New York Clipper (Mar 1895)

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JtABCH 16. (It B. MiolaU ud u Hc*U ," (.TW nil uttadid. S! n. tt. U,'lli" TWpttllon Of llMMl" It, 14. IJ, V ». Smureiw », s, 3D. rMDiiSjo TiiuTM Umit-Tlit Utii* rutr {V>. J Ulr hu«l»w«rtof«* ^ ■cimDtoH.—At lbs Actdtnqrot Hiulc Floienu ■i^ur cam* Maich 9 to » fnod iMHiao, '*TThi DuiRsr 5if5leEnl«ct«ln«nl».'"n»TwoBI«I»r<i" W. "fSSSxoMix -*"^- f ItM'. HlnnnU, luuf > mod 'n!^ir>' TiluTU-Dga: II, 11, II, "LllllsTrlilt;"u, uTiV ll<>"ftrd WftlfM MmU. Mr. DariA' Inualll, a D«ii««t Eris,—ru-k Open IIouh, now *Dd mndeni, lbs ItMMiAlp of Wwraer* BIcj »lll bo ofnowi jTriud Vim uid Diralro conllnuM u Una IhiiIimb. SSSiwwk of 11: ronu Cll/Qiurul (k. H. Womon, MWDlmW.I.lloniJiroKlffll. OMller), Bits At Sm. Vied Doni^ Dot PollDixi, Onck Bonnati, pTliiMii Aod Judo, aod UudoIIa Jablloo Stojcar*. AKooBa—At tin Eloventli ATUina Open Hooaa cnallaa Bow. Ladellaod Alrorav. Heath ajid i;idd. No)- Uj, OrKtUl D>I1> U"! tewUII, ondlHck LcnnlL IsBcaaler,—Al the Fiiltoo Open Ileum IHoil THE ISTEW YORK CL IPPER. blinder the Tents# 21 OuKDOrikAltorss.. **A OouDlry K. Ow pT«a*nr«4 * t»iJ«rtonr lo crawdtd hoaM«, Mucb I ud «Mh- B. U. SoUwrn. In "C»tL UiurtiUlr," »: p««inK Hhov" IflL'PloreDM BIdiII«)', (a.**ni« Par lb* TonuJo" S WiJiih jfija" 3t; OoriDDo £1, Bfoi< CirtuiopfliHlU' liwv April a MISSOURI g(. Loals^Tbe RobiD Hood Openi O^inpftnj (BBrt lotlioOljriiipiclliliWMk. Th« Atnorloui TrmTMly Coapwr, wlUi EildU For ^ 1^ bMd, illd ■ bin tmiilDm (Mt vmV. Tli6 oompanjr Ia Urfi« and coouUdr ma^ a- f«fcte pMvk. "T1i« War of WMUth," Dbuj-'* n«v pleco. •D<)«r Ihc DtwiBitonient of Jacob Lilt, coidm Ifarth ir. CoL RfllMri Inmr^tl li booked for hh lo> tur«, *Tb« Bifclt,"Ranil«y dIkIiI, 34. 'Wioiuiidoah" conmvMk of S^sltto tliv Odd roDovflOfphtn*'Koine will bvneat til (liAyo"rifuIloi»i.-JaiDMA. Hone'iidflllitlitrblpUy, -Sbora Ac»" .eoniM Itt Hoio OorIiIu. >nar lier ilni BlditU«twMMl«l**ll.boUi(kDmtBBrtliiUciiiidboxoine« BclitorTlvv. Uaroevi^r, byCharloNBoll, "Tho Mod> •n Dfldioj*," vu recolvoJ eoollj by a utiuU audknce ■Iriit ora, bat ktor Iho public nrtiiod to It, uid llio onU KmI wmi briRbtor. Tbo iHmo vu pkyod UiratiiA tbo ■ Hk, *liti (wo exMpUoDi, "Diplomacy*' boloir pmaiotod alibt of». ud "A Woman of No Iraportanco" matlnM •. D« \foir llopiMr comeii 17. UAOirriunu HcKWt.-Jobn arimUiM, Id ■>PantL" U hfrfihliweek. Loide CoIIUh and har coropuy dIM a popuUr •niainiuaDt lut T«ek. Iba Mar wai acomlod a vtnii TvMptluo, and nor cleTAr work waa gtroo duor»c- onUloa. ilalloa and llarteone 24. llAvu.<riiTiiuTni.~A. Y. HomoD'H "Tbo Whlis Hiuad- roa" romnlOL Amj Loe, P. Autf-Anderaon and Prmak [kanv, \n "Pavo Ticket SIO^" d kfwell bt>t week. "Colo- nklo," with JoMle xelinlnver sn tbe mar, coma* 17. in'A:(CiAMTiiKiTKiL—U«rUn Julian'! Auttnllan Vaoilo- vUleaiul AdileilcCoiDpanvopMiiatsniatiiwe K)L Atkln- ■ea'ii Comkly Ooinpany. In '^f^Kk'* Bad Boy," did a blr hoilDflM UM week. Hyde'a Contadlaon 17 lloncixa' Thutrk.— VaadeTlllejteople: PrinceM Do). Ronuky, Avnwod^ Hujthei and Ramua, Pllwn and Er ral. ihe Vfaltlnn, LIttio Lulu. U Paxe Sl^Ura, Morrui Broltiera, Tnicadero Qoariet ar - - ■ Tlie Broitiera, Tnicadero <^riet anil tJio CunulnRltamM, dnina l« "EMOipcil ttcm RIoRHlnR." WisTiR Oahok!( xno coNniKT CArc-llelalia. Atox- aiiler. TocilUl; Dickey KrAn^ Hen Wllllaina, (Jharlea Rmm and Loitle Hvan, JvMllynne, RUtan Lynch, Bella (!tniien aoU Beairin Carmen. TtlUTRi Comqi'K.-Kd. and llolU While, the l.aTlpCM, DollieDaTenpott, Hike and Dave llarrfRan, LotuUimr. Fieri AndrevH, Knta Anhley and J. J. Mumy. btuKR's AuiiMRKA Thratu.— Hacblo and Mack, Wal- Un HiatHP, O. A. and aallle Kbemi, I^iu Tbome. P&tmer ud De Monte, Era Howard, J. R. Hjas and lUude Lewie anl Pranb L. Oay. The Khema hare been MMlDclnR piece* at thli houne for twooty-eli week*. Wo^DIRUNDHrRBR.—In Ihecurfo hall: Prof. Roliey. Mukedianner: HauleJack, dower nueon, and Herr Bfe- Darck,tlic man wldttho hollow bead. In tbe Uientoriiu: Benti'eClrcDcend Oatum'e Equine Wonder*. Buor TiiRiTRH.—FinnlRanandOon]on.Jeu[e Adamii, (iMHiU Hlllyer, Belle Paiieraon, Bbaefer and Derere. UIKe Da Louche and Oeorn Tklbert BarAxra Tbratrr. —llalleti and OtmU, Kellej BrothoTM, LoAlle and Rardleld. Ida Walllnft Haule Bur- daiit, Alice Athteuo. Flu. Freomin, IhdlloIfaieon, Rylvla Bdmont, Waneu Chelbn, llabtbe, Oeorflana, midway ■ dAncor«; J. J. Herbert, oallec masier, and Oonalleo, (ooitdlan. (IKH Tuuthk.— PalmerSleters Morrleand Parker, Ed. Kox,UieanatAdaniiL LIUlo White, Ethel Urw', FIobaIo lllue, muie Marie and Diamond Wbellock. LoNooi If 0810 Ha u.—Bennett and Uartland, Don Dlro, Clever Canoll. the Hacka, muilcal team; Bobby Comwell, EuBB Weaion, Annie Lealle, Uamie Palmer, MulRe Mack. Maul Lala and Pearl CUne. Uomr.—Treaaurar Arthur Oewrich wlU be flven a beneni, wlUi llallen and Han u the aumctloaei the Hafan 25 William M. T1ionip>on, aelrcue Mifoimer, ■aa killed by tbe can at Cone etatloo, JIL, March 1 A lener wai found upon hiro ilRned by David McCann lelllnR hIro to Join aoUmann firaa.' Rhow at Brldfiport, Conn., by Uardi H The wread Julian oHrftaeeeonat EspoaltJoa Muilc Hall, noder the dirve- lion of Abbey, Sdioetfel AOrma,beRltte April 1 The Qerman opeim, "Frelnchuotz," will be produced at the Oermanla Theatre 0 for tho bonedt of Die Ociiuan- American Preoi Club. Maude Powell, lady tIoUdIbL haa boen eoRaRod aa the nlolit for (he choirw avmpboay Concert 29 Before the death ofJolin W. .Norton be and Cbaito* R. Pone were arranffloR to put on *The lleneymoon." An«r Mr. Norton'edeetli Mr. Pop* waidlapoMtl to abandon the Idea. He wrn urnd not to do«o,and It was put on afternoon of 11 PuplU of Mr. KurtMi. Ada C. Rwan. EdllU Rmllh and Mae Ooyte, made ihelr debut Mr. Pope played Duke Atmoia and t^harlei W. atovenaon Bolando.., A toailmonlal concert waa . tendered VIritellue UHiBn «i Entertainment Hall 7. Daaroech'e Oerman Opera Company bofine a eoaeon atEipoa|tIonMu«IoHallAprtl22 JuhnW.Nonon'ewlll wa« Bled fnr probAie 7. To Pierre Ctiooteau he Rmve hla Intereat In IIm Urand Operm lIou»e....,.!fatBebMtiaahafl orRtnlud RonneU'a Pedeetrlan Dramatic Corapaay.aiHl will walk from Itere loyourclty hv JuneS). tho Mart to be owle MAfdi 17. The Joamey will be acoomplUhod od a wtftr. Kmnm CUy—At the OoatM Operm Uoom PrancU Wllaon came last week, for the flnt time eloc* be haa been a alellar attraction, and prenentod "The Derira Defnity" to a Mr week'* tninlneai. Thli week, Rboa, bi "The rarlelana," '*T1ie New Macdaleo" and 'Ttie I^dy of Lyona." Next week, "ISZ." ORARDOfBiu UouilR.~Lwtweeh Raolona' "Fanlaana" dldahlR week'e builneaa. Tbe ThgndaymnlinM eoot LidI*H In the RRllery. For tbe laat twelve weeka OTery _ . .. ■ Btair Thursday nuXlnee, with one exception, has eoen the MI In Ute "top garden." Thla week. Frobmao'e '^bo airl I Left Behln^TMo." Neit week. Ualleo and Uart In "Later On." NiMTQ Strirt Torathb.— Laat week, Clay aemont. In "Tbe Kpw Dominion."did noido ai well aahedeeerred. Thepby la an excellent one, and Mr. Clement lecolved oTatloon at every perfonoBnce. Tbli week, llerbert Oawthom^ In "A Cork Haa." Next week, OrllBlh'a **Fau«t" OlLua OrRRA.flocu.—lArt week, the May S1iaw*Bar- lesque Co. Iiad a light week. T!i« Nvee Jollity Co.. booked for UiU'week, have canceled, conaetiuratlr the hooeo will remain dark. Next week, "Swan fimn Bweden." ADDrToniOH.—Foraon Davlee* aityreiatlon ef prite flRhter* will be here 11 for one night TURATRBCoRiqUB —Title week: Hurler and Kelley, Bo- belt* end Dorslta, Jonea and La Pearl, Mabel WalUco, Tnu Per, Doule Dlmele. r<oiUe Devem, Emma Oallea, Alko Cllliord and Bervia King. BualafM le good. NoTRLTY Tbratrr.— Thla week, W. M. BloA'a Athletic and Bpoclally Company. COURKUMtiiUTHR.—Nippon ImpfrialJaDueeeTrvape, lev. Paul Oarela and E(' " ' noM keepi good. ihi Mllbi, Jerome end Alexia, Sam Marflefcl. Oonlan, Joe HuUley, Paul Oarela and Ed. Doberty. CtirpRRiMu*.—Tlie biK hat erne haa atruck tlie town. Tlie pragrammoa In the Coala'e laat week cooulnod tbe rollowInR notice: "In deference to tlie wlahee of many of Ihe ngular patron*. Including Iwth men and women, the MiAiunment roapeciAilly oak that ladlee lemoTo dielr hataduringMrformeDcea In tlila theairo. Thla roeuett I" not made In Uie aplrit of a ruling, but aflnlkTor, which. If grtniod, will brIuR equal beneriti tu all." Tlie Ivllee gmtehiUy comidled witn tbe lequeet Tbenewapaperf have taken up tlie cmaade and a nmoral bum le In pro- creai Punch Wheeler la here OKoablnf a bigcon- c*rt ■dieuo fore tour to the coaal. They will havo their own hotel ar and number nearlr A(v P*ot>le Oua Fnhman came here Ual week to altond tha Clay (leiaent performance with e view of putting Ihe piece on In New York for a run HcKoe Hankln pa«Md IhrauRh the city laat Friday on hla way to Denver, «hei* he will ulMcfiargo of tho Lyceum atock H.Koblneen.of thiaclty, liorganlilnK aeeroponyto he known aa Bleu •on't (jomedlona. Ttoy will take tbe road In tho Fall, prmenilng a oomody called "A Chase for a Wife." * ra. Llitle. ex'traaaorerof ilie Omnd Open Honae, le (n thecltr vUliIng oU fHendL Mr. Little le ahead of Caw. (hone'a"AC ork Man." OHIO. ClBclBBaU.i^rb« t»lk oC tbe tmufonBatloD or Mule Uall Into Ibe groatact aodHoriuBi IntheWeatle ■tin current Flam for the remodelhagor that magnlB' c«et edlOee have been BBbmlued to the tneteea, but nothing more than talk haa been lodalged In. Tbe pn>- chantee would coat ^VJajOBO at the leoat catenlatlon. abeence ofa cnea town Une oftorehaaalwaya proved on Inconveolence to people to the north eaatera hill lop ■uUirbe, compelling a roundabout route t« reach the hell. I P^P^ chaoRoa an broached with a view |o popoUr- ^,*h»uallaa apUceofamoaeaeBt TheatonweuUbe uilUn. and Ihe grand ^oetenlum Tttl. wide. There "Mild be a dreaa circle, a baleooy and a gallery above ^ gronnd Ooor. making fonr Boon loataad of three aa at fn-aent and gtelog a aeatlng capeelty of or about more than eon be eeeted oowrrhere wooQ be room <« the • tan for r« Uy a thooMd alofen daring any fmod uaiica] oropemUoeTent i^^T' Btrjrt TgRATRL-Bddle rof caRM Martb 10 ^ "Off the Earth." The ettgegemeetof »<Sid ManrteM iJS^^^*^ ud the Man" two of ibe draaatla uutBortheeetaoawereRffnded. The" KotaniiiiiiiuiiiiTiiiunii.-'ni. Lliii cior Buii««ina "fiSw" If" l~"nnr.™o,,Ui?; nom Clikaio for out dmriDil « «< weni onli' pkud wllb ml ai Nil. I> tlM ny Ikar no.: run. Tlwi. I. , kf ot nixr In elniiUlkn. ind for • .lliii. » nod liMt l< Sv.ii Si^I??!' '1'."*^ .udlMw .1.1 Ui.ra w.ra mm hi| Beluiror, Slkknnr uid Eoiini Rilckiar. >Iki ra. malBodror uolborWMk, Tana uhI DuUL (^Imiiui WlUluuifno, Aioul^ Bn.iii ud Rooitn, Hnoau aod Wtmlar. p.ltoo uid Dolion. Andamon Kami " Sd ClMrl.«ijidJanoIo8to«r.rL Cnia H«:k>llli com*: ir. lUwmoye Onu Horai-na llalllday a.lon' KiiKi. «lljCO.Mii» 10. LMtrak llonca nKhall il. «i Id 'ma BuniUr •• «IUi yula OIK. Id Uia rqla of Kdlllu. Builnwwaaoflfrlklr. Tlia laiU oriln NaaaUir'a lloiua uiandkl Ika llni Mrforiiianca In raapooao lu Vaoarar if*"? HfTi" 'o'ltotloD. JoliD BreoDaD. In "Tiiu.^a Tinkar, 17. rionra Tuuni.-ll)'da-> Cnmadlaaa ciino hatli 11). t««t w«.k Iho Kav VorkSlanwarapanljr adiiaad liy a cODIlDiantor boian and »ra«lan win vara nm in at tf!? J?7'r:- ™' liolpwl biulnaaa ImniaDMly. Tlia Mlinl o«la 17, KoiilA MlootiTua'a MuaKll Tuuran-Tliarabaabaon a funliar nTolatlon of tha plana for next loann. Unrliii IliaSumniar mooUiaaji .nllnly no* ihMIra »lll baliain wllh a orlklnitly orldnal fronl. Tbara win Im boulon. nlara aonranlr^ opaniilaaaoa and fana for tka ladlat. and dalnllly atllml paiaa will hand araumi wmlor. BualnoM a prelly «ood. Naw for II: Dlion. Boaan anl Dliom .",'!!7'"VL!,""' BUck.Eaili milar. victor Lao, Mlla. Loa^ Lillian Do Vann, Famurai Broa., Waanar and Kano, for. ra«r uid Bunn, Janiaa Morriaoo, AJke Banick anl Conway Brothai.. 0«Mr.--'Pauo and War," a qitclacia, anl InaaJ' Band are fonhcomlDa Summar alliacllonB al Iabdoi lalaa Laura BootJi,■ — " ' — ■ - J- - --—. waa hcra with 'HioTvhlu 8i|uadrnn," haa loft that compuiy and kM Koua lo llol. ' In waa mlnullnv wlUi tha .tniir. W. tirani la to yoko, Mau w. E. Frankll. elicua folk during tha woak.. brine ant a nareomody, »Doll>'> ■la»|aanulI^" at Day —n,0,U Edlo Btcwart waa tlia aololil at tllol^» HouM'a Band la bookad at Huale Hall April«... .7^ Prar. V. P. Woivtwood and hla tralnod don and mankoya liara haan aniagad for a thrM month*' auy at Uia Zoo nalt Bainuiar Jolin H. aiatdian. Nulla Hlchar, Horn 0. flliay, lAc'.aa A. Ihekmalar, Bartlia tlurana. Panola M. Htrickar, lluinUi BonJaailn and Jaaala AyraaW" aololau at a Coll.ii. or Huale concrL Ctevaland,—PKMpeill/ bi again hoiIIUik lie- nlmilyon lliinM thMlrlcal, tlia pait weak lialnr rory liaud, and tbe adruico alaa for thla weak pronilae murk. Kucuu AVKXt'i: OfanA 1I0I-.K.—WMk uf Uarrli 4. Olaa Natharwie enjoyed a puiulaa triumph, lo an artl.Mc aau.ariiefDada tha moat i>ivnounca«l MiccaJw oftbeafa. Hon, captlratliiii tlia fairly larn audlanca. tlut itnoltd barul each parfonnaara. Thla .aa bar premier horv. Hbe produewl "C^iillle,'* "Knu-Prou." "Tb. Trani. lowor" and "Borneo and Jullal." liar luKen waa In. Hiantaitaeua. Tlia adranco aala for Ilia Lllluutlaoa weak uf 11 b liln, "Shora Aciw" week of la. LvcitiJI TUkayak.—Ilanlona' "Ropelba" prorad a draw- Inic canl week of i. Lilieral patninajre waa (lia rule, ear- oral tluiaa alandlni loom waa In demand. Tlioa. w. Keenapniducea "Hamlet," "Rlchallau"and "Rldiaid III" 11, 11, 19, "OllTor Twlar< U. 19L la. Wm. Banr, In 'Tbe Blalnn Oanentlon," ami Falli Horria, In "JiMopli," dl.ldo week of IS. CunrkiaaD THKaTUL—Bobby (laylor. In "llporf MeAUI.. tar,"iliavail hlmaolf Iho entanaliiar oiyoi., and, durlnjc week Ufa, wlwn tbe boi olflce -ecelpu ware proof of In. craarini popuUtllr. "ttoeclal Uallvan- II, 11 ia,»Tbe WilpofSuta" la, U, K "Ttia Bnii of Life" weak of lit itTAH TuiaTHK.—Dtroira Vaudavlllaaiparred forltonom, and won llna place In tlie ranka oftha bail. P. W. ittjoli, tbe proprietor and manager, la a atroDR man of no uiaui quality, and hla Ikata In linlDK dumliballa and hMvy w.lHkiaara exeallant. Mile. Pourm. wool wall with tlie boya Tbe Bkkatt^ aerlallat^ die Vahleiw, bIcyelUtji, Richie For, and Harria uid walUnj. are all ranr clever. Ward and Lynch, Edward and Joala Erann, ami Tliainvin and Bunnell eomplele tbe ullo. Bam De Tere'a Ihrn Cam. lany weak of II. TlieC. W. WIUlamaConipaDy, wlio nara nokad for week will not appear, ami Manattar Draw will lubatltuto a company of hla own. AUT aKO Nivr I -Tba P. H. nearly Kautuln. Blent Oouipaay make tliair laat appearance 14. CUB—unaicar A. P. Ham, wife and aon, liavo rw- nmad alter a IlirM wewka' trip to Naw Orleaaa. Mr. lamnporuadallithllbl tUna. Ha helped entertain the Clanland Onya, one of the cimck Infantir coiiipmilea uf the U. a., who acted aa body guaid of the kiny during Maiul Qraa Buvanbajtui, planlaf, and Jaui Uaraidy, 'cMlUat, avpMr«l lu concert at Aaaocfatlon Hall II to oi. cellant boaloaaa Ed. Baart, one of the coniuo«era of "By King*. Command," will probably ag\ln uruduco tliat opwm aomo tlina late lo May Bouaa'a Mililary Band la booked forMareb B,S) Epb Halla, of Holla Braa., waa In tlie city the paal week, booklua ifiecialllea fur lila clrcoa Ecra Kendall waa In llie city laat waok, llgur- ng on neit year'a paper II. B. Oar wiu uianago a brae luoutha' lour tnrvugh Ulilo and Fannaylranlaof J. Cooke Enuiulnneat Company, ..Joale Mllla, wife ofClua. E. V. _ March U , . - of Buoh'a Vauderllla^ la aerioualr III lion, will doubtlaaa be compelled lo unuai— - ~ cumiuondnw ILJIayalaail. irgo a aurilcal opanUoo at an early date LInIa B. Bayuiond rajulaa Bam DoTora'a tlompany liara 11 alter aereral waoka' III. nMa Meoh Uellar, neriallal, la home fora riiort vlalL II. Jolna tha BamuD.Ballay fare, at an Mrly dalo Tlie Branlgana and Vltty tHayton cloaed with Stroli'a Vauderlllaa March t The PlUglbUio FUllly, who cloaed with tha Pltialmmena Coiupuir, whila hera. hare accepted a abort enngeineot at Oetnll Cliaa. T. AU. rick, of "Nona and Hon." waa called home Uie pant weak by ifie aerioua lllnua of hla mother (leorga Cbeonall, or "Ibe South Befora the Wat" Com|«ny, la hutiia from a ahart trip to EngUnd. whan the riww will ba idayed next aoawn Mr. Ctiennell lalt for fSiltaqo B Piad N. atnuaa liaa Joined Btroh'a VaudarlUaaaa ad ranee coorlar. tile Auditorium Tlieaire. for aoino tlnia run aa a aec. end claaaTariaty hooae, latucloaeltadoora. HIawlardOll Mllllooalr. Jubn D. Rockofallarliaa purdiaaed dioboua. and wllli.Bed.1 ItlntoaBalratlon Army Barracka. It la properly altuated lo the tand.rioln dlatrlct. Ositoa,—At Ihe Qnnd Open llouie Ann* En Fay attracted a Ian. audience March S. Roche, th. byp- nallat, ai»aar«l week of I lo light bualnua^ although IM daaerrnl betlerpatranaae. "Tlie Charity Half* la lookad far 11, RIchaid ManaflaU, In "Napoloun," 14, and Btuart Bobaon la uDdarilned for n. Pagg TnuntlL-Barllioloniaw'a Equine Parailox held the boarda week nfl to gooil Iwalnan, a ehlblren'a iiutl. me Batuiday belog eapedally wall attendetl. Ifalaoo Blaleraoome II, U, U, "Iba Darby MaKot" It, U, U. SotDlgBB* UoanTuiUTnK.—Rliaa produced 'TliaParia. laoDM" at tlila bouae % but dkl nut gire aatlalaclloo. Jane (Aimha appeared to fair bualnaaa, playing "Ruuiao uu) Juliet." Vivian De Monto cornea U, watanii Blalara n AawcianoM lUti.—IW Wm. Wlodaor*a lacluraa gnre mtlaCaellon 1,4,0^ 7. llaur}- C. Dane locturw Msichll. CbbUb,— At the Onuid Open lloiiw UllUn Lewie had a big bona. Hairli i. "TliePaaalogBliow" ctowdwl the lionae & llanlona'"8uparba"9lk11. Balhh'u Muaio llau.—Marie Oebhaldt and Eckart TuiATU Ollilqug.-0ould and NItimni, Marahdlatera, TMd and Teed, Morgan and Noon Johnauii. aprlBgAeM^At lh« Qimiid Open IIoiuh U>tU' "Uncle Ton'a Cabin," did i good bualnaaa, at bolli mall. BM and .raalng p•rfo^nancel^ Fab. 31 Tlia Ranti. Bantley Co.. with living picturea, Rllod the luMtm S, Rhea, In "Tlie Parialaaa,'^ fUyad to a large audience Maidi T. Coming: "(Nlvar Twral" II, "Young Bra. Win. Uinp" U At Blaeh'a Opaia llotu. "Tb. TroHoy Bya- tern''March 1,1 bad lair bualnaaa. 8laab*BTlll«.—At Ihe CItj Open llonae the Kimball Opera Co. bad good boalaeaadarth 7. Hie Lilly Clay Co. met a good bouae 9. "Tbe Paaalng Show" coniaa II, Oavlar "Uncle Tom'a Cabin" U At tlia Loudon Tliaatra good baalnaaala tha rale. Opening II; tNirtIa and Ooidon, Clyde Pbllllpa, Boaa Naynoo, Dea and HI. Clair and Iho Block. ■•■•aeld.—At the UemortAl Opera Uotiae March 1 OoHnna, with the Kimball Open Company, faced a packed bouae. "Friaoda" aliewal Ui B. R. O. and a da; llghuad audlenea >. 'Ihe Faaalng Hio'," No. 2, had good buBloeaae. "VoungMn. Wlnthrop''pUyaa raura dale 11. K ENTUCKY . LaaUTlUe—At the T^ple Jtneii A. Uena piodncttl "Sben Acraar' the HlM tLreo nlgbu of laat week, drawing lal|e and legate Die bona* raualnad dark the lallar half of the weak. Mo altiacJon la an- nodnead for thla weak. MlCAOur«T«gaTlt—De Wolf Hopper cam March 7 for thrM nlghla, prwaaUng "Dr. «yBtai"to big Boa. Coihlao ll'u, Jalbraoo, Klaw A Eitaagapa "Ififoi-'Tbe nllhooUyB Abnmd" attiKted dowdaUatwaek. th. New rorkBlan week ofll. Oun OPgai Boci».-Morriaao'a "Fauat" •a*.!',*" aunaliod laat week. '1** TreUeyByatom" waek of II. nBmi>«iag.-C. W. wTulama'C madlBBa cloMd a pnSSl>UwMk>rWhaUeaAllaiUU-a "louth Idfoi*Ihe O^VTuM-ICew uee 11: Ivjae uid„i;»li». WIU Wyau. EUle Looi, tbe MupbyiL Parker SUM, Cois rnSkL^U.S^aBaUFolerBUltagilo.llilaM. BaaT blr XnT«9 PRoi TUB U PiuHi. 3no»'.-C, 9. rrlnirtw "** Angeoenil comncllnR aieQt.aml 1« at pmwnt at Wlnier iinanciM arrjiwlDir mule and U/lnnniii paper for ninilng ittmu. Tlie ihnvr will iiae aperbl paper all ihmiigli iho rnmlnii wt eon, and not om- Hheti ot aiiKk win iw pamol, 8pe clal paper mi rerelveil Ihbi ireek fmni one of niir Prtnllng homier and llliiaa iliii>aii ever tiaul on Ihe Inanla, each nil Iwlng lltho- jnphert, ami are irlll im llfly illiftrrni aivlen. ■nn anram-e cur U a murttl of lieaniy, lirlghlncju nml convMilenrc,and trill l«Monle,I l.^an fx|5rtJnc«l contnclinitandpMie lirfgailc. The rminirlna nni- liand wllh Itie Ijt Peari .Shovrn: lYnf. II. A. Van S"*.."-.,'.'.'' ••">»•". John Onicli. », K, Wanl«. Floyd O'llata, Frank lllchanlwn. Al. nnifll./ohn Itenlltam, relo Kadel, Una Weldwr, |.-ml A«hl>» Kd. Uwenlwch. Will Oonklinz and llany K llJtlon.' Tne land win lie iliiei.T iiiiiromied In sallorriwlmiii>, aa In nint aeawnm and la apecUllr lilllol Ki a feat lire or the ahow. )for»)PBO)iTHgSMSHH<ia.'8untrd.-AtiionitlhoM SSH."' «mlo« Rea.wn are Ufayello Miller, hoflinnlal har performer, anil Pi«f, Hoiii, o. Rmmona, nlih hla trained pnnlea. ilogn. gnala and dnnkeya. ContmclaarealaapendloirwIthlheTlireo lloaldjii, aerlallMa, acrobala and BTmnnaiii. Nona FnoB M, 0. CURg'a Waoon aHoir.-,««how tiaH been lonitnir South diiiinvlhe Wlnloraeitaon to goed buBlncaa. Noir laying up al Ttilpcdeain, \a., proparlnn vraBona, haraeaa ntid ctuivaMii, and gel- Uiigr everything lu order for Summer eeaaon. Mr. andUni, Clark had the mlafortinie In loaothclrln. rant eon whilo heiT. Shotr opcna Uan;h 1>. J. W, Onoi'aCiRctaliinow In Winler nuaricm ut IKIhany, Mo., (ening cvciyihing In onlcr for Iho coming aeaaon. AUBHT flAflTON, clown, InHi wiuoii wllh Klnallng llrolheni' Worid'd nrealeat Hbnwa, haa algncil for Ihe coming aeamn wllh Trynn llmlhcix' CIrcuii. JgRBY K«i.i,|-M haa algned wllh l.t l-eari'a Clitiia, lo ulte charge of Ihe paper, making hla iMrd araun wllh that ahow. lOKAL Ciuci-a KuTRi.—Wo iipen at IHney, III., Hay 7, and up lo the prenenl wriling Ihe rollniring people have algned: The Seeney Una., R, l,re Mclcalfo, Alfred llelDlz,Tnm Valoo, Mile. Mar.telle, Fil. Klliii- ent, J. T. Blawart, ShoHcId Thnininn, Frvd Rlvcm. rrofa. J. l4vln and In'o Oorrllll, acninaiil, J. II. Htiiray baa Ihe candy alanda, KorgH FROM SNIDIH'iI WI.VTBR IJI'AlirKRII.-Rllet and Ciimmlnga, Joe IJvlngaion, Monii. Ilaro and the Baltello Bitm., are pracllcing at Iho now king liatn. \ntt waa nearly a aerloua accident hap- pened while feeding Ihe dnga and wolvca a few dan ago. Tlie helper, Han. Snider, hail Juki nnuhed feeding Ihe wolvn, when one of iheni, a new arrival, allackeil hini. Ihtif, Snider, tearing Ihe nian'ri acitaniH. rtwhen In and atirceeilcd In aiili. iigatlng Ihe Infuilaled wolves liiii waa wiTercly ■lllen while doing ao. The Uailelh lima, an practicing their new head In head Inilanclng acl, and Chan. Rllel la liuay on hU new aerial Itaim and Prof. Solder Is breaking a Irniipe of wolvea for (ieorgo luirtch'a N'ew Heiimllon Shnwa, having algncd wllh Uicubaa has abui Kllet and CiiiniiilugH. NonaPROHTHgHniiAwg Vallrv Cian ii.-c<in- land R. IbirrlH haa tdgiicil aii general coiiiraciing agent for next MMnon. JameaSugc haa nliui signed aa heail lilll|ioiMer, irlili iwo aKdidHiilii. Kveryililng la looking bright around Iho Hliiier iinnnen, ami we took forward lo a Hucceaafnl acHsun, aa no iialna are Iwlng apared to ntake everything eomplele lie- fore going out, Atanlrt Lawia Urwn»i wrtim ilial he han algned for uexl aeaaon wllh Ihe Sun llnm.' Wnrtil'a United Bhowa, aa prean agent, advenlalng manager, irinclpal announcer anirdniin malor, and tvlll alaii ntrodnce hbt crayon apcclally In the i-nnrcrt- IIXN (,g Ri'sii AKn TiiK Tiirrk /RiiKgnia have cloned their aeaaou of twenty weeka with Xerecili'H Oalely Kntertaliien and open wllh HrNalili JV Brawn'a Bouthera Vatiilevllle Mage I'liriia Han-h 'Jo, al Kno,xv)lle, Tenn, IWii U Riiah Koexaa geiivral agent, and the Xereelha will lie fcntureil wllh the ahow. Utile liennalla bi III wllh the incaid(». The company will play only Ihe largtr rlllea In the Mouth, renulnlug from two daya to one week, Twenly- eight peoplo and Iwo cai>i will lie curried, Thr pulmwiso have alguod wllh Himlel llroa.' aide Show: Prof. C-F. Chamlierlalii,iiianiigerand lectunr; Mantle (Clayton, Alliino, mind reailer: May- niltta, performing lilnia; Mazara, lire dend; Kll-Uti, glaaa dancer: Prof. Eldim, nugic and ilonr talker; <leo- Barrett (Red), In chaige of caiivaH, wllh three aftdntania; N, Ooulhi, hiitrh and Judy, and Ihree cmgea of aniniau. FRANg AN'n UcCoHmcK ilii not go with the Webih Ihna.* Show, aa aiated. Iiut will retitntii wllh lir. J. 0. K, Allen'A lllg Hlniwa, nnw louring llir Houth. Han l.ntTKH, who haa Jilat cloaed with Htilllvait'a Muldooii llculr." Co., playing the pan or Uiili^ahey, oina Walter L Haln'a CIrcua, an ninging ami inockaltoulcloim, TUB TUBRB cloae allhree wceka' relitrn eugogentental Frank llall'a Winter CIrcua, Clilcagn, Hnrcn l(, and open In Ihln city with Uie llaniiiiii A Ualley Show March Its. Ubll SkiNNRR. leader ot nrcheaira, hu> algned wlUi Ann Ilrofl.* CIrcua for next aettMiii. NuTRa PNiiu \V, C. Ci.AHg'a Ckkocknt Siinwa.- Af ler dre oionllm* tour of Texaa we are aliont lo en* ler Indian Tenllnry, Ihoo through Arkanma Into MJaaouri. We wen auowod In Ave daya In Cantnii, Tex. Allen tleed vhdtcd uh at llrowniiom, and tho Monlaon k lUglan'a Coocert Co. atllmalia, Tex., alao Oecaatni, acroliat, at (lllmcr. On acmiiiit of plowing Uuie we are only doing fair litwIneiM. Cart S'eel, comelhil, lale ot Sultou 1^oxaH On,, Joined Jan, a. Jeonler'aann Waller hi on thealck llal;i|iillelll. While going down hllloiir drtverpro tem^ intl Ncel, had the good tuck lotuni Ihe hack over. Tliere were nine or ua la It at Ihe time, Iml no one waa hurt. Otto Ulleaer, onr IriMt canvaaiiutii, qtilt niid went to hbi home In Dalian. While we were at Cotiiiiierve, Tex,, the following ahowa were llierr; \V. c. (^turk*., Arthur Love and mr. Wlllard, luaglcldn. Our rtra- Ur: ThoClark Fandly, alx In iiiiinlicr; Jeiinler Fam- ily, Hlx In uumlier; Jerry Walker, Willie Uaah, Kd- vratil UoDkllo, Uart Neel, Owen Tkyliir, I'mf. Hlileld- taamnier, Friiz Hyen, Ihivid Dodge, II, W, Hcljiwa. JuUH A. Lawrbncr buried hla nndlicr at Kaat^ui, Pa,, on March II, He haa algned with Ihe lllogllng Uroa.* Hhowa for the coming Mcaaiiti. IUv.s'ui.Ue<' Wuui.ii'.i Usrrgii Siiiiv Nurp.a.—Unlike moat ot our liretlireii we luavo nid iH.eo liuay all Winter "dxlu**' and dauiiltig for tlio upentug. (hir Mbowwill lie alxiut Ihe aaiiie ab'.o ua laat year, wllh tew addlUoiia. aud from now mi tliliiga will lie on Ihu move and buatle areiiml ilio Wliilcr i|tnar1ura. Our atock haa lieen worked furaonie lime, ami la didng nicely under Trainer Chaa. iruell. Tlin new lueiutge hone and riding kangunw ciuild not do lieller, and Ihe two ridlug liliick licum. Ilruiionnti HaMa.areiluliig a flnedoulde aoL Wealaolwve added toourllattir novelUeaa henl ot pertunnliig lloMctii bulla, which will lie a feature together with ilio pcrfiinidtig elephanta, t^een JutnlKi aud Hlr lUtdy. Wo claim now tu have the lieat Iruliicil animal expoalUuii on Ihe mad, and wliliuurexrellciiirld. era. both male and teiitale, and the clever Myiuiiaat and aerial teanu. Ihe public will not lie <ll«|ipiilnied aud the Hhow will adtl Ui Ib4 repiilalltiii In pulling up aa good a riDg pcrfomiance and lilppiMlrrinie aa there la on the ruad. Ourllltle inblget pony, Nura, gave bittb to a colt laat week nlDCKen Incliea high and weighing aevenleen pounda, wliluh baa liccn Ihe centre of aduUratlon ot buudrvtia ot people. Taking all our atlracUuna and the condllinn of alock and aulmali, Ibe lleyiiolda Mbow fur aeasuu of imi ironibiea to be the lieat we ever had, and will Bblne 'or all when tbe l«nd playa. Nona PROM ma Fhanr a. Uaksnrr cihci h, now louring Uiull.—Since our Onl arrival In Ilre/Jl uur bUBlueaa haa been lo our leut'a c«|iaclty ami on many occaaloba we liavelunied people away, wblcli bi aaying a great deal for a traTelliig cIrcua. We have Juat ckiaed a two moiilha' big budneaa at the Theatre San Peadiv, Hie Janeiro. Vreiik Urowii'a Uu. abio cloaed a aucceaaful aeaaon a few ilayaaheail uf ua at tbe aame Ibealre. Fruui lUo Janeiro Prank Brown went to m. Faulo, Alter a fair bualiieKi Mr. Bnwn cloaed hla aeaaou and left lor lluenuu Ayrea to reorganize a new cotopany. Mr, Uanl- uer engaged Ur. Urowa'a Co., which <-ou- alala of tbe tollowlug people: Alahinia, Hiaa palmyra, principal anil tturdle arl; Ia Place Bioe., clowna and acrobala; William Ware. Jockey rider; Edwaid Fleximire, clown; Mr. llannn, tuit- alcal peiformer, and Max l,«hoan, feabi of atrength. (Jur old coDpany Includea Mr. and Mm, Oardncr, Ltilu Oatdner, Inpezlat and Bnadwh weiib per- fonner; F. Naaka, coulortjonbit; JoeMendeaantfW. U. Rolland. The monkey Jeaale la atlll one of llie fealnrea ivltb tbe ahow. We wenl Ui Fam >w Feb. 39 to play a nluni date, aud Uien we Uke our uaual lour tbnugh tbe Weal lodlea. Am akio pleiaed lo ■tela that all the nambenot Ue conpaay are en- oylag tbe heat of health. In fact, there baa been no Uneaa In onr company ttfnca wa atartad orer three yean ago. U. 0. NuoN, corneltUt. boa ainud irltb L. W Waahbnm'a Bbow for tha aeaaon ot UU. -J 'f* AtoNno boa algned wlib the Bamnm A RalleySlKiw fur Ibe coming ataaoo lodoblalag- gllDgacI and principal clown. Honiiriir llao. Notcb.— A hnnd n«w cook loni, Improveil camp ainve and oven, and bleat ulenatia III the citlliian art have been anpplled tor reiMMrIng Ihe llolel llonheiir eomplele In evetr detail, and Ihe people who invel wllh thU ahow will never lock for (rood Ibluga tn eat, well prepared hy a VYenoh cook, tt bal a relief ihu will lie fnira regular hotel ilM. A giwl inoal ittKler rannta la«lea Ibo lieat erery Une. Then iTtll Im no raiino fnr kicka on orcvunl of lark olmniiiacroiinHbiUona. The exhibition tanbi will prbvnl a gay and feallTc appeaianco with Ibe new itagK of all naibiita atui allV American Blaia and Slriiwa. Old tikin will wave above Ihein all, lle^ lien u She ami foni Jcin^noii an pncili'lng naw hibi tor Ihe concert, U She will do a higb win Ire evhlldUun al Iho door, on a alcnder wire Otlnn leet aInve the ground, ending wllh an elgM rmit BWlng while alanding, wlihuul babini'Ing pole. In cenin ot the wliT, and dropping to Ihe ground In a aenna- tluiul tiunner. We have alteaily lieon Itoodcd wllh anawera hi re«p«naa to our email "ad," In TlIK CurrgR. NirmPKOBTIIKWlNRM l)t'ARTKHII of HeKnrd A llowanra:Ur«iii Show We araalnuMt reaily fw <iur opening, which will occur about April a. Mau- aarr llowani la liiiay gelUiig Iho horaea In Irlm. Wo will uae tnnr to each wagou Ihbi year, ami will have aiaiiii nny lwo head lu all. The lleUoitl Ihoa.' trapeze act will Iw a traliire Ihbi aeaaon. Mn. Wai. lerHelfimlla ovriwelng Ihe uuiklngot Ihe want, rolie, We will uae a mt. round top inih two 4iin. middle plocea, anil will cany a hand ot elglilplecea. \t e will travel In tounaen waguna. On March 4 a new addlHoii lo Ibo olreui woHd In the fonii of a ten pound Bob iMIokDey- Mm. laitilHii Hilckiiry dim lie Untl) aud aun an doing iili rly, while |H|ai Hob Jr. la Ihe pnudeat man In Cliirlntull, o. .SiiTM PNiiM Captain SrawAicr'a lUii.Riitn Cir- run.—Wo are moving along, and while w« are wt Hiurilng any laiiikawe are iiiaking eiiila nteel, i>i|M. siowarl haa Jiul reliirneil frontlila konto al Fori Wayne, lnd„ where he went lo ace hla dm laiin gntmlvin, Frank llcach la aUII wlili ua, aud ao Li old ilmu Chariey Adauu. NEW_JERSEY. Jerarir Cliy,—William Collier, In "One ol llie Ho>.," uprnnl Ida week al the Ar^leuiy In RiaMlahaia HatTh II. 'Tliu llUlrUl Attorney" la buuhail Ibr weak ol la. tlliiarllynin rli,>ed a weak uf "Thellpaand howaa •if Mia a. IlUN Tos^Buuked fur week uf II: Tlie Read Panlly, the l,«Mold«. Mecca, Allyn aud Liliaanl. Zaiuura, PiHo and Stun., Jultii and Itona Hatidara, Vuu Loor anl Uartun. the Pnaii.aia. Uln li ami Harlati.lleurga IllranI, Jack Mai. ^'nl MIgniiit. HuBlnou coiillnuaa J. I. I'.-.NannIa Ruawll, John Lyacli, tloa. Kalna, Ptuf. llayiihiiHl and otiiara, BualneM ctintlituaa guud. WAailiMiiroM.-Agiiaa Huntuii, May and Mahal Lata, iVrrleTrU'-art, llooruinlllranl ami Kred Zailar. NuTui-Max ll-Hall apiaara al llaabmurk llallManli VbLI*.*.. ..rel.^lll^La..^^ ^. a -.. - - . ..Dan Waklritii. ofiln Tim CaaliHi (llrUchiNida . • _ - lllgKuer. e<w»ytd aa arl hy liiiiiHvlf nt till* Hon Ton d. tlie HuHnnn^ alllioiiiii iMMikiHl at lliU ioMirt,diil ixit apjiMr Kdaan] llur- nun. fur iiuiiy MMMini cuiiiiKir*! vlih Kilwanl llarrl' UHii'rf furrv^ «IIIJulii "Die Uid lluiiie«t««il" Veek of Awll 13 Tlie Itor. KiiM«it« Hheoliy gtvm a lertuto at Ifae Araitffiiiy. riun<Iu. It\ 11) aid uf a riind furlreUnJ .. KrM^ Murrl*. aMUte<l by Hr*. UttrrlR, gave an erilDrab)* iti»gr«iiiiiio al llajUinnick Hall H ftir Iho Ifenellt uf Dm niMiiaii'n liiilu«irlal Kiliiblilim AiMK-lalUm. Tbe leJy IwlnHU iif ihn Annliniiy iiuw roiiiuve Ibolr licaJ umr lliuN tfWIiig III* rouKbor gender an oiiiwrlniilly lit atnu Maooniig Ilaille Henuelt aod MaM Klct* hate JiiiiK^I liendh TliKy nil erth uf ii al IHiihun-, Cl Hfvinr AriiPintarlevHueile and Kraiik laitne aie iHtiy al iHUMfbi uf Nctiiery fur "Atnli Na I'liuto," to Im (•rvaonlevl at llii>oi)ue, .S. J., and IIiIh rliy Kartar woek. llutaori lln>WDr, whu baa Inwii mi tha n«il wllh a n^riurv r«tiii|«ii>-ai manager duHiif ilii« Wiiiivr, han clo«cd li(i«>«a«un anti la now In lli It clt)-ruling Han- HKeriliariitu lleiiiiin, Diniterly nf llamiiaiin**, your dty, nml aliit nm inlrualucMl cuniliiUiHia ■htiaa al lli* llMra lluu^. iiiiK Uip litiit Tim and laielyof ibe UiiIiiub, Hruk- l|ii. S. v., i>4 Dm Ulrwlur of Uir U'lirlil'a ^"alr K<hh1 El- Ittolildii iiiiMT ivhig UM at Uakbud Rlnb, iblMclly. Ilobok»n.—daiiiBa J. Orlwtt dlla iilHlit uf Uiiruli 13 ni iliB llubuken, "TIm l>«Tliy Wloeer" Vi-U, lor «eeh i>riH WilllAin rdllinraml "Tlie liaakr" tlirei« olglii mcIi. "Jane" bad a iitul rcreiMlun r-V. Tlie |>Uy wai prvceded by "Tlie i^tntlMtuep." Hli4>r.—Tlie Auirrlran ilalHy (llrU, aiidpr Lewla A llartejr'Hnianaueiiietii, Kiwiivd tlirir vaak to anontmir- aMlngliim uul lualiiieeul II ~ " ' fair aeeb ». Iill*lHlii--i:il. Daly, Llllietlurdiin, Win. Uvbncy, Nile. Kenrliollv, Kenny Kvily. Iltlgar Hdiiudl and l*rur. Kan* dor». Tlie Iwnani given lu fur llie ■•our uf Uia c(ly netted a liandNiHie inirae. NuTicii.-\Vllllaiii (lllmure and t^niwn lluHhellJuIn Hie Keevwi A I'aluifir i:(i., ai AllMinr, .V. V., Meek of it. Kreibi aiidritone, irwiolUlaiid Hall, and W'anl and Uniaii »lll ■Uu bn iiiaiiil^rB. Mite. Tnija Julni at CleclnnaiL O,, Kuek iif A^rll I... .Tlie Little tri ile chMe llieir ««vmni April ti ... Tim Knur tluliUuihh rila|f<ra »«rs a aiiaclal I at Die lIHou laMi vseh Jaanoe Karl aiMl _ ibiKrrol rilnan' date with tha (Ualnu lllrH. Tliay dii a ne«t RlnNlng and liaiiclni luin. lla«loy ■ml llnrrirt rluul u lib Ibe unie umipauy on ilia uiwnlnK Inlr Minerva burr aamlieJaneatOie l(ulii>kfli 7-0. HnuHger MurriMni tif Um llljini |.raiiei)leil tau kllver «atale^ niailitw ul Manli 'J, In a Imi/ aod girl liiihllu a vMclallvnuiiilKreil ikbeViuiiiMl ibatday Tfae Nome (Urio tllria naaurne at Tpiv, ti. V., a««k uf IB Carl WlMlnKor, lljr mail at tlie flulMikaii, haa l»««n ailioloUd atagfl iiiaclilnUt In I'lare uf Jaaw llullor. letlrud Kd. UiHaliuiin, rnniiurly aJteiico fur (iHvar llinia, la iiu» wltli"ri|>|ileraJhl W)r." rrmnk NorrriM^ nuwuMJua lAve Krohiiian** fomm, aflor Ihe i-luie «r Uia regular aea- aun wllli "Jitic," alll lake a ratwriorycoiuMny Iji Hall- fai, .S. It., and n^n at llie ^cwlamy Ai-rll 15, tur e Uiree wMka' Klay. Mr. Nurcrua will lakea tri|> to Kaglaad (ur nuvalilM, ami Miiieiva Ihirrwlllgo lu l^rla,Kr., In •earch iifntM Liialuuieit UdaHuuiiner (leillt i;ialr, wim raraull) hail a llirF« wMka' avelturillidillierU, U mending niiMly. InA alill ruiiialna umler llio docUir** rare Hlia niM Iter dale at Ui« Mljeu, taat waeli. credliahly. Ullubelb^Al Ihe Ijc«um Tlieatre 'Tiw UaiigerHlKiiil" vanie HarcJi6 lo a niiall Uoum». KelUr K hiil a lanie amllenre. Tu arrive: J. J. Corbeit I3L Walle f^Huedy Vm. iH-ai. llUKlf Ul-KHA IliH'an.—"Maul KIrke" vu mOared 9, nialJiit* ami nlulit, tu guud bualnau. To arrive; *Tlie Darby Winner" IS, >*Old Jed I'niuiy U. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WaeblniiloB.—Hr. aud Urn, KcmJsl liirl an einllwit aoek at Itapley'a Nallooal TTiealrf, "A Hcrap ufl'aivr" and "Tlie MecoiNl Mri. Tanqueniy" ekiiaclally drawing bli Iiuum'. "Tlie UUtrlct Allomey" vaji favor Khlr rerelvetlat Alliin'a(lrandU|>erm lluuae, aliereltliad ipMjd IniHlnoMa. Hiiiiaa'M Rjiiid i*ccupy Dili lieuM Mardi IQ. "T1ie<U»uiitr Kair" had tlie Voat i«lrutiaite of aur uf Ihn ■lirarlUma fumi week. Il aoeiiia lu liaraln^i oone of ll-olal lliiM imiHilarhy. uiioiiliig al Kaplei'* Aradtiny uf MuMir loaUrg* Ihiiibc. ahlrlirlate nf alTalra runtlaukl t«i tUr end. Uan Uii^atiby, In "Hia Prlilv uf Meya," wa« well Mliiiiilied la^l veak al Huller'a Hljoti TTiealie, cbm- lllg tin ennNgviiieiit ellli a Huiiday night luncort for the Imnoilt Iff Uia «ni|ihi)e4 of lite hiiUM, The Huuvlj Hrrc ihnrd illil ■ iWlr liiialnioa at Kvnian'a Lyraeni Thaalre, ihe "H. H. ti." xIkii IhiIhk mure llian trtire ilUUiyial. liAiXRr'a.VATiiixaLTHuraL—Hul Hmltk luwll ||-|«, rrlnreu llunnla" il-ZL ^ ALLKN'ri llMAXtl IffKRA lloi eK-LIIHao Ruwell ll-IA, l.i>ll(o Culllna' Tiuulwloun in-zi. lUfUtr'a ArAiiNHr nr Mi-hh-.-"A lUllroait Ticket" l-IC "Tlie iJitttun King" IS-S. liVTLiH'a Hiioir TuMTas.-'Hw Turrutlu" IMS, "Die HhgrKlnM" IH-XL __KRHXA.Ve;au« Tiiritik.— Hub KltialmiiiM*' iUi. NEW YORK CITY. IflL HalUy k WuMra HIjf Kliow IJl-Zl jImTXKKUTT*B MlHIO IIAM..' ~' clinatra 11. Kurm-Annle Inivla bta returned (3iete: ■Tlie Boatun Hyutphony Or- Iwr Lome at lietey tSiav. Md^ for a fev Beeka' reMland rerreatkin. ....Tbe failure of Cunneu to approprUuflMUiJUat lu uie Fiiuliin fur tha purcliaae uf tlie JaniP* IJ. UbuDo prii|>- er.y on Idfayeile H<iuare iiemlu John W. Alljaagli Co go irti ellh Ihe rreclloo uf an <ii«ra liouae on that inipeny. Tlie foiiwlalltin U eireadr neerly cninplaled, and ve will lia%'ea naw o|iara liuuae lur Uie itrnlng irf nil! leeaon LOUISIANA. New OrIeana,»AniunciiKUbi lu tlila city aecm, lu a careful oliaarrer, to have ded her Bhorea with tha bnur tlial Miatbrd Uie arrival uf LanL Uarlng the iiaat week tbe tlrandO|iera llouae baa ba.n dark, lie f reach n|«ra aaaaon cbiaal and llaganl«ck'a tJIrcua cloaad lu two weeka' Mawn. yaaacil Uraaa llucaa.~Tlie ouere aeaaon ef "at-ts cant, lua cbiaeun tliaflth laat., and It la to lierearatl*d thai arUata uf aucb merit aa camiiiMad diU yaar^ corn, pany cuuhl not bare rcallaad a aioro irfofltabla Ooaoclal aucre... (IRABD OraaA lloi;aa.-^lwlng t/i JoIib U Hulllvan'a fki, illabanding Uteir eagagtinent li.r. waaaul iiw. Mr. Jaa. tyN.n will urei4nl "ModU l.'riato" ao M and "V|r. ginlua" II and ''MutiU t.'rlato" die reoialndar of tb. WMk. Ju4itlngfroaitJiaUrg.adTanceaalaofiealaamt OMB inay be anianalnad for a moat aoceaiarul week. AcAtiaar or Mcaic—fanny Rice, aunounded hy . flnt rlaaa cMii|«ny, haU the buanli al Ihlalioaae timugtioul tlie weak, and tha Boa ^rfMnuiioe of "Naiiey'^ waa graally eidoyod liy large audleofwa. "A Toiaa BtMr" will aiivar a) aivl week. Rr. l^llABLa THRArae.-llallan and Hart prwolad Uur fm" to crowded booaao thmgboot Ui. wMk. "l.'oon Hollow" cumee la. Th> raiBciriiaoftJie fnnck Orefai;o. loAUila city 7. bvuml fur New York, wbeaca the/ will ao lo ParU. tlia remaining raaiiiti«ta wlu B railBt ^La ratil thar." at noun nil for the limsnt of tha cBurua, aod la tiie eraolng "Tlie Tao OrpliaoB" will II. (dayftl far Uia baoeflt of Ihe opara enipkiyaa. nm* — Maude Crolg haa recorered ma ker recant III- ueaa,and baanjotned "Itial arenaCUn" Co. — Ilarrr Thouaon boa wriuan • foof act comedy called ■'Th* lUyor o( llw Boireiy." Laal WMk'a ■TaBta,..The paal week waa unerenltul, and waa alinoal hartvn of nnrelty. A Oeman play had Ha Ural pmducUnn In thU t^oiinliy. but apart rmnt tbiannihing new. either In ihU conn- try or to the Bifliii|wlla. waa prcaenM. In Ihe principal houara Iheiv waa not a alngle rhange of allraellou. Uiudneaa waa In Ihe inain aAlwractury, lint waa uiierenly dirlileil. annie boiiaea melving far more than Ibeir average ahare Hie con* lluucd perfiimianrea for Ihe week eiHlliii March a were: llcniutn opura al Ihe llKninnii.iTAN tiranA lloi'Bt, "The Haaqiiendota" at tbe RiiriHg, "Ibdi liny" at Ihe IlKiuiji .MgiiABit, ■'Mnibtnie Malta Orini'' at Ihe llBUAnWAY, "Tha FounillltiK"«l llniTV, ■ Ml- lie Clirlaliiphrr" at Iho IIahiikn, Wut, II, Crane al, Ibe Fimt Aykni k, "Undi Irliii." al the IImiii', Unti'. Hejano at AaagYV, the .sinrk iVi, al ItALY*!), 'Ton Much Jobnaon" at Iho Staniiahu, 'Tbo Old lloiue. alead"al Iho Utah, "Hory uf Iho Mill" al Ihe At'An- gHV ur Ut-Hif, -Tlie Out of ItelKllloun Simti" al Ibe t.YCgi'N aiul "Tho Kaial CHnI" al rAiJica'a, Ihe ono laat tuitned chailDg u|Hin tlut dale The laie week alanihi cliialng March 0 were; "tin Ibo Ibiwery" al Iho I'gori.K'a, "Tho l-owor uf llolil" at Niaiiix llcorgo lil.xiin'a tipeolaliy Oi. al Jaixibh' Thind Aybniir, "The Ralnniakon" at llto IIhanii OrBM lliHwa. "Hhenauiliiah" al Ihe anbrivan, Thoniaa t). H(>alinaike at Ihe IIaklkm OrKHA lloi'aa and "The Flaiiu" at Ibe Coli'mbiii Varloly en. lerulitiueiit waa funilahcd at Tuav I'Anxia'a, Kim- ran » IIiai.'h, the Union H<)Iiahk, Ihe UmnuN, IHor- tobA Ihe Caninii, Ihe (li,vHriu and HiNga'a How. BHvaiid KiuiiTil AYKNi'K I*erf<iifluace>< IbQrr- niauweni given at Iho taviNii Pui-aand OgRMA- NiA, anil iHtrfiinimncea In llulirew at tbe TnaMA, WiHiewa aud AnuH'a Waller Hai (onl'a alnek company l«gnn al Ihe KuuRTKHh-ril tfrngKr Tuba- THK, tin March 4, ah cligageittrlit hi "Tlie Hhaugll- mint." At Ihe Irvinii I'i.aor TiiKATHg, on Hareh T, waa pnalurod lor Ihe llmt iliue In Ihlaaiimlry, "Olmotlelaent" ("WHhoul Itelltliiglou"), a pbiy In nve acta, liy Fcdiir von Xolajlilia. The title liaa rafenuro lo an obi ciialoin. In vohuii In aoine rttnil latnanf (Icnnauy, of ottillling Ihe tinging uf church lielbi upuu Ihn wM-aalnn of luairlagna In which Hie lirldo haa Mcrldcoil her rlglH lo wear Ihe voalal wreallt. The aliity la ilial of a peaaani, prniiil of hla Rion of wealth and nf hlapreallMolahUnallvo vllbige. Ho la imvoulb In droaa aod ooarae nwn- iieml: rudely and laibdi'iotialy good natured when IMniillltitl In have hiauwn way, hut violebt Inatiger when hlH wlahm or idatia are Ihwurird, Ilia wile la of Ibe aiiiiK' Mirt, liiii lltey liavo a tlaughlrr In whime heart Ilea Iho genu or Iwlicr Ihliiga. Tlie nwldrit Onda her hoiue lire.aiid Iho niile rualilntin «f the village, dUlaatetul, and wnlriintca wllh piy Ihe at- lenilona or a geiille niautiercil ynniig arlaliHint, liii. lUKiinliiua and iMRo, who haa Iwu allmolnd hy her dowry. Ilia wooing la emicllvo aa II la awlll, and wbuii Ihe ratheriiriliogillHiigrlly roriMablaronaeiil to Ihclr union, Ihn yniiiig iimii iimiraati iiiuinawcr. able arwiiniotit which pnivua Ihe wedillmia neceaally, Tlie father la lima fnrccil liiylrld i iaiaeiil, Iml he n*. diicea hy mora Ibatt oiio hnlf hla duiigltler'a dowry, The luver'a nnlor aiiddoiily coubi upoiirecelpl of Ihia inlclllgoiice, and Hie yuiing girl aliainpla aeir de. almcllon aa Ihe only inrnim of avnMIng dlagrace, iiut aho bi Httveil fniiii Ihia alit by a yfiiiiig rlergyiiian who liivea her, and la rniailibi uf furglvllig, TIta niluM were ibiia illalrllniled: lir. liana Hiiller, Max llira; lir. ilocilecku. Max llaiuwier; Hhipluin, Uathlun I'fell; Kralauhiiiar, Aniiiir Kgtnling; Hale,' Wllhuliiilito Hchliilir: Aiiiw, Anna viiii Itiiinaiiow. aka; Aiigiiai, WllllaniMeiuena; Fniiia, Kiiill lanHlnm; Fran lUegcri, Unililldo Ulln; Knihe, (Ircle Ilalliii-, IJpporl, 11, llabtlcli; Hauiikv, bull Oilii; Hprlngert, Wllllatu llechlel; KleluHvlitilui, Klelne Wully; Uiig Ucliulw, Itacnr Nanno; UiiniiiHiK, Heiiiiiiy Hen. uiann; llilg, Adolf Miik; Alwliic, IWI llnlach A new riiur ai l pbiy, eitlllle<l "HupplouiDiilary Fniceedlnga," liy l^d. J. V. Mllllken, waa read liefiira an liivlloil auilloiire, hy K. K. Hankay, at lluYT'H TiigATRg, ariomiHiii ur Man'li a ,lii cntertalnnieiit for the lieiiollt nt Hie A. I). HlaUirhuuil waa given al Iho KuriRR TiikATkg arientuiiu uf Honirt. Mendaiia uf Iho alock cutiipaiiy of thai huuae preneiileil Ihe ono acl play "Cliiiiiui," aud uieuiliera uf Iho Lyceum Hliick Cuiiipaiiy wore aeeii lu Ihe one acl play "While Ibatea." Allieita ilalla- Uii, Waller H. Halo ami i.'liariea A. IliieiUur idayeil a Bceuo from "11io lliiiaiyiiiiHii," May Irwiii aaiig, Frilg Wllllaliui colilrlbulil a tiiiHiiibiguo and J. K. Iioibaju nclleil Kilaanl ilairlgau wua re|airlcil aeiluualy 111 on Mareli 6, anil lila iliniru waa cliaieil llMt nlghl,aiid liaaaliico n-nuilnedilark. Ur. liar, llgau, II In Klaled, la aiiirerllig from lirrviiiia pnalln. Hon, partly miililiiH fniiit grlof fur Ihe roceiil dealli of bla aun, F.dwaid llarrlgHn Jr. Ilia pliyalclan baa advbied ceaaailnii of Uiair for i> ihiie, and It la at preaent uncertain whellicr or uul be will again open hla ibralre prlur lo Ida ruad luiir, al. though Ibe Uleal rapiirbi liidlcalu an lin|inivciiient InhbicoiKUllun Atlliirr'aTiiaATHKHiocurUlii relaer, "Keeping Up Ap|waniii.iia" whicb waa put on March 4, waa wlibdrawii artar Iho peifiirnuinc« T, and A, K, Umaaior'a Iduiik vena niiiicdy, hi une acl, "HiiiiKii'a Flral }jm;" waa atiliailiuiwl upon lite rolliiwing evening. II waa thiia ca.l: Kunieo, Mae FuwIer; lloiivollo, Wllllniii KItlreilge: Tylialt, Nebion Whrali:niri; laiily HihiUhu, Ikrtha Mnuaa; Kuaalllir, Alinin lluaaell. 'llila play l.ail Ibi Oral proilur.lloii arienaiou of Peli, 'M, al the tHriBB ThrathR, al Ilia harida of piiplla of Ihe Kupire Theuire liniiuillc Ni hiail, iw inuiilluiied In onr biat laaiie The aecoud woi:k uf Ihe aeaaon of Hcriiwii opera, under Ihe dlrecUun of Waller llantreacb, at Iho MicrRuiiiLiTAN lirKRA llui'aR, lie gall March 4, wllh a pfrfuiBiaiice of "Me UolUir daineniiig." iiiuiitbiu of wblcli waa iiiaile In the pm'j..<lliig laniic. "Trialaii and laulde" waa n- laiiiicd a, niid "Uilirngrlii" waa pieMnteil at-oo eg- tn performance 7, ucli wllh Ihe urIgluaV caal. "T.liuliaenaer" waa given a, cuat an fulluwa: FJIza- lielh, Johaniut IhiilakI; Vriiua, Haa Kulacliem; A Yotiiig Hliepherd, Marccllu Undli; TUnnhneiiaer, Mai Alvary; Waluir Vim ller Vogclweldc, Faul Unge; Wolfram Von Kaclieiilaicli, illierhauaer; inteniir, Kinll Henger: llelnrlch, Ilia Hcrllia, llerr Ucleug; llalninar Viiii /.ireiicr, llerr llruiulierg; ller- uian Undgnve, uf 'niurliigia, Kiiill Fburlier. Maa Kulachem iiudn on Ihia occaHluii lier llrat appear- ance III opera In tbU country, her Aiiieilcan ilehut, however, having lawn iiudu In concert Fell. 34 laal, al Canieglo Hualc Hall, "lyiliciigrlu" waa again pnaeiiled at llie iiiaUneea, Willi lliecaatunclianged. TUB HntiNii HRANUN of grand ii|>cra hi F,oglUh at the HIar Theatre, which will la-gin April 'JB, will cun- Uoue for four weeka and poMlbly lunger. Among the leading alngern will Im Marcella Undb, Horle Maunr, Adcle Ma<:card, Fjiiina Walarit, newer Croaa, Vamd lleliroiw, VlcUir Uaudln, iviry Aver- III, Arthur Hebin and llanil Meyer. Tha aoaaun will lie under Ibe dlreclhm ot wiuiaiii H. lloaeubocb and FJIIiilt Hcbelick will lai Ibe uiualcal director. Popular pricea will prevail. ■AHAiigRi^tlANAaY A I.BURar.RauiHiuiice mat Iher are nuklijg pnpamlloiia tu give a iiugh-al expoal- tlon at the Meimpidtlan Duera Huuae In Hcpteralier. Tbey hare lieguu oegolUiluiu wllh rrufcnaur Kellar, He Kolia and Uirl llarli!, ur Kurujat, aiid"Uui" llartz, who hin»wtii<na|lnga Ihtaira In Cleveland, 0. , hut wlio waa rurinerly well known aa an lUualon- lat. One of Ihe fcalurea of the prugraninie, tbey alal«, will lie iba lint iwrfonnanieln iTibicouolfTof the Walker llliodon. HUNMAY FjTgRriiNUgNn on Hank M wan llnilUd tn Ihe concert of lha Hcimau Uldartiiai, al Ckrnegle Mualc Hall, and Heunno Thoapoon'a "Hung* lllualraled and llluinlbaled.;; at Iba 0l*r Iheaue. ,1*-^ Thb TR.vni ANNivgRMRr of UulM UeaoeU, Xo> 1, ea«, of Ilia American l.eglon of llouor, wu cala- biilad lo Ihia city, March IV, Tlie maaUog waa baM In tha council rouioa and waa fuiluwcd hy aa aoler lalnlBi pnnroiuM.