeet'* tn Harry V. Warnar. at tbo BlJou Tbutre. Ib year cltr M» »...:..OaB*ralRapr**uiaUr*Vau E4wa>dii« lYVoi^ OlBdanatJ, 0.. thia week to open Pike** Opera Bouu r» Muager f'ruk HalL ' ^ Ctalnojr^At tbo Effiplr« "Ttia Fencing Uaatdr'* drew a larfO and well pleaaed aadleae* Fab. ll "au. bama."U plarad toblgbnsiaeaA * Tbe Black CTOok.>MT bad Ita aaoal large boaae "> EDiH MosBB.—This week's people: Carlo tatU-Bonik BuIaludJoeand Bucud Prof. ChuTarlor. BIIm stag*—Wan* udnie*B. TbaatorlBm-RhlaehartOam 00.. la "Osroiby.** Barrr Oray will act u Maoaau Martta's local rapre^otaUTe. ToBina BAU.B.~FiukeBStaln's OrobuUa and Pnti TajlorandwlialT. iroi, NOTBB-J. H. Ward, muager of "Pawn Ticket 3io » ttataalbatbe hu no lat*nti0B of c*oalog,and thath'ii UmeliaUflilad lo Jone Tt with one weA*a axcaptioo. J. H. ncboeDeman.aatboror''Btam«rek,"bueom platadafeBaational drama which be oipaou to aia=a aeitHaaoo. Thoe Onmas stase maaager ol tho Em- pire, la BOW at work preparing Ue ace«lo plot*. D«cat«r.*At Uio Powen GrAnd '^e Span or Llle" Feb. IS,^A Paaaing Hhow,*'l4, aad**ARtlirni.| Ticket,'* IL did a gnod bnalaeaa. Coming: Corlooo K '■rbeT«o8uiara**19. »Wug"3l, ' A Cork Mu' A NEW JERSEY. JRK Mr*. Orochar. u* latipr, a wanlrebe woihu wi\£ .A B. MaaoD, a acaate artiit u tha enploy el .HO|tOD vltb "lOL* _ _ _ _ _, „a enploy o Soemao A^audla, *u^BU>alled and hlUed by foot pads laal week .Abbor A Ona bring tbsir grand opera eomuar to lb* AudiiorlDm lor ihre* weaka, March 11. line Melba.Mma.Eamu and Bofla BcalchL arounoaneedupilnolMja ttadle Martlnoiaad Max Flguu latndBoe 'T'h*raafpon"atih*BchlUerMareb& Mu Preamu, w^o loperintaDded th* nbaaraals ol "La Percbple" at tha t'oleago Opara Hon**, wu preaMiad withadiamoac bpne aaoe pia byLilllu Beiaellua birthday prerant Uit vt*k Moaical Director Iru " laat week praaaated Will d. Fox, .. .. Dail*. of tha Ljcenm. of BuaaoU BntharW baton Maaaser If*. Mllwank**. Wf re* Comediaaa, wnh a allvar t=p; »r Joba Bafaer,o(ihaPoople'*To ■iiwaoioo. wia, wu la Iowa lut weak Boia- MaaagerTukNawall.or BprlBieiAWalti'a'Blaci Crook,'* wu dot ag boaiaaos ben last week Adrai m A|*Bi Bd. OlnoK. of LiaeolB J. Chrtsf * •Tbe Ttonadr.i la la to*a,eallloK oa frlnda Jamee J. Corba ffs •HleaUemu Jaok^ Bob UUUatd'* Tte Kamloe ib« nm mm CoBp^ay, Hepkur tnu^M IVewarlcAt Miner's "A Trip to Oblnaiovrn* hu lost aooe of lU attrullreoeu It antertalnad au- diences that flilad Iba honaecomfortably aitTarrrtr formuce lutveek. "DarkoatBoaala,*' Ibli wut. ia<,a« of III* law melodranu that baie appeared at ibli bon« thlsacasoB. It prospered bare lut euaoa ud tlioiM d« ao BBaln, u It opened faTonbly IS. Mr. RolUr la down for Fob S. 38,17, 'The Paaaing Bbow" 38, March 1.3 jA00BS*.-8UTa Brodle wu the Meooa of t>ia cnilooi laat week, and he dnw to tbe oapaAiu of the hooaa. ••Hot Tamalu * made Its flrai bow here 18 to a too] hosaa, aad will probably laeraaae its bualnau )9. ti. ■TheTOraado** follow*3L 0,31 It la not nnkaowo b*n and abODld reoeire |ood atteatloa. "Too YoBaon" week of SB. Waldmabb's— ThaNlgbtOwlsraoslTod afatr ihare of laat w**k*a bualae*a whiob wu aatlnlr aatWactorr. W. U. William** Owa Oo play a ralorn thia waak. a fa* cbuflcs baro beea made la tha oompur since their lut Tiait bare, which toad to atxuathoo the parlonnanea. John Fatloo aod Uona. Oorrell are new comara. Tbrr eat*rUlD*da good boue IB. Th* May Howard Co. ap- pear 3S ud week RrAR.—Jaaale Earle, Aanla Bosaall, Haml* Qilbartaad Prof. Dunbar. ULOBB.-Sadl* BorgaaiL Bdlth Majo, Mlsnl* Eari, Hermi* Bmttta ud Fruk North. OiBmo-JuDlo Raraaid, Qnca Tbompaon, Bella White and Jue CoMhurL aAiKTT.-AnBioEdeanl«,MIUle MarUol, Mabel Rica, Prad Bacoa aaj Prol. Bacboua. Nbwh— Tbe t}ommlUee oa HunloipslCorporatlona. at Trantnii. bare reported farorably on the bill to prohtblt the wearing of larse li%is la p:acea of amnsameot Eiuamatiouawlli b* glron at the looal theatrw ao Wanhlngton'a Btrilibay Mr. Amtib, of Sorlboor k Bollb'a Circoa, lofonna me ibat the arruitmamafor thatr Bbow an progreaalBg nicely. Tbe olreui wlllopaa about April 3D. PaterauB.—AC the Opera Houm "Tbe Bu>wt< war" b«d a la!rly good bouae Feb 11. *'A Bafcna Hhack" waa prcaantad to fair Dnalnau 13. IS. -Tte Wagu of Bin" cloaed a falrlr aocceaaful ihrte nigbta* atar IG. Pookinea: Local amaioor*. la "A Bouibara Patriot," 18, IB:MiuBt aaorati Hua» '*ABiuir."31; -Jim. theWeatamar'*21,lX *^e" 3$. 37, "Tbe Colonel" 38-Marcb3 BiJOD TRBATRI —The Wat'OB Slaten* EilraTaiasu Compuy had good boaloeu Fas 11-IS For tbe currant week we bare ueFonr Emperor* of Mo>ln. Id "AJoUr Lot'' ThoAmerlcuaalatyO'rli a-37,LoodoaOaiaty Ulrlaas-Marchl HoKKMcSBit.—Arrlrats Feb. IB and week: Feraudai, Doroihy Hltdiall. tbe Browninsa. Larry Toolar, Ladii *Bd AItatoi, Rita Dorand, tbo Watarbnry Broi.. Ella Monia, Darenia Broa,UuHloHarr, aod Bnbr Hart. NorxB-Bob Hau'htater paid adrlngTiBltio this ally 17 HuafrrTooraj. of tba Edaa Hnaee. bu decided to giT* loial araatanra ll>e naa ot bla alat* Inr two bean oa Fridar eranlog of each week Ed. Kawmaa b*a returned from bla Southern trip Johnny Waai la eouiderlng ao oger from Shoflor A Biaktly Tbe locallodgeof Blkaloatorartwo haodrod riollanoo ibair balL Ranr Boactare hu becoma a member of ralorion Lodge of BUa. Bltxaltetha—At tho Ljctnm Theatre "Land ot the MIdalgbt Boa'* came Fob. 11 tn fair aodlaace. Tho houu wu dark tho raoialodor of tho weak. To ariira: RllubathAttlaUo Club MInatreU 3a,**Darka8t RomU" B *'8he" March 1. Mn. Potter aad Kyrle Bellow X DBABBOrBkA UoiTSB.—'The Blowawar" oama 13 to a fair bonae. Mm Olareudoa Bnlih produced "Bo Pup," with two bBBdred local cbildnn, ISand at maiinae IG. Tbe Mganmut wu auccMSfol ud appreciated by good sliad udleDoea, eapeclally at the matlnae. To arrtro: Mane JuMB. In * Dalmonloo'salB." 18; Bmllh's "Uooia Tom'i Cabin** n, "Tbo Toraado" A Aluloa Uoapltal beoeflt 2L **A Barrel ol Moner" Harob 6. Tin.—BoalnesB Muagar W. S Fnnmu, of tb* Diaka Open Bonae, hu rulgaad bla oosltlon aad Predailok Obllds bu ncc«*d«d bim **Th* Btovaway** Uo. laid oTor h«n Fab. 1 3-17. Janey City—"Tho Eoalgn" opened the week at the Academy ID a large boos*. The ptay wu recelred wlthuikBBlaam. Donelly and Glrard aexl week. **Bkaft No. r* bad a prosoorou week eadlag lA BOB ToB.—A rarlad bill lo anit all taata* op*B*d toalargematiaeeiB Thepaople: Harloa0. Bili,Ballr ud Boydell, La Petite Edlto. Leooard aod Fnltoa. Dara Oanaro. Olemuu Rroo., Qapltola Urilae, MoBrld* ud Ooodrioh, BUly Williams, Borle aad Oraham, Will Baidr, th* Eleotrlo Four. Pat Blcka aad tbe I>eabaTa. Bosinen oontlooas up to tha standard. J. 1.0.-Ja*ale Delmoot, Lrdla Hall, Flora Klanine, ElittMonlA Jack Lrnch, Geo. Eueand Prot Barnoad. BBSfBOM Is goodj HobokoB.~"Tbe Tornado** openeil to tbe ct< paoltr ol tha Uobohao Tbutn F*b. lA Thar T«malB aa* tU 3if. '-Lead ol lha Mldalgbtfina" oomwU-13. BuU nau last waok wu good. Buocr.-ManuerKorrlaoabutafeanofr hlsooatand la helping tbe bor* net th* bonu la ahape loruie opoBtag 39. Be Is booking aone ucaUut attraeilosa, aod then la no reason why the hotisa ahoiUd not name Its oU time pnrUaf uagalB. larxaiAi..—Tb* anil Tarlaty. TreBton.->At TmIoi'b Open Hoate Hgnager Bam Taylor's Imperial VaudaTlUe Bbow dnw |ood bualaaaa Fab. II and wuk, ud the Toatan wu a de- cidedly proatableooe. Watte's Comedy Oo. opeaed 18 to bigbflslneasa Mr. aod Mrs. a B. Baldwin come SB aad week. a TBBirnHM0BBDM.-BBJlaas8UBtweekwulhelargest In the hlatory ol the bonae. Tbe liTlng plemru anr*- lalBOd lor this week. OaHo hall for IB aad weak: Ad. rarllale's ualoed dog^ D. W. Levia ud HanT Allaa's PDacfa ud Judy. naatre-BrlUlut Qoarul. Eddie Edwaidi, Mark Loring ud Alhe Leslie, aad Qob Oar* bOlta DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washlagtoa,—Obamce/ CHoott, In "Hm Irish Aitlat," had a lOod waak at AUan>a Oiiad Opaia Hosaa. lha plar had sot boon aaaa hsra bafoia, and Itwaa ro- ealTad with domonitiaUona ol appnral Oharlaa mb- maa'a "Tha Olrl I Lalt Bahlsd Ma" mat wllh aa anthnal- aaUencaptioo oa lu nappoaianea at Baplar'a Matloiial Thatia. Tba John L Bloddaid aariaa at Isalons al Rap- lafa Aeadam; otMaslo was»slsad la thaeapaoltr of lha hosaa dnilni lla uat waak. This waak la tha laii and ahonid ha aonalli aooeaaaTnL Bl Hanr'a Hlaauala mada Ihalr flnt appaannea baldia WasblnrtoB andl- anaat laat waok. at Bnllor'a BIIod Thaaln, vhai* Ihar aiwat«d a caiorasla Imoraaalon, BaooUoatboaaaanlad. Bias * larun'a Boaa Bill Bnslub roUrCawaawaimlr waloomod atSanan'a Lrcaom Thaatrs. baalnoaa bains nnUormlj snod. TboHtsranbagan OoiaidrOoaoan Fak U,aiaataanU'a Mnalo Hall, waa laraair auaadod, aa na alao lha Iiara-Lathaoma noltal, ll, at ihs aana placa. Binn's RanoxiL Tauraa-Joha Dnw, la "Tba BntlatOlaa" a-a, ■'Cbailai'a Annf B-llareb s auas BdaawDOraaA uossa.—"Hidaa," ana* oomle onoii, \ij aiftad Baldwis Sloaaa, rah. IS, br lha Bonn olBlanaOlah^ol BalHawratHd.. for iha booostortw Waahlnilon Boma for laonrahlaa: "Cladarella," hr pnpllaof rioL OaorssT. Bhaldon'a oaaolaa acadomr, B: abtar 4 Oiaa^ Opan Co., In "Lohancctn" l|, •-OUIlo"a,'Tanal"matlnao O ••llanon" nlshtolA HarisT's AlUDUT or Miisia—Tba laai waak ol tba mMMaid iNUraa IMS, Pnmroas 4 wrn'Mlsatfab A- ._Bftsa's Bins TnaaTsi.—"A Bnach ol Mara" rah. !»«. ••rtaPolleo Pairol" IS-Maich 1 ^ Essais-s Lycscu Tssiraa-ana Ulira Kaw Totk Stan rab. IS-B. Uido-a lloinadlana DrVarob X Norsa—Jamaa N. Bathnna, tha ronnarownarof Blind Tom,dlodlo thio olir IS Ananaloa Cook, now Iho Vapolson wllh nton'a <Sanaaana," baa bsaa ansaiad brHanatar Baplar lor lha Matlossl Thaatia Samnar RlMk Coupaor. Which wlllopaa Its aaaaoa Mar S oaat, Farar Bronka Maada flaalam. MarrSandoia. Joa. Who*, lock Jr, aod Charloa Maobor liara alao boao onansod tor thtsauaoomoanr. EdwatdAfooB haa ralliadlrom Lowla MorTlM«'a companr. aad baa rotniaad to hlo hon« la tliia tltr....Aanta Bo«lh.Sthn«liai la apandlni a law waaban*iawltbbatbnaband.Jobnll SobooSol.0IAbbor, naLhaa IraaalorTOdtDraaBrBlcabtaadapuuoDA ^ IhoOnmaa of -^bras Fair 0) Bboaa," wblth waa orifW aallr pradoead la Ihla ooanlir hr OalaUaaarwIth araal antcsaa Tkanama haa baan ehaasad U -ttiMSr.'' Mia; RtoA haa boaa pUrlog It for lha past Ihtaa or tear Boatsa aad ahsnow owns tha maauavtaadalltlihiaiorpiv dadatthosenaadr.