New York Clipper (Mar 1895)

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56 THE N'-EW YORK CLIPPER. Maboh 30. THE N EW YORK CL IPPER THE FRANK OUEEM PUBU8HINQ CO. (Umtted), PROPMBIOIU. OEO. W. OIL, UiNAQBB. SATURDAY, MABOH 30, 1896. RATES. ASVEBTtBEaUINTS. Twaolf MBU per IIm, tRito lyp* Dituure; ajiMs of ud« iDCb SUD each liurrtlm. 1 dwlualoo or » |«r csoL li ■llowtd OD tdTtnlHintau whoD |«M fvt UirM inonthi Id •druiM, and on vIrerllMuieou oiMiurinR lOD llnM or men. BUBBOaiFTIOir. Oat jur, Id kdrtnc*, H; monllia, Ct; UirM munUii, •I. Forolga pofUo HlOHta cdiiIm, 10 conu omJi. OUH TERVH ARK CAHII. THE ULirrEK la Unad •rtiT WadiiHday inonilDjl. nil llUi, uili uid Mill (ailnnlilDi) mu UU Tt) I'HEda ON HONDAV, and Ilia KUi, lUh and ulliar |«fW oD TUEHOAV, The Vonu ClMlng Promptly st 4 P. H. Flaaaa nmll by aipnaa muoey onlar, diiclf, 1*. O. Or dar or raftlaland laltar. and AD0IIU8 ALL OOMMUNIOATION8 For Um KdllovUI or Ul* DwInMi- DapMtoiMt to THE NEW YORK CUPPER, (la!idnUaolraHlnal,Na'Yorli. In EoKlaDd—TUK CLlrflK can be obuload. whulaula atM) rMall, of our BRanla, Knittli, AloNlla k Co.. 3A Naw- caalla Huaal, Mraiid. In Pranca-THH liunMM la on ala at Urwtajio'a uawa ilapol, 17 AvaDua d» rUi«n, I'arla TUB NEW YOKK CLIPPKIl pab- llahea calx one edfdoD, and that !■ a«t«4l ftom New Vork.-%» QUERIjS S ANS WERED. NO REPUES B Y MAIL O R TELECh PH. ADDmunORWIIIRUWVnKorUlVBH. AIXlll<lUIClfT ur BUOII HUOULD VMITl TO TllOtU VUUM TUKT UKK. IK UAH! or TUB VLirvm lum OrnoK. all unriia will HH AUmiTMU OHK WKKH UNLT. If TUK MUVTR OF ANT ■ KATIUIUL Oom'AIIT II HUUIIT, MRTIH TO UUH tlHT OF HOVria Oil AHurUKH fiUB. Wb UHKVr WVU KOirrM HT HAILUH TiUHiura TirSATlUOAL. U. CbMlAuL-Ailtlraa Uw lAwraoc* Novoliy Cu., tt ud flU U«nlni HirMi« N«w Vurk City. 1. 8., OrUwIu.—I. Tvenly OiilUn l>«r v»eb. S. It U ImpQulbtt to quote iq^clu Akutm. s. Ii !■ nut In much bBADIB, Korwicli.—Tbon «ro MrvnJ klninn known u r«iDKl« bsnUiDf I, lbs muni |in>uilB«nl o( vlioni U lloluit B. N. iL, MslTlll*.-Tlilrlr dolUn |»ar WMk. J. II. X*., Wwru.—We CiQ du aoUiIng t«> MMyuu In ubulaloBS iMWltleo. Vou Rliauhll»« In UiU cit)' at lUa« you uimUod, u you auuld Iuto ditoc* for aii •uiaicaiittDt la yuar oan town. voHMAKT UuuKii, HllwuikM.-Wo cauDul ijuuta niei, fur Uiay Rwihr vuy. D. P., Atd WIOK.-T1ilrtrdolUn|>er weok. B. U. U., UoBTar.—Til* acl Ii Iook enouKh ■ml lulRlit jnjm too * " uollaniwr r. K. Bri«U>l.-l. K H. ainol, 4A Hruuki blreoL Hart- rurd, Ct. S. Lyun k llwly, Wawtli Avoouo and Adaiim Htroot, Clilcagu, III. D. K.J.—Wobaranu nKolltclloa ^irHiirJi a |«i1nenJtl|>. E. K., Kaadlna.—Tbo wlisroatMHiU uf Ui« ■•arty U uit- known luut. AddreuilelUr Id carvvrTumii.iri'KH. T. K. U., Alloutoaii.—AdOrvM Uio Hamuiii * UalUr llaadiiuartorM, lUS Wont Tblrly-MToiiUi Html, htw York cit>-. AuTOK A.—It «<HiM Im fully funny ono luuodartako lo l>Uy Mch Tu\f» wltlioul conildorablo training u|«o tlte iiajf*. W. U. MUA., Ballliuon.—W« hart wareliod lur tha llaui tuwliloltyuu rafar, but oiiuut flml ll« and llionroro ara uoatila tu hIvo )uu Uio Hhviim. U. H., iHlrulL—lloloii In Uio cormct uauo. Tlio |«rty U uutal |>naoDtu|Hiu tlioalcge. W. a, MalT«ro.~AdT«rtJia your waiiiii In TiiK L'urfRM. Saa r«t»R In Uila Ihui. lliw. K.L., Hrwklyii.—Tlia cuH|>auy wblrli )ir«MU(ed Ilia itlay liai cluied Iia mbwu. T. H. k, Halttuiuro.—Wa du not Uilnk ili* Ull« lua boon uwd. J. M.—Till taIuo ul • )>Ur di|tindii U>llt ut>on lu uiorit aud upon Uto rwiutallun o( lu aulliur. MUTUICH AND PHIII.fU.—Wo kOO* iif RU luMlluUuU nUCll aa you Mk. Vou had batter MlOroM a lallor to tli« AOtun' Fund. J. U'U.—Udward Han-Inn wu bum al 91 Bcaiiiiiiol tItraoL Id tha ohl Bavinlh Wanl. Naw York Oily. 0. T. II., Hanau Hllv.—1. Ah a li«Bliinir yuu wouM (•rubablr Rit twanty UulUni Mr»o«k. X. AdJrr«Miaii- uuD, Mlllfr k Uraoi, TO) HroaJvar, Niw Vurk City. T. A. bi Ainsianlani.—No couMit la nocauary (u luch a caaa. T. U. T., Auitln.—niietaabouU uuknovu to ui. Ail* dran laltor lncanorTHMi;ui*l'n. J. U., H«rlu«lto,~0(tr1oaald. Hhlcli may bo uhlaluod of ally druKKl't> CuwrASTT llJUURM, Ntvifk.—Your cltaiiw for KolUiif uiwD thaMasaara very iwor, audiroadvlnyuu (u alian- don Uit Idoa, witaclally uyou an yol tiw yuunu. K. W. U.r\('ooliawkon.-I. Tim I'llr lint will afpoar lu TOKCurntMHHnitluialnAuKuM. t Hurli cuntoRtii ara uaTarlDcliaoi)>lMulilpn>rui, and wo keop du ncunl of thaiu. T. W., 11ilUd»l)ilila.-H«« nnita Kit In Uili Iwuo. Wo bATo Dot th« loaior uf tlie eoniHUiy. U. O., MarlDCtla.—1. FlflMD looL i. Yuur moaning hora la obocuro. NovkUiVKiii Buuiner—Tha Dame wuuM Dot Inftlnga uwio Uia rlaltu ufaiiy oiii kDown tu ui. U. B, H- LariatA.—We notsr luraUli privau addrMtw uf bronuloDala, Dor Inronnalloit cuiicemliiR Uiolr |trlral« Laka OUy. I ItBi, omqIu UWM. J.W. J., »tUbont.-Bn)uw Abbott dlod lu Bait ■ ^ , Utah. Jan, b. Ml. , . Mlw-—'Tba Uiununi HtKtwwont (u Kugbuid In a«aluK at Iho Olympic Lulidun, Nov. II. ll ro* tJiroe luunilit. J. N. WllkoMbarra.—Hncli a comiiarltun b< m|«ly a uiattarurlDillTldual Judniool. Tlw i<arlyyuu rofir lu «aai Id hlttllua, Amnui ui lili llDi. J. N. U. W., Torra llauia-AOdnu VanilaTblli k Ayiw, fill BrwMlvay, No* York Olty. J. A. W'.t nlraiouDU—Addran Tliawlurv Hiw, Hiar fbaatra, Nr ~ *• *— . . - yuu doiiro. 0. B., tailraffu.—AJdroH Jnha AmuiuutI, Sd Unlun l*Uc«, N«v Yoil tJlty. K. J.B. JH.,Huuih AmUiV.—I. Wa rnnnul lu(brv> yuu wliarv you can oblalD Iho Uiuka. They an niteivlly Ix- ■uotl by tbtalriralidiuv iirlutiTM. 2. An "ad." lUi IucIioh loQR by two Inchoa wido aouM out tIAiU for oni Inwr- tlun. ntrunt munUi ll vduhl rott $0,79. J. BaUi.-Uan Kin U BtlU IItIiik. J. J., l*diula.—Worannat advUoVuu liow to woiirv a iwflltlon. fur you ara vary touiik ioJ your act U not In d»- luutd. Yuu vuuU |>iobably uul k»1 niuro than nnoon doUara mr woak. MRa. N.L., Furtland.—Wo ran And no record of tlie daaUi. A. C. (I.. Ite«l i;Uy.—1. Tliv aol in \»\\y Mtif Kuud ud U nut In niudi dauiand. 3. We cannui oitliitato your chaucaH. 3. Twenty ilulUm. B. A. A., Hyraeuio.—AdrattlM lu Till CurrsR. Hee nte» In IhUuaua. BlUaT, l>hiUdelplila.-l. Rurally U Uie nuni |>aM to the BalliorurowMrrorilteu*eora)i1ay. S. Youarali>ouM. 1. tl., Kaiui City.—Tha partj- b unbnoVD to ua OAHIM* 0. T. t\ n. Iknlce.—Tliera I* no dlireranre bilweoD a «tnluhl nuKli and wimi In hmuo |4acaa U called a "royal" Ul *^ifar" Audi. Tbo higliHt alimlvlil tuMi li combOMrd Ul a«e^ Icing, iiueen. Jack end leo eiwl of the MuieeulL U. V. Iln Leuuani.—If, while lervInK a |>Uyer In the draw, the dailer iiimMee raiO, that card raiiool be re- ceived by the idayer, bet niuM l<e ideced oQ llie bottom of tha i^aok. tod Uia player be given Uie noil cmni tivm tbe deckhead. bofure injr other jiUyer lu hU led li hel|ied. W. K. n'., l>niTldenr«.—In ilitw imker a itnlgUt <or "ruyal") llueh uf eny tme u It di>ee not take preoedenoa of a llueh coiuiwaed of ilmlUr eactli of anuUier lulL T.J. i)., Merrliuic—The nine baing |ilayc«l oil. If D pcurvi low he woufcl beeailtied to the itanie; othenrtie y.wuukl wluon Uielack. K. L., Ment)>liliL—I. A'm hand not euuialuUitf the nacee- Kan* card* lu u)>eo the ih»i wllli, bofumee daw. auiL B eutlUed to Uie wlitle A U |>eiultied,the|>«ua)iv nlbR to Uia ncKi i«>L i Vou ire not rruulred tu nollij' tha other plevora. 1 There U no ulnereure between'a lUmlgbl ilneh and what nuio |i«o|de diooaa to deelguale a "rural" lluih. J. J. H., t>)uncll Ulotlk.—The |ilayer h^rlug hut uue iwlnt tu au wont out uu Jaoh whicli lakee iimedenee In value 01 guito. HT. Lui'iiL—Knrti iilayerharlnf twu iwluu tn niake, D'« low Jack ranted hlin oal, each point uuiranklng game. M. W. M., JuhUMtnbunr—A, ItiTjuf mede In pUy tlie tbrae poluU he hid, vine the garae with blah, htw. 11. ■.,SAnfnn1.-l. 1( aplayorleadeuritUye uHl^ofthU lurn at foriy-nvae. be loiieiu Ui* i<ool; ihat In, he cannm wtn the ganie ihel hend and lie rantwt play again lor that puol. 1 Tlie rtayer nekt to ilie right ol the dealer U the one (o cut Ineranli. 1 Utlteareuf heartA U led when hee rteera not tnini|>,ei>Uyerhokllng uu lnini|t need not play a hmrt. 4. H and U «uii,haTlog Uken Ihrve trloke In tlie hand. S. No. 0. Tlte dealer Iums hU deal: (IrBl, If hedMlawllhiHii having the pack cut; lec end, If be alianiee Ihe %mtk aOer l( le cnt wltli hia con- ■ent:Utlrd, If he giro* t«u ranli whera he ehuaU giro three or nilaaee a naud or eii^uea a raiO In detllng, or give* Uw nianr or too f^w canla to any idajer. B. S.. i\iRer leUnd.— entitled tuaninuf three for the Uetmnl In Je«h,A,^4and t. A. H. H., Brouklyu.—Ill t^ega Mven Hnlef^trthe laat canl In 1,3, ft, 4 ud % Bra being ftor a run and two for on*an. W. H. rrfncetoD.-The dealer, who uiay turn a Jack, which counu at ooc^. a B.. New York.-B. la right. Any |>Uyer, In hU regu- lar lam, may hetur rabea bei,any ameuDtnoleiceed- lDwiheagteed limit D.B-aNe* York.—Treauuilng ftvu yoaretaument that only A and B eur In, & not beiDg caUeil, wai not re* •lalred to ehow bie band, butwu |kHvlIged to ihow It to any player he ebeea. 0. L.Z..HaTanoah.—L. ll net entitled toarunforlbe laBlcanlln4,S,6,0aTid S, on iMount of Uio Bnl 9 Inter vealng. " RING. y. tl. H.. Wariilngtun.-Jako Kllnin waebom at Oreen- port, N. v.. on Hh. 9. ltS9. He Ural came Into poblle nulica aa an imateur oareinin, under hie right uum, Kllllon. 1). H. K., WadilngLon.—Ra«) inewer to "F. (I. H." A. UaD.. Wa>lilnHtnn.-Hee tniwer to "P. O, R" I*. H.J.,lAAADM)ee.—Tlie mailnum llmlta of Uie dlf- ferrn'.nnlaraghtlngwefKhunre: reallter, IITft; llglit, middle. 1M»: heavy, any welghL M. A. Troy.-JohD HcCfeeeler, allaa "Counlry He- (Tlueky," wlio fought Toinllyer liefora Uie laltar beat Yankee Ralllnn Tn IKW,AUMd en. IMIo. In halghtand Id coodltkHi weighed 170ft. Koriutiiia Uue Mct!leeilar kept a public hou*e al Uie noiUiaeat coraer of the Bowery aod Hayard Hireei, tlili cUy. UUBloni^ Heofortl. •- TeUir Jackaun dafettad faddy RUvIn In ten roundii, fora puraa uf llS^flUUi Id London, Eng., May 91), ITO. J. V. v.. Blnghamton. — Bob Fltteouiuione and Joe (^ynakl mot In a Itoilog Iaii at Uia Boniflo, Hiua., Tliea- Ire, June ia,UM. Hie police lilarfered In thaililh round, alopping Uie conieai, whldi wai dacliretl ailnw. CHiCAiio.—Ttieflghtbeinirileclarwl a dmw,alllr«ti nn the reiull aredrawn atao. BABBBAIjL, chickbt, ktc. W.AHt»H., rroTldence.—1. Tlioclrcnlt of Ihe National I<«a|tue anil American AaaoclaUon tnrJudea the Bald- mora, Ihiaion. Hruuklyo, New York, Flilladelphla and Waahlnglon ititi\M In Uie lUat. and the ailrajro, OIncln- uall, (netelaod. IrfiulATllle, I'lltAburft aod Hi. I.oula C]al>i In the Weat. 2. Addreaa eadi ol the ab»ve nomt^l dulie. U. J. II.. llulHurlnRa.—Arthur Cumailnge, of Brooklyn. N. v., lajteiierally cunceded 10 Itare bean the (Irat to In- troducacerveplldiliiK- Nu amwera by mallorlalegrai^. <l. r. M.. I'hilvlelphla.-Arthur H. Worn) on hla flnit anpeannce for the Itnlleil Hutea aifalnal Cinada, Bent, liand 17, IAa,mBile 19 ruii^ that tielug Hie largeatln- illrldnu aeon yet rpnnleil li llioaeennual Inlomatloual contaau. _ BILLIAHDK, P<M>L, KTC. t^onrTANT HUDKH, Now Vurk f'llv.—APer (Iioii|i«iiIiib ■tnike, each pliyer iiiuai nitlter i itr.Uti a Inll, or iiieko at leiat one olutel hall, nr lhr« mo liall, arirr ninlicl with an iil^ect ball, airihe a cii»1il"ii, umlor |»ea«l'.y nf fur feltura of una ball. The •imko In ijuvitlun wax a fair one. J. B. H., Now York City.—In cnoilnuuiia iwl. kIhhiIiI m player iniko Uiree Mrrairiii*<,ur f(irrelture*ur potnialii aucceealon.lieehkll forfait «iory liall ruiiiHiiilng on llio table to liU vpponenL Ifmuie then t«r(i iNirwii* Im pUy- log, then Uioolfeiiding i«rty aliall lie aiUuiIkhI Ifiaernf Ihe dime. AUVATIi*. T. M. New Vork.-Tlie race Iwtwvan HdaanI llaiiUn and Chariea (kiurluey Id which you refer wan to hare lakenplare on Cliaulauiiua l«ike. nvnr Mavrille. N. v.. liutwaa|ireveoled byllieaaeliiifor Cunriney'a boet Ihe nlglitprecefling raceday. lluilan nwwl over iherouTM- alone. DICB, DOMINOES, ETC* 11. U. K.New York.—Al i^kerdlre alien rank lilglieal, and ace* luweal, rotitequently three doucea ini) a |4lr of elifa beal three deuces ami a palrnf acei. ATHLETIC. U. It. H., Ben Ion llirtmr.—Tbora U amiie ifruApectuf ench an eront the comhiR aoaion. Watch our Athletic cotumne for prallniluary aowninceineni. J. W. I)., Menfiie Perry.—TliROkirriH AHMUAL for )SB5 In on aele. We place etlMavlta on nie when received. K. T., Ipwa City—You w||| And Uie beet record for all himla ofjumping In Tlie CLirriR Ai(.<(t'AL for iW. UISCELLAMEOUS. J. J.U'C, JanteyClty. Wo have no data referring lu Um numerical eliengUiof thowiclellea you naute. An " lloii to Ihe (liand Ledice of each I" ~ ry to obtain oullieutle Inromiailon. 1>. L. iL Hrooklyu.-lle uUalna hla birthright through hla paranla, end would be tberaby eligible to the I'real- dincy. A. il. B., Koit MlHoula.-The aupenorliy of either liouae la a iiialter of Individual Judgment, ami citukl be ileeldeil eillalirtorily unly by a brief Nijititni In varh. I'MIKCH W.—Ten ceiitA each copy. U. II. 4;im|*)lo.—We do not know oranyonv wliu aiipliea aluminum In that hnr. T. K., Alleffhenr.—Addrvnailie lAwreiice Nuvelty Cii.,Kt <:entraKtreot, Uila city. CHECKERS. To Comipondoota. L. H. IlKAU.—Your favora at hand. Accept our Uianka. J. t.'.HcnKlTKH.-The iiiuvetlial youauggeat only drnwa. Aa fulkiwe: 11 11 IH V a IH Ul 9 tl 9 9 ii 6 14 7 11 II 16 16 24 Unwn. Newi of the Qaue. Tlie Newark team hai become alrengUieiieil cmuhlor- nbly hy the addllliw of UeMra. t^iia, Hadrllire and ANOnuiii. Jiniee McKntea will play wliJi Uie New York pUyera. ami Iheroby Mrtlally cvuiiteract the odde. WIUi ■ucii a huatler an C. A. niaiMln It would nul auriirlae ua If Newark'* came lu Ihe furea winner In Uila conieet. If energy and |>erpeveranro prt>|iorly directed count fur anytEiGg, thay aurely have'hriKhl iiroapeclM. Tliu Toaawanda, K. V., team vbilled Huirdu recunlly, and had ainngillllltgwilhthe Y. U.r. A. teem, captained by tho vtleraii lutnor, analrel and player, Ilenr)' H|iayi)i. who liaa loal nnneoflib* «>U tlineaklll. Ttie lutah wore: Huf- IhIo,IH; Tuniwanda,!!; drawn, SJ; of which Ur. Kpayth won tl and two were draw n. A acure to l»e itfuud In- deeil Tliere lea moTcniMit un fnultuwaniM harliig a Rraud nieet and ctinleat for the HUlo cbauipIuiiiJilii uf ewJereey. Tlie Idea la enniiclelnl by Wm. Itndd'do, and la Iwlna ouidied by V.. A. Hlandln. If Uie Joravy t:it>- {•U>-era will Join with Hm. Hlamllo, ihey loitulher with hie NteniuH contliiReiil, ran tiiak« ll a aucceaA. Tlie Idea U ao iconl Uiat It uiiKbl lu L« n>|>lv«l hy the loadliiu playera of New York Htale With all Ihoir bnaMeil Inuwledgo of the icauie. Die 8ooldi eiimrU cuukl not nerve up auglclenl (o accept Itarker'a clinlleiiue. What niualthfv lliluk uf Uielr H'uohl Iw clumplun—f errle-^lbe man that wai mger tu weir the huiiura, Iml afraid In cunleet for them. The facuare ihrae: HHtkor otirreil to playhlni aud allow him one ihlrtlof ihe lolal Make fur eiponaee, pmvlded he wouU pbiy In I'lvvldence, H. 1., bul lie waa nftakl to rume, niiieiuberinit lliit Wvlll* hial the championelilp itf llio uoriU twice In AnioHca. Tlie Urat lltne to Vale*, and tho aecund lluie to Kewl (by fup felM Ho Mr. Kerrle llinuBlit Uiat he vah imrfuclly nfe In hla rai'ly to aar Uial he crtuM uul come uver hen, ami tu rainarit that Mr. Barkerdid nut olfar to accept exi«tiaea luKolu ticolUnil. Perrle felt aocure du,w, he coulil rent aaeuied lliat ho wia ufe. Hat a niTiirlae wat In alora fur liUn, fur a few weekeenorwinle Barker had puhlialwl la ne eiojfuw HWify JkraM an nlTor tn play In (Jlaagow for 91,00) a able. Tlion ll waa Hut lite playira al largo foaml oat the kind nf metal Ihat Br. Ferrle wan made of. lie eren reared lu niily. lie laan't twen beard from ilnce on the diaiiiploiialirp tiueallon Ur. Hchivfar, a num- ber uf tlnioa In apeaklng ofhia trip up the Utaie. uRon ealil that Mnaler van Loun wmiU l»e a alron* pUyer If lie continued at Ihe game. Tu prove hue* pniivietlrally Irue tho IhKlorwaa tJie ttillowlug will ahow: ''Van LuuD baa lieaten Day, lllewltl, J. H. Kaillh, I'lorcy. Beruaee, l*ulUk ami Jaa. McKntee. Ho beMi HcKntee l<y the erore of 5 to S, aud 4 drawn." Tlie moat jdeaalng fealun la that Mr. Val) L. laniiwa neldeulor Jeraey t^ly, andwill be Iden- lined wlih tiMlrpUyera; SolatloM of Poallloa No. Vol. 43. aV LTHAN R. mitAH.*m. HUck 11 16 M tl K 31 While 3) *JT 24 IS K 14 Black to pla)- and while lo dmw. n Old) 36 31 24 17 24 27 U » au 23 lA im*} l(V ll(') 1ft 13 16 10 31 a* 91 24 n 24 au 24 27 21 14 If II W IH 13 IV 16 IK 16 Drawn, (d) n M 1IK6) l\l 24 » Sa M It 30 21 16 10 a 1.1 II V 27 a 31 as 27 a 2d 22 31 27 16 II Drawn. (») 14 17 24 IV 17 10 a« 19 33 14 It S2 Black wina. (•) Onl)- luovei lo draw. PoaltloB No. 4, Vol. 43. Knd nme hoiweeii tio Brvukh-n aniateun. BUrk6 tf T W W 11 12 14 15 li Whit* 31 ai 27 26 24 Zl 21 Jt) 17 13 Blark to |4a>'aDd«tU. I'lue^l 111 IT I& 2t 17 U \9 24 1» U) » tS Ift tt timm No. 4, Vol. 43. llltlfTDL. Hnxiklyn reremly between two iniateun. O 18 - *' " " ai 23 17 17 13 10 XI 21 17 J]} I • D la lU a 17 K II IS a II 15 B ta u im O 14 I < S 11 7 10 « 1« u u W 14 10 U 11 10 I • tl U s M n » 11 n 24 su n 91 n 11 Id 14 SI i« n tl It t » a a < IS A 7 » 14 7 1 14 la 1 7 19 b a » ■s It ai 10 a 14 u • a B Id IXal in B It » D X e 1 a 30 .1 » i> >4 H l« 16 14 n IH 14 IT Id 14 lA B 7 11 15 Id 11 u 10 o 91 tl 17 13 10 17 3 hi u a 11 14 90 11 lU « II I) 14 10 Dimvn, 11 W S S Unwn. > c 19 S > i 9 S 17 U S B • T 11 11 7 II Id U U • a u Black woo. CHESS. To ConwapoBdcnta. Ham LOTD.—"FIoIi corooRtopret." Voer dual complete anawer greatly relloveaODranilely; we an truly grateful. W. 0. iBTijiu, Kiclne.-Tbe olien giving peMre Oiat we now uou alMul ara: In Ihla dty, Su»,WorU and He- wtter: Brooklyn, StaMdant Unlm: AlWoy, Jounui: Phlla.. Tleifl and rtWie Xflffffr; Belto.. ATrwe; New Or- leana, nma Dtmoernt aud Aloblap Statu; Mlnncapolli^ jeunui; Uin rnuiclacA,rAn>fild<; Montreal,//ovJft ami r'lBMiK.-Tlianha for eulutkma; we bed elraAdy decided on the courae you augnat; Dr. Iluiinann Ifl Juai In wlUi ndullon and warm pralae of l.wl. , , Ur. p. a. Ul'lMA^iN.-Your excellent nolullooa and merited appreclailoD are partlcuUrly welcome; Uie dead- lock la now broken. .... JoMH OiNUXKlL—Jlpoken like "a man intl a brother, not tm long, not e hit; jml Uie three more Into dry dock, and we'll put up the lour In a week or two. Ilnav fiMiDiricK.-Very welcome, we ahall write vou. L. OoLtetHlTll.—Knew we'd omilted aome one, ami you anjurt the one; cone In on No. 2,01), pleaae. WH, H. Dl Vi*RM.—Wouhl yon kindly give ua your Tiewa of Tour cable end game t Floal Fladlnga. B. Jean Taubenliaua htA ROue to aieN(<**r; a declalon Uilt will delight anil orvflt Iho Btoitlali eniat«ura.. . . . .Ii la auted wiiiewlier*; tlial Mr. Htelnllx haaalroDgly adylae<l Uie minigeni of the furthcoming Kngllali iDiematlonal loornament to coinplalf Uielr aulwcrlpllona through a guaraniewl "Hook oMIiOf^tngraA^" on llie aame plan ba Um American flixlli. Ur. a la uM tu lie about loenilttrk for Eogland-doubtlem lopuah UiUicbeme Per nooie rcuon tlial dooa not yet appear, the New Urleana cheaa leidere dhl nut MCum llifdialrad match. Alblova. Ue. Tliere la an Imereallng little hlatory or "TheM in MInneMili," In Ttu;Mtn»m^U Jounutl. by Ur. A. Ort> inann. We feer. fniin Inlemal evklence. ihat Uie retermo and ronenble I>octor, now aereniy-nveyeara of age. baa "let hla modealy aland In the way uf hla promotion; which In Ihla ca^etiieanaDiathe Itunr>alneu from glvlni ua iha fill) Information woaliouhl liaro lieen glail oflo thia vihialileuHinottrepliof AmnricanchoM hiatory. Hecouhl wl<|i UiAt the Doctor had rlron uainure urhlaoMiileader- P^ilp In llie mallera treated In hia akeldi. It appoara lliat UiP nrrt organlred dieaa In Mlnneaou waa id MJ. .Now Uipra Uafullrletlfed(nie«AaaocUtlon....Tliera laanollivr liilPtfMlnK akolHi, "CIiom In Honnylutf." an original conlilliiillmi lu Ttif MnUmil {.'aitttchy Mr. Jdiii Bey- iiuld*. an KngllMli realdent In Plonnre. It la very enter Uliilnv pind auitfoailre: thuugli line canhuiragratUie pictura oriholaningomn oiandlng of the ganm In Italy aince Uie dayH wlien her brilliant maalera umiueMlonibly lieM Uio aceplre of rheai. and enre It lu lawa We can only aay. Ju*l now, conimeDd ue to Ihe laite and vlvaclt)- of Ihe lialUnniDateun A BltlngaccprnMnlinoritto Ihla vary maltar, moat titling, la a aplendld Mographleal aketdinfUw inu*i liriUlint maaieror Uieoame that ever litml,Ulgarhlnutlr«co.lnilrilWl(.'A. jrofluintf for March. Thle la No. IV ofThe uM Maalera of Modern Clieu," hy J. A. laOflo. Here waa a man whenever peniillted eclence lu curb and hllithl hla genlua. lo vitiate hla latle ur ren- der Impotent ihuwlHitAofbUliiiKalnatlon. Tlilafftodnm front audi cramping toiU waa to film peraoually an abuti* dent patrlmany, anda ruture fame not merely undying, but ever InrreaelnH In glory. Wa liupe tn cite aome pan Mfee—aome lline. (Irani laoneofonrenthualaama Tlf chfja itmiMfiutt In, glvea a portrait of Ilerr Jaque* Mleaea, a llinely Miedlon. Adrirntlum. To cuiHiilete a reronl of Uio groat rabla maldi, we odd tu the riva run Raoie* the eml pimllluna of the three which hive given rlae In cundderable illacuaalon. Bveo'one win have hla nnnophiioaofhuw (he match ehould toroil- nito IfiiLiytd our. Lii'sciiuerz vh. owbn. Mr. Id. pMiTercd ■ "Zukortort'a Kt'a Oenie," but (he rer. dnc(nr nt once auung Into liia life long favorite. "Queen'a Pianrlielto." At time call the game eio«l: H 141 I ft ft ft alKKl.V4, Kll, gi. KKl, KI2,VU2,Kr^ elKKt,K112,KH|. K3, K H3. KIIX. .KtZ. Q4, Kl2 ■ QltMj. QU2. llUck (Ur. Owriiv) to moro. Ilo liaa aomaivhat (he lieder Ignition; but tlioae who conllilcullyaaiiert tliat Mr. Llp- whuelK will loM the game don't know hint am wall aa we TRIUCIIAItU Va J. W. HAIKD. Ah Mr. T. |iiulfi)reil a draw, which Mr. II. reniaeil,i're- aumably tlie American nwaomopnti|iac(ort lrloo'. Tliey aluod Oioi: ^ 1 g S g g g g g •IKKUKII, gK2. HX 4. Q9, KH3. Ktl, HZ # I ft ft ft ft ft ft ft a^KKL Ka^, gH2. KI2, H4. Qa. KB2. Kt2, R3. .-jj a. ,.... . _- .-. _j n. , iilenaad (o have Ur. Baltil elve ua hiavlewaof lliocon' llnualloo, lor our "lOJD Jubilee" nnmlier. BIU0N6UN va IIBITBLU Tlila mme hna Iml aa many itfflilve uuiertloni mndo about It a« any of ihe kil. It waa a 'Two Kl'e Defenae," irealod Inahlahly oriRlnaland Inlereating manner, and, a( llie call of thtie, h atoni lliua: ««1 ft ft ft ft ft ft alKKt, K8. Klia,KH2, R1, gi ft. gD2, Kt2. KI2, gits. WMl'oTNr."9''renHraTd) loinnTe'. ifla a bea'iitiKir Pawn Bludy, let come » )ut iaa>- of ll. We ehould be ureaiiy aiKKt2.KHl. KB, Klt3. g3, 6. QU%Kt2,gn4. Hlack (Mr. Ilopitell) to move. Dr. Hluionioo'i oplnioo of (be poeltloii, and tta treilment, would be wortli nil Uto reat put (ogether. llodgeevA. Locock waa a dead ei|uallty; and llanliani \K ItunI had nut aUranced far enuugh to evoke any opin- ion. Wo lake Ihla ocoulun lo dinont onllraly rh>io tlio oidn- iDnoflbearrlbeawhoaaerl Uiai. all iliiee prepnralloo^ ilieaehauraor hint play and ihe attendant eipeuKea were ell WRai«d. Nol Utey are all exceedlncly well bfntowod. aa |«vliig till WA>- to better arranged future cunteatu Home very iloalrable, ami oven neceanrr. lutprovemente luve lioon Indleiiod. Tliere ilwiild be kmger time ile- vuldl to the pky; there *houhl be fewer gainea; the nula- anceofaoinudi Iranalatlng aliould be dropped; and It la clear (hat the iirreud lime limit ahouU ItebeuerolMerveil. Enigma No. l,ttV7. Vmm /.(I Simttvlf. l.—m PR. A. W. (IAI.IT1KV.—II. ■IKII7, Kl 01 QKI4. « ft ft ft uqt, QK\ q\ KKin. Willi- ^ W D g , k; QK ft ttKH2, fl^ gBM|, K8. Ite In plJiy and give male In (Ira morea. Problem No. 1,W7. InacrlbedwlUi Uie hlglieai ragardi to CllAMLUi A. OlL- HRHO, Hrooklyii. nV M. KIINIKf>TKI!r, UUDAfUrr. BLAt^K. WIIITK. >Vhlio ((I plHy Nnd give uiito In fuar inurea. The Brooklyn Ckeaa Clab Wtna «be Met- ropolitan Ctaeei Leegae TwopUy* Tlie (Inal jrmniea of (lie Meiiopolltau Leaffei aerlee were K' .yed Mirch A between the Biwiklyni and theCltya. th teima wen made up of rapraaentatlre pUyera fVum ihelr rwecllre dtiba It waa the ilechllBg metch of the aeriea.' Hrooklyu lud agfeatailTanUce,havlug woo foor mora gamee than the VWy Chils eml mablna It tiecenary for lite laKer clehlu win all out of llie eight gamea to aeriira only a lie. Tlie BrMklyn 0. C. itually won tbe match and the tropliy by the fcore or4H to S}i. The gaiuea wen coniealod aa foUow: CiTT O C. Rrouiltn C. C. 1..J. W HhowaKer. 0 va. II. N. PUIehury l 2..B.Delnur. 1 re.Pti. RIdiarJaoo o 3..A. Billnger (i ve.J. P. Birry | 4..II. Volot kre.P.M.TeeJ H ft..a W. Ramittoa K va. a H. Horamora Q fl..W.J. Perrla 0 va. Wm. M. de Vlaaer.... I 7..W. Ilundnetou S va. W. P. Rno li a.J. W.llalpera 1 va.J.0. latum 0 ....3>i To(al.. 4« e by ■— '-- Total _ _,, ^ Tha iD(al rtcn* nuile by Uie varloua cluha lu the •erieann: Matchfi. Comm. Ci.i<ttA. iToa. Lao. iron. Lort. BrmklyB 3 0 31 9 tllT- 4 1 at 14 Naoliattan 2 3 BH UH Metnpollian 2 S 18 21 Newark 2 3 17k BM euien lUend o ft 4 S Ike Ruien laUnden forfeited to the Newark Club the o|tenlng uatdiof tb« final round which was BchMuM n>r March 14. Tbe wloDlnir oKibhuIhe epleodU ATeno of tH (wm atMcbMtllBc. Omme No. 1,«V7. caniiiKom wlUi Iha onlf Ram. «nl>««il. Taoia «. u. ■. NIK. ra. D-O""-™.'ii'^B, ^rH OAME. — Whlla, Hr. mila. Whlla. Mr. miu. ■ ..PIoKt J..K KI-B3 9..KII-XI9 I..KB-KI 5. .(SRJtlaa (. .OKUBS aucii, Xr. Balnl. 1*10X4 g Kl-H i 7..P.<14 .KKI> XP >..KIXKI I0..KBX B > K H X B, and Iha Raai. K iJl-BS KB-Xt r-iis dHXKI Hirx B 4^tlaa Kl-lilit KB-bl>3 ihvailMl at Marr tgm, muat hara aa anhancad uaaor Ika.V ir.8l»lacliainplon'apiti»aM. Ku» mm to TabloTlo. 7, Dr. II. laaoiwi »a Jaa. Moitl- loer. Till. iii»a«it« ilio moat uioraa of any, and la Uia onaoruia wl»la Ion that siaal IWfla ama wouW h« won by llia EflftUUi npra»«nullro-an American, by Uia war. <PlAT rtMrmoraaaaahoTe.) luaoun. llonliiiar. • ~- l"toQ3 h-KlIll KIt-Ktl i.Flnbl t..l'-Q B3 IL.OKt-Biwi ii;..gH-Kt9 1I..KB-BI l>..q.<iarl I.V.P-K Kt4 II. .UKUK3 It..Call' QB-gl Otiiitlta 8Will 9 Kl-Kl laaacaon. II..UBUR4 a..<> B-Kt3 ll..l'-KB4 Ila«.g It.UR-Kliui 1'-<1II4 ll..KIUil>2 T-QRi ia..KU-KtZ r-KB3 Ifanl Mr. Morlliuer liaji a wini OKtU K S i a..K H-lilal Z1..1'-KKI1 »..Rrx P B. .0 B X Kl s..iti'xr ir..».Ki a..itxt-Q> 8KIXB B-Ktiq F-<J.. - 31..P-QB4. Tluia eipind; bal Uia walglttor oplnioo u ...... nlnn poallloa. Tha alow.aj- inuat llinld, allark In Ihla noia la la conaptcuuua eon. liaM >IUi Mr. BIIU' alcalirtitronraid, fliorooa aaiaoU above. Mr. Monlmar'a dafaace la admlrmbia, and wonhy Nov ^or an Ainericait inime. llerr L. Iloirar it.J.W, ni'>wUler,No.3. _ irASirPim Krs uahk. II offer. I..P biK< >..qKt-B.1 3..P-K Kt9 I..KB-KI2 1..P-(I9 COKI-IU T..KKI-K2 I. .P-q U3 9..r.|}Kt4 10. .Ca.Ilap< II. .QKIX H Hliowalur. PI0K4 8KI-B9 Kt-B3 K B-B4 r^9 UaiiUea KB-Ktl + K H-II4 K B-Xt3 OH-KS llolTar. ll..rioKB4 13. .0 B X r ll..u-har> u..gB-Kt> U..QBXKI ll..l(Kt04 U..r-K RS II..K-K> 3D..r-K KI4 >I..P-<)B4 . Time aiplnd; butwa hear Hbowalur. KPX P rherl Kt-Kt Kt-Kiq OXQB I'-OB] KKI-Bl P-KB3 8R-hlel R-K a). P X Kl r thai Bro. H. MouUy malnulna tliat )ia can win; and Ihat liu luM a cliea artlfll Uiao Cliaa. A. Ollberc la cooBdent of Ihe Mhia remlL There la not a flam. In Ih. whole Hal Ibat wo conld more with to Ma played out by conaapond- oitcc. Lol'a look at No. & A. flueat vk. John 8. Ryan. i-Hlur •— Ur. Bran. rioK4 r^l3 KPxP K B-K2 K KI-B9 Caiulaii P-OBS KiSi'al K H-B4 llad olTer an auiprlied Mr. 9lr.Uue>L I..PIaK< I..KKI-B3 3..P.U4 4..KltlxP 1..KB-B4 (..g Kl-H 3 7..<lkaUea S.Kn-Kui •..I'-OB <'x P ■ Kr — lUDOH-8 DKFENCE. n..qBioi I3..l)-her2 II..P-KR9 (B-KI3 Hr. OuaaL KS 2 ;9 U. KKX Kt K..QKI-kl P-QBS U..P-qR3 n..KHx R + X)..K-Raq iL.QR-lCB , ^ .. Time oiplT«l; but this iplr 0. that he Inquired If there Mr. Ryaa. Kt toll lit BPX P KKtXB g-KB3 m\ KK-Kaq in? I B X BPI not Milne uila*al(e in Iranamlialon. "the more FtniuU" van the reply. Tlila <nvp, toflatlierwUh Mr. R.*a vivacluiia atlacla ereralnce lU... make Ihla one of the leoal Iniareatlnx iianiea to the cuual reader. Oplnkina dllloraa to iha nauli, but tlienelllitororldenca lawlUi Ihe Ainarican. We would fael wreatly obllaed lo Mr. Ilyan If ho would faror ua wlUi hla viewa or Uie next alx i>r elitil niovaa. Laally, No. Kl, Andrew Hunter va. Wm. M. Do VUaar. CENTRE OAMBIT. Mr. Hunter. Mr. UaVlMer. I..PIIIK4 l'IoK4 l.P-gil KPxP MP KKI-U3 aKI-B3 l'-g3 KB-K li.oxijn 4..KII-K> K2 ...P-K B4 IO..KB-lila3 ll..g-KB| I2..4-K1 I3..|S|-IiIb6 KR-Kaq R-lioiue P-04 in' Mr. llnnter- (u H 4 n-K4 -her 3 nr K B-Kl K Kt-R3 KB-Q3 ~ B-KI3 .QB-KI3 m\ K Kt-B2 K-Ktaq Mr. Do VbMr. K Hio Kt9 qK(-H4 QBX Kt F-QB4 g-lier2 q^KB4 KKtrO* g-KKlft KKt-Kft F-^BA P-KK3 6. Time Q-K3 P-ur explrrti; but the American lia« niudi the briRhter chancea of victory. Wealiuakl boglad toeeeltln Mr. DeTlaeir'i «wn wonla Tlili maieh lian been noted ae "alow.** These Ixat two gninei, anyhow, are anvthing hut alow-^ave only In Uie Uine It took to pLiy them. Juatgo back to the middle of Uila one (I9..)anil aee liowadrolUr Bbck tuniaa aeron preaiure upon himaelf Into ooe atlll mora Forore upon hlaadveraary. On Uie whole, Uie balance of hunora Ih In favor of (he Americana. Oer Tonmej Jadlgoe. We can now announce thejudgei lo our Problem Tour- ney ror No. tfJOa. and very proud we an to have luch . jl naiiiea to otTer. There ara noulrect mate cooipetltlou, m Ihat department hat no nprwentatlve. TlieHulmBtoacciIoD waa put In charve of "(he I'roblom Wizard," Bamuel Loyd: Uie CondlUenal metea. Into Uie haodaol Ouatavus Ueldihelra. T)i»M maiten havecom- pleim their work, and the two Urat price wlnnera araaub- inltted (o Uta R«Uietlcta«leand jud^ient of no leea a dien problem artlit and critic Uian CharleiA. Ullberg, who Imre to elevate one of Uie twain to Uie Immortality of No. 2.0W. Now, "leod uayourean;" wo'll ntum them Indueiea- ■on. hi HI good order aa received—no uotowanl aceUeol befalling Uiem. Tha kind and nnnber of accompanl- menu we are receiving to nuke up a Oheea Jubilee num- ber of TUK CLimcK for April 01, will be a delight to all our raadera who don't believe In alwayaroaklns cheatoo toleino. If all (bete Kparkllog conirlbuUoni prove too nuiuerouN for one week—well, tlieroaro mora weekscon- log. WHEELING. JoIinwB Mmy Tatm Praftaaioasl. It U BOW unouuced Uul tlio pbononwnil WeMn 'cyclist, JobD s. Johnaon, will deMrt tbe .matour, or quul4oi>taur, raDlu tbU yenr. TIm stcted re*- Mil Tor thU detennluatlOD la tbe icceplloD bj Uau* Ker Tbos. \Y. Eck ot two ablernina troin nca pro- moteru lu Fntnn, oilbrtnR blm ilbf^ml IniluceiiuDli to nee Id Pstla. Eek u raported u aajlng: "I ililuk eterytbUiR will be nuariclartlj atranmd nextwcelc. Our Idea la to go direct to Farta and re- iiialD there a veek. Tbea It Is our InKntlon lo lake JobnaoB to Horenco, Ilalj, wkere tbe wealber Is mild, and put talm tlirougb bis nreUmlnair ncea. lie Till uol start Id a race UQlQ Iborougblj con- dllloDcd. JoliDsoo will nc« ererrbodj o( lupott- apcc, aod gin exblMUona wberever be appears. Alter remalnliiK In PaHa for a few montbs Be will lourtbrougb laecntlr* Butem UonUnent, meeUng all coaeni. He Urat isce wlU pivbalilr b« irliS llouben, tbe foreigner wbo scored a Tictorr over Zlmmeiman." A BBBTINO of tbe Racing Board of tbe Melropoll- lab Aatoclatlon ol 'CycUsg Oluba waa beld Harvb ig, lo compkile atmnRemenls for tbe Irriiigtonmi. burn road race to take place on Uecofanon Dn, Tbe dialanca la twealr-tve mllea Tbe board de- cided lo place a time limit of one bour and twenlj- Ure minutee on tbe race. Last jear tbe limit was one hoar sad thlrtj mlnuUe. It was decided to award special bronze medals In addlUon to tbe regular prliea to all who go Uie reule bi one hour andslileen minutes. R. 0. Bene was appotaited B«crelsi7 to rtcelve enhrtta. Tbe entrance fee to tt. TDK InlUal pabllc cenluiT run of Ihe mason, under the aiuplcea of the Cenlutr \Vbeelmen, o( this cIlT, will take place on BundaT, April 3>, the nule selocled being from College Point lenTTtoot of NluetT-nbitk Street, E. R., to SarrlUe, L, I,, and rotuni, sunlig at i a. m. Bhonld tbe waUier prove untaronule, Uie nin will be postponed UU tbe following Hundaj, Ha? G. EnWeawlir be received lir Waldo UlngleT, 8 Union Bguaie, and at Ihe cinb rooms, ma a$hti ATenne. Tuis YBIR Ibe UelronolliaD AnaoclaUon of 'Cr- cllng anbs will place a (line llfflll of lb, Um. on tbe Irvlngton-Mllbum twenty-lire mile road nee HaT 30, and specUl medals of bronze will be awaitlcd to all caniouuts who nnlsh tbe Jonmej In lb. Mm,, or better. Tbe entnnce tee Is «2, and entries wlU c ose with R. 0. BeU^ 11 l-ark Row, New York, on Majll ^ Tub Oorilandt Wheel Club, of Peeksklll, N. Y., hi oow unicered aa tollowt: President, WlUlam D. nidoy; rice presldonl, Fnnk Weasela: secntsrr and inasuier, Uodley 0. Uasbnxiok; capuin, John W. Snow; llenlenant, Edward P. Hopkins. THE O>ncon) HICTCIe Club, of DrooklTn, N. Y., last week elected Iheae olllcen: President, F. H. Ontk; tice prcaldoni, H. a Killer; secntat?, J. H. Undru; treasurer, 0. F, Scharfeolieriii captahi. T. 1. HlUer: flrat Ueutenani, T. O'Otadj; aecond lien- lensDl, a. Sweesej, TliB Klnn Oounu Wbeelnen of Drookln, N. Y,. Its! week elecied the foUowIng olllcen: healdenu u 8. Ih>wdlsb: vice president, S. J. Onbam: tieas^ unr, u. Uoerebouse; aaalslant ueasorer, a H. !?'l''i„"**"'*^i f- asalsUnl secnlatr, «.R. Bonn; caplaln.O. A. Needbtni; Uentenan£ W. U. Graham and Vi^ HcKlnlej, •"""•^^ RoBniBOK, (be EngUthnao, won a one hun- drtd kUomeuea mce at ihe Velodrome d' BlTer. Paris, Fiance, Karoh 10, hi lb. 31m. »a. a BlrtetJ aeoood; MlctaiOl, lUM, aid A. Uatoi, tomth. BILLIARDS. The Inlef<dab Toamex. Tbe iDtar-Clob Tonraey began aoiplcloualy at Maurice Daly'i Brooklyn Aaiambly Boomi, night of Mirth 10. The touniey, which !• largely due. In lu loceplloa, to Uw entbuelaaUe eiertlone of Dr. Jeonlnga, who wai one or Ibe eoopeUion In the boMue Backet Club tonrney tint OrvlUe Oddle Jr., the AiDerlcan analeurchamplon, wno iHvlrtujJly aa Iniei^lty content laweU aa an late-club bnule, lor U brloge together the taleol of On Uoiou Lciffue, the Vew York, Ihe LMerktmni and Uie (UUiotIc Lyceum Clobe of Uila city, agtlnft the Union Lcafue, thv Oifonl, the Oennanla, Uie Xontouk aod Uie Cria««Di (Mnbi of Brooklyf. The New York repreaentallvee In the UHimey, with their handlcapi, are: Arthur Towniend. ■cralcb. 3B0 poInU, CaUioUe Lyceum; J. ByroD Stark, new M. A. C aOD: Dr. RaoDey, Union League, VC\ Dr. Miller. New York. 2Ba ud Pred Oakea, Llederkrmni, ao. The Bnwhlyocbanpleoaue: WUllamBamanl,UoloDLeague end Moniaok.aB9; Prank Eeenay, Oxford and OermaQla an and Dr. Jenningt. Cneoeot m BadiofUiocooleatanupat up a aweepeiake avfllcleat to make a poiM offOX wblcb li divided Into four prlin and the Bfuuwlck-Balke Company hare a^ded a alktr rhemploDihlpcop. Maurko Daly, by uunlmoui choice hei beea ■eleetcif manacer of the tourney, and Tom Qal! Uiher, of Chicago, was elected referee. Tbe ubie upon whldi the gamee an being played U k baodeome cuKoelty. It U a elx legged ailalr, Uie Oral er Uie kind eeen lo America, of native make, aod Itlefur nlibed wlUi wMe ralU and » dolh horn which ihe "nap" bad been removed by bnralog and dipping The garaeaan all to be of the regular jHofeeiloiuf lym' H-lodi balk Hue, with "anchor ahoi" allowed If Uiey cui '^Ar^ar Towoaeiid, the scntch man of the Lyceum Clob, and Mar of the tourner, and WlUlam Barnard, the UoloB Leairue ftar, of Brooklyn, crotiad euaa In the open(ng Rame, Towosend to win bemg nqulred to acoiv 300 before Baraard got 200. Very neat ecore cnnla were dlitributad among the aMcuien belon thebaule began. Maurice Dalr iDtrodaced the pUyera, and Baraard aurted Uie ball! nlllDir. Tbo acoro: BarnarU-i9,4.a. 1X32,10,23.1. l.(L 11 2, 3, 7.U,ll.o, iil < 0,3; (M, 1,1.«. 1.1, ft. 0, lS-». >owneoBd-a 2;o, •, (M, 4.1A lOL Ol 1.1.10. l, 1. u, i. 0, d 4, a 0.1. CO.W".?. »i OiX i,hX 2, 1,1. lOL W. 4,oi,3,ix 1,1, i,«,i, irg^ai^iw- AveimH«e—Barnard, 4 SMS; Towneend. 2 4447- Ulyh ruoa-Bananl, 31; Towneend, ZB. Thii opening contaetatarted tho tourney InKoodahape, aod a RuUleleol lotereat created amoog Uie blQIanl lorgre loeaueeafood attendance for all the fellowlug games. On the BlUrTKMn of Mudi 19 the aeoond gameoiibe lour ney occurred, brioRioc togeUier aa conteatanu Frederick Oakee, Uie crack or the Llederkrani Club, who entered the tourney at Ihe eleventh hour, and Dr. Ranney, who repreaeiiu the MUIard talent of Uie Union League Club, oflhlaclty. ADOxcelleDlRaueraault«d,aerollowa. The "oSea-Ot 7.1.4 11X1,4,1 i'5.!'?'?'9'?'j*^''. U.4,M&A4,O,0,C2,l,l, 1,1,3,0^0, J, 0,12, J i i 4,0,2, a a, 8. H1,3.1,0. 2,4,(0, 10, •,0,3,0,3, Oil, 0,6,010,0.4,010,1.1, " junMy-2,1, 7, 0, 0, 0, 4,3, la 7,1, a 4.3,3, S, 9, S. 1,0. NXKAJ ^''■.'.0.1 .'■*?■ 10,011,1, n 1,0, a, 11,2, q 1, a ^ 1,0, d ArenR«*-Oakaa, 31319; Raooey.S ^. BM-— — — - Oaken, 'i4; Baoner, 22. Marker, Peur Ftoyd. U. 0.0,0.1,10, Rao oey. S10-79. High rune— Refet•^ Thoou oallagher. nVflnt Raine'o? the evenlnx brought together Dr. Mil- ler, Uie export of Ute New YorlK Club, and Frank Keeoay, of the Oermaolaaod Oxford Cluba. Ue beat Dr. Miller byaHoreotaUmUZ. Theacon: "hJ^ 5j us\\\mv».wu 1, 7.1, 4,0,4,0^4,1. ae,XaO, 1.110,1,14-182. UIgh rana-Keaneyva; Miller, 27. Referee, Mr. Oal lagber. Muker, Mr. Floyd. Tlie <^Molng battie between Dr. Jennlnga, of Uie Crea- ceot, and J. Bvron Btark, the new Muhauan Athletic Clubcrack, waniavedtoonlabthenlghL Btarkhadbcen rboaen already u the ponlble winner of tbe cue haitlea Uewaa handrcapped at 300, ranking next toTownmnd, acnich, at 3SD everybody atayed lo watch the game. BtarkwoD. UlehlgtinmwaiSlandavenLgeftJUO. Jen- nlnga* blgb ran wae 29, and averase 4.7-fi8. Beeney and Oaken came logethv the next aftemooo. Keeney etarted tblngaoifwlth a nlUHP. but met wlUi a eorprle^ forhli opponeotcMghi nhn when nearly BO polnta In the lead, andeloaed the game^ winner by (bur points. It waa a oorUog good game. The icon: _ Oake»--l i,D, 4, a, 10,7,3,1 3,0. SA 1.4,1 li ». II1. 1117,1,1,10.1V^ Ol < 2,19,1 ill lb. U, 4,1 Id, 111.,112.1.1-^- ___ey,4 Beferee. Mr. OaUagber. li^4il 0,22,11 Uri 11.1 OllU4. Averagta-^ei,4S444; Keeney, 4 3MI. Oakea.»; Keeney, 27. * P.L.FU|r. rthurTo' UIgb rune- Matker, ArthurTownmd, theSSO point acratcbman, got out or a lick bed In Uie eveolng. Ui play Dr. Ranney. Town- Mod wae auibrlog from a aeran cohl, lie lald, which ac- counted for hli Inability to do himaelf JuaUoe. The doc- tor played with nurked iteadUieaa, and waa heartily ap- plauded . Townxend conU do lluie or noiblng to auy hli rIval'eproKreamaod Uie marker called the uorei lo the Uilrty-dfUi InnlBg: Towneend, 101; Ranney, li7. Dr. Banoey waa oaaily beaUog hU adveraary In ao eren game, and he iwepi Brouodnlaaecond Btring with a total to hbi credltot aH lo Towaaeod's US. Or. Banney veoi oat oD a Jump In the Atty-flnt Innlog, beating Townaend 'it mlDtn on an even game. Tlie icon: 1\>woH0(l-0; I (X 14, i 1, a, 0.1, .__.iiii,a.o.i,i,i.lio,ia,ii2.ii. OLOilA.14,1,i;i.o.u;3,i. 1. ia.1,110,111 til.21, is, U, 2, 0^ (X 7.1—190. Avenge—Raoney, 4 4ft-&l; Townaeod, 3 97-41. Uigk nina-Ranney.37:l^wnnud,21. Baferee, Mr. OaUagber; marker. Nr. Floyd. Tbe cloalog gune of the night waa a battle beiweeo Dr. JennlonaBldTili oM rival. WlUlam Barnard. The btter played as TO bit opponent'iao. Barnaid won Uii game, a aeon of auto m. He nude a high ran of 9 and hla rival Koml a break of 34. Banard'a average wat 41-13 and Jeonlnga' wai3l*SL . The atar game ol Uie tourney, up to Ihla time, wu the Double kntUe of the aftaraooo of March 21, beiwceo J. BynnSUrkandFndOakaa. Both are New Yorken, and II waa fblt that Uie raault wonld have a great Influence In determining the ulUmata wlnnera of the tourney. A large audlenoo aaaembled and a One exbiblUon of expen bllHanli nnilted In Oakea winning Uie nme by beaUni hla advenniy on even terma, 2B0 to tIB. Ttieicore: !i V'i'4 "^<^ ■• WaVif i iA\m'?:MUiS:Si^"'-"^"Vr Dr. Ranney bjm Dr. JenDlnge cnMaed euea In the eren- Ing. They plMed wlUi an even bandkapof BOpolou. The former eaally won the gtme, beating bu oppooent bf UDpolnti. Theacon: „ , Dr. RanDey-l,4.0i OlO.! Ol 1. li 11,1. i 117,0,111. 'XTmnii-^Rannay,813-79; Jennln|{a,l 72-7S. UlRli n -Ranney. O: Jaanlniia, 14. Refet*., Hr. Oallilbi Marker, l(r. Floyd. The Bret mm. of Hatth S wu playad In Uie allernooa ,.. . —rrr^ g,^ wlih J. Byno Blark and Or. Banney aa opponenla. Biart aineeeded bla adramiriO points, wuafways bi ihalaad, and at on. time, la tha orty-slilh biolns,wu orer lOi polnta ahead. U. woo, InaUr, by 900 to 1>7. Thaecore: l.1?^s^.v.iunmWl:•^\m^};s 3,i.d,»,ftOLiur<ir<rMvi-«o. D.«-,, J, (iTf a Ol iv iVa 4. n, 2,13,12.0,0. ll 0,1, J. . Averagaa-Slark, ft; Raiini i.\Vv. ATaia(aa^Urli7ii7kuaer,3 2M<. Ulsh njn-8larlL t3:BannaT,». Bafena,Mr. oUlaihar. Marker. Hr. rioyJ. TSaflnt conleatof die aranbiB waa aauiprlaa, u Bar- nard, or die Moolauk dob, who won a rlctory orar Towo- aand on tbe tint nightor uia touniay. waa aaallr baalca by I>r. whom Banard waa oonnadlnii Uie aoan 10, 0, 0; 1. .H Soil, 1,(1,0. handicap oris polnta. Theacon: «, 1,11,01" «, 1,1,0,% Banam-e, 21. k,m\'tii?lVr,i7,i ^)iSiiArn?lfir,S*Allfe, » ^ Hltf runa-Dr. Millar, a: Baniaid, S. Rafeiaa, Tom OaUa- «her. Marker, Mr. I^lonl. . , The laat (una of the aranlng waa betweaa Piaai KeUM7 andl>r. Jnnblia, and nurly Ui. endn audlenn Unaateduieikloy IL Keeney saT. Jmnlnp .handicap or£>to2Ea anThe had, aa uanal. wagarad a lotermenn on hlmaair MUaa. Keeney won th. nma, wlih ao arer- aie or > 1(U1. Hla beat runa were B and 99. ..Dr. Jea. niniia-total waa at. Ulaararafa was49t4l. Ua nn 31 twlea. ^ „ The eloalng samaa of Uia weak heian In Uie aftorauM or Match 23, wTlh Arlhur Townaand and 1. Bynn Slatl aa conlailanta. Tha roimet had Ui play 9iOlo 300. Then waa a bll erawil to wltuM. tha gmmo, ud they wen weii npaM, aa Uiay wlueiaed a Boa aniaal. Towaaeui opentd with la Blarh Uien uaum«l Uw load and held >l aafely lor twenty Innlnga. Than Towneend caaia wilt iTadonblMoria 11, It flandR and put hlmaoiru th' fnnt wlUi a UKal aeon of US u 1& and Blark oarar aRar Uial cauubt him. llabeal8UrkSOtol7B,andniailf the blRhaat .Tenia Uio. br. Th.aeon: _ „ , , „ ATora«>e-4awnMnd. < WS: ♦ '^H?,, If? niaa-Towaaead, 9: Slatk, S. RareiM, Too Oallashei. Marker P. J. Floyd. Tbe lint game of lb. ereolug waa between rnd oa«V and Dr.ainer. Th. lauar lara hla beat wort ofua loomay, aad be kept Uie ball, aplnulnn wlUi Mrfo^^ apaad. llowaaainpUon.lly nnngalpoalllon plar.ana hahandlad hla cue wlUi a conOdenn Ihat waa calculalM lounnerrahlaitfaL The plajen Innol iha Ont atrial aa roUows: Oakea, UB| MUlarTui- Or. Millar kapt rlg°' on wIUi hb nca hoiea bllllaidaandlhafrtiiaejcy wl» whkhhaHored double nmra. made th. oaUeok wpMr bopalaaarorhUonoBeSL Fonltaan InnlniJ CSJI."!" anund his aMooIalrlntwIUi • noi* of m lo lUl »■ be . eliloawit woaUi.cMtaelMallrT^naaooiw: . . . r t