New York Clipper (Mar 1895)

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20 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. March 16. World ^Players — Hole* frnm tlia MlDDle Beward Co.—We tn dfllng ■ very eDcouraRlnR huMoees througti ibe ItrgcrNcw F,n|ltn<l cIlleiiileKpllettieLniKDMMon. HIn Bewkrt hu 4aT0l«1 nncli ■llenlion to tbe iniiKlcal depennwnt tlila Kum, wllb ffnWfing re- nulla r»r the iqieclsltleiilnlnMliiceil lif htr. Memn. McNiiltj, BanUo; and tlie Ilendoiu are pmmunced altnctkiiui evtrrirlicrt. II. I. nibi, for tlio|m«l«n M»iv>iui hurdneM niaoaiier In advance for tbe Hora- WllllaniK Cn., la now aiwiclatcd with Mr. Sevard In tlie managemenl orournniilni.and ourltoohlDnaior next aeaaon alreadj amiiinc a mM cheeiful aapect We aball rcnuln nnt all Huniiier, tniiilDit the owunl- ain reanrta. — Jar linntwill aall for l/induu In Jnneorlaljr U> conclode nciDllnllnna rnr a lour nf flreal Imlain and Ireland, vrlili 'Mllp Van WlnlUcxror meaoaaoii of miv-7. ^, „ — Anliur W. Hliowtll hax l*cn rnxaRcd I17 ur. Uamnlwll, and will Ih one nt llie Miipire Tlitaue, lietralt, atair ror tlio rciiialniler or llie Meawin. — Marie Unniier lalAillr In convale«r.ln(j rron an allack of IniliiPiiMt. — Arthur T. Ilniirchler h»ii replaced Waller 11. Hollo an nunamrof Ken. K. Ktaum' 'Two VtMt»'< Co. „ — (.ImH. Krnhiiian Iim armnRcd tii produce "The Ulrl I un lleMnd Mo" al ihp Adel|>lil Theatre, l/m- dim, Knff. — HIevc nnidlo wlllnmllnnc nexl aeawin In "On ■he llowctT," ""'Icr llie iiianaicnwnt o( liavla A KeoRh. Nr. llr<Klle la nnilcr r'niinul wllh Ihia flmi for a three jean' lonr In "l>ii the llowerT," and twn Sean In a new |ila; now lielni; wrllleii h; II. A. tepheiiM. — C. \V. Itcllljr haa rcllred fmni Ihe maumcmeiil or tlw (IrBOil U|icra llnniw, Ihtvenpnn, la., and llic houM! la cliMed. The hiat altmcllon waa "The Man Without a Uiuiitrr," Uarcli a. — Mm. Annie Kenitll.inoihcrnr John Kenicll and the lale llarrr Kcnicll, illcU at riillulelphla, I'M., March 3, afn-ii aeveiiijr-luur jcam. Nlic waa well known to pnircmliHtBia. — IJIIIc llefinUe II uiilliKton liaa rctiirnrd to llahl- ninni, Uil., arier a |/>iir or tlieHniilh. Hhe expoclalo aiart ror tlie Weal liidlca afler l^enl. — J. K. Hlieehaii liK< replaced J. ■'. Tucker, aa Wl|. Ilnni, III tliiHlavc h'nilinian'HHoiilliem "Jane" tUt. — IhiiiJ. II. Veniiiii, lalo oT ilio Chinio linmallc (lo.,liaanrKanlied a ilraiiiallc cciii|»n]r al lUvaiia, III., eompoMd or lixnl talent, mil la touring the HIale. The conipaiijr liavo a new pla; called "The WnrlilnR Uau." — The liiiliii(;iiiiicd)rCn. claimed lo haveloat anme or Iheir iironerllea al limiiceater, Mam., recenllr. Borne or Ike llRhi nntered weiiliT alailniclcd It livni the dresKlDa roniiia. — MaiwRer Clina. T. Kindt, or llio lliinia Opera lloiiae, Iiavaiipiiri, la., h ciikhkIuk Htno ror Iho Urienlal KxlravngaiiM Minpaiir, wlilcli he will put out nexl aeaxin vlairlnB two nlitlit and week Maiula. — W. M. WllklMiii, Aloi. aalrlnl'K manaaor, la In llie Cllr ol Mexico wlllin view to lakhiR Mr. Halvlnl there ror a tour or lite larger clllea. — Illauclie Moivan haa ckMcd a Maaoo or twenty wceka Willi llia "Jiwliua Hiinicclij"Co., and la vMt- Ing trlenda at C'lilcaK". — Illlila Vcnioii wittcH iiammi lulilniore ilialahc will open next acaaon In II. H. Italclgh's Ituaalan- Aniorlcan ineloilraiiia, "Inna, the Kerf," plajrlng the line role. _ — Noica rro Tlio liorlij Winner" Co.-Tho phj will celelmlo lla two liunilnMllh iitrTonnancc al Ihe Uraiid Opera llnuiie. Sew York, on Hninla;, A| ■The lierli; Winner" leri HI. Unil* In Aiiipial, anil haalieeii un the road, wllli Ihe ainjrio excepllon or one week al Imniu, atnro then, it will cliiae lla nta- aoii iiraeren nlliaatlhu Nnllonal Theatre, I'lilla- del|i<ila, iiD April It. BInco aiartlnit out llio rnm- Knj haatraveletl tliniUKli cverr Blalo In llio Union aiorNelinuka. Al ll» twn liunilrcdih peifunii- anceeletani MiuvonlrMWill Iw given awajr 10 each lailj In Bllcnilani'e. — Iloaler or U. F. liiKraliaiu'a Hand rur ISM: U. F. Ingraliam, Arlli. Ileaiiin, Al. Waawr, M. Ingrahani, I'. Keugh, J. KnuilHCM, J. TliouuHaiiil Vance IngtH- ham. — Kdward K. Havaoii, leading man or "The OdI- tun King" Cn., took Ihe iHur delilnr'a oalli March t In Fall lUver, baaii.,aiKl then accnretl the diambwil or the aiill liitiught ngalnal lilin hy Kdllh IL Meek. Mr. HawHonSi atlnmof had aoiue troiiiile In hia eitliita to imivo Mm to lie a "puer Ulan" nailer Ihe law, and nul; Kucceoilod atler Ihe actor had aa- algiieil Ilia Inlern4 In certain tliealilcal pra|iet1; In riltalnirg, I'a. — The will or the lale Jnliii W. Norton heiiuealbea to Wllllani N. Conner, or tlila cllj, hIa diamond ring: 10 (leorn McUaium. all lewola, aouveiiira and liluketa, tu be diatrlliulcd (17 film to hiniaeir aud other thealrlcal era|ihi;eea or Iho llnnd Upena liouae, ot BU UiuIh, Ho.; to I'lerre Ulioiiteau, hla In- toraat Id the (IhikI Open IIoumi; lo Mward l> llamlllaD, hhi nouhcw, lila cintliliig; lo Uenir II. UughllB, hU llhrtiiT: lo hla alaler, AunloJ. Hamil- ton, wire 01 laaao II. Ilaiiilllon, of Jemej UII7, N. J., allihenatorhlaeataio. — Orill Bcolt will Icaro the Hopper Opera Coin- paiur at Ihe ckxe or Ihe preaent aeaaon. — Meaaia. Ablwr, UchniM A Umu have lt^ mnged wllh Manaier llarrr Aakin ror a aeaaon of Huuinierconilo opera at theTieinoulTlicalre In Ikw- lou, Mawk The aeaaou will begin In Max and con- tinue nnlll Bepteiiilier. Among the oncna In lie pic- nenled will bo "lloccacrbi," -The niack lliinaar," ■Tlie lloggar aiuilenl" and a new work. K Ihe lat- ter pmvea a aurrcwi In Hoalon Uaiwger Aakln In- leniutotake It on Hie roiil for a >'all anil Winter aoaaou. — Tnin (lould, llrorge AiHai,-'Jack" I'almcr and three other nienilaini nt llio lalo ■■In Iho Tender- loin" Ui. have begun ault agalnal uaimr; A I,cderer for aalarica allogcil tn bo due Ihem. — Fauiile Want anil lier niollier, Mm Juhn Uu- ehaiwii, U^vo wlthilnwn Iheir aulla agalnat Clar- ence llrown. Mlw tVard'anull wu tor lioo.oou <lani. agea tor breach o( ptvnilae, while Mra. Iliiulianan aued Mr. Ilmwn for fH>,oin r»rdeprivation or her daiighter'aaervlcva. — Oeurge W. Udcror and Kalgar Hinllh have wrillen an enllrel; now Ulirallu fur Ludwlg Kng- lanilerM nnialc or "Tlio Twoullelh (;enlurT Olrl," aud will illai-anl llie lavk wrtilen I17 H.vdiie; lloarn- relil. -Kddle Kii;wlll aliclve ■'lliTllie h:arth" at the eliw or tlila aeaiuiii, and wIIIoikii iioxlacaaiiiiwllh a now biirlOMino, enllllcd "Kiililnaon Cniaoo." — Oiint Van n>wll ami William Hluait Intend lu alar lolnti; iioxl aeawin lu reprrlorjr. — whon lieniuan ThouiiMin cbiaca hla ongage- ineut In 'The libl lliuucHlrud" hi the Mar Theatre; Ihia ollf, ho will Kllru rniin the caal and Ida iMrt will l« aiMiined by anolher rur the \Vi>Hieni lour or the coniiMuy. — II la nuniirvil that f. W. iNnildovk will enter the Kiirre^l lluino. — Illrlianl Blahl la witling a niiialral comedy rr<iiu Kanih llmnil'a novel "Thu Heavenly Twina." — Till' new n|irra hiaiir nt ttablna, II., which baa JUHl Iwwn roiii|ilvtMl nt a rriM>rti*d coal ul |U,OOD, waa niwiieil Unreh t lijr ■■Tlic Two Blaleni" On. A large and oiilhiiHtaallc audience, wo are Inroniicd, were preaent. Manager Wnrinlngloii prolaed Ihe atehlleclumi tieauly, the ronuimllnun atage and Iho lluo aciHialtc pniiHTllea of Iho huuae. — t'liaa. K.BnnRul, pn>|iilcli>rurKargeDl'a Celebrt- ties, Infoniia iia lluit A. II. l^iary, an actor, rotme near loalug hla lire hi Mallouu, III., on Iho uionilugor Mait;h 4. Whilo alaniling 011 Ihe deiMl plal/onn watching an Incuinlug Irulii lie waa allarked wllh a amlilen ralnluraa, which pi^wlnileil lilm. and he rell acmm Ihe Irwrk dlrenl; lu n\intor theaiipniach- Ing ciiglno. I'nuiipt action nn Iho latrt or byilanil- era dnggnl Ihe iiuin nul or dnuger Jual aa the train daalied peal. Hr. L'laty aunn m-uvenxl, and al- tbougk atuiiowhni daceil and nale, waa aMe to pixi- ceetl on hla way- He la nnabre to account lor Ihe sudden prMtiMllun. Iiclng In aluioat perfect boallh ami strung and robual. -Chan.J.Mitchell and ('unit.Cainpliell, Ulo of wlnaion^B Oiiem Co., will, Ihoy lutorm ua, inake a lour o( Aualnlla In the Bprtug. — Ilodgklnaand Leiih are with Renttrow't Jolly Palbllndeni. Tlie oouinauj U louring Cokuado, Wyoralog and Utah, aud Iravel, we are iDTonned, In IbeIr own palace alceplDg car. The above gentle- men hirorm ui or Ihe mairlaao of J. W. Reotfrow and llolen Myrtle, Id Oreal nils, Mog., ou Jane I8M. — Laura HeDiien Joined Qua Dotbner'a ''Bunch or Keys" Co. F ^b, ^ for remalniler or tbe season. — Oeo. II. Ilolroube, Iran dnimmer, for the past two eeaaona wllh lbs "SI I'erklns" Co., oloan wllb thai coiniany lo accein a almllar poalUon wllb Iho Qennnht llaml ami UnhMlra, of Keaaiiig, Pa. — Hoaler of Wllla' "Two olJ CTDnl(a"7SnuUioni) Co.: John II. Wllla, Ilbarlea Oniiewln, lleil Hart, WIIIUiii Kenncihr, Juaeph Klrliy, tvrlolla, Maude llBKlelle, MaVI Ulce, Floni HIce, llaael WeUa, UI- llan Welwr. lilllan Vhenller, AiU Chemller, K T. Weatcoll, advance pma agent: Al. Itolaon, nan- agar, ami Phil CDlllna, mualcal director. — kIrkelA Hhelle, •Ipieaenl iiumaiiarot the Bo*, tonlaiia, and Arthur II. CUrke have anmiigcd lo atar Fmnk IMnlelanexlaoasobln *TtioWl£ajd,"aooinlo opeia by llarrr II. Bnillli. — RoliDd Reed and hla company mel irllh a scil. one mbihap, while m routi, at BcoUaiid, Oa., March t. Their train waa ranning at fall rale when a nla- plaeed swIKb waa esoouolercd. The entire train waa detailed and ncMly every car waa thrown upon lla dde, two penosa lieing killed and a fpwl num- ber wounded. Mr. Heed waa lojared In lbs leg and back, and of bin company W. R Betlan, Joe. lloDg- lam, Mary Hyera.Jnllan Reed and Indore Ruali were allghUy Injured. — "Thai UIri rrom Vankee Uod," which In being pbiyed by the Hsude lllllnaa Co.. In not a new play, hut bi In the printed catalogue oT a play dealer In thin city. — "Agallia Ueiic," a one act comedy by Ruaa Whylal, was acled ror the llrat lime at the (llranl Avenue Theatre, I'hlbidelpMa, Fa., by Ihe Mock coranany. -Mra. rotler ended ber engagement at Uoaton, Masa., March a, and will enjoy • brier period or real, pRparatory lo tiegloning an cngagemenl al tbe llensld Hqiiare Theatre, In thin city, at an early date. — Fnncbi P. Marbniv, spnimlnent lawyer, or thin city, and father or Rllnrteth Uarluiry, died nud- denly at hbi home March 8. — Hay ninwntlh la lying dangeroiinly III In Chicago, III. — Pnir. A. C. any ban rigned wllh Walker llroa.' '■U. T. C." Hhow aa leader or liund and nrcbentre. — C. II. JclTennn, Klaw k Krlangcr havo declined to renew their leaae ror the Tticatre Vendunic, Naah- vllle, Tenn., an they refuaed lo la; handicapped with the dIreclor'H liox clanne. They will have a theatre of their own, however. In Saahvllle, nexl year, lo pmiect Iheir liookhiffa. — ■'The Traiun" fo. ban Iteen organized al HI. l/iuU, Mo., wllh Ihe fulluwiiig pi-oplc: Ceo. F. Ureene, manager; Kdw. Foalieig, aiwlainnl iinua- gcr; l>ee llegg^ atage maimger; Will H. Ilonnell, secretary; Fred liarlliiRlon, trcanurer, and the fob lowing mnler: I^inldua Uegga, lien. F. Ilreene, Kdw. Fondiay, \VIII a Ilonnell, Mr. Ilsrrold, Kilw. Uiallelnn, Fred lurllngtun, MIni liarlliiglnn.Mlaa Forabay ami Mbia Vance. Tliey open nt llelleville, III., week or Marcli 11. — Notes rrom llarallton'n Ideal Theatre Co.: We closed a pronpemun aeaaon of Iblrty-elglit weeka al Remington, ind., March t. Thecoinpany ban toured llllnoliL InifUiia andOliln. Ilurliigthccnilrcacaaon not a change haa Iieen lande In rosier or company. — Ilenale lloyle and Cleo. 11. llnwani Joined J. C. Blewan'a 'Two Johm" Co., at Ft. Wayne, Ind.. March ft. Thoy write: "We received upwardn or llfty olTera for thin and next aeanon llirougb uur mile 'sd' In TiiR C'LirrgH." — Mary Ibtnkmn H playing liame Itarliani wllh Bprlngcr A Weltya "llUck Crook" Cn. — Jainca W. Itankwiu In pinring the Trump wllh Florence lllndley'a "IHyTniln'' Co. — (M. CyrTlieaUe Co. NoIca: Kbdo Kaye waa num. uioncd lo her Innne, BI. I'aiil, Minn., by the lllneaa of ber mother. Mrs. Hydney Hmllh cloaed al Keiths- burg. Fred C. Iloey and wife Julneil iia March 11. — Flank r. Haven kilned the "I'ollce Patrol" Co. at WllkenlArre, I'a., HHrcli 7, na biialneni manager. Mr. Haven rcnnria luinlncMi linprovliig, — Hal. W. Jhviwii and W. s. I'crry have neciireil Ibe nervlcen or tbe Kheimnl Family. Tliey liavo had a mualcal comedy written for ihcni cnllUeil "A Family Adklr." llio runi|»iiy npena March 12, and will iilay Now Vurk Hlale. It— lYnf. Inn tmnl haa atgned with F. C. l>ervT'« ■■U. T. u." Co., lo lead Ihn land ami orcbcnliH, It Iiclng hbi third aeaaon nlih'tliat coni|Hiny. — J. U. Welali, plunlat,cloiiul wllh Ibe Many Mnd- loy Co., ami JoliMit Ihe Uarrle Ijinmni Cn., na niiinlc. al director, March 1. — Alice llyiio, who liaa lieen doing leaila furCluia. H. Ilniumond for the iwat nvc yearn, Iian reilretl. — Tlie ■'.Said I'aaha'' ll|icm Co. dlalai-ded at Jn- rayello, Intl., on March b, In an iiuroriunale condl- Uiin. — Noiea rrom Ncdiiilcy'a UiHi-nl t'oiucdy.—We n|ie(inl the new o|ieiw lioiiac nt Oiiinie, Tex., March 0^ and liinicd iicojile away, nitil our aliow coui- Cctely cajiiurvil llieaudleiiue rrom the Hiarl. F^ia cOliiley received Hve eiicorea In lier great iludc riMracter. Manager llaydeii eacortcd our company 10 the lloiel Cnnanl, and we bad a iMinquel long to lie remeiiiliercil. We |)bty our way lo loulaaiui and Hbodwlppl. and Ihe "nan In duck |ianbi" iiiakcn Ida siipcarance renularly. Old Tom Howard,ouragcnl, cIOMvM wllh ua April iO lo Join Wooda llroa*. Circila. We are having oellgbirul wcallicrnnd the cuiiipHiiy eiijnv tbe Bunny Boiith. — Woodhull A dray's "Aunt Bally" Cn. nolen.- We are now la our twenty-nlnlh week. lliiilneHa In Texas nince the bltexanl nan liccn i|ulle fair. Tlio coni]»ny atarta East from HoiihIiiii March 11, ami will olose April 27 hi Maryland. Kxcclleiit lliiio haa licen Ixwked ror^xt seaaoii, Incluiling nnniorous week stands. — Notes fmn Ilussoll I'atlon'a riayem.—The com- nany engaged lo wippoit lUny llarvoy Includes: Florence Canipliell, (lenrude Bwlgeiie, Homihea Wolbert, F>11lh Wllmel, W. H. I>alteii, I. J. Ilussell, T. H. Wlbwn, Clion. N. Ilaliht and Master Ibirry Mllohell. Seaaeo opens April I under Ihe direction of Ruaaell I'aitoii. — Notea rioni tbe Maliel I'tlgo Co.-W. W. Idiig- don, mualcaldlteclor: Ward lleiiallller, and CHriutla Natalie, have lieen released troin Ihe company, aud W. W. Newcomer, Jsniea W. Tlialcher and Ulllc llalford havo lieeu engaged In Iheir places. Unsl- iiesa has lieen evenly good. Tbe season conllniiea until June. Next sesson Mb« Falge will have a iiuiuber of new plays which are being wrillen for her. We have Just received some new advertising In the shape or phologrephn, liearing the name "Mabel Palin (to.," wllh a member or tbe company behind eacD loiter. There Ining twelve lotlcnilii the name aail the asnie nuinlier or people In tbe company, DMkea Ihe picture very alimcllve and etitaetlve. — Ilyde'a Oomedy Notes.—llualUDU hi allll on Iho Iwom, and hard llniea are long aluco a thing or Ihe past. Utilo Mac ami Juno are still making Ihe bit of tbe allow. l>eula bi rehoaialng a new nalluiuil daiwe. lioiilH Ibildnvk Is making a niilwlaullal bit with hbi cuilnally ahnp musical act. lam writing a now aong, entlUcri "A Wreck or Hoclely." — Jciiiilo Ht^biiinaii Joined A. o. Hcauumtn'H "Side Tracked" i>i. at PhlladelphU. — What proiahns to In one or Iho moat succcsaful circulbi In Hummer aniuaeineiil oiileriirlses was formed In t^lragu lost week, the rolhiwing named cltlea lieing represented Itr tbe street railway com- Kiuloa by whom the circuit will lie coiitmUed, viz.: anaas City, tllnueHjnlbt, HI. Paul, llnliilh, llranil Itaplds, lieaMnlnea, itaveniHirt and Rock labind and Bt.iAiula. W. II. llolnipa,orKannas(1iy, waa elected prealdont, and V. W, noweme accrelaiy or Iho ayndlcAle. Tbeae gcQlleinon have lieen In Ihia clly during Iho post week aud iimpped out their iiollcy tor Iho circuit, having eiigagetl insuy well known singers and reslui«i- Among tlio others, a Itrsl cIsni rcnertoiy conik uncn compciiiy U lo be rornied that wni alng during Ihe Bummer inoiiiba In Ksnnss Clly and Nlunoapoltri. and poa-^lily al oilier places on the cireull. Win. ti Moore haa liecn Hiipolnled Ihe Huitoni reiHvaonlallve or Iho Kaiiaaa clly DIveralnii 00.. and will look arier Iho InlercaUi ot Iho ayndlcate uiilll heslartaWe.-u wllh Iheopem company. — Jas. C. Mcduni, liaw ainger In Ihe quartet wllh "A Texaa Sleer" (>>., Is conhned lo hla room augrr- Ing from iho emvls or a stab wound recelvnial Iho hamhi or a Nashville, l>nn., ninian during Ihe re- cent eugagenieut ur Ihe ronipany In that clly. — lAHilae llamlllon nvjolned the '■t'ooit lliilluw" (U. al Jackson, Tenn., Harcli 4, taking llic iwrt ut (leorglana. — "Tho itpfculalor," by 1). Cohen, was ninycd by stualeura ror llie Ilrsl llino at tlio Aiidlloriiiui, Spo- kane, Wash., Hsrrh 1. — 'The Hank HorsiilU'r," a ronr acl drama by Charles Faies Jr., wis pnHluccd lor Ihe ilrxl lluie, March S, al CaussKiUt, N. V. — Frank i'^rr Inleiidn to star Joe Sullivan aud Ijirnr Bmllh In a tarre eoineily nexl season. — Paul Cobn, mualcal director, baa Icn Ihe "llusa and llosa" Ca. — Mra. Henri Rollalr was gnnled a divurce, F'eb. la, lu Chicago, III., from her nusl»iid, llvr. llolulr. — Kniea noni Ibe SeymourSmilon ODineily Co.: Owing 10 Ibe sudden lllncan or Miss Seymour wo closed. March 9, at Homloul, N. Y. We will resume buslnosi al New llrltalo, Ct-, alter the Lcnlen sea- son. — Eloetm Melenis baa aucceeded In olitaluing a degree of abaolulo divorce from (leorgo Reno. — lanra Alberta has been cngagedTty Chaa. Froh- tnan for the Bpring lour of ■■Amiocmcy." under Ibe managenienl of JulluaKabn. — "Ite American Eagle" la Ibe ilile of a new play I>ouls Ablrich will produce nexl season. — It Is reported that Sydney Rosenfeld haa brought anil agalnal Canary A Leilorer for 11,600, claimed to be due for loyalt es on "The Passing Bhow"anA ■Tbe Twoslletb Oenliiiy nirl," aud toen. Jiiln Iheni rrom pnduelDg another play under tbe lllle ot tbe Inner. Nr. Ledtrer suies (hat Mr. Rosen- reld had not rulfllled hla conliacl ami that nothing was due him. — James U. Hackle reporia good buslnssn. — Roland Reed and Ihe Injured princlfiabi ol his company, who wen In Ihe wreck at Bcoilsml.Oa., Nareh n, wen sleeping under opbilea at Ihe Aragnn Hotel, Atlanta, na., all of the Tallowing day. Hlaa Variety and Minstrelsy Haa. HaMT Clsre, who waa to appear In Pope's Theatre,Bf. l/nitn, Mn., hut week. In an aerial dance, met wllh a aeitous accident during a rehearsal In that Iheaira on March 2. Afler Mrs. Clark (Oul llahnr) had auccentfully climbed the ouire, and had lieen almost drawn out of sight or tbe onbiok. ere, tne buckle which rantens the atnp areund ber walit Imke.and the dancer tell 10 Ibe floor, a dls- unce or eighteen feel. Fmni Impnlse, ber loea were sireiched downward aa far as ponllile, and, oa a result of the aevere fall, one of her legs wen broken lai,, .'• >,«•, n|fn nvav .'(.-■v— In two niscce, while Ine other ankle won severely spnlnea. She wan caiTled to her room, but the diKtoreaay lhal ber reco^'ery at licst will be slow, and II will lie many weeks liefore she oin dance again. luiiJiY Axn JoaDAK vrill open on the Frank Hall circuit March II- They are retnmlng Eaat from the Paclllc (Viast, where lUeypbtyed Ihe Orpbeum cir- cuit. Anmib Wiiitnrv'h song, 'True tu the Ship," re- ceived seveiHl encores at Koaton, last week, with Ihe "FInnlgan lb<n" Co. May IIowako ban received a templingotTerlogo lo AiialrMlla. She will liegin rehearaali for "The Mimic World" next month. The May Howard Ilur- leaiiue Co. cloaca March 30, In thbi clty- Tiix ronrtb marriage In Ihe May Howard Bur- tesiiucCo., Ibbinennon, wanconnumated at Newark, esjil K. J., March 3. when Uob Nllln, the advance agent, and Anna Yale, or the Y'ale Slstera, were made nun- liand and wire. Obinche dinoa waa Ihe bridea- mnld. ItoHle May rejoined Ihe company Mareh 4, at the 1 Ahdon Tbriilro, Ibis clly. IIEiJJC Asn AOUPA, Jnitglcra, have cloned their tioiilli American lour at Ibienoa Ayrea, Argentine Ilcpnlillc, mill returned lo ■■arln, Fr. They will re- turn tn the United Slaten al»iii July. IIAV ANn F^fMA IIILUNOS are vUllIng their home at Marble Head, III. Their Inraul son died March 4. Iil'rrr xan Sawthllr ure iilaying llany Da via' cireull, liaving oiiened al llairlaburg, Pa. A UKuriiRHor Cbns. Jl. Blanler died at BalUmore, Md., Fell. 28, very suddenly. Mr. Stanley received wonl loo late 10 altenil the runerel. TiiR IIKLHAKNiNa lIHos. have Joined Lucler'a Mln- ntreln. Hank Wlilic In abio wllh Ihe company.- TiiBUuNHAna, Oeo.and Delia,aerUlbita,an laying og, an llella IhinlAV In aunertng rrom Iho etfeeta of a recent rail. They liavo not been billed at Kansoa L1ly, Ho. mcCai.e AMn CI.AKCV iMvo Joined Ibib Fllzalni. monn' Co. Jennie Knnv, wlio appeared at the Union Square ThcAiro, tills city, Innt week, Is tbe daughter of Jennie Worrell, formerly of the Worrell SUtera, and not of Jciiiilu llowell, as a type error put It In last week's paper. T11K ItoL'i.iiKSH, Ada and Howard, have Joined Ihe Jliibb Comedy Co. Fhox BiiRUgAN a OANO'nWoHMioi'WnNnkHSANn Jspaiieno Troupe—We close season aliout the Hret of April. We have licen on Ihe road since Sept- 1 nnil have played Illinois, HInnouri, Indiana, Mlnne- aoia nnd Wisconsin. Our company U Ihe same aa when we sbirled, excepting the piano player. Next season wc will ]ilsy over the same route, as we have booked rcliim dnrcs with sll the hnuaea we pbtyed. Wo will carry n Isind or twelve iMecea and travel In our own npeelnl ciir. TiiH AM>iii<«i-Ci.eniaETHin wereone of Ihe fealnres III Ibe llnwuid Alhcnn<uni, Hoalon, last week. They go West to the coasi, and have otttn. rrom some of Ihe leading vaudeville companies for next aeason. Mav SrKWAKr, fnrmerl; or Ibe Sicwsit Sbilera, iHeMiiied her hnslaind. Hilly Van, wllh a Inliy glri Fob. 10. RorniK or Ihe Idiira lAvelle Tlieaire Co., now tniiilng lotva niul HlnncsoU: Unra Lovelle, Millie Wllllsiiis, ticorglne Allen, Fred C. Garden, Jack Far- ran, Freil Hclieiiliz^ F. II. Williams, Frank Sechlor, Hull Biiitlli, siMl It. II. llrown, advance. C. K. HAHiiHAVK.iif the Front Street Theatre, Wor- cester, Mass., will not uke Ihe Uclleniy llurleaque Cn.oiii next waaon, as reported. Hr. Ilargrave and his isirlncr, J. K. McCluakey, will lour the May l,ucas Imperial Uurlcai|iio Coiiipstiy. They will carry their own scene 17. Jas. anu tiios. Halton have been re-engaged for nnolbcr week at Ihe like Opera House, Cincin- nati, 0. Oahhaneu-i ANn Li'cii.i.E chilni to have been treated iinprofeaslonally by Harry Seamon, man- nger nnd iiioprictnr or tbe Ully CUiy llurleaque Co. Tney clnliii non-payment or nalary. Oektir Oilcon has Joined Harry WlllUmn' Own Co., ror Ibe remainder of Ibe season. Wai.trh 1). Horro bo* renlgned aa manager of lleo. T. Kreiins' "Two Fslilen'' Co., to accept tbe nwnagement of Ihe New York vaiidovllle Club, which will play a season of ten weeks, lieglnnlng Juno la, at ine Bummer resorts. Oeo. C. IIAVI8 ANn Epwakd Oaixaoueii, of tba ■.ondon Oaloty fllrls Co., were the reclplenu of two lieauliriil tloiHl irlbulcs rmni the Order of Red Hen, of nracklon, Moas., March (, and, alter the perform- ance, were tendered a luuquet at Ihe lodge rooms. JuiJiD anii Katie Thaiiaxt, contortlonbMa, are preclbdng a new set. The lloras Hiiob OoMEnvTHicChilstla, Peari and Chriille, have lust closed a succesarul engagement at Ihe Trenton Miisee, and opened at the Park Thea- tre, Uwrance, Mass., March 11, lor rour weeks. JAHm F'. IIOKV went on In "The Fbima," at tbe Co- lumbus Theuin, .New York, Uat week, wllb hla brolber Wllllani, and bis aprieamnce, which at lint proveilB piixxlerln the audience, was a great snc- ceaa. Wii.i. WtattivIII BHsiinie the management ot the Tlieaire Conilque, Uvanarille, Ind., April I. Tau lliuni)oi,or HIggllin and Ualle, waa unable lu work alier Monday iilghi, Mareh 4, at Ihe Parlor Tlieaire, Walerbury, Ci,, on account or slckneas- IIU partner tliibihen out llie week alone. How Ann ANU Ehee.'VS have signed fornix weeks, coinmencliig June 11, with Uusbtv Waller's Orphenm Theatre, San Francbco. Vbha KVAhSIUKsWiM.McROBiE), of the team of Mcllolile ond Kvans, nieaenled her hiuland wliha Ilue baby laiy on Mareh 3. Fhakk HcNihii rejolneil III Henry's Mlnstnhi at llliighaiuliiii,N. Y., aiHl writes oMhe success of his new acl. eiillileri "Ills FIrtit lAssson." Annie IIaht ban been quite III for a week past, due lo Ihe entuis or a jold she ciiutmclod while pUylugan engngeinent at the Howard Auditorium, llaltliiioro. Mil., rerenlly, wllh the Howard AUie- niriini t'41. Hani'Ei. Rohan, wllb Primnaie A West's Mln- sliels, la aalil to Iw making niille a siicceaa singing "IJIIIe Roll Hoy." Naiiiiik Clisk, "Ihe Irluh gueeu," alaiied on a lour lit ibc .-iiiiilh March T, rur the lienellt or her health. UIm Clliie does nul expect lo nil any en- gagenieui during hor Hliaeiico, but nbe hopes to re- iiini North In A|iril with her voice entirely realored. She luia la;eu Hnittiriiig with bronchlsl imnble tor aonie time. llANwiNANii Mack rioseil on the Uoore Ureult Msrrb p. si T^inmlo, cunaila. JUE llAi-KY, of Haley and lUyinond, who haa lieen laid lip n1lli a lirokon collar bone, la rei*overing and will Join bb< panner, Mr. lUymoml, In Chlgago, III., next week. IIABHY ONnKWi JK-, humau aeriieni, h< now at home In Iknnlngion, Vi., rehearsing a new act- Ai.i.EN ANn ItivKHS hsvc Jiisi closrd a two weeks' eiigngrnieul al Ibc liondon Theatre, BIcubenvUle, O. Wai.tek Ruhs, lale or llarter, lUws and Poiage, lua Jnlneil hniubi wllh Dan Douehne, piofeftdonally knownasKmniell.of Ihe team of Ruiwen aud Rm- incll. HAi'ns likiTY InfamiH us ibal she Is dlvorecd rroniSaui Maylleld. Maihiie I.A Van, vocalist, waa called 10 her home In lUllliiiore, on Feb. n, by the death ol her brother. HATriEl/OrEwrTE has lieen well recelvedal Shea's Music Hall, IliiUhlo. She was re-engaged for tbe second week by Mr. Sbea. Cahurlita vALnEz VAi< aurt on the road April It. Iiii.i.r F- Naoi'lnronns us that be wlU open hla Uurlesqiie and Opera CO. aboni Ihe middle of April. lBiBBi,LA CLAvrDN, of the THUS OoDiedy Co., In- forms us mat she recently colebralcd ber bliuday and recelve4l a number of pieaenia from memben of the company, among which waa a diamond ting rrom Manager Ulwln F. Tllus. Lew II. Cakkuli. will close wllb Bam T. Jaok's KximraBania Co. Mareh le, at Milwaukee, Wla. Maid Gluion, now wllb Bam T. Jaek-a ■■Bull Fighter" Co. la playing Ibe nie of Don Manuel. She has bad several ooera for farce comedy for next Myere' Injuries may be ct an Inlenial and serious nature- Blie la quite III, and It U now doubtful If she wUi be able 10 apjmr with Mr. Reed at his oMnlngnlthl line la. Miss Rush, who was also lalnfully Injured, miftied couldenbly. Mamon and PBAiiLiMack face comcdlana, played a aurcemful engagement week of Mareh 4 at Tony Pastor's Theatre, tnu clly. They an booked for a reliirn dale In April. Ai.i.iR liBuwK, alack wire periuner, haa Joined Walklna'SpecUllyOo. CxnvE, hand lialsiKer, Intends coming f^aat shortly. Urnii Cdiajhs' TwvBJiDOvm cloae their aeaaon March an at PhlladelphU, Pa. WanvH and Wadi an at SolUi's Opera Boose, Oiand Baplds, Mlotu, far two weeka TBE MICEU BiMS. oifai April 1 at KellVe New Theatre, Uoslon, Msso., for two weeto. They then plar Ko*«r 4 Btal'a, this clly, «w eight weeks. ^Imm un> WgicB will soon leave for Ban FVondaco, OBI.i when Uey are booked for a k»g •"SfTTmis.wkowlll »>»»««W"rJ«»'»;»! 00. nexteeasoD, writes os from Bo«on, Maas-^tbat evetytblm U pcogreaaing well '<>''•''••*«; Hon. Up 10 the preaent thirty-two people have bean engageil. Work ]» belag mpWly P»«'»JJ'" J*f Bcuieiyand the costume deslgna have been oiir- rendeied to the maker. _,..j„ Frani Ojttox, mualal comedUn, while pUylng at Orand RapMs, Mich., last week.wia PtJ"""" wllh a gold htaati umbrella by hb many frteoda. Mr. Clayton playn LouUvUle and GinclnaaO, then ''nlinKt WMsnR (Mis. Frank Hartwell), who has been III In Chicago, III., with la vpiif, u covering. Arm thlrty-ttiiBeyeare of almost unbroken con- necHoo wllb the Mevenlh Bireet Opera Hooae. Fblladelpbla, I^., John L. Oancrow has. concluded 10 give op tho nanogemenl ot that hooae.. At THE ckxio of the pofomanee at Kienun's Theatre, OalUmore, Md., Uie legal dimculden which have extaled for some ttoe between Oapt Olori and nob Fitistmpioiis wen dnally adjusted. Under the termaof the seiltemeiit, Capt. Olori sold put to Mr. Fitzalmnionaall Intenat In the nortoenhip hereto- fore eilating between tbem, and ua suke money of Ihe CorlMU IgbL CapL Olori bad obuined a re- ceiver for the Bbow In BslUmon,' and the settlement ends ibbt BDd all other llUgstlon between Ihem. Cuquor lecenUy tnbdied a ten weeks' engage- ment with the Onln Bros.' Show, City of Mexico, when his sword swallowing act baa been an Inter- esUng attraction. He Is now at the Royal EngUsh Clnns, lAlcago, where be will remain for several weeks. JouN Farheli, of Cooper and Famll, will work ah>ne In luture. He Is practising a newacrohsdc tramp act- Deiionio ans Panrer, contolttonlst^ open at Koster A BtaPs, IbU city, Mareh IS. Oeo. M. Uetrse, or its Eden Musee, Pateraon, N. J., will lie assistant manager to Oeo. A. Zabn who opens tin Thesire Royal, nuder canvaa, at Albany, N. v., alMut tbe middle of May, for a Bommer tear. Fred Lesub, vrilh bis troupe of edncaled and leaping dogs, boa been re-engaged by Manager Qua Hlllfoi his novelUes, for Ihe season ol lllM-«. Mr. Leslie la to add to his large number of dogs are more Imported leaping grey bounds. B. H. Himmt, treasurer of the New York Pleasure Party, writea us from Klngaton, Jamaica, that at ne time has Ihe show lieen stranded. He lurther states that the company win not return to the United Stalee this Sninmer, but vrill tonr Boulb America. Vino and Seabi-x are playing st the Eden Musee, qnlncy. III., Ibis week. John Kbesuaw, father of Thomaa N., Ernest.aDd Kinily Kenhaw, died Mareh 10, at Cleveland, O. RHODE ISLAND, ProTldence,—Business the past week lost lla uaqal rolgme, which tlie mansReni seemed to aspect dor- IsK (be flrsl part of Lsnt. Tin weather last week waa very had. KniVH'a OrsRA llocaa.—Msrch "Down In Dials" made Jls niat nppearanee hers, sod bualneas waa lalr- II10 pickanlnnr baod waa Uis bsneverln the clly- Itila wa«h, Jo« pit. In "Ike Slav Osisr." sod, sllhouih this la Hr. oil's alelUr tpnesrance hef«,lie la aunof big boat- osas. The CIsQIo HiatenL who made such on Impression onlli«italronaor"RURliOItr" at Uila houae a few weeks r. Iisva been soEagsO by Mr. Olt for Ibe remainder of aesH«ii, Neit wsek.Petar F. Dallsywlll pb^s rstora enmsnienL rnoriss.voa OraaA lloesn.—March 4-0. "A Trip to CUInslown" Biado Its annual visit, bat the sllnwlkm railed lo do more tliall an onllosry weok'a bualnea*. Thiawsek "Sow Ine Ihe Wind:" fisit week, "A Oalal>- Oiri." WKSvainsVKR TliKATSS.—Hairb 4-0, Paler Hahar'a Co, drew only lisK fllled booiea. This wsek "Kbroo'a London (laitly nlrU." TnoarssipaK Rtas Tubatsb.— Xarvli 4-4 Ilanr Le Msrv, In "a New EDgland Home," did s lilrly sood week's bual. naaju Tbo coinianr wu aaalaisd by Anliur Hoore and I,liile Royea, baujo aolelata. Thia week J- B- O.'Toole, lo "KltUnMysnd lhsRhlDOL"wlHbelbeaUractloD, Porths next sishtortan weskiMsnaaar TrowbrldRe baa aome sllrscllona booked thai hare never appeared here st clieap prica*. BualDosa st thIa house lisa tisen built up wonderrollj un4er Uie sunagemept of John Pbllllpa, wlio la Mr. Trowbrbln's baahieaa manaasr. Found OlrT.-41UB MI1L^ who was lieia last week with "Down In DIxU" (V>-, wsstranafsned lo anolber ono of Davla A Reoab*acom)MUilealh« flistof tho prevot week. Hr. Millar wilt probably ro abasd of tbe couiiiany lloraian Parkin, tiaaaursr of the Weatmlnatsr tbeslr^ la lohareabaneflt lo tht way of a aacrsd Suaday erenlOE concert Hsrcli 91 John Rsnkln. doorkeeper u l]i« l*roTM«nca Opara Iloua*. who has bo«n III Tor the past twoweeka,hutio (krvKovsred aa to be able logo outs IllUe. Pawlaclaet.—Lolhrop's Opera Ilouae Ibe Drat four nights of last waebwsa dark, and Uis peeple had a disnee to nt"ah«w hunnry" for W. a Reeva'a "Uanda Acioaa Uio tak" no. Msidi ML II. The bouae will be dark Ibe renulnder oftbe week- March IS-fl theSawtelleDim- niaUc Co. will laahs Its Inlllal appssrance here Wro. M. SmlniJoInn"HBiidaAcnMalBoBsa"(:o. hers aa mao- agar, OsvM E. Dow tuvlna raalinied Ibe poaltloo ReaTo'sAuierlmn Bans will gtve a concert at UisAodllo- riura March is. _ TENNESSEE Na8liTllle,*At Ihe Theatre Vendome "A Texas Rteor"caiae March 4-Sand had lair attendance- DeWoir Hopper cornea K, IS. • Obaso OrasA llouas, tho flmt part ot last week; was dark. Jsa. A. Heme's "Slioi* Acroa" came 8, 0, and plaoHHl brae aadlencia- Lewbi Morvlaon eonea 1^ la. Buoe.—Tblnlmoas enJoyMls week ofproaperlty wIUi J. i;. Uwla' "RI Flunkanr Co. Walu'a Oomodlsita IMS. Norsa.—ThelntaraaUsjtsnd mech dbKuaaad nusiitloa aa to the nianaaementor tho Thsaln VeiKloma has st lait been dellollely veltled. NoKollsllooa betwson the Ven- tlome MockboUeiw and rurry A Boyle, oT Ihe Grand, bare been penillng, Henry Oreenwsll and Capt. Jack Cuny fame op tram Nov Orleona 0, sad after a loax confennce wllh tbe aueUioUeni It waa announced that ueniy Oreea- valL runy A Boyle bad become the leoeea ror a lenn or rears- The leniia of Uie Issao were oot given out. but It laumlsfalood that the tree box cfalua^ which waa ihe point erdtaagreemenlwlaitlM preaent leaaesa, JelTenuiD, Khw 4 RrUnsar, has lieen aAllaOctorllv aellled by both aleea uiakloR cooceadona- Jegeraoa. Klaw A ErlanBci*s lean eiplrea Nay I and tbe new loKieea will uke Immedi- ate Cham- laipoTtant ImpioTenienu wlU bo made dur- Inx the Hunimer, anil Ihe upeolna will be In Iheearly Fall. Mr. tlreenwau baa nkm aecured the lesae of the new Lrceuni Ttitatte. Nemphia, whieb. In eonnectlon w-Uli hla other HuuUieni Imina, glvea htm a wMe circuit which Inaurea Naabrllle and the other cllleH or the circuit llie httt line ot attimctlona lhal has ever Ixen Soulh. nant. Jack Cuiiy will lemoTe lo Naahtllle ami ha and Hr. Boyle win have Uia petaonsi mansxemenl or Hie \ endoine and tbe Orand, which Ibey have retained, aadwlllnia BaaAntelannopularprlcenou««. Hie Van. dooie will hA run an a alrlclly hlgb claaa hooae. and tarce miiieillea and aueb altractlooa wUl be nlenlod lo tbe (Iranil. TliU la an Imiiortani cbaoav In Ibeatrloala In NaalivHIe, and one that meeu wllh tba hearty sppoval or Ibe Ihealn altendasla here Jas. P. McOuni. who playa ihepartor (I, Whiltsker Belbun, In "ATeiaaRieer," waa perioualycul about Uio lace by WHIIam Warren, a yoiins man about town hem, wllh wliom be rvhiaed lo drink. The wounds are aerloua and will neceaalinte Mr. Mi-lluni nllring nroM ttie caat for aome weoka, and Ibeo In win Inar the uiarkaorihe kolfs for Hie. nemphls—At Ibe Orand Opera lleuse "Ooon llonoWeamaMaTthSeoHRblhuilneaa. Tbe bouae waa dark 4, i "A Teiaa Bleer" opened 7 Is a a<od ahsd Inuaa and Bare aallafaetlon. Jaa. C Hcaure, baaa alnaer In quaital, Is Mill unable to appear, owlag Is Un seven cuts wllh a kalra he received a£ Ibe liaada of oeo of Naab- vllle'a rurtlani durioii the recent eDnaninent of Uio com- raur In lhat clur. Duo: llallto and Hnn ll-I^OeWolf Hopper 14-101 "Vouni Un. Wlalbnw- 18-1). Lvcsi'a TMArea-BlleB Boacb Vsw, In eeacert, 4. drew f^f^. "'^ msblv enUrtalned. 3!.f°«^.',*"..'*'riy well palronltwl Feb. S-Marck I. .5"!" Tjir), V* 'f***?.'^.' ' moderele aliad houaa. IVintloE: ttadle Martbiot ll-Ul "Jane" 14-18. ADDireaica.-qvMa Hualn a»v» a credllable ceann >, betore a Ism asdleaeo. Boberu IISTperSI. ,'^''!^^^!^■^■ MeMajar-s new play, "On the RIallo," which It la hla lolentlon lo prfalure neit eoaaoo. waa read beroie aereral preaa rerrassouUres or Uis city, but Uielr SSl"'VUL-"!' f^'f B Poal, 01 "OIlTer Twlsl'' Co.. bss leeaaily auteeedad Chaa. Ooota In Ibe "^25° eo. at Jackaou, Teon, < aod iSek IM put oftleonlaaa Usaiy Uiaeawall, of New Ortoaa? arrived In Uie clly 7 and leaaed Uia Hew Lyceum Tbeatn for one roar ftojn May I, wlUi privUesiof UirUywf Jolin Mihoaaywlll b« rslalaed aahicalmaasasr. Ilia iLlf^If^ Uiat Mr.aneawall eloesdadsalliiVsakvllle bywhlcb bswHIbavteoatnlof Ihanraadaad Teademe In Uial city- CkatlMoags,—Al the Open Uonse Oaiile Lo- Bonl ofaaed a weeVa eomemeal.Maieb 4. to a aplendkl hwiMnlpontarprjca^ceallBiilnElo geod bualaeaa a l 'Shore Afl«" nalnd a well alleS kiwer bouae r. Carrie LaojoolBobbed^ week to fair bualoeaa,glilox two "Coon Hollow" A o^ll^,^,^^^,,^ - UTAH. Salt Iifike Cllr_At the Belt Uke Thealie Marie ■uirooEba hod fkir bualaeae March 1,1. SchaalTer and Iveik binlaid eIpen^ bad Hshl baalaaee 4, A J. K SSf"''*''""'* "'"""T '•' PaadBf Msalar" □BARa.—The stock coapaay la dotag a floe baslaaa. preaaalTaE 'Xhir lla»l™"i^ ^ Woaaaaun,—"I eheappeleaa >" le dfawlag Iblrly welt u PE NNSYLVAN IA. FbUaddphls^For week ot Hareb li the only Bsvelijr la B. BeerMtan Tree, who hsglasa iwowmJ aofaieaieal- Tliora has been no AllbiE eff tn dieairim baalpeas In tkla eJly. Tlw past week ^aa an aaccll*n, enerorslllbeplsceaof amnaaeneat and elUnr B<nl^ ItoUhouaea wen Ibe rule. s>«"i «, Cassranr Svaxav OraaA aom.-H. Beerbohm Tn. week "Ibe Menr Wires or Wlndaor*' and 'Tlie Ha ul Mooaer" 11 and \i. -A Bunch of Vlolels" uand l< '^IZ lefb and nallne* H and '-CaMaln S« In" IS. Tlie u nneaaalelelarn. "»» War oTVealUi" chMd [u !z ood and last weal; to sood buebieea. "Aladillo Jr ''sT BaOAn BToaBT rnBATaB.-Nat 0. Ooodwin. In -i OlMed roo^ 'la tbe cuneot stlimctlon,' lo be rnlki*,^ Belt week hi "DsvU OanHck." "In MlB^un" ud '>Uu MeFlvsRbllllnEa." Usiwedi B.U.8olharaconcbi'l«lI aueceae ft il three weoka' eogaaanienL "Xlie Dlaranuiai^ Mr. Rosiao," wblcb bs gave na a curtain nlaer Uie tuZ half the week, wsn wHi rncelred. Fanny Davanwin in "Olaaonda." S. PARE TaaAvaiL—GbnoBcay Olcon, lo "The Irlali xn lat."heUaUiebnanlnlhlaweek. Last week'Hie einw" did a big bualaaaa, crowded boaaes beioa ibe mif Neil week, Um Marie Tarary Oread Engllab d^re ii^!: '^tXCTBlWSBV Idk« miRnl&cMtt>unDe«^ and iMr mwitftr has njioBn nod JiMfiBrDt In bookliiK hur tar UitM vofiu. Thim vMk, "PiKniaWon «»d paUito" and "C-haiienon."-li fforoar," 'Tw*UUi Nlitht" and -'Hoium and Jull«i." Ntu wMk; "Balto'i emuKtmr "Lor* diaae," "Mid. YiV AboalNnUilnr' Mid "A* Yon LIks IL" ' CHnmuT snivr Thiathk.— ''A Milk White KUk ' ma- tlDUOflhlRti U tli« ATor or that Urin cUm or Uicur* ipera mho want to \m amoflad. It appttan to bo iraod for iooM Uni« lo fom*. AOBrroaiuif.—BusMia Tompkint' "BUck Cmuk " u popaUr prkM, haa Men verr wiccesi/aL and viil ron llDued dariDf tha cvmnt *e«k. II. W. WIUIaniia^o» EMnu THRATmK.-riiDra«e A WesCn Hloatnia tut weak dnv bouwi tliat wen cooirortaUy filled doni Ata Isv afhal ^ewkvsl^l tera alA lp« If 4 la a ia*s m^^f^. " V/ B WISH u«nv»* «aav a#aaa|>iam« irf^iimi nVBtC/ 1311 and coat glAtaa Itbad a ecallngcapaeltyor 2,luOand waa decorated In Che Emplreityle. WonlLTaylor A Co had a leaae for dva rears, vhli an option or renewal bai tbe ground oa wlitch IcsummI waa ao valuable ibat ii ai. tiacud the allanlloD or a Nor York ayodlcale, lieatliil br Robert Ooelet, which waa aaalona la erect In ihia cllr a hotel ef Uie asms onler ss tin Wahlorf lo Now York n,a aeccasa or Uie Hotel Meliopole. which adjoins the llicaire waa so gieac Hat It waa deckled lo pucclwae Un llmin property and IncreaM Ibe aim of Ihe hoieL All tntvZ menu tor Uie aeaaon bare been canceled. Priday LmT a Ibe fDnlturs, aiipels. acenery and dstnrea were aohTai auction. OntboaltaofUioBniplraTlioalreRieOilAMMm bulMIng, renlOTod fhiai Now York, nn pUred Jual nior U> Ihe Ventaoolal Eiblblllon. llie plclare -'l-an. bi Mlsbl." execubMl by Daoaou A Sona, or Pnria. wa^ pUied on eiblbllloa In Ibe bulhllog nod drew crow Ji. or inler- estod alshlncera. BebnequenTly Iho place waa uicd i« i market Bousesnd then roraauble. NATIOSAI. TUBATBB.—'The Ctoaa Rooda of Lire " ere aonud by a companr headed by Edmuod Collier, li Ou aurndlon tbla week. Last week, "Oo Uie HiwiaiHii- drew well. Mareh u, "Land of Uie HhtalRbt Bun." PossrAUon's TaaiTBE.—Hie stock cooiuny will be seen Uila weak In "Hero." Last waeh, "Tin Mean ol Africa," broosbt the naual liberalpalronnin lo llila nn. larhouao. Best week, "The Upper HaadT' Buou TnkUTaK.~0everal noreltlaa are preaenled UiU weak, notably Tscbsrnors Timlaed Dors, Joan CakadcL Billy Rmerwvn. tbe Nawns, Imogene Corner, (l,>lille aM 61. Clair, fnwen ramlly, John H. Koefe. Monon us Revlelle, A. W. IIulne,'Ryanaad RIdineld. BaMwin am Ihdy, AmmonaClerue Trio, 1a Martloo Kroa.. aial iht Lomica. t^wdedhooaea hat week. UIBABD AvnsoE TBBATas.—Manager llolbinil'a sutl Company, In "Under tbe Oaallsbt," la Uie current aline Uoo. rrof. J. H. Clark, Frank Hooan and Annie Ljntt will preaent a abslcli ealllled "RolleRe Alblello" In ibi dock scene. Laat week "Married Lire" made a dtcidid aucceaaaad draw Rood houaea. "Al|alhaDene"wuwiO received by both critic* and public. It la web wrltlea, Ihi atory I* lolsreallnii. Its development la managed via Rome ahllL and Uie oilORlIng of liuinor aod |«Uioa la aether witli n conTinclog donoomeot. make up a ihor "t^frafnla/^^ Hula play. Next week, nu<« WhjiaT* OBARn OrsRA Uousa.—'The County Pair" la Un al- tractlon acNanaierTlnol'ahouae. Kale CUilon'a Com. pane, in "The Tide of Clly Lite," did a good buainrnlaa weeV "TTnProdlialFalhei" WL PaoPLR'nTBnArav.—Por Uio cumnt week, "Ihe Biatl (Trook" willdonbttaaa repeat tbe auccsaa wblcli allead(4 tbe pnalucllon or "Tbe DevH'a Auction" Unl aeeL Robennaykir. In "Sport McAHIaUir," 18. Ks.vaiNan.v THUTiia.—RlcoA Barton'sConitdiaiu. la "HcOooille aad Foodie." thU week. "Side Tracked" M week did wall. "Young American" 1& BTANPARb THBAreB.—"Ibe Danger SiKnal" will nlt>. lain down uwb Uiealn goen Uila week, to bo rolloael, H by "Uncle Tom's Cabin.*' "Loat In Lomlon" taal «e4t waa rewarded wllh uniformly good attendance. OiBNCBoea' OraaA Iloras.-RuUy A Janaon'a Mluir* And a place lo public raror.and an doing a ralrlraud bnilneaa. ';gpuM4Iaaollna Weddbir' I" Hn cumail novelty nnd "TrHby" will be continued. LVOBUB TniAras.—Mlaco'a city Club Bin BuriiHU Oonpanv ptvaent a good blU Uila week, incledina-ni City Cblb al Uie Scsaben," llalai piclurea and "ibe Oil Home-ln-Slsad-" Uat week'a Imalneaa wllh -Bank Danle" waa vary krge. 'Trilby sad Hor Un Fuel" b underlined. mnH Ann Arcb Mcbbub.— Tho noveltlea Uila week an theUulallula Daacera, Waller Balaton (rallleaoalie klop. aaveial or last week'a atlractloaa win be conUnuol. abS Msnlre'n Equine Faradox aad a variety onlartab' meat wlU bo glvea In the ibealn. Full bouiea ell ka week. Borsa-Maaanr Kelly, of Un Halloaal, ia at work co ptsaa for alleradooa and Impnvemeota soon to be anda at bis Uiealn Tlioiuaa o. Seabrooke, In -The Oisat' Vltler," la underlined to relfow "A Milk While rkru tlieCboaliiul Manager Jack Uolmea, or Ibe filar TW atn, Brooklyn, N.Y.,waa In Iowa laal week Thm are aome ruinore or tlie veleraa minstrel, J. L. Carocm havloR a tbeatce here next season. It will, Inwerar. b« be dOToted lo negro niioatrelay. aa he la out of that bail- neafor good WaUer Osmioaeb wlU deliver Ibiia oxplaoalonr lectures on Wanner open al tbeKevCie- loiy Drawing Room, beglnaing B There wlU be > eeecartof tbe BeeUioven Btrlng lloartal 19: tickeu lo Ir. Janria' aeiloa will admit. ...Knager llany DsTlnet Plllabant, waa In b>wu last week At Uio Academy al Mualo tbe last eoacert of Uie Beaton Symphony Orchean ukes place II, slio three concerts by Ikwaa'a Band li It and osllnea is Jamee B. Oenlly, alayer of Xeiln Yorke, la ncoverlogaad WlU be tUon lo priaon n la recogalllon of Unlr benelkclor'a generealty, Ihe ajel aoon In Un Edwfai Forveet Home put forth their annad tilbulaofgrelliuda Mardi «. by decorallng with tmn the tomb of tbe dead naaedlui lo Uie churcbyaid aroU 8LPanraChure1i.TblnlBtneir below Walnut. Ilaulbt annlvenaiy oT Ibe bIrUi or Edwin Forreat, and lb; twenly-roanb ainc* Uie body of Uo actor had bean laU beeeaUi tbe marUa slab, en wblcb was placed a bi<k<i il moi* Uiaa a hundred bride roae^ teUlog or Un ton wh eb Inaplnd the and actors, whom Uie genonnam yklonnafUietiatedlui'swIU have kept In coiii|arslln luxury. Slmcoa Lea, of Uie Fomal Hooo. haa •rllln sane venae that convey ao Idea of Un eaUiiulloa b wblcb Uie founder Ie,hek1. Their lllle Is "Foneat" Plttabarw^Unt co-operated wllh hard HsKs to cauae a alljlii railing off In bualneaa al Mine of ow liouaaa laat week. Buoc TnBArat—Indlcalleoa eolnt lo a large allMl^ ante of bkUera al "nK! Devll'a Auction" Ihia wi.el. 1H Cmsa Rfluila «r Life" Rsve aatlafa^tlon up lo Marrh 1 Donnelly and uliard. In 'Tin Halninskere.'' M- DviHiusa 'THSATaa.—"Aladdbi Jr." la In Un ihlolaal ja« week of lu ran, aad bualneaa coallnuea Iminwa- TbialallH linu nnaecutire Uiree woeka' run onloyrd = thIa clly by any placo for nme ysare. Rlchanl UaniScU Al.viN THBARVt.-Cocbine aad Ibe KluibaU Open IV. this week. LlllUn Ruaaell ckiaod a splendid onsMeiaasl 9. Hoi Smilb Ruaaell U. URASonrBRa llon».-'1ho War or Wssllb" ll. f"r l^e flOit Unisbere. "The Derby Winner' pleased well or » *. Sandew aod Uie Tiocadero Yaudovifioa IH. ^*,""I*.'."'""»'or MUBH-.-Saiii .T.J«i: Creole Co. II and week. Uyde'e Conisdiana dMnpod bo.alneaa the paal week. The ReetaSaalley Co. IS. „ _ Harbt Davis' Bdsn Mmta-LaU (ViobJi (half nun and b^f wouiaok Uie Unliaartsa llypey Bsnd and Ihe SjEf K'!}"?? TeUere nn iJn prlncl|n[allracUoa> in Ije Curio Hall this week, while Uie Uiealre ahow la «i«n bv the Ualely Vaodavllkl Co. , KireWpaij>-aMinauilTaBATaa.-mr.Muuy anJ hi; laonker .larally aad Qnoea Lll and her Ovpay band art he Rlnclpal curio ball altnctlona. In Uie Unnlre. AuiraOUR woirord a drama "Tin SmDaglen." Sruirrass.—Lillian RuaaeTrioaud Uie acouMlc pmpar- Ues of the new Cameale Hualc Hall at Uia main enlnaM 'oScbenlorPark aRenieoo or ^ by alnning "Hie Bpanatod Baaner" to Un Building CommKlse and a f<w olbjrTlnlooeta. Bbeexpnasedberliolfsabeln>wellpin>Md wlUiUiabalL which wni be dedicated ahonly Thm was a naUneeef "Aladdin Jr.,"atIOandS ceni rn^ for all porta or Un hooae sail no reaorvod lealf. al un Dei|iisiMne.andadoaae crewd gaUMRd byll A-N. *; aooo na Un dooia were opened, aome two houia laler. a leree atnigEle to be nrallnahlo and get ibe boM >eal> en_ rood. Ilwaaw lbdllOculty UmtaInrgeforceofpoli"!""' aremen and bulUlnE Inipecton praranud aerlooa bilar- lea : lariT Oavbk_pnprietoror Um New anad Orera ' - . NowWorU lariy Oavlak pnprieloror Uio New ( . -.arrT..I>avla'Bdaa Muaee and Uie U— Muaeetu, la In Now York looking lor novellloa ti'.r >«,u,,« in now lora looBing lor noTaiiiw* i Hl""oll Rlateia, two Fliubura girls, will bo here «li« * Anetlon"Co.ibla week.and aaveml -ot'a^ eourtalnmenu have ,been smnRed ror Uiem Wo" meoda bare.. Mnrlo BurrM^ who la anaibe "J^?» !SS *■?' **»beay, la belog ooograluUUd by he [rtaoda .bare on Uie arrival of Uie little ils"P"'' i'„^ '"i "^l* ••'• preaenled ber bnaband. Our Wilbur Curvler, Uat week C. W. Boyd, an oM thu eiRua eonlractlDg anet, la hare In .Ib' °J 1^ PsssiiS anw?' The pop"."'LS: ''aal4F.Bui1elih.wbo S CDndneUag a echoolol eta:* Uonendacttaabara. wlu prsaaat "Aa bi aPboufralf OalleiT-aad-^re UIm Kil"at Uie OyckiraniaAii^it fJ^i'L"!"''"??" •■«•'•'•»• «bariiy.^..."riral'",l'',\ U to be pressalad br leial aiatleun at Labyeiu HaK Kt!ue^' of ThoaB.SsSb!l:wb?¥Ill appear ia Academy of Music Al. O- IdnMlnaueU had a R«al bouwMaieht. -Jl",."!? Bhntf' draw wsU*. Robert Maaull, la -Ibe I ';r«, S^J:"S}"^ «ame to laige bualneas «• <>?,>in»- Cbarltjr Concert U, aonaa'a BaSI II, "The Pay Tni" , J; jI^J'S?!"* Hotaa^Walu'a Somedy Compan; l-WJ "'•¥iy»J""'"~*-» aad wtUremalaaaoUier west. „ ^ Wilkeehomi—A laiwe audience BsseDblcd si the Oiaad Open Benaa, Mai& i; to aeloy "Vm roraicaa