New York Clipper (Mar 1895)

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22 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Maech 16 TOHT riaroR'8 TiitATM^Willi reiT law oiccp U«iu tbe bill or nUililit nitely oirtrtd tt tblii popu" IM liaau Itoroli II net Um eDtlmataailc ipptarcl ot > Ms Uiniout, * Rieat nuloiKj or the nnDilrtn com- ing ui ror abundint eniltnca or heartr aincdon. Jmd WllUimi bexan tli« blU mth s rair pciform- - - - - ' perform- ■DM or burtwiiia nugtc, and wan tollowtd lir Balls nack, wbo oonlrtlMUd sn ludllTrrent line or otairaoler wnin, renilerad In a mediocre manner. Baraa and Uxkltr allrred the audience to mucti amianae wlUi a well eieciiMd nUnlatloo Bielcli replete with danelnn oT tlie rcallr clever ioiL Next came the tbrte Bt, Kellx Blaten, wbo enlatulned vllh their cumiom' arr endencT, Korlng a nood BOCceM with Mnm, danceH, and cbamcter irork, executed In a moat pICMinK manner. Will (1. Hallboirii and Nellie llarrla then iDlrodnccd Ibeir comedj idietcb, made ramlUar by oft repealing, and rrom Ibe gener- oua amount or UuRlilcr and applauw tlieir work rllclted, Ihej were eviilcntly In tne hmiiie of Ibclr frlenda. Hielmpeclnlt^nandne or Ibe hllii or the bill. Ulle. I'etreitfU rollim-ciK and won many ninnda of applaUMi rur bur entclencj In band liolaDclng. acrolAtIc work, and reau of con- tortion. Her act wan Kkllllullr exeruled, and made a pnnouced nnccrm, Tnnj I'BHtor tbeu took MMwulon of Ihn Hiase. and owliiir lo Ibe Kndmant demands oT every xCMt holder, wan evidence for iiearlr hair an limir. Ilia well r.boaen and happll/ renileml wiinii Htnii-k llio ranrr <>r all preaent, and be vriH pcrmliieil lo retire oidj arter atronff prnteatu from bla bniuerul ttt adiidren. Jaa. RIcbmoiid and l.elba (llonrujr coiilrlliulcd a corned/ aketcb In a pleaidiifr nMiiiicr.atid won much applauae. Bweel voiced /lonzo llalcli rendered Heveral ptetl/ aoni* wllb pannramlc- explanatlooa, and waH repeatollr clicerrd and siiplanded. Next In Hoe came Frank IIUHb, wlin llicn c-iilcred bla iwc- ond week, and hlarunil uriirlxbt wviiiiMind wlllj dialect atorleii were well received, Valerie, Anionic and I/>nli Vloxnure, down on llie pniKraninie hm Ibe Tbree FlexmaroH, cVued ilui bill. Jacobh' Tiixathii.— 'Tho Hwcilliib comedy, "Von Yonaoo," In Ibe currciil weekS4 ■iimcnnii, •ipenlnn bare Uarcb II, wben well oiled Iiulikcii si Imlb per- formanceaaccorded ItuicMt emphallc ovidenreiior approval, An a clever dlnlcct piece It rankn among lie iMat, lieing crlHii and lirlglii In dlabiKiio and ac- tion, wllb naliinl and uplilteil cirerta, Tlio titular role recelrex at Una lleege'a bund* a wnipiiloiia and palna taking itonnjal, tbe kiihioIIi, even tenor or Ibe 0 ha racier boing lUlctlj adhered to throiigliout, Mr. Iloege Introdudnir ua, mh far hh It la ponlble lo rancelvc. lo a true lo life tnteritreutlon ul a idninli Hlralglit (orwani HwedMi lad. Ibe prcaeiitatlon lielng deaerving of llie biglieat coiiiiiienilallon. In rart, hla work on tbe whole l>cape«kH a pemoiial rauill- larllj with tbe type bu baa w ably drawn, aa well ana cocMleuUouaaiiprcclallon or the iKiaalldllilea It conlaloa. Otbem of llie cn«t worthy or a|ie- clal meiillon are UslHy Lovenug, aa Jennie Itorae, 4X)raMa«yaaUrace Jvuninn and Nadio Connolly, in ber familiar creallun of Mm. lAiigblln, In nbli^b a rlob brogue and an ability In tlie nrl of lerpalclKiro have full acope. The caai In ridl rnlluna: Ainim Jennlnn, dm or Jennltiga k J. c. lliiiTiniiuj Jobn T. Ilollowar, Jute a Kiiwl; ticnld llarconn, an KogUah toiiriat, LUntrni Uuyiiurd; Jloly, llur- court'a nephew, Kninklo Junm; llanklua, engineer ur tbe mill, Jaaon lioiriia: Vaiiihirtillt Ibibi, a real ealate boomer, Wendell I'hllHiH Uliu|Mun, n root- man, BIdney Craven; Ur, UcBorlcy, a atiitUni agent, \\. J. Coma; Oraco JeiiuliiKa, Con M»cy; Mnt. lAURblln, proprlelrcM or the Junction llulel, Hadle Onnuolly; Jtvuile Ui>n<e, Malay I^iverltig, and Yon Yooaon, (Ilia lleege, H. H. WumI cniiiea next week, MiNRH'H KiiJimt AVKNi r. lliKiTHK.—Irwin llnm.' Mlg Bbuw lieuan their Ihlnl ciigiigoinent llila acaaon here night of March 11, with n lutvo niiillcnce In ul- tendance, Tlio lllle i>r tliu vlniuiig nilmcllun aMumi toUie biinaa a wrek or Mu liii>diio«. Tbe Irwin llrofl, bare iiovit failed to furnlah iliclr laitiuoji wllb a clean and i^ntertalnliig Hlmluht vamlovllle Idll wben vbdiing tbia city, and I tin prraerit iirgaiilzallun fully niahitaliiH ihia HUiidanl or excellence. Tlie I'onipany la beaded byfhii Nallunul Trio, who are alwayaMinor a wnriiirccriahin here. In Ihoirpap- ular akelcb, In which tliry riunaliit-e,their orlglual Hong parodle*. Kvcry m l waa lltH-rally an|il«iidc<l Monday niglil liy tholunro Rinllunco, The following appeared: Jnbiuoii, Ihivuiiiairtund I/irello, UarrHnii Jordan, llennolln anit UiinniHi, John W. World, tlio Two Haca, Ibe lie rurrceHLi, l.ulgi del Oro, John Wtalle'a Uiihi and I'lniy (.Irciia and tbe NallonalTrlu. Next week, the Ully Hiairtn. NiBiii'aTiiXATHi!.—-Tlio llnallcr" began a Hcek'a May here Uan-b II, The rumiuny baa been rcor- ganlied ainco the fiimen-aa laataccn In tlibiclty. Aa played by tlie iirraeiii t-aal II goca witb a nuup and vim wblob la nlgbly oiiiurtalnlug. Maltaewa and Hulger now play two of ib« leading roloa ncceplalily, and (lua Mllla awnrooa tho IoiuIIuk reinale rolo In a credllalilo manner. Kvury ineinlMir or tbe company appearx In apeclalllco, all iif which ncclved aeveral enoorea rroiu an nuilK-itco whli:h tucked Uio Ibeatre on Monday nlRhl. Tim caat: Hlicruian IDrk, Bberrle Ualhowa; Joalab Willing, llnrry llulger: Unlver K1lum,Jae Coyne; llcaiillniDiniFl, JanicaP.Bmllh: ]lnd,iiiniea y. Uuok; Unwell N'.Bhout, J, II. Ihadley; AI.AOeplpeii, Krueal Wlhuu; llnre (lanlon, Thoa. II. Humphrlea; Uiwer Uaae, U. u, lleyuoldar Aniw Iiania, Uui Mllla; (Airrle (bin, Irene Ilenianilei; llalay Dell, Mumie Mayo; MarKUorlle, Jnlht V. T»r- lor; Sweet Uiirio, Uertle UllUngloa. Kext week "HV Aunt llrldiiel," UiNgn'H lluwiiHr riiXArnK.-FlynnnndSher1dan'a CllyHporta Ui.nro lilting tlieir third enRageiuenl Ibbi aeaaon at IliU bnuae, opening lo gomi liualneaa Monday, 11, Ihil rew ebansea an noticeable In the laal, AIko Wren and Mbjnie Italy lielng late addl tlonn. Flynn and /.lllolhi, Ibe MhoiliUtia, Ibe Ihil- let Troupe, Hiiydor aud llurbh<y. Jack and Ibna llurko aud the Four Nelaon Hlalura oilbr llntt claaa apcolalllea. "lAve verwia NlachleP' and "A Hot Klgbt,".rti>iM)ctlvely, o|Mii and clue Ibe perTonu- ance In iduaaliig raalikii. Tbe rniniany la reported to have been plajl ' ■ the na-al few weeV to have been plailiig to oxcolloiil Inwluom during the pa-al few weexa. In Mmilirnl, deaulle tbe ex (•eiwve eoM, |ieojile were liimed away. >fext week irwin llrotbeni' ribow. UiNUOK TniATHK.—nice and Uanon'a Rone Hill CO., billed an lllco aud Ibirton'a Coinedlana, are playing lo good liiialuoia tbla week. The opening boiuea, Unnday, II, wen up to the mark. "Two (lid Biairta" 0|a)ne<t IIM iHogramino In a lively raablon. The U rori4 Blmoris Chin lAn-nnce, CnwfonI and Uannlng, J. Ilerlasrt Mack, Waabliuru Blatorw, Morton and f>k;kair, and Frank Kinenwo an Innluded In tbe olio, "Ibtule Ihiulo" la the bur- leai|ue cencludlug llie porfonuaiioe. The applauw waa luccieotut IhniiBbiiul the oiiliro perfunnanco and all Ibo realuitiHwon honrtlly enjoyed. Next weak, Hutwll Ihiithcra' CoinnllaiLa. TUR Uakino.— A rciinle Oiiuro la added to Ibe Kabl- llmdiey living liniur.ii atatu», and a new group, en- tllled ''llnmr aud laluimcl," n-na iKTaentcd on Mou- daynlgbt (or the nnt llnio, Ulhrr now realuna Ihli week are tlraiijoau uial May, ahick wira perfonucni; IHxon llnlhens niiKlral rhiwna, and Macart'a Moukey and Hog ctn iia. The bitter turn created roam or langbler nnil naiiuLi or aMilouao, and waa line of Iho mint cutcnalning rrnturca or Ibe pni- HTanime. Tlio IM »r iierfnnuera w-lio cnullnno tliolr ■lay hera Inrhidna: <;. W. WllllHiua, Bindoid niid Agnea, M. Ilchal, liiim Kox, Uiriaia llnlhiirH, Big. uorltA JUAUIIn and Cnuainng and Ida. MiJ.tAN Hi'RiKU, la iiiiw appearing In "l« Perl- obolo" and will ii|ien her wa«iu al Alibey'a Thealro In May wllb thi* ii|ieni, Tlio new ojwm by Biullb and Ho Knven will be nrodnccd by Mlu lIuiHll dur- ing her engagomont at that bnuae. nai covuiMiiiNRH .s. ll, iiudbikr, trcaannr or the recent lienellt ulren al the Acailoiny or Mualc and Onnd Oihiih llonae, ror the ranillica nf luii- ullon Chlof iii\>suan huiI Ai lbiir ^\>raiuan Hnoney, wbo wen kllkil at a tiro uu Woat Tweuty-ruunb mieet. Hoc, in, baa pulillaheil a nport abawlng that Ibe perfonuaiirea ualleil tIii,M;.M>. IMiiita' lluoi^ TiiKATiii:.—Tliu exiwrlmonl or Imna- ronnlng ibl!4 |ai|iiilar wv--ii able iwort Into a boiuo tor couilniiiiii!! vniiitcvlllo ban liren nitended wlih enllro Miivi»i-i anil luiKlui-iM la laioiuing, Tlie Ibd or iwfanncm iIiIh ui-oL- liirliKle: FlalkuwskI, Shayno and Woiilcu. i,'i-i>. rrr?itoii. Ailrle Itonoaud William <lalpln, Martini niiil llcrtlia Uniab, Celexle, Manoa Kllla, tburilunliuila, llnnrh'y and llan, lillka and Wide, Uolllui uinl IIh>, Wunl aud llninu, IJI- tle Helen, Uaco aud lA'kliunll, ami Kaine Klcbl, (Miu llAMUKHnrKiN Ilea purcbnaed two bonaea, one In Porty-fuunli Stntel, aud uiio In Furly-ilfib Html, a Uuliilng tbo prupcny fixiutlug on Ihuadway, upon wjleb he imiwii to eix-cl a large pUy bouae. liolb hujmi nlil bo lora donu lu give aJdlUoual apace ror Ibo theatre. IIDIRV lloKKNBKKO liaa gouo lo L'uixiiHi In aeareh or aiiia.:ilvu3 fur (hxar Ilauuieralelira new concert liall. TtlRTooHAIi W. Moons AOOAL CLVa held Iheir Drat enienalnineiil and lall, Uarrb n. at Terrace tiaitlen, Ibiabucll nnil SAr\*i>ilbi, Hadle llaaa, Irene >^ntlln, Iniro l\ix, (Ifrtle Ullnin, Kaye and llenrT, Annabatle ami John Paltcn apiiear\il under Mr. Kox'a dnvctliHi. A nirrr? Umuig or daiirem lllleil Ibe bat ror the real or ibo nlghl. Uncle l^nn'a iln<t annual waa a auccefn, KiltK Havo will pimliu-e bla own draraallullon or Mar: Twaln'a novel, "I'lidilln' Head \VllMin,"al Ihe lie Hhl Kiinan Tbcotre, April IS. AniKiig Iboae eo(ag:dror hia anppon am HaryBbaw, KiTgarl. lta\*n^rt and JohiiKellanl. It h nimoieil Ibai Manager P. 0, Whitney will cootpil a iheain bi ihli ell; iteit leaioa. Palmkr'x Turatrr.—TIiIx liniiM waa cnwded evening or March ll, and tbr H. It. (}. algii waa early dlaplayed wben Mn. Ungiry made ber reanpear- ance In Ihbi cliy, Hbe abowed ber appnrlatlon nr the cUlmaora metropolitan audience lir giving Ibe amt production or "(loaidp," a comedy. In four acta, liy Clyde Vltcb and \M IHtlrlchaleln, Tlie pUy la founded upon "Monaleur le MluUIre, a novel by Julea Uarelte, which be aulnequently produced aa a dnma. Ita atorr cblofly concenw Ibe forlunea or Mm. HUnrord, or New York, who, befon the dale or tbe play, bad loved Connt Mercy, an Impecnnlona aenUeman who neil rrom ber ror rear be might lie eemed a fortune hunter. Tlie lady, tbua deMrted without even an aniwal of bive rrom ber titled admirer, marrloi Mr. Htanfunl, a wealthy liuiilneaa man, wboje partner, Mr. IkrTT, luw married a lady who had Jiial liecii divonxd from Mr. Pennington, a painter of ponnlta. The acene or Ibe play U laid at Tnuvllle, Ibe famniia French malde reaort. Then we and Mr. and Mm. Ilairy, Mr. ami Mm. Hianrord, (Vinnl Uarcy, Col. ("unmlnga, wire and daughter, vulgar people Trnni New Jemey, and other vbdtoni. Hlanroru and Count Marry rvnew an old acqiialnlanceahlp, and In tlie conveiwailon wblcb ebflura Hianrord tella of hU marriage, tbe death of hialnrantdaiighler, andtbe ner\'ourt allinenlor bU wiro. The Count In rrtum lelh vaguely oT bla early love ror an Amerlran girl, of bla reaanna rur dee lug rrom her prewnrr, end or hbi recent Inbetiunce oT a foniine. tUanrunl advl-«a lilni to Journey lo America and aeek the girl wbo had Iwgulleil hlin. Tlie count accepta bla advice, bill flmbi Iho Joniney iinnecemarT, aa be dLicnvera In Mm. Maurnnl bU ronwkeu ditlnlly. Huliial regreia OK orally exprraaedaiid Ibetardy conreKihiu or love fallarniin lliellpaof imh. lu tbe meanwhile Mrv. lUny la hnrlug a ilellgbtrul lliue apendluji tbe money or ber newly aninlml hnai«nd aud Indulg- ing ber whiiiia, one or wblrh l< a dealre In have her porlnll iMliileil by Ihe new ramoua l*enulug1on, her ex-llege bird. Her liidulgeure IntbU Ireak. how- ever, quite recdui'llea her to ber' i«i'nnd choice. Count Man7 nuikea violent love to Mix. Stanford and nrgea Iter lo nee with bim, Tbe lllIer^'lew la In- temiped liyMr, HUnronl.and the Cniint leavea by wayoTtho window, Hbiiiriml baa hennl aoine goa- alp conceniing bla wire and her admirer and cnlLi ber abanily lo actimut. Hhe telbi bini that tbo Count tiai) itei'btn'il Ida lovo rur ber and that abo baa jrlven lilni Iho conirorting nwiiranco nf Ita recfpKKaillon. Thla remnrkalilo lii- Iclllgonco iMIurullr aronaeii ber hiialiand'a anger, and the liurah wonuhe apeaka decide the wife con- cerning her counai. I4he wrilea a leller lo Ihe Count. In which alio agreca lo elope with lilin. Mm. Ihirry urrlvea Juat alter the aendlng id tliU letter, aud Mn. Hianrord, wllb aiiriirhdng caudnr, lella ber or Ibe iinijaaicd flight, llereupitu Mrx, Iktrry nuikea nae of Iter dcariy uii|ulred exiicrlence, uiid pleada with ibe recreant wire wllb aunlclcut cameatneaa to diaauade tier rrom tbe ratal aicp. Hut tbn lucrlinluuling letter la Hpccding on Ita way and nniat lie lecovenu. Mrw. UaiTT HlartH In iiucal of It. (>iunt Marcy haa rorretl a fiiuiml upon Cnl. Cuniniluga liccaiiae or Hie ralp concerning Mra. HIanfnnI, and a duel alanit to rcaiill, Ibo doughty colonel having aeleciod Blnnford iia liU accond. ura. Ilany guea (o Ihe Count*a niwrtnieiila at nlghl, to accun tbe fatal loiter, lie rccelvea Iho mbcalve during ber vlalt, but doea not o|ien It. Harry and BtanronI rail upon hliu with rcfcnnce to the duel. Moc llnrry cooceahi heracir, but Htanford diacuvera the teller, ond U alajui to open It, when tliu count tfareatena to alKKil bliii. Mm Harry nabca rrom ber plaro or conceoliuenl, ua ber bualaind graapa the Count, aur- priae-i her hualNiuclrrcHlly, lint aeciirca Ihe aim un- opened leller and deittrta. Financial ruin, at tlila alage, overlakot Ibrry aud Btanriinl, and llie latter umiigca H legal aepunlliin, wbtcn will larrnilt Ida wiru lo iminy Ihu man of lier choice. Hue dla- ciivcoi,liiiwevrr,tliat alio lovea berliuHbaud audtlea- placa ibu count, ronMi)Ueuily tbe legal paiierx arc dc- alniynl. Mm. Ilarry liriiiga all of her Jewcia to uld bur niialiuiiil to recover fniiii bla lonea and everyone nniletely mini Hie linuiie on Monday night aaw any the original com, and ilml theinaelvei with la vrrv liappy, cxceiil Count Marcy who giiea libi iluiic. The pUy la well, iliiHigli nut atnuiHly wrflieii. It la Hoiiivwiutralugglall In iiiovi-iiiriii In way aid Ibe fiml ucl.liiit Ihervarier la ipiltu lulak iind lirci-/.v. It la rnll ui buuiiir and uintiyof Ita llnca urv crinp and willy. It trntia a nilher riaky ihciiie ivlin dellnuy und iiowlieiv unbmU lauto, nitlrough Ita linpnibablllUea at tInicH do violence to the piilg- mciil. Willie by no incana a great play, ll l.i con- alduralily above niullucrity mid nut only il.vea atlonllon tiul coniuaiidH reaiH.-ct. II wua huiidaonie- ly aiagcd. Mrn laiigtrr'a hcIIiiu baa cvliluuily linpnived greatly ilnce ner bint vlalt here, bikI bk- Irlonlcally coiwldcredaliohiuneverapiwateil In thhi city lu no gnat advantage. Bhe bi eapecUlly til- led for comedy work, aud ber linen were dellvereil with areUiinw anil plipiancy and In nliigubirly uu- atlhcled atvle. Hlio inoreoverauriiriacd her aiidltora ly a dbqibiy of genuine feeling and lailboa In her luicnlow with tlic crrlug wife, ami her idcadlng Itierolncutild licarcely hara Iwen Inipmved In lone urapiiareulalucertly. She allll bcka reiHiao, how- ever, and lu nplil a|wevli Hoinetluiea falla lo urllcu- lale cloarly enoiigli Tor alage punaiaea. Hbe dla- played a niiinbcr or beautirul gowiw, but waa lo lliLi reaiiect nitlier too amhltloiia, aa her leapleudent nluient, together with ber weigh! of genia, In tho acone In wblcb ahe Bceka tbu nlghl Interrlow with Count Many, broagbl forth a alioultaneoua guap of aatoulabineiit froiii the uudleuce. TliHl n woman who had In Ibo pnrlniia art aturtnl lu hante lu Intercept a dallgu^ uiialeltcr and rhoieliy aavo rioni illagraco a Iriial- lug rrtend, aliniibl nut only lake Ibe time lu iliua amy berwir aial altcnil an Inlerveuing aoclul rnnc- lloii, waa. In nay Hie leaot, aturilbigly aiirjirialug, Uut Ihe coalnnie aimrded u ravlahlnc algbl rur Ibe ladira In tbe audience, ond Iho lack oY II, uIhiiiI tbe biial, uirordedtbeaiemernu.xalltieralaban In Ibe enjoyment or Ihe raillaiil vlalon, Mra. Ijiiigtn baa alnceivly tried In thla liiaiaiico lo iiiertt pmlae In tbe nietruiHilK mid lo llila end. uiniuig other pralac- woriliy eihirla, bua aumiuiiilcd burvcir by an excel- lent company, liii-k of lline aud or aiaice ror- bldi exteuilctl nHiuthiii of other IihUvIiIuuI iicr- rnnuauccn, but It niuat In aald Ibnt Jaiiica \V. Ilgolt, C. J, lllchiiian, Kdle Hluinuon andKlieu I'lyuuiton rully aiialaliicil Iheir uxrelleiit repiilulhnia, wfille Auiil l,iiuhgi Mdriilge otlVrcd uiiich eiitonaluiiiont In Iho luie ai-enu wbU-li agurilcil ber upniirtiinlty. Klwn I'lyuintun waa reaiiircil upon Ibo iirugiainino, Tlie enlln aoil waaaa rol- luwa; Mrx, Ihirry, Um. lanirtry; .Mr. Uarry. Jan. W, Ilgolt; UrK Ulaiifunl, Kilhi Blniiiiion; Ur. Slanrord. C, J, lllctuiian; Uyriani Htiinrupl, llliincho lliirton; Col, Cnniinlnga, c, I', Ciiirlfr; Mrx. Ciiniiiilnga. Mm. I/iuUa Khiriilgc; Clam Ciiuunlnga, Kleauor Ihirry: Ilalliiwa, T, V. Wlllluniaon; Herraiit, Hnlden Chand- ler; Vulet, J, Topper; lir, lloblilna, W. T, bivell; (bialou Ifaimey, Ivuu WaUin; Cuunt Marcy, Kia;u lljnupluii. IlKiiAi-liBoi'Ant,—"Hob lloy"lem|ildly nniiroarb liig Ibo end of Ita alay. II Iwgiiii uii Mnrcli II the twcnilelb week aud Ihu laal runnlglil ot Itanin, It baa iik:1 with well nwrileil hui-i-cj«, aud alioiild It ntuni til Ibb city, aa It pnilutlily will. It will nn- dniiliicdlv meet with a hearty rciruplhiii, Ibirely liavo wo tied here a mure onjoyablu oiieni ur a i-niu- nanr of aiich i-iaiaiili-iiaiia iiierit. Mm. Putter and Kyrle Ih'llrw nillow Mnn-li i:,, ABBKV'.H TiiKiTiiK,—Uiiie, llojano liegau on Man-b 11 Ihu tbini week uf hor prwiilallun or "Mine, SiiuaCene" lu Ita original tongue. The pro- dunlon in Ita riillrrty bua Jiially received Nuiie ad- vemo rrttlrlain, lait uevcrihelv-'<a Ibe ai-iliig or .Mine, IteJaiieaiid or .M, lnii|upaiio, whii IIIH ilio Mlu or Kapoleiiii, ahtiulil win the iiduilmlliin of all who are aunh-lontly devoid or jirejudli-o lu acknowlcilge that Hri liaa no natlonalllv, KuriHK TiiKATaK.—"Tlio Ma<i|iienilrix," which haa ciijiiynl a uiinl ancccK-irnl mil al tlila liiiilw, bna at laai rvarbed lla ckhilug |ivrronimurc. It Ix-gau on Miireh 11 the lirioeiilh and dual week ul lla niii, liawlihdmival haa liecnuie a neavwliT iHn-auae or the i-unilliliina iiinler which Chiirii'x V'nihuinn h*- ciiivd llio Anicricun ilglita to "Johu-a-liiTaiii? KKmi'd I'HIOX BQi'AHi. TiiRATRR.-The Lcnlen aeaaon Uoea not aecin to have any effect ou Ihe liualiieax al tbIa bonne, iinlrM 11 la to Inrrraae Ibe altendanre. Ijiat weck'a Imalnexa wan tbe hirgeat In Ibe bUtoiy of Ihe h<ui>e, except for a holiday week, end If Hie allenilaiice at the iipeiilog or thla week, Man-b II, In any criterion, Ihe lanuer liual- new uT Ihe Iheatre'n bUton aa a conllououa per- ronnance houae necnia preify ann to be put up a notch higher. Prolably no bouae lu the city ban done auch a unirormly good hnalnena for the pant Iwoaeaxomiaa tho B<|uan, and there la no way or Oguring on the annnini or tbe hnalnena tbe houae wonid doll there waa more room. That Ibe conUnnally crowded roniUilon of the auditorium hana tendency lu keep ainie people away cannot lie denied, for many people wbo would attend the performancea If ther could gel a arat, do not reel dluwieed lo pay their niuney and aland up. And yet tnla la all lale coniem can gei.anileven then Ihey mufll Ile contented to have halt a duien rowa or ntandera In fniut of them. Tlie bill prr-ieiited Ihbi week la compoaed or excelleol nialerul. and liicluilea auch people an l,ew liuckatader isciund week), lu hbi lunnj monologue turn and nmUr aungx: Colllcui and llenaliaw. In a gocil tun. which kept tbe audience In coiillntioua Uughter; llarrlgan, ihe Ireinp Juggler; Ibe lieltor- flll BiOK, In Ihrlr cnndcal acit)l«Hc munlcal art: I'nthan. Ihe amilexn pbenomenou, wbo d,iex auine wuedetful work wllb bin feet; He Iie^wU, Ibe clay modeller: IHIkin llroo., parody aingem: lleaale Hllliert, coniel vlriuoao; Konl and lYincli, alugvrx; Jaiiaun, Hbiuo aud llenlley, aerial burtcuiuerx: Mi-lliee aud Hill, triple bortenntal l«r eiperta; IWilhaDiiltyipiartet, cooiedyuiiialcBl roiir; Ibe liawiauia, lu Ibelr unaturlint art: llanley, IxigaD and llaulry, a fairlcal trio; Kddle K\ana, club Jug- gler, and lUrr anil Knnx, comeily duo, A glance at the almve ILst of oamea bi aiimclent To convince any pemon who U In Ibe bablt or attending Ibe beat vaudeville hounea In Ihhi city that an excellent Idll bi lu Iw ae«u at Ihe Bqiiure Ibbi week. Kext week Hilly Knicrxnn will tic Ihe principal leature. KorfTKa A lliAi.'H.—Tlie excellent nmgnmmepn- aenled March II tor week Included the American debut or Moiin, aud Mme. Illdon-loruneo, duettlata, wbo rully merited the hearty apptaiwe which waa acconlcd Ibeiii ror Ibelr work. Tliey ring In F'rencli, and are rather taking In their alyle. Tbe FJectrtc (liiurici (four men) nude Ibclr llmt appcannce at tlila hiiiire, anil were well received tor tlieir alnglng, tliale l^iriiia, ulnilc, liegan ber elgblti week wllb aniniltnllon of Maggie Cllne, aingliig "Tbnw lllm Down McCInaky," and prolaitily none uf ber Imlla- talluiia have given belier aatlaracllon. Her alinnla- tlon ur Ulria Cllne'a voice wan admlralile, and abo won the heariy appm\-ui or the birgc audience pi^ cut. Iliiil CIniiurvfllll, king or Incglerx (Ihlrieeolb week); llaliy Slayer and her plckanlunlea (aecond week); the Fruiilz Family, acrolaiia (ruiirtb week); the UosHow Ilnlberx, IlllpnlUu alhlclcfl (ulneteeotn week); Ihu Mnbtemanii Tilo, Bwlaa uiouotaineera (Iblnl wcek|,and lliirleynnd Wlllon, triple horlzonlal iMru (itrtb week), were all immibir lioliloverx. The IJvlng nclnrei coiicludetl the imgnnimc. The uauul conceit WAH given on tbe prouieuude after tbe performance. 1'niri.B'aTUEATRi:.—UanagerKheldon bi alltonllog bla palrona a treat thla week In giving tbein a view or one or hut aeaaon'a ninat iirouniiuceil aucceajcn, "ChariL7>a .\iiiit," tbe rarclral couiniT which mu a aeiiauii through In thiaclly. An audience which conif'-'-'- ■"" ' - - nea laugliier iit the coiiilral altimtkHin or tlibi bright cnineily aa ixirlraycd by a very clever bit of coiiie- dlniia. The caat: .lieplieii 8|ielllgiic. M. A, Keu- neily; C'oliiiiel Sir Fnincia cheaiiey, F'miik lluriwck; Jack Cbeaiiey, I'en-y ljiidal;CbarieiiWykebuin,Kd- wanl H, Alielea; lami Kancoiirt lublieriy, nieiiue (llmnliil; llniwett, Ibrry IJIirunI; Tbe New Foot- nun, Jniiicx Wadanu; llulina biicbi D'Alnidiirer., KJIle Wilton: .tniy Siietilgue, lleiievleve Hollo; Kltiy Venliiiii, Naiiuile Coiiiaiock; Kla Uelabay, Aniui liel- iiioiii. .Next week, "The Cruaa luuila nf Ufe." MminiiiLrTAN iii'KHa lloi aK.—llie Iblnl week or theaeanouur ilennaii upeni IwgHn Man-.b 11 with the prvaeiiuilun or "Hie Walkuere," with tbe rul- luwliigiatt: Ihneiiohllde, Marie llreuin; Hlegllude, hPau Kniacherra; Krlcka, Uarte Manrer; Bleguniiid, Mcuhiiia lliiiliuiuhl; Wniaii, Hull Macher; HundbiKi i.'ourail llehreui; llelniwlga; Marcella Lludh: (lerbll- ilB, MluaHhlllliig; Waltnnto, .Marie Uaurer; Ortlln- ila, Fruulein ilarkanll; Hleimuie, Marie Maltreld; ilrimgcnlc, Marie lieoiier: iscbwerilelle, Una (luel- tlrk; KuHwelric, Frankln llach. F'unlier announce- iiienla lor Ihe week Include Ibe remaining workn or the .S'llielungen Trtulsgy, vlx.: "BlegTrled" 13 and "tluttenlaniiiiemng** 16. "I^nnbauner" wUl be beard ul tbu nutlnee le. IIuxtM Tiikatuk.— 'The t'oundllug," which lie gun on Uurcli II the Iblnl week ur lla nin, ban met with gnat oncccM, part of which la due lo tbe pna eiice of Claxy Fllzgereld. The iday hi, however, en ililcil to iniich raver und will tluublleaa enjoy a loliglliy run. II In allll prereiteil by Ibe curtain mlaer, "Itonieu'a Klrxt l^ve." Tuxv I'.i.xniH will, ou March ±!, celebnte In a at- lliig uiauncr Ibe tblriy-elgblli annlveniary or bbi iiuiuugeiiieiil of l\>uy l*uator*a Tliealrv. An ebibo- nito pnigniuiiiie la lielilg preparwi. Nr. Paalor b the iioxlur uf New York'a ilicalrical nmnugeia from Ihu abtiidimlui or cuuilniionri acrvlce. ^ TiiKASi'UKK llAHHV B. Banukkiwx, or Tony Paa- lor'a Tlieuiru, haa cuiiipleleil amiigeuieula rur Ida aiimiAl iwnellt at Ihul liuuae artenioou or March 14, and an IiiIckMIuk Idll can lie ex|ieclcd. Woimi'a SlrxKi u.—Tlie Culured Mloalreln are again Ihe eulertaluem here. The auccexi achieved by llicni ilnrtiig prevloiia eiigngeiueulx hen will, no duulit, lai rcncaled. and iMualtily a new reconi In recolpta cataiillaheil. Tlio rollowliig appear In Uie cuulluiioiia iierfiimmncea: lillty Wliioiu, Ullly Jack- aim, (iuaalo I. Iiav-la. Fred Mjicr, Hilly Johnmio, Sirigga and (Iniiidy, llllly Young, Wcaley II. Nurria, III Wllwii, Ja«. Ikitbs Mattle Wllk:<, l>ullle u, Uavb and Currltie Norria, Ui-AxciiK I'AgvKUKTTK, n abler ur Hie Mile, Paqiie- rvllo who lata been aeeii here In pievloua acnauue. made ber Aiuericnn debut ul iWiur'a Theatre, March II. blK b uii eccentric llrliilanalnger. lliiOAiiWAV TiiKATUK.—"Mine. !laiM (leue," a< preaeutcd at thla houao by Katbryii Kidder ami her coui|iaiiy, diiea mil aeciii lo have loni preatlge.or lailrouage tiy reaaon or Ibo rini production or the play Hi niiotber liouM, ltl«gaii ou March 11 the ninth week of Ita nin, with an audience of aaHarac- lurynlie luiiltondanceuiid with no nUpia or abate- ment uf lulcml bi tbe pnibcworlby pnalurtlon, FH-nt AVKM'K.—Wui, H. Ciano lua much reawn to rejoice III the po.-twt«lon or Ida uewplay, "lib Wiro'n Falberi" riH-ho la playing to nearly ibe ca- pacity or llie houae. Ho lieiiiii on Uarcb 11 Ibe Ihlnl week uf Ida vlalt, ami hla eiigageuieot will prxiluiliiy bo extciiileil lu cover Ibu remainder or tbe aeaaon. AcAiiKsiv w Ui'Xic—"II017 uf llic lllll"enteitd npiui lla aovoiiili week Mni-i-li 11, TiiKSi'aixiiaeasiinorii|H>ra In Itullanand French, under the illm llun or llciny K Abbey and Maurice llrau. Kill iK'glii al tbo Ucini|aillian llpem IIoiih, April I&. iinil 11H11I1111C for Iwu wecka, liicludlug ten oveiilnii and Iwu nniitiiee iierrumunn-ex. llAiuiioAN'a II1KATHK. wblcb la atlll cloud, ban liccn Irnscil by ItlrlumI UiiiwdeM lor a lemi or ycnm. Tho arTangetiiciita were cuiiMimmaleil Uareb 11, Ni'iniihitluiiM were la-iiillnglielweeu Mr. Mana- ilelil und .M.iuagrr llanhMr laat .tuiiiiiier, but dlacon- iliiucd la.'iiiii<c u MiUlnciory anangeineni could uut lie rciu-lird at Itut iliiic Mr. Uanaileld haa An- iioinu-cii blHiiitciitlou or cbatigliig Iboiuiineur Ibe liuiiM' III 1*he llnrrlck, Hi'HKii'x l*Ai.\cK Mi'HKi'ji,—The piincljiBl rentiin In till' niilo lull thh week la Hie fat woman'a bicy- cle rare. In nrblcli eight fenulea, whoao aggregate wi'lgl I la rei«incd In 1* over •J,,'Mi|h, alraddle tbe fnili liaikliig ivlieela which Ibey cauae 10 nvulve at A piviir llvciT nile. Tlibaliracibin In booked fur at Iriii^t two week', with a motubllliy of reuulding tour, (hiiliig wldrh tliiie tlio inniiagoment expecb iilir iiii-«liic.<<s. 'Riu bullae. Mnrx'li 11, waa crowded. A iiiiiiiiicr of uttier itixt claiMatlractloiuiaretolie Siwii" luMiig enjiiyed n nin uf ten wcekal bas 1 »;;?,V.,'^,!.^",.'::!!?.".JVV.!^r.'\!L'l^l^^"''«II»"^ >» reuobed Ibo iiennlMihle limit or Ita ut*cii|uui'y or the hiiiUH'. It boil lla lliul evening in-ironuauco ou which b oiilKniiirCil rurnnalticllnii la, ".vi Ki Ji Tus.aiir,—''I'ho uf Relnsllloiia : Han'h II, and tbeu wlthlnw lu dcfen'iico to ilai-ar WUde'a iriay, "An Idcitl llualunil," nuiioiinced for pruluclloii u|ani llio following evening, "i*iie caau of Itetietlliiua Buaiu'' will be preaoiitrd al tbo Tbiini- day mailneca. <lAluiii> TtiuniK.—"Ultlo Cliriatopbcr" la mill recelvliia a fan aluiouf lulronage, iiulwllhalaiHl- lug tbe fart Uiat uu March 11 ll entered u|m)u tbu twonly-oecond wook ul Ita run, TbIa hooiI reconi boa been arhlevol by iiuklng coullniial cbnugen In ii_,.i..„ .1 ,i„ o,„-, 11 „.,.. i.,™,...,,,!,. the aiwclal realuiea ur Ihe eideriAliiinenl, Ibolusl or ""vlem—Al Ibe tliicn lluu-ni bualucaa coulln wUcb bi llie elci lricolly llbiuilualcil donccrx. m liiiiiivv<. "Tin rnai i-aui" o|«ii*i to a eroxOal BrANnAnnTllKATHR.—"TOO Much Joliuaou" lai.tlll ! Iinu«e MaMi It. xilhiK.aal tiiA^|<or1 or aIiIh waek, Judf- the Altrnrllon at Ibia houae. It licgiin Man-b | iiiR inaiillw ircfixiu:i li m-rii«J on Uia opealog data. Ullaalxtecntb week. A proreaaloiul iiiailnec will : ,\rM aeek. iiirKriaiAi.. iiilltrli-iiiiy .hIiouu lo pleaxo Ibe nairona, Ir IS niiuuiiua'd ihiit (fta^-ar Hauiiiemtein haart- I'uicil Yvcitci,'iilitM;ri,aiHl Ibat alie will appear next Hcccuilier ul bla iico uiiulu ball, on wlilch work lina liegiiii. IlKNUv w. liMuiiNn, of Ihc Unhm Btpiure Tlieaire, M-xa ui-ciiHeil III tbu Joduraoii Market l*ollce Uuilrt. March I'J. x'llli vlulalliig the Ihealrical Uw luover- cnin-dliig Ihe ilicalrv. CViiiplaliii waa uwde liy 1,'oiirKe W. Hlllunll, a llreuiau. Heuioud waa held In Uill lor cvaniliiuilun. kr givcu I.S. llijuf T11B.UUB "Modelluc, or Ibe Magic Kloa," entered upuii lla ihlnl wwk wllb runlliiunl ginnl allenilaiirc. Tlie piece waa Iwuknl urigliMlly fci Ihrrc wceka. but out uf luwn ihilea haw liceii can- 'Cicil Allll lla lliiie oxieuileil Al llila Iioiim', STAK TiiKATiii:,—"Ttir mil Itiinii'ximil" laaill the nliracHon al Ibla buiiar. It tn-gan Uan-b II tin- elevciiih week ul lla inn, FOrHrKKNTII NTRKKT TllRATIIIl—"The Mulllllh- nnn" entered upuu lu aecuud week March 11 lu |ued bualiim iMl.l'aii|-:>.—"IlilV llivy eiiriKsl tn n (iKiil lumae I. but liit«iHe<« r,-n ulT liinanl* llio U»tnl Ilia week. I'aler K, l>A'l-.v Iw,:nii n «pi>t A enmtvnieiil II, lu a larav and lileiiillv ■ii'llfH.-e. nial MwiiiU ilo ««ll all week. N'a\l nis'k. I^mili^) lllnill. iii.wrl,'.—Ilfilli- A WiM^I-. I'll. ti:,l a lilt laiitneAft h«| wia>k. Tbr Miv lltinani i-,ii,ii«iiy l«ean Iheir aenind eii- caa^iiifiil tliU4r«M*u II 1,1 a rntailnl buiiiia. Ne^lxeek,' iiM'i.A,i;p«* riui,. llAhLKX Mchki'V.-II.vkI illnirll'int draw aoni laul- iiru. rliU «rek:iisi r.lp. |-a|4. HMaer'ltlnntan aod Uueeire rlirtiliiiilitr. Jnlin II. K»rr, KoU, l^f, milatr- akl, lUAhy Bikl Lmi\v Ualhr, Jranla tUrl, EddIa aad An- ale Nallwo, aad llaiir moor. NEW rORK ST ATE. Bnoklrot—Oool bnalneaawu done at all Ihe llMatrai In Ike elly duriag Uia i>a«l weak, and, aa die kllK of the correal waok are Kioalty a« allracUra, If not beuer, lo letinl Inilaufea. 'Tlia Bre»nla^" Nal C. tloodaln, chariM Dlckxrn, Un< Ueeia aiM Ckauncey Oleott wtre amoox Ihe manr oiahlag altractlona laat week, NatC.lloodxia.'ho icoreda decided hll at Iho Fark, xai anibU 10 anxar niahl on. On e haapobgltad for blieoadlUoD. Mjliloffhe eppured lo "Daibl Oar. rich," for Ihanrnl linn here In ttil" tatand a 4,'»"jJ'' aace na pnwnr ui —t lilni tolerpret llill eharacur, wblrh ha dhl lo a lilglilr «'l«?"on'"nan"r. An an- Douncwntal haa been oiade Hut Iho new Noimok Thaatre. In Uil«elli',wlllbeorM.elforllanm««a«ODR«pl.JDailby William tl,rrane, 11 la nld thai Ika managemanl haa taiahail praftleal|y tin eolire aeaaon al Iha aew boaw, nortof UiaManao'Jconiblaaltona lialni Iha ume Ujal have been omo tbIa waoB al Ihe Hark Theain, Uia Ia».kl0|t« lbl« week Al lla- lora) rbjlioinea are all «eod. Mr. and Mra. Kenilal treat tha iMombln. ktlUr U at Iha Fark, III* Bljmiwlll haio Doaoally and fllrard;.ln "nia Batninakera," Handoa awl Iha Trorolero taoderlllK^- ara Iha llcand llpeim lloow alllullon, Iha Mar will have "Tlia Koble llarM>." and llyda * Baliman will prwwat II. W. WlllUma'Own Company. Thla will he a bn«y week wllh Ihi amataurx, and noma food proarmmmaa are pnimlaoil, The AmannlbRorleir wlllRlva.lU OntNarch rrognmnia Ul al iha Acmderay of Muilr. preaenllnir '-Tin litaflarala." A double bill will l« prwwilad br Iha noreora Dramallc Horlalr H. and alKinld piiire an later aallna one- Tlia opeolna pbr alU ba 'Tia rhlmney Cor- n«r," ami lti« eolarttlnuienl will rkiae wllh "i,aDd Ha FlTo RbtltloRa-" r,oi.rHaiA.-Mr, ami Mra. Kendal raealrad a warm and boiiny rreepllon 11 "om a bhw audience wlieii Jbar opanfd vhal Manaaer Knoatea announera aa their rare- •all enaxemrol In Iblaclly In "Lady Olancanr;' Tlie HitnoproRraJiiiiie will l« alren on Tueway and Weunea- ilar afrnliije* ami WrdneMay iiiklinaa. OoTliuiaday "A Wfilte I,le" will Iw llai lilll: KrWay, "A Bcrap of Faprr;'^ Hsiiiiday millnre, 'Tlie Heninil Mra, 'ranMneTay,"-anil rUtunlaT nlillil, "flia Irnnniaaler." A grealerpartoriha Imuae fia« been aoVI for aveir parfomianee. "Tlie Hroxnlea" met xllh auccM la»-t week. "The Black CnHik"<eeklieatnnloirlK . . _ „ , „ Bijot*-—Donoplly and lllranl. In "nia Ralnmakara," are iha aUraollon IhU week, A crovdail houaa Rveeled ihenill. Bealdea III* atarx the caat Inrludea laahel rniu- hart, llx> BUlarx Itimiurt, Aiinla Manell. Ihe UlRb lilaien^ Tliomaa I,e )Iack, Tfaimaa l.«wl^ Aribur BlRby. Arthur X, Dvapin, John I'-orrlimn aial tV- H- Timrer. "Yon Yanikin" pbyol A raromble eoinuamanl hera laat waokand malxllh aacceaa. JameaJ,<>)rbeltIB. PAaK.-Ke1bir relumeil II, when a crowd that laated the eapaclly oT ihe tiaiiae waa preaent Keltar biouBtit a number of new anil niy-^irvlnRtricVanltli lilui aad acorwl aa cooiplale a aoeren. aannany tbnneroccasion. NaiaU be cootlnue to drew aa hig hnujiea during Iha reat of the Teekaax-aapre:'rnloa Ibe oi^nlngntglit tia will Itara no rault to Itiiif witli Iho iinucnl anaagenicnl. Nat C, tlooilwin nnlilicit a brllflanl enaaftemeot laat Balurday nlabl. Mra, Potter aad Kyrle Raltax IH, (IR4X0 OrKRA lloraR.—Kaodnw and Iha Tncndaio Vaudevlllea are tbeatlnirrloo .llanaaer Mrf^itcbeoa pta- lentathla weak. Tliaopentoa nialil. II. x'luiaiaad ao on. uaually tarweaudlanre, xlio verevar^-llbanlty wlthlliair appbiuaa. Bealdea Haodna- there are Ilia Joidana Aniann, Uarguerlte. tho Luctfera. Rnillle.'rem Brown, Hen Der- liani, MuMcal Pate and Billy van. niarlea DIckaoa pUrctl a aurtaaanil aoRaaenieat hare bat weak. I'rlr roae t Waat'a Sllnatnia IK ' KTiB-—Cliarlaa Uc<:aithy, In "Tlie Noble lleroea," [a the atlrxcllon klaoajier Itoliiiea haa btlteit for thU week, 3lr. Iloloioa la earry-lnir out ihe pfaina that Walter .^anfonl hod niaimilouttierure lia rplinal tVoiii Iho inalianmenl. Af Ihbi houaa with tlio don ot lau wark'a hnoklnir. "The .S'nlila llemea." wlikh hoBan ha enBaaanient with two perfoniiancea II. «-a«we1l itcetmlhya larae nnil tniliu. ilaatic audience. Luu week, - "l.and of ihe UiitnlKlit lun," pbyed to Rood-houNa. "A L'rackar Jack" next reek. IIYOK k DKUHAR'a.—Thla houae praaanta anolhe^late^ aatiux bill thla weak. Two btno aodlencaN wluieaaad Uie two perforniancaa given II by the 11. W. WlUlame* Uum Company, and. Judging froui Uia conllououa ap. t'buM, Ilia pniKraiunte Rlvea entire aotlafhclloo. one of Iho rtilar realuiei I* J. W. Kull)', Iho rollloB mill inaa, and eranr time ha cornea 10 Brooklyn rhare la aun to be at laaat one big theatre t«rty iire^nr, Irnol three or foor, Otiiaia on Uie bill are Klienia and <^le, John I'aitaa, n'llllaui r. Kayo ant Ada llcncy, llenle Uttun, nxre UcAToy aud Jetale kny, Uona, nunxlt, Rogera Btotlieni and Iha llreilArT Bnatiera. Tlie .Nlghl Oxla mat wlUi auc- ceaa laat «e«b. Ilcaaa A (iKaUAnor'a Cahixo.— Tlie new faaturea orihe rregniiiiroe vera tbe drat a|a«aixnre here llila aeaaon of Ilex Meeuaker, aofinuio, and T, J. UeOon, Ibe one legged ■oiiK and ilance (leitunnar, ndieni are Nlnole Rcliult, Duno and Mack, and Chna. It. Duocan. Manager (ler- lianlt announcea ttiat thla will l« Ibe Uat week of tka Japanese tiring iilctarra. a blR rnivd waa preaani al tbe olwoina perforeianct II. anil the bill waa wall recelrad, Alirnio.v.-"Dnrkrac Itup^la" taufao a xcek'a enjniBa- nienl 11. It la iirmviitnt by a roiiipeleni eomiaiiiy Hml with elabonia icenery ami nunioroua mediantcxl ajrecta, Tlie openlnR waa tu a good alzrd liouae. Weak of 1^ "Tlie I'aaaingKltow." Uavkty.— Tlia nuueli Bnriliara Le^n a return engnae- nieot Irtre It, tv a ealltractory houH. Wltliaui lluey week of IL EariBK.—"LanI of the Midnlzlil Bun," wlilcli played laat week In tlie WeMeni DMrlct. tiaa lieen breuglit over hare, aud opened It lo a fair eixad houae, "Ttia " ' Winner" weah uf IK a Derby LTcKca.—Tlio Itiltllpat^iock CoiupnoT tlila week pra- - Jill "Itaiel Klrke." It la atinietlnie ulnce llie play liaa beooaeen lo tlila lairt of luwn. and lla revival will un- (tuubledty OJOal A itli rlw aucreaa ll deaenea. Tlio open, ina iKioaa waa blr. Kext xeak, tlio ahKk company, la "Thv llilkl Rioaler." '\ U.aiui-a—A lami »lxod audieiico waa present 11, wlian Uia bnlijua Uperetta Co. preaenteil Jobn (IrlaroO burkMuue uu ''Knuluio" called "Uur llbinle." Ineldanlal to llie lHirleai|ua Uiara la an ullo conati4lng of Llllie llerdoit, llie I'andya, U'. E. Hioaniiiii, OtoiwColoaiid Lillian Uolti^ Billr Vluce.Tlltla'HuuelOllou Donlerand Pivr J.E. Uurlln.' BualneiM euitniua^ to' the aatlatkclloa or Man- ager tixre. Neat eoeb, lira Unique OpentU Co.. In "BllleaTaylor.» • ■ NoTEa.-\rlllbni Hall and ClurleaWlllla, nrioly utm wareaneated lu tbih cilyaunacom|Ualnlur tlieir lainl. lady, who chaniad llieiii wllb then. Tliey were trieil 7. and Mr, Halt xaa reteaaed, M there waa on erlilonce agalnxhliii. Mr. irilllawaa hehl, to gire die aullairillea A cfaanee to exaiiiine tiliu to a«e vhetlier or not lie-U tnaano. After Sir. Ilnll-wv reloaead ha xaa rearrealed and taken to Jetrcmon Market Courr, -In New York, on another ctiaiwa. Jualice Talntor flxed Mr. llalPa ballet •3U) and let bla axaiiilnatlun down ror-ll....,.An In. larea'.ingproinauinie had beau arfonged for Ihe popliaor AvouC. Bomlauii alilcli look pbea 11, al Ilia iTrilorion Thcatra Hie dmmatio corpn'of Uio PulyUKlinio In- alllnle nvt a doe Mifermance L-ial week at the Academy or Mudcoflbptiland I'ayelie-" Tlio houao xaa packed aud itiepuy xaa inonouliced aaurc«aa...^..'nio iierfonii. Aaceor"C1iook"byttia HooUi Uiwuiallc Hoelaty 4, at the AcatleBiyofMaaU-.x-naaauecww Dutlon k KIoiiiIdr will oxeo the Ue Aceouo Academy April IB. Tlielioai* la befni ovariiaultd ami will lie nuurlally dianaed by tlia o)«nlog ntgtii. Ttiey will nin noUiing hut nratrUni attnictlona. Bnrt Jolinaon tiai beenengaacl to kwk abar lhal bmnch of tlie bu^lneaa.... ..johnanu k Wadibum uaauuicit conlitil of the Kiiipire Tlieatre II Frank HaOT, xlin am)-ei llio part or Dniutan Klrke at Uie Lyceum ibb leak, waa praaaotod with a ioral honnahoa AIlwBiy.—At Iho Leiuud Opera Uouic March i ft. Hoi Siullti IbiMell, in "A I'oor Holatlott" and "I'eaco- nilValley." dlicd Ike UiaaUa .aach.wlBhI. On 7 occurred Uia aoaual btoejh-to-llle^1•raaa inuK. fur nhlch Felix Horria waa entmged. Ilo apiiaared In "tlio Old Hualcbn" And "Ilo Baal Mao." Tlie houao xaacuuiplotaly oohl euL Tin xaek oodad xltb two )a:rfonuanceaor Joaenli Nur- idiy, lo "fluion ltbue,"Biul iroalaiiad audienew ware fS!"!!- '^^'^,l"."'^,'^lT."^Sf *'«'l'»»''e'«Operx<'-o,in ''The nrand \ later;" l.\ll, "i>benaDduah;"lll, 'ihiaTwen- tlelliCealurrl!lrl:".lt,Tlialcher A Jotiown^a Minalnl" M«wl* "^'^ llABMAXCB HLItirilKn llALLhadCol. Hoht, 0. Inienoll ^.7^ 't?'"!*', "." Tl" ■ bine auiljenee" Tlie Albany Mu>lnt A>>o<;lallon gave a coni-en II. (lenndo May Aelli. awl D. M. Halicock aulalcd, Uaria''llncto ■ *M>■wu^v,^ iv. o,*ai«r aiiu rii, u, rati concen: 31,21, £1, PnhuerCux'a "llroxnie*. JauiAia llAU—Frieda Limoreaun, diiid iilanlal. In ronren. lA. TUB (Iahctv TinuvBK had one of ita beat woaka luxt paM, the bill Wine "The tvhlie Creok" i:». Blicnnda wen In allawlanre duHng.-lho wook, Boekad- 11-10. U» Frencti Fplly <J>.; li-o, lleere A l>aliuer-a CunnopolT: tan Vauderitte i;o. ^ .\OTBic—Tlioinaa Darry liAa retlrwl Ihmi Iba nianoae. nunt of Ilia llalely Tlioaire, hai-inx laikl Ida Inlareal to l^"''.!-»"? 'SW **">' '"I uiaoagalunaraon,and Ltiio. II. Buck will lai ireaaiirer R. II. Bemon, cob. tiacling aieut or tbe llutrahi Hill KImx. la in town maktoic anaoiauianli for lla iinalurlluu In May F, K. Her- Iwlh haa left for Xow j ork lo re|olii Hanium * Batlay'a rircua. T1ibiwlliboNr,lleybotl?alaalhB(a«in xltliiiut BuOalo,—.\t the Slur Tbcain Keller comes March U(^. Bol rtuiitti Ituuoll bad crexded Niuiaa. Thla huuae fa dark week ul II. AciuKav ur Mi-aii-.-Mr. aud Mrx. Arthur UwtabegaD II hir ttitea niiclita. producing Wlniaiii c. Ilodmi'a 'Hoatid tll«." rUaaNoltmniole^t-li;, Marie Waiuwilibt ie-91.iniA<. UlekMai It-XL • MI'FK-IIAIU—Y*ayo cuDiea It and lUt lait cuocoit ol the iDiiiphoar Oirliealm II. xlili Jean (leranly, aotolit UcBCa Tlltl-rec-'llo the Ikiaery" nluroed 11 for una week, .Noxtaaek, "Uoon In Ulile," Baudint did • bla boainaM. ■ roouT graiKT TiiEivAB.-T1ia KIghl Oxia couiueuoad II for a weak. ain>lr> Vaudarltlo. ooil «eek, auBA'a Mi-aic llALu-Tnda. Uxnurx and llanlor. lou.lbe Oablvllir Triivl'oTlloa aud Colllu^ May Went, wonb, Fred >l«;tellaii, Yala«a, Boulua, the Barnibs Ui> Rawalle awl Uarile Luckelt. NuTia.-Kd. H. Ttiayor lua ralunHd lh>m atilpto tbe l>ha<......LIncoto F. Meriddaii haa fuoo eooUneS lutbe Hula Aaylom for llio loaaoe. Mr. Mct'adilon waa flinnartf eoonaclvl wlib iha MulM aa a lecturer awl tiuagiaaa be liaagTaalelectHcal Inrootlooa. a. «-u« gyrraeaap.—.At W leling Open Houae Job. Uor- S'''.'J"-"''"7<''.*""-"bad Boml iHialneu MarehA. Rol uith Hoaetl. In -|->aea(ul Vatlor." did well«, III Haa. ry < >ltn«ln-l< drea a mat altemlaure 9. Bookail: Llllbn I. 0x1^ aa 'X'le^ialre," 14. BAavABLKTnKArMa.-"lhel;o«lgn"ha,l brnbualnraa \». U>ul< nioin.nt«rW« t'oncenjl-o. had rale alleod- aoc«7. BIIIM: "hilWTa)b,r,"l,ylimaUura, umlerihe II, UL"ABuoehnrKeTa"ILlft. ■ ^ '!;.''-.''!2!?"'l!!'.""''— Telepboala" dM Iklrlj wallM ■TlwrredlfBiralhaf" dU weH 7-i: 'CMllri •Tlia Tempbtloe ol Hooey'' ll-U, "Bha" li-ii t_- FkmU lB^tlBrTTOwan,"IM>. Tony for aadatf nl inana)(er._ Amonje the people eDttaaeil are ru. The oeoMD aiii Fred ITeDxell, beunry and Ifaraaeau, to Ibla city about May It. RoekMler,—At tbe Ijcenm BerahanI Slave. 1 '^li''.'J"'o''¥° °^'V^T- v'ellneelhilM, concri arch 12, the Reabrooke Open Company come Ift i^ Ddow.Trocadere Vaodovnie Co. doraned P, purine ^1 nel)tn<loir- to Um ftudlencM. ZXU. RoM'ABAng Uwlertlaed: Cooa'aOrRBA IIocbr.— Ill Heniy'aMlnatrelirorll i- U; rba«. DIckaoa conita 14 lor the ramaloder ol 'itZ xoek. "On the do" and "Mba Telephonia" divMri Um .week to good buabiaaa. l^imlng: IML "The Rhia nr SuM":>t^tranlaR<lVokaa. * ^ "a ixiip or ACADBBY OP MCAIC-Ocorin W. Voaroe, In "Aum BrMgat," comra II and week. Tlia Roae lIlll Foclial, Folly Co: left P, doing a good boalaaoa. Jtnei ll Wni llck,U-IL BlBghamlaD,—At tbe Stone Opera Houae "a Boncb of Keya" waa Ihe attrxcllon March 4 lo ralrir annl bualnexa. Itrileorj-'a Mtoalreta drew fairly vaRft. -'liark eat Ruaala" pleaied a fair alced aadlence 6. "FHenda" r*. celred nodarata pationaga 7. Rlchan] (loMon, lo -YIU JadProely," xnalinee and nlghl, had good lauineia i Bflokinn: 11-101 Kilty nhnafteit In repenoiy ai iIm RiJou Thealre, the linperial Yaudavilla Co., alrcu \Z Bauager Fannyreaay for tbe benalltonlie pooronliU tli v xaaAt>lgaocfo*a4-4. -"LlnleTtlila" lud Kocal butitieCl t-e. Due: 11-13, Khtia O'Connor: 14-11, the l^ierJIil.t, PpeeUlly Co MaiiagonCUrk k Oebrao, of the Kiona OnenirouM, araarranflnr Tor a niuilcxi roailral, lo u aTren aenia time In June. Tlieae manageix Intend lu haie bie cpinlna fepdral aurpaaa all their former fealiiak vhlclLliavogalDed for them tiie praba of tliU cliyau rlclnny. Iltlca—Atlhe Dlica Open llonae "The F.ndni" March 4, aad Joaepb Murphy, In "Shaun Hhue," t Sntk did xell. Edwin Milton Ibiyle'a "Frienda" chmiTiS xoek S to a anialt but apprwetattra aadlence, liaie,]- LllUan Kennodrll, 12, M, Al. 0, FlaU'a Uin>lnU|c"V Boneh of Koya" IR Tlie WoodrrUnd waa rloaed «e«l or4, owtnglotbedtiapraAnnco of the maoater. Iiliai been reopeoed vlth Dr. J. 0. MnrTl^ proprietor, and L. r Taan, oiaaagar. c;urio lUII—Kum. (JugalerL Mai Zninora Aral Clareoco Lulea. Htage—Young Ainerlcu' Arrfah) and Qarlow, rrioeaaa Zogell. and (narley Vano. ' ITewbaBB,—Al tbe Academy of Miialc "In DM Kentacky" nlema March 11 DaTla"'Uncle Tool" lA ih« latter plarlng a acliool niatloee. "Dabnonlco'a al aio met xllh liberalpxtnnage4, It tielog Maria Janaeii'ai1r.| aupearuee In our city. A. Y. Pleraoo'a "8ke" rolkixttl l pbylnpio gootlbualnoaa. "TlieOiUon Kink" conita I? 'Txentletb Ceatury nirl" SI, "Tlia Aoiazooa'-a Thi Rika' boaoflt Aprils, witli "Ariatocracy"...."Hie bhi Jrd Preuly" Co. ware compelled lo by over here rn mutf (nm mnghamton, N. v.. to Watorbutr, Or. They cxuH not gat out ur town, oxlngto tho ok] lime blue hxaorihe Eaaterti 6bte^ wlildi prohlbllaSunday rbUroadinc. Elaalra,—Al Ibe Open House Wnlte'a Comedy Co., la repartory, rbaed a week'a eojiBaement Manh |<i to aoodbuitneaa. Due: Lillian laiwU ll. Uhaa. Dlckaai 12, Mora lR.ajtoaanUial Concert Co. 2ft At the Madi- M>n Arenue Theatre nothing la announced Alleri ■liort lUnan Maoaacr Rnltli, of the tiparx Houae, [i aealu at rork The NUnIra Elba' aoclai aaaaion a xaa brgeb WISCONSIN. nUw aakee,—The PecpleM Theatre will do* ib aaaxin on,March U, and In aU pnbablllty Maugrr John H.ltAFDor will hxTo a new Uiealn In ouoUier ton- don IOroo\taeaaoii. Ron T. Jack'a Kxtnvaganra Cn'x- pany- la the attrACIk>o for the nonl week, npeoioc K Leavlu'rf Roatraiiitloy Burieaque Oiinpany did aa e\. ceedinitty hrgaboainexi nil of bat wook. IIAVltMlx TiliUTaK:—Robert Downing preaantcil "lu- goniar" nialiute, "Freocli Marriage" aod "lAxrU liir. rick"eTenliigerio. Ahlebooking rurweekconimeociDx II, ll (ky Cteoiont, In "Tlie New Dominion." intra BanatliniTeiiiigiitllrentjirixlurllonaor "The Manxaiaa'- 1, J, 4 "Otbello" 7, "llamtel" ll aod Ben-My-Cliwe" \ lai for Mine onhooxn cnaae dhl not draw good h,aii<r.. TIN blllputlanr. In their anectacle, "Duniply Ihimpiy t'p U) Dale.''coma 17 and woair BlJUC OrniiA llouaK,—"A Oreen Ooeda Man." xiUi Paul Dniaor, B) awl week. Effie Kllalar dhl not lure Ua attoaduiia due her laat week for tier ehanubgoerrom- ance or "Dorla.' On 17 a atock aeaaon will be hiiuiia iwlod by Ibeltlgen-Neill Block Company, xlilcfa k-uboca at Donrer, i;el, tlila Maaon- Tlie company runipriari: llaiirletra (Iroanan, Annie Bbncka, Kate Bbneko, Slaiira OarrCook. Fxnuy Hun, Bbnche Jtotoa, Je.llile Kenofiil. - Cbarlea Kent. T. D. Frewllog, iniarlea King, II. D. Blatl. niiin, Ueonra IV. Denhaim John U. Malier, Janie* Nelll, Waller UellowaJI. L. llltraii, Harry CBmn inaile oti i}'l''y'>V>>»- Tlia pUra praaenteil week ot 17 will Im '7-0>-<" and "Oapuin ifwitt" ACABBar or Mcaic—'Tlie Loat Parodlae," tvillieai UoiTla leading, came lu, 11,13, li tbIa being lla aeroal engaKomaiit at thla bouae thla aeaaon, "Men and Woiooa" waa IBIrly attended 2, 3. Tlia Kudt Tliexlra RIock Company draw a brgo hooae 8, with Kaolin'* draiiix, "Feireol," WIUh' "Two Old Crouleir' 17, lor lau perlbniADcea. Wo.xOKBLAXD McaitllM.-Daa 11 and weak: mrlo kan- Ratidenon'a Marlonattea, Ada HnaaelL albino; iiani I'upl, wtritilar; Pn>r. Walkioa, Tentrilonular, and Kohl Dna.' Oickealri.' Hl>ge-4la>ey and Hullock, BerKia Wagmr, Billy Link, Cliartueae 81aurx, Dwigtitanil KowIlallxtilL Couroxa.—D. II, llarria haa raalgned aa aianaaer of tbe EiJilndlloB Renlral Mode Hall Manager II. II. Krae^ of a. Uolnliipoatltoa Muiic Hall, la buay Inokliii; iau4c Vina talent for hla aeaaon at lliat reaon, ubich hpgluj Mays. Ilo will learo hen Ibr RL Louia April I .TIk Oereian Slad t Theatre i^njipaoy gave tfacdou'a' "PerreaP att;likB|(Q Id, [2 CANADA. Bfautrasl,—At Hie Acadepiy or Uuilc Ihe Ftcnrk OpaiwConpaar did a tkir bualnaaa week of March i .xllh "UTTavlalA.''"Mlgnou," "SI J'alab Rol" and "I« r«ll Due." Boohed: Weak ol^ll, Maria Walnxrigbt, In "Ikuih. loraorBvo;" week or 10, tlie Montraal Amateur <l[«nilc Oiniiany, In "lobnttie." TuK IJCRt.'O TiiK.(Tnk had a gout wook, beelnnlag Matebt xlili'-ATrip to Chiuatowo." Weak of II, "Ihe Uaiatyairl." TitaiTBB RorAL.-Janieall, Walllckdid a hlgbualava weak of 4, with "Tlio Bandit Klug." Booked: Week of II, Oeorgepixen'i YauderlUe andBpeeblty Company: «nk or IB, Uia Stowaway," -# r- „,TaB Orana Fbaxciib had fair honiea woala of t. '{.'Edaeatb." "Ij Paptlbne," "I.'Abba Conatantio, ' Legeodre da. M. I'olrlea" and "Durand at Ihirand." aooEadlbrweakoril:-'Martyra," 'Vamwn," "U Fdle doPalilaav"(baaedtlollHe. De|0]on), and "Ua Tni. Chatmux." Tn«i:DBX McxkBilkl a big bualnaaa furweek ofl. lul lure booted for week ofll, Lhilo llanloy, T. Frre, Plena Perrantt, I'. Dobaon. Bleau. Uom lliltwt, w'innle »<■ Oombar. Katie Allyua, Mile, hoben, aod "Tie YalteyteM Mulder''In wai^ Ilanalltbn.—Alihe (irenda beneHl iierfornionre or the local oeera, "l-ureitgaii," waa teudered lo J. F. I'. Aldoua MarcfiU. whena good audtauca graateil tlio per fonjiejx. Cliaa. L. Davb, In "Alvin Jodlo." alioalil ila wel II. ■<:liarlaya Aont' cemoa U, Tlieodon Tkonu-' Ortliailra Zl, Ma Yan ikMinland B, for two woeka. KTAaTUKATnB.—March 11 and week: IbnoamI Roiat", llaneaulllabton,UieDuatara, Uie St. Cbim, awl Miai Clelo. TliBiTBB ItovAl ^nda bouae win he ibirk for the oeM tour xeekii Palxln Houghton liaa cloaoil a contnci lilb w.C,Manln.or rhe Kingatoo Opera Houae, lo take ihe aloek coiopAur lo dial city, conimenring a txo weeka' rn- BBeemont 11 llienca u BelloTllleand BrockrlUe one week Crkto!"""' lo Hamilton April8,o|wnbglu-Maole NOTIM.-0, J. Whliney, of Delrell, leoaa* of the anii.1. arrivnl la die city Mareb Saint hadaconroixocexllblhr 'llreclora. Ib haa nnawed hla leaae of Ibe bouae -Ml M. iliapoian haa aerand Ida eonneclloa xUh ihe llariT I.lndlay Co. and la akipplog at lib home la dib rll). ToroBtoa-At tbe Oiand Opera Houae Uatct It "Aaably nirr'had Ug boaioeaa. Tlia DeibFoxCViaik Opera Co, In 'Hie LiCb Trooper," 7-«, bad a geul ad Txnce aalo of aeala. c:onilng: ll-la, '^ Trip loChina- loxn," It-I^HiomaaW. Keono. ToaoXTO OrkBA Ilocat.—"Abln Joallu" had big hiri- neaa4«. Coning: H-ld,'Tia I'nallgal Palher," , ArioiiBV or McniC--AoBa Bra Fay hod blr buBb«"> Oaiilag ll-ld, RoaaBydall'a Loudon Bellee. , „ MooiiiniMIXKK ladoioganoa buainHO. LectonluH- Kataueht, Carkeeb, lloranianu, clelo and Xaibraau. T1'«"lre-TXubourlna McCxnhy, Cattetoa Blalera, .Vxoke- jjHIej Haniaou aud Mack, and Utile WaUOa anil Ragux ..'''"xv'a Mcoic IIAU ^nioToruDUi raalltal Cborw. lo Caa," 7, Ollmwa—At Ihe arand Open IlouM MBiyb 4 and t Ualb Foa drew birgx bualnaaa. ■•Tbaaaialy OIrL t. a, pleaaad fuU boniaa. Weak oTU: Zen Bamoa euu- ponr, aaAvr'allAU,,-Vareb II, u, the Jubilee Slogaia. , , Diiiu Foidld not appear olgbt of 4, luvlag aodajoel l^lafblaecUenl taherankla. MarieCela<lepbr*d her artaraataeeaptohly, Mba Fob appealed olgtl or».al Ibeuih i|ulla lama- . Qaelph,—Attbe Royal Open Honae, March 7, Henry Oeorge laeturcd lo a brgo bouae. Ciali,^, raiii niouel (Max U'Rell) la billed fur March 27x1 Taw B Hall, KANSAS. L«sTeBwoHh_At Ciawfoid'a Onnd Opera A"'**e—•""'^——. . bnabea*. ■ ■- ^ jiM..ifaami—Al viaWTOIQ'a XHXlMI wy^" .«.T.i,,*«ia:'d!d jijj,^ I ^z^^^^'r<'r'!s^V\Si'JS'<£^^'