New York Clipper (Mar 1895)

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38 THE ISTEW YORK OlilPPEB. Mauch 23. KMriBR Tiiiimi.—"Jolin-t-))rt*nu," in oflglul plaj, In four tcu, \i) V. ItaddoD chamlieni, tud in nnit pmiltiL'tloD In Ibu countrr Itercli 18 (t llie liandt or tlM atook comjaDjr of UiU bouw. ItU fuir wu Rlvon l(a flnt praentAllon oo mnj iHsko Iij I. Ilccrlmtim Tree and bin compAn/ al tbe Ilsyimr* kct Ttcatre, l/)ii>ton, on Nov. 1,1N4. Ur, Treo Iwd Intended to prodiico II during lilii recent vljdt to IblH titjr, but deemed It of too mucb Imporljinco «nd more ciipecltllj of loo irreAt ft conunercUl nlue to lionlftjrcd here onlr a rnw tlinefl, ind be tJierefore wild llio American iiffhta to Charlei Frobman. Tbe lieroliio or the nlaj, Kale VInud, l« a alnger, of Mine repute, an orpnaii aod a woman witb a paat Wtien ilie play opeiu Hhe U a guealoo lioard Lard and Ijiilj lliirliriilKe'Hyarlitftbe*'MoonlieAin."Ainongthe uiiwKii an llaml'l Wjnn, otberwlne John«-l*reami. Nf-cBllcd liecAUHO or liljt (WmUc ternpermiuenl, and iilM biri foniicr Cfdlctte chiini, tUr Iliilrtrt UaillDKO, II iiiiin of tlio world JmpeiuouH, atroDtr willed and or vlnlcrit icunlun. Tlieno roiinff men have iwom riernal rrtendHblp, and the compact might have re* innliicil iintimkcii Imd tbey not met the wtnnume Kate. Itir llulwrt haa endeavored lo make berhia nitalrem, and, fHllIng lu thin, baa rallen doipcraleW In lora with licr. Hlie In alno iMloveil tiv llarelil. mid iiiKiii lilm her preference rallit. Tbun la pIftnUrd III iho lireast of the rejected Hiiltor jeatouiy, envy riiiil bulreil. Fnlliiwliig the avowal or her love Kate r nlluiii that nhe cannot Innorably becrfiao the wife •I.'Harold without couromlng to liim tifti ain of her funiier lUo. Hhe had liven a woman of Iho ameta, h:ivliiK acrcpleil nruatltntlon aa a meaua to pnt- vlilo licrwll Olid Iter mother with liread. Ifow- 4-VLT iiiiicli or aeir lualltlcullon her dire DeceH- Hliy may have aiRiniHl her, the Rtory hi an awk. ovarii one to c/inlldo to llin car of an honoiible Ifiver, Hiid In Ihla illlomiiia Kato telU her nt07 to llanilil'H father, a kindly nlil clentyman, wbone iirigliial liiipiilno to condemn her anin chanKCx to nyiiiinilicUc ronlveuneaa. lie haa liiat had a pain fill rviiiliidcr nf the weHknoM of buinanlty In tbe ilbauivcry that hla hoii Harold la a victim of tbe iipliini lialili, and ho hBa locked In bla cab net a Itotllu cniiialnliiR Iho dauftcrouii dniu which hti haa rnuiMl In hh aon'ri poaietodun. Kate, lielng iiatutally achFililvo cnnccraliia her puKt, notoa Ihe inonientary Hlihoroiice of tlio old clergyman, and refiiacH toac- I'xiil the later vcnilct or oIh broad charity. In lier Hul)nc(|iit'iit Interview with llarold. nhe tclla hlin abo vf*H nitntakeii In thinking ahe loved him, and Idda hlin nilleu. Hhe haa nlitnlned pennLvlon from lord llarlirldKO to uao hia yaclil, and to It ahe noea. HIr lluliert cnnica to vlalt llunild, and aa they have iKitli liecii rcjcclol by the i;lrl, Ihclr old I'liinjRirt or frlcniUlilp la renewed, lint na Ibey iiro aliout In drink to Ibi norpotulty, Kate la iiiinoiiiiccd. Hlio liaa come to tell lla: uhl bcr atury, null, huvliiir t'lld It, and llntlliig that hIa lora antrera nil abatement, alio abundoiia hcraelf to bUembncca, niid, i|iilte iiiiiicccMitlly, olTeta to cling 10 lilm for- I'.vur without marriage Ilea. Hut ahe givea hliu half nil hour to thiuk llover, and for that Interval leaves liliii. llaml'l, In a delirium of delight, talh iSr IliiiierloC IiIm gfiiKl riirtime, and tlien alta down to willo n letter to lila rather, telling Mm of tlio com- liigclojicnicnl. BIr lluliert piita the opium hi liar. ■ ild'ii glaiM (If Iminily, and they drink to their re- iiuvTcil filundiihlp; bin, upon after thougbl, becun- rliiitcathatri-laitilhlil|ila no longer poaallile, and. In Hecniln!(]uiit, a»kal<i larrccd rroni hIa vow, tothla ii|i|iaraiil onil iibialnliig rnmi hli rrtend Ihe wril' leu worda, "1 rcluuHoyuii—llaruld.*' The poor victim Hooji hliikH Intii Hliinor, and when Kate retnnia fnr her aiiHWur hu la ubllvluiiH or her preaence, and Hliu U Hliown by HIr lluliert the wonla written upon tIioiHi|KT. Shu HWiMiiiH and In taken almard the yacfit iiy tliu niiiicniiinbinaacroiiiiilrel whopropoaen 1" |Hit nut III wa ivltli her. Wrcw ol weather ikfcni Ilia piiriHw. and llurolil having recovercil,liaan]M Iho yaclil, lu coni|niiiy with liVa father, cluapa hIa Hivcctlieait In hla iiriiis ami aa Iho yiicbtnetaHull, rilr lliila^it iiiwH nut liitii Iho datkiicaa hi a wherry. Wovi^ii In and oiil uf llila atiiry la a bright thread of riitiicily luuirlbuicd by aovenil peiwina who hure llttir or no rnnucriliin with the nkit. The tbemo la rcnaliiljr an iiiiiilcaKanl one; It la ablioreiit and luiiiHuailiig. Arv Iho Uvea or good men and of pure ivniuon Hoiiiiuvutilfiil, an coninioniiUico that other vuixl men and n'oMicn can And In them no charm r Tlicro have been tliiicalii all largo commuiiltleiiirlitn lliiiinting vh'o n|ioii Ihe bighwaya haa liocunioao iignroaiJve lhat the arm or tlio law haa twept It back lulu Itn aoi ret lurking iilacea. Ilea not Iho huiir yet nrrlvcd when we may UanUh It rrom ilm Htiiger Wo have now bad wiancn with nniny HiTla 01 ugly laula, hut It hiu i-oiiuilued rur Mr. I'liainbcraiolcudUH Into atlll lower dentha ami In- trutliiee iih In u rDmninn Hlmt walker, wliimo in<itlit<r bail rnltnwctl Hie anmo ratling, and who, by 11 iinii^eM or alrliMiiy known iiiily tii Ur. CliamlierH, liccuiiioi lu a ruir alinrt yeara a wonMn nr pollah iinil brcoilliig. lint, not coiitonl with iluiintliig be- funi unr oyuH Ihia I'mituni or tho nluuiii, Ur. Chnm- bcniHolccIa rur hIa here a dreamer and a dnmo, who la addicted to iino nr the most deadly Hiiil dbiRiMiliig or vicea. \Va abould du unr hcb'CH a wniiig, tho ahigo a wning, did wo nut pnilml iignlniit thia growing evil, Vlewhig iho ilim- tit iliirt play and liiniliig our eyo.4 nway rnun ItK Miiin e, wo cannot tall to wliiill tliat II hia Iinicli ur rhnnu. It la ploaalng to the eye and to ihocartlmiiigliiiut iliu greutor |wrt iil lla length. It h iiioro liiliuist'lv laielli'. tluii any play oT recent veara, ami tlinitiitiiiiul Ihe lint two acta It la rantt- li'Miiiid ilellghirul. llalliioKaro anri and inualcal, ami, iliimgli Ihry an never billllani, tlioy are Mnitlilng and rentrnl. 'riio aininyphero or then) acta la iilwi cburmlng, and thmigh ttaoae iieo|ite may havo Hlnnwl, no fiimiw nor tmi-e niiuilua tiniui iliciii. .\ gfiiilo woman, wiaajtl bncaiue or tier bii'vlliiiw. a liivor, aini'cro and tender; a klmlly I'lil riilher and u rovrrrut aon, are llie rra. iiirra irlilrh gleam rruiu Iho aiirface iiT Itio itli-tnri'. 111 Ihh lailnt we aro l«l to lorget the inat.aiul tho pniaenl hi full of ilellght. Iiiii lu'ro Hill M-eiio rininge:!. The genila iiruHnocl la irniiitrumiiHl. and Ihe w-uuo ttecotuua vile. lYulai- lilltty ri'uMea; uvcii plauaaliltlly dlaapiicafa, and ntait fitllowH h niclinlrAma of tho luoat uncoii- vliir.liig riiirl. Iiciiiiiiia luvailii the fbtgo and p(ia.«>aa liH piiipli'. Tho di'iiiiin nr vllo liiilulgonce gnppica llanilil, Hill tltiiinai nr laircaanu iiiaatent Kttt« ami a vllo I'lingixignlloii nr duiuulia loilgo In Iho aoiil of Sir IIiiIhti. TliU iMirllnii or Ibu phiy la not pleiiMiit to I'imiiimiitatv, niid, ivlih a wnni or Jiiat jinilMi lor Ihe iiivtiy viiiiuily woiifti. wo will illamlMi tho Huhjcct. Tho pliiy was mluilnililv iwrrurmed, and, while II wiiiitil be only JumI to review Iho work ur the nevcral piliU'lluLi III ili'lull, lack nr aiui'O rorblibi inon lliuu II uHMliiu tribute In VInIa Allen, lli'my Ulllor, Ultllaiu I'avi'ralMinand J. K. Ihalann.eachurwhnni rnutrlbiiiiHl ii pi>rfnnnanco that coubl acanvly have bivn cwolUil. and amiiiig whom lleiinr UllltrlKiie llln (lilllil. bei-ailm nf blii uvou allinrlHlug OXt'rllclice IntlioiiiiuM trvllur mio nf all. \ve eauiini. In rair ihM.1. rinw iliU luiKiy nnilrn nr the porfunuunco wiiliiiiit n'liib'ihig pralso In lluliert Kilvaiai anil la-bi 110 Wnitu rnr their I'tianiiliig comedy work, whii-li i'<inli1biiii>d an givatly to the eiijnjment. *ltio play wan ItauiliMiUioly ataged and waa i-i'i'i'lvi'il with HliMiluiii eiilhnnlaain. ItH wic. rraH a'lii aK.uir\i1 hiiiii tho llt^it, and Iho Himnlniii'lly nr tlio ati)iluMao an tho vnrh imignwril alinired lliat It waa ronllntliiUHiT win- ning Inlli'i-iiiiprci'lMitiiii. and a-tien the cinf came iiiiiin i-niiiil (Iniilti lhat Ihu |ilay bad won a trl- iiiiinh. 'I'liiMi' wlin>o wrvlrea note onllalcd to thin I'uil niiu': llanild Winu. Henry littler; SIrllnliril Ii irlliigc. U'lilbiiii I'avi'nhnm: Uinl lUrlirldge, \v. II. cnuuiiinn: llw. the llnu. titrpliru VV'ymi, J. K. I>ih|. Kiiii: IVn-y M.i Oibiim. JaiiH'non l*o Finuuy: Mr. liiMDiii Wiiiiklyii, lluliert KiteiKiii: Uaptalii lUnlliig, i:. Y. ILirkiH; Klisi Mali', Kdgar Norton; Itnnlawalii, NVillliiinlir.vaiii: Klrvi .MicwanI, John WliliiiiHn; Sue- • indSli.'wanl.J.r..<<^>nriilr.; Ilutlor, Frank liny; Kale ilniiil. Vtnlii jMli'ii: ljuly ILirbrlilBO. tK^novleve lli'.viinliln; Mix. n-niiklyn, Klidc l)e Wolf; Scrt-aiil, MUi (i:>ll. M\.\ lln..<i:snRRii, rnniiorlr manager or the l>ee .\ifiiiii* Ar:iiloiiiy. Iini.iklyn, K. p., haa aocnml a I Aiiii'iiiv icnvnr si.JaiiicH' Hull. He IntoiiiU to rut till' tbi'iitro u:* u iHipiiiar priro bonne, with a hliii-l. i-niii|iali.v. rnr ivri'kly roxlvala of ravniite p:H^N. Tiie pr.-M'iil nuiie will lio nMalueil, and the n.N iiiiiiiiinu-i-il. fur tliu oiHiiiliig. iin April I. U "Tlie ri'if'.ia'i'il I'iin'.'i "IIiaMlmau lllliid" aQU'*llose. il.ile" will rnlnw. IToi'i.K'.i TiiCiTiiR.—"Tlie fma ItoaUa iir IJfe." ini< K-.-iiMtlniiiil nielndniuirt whii'b waa lint pnv ■ iiiriil 111 itiUi-iiv lu4t Aiigiiii. Rtano«l a wcek'aeii- i KiiTiMiuMi lii'n' Mimli IK. Kiliiiiuid Olllrr la ktlll III llie ;i(;i*l <>r Hie i-niiiiKiiiy. aiHwarliig lu Ilia orlg. itial rlLinu UTitr llli'k llawthonir. Tho liouito waa ^wll mint ami ihii aiiillcuvti loiilllled tboir uppmi-ai t' :iii' mcUHlniiiia with rirquoul ftiHdauaa. Next v.-.'i- <. * rntlnii King.'* Ni,u.u's I iiKAtiii; Uco. \r. Uouoe begao an cn- gagviiiciii liero nr Olio n-eek at a lOftUnee on Marvh 1$, in "Jly Ainit Urldget." Hr. Uonroo has Mlected II rniniuiiy nr apcchifl>ta who aueceed In keeping Hielr uiiiltinco coii>iaully euiertalned with tougK, ilant'ca ami wliiy iiuingiie. Tho Iwo Uonday audi* riiroN wriv nr ralr nir.p. Na\l week, lUibcrt (laylor, III "S|Mii1 Mi'AIIMiT." 'ri:i:A.trtn:a J|-i.n-a Hkvuax and A'lveiilKlng Auuiii U'ln. .s. nam nlll Iniirilt Jointly at the IXo- |>:rM'licallx<. SiiliiUy, April U. It 1:1 mruruialar aiiumiuied that Hlrbard Mana- lli'iil win niaii Hii. Harrirk lliealra (tale ilaitlganV) I' < ijigicr UuiHlay nllb ibe pioducUoa ol • ocw rlay. Kim'a Union Hquibi Tnianii. — March it narked two Impniunt evenU at ibbi botiae, on* being Ibe dehot on the vsodeTlIK stage ot Edwin Hevem, who ha* appeared In conic opera (or eer- eral aeaaona.lml wlioaa appearanc« bete was not producllre or any great amount of npplauae. Tbe other event nr Iniereatwai tbe metropoUlan debut or Cbaa. Kenoa, a Weatem monologue (ftvorlK, who waa given encouragement by on apprediatlve audience. Tbe oihem on tbe Mil have been wen In thia city for aevenil yean, and Tilg CLii^m baa often ipoken In pnlae or their perfomuncca. Tbere- rnrthe mention or their namea bi an OlcleDt lo convince hiblliiea uf vaudeville cnlanaliiDieDta that Ibe bill prraeiited thbi week la all right, and up lo the uaual atandard ur excellence which the maoagtment oT Ihe boiiae alwaya malnlalna. Tbe llal: Caw Dock- auder, Uiilhan, Ihe annleaa wonder; Ward and Lynch, eccentric Irtab diio: Nellie Hsgolre, English character alnger; tbe Dellorelll Uroa., Fnncb mualcal grolexiuea; Hllnaon and Herton, comedy duo; Geo, Aimtln, wire walker; Fowem Family, bicycllalii; I'aimli and lllndea, In idanlaUon non- aenw; Vanula, loot Juggler, etc.; John and Edna Vldoci|,coiivenallanalbita:FellXBnd Cabi,acn>liatlo and vocal opeclally, and Morton end Herelle, akolcb duo. I/)NI»y TnsiTNit.—The Roaaell Brotbem' Co. drew a crowded boiiae Uonday evening, IS, the opening matinee lielog abu well altended. The programme haa lieen changed materially alocetbelr loat vlalt lo the Uowery, and allkougb neveral ravniltea an mined thoae replacing them Oil tbt vuldalngoudsliape.aiid the progmmme remains, aa uaual, alUactlve. WlilUug and Bhepard open tbe show In llieir catchy akelcb; llaallngs andlUrlon, In tbe mco scene, gala applause liy Ihelr singing and acting; Will H. Fox, In bis mualcal comedy monologue, has added many oddltlea lo Ibe act, and la well rcmQnilioml. Uonnle Tbonitoa'a return lo the Bowery waaalgnallud by a tauny reception, her annm, which Included "Ouly One tllrl In this World rnr He," all going well. The Ruaiell Urothen lo Ihelr ImlUallons rollowed with the luuol eclst. (Aiarlcs (I. Boyinour Introduced bis mlmlciT and comlcalldes with tolUug effect. Tommy O^ilileo and Clara Havel, In Ihelr lively act, alao wen heartily sreeleil. lUcbmond and Olenrojwere Ui attbe Dolab, with their lively exchangee nt repar- tee, Ur. lUcliuiond'a many wlily calllea being full o( hIa uaiud "polnia." "Cuilce,'' Ihe condcal alter- Blece, coDClnded tbe performance, with Tommy Mlrlon as tlie wli« peddkir. Manager Feter H. Clark reporta excellent bualnena everywhere for the atlmcllou. Next week, the Iteuli-Ssntley Co. AniKr'H TiirjiniN.—JCaduiue Hejane Iwgan (he fourth week of her auy st Ihia houae March 19, when she gave Ihe Ont Amerlcau prDducUon of "Ma Countne," a comedy. In three acbi, bv lleurTUellhoc. Hnie. Ilejane anauuicil the role of HlqueUe, an act- rew, who, at tbe irqueat of Ihe wife of tho Dsroo d'Aniey-bi-HiilU!, undertakes lo curs the latter or nirtlng with >lme. Chainpcourtler, Ihe wife or an amatour playnrlghL Hho moat eiDMIually corrtw out her coiiliact by hcnieir ninlng with the llano, whom ahe inakea very rldlculoua. Her olilect la oc- complMied, bnwever, tor Iho Huron and hu wile lie- conm reconciled. Mine, llejane gave. In Ihbi play, proor or her ability, even more convincing than ooe bad Hhowii hi "Uhn. IStm Uene," for the mie la more complex and gave much wider scope lo her pnwora. Her supporting company llheirhie ahowed lo much Iwiier eObct than In the Ereceding phiy. The cast waa as (oUowa: lUnuette, line. Kejane; CInillde, Mine, lluluc; VIctotlie Ulianiprourller, Ullo. A. Martial; Huie. Berlandel, Mine. CIniidIa; Iloaalle, Mile. Haicbetil; Uhainp- courtler, U. Numea; OaHbm, H. Maury; naoul, U. llanilHirt: tmrvaut, U. PreveaL "U* tSouslue" will bo neen at all perfomuincea IhU week with tho ex* cenllou or thono given oveulnga of tl and -23. when "UaUKin de Poupee" ("A DoU'a Uouse"J, liy Uentlck llaain, will lie pteaented. Jacobs' Tiii!atkp--X. 8. Wood, pnaenlbig "Out In the Htnivts," managed lo comiortably oil Ibla hoiine night or March la, ibeaiidlence present belog genoraiinly niiiliikled with bUenthunlanllc adinlrera, who routed liHtlly as each InaiililDg slluatlon wsh unloldrd. Wliateveropponunltlea llie piece aObrda ror Hceulc embellhihuninui have not lieen over- looked, the nierlbi or a number or familiar repie- scntathinn bolug attested by tbe vociferous maiiner In which they were received, Tbe cluiactoni wer« lutniBled lo a aatbifacton company, whoee etfoitii received amiile rccogullloii. Tlie cast: Ibiirv f^bley, N. B. Wood: Sidney lleaton, Harry Dalloo; lluwunl lleatun, Chan. L. Karwell; IHck Walklns, Jerome ttuiislll; Kiiba Hturglss, Frank OoIIIih; Aimer lltiaggs,(leo. W. like; miz BUvuis. 0. Jay WIllUiniH; Ju« Wlllard.Johu.lpcncer: Samuel Pierce, P. W.i;corKc;John Ulllinore, Win. ilami; TImolbT Ktiibli, John fuj; Cabman No. m, W. U. Carey: Hbincb UalaiHy, Ida l/owln; Kale intchard, Rose WuUain; Helen, Ihe oiilcaal, Uun Lewis; Mia. HtraiM, Kiiima Whlinoy; ttn. Webber, Uary James; Uagglallonnvon,Ulllalluulay;IJttlellllndFlorance, Utilelllcca;UiillierHcr1mniona,llenleBcolt. Weber i Flelil'a Cumiwiiy cunica next week. Koiirsa ,V lliAi.'a.—The bill ptonented March 18 and week was iniido up of an ctiual number or new conicn mill holdnvera, all of whom shared the ap. Clival ur a large audience on Uonday nlghL rrof. orrla' I'oiiy Circus and hN wreatllug pony, llsnner, luade Ihelr nnt an|K!uronce at Ibis bouse and won loud apphtiin. IkHcu and Hubetta, a black fSce leiiui oil the biir1oai|iie tnipe7.e: Demoolo and Pant- ler. cdiitonhiulnbi, and the Nlcbola Blateni (Mabel und Ijilu), In iitaulatlon Buiigs and dancea, wei« abw new cunH)r>i, and In their mpeellve luma iron Ihe favur or tho audience. (:hule Luflua, ndmlu, (ulnlli week); (he Uiihleiiiann Trio, Swlw uiono- lalucoiH (riiimb week); tbe IIokiow Broihem, lll|. fiutlaii ainlulea (twenuelh week): the Frsniz fm- ly,acralai(a (tirih week), and llurlej and WllloD, tnpio hurtuniuil bora (ilxlb week), went continued favorites. A new picture wan added to Ihe living nlcliires. Fsnnle l«alle, Kngllah Uirleeiiue per- funiier. In numiuni-ed ror next week. Ukthuivlitan (iriHA llotaE.—The fourth and hiat wcuk or Iho noanon or (loimau opens, under the illRclInn or Waller llanirnnch, began March 18. with a pcrfurmaiiro nf "llie UebterBTiiger," which waa IhiiHcaat: Kva, Johaniw Oadskl: MagdflMia, Maris Uaunr; Walthor Von Stolilng, Meolaua Ilothnuhl; llnnn Siarhn, Knill Fischer; l^■gller, Oourad Uehreoa; llockniuitwr, lludnlpb (Iberhaiiaer: Ihtvirt, l<aul Ijtnue: Kuthner, Kiidl Senior; (Irlol, II. Urembetv; Vuglwcaug.A. Ulluuinu;Naohtlgal,J.F.Thanuou; Znin, II. i:irlrlia; Hnslliiger, llaua UoetUch; MoMr, Wllllaiii Uanein; Fulix, II. Neuiiian. "Die Walk- lire" will lie Rivon to, and on Ihe Inlkiwlng evening a tcniliiioiihu iwtfoniiauce of "Slogrrled'' will lie flvellln liuiiur of tho one liiiiidrcihappeamnce or UK Almry In the llllu nilo. No aniiouuceuient bos Tel been uinilo rnr;M, liut "Trlibiu and laolde" wU] lie givuii at tho mailueo *J3. Tits Caminii.— Several now lealuru wer« Intro- duced lu the vaitdovlllo iicrfornuiiice here night of Uan-b Is, among them Iho Unit appeanince or Chiinllo Itcvere. ft high kkker. Maude lluyiiiond, vucallat, made uer dolnil at this hoiine, ami Nina Farrlugbin, eccentric wuignircaa, and UrouJeau and May. idack wire porfnniicni. were uliu adilcd rcaliin:.i ur the bill (ur Ihia week, or tho holdovem, Uacart'n dng and ninnkoy circus In easily one of Ihe atrenjtenl acts. Uthcre who contlnna arc: SpadonI and Agues, U. Ilchat, UI.\oii Uron., Ooiutaiis and Ida, Jiiaulta, llnitlien (.>>r]ian. Mile. Chatel, (he Nahl-llradle/ living sbiliien and (bo ballet. Ili'SKn'a I'Aiai'K Ui'sii m.— Tlie fat woman's t>l. cycle In pnivtug a lilg iliawlng card, and Is kuoplug the spacious halln cruwded all day. other reaiiiren In the curio halU are: Com. Speck (midget), Tun (4iMku charmer), Frank Coltnn aud hIa Iralncil Jacks, Tv\M Jim and Ida, l/> l,n (glass daiicei). and Pnif. IMIincr'H glaai e.\blldilon. Stage: Maliel Slanloy, llenii aud Jose, tho Amienun TMo, Waldo Whipple, IVniaudezo, lillka aud Wehdo, and Ibe UcAvnyn. WuKTii'a MivRi'N.—The cnlotrd minalitl organl- rullnu A-enin In lie IIMiirr hero In Ihelheatre portion uf ilio biillilliig. Their slay In Indelhilte, Inn no clmugelulhosiylenrentonaniiueniLnconlcmnUtod. Tile i-oiuiaiiiy Is kuiiivu an C. X*. Mooie'a tVlkircd Mllinlrvln. uml In i-oiii|Min4nl of tliu rollowlug: llllly Wtlnoll. Olisntc I. Ilavtn. llllly l-'uiTell, FnilT riper, llllly JnliiiniHi, Jim Wlbtnii, Hialggn and Uruudy. J. WllllanK Mr. anil Mm. Wi>.<lcy Nnrris. Matlle W ilko, Lottio luvKJerry Mills and hla plckanliiulcs. Busl- iiei-ai-onllnuestn be good. MiSKH'a lliiwKHV 11IEATNI.—Tbe Irwin Dnibera'. Show uiK'Ueil to ralr Imiinen HoinUy, la, eveiy turn ou tho untpranimo liehig well rvi-elved. Cart and Jonliu, Ueuiiett ami Uaunon, John W. World, (he National TTIn, Hie Ho Forceahi, Ihe American Two Macs, Liilgl Hell Oto. JohnsoD, Uaveupoit and Lc^ elks sod John Wblia's mules and posy iiiike op a good show. Next week, 8am Haven's Oo. TuE 0HV8TAI. cuAMDSuias In the banquet ball ot tho U'lropoiiun llotui were sold at auction March is. They are seventeen In nuuil>er. and wen se- cured by Uwar HamuMroteUi tor (-i.eao. Mr. Ilam- mor^elii Intends In have them remodeled (or elec- lib al lino (or bin now niualc hall. MiSRH'a Kiiiimi Avrmk Tiikatiin The Wj Bpnria (^l. miiviil up here rniin Ihe llowery TtHaire iiu March It, opening bi a gnoti tlied audleuce. It Is a reluni engagement. Their prnvloua vbdl here this season wan an enllitly atllsAtcloiy one, aa tbe bunlneaswas largc.and Ihe enlertalsinent (nmlstaed nieaaodtbenatmuaof Ibolbeatrt, Keilvesk, Ue llajUoiraidCu. Toxr Pima's TBgATna,—Thto hoise was packed to tbe roll limit o( lu capacity Monday, March 18, when an eia«edlogly strong liU ot variety was oomtd to naber In Manager Postor'a "JoUleeweek." The comnt dan mark toe end o( Ibe Ihlrtlelh year ofbUcoiiaecnnreserTlee as ■ New York smiae- meolpreilder, and on 23 Ihe annlvenftiy day will be celebnled In ft llttlos mannor, Ihe event being made donUy Impoitant iiy tbe gratlhhig success lhat has atleodel bis eOOris. The blUtor thhi week U one o( more (ban onUnaty merit, and la especially Dolawoitby (nm the (act that too pmormen made their American debot 18, and Ibree peoola reappeared be(ore an American ao- dlence, after an extended absence abroad. Don Hon and Aitino, Lydia Dreams and Ufae Mourler, Maud, Uule end tdle Blaler. and May and Venle Belfrey mads tbelr American oehols and tnmlsbed an hiieiestlog porUon of Ibe prograoune. Zarmo reamared In this counliy after two ycani abnad, and hla Jnnling act, which opened the bill, met with conaldenble (aver. Tbe three bbden Slater coDblbuled a rerr artistic acl, opening with a banjo tom.aunnented by neat song and dance, and nn- Isbed with s skipping tope specially adeptly execut- ed. Their act met with a generena degree or ap- planse. Next came Hon Hon and AiUno, who did a mirlaqne tmpeie and boxing act that seemed to Kesse. WbUe tbelr act Unot oilglnol. It may Und ▼or with our people. Oeo.aDdFmmalllgbleytben gave a Juvenile skelcb, and Introduced several mn- Bical Instnmenls with eolerulnlng ellbct. FrKz Young and Rmlly Bells made Ihelr lint appearance In America oaa team, and scored one of (he hits ot tbo blU, Mbn Belts Is exceedingly clever ss an ocnhat, cootortlonUt and geneitl athlete, and her work was TOcUennsly applauded. Hr. Young clowns the act with good lesnlt T>Miy Pas- tor was accorded the usual abundance of heaily applanae bis singing nnrsUlngly ellcl(^ and hU salecdona were o( (be popular sort. He waa repeatedly encored, and responded with bU (all complement o( cumnt eonga. LydIa Dreama Introduced a venlrlloqulal act (sr In advance of the average performance or that sort, and alao proved qnlls adept at rapid crayon work, aketching familiar faces very quIcklr.sDd with excel- lenlefffecL Aaalataiice was rendered iiy UlaaManrler, who Binga fairly well. Tbe audience warmed up (o a vigoreus degree when Polite Uolnies made ner appearance and gave her an abundance o( ap- planee, which she well deserved (or her excelleut sluiing of humonus Iilsb melodies. The Blalera Belhey seem (o be nry promising perfnimeia, as viewed rrom (he Amerlcsn alandpolni, (heir act be- ing endowed with (bo dash and vigor popular wKh onrpeople. Tboydresalaexcellent(asIe,aren(her pndy In (ace and their bodies are supple, giving tbelr dancing the dealralde eOtet or ease with the attendant grace. Their costumes era well chosen, ven pnlly and add considerably to their acL llalos and reulnglll were favorites with Ihe audi- ence from the start, and ihelr humorous dolnga and wtuy dialogne were mucb appreciated. Hons, ("nvelle, oaalaud by Mme. Fimvelle, contributed some clever bllaut necromancy to flnlab the bill, and Ihev also gained much appuuie for Ihelr work OH shanowgnphlsts. Ths entire programme was well received, and (he week Is likely lo ondwKb alHindantprofll. UANAuas Lot'iK ROBiXiorMlner'sRIgblh Avenue Theatre, will have a lienodl In Ibis tbeaire on Sun- day nigbt, April 31, when tho sale of drinks and smoking during the performance will be ellmtsatsd. The lUt ot volunteen bi already very large. llsaAUi HurAaaTHUTac—"Rob Roy," iTie chamiing voik. Ilia rsnitllloa of which by IhstexcellvfllonnDin- Uon. the Wbllaej U|>«m Cooipaoy, baa no loug ilellRbted DH, bi at Ian about to doi«rl. It enloretl on March 18 uiMi ihn t«enly-Bnt and llnal wssk or lli ran it thin Iiovao. It vlll oot be foncotlso. hoaaver, for picanant inSBlorlw alU llDXflr oflhs work (iwir. or Jullelta Cunleo sni]. In lacl, o( ad tha princl|iaU who contrthulMl no naally lo oursaJoTpiant. It vlll be roltovMl S by Mm. Pouer and Kjrria Bellew, wbu will play a brief eogage- Firm ATK^ca TnaAraa.—Vm. II. Craae In drawlna •aeallent Iwunna with his newpbir,"IIIi Wire's Fnilier.^ Illtovn work In Ihn pbiyli hlalilr prtUei] and hin nup- Sirt ncelrcn much cooimcndatlon. lis enland oa ■rcli 18 uiwB tlie rufltlh w««k or hUvInltanil be will veiT pnrijsblvnnialn UDIIIthecloieortheMasna. I'AUiKa's TliaAVaa.—Mrs. langtry, la ber new play, "Oonnlp." taterlalasd birae anilleacen all or lant woea. llnr prcnanl uodrrtabinx bolnaleMambltloun lhanmaay ofber foniisreironn, anil faalnaiulta within lhenc»|i« or liar powam, baa nnullad In a wMar racoanlUon of h«r usrlu. Hli« baaan Ihenecond weak of hernuy MtrchlS. Lvcst-a TUBAvas—Oscar Wilda'n eounalnlna play, "Aa Ideal Ilunbaod." which b*aan lu run atlhUhouna last wsob. has racelred abDndnnl aMuranca ofnuccen. It InwIoDlngaiuchpratna, and In already bainc umchlolksd about. 11 Agonin niucli MllnrActloa to nolo dial It baa wan vuccaia bi splla or Uie (Act that It dlnplaysnooa- clsanlloean. Ilovra TaiUTaa—"the Pbandlloa" Is ilolog remarkably wsll, UiB house beloiT cnwdvl si STsry Mrfonaanca. TIN pbtf b Tsrr onlortabilnrr. hut It In Drobablf thai tin nuccanalnlaraelyOas to Ibsveiy (.oM danetiia or Ctnr rUwraU. The rounh WMh or the ma bepo Manh 18. BaoAOWAT TnaAvaa.-"llm<. Hann tlaoo," an poniaysd byKaUirya Khldsr and bar comiuy, hu ool only con. llnuad lo tiTs In sidle or Ilia rival pretsDiatloa, but has nurrlred II, aad on Maivh U entoiad upon the tsnUi week or lla rao with Uis announcvurat that fron lhat data Uirae moia weeks stand to lla ccwdll. aaaoaN TiiaAvaa.—"Lllllo (%rl*to(>lier," with BoMle Boasblll a prime rarorita, conllnuis Its nia al ibb bouao and ban sItso no notice or dspanura. It snlered on Msrth 18 upon Ihe twenty-thtnl waek ot Its nin, and an. noancsmsat Is made tbst the two hand red perfonusnce will be idnn o. IllJouTaaATaa.-"}lsdsllaa. or llis Hsalc Rln," coo. tiBuen St Uitn house. It besaa Uaith IS lu fourth wosk. fouaTKS.VTK HraSKT TuSAvaa.—"Ilie HhAaaiiraao" be. na tui Uilid and last week at llila boune Starch 1ft. Crlp- lls I'AlmoBi, who playsd lbs role or Father Dulan at the opsnlnBP«rronasncen,lncoolbledto bis badwIUirbeO' msUani. Uurioa bin abnanra dn role In boloa plsrad br Hr. Da Hood. Nsilwtek H'ni. K. tloay, In "Tlin Plamn.'' I.. wH Huuu. .ivAk awn n lu. r . ,,va7, ,R llinriaiUH. GTAaoASb TnaATaa.—'Tm Hucli Johnson" cdbHouss al Uiln bouse lo aood buitne*. It emend upon Us nor. aolsanUi week March 18. A proresnlonsi nullnso. alreQ 15. AcAUKUT of Mcsia—"dory or the UIU" bsnaHsicb latlnetllhUi waebst Ihlsboun Btas TSKATaa.—"Ths Okl llonietlasd" contlnuan to plasi* die patrons or Uils bouio. It bsBsn March 18 tbe lasItUi we«k of lis run. Doaia* Huoo TUKATaa-Maaagsr Doris reporta a stead. Ihr Incraadoa business hsra. Slid Iho niccens of ■ItIdw aootiauouiTsudSTlIls perfonnancsn saMni to he suursir Tbia week's list or psrromista lacloden: The Kloclric qaarlal, NstsooTrio. boy Is sod Orahani. Collins sod Fsr- IsT. lA Vsnia Slstera, Hllrhls and Rllohls. Munro and Hinmsn. roarlttannond, llBtrr Mors,Ed.ManynK Dick Lmisll, BlUy WUllams aad BcodsM. Ilarlesa,—At Ibe llarleD Open House Ihe Ken- dils ot*n«l Ihelr only Ilsrisni snaaxaiiient, March 18. tea crowded houw. They stand a aood chance toiiack IheliounosllUils week, jadaing trom tbssdranco sale. Tbelr repertory': Monday. Toeutay and IVadns^tay eren- Ins. "I-iSy Ctsncarty:" Thursday. "A Whits I,ls:" l-'ridiu'. ".in fur Ilsr;"^ Kitutdsy nisllnes. "Tlio Secoud Mm. Tamisfwy." .Vexl wsok. jHclwrd MantlleU. CuU'Mulu—I'etor DAllgy did a bla iHiitiisns tut week. Chaunrry Olcnll aliened U lo "H. H. OV slid wilt no doubt ,lo well sit the week, as all ofhta pravluun siiRase- nisnui baia bean piortlabls. Neit weak, want and Vokes. In "A Hun on a Bank." OLvarir.—Tlio May IlowanI <;a. plsysd to fair slteil asdlsncan all week. T1ii> Ladles'Club opeiinil loairoud house IK, Ihslr sscond enjrsninenl here Uils sesson. Nasi week, Ihn French Fully Burloniue l^. IlAatKN Ml'sBCB.—Crowds wan Ihe ruls the |iai4 week al thin iKtpulsr bonne. Curio Itall-Uiode ivtltlanis' Ftck. SBlllnle^ Klonnle lA RUacbe, Pmf. ami Muio Leray sm) Annells. Kuae—IM. and Bella llanilroni, U Kay Mil. Isnl. i>rl Hoyns sml Oiiiiey Ranilo, Kkl Ka)-uiond. M la- glo Wllllsaln and Harry Tboms. TUB'a reopened It biarslrnlied audlsnea, absn sanlclsu blll an<i presaolcd, tnrliullna Tom Fits. Erabl, Corm ^ llllsl1l^ His. Ilunnell, Rraslla swl Urr, lbs iipire Oonmly Co., Viola HIdbanlson, Fred sod Ella lluulbun. aud Alleo. NEW YORK ST ATE. Drooklf ii.«rnniter1ty aeeou lo miWe uu tho uuiB|(«t«oflh«rterboiuM In thla cllj-, wiil uDtouiunn* unrup*»«nmltrununeov«rtMk«<i Ihfm b«roi* ih»cloii«or lh« rr»**nt HiMbt) tli«y fhooKI hur* & dmI btUnc« on lilt rlylilHlOe nf llie l«dnr. Tb«r« U i dlTaninnlM- nrlnitnt of bill* al Hic lltvatm IliUiwk (hit i>ltouhl BMW tho Hn>okl)ro,r*oHr. «ho rhnaN IlnJ llllle trouble I »«l«rtiB|CMNnet)ilni rnin ili« collection iliii iriu aive Mtluirtlon. The MM lnrlihl«i '^he Hkck Crook." «Tiicb U prcHluml In en eUbunie niinner at the C<>luniMft* ' Nr*. l*DtUruid Kfrle Beller, In rvperiArr. al ih» l*ark: Juiiea J.rori>eii 11 Ihe H^nu. "A t>nrk«r Jack," e oev ttar her*, at iheliur; rrlnimm) A Wchi*^ HlDUm^ai ihe lr«n>IOp«r* IIoa»*.anil \V*hvrA PieUi at n^ileAHeh- mut'K The Ka«iem DiMrIrt hDu*e««-(iUt«ohnr«i«nie SneaiirifiloDathltweek. *^ie I'x.uinir fHioir," aoon< *«iulc«l. Iwt •xtremelr enienalnlnir. illr*r«|on. i% at the Amrblon. **The Khni*" la tianNl at (he Oareli-, and "Tlic Dertir dinner." whtcli haareiumeO lo BrDokh-o, alter aa abMOWPf two veeki, and ti ill be i>«en at the Em- I'lr* fnrthoflr«iilmebv Ihe pationnof that boui«, >iu). snr JoliB tf. IIMmM liu b««a Uolnn a |to«d bu>[o*»i MDc«hat«aanie<IactlT«Mninlof the 6iarTbeair*. and hlabooklon bare b«eD hlghlr MtlaCiciorr ti> bli tarroni, Harry P. Ifoaan. «bo wta iraajmnr of Ui* Stu Thaair* vhll*att4erwalmr Baaford'a manaimiMt, baa bten r*- BIbm aibu*ln«M tuatufvr and trawurir br Jnbo W. ohdeiu Srae or the playa ai the local ibMiroi an aew loBrMk1^Dtt«^«bl)«olh«n bare b*«D wen b*ror*.but Iher are Kooi tad will c«ininaQd the attMtloD orttae Uiea- trafoeni. TbeaBUt«anwiUT«aitliUv*eh.Wb)lerauilca] eottruluDinit will mi la the«eek. A number of Ane proflTunnM hate been anrnand. CoLVMBli —Manait»r Knowlei haa for hie aiindlMi IhU week "Tlie RUrk CnM^k,'* which opf ae«l Harrh U, l>efbT*alil|i MuiliFnce. If It coDilniic-4 isi dnt* iltiilnt ihi« t*«i of ihr week a« li dhl on the ni^alnB Dighi. It «|Q l>ru*eon* ofthr uioti ptviltaMfk booklno iiiat baa W*a (Ma tier* ihUwaivn. Mr. aotl Mr*. Keoslal v^tv liri* u«i wfth. nHHHai HMbIuoh^ Id "The Urud VUltr," BiJOc.-Jamea J. Cert^ii. In "nnntlenian Jack," re- tame ihta week, upenloy IKioMudloitrnMnoaij, aod icrr link of thai. Doanfllr and Qlmnl Uii wMk. . Mf*. week a'Kwrs^J2"iii'ssi"KsrKii.x, I. -A ^iiJiJsIWSaSlsaaitsr John W. Ilolmsn lias sMther "u'Jo'Ja'fliriw-St lbs mansiaK ot thli hoB« %7.'ia%~i!MM.-5.'£?-.^^^^ tut anil ii,'„°°ai.*dia:ii'ririr«8,^ra^ "iSfni'M'-TbU week U the trf oppoitonltf Uirstrtiro. smln tb Is part ot Iowa l«vs bid U «• 'Tlie Pssnloj Srow-Ma liosl hoo«.sndsbl« crowd look sdraDlsaa Sf II18 when lbs coaipsay btsao a week'a snnasresut hon. Tbe outUiok IsbrIjSt ror s blgaesk. 'His Brown. '*fiA»m.-Wllllsm Ilosr Is hers tliU week In "\ FUnis." He In well liked by His houne n palroan. a I wblcb wsnstlsMfil h^."'•'''""^!tV,!li'll"I^JlS^l"irn" Ihe oponloj nljIiL Coming », I'rioiioss A Wssl s MIn "BBl:iBa.-A nod slied sudlsnte was presenl. IS. wlisn •Tht Deiliy Winner" insdo lis Inltlsl awoanince In lbs Kaslsn UlslricL The msnssenient or Johnjon A tTssb iSSTlun been tsiT saturaetory. "In the Tenderloin' TTCsca.'-Tbn Phillips Plock Cflmpsnr Ibis week prj nnt 'Tbe child Biosler." Ths Iwllsklosl mom beta or ih company are -III In popoUr rsror will; Ibe hoii.e'. Mlronn. Tlio openInK wrfofinsnca was to a crowuou Couna. IViraln!(».'TIienollcsnBasn." Uaigi'S.-A7str sliad hoonowaa prensnl W,when tli Unlnoo npsnlls IJ). p-a««ntsd tho burhwioo on Masco csII*J''MaK«riJack l"ot.'' Ths olio: Mauds Cbamnloi,, ths r«hon«lnl.r«. Msnda Mclntyta. Lincoln Rrollieni. Maude Ollbect, Billy l.'llnce and Iht Marians. Msnsasr Carr's bsnsni but Kridar nllM was a bla Buccesa, aod he respeilallnollttlosuni. , ^ , Vam—JiB enjoysblo sniertslnmont was nlren IJ. puTRn.—w,juj-.llo onisnsinmoni wim iiiiei, i*, ai ths CrilsrIoaTIissIre, by the pupils of .icon C. aumlism, snatsted bvT. Lewis Doyle, plsnllt; E. K. Newell, mnndo- llnirt: T. C. AUsmoia, aollarlnl. and Mm. J. C. HIclitar, - * k^H.^ aa._t..j»*Al1 —M m sWa BAlAMSlAaa BnsAal* Ij^ ajulated brT. niittiliit '*rie .MiifflalraU" wM the aelecllou made Ihe Amanuith for lla perfonnMce laji the Aeailemy MoaU'a ami, ootwlihai»nlIn|kUie fl g W> it J l>f«M.fcJrtoniir niBlit, Ih* houae waa erortJw to ill* doftfc neHrform anee waa well aiaceO, and Kored ft wf««. • • • ■ • - A double hill WM fflT*n by Ihe riorene* Drmmatle Rocletr 1.1, w the iiritcrJon—"Tbe Chimney Cbrnef • and "l»ni Me Uto BlilllliiBa." Tlienwana |arK« knJ CDlhURlaatlc audience pr*nnt,aiid theporfermanf*w« pfwily eiOoyed * H'. Kelly, who waa with the II. W. H llhaiua Ooinpaiir, llvde A Behman'M Iai4 wc«k, ro)-allr eniertalin while In Bnuklyoa Nlfflitof khewM theReeator ti Home Club, aod on the fnlhiwlnf nlaht vu Uitdered a i ceptivo by the Jame* J- 3lllUnl Club. Boffftloo^At the Acadtmj of Uudc Mario WaXw wrlrht eomee March W-aft CIi»m. Dlckaon 21-Zl, "A Trjp to Clilnnioan" oeii weeka Olfa heiheraole dellxbt«d ■plendlil Kudlencea. .... eranTiiKATHt.—Keller c«nie« 18 for three oiKiitK. HlfliiuirAU..—T1imiiaaOrtheirlr»ll., _ Ltcii'm Tmutrk.— "Down In UUU" ilila week. "Tlie Bpoa ot Life" next week, tkare Biwlle'H return eafmse* Bieui waa a repetition of tlie drat dale. CDVRTBTMin-TllKATHS.-Atroh'aVAuJeTlllaa Ihia week. Ihe London Bellatneitweek. TlieNlithtUa ladld nicely. HtiKAfi Ml'dic Hall.— TraJa, the Donovnms Frank Reto, Isnlu Trimble, Little Jcriinioii. Braao Hroa., Allyo and Llnnnla Tlion, Rlla Dunnd, Muakal Rarena and Kred McClellaD. Trade la active. . . „ KUTra.-4nannce andflaille Rohlnaon, ofnefelartil. 0., on trial here for uiunler before Jmlft* llatdi. In (he Supe< riorCuQft. (a a conffMlnn. clftlnieU to Iiaw been mem- bent of Ihe Kuaaell I'anioiiilmAaad Coiuetlj Co. and were alranded at the Jameatown, N. Y., 3luaee. In April. 1HM. Very iitn>njtclrcum»iaallaleTldi>nce liaa boon filven tliat Uie dehntfanuahol lawyer ModtKooiery UlliiH lien the RMiir month, and the case Iibm proven to m the moat mod* MtloDBl In local BDDala The taklnit of t«atlmnny for* Referee lloyt. In tlie creilliora' action aninat the Meechea, bevlna 19 Mr. and Mra. Uaurice 1*. Haynes and tlie Bt.<nalni'wit avalnnHlcliaelKlieicfor nllerol llleR&l canceUailon of cootimct, occun In tlHMunlcrpal Court tbe nme date. Altwny.^nie lieland Open Houm had TIh». Q. Seabrooke'a Opm Co., lo The (Irand Vliler," Vnrch 13, and aland InR room ouly wotall ihAtcouM be obtained, "ifltenaodoali" wti* performed three ilinea IX U, lo ihe. canacliT of tbe bouae. Al Ibe Uat perfurmance tin bridf e broke la the cnvBlry charge acene In the Uilnl act iiUarlnfr aereral meiubera uf ilie CDtupany, but not aerloualy. The ivroaliider of Uie week the Iiouae waa dark. Comlnv: IB, "The Twenilelb Century Olrl;* U, Thatcher A JobnaoD'a Ulnaireh: 21, 2L A Lillian Ken- nedy, lo "8be Cooklo't IIbttt Three;'' A Robert "antell, lo rMertory. lliMfAxm BtiscKKR Hall had conile opera aod llrlnir pIctureabyUw WllhurOparmCo., bat week- Eljtht dlifer- eot operBB wen auoji, ud Kood alzad audlencea were prewni at each performance. Rooked: U, 19, "Holder and Fly;" 6oua»'B Band; 31, O, 23, falmor Coi'a ''Rniwnleiu" JBaiiAi.*(llAUaheld alarm audience lA, tnhearrrleila BImonaon, thechlM planlaj. Ttie Capllal HarOo. Mandolin aod aullarOrchaxim will iiIto a concert 19. TnK (lAin-r Tiiuthk liad a aplendld bualnemi all Uitt week, with Bub llaDc)teater*N Krench Folly Compftnv. The tlieitire waa crowdad earh nlshL roulng: U-23, Reerea A Palmer** CoamopollUn VauderlUe Co,: 25-31 C. W. Wmiami'earne d lana. RoeheateroAt the I jmudi TbOH. W. Ke6D«, In reperiory, betlna March 19 for Uie drst liair of tho week, when a lomi attraction lake* poMealoii SI.^NouM'e Band for thrve concertiu 21 Xl. Tliomaa Q. Hoabrookst •stayed to fair bualneaa IS, 10. ComlDK: 2&-Z7, "Down In >U(er S, 3D. Hluan RoNvn. Cook Ortimx lIotuK.—"Tlie Milp of Kinte" rtaticO on a ihroo daya' aall 18: Wanl and Voket follow In "A Run on Die Bank" 21. fur tlie runalmler of the week. HI lleorv'a MInatn-laand CtiftB. Dlckann dlvMctl U«t week to geoU bualneM. Con)lnK: aand week, WIIburOi»emC-o. AcADKMV or MuBic-Jame* II. Walllck. In "TtieCaiila KhiR," It thla week'a aitrmctloD. laht week "UyAoni Brid* Rei" pUyed to well tilled hou*«a. L'nderilnwl forD and week, Uurmy and Mack, In "Knnlgnn'a Ball." WctDBHUtNU 31(-iiw:-THK.iTRK.—Thla week: (hirioliall —Frmnk Ralfllon,wlih hla collection ofaiiake*, and Mme, nartetlle, with ber tmlnetl binla. TIteatre: \V|li if. Denny, Prof. JaWallamptun. wllh hU trained anlnialH: the llarbecka, Uie Fltulbboo Famlb', and Moore ami Karch«r. - Tax CiiiCACo ORctiDfTRA. Theodun Tlioiuan, leader. eoocerti»atFimiUBUHall23. * Tmy^Xi tlie tirtawold Upera Houm, Unrcb H, IX 'iDiaoandoali" drew hit houaea at advanced price* Joeeuh Hurphy, In "Tlie Kerry Oow," played toH. R.O a. fspfoer and FUr" dhl (kTrir „elf iS, 18. LimUi Lew(a.ln"CleoMlm."cmmeU; Warxland VokeM, In "A Hun on the BanV." 19; *-T1ie Twentleih Centoryillrr aa Tbalcber A JobOBOo'a HUutnla 21, Tlie Collon KIok" 22, ZJ. " RAjcp'fl Opera Hoi'aa.-F.. K. Davia' "Uncle Tom'a Cabln"t;ouipaiiydrewabl|tbouM II. The Prean Club'a beneni, IS, waa a bl|t auccena. The Dale Block Cumpanr. alocalorfmniifttloQ, plarcd "By Force of Imuul».™i8. "jMepH" oaine 19. AI.U.riefci;*Mln-lnH*ai. (lAim TuKATRt-Tbe Monte carlo Ulrb' Uarleaaue Cotnpaoy came W for ihe week. 1»» Mcaio iUlu- ilouaa's Band o Bia aymeaa«.»At WlMng Opeim House IJlllaD Lewla.ln"t:ieopalr&,"drew well March 14. "A PrIraU flaereury" (looal) drew fair atundoiice lA. Tbe Wilbur Opera Co. will pla)- a return week \«~tt. ^.'"VJ"--;'.'?"!** Taylor (loeolt.iI. Ii drew well. "A Buodi ofKera" had votkrhua neaa 11 li, Aobort Mantel! cmiiea UMn ■'Moobara," -The (;on»t«n Broth.TP aod 'T'ly Marhle lleart." THoa. W. Keene. In "HauiUi ^jl^la II," "Tbe Hertbant of Veolce" aod "Hldianl Hi" n. R. JArpaa" TnitATaiL-."nio TempUUon of Money" IdL^ 'Wji5:'lia'l«M»lait«oUanceI4-l«, Tony ("amll, tn "Oarrr Owen" it-Oi, Unmr and Mack. In "FlODlgao'aBall,''ai-D.AnnrKaFv5f VIloa—At tbe Ulica Uperm Houm Ulllan Kon- ne«ly. In "fllie CouMn'i Marry Tliree." March 11 11 la. titd weir AL O. PieM-a MInattela doaed Ibe U ioi MSi .Al""^''^^I'l^'^'TheTwenlleihOon. lunr tllrl" m "ocert ihKal) Rob^Jleniell 21. ftoun'a At lite WoDderlana: Corft liall-«^uili 8ea I.laod Joe Aod wife. Dr. L> nn. Pundi nnd Jody an.1 Aua^ trlanOI*« Wowew. RUje-Joho U. Reoor, / Ue. Sianlay and Bouihw ami Tony De Long. iw. n *-Olher Pemde-i Moner,^^ (he atincilon Mardf li loa ralraltedhoua«. "The Ran »r->Urfcl in niwtemla attendance 11 Bertram'i CMnedlnoa pmieSS "U^ i?i "".1 '•..V P^Flw'lo'W- Mora opw^a In "dIK ain,"andwlU continue Uiimiihout tlieveek etceniV RMd April I. £. II. Roibera 9..a...TIie Madl«^ ArSSe 5lTrI». •* MorawlU play In WatkuSJ w.S'"JC?*i"'*?"'~-^* *»*«ne Open House. Klur ^oadea, tn, reporton*. had imod bu^neaa M«rdi H-l&^Boo>lon: ls,^ober. Haatel), In TbeCoSS Broiben; 19, 'In Old Keatuckr;" aX'-SU;" M7theBakeiC deTenon Ortheatn (lAcal);fi; IJiJiJri^L Id^*u2 P'<>»nor''wiacMoeledU-lt P«« MahertoecialS^ 21-n "TbeTamputJonofMooeya" t^^s^mi, Itewbargv^At tbe Academy of Xusle "The Cot- Nlrl 21. "The Aniaaona' a. "Id OM Kaninrki/* turned tn,(n«d bnalnc*^ a oi^U'"Uncte Km " ft "Fri'tod Fil'Sl-^'- ^* Manola-Maion Co! wSTfe. ft w."'''.*..'^'* CluuJ, Minn., which waa W,J?fcS:!' foVoi;i' >rJni*nrtjrhUp»ducauD«f "TheJUdnilhicKI^-fi ILUNOIS, Chlc«fl«.^rBnd opeift nigos BQpreiite wH^ ■oclaty people, and tbe bl| oadltortom la brllllam vtiry erenlojt. Bualnea at Ui« oUier bouaea, Itowerer. 4t«t oot aeem to aulto In conaefiaence of the open N:ai«a. and parformancea Willi merit ore all dolnit well. KnotU WllaM, at Uie (Tbteairo. ladologthe beat bualneMiiiietku been done hare for Uiree monUia. "PrlnccM ihinqte'' cloaed a aplemlld run of tiirve veekn at llooley'a. Wibon Barrett, at the SdilUer, and Oila Sbloaer. at tho Vfnfui, both playeJ lo (lood buxlncra durlnir the week, aod iri)! ■ooBtrreit'i builiie« vlll prvUbly iDcreaae ililivt^v, whao hla paHbmancea will l>e the only thtniturai),uartrta' nil nature In the U)wti, the oiher hun*eii belni plvm opb, coni'dy aod llRlit opera. ZnKel'a Parillon ck»«o Lu week ''for^ri'pelij.*' ThU wm a nrprlae. fur t..i,i^ Memed to be aowl- It will |irehahly be l^*I^^I airnin *^ for Uie lorathtn la too gfrnl for the liouao tfi rnnaln k]U HooLET'H TllMATHiu—"lYlncew Bonnie" clui«d « ccinfal enncement Marrh |ii, and tliere waa eajip-hi ui. tAreat In Uionirewellperfonnance. na I-, markH lU rr ilrement of Eleanor Mayo, nlio will liecoma Mrn. Judm KIrerwon Jr. In about two wMk"- Mr. Klv^rwHi aad < pRiiy of frienda (*me on fmm nilnuelphla in do iiunw il llie occa-lon. Tiioy hrnde*! ilio yiwiiaJadv di.«n v!|k roaea. "Cliarley'a Aunt," wlih a wonJerrul hiral r^ctni opena 18 for two vreeka. Tliere waa no petfunittttttu llooley'a Humlaf nlitht, aa ihe"Fr1ncew Boniilt^'I'Atn. Gny left for waaltlriRlon Henday morning, whrr« IIm vdea win aaaame tho title role. CliirAno OvnuA IloceK. — Frwnda WlUon, [n "ib* DotH'ii Deiiuir.'' la dolnic a big traatiwa, re.idiinc ih* capadiy of the liouae at Mreml r>encmiinn<-r^. Mr Thoiiifta, the t«nor of Uie company, Iia.1 m.'uffl ■ favmbia Impreaalun. "Tlio Twentleih Cenlnry Clir' trill April B, and will be foltnwed a week larer Iiy a rofum en- nnncnt of "Tlie Paaalng HIkiw." Ii waa liilOltdei is open w'lih tho Utter attradlon 8, bot n week «aJ nr. tendered to the alxier ntirvcitnn. aUkHO OrKKA nut'HK.—Otia Cfklnnor pbyo'l in mnt^ houaea daring the aecoml weokof hla i^(nitf«nirttt. ik« rtoalnir performance wat "The Morcli.-tnf of Vmirr Mardi 17- Tlie critlm Iiaro been mora than u«iiaifi-|;ni- ckiua toMr. Hkinner durinir UilKenmurentanr. lire ftw- -- - jmurei ionlana rtj^n 19 wllh "Prince Anftnia*." -..—„. nicol larnrfnumeeka. "Robin Hood" will ■•vrmljceJ 2). "Tlie Uafcl of Plymoolh" April I and a reperif>r>- m. Tiieir tuna- J of riymoolh" April I and a repeiif>r>- CoLUMHrA TillUTRK.— "MIm Dyrumlte'a'* Hucre<n Interfered with by tbe IllneaH of Mirle Jnnaan. «iin wv unable in appear March II. aud acarrely mIiK* In do htm'J JaaUco for the nmalndar of the week, ml'a K>iv pmu iTforn rotumrlaliora week In Tlie LKile TroAi^r." pnmniilonanre being made for Uie production vf^Tba WarofWea-Uth"**. BaiiLiaBR Tiirathr.— Wllaon Barrett. lo "Die UaoV' man," hod fooil audlenceH for a week. Tlie »«cvnil aN la^weakufhlaenjMemnntwIII !>« dlleU vlib a rtptr toTT, lnclullln|r"lIalnle^" zt. Ke1hropfin<2l. MvViCKER's THKATBt—llRuenheck'a Tnln'sl Anbiih anil lleoloplcal Clrcua la ilrawlntr well, and ia'lriii'.r a (Iim pfirfomiancea It will dnae here. 21. TJier.it1|.uMaBi.(n ''Humply DumpU- Up to Dale," wlllop^n atMrVirk«r'«M. lIlYNAHKirT T^IIIATRIC—Louie Culllni^ TnmlkHlnun did a fair hualn«aa,lmt failed lo crowd the linn.«. >^ (laltey BUre" opened 17, vl4> a bollilay malloee- "la Obi Kciihicky" opena 24. Ll-^couf TllKATRK.—"Tlie EoMKn" had thlniR aU iu own wnr on ihe NoiUi Side kiat week, and did a ipir bod- neu. The cl«lngnf Enitel'H |*avlllnn haa leflilM Ua- coin In uon^eiwion of the onUre NorUi Hide painmnn. ~A UreanUuod'e Uau" opened with a malloee 17, aod will runawe^k. ACADKMT OP UtniOa—"McFadilen'B Elopeineni" da^ 16, liavlnfffklrbuNlneMfnrUiAmMka "PechN Hail Bat" opened wllh a nnllnee 17. Maater Willie rui>liuuB,ilri iwelvoTMtroM Kon of Prank Cuidiman. |iU>-<«ilie rartcf theBatlBoy. Oihen In the cant are K. M. Ryan, ArrbU Deacon, Jnale MItdiell Vlrkens Bella Lnvrentr. Xabr) Bftnnvr, Annie K- Jn>-nea, Mnude Dcoll, WillUa IL Sheerer. Haiuu^l (^Uoran<l Ed. i;aalehne. ALiiAMflRA TtiK.\THK.—"Tlie.Kuuth Ilefi>re llie War dU bic bualneaa aod dnaod 10. "Shan Nu. 2" opentil IT aiik aiiiailnee. TlMcaitlaheoded by FfmnkLoi^eandMinoe Elmore. HAVLl.\''ii TllKATRK.—Prank ITnll tiaadccldeilloiiret Ferlea nfllihl operaa nl llila liniiae on the c«inlinuou( r«r- fnmiancA pbin. Tlieadienio look* like n winner. "Mi l*a»lia" la Ihe llr«lof aloniliat of oMmHin Ik> pnklaceJ. Tliefulliiwlnic vlUlteintheraat: .llli^rt Denier, flax. J. Kullnn. Haro' D»Tle^ 0. B. Tli^yer. Klmer KIN*onb. ff. A.Wanla JaiiiM Dalton. Reatrlce McKentlr, (irnreRtr. niontl, Nellie llarUev. Florence Brace, Mlnniv Unaaitk Bertha Wllwn and Myrtle Brve. TlievnnilrvillAfartb* weak will hq Oimlalml liy Bmllierw Ancnlniic. Ilcwtrl ami Blanda WolU and Uunro. Rurkeand U>Hl.naa.M. Eniei4,lIarilneandRnyIe,tlin)i> fUalera UeKlun. [bltn awl Jonlan. IIhttt Ruilwortli, Mack and Armour, Juki Melcnlfaml WIloy and Pnnona. KiM T. Jack's OruHA llnven—Tlio RentrSaniley rji.dU a h\g tmaineo cloalnn 14. Mr. Jack'a "My L*iick<- Col npeiied at the idkilnoAlTUia croaiM 1hi.i«c. "Oa ibt MMway" lapreaoniatl by Kinma Warxle, Aiinlr KirluETt Brandt, Beatrice Knluhl, Mnrie Tliouibaon, LutKeTl^rar, Emma Qay, Annie Clinaunl. Turn Morn<ey.(in>nce Bf han, Chaa. Belinnnt, llarri' MonlaKtie, Wnt. Itatbioifl, flua Andflr«nn, F.lla Watklna, Oamllne Dunitio. t>iVUr Darennnrt, Thin Renr.RailIo Daniels, Rualrice Wbtcttr. May Wllaon, Carmen Airnrox and May Diirroa. A>)03l tta aamo peoi>le apimr In the farce, *^My Uncle fnm cavo," whidi ctiiidudea tk^ perfnnnanrc. Jainc* tTuoj- Tllle, Kra BrmnUl.Sdiairur audaark,and UuiAnlrfti form Ihenllo. , , ,. . Fraxk llAU.'d CAJtixo.—Tliero fa no cea<aiIon uf twe- nem at the Ciuilna. The Hante account o^l)IEc^□m]ll■T^ Grted eadi week. Fur the ne:it uren Oay>i ihe bin mS fbmMieil by the Anderann Famllv, MUy. \H tre Nlltbea, Lacletle Ilrva.. the Dolaoa. Uie Wiiilnli. lU Onzoa, Pnif. I^ lera Dok t-IrcuH, XIaudo TWlia. Uany Bemlon. Biewartand Hart Ilanr Biork. Hel<l Hn<l llnr- Ban, Weaann and Tallerrt. Tatv anil Eliu4r, Hryaal tai Connena, Romile LoiUe nnd Morton ami llnwe. RovAL ENdLiaii CiRTtv,—T1i0 clrcuH liaM pawd in three hundroillli perfonnance, nod la morlnii ^notif atongto enod builnMaererytloy.and Wtfcmndt^iar- daya ami fiuodaya. The tpoclnl aUnctIom(thIavT«kU- dode S^renta SchaeTer, Mention RUiera. Ko^^l Jips Morion Family. M. CUcium doaea Uil* "t""** owallowlnft net haa met wlUi ancceaa. Mr. Hall ba«cl<;« acouiract forproduciioD of the aorlal Inllei. IiTlote Men ahnrtly at Uie olrcua , . LVCKUX TlitATRIt.—Hontlnuona pertbrmanre bolioia atUi» Lyceum U hiipmvlnit. Onealoa irwllM>eapafi> ramie IMuatnitlon ot^llfo In Jnllat IMiwm. wii'pI*R««"l« wlUi apecUUIea fnmlaliod by I^vliawklna. tlio TAmortt Family. Jainea A. Helly, Uie IHelra. Joe I,ewl«, VubuA Quime. flommerm and Uninr, and Uario Melvlllit. llopKl.'n' TilKATltK.—Tlie atock cotiinany will rfMA "A Matl Marrlaite." Ihe Runalan TlnltnUt, Priii«.«.i UtT Dal^rouky, Ola llayilen. Nepler and MarKOlIi*. f^^^ and KeildlnR, May Templeton, Ja"iar Collins il. rut Hyera. r^iilona. the Roaaleyis aod Maaier Rubbie lUIIlr- BnaliiMalaeKcelteitt. , Oi.THFiu TBKA-niK.-Raai Dorare'H Own Co. i-UyeJ w cooil baalneas ckiidnii 17. BnolUaker'a M^eatlr (.r.t»p*e» Ifl for a week, w lib Dixon, Howera and DIvim, DniinnMCM Rialev. Belle HIrbeck. Btirk anO Ztno. Prof. Monanooi. Oolllna and Colllna, Eilwanl K^io, Iho Wbhin^s Mtcbi ConOricli. Lnrmlne nnd Unwell, Uua Rlcbanla, Unyud Heitmood, and lAPeUie Irene. KonL k Mioni.KToyH CUHK £TR1!1.-T ML-SKr,M.--)» •Trilby" hltow will cnnttnne fonuutlier week. II u™^ Inc soal liott w and conUmdlcUng Uie time lionorN un of the ChlnuTD ElrlM'expnnalve foul. A hgrn lUlptr- fonna on niller dkalea U alao an aUracllun. of the ChlnuTD ElriM'expnnalvi 'inna on niller dkalea In alao an »• nii;»wi. .. UU>HR MtrsKU)'.—The perfonnance iriron by ihe JW- way dancera will be continued Indeiinll/ly. Tha'rcae ilmuaandih performance waa ulven Inu woek alia n alimornnalutemeiitln iLo lotoreatofpAirun*. ^ WlllTK'ri LOVDOX DiMK MlMKOH.—The midvay iiaan liaa prored kucIi an aliractlon Uiat It will In •^■?V'' u There areaoote mlni>rdiaoBaa (n Uia blU and athlillouio Uie curio de|«rtinenl. . „ NoTi«.-Fruik Danlela, of "Princeiw Bounte," "aa «. alile to amtoar al the farewell perfunnniirt li- .'i'* phyMlelAnho|>eataliar«LlmaUriyhtfor 18 in ^^•^hiil- Ion Harry X. llallard, of Uie Clilcaco «l*ra lit** winiieRlvenattt^lmonlalHuiKlay erenln7,Si ... - A. ManiPton, prviJdent ©rihe Actore' Proloclivel u» pnea lo KnriiiKnohl thla week to aacare tlm |i»ata " * Dm provhllnji riirUiomnlUry Inipecllon nf ihoaiie* "d an ImrrDv^iiientlnilreNKlnH rooma H.irr>* V"'V,?W la again with Kam T. Jnrk-"... 'The New H'>> ' » » «* low "Cltarley'» Aunl" at llooh'v'i "Tlie Wlille.VjO*' ron" and "Paul Kaurmi" will almrtly Ire «*" ILI Araileiiiy There la n rumor lo Uie afoct that W'^L wlll be moiMined by Bamaon.the Ftrtini: pntlnnnatLlellcand rauderlll* iwri'mianr*- now nearly crrtalii that the lennoof iko rUirk s:it^^ iwr Ire will paaa to a llmi who will fflte a K"ini|iipr of lUht opera and concert "The RolHi'*.!-"■/^ of n new rarieiy theatre whldi oi^tftm 17. It i" U0 Milwaukee Avenne Tlio Acloo.' ProtoctI" Li m fiirretl paymentufankrlfa tu iuiwil>er« of luorgnilwi'" due ftrom Uie JuHet Upeia lluuae Hu. QnlBcy^At tbe Eunlre 'llie New Hoy." Marcli 14, played to gMa) hualneui. "PanUi-W moua houaea if ij. "in OM Keniucky" (IiaiiU.\H iw R. O. cani 14. 'The BoMgn" oomea 20, Boadi A MlnatreIa2N. . , KOl!,x Ml-HKBa-Xew fairea: Jaa- E. Black. B*!^"* ^ Ha. Iho Andenona. Wllllamtt and Carhl-n. Hakcr aoe Raodftll. Omya lb>yal Marloiiell*a. Pop Ko^er-. uml J« nie Quigley. CIim. T. Taylor will acl w re>f.lfnt iww- aier. In place nf lUnry Omy, who learea April I to m RIORlIng Broa.* Clrxrua. CEORaA. Aoguota.—'Tbe Vwt Uall'* bad h fair Itoutf March U. Ale-*. R-Uvlnl. In "Ruy BU^" drew a fairW dience II. RoUnd Reed cancelad 12 owInR to the raiirMd wreck. Mabel Paige cornea woek of l3-aVIih ih* ""1^ Uooornlcbt of zl; wiien they glre way for fl'"'"^ Band, which will be aaaltted by a atroog chonia of hw* talent , AUanta^At ibe Gmnd ■'Coon Hollow" Mf j; 19. On 13, II, RoUod Becd »a* iiTMiad bv ihivo U"! audlencea at odtvtcedprlcea. 'The Fart Ma "did'-"Jg weUiiu. Bookoil:Olfcnie'i Band 30.11, WUfrwlCUiM 2^ 23k FaoDy Rlce2^ as, "Wang" 29, &I. ^ ^ SaTsuah^Alexender Selvlnl occupWJ" boatdi March U IS, aod did a jwod buiOnaM at *d^",<Sf '^f?^. ComloR: Htmj Bice VK 21, "Cood UMo* - and Gllffloie'i Bud S. WASHINGTON. Softtlle^At tbe Beatde Ttifalre tbo H***"'' Comply Ca,. opeoed a Uiree olRbta* enBanem*nt Marr'' H. IQ "Lonl Hooney," to a Ikir houie. Prof- J- O- H'^"'^ dollrered ilie Brat llluHmlM IwlaiT.on *Tli* UoU FlehU of Ala^kn," Ui a jcood h.-uae. i^f^'}- ^.-[L Rhtrrr lUmtert Co. cornea 14, Maude Urooffcr a)-2J." >" OMi\Co.weebor2». , a.. ■. w;.to- CoRpiuTiBTnRATiiB.-Tlie Burko BriMi.' '""''i.^'.'.dJ crojey" dnw good b«»ef week of IL Mabaia's Miooian