New York Clipper (Mar 1895)

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Maboh 16. #Niscellaneatts# Kuna noH tiik TniunR rotau ^^TMk riftwl*. W* win hare i a niwcrlUa purfiirauirtt nitlv. (Iro rHjaunt manimr. Nev luJtlltlonM cnm nu)M Biowir A MoXau's Btiobi:(o TirMTiui riiMj--A<6l««•■"":'''■ •kwinlMlf In onr quitera fuSSf otV'* Flint ho ooJ )S»mi •l»rlDitl/ uieJ. lj!i^«lDUrf»roronrdepvim«atpT«MatHalt ib« color* SrihTrtlnlw''- ™» P|Wpl« •««BilD» In Monlr. anl wJiiih*Older''ftimni iureb"U|ilveaon April lve»IIL kii iMdr to allr fbrth for ft protptnui iwon. TIia fcLkl Uondor th» hwlartlilp o( Pruf. Ufwrm LIIH. tw\ Cmu ar«t«tui Id erur wrtlcuUr. Ttmi Cmtirh vrlll lis UMordiMtm. Tirtlbllowin* luutlcUn^ ftr»tmon» oTDuintwr: frof. Ooo. V. LtllL leader; Kranli Thomt^ nui horor, flrmnt Vood, Hvtt lIuTAtd. J. II. CDlllsr. Joo ukkToMir lUifoid, Ton CroucK Sau flivok; aad !]K^UMp«rrornHniBr«UieZ««rMth r*inll> (KJ^ hu. Skuw). Bm Lo Kok^ R«ironl UriNU, Wot. Yodi, Torn sIuAo ud mil and llelrlll«. Ttia company ofieaa Tor a wMkat Kao.iTltl««nd tlion gD«a ilinugh tbo Nonliem r3wa*MmBtaia<._ Kuna noH tiik TniunR RoT^t.—U*« uk* ibaioid — V v-.,iiD(ler canra*. WtlDieaU lare norinftand vlllaltfl _ <lfo. M. ti« Vera »111 l4) __,,^„ „ - -iJdltlon* arft Krwl U>oul, UPich conodbw; Dalaney, contnnloulat and Rouiuaau. '^Snti or HroH ItKNRT'a.UMroRMKD (Ultkh ai:iD, utoDd bMd vidi Pntnae Bdl'n hlMorlcal WIM H>*t.— Hull ll*nr>-, cornet; M. W. Kyl», conit»t: W. T. Nvlalt. tHjni,cbriait«t;T. BMnNvorth. aIio;.i. ll. lltnr)M>lMB tMbpna; Bant Avattz. euphonium: \V. K. Hmlth. b^<9>: ■•aellenrr. trapa,and LavlMdMn, bau drum. axxr ORixirv.tuwriRititTMA.v. will not aitpcartbla If"" ArDeit. and doei not vIrIi to tM cvnronnucd with niakavhopoMaaouiaed or tmn«panntexlilbltiu KodiR OKTH, ofUie Oerens ninnlDR Klobe MrlallidJi, M the WHaolOII C-o.. vaA praMnied. Pab. ie,wlih a fdd watch and chain by Or. II. W. WlUar, the laanagar fitor. Do!( TUinujA, maitlclaii, anliuod br Mile, fvtaraod Pror. Blaianl 8. Caniper, nr« ahowinir utrouxli CMtnedlcat, and noon ROod buHloeft*. DM. BCTTOM. pivprittor of autton'a Home Care fb., |i DM dead, aa t«port«d. Tlie docU>r'a liroiher. Dr. Harry B4iton,«non« In prlTate practice atCralUcook, 1*. 6., dlid but N-^Tember. ^ 4oa:t T. PowiRM,ilnfr1ni| and daoclnir cornedLan, cktwd whfi HiK- Oen. Ton Thuinb'n Co.. at faducah, Ky. euo KARiJirAOX Miake cbanner, durlog a r«t«nt en- nfement at the Eden Uos««, Toronto, Oui^ viw pie- Mated byhertHendi wIUi apair ofdlaniond Mnliips a dlunond ring and a pair of chain biaeeletA. Stjtn noH oouDiimLfRl!.tTKttTAiNKwi.-\Vee)ot«d mrMMD March fat I'ort Clinton, O. (luiHleP«n7«lll Dram to OilllpoH*. Ollle Yoangvlll mum tor.iiluii> MM for a idiort rtat. (;o1. DIenI an«l vlfe will gu to Xirloaand getraeily rorilielr lair ground pJidtt. ciule n«H« will play d«t«a. We liaro been out Hlxieen «e«k» aad bob' had one voek ofbad bualnm ud ihcn the cold wtJier knocketl u4 out. Nona FROM Dr. EDDraSorrn amrrioam Mcoin.vRCo.: Vhlte FroL Blllle Dalaporte wa* walklog a ropo March 0, ■1 Walnut Ridge. Ark., he metwlih a iwriou« accMeni. The rope waa atretched AtMn a two utory building to a Mteniph pole on the oppoelta aUleofUie xreei. and vheo mf: Delaporu wu about half war acnw. Hoaio inlR- aaaot cat the ropoLleMlng him faflailliiuncooriliout f^rtf-feei. lie etnck oo hU feet, breaking hU left trg m bedly that amputation waa nocomwy. The limb vo* uken off lietween tlie ankle and ilie knee. Waloul Bklge ta the place wlietv ther do not allow a idiow of any Mod to Mop, but thU accident ha< arouml the better chM of people, and ereiy effort U being nuuletoAod Dm IQlIty party. muCblukeoobSrowb.— Ronarnf Oregon IntlUn Medl- do* Co, Ko. 44, trmTelIng through Rvieni Oltto: Dr. Jt^l•s n. Coll lecturer; Mra. Jamea II. Gill, rocilUtand tacr club iwlaier; fld*le CalL fNiiey ride uliot; Joha raoll, black face comedian; Alex, niull, Irl«li come- dian..: Roator of Brookl>o MedlclneCo.. ttn. 1: Man- •fer, A. Jollett; A. O.-Zliayi, charwter HlBBar, IllafUon- lA and Fundi aid Judy: Sax and Qreenwaldt, niualciil iftlfU; Lulu B«uon, child arlliit, and Llala Zliaye, iketdiea Boater of Dmatllla Medicine Co., now lourink WlacoQSln: Dr. MaiUieirR, lecturer and Duuiator: Oeo. Flcklna, IrUh and Dutch couiMllan; llanr D. Moran, JiUl*''ud club awlnger; John P. CuDomirfum, black ^comedliaaod Mage manager; Prof. l>auben<perk, MantH.UKl nollo alnger:alM two Indian^ Whlta Bear tad Banning Dear Notea fhire lite Naneca Indian Madldne Co.: The Zereeiha cloaed. March «, on Kconnt of alckoeaa. Little DenaUa having bean uken aoddeoly III wlih the meealta. They Join M^ Kabb Jk Brawn*! Boutliem Vauderllle Clrcuh Roittr «r Mucn Indian Medicine Co.No.l: iSiler H«l Jacket, proinif tor; ChaiL While, Low Seeker and Ada \Tllb. Uo*- ler or Mo. t Co.: Dr. Kmnk Cair, lecturer; Mrd. L. V. Uwdale^ manairreM: Frank Richie, Bulllfan amlM^ Cowan, John Orllett and Dr. R, Oorla. Banlnew lida taken aboom through Indiana wlih UN, We go In raaiimboDi April S» We were very Mrry to hare the Zeraotlm leave, but the beat of frienda muiU part. I recelrcd one hun- dred and elghtaiirtwer* from my "ad." In Tiik Curpn veek bifore laiL— Ciiirk Hro Jal'Xkt Dr. T. H. byman, proprietor of Rayinan'a Vegetable Wonder Hoap, lenda the ftallowing: "I open ray camping laawn May 1. In St. Look wRh a brand new tttft. rtrtiad lopi,a)ft. middle piece, 3Uft. Rtago, with ajD. ipproark elegap^ ectnery nod drop curiaTn^' rei«nred"roidlng bendidkaad lackMaUi. TTilewf- • ■III emptor flrat cUm perfomiL.., „ _ lannd wlih Dr. II. J. Fountain, who Ik hartdllnff tnr medicine, and reportaajiood builneiu Id JlloneMta.'* Illtwa grand Ofllflt andl I have > recently ar- ... .Rdatar of Wblte Bpear Medicine Co., No. 2, now lourlsg Iowa: Dr.Jack Buckley, lectunr; I.O. Keede. muiamr and eomedlan: FaU Son. Juggler and wiulUbrirt; Cari W. Ff«aIy,^nealan,vocalliit and dancer; Woi. II. WetUar* bee, Tocallet and muilcal dlrocior: Femie Reede, paper queen, and Mm. W. II. Weiherbee, planla Xoiom nad roater of Mohawk Medicine Co., No.* 1: Dr. R«d Otoud, nanager and lecturer; A. K. Wy«t|, Plan inanagtr; Oeo. Re^D, comedian and magician; E.P. Lucai>, bUek bee comedian and Tocali«t,aDd ClaudbkLucaa, dancer and vocallat Rcbn and Wyalt ere killing them wlih (heir orifflBal act, "Sweet Violets." B. P. Laeaa geia them hie wavvheo heiluga'Tooty, Oune Tooty.Coue Too." Claudia Lucaa MogM wlih huccom, "IThlle tlte Dance Ooea On," "Wait Mr. Pottman," etc. We an louring weitora Ulawnrl to big bualne*. MaaagerRtd Olond aim haada tbellet .Soteaf^ the Dr. Allen Big MedlolDe Co., now In North Carollria: Tbe company wlU uae e nft. topi with 40ft. middle pleceia Oft aiiuaTe elevated itage, a oeod and ortheetra. We will make from two to fourweekitandi In large ctilea Id the Kasr. Tlie following people ate already eogageil: Dr. J. O.E. Allen, owner; Rmest LInwood, Frankaitd Ada McCOr- mack. gun monlpnlailona; Oeorge Boyd, male aoprono; Tobe tAhe. Ilany King. Walter Lamb. John Uykei, bldie Clare end Max Bime. Albert Foulaen la In chnnre of ihe c«nvaa.^...Ro«erandnoiMor Klckepoo Medicine Co., ,ho.J: We.aie Mtlll In Mlnnecou ulaylog towoa mar by Mlnne^llaaod Ri. Foul to big budneni. Roaier: Dr. auitave Fetereon and wife, "Mr. and Mn. Dolnad, ■ketch le^: Jamea Mulligan, Irlidi eomeUlan; Oliui. KIrditn, Dutch cwnedlan, and Nettle Allen. La«tTuee- day Dignt Mra. Petenwi preaanietl herhuaband wlihe dootbler. Mother and dilld are doing welL The com* penv'a addreaa will be Kenyon, Htnn., ^r ilie next Bre weeu The OrMonlndlanMedlelneCon No.s. uiider the monagtment of Dr. Wlilte Wolf, la louHuKibeeaauni port of Iowa to line buelnen. The company coo'lttji uf tlie following people: Dr. White Wolf, lecturer and nan- oger; Mra. Dr. White Wolf, In alnglug and Oanclog ne- ulaltfei; Rimer Corer, Dutch and iriali tomodUn; Jack A. O'JSrieB. vocollu and organlat: Wallace and Rlna,mualeal p4aftnnet«; Chief Ruiintoit Elk, coatprtlonlit .^We.are BtlU doalng our acta with lUap ailcka and loar.and the ghoet lo the Mwnabop aiH>ean ereiyRuDdayroonilag. ..Dr. Oeo. 1. Wood fa buying itoek for the Wild Went eticka and loar.'and'ihe _ - Hiyloi ._. pottloo of hie iho V. Tony Fkm hoa been appobited eqoea- Ifian director. Lou. A. Parker, oonedlan, will iwuuge ttM aUce. Harry J. Harrington, female iDmrwulor, Joined recently. Our little Jlmm>- Oorbeit U riwlit In llae, ThUlathe tenth annlvenaiTor^Dr. Oeo. F. woode* Con. cert end Medicine Co. Tlie peifunnera call tliU Owlr botne Tlie Shaker Concert Co-< compOMsl of ilie fol. hnHngpeopIe^ opened atTopeka, Kaiij If: Urllavniond, Fraier and Fey, Ted Breton, Fred T. llortwi, Kuitene itoQCb, PreU Reed, Barney and Lee, and Fred llerbwi'a i„_ _ '-y only Uie larger dtlw In THE JsHETW YORK CLIPPER. 23 OREGON. v.^!?.'?'^'';"*' ''*"l'»in amoil niin:ii * .!v. « « . '^"V' VIVttlKi "Cipl SwW >Mk of V^^, <^™f«f of iio™- «n * MIU S ock Ooiii|i.ii>- utiiln llio sHtniowi of Ckiv r.**.'..!^"!! ?.<» <^nlMy* TItMire iTani^rr » Mirtiu American Dog Circua. Tlieyplay__^ . Ihe Routhweai Rooter of t^hlppewa Indian Hedldne (lo.,.Mo;0: night ohanna hare been mode. Dr.Kored iMitlOn, manager and lecturer; W. II. Shaman, black face comedian and atoge manager; Uarry Janetl, iletmon dialect comedian and dancer; Harry latw, charuter change and tnuatclan. and two lodlonii, Brlfttit Eyea and Koniflog Fox. Dr. v. O. Hpangler made a dying rlalt MorehS. BualnoM U good In Lehigh (^>., Pa. ' Indian Medicine Co., No. 1, notea: We are pUrlng to good buflUiMawIih the followtng company: Dr. B. ll wifa, JTj. Weldi, Dlck>yne,WlllleMoTtliner,Joe Brrai JoballnxlerJEImerWlaa and Uirlaifjr Miop.....*AOtea flerr and from Dr. C. H.'HImpaon'a Uroateat Hediclae Ahow on Rarthr We opened our aea«on, March 1, xrlih a gmtHl boom. In Cleveland, O., thU being our ililnl woaon ben. The followlog la our managerial aUfT: Dr. C. M. HltDpaoo. I'lnprietor, nhyalolanand aurgeon; E. K. Adun«, geoernl manager; tleo. F. Howard, atage manager; Danny Hrao, aniitant tieaiurer. Tlte perfonnerw who opened wlih^ ua aie; namllloft and Ilerendon, eketch team; the Two narrerrwi aiKLJoale); JoMle Hireet, chlfcl clog dnocer; lleweid and Merino, character akelrh tttm; Kd. K. Adama, bond lialancer and equlllbriM; Frederie Ilonid, deeoriptlve and parody alnger. Hn, Dr. KltopMa, Dr. HlnpiOD'e mother, arrived here lo time lo open wiib the Bhov. VIRGINIA. BlthMoaJ—MaaOD ot gnnd cpetm iutig- •nud br 111. Touj 0|»ia Co. tl Ui. Aotdunr of Muilo ICutfa 7-9, foond ft ntpoDllT. dionl. TrDTMOTfi" ■Cunn," "CnUori* nuiUcaDa," "rPKllMcI" ftnd TuDUQMr." coa1prlwdtI1.rM.nor7. Bidi opaim v.. *«pd«iid Willi utlMIed.tftituw wu UioroiRblrenluTMl <>/ lum .iiill.De... E. U. U, l^ RoEirl HlUUrd U.U,Al.i.WTlnllI-2>. HICDHOIDTllIATIII! lanUlldirV. rmkn'H TntATiii; Comouit,—Orvulnr II: fiiidio 1>« fonin. Trill* Hllkr ud UonuoftiHlWut. Buuna .Jiuorumn tn Madloii wlib lh« TLvordurlin Dm woiooftd Ttawu. for eonim.rcl.1 piirvwoi. A urn ranlur. conpur hu approwbd Col. Unrpbr, tb °WHr,wlUilb.Tinpo<IUo?wlUi lodlallia.or bkom. ><>>M>rL«Ui,%boIiold>* IMM for. i«r|norrnr..U r."Jr' " mmndor Ui. proportr, pro.ldMl u U nlpiUlKl yqvbfw IWwUut thaboonwllj nol btoMdhrdrv 4UICMn>o.«<dDflailli.p.riodbrilMMvaildroll. In ;n>«'(Dl IIH pHwst nwolUtloiu >houU fall thnuih, <l^r*J'■*'■< nonrl th. bslMIni Into. rkatlOKrlDk "i'bJ'wiiin.r iiioiilliii,.iid 4iirln)i Uia raiuUrwivn Kartblk^'Du'Dim; Opera Oo. did exceedloz- JLS'J' ** "<* of iTu.Ii; Mirth 4, ^ dim«jj)k E?i««"'>»tjJJ»rfoimiK» Oomloi: I«ob.rtJ[ff *n«Tiuni,-Op«ila| 11: PbrwM Xjt tar. UM wuib«nih*.>T«ii(,,;i liS .iiJtS''*!?''••""» '» Mnrl'Kl' •rranm.roi.Dta Incloillni; III. \>ncoov.r Oprm lloiuornl lli. Vlcl.rU Tli»»lr» o'llliln ilR, .Vor<li«w[clrtull. C OLORADO . Dcttver.—Al Itac TnUor Orand Openi lluiue, wMk orXtrdi4,Ui.Wlillo«rnp.r> Co., In "Tlio Fcndiif Hu- lar,"bul blitboawi. JInlll.A. Jnhnioi romt.ll, hoin. Iitontll; wMk of It. .Will. MclLnry. BNiDWAT Tll«iT«K.-Wo»li of 4. "A (krap of ftiptr,' °V" ""J? «»"ltJ"r. Pl«)»J 10 fair bnaln.<ik Ci'niiiGTiiEiiTTHluriil!.->lcKHniDliln,oa.c«iuatof hU Iniibl. It Kaaui Oiljf, ulM t. .rrlv. 4, oad III. boua. wui dark all wo.lf. (;r!ctrai. TlllCATllK.-nualiirM cooiIdum filll. MlUTlu».-<liit.n «.N.lll'a isiock ro, wlilcti liiia bOM In ■"•"J"•'.!.?'"'•'■■ "T*"■'•enl' TIiKlio,Mil- waukr.. WK li Tlwj IdiwiI plvinii lli. cir- cuit. Miiiwr of III. Bioiblii nr. ll ir>'ln|r to nl an opormcoiiipanT louk.lli.lioui. for liorodialail.rorih. waMO. iMdTlllc-At Ilie WcMcm Op«rm lloiim J. K. Emratt'a bonont to Ih. 3. T. O. K. ilrair an loim.nM au Harch 4. TliMi'a Kuniwan Kor.lli.a lod Llilng I'IrtUToaH. OOLiniirriit MAMOr.-Toni WbI.. Triil. and Fi«l llollloh ar. du. II). llutlici ond Otlonl, Kirldl. jVulay, CycloM Ouanat, Tum.r and Clitalor, Anno Ulln ami L«4lo aod LoaK rvnialn. Biuloesi U iiood. TUUTHK CouiqllK v.acloMd Mtrcb 4. Paeblo,—At Ilie (Innd MorrtHon'ii •'niiiM" pbrtd 10 (ooJ houBu Mardi I, l TIno'alltlnil pldurra pUr«l to fair bualn.51 4. V.mon. Jarbeau com.* U, "nnBonnr Roulli" U, N.III.^SIcli.uir W, UcKm Hankin 1), ilM aMmia >llnilnl<2>. C0UHDU.-O«ln> lo Ur. B«rk.In'« rlrlnou ftBil lo continual poor biulnfw. tlie houio doaod, (tlrln. lu laal parfonnancHuntlajra. It U iloublful vli.ili.r llie houi. will reop«u NMin, lo Tl.voribft prvawl poor lira... lljL\u:<'a STANOaRO.—l{dJ[.iilon., llauil.8p.iia«rlind Tom lloklen n«w 4. Aonoonnd for 11: Duly A StioMnn Uurlwwiu. Ami HpocUllr Co., Fro«l tluutob. Vonb anil MRfalwII. Huliy HollliiKiDd lliuTliiv. llural HUum. Dalaj DWvn rvnialn^ lnd.lluII.U-. Hu.lnot. la fair. KoriM.—TI«o'. llrlnii plclurca, wlildi wora nrmntwl .1 III. Orand 4. (nr. poor mlMiictlon F.dilie Itlon., of th. Klon. Broa., acraliati^ wlin wvi aarlouily Injurw wblto p.rfomilnf about a jtar ago, baa now enllrtly r.- ' — ■ ■ '-•^tli ... - - JOWA. l>.u Holnc^At tlie (innil Openi JloiiH "Tbe ManWIIIiouI a Country" i-ain. Marrli 7. ft, ti> good bul- m. (ttnrm Laraan lailti. ID ami mtfk. FOMTRR'snfNHA llurHK.~Tiia«iliaii n|i«nrom- panr. Pell- 2<, bail a Rinl houM. "KIrLI llolla" llaidi 1.} andiiiallnM liail .icllonl bualneiia. WalharWIillfald., In "llaiiil.1," Ibml w.lle. "Raul Kauiar" U. 10. WOUOXULXHD yivKUH Ajio TiiunR.~WMk of 11: Curio ball—rrof. KIni; (papar kliiR. wllb i«|trr palani). nVlou alasa—Til. Mock In a farro ro9i»ly. Tiieatiiriuiii— Janiaa Black, <M Kl.wart, rcjiRy Dnnd.Jeuiila .Morton, Mini. V.mMta and Ut^ J.niilc HUck. Du«Id«*i waa !;ood Iba paat WMk, Willi Aunt Nancy tlarrtaon aa l)i. aatoro. Edhx McacR.—Laat wMk'a bill eonllnuM wMk ofll, and bualnwa la gooil. Dabane,—At tbe Otmiid Opem lloiue, Uaicb "*n OU K.nlucky" tltl«l lb. boo... *T1ia I^l Para. ," InadMl by Wni. llorrU and Ktla llawbloa. bad a boua. 7. Hobt. Poaolog, In 'Tb. tlUdutor," 12. KeokMk^At tin Keokiilc Open llouM Itac Fllnta (roanneri.l.) clowl a aucceaiful llina niRhta'.n. P4c.mMil Sfarcli D. "BIglil B«lli«'* ram. V lo Rood bnal. laaa. t:oDllog: "ACImq Mwmp" "Alaban*" 19, 'Tb. Bnalgo'* as. BarllDC<on^At Ibe Onnd "tight Dells" uaad quita a larm audlMco Uarrii 7. Ilwrmaunliad a ■plMHlldadrancoulo forIL Itubeit Ikivolng bidu. 10, 'liw N.w Boy" 1^ "Alabama" 9D, Willaaldo 2t. Plana bar. bMii conipUlcd lor a n«w gTMHO tlioaira to b. built In UaT«uport, la., furChauiborlin. Barhnll k Co..of IblKClly. Tb. pbiiia.ihlblta banil^nneana com- ilal. ittruclura, wblrli U to bo built at one and rouly for b. Pall op«nlng Ibia year. Cedsr Rapid..—Al Oreene'ii Oponk Keiim "A Han Klllinut a Onunrr]'" rama to llglit liii^liiaaa Narcbe. "In Okl Kmlucby"n.-id a Rood lioii^o 7. HolMrl Dawning comw la, the BrollMra Byrne, In "P.lglit ficlU," 13^ "I,uat FaiadIV W. NEW JERSEY.-[S» ?itge21.] l'in( dW"l good ll NawArk.—Hie wc«k entlloff Blarch 0 iMviiglil about ttie aremge buviiicM tn tlte tlmtTaX Tliniewlio attended Mlner'ti lari week were trutad toa bearly laugh by I'eter F. Dalla> and liU cum)«ny. tlielr Iiouhji were of a profltableidze. TbU week "The noiton KInir" Inhere for tlie hrrt tlaie. IiNreimtarion liaapeecedeil ll.aiid no doabtltwill draw aeud luHlne'v.' Hie opeolna 11 n-aa gnelonii. "In OM Kentucky** week of la JACOBR'.—An Interoatlng iierfomiancv of 'Tlte 8llrer KIor" won given by Carl llanrin ami hliconpany laal week^ and tJie attendance naa moderately goral. Two jot tiling of a atlr lu iHialne^iH. Tlte llrvt three nlcbta Mr. ' Mra. Byron, In "llie I'pNand Downaof Llfe,'*ind tlie three, Ward and Vole^-ln"A Rnn^>a iiieHank." The ByroDi reoelreil a brtak aurt 11. "Hie l>*aMMall" -OM liere IS. IB, aUL_'*tMd Jed l*routy" 31, B, O. WAU>KHA!(it'iL—the Cltrf;iub tto. bad plenty ot callen UA week and tliey aw^ll'd tlie proflla to comfiirtabln alu. Welter A Fleklii' Co. pUy tlielrmlorn date tliU ttoek, and tin houae will liardly bo large eiiougli to boM tlte auiitlr* en of Rurii a coterie of ■tan aa ihU company preMnta. A hill home welcomed them 11. dim Derere'e Co-appear week of U. .SgiriL—Sam Riiiart, who liaa been nigbl watdiman at J^cotHi' Tliealre for Uie paat fitur yeln^ tlloil amldonly 6, leaving a wife and family. Tlie «inpluyoe« ofilw tliealre preaonted tlie widow wltn a aulmUntlar puree and a hand- aome piece ofOowei*. TmMton^At TteitorM Opom llouM '*T1ie Tor- nado," March B, did well. Hon. <lo^lon^ hml poor bull neaa, Dan McTariliy'aCompany taine7.6 9, lo latrliuol oeao. Mr. McfSarthy |olne<l Ihk conirnity fitroT. )>iit on account of lUneiM rammed tu ,Vav Yorkami ilM nrttnp pear again during tlia eniageman*. HooVlnax: WanI and Vokei 11, 'The Cotton Klni;"IO^ l\ laudevilld Idaud week. TMXtd:* KCBICN.—Week ol 11: Lecture hnlt«: Roo»- ler Orcheatro. V. A. Bonney, Harry AlknV Funrli mihI Judy and I<ewiH' (."urio Kkhlldi. Ti.natre: I'ctft la«4inunl and Charlea Hart, L« ttny .MUUrd, Billy an<l Dal-r Oolden, ami Tom and Ma:ile Vehater. ARKANSAS. running oftJie tiolqa, ooly one Iralu eomhig lo and one leaving ilie eliy eoeo dav. Tbe Karo la about over, ami l«ltUe Roekv-At Ihe C'uptlal Tlicalro "U'ung" came March 4 to "rt. R. 0.,'* ibe Urxt-t houae of ilia Ma* •on. Pete Baker, S, bad Calr buiJooM. Fjmna Beadi Vaw hod Dig buatneM 7. "Jane" K 0, drew fair bualneai. Due: "Yonog Mm. IY'd^^^*' '-l "nlleu aCiJ Hart 11. Stuart Roheon 1( Lev U Morr(»n jp, V. Hot SpriMga^'UMt tn Neir York" Feb. 3T, '■fibore Acre*'* ak kfarrta I, Clereland'e Uloaitela2,aiid "Wang" 0, all canceled Uielr daia« by T«aue*i of Mr. Van Tielt, inanoger of tlte Opera Uouie. Tbliwaacaueed by ■eferolcaaeaof snail pox In ike clly.aod tbe Irregular running oftJie tiolqa, ooly one Iralu eomhig lo and one leaving ilie eliy eoeo dav. Tbe Karo la about over, ami. QodoutH, InacogpleorweekaererirllilogwillbeallO. K 11011 CEORCIA. BBT»nBsk.-<J*iiicii 0-Nelll'd Co, ptojed Match tbaforaalklr andlaun. ■ni.CouniiTCIniu''rullow*l t,&to|oodliulo«». "Ib«Fut>(aU''c>a>l Roland Baea'a OODpan. wu booked forP. but tba a>onar, baring bMO InlnivlTnarrant rallraailareldaot,iVadaubora wUcancaM. Coning: Alai Balrlal u, U rual. nica M>l. Aagaita^Rol*Dd Rted coma March 12, "Itie Paat Slall" 11 "A Cointiy plitus" ipatlnt. and nlilit ofP. waa ibaonly amuiaiaent otr.rid laat we«k, Tliaal- taodanea vaa giioi| at bolA petfqnliaaraa. AtUnla.—At tlie qiBiid IfiiUnil f\tta coma Hardi iSu. 'flbota AeW MM • P*"* boaIn«.«. AI.I BalTlnl alinclvl Ibiaalahia aadfuna 7, », at adrancnl pHcaa "Iba Fail Xaff' eonai!«, ll, H«H WYOMING. Cktreau—At Uie Opm lloiiae "n* Fenclnf MaHat" a gmd aala (ot Uaicb 11. Conlog: "Ibe alitII>eltB«lilBd)le"Si "ATamptiuc*TWa"ab ALABAMA. Blobllr—.vtlliF Mobile Tbcalrv llallruRiid llarl rare two wrfnniiaiirM Slat^-h J in poor houMik Aku. ri '"' ' 'S;' "J!?"' ""land Iloal S l«ck*l Ui. Imuw. . Til. Pilncm Tlwalr. i. lu-lnc orartianM ami KMlnlM Drapaialoiy lo ||> opanbia bt. .nd.r Ibo man. ai.'.iiicnioftbe.Nallnnal Iluraau of .Vniuvmenl. nf iiTk. at po|iuIarprlc... DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION, Jamki It. AxnRB.-»s, one of iho olilwl itf Knslhh Hr(un«, ilird MHrcli 3, In Lontloo. TUo dtriTiiNnl wh« iK>ni Majg, isii, In olMfton-, Scolliiml, Had wlitle .TM jouiifflicwii!! a member o( the timvellug com- pniijr or llic Thealrv mi.v«l. KtllnUurRh, ami Ihi* Tlic- Birc Itojal, Sen*cmiilc-nn-Tvnf. iNtrfnir the wn- aonsof K-H-.v.ohe iiunairMtho Ulcwicr. Clmin'-i- tcr mill (liellonhnin Thmirr?*. aiul k| itir iHitrr lie lirs! inci U'llilrtin Mrtcrpnd.v, ft-hn (HTbrrd hint an cn- ffntrriitriii. on .seiti. .7), 1H.17, xfr. Anilor.Miii nmde hU ili'iMii III UiidoD. nri Mor1r.«l. In "A ^V|||lf^'<• I T»\tf," HilhoThraire H071I, under Mr. Miicroml^'ii I miiMucinriil, ntul won iniirhpnU«i for lih wnrk. ■IN iir.M appcuniiiro was 111'*Tni'aVnvJir." niiMiiy I A he n«<niite(l tho rulo uf Sir Valoiillnc I Ho Crt'T. Id Slivrldan KuowIcm* play. *'\Viiniiiii']« Wli. 4ir L<ivc'n HhutulM^." Ilieii iK'Tfitriiicd fiH* ilii> llTxi time Hi C'uvrm Oanloit Thealn<. tin Unrrh ; of the rollnwlng jrenr, Ht llic nnio ihcaire, hp plH.Tiil Chcnillcnte .Muunni In llie ilrxi prrfonn- ancc uf -lUclicllen,'* ttllli Mr. UHurcady In Iho lltte role uuti Mc<«<nt. Wunle, Phelfn and llnwe and llrlen Kjiii'tt III Ihe cohI. At itieoMulngof Cnvful Canlen THealit nnclor iho Vnttriit-MalhovA tiiaimuf' UKnr, on Sept. :u nt tti« uiiie year. Ut iilafctl llio part nf lilrnn lu "l/tvcV I/iltiir nnd tin Miiridi K 1310, HI iiio Maine lioii.'tc, Ito iilaycil the n>!e of RoiiKO frtr Iho flrai (Inif. Trie foUowtng :topleniltfr he nrleil Kentoudn In iho ilr^t itrodnrlliin i>f Sliert- diin Kiiotvlesi* phty.-Juhn itf I'nH ldii." Ur.Ander sou TTgq Rigo thu oriirlual ChnrloH Coiiniy In "l/indnn A<i'«iimui'C," vhli'h llntt Sorrurincil .Mar 4, IMI, iit llio Convent Oir- en Titenire. In Jnunnrr, ho Hn|>eared OH IhwiAnto. In '^tc Merchuut nf Venice,'* nt Ihe Hrurr I^iie Tliealre, ^fhlidi vax Iho opcalfur perfoniuiK'O nt lh»t huurte under Ur. Macregdy^A nuiiiuireineiil. During Iho followlnfr tnoiiUi he ap- peared 111 the oriirliml ca-t of Hoiiftlaa Jermlirrt cnnieily, "TIio l'rt*nflr* ftt W'Hr," ond on the twenty- Ihliil of littler tnonth he plated 1lini«i)iiliiiMii1*id* vhiH In tbe llrU perfi>nitance of "CUlppiiH,** wllli Mr, Uurrendyln Ihe line rule. (hiNiiT '.EiorU]0 ftiine year, iheclot^liig nlgiiinf Mr. UarrradyV llridtvnwiu at Ibe Dniry Ijine Tliealre, Mr. Ainlenwii idayed tho role of Othello for Iho rlroi iluie. Hiirlug iho fo). lonhig iwaMon, l94'J-:i, hi imirr liine. hIHI iiitdor Mr. MKcready'fi iiinnngouicnl, Mr, aViidcrrton p'oyeil UrUhdqln "As Yon IJIie H;" Captain AlMlnte. In "The Itlvobi;" llrtrry Ikinitoii, ui "Tlio Itoad lo RulD*." KaulfODbrldge. In "Klnir Juho," MUfI Tim* Ihiimnn, In ■■Oymliellne." i)n VeU. 11,1943, ho hih eeared ia Rati Mortoun In Ibe Hnl iinMhiclhni of Ur. UroivnliitfSi inelodninm. "A Hint on llio Svnt- cbFon,*' and on April 'JA of tho wuid year he hi>- pcarcd In Ihe title nde In llio dnd pcTfurnMncu uf ■•Tho Secretary," bv Sheridan Kuowlen. In liU3-l he \vu8 eiiffagutl at Covcnt Carden Theaire, playing Uthello, lagu, CabMo and olhcr SbakenitcarvaD rolen alteniBlely wtlh Ueidm. VaiHletitiotr and PheliM. lie luAiIo lih llrvt. aitiieaniiii'Q In Ameri- ca Bepr. l!fl4, at Ihe Fork Tlioalre, thin cliy, art (Mheih). lie rctimietl 10 Knirland, und on IK-t. 'J), iKL't, he pluyeil Chinda Uelnnlle at llio Ilay- market llieuire, l,iiudnD. I lo revlHllcd ttiU mnniry In IMM,npiteariiitrufpdnaMiiihelln on MurMi •JUut tlint year at thi: old linatdaay Thoalrc, Ihhi rlly. On lm^fK:rH>lon'liiKo.(tiM4»nti(l Hciwleiii-nnH ivrru [>lHyi*i| liT Ocn. Vunileidiiiir, l4>tiT Wallack niid l-'Uniiy UnUiick, rc-^pfi'lively. Scrvcnnl "niiriMinrii Irugeily, "(dcncoe, or Hie \mM uf (lie UafMk)iuil'U,'> received lU Urst Aincrlcim iitiKliicllou Uanh /», with Mr. AndcTwn ax llHlliuri. He look n rarewcll iiciicnt April 1, itpiKarhiji In "TIil> Khler llmthcr'* ainl "Tbe Kinin(prr." Ilo Iheii reUiniCil lo Kuglaud, nod Uie ridlowlnic Ktrar made u lour or iho iimvlJiucH la coininiiy wlin [liM lliiddRn(Mni. Wamor). Hi tlie latter |Hin or that year he liecamo mauaRcr of the Tlieittro Itnyal, Uniry Une, lx)urioii, aud omdoO, Dec 'M, with Ihe "Uercbant or Venice" ana a panlomlmo euiltlcd "tioodtJueen Ueio,*'among hb couipany Iwhiir Mr. VandeDUoir and Hnc Nutlwlt. In the folhiw. iDir year Mr. Andorv>ti iirodiiced lleuuinoot and Fletcber'rt "The Kltlcr llrulber; or. Ixive nt Flrvt HiKlii," llanche^H adiptatUm of HctiU- lerM "frieiico," and virloun Hlukeepearcan plays, uu Jan. 16, Htul. lie produced un ortjdiul comedy liy Ur. SuUlvau, eiiUtled **The Old Love and ibeNeir/'lnwblctiho pUyed (be role of Cupiuln Sidney Conrtoun, ftud on Feb. Iti follotvliiff, **A»cl, tbo ITOdlRil,*' fonnded on Bcrlbo aim AiUwr'n "J.'Kiiraut I'rodlfrua," Ur. Aiidervon nlayluK A»iel. ThhiivaBtbo Ilret perfonnance In KmriUb or IIiIm phkj. Hi April of Iho unie yair bo bntught out "The (^een or Hpadeii," fonnded bv IM011 lluucl* canlt un "Ia Uatne de llque," Bna thUwuH fol- lowed lu Jinio Ity Ihe prodiicUon or ••InRoniar," wlUi Ur. Andonwn la (he Uile rote. He uotv turned bis a(tentlon to ntanlnR, aud ho iwRau bin career as a utar Nov. H, 1K61, at the IlrthiiiiiU Tlieatro, under tho mauagemenl of Bun Imie, ]>)ayluK an engiinenienl of six iilRtiU at a DluhL lie Mflernrant vent to (lio City uf l^ndnn Tbeatiia for nU wcflkn* ongagciiienr. nta Mlnry of too per week. Tbe followluff yeur bo ida/eil four woelia* enirageuieui at tbe llrliiuinla Theatre. Un Jno. it, laui, Di; >eiian au euKaeomeul at llio Hlmmt Tbea- tro, Id "Civilization," ruiiiidnl hy Ji^m Wllklun ob Vuftalre'ri "l.'luRenu." In ibo rail of (bat year lie. n camo lo tliU country. oiieuliiR Oct. 34 at Uif llroadmiy Theatre. Arter playliiv Uid liirKor ... jiflie rvlnmeil to hlofflaud llie rolloHrliiff nnr" and bciian a leuKthy eiiKagemciit at llio Mbnidanl Tliealre, London, aflerwenlH naumi tho Now NoUooal BtaniUnl. In NuvcuitKr, 1SA6, be nudo another vLdt to (hill coiinltTHnd played rurooine (line at\VBllack*« old theatre. iliLi cliy, nftcr'which be retiiraed (0 Kofflaiid. \\U lttM( vUll lo thin coiinlry wan In (Ktiolier. IHU, oiKtihiK on Iho tireiitlelb of (bat mniilli lu HI. I/iuIh, Uo. Jle llieu uUyed In Loubivllle, CblcaKu, New (Iriftiiix, Muhlle, San Kran- clsco nnd SacraDieuto, at which clUev ho ntaved rc- lum engaKemenli*, aud al44i inpeattd in Cln* clunall, UenipblH and Naxlivllle. lie mlleU ror KiiKhiDd April it, iBao. hi U93 bo Joined lUclurd Bheiihora In (he DutJAdcnic&t of Hie Hurroy Theatre, which wan duAttuyctiliyilro la Fohnuiy, 1B4&. UiiriiiutbU Joint inaiuiifttiuent jjr. Andenutii pivduced bill own dniom. "The HcotiLih Chief," which liad n nin uf elHhly iilMhU, and HbikeHpearo'ii "Second Itrt or KInif lUnry'Vr'dlie W'tkm uf tho HoMe^). which wttrtglveo Hiicceiwrully ror iienrlr one hnudi^ lirrfoniuinceM. TiildpluT had proliablyuot l>evn performed In KniiUind, luiill ilili* producUon, ror two liundnMl yeerv« lu May. iKdl, bo made a ToyHge lu Auidrrtllu ■■7a way ur the Wctt Indleii, IMuanu and Noir Z«ahiDd, plujiiiit at Uellmimie, ltdlhinl, .Sydner ami Adelaide, and re- luniliiK hoiuu l»ywayof CeyKni, Aden aiidUiiliii. HU tnp litrttcd lhiny>lwo weiiUri ami iiclteil lilni £3,O0u. Ill HtT3-4 ho orice anlii l)lay«il ul IiIh uM buUHC. Iho Uniry Una 'niuutre, upiieurlnK hh Autitny III "Antouyand 4,leo|nini.*'ntirru)( itlchHid Ctuur de lJ<in In an Hdniitellon uf .Sir W'nltcr .Scum 'ii ■Tallaiiian." Ilc^ddu iKhitf tlto anttiur or ic SculllHh Chlcr" he liad wrillcn "Ckiiid and H.iti- riblae" and hcvcral other pliyn. For mmy .e i* prior to hln death Ur.AiidrowB liad (|iilcll) ra4..| d lu liUUdoU. Frku ImIWHRNXT, well koown on a rlruiu advance agent, died March 0 al bU hoDio In I^imlun, N. II., from courtiimpilon. He wum iioni lu ViM in New* bnryport, Uartii., where he all«mled iniMlc ochuol and afterwanl went tu tbe Aiidover Arudeiiiy. At Ihe conrlanlon of tilHaludlealic learrte<1 the pnnlliiK trade Ul bbi falber'ii unice, Ibo \^\\tr lieliig (he eill- tor and proprietor of the leading iiewHpilicr lu Sew- burriwri The deceaMd iflerwarU nuttiliiicd a paper of dU own, widcM bo wan ohliguU lo oleinuon owing to 111 heallli ind went to Uraxll. He returned to thU country, ami ifier a va- ried exporlenco aa printer, puMUlier, driunDier. Hollor ami MolUlor, lie iwcauie cuuncuted, In iBdS, wllb a pauoraiua koowu ■•"l*amdlae 1/mi," wblcb wOH at (bat data a vcrj popular entertain- meat Id IWU he waa preM agent with NIxou'h Clrcno, aud tbe fullowlDgycjir be win Id adnoce of (be United lUuloo Umihcm* Couiiduatlon. Tlili ur- Kulzailou embrBoe4l all or Hie llrlug ineuUcr« of It veil knowu ramlijr uf alblelea aod waH noder tbe dlreclluo or ibo late fklvvlu Kendall, lu IWT-H-U iir. Lawrence woe prcKi ageut for Ibo incuagcrle aad dfcna owned by tbe "Hat Foot llriv," oa It vaa called atnoufr rihoH'oieii, CmvuMi- Ing or Avery Mmlth, 40I111 I Nalhaiui, tfeo, V. llolley, lAWU 4tii1D Mnd K. Quick;. \\>oul |hU IbDO Adam t-'oreniupli and ^oho (|i|lr1eii ircre coning to Ibe frfint an micceififul ktiuTrincn, and Mr. Uvrencf y^m t\\un$tto Uj Mr. rorcMUgh a4 prtntaffcql. i( poslllnii be hfldfuritreniy-flvoii>ar<*. After the <tea|h of ^r. Ifoi^pafigti, Ur, l^ofpetire V4a emplored for aeveral ffDtiH ^a t iineclal pre^ repreaeAl^Mve for tt|« (HFnilDn # lUlky Abow. Tlie deoM*M wai a roemiwr of EUixhig Htar lAlge. A. V.aodA. M' Me wan twice Duirlcd and Icavei a Widow and three chlhlreo, WiLUAM II. luiTiea, mnltn ringer, died Jan. V at bU home In Chicago, HI., afiar a abort lllneai. TU nmaliu wen latencd U \a Ulnry Gtmttrj, Kh.\nr J. llRKUiT, of the lleeloy Unw*. liUck furo ! conwdhiiH.dliMiri-tmitheeatevbiof a fail while per j ronnliiv nt (ho LMidiio, i-arU. Ft.. IVh. 24, iged I thlTlyHine yean*. Mr. Iteeley wen liom el Chicago, 111., wherv ho nude bin flmt innfeitdo&al ippeannce , with bin iirotlitr Wllilant, fumllLHrty ktwwn ax "Ung IHir* Hrtlfj, altont lRt9. am "Happy llottou* ' lohi." liiirtiig their pnifewloual career thev had I Bpp?fli«d with McliitTntJ^ HeathM company rvlce, ; Arlington':* MlnMrrK "The (Uark t^mok," ami Hiirrl4* Nickel llato Clmiti or rlowno, wlih which ontHiilxAtluD ther went to San Knmi^ and i«rk M (.*blriiini. Arter lenvligr thn rln-iH Ihey again I wnit to Sen Kmiirlwo aihI plnynl tbttnt fur nev* - erul miinth>i. I'lmu reMindug fjiM tbey Joined Mi'lnlyrr J: Heath'ii Ounipany for the Horoiid time. Tlipy Ibeii went li» Kiimpe and nUyel all llifi |ir1ml|Ml illlrH on the iSuitln- unit and In im*«t ItrllMlu and Ireland. M'hllo ahmad ilioy won eiigBgcil for llanr ^V. Wllltanm' Ooinittny. niid rrtnnied to ihlrt ttmntif. In IKM Iboy h>lniil V. K. VU'torV Vitiidevllltt* tor a nhort • lime, afliT wbh'h Ihey Joined (lett. Thatcbpr'n "Arrwa" t^K, and werv ne.\t sifii with .V. H. Ilert':* I Ht^ton Ntiveliy (\t. In Jiily Intl ihey agiihi went to Kun>DC. Ther^'DulDrtwere hruiiKhtloihlrironnlry by Wni. Ilcoley. The dcixaivil wa'* a iiiemlirr ur UrHiiiopollian IflUfK, No. K. nf I'., whu stfiil tlte ImkU (u Chlritifi) for IntiTUionl. Wii.i.irt Cahkv. well kiHixrii h4 a inlnMirvl iirr- fonner.dlc4l .MBnh 3 In ItcllitMlrrrl llrMplial, (In- cluiull, tl.. fnnn ntnunmHInn. Ttio ilrccintcil whm alHnit thlriy-lwu yenix uf atre. Ilu bed licenfor Heverdl yean* wllli Al. (1. MehlNMlibilrBlHniid Imd n'm hpon with "Tlie Actor** lloMday" and ••r\w Tenipbirlon of Uouey" roinjianliii. llEKHVti, Ahkou) (I'olored), who wan immeil on (lentalitofKeli.-.n. at tlie colninltuii Thvatrr. ibU* city. dnrlnglhoporronnaiH-eof'MHithelllHdiwIppl.** dleil March 7, ai thr llnrlrm ltow|dlHl. The defnued vtAna mrinlHTitf "On tbo Ml«li«<lpiir^ (Nt. In Iho HTcitml ni-l ho WHM drejcwl bh an liidlin In a New (hleaiiM Hirvet nreno, ami hlMi'loihRu were net on tiro by cniiincl with a lurch carrlotl by iino nf Iho other nienilien*, Itoforeihetlrv could lH!e.xilDgiiUlieil Ur. Arnold wen Itadly inmicd on Ibe uhrri, amw and fMrr, fmni the emfcln of whicli he died. Hami'RI. F. lUVKXi-ORT.rhlpr urihcr oT Iho llrook- lyn. N. Ya. Antih:iny or Miudc, died March 4 et liU buine III thill rliy fnim heart falliirr. Tho drrcaoed w.i^nlKtiii .tt.NiyyruiMnf in and hail lieenaii iMher In lhi> Ai'Hdpiny nf Mudi' nir Ift'eiity'llvfl yeanu lie wart apimlntcil a letter carrier In IMJ and had !«• inalued In tho dimIiiI neniro iinlll the rlnae of hU life, fur thr iwid ten yeam lichi|r chlpf clerk In Ibe gfiionil drllvery rii'iMriiiient. lie wax b motnliornf the Kuynl Art-anuin uihI Knights of llunor. Ho U'dx-c.^a wldttvriind two ihinglitrrM, Jawkh W. dvrmi died Uarvh 4 at hUhnme hi Ihla clly rruniconHuniptlon. Tlie decemted wan born In tlilM ciiy nltoni ihlrly-lwn yean ago, and waif fur Hcvcnil yearM III tho eniplny of iho HIelnway Ih^tbem. He ihen limnrhed Inlu thcBlrical IuwImmi and waa ror A while liiMncm manager of Hallen ami llarl. KiirMveml yearepaitt he had been aMlHUtit Ireaii' nrcr of camcgle Mindo IIhM and the Metropolllan iKwralloiiHe. thivcliy, iteingengageit at Iho hitler plare iiiilll alKMit two weokn Bgo. when lllueia com* jielled lilin t« rBllininltih work. fiKOKiiR H. U' acior. died Mirrh A at Iho llouie for Inciimlileii, Fonlh«in, N. V. fruui pneu- niunl.i. Tho deccBHeil. whu wbh ftirty-Klx yearn of age. waa well kiionn In IheprofeaHloii. He badlieon nn Innmle of iho llnme for a year, HUlT^rUig fntin hu ••rri*i ihiri or the nplno, TlielnKlr waa Rblpped to Ihe deceaso I'h relmlrfH In ItotTklBrid, UnHn. Ai'di irrA Suni.KR, wIuno iloulh waHrhnmlrteil In iiiir hipii Irtsii?, made lipf Atncrttan driHit thi. :i, lUT, nl ILuivuntV Uiixftiiin. thh* (Hit, In IKi I'ldM Npectac- uliir <vii'«ithtii, "Tho tloliluh Ilninch. nr tho DovH'ri AiK-Iluii." Ilor Unit appcaruiiro nt NIIiIu'm (lanleu wafi made Jan. 17, IMt, ni "TI10 Whitv h>twii." Ci.AKA lUt^imn (llalilo Moekor). a variety per runner, died Uan;h 4at thuItepllitl HfM|dIal, Ikwiun, Mhm, TIic 4lc(*caHetl wum oiid of (ho Ihlfonl .HlHturj. and wiu tho wife or Ucurge Meeker, uf Meeker and .Mack. Mp.u.a CooKK (Knighl). an oM llmoetpiefHrlemio, dlnl Mamh H ul Almiila, (la., arter a long Itlnciw. On July 31 xho Iniil h ral) un b dcrerllre Hldowalk In Hprtiiglleld, Uo.. and nindahicrl Merium Injury to hor lilp mill knre. Hhi< wtn ndinlttcil Dec, 1 tti the M>.>ri*y lltisptlal, Atlanta, wlien hIib iiailerwont two Hiiririral nimntluiu*, dentil inMiltliig aftar the IbrI niifi. Hhe wan the wife of Fre*l Knight, funneriy IriKM aninml nunur IIioHcIIm llmihem'Hbuw. Ik- Hlilo her hiHltand a liroiher amlfdntrr inrvlve Ihe dcccniied. TiiK tiKATir, Uan;h 0, of Ham fltiian, night watrli- nuiii ul Jiirnlw'Theatre,Newark, N.J., In repurted In our letter frum tliat city. agal Old FOREIG N SHOW NEWS "LKrt I'KrrrRHUAKQi'Bi,*' H coiiieily.ln twoactn, by Maiirlcu llonirace, wna Bclcd for tlw llntt llnio Foli. 20, Hi tho (lancuM, I'arlii. "NisoN iiR bKM-ijiH," a Ijrlc eitlMHie, In four actn, wonirt liy UU. Uiieki* ami lleriiede, iiiuhIo by VaU mond MtHA, wnu given IH Dritt pioducllou Fob. iw, at the Oitent Cnmuine, l*arbi. "l.iivBK TON IlKiTK," a dniua. In four artiL by Itultl. UltMdi, wan iiorfonned fur ifie llnit llmo Fob. 10, ul the New Tliealre, Herllu. "AH U. r.*« W'tvR," a pbiy. In four ucU, ulapted fmin T. Tcrrell'D novel, "A W'<Hiun nf Heart," wan given lid llfMt perfunnBUDO Fell. 10, ul the Opera Cuinlipie, l/indon. "A Htaijb Coicn," a comedietta. In one act, by Krwlerlo ItaldBra, waapmcnied for thu Unl lluie Fell. HI, Ri the Opem Cunihpie, l^iMbtu. "TiiR Itsn ikii'AiiHON," a draiiiN. In ftmr arln. Iiy J. llBrkliiM Jr. and J. Uaitmahim. recelvnil Mm ilrMl I^jii- diiiij)n>i*enlatlMn Foh. IK, nt thn lnvllhiii Tliealra. "The KouTiHr," a cuinedy. In three bcIk, hy Her- liorl,;. L. Honncit, was glveu Iim biliUI prwliicilon Feb. -JD, at Iho Claronce H/miiim. Iblghlon, Fmr. "(iiiiMi ON TIIK HTAiiit," n rmioliuil tfoineily, In one act, hy MrM. Ko lluiiry, iiimdu by F^chI Cnmh. wan pnuentcd ror llio llrai time FdIi. U.Bt Ibc Cbm Kx- cluinKe, lUnndford, Kiig. "Thr Nkw llu('HHKKKiKH,"ararTlal comedy, In thrvu actri. liy F. Dowar, recelred t(a lolltal (tnweiita- Uoii Feb. 16, at Uyddultou Jlall, lallugton, Rug. •MIRK Uakk ih HciiATrcN,*' a farce. In four ai;ti, liy CHriot lleulhig, wui iwrfimued for the Dial time VqU, 14. at tbe HuulacheMTbeaire, Herlbi. "A CiiH4H uiiAVV,*' K fBndcal comedy, In three acta, by T. II Tballwrg, waa given Ha OrHl perforin- aiico Foil. ie,at lheTlieaU«ll(iyal,Hioukloii-uD'1VeB, KiiK. PROFESSIONALS' BUREAU. Wanta of Mana^ert and P«r1ormon, Open Datfli, ettx^Sea AdvMllitmeftU DBAHA.TIC, M. (1. KII!»wiiiU InlMMiBii tn^n hmm. <Jl>eii lUlM o»n lit niM il ltiitiiiiMfir«0|rra IIuum, i:iiirliiitlll. O. t!ifl«biu(1irli^wil||fiur III* I'nll*! MaUi nut atoauii In a ra|4rtar) blMis^aiMiican |*la|*.uiid«r JaitiABTai- l(ir*H inaiiaRHiMh'. AitelaMa rmice mIII Im Iim |>rincl)wl «^Wmrl. Jotiii K4Wi«ll«o(T«ra III* t«Tlllnii thMlreiiulfll r<irul«. Altrarllonknn iwnk llitii il l^ill)m|/ii H|«n llnuf, n*(irc«alor, Mnu., ■lid l^aluchcl, II. t. Th*^ liburf4 nfv uiKlerAir. T. Wlllon'a ituniniiiflitl. J. H. Alll'nn wlB}iaatadl«nuH*or«n lRl«ra>l IB *>Kau«i." li. Hint fMhM und 1\MI.(:filip|>iuii, <>r Chrrait". III-. l>Bi e forntbJ a |arlii«nJiIi» fitr |||ojiur|«f«u of iranMrMnn a Hsnpnl amuwnient iKiOiit**- flivlr a>l. »i«bIi4 ff lli» llim riflitivlnauKlildi ih«)r «ill tniuwi. Mr. (»3b«» !«■ two III tliQ *I(PW liqiluMA Tnr mer •lahlMn Vwn*. Ilr«iii%llc |«A|>I« arm wriiImI hy gel 11- Wiruvr. llaU- trin ltoien Oo., Ki(ln)i«iMl. 4. At NiwlnlU, (kumiDii (:i«in«iii, t^il'iirtliU Tti«alr4, l*u*t.k>, i:<>l.; r. w. Hnrk WRii«r(!. Ikllvr.W. ¥. KMu^i«ll,k l)rowa,U. F.Mfr ciitiinrk. Maiurtr. Atl.ll««il>: Vte»H\ti»oy, l/»li«r>iil«r,aa«irBtaUBUr, l.liilq J.•^»,Allc• II) nu, bi|l>- PI«rcw,Avl« liumliaiii, A. t: Aitdarnrfi. r«>|i|« mm wkiiiwl fffr |)ii«nl« ku4 KIiiiiu'r "Uncia Tiiiti'« Cal/lii" i'u. Ht/MICAL. RlMakllnjrarjrat liaT«i>uMtdi«i| laatinv avntfR. "tVlirn Villi Apk H nirl lu Mart • IU|1'7 llMiin" In ilm raltJiy till* ot Vf. U. Unr'* Uiort PiiiiaiRhlcn. util "I |(an a Hocr." Itjr Uttt. M, irolun, la tint Uelog «uuii ly uiuy pnrinlntiit ^(iralUta, ••Ihi Nbl ruriial it;" hf Kniib diirrli, Iim Iimii mIi- IUI.»I W. A. out. witu will (UMdj lb« aooic fr** lu VtU- rfoloooli villi urcljid raf'**"-■ --1 lion ^t'llMad IhlM l4bWWeuuh|ll "JM.4t« Mr4u^l'I|l^•,^ bfilMuod by TlH«,(luiiiau A Int.. wliQ wiu r(<n>kn| It frta 10 iirUaftioiia] BlbioiB. •'in JH»t«lVoir'i» iin«d br 3. ATttakMH. . <Jll|arrpnri»a.Ji Hi.ruiiliitHi.. fH*. O»rllo.ali lftdiii«n, . U*ini>NV' lio*. J. "i Xin a l|}|>n<dlMra to Trilliy" can onlarad rnmi J. r. l|Mi< ■iIm-IiI)" Ii Ulnr r^oil^rMl ■oftyurullr br Mile. I.Wllr. KrMur, lUII A (Vi. pablMi ihU umg. 'Tha MM Wfin lAw U'«r Ilia Wa)" la iMuad liy Miy, ruinhtllK* A t'o. Fall! M«U|fnnnn'a Ulaot ttmt* ar« mIiIUhmI hy (lia Tiinilns Ifjilriie, "Tli* Htor HAkvr*,''nftlky, U mji* bllail for tnj r«nt«. ■Til* lan rtrawrir U iMwd hy C W. AlbrlRlil J HrjarCbtrtn rmru baring vfMi avcobm wlDi *^ti* Uide Leet CbUirwd otbir wogB. All.iherly: R. P. Hwaln. II. Pmirnhlll. J. P. ValhU* Bind. Will. Kalri. p J. tUpn. M. H. UixMt. Wallfr lluii- lln. <1. p. Wablwr, Hlu R L. Ht\w«M |'«ul Oulii). Au*. KneliRtr. Frof. L. Uo (lr»v«^ C. K. lAiicv'a t)rcli«4ln. V W. Hrunlhunrn ()rdir*tra. "Ur|n■^lrlur«>lnlllallrot^"bJ\^. W. Delinrr, can hvnnUnd ttem llin auilmr. "Uui(lrw,'Kr« I |«ito You," lllM^trrv^ wlih orcliMlra- llon«,brw»). F«lh. 'X^l)unlrT Luck" ami "Ik^rta and Kn'onU" ran Im ontoml tfon (Imi. Hiiilrl*. [>oU»rIoB*i I'd1jlt>hliiii (Vi. puhllfth a nutt|i>«r urnrw ""•'Ka L*tT« I Para Xui TelV and "Hwaethaart N'orlna" ■TV lannl ItyihaH. IlialiuTdRHiHiRrD. "till. Wliat aM^nHlliiti." la ImumI by Critflar llmihAra. '*1 \VUI Lu\-e Von and Vnn Will Un* lit" U a now "JiiTfttlla" MtiiRiniltlMinl by lti« l**lrl<i Mitik "Havplhaart'a Airain," a ralcliv MXiir. hta lvH*n i>iii>- lldinl hy thr Naw Vitrk Hnalc 111* IpkIiir rtunn !•> taiim. K Wnn), H^miid Drllyn ■ihIaiIim*. llualfv. IUTlUmla(:p.luta ImumI "HI H««TniPln M> llonay lldr,** tiv Otow end Kvnit«, ami "Tlif H^llit »i Ar»nur A," anilllfkhia m^nrU rfiia, (tT#topnil>u|oiinh. Tlip "KlOa" wHhi mil tw ord^rvil rvwi it. K, Hrslo .Ir. "Hp n«t UU BadiiNA Ihttii 111* Ihul * U iiu|>|>UhI t>x S«ntl<>ni A HUyiiiMP. •'.N'lirprii. 31y Darilntf," rnn l« ur«t«r»il ttwi\ ilaipl Hntiher^ Tliuha wKitlliiR *uci-^iinil Htnaa HhnoM Itttil mhip to «iih lhaiit aniiinir Dip Ilal puUlMhtd hy tlin Fniill«)i Amg I'uii- lUlilnat'o. l^inliutnn and llok^inilif ntniTvp l\iiir<tnn)n>4 nlictilly fitr lhair nnHlhlun oT lllPMl^K^ "Ihni'l Hrar Any 111 >Vollnir'* OJHI 'i Iht Ura Ynn." ilni. M. kipnk Imm ImuhI Inu iiaw iuin)ra. Ilunan adTanl*** aoiiia naw i*mtiiio«tl|nitd. VAHIHTY AND UINEITHBLS. Tha Antarlran VnudevlllKrti. ■Ill1ia«nnlliprplari)r)irtit- lallon 111 DipflaM naxt manii. 4I)h llvdcti. Hip yiiiiiiK I III imh't, Hin lia Atllio livAil i>ra«i*clnlly >rWlf4lnii*rli* nTtalml. *'lk«" Horn U UMkloir lhi> rimiiiany ht ilnl rliitatlipnintanoxt rirBMifi. A (^* V i>k«nnii>|m). Atiier- Iran and Kiimtifan tairn* U wi n 1 • llpniat'nclirait. Dip ctillal micev wondpr. U r#|>«irlhl In liara rrpnlnt aapn^lUni In H-i.->i>ii wllli hpr unlijiin rii- lorialnnipiil. Hita ran dprnmanl iliioaf )i Fmnk iS^ik. Jiiliii U'Alnia a Imiiiia of nmnkti; n nnd ilona ran Ito ctiml. IA Koiia and Kcnll, tuuiloal arllidmiilll )»a at Itli^iiy May 1. HlxtanKlehnip.danmn, can ha eniarptl. * ('hoTiillpri'IIi|uoi, altoafKwunl »alnwltiR aililliliiona ara Hall eiHliirveit hy iiMiwRpra, can bonk llnir fur iiftl Mwunn. Hp<>riHhy |w>rla an wanloil fur Ihe llipatre Rnyal, un- der canvim. Hardlnjt ami Ah KM Tlia n'atanii HUlart' . fMlura will ha Uia htur can lia iMmkad fbr naxi manm. win ba at liberty April I. Ktirararnia f-n-, wlHt»o prlnrltal raci, aniuhkl "TrlaitRuKllralitrid," . . "TrlaitRuKllraiitrtd," „ ... Hrrt rlaM HMlaliy and hurl«»|ii« uktul U l>aln|C aecnn<l hy ilait. rlark ltofnl- Han and Juan Da Xonioro, lltit naw itiniugara aud uwnai< aitil a itni rloM atiuw can bv liiukvl fiir, W. R. waniN a uaiinor Ihat can aIor ami danra. l^w 11. i*aTToU can lie ongig«d. ilaii.Kvnna la |)U>log dale* aurcevfully. Ha can lia onnRfd ror iiait aaaana. Hitictalty artlita araaaulml liy Dr. Km! Hlatiknar, H. F. Handall, Uullan and KanlatDU, llr. A. llallnway, J. il. Hnf«l^ Klllp ladlaa* ri«ilatl«i,Hli N'atlun 1:11., My, H. K. llailPl, (iDod laiick. Dr. M. (iiipenhflliuhr. At I.lliarty: It. tinitnii, Itaiirar, May llrjanL Myda A Halinian wanlR|>Mlalllai fur A|trll Sand Mat It, KuRfiio Towitlay aauU ^dolly acl^ mualclaaH, aR«^t^ ate. CitiiililnatlonacanlHiok guod lluieat Halalr Tlwa- tr«s Troy. .V. V. Julaa and KlU (Urrlwn annminra that lhair lima Uall flllMl fur ihla uMon. Tliay ara ai lllwrty Tnr aa^i. thton Hiitp can ho nilail al Itiv tNturi Hiravt Thnaln*, Hurlaki. N. V., in riiwI athanURP, hy drptcbuu Tauilavllla rmnlilttalliitiM. T1iaThn*ella Hullan nmlhan Hfa ra enmRad rurtlrTtir HmlliarK* t:irrH«. In Maxli^i. TTiaTliraa XamallM and Kan l.a lUiih ara angaitPil fur (ha t^Hilham Vatnlpvllla Mlaga (Mrcua. I.iihi and Ualwl .Mrixtb, Idarh facail maclally arlUla, will liaraaher l>r kiitiwn aM tlia Mlalrra .MIclKilri. Hbayna and Warden arv mIiI lo ba iinKluclDRa tiHi«| ai^K-tally. I.iirinit and Iiaalla ara ilithig a oil In ilialr naw aci. lino. F. Hr4:aiin wrlia* Minm mc. ' Vawlavllle aria ara waoiad lur Ilia Kipdililon Uaale llall.KI. (.iHiKMii. Jidin J.Miiii4iych4laiH all rlRhla lu llia Ihl*, "Hanry nurlrw|UP I'll." Maul. W. AlUn'aarl la rocoMniaod«l hy Manaiar J. II, Mi^ttp. Cliaa. J. lluraian Inillea niaiiaiiera hi liauk lliiin at lila tlisaira at Haarlioator, S. II. HiJiKa ilanrhitf In ibnmIiI liyJ.HuRau, I'mf. (MIiiiiklAii- iliip, I'mr IUmHi. Jtilin Ni <:nntiy. iinurvn l.biian waiiia liKhwr and mitiliMir atlraollon^ HlHii-liihy inloiil, aU\ ('ill. I'. K. Hcltauer Imoph a imtlra InrnrmlaR iirorra* aliiliataordalaa Ithnl. Ilaiilair, Utfaii an*! ItauUy'i art la miwrlal Ui In n ain*. rolMal IliP l.'nItiuKiiiaraTliealra. New Yiirb, Ihla wp*k. Hiwlalilrann iMHik iIiiip at Uir Ktiwahluii Mnalc Kali, Mllwaiiknp. Maicals lliirvll'ii|iIrkanliiit[aHaan t« anRaiteil. Marhm and IVarh-aii lvaiim|iu|. Tlia A. I*. 11. U inatkhig Hmt cla« aiirmcllona at itrU claiubuua««. ClUCUI. ItlnirllnKPrwihapi iMtta an oHWUI notice to all paepla arttcaRtHl hy Ihaiii tu rajiort In i:iilimRD. Kuriitn and llnMika want i«iri>ruian^ mualclana ami olhpr poiipln. FvtiploBm aanlnl by M. I.. Clark. I., tloldandlh iiiakeaa Imiili aH^acblly odaplail for rlr* ciiH voiiple. IVrrunnara ara wantad tiy CurtlaA Oiaaa'a Tmsarlal JajtaiiPM rimi*. A. K. llu'rii orTara a wagiiii tliotr fur aala. Fad. KliiRitrali) U rai|Uf)'iail to nniitiiuiilcale with John llunl. J. F. (iiilRlar, lflai«<r ami tuuiLlar, emn tio MigaBail. I'nif. rieii. K. lillll luuaa a call fur iwHda Bii>agfd 1# bliii, Ur. J. 0. K. Allan waitta rlmia pontile. I'atipla ara aanlfil hy HrrMmiir onif Mmllh. Halnml and lluwanl wniit i«ii|iU In all hmnclK)'. Ilarrlwiii J. Knlns ofTara fhnia nriiwrly fur nla. rauiilaararalliul fur llia Uoliawk Vallair i:ircua. An Iiiiaraat U iiirantd liir aala hy "t^lrcaaand Uaiia* Baria." J*a» Brown wan;B rlrcuapaopla. 9IIIIOI&LLA.iraOUII. AMnrilbineiin All ihnoat llurar Oiivra llnuaa, Farmar, N. v.; Tnilh OiMtm lluuaf, ijlianbuioi, Iiid.: pavlr Tliealra, HrraptMl, I'M. Fur Mala: Ihigt hy R. H. Ailill. tentidiow hy A, L.Hlai)l' Mill, laiila. eir., hy F. U lluWrU; wai naiinM, oir., Iiy >V. M. Haael; Iricka hr W. II. J. Hhaw, irlrli Iwuaa hy K. F. HiHw. irirk hor-a by K. VIr, nuTolly lliaalra aiHl hulal by A. J. Walkar; cireuapmiwily tiy (/anriia I'ark. . llaiinarHrMliarariiinlali lallMmaaiid aacaiiHlona. Tlia HuutliinRluD Madlclii«i;<f. vast doctiin ami laeliir- arpu Tbafaaranca EniravlnRlng t^.aup|ilyi)io«irlnland apurHnH kimhU. Hon. It, Wariiarwaiila a canraa; K. V,. Klwidiarlli, a raUu|i»; F.. L. kmnaiiian,Mliiiw i>ntp«ny; tinnuHrvtliarn, a rar; Hr. (laii. 1*. Wutid, aitina ililo aalhi. At lllwrlr, Han«r,l>uiilnau aionaitar ami ailranca. JarbiM HinUior*, llia ala llKia tHUnr^, aie making KuhinirrirnrllCiAlwMcli hare liaraUrfbra been rata^ iwanly didtan. A luaranlaa lu kaap It lu repair fern yaararemuranlaa weh anil. [aroml ailranca. aie iitaklng Bp r^t«^ 01 one jranlaa well anil. br. T. U, Haybiaii aoiiu to hear fTDm nteillolBe iMlar. •ad acantn, ]ta.AD*rniwa-lHiit«rrMi KaaKiiR tii. aup|i|f up«rm rtiaira, Ki IbHel Waralcb, iniluafO, uffara accotuinoiltllwuatii Maalunala. HaAmeriean Knjrravlnii owl rrlnlhigt^. wKlauMly a aBiolofftia upun apt'lloiiltfa. br.J.F. llovayuAn a Unl imidt fur aala and wania l^afkiraiara, y. UahaHaau and K. f.. Hurkay liava dlaa^lrail partner- «lilii.,1tr. llonallaaaaialiiMlliaiiiij imio haa llie rlaltl in naa hla na«l4 oa a i«ruiar In a altuw. He la uiaiiBRlDR Ida Prvroaahriula can And accuiuimMlatlona at ibe Uurtlner IIAuaa, Roaluii. Ji^JoMn ba angageil. BY TIMELY AID. Tlio ureal Bvani, it. Ihinwa, Ihot Praima Inal» coiiiila nr fan *ni, waa known fur Ilia klndinin M lita workntD. tlie MIuwIiir aneulutg dOM Ito RTtanul liiiuurliillw ainlneiit clienilal: INiu liar * wuiiiau In Ilm ila«|wal iiC illatKiM canu III Ilia hiiiM aiHl ln'irifml Ui mm hlui, "I'unilro injiiilniiiloa/'alie cried, whan aliaruuiiil li.null III llio vrol iiianSi pnwni'e, "liul I came In lin|iliini luiimlil. lam llie wlls ul a palmer wlm litM UlaOr, I kiHiv mil lif wlial iiiailuoaa, wlTen nii Ilia art In order lu \rj Hunellilnic In vlieiiilalr;. Jimi iviw lie la IrjrIiiK lu dUcorcraprucanlliai wllill.t plcluiei iipiin |ilat«a or pollabcil vupiwr." H. Ihiiuaa llauned III dlenr^i, nultlliiii liU bead. "Ujr puiif hiialanl la ludUK hla aeiiwa, air; Im la ■allliiK all wo piawM In urder l<> iiiuiure llie lun«- dieula ueceaiarT fur Ma work," "liul," uhlecied H. Immu, "I reallr du gal ae« If hat I citt do Id Uia inillar." "Tlila, air; I have Ukta lbs llberlj m cuimki jrnn lioiwiiae jruii tn llw clavertHt IIvIiik oliauilal, und II joii will lall blm wb>l ho U ilolnv la uwlhia juii will wcveut lilui coullnolua hh |»cacul waj ul imi- ceedlDK, which ivlll aiiuii rcducv lu lu lh« imlciil eitreuilli ul iMfoH/," Ulire nu imir aihlmiii I will llilnk Ihe mailer over," a|tM II. laiiiuu, and illuiliwd Ibo wiiiuiii. vcr." aaM tl laiiiuu, and dlBulwd Ibo wiiiuiii, l«llaluii«, bo tbuuubt Itav «jiil«ut oTcr Iook uud deepl/. What •boulu be dul Ir he dlKounk<i| Ibia Hsrolwraflcrau iiiiboiiiru art be uilKlit, |atr- li»ua, nnrtul u peal diauivcir; uii Ibo ullier kaiiil, k> let Iilui ouiilloua bU prewbt awde ul Hita wax la ruki Ibe WIMo ranUljr. The lieit da; ha went lu Ibe painter OBdobllv blui: "(ioiillgue fmr reannbaa and applj bi fbr anjr nHiiwj run ncfd." Tin painter nontlnuail, Ihaiika In IHimaa' awicnim. Iirip, awl eiin'4eil«l. It waa Haaii'iTV, Ina Inren- lur of lha pbuUiKruiihii nainnl aiicr Mui railed d*'. guamilipev—Tfir fliifi, lU'wrUner alniOklkiKTallaDllr lull luunlBarflT aume lliDa wllb a rn»l>-"H'alier, whsl kludoia Mrd It Uilar> "l^iiiradiark iliKk, idr." "No wok- derlceuMetilainilkliu Willi U, Hun uMitlii* tk*icljwn<