New York Clipper (Mar 1895)

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Kaboh 23. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. ""liithrkoSS U K "A THp to CblsatawB'' bvl two KiiSsK "H"B«ll»"ec£.il«for•w«». T»jrT;,,Ji;™U« .Mr. ««l»liy bill, i««h.r ^^ii'l^>»^*'<^^>f> Co-.'wlii Cipplnirir ud 111?ISilV."iMnJ|iMii«t or JMI.. □ilb.rt; Ihi. bil» SKkiTj MUD. EiumTt. alurmlloan u. hi b. mm. ^iS^.lllSd u> Ih. comrort .r palniil. Tlio nllbait £Sci .lll Bll It 'Mii wl.kli.wlll. foor wMk. or SSilll., will c«nprl«»tb»ii4MOll. WoRMtM'—At Uie Worcester T)K*tn "Hit MniUUi OolaiT Olrl" draw m bir bouM .1 .dfucoil ISL i.Rh It ^'Floiilliu'i B4ir'U It. did a ralr bill- EST Km T. Pow«I^ lo "nio Now Boj," dnw big ^SbMW It- r>ulb» H.U i&19,"Jua"a>,0«>iia rutrsi.liroriu Honil.-"ni.nhtla Crook" had ^SZti .11 UU wo.k. Til. Par FoaurCo. IMO^ Bob uraaor^ Oriu Rom.—Eatbarln. Kobtr apMand WMk to crawdod houao. antl liu the Uraaat !^k'i nclPlA in iba btiloir or th« bouM. Tbr Tueiar. VHSm Cu. II-O, Sawtallo Oraiutic Companr B-9ai !!uiad> Acniu the Soa" April l-t. Dil Oiir JolBiKl -Hio TwtDU.Ih Captnir Ulrl" 12. utiol lh« pUc aorEJ.StOTtni. ■nriBlflbI1.~At (lllmort's Court Bquan Tim- MLHAith II, "Ttia TwMtUth Colnrr Olri" draw blr ro- At titli p«rfoiTuanca Dan Oolr mida hla dnt a[h. ruM wltli Ilia cooipaoj. llopkloa'Trua-AllantIc Co. lUahtliouM U. "Friand.** bad good builaeu U. ipliStaipbrdrawalanahouaalS. Bookad: lA19,flL '=n?Branlei;'->l, A "rta Enalm;" B, AL O.^l.ld'i ulaunU. rcTlia'* PahU)! TnuTPI.—Bualom waa llr.lir weak .'afll. vrnk of It: Emma Cotnllr. Robl. CarklTn aod «w. L Vlark, Ilowaid SIHon, (Iria WlUlama, Oaorgla £liaD epauMlof aod Jaoo. Lkwreon,—At the Omii Uoub "Tlie Still Abro"pl«ajtd a Ur booao March II. '^Twaotleth (VainiT Olrl" did t Wr bu.laea. 11 "Uumaally" waa rntw with blK houM. Ukld, Inclodlog natiDoe. Com. by; tl, "A Black Sboap:" B, *;yoD Toomd;" 0, ^^wlog *tin TiuTak'-OiMlnx a: Air. Chrlnla. Jaanla rtaHAlmaCbriiitl*, (lua llaJlk^ Tromoml fllatora, Ai4i. nitbBliur>ud Loula Eomaa. UllETT TUUTH.—Oodftey A Bargaot op«D tbli hmm .nar a doaa or rour waoki, and^praiont tha rol. kwlar bill 18: W. B. Bnr, manaxor; Onnla Bioachoa, J:liD Wonlmr, U. i:. HaiTla, Prank Keanadjr, Collla Cur- (Wr,Baodt Wblle and Trlila PrlTa ' Lf BB.—At lbs Lriin TtieatTS HanoUt and Huon nmt 1310 Rood bualnan In "Priind Prill." Jamaa T. hw«i*pla]r«l"T1iaN«wBo/"toralrbaidiMaHl4. "ABlack SU«p" wti wltoaMOd br a bla hODM 10. Comliia: "Oo tM Bowan" 25L''Land or tho ■ldolRhtSiui"2B, V. "Sow. klth. Wliid"8S, "DieHuUloi" 90. Bene lliLl_'**A JoUr Lot|" haidod by the Tour emper. ■err" 25L''Land or Wlnd"S8, "IbaHi lUU-JAJoUf Lot," •no(niuile(Howai4, RunalUTeDaoraod TalbotI, plajed unod bualnCMli-lS. CuiiilD|[;TbaFar FoalarCjompaDr n^r, "Tha White Crook" c«npaD7a.4l TsBBioBH-At tits New. Tbeain AlBalovn," Haith U; bad Kood builna llitliCeolQrydlrr Kdrewallgbthouiio. taeki" U had 'D. R. 0." ComToK: "The New Boy rauNne Hall, Id "Dorcaji,"n. ••nia _ „ Id Old Ken. 1^ Wb to oTwen. oHia ClBclanBtl.-'niree more weeks at Uis Mil ot rnih ntU'a lajtlme at tha Pike Opeim ITouao nmalD. Ibe outlook rora renewal or the leaao ror two yean, oo Ike option held by the Chlcatro inaoafier. la at beat a ^bt/uloae. There haa been a change or alTalra during the patt week, when reaMentHanagerLoolaNaaheent In kla neigoatlon. There bail been aome frktloD. and In hla MUracMptlogtherealgnatlon, Pimnk Uall Intimidated " ' be had enough or the campaign loeonTert down 1 Oloclnnatl to eontlnuoua Tarlety. During Mr. Xaah'a brier reign hen ho ho made many Mend., tipaci. to remain In the city until the limited nJ!Sk!!?.!jP «he meeat week Manaiar SfiSf u;;'.?i!2S"" "tSerolandTboatiw. wumi Lt^ZSl^.SISJ^.'- K''v'"" >r~oreror the f^rcentn, 11 cntdned to hla hone w lb la trim Ber. SS.2.^S" f*" Bo'ara'a Company, lo give them a ul!!^. "S"? "« Iwr at any or the peiYom. liSn?Jl!'i»'uVJ' .'^B''"?,"):' boweTer......H.mlllon and airnn Join the London BeTir " phyand""^—" and Olran Join the London EiaTlw'hen'ia' ™. Kluy Kunale are alM with the company. Oeo. P. Her. nSSr^Trr** "J"*" Op** House "me SXtSilu*™!"',* ."J' •h"' b""» Hatch 11. RIchanI S-VL^JS ^V?.^ 'Ifapolwio" 1< berore a lam audi. Si.-;J'S.ii!i5",*'.St'*?.' 'iwiaiiy co.comiTii.ii, Buwan Bobaoo, In "Tho I(oDrietti,'a: Sam T. Jacra EilraTanniaCo.B, "Ihiperija" B.S.V. '•■'««• d■^f"Cr„^^T^,^s•'^:'KSy's."ls;!!••dfi•^ ftn bMkod for tl, Chw. A. Lnder IS. lind T. .i.n!"" J""**-.£'*??'* **' IfMHMWllR, WM & viBltor h«r« tli[iwMk......'n)«Bimi«TA ftnlth C*r Uilidir. Ure tornftd oui uvenJ ©fi itai .an for Um Rlnallnv Bn»'. CiRut .....BuReDs Kwj. oT tlilicity. tnA BankH WIntan an ab>ut to publlih « n«w mn, •dUU«1 "Oolr u iMm oi Ntvt," Coiambai^At Uie amntl Open Houm Rich- ud HftDtflKU hill UnnbouiMMtrdi 11-13. Uvlnuil II. Rom Oojriilan eoiDw 31-33. "nie Two JofiDit" conw 11.2L KOTn.-Ju.a. Uiltor. or ibo Onod, !■ mId about iPf"•,1.?^ OUU Youofc barlDicloMl wlih Col. Dligto't London BatoTUiDen, ImfondlDRafiv WMka atbomt b»r*......Tti» N*wBMtlioniTbMtn.Bowb«lnR balli, has bMD l«aN«d u> PntinaaBroa IUM«Coib- )u I* fflroao«vplftr tti flncpnnMUtloahoraZS. It Caaton^At Uie Unod Opem Uouu Oorae Pkt- t£o dnw blK botuoa vMk of March II. Plonoco Bakor l^Roio CoirlaD SB, nltirn dai». THurai CoHi«iB.-clyde UouM, Manb Blfl•r^ Hooa aod JohDMD, and iht Fnoch Twins. Bauir'8 Mi-uc Uiu.~JoMph aDd Flon Trllcli.aiid Marl* vriuoD. MulQ, la rour dtr. hai boao bwIi Um Ht()«et of mw>- ^^•T eaamoot ban, owing lothal^tkatbotaaBL I>oim>, haa beta nemloatad torCovDcUmaB by tho CUr^t ihvOMiMOpem HoDM lut wjph Rhaa. Id 'Tbt Parialana." -fto Na* Hatdaloa" aod niio teadr ofEjona" had bIr hooiaa. ThU vtak «o wlU havo oar Bm ehanro to vUaM«"IA." NtitwaohOo «" "I*'- flyntai." coma ft»r tbrao nlghi*. wi^fy?'!'?** Hotsai.-Uatwk'HioOIrl I UftBa- bind Ma" had ifao b««t boalaa* of ib« vMk, but ihla wai Dotuputibactandanl. Tbo ThonOai tDatlo**.aa usual, MDt UillM In tho nllorr- Tliri«MkllaJ)Haiidllatt,lD "UtorOnj" nMt «aok. "thoWhIta flquadnw." KiWTM erearr THUTiii.-I.airt waoh Htrbart raw- "•T^JS-^a Maa."ptayod lo ta(r hutlowM. Thit wmK OrilBUra "KauiD* N«it aoak, "nw Loit Pan- GIUJA OritA llonii.-Ov«o*a ifeorila Mluinla wlU trr It for a vo«k. couaaoeloR 111. AuoiToiiirM.-Pition XhTiH' anrmratloo of boxan, IncluillDf Tomoir Rfon and JoonMynikl, awoopod dovn 00 UB Moodaj alRbt, aaO ot* w luunMlof aahlbltioa toa paehad Iioum. Thbatvi COHiQri.-Bortba KIbr, Hurlsj and Kallj, Nlaa Clinon, Tom Far. Allca CUlTonl. Harry Elmon, Ilopntr* and Siarr.Oaireu aad NaTlllo, Mahal Wallaeo. Haclila and Mack; Lottk Da Vmd, aad tha M*nt:a PiUDlly. KovBLTT TUBATHi.-LaM «o«k>i Foaur: Boaala Var 000, EdIUi Randall NaUon and Mantuwlia, Wbaltn and BMtnHULeoand(niapm4n,aBd tha Llrlnntoo Pamllr. Ttilavoak, llall*Talhi(*ril)pMlallrCo. MUa Wbalaali iMiw majianrorthaihaairv. 00LI8BIIM THUTRK. " Troupe, JaniM and Lu Clarm Ryan, MIdoI» Lae, mllr ^ Mma,8 OurrHiMrw.—Haul Haonhior. of tliU city, has com- pMOd a Ml of valtla^ doiHcatod to Julia Mar|ov»-Tal«r. whoaa portrmll vlll adon U>« tlllo pag*. Tlia Marhtwa WtllMi UlholllUoflho coinpoaltloa Will Damlov, romiorlvorran«r'a*Tomado''t>iinpany, la lo tha cliy, id wllImrbapH nmain Iwn IhrouRhoBt tho Summar. B. T. IIoltanlMk, a local linnr.haa aliptidvllh the Lillian HuaMll 0|<rn Ooinpanytoilov tha lanor n)a«. Mr. lloltmliack, «ho ncaatly ntarml ftoni Boropo, bai uioicalUntTotco. lit loaw for Na» York ibli voak. Lotttn from LouIh Jamaa itato that havlUaooo cloao hfi Maaon aad nturn tolila fanu, "Tha llaDdrkka," for iho Huinmtr. Mr. Jaroaa lour* Dait aaaKin undar tha luutamniBni of Kamper A Wannhali Lttka (>>onau. ofthls cliy. Jollied "riia (ilrl IXeft Balilod Ma" Company ,„ —mpani to |tlay the rolo of tlia Rcoui Mananr niark^orJho " ■ ■ " pr~ ' noui«.'.,.'..TBJi«n~Boacir'Yaw wlF ■Wo' a coocori at tha _.. ,^— _„ .—.'k,or .... Ninth Stroai Th«aira.liaa aikad pormualonor tneClty Council lo aroci an oMclrlcal alfm In ftoot of tb« Upan 8t«nb«nvlU«^At tht Cltj Opem Houw 'Ttie PaninvShow" cute to ftood builnaaa Marcb 13. "UriDOH' Cellar Door" 33 it the London Thoatro Stan Man- Bjcar Matt J>«f WM tanderwl a farovall bonaStlS. which prored a maraMj>'.Jkonlnfc.lB: Ton Karo and Noma, Bllllo (tatfRrVnOSnlon^arla Auailo. rhlUlpa and Maynon. Homn and llonn and iha tiock. Clyde Phil- lIpB bu acceptad ihe mmIUoq of ttajra nananr nude va- cant br tha mljnuuooof Matt Doe, who loaawlttaMo- FlynD'a CIrcua. HanefleU^At (he HemorUl Opeim Roum Fror, R. L- Oamnoch mveaoalocatloDaiT ooiertaloniaot March U to a larjte houae ai a beniat- Tbe rvttin date H of "YouofMn. Wlolhnp" prDv«d a taeaea,aDd ihe coni- BAy diced a larn* houiv. The Cone tfijum Co., at popu- r prfeea, an hen thia entire wnk. Flndla7.—At tbe UattIo Opera House "Ctur- lay*B Aunt*' draw a well pteawl audlonoe March II. 'The Charity BalT' had bli baalneu le. "Dnliy Maa- quendo" 18. Audllnrluin lA, uodertboauwIcaiofthaLeturCuTlen' Union Tbe Beethoren dub, under tha dliwrtlon of John Bohr, fare a concari at Maaoa A Uamlln'a Hall 1& B«.Jo««pta.^rooUe'B'nie«li«waj<Urk tbo pftit waek. 'Tlie Ulrl I LeA Bthlod Me" cdmea March IS, lo a bin adrtnce aale. Klira H, "140" 39, "A Tampormnce Town" SfX CHAwruftD'a Thiutbb waa dark the paat weak. Her- bert CawUion, In *'A Cork Man," come* 18, the Lyceum Tbaaira ck>., 19, for Bve nl|hu, at cheap prieea. Enty MmuL—Bualueai tho patt week wai blv. Tlie Rloebart Open (-0. baa pnred lo be the boat dnwinit card of the M«»eo,aod contlnuH to pack tbe bouaeat erery performance. Waek of IH ihe Oklohoma Midget In thecnrio halL Wllllaraii and Carlton and Connon and Dornihy," lo tne iheaiflrlami tfae Pike U ended. The ayirtem of eitanalTe "peperinR" h mil being carried out, and audleocei laatweek won krg^alihough ttaey did not npraaent nnhl mine from I hot ofltce point of tIsw. New facaa March 17: Con iKkvIth, U Mothe and Majiiard, tho Hlatu, Beech Bla- i»n, Watwn and Jeoki. the BMnuna. Mabel Bannaid ceballoi Kamlly, Three Wright 8lHiera,UeQL A. Allen, Cv*T and Lli4iT. M. 0. Croea, Cliarlea and Jennie Stewart Cetller aod RoienUial, and Leslie aod Bnwn. amso orau HocBB.—"1I9Z" commtoced lu aecond week 18. Then wen allrer aouTsnln fori Ihe Ud lea. A MvfeaUn waa IntrodQoad, Halile Hate appearing aa Tnlby." Bualneaa laat week waa good, waller Jones, vlioukeitbe part of PerdlaaDd, recelred geoirouare- ctjHionn ereiT evening. LlllIaDRusaell3}. WilJlvTSTBlBrTUUTU.—"ACoantiy Circus" pitched hs anvas on the Rtage 17. Lart week, Eddie Foy. In "Off Ike Earth," had a record breaking openlBg, end aTermged tplsodldly despite bad weather. Clnclnnattl audiences Ike speeches befon tlie euruln, and Mr. Foy waa com- Hlbd to pose as a footllnht omtar on aerenl occasions. He appeared lo aburteM)ua balletfortheRmtloie wIihH. ». TnOenIck, Joe Doner and Sadie MacDooald. Louise ■oniagQe doaed with the company here, and the moon birr queen, ReteUart, took her place In the cut aa Prince Cbsriea. Lola Hawthorneaasumea the nleof Lona ud Ulllan Hawthorne will appear u the Dowager Queen. The Sandow-Tmcadero VautTeTllle Co. 28. UATijK'BTHBATBB.-"l'awn Ticket 3ia" with Amy Lee, P. A. ADdenon and Fruk Doane In leading nies, was suion 17. The ntam engagoneot ofTIm Murphy ud BuMneCanneU, (n "AlImoDy," taut week prored aucceas- hiL Senral changes, whieli added to the rich rein of humor In the play, wen noted. 'The Oroen Oeoda Hu" FouifTiiir Sqdabb TniATmB.—**The Derlt'e AnetJoo" <*ne 17, and then an erlilencos of a proepenua week. The LlUr Clay Bnriesqae Company had a profliable tinte eflL Watson BIstera'^BimTaRuia Companr U. UiocR'aOpBHi HoosB.~wlth RonbelMerriaoo "Faasi" TU presented 17 by Morrlaoo'a Company of IMayen. "A KaggageCheck" held theboanis all laaiweok and did a (sir Duslneaa. Donnellr and Ulimrd 24. RORiKSOfl's OfBHA HouBK.—Tin UieTlakot" was pio- fen<cdl7byJ.E.BnnDan. Lust week the Hallday lis* tsn* Colored Specialty Company was seen for the flnt lime In this city, in the olio: Ortoe and Jsasle Rail* day. Lloie Proctor, Charles Preston, William TulL B. II. Winn, WestJenklnsand Loonle Hall. "Luclnda'aBlrth* dar"wMthecloalngfarco. Boslneas was fair. Psorui'sTauTHi.—TheNlKht Owla ncelredlT. CIn* elanatl always makes a good desl orer Helena Mor*. aod bit week the old story of triumph wu repoaied. Then w«n three ladles' nldiU durlog the eogmnmeot of Hple'sComedlana, and at the mstlnea Baiarday "Ben Holi" waa aung, ud Men's song* were glTSD to tbe IsdltB. Bnsloeu was the jrreatsrt ever done br the com- pany. Martin Jollftn*aAihtetloCo.S4. EOHL * HlDDLgnN*B MOSII TB BATIIV.—The CfOWdS epntlnued to go this way last week. NewCac«sl8: Plynn sad Wslker. Bully aod Moon. Uyton Bitten, BUoa aod PssrL Pnnk Claylon, Alice ar«y. Welch ud Wilson, JohD Biarr, Harry Ban y more, Wesson and Walten, Marie Oebhartaod Dan BamU. In riBULMnio Hall— Thin naortformerlylheOaalno, uMcemon numbered amonf the "Oo the Rhine" con CNi bstls. It wu reopened 10 under tbe managvment of Bm R. Cook ud ilanr 0. West, who, with Praok Oltaitl ■ad Lester L. Plk^ from the Bison Oily QunrtaL Tbeae vocslUta are among tha present carde. Other bceawera Master Willie Russell Uaaelioe Fruka. Adale Botaln- coartandDel Lustn Slater*. W.J.Connor la preas ueni. The Imperial Or^atra, eooducted by Jacob Bcfawarti, lurelmes tbomoalc. _OoMir.-W. J. Fielding, fteoernl agent el "Off the Esnli" CompuK, Udugareusly 111 at the Burnet House, ud hli wife Is at hla betTsMe- Oeorge W. June hu t«n- (aranty aunmed his dnUu oe Iho reid P. W. Nans Joloed Eddie Foy hen 0. II. Uartford. advertising uentei tbe Pououln Bquare Theatr*, lelt 10 lo Join Bln- plnR Brolhen* forces at Chicago W. W. mnkllo ku arrived fhtm New Orleaoi Oeorge Mlddleton, of IB* K-A M. Muaeum clrcolt, lias gene loktirope after dot- Mtlea for hhcootlououB performance hooses Minna Tstil* and Vsaye will be heard In concertat the 0deoo23. -AntonBchottwajilheBoktlatUat the Pop Joe wrslhand his harp will be heard at Lagroa tslee ' yroQW. KloK, of PllUborg, le hereglTrngdnmatJere- niau Muager Ed. Abrmns wu benmrtniUtitCtal- <w> TbeCarrBretbon, »ho araio ukeOle Harden ^t LI the of the Americu Vsoderllle Company, **n hen Ust week Ttisre Is a rumor that Billot wUtKk.of New York, will tracceed W. L-Blumenscheln u conductor of Ihe Hay FesUral AsMxIatloo Super- utsodeni Bel Stephen has returned fkom the Crescant *jtr, iiiere he purchaaed a Hon. Iloneu ud kangnroo at ^Noah's Ark sale A. Hovan) Ulnkle aa>s that the ^U4««s of Music Hall have MOtO to apply to the inns. WDuloQ fund If cItUens advanco a like Bum. MICHIG AN, D«U«lt.—At Un fjceuoi Hlu Piocior Otis. Chu. namn and William Mesiayor, In "Oliver Twist," Marehl8-ia. Last week mroh'RVMdefllleJiplayed tofalr buslneae. Drntorr Orsu Hoi'gi.—'niensndoab" this week, fol- lowed by Billy Barry 3&, X. "The PanslogKhov" 77-29.ud Sousa'BBud 81. Olga Nathsrsols pby«l to large tum- onla II-IX ud left a Rood Inpressloo. 'The Atnaions" finished the week lo avenge fair attendance. WniT.<(RT*e Oband Otbri llocra.—This week. Que Hill's World of Noreliles. LaM weev, "TlieBpan ofLIfe" caugbt on fnm the BUrt and good business resultod. Next week, Mr. ud Mra. Elmer Onodln. In "Slaves of OoM." CAorBRLL's EKnig Thkatbk.-TIiIs week, The Devira Web." Ust week. "The Osller flUve," wlih a good caai, drew out large atisnduce. Neit week, Rich- ard Oolden, In "OM Jed Proaly.** Wo]tDicRUi)iD TeiiTKk Avo MvuK.-Curio hall: the QnlheBraUiera (heavy llftloT ud faaluclngact). Chalk Raundere (eartoonlsll, John lliompsoo (Ihe blind checker player), Co). Cooftr and Pnncb and Judf. Tlieaire— Peplnia, Haiyuerite Do WoK Tod Judge's traupe of acro- hata, Clias. Monland and May Thompwn, and Addy ud Flon McKee. Grand R«pldi(«—Ai Powers* Opem Uoiitie Theodore TliomasMsreh 12. played toa large house. Delia PoK, IBi, played lo "a R. 0." (^mlng: Col.llobL Inganwll 19, ''Jue" 11 Uulon's "Puiasnu" 38, % "Tbe Ania* Eoos" 37,3B, walker WhitesIde 9. aa QiUHD Opkba HorsB.—IdaVu Oonland, week of II, Slaysd lo big busloew. Q»mloR: Week of IH, Jules 'alisni. In "A Money Ordor;" wMik ol S, "Alvln Joslln." BJirru'e Opbra Hoi'BB.-Week of 18: La Trocadere Quartet, Mllllo Stoveoa, Wm. Rowe, Ida NIcolal, Owen Wllllaius, May Ellswerth. TloUt Mevlns, Carrie Rogere and tho slock. SsKloaw^At tbe AcAdemj of Huiric "Jane," MarckU, liad a/airbpuso. " • Oo. I) badgood business. _ _ _ TheodoraTnomsA'OrdiestnUdrewafood house. „_'s"UocleTom's CabW Delia Fos 14 lisd "U. & O." . ■ ■ Han- Ion's "Futauna" 39,39. BOBOWiix's Ui'ru Ho iHB.—Carle ton Blstfr*. Violet Barle, Al. Ferry, Jack Vtaeent, Josee Uerwortb and the stock. NoTBS.—Oeorge II. Bmerick Is well Mouib to be oo Ihe street again, and will aiut oo ibe road urnln with "McNulty's Visit" early In April Goorge Blcksl, tbe well known cloan, |oee with walt«r L. Main's Circus this JackBOB^At HlUl»id*Sp Uarcb tl. ■*Ttie Amaz- ons" amused a fUr house. "The Ship of Btale" It had light busloeas. **Charley*s Auot > IS, and Delia Foi 14, each played to packed hoas«^ kItIob eicsllentsaUaCsc- tlon. "Malloney'a Woddlog" 18 had^a fkir boose. "A TrlptoChlnatovn" 18. , , WoxoBHUNO.—Curio HsU-Uany Jonu (llvInR skele- ton) and Aleiudsr Kruger (stroog mu). Theatf^ Hohneeud WaUreo, Hutinllt (ck>wn JuRiler). the Oil- days ud the ateck^ liaBalBg.—At Balrd'a Open House 'Tbe AnU' zon" did a good builossn Maiui 13; followed by Rutaoo'a "Uocla Tom^a Cablo" Co^ 15, lo ihs usoal top beavy house. Oebom, Jones A Bobsoo's Minstrels (local) are biUsd for 19, XX Instead of V, 31, ns reported; "Alvio Jea. lln"3X MuaiterBalidwuamniedllbythelocalW.C. T. IT. fbr posting 'lodeoear "Black Crook" piciurea, and acqulttea before a Jury IniheFrobate Court. Tbls trial la ooe of guecal loiereat to managen. KBlBiBBBoos'At tbe Aaedeniyot UtulCBlue Jeua** March 8 draw a good house. The Tlieodore TTwmu Orchestra II came to a lavn aodUnce. '-Tlie Anasona" Udlda good boslnens. Booked: "Mslooey's Weddlnr' U. Bieison's "U. T. 0." 18 At the Wonder- land bnsloess last week was gned. Roster this week: James and Violet Alkoata. llamie llaswick, Ed. and ~ Joyco, and Andy and Flora McKee. I by the local W. C. •Ok" piciurea, and Clevelaad.—BoBlDesB daring tbe put week wu Ml u brisk as U might bare been. This wu evidently "ttienilnlrtothe great laUrett lo pollUcn, both par- UMfcaviog ihelrnoralnatlogcoovenilooa. WCLiD AvBMui oriiu lloitL—The Llllpudans ap- P*r*d March li-iB to eioellent beusea,nt several per- iBtnlng them away. James A. Hene, lo ^wre Acres." week of IS. Stuart Bobaoo and Marie wsrtwTlghidlvldB week of 33. Jfl£f?a" TiiBATaa.-Neliher Ihoe- W. Reene,who ap- t^ftfd II, li la, (o "Uaalet," "Rlehellea'* ud"'Rlckard liil. "Oliver Twist," li, 18, M, did tha busloeu these fHJV,BtsritoriouB eourulBmwttf deeerred. 'IMIver TM»iporBute,''l*.lAII;dld » Calr .... ^aor LIES' thla week. "DoOy's Maaqaende" aod m In Dlile" divide week of ». THiATgB Item Davera'a Own Oonpany did s Ctt***^ • bgsloeo 11-11 Tbe London Bailee dpecueo lufm'^y VMk of Maith ia,ReBTeBA PalmorCom MISSOURI Bt« Loala^e T. Ouey'8 "War of Weftltb" opened at the Olympic Tlisaira. March IS. Last week, Uie Robin Hood Open Oompuy did a aatlsfactory business. The only ehuge of bill vu Sunday nlgtit, M, when The Mnlckerbockere" wu preseoiod. Col. laRenwII lectures at ihls house M. '-Sheomadoeh" 25- OniHo Oprba UocBL-De Wolf Hopper, lo "Or. Byo- tu," this week. JaoMa A. Home, lo "Bbon Acres/'I week. But ooo matloea performanea wu given, fiatur- day, 18. Business was fair throufhoot the Mgagenieoi. wnsen Barwit 17. ^ ^, ' IIauik Upiba lloirBB.—William Hawortfa's "The elgn" began a week's eBRafomut 17. John Orimih, lu u elaborate productloo of ''Faust," did Rood builoen all ofUatweek. Hallsn aod Hart, In "lAUr On," come 34. Trauorer Arthur Oeservdi beneAu 35. IlATU!i*s TUBAT*!.—'t;olonde," » mekidraoia. _ Bcenesofwhkh are located In the Cripple Creek mining Olstrici In Uis flute of that name, opened 17. A. Y. Pear- aon's "White Bquadnn" last week did a Ositariog busl- n»M at every performuce. Mext week, "Special De- "HSBiitB-TnBATBR.--TheJoy That KIIU'' and "Mul doon'a Pknle." Bpeclnky people: Bddr Fainlly. Msl villa ud BUtaoB, Parhsr and Relartl. Alice Raymond, Charleell. Iluley, LoUleWest Srmoads, Ibe Br " ud Manlaeltl Breihera. BlBbuslnasBl|wtweelL BrABDABO TBRATBL-llfdS'S ComodlUB thlS WOOh. Martin Jullu'eAusirelUn VaulevlUe aod Aihletlc Com< na^cnwdedtJtebousotaMweek. Qus HlU'e New York LONDOX Moeic DALt*—RalUKCooweU ud Bvu, the bnltbs, Leo and Cliapinu, Adgie Coaullo, Madxe Mack, Mlnole Pslmer, Emma Weetoe. Anole Lsslle, MaieU Lola and Uie slock compuy. , , . . COHiqOB TIBATU.—Wash and Daale, UTIPv^ B^^s- HouJ Llllle HarsOeM, llaltis Gordon. Llllfe Wblto, Cbauncey rowell, LeUl* Orey, Pearl Andrews, Katie Ash- *'(}o)iBBBU)i?'MrtiB.-Rsnu*s dicui and Oatau' Equine wSnders. Curio Ilall:MstUe Jack, the Bower ^«en: Blnarch, mafklu; ctover OarroU, magklanr BATRK.—Nippon's Imperial Japanese aod U Perl. Leona Uarter, Billy ud Die Lee, Lottie Dsrone. Belle and Uraoe Dsrene, E ajAeU and KJ. Doherty. KlnsJe on the BUoo »lag«, and the Rloebart Open Co., lo DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WBahlag(OB,-i8ol Smltb BuaBell, la "Peaceful alley," "A Poor Relation" ud. for tlie Ant time hen, "Tlie Heir at Law," reumled out one of the niost prosper- OBS weeks uf Muager Hapley's eeawto al Ihe National Thealre. The Lllllu Russell Open Co. nndered "La Ferlcbole" and "ThoOrmnd DucheM," dlvldlntf Ihe week eqoally, at Allen's tJrand Oiutn House. Bou wen es- qDlsllalj rendered, butadvuced prlcea mUltaleil loacon- sklenMeeiiMtlnkeeplBgdowoiheiUaoniie audlHce*. FrMuiu's Kgn Makem, pre^ntlDg "A Railroad Ticket" for Uie firvt lluie here, farad poorly al Rapley'a Acad- emy of Musk. Tlte shk de>errei| belter recognition. "TTm Toraado" waa proionled for the flnt time before Washington audkncos at Butlei's BIlou TTieain to good bualnesa. Bob Fliaslmimins' (V liau a big week al Ker- nan's Lfceuni end MveralM>lriled bouUwerahad with local asplranla for dMlc liunorft. Bi. PaUlck's Day (Sun- da)') luailnee ud niRlit coneertii wera glren by Olunun'B Band, under Ute direction of Victor l(srl>erL at Allen'* tireno Open HuuHe,l>oUi of which w«re well allemleu. The Tuiedo Mandolin ami Banjo Club had a benefit Hun- day. Harcli 17, al Hapley's Academy at Music They wera asslrtad by Waihln|rton*s best locaJ lalsBt ud Uie several niartdolln, banJo ud gullar clubaof the city, which called out a big audience. RAPLBT'a .Vatioval Thbatrk—^TIib Prlncexs Bonnie" lft4 E. H. BoUiern, In repartorT,23-a>. ALUI.Vfl0aA5D0rMIU IIOUHB.—Loitle(^lllns 18-38, "A Country Clnue" 35-S). RArLVT'fl ACADKHr OP Ml-MIC-'TllO CoUuH KlOg 18-ZV Tavary Bngllsli Opera Cu. 33-30. BtrTLRR'B Bijou Tukathb.— "The Hillver King" IMX Tlie Fast Mall" 39-99. KRK.fAH'H LYCRUB TUBATRtC-Kelll)-A Wood'«Co. (»- lum dale) IM-Zi John V. KIshlH' DnwInR Cards 3S-3D. HnxBRorrs HuHio Hall.— V«>'e Itf. NOTBL—Sol Brallb Bunell diaod at Ihe White House, udwasageeaofMra. Clerelud U OeoffreyHleln. of tbiHcity. who haa been for stveral seasons wlih 'Tlie Power of tJie Prew," and oUier well known cooipule^ bu Joined Marie Wainwrlglil'a Co. for iha remainder of Uils season Julian Qreer lea Ihe cart of 'Tlie Tor- nado" 13, and hU role was lakeo by Herbert K. Bean, of Ihe same cunipuy, a: short ooiko, aiwl with such ulln sallslicKuoUiat he will continue lo the place for Uie n- malnderof the seawn (Tluu-les Maciey and AUVmI Hudson, 01 Uie Bn| Smith Rusaiell Co.. have been engaged >y Manager W. II. Raplsy for the NationalTheaira's Bum- mer Comedy Co Tlie (bubdatlon of John W. Al- baugh's new lAfayelto Squara Opera House Is now nearltr rompkted, and the supsnrtruclure will be pushed wlUt sM possible haste for the opening of Ibe coming roof ganlu Is u asinred (ao. VIRGINIA. RIehBWBd,—Tbe enB»geinent of B. 11. Sotbem at tbe Academy of Music Marcti 18,18, preved u eminent- ly succeeeful one. "Captain Leturiilalr" was soen heio (br the flrat time, 18, by a large audience. After thej-sr- fonnaoce Mr. Sothem, his brother, a Rothsm, and Ruw. land Bockscone wera Uie gue4H or Allu Foils, a prosil- nent yeung lawyer, al the CDmmooweallh Club. Mr. Bolhera was oUierwlse Ihe recipient uf many social favors. AUl. blvlnl Sl-a, Ui« Marine Band ML The Fast Hair'». RICHHOHD THRATHK.-Thera sre no further booklogs at _itahouseduringthopr«sentseason. The deal wlih the furaltura muufactunre having Ikllen ihraugb, Mr. Loath will carry oat lili plu of coovertlog the bouse lote askatlngrlnk. Work will commence during the neat month. The season of l8Bk4 will see ihls okl Undmark etiU In th* fiskl for popularity. It will be renovated and pullnQnlcUsscomllUon. _ Potkah'b TllRATBB COMiqitl.-Opsnlng 18: Florwco Edwards ud Carrie Abbott. BiisIoom continues fair. Norfolk^At tbe AcBdenj of Uuatc E. U. Uolh- em, In "Capt LettArblaIr," dellgliUd a packed hoose March 14. Coming: U. R Marine Band 3d^ 'The FUt Mall" 39 At the BUou Ttisatn laU weeh'B people bsld over. Burioe eslsgood. LOUISIANA. New OrloBBB^^e opers aeajuo bavlng do- parted frem New Orleans lodoor attracUune prove some- what uoaiiractlve now owing to Uib heal. Still, ooiwIUt* standing Oie Incoovenluceesod discomfort aitoodul on those who frequent Uiaalrwsi iblsUuieof Uieyear.Uie bufloass last week was a ooaipllniMt to the companies having BDgagemenia here, u Uialr auy proved a flnuclal ""ouHO Opira Hocbb— Large audlenc«i nlilitlf filled this tbealra to pay homage lo Jainei O'Neill, In ^'MnnU t^rlslo" and -v'lrKlnlua." "ffur" 17. ... ACAUBnr UP Huaic—A good lauRb wu enjoyed bv Uiosewho went to bear**ATeBU Eleer." Large audl- eocei wera lo olfhtly aiuoduca at ihls theatre durliiR this compur's engaRviueot. Olevelsod's Hloitnls IT. Br.CBABLn TuBATRiL—"Coon lli^low" praved u en- joyable play, ud atliBCtad eicellMt palraoage durlnR lu engagf nisBU Bin Kendsll 17. KENTUCKY. LoabvlUa—Al Uacauler^Tbeaire Boee Cogb- lan presuled 'The Modem Ducliess" aod "Diplomacy' the fora nrt of last week to (air booses. 0. B. Jellsrwo, Klaw A BrluRer's 'The (VMiolry Circus" filled out ibe week toBWderaietmilnsss. Mr. ud Mrs. Arthur LswU March I8-a)iHolanil Reed 3I-0 OBAMD OpgBA Hovel-—'Tbe Trelley System'' ha«l a splsndid mn laat w*sk. Clay Clemtot week of 18. BucBlBOgAM.-Wlialleo A MartalTs Specialty «:om|>u> ..osed a prosperous week's " "' " " " ■'Bull FJiiiun" week of Ifi. — « PornsCanriU.'iJidJess?eP»lei . ^ NOTiiL-CoL W. C. P. BfMklorMn delivered nslecton — ~ ■ ■ *- •—*UaiLII dosed a prosperous week's buslnese JTa BaaT. Jsch'B Bull Flifiun" week otli. aiH Thbatbb.— New people 18: EvusudX>aTls,lllg- Pns aod Cani rail, the Tav (ors, Ida Etbal, Wm. and Ethel ..T»j —....r-tr..i.» puslnesB la good. ey. posinesB la gw _ rMn delivered bis oii The PrabUms of to Day" U al LIbrery Hall lo a large audlwce The Temple Is dark ibU week, CALIFORNIA. sSfr*^"*' l'*^ of Bedld Avanne ( SuS'.u ^^^^"^•^l'nltror|l,AIDan[nstBli j^Wld. The Bolt aivse by raaaeo of Mr. Hasiten s **wai to cootJooe the performuce on theopeolag olRbt bfll?!^^!* 1° UM. beesnse, u bo eipreased It, Ae eor- ^1°^^ BulDoWed tobls lailsfbctloo. Tbeandl- "ve, «bkh packed iho boose, had to be dlanlsaad. and S^jQAer rBtureed fnd Coan, treaurvrer tbe *»auOpenBeoee,toDeaufl. Marie Walnwrightwill 6* (be aitncUeo Tbe DoBarana, Jamee and Paula. loe Opera "Uchaid iteU'a auow: Bina Babr ElephuL un LiKb. Itoeae ud awu, BeetilM Coma, KM ud WniluaTUlTconneD. Bea. VlUUmi, Ihe Uttk,. B.T«T-« THUt««.--kellf ■nlhere.neiw. ilrten. auur Ihe Fleka, Id. «al of. Ho. rneiiiu,lllE» Itthl- ■Un.,IIIUIe IvuLHIdeerduena; J. J. Ueiteil, beUei BiMUr; A. Odbaellee, cvmadlu. , „ . .. .v OBM Taunt.—The Cn n CUude MelMlu, Jeb. B. Iflln^nllU Ad^° DIuwMl Whillwk. Blh.1 On,. OeilloD. Jeule Aduie. Ueenl* B lUrer. Ldue uluehe. 'ifi!?.ifSjsisj'vX'J?£s?:'r Lm ABC«lM.^nie Oilboap Opem Oo. eojoyed goodhoB«HU Um Los Anieles Theatre March 7-8^«lUi "ABorlia" aod Tbe Black Hiusar."..^...T. &B«wn Jr- eeo of et-Maror Rowu, of Uils citr, la a taenber ef Ibe comtBoy.aMmBdeblsbrBiprnfessloul apeoanaeA ben doring tM wfagsmsBL Booklon: Wane aod Juit« U-a. "A Temparuee Town" a-37, Marie BorreaghsS-D: ^V.Tbe Bortuk Theatre drew well with ^onu AnlostWomu"weefcendlBgf. "Bowdale^waBplayed ICkM TheOrpheumboUs Uie fort la goed^ape asa Krodoeer of vaudeville and seema to te pmportoi lalrly. ewp«>pleIt: BarreTroopeudBertoHI. SOUTH CAROUNA. OM«rl*ftoB—At OweoH* Academr oT Uode Aki. Rslvlol pUr«d to good bnslneee March U, M. Fanny Bloa c«me« 13, "Cooo UolUw" B. "A Teiu Bt«er*< 17. NEW YORK C ITY. Laat W«ok*a Cwoata.—'nie put WMk wm Dot quite 80 nuToatful aa Uut wkloh UnmedlAUIj preceded It, but nevertbeleaa It did not rurolab tny TeT7 Imponnt erenta. U added to tbe eeuon*a record tbeflni pioducttonofa aMnewhat nieiltorlouB oomedj. aod tbe lint AnerKMUi prDMUtaUoD of a play 1)7 Oecar Wilde. Tbe veather wan propldoiM, and the atteDdaoce at ibe ibratita was,a8a nilo, Tery wtUfaclorf Ibe cooUaued perfonnaiicea for Ibe week endlflfr Marcti IB were: Oemtan opem at Ibe MmorouTAN Opriu !Iov8c. "Rob Roy" at tbe IIbbald SgUiBB, ••Utne. Baiw Oene** at Ihe Bruadwat, "Tbe FouadlloR*' at Horr'a, "Uule Cbrlstopber*' al ibe UAROgfi. Wni. II. Crane at tbe PiFTn Atbnub, "Hadelelne," it tbe Duot', Matlame Rejane at AiesT^a, tbe Stock (lo. at Daly*b, "T\» Huch Jobnaon** at tbe Sr&NDABD. "Rory oTlbe llllb*' at tbe ACAUKMY op UI-8IC "Tbe iiaugbrauu" at tbe ForKTiiehTU thurr, ami ■ 'Tbe Unaquenderv" at tbe Rmpihr. Ibe one laRt lumed cloAlnit upon lhat date. Tbe one week sundii clndiig Harcli 18 went: Cbarlej** Aunt" at tbe Pupu^s. "Tbe Huatler" al NiBii)*R, "Yon YoDSDD" at JAOoia' Third Atbni'B, PrImroM A West'a UlnaUele at Ibe Orahd Oprha lloi'BB. "Tbe Paadoff ttbow" at ibe Ambbican, "Tbe Vkbal card*' at ibe Hahlu Opua IIoivb and "A ODuntry Bport'* at the Ooi.rHBi'8 Vaiteir enter lalnraent wu fiimUbed al Tohy Pahtor's, Rosfbr A RiAL'ii, the Union Bquahr, ibe London, Thoo TOR'it, tbe Camko, Ibe OLTHrio and Uinrr'a Bow- RRY and Eitiirm Atrnitb rerformaocea In Uer msD were Rlvenat tbe Ibtinu Pijicr nud Qbrhahia and perfonnancefl In Hebrew at tbe Thaua, Wind- BUR aitil Adi.ih'ii At PALHiH^ TOFATRR, Harob 11. Mm. lAngtry produced, for tbe flrat Ume upon any Kiage, "0<Hdp.'* a comedy, Lu four acta, by Clyde Fitcb and l^eo ENetriobstelu. Tbe lady waa warmlygTvetetliiy ananillencetbatconipletelyfllled tbe buiisr and which wu liberal with applauHe tbroiighoui the perfonuancea Tin play madea very favoralile ImpresMlon At tbe I.vcRi'B Tubathb Ibe lut evening performance of "Tbe Caieor Rebel* Hour ttusan,*' wbm rIvpu Uarcb 11. and ou tbe fol- lowInK eveulua wae prw]ut:ed, for tbe 0ral llDieln ibiB country, "An Ideal UuabaiHl,'* a modem enclelj dmnia. In four actn, hjr Oecar WlMe. Tbla play had liii flrat bearing at tbe llarmarkei Theatre, liondon. OD Jau. 3 of tbe preaeni jear, bot did not receive ihoae eYldencea of favor wblcb bad iwen heelowed npoDibeauiborSiprevlouiworka "niliiJudReRHnl, however, aeema llkolj lo meet with revor»l here, for altbough tbe conHDstu of wrltien oplntoD, wblle favorable, baa not been entbuaUMtlcally no, tbe play baa evidently proved very acreptaitle to tbe audleiicee.and fora conatdembta time It will l>« a social duly tu Me IL Tbe UUe Ua JeaL Tbe (deal hualiand bi by no aeana a epoUeu ponon. lie U a man with a paat, who, having eeoured a fortune by a dbibonoralile act early In life, flndi do further □ecoeUU for Ibe employnieiit uf queatlunalile motboda for adranceiseDt, He Ih Blr RolMrt Chlllem, uienilier of t^rilament and Under Hoo- retary of KuroiKU AOkln. When quite a yuuug man he had lieen Mecr^ury to a Cabloel UlnUter, Biiil laid ihti fuundalluu of his furtune by Hell- ing a cabinet Mecrel (<»an Austrian stoi'k Hpecu* latur, rroelvlng an tbe price of hlM Infauijr t8&,O0D* When flrat be Ih tHweuted lu us In ihts play, he la happily married to a lady of rlgtil iiKiralliy, who bo- lltiveH hint 10 lie tbo autil of honor, lie Ium gnatlj pftMpeivd. IIU furtune h»M birgely liii-rvaMetl, and he la foroiouHt lu hunnrable repute aiuung llrtlUb HtaleHmcOa UnrorttiuaUtly, huwever, he had c«n* vejred Ihe Hecnt lulelllfreuce liMhe llanui Anibelin, the Austrian Hpeculalor, by ineaoH of a teller, which crliDlUAllitg docnincul eveDliially coroee Inlu the poikWHidnu uf Urn. Cheveley, auadvuDUireiM, wIioho pant had many chaplert*. TIiIh laily t'oincH to liui dun, tteeka an lotervlew wlib Bit lUilterl and iirgen Iiliii tu atippurt an Argnutlne (^nal Khuiito, Hwliidllutf projetil which lie U alrvady preiiared U) denuunce. UpuD hliirafUHaltuuouiply wlib berrC' t|ueHt,Rhe iDfumuhluiof her pfsswnlunor the crluil natlDg leller, wblcb ntae threaleiu lu euipltijr u tbe ueauH uf bU Hoclal and pollUcal riilu, iinleiat he will further Ibd project lu wblcb ahe bi dnanclally Inlemted, He pleads wlib hor audoiTeni bribe*, bot Bbe U ptaylug fur a gigantic KUke, and la ho ihuroughljr Inexomble he Ih forcedi through abject fear, to pnmUe bU mpport to tbo iicfarloua scheine. Luly Cblllern, learning frttni bira that be bad given ihta promUe, aod itelng Ignonnt of the reasoni therefor, appeals lo hlH honor, and Induces bim to wrlt« to Mm. Cheveley, retmctlug tbe pledge he had given tu her. In ihta dlreexlremllytUrHoltert appeals rurcuunaeltobhi friend, l^rd Uortog, to whom be ronfldea thu wbulo of Ihe unt^aaant story. Mm. Cheveley ealts upon Udy Clilltem to Inquire concmdng a bracelet, JomI upon a former vUll to the bouse. Lady Cblltem up* braids hrr fur ber elTurta to Induce Ur Hubert to Hupportthe nwlndllng canal Rckeme, and anDouncea that heracqualnlance la not dttslrahle, whereupon Ura. Cheveley analla tbe eara of (he astonished wife with Ibo story of BIr Robert'H early crime, and that gentleman entering at tbe moment, Uuubte in deny the acctisatloD. Husband aod wife ituUi look tJi Lord Oorlng for counael aud aaslilaDce, and he, by a happy accident, la enabled to save them. He fuuDd tbe lOHt bmceletandbu recognized It as one given by bin U* his cousin and ntolen frurn her aev' eral yeaTM l«fore. He chargeH Ura, Cheveley wlib Ibe theft and threatens her with arrest, a danger from which sbe escapes only by Hurrendering to blni tho formidable letter. BIr Robert has already de llvered a speech hi oppoaltioo to the canal scheme aud won, by bis fidelity to the pubUo lotereels, tbe offeror a place in Uia Hlolalry, and the play ends wUh aanshlne lllumlnloff hta present and Us future. ThU Ih but the oullloe of a alury which la well con celved and ably handleda IJke all nihen of Mr Wllde'8 plays II Is a »Ure upon society, but 11 U wrlUoD tu a much more Mrluoa vein than any other of hU dramatic works, and while It oontalna many eptflmnwdc pamobzcs, Uiryare muroenterlalolDg than iboMi almdy familiar to us, l>ecaune ihey more Dearly Impinge truth and are lea oOieualve Ui good taste and good morals. AdmlmUon for the wrli- IngB of Mr. Wilde la ao acqnlred taste which aa- vontmucb of pervenlon, but fldellly to tnilhciim- peU tbe ackouwledgment ol tbe abaoluta lllermry merit of Uie praseot worka II Is true ibe dialogue IsHupeniiuodaot, butalmoatall of It lalulereHilng and much of It Is brIUUiDL It hu, murever, the charm of originality, aud wblle some ot the wit hi DOl of the brtghlest or tnoet biclslve sort, It con< quera byiioexpecled laltlea. Tbe character eke tobes presented lo tbe ^y are adudrable. Tbey are not dnwn from tbe nnks cncuuntered hi every day life, but from Ibe bot imS and foiclBg bouses of modem aoclal life, which produce alaormal men aod women who claim dlsUocUon tiecause of oddJIy. Home of Ibe akeicbeaare cartcaturea i/ut an oooe tbe leas cleverly dnwn. Ttie play was, Id Ihe mala, admirably rendered. Rhoda ChmeroD had that wblcb la khowo In stage parlance *a ihe fat part, iberoleof Mni.ClieTely,tb««dveDUiraNs. Bbe play- ed It wlUi akin aod •icalleol dlsAaUon aod will surely gain repuialioB by tbe naaner lo wblcb she has Improved ber OMMtinnlty. Issbel Irving was earaalBDdcoDvlDclngaaUM very proper, but some* what oarruv minded Udy Cbllteni. Her bearing througbonl aoggosted birtbaod braedlog, and her womhlpof her Ideal buobaod waa rfoeere wltboui lieing emirivs. UerlMt Itleey, sa Lord Ooriog, the nsD wbo talked saoh eotertslalDg BooseDse, aod acted so wisely, aod wbo wu so foitaaats as to koow what be was saylog when be Ustaoed at> tnUvely, had a rola closely Bklo to that whloh fell to his lot In "The Case of Rebellions Bumd;" con- seqaeoUy, as It wu In itae line of his host endeavor, be played It sdmlmbly aud made It ibe most Inlereat* Uig feature of tbe perfoniwnce. Stephen (irattan, whose work we have had occasion lo pralw alnce be became a ruemlHr of this company, and for whom we ailll predict future irlutuphs, wan. In tbe role of BIr Rnitort Chlltrm. disappoint lug, IIU tones werp al ouco loo docbtinstory and loo ninnnt- onous. IHh mcthiHlH of oxprDmlng by poae and actkio the mooiIm antl omollnnM cunsoiiueut upon bis nwnaring tUngcr wrrr luo runvonllonal, and either ataowed hick of imi|>rr study or inlnppre. benalon of Ihe siwolal chnnicler ho had lu hand. Mr. Orattan ban now roarhcd iho iM>lnl lu hln career when be should ccaae tu grnvrHlIxe, but Hlinuld study liiillvldUAl chantclrr In rval life, and lenm how lulvnt forllludr, ur ihu Ut'k of II, linw habll of telf couirvl, or want of Huch training, flis or uiiflta men tu face tmiiblo. Ho woulil even learn In tho c<Hintt' nf mvh Kliidy lhat many mon are itMt great cuwanls tu turn their liackH opiin danuer. A raivfiil rvvlcw of his own work will proluiNy cunvlnco Mr. Urattan ihal 11 U. lu Ihls case, entirely tuo iiivliMlmnnillc, and cfliutequrnilj aadly out of hannniiy wlih hln sur- rouudliiRii, and nuiy abm prove In him thai II larkH lllualiin and U Imi paliMlily only aclliig. I*errimu- anceallmt were rntlrcly aallsfnclury wrro nuilrlli- u(ed by \V,J. lit Muyno, Kathpriiio Phtrmii-e and Mn. Ctiarleii Walcoi lu is)nMplcu(iUH nilvH and Unt Tbotnajt Whim^n, ItcsHle Tyree aud Knieitl Tterlotnii, who fur Iho imnce had minor iMnn. Tlio play wan sumpiuoiwlj Htagnl, Ihv gownH dlsi>layed Iwing both rosdy and UfaiiUful, whilo ihu MittlnitH wore aitpntprlato himI eltfuaut. llie sotting of iho Ust act, a imudulr In nuideni Jainncm] siylu, wbh vspe- dally iiullcwblo ami cniiuucndalilo fur nuvelty ami boldncMuf dvidgu, and raflcrleil groat rrodltuiion Mr. Ilawley, the Hcriitn artlxl. The play achieved an luslantaneuus |Mipubtr nut'cciu ami will coin- niaud alloullon. It wan tliiiH cant: bml (luring, Uerlwrt Koti'oy; Sir Ituliori tlillloni, .Miepheu (irat- tan; Tho Ksrl of (Hvonhain. W. J. U Hoyiie; Vie- couito lie Sanjac, llavlil Kliucr; Mr. Uotilfiml, Vnuk Bburt: I'MiHw, KnK'et Tarlolmi; UitNun, CliarlcaA. Uuotllnr; Udy Chlllvm. iKaliol Irving; HalwIUhll- leni, Katharine Florence; l.nily Marklty, Mnu Chan. Walcol; laidy llasllduii, HckhIo Tyreo; Mra. March- mom, MrM,Thtinuu( WhllMn, Mnt. Ubeveley, HhiHU (^auHtrot) A innrili iwrfumianou lo aid of tho dor- man rullkUnIk waa given at the HgTRonu.rrAK UrMHA lIuiMg. evening of March 19 A C^>pauiiio Hhow was opened at Ihe Maihhun HqiriHB (Iahukk Marcbv.aud continued, with lliUuHUcceM, linwvver, until Uie clorto uf llio psHl wuek. The imu'otHlH worn forthe lH)Ucflt uf the Yuung Woinen'rit'lirbiilHU Amwi- ohillunand Ihe HI, Jhiubh Mbwtun Aimomicn- men! vraa oiaile In Ihe caiiy pHrt of tho pam wuek uf the ruiHUininalhm of uii amngoinoitt wlioruliy lUuhanI Hanallald a«iuro4l a Wnm, fur a tunii uf year^ uf lUHHiuAH'ri Tiikathk, whtrh, It waa fur- ther anmimu ed, he wuuhl renaiiw Tiir (Iahhick, A lieiieni (uiicerl wan given at Cahnkuik Hvtut^ llAi.t., ariunKHUi of March 14, In nid uf tbo family uf Ihe lale Adolf Uaunutiin. who WBM to have iipon stngp iiiHiiagur of tha lianinmi'li (himiaii Dpum (M., iiul who Iitst hU llfn lu lliu KIIhi dlHashir .Al Ihu Kkhkk.kv Lvtwy, un Man-h 14, "liollaRd Mr.Vuy,*' ii ruiiMiilli! pUy, In fiiiir arlit, by Frank Young, waH prvHcnbHl, fur Ili9 Ural tliiio un BiiyNtago, byiHipltH of Iho Aiiierlcaii AcnilDiiiy lit Ihu bmnuilli- ArlH. ll loluiliuHiury uf a highway- nuiii who, iiiKiii fallliiKln love wKli oiinuf lilsvlrlliiiH, refuniu IiIh wayn aiiil miinluit linr, uiiil erentiiHlly IwruiiM-M Ibo honored Mayor uf blH vlllsgo, llbt lUughiortHaliiiul lu iiwrry wlinn an uld |ml luriut up and nakcH ll qiiliu unruiufurlabln fur the uld man, llecumiuliH nninlurandiiurvlury ami thrrnt- ciiM to tell (if the MayurV nirly mlsilmlit. Fuhun- atoly Ihe vlllHgrrH sImhii tho iiiiinlrn'r Imrurn lie piilH libi Ihrcat lulu oxuruMuii, ami ili« uld nmn'H Hurrut lire iwriiuiiitiiilly burled A |in>ruHxlunal ituUiice perfiirnwiico uf "I^hi Mm-h JuhiiBUii" wuh given at thoKTANiiAUiiTiiKATitK Usrrh 1& Tlit? thtnl wouk of the seawiii of (loniiaii u|Him nt (ho MrritoKuuTAH (irxiu lltii^iut Itogan Marrli ll wlih a perfumiasce uf "(lie Walkouro," sh muiilloucil In uur last Iwuti. Tim ronialnhig workn uf the NIIhOuu- geo friulogy, "Hlugfrloil** and "IHo iliHillonlanui- nieruiig" wera glvuri 13 ami Ki reHpecllvvly aud "IkniihanHor" wan [irctwuled al tliu iiiullitee 18. Tha cast of eaith wurk wuh Hie hoiiiu sh uixm Ihu pro vluua prcsentflilunH. _ TUKAHUHRn llAiiHv H. Handxhmin, of Tmiy Nh tiH-'HThcsire, eiijuyeil a HiiliHUnlhl iHiiielK hI lliai huUHeafleniuun of Murrli 14. Thu audliiticu IvhUhI tlie ca|HSclly uf Iho Immimi hihI gavu tliu lung and Hlnuiglilll uf Hinslghl vnrlflty an aliundsnt dugnm uf applauwi. Huuveiilr pnigmiiiiiioHur iiuiy dhBlgii marked Ihe w^csHlifii. 'Iliu uiioiM<niuiit wan pro- vldeil by tbe fi>)lowIiig vuluuluurM: Jraii wllliaiiiH, O. F. liorraino, Juliii wIImhi and lirrllm Waring, HI. (leurge llumey. ttnn» Fox, Allra HanMiii, lilliy h. Climird and MhuiI lluth,Hlln. Felmtcuf, Ibiby Ml, AluiiKo Hatch, thu Dixon llnithen, Iroim Fmuklln, Mra. UeorgoH. Kitlghl and Murli^r llurcy, Klliin IraunHtewart. WIIIC. MallhuwH and .SVIIIu HarrlH, J. W. Kelly, WmUniH uiid AilaiiH and Mlln. Murello. Tub OfXHiKo atlniLihHi at lluyt'N Thraini iioxi Heawin will Iw an ariajiUlhtii uf ilin Krutitli fiirri*, "Hulaldes Ubros,"of whirh ClMriiw Fnihimtu Iikh Hccured llio AnHir1i:nn rlghlH. llosKHT Fa lliXHViUiiH uf Hiuownan and irnslnuH uf the ciUU un which Hie (^hIuu HianiiH, ui llnnfl waysndTldrty-nlnlh Htre<:t, haHiinrnghlnu uriloii lu tbo KlRhUi IHstrlrl (^iur(, fur Uib njRiddtuiituf llm Casluu Cuiiiuany and IIh iiiidiir UtnaiilJi frnin ihu proiiiliMM. The lamllurd's piiUlluii HllegrM that Ihu preiiilsn were leaHcd lo 11m .Sow Vork Conrrrl (^iiii- (any, one uf Hie ftfuillHiiiis iHrliig Unit ilin Itnwin HhouM tay all Uxph ainl aHMiwiiiniitH, unil un Juiy 31, IMH, all tlw rIghU, tlllfH and liittireHt uf lliui cuiiipauy were pnrrlioM-d by Mosun Wnlunmn, wliu afterward asulgued lliciii to (ho CurIiiu iNimMny, which laa Iwun In (HMMwtlun uver Hlturo. The laxus fur 1103, aniounUiig tu |4.Uu, and fur l>fv4,aiiiunnl' lugtu $l,47&, are Hitll duo, tho iwlllluiitiraHMrKBnd he asks Ilin Omri lu glvu Idni pfnwMlun uf tho pruuilsu, lieraiiMH, lifi Mtys, Ihu Iuimch have shown no dIspuHltluu til pay, dirsplln the fmiiuent nulli:nH sent (ii ihciii. It ih aniiuunred llial l-^ilward Hsrrlgiiii Iibh ulnioHi euUrrly recovercti fnun biH recuni IIIiivsm, ami Ihal he will \tcu\D litH Hurliiif lourAurll I, vlnhliig IIuh- tun, llruoklyn, FliUadnlphla and Newark, as well as a number uf biiui)Ii:|(Ikh In I'rniiHylVMiilu and New Knglaiid. Ho will Iw mippfrrlifd by Mra. YitainaiiH, Juho Wild, F^miia FolhM^k, JiMeiih HnarkH. Harry KNher. JaiiiCH Mi:(;arlliy and Halllo Muure. Man- BgerM. W, llahluyHlatCHlliat ho Im nhuntlatliig ftrr time fur Mr. Ilarrlgnii al a l>iii<liin, Kng., theatre, wHh tiM liileiitlun uf gfdng ihore irarly iioxt Reuon, llUBBMT KgrKCHaUf tbfl U'Mdiig TlinHlre. Ikrlln, ban iHien engugeil bh baiding man for the Irving llace Tliealro fur llirea years, ut IickIii next Fall. A PAKiu ucciirrcd In Adler^H Tbcaire, un the Ihtw- ery,atlhe inatliire Mrfuriimiu'o on March 18. ll wasealimaled thsl there were nearly l.uou itofiph* In Ihe sudlence, and the panic waa (H:i«Kl'incd b> Iheitrlkliigor a mat^h and the cry uf flrn. The audtenre nianed fur Ihfi doora, and nuuyuf thiwe In the lallcrr cllinl»ed out Ihe windows lo Ihn Imi- runyorcr the theatre cntranrflwlih Ihu Inleniloo ofjuinblnga Tliniugli tlm chiIiikss uf tlin flrciiitn and police wh<j were In Ibn Iiuumi-, Hib frlghlcntrd people Anally regslned iheir hoiuch, nnd what iiilghl DAve lieen a great dbiaHlrr whr avertrd. K. i. Katclifkh was almani fruiii lIu* chrI of "Thn Fa(sl (terd" at the Harlem (hicni Huiistt un March 13, owing U* the death uf his laby. Ills rule was aasumeiriiy R. A. Ilobens. FWRRNCB C4IIJATM, a cburus girl In "Madcleloe, or Ihe Magic Kliu." nuw plsyliig at thn lUluu Thea- tre, waa aUghliy burned un Ihn nighluf March 14. Her drew caugfil flrn fniin gss rscaping from a cal- cium light cylinder which wss Ignltul from Ihe llneHghl A. Oailv HA!.l..ex Mayor of .Vew York, has liefD eDgaged UyT. Henry Freiirh as preiw sgent of tbe Broadway ainl Amerlran TlieaireM. Hl'NDAV BKTRgrAiHMKHTH un Msrcli IT luclodcd llenmsD Tboiomun's Hfiiiga Illustrated and lUunh loated at the Atar Thesire, a ci^ncert by Ihe Ala* taima JuMlee 8logen at Ihe Oaalno, a concert hy Pnouose * Weal's MlmMrel Co.. In wblu face, at the Academy of Musk, and aooocert nodertho au^oaa of ieruDie H. Kddy al Ibe BlJou Tbeatn.