New York Clipper (Mar 1895)

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March 23. I'HIE ISTEW YOBK CLIPPER. SO World ^Players ^XiilwfWnilbeBt.ffTCiMii«<IrCo.: W> in dsliiji t loiiliwM lUlocil", «bJ, b«T» Diida « bin Kit. (mi'k C. IIM/Jola«l uannnllr. Wawcand four wml thimiin out "ti." la TUB ClimiL ""^■'b Wtr.i.Jr.,«lH.b» b«M III for •aTemlirMti, — Tom "wontt^r- WK" i» - - ,„ IhMVmoiComwIrCo. lJli«lr««i»a bab; Uo areaiM withth* coiiipinr' — K. A. narton, Unor ilnfer, li Mrimulj lU at SL Via. .Ali^TtTftylorkUni next waaoo, (d **Tbxul or Rlin „r tlioAUDio'^ and "JfoDUpmanr, or Tlie Crtdls of tEt roiifotlen^."^ HUUmrvlU ba under tfa« nauyamtot ^'!i*<Trinc« I'ro *T»m" U bpokad to opto In Fhlbilalpfala, 1*1 MiT 37, fura nn.' Jljdih UuH'liT cloKORliIiiKuwn Apriiaa — •'AlVlp to Chloatown" Co. (No. 3) cIosm Itt mvod ^!!I*Ktt« naxiun renimM h«r tour of MTen w«oka at I'iii'lfuTV, I'B., BiiAar Monlar. *tht Tiro Orvliau" wUl Pnink*KIMaybaiJo[MJ Tod; KarrolTi Co. -Ttw IJIItan Tacker Co. cloaaJ lh»lr •nganmant of i«clv«w»akii In Hancor, He^ oa Htrdb 10. X |>erfomi ■iic« of •V-*mlllo" wn» (rlT#ii. — -ScAleil MpH" e^oM^l Iti Majion In BufTalo, Y., MarrlilS. Zedlo Tilbury wu tho ntv, aod lI.H.TiKyler ihfl itu'lnK*^ maiiAnr- _ •TliB HiUftr KIni" cloMfl lu waMn Marcli 9, _ ••Tlie Paj^iint Buov** clffwO lu Ma«oD Mardi U, at _ N'i>i«4iini1 mMoroftMflonlon BtorbCo.: We omdoJ Rl iliaUOouTtiBalro, Nonh AOrid^, Mam. Utrcit II. to*7L K. o ," nod hupilDM* ruRilDucM (fiMid. RuHter: J. f'mith Muciitiler.J. llook«rWrl^t,IIerbprt K. Beit*. W. Kr«d Jon*^ J. U. (SMitdln, It. Ktunce Qonloo. Alice lUmllton, )rfHii<^Uonlon, ll«lh> Burton amUeODlo Clloo. We will r«niJiin nl Nortli Adaou lihlndululy. — lUrrr TlimuMn writn iliat In Mill under Ihe can nrili«Actoni*FuQ(l and ii alowlf recoTeriog ftom hU III- — Colan'l R««l r^mimed hU toar nt AtUnta, Oa., March II Auff. Pounoy«r, tlio irMnirerof tlio compaoy, trrltet urttlikt li«ha« bo»(i on tlw mad for tlilrti- nve yeaiM. ant) ibn Tvntnt railroad acctdetit m tbo Dnt he eTe^expo- rio'1rt4l■ — .Midner Ellin K nlil to liare become flnanclallr Inter- MoillniiioAmerittuTUairlcel Exdiango wlUi lloDrr (■rvoBirall. — Ad entire oev Mtorirlckn,i>n>pertlee and aet Huff, «(• Are Inlbrmod, Ih belnc built for (ho Sprinjt awl Hum- iiirr louror (leo. II. Adama and fatnlly, In tliolr comedr rlirich. "A Country Terror." _ Sum fnm ibo llawtU Cbmtdy Oo.—Oiaa. B.Creed re- (liDil rrom Ili0 mtnairenitnt March 0, anU wan Hocceeded i<v Wnllice Taltor. Barinen tm fair ibrougti llllnoU. We are nnir hi luHana. and will remain horo the rent of ttii« month, when we will jpi to Midtlftmi, where wo will iliilMk our MUHin. Our aew play, "BraUu j$. Mooey," liaa proTMl a micro M. — Hnhert JoIirmd, a Totemn actor, who haji been In reiireniMit for lonie tine. hA* been adnlttod to the £■]• Kin rorrwl TToine, Phlbdolphla, Pa. — II Uanoriuncetl Ihit AuaiJn Corblo Intend* tobalU nihmirentMHnbHiiaDDoarli for tlio preteDtailonofbur- Iffsue ami Itifht opera. Mr. Carbin expocu toharethn liouw ready tn open wlien the Summer mmwd be)tlnii.and U)i>!(ireexpretiii iralna will be run, and nllroad tickeu Mini iliiuiretlrkfU will bo pold tofteiher Tlie new boiue will M Mllod ilw ManlMltas. — Lillian riDiliajii, nine yeanohl, wliowan plarlnR Ibe role or Kva In "I'nde Tonra Cabln.'^ with Dartn' ''U. T. C." Co., wB^ taken 111 with dipliiherin Mardi 10 In Poualikeep- »ip. .S'. y.. and Miit to tlie city p^t liouw ol tliat |>uce. --AKalxeLlfo, orlttzel Dell Umi," by A. L. Fan- diare. waM played at Kcat, (>., March IdL fur ilte Qmt lluie nil any sukv. Mr. Kan4iAwe lia« Ml*to wriltvn a new Van- ke« 00010*1;. irhk-hlie ■III pnduco nestMaiwn. and liaa almost roinidetcd a oev inmp play whIcU be will call "A i)iUe«l boirmr." — "The Maxrrr uf ■[•Inifiduiu" \a the ItUe of II. A. li'Arcy'N new play, nhlrli will be proilucod neil waHon. — "Blind Lon^' U tlw tlUo ofa one act play, whldi will NMrinlatButEUOiN. Y., Mardi 31, to precede '^elKe- trici Aitiimey." — "Dnrhesl Runala" will close Iln toor AprllSD. -Eileen Do<mond cloned witii tlio "Tim Ihe Ttoker" (:o..atWllkesbUTe, ra,aDd l« In Cblcago, IlL. tUIUok Iter fiunllv. — WRrdeand JameawlUiledlcale • now houM at Bill- inn^ Mont^ May 1. — llAnillioD, Mont., I* to hare a npw tlioaire, vbldi w|U l^jdodlcated April 2Dl by arliflUr* "Paut" Co. — Dudley McAdajo'i uoUier died at Kansaa City, Mo., Inrt woek. — lanatlo Martlneltl hai been encnied by Joseph Hart for "A Oay Old Boy." *^ — (>im Tanner baa replaced Mar)- ifliawin 'Tlio War of Wealrh" Vo. — The New York "Ileniptj Dampty" Co.. which clofMl Fob. l9on account orihomdwealliariUonK Ihe Koulhem rua^r, U bolnit Ixioked, m Hmiacorii Mblo A DafTy (nfonn u^ In Tew, Indian Terrltoir, KaDua, Mhieourl, Illlnola, Indiana and (Hilo. CANADA. Toronto—At tbe Qrend Often llonse, BUrcb 11-11 '*ATrlploCI>lDiiu«a"liad good besloeBL Tboniaa W. Keene 11-16. Conlnv: tt-30, "Tbe Amaxoos/'Sl-ZL Ui« Biildwina. ToHijxTO OruRi Uoi'HK.—March U-lt, The PnidlRml l-'kiher" bail fiooi builneH. Coining: U-a, Dlioo'e ViudeTllleCo. AcADKuv or Mdhiu— March ll-U, Roue Sydell't L<ondoo Belles had fnlr boKlncui. MooMK's MraRR.—Blir hutlnoBR rut«H. L^ture hall— i^mlval uf NitleoH inU Ouv. Thsairo-B. Monro. Seflon and Oeagle, KaiharlBe Oylei^ Julla Pnska and tho Pre»- uKintii. MAaicY'ii Music Hii4^-Mircb 14,8oaulle;32, Theodore Tbomaiii 2S, M. Souu'a Btuid. Montresl—At tbe Academy of Uudc Uirie WalowHftht. (n "Doashion of Ece," drew fiiiir houaei «oek orMarrh II. Uookod: 19-23, "lulaallie." by the Montreal Amateur Opemtio Club; week of A T. W. Xoene. In ropertolre. QuRlt:<'HTNUTnK.—"A Oaletr Olri" drew bighouaaa weekofll. IkHikod^a'-OiiipuIii" UD Jack," by the drmmatio HOcUon of tlie Ynunt Iridnneo'ii LiUrwy and Beaedt Aa* mcuunn; a, ligriiball BUTonhagen and Maaior Jean tieranly; 77-30, "Jack ilukaway'* (Am piodactloo), by tliBPtayer»'i;iub. . ^ r Tmkathk BoTjii..-tieornDlxon'iiVaudeTll)o and Bpe- rlftlt)' i;onirany did a big boiiUieui week of 11. Booked: Weak or lfl,'*TheB(owawar:" week of 38^ the RoeeUUl Kiilly Co. ^Tl^D8on Hall.— Max O'Rell drew crowded houMa with tho roltewlRR: 11,'•II«r Koyal UIicbneiM, Woman;" 11, "American Hocletv Up to Data;*'U'Hie Little Folblea or John Bull, Bandy and FM." fintu FRAXCiiB—Oood bnalneie ruled week of II, with "Mattyre," >Y>inuoa,- "U Fllle do PalllaMa.'' "Mignon" and "Lea Trula Chapeaax." Bookod U,'*ail. lone de Narboune" (debet of^ UUe. 8L Laurent): 19, "Faunt;" 21. "La Maiicotte." BoiEX MiVBE.-Thin lionao Ja doing 4 good builnev with contUuoue perfomiaucoa. LoMdon—At Ibe Gmnd Ibe DellA Fox Co. pro- duced "TheLIuloTrooper"March 12lOAcrowded houae. tlia*. L. DarlP. 11 aUo filled the houne. Booked: **Tbe Amazonii"2l, OuallllIZS, Uax O'Rellfl. Hamilton—At tbo OnDd '*Ctiarley*a Annt" cnniofl HoTch 20, *Tho AmatonH"a, Theodore Thonaa^ Orclieatraa, Ma Van Cortland 25, for two week* At the Bur Titeatro IB and week: Hariow and Fluokett, Nile. Cereto, BdiranlJoliiMoii, PItko and Ogden, and tbe Monroe SUtore^ COLORADO. D«nver—Tin Tftbor Omnd Open House, we«k o( March II, woa dark. Begtnnlni 19; Nellie McHenrT' Lvcet'MTiiuTiii.—Qomo taleot pr«8eoted "Anenca" to biK hoemAd. CCRTiBSTfiRRTTuEiTRR.-Week of II, "ThoOoM Cor*" had good houMi^ beltiK Uie only almw In the city. CouaRm.—Beach ahow. Tlie ationdance la large. Mlvtion.— Tlie f>ntnl Theatre haa cloMd for foor weeka "The Bathing Olrl" waa pieaented at the Tabor Onnd ft br tlte Whitney Opera Co. for the (Ind tine brfore a racked houie. Tlie libretto la by Rupert Ilughea and the toualc b>' Robert Coverley. It panful oif Torr moothly Giao A Nelll'a Stock Co. left 10 for Hil- wBukee. Lfndrllle.—At tbe Weston Oper» IIouu Kellle Mcllenry caaio March Ift to a croanled bouae. Miscorrc-Ed. Mueblneropocod lU. Remalnlov: Lew Etldeya, Clntrtor Kolb, Fr«ldy Feaaley. Anna Ulln, AH Tuner. Paddy Hoihei, Nollle Oxford and Will Roger*. Hualneaa In ImproTlng under the management o( nwdr UuRhoR. Hunea and Oxford wo OUIng tbelr fourth month at iblaiioufe. NoTE«^M(ke Schrlner, troararer of Chaa. ReyooM'a Ceolrml Tbeatie, Denrar. returned to h(a home anera brief Tlalther* Frank Keeaey, latepiopifetorol the Conlaoe, left for Deorer 13. OREGON. PortUnd^At tha lUrrinim GruDd tbe GIfflo AKelllBtockAoniittny preiMted "AU the ComforlJ of Home" Uaicb and "Mothe" 7-9. Bualoeee tor the week wua grett-lmproTemontAier the week prertoua. "The rtcture"and "Tbe Throe Haia" were praaented II. "CaRta" waa aaen 14 and "Londou Anuiaaoe" U. noMgireTMiTmlidark. , « ^MosMTM'a Kgw TRUTma COMiQOC-Ijdla Bote. Frankle Orertoo, BItdle Harrli, Walter ferd. Man _ Maud Raymoad. LIUUn Manb, EUa Eyiou tira VIck WlUlama. e OrerteaTBItdfe Barrli, Walter Ferd, Mand Boae, " LIUUn Martb, " ' Anicu«^-KMpollf>n Opot&tlcroDotitCMBpairr^lg- jior* AiWeuH, afiiorYanAuVUUa.Anisbu.tad^jnii». Irm*. TiOCt-Bi.-B*)iw1t«tl'» SpanUh SiodeDf. ^ Hciuo A. *— hiTo leofod W*ek^ with IMS ^■<>V*>IillK« VI iMBawn —- ■ — daflnlie Uroe. If thl« In done Ihe company will be pUye^ m all the bonaea of tbe Korthweat circuit uo A LuaTKiL manateru of tbe Marqaaa Onod. Iftvod iho aiflo A NelU Btock Coaipanrtbr Rrtir i. with tbe pmbshllTty of making the leaee for ao In- KANSAS lMv«nwort1i.—At Cnvronl*« Grgod Open lI'MiiO "Alatonu" came March 7, to a Calrhvnw. '•Faua*** a Urire builniee A. Coming: "A Cork Man" 17. **A TarkIahB*th"SI. T%p9Um^\t (be drmnd HcKee Rankin plBjed » TApcpAry but week, at reduced prioei, ud bad big bonaei, #MisceIlanedus# Tmr. Riionu. lutklu, hu .Iidm nrnvUtH . imnKUinu rorliU rampuj ililch opuia |q Bapltml. uii lui book*! Dutir tha NiUra huoo. Amoaii PMpU'lfledlre: I« Bollm, nnlonloiil.i; n».»i»l Kr|. ShPY'J'rtit!!"! tt«8l«l«t»Siiillh, ««t«llM..S.lInV«n- will lolroduc. ivo ntw lurionit. tif.lilM iiu firr«.v.i »TOn-,IIonl.DawilN>y/ir.nS,aVta|^l,^'„j"[^^^ 1*11 wllll«l "IM IMonn Doll iboU •' In rhlrii ih^ni u»out hundmlMd my loull S«flxl" tow .l.iiiirSf il. ^^S'l^;- "^""J uw rdinlimill. ™l.5X*S,iS;l"J.^fi'""»" mSSHS. "£ CIIA». lf.l!lllir« Mir WOULD Co. iSD ?f2fl7".^"'"..'^'*J'>«-»« Ofn Id riiilulalphla April« for two TOk.. <^ Muiir^nr. ILKJ^rt fflS "J^ r'<K}""'- Bailor. Cilrti Karl WIIIAIkln^ ft. J, AnilrvriK Ao< rew Bntalfonl K ILitn.. SiSi oreUMra, ud »«nlri«ironiiln( ml. W. U U>Dm, hcuirer on i>nlilUorlc tnu: J. ll Mor. n.hnr. bMn UoIdr, lood liu* nr.,. nnil.v.rT' bjlr I. «.II unl iMufr. Ilrlwl. Jolo«l u» .1 SL ll 5Z ml l.dolntnnorallf ael In llig ra, of hwidllnitniiiini' 5!Lf;'T."^°J"'"^ Intralutinu lli. inuttladinnwlill, rarrwindad br mnkM. T1i« abom-1, to tour Knnaa wtA Into Colondo. NoiM pnov lliLLURO'n |lri«T.irruii Dmuma.— \r. irlMiSi^' JloniM Md «™«n, KoiBipnoii TiiR KKar R«T«iM._M-, ,111 p, iiito ro- Mmnmi iliout April I uid «1U open oar ttmw nboul May 1. All of our «anlrnl>^ chariota ani mpplnria alll li nav. Wo bare added four bhck and four bay homos to ourMock. NOTIM op Wallaci a niRM' Olam Bloviu.—W. ar« !S'y°jr.^r*'' "I*""!". I'Uviiii liBlla and oirir dr. psopla. W. r. nalinn, mananr; Doc OlbbMrowurar. Tjil WlKooiln Tbaatro Coniianr ha. bMn locorpor f,"'J"''.^,"''."*l'*S'; K *WW to buiaml opomu tlio WoodorUod. tJi, TTiIrd Rlreot Dims Muaaum Mil- wankM, Wl.. Tbo Incorpomion an; a. W. Broor. L. Mar and W, K. Narloo. " hoTiM raoK K. c. mint's rA\ iLio.i "l". T. r."" ■; Prof 1. . o. one^ H. E. HpMra, Jobn»n. n.A. »>rris J. P. 1i«'o";»lnR.PMpl» bnva bMn eofmied:' Prof. Oard, oad.r of baiKl and orrbaara; V. H. Jone>, K. E. HpMn. UUnd. Mllllo rranch, Mr*. Moidiarand l.lula OaUi^ Tli. ahnw iake>i Ibe road onrly In May, openlhji aVcolo.'ta. of ha- alfmed wlih Burke A Conway'a FaTllion "U. T. C." Co. for tbe aeaeoo ofMS. MiacRLLi!*ioni 8KOVri.-8harpe>e«n'a Medicine iUmv P»ny. So. 1. ofienrd at llvinor, Mich., y\h. ai. with the followlDg rwtlar: Dr. W. II. Rovland. lectoror and oilIrA worker: llonriRoed, I.oula R. TliouiuMin. LleweUyn aitil Fredfrick Kndi. Shannivn'a Me<llc1ne Company, .Nu.l opene.1 March I. at utmro, Mich., to fair lianlnp^s Willi ihla nwter: Dr. II. A. I<ove, lecturrr and miice worker: Verne Miarpetaen. LevU Miafpateen. Uw. Went- latl. Jail Pari!vL. II. Hurkveather Rnaiar of iheOre- Kou Indian Medicine <>>mpany, .So. I: Dr. t;. K. Jones lac- turerand manager: Frank Lautor, M. Foy, Maater AJa^r, Jamefl Daria, Nn. Lauzor ao<l I.itilo Art Lauuir. - Ku. S: lUrTvUrrllle.raanaaer; Dr. R.M. Hmttb, lecturer; Jatiie* family orHvl«i« bell rlDgen, Ned llarloaand 8lell.i, Frank Orrllle and Mnu H. Orvllle. No. 3: Dr. Wlilta Wolf, lecturer and managar; WaRare and fllnl^ Kliiiar Curr. Jack O'Brien, Mr*. Whiu Wnir andClilefRunniog Elk! No.4: J.C. PnuL naoaver: Dr. C. II. Benham, IwlunT: Baltnnn and Faul, Harry tUaRord, Prof Kam^ KItUe Allen and LlliloDot NaS: Or.J.W.Lee,manaxerandlecturer: Harry Cabllla, darner, <ie«). Au>tin and AI. WetL No. 6: It. B. Owfn, M. D., manutor and lecturor: JackUolmra, J.J. Van Hou«on. tha Oawilngtona, Fred iJUiRley, Mr*. Dr. nwin, AdK niobletooand Mn*. Van llou-en. l^rty No. 7 will be out Id a fsw dayN with Dr. Frank McOuean at luhoad preaentanl will Qeo. 1*. TltonipMn liati len the HiMge'fur the illlaolntlioniedlclne bui>lnett ihU tfuuimer. He hmi, we are Infonnod. BRe. and will employ a cokired banjo player and alnmr. Uv loum MaaaachuaettH tint Hoaier of llotchbion A pecker'a Illgli ClAM EDlerUloer*: Harry Dechor, couiefTlaii and dancer; Babe D«cker, aklrt dancer; Carrie Wealibom, TocalUt; DelmfDto. contortlonin; Barry and Lynch, Irbdt comedbina; Modn. Clio, rluh JugRlor; Lormlne Broa., doable impexo: Markit an<l Doyle. Oennan come- diana; Geo. Uatcblwn ami Nollio Zaiolle, aketch team. We carry a ^ml of tan pleco'*. We are tourfngFennayl- Rorter of tlie TumorKliaker Mwlldno Party. Tenia. Ko. K: Dr. Louie Tumor, proprietor; Dr. (leo. Papley, lager; Ed. O. Ifiiioraon. aiue manager; Joe Ku-L Tocallatanddancer; Prof. Leo wollworlh, piaiilat; Pror. Jameik reniriloquUt; Prof. J. H. Harteena. mavlclan, and ifddle EmeraDn, oomedlan. Dr. Oeo. Fardey, our roanacer. and Pror. Wollwonli oelBbraied ilieir blrllidaya on March 13 after the perfonnaoce Rooter ol tho Oregon Indian Medicine Co., Party No. : Dr. P. P. Hill, Mile proprietor and manager; Mn. Ella Hill, treaaurer; ZellBpencer and Fied Rpencormu- alcalteam; Tboodvre Morton, ooniortloqiRt; Mre. Tlieo- dore Morton, aoubreiie, and the acting do« Dawly. Tlio gponcorBroa. aredolDgaiireatmualcalact. Fred Roen. cer la maklog s Rreat hit with tho topical Mnv, "Thin U tho Law, Vou Know." We hare been on the road for twenty-three weeka, and wa baTo Itred on hog and con broad. We are now touring IlllDola. Dr. Hill jtaegota Rne Summer oaUlt,and w ill haTo one of tlie be«t medi- cine companlea on the road. Dr. nillwaa preMhied with aahnudtoplay Rhoat wtth on Hundar Dr. Frank 11. Cart wriioa ua that ho la not tho Dr. rnnk t^rr with the Beneoi Indian Medicine Company, but that he U bawlling a company ror Dr. Wlilie Cloud Roder oftheOroRno Indian Medicine Co., No. 3: ilarrr OrvlUp, manager; Dr. B.M.0niltb, lecturer and tooth extractor; Hairy Orrllle, acrobRt, magtclan and ramedlau; Hotb Orrllle, Japaneae JugRler; Maater Prank Oreille, aenlMt: the Jamea FamilyofBwlMB^I RIORtn^ Nad Jaoiea, Iriah comedian and dancer; Horlle Jamea, black fare comedian aod dancer; Stella Jamea, aoulnetto aod onmitat; Scot, mined doit; Hn. Alice Rmlth,anilatentomnl«t Roe- terand nole^ fVom Dr. Rolling Tliundera Kiowa Medicine (^o.. No. Id and Oua Alllaon'a Bpeclalty Co.: Dr. Roll lax — ■ turer; (Ina Alllwi. bUck- Zello, tbe I Thender, dilefedflaerand lecturer; face comedian; Jeckaoeck, contorilonUtand clowo: Jan> nie NewelL necromancer: Arleoia, expert rifle ahot; phantom. In UtIov pictures and hta ghnaia, bia ■peclaltyererr Sunday. Jennie Newell haa been working on an elenntploah aod apanglod atase netting. ArtMihi haa Jaat nnlahed an art and plaah paint- ing, harlnvbad Kbvly teacher with her forfoerweeka. In Morria Run and Fall Brook, Pit, the local band tuned ontonaoTormlnay nightaasd rendered ua aomevery lino muaic Wo ntlll ooDlloue to do good bualneo. Blmlra, - HhakerMedl- per; Clam .JcloB and Bid. noram. N. v.. 00 the Iran Roater of the Turner Hhakt cine Co., Party No. 30: Dr. J. F. Horey. leciurei Uacfcney, buaineaa manaRer; Don Vino, magici TeiitriI«Lelat; Blllr Colllna, comedian; Bid. L moalcal ditoctor; Billy Neracber, contortion IbT. We play only large tAwna aod to gml buHlneaa, and aee the gboat orery Sonday. We open In Salbbury, Mo., for four week*. WISCONSIN. waa tha altmctloo Marrh 0. TheTeniple QaarteU of Boa- tAn^aii>»anN||oKDeil |iuu*e«IX "TheUlri 1 Urt Hohlnd .I* wlroil 14. "I'nclo jMh Hpruceby" wae the bill lA. iNin loo: A Edle BUaler'e Co.; Ik Uerfmano 77, BeloitUteet'lubi BtUwnnkoe.—Tbe Beason of the Oimn-NelU Stock Cenpany at the BIJou Open Houae eommeocea March 17. wlib apreaentatlooof'7-3M," whtdicontinue* I8,l9,aa ^Optaln Bwiri" flnlahlog the week II, 21, 21 "A OreenOoodeMao" Introduced Paul Drener laat week, and.wlib their Immetiae Hunday open<ng. had a irood weera boaioeaa. The fliifeu.NolllStock Companr, in "Ihe Jilt" 31,ae^ n. "London Auuranco" ». 9, U DivinoN TIHUTRK.—Roaonreld'a LillputUniL in "HumptyDomMrUp to Dale," opeo 17 for a weak. Clay Clemeot lare 'The Hew Dominion" laai week lofalraluJ houi«a. "Tbe .Vew Boy" will be loen for the flnt lime ber«a4-77, "Prof. Ilarrmann XS->V. ACADiKT OF Mi-ntc.-Wili'a "NowTwo OU Cn>ole>"glTe wo perfonnanoea 17. Wllliain MottIk, In "The Ll»MPalV dlaf,"ellJoJada^airlf good bualnea 10, 11,11,13. "Aea 0>erOMllachan,"aaramaby Edward von Bauamfeind, was giroo by the Sudt Theatre Stock Companv 15, to the ueuai largo aodlence ohichpatronlte the*eperTormancea. PiorLraTnuTM-—Manager John B. Raynor rocelf *d nolle* 13 rtom the Pabat BrowloR Company, ownan of thia theatres that they had eonduded not to loar the bulMludownforatleaat a year, and Manager Raynor tooewed bti leaao for that period. For ibla week, begin- niDg 17. a houae bill, onder tho title of "The London Rperta," la olTervd. cofflprl>lng the .Vondeacripi Trio, Bertie Relilo. Dick and Lottie CunimlnRa, Mand Boaelie, Billy and Looa drvea, CooRor and Oongden aod tbe danelag ooarlat (Welby. Pearl, Koyee and Nellla). Ram T. Jao^a EitnTafauia Coopaoy drew large lecelple all laat week. won)gii[.fc:(0 McncM.rTbe.Wlacoqain Tbeatre.Corn .. . ,J0' . ly haa heoD inoorporatod with a capital atock oria,OQO, ""lafblroof tblareaort,aad aMomed lu mao- Tfae looorpotmton are 0. W. Brong, L. May Eeeoutnil tbe afbli agementll The L^.,. _ __ aad W. a Marlon, tbe Utter being the manager.^ For veek of U tbe following ar* announced: Cnno hall— JobA Sloan (four legged nan). Billy Wellai (Iron ikolled mao). Mahel MIKon lloeg hatred beauty), ihe gehl Brolbon' Orrhertrm, Be-tra (anake «h»n«>»r). ProfSUrer fPundil and Frank Uubin (maRlclan). eiago-Billy Link and Jonn O. Uanaou, Wllletu and Oeorgla Cbartreea, Bariha waner and the Brown Sliura. **Ibe Coraer Gioeeiy" illl alao be glten, Cotrroi^-r'" *' paayattbeBl wbtch til ' 'C^rTbn^TheMaJonortbeOI(reo*Keill Block Coot' ibe BiJouOwTmOoore will lart four weeka, tfter jm« they will play an ostosded ouRagemMt at Mioager Lm*a Metropol^, P*»ni.H*!''^ J''""*»l!2*lr- Minor Tbe eonipav "tI^ here 13 f»m Denm. C^L, aoditfudDBinGelroMnlBg, ir.....E4wlBL0iedaBc«r. JoSel r»Bl Dtwaefe^OreonC^e Mtt^Conpeay sj tbe Llooela Theatre, CblaROL ir B. P. mameontbeJWWH^ciltfvym waatenUat iSSk tpadtmnce of wlire7woOId Cn>nIea."......Adla Enao lolnod"ACroeo Oooda Vsn" here 10 and made SnriSSdUto eoeceu J. F. EIiTm will pro- SSee Ch*rtM T. Di»>-i -Tbe War of Wealth; Id Coiriand ...Manager CharlH T. Sailibnrr 1* buar hnoking bla >«a*on « E^pwlllon Mo«lc HelK Mamie8iH*ckretlro»l ffV"."A"'«n «ort|. Han" Ifi .WIU«' "Two Old CronlW laid off hero 11. |C.... rnnt A. Burton, who ♦#lab|i*Itod the WuodtrUud Uuieoiii ami ha- owiiH and iimnagAd H erar rincf. retind IS, and will cu on Uio road with hb i«noramlo eiblbltio^ "Ufe lo Juli et Prison." Saa ClAlr*.*A( tbe Grand WoodwirdTbefttre CcoccQpleatbebooMUiUweek. "A GieoD Oeode Mu" T ENNESS EE. Memphb^At tbe Grand Opera House llallen and Han drew modrraioly March ll-LV "A Teiaa Hteer' wa*fklriy well rorelvfd 7-9. Do Wolfe llopiier opened I toaUntoiir«l hooao, and waa accorded a warm rwcep- *^"*i"Jf= "VnuBg Mn*. WInlhrop" USO, tbe bONPO will Iw dark Sl-J7, Fannie Rico »MaL Lmt w TliRATlii:.-i*adle Maninot had li|rtitbu«lu*iai 11-12. 't)llvarTwl*l"dr»« fairly well 6-9. *Oane" ripen- ed to a KOfliI viaod bouae 11. l)uo: Stuart Koii«>n IMX li-oiTvatca.-Bul«nR Han<er lecturv^si. NaeUTlllc—.\t theThfntrt Vendonio one of lite tnn*l Inlorv^tlnr fMturoa of th* ^^mu waa Ihik aitpoar an(« nf Of> WoU llo|)nrr. la "Dr. Hynla\." Hbo nuiie Manh IS, |,\ ili» ■oalviiro at earh |>erfbraian(o being Ttry tarn*. Dr. KIne perrunued faala of hy(tnoli«ni and mind r«>ading 14-IS to IkIr atteO'laiic*. Roland Reed conio* )ri-3t. CRiNn (ifiiHA Huri>K.-L«wlp Morriron'a "Fauat" wn^ (hp atirwctlm ll-ll T1r<t attvnitaore wa4 laricealoach rerfnniinore, ponpte t«la« tumad away at tlieniatlnco ll Mr. Morrl«nn In not wiUi tho roiiiMny, beloR Iliat Hot KiirlnRN. Tha fxct wu niinounretl t|i« oitenlnit night nnd the audipncevaMtuM that thowtwhovcrennipitiaAad attliaclixe of thfi iwrrnnnaiice riHilil iiave their itiuney refumiwUl llif box uitlrc. hut uo one a>kttl lo hare tlir nHin<>y rvrnndad. Purler White U playlnir the part or NfjOitMo in a Tnr>* arcoptalile mannvr. Wiilted OUrb, In 'Tit fur Tat" and 'Tlin Widow Hunt," cam* U 19, aod phy«tl toaudlencT" of fair proportion*. Rl/itl'.-Waltr'ii Ciiiiie-tlaiia wi<r« l>uuk(d for M-1& bot bilod In imtin an appearauco. .NutliinK la uodorlined for «i»ck »r TAauHNAi'LK.—Pruf. Alexander Johmtun gare per- rvMianceaof inimi raadinx ll-IJin Calr cmwda. HiM'K it iili-fii oat Iliat (IrMnwall, t^irry A Boyle hail IcaiHii Intli Iho Veiidnine art>l ilrainl, JcirrriMHl. Kinw A Krhnrer have anniwiiced. ihntUMli the dally HpoM bpf*. titnt tltpy witnid hulbl a new ilieairo of llielrowo, and hav« li ramiy for ot<enlag in Iho Fall Uoaltlo* the annniinreuMiit In tbo rapom nutblog el«e In reganl to tho matter U known. Chn14aniMiga.*At the New Oncra IIoum "Ttio niiiiiiryrlrcuM" recelveil aidrndid palronap Marrh 11. Win. f*oi lo* dill not apivar, aa exportoil, iiavlni; to i«avo on aimeniAf ontageniant wlih llamuur«t;ircua. Kmo l.oe c»mi> in lime to take llia fiart. Pair of Kida" playH lealopbeaTt' Iioum 14. who were wpII p|««a«d. lV>iDin«: "Wiiiit" 0, "A Texas Klear" April 1 V.. i\ Worral'a MonaK«rie will loave their Winter quarleni to olii the Howa * Cuililug Clrcui at the BIniilogtiaut oi ng, March n.^ TEXAS. AnadB.—.M Mllielt'ii Open MoiiM Ibellaldwln Heiville t!o. cIokaI their reliim pniagenient March S. Rluart Rolffiin. two perfonnance', nt ailvanml pricey 'raw rroudeil houae* 9. Clvveiaod'a UlnalfvU caitio to •ll!)m«lnfi«li. "Wanir," nt adranrrd prirox. drew one fllio larkTM houNCirwr tlie km^uh 13. Pi-* (limu l)|«ra In. rniiea IS and weak. Jamas O'Neill A H, "Kublo Urad"9. Han Antonlo.*A( tlie (irund 0|)cra llnnse Jula4 Oraa'wOperi Coiiii>any playeil tu "H. H. O." March 10-i£. Tlio variety tlieatroji retain laat week'a com- |Hinle«. 0»lT««toa.—At Hie (irand Opera llmiMStiitrt Knlrton pteimnle<l "TIm llenrlaiia" at advanroil pricea lo fairatleniliuice Marclifi. JuioatJnu'al^niieffitarat^im- any (retam envaitcni^nt) prea«iiiod "Tlie HoheinUo irf ' to P4audloafoiini only 0. "Koldit IIiiaI" coinea A _) At lliuillii'if Mawtt Tliaatre Neliln Vaughn. Ethel Barlow, Orace Diamond and Moncayu. Friday olghl haa been aet uhle by the uaiiagenteiit lur ainatoura. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. Juiix H. COX.VUKI at line lline well known to the pmfoa- lott. dioil March 16. at Lynn. Mwtf.. fVoni a diwiae uf the thtvnt Tlie doceaMvl wax l»m In Dutilin, Ire., dfly. elRlit yeatK atn, mid eiMored the pn>re«itibii ulien a 'ount iiiait. pUyliitf priiicliwlly In tlie KnitllKh jtruvincea. Ila tlrpl enfnieiiier.t in tiiU onuniry eajt wlili Boulli aod lUrrfll, and hi* Lvl vox «llh Maud Hanki'. Hn leavea a hmtharaiid a airier. At ihe time uflilN death ho waa aa- I'lant nQitcrlntondant uf the Ma«wctiu«ettK Tain|«rance .Jdiiie at L*'nn. Tlie inteniiant, wiilch orcurred In Boa (All. eoB under tlie auaplcea of tlie Lynn Lodge, B. P. O. Cit'iHLKH E. WWK, die well known aemnaut.dlcd March 11 at liii liome tn Jnnhlntown, 1*0., ttom pneumonia. Mr. Wina. who wa:i In the flny-nliiih year of lila site, waj« llio Mon of Prof. Jidm WIpo, abva well known areo- nauL For about forty yeara tiin dereaMxl iiianaied and anjcinoerwl many aeronautical apidlance* for Uiojileaa- ore or the publicaod the ineteorviuKicai InTeitlKallon of the air eurrentii. Ho wbm alwt tlio engineer of Ihe bal- leon corpH at tlie flrat iMtlle ol Bull Kun. Janks HiLt CO.NWAT HviHii, for nrerml yeara past Ideatld^l with varioua min«trel and dramatic enter- prliie«t died March 13 In Hichinond, Va. The deceei^d wan beuer known aa "Conny Myere." lie ioberited a (brtune autno time ago. JL'UM TlillUL ao actur, dlod Marrh 7 at lleJtandaJTai., - here bo went enme time ago Tor hia health. Mr.Troea madahla debut with tiairo Hcuti, In Hliakoutaroan rep- irtory. and Bftorwanla trarelad with Ma'taflne Merit, in ^iRZiiir." He ilien fonued a portneraliip with Frank Bounan, and under tlie loam name »f BoumanandTreea, ihey played moat of the Ivadlnit variety liouaen in the iAta. Mr. Troe-' Utt enirnceiiientwv wiib C. D. Ilenry'a >eople>Tlioaire(te., two ynant ago, alnce wiiidi tline lie hail l)een In Routliem Ciilirunila. He loarea a widow, onediililaadB brvlher, pioreMluDally known aaJoaepli ~. Murphy. CoraEvihicit. arariety porfitm^r.waM found dead in her roont la a ludicliig huu"o In Kao Krancleco, OaL, on March 17. ^ FOREIG N SHOW NEWS. BuocLL nocg," an opcretu In ooe act, words bT H. T. Giinton. ffiuslo hj \Y. WUllanM. was pre- BODtcd for Ibe flrvt dme, Feb. 21, at ibe l*ubUo Iieir, Hat del 0, Knff, "Sad Urmorim," a nlay Id ooe act, by Pnok «Tltben, wan p«rforroed fur the and luoe, attbeltKatre Hnjral. lltackhuiD, £nfr. "ViLLiANO, TUB Viciuimi* a Iini1eiw]ite Id tiro acts, written hy Uolland, diuhIc compofwd and atTUDged hr E. JooffimnnB, wih rIvcd lu dnit pro- duction, Feb, 2fl, at tbo lHoce'iTbeatre, Ulackbun, PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. Wanti of Managen and Parfonmn, Opan Dates, ate.— Sm AdvertlHmantai DRAMATIO. A. It. Wither, liiwlDem nuufterCnr Kills PdI- nini'ii OomMnr duttDH tbe nut iteiHiiD, can be en- ftgti, u Ihe compmij wllT cloae Uielr aucceutiil aeanoD, AprtI li. ... CrawfonI Dnlhen mnt dnmellc people, etc., for Uie "KBrmer Slaipklnii" Co. Open lime c*u bo Oiled at IloblDMD'aOpeimlloase, OlnclDiutl. People era mnvl for llie "lJuil>'i Keaqaende" CompuTi >>T <'1>l' OnnL EdTHeuinonil wiaudranullc people. OUH Uerunlii wanlH a tall woman for ctianclcn and niBd daineii, Willi tbe UUIe Akemtroni Oo. tliarlea A. I/Hler, Uerman coumllau, chb be eo- ''lu'uiowD wanla dramatic people. Tin Vblcago AmuMtneat Uurcaii mmact biulucee lo eveiT department. All conimcla for tbe Haacall Oomed; Co. muat in TerlOcd liT Wallace TalKr. Umnuitlc people are imntol lir Ilarrr Horn, R. J. Erwood, It. ir. Ualtd, I'. U.wiliard, Haniuel i: la- ■oIl.JnleF. Swiizer.i. w. Illll, Frederick Sea Dnrke and IMmraj, Joe WllUatna, Oeoise fcJi, Marka Umtbem. At Uliert;: Mr. anil Mrs. Clioale, IJIIIan Fiord, Brdncr llaiee, Edv. n. Tbonuu, Carrie Weller, deraliiliie RtiMtil, J. H. Blockdale, V. T. Joan, Jamee GleiuoD, H. U. P., Emma Urconaa. HVSIGAIi. Tlie atteotlon of vocallata h called to the card of tin Jobn cnnrch Co., and Ihe manrladucemeoia oirered br tlUa Urm irlll appeal alronKly lo aloRtn u well aa compoaera of wnn and lulramental noalc. AaTWiiff on ttaeir Usl can be (ecured for ten cenla. TberalM tnpplTa Use of "Impertal" gultai>, maodoUna. bandunuaa, etc. "Prettr iennle iluiletT,"anolber noag hi Cbailn B. Lavlnr and Jamea n. Otake. wblcb, like "TUe Mdewalka of Neir York," la oo a local toMc, and louchea Ibe apot wlih anrrbndf, li publubed br Ibe Vreacent PubUiUog Oo. lotu* ouiod la Hiig- loilL ■■Jlmmr and Jane," "Wtio nrpnotlzed O'leai;)" and "Wko'i TOli>rr' caD beonurad from tb* Utrke. Isr Unalc Co. "FnU" Ornna and OrtbeaMona can be (scoRd nrouab A. PoUman. "Mike McCartbT'a Wake" and manj otber catcbr aoon cao be ordered from Frank Uardloa. "UaniDi Mabel" la recoiuieGdedto Uogtn bj P. Cbaae. '*Tbe IhrHle Tlial Nam Came" Li Imiied hj C. D. make k Co., who nirer a |irl2e in Ihe nna pi^'llc HlDKcr wlin win niake It a ptipiilar Hurrrti,!^!* are wanted ii; Frank WlUbinn. 1.. W. Waahliiim, I'. A. »iUiliTTKik, Ueacb A IKiwem, "CncleJonb Mpniceb|"Co. "He ounot llear lo Tell Her'' and "Tbe llii«n Are Ukmoliig for You" ara laiued \>J Uio EUla MndsOOi At Mbettjr: W. 0. R., orobMitm, I). A. UcUooaM, n. U Rnihmrl, W. Kngland. H. A. Saundcni Jr.. K, C.H<nln,<MJiil<i, \r. It. tllonb, WUl UanIer,Juhn Kehnian, K. IL Yvnit. "I Uive Y«« Yet," I17 M. II. Iloaonfold, bi leaued by On*. W. Held. Will RoKslier win Iwue sonft booti at len dullama Ihoumnd. Ilbi lalmt puMVcailun, "Ullle IMm Uell," In reported to lie a bit. "True lo the tUilp,"l>clnR nuns with grcatnucceaa, can lie iirdeml fivm JanmifMllliiiaii, "flood .Mgkt, I'apa," la U>ue<l Uj theWhllo-auillli Miwlciyi. "Wake Up rii'kanlnnlea," a uew aong, h pulillih' ed l>j A. 8. Jomlyn. "I flunu Kut" and "My Horanade lo TLce," la U' need liy Ibe .SoinDru A /.uknr iV. Tlielr recent rKH adA., ilujr report, hart had tho eitect of ulorliiff tbelraongHln tbo hauiU of 740 prufoMlniial tuiigcrv, Jobn J. Hclntyn haa luued "Wbeu Cliw; W/.- gentld WlnkH." "Aner tbe Wedding" run bo nnlcivd from .1. T. iteminnt. "lleV !<»nieliod;'s IMrllng, I Know," la nilrorll«d by the aulhiir. TiM Murllah Maing IMWUbliiir Un. niliertlM a llnl ot twelve iills, at ten ronia ent h. "Oh, What a ticnwilon," U llie CniKPr llmthcni' latiM publlratlini. Tliey nl«i Miiiniy "lineA Mule Wlllh< Want ll>""A ClivrcllO!) Hcliire ol Nell," and "lluld Your llrad l'i>, \'*ln\j Mrllnnii," "I Will I«ve You, anil Vim Will Imn Hp," 11. W. Vetfle'14 btlei«t MMin l)««iir. l!* nH'DiiiiiutnrIrd liy Hie anthorui pfltfcMliHjalrtn^A nlntiitf lili. "Let Ue KbM Yniir Tran Awity" and ".Hwcel .Vaiicy" are puldlilied lir nir. Iiuwii Mii^,' Vi>. The advent nt .HiirtMg liriiiirn wlili II U. Wliinark'H 8011,' "huatle" liiliebalt of iholrMing puhlli'Hilon*. All of tbelr niinicroua iMtiira itroin 10 wrnr the ■lamn of mcrcio. "Tbe Itelln of ^'at^•.'• liy fVinl anil llmltnn, \a liclnff nii>tit anrreKiniily hiimk i>> llcleiio Miini, Allen May, llcnianl lijllyii, Wiiirr If. Fiirtl, I'byllla Allen, Will F. Uciiiiy, llirbcrt llol' i-onilie and Ubarlea ll. I>rluce. "A nfib Avenue llelle"la liniieil lim the Whiiiier- Hilller Hiulc CO. Have Miirton'H "8tiip that NVlw," aiing liy IVdIlo llnluiea, uud "line (llrl In tho World fur »a." ren- dered HiiccoMifiilly l»y llouiile Tlhtniliiii, ^^1. Fnrkcr, l.ydla lleire. Oam ItontI, rti-., rau In HCtuinl fmm tbe Mariiin FiilillidilnR Ui>, Cbah II. Larkln waiita a curaelllni for Oonon'a UliuDehk K. I~ EbwnlMrtb want* a calliope ami planu 10 rwtman'a WclcoDo Call" bi iwued by J. Ilorton. "Caprice" In a calcbyaong, pulillnheil byjoa. W, AUruAt^i. VARIKTV AND XIINSTnBLS. Carr and Jortlan, In their fliigliig rnnieily act, can iMieiiniitd fur next ncniau wlili it fanw cuincdy iir cuiniilnnllon. Tlie ValdU Twin HIMen, l.»iil.« and IJ/jdo, am duliix thdr aerial act iiuci'uKirully In Kngland. They rUlin all paleiit rlgbta In IhIa country lu lliu awing- luK Imneu) cID'rbi. loe llHrdmaii aiinuunceM bh rvlenllon wllli Ihe Uoli FIIMlinnioiu Co., aa prliiidiial coiiicillaii and Hlaue nianiiKur. Ui'Uahon and King are duliig well wllb llydo'a Cbinedbinii. The Two IHaninndii, l«w K. and Marie l>, In Ihuir new ar.t.aro T>laylng dalca wlih ancceM. I^iiila l>« l<oon annonnrca Ilio canceling uf nil flato fiir Ilia vaudeville runiiMny. Tlie Malem 7.oh>. In llieir aerial act, arv wnnnly enilunicd by Ibo llualitn prca-i. They can l>e ae* cured. Vaiiileville ariri nro wauled fur tho Kxiwallliiu Murfc Hall, Ullwuukce, Wbi. KdwarU A. HluveuH, niaiiHgor fur l« bile Fnllor, annnuiiuw thai all her hitnit riecirical circi'la have bcou iiMleiilcil. Vaiicly tieii|ile are wauled liy O. C. Ilunlher. Iir. F. (iniiii, MatMffer, C. II. liCKinnnd, Tliouina llauti.y. AI IJtifrty: UiiKi, lYitf. Uiiiwle, llHiiMin, Harry Uegiilll, Kiwlu f. IVari. Ihwuidlii llnillii'm, lir. While I.I11111I, Dr. F. I'. Illll, Dr. Klcknimu Kll, lir. DaTallitawla. The lliMniilimna Hit phiyliig Ihe l>avl!i CIrcull. Tbey can lie cngngcil. Weiwoii and Walivra uniiouiico a Huccvwiful Chica- go ciigaKunicitl, TTln Klckniam Illillail Uedkllio Cii. willil iwrfunu- er^inf all kliiiUfiirilielrniiuieniUKuilvcril^uiHriini- imnleH. l«clureni will lio aupitllwl wllli iiuinta free. JuhiiB. ItAyniiranihMinrrH that Iho wuwn uf Hie raople'a Tliealrv, Milwaukee, will nut chuv uulU May 11. A few WMk.cau lie illleil. Ueul. W. Allcn'a ventrilniiiilal act Id well a|Mken of by nianagcn. lie U at lliieriy fur next wawiii. Anolher "perpetual" hnum will lie opened liy the cunvenUon of tiie llnwani Aiiillluriiiiu, llalilnuire, to a contlnuntiH perfumiance llicutni, cuuiuieucing next week. People are wanted. Wui. Aihtlr waubi lo Jnin a Imilhur ani. An allnclloo la wauiril fur Wurcoiler by U. It. Ualclirller, week uf April 1. W. II. A. C'ronklillo niiiKiuncoH bla wllliilmwal from Ihe ounagcmenl uf Tbatcbor nnd Jobnaou'H tllnatrala. Acton' l>mlecUvo Uiilun. No. 3, Chlcaun, Ih duing liunlnoa wlih rcpreavulallvn WesUiru liouaea and people, I*rof, llnach and wife teach daiiulng and acro- billc litckn iif all aorta, aa wull aa luiiiilcal acbi, elv. Jliniiiy Walllirook la reported In hnvo a nuvol dancing apeclally. Ilia lluio la all nilol. W. H. Marion waniH variety acu uh well aa citrio ball altiBvtlonn for Iho Wonderland Muaeiiui, Mil- waukee, Wla. 'niggart and (larUnd cau lie engaged. Frank Uerben wautaa mp niouuler, CIRCVI. CIrcua people are wanlal liy (Iiih Fiilriianka, 1^1- ward Hhlpp, L. W. Waabbunc, Iji Ibilo llnilhera. Den I'utler. Wm. Bella wauta liHIpuatcm, lllbognpbeni and buglerH. Ul Keralakc nnd Ida iilg rlreua can be engageil. T.J. Ibiynioiul, wlih lila riding iloga, la at Illierly. Iliaiheiir llrolhcn waul clrciia laluiil. II. K- Wallace waula lo bear fmiu circiia aclH. Tbe Ceiilrol City Bbuw I'rtiit Uo. furulab chcup aetanf ibitea. Jobn Catbera wanta Wild Weal fealiirca. MIIICBI.LA.MBUI'g. "Shooting Ibe VhulKa," an nshllaralliigHiimnicr nalline, oiiglDated and fiirtbureil liy Hie I'nul lliiy- 011 Co., who bold all righbi and iialonia, la rronu. mended by llioui aa a great Diiiury iiinkliig ailntc- llon. Ttie people are aald tii take very kindly lo thh aport, and iho experience of all tho cliuiua operated during Hie paat few yeara wamnl Hie aainiraDce that every one of Ilium la a iiamey winner, und that large prollu can lio runll/«d uu Ihe liiveat- menl. Rlglibi to ciiiiKlnict cliiilea cau lie aeciirnd fmm Ilia {"anl fkiyloo Cu., Faul Uoykin and J. II. Kendall. nidlgy'a Faahlon Hagatlne for im haa lieen niili- llahed, giving Uluatnlctl jirice llaia of the cuuCenM of Ibeir mammoth eatabllahnenl. Aitracllona can lawk timo at Iho Auillloriiiin Theatre, Uaaon Clly, Iowa; New Opera lliiuw, Frauk- ton, lod. For Hale: Tympaolca liy Hurt llaraea;wagoni. etc., by B. HIephena; caiivaa. etc., by O. F. Wlnalow; ' ^nr<a, elc, by A. P. Smith: phouognplia by A. T. Co., Hlock car by A. W. Van llamen, wax llgurea by J. I). Hweel. Iricka by W. ». U lloy.duga by I'ruf. lliy and Prof. W. A. Meehan. The atlenllon of mnglcbiua, aplillualbila, etc., la caUsd to "Habamu." U. liBTdo wania tu bear froni an oxceiilloually beavy fat woman. Prof. W. II. J. bhaw deala In Iricka. lie baa hilcly puhllahed a lawk on cbapeaiigmphy. Tbe American Engranng aud I'riuling Co. aollcll appllcallooa for cataloguea. Tbe Blx Utile Tallora offer to nuke a "living EIclure"nr any man by mcanaof Ont claaa anil, uJllforll6M. ■lenjT Millard, advance agent, can lio eecured. The Kemp Btalen aod Kemp Vrolhen, troupe ol ridein, etc., cao l>« engaged. Dcacb and Bowen want 10 buy a car. Laurel IHU Park, Ihe ponnlar Summer reaort of Scnntoo, Pa., will open ahortly. Aitracllona are wanted for tbe onerallc, oomedy and vauilevllle Ibeatra; aleo outalda aliiaclloiu, muteun freaki, Duriclane, etc C. A. Bnilib waole 10 taearfrom tbe Ualir Olrt. J. U. Btlley wUbea 10 excbaoge bU buow protK eitj tor rtcb com laod. nt roriman llillnoa Co. tuioUb aKeotlooi, etc. s. Sioatt auiipUca wigi aod otber lb«amcal gooda. Volz makta coatumci for nrofcialenaU. w. w. Unrt i Oo.oger for alia a complete aleckot bandaomely uountad birda aod anImaU, beada ot wild animabi, aUo akioa and ruga. lliraaiaT 11. lk, of ImtUnapoll^ tiul.. d.rMIMl Krinll Tmkl.r of l.'iBci.irlitll. O.. Ui a wie.llliiB miiu-.l \t In- 'lunni-ir. Mnrrli IC. Trirlil.r »on lh« Hnl l.iul .it.l ll.l.T 1l.r l.>l uo. Iljl« u.vl llie alrilialJ Ik.I.I, «l.lrli na, hINimH. Tiia I'olTcr.lljr nr llllnnl. lit. ^atuu--! II. a. r.iriiiili, iiuiiaa.rnf tha (lilraiu .i*i.>rUll»,i. I" f-Mrli tiiclr Uain lor llie Wtaiem lalerouUaglaU Ajuoelallvn caaiBploailjIp. TiiR I'HfUH CU'B'CTi'Mim met Merch U In ibe From Club ruoitw In this rlt;, for Ihe piirpoee of coMi|)lotlng their unrinlzAlliiD. Tliero ao at* truibiiice !>( niiotii ihlriy-Hvo motuiierp. Ttie eleo- tloti rcHiilhnt tw fothtiTri: frv^ilileiit, tlnirvo f. Mnn; vlcopmliltfUt,Jiiltii ll,Sliivi>iwnit: irtiMitrer. WIIIIh 11. Tr\>7: cmitulit, CiiartrM Il.Onvaii; flmt llotiietiaDi, lUmr ll. WllMni; HvrrvUrjr, Frtxl W. Hnutholmer. llcianl of Oiiveni(ir»—Wllllaiu A. Ihwrlufi, rhalrtaan; W. (I. k-K-bwcRD. Clmririi U, lloMlllo, J, Kmiik Clark, oX'Uitloii) uirntiiont. ittrHlilottl Mttd ireaHUrer, Attiik diiniinl incfiliur ot tho Xlavorlck Wheel Clith. or IhMlon. Mir*., IicIiI Miirrh ll.tbcno om* conwrm rlcrlril: l*rrMili'iir. l-'n*tl W. UtHHljr; vl(*e prcKlilvnl. N. Nowiuhu; M't'rutiir;. J. \Vamn Uur- ilitrk; tlimiu'lrti floiTi'inrjr, <lr«iri(r .*tiiiUh; trcaiuirer, Jullui 0. ISR'llorH; cHptuiii, hvil l>rrintiifi(on; rlrat llHiileiuiui, (InifKo WiMilry; an-uiiil llciiloimitt, F.I'. lUllb; color UcHivr, Jtmci tltaiw; hutt'cr, J. F. Tap* klu, TiiR Nuiiitrtl tflerlliin of i>ni('oni nf Ihn Cpntiirr 'Cjrrllnif tliih, of N'rtrHrk, N. J., timlt itUm March 1-J, nml tho fiillDwhiK worn rht'lctl: m^Alileut, J. MMOlhituiIil Jr.: vU'O iirmhlnit, W. I*. .*4inlih: eoi^m* liirT, Hr. Vni'fiilcti; Ir^'annrrr, tMiarlrn Torrtll; cai>- Inlu, j\. Iliwy; rnlur Itmrrr, WllllHtii Novll. I'liK Uu'kiHin (S. Y.) Whoplnirii have (•lorlotl Ihn fiilldwiiiirdillcvrxrorinuiiiiHiitiitt joHr: J'rtMldeiit, F. I). Mnrrr; \li>n lui'^litniit, K. Ihinro tHIvrr; IrMn* iircr, V. Ilitwanl |iillli<t; wrrolarr. F. 1*. Aniwironif; CnplAin, A, .\, lYIco; n*itrvM<ittallvp, C.T. Ibiyuioiiil. TiiiKTY itiiM ntnliiU, vahtivl at wem rDcenlljr nti>)cn fruiii C. .Vrthur lUiiiJatiilii, tho Hjrnciute rau> luK ntaii. ILtKHV \\*iii:Ri.iEtt. Iho iimritMijrtiuil raclnfT iiutn, irlll Mil f(tr KittrlMtuI oil Mnrrli 'i3, rHKHinKNT lliMMi'K, tif Iho Molnt)«)|lian A-undatlitii iil 'l')Thnv t'liil'«. liHH n)iHtlni«l tlio foiltiwinic innlleiuan rlialriii^n uf llir iM«v»nl ntutinlllerfl itT tho axMiclallon: Uvo I'mtiiiilliKP. \V. I*. M. linix.i, Tnin^irl Wlioaliitan; Hln*f>l« nii>i KiwitM riiiiiiiiltlri<. \V. M Fiilinr, llnmlilrit IUryt<h> iniih: MriiilHT^iilit t^ttiiiiiiltiHv \V. Klrko, l^aMlo l*iiiiii'CvcliT*: rtilliirat Afiloi), 11. (1. liHi*. Manhaiiaii 'I'vrlitr t.11111; HtirlHl raitiiiiiltlM*. Adnliili Klnh, (Intniorrjr Wlionloitfii; Atuiitlnir roiiiiiilKnr, W. K. Krihiiler, Jam*y I'liv M'hfxhiiMi; ilmtiHo. AlUiita Wiinitliiiini; K. Uv. Martin, i'taliidnltl tlic)rto(r|tiI>; Kr«i«rlck Kerr, iruOaun t'nnnl)' Wheaiiiun, TilK 'rtcMYii HKMKKRa ol Ilia Taunt):.iblnl (Ur»el liranrlMifiliaV. M.f. A., itf UiIh I'ily. hate nrianlieil aa ' ' ftifliiwh ^ ihnTrlanulo WliroiiiiKii, irilttilm f villi; uAcon: (*-a|*> uiii, Frank Un 11. llimMit; tlrM lli'iiiniiaiit, W. J. IUhuo; api-iinil lleitiouniii. \V. 11. Wall: Hilnl llaulenaitl. W. If. I'ta: lifta«uier, W. II. Ituarti. AtiHuiif ilie rldani whti liavtiJiilitMl Ihiirlitltarr Dr. J. II. Mrttunlv, V. I>. Hiivan, W. II. ItiiTit, ,1. M. ^Vliicii. J. la. WuihI, 11. Wulfp, 1*. Hon. nH>, W. Wallont. It. it. raiitrnlcn, (I. 1.. CliilNlie, 1). T. H0iiii»r nii«l A. K. JarkMHt. TiiR Ihiri.KVAHii'1'ri'i.iMi n.rn iia« l)Atii i>rtfnnlraJ In lliln clly, kIiIi Dm iiiiliiwliif nllh nra; I'rtiiliinni, Waiia iliimhiy; v(ro |iram|(||iiii, \V. I.. Mllixr: imMnmr. il. J, KraMimr; Mrretarv, W. 1*. llF|>titim; niilain, 1*. Klariirr; itrat lli«ulrnanl, tf. A. ilullwrl; •omiul lloiiionaiil, A. V'libniia; inanl of tniMoB*, \V. rreeniao, J. Unuiiiaml M. tllhli. TiiKrvrutMK WiiRii.Nil?! iiave nriniiircal In UnMiVixn, .V. v..Willi llio rMllitniiiuiiinmni: TrvalilMil, l*elnr Janiea; tlrx |irK*1iloiit, Kranli K. llaiinint; Mi*r«lary ami Ireai* iirpr, JaniM IIIbkIii«; lliiaiicial xN>relnry. I,a«ranr« lllfilly: rniilalu. Paul S. Kiiiitb; Am lli^uitinanl, JWin W. Ilitrn; mh-ihuI llituttfiiaitl. Marry ('. Vatiiifrbeck. TiiK NKtr YiiHK WliRKi.HKt iiato riHtmnlrwl wllli ikn fnlltiwliitf (iillctii«: rni«li|i«iii, J. II. Klll«>n; th*a pre>l- tlanl, A. I,. KiHUiid: iKcrpliifVi 1.. KtMip; troaaurer, 11, H. Olouioiit; caitiaiu, J. Itorifltl. TiiK Kio<-uilrft|?iiiitiiiliiMiif lliaNathmari'vrlo Boanf r Tntilo hait iit»enMl an iilllni In llila rliy, aa tliH (•orviniiani iituwhiiiiiTlnni uf llm riin»niliiii. A Ruile itf pHHiiM liAH IwDit reiilnl 111 Uio Vaniler>il)t llulMliiir. Till: ill((MlH1.TM (.V. V.) Ilin)li HtWH AMfNUATini lian ap|Mi|iiicNl nrtiiiiiiiliimi III Mrfarl liio arranniiti»n|a iiir llio «liMliiiaii'« i^nvW, Itt lalin |>birii tin the t.«inor iobuil *Or|o |>«lli Juno 11, tu colvlirale tlie upouliijc of tJia path. Tilc AwliPiilmMHlrl llli't rlr tliili Imm Ihwi itrKaiilrMl in till* i lly Miih llin rMlbmliiir oinrnta: l*r»aMeni. Ilonry iiiickuli: Tiro |iriia)iiitiii. I'. Waltnr: aorrotiirtr. Krptierirk llMi-fai'li; iron^iiiur. KrvlDrlch Iai:iuIb; caiilalii, Auiteat 'Irliiwlin. TliK Mnnlmtlnn iUryrlf Clult Imhl limlr aiiniiai nieolin^ Mnn-li IM. Tim riillnaliiH tiiTliTr* «pm ainrini: TnuiilMil W. T, KlKiarl; virx tin'«liti-til, ^\ It. lloliiiii; imasuror, Jowiili llaiiMiiii: Pi>i'ittiNry. II. \,. .Mi-KaiIiiihI; ni|ilaili. liarli'itl'.H'AUl^rli; ilTvl lliMilPitiiiii, It. (I. llDiia; aocolM llfiuti'iiant,!*. J. il|iiinrli;ln)»to«, V. K. iVMii. Dl'Hi.N'i.TiiK I'HiviKtatH iifilin llilnl iiiiiiiiniZiiiillnliaiHll* mil nml niro uf ttii* rftllfinnU AvuH-lHTotl 'iVflUlit Tiulw, liHki SJan-li 3, ni trm Han ImihIim irarli, Waltnr K. Ku*lor i-<iTi«rH| llio «ilBlAn>-ft III III. r.'iii. Oe.V-i hiwarliiM Ilia raclilo CiHat rer4'»l dot. Mi*. TiiKl.iinJuiin I), d'truitnitr, ■iiii iIIhI in Ml. Vornon« .V. v., Marrh K.wmt Imni In iliiplph, Onlarhi, un Joiy 31, ItftO. Ill IMI Un Piitnioil Kunliiaiii CuIiakm, S. Y., ami ira* lualptl llieyfiiraLiliir, ■laiiiiliiB mciumI In liiarlaa«aod takliiH tha Hllrrr inwial fur aniiitral pninrlanry In UinilaH, llnnrroidml a lartlldni aa liilor (it HI. I'Hnr'a Anwleiiiy, ltnHikl> n, ,V. v.. liul hwl Ihwii iIito <uiiy a aliort tliiia utiKO iiu waM riiiiiiwllwl tu rtialun on arrnunt nf a anrena Bint |<ari«lal*iiil nli^rk nf hihUiIh. aJl«i rnturn tn hla iii>inii In ('nimiU, wlivrn ho miialiiwl niHtuI a VMir. Hnuia lliu* illll liitt \mj Mr. irCoiiiMir minniiKl to Saw Vnrk, Inlaml- liiKlii Mlatr Illll a aliurl tiiiii>, hut lila uncle, llio Uio MIrluinl rfinbin, nffurvil hint a |Hgaliliiii aa dork In fala MlKnnl (alilu farlury. whlrii hn acraialtHl, anil ■lni*ol)ieii iia liaa iwon tiiiiratir lnaa (tritiitlnonllx hianllflwl tIMi llie Itlillanl liiialtia>a. in Kail nf liffl Mr. (n.'iiimifr a*. ciiro>l Ilia < 'ohiiiiiilft liliiiani rtNuii at HnaailHray aotl T»an- ty ■nvoinl HtroHl, III a rlly, aint lin rniiiaiiieil itwiiar vf tlie Mtiiii until il oaaauVI biilutiran K. Hiuuiin. Whanflirla, 0'i:iiiini>r liiwl In iH77, ami lila Uninn H<|iiare litmanl riMiiii vat iitTornl fur aain, Mr. O'l^inur anil hia lirotlinr Jiiu|fli iiHik Ilia PHHit un a Jninl lairiner' *hl|i lAMla, mill nxiifurtwl ll until r/>li)|>ali«l tn TAi-Hin llio ■•rnnitaoa iHiraiino Uia |in(|irlabir ff the Mnr- tun lliiiiaflilo^lrMl Ml oiiinriffl hia iiuartpra. Tlila vaa In IMTJ. iroiiinur ita>« Himi |>lnfn>i in rliamnuf Iho ruliiiiiliU llllllani llfffHii. a laoallluii lio Imlil iinlll It waa Mill hi Mr HI<iM«in. In IKTMUJI Mr. U'i'fi r waa in niiraM". III.. In rliaritnurahmnrli nriliaLllllBtil iHialneu ufliU falliorln iaw,||inta'n H. W. ('(tllrinlnr. In IMTS Im arruin|>tiilwl Wlllimii Hailniiln I'nri". «linnilifl Interna- ItiniAl inalrh nl tillilania waa |i|aro<i lioloKnii Hailun ami Manrli^ Vluiitiui, lim fiitnrh ut|4irl. Hn IrMvnaa vlduw ami iiiio tlaitttlilT. Kunorvl Mrriiw ««ro Iml'l frtHii Iko tlliurriiurilioKtrrarl llMrl,Muinit Vnniuii, Marili U. TW liilerntMil wan at K|trliiKilalo, nuar Hlainfopi, t.'l- THIS RING^ MiuN VvHS Hint Jno \Vii|(;iitt hare lieon ntaU^hed In llKlit twDily rniinil<i ul llio Hra>il(le AHiIiiIId Cluli April I. It Im Mtd Iliat Jimmy Jlnmr anil KM Uiifl- tli'U, (ft llruokljrn, S. t., will iiijiear fii tlio prelluilD* ary Ihhii. JiMUY Mrnriir, of m. lutil. Minn.. an<1 Jlmm/ Kt:lirciilMini, nf MIiiiiuhihiIIk, hIiiii., fduuht thirlj- fnur niiiiiiU Mrtn:li H, iivur Ht, l*uui, Uurplij nnir* liiit a kijiivk out |jk>w aftur two liuum uf lunl IlKliildK. Jaik rhilaildplila, I^., aiHl inilr Variinii. Ihn "Ilaviinitniw llrii:kiiMkar,*'ar6 malchcil firt' tt nriiMiii miiiiU Itniil at tltiviiUml, (>.. Harub :Jla TiiP. CMOS ATiif.KTH'C'f.i'H Imu niinpieM llie pro* Rmiiimfifor Uh IhixIiik hIiow it iMklaiiil lUub, Jer> my tHy, N. J., April 1. Jnn WAfivrr liaa iiooii iiialirheil to llRht IHck lliirsn nl Itn iHiuhiU fur |&,ou; a alilo In KiiKlaDd la AtlUUHl, ViiLNd fihirKo will iiriji ffe<i. Ilnrmnn, tit iMn elij, rix mniMU irtforo Ihu Uanhatlaii Clith March Vt. lliuu W. FNeina.tii, lauaeiif Iho Loiim |tUo<l lluial, at rolloKo I'Mnl, U. J., Ima itmuBhl an artltin In the Hii|>rAina Ouirt aitain«t ihfiiilnlcii Mri^afTroy. Ihe (rtisHlai, to rerover 9III7 fnr hiani, nliitli Fr«rKaitl claliiia Mri.'ar- frey ii»»a htni. Tlia Mil, il la alimfmi, waa c<jnlracl«n laat Huintiior. a hen Muf^rey an<lli|araiiilljr boarled at Krey* BanR'a |>lac4. fiirK fi'HKlE.<r A.'vu iViner iKiaaa. ilia vaiiariralaljl uu' VlllitVhe^i ''eon hiaiWiMl lu imtit Vi a diiitJi nn April 1. St }tf>9t. Tlia ronuat la lo lakti |iiar« in tUMim tmorm a •rlvautrluir ami ttie winner |a In heuiatcliml afalort Jvo Vai^-oll. Ut nilitoiinniuntli lalrr. Jrj« liRrrfiii, ur Iiayton, O., anJ r.on Bantoe^ of Nlilar. Uiwn O, oiiil/aiwl a lire rnnod ilr** at ilaylon, O,. Marrn 13. Hie inlil waa announced for all rriund*. trul Uiili men were In trail r<<] the refareo dflci<le<] to draw ilio dKhi at the and of the ilftli rnurnl. TOHHT WuiTC nutroujthl ffaorae Hid-lona for »Ii rounda la Clilrain. March ll and intttM tha Ural ilacl'Ion lie haa raioed In throe meetinia •riiii iP).i( nrliiar. aiddfiaa waa inockeddown retieetodfr, aad naaiary eronfyn'. ilie^nd ofUieaecnnd roiio'l. JiKB KtLVAiy rea^fearad in the aoiiarad nn lo Vai'U 10. at B<iatoii.'l, eltbouah r«ry murh out of cini dillen. nanaffed lo brioK an el|lit round t^ui wiih fiteto O'Donoelt to adiaw. JiHMtr piHKaod KM Laviima will hoi nflW r^uudaat ClireUod, 0., for apurae. *>« Afr 1111- Dm trutlAH wa» hnockel uut*>y Pat UurLeatllldrfo- oeO. L. J.. March if, lo the leoth round. ATTQifOnnA.—yo4f£.**-':'—Wbatlo ilmo did you loilaltipoD colMo;; toil woman Mit to alOR ber w/Off twire over ror* inuire yi>it/t~,maif\y a nailer cr curloalty, oolhlOK mntv. I Jndl wauted to mo If abo would make the Mine RCfttiirn wlm ahe KtriKk Um Ihiril iHileiif lli<:i;liihlh l^ar. AndHtiedldovrryilm *, Uj Crnrur '. N" ioh-i; In PJifak of, httt iRl'l llU wr>ii* (l>!ir-t|Irtrt:llir.iiiirdT Ji-'Hii;-Vnn Imvc t>r:(>ii f":iiid khIII; nf mldierr In the :iial ilri/M'f, llM\i' fuu nii>ihlii|f 10 Ml lier'tre hriit'-iii'i; lit |iii4ari| iiifHj >iiii7 /'i7>H(fr—Nolliliiu. Tiiiir llnjinr, fvri>|ii|iii; in rciinrol that III (aliodliit MDlvoce/ou nlllt/cnt uiu »» Ir I wenifuitrotrUKm«