New York Clipper (Mar 1895)

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40 THE JSTEW YORK CLIPPER. Maech 23. THK.NKW YORK CLIPPER ^ THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHINO CO. (Umltod). rHOFHiBiniw. QEO. W. KEIL, HANiOXB. Tin ftflftTvanla forfftud Ilia rhimplonihlp throuirti bll' lira tA ir4«pt • rJiallMM tnm Jtk* KilnlD. Tlili vui ■llor HallWan'a ann hu li««n rrmctond lo ■ hIIO »Ilh HATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1605. RATES. AD VidUTISEMENTS. Tvfniy c«iiUporlln». Kittm i)p« inM«iini; *p«c«oron« lucli tZM tack ttufrtlm. A ileducllun of 3D ptr t«nL In ■llnwnl uD wIvmlMtiiAiilH wlittn paid Tor IIifm udqiIi* lo ■ilTJinc*, ami on ii<lritrl|Hfliiiftnla iriMJUirlntf W llntii i>r iiion>. BUBSORIFTION. On* y*ir, In iitlvinr«, M; Mx ^l(lnlll^ U; llirna monlhn, 41. Kon>lin imlnjir mira. HlnKtv rn|)(f*, IDf^nrsMcli. OUII TKKMH AUK CAHII TIIP. RLlri'KH la xrrrj Wdliliu/lv iiionilnic. Thr l»Ji, lull aiKl mill (ailinlUiiiEl l*<f' <I0 Tr) l-HKMI OK HUNUAY, and Ilia Kill, IIMi aoil ulhrr |ia|iu on TUEHUAY. The Forms Oloilng Promptly at4 P. H. flaau raitill Uy Bi|>raM iiiiniay onltr. cliarb, P. (I, Or* liar or ratrlatanNl Ullnr, ami ADDRE68 ALL COMMUNICATIONS For Ui« Edllorlal or Ui« IlaalnMi l>fipAitment to THE NEW YORK CUPPER, 0. Hi>i IIJOIL or Cl.iri'EK HUlLIflNM. aiHl tlM:t)iilr6 Hinwt, Knw Vork. Ill KiiitUiiil—TilK t'tAfynn ran l« olilnliiotl, wholovie mill tpUII, tif out RKaliUi, Hiitllli, AlliHlItt k ilv., % Hmw. rAHllfi Hlrrct, Kiraiwl. In l>*ninr«—TllK Curi'lH la on nl« at HranlaiiuV ii«va dtpol, 17 AvsDuoda rO|f«rB, TariK. i0-TIIEl N£W VOHK CMPPKR pab- lUhu only oofi MlltloD, ■.nil tbnl In itated firom New Vork.-6« QUERIES ANSWERED. NO REPLIES BY MAIL OR TELEGRAPH. AllUklUVUI UH WIIKMKAlWlUTH NOTdlVKM. ALL IK qL'KriT tif HUCII RIIOULlJ WHITK HI THtWK WHOM TIIKT HXKK, l.f CAHKOrTIIKCJ.II'I'KII ItNTT UPVigK. ALL I.KTTWIH WILL HK AUVKRnHllJ UXK WNKN UHtX. If TllK HOUTK UK A.XT UUTHICiL UIHfAnV IH WJl'iltlT, HKrKK lit (M>H LIHT (IP Huirrim un a:«itiikh paok. Wk iu.xmit hknp huitim by mil.UH TKLUIIuril TllUATllICAIi I'HiHRiwt, Ualllitiiiro.—I. Hlio Old iiol. i. Wii i|n nnl kmiw ilie wlisrvaliiitiia of llie |>arl)-. .T KrvnclaWllwni iiiKiln Mu iimriuulitrial ilnliiit on llm iiilnpliH itiiKs In llilMfIMila- lift •lull tlml lirnndi of (!•(» IrualiieiOi In HCH. W. W. D«rahir.—1. It liii« nnl Imrii unl lliU M*auiii. J. It llM nnl. J. U. lU InillRiniHillH.—I. ViiO lin\u tin rlahu In llio uialb<r. 1 Wollnil iin rrninl nrilittlNlli. X Van 4. Tliv llllo lia« IwHt utm\. A. Wp luiiiir of hone In niiUlniicu. Vuu iiiliilil linar or imp hy RilvorllMin): In TllR 4!LlprKH. KM raiM III tlllK Uhiia. W. I). M., luillaiia|>o|U.-l. Tliv rulliiiaii 1*r1iup C'mr (U)., lA llTDRil Hiroot. Waitimr ralnca Car iWt., 01 KmI Kitny-fouilli Klrerl, U>lli nf Now Voih Cliy, aiiil Voitico TrmiiB|wrUlliili Vak, Ht. Lfiula. Uo. -J. K. HA>lk .11 Nunli KinoAulli Hlrool, ('hlbiJvlptila, I'a. X W'r inniiDl <|iiuto |irirv. J. n'll, lliiwiiita.—Wii rRiiiMil uiitltitlahf In IiiiiiIpJi Uir vnluuiiiiouM liironiialloii ynu ilp^irn. U'atrli uur"Wlil|p Tniita" cdliiiiiii. V..H H., I'lillailcli>lila.-Hliii WRiiiioi. Hliu waa llir mlfv iif Hid IruauTOr of llio llmail HinwL Himlrr. C. H. II., Ilollaiiil.—I. We Imve iiu ailvlm lo iiil«r u|Miit Ills nflijerl. :i. Tliwy an imi. TItoy atn •nllHlud in llit< Mirvlca of Iho Klalp. S. A<1i)ntM llie War l>v|iamiiDiil, WnaltlnKluii, 1>. (I. 4. Kint«ii iliillarn \'v>r wcrk. &. T1io> lid IKil. CLIPrKH KoLliiTKU.—\Vp iiovrf Hilvikv HU)oiir In |{o U|Min lllU BlMMQ. i;. W. (I., irarrl»i>uri(.—TlilnytliilUmiTrHM'k. II. 1*. t., ilrmyHvllle.-l. Tlilrlv tlullan< ivmoeli. i, Nu. K.H., rMliiileIi>hlL—I. Urw. Aala H<Hitli I'Urin dlwl In Hoiironniiiitlli, KiiKlniid, May Iti, 7. Mia l«n Ivn Nina aiiillKutUtiKliiUTa. X ilipy Btv nol. 4. No !> In HnRUiHl. ft. Wv iievar l\imbdi inroniinllon coimriiinf iho |irlvAit> lli-i*Miil i«rlonitar«. A. K. N., i-aiinliin.—Olilalu Uio ImtrUlM'iuMrM l*aii«illt( ImilliiK nilliuad ruiiiimitw. M. J.—Watcli Ui« nmla lUl mHi ti«ok In Tiik (XlvrxE. W. r. 11^ .\atiluekit|.—AildrpM Nnniinii A Kniiui, |,ufk piri, .N. V C.'K. li, HnHtklyii.—I. Kroin an) llilioKnii>blr tium ,rlntDr. 1 Adilit^a any or intr mhih ihiIiIIkIiIi llaprn. \ Ymu itniltaldy rallliul itravoiillillii prii 11. v., lloitMou, Tpx.— I>nlter >iiii nCvr in au* hviil In Pwdloluu, OrvKun, March 1ft. W. K. T„ Tniy.—I. Ttipv nanalli do. V. Tliv miih vrHun. \V. n. tL, HI. l.<>yU.-AdilraP« iIip |<iny In ran of TllK i!LirriiH. J. J. M.—ticv llip inniiaHont uf llis variiiua IIimiivk K. V. v., on HrriiiKM.—I. Addnm llcwiy * HlftcNiw, Nu« llavon, (.1. 'J. TKi'niy dollara \Kr «guk. 3, AilwrtlHi >uiir vanu In Till rLiiTlN. Huo raipa In lltla dtintt. A H {\ Nitnark.—Yuti nro Cht Um >uuiib lo Kn d|hhi llir Mau* and wp atlvW vou In Riandnii (hs hIpii. !•. II., Ikivpr.—I. l'lnppndnllRni|Kir«i.Tk. 2. TliUHiniv *uni. 3. .VnllihiK. i. Wq know nnllilnif alKiiii iltvarllrin. K. U.—TlivTT na«. Hio liniiMt vaa Noiu 17, IV* Hoiroo'i aitd vaNojiuiiMl a< Wlillp'a Varipllp;* tn IfiU. Ii Iwainip lha HI. (TlarlvaTliMln) In U4Ut and In MW van ivuvrrtHl Inin Hliire*. J. J. I*., HlirlUKllold.—Wo klinw uT mi plaM In thU roiiii. iry «lipnt ilie ln«lniitiuiii U anld. 11. i)^ New Urkvup.—1,1 KlHof ii (lollnta iw «evk. _ Adilreu Hip Ijiwrpiicp Nnvrlly I'o., Kl rimI W ('piiire UiriMil, Nev Yorkt'lly. CUNTlNlLtTAl..—I. Aildn-M llitf lilhrarian *i{ \\n}gtvr^ J. .NelUierlaiiraity tiw, K> rat aiiatllle In concvninl. 3. Heiid lau ni|doB ni your|iU)-, villi prlntoil or lyit* wrlllvn llllei>a|[e, IukpiIit vilili "tio didbr, in Kip l.llittrlnn ii( iNtniifiWi WaBliliivloti, It. (!. K. W. M., t'itn)l«r)ainl.-l. Tlipy illil nn|. Addi any AiiiPilcaii INtDHul (ti Hum* i-onnlrlp*. V. M. II., Niirwalk.—Wn Imve nevpr lieanl nl ilie ormui' Iniliiit. It. M. .\'o(rlrtir})«irl.—liaw iPi-elvnl no rvrptil iulplllKPtirt* rnnii iln* i^miiiNio*. Wau-li uur n>ute lUt. 0.1'. H.,T)iu)|«.— Wp raniiiil iiIto )nii llie Urn of lima- Irea ynu dp«ln\ liprmuMi alalpnteuU mT niiiiamm cnii' rpnilnic tfap H*aUnu i-aiwrlli uf llieir linuM>ii la nut nlirayi iivunitis and wodo nnl trlali in iiiakp aiitrinputM pxraH u|Hiii ni'lual knovletlup. Kaim I'lav, Hi. I.iiiiI#.-I. Ynu wrra wirrwllj- |«M, ftir liy yniir on iiPlitihlnti ynii nnl miiI>- IoM llm pvnnliii! i>Hr> rnniiunrpxiiiTliurMlav and fVlday, Iml llie iiialdieit )>cr riinuaui*p* ita well, ninl nuirvovwr, )m*o in* idHtv uit Halnr day' nnonimni. 'i. TIip Imya liavr ini rauw Tnf 0(Hii))Uinl. Tlipy ntfvi\ wl all iI«p) liMtr|>Mlil i>uL and tkkel »i*witlallii|i Mllliln llir walhnra llieaup alinuM Iw in wvrryvaydla ruiinieiiaucml. M.O'll.. IM H|irlnKri.—We IwTP pnMlalirtl im nnl lev nf (lie d»Ui. ruxo, (tklnhnnin.—Klfleenandmenlv ilidUtai^rnpttk, raMipi'ltvely. i:HI(T(ik;al. liiittlK.—Tlip aol waadonp MToral joftiaaiiP liynnAmli, alioMt iinnie «p have ruriiollun. Rial we luroiinwl II VRHdniip In ihla clly reitnll)- by a ivrrnnuer iDftinuMHini. II. Ih, I'hicaitti.-Wr liavp nn knoaUslxe nf lhi> whpiv- ■liuula oftlip |<Rny. Addreo* lellpr (n care of Thk t^Lir K. H. K., JaineBlimn.—Ynn «lll lui\p in ilnl Imhi who (itiiia lite idaya ymi uaul and Kipii rnniinHiilnleillTrctl) «tlh litem. J. L. J., ltR>ion.—Hni'h pnipnaliiuipiil* are iiul allliln nnr iinivfiu-e. Iiviulrp dlreclly of Ilia tiiananem. J. IV, (lioum*n»irp.—AddniM Ihe rvnco NoTflly IV. m iiiid W I'viilni Hltvel, New York Oily. (I.<l., llnHikb n-—I- "Tlte HUrk Cmuk" wan uniilnallj arlvil wpl. It al Nlldii'a (lanlru, IhU rlty, uihler ihp niau«Keniriil i>r Win. Wheailcy. 'J. Tlir Itm al Or«l wniitrlMtJ Milt Hnrinn, tlr«t. Wllmdu (Int. Prlnimae Rttil Wm. We*l. It iipM U<miiP Tlialrhpr, I'rinmias J Wail ■and (Inall)' rrlninti^ A WpPl.lhe I'lemil (Inn. 3. Tho orlHiiMl UamuinHlinw oaiipil hy I'.T tUnniinand W. (M'iiu|>. latol) iln'va*eil. Uaniuiii, Halh>y. I^tleand llulrlilDHtii wpreinlpnvied In UieHantiin) I.onilon Hlma. A. \\ M.—K« anrh dm-iutut|il Id fotiulrtil. J.H. M., Wam.-l. lie waa nol. '}. We kiinw orini pir lurvlhni ran I>p had. X Addrrw Hie Lawiviice Nnvelty C(i.,R*nihltUtVlUtvSlieel, Nom York Tlty. O. K. H.. New t)rtean>.—AddreM Ipltrr lo lli^ iiAity In «are nfTiiK lYirrxH. 11. K., IHt lluiH.—Vou n<iUlnl>-have no riKht lo appn* priate tn ^nu^ umu um* Hitjlliluii Mlilch Ittlrtuica in tnolhar, aflhnulhliiouiM>iitjand lit Ihl* rU)> nirltcun- •pul would nnt Mve ynu nnui tlip |vri>elTmtluD nr ■ fraud. V. I.. IV. Mayflpld.-l. iliinur frttnitdt.SI Oaiul HiireK Naw Y*"I>*''i.^- Aildippi American (Iraj4in)>lin»e I\il, CAIIDS. H. H., Hittratit.-lt. U Piilllirt) to al\ |<niiitii lor the IlUt an) tu I, tt, lM> and 7. C»iir Iwiiiil a run and t«o Tor Ihlr- ^^u'rU.. 11illHdPt|>lilR.-l. Ahimlln crlhUf:«i nfihrw re aud t«o fa citnnla tapiily. V. A hand of three Ta and iKoA'a rounii> plKbievn. J. Hi., hirt lipatenaonh.—In alnKlp hiuded |>{npcle i (■layer lu^lniiiiirUliHl rnriv tninipi ami anoiitanlatrunip bitalrlrk ullli hii iiupfti, ran idnre the older queeii^ are.Jit kaml leu n%nn tiln hanifinilie klnn Already on . the iMisnl aud luvlJ nue hundtvJ and liny liuui|«. J. II. New York'.—In riittlnn rordpat al eurhr*, tlia • knave U Ihe hlBhpamr\l. J. U. 1>-. New YPik.—|(|RlP UiP CAM dearly, atid we will aniwer. lhp|<U)er who klntldlfil ilnipnut alau) O. II. W.. HI. IVuL-Al ruihrr nnly Ihe pUypT who luineatlip TTHH>n«ildllty ofilip tniniphy InklnR ll U|\ or- derliiK ll U|>. or uiaklnK lu U eulltleil tn |iU> akme. A •uchie n>nnt« onl)- twoudnif. J. K K., t'liarli*iioii.—ToMilUO' >iHirM>ir, tiiake the i . |>pr1tueni H lew ilnirK. Neilhn one lia« the adviuiute. ll U all a nut ler of rltanre. IIINM. T. H., llilbdelHita.-Jidin U HullUaU Wen Ihe cbtM. plnuabluor Anierlrw bydefeallnf Tadtlr Kian, it MlMdi- ■Iplil Cliv. HIM. Kek/, IMI. They fnuaht uulrrlhauhl tul*e«ltti har* kaueklei, RuUlTRD wlnnui euUy. luUk Tatar OardifTal Mlnneapolla, Iflnn. Halllran afUrwanla diaKanKed Kllniln, or any ether mtn. to Ifht foriba etiainirionililfi of ihe world. Relllvan aad Hllnin mad* a mairli,whlrii vaadseMed aiRkhburit, MbH., July a, IffV, HuUlTan wlnalnv, anil thua heromlDR dunptoa of the world. It. W.. flan rmnclaco.—ArcordloR tn ihe reffular nlM ut Ilia tendon Fritn KinK. nreralnii all ehaipplooililp nialcliMu Uie rlnir niuM I" Ufl. Viuaraand Mtehod nn lurl, and Ihe flihl mnn l>e with ban kaocklea. Unlar iha (jueoRRburr niltw, ihe rinv may be pli«hed In or oui nf doora, and iJiniilil IteMfl. aquer*, or ai near thai ilu «ajMf»>llile. J. a U. Waienrllle.—The Dglii )>ai«aeo Joe Co barn and Hike McOiul fortliediamptonahlporAmarfcatook Tdareal ritarleaiown, Hd.. Hay 0^ 18BS, Cohure prarlDR lha wlonar and hacomloir champion of Aneric*. OASBBALL, CBICKBT, BTC. H. M.H^rhlcaffo.—Tlie Athletic nine, of Fhlladelpbla, inailo thirty-four run* In Ui« ninth lonlDv ofan eihlbl- lion RBtne wlUi the Koreai Clir Club, of Rochlbnl. IIL, In June, IHCHL that belna alwui Uie targHtDonberornina " ■—* - ifajiainebetw """" ■ _ , ^Tlie VoonM( to iiHTn met with lu flrit defeat In tlia (Dtenutlenal <on T. W. B.. Bnwklj VoonK UaiudUn Club elalnetl ten with llie Atlantk* of BrooltlyD. BepL n, ISS4. MrHaboo of Ihe Hulual lean of Uili cliyacM aa am. '''<?' II. K., Fhlladelphlft.~aaorge H. PalUreon, of the tleriiiuiiiiiin Club, of nilladefphl^ I* credited «lih elghieen lodlTldual uorei of one hundred nina and up- vanlK. BlhLIARIM, POOI^ BPTC. J. 0. L., Hwton.—Allriirt O. Power*, tlie profeaalonal pool |>Uyer. laalire, accordlDf tn onrbnovledReaod be- lief. K. n., Ullca.—We hnaw of no prenkratlon on mU fur Ihe FinrpuM. Vou alinuM apjdy tn Uinae eapimd In that HipInaui,a8UwDuLI In uwkn fur you toalleDiPt to re. rolor blllbutt halU wlUi nny nnllnary cohirlDR nialter. D]CB« 1M»N1K0BH, BTC. W. J. N., Uallaa.—Tilt threr man aim ihre* ti mch iiniwoirfnrlhp ilirae i>rlrpK, ihp viniier inilnjt llm hluh- mt, tlie aerond iiirii Hip iieM ami hi on. Tli^ pertip:* aim Ihrpw 11 and Zl are not nnilllnl loniiy {irb*. HlflCRIXANEOt'H. W. I*., i'nivldeiirc.—Aildffw A. I,. Hoitiin. 2t I'olon K<|URre. or Kl||flpr Mfir. ('M..ita Hn«dWRy, i«ilh of ihl- . ' K., (luUiTle.-rhr Huwt^ Jmirmti. Hnrri* nilllli« A i:n.. BraulaHy, .Vew Vmk i;ily. K. K. P., rillihurK.—Thprn U nootia of llia nNinr tliRl we know of In ihe fmiel iHialiiteK. CI-IESS. To Cor¥M|»ondf)Hla. K. <:. W., city.—Thank >ou hir the cirinidiuipiii nf ili<< pmldain; relumed with remarba. whlrb f>lraM> riRmliie crltlcAlly. "If al itral you dnn'l auccec<l," elc K. N. ()UT.-It la RuiTKe^nl UiaC you pn<iaeir iRblnit a ,>al al our nmnd inble. If ml "ijiik vhla; tnulod'oMR,*' yini «l|l lie conlUlly wetcoined. Hho. Hhiohhiilh.— nonni fAlla ua here to eipreu nnr ohllKAiluna; will write Tou. Tlie Klnit'a8|*elllnK Hatch" ta lualbn cute reran'Uilli*. M'. rxHN Bhiplkt, llilla.—AiFtln «e ere much your debtor; lliat conlrlhullon la Lordeafiue In (lualntaeci. t.'iiAi. A.aiLHiKO.—Kthankiliad concntie value you'd Mwn (pit rich. PrubleniH will aoon be forwarded; uldn'l we RTtI) ourMlvea of your airt< MmtcA/io pone ituieT 'V anil dedication rerelred. I'ltiL. Hii'iiARDiiDN.—WIllyou kindly euppb* Uie naniea lo the H and L ^Kura^ anu out laujtli at ua aa ntdaitet (Nirredlun rocelveil. lhanb you. Ham Loto.— Juiitiieonalderete luiBwer we eipevtod; will write aitaln, aa anon aa out of ihli preM. JiMiK fUnONRR.—Jal laeln llerr. After ymir bey for 'liny uUier," Mipimae thet aable Cereller niDea Uie con- .nRnlfollclty ufuie White m>i) fainllr with a "fork," and tlirn liURaUioQ tudeaUit buv la While RolaRio seinlU- ili'ii ouien 'em In ihtee, or any oUiermuTeat Walthii Hknnktt.— Your pminpt rfaponM U ennally a ■nriirlae ami dellKlikea|>ecla] tlienka for analyaia: nnw. don'lvlay away ai> any more. W. U. tHVi!«i. Hacliip, Wla.—Thank you for nuiiienin> coriecl M>lullun^ mi cmreniHy wiliioii out; we caniml Rivn Hip Hat Ihla wnek: dbl ynn «ini|itpr l,ftMt II. II. Hai'Han.n, ln<Hana|«llit. iDd.—TiAnka, Indewl, for the laiiio ao liaautlflilly noted; II riiall have our Mfly Rtltiiillon. "Hiraiiiier" no lonjtnr: the niiue la aumclenl. t;ul. llrAH.9 Lewea OTe>i-PUt, Hrliiblun, Kiiv.—Tliank" for Inlomiatlun; roitleuiaof terd Rladly noted. M. KliHKKHTKis, Hiidnpe»l, Ilunmr)-.—WoRcreiit It RT>a coinHhiient In hnve linen aelecleil to present your "ttil' iMrv ilodlrRllon" to the Ainerlcaa chgaa worU. MMHa. illRIi HH., tiAHI'H'fTKR. tNlNdPIlM, TWOH, IX'H- TIKA IhiTLK, Hill.iKHAtr Riid TiKu.—'r.oiue una, cuiiie all.'^u-. "tlul nf alicbl," bulhv no ineana^'uulur inlnil." He aure wp almukl lie Iia^py tu have )nu rU and Mlniular Hpi^*arnl Ihe raudptrnita. and noawer lo TilK i:Lll*ritH*H mil rail of Ihp "t)hl llunni" laire inorp, at Nn. 2,tfi>. H'ra.—Thal'a Knod tn take; Rtnilhor miml nf Hie *aniP. Klevtsnl. Bnlgiaa No. l,Uvn. Kniin Thr tUtUtunrr .\>kv. RT IIR. W. H. K. I'ULLurK One cT the atruni|r«l and jifrliapa ninal >uHtttKllvc eplMalOM of tlit< Ute niatdi lielwpen .laiinwabi and HleKea, orruiti«l Inllieilrawn tenth inuie. Tlie nutea hy MIeaoa In iV. I'. Sun p«ein to Imply mjhif nhllvlnuanea nii Ihe lan of Imh pUyem r> tn Uip n<^lunl nierlla of Hit end IMwIilnn. Rfler H[Nrk'aBri..H in K 4. White. NIewN. ^ M 3L t t t ■IKKI\KHil. Ka, gH.'l. KKIA. K HM. « I « ^ t t (t) Tba ka; ncilaofa monurwuck, «hlrh la ctonrljr nTTTTIOTdjRS. mulTDdaoilin'uimlalf aiaraunl. I ■TJ--^'^-^*" *-'-^ (0 Antklptilna nu<h'i> nail mora. Iiul erflrliMihmii tlir « ■ fiJlii-' wlnffCvB. (l!ll"AHnifirpur«Ar.Ta«i*D«.>' HMllita: WHITE (Mr. BUgklninia). •Ililnl. K4, K\ KHhi. I^KI, KiJ. Wlilla II7..H III a i, HU>'lit;..l| Kl X r. '-IIm mova lliat lMiUUi«dni«', riitiiiiiaiilH Mla.^i>. dal ii» lu\e»lliiila. riilluahia Ilia tell ntutra: tll..llxKII' KIIiiK»+ie..Kli<H< KlliiH.i| 1II..K-H4 KKIXH n..K-KlS ai..Kxll KI-IU+ MI..KXIII' K-Hl ni. K-IJi KIXK+ l»..K-ll II, li»l<<l!l..K III II HI Ik iiaraHar}' l<i rn.un* llta ilnir. Hlark miM' Hei'iiin lu lulMliUrliaiico: lia|>lay»lIB..K lo II5T, ali,n lia .huulil liavajilni'ail a..K lo Kl 9! Hii* Hiktiu Uaa liilliiK.. rnm. paru [nail tlligniii « ^ ^ attJHI, KB. UllHii. I HtgltJ, KItd. OHX I.—HWrk ninitjfPl hia K lol| H4to hnkl lite U H f fhiui rMchliiKHA. Thua: e..K loKiS; M..K luKi 4.gKlto UXC Any move, Kt lu B 3. The Hlark Kta then raiHurv K K 1*. 9.—Tlioy Ihvn rruw to the (^'b i>lde, alien* one Kl Iteroinea nUninl mi O H3tn Imkl Hie rfnuii rearh. Inn H A. 4.-Wllh Ihe oUier Kl and K HUrb, hy a leniihy ,>iiice«M, pwriiran tlte ailverw K In any nimer. d.-He' leaalDtr tho olhvr KL HInck nialea the adrermi l*lal)ueenlnit. In itie rolloalniciatalHnn ^ % % « g alKKlA. KK;, gllS. 11 KHhi QRS. Hlark, |ilii>'hic llr.1, malai In all iniivaa. |Wa ravaiM. Ihe iliattniiii III lirawrva lha imirannlly nf iitaylnii arlih lltark.—Kl>. TLirrKH.] rntrmllDp villi ihoarlual onia: M..K III K \ K liiH4; II7..K In K4t. Kill) Kl 3+T Holli are B|i|«rvnll>* wnmu anln:tt|l..K In Kl^Kl lu K3I— nilaalim hIa kai rliaitri. liy (M.. K lo Kl 4, anil iiuv JanuT- Bkl IHIark) mi. anil iliH>% iinh- iltmiT. Uro. lliilTar, nriil. wllliinil Rtilllir lllluIhlat|Uoal[lin lllil^lall. fnnlanlalilin- •airallh lha illrluln lhal, llecT lllcM<s »llh all hi. In. Ilaiiully, ajiuukl nnl liaveeanlnMl with Ailm.. Prablvu No, l.OUO. WIIITK. Mr. Vlrw annnnnraa mala In alileao mofea. A RplvBdld Bvaae. I'laj'ril In Naaraalhi iKiiif.). Mr. Blarkliuma centaaKna Iwanly-funr mniaa at unra.-..VavRuflr fkirmteU^ Tli tbir IfA llfii JfiiffOtlNr. KVAKM IIAMHIT. HhirVliuma. l..l'luK4 1. .K KI-H9 3..K II-H4 4 I'-UKII «. .I'.UHS a..l'-l]4 J. W. HiilKUU. I* I» K 4 U Kl-H .1 K II-H4 H X Kl K B-R4 K I' X ■■ .l*aallaa ■ » rx iviiMD k .U-KI J II..0H-H.1 i;i-K> 19 .iSt X r l-aatlaa WItlla iraiminl. norlM, n. UMI'xr lMi4(AI l?t-V . UUrkbuma. J.W.Rohaun. 13..K HtnKa.1 K HUiK aq li..K KI-KXIl Kl X Kl I.V.KHXKI UlkRtlt) ia..l'-KKIS KHXKt .K KX H + II..K BX 1)1 U..K-Raq K Kt-»i KMIKII) KI-BIt KKI XO R X BMW R-K <k iinil HtiTwoaD. («) Nil nna knn.a l<aiur than Mr. B. Ihal to Kl3 la aIniBiirr. lint ha ilnuMleaa nntail tn |itmlfi hIa i>|i|woaDI liy ailniMlni llila nhfalala flinn of alUrk. (Al Raluma a Pat nni-a ta uhuln (Vaailcm; but BlMh nn maintain lita uuniarkal aupartiirlty. lh\u: K KlIuKt III..K MX KI+K X KB •..Kt-hlat UKIxr>4 l'-KI3 10 .K Kl X Br Kl X Kl U..l}-B]l|l)iini«lhln|«runi hare: ihla aouhl lia +. ami Hlark rnnnnt ana. 'Tlo B l"* WonU ha nnl 13 .g X Hl-Mlain.) (f)9..H X P aaa ninrh I4tiar, |>mlticlD( equality al iHire: but Mr. BUrkbunia la do 'vraelmi mtatar." (t) Mr. B. c*niui«a thli tnaTa; hut, on the Owe of (I. (i looka atronp aoil vouhl hare piVTeu eo bat Ibr Mr. Rob- aoa'i admliBble pby afteivtrta. BLACK (Mr. Robaon). Move niaile—3D..Kt lo Q Altl "A boll from the blue,* verthr or Mr. B. hlinpel^anil lailUllnrt •rManeeDrchaaa ability 01 a hlRli oiOer. White liaa nolhlnr belter IhAO lo xg: lril..6.or R,x Kl,he la nuned Inl.n; nwl Irn.. BloH4. KtUiB< + vllhileatmcUraoiretl. Uame No. l,tttte, npeclal - Id llio recent K Cala. 0)n«a. Toomey, R. .. Waller Hennatl. Aa Bru. (lalbmath aalU oore: Tlierortha meat brilliant'ilanippe-AUiialer** t. Plarrera. l>..4Klto^3 PIpKIXc) Kinie lliat nimkaa rliaaa worllt plmilnit.'* IIAMPPE-Al.lXIAlEH llAMBIT. WhItK. BUck. Mr. Pierce. Mr. Bennett I..PIaK4 PloKe I. .UKI.1I.VI UKUBa 9..|'-KII4 KPXP 4.. K Kl-R 3 P-K Kt 4 a..P-KH4(.| >..KI-hi<l I .K KtX P g. .u n X P lO .lS K-II4 + II. .ra>llri P-KI> P-K KSU) K X K Kl K-KI9 K H-K2 U B-gj OPXPI K Kl-lioine(c) (IB-K-K-O P-K H4 l^Kkks n..|!RX^ + axKtp-f g-Kt6 gBXKI+KRXB OKIXBI KtxKt g-KB2 H-lila3 vK^t g-Kia P-KRt4<l| RPx r I1-B7- IIRX a.KRX 8..K B-gg ]i..p-aB« SI.K-Sll II..K Kx BP O..KRXR I4..K n-B9 19..K-KI3 ae l«re our Prnhlein. .xiiTKM, H. Ltnantijicn, tTo^rninKo. I') rTlicMi niiivra, Inanrreiuilon.ireby llainpiie, AllRaler ami Thiinlil. 4..Plog4Toal(l olTer Ilia "Rtrlnlla tiam lilT."l (al t..Plng3;;..K BloH4,gKtluK4; e..KBlo Kt n% K RX P oR-gHi K IMiIa4 p-Ki 4m K RxP KIPXP K ll-K 7 + KRXP.aod 3, P b< K R S;t. P lo 0 4, lilllKinl allemiillnii to arln Uia ' L la a laaa pmcllaed, liul aefer fomi of dareoce. (b)8..PU> B t; rolk>w«lhya..PXP. KBIoK], laftv To t'ormpowleBts. la coirecl. The heal and only way to betomea «™4 i)ta?erl« l»Pl»r«l'» 'ironiierthan youn»ir,anrt *U S°e?^!jS£'vi»r taronat hand. (lav. the on. In- ^°'j*'L'S."o7iSjtJ't.l.l.D H.bUand lha anilyalaabu. l»yoii waol llpuUlihedl BRO Paikiiild.— Yoor kladoeaa appnrlAteil. B«o YloiSVlC-Tlieie will he nothliK '»''l«l"''>'''' .lUleSieir olM the m atter no rurtt er conaMarailon. N*w< of tko Ooma. tiA,\rBri?r.'i;i°i;i!Jts«^^^ 0niinmoodr&inUp.WrlRhtj4te. A ipcji We^ wWm ee honelo aee M"iwM,«J "■"P^W'^V^l cliWa J. UeaJr.Ul a Reod toon (|aenUy pUyeri, anil l^ we think, npertor to Uie ten mnve. (C) HeaL irU..KBtuB4+. tbenrollova: |y.l}B(oK.n 0 KtX I>(IO|l7..Qtn|ier4 Q BinRS Ifi.QHXR Q Kix B |lH..)ttlAK I. anil White wMl reaam liU plere, with Ihe lietler name. Id) lft..KFx Pwnubl l<we,P.ff..- M..UH|n64 Btohlaal |M..R In K Bm), followed by l7..KItXH QxKK |l9..QBxKt. (e) A riever aarrlllre to get hIa Into pier. Ohiae an- RiyMla will stiow that then* wn» iiothlnir netler. 8np- K Kin Bail |n..<JHx H Kt X Kt 9)..0HXK1+ KXUB H..l}<KlA4 Kt-XlS ai..Q-KS-(- K-KI2 U..0-Ba4' K-R3 B. .g Kt X B K H X H + |a. .R-BAl, anU wIdil (I) In Uie blRlMHl atyte! Wlille forcea the win of a plore. S..R 10 B4, anuki RllowUlack drmwIORdiaocee, af*' KLdKKI iS..KluKtA QloKa ai.KHxH KtXKB S..q-B8 RloR2. 27..K It-BA K-Km (withadafeulbla game. (/) Blacb evidently hoped to drawbytrmdloit f^ajid r^iiMlnlng with bl> Hooka ra. RMand R. Thlngri to Not«. _ ._jnuia, under the allrrlDf( ami pewei Brua. Heiniln aiwl Qalbreatli, an movlnit under Uie Im. putae of tlie ■ImultaiiRoua piraence anionic them of Herr Alhlnaiid Kmnk Lee to Ret up a funitRj match between tliuie eminent niaatnra. Tlie Iniereat U more than bical In eo aullable ■ meetlnR Col. Ryan'a I4^ ter PivbleDt Tuuioeinenl for cheai^ and llnire (uuuter* aiN) for drauRhIa, lua lioea eitended. (l It now nr- laDRpd thai Ainerlcaii rniniiellloTa loay enter up to June lit, proi. Tlie pnibienia are tu be In tliree mnrea. and conectiieaa nf funo will be one of Ihe pojnia JuilRed. No entrwiice fee, and cnuipetllloun — '^^ adtlraaaad lo "<:iieaa Editor VTedUg Su^tmaU nirir." DrmuRlibi pteblenia tn DmuRhu Edllurj do. The %mr Vl*u||eiv. |ffvuDvaa,ra ,ar v,IIV|l,,wi BU,i%Jij .iv. 1 IffV prlnaarv twentirmne In number, lobedlTldeu beiwwen clieaand dnuRttta eontributom. and cunalit ofrahiable )eweln-. dieaa Rnd drmuRhtaworka, and other llieratnrv. It ll almply a marvel, end niatler of nulreraal mnBrntulatlon, how Uie Mea of a vreat Rogllali Iniema- llonal tourney neit AujruaC hu cauithl on. PtedR^anf itit^rt of erer)' neceMTT kind are illernlly pourinR tn Itviii every quarter. Eren the tlUed noMllty hare cauKtit the ftenUe lufecUon and are xeuervuely auptmnlnM Hie manamra with the power of il>elr aoolal and dnanclal liacblnK. Now that our Bngllah coiulni Imve really luid a taate of what our American amateur uuatera are llbe. Ihey will moat rordUlly aploome nny Anterlrena who can go orer. That they ■ IlllieaUeu upon to ro, no ooe need doubt. Botheldea ran hearUlyJuIn In Uie Roial fellowfhln of Uie well himun •eyloK: **It'a antonldihiR btiw well I like a men after I've ixiro ibught him." The February number of tM SlirUrvte devotea twn |«iteM of very plcaMnt reedlUK to HiHl nuwlkmudanino a. Mlenea tx Jaiiuwekl. Al unly MiP move liefore Bn. polkicb "lakea up hIa perahle" (aee nur Bnltpna). UerrH. iccuunt af M. J.'a exceedlnR the time limit. But, aa the v\rert (If any) waa vnly a aiiiall fhiclton of a tulnute. ihla riilvalrvna youiiR maater. In llie true end high minded idril of Keneruua cIhw, wm« eaalb* penuailed nut lo pni«i nia rlalni. WouM there were more like him: At the polni of nnr Enljnna, tlte "couutlni of any niovea" (iixtw la Ute Krendi rule) waa wjueated; Uii Uila auon ended by Black** cepiunaic K R iT After Uila, count or no oouot. It Mema cerlalD, ihouKh Biv. I'olhicb doea Rire the exact delalU, that BUck can cvrrRll Uie White K and male hita well «(Uiln Uie French rule, llerr MIeaetopen leiterto tbe maoaiieTa nnd pnmoten of the match, and to Uie genenl Prancb cheaa public on iPATlnii rerla, (aan Ideal mndel of what HichleMreUblnin ahuuhf be. It ataowB cheM In one of lie mutt amiable filB■«a, from one of III nioHi amUble ilevuteea le time epIeDdealwre hinied at, reniloda ua of aauRRe*- lion inaile by auuio Ainerlreu broUier. wefonnet by wIhimi, but wlah decidedly to adrocele lu adopiloo. that a oeruln Ihnli uf grace per hour ahould be uMeO to all lime lliiitti In fliluR tliBl matter for (Viture cheaa erenia. llerr Hleaea, efler hIa declelve deleat by llerrTeldi- niann Id London, prunouncen that younR niaater to lie, prvilaltly, Uie atroogeil idayerin Unulud It la very avTtteabIs reading to aeo that Mr. 6te(nltz'a propoeltloo to K' ly twogameeeadiliycablewlth theflveinaaiera,BUrk. ma, Qumberg, Luker, MaioDindTelchinann, haa lieen favorably received tn Brlildi diem clrdea, end It may (kirlybeiald there la atrong probehlllty Uiat tbia Inier eitlug aerleaofeonteauwili come oir Tlte game be< iween 0. Ilymea, of the Newark 0.0., eod A. B. lIodgel^ nf Hie MiQhatleit 0. C, ■bid) wta aitjoumed In Uie Met' mi^dlien League loomament, wia abandoned a drew by mutual conient J. W. Bhowalter gave a almultane. nua performance Mirch lA, at the Bielen leland O. (*., idayrng with iwelre of lla uiiinbera. Flay waa completed In three houra. Mr. BbovRller von 10 gamea, kwli and drew I Tlte laal nmea lo the Metropollten League ■erlea will be pleyctl Mardi fi, lieiween Ute Olty C. C. ami Ihe Bnntkb'n l^ v. Tliese geinei will have oddltlonal In- lertet fntni Uie fact that tbe elnnlng rlub will be the alnner of the League toumainenu thene cluba being tied in Hie number of inatchea. Bmobkn, hoa ever, luu an idraniaae, Inanuurh aa lliat dublini won four more gaiitea lluin the INlya, and In tlte event of a tie Id their unlrh wnnbl lie arcmintMl nlniier of Uii League troplty. KuKeiie Delnur defealeil N. JR*nogrud«ky la a HiAlrh of Ave (mniea up at Uie Hinhnlian Cheaa Club, un Marrh lA. Seven Miiiea were played, nf «htrh Dehnar «iin itve. Inai one and drew one. Metr*polMa» Cheee L«aga«* Hie opening milch In tliul rourtd of the Hetmimlltrtn (lipM Leafpie waa adieduled for Mardi 14, at tbe home of the Newark C. 0.,lieiwe«n that club and the Blaten latand ('. C. Tlie Hiaien latandera did net mil In en appearance, bulaeni a mtnutunlrRllon lo the ^eaRtba, wherein Uiey fnmially roMincil the inaldt. The accuiid match nf ihla nuind vaa pl«)-ed March lA, heiaeen Uie Meltopolliana and Hie Manhiltana, at iho nMKiinnf Ihe funuer, and rv«ull<il In eidi cluh winning three ga^le^ Kith one nine draao Riid one a4]numeir Tlie play-era «ere palre«l aa foltnv: HmoniLtTAN t\ C. MAgUATTAN t'. C. l..AII>.Anihelm 1 ve.J. W. BalrO 0 L.Ur.T. II. Heche U re. A. B. Hudiea i S..Rnh.lUubllarhek.... 0 TB.P. LIpecbUflL 1 4..B.Httl>ernhelin >j vr. L. Schmidt Jr S B..F. Liparhneli. I va.ll. Pitch 0 A. .M. Uiiiliach I va. II. TTionipaau U ..SS TntAl. •9>i T^lel * Awoumrtl nuip. The Meironifllaiia pla^nl tbe vhliea on lahlea Noa. 1,3, Aaodf). theMaohaltanahail the move on the remalolug 0«r ll,MH» FeallTMl. "Mtmn'a Juliitee," a« Hrn. Keichhehit la gulng to riirlMen ll. We have been mitlag Uie time Rfoardli- powl, aud are able lo annnuRce thRiconlributlona to our mnilDg Feeilvalwiilch mch uadurioe tbe Snt week In April will be In lline,R« Nn.t,tU)wUl bear date April ftlL and two week! for ptr^iiantlAa «|ll be umeleni. A trt- ■niphal pnveaaltin of oM fHenda, with hi renaalng their youth aiid youtbftil aaBi>cIitlnna,li certainly liefere ua. To leHJuat «hat «e have alieedy In hand, wouM be premature; to tell «hat we are Droiulaeil, Rtlll more aiw or even Improper; tn lell all we nope lo achieve (aod go- ing tu do ll, ino>, inlf hi be b»keil upon aa a piece of un- Hnlned et^nBeni ef ihli nualon ot neb a ooble aod »ftX bmbenoed. College Bofa in C«BipeUtloa. Tlie annual nld.WIaler meet of Uie Union Collece Aih leilc AMocIailoa waa heU In tbe State armory, at Bchentr tadr. M. Y.. Mardi M. iiraat exdiemeDt waa manlfeated and Ave of Uie Hnlen college record* were brebea. rh. uatHck ren tbe mile oo a » lap timck In AOL funtl. dN the 440ydi. ran In \^ .l^*^!mile vaik InTiM Burgln won the running high Jamp with An ^Ina^and imihBdionehl and Hyen broke Ute higb kirk* F.ldtt'njn'eawen played and all werednwti. Mr. Leea U frtSS aMlVai. a?n la npUl^ coming to the fore aa a pUyer. «> unliiluilugl) arbnowledRe of the beat compiler* extant, and the future l^J^r* will owe Mm much rorhliOuMeand other wurb« thai he hll?ut on Uia martlet......L. M.Hieeina l« irking ha^^^^ on Vol 3of bli Booh of Port tilt*...- -.The P»«>*"j*: aey Clir have been eiOorlng the vMt of Vo!iil. of-nren- teen, Maaior Uliaa. V*o Loon, of Athen*. h.\ .. "h" downtovlalt aome relailr*f«ind tday flieckerj^ flifr fol- h>wlng are wmo of the acorea: Van l-«>n. W; drewn, 4. Van Lonn, fl; Thompou. J; drawn, J. \an K^n,!; (iRllaglter. 1; drawn. I. ,^'»nL«in,-*L.'''V"^.*'„* drawn I. Van Loon. 3; A.Onbam. U drawn. I. tan iW^i: j. arehiStf: dVewn. 1. There are nthf r-«ret uibe'idded. Hebeati^uierjto.\and"umberdrawn, lie alM beat Jaa. McEntee 6 to Ji, draw* not rtunted. (:ha*.Blbworth, al "oher'*.'*"^ " ,J ilnwn Melr n Brown weat orer to Newark recently JJS rame out victor In hl*.*lUlBga..^.Albert Dlngtoy. of Derdng,Me-waaUie enlyone to ««»*»>n ff"'"*,- Fa Barker In dmulUneoua play at B«aton John McEntee and H.J^81inp*0D •«,Pl*;i''M,'^*""i*, malch of nny gamea. Mr. MeEolee li In "i* : ••■ Uie V. M. 0. A. tourmiment lUrry Ihighei dW not l«**e a game, and won "nit prlta. Ii U now expMiad thn he "n Tuiv* time to pUy John. McEntee Uul iiiilHi of twenty gamea for a prfie. flalatlDB of Poaltlon No. il. Vol. 43. mar), doingMt. KMn. Tbe cnotear forthe claaa hennrr retulted In a Tietop for-ft^ ihe>' *<»rlnB w polm. HgBlntt40Bfor1«,3ieror10i,*nd iUforfr. Rdwfl*ld.-TC won the poaltlon of coOeg* alblet*. acndng n pobita o^ii of a poaalhle IB. rtunininry: Ttmit vnnli rIfuA.—TwIlnnJ, fS,llr»l; Kline, 10^ «ec.rtiil • Hchnil M. "ai, llilid. Tiine,V Itrifif ilimb, sn.-Kline, ta. Umi: Hurgin, ■Atemmi Iieyne. IM, Uilnl. Time. Ida. /bur AMedrrd <in4 /wte wnf* riiii.-*laod*, "IK flM; Lane. ti. *«rood; LIpe*. W, ihW. Time, im. fl^a.. ri,v S^te^MU-.—Tiald, 117, rtrrt; UrKwRn.'M,aec»nd:Tunier t«Lthlnl. Time, 7m. U«. //loA Metv.-.MysrM.'W. indKcheileM, tS, flrai; '!«, aoconil. Kick, 8ft. Win., mlleite recnnl. Tt^tw Mirrli AHnfff.—llolltran.'M.ltrat; Klin. V. >*,■ nnd; I'lldRln.'W.Uilnl. TIme.5?tfl. rau/r.—<**mpli«ll, 'Mk Iret; riylv««ier. P«ciin<l ■ Pifclaln. Itf, thinl. VailLffft. Hu. Thrrt <ron«llnir;iiMF-—Jonev.w, urn: Hdmiletd. "m: aecond; WaalitHirn. IHthlpl. Di*iance,XH>. Iiiin. JVH/rvn.-Kllpatrirk,'flMlTat; Lena. *«, aecond; Knoii. '91, third. Time. Am. 1*., ciiilleae Indoor record. Hunalnv klfh Imp.—Bnrgln. TA. Arat; Oaiiiph«iL x Metund: Hchnnrbl, 1A. ihlnl. ni<ttanr«, Afl. (tljln.. cnn*e>- rluA iie/np/iv.-Hnplon. "OS, rtrrt; Wrlglit, Jft. wniiat- Ciillen,-iMhlnl. _ _ mning I» »A/4.-Barne^ "WVIlntt: Myerw, armifl: MrMIIUo, W, tblnl. UMunce, SKI. Oln. Stnmltnif fti^A JneijL—Sdinflekl. tiA. ilr»t; Hylre..l«tr. ^h, mihI Cmiherw. aecnnd. Jump, itt. U»%ln. Lehlgk AltilotM. Tlie annual Wlnlermeeilng of the Lehtgh Uulvvniii) 14 111 A lu in » nr HtHRT XIXWILU NBW TOtK. BUck 11 13 14 lA White M a tl K A Blark in move anil draw. ID 10 a) B » 19 3D S Ifl lA a 19 B IX 18 18 37 Dr»wn. PoellloB No. 3, Vol. 43. BV LTilA.t;g. imCAIUCII. BUrb \i ifl a) a K 31 _ Whit* 30 rr M 18 K H BUck tn play and while in draw. tisme A'o.'a, Vol. 43. SWITCHER Playeil rrrently In the Dr. RriMefer.Hi'Rntee match. Mr. SicEnlae played bUck. II M an 11 111 t 7 II 1; 11 17 a • a ic II la 7 ii > 13 90 ai 11 i» 7 11 la Zl 2a 31 11 13 10 a la m ii la a 11 a a i lo 17 u 21 ua 17 14 u a a> 16 31 a 31 n to 17 o a II ^l s la 17 a II 14 4 H 18 13 an IS ir a 10 a in It a n u it .11 a ir i> w 13 a s ID u a IS 21 17a a a 14 9 ma a IT H 12 3 2 a 14 10 a la IXa) 24 1. 7 II 11 16 3 ' 21 30 10 U 14 10 III II a I > a i> iti a 31 la 7 a 11 Drawn. («) I a >7 24 0 a 27 18 3 III 9 S 16 20 18 la S3; U II 26 31 27 .IK 90 IdU n 19 B 11 a 14 11 la 11 m u 24 as 18 a ao a la ii a 19 II 18 la 6 7 II am II 16 01a I 10 14 7 Dm«n. ATHLETIC. (Anting Br«nla. Mardi 19-31—Amateur AlliUlle Union aiiuud chaiiiidun ■lilptwilogand wnvtllng chitnploiulilpe. Kitaburg, I'li. Hardi 33—Yale Uolvernlly annual Indoor game^ New Haven. CI. Marcb B—Unlverally of rvnoa^lvank And R|iriiic gauHi, Phlhddphla, Fa. Mardi 23-New EugUial InteTM-lmUrtlli; AUiktlu A-oao- elation annual Indiair giunws Meclutnlcx* Hall, Bofion Mardi 33-3d—C*iilr*l ARUOtlallon of the AuiRleurAlh' leilc Union aununi chainptonplilp gvuinaatlc coni|«il- tlon*. Chlceifu, IIL Marrh SA, 18—Central Awwdallun ol the AuiMleur Alh letio Union auDiuU boxing andwreatlJuKCtiaiupIunfJiliM. CleveUnd, 0. Hardi SV-Oxfoid and Cambridge UnlvervlllwanuuRl dual AeU meeting, Kenalngton Oral Luinlon. Eng. April U-UnlTeralir of nnnaylvanla Micood 8i>rlug -meiL PtilUildphla, Fa. April V—Annual ti of EagUDd, London. April V—Annual ten nllo rare, amateur diamplumdilp r EagUDd, London. May 4-Uolvenlty nf Peniuylvaola thlnl Hprliig ganiea, FhlUdelptala, Fa. May 11—Jolina llopklna Unlvoralty ra. Hie vena tuatltute. Uci a inaldi, Baltimore. Md. renlty May lA-Lehlgh Unlrenlty vh. John* Ilupblna Uulvert- Ily. Ucroaaa matdi. Routb Bethlihcm, Pa. Hay 10—Yale OollegD ve. Ilanrard Unlveially, annual dual Hebl meeting, Cambridge, Maaa. Hay 21-New Bulud IntercollesUle Athletic AMori*. tU>n annual champlonihip ntbl meeting, Worceiter, M*m. May 2A-Lehlgfa Unlveralty vn, BUveoa rnttllute, h- croaae tuatdi, lioboken, N. J. Juae8~N*w York AUiletIo OUb Suuiuter gaiue', Trar- era bland. June 8-Unlveraliy of FeBnarlvanU va. Unlveralty oi CallfemU, dual Aekl meeting, PbUaddphlL pa. Julr 4-AmBieur AdileUc^oloo Individual all round aUiUlIcchaniplonihipcump4UtIon. Bergen IMInt, N.J. Juh- e-Eng)l*h aiuiteor thamplonidilp ilebl meeting. Btanford Bridge. London. HepL 14—AnukUurAUiUtlc Union annual chainplon»lilit flehl meeting. Bepl. ai-hew York Athletic dub va. London Athletic Club, International dual Aeld mtetlng. Londnn. Bug. Repi. as-New York Atbtetle Olub annual Fall game*. Travenliland. ti$n New FeaclBg Rulea. AspeclnlnteetlDgof iheAmaicurFencen' League r>r AmertcA wa* bold al ttio New York Altilellc CIiHi Marcb 12. Tbe fnllowInK dPlcfratefl, taoldlDg idxt; proxies were preMDt: Dr. (I. M. tlHiDinoiid, Dr. II, J. Rcbererln, R, A. IlaDboltl. Dr. J. T. Kemp, W. T. Itclittz. CbarlcM 0. liullinicr and Dr. U. P. O^Coonor, KewYurk Atbletlc Club, and L. Noel, Uliarleg l^i' ham aod W, Bcoll O'Conaor, New York Feucen' tilth. Tbe ohjevtof the meeting wah lorertMtbe nUcji governing all amateur rendog compediloDA held In Ainertra. Ii waa said ilui the rules wblch bad been tried but year tud given coiuldermble Ula aatufacdoD, aud were >«<llj Id need of nvUloD. AnercoiuademliledliicufKtlon a new mi of ml&i were drmwDQp and atlopted, Tboldeit of tbenew rules la (o gire more ailenllon to renclug In correct alTle than for toucbcsonly. I'nder Ibo new onler of tblnga a toucb will only cnuat ono polni, and ibe Judgea will uee tbeir dtacreUon In allowing ibo com- peuiowanv fiBcllon of tbree polot* at Ibe end of each itottt for good fonn. Ooinpeililoiw lu tbe fnliire will be decided hyetUier three or Ave Judge*, In- stead or four. Kwai decided ibat lo praUojloarT compelMlooH feocerv will l»e required to ncore flrtr- flve per rent, of the poMthle numtwr of point* In ortlcr to quatlft for Ihe flnal. Fulu abAll lie chalked uorelT io aid tlie Judges In arriving at a decblon. A chalk mark, ibefefore, trill not becoDcluslve evi- dence of a toiicb. All coDieeunts will be required to wear dark fencing nulta. '^wmt The new rules will govern the annual fenrluz chatnplonahln comMlllUini of the Leagll^lheprc. Atb^Uo Club on the ttHh aud nhlneie.and tbe dnate In the renceni'Cluii nn April 21. ALBBBT 0. UiLUiNK, '9e, ut New Totk aty, was elected niaitager of the Frincetnu tnlrerBltT Fbot- ^..•^^S^J*".'!. ■ m«w n»f ling ot the three upper cla*aeA, betd Marcb la. TUB llodflon Hirer Uwn Tenala A«AoctaUou has RlyeD nuUre tbai U will Uglii It annual champlo^ rtip tournament nn 8epL a, ou ihe ooDriA of tbe \onkemUwnTeiintaauh. TBI nwrr bkct of the newly formed athletic ?*.1H5 ^\e»lejau and Trinity CollegvR will be held May 13 at Charter Oak Park. Kew liaTeo. O. HAETiRti UuLLBoi hsB accepted the loTltallon from the Unlrendty of fennajlTanla. to send a team of runnen to PhlUdelphU on AptU », which la dur lac ll» Bpilng reccia. Athletic AwvKlallnu n* held Mnrch Ift, at tlie Unlvt-roliy gynitM^lnm. Fonr Lrlilgli rernrdHVere broken, all oi them liy U'llllRin H. Murray, DO. of Annaptdli, Md. 11,* aucrrnlMl In InrreHnluff the running high Jump in AH. AIn., the aiaiidlng lilgh Jump b> 4rt. eio., ilir fence vault '.n eft. iOin.. and the running hlel, kick In 8n. ll)i\n. A hAndftap vaa oU*Drred In eaani Ing Uip priwa. Til* )«nner competed fbr Vlaren tlie Snphnomre and Freshman oUaxe* waa won b) the former by a ^mronf 41 tuai (nlnia. Tlie aunimarv ol pvenlafellonA: Club awlnging—B. O. Curila, "ST. rtn>t: 11. II. Newum, fl, iiecniid. Rnnaniglilgli Juiop—W. 8. Mur re)-, "SA acratdi. rtral; K P. iienlor, *W, lln.. and i;. L Vate^ '07. lln.. tW for >>*cniHl. llelglit,An.A[n. Fpnrr vault-A. U. Bailey. -W, IDKin., nrtl: David Halt, V6. 7Sin.. "econd: V. W. ftllne. W, tlkln., tl.lrd. ll«lght. rn. 4ln. KuonliiK bljdi blek-Vr. k Mur no*. 'Vi. acraidiiilrg: H. L. Tatea, "W. «ln., «econd: A. F. Heiiior, Vr, Din., third. Height, Hft. ll>;in. ttlamllng hlirh Juni|w-W. H.Murniy, 'M, acnilrh. nm; 0. L. Yaiea, HT. .^In., wond: B. W. Miller. tO, Ihi.. thlnl. llelghu 4n. 9ln. I'ulllDg lePi dint-R. A. Tuner. IK flrat; K 1*. Fcnior.'HT, Hecnnd; U. II. Becerra, tt^ ihlni. |tllllAne^ 'Mft. 4}i»*. Runnlnn tirwid Jump-U. L. VnirN "117.111*1: T. MarTliuan,'»7,a«cnnJ; H. K. Clear)-, ihlnl BIoKean To Be RelDatateil. Kecreliry Jfem*?i E.Hulllvin, of Ihe Ameteur Athlfltic 1.'ntoii. annoiincAl March 10 tint the Tnai and fUlnMai* iiiont ri'mnillien nf Uie union livl Inveailgaled ihr diArgea of nrnf^inoallBn agolnat W. A. MoKean. the noL«t| San Prancliirp athleUL aD<l found them In Iwun- Iran and reconiniendtd McKean'R telnaUleineni in thr AKiRteur raiika. The Boanl of Govern nt^ approved of thr ruiiniitloe'H nicoHiinMKlallon, and McKean lanowelisi tile to coiniiete in nil naniea lidd under A. A. V. nilpk. ihi Ibe reconinientlatlon orihoaainecummlltae tliet««nl decided to reject llie npidlnllon* of Hie following alh lete* for relnstatenunl: A. D. Durr, of Bioohlyn; C. F. Behringer, of Ullcx N. Y.; F. F. ConwH>-, of llln^lnte, N. Y.; F. Jelen, of tiiU city; A. T. Mill*. P. Dowell, C. W. Kendell, W. V. Ilourk, A. KhIeAbreo. F. M. (Irately. M. Vrtiherg and J.Hdraanc, of Fortland, Ore. TheHrlwI- uh» Oiininlttee uf the union having reporteil In favor nf ■HwIulIngaJuly 4 forthe*nnu*l all round diampionililp roninetllionorAinerlra. lu helicbl under the auifilcex nf Hie New Jeiiiey AihWlc Cluli, and K«]ii. 14 for Uie an iiiial itRiInnnI cbninplonthlp g4mea.atai>lac« yet'nl«> aelecled, the uintler liia l«en referreil tn the hoanl for a)> pmval. The Hvbarban Football Aesoclatlon of Long laland Flavfd die elxlit nerlwi of hdieduleil unmeH In Hie cliam plumdilp race Suiidiy, Uaich 17, wllli tho followln|t rvaulla: Uleiidate A. C. beat Ihe Feerl»«i A. C. hy 4 gml* to llift llnmlltnii A. C. bvHt Ihe Atlantic A. C. by A g(«ib tu4; Uir WmalaldeA.C. beat tke Bav YIew A.C. by !> r[Mla tu 1; llie RIdgevood A. C. beat the Newtown A. V. lySgualatot; Ute Brunswick A. C. bwu Uie Uaunttcw A. t\ by 4 goal* to 2, and the Olympic A. C. Irtat lln! Km piro A. r. by 3 gnaU tu 1 The branding of Uie clulia ii, lUto U *ii folIoB*: IVtM. /.X*/. Hon. l.'ift. (Ilmidal^ A. 0.- WoudaldoA.C... AlUntlcA.C Illilgewooil A. C. lUmllton A. V... Hu>diwlck Hiv View A. C. OlyniploA.U.... Fevrhw A.C.... DauntlNMA.O.. EinplreA. i;.... Newtown A.C.. Tub dflli AiiiniRl rlecllun nf otltcem ot tbe CUpwr i\, 0., of llurleiii. took pliwe on March 11. The fnl- lowing U a Il8t of ttw ntcGvasful canilldatea: Charlw Pe Hooru. preiddeDt: TbomiH Kudo, flrvt vice jprtAl- dent; A. B. Van Ktleu, B4!Conil vice breflldent; David While, fluanclal Mcretaiy: Kolwrt uacpherwo, re- cording BecretMry:FrtinK Fa lAwler. convsponding wcretary: Waller llogart, ireasitrrr; willlHm Ljirklii, uiHnliHl; reler Aa Onmes, cnplalii; Michael i. Ulor, tint lltiuteiwnt captain: Mlcbael V. Luwlor, second IteuteiiantcaptsluiWlllhiut tiau, l*eter i. Quigley, Kmuk Je Sweek. WlllliUJi DteUgscker, Antonio Rod- rlgueZtJubn Sulllnn, WlUlani Orlllln, B.Mofleflaii(1 Michael Wunl, hoanl of roanHgeiB. THE leU.S'tl iBlaANIi AruiaETic Cll'B 1m tlie title of * new nrganlzallun wlileb prupofle« lo give iHixlng iHtiitA right 111 tbe tiertri of Bmolclyu, N. Y. It will give ItA liiBHgunil Allow Aprlll, and an iilintctlre IgiigTutnnie Ik pronilKed. A MAIM MHKriNU Of Cofiiell xtiiUentri, wsH liPid Marcli 12, lu Uames lisll, Ithaca, N. Y., for tbe pur- poiie of de^'l5)ll^[ wiiya and ineami towards raining |A,ooo fi>r the fund lo Hend me Cornell crew lo Kug- land. Tub Vulvntkiik A'ruLETiu Club was urgaulzetl Uarob U, In tbbi cttf, and ))ldA fair to add rigor to nthlottcA above the uoHem Rlvere Tbe dret fonnal meet wUI lie held April iGalUritaoh's lUll,T1ilrd Avenue and One Buodred and Beventlelb Street. Ttie new dub la odtcered aa fnllovi: Frealdeot, Jime* E- BianfonI; vlnpre:ild«oi,WillUm J. O'Uonnan; recoid- Ing aerraUiTT, Jamei B. Stewait; comspoiMlIng aecre- Ury. John J. lawlor; treanirrr. Edward P. Dempaey; capialn, Frederick RRcbaafer; oral Uenteoant, Oeorge B. Kreltxer; aecond lleuieoant,Oeorife J. Rebm; hoanl of BoremormUuauv A.Carbi,Ainred Dlckaoo. Ool. Fred A. BdilHIng. Ounlber K. Ackerman. Jo»ph 0. B«ebinAn, Thomaa J. McLauglilbi, John C. Ileintz, Jamaa F. Haye^ F. Hlieridan Maliony and Jame* II. Hagbes. THBOhgATaonualmiat coantiy noa for the Sooib of BngUod chaniploudibi took place In Wembley Park, Mid- dleaex, on Feb. a. A Uthl of 119 nnnere, lepneentlog eleven dub*, faced the eUrter, and the reault wee a de- cUlve victory Ibr E. 0. Caner* old club, the FIndiler llarrler*. The Emox Beagle* were much fkacled for premier pUce, but had to be content with Rtcond. Th* lUnelagh leant wound uu In third noiltlon. Tbe Wal thamMoweonblnailen did not get clonr titan MveoUi, batrUmlaliedUiearttmanbomelnU.WatklOB. Hanu doae up all the way to the laal half mile, and Uienlen PfMnenu with a grand bum which landed him a winner bvffiL ftnm 0. Hinlo, Etaei Beagle*. W. BulUo, Tbaraee vaUay. waa third: P. D. RaodalLPIndiley, founh: B.Coiirell,Tbani«A Vnllty, Aflh, and W.Banrd. Kaaex Beaglea, alxUi. Other noted runner* who dniilied In the tending bunch ware: B. J Wilklna, Ranelagb, 7; F. J. 8tnng^ PInchley H., 8; W. J. Fowler. Plochlay, U C. E. Wlllen^ Eiwx 20^ and BU Tboniaa, 21. Ma. B. Klbik, to, llamnl's itrong uoto, U anxlou* to ■•itle the question of Hiperlorltv with Lane, Ute Amberat llercule*. KUIn **«erU thit Lane's daim to MRot:th ckamplonahlji of the celligrn 1r wholly unfounded. lAne'R total Rtrengtli record la 1.737 bllogrtm*, or a,BS pound*, while Klaln'^ *c«in]lng to Uie Hemon. way gymnRalom lyatein of moeiuretntot, U 1.446 kiio- giftoit, or X\Si pound*. Tlie lyatetn ol raaaaarlng * inan'aelreogih. *a adopted at Harvard. Yale, Tun'i, Am- hent and a nw nUier coltegea do** not *xl*t lo the gre*! m^orityof the higlier Inalitutlonnef lliecounlry. But even with th* aame ayiteit tlie condition* to whldi a man Usuttlected mardltfer In dilfetent collegea Mr. EUlit afeerta Uiat Mr. Lane'i trial occupied an hour and a hau. whereai ill* own waa conducted without a minute'* ten between teata Mr. Lane wai allowed ten minuie*' rest between each exertloe, antl had, Uienroie, ampU tuna tn recover fVom eadi teit. MiHAQgR OnnrgR T.ATRa,'9A, of the Lehigh Uul- vera Ir Lacmae team, bu anmoged the following ached ute of gamai to be played durtng the coning muod: lUtuTdRy, April 17, Creecent A. C nf Drooklyn. at Soeih fitUileltem: Hatuivlay, Mar 4, Creacent A. 0. at Brooklyn: tbturday.May ll.UonellUnlrenlivatBouih Bethlehem: Saturday. May Johni Oopkloa Unlreraily at South Bethlehem; btanlarMiy eCBtevenR Inailtute at Uo- bokeo; ThundaT. May sue Cornell Unlveralty a*J^*^*?' and Unlvereliy of Toronto at BouUi Bethlehem. Ihe dai« forthlalaatgamehainoiyei been Oxed. In addition lo tbe above game* Huiater J^m U trying to erraogr uniea with Ute team* of Harvard Untvenlty, Buten Iiland A. 0., Country Club, of Baltimore, and the ColUg* oftheflityofNewYort. Dartholtb Collmk nUilete* are cenildernbly worrieti orerth* condlilon ol their crack repreaenUUve, Btephen H. rha*»,ih*rkmou*haidl*r. Tbito eompeting at ti>« Boaion A. A. game* he bralied hU foot ■•veraly. bu» ibought lluie of th* accident at Uie Ume. E*cb •ifon he made ploce eggnratad Ut* tnoble, and the Injun rMdiod*acha*ugednHngpraeUceH*rdie,that It wa« found necoRaary to pUoe Ute foot In a plaiUr ta*L ATA HKEri.«o of the Ambent Colleg* Fenclog CluK lield March 11^ CharieaT. BurneiLof Turner"* F*UvM>«».. wa« elected prealdent, aod Bnmou Brraot, ef Cam bridge, waa elected captain. ■ AHaAXfiKHKxni have been made fur an annual crow country team race between England, Bcotlaod and Ira wlJi' i *"'*«l'>ll*«heMforttwpnipoaeai Uie Albion lloul. London, on Mardi 8. uiiSi *i ^'^^'ft'". «f Lockport, R defeated^ John