New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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08 THE 3 S 1 EW YORK CLIPPER. April 6. Worldi^ Players — HtnRitor llinlcr, or Kilw>nl IIiTrlgiin'a Coin- IM117, ha* peiferied nil lili utrangriiKinlii tor (lit HprtDR lour u( llMl compnn/, which licmn on A|>i1l 1, *t Hlncr'K Thetin, Noirnrk, N. J., whcni "Die Hnjor" will be plajcd f'lr ono week. Allw loving Newirk Ihe compfthr will pl»r an enftaRement In Ibwion, Hhm., uml Ihcnce wlir ro to W'orcoMer, Norirlch, CL, Ilanrunl, New lliircn, IHIAnepon, Month Norwalk, llm>kl;n,N. Y., WlllUimlnini tnil rnilsdelphla, ■>•. flcencrjr Mil BrwHMiriai for "Hie Nejor'anil 'itclllrnnil Ilio40n" will ■« Kken.nnil lioih pkjK will lie priMlncol. Tlie rnnipKiiy will lie, llinnfter llnnley Informn u^. ItlenllcAllj the mmo u Ihit wlilrh iranleleljr wen In llili rllj. Mr. Ilsnl- Rill liu iKtn III fur Ik numlicr of neckn Willi > piKlimclol miHck or la vrUn*, IxH lie* now re- covoreil and \* In niml ronillilon. Uanaxer llanlej atalealliat at llie clmio or lliln tour II lueiclreinclr rirolMlile that eiioilinr, much more extonalve, will le umU'itakcn, emlmtlnR iicnilj nil Ihe princlcsl clIlM or llie Wot anil Hoiilli, nml mxiipjInR the srooicr pan or noxi M^amn. — Notm rmm llio Fmnklc Uiiiicnlcr Vu,, now tntirinR tlio KaHtom. New Klilllnlin Hialcjiniid llrlt- liUi pmvliice« lliiHlni'KiicoiiilntibaRO'Htovonrwhero. Wo are now In|ihih week, have licen on llin mailHlnco Hay IT, IMI, and will not cIom llila Hiiniiiicr. Itnaicr: Fikiklo Oiipcnter, VInlnIa Ua'khitni, Haiwl Kvcli iin. Until lilnainore, llanr Markham, W. I. Clark, \v. II. (lonild, Jaa. H. lUrr), Aiilircr IICHlllo, llnvhl Mllclicll, ITiir. J. W. Hnllcry, iniinltal illrenlnr; Jure (Iniiljr, wic |impr1niiiraiia inanaRcr; J. 11. Fnudcr, litiHlnom reprcHCiilallve, nnd llio woiidorfiil chilli actrcacH, Dom iiiid llcna, Ulaa t^rponterM III lie alRiera. — Kdwitid union llnyle will pnaliiiui lila new pkij, I'McxIcn," next HtnttMiii, tiiidur llio innnaRO* incnl which la now dirrnlliia Ida lour. — HriiAinca llooth.Hchiicntl mllcil lor Kiirope March 21. Hlio wlllroliirn In ilinoriirlhcrelioiimlM iir "The Hnlem llilrhOH'," In which alio la In n|a)r llio IcndliiK rulu wlicii It la prmliicrd next Heplom. Iior, nl llio Ai»ilain; <il Mimic, llil> cliy. — It la Rlrtinl tliat ncKothiiliiiiM arc pondlnR lio- Iwccn J. UToolo and lieiiinan TiKimpann wli' — JoliB r- IU««lo« ahnt and lutuillr Mlled Amy Thill In tier imoh Id Ihe Kilk tpartnieot bonee, Ihli citj,enHareh3T. Theihoiawerolieirdaboatioje A. M., I17 tlie colored Janltrea, lait ahe IhouRbt tbay were nolnea froni the pholoffrapMc Mudio on Ihe top door, eed paid no ailenllon In ilicm. At 4.90 r, u. Ihe chambermaid repotted that ahe couM qot gel InU) Uhi IDIII'a room, and could ict no i«<ponae In her knocklnR. Tlio door waa floallT liurat In, and Ihe dead Imdlea of llie actor and aclrcaa were dl» coreied. There were three RaplnR liullet wounda In llie Kit aide or Hlia ThIII'a face, and abe waa drenched wllb lilnod. Bbe lay on her back, with licr faca toward the alallonatT waali liaain In llie alcoee el Ihe apartment, and had eTldentlj lieen laurdeivd aa ahe waa waahlnR her lianda. Her mnr- dercr la; on hia Ijack, with a powder Malned hole In hU rlRhl Icmple, and Willi hIa leet almoaltoiiclilDR lier liead. It la anppoaed that Uie double crime waa caiiaed by a combluallon ot drtak, Inaanltr and Jealouaj. F'lirther mention will lie found in the oldtuarjr iioUcca. — In ilellfeilnR the charRO to tlie Jury In the D.°P. n, KIka caae In the United Matca Urcult Ooiiit at lloreland, 0., March S3, Judge Ilaniinnnd aliarply cilllclacd the memliera of the order tor ennRlnR In nelly difltrenodi which haC " niplcd the orRanlTallon. Kluit ho lemied Ihe difltrenodi which had dU- No trial ever hod a more the JiidRO aald, "or waa more Variety and Minstrelsy ^^^^^'^^Z^^'^o'^^^'' I ei.el-««l^liUitliela«;weekoltbe.e««„ .. , . fllh a view III llio pnaliiriliin <if *The (Hd llnnieiiluid" In tflndnn, KiiR., Iiy Ur. Trmtc, who will nlao npjiear in Ihe character fit Jn<.liiiii Wlillcitliiii. — Janot Achiircli, an Kiiitllxh nclrvHj(.la on her way In IliU ciiiiniry In Join IllclinnI Manallcld'a Hinck company when lie oiwiih IiU acawm al Ihe Uarrlr.k Tlintln;, tlila rllj, — K. K. illi-e liaaiiiiicliaacil "Ksctlalnr Jr.," IL A. iUmet and (lenrite I/ih-cII Traruy'a liiirlcai|iie. Mr. lUce will tflve II a itrtHliicilou next acaaon. — Ihi Wuir lliiiipor iiiay |ircM:ni "lir. Hynlax" iliirihR llio coniliiR May or Juno al Iho Havny Tliea- Ire, l/<iidon, Kor. — Wliyl flaiideraiiii a^llNl tut Kiirop4> March 23. ~ Lucy Hnilleii Iiiih Iiuriiii an uriloii liilhlacllyfor aliHoliiio illvoruo fniiii Kntiik V. HuiIIcm, — II bi rejajrtcd Mint an liiiportaiil dlacovery of nick Halt naa licoii. made on OraiiRo or Jcdbraon laland, wlilrb laoviieil liy Jnttopli Jcircrwin, and Ilea on Iho Moiilhwcnl niaat of I^mlidaini, not far from I'elll Aiiao, or Avcry'a lalaiid. — Klido tllndya Imh mjnliird Archie ikiyd'a "Cdiiiitry Hi|iilre'* Co., and lii pliiylnR her fomier inrtol Imbu. — Mym iMillliiR, who In lieliiR roaiiired wlUi the Uarka llriM.* lirHniiilli: <:4i., la havliiR n now play a'rillnii roT her, vlilrli alio will pnilialily iiiw noxl aoavin. — (;illlt(l. Konl, IllalliiRrr lit Kiinl'a1lnillinllcC4i,, boa liuokdl a rlrciillni iliu Korllicni Siiiiiinur re* Miria, anil a'lll roiiialii tiiii llic enllr^ Hiiiniucr. — i,. K. IICAi'li anil airii (I'niiiklii Klllnll) have Jolnnl McKco IlHiiklii riir llio raniiiliidcr or lliOKCii- iui,tii itbty 111 llio Hlfick ciiin|iany nt llenvur, Cid. — Norua rniin the llopklna Ooiiccrt anil lAcliire Co.: Wo are now In fair iiiio liuiidrcillli and lirih wci'k wltlKiiil 11 cI'Mliifr exconliiiR tor the ImlltUya, mill liiialiiraa haa liniiii oxcrlloiil. Iliialor; llr. A. (I. llniikliiH and wiro, Ilari7 A. Hohm, K4hvlii A. Thoniu, Will K. (Iiinliioriiiiil W. Jiidd Wjlllc. — (Ina. Itninn Jr., <ir "Tliu licvira Anollon'* Co., and (*liriH. Ilriiiin, or IxuOlo and llrnini, are Imilhcni, and anna ol (Ina. Ihiino 8r. — Harry Wllllniiia la iimtuRliiR for the jinidnollou i>r "A lliiwury fllrl," April M, at Ihe llayniarket Tbcalre, Chlcaan. — iliilioit II. uantell nmdo Hpnllcallon In Ibe HU' proniu Court or lliln Hiuto, on Uarch 'Ju, 10 mluce llio alimony which liu bi rcipilnid to pay Ida wire rmni iw> lo flL a week. Me owea t;i,UIO back all. iiiony. An atlaohitiuiii for hia lairaon. which bad lieen ImiioI, waa ataycil laimllUH a doclKloii. Mnt. MirKars' A. Maiiioll iipjioHi'd the rcdiicilou In nil iiiMiy. llor cuunael aalil thai Mr, Manlell waa llrhiR JnilarruKi Iho Inrdor,In Oiiinecllcut, nut or Ihe juriadlclloii of IlioUoiiit. lie hail falleil toolwylho onlar or Ihe Vnuit, nnd Ihe Court waa aakod lo puntah hint for cuiiieuipl. Jiiallcu ihiekinan n- oened detlalon. — lleerlKibni Treo dollvertHl an addrcaa on "Some Aaiiecla of the Modem HiaRu*' iKforo the racnity nnd atudoniB or llarmnl ColtrRe on March 'JO, nt Ban. • don' Theatre, CaniliriilRe, Maaa. — Lawyer J. J. Krank Home llnio aRo lovled on np- pllnncea and apraniiua iiacd liy Pnit, llomnaun, Ihe iiwRlcUnilu KalUacllon of a Jiiiliiuienl. Mra. Adele Itomiiaiinputlu a claim that llie pro|iertyaobted Itelonaetl In her, and olilalncil an luluiiollon re- Hltaliilnit Ihe BhorllT fniuiHolllnRll. 8ho liaa abn limiiRht atilt aRMlnat I,airyer Frank for |&0,000 dam- aRca for pnlillcaitun of iho Hol/.nro and her Inability 10 fnimi tnnilrlcal cunlmela. JmiRe (IIOKorlch was aakud for an onlorciiiiinullluRMnt.llcmimnii lofup nUh a bill or iMrllculara. llio honriiiR waa ad- JoiinuHl fur Olio vouk, — MaiuRcr Kiirouo lloblnauii naa a UMri'KH caller Maroli uo, end made llio rolbivThiR Hinlemont ivRanlliiRllw iroiiliki ladwceii bliiiauir and KdwnnI ii, WhIlu III lliu "I'aiil Kanvor" (^niuimny. "Mr. Whlto did own u iinaricr Inloiwt hi •ltm\ Kaiiviir,' OH a atlciil iiariiioronly, linvliiR iiu voice hi the biial- iioHH of HHliI coniiMiiy. lie waa himi by inu lo lake my placu Willi ilH) tni pniiy, and I paid hlin nut or niy oxTii laHikul. 1 bivlil Ilia weekly rt^cehdH to tlial ollbcl. Thuro la no iiiuiiey duo Mr. While, but, on the ciaitxary, Itobi Inilpldcil lollic ciuniuiuy.*' Mr. Itubluaoii iiMkoa a leitRiliy Hluleiiiiuii of wnniRa iliMie him and Iho coniiaiiiy by Mr. While, ail of which lluclilllnalo Ihi ablu In laxivc. — "llauRaRu Cliui!k'<Niile.4: l^niU Uartliioltc, of the Marlmiilla Kainllv, Iuih JoIiiuiI Ihe ciim|iauy lo |day llllly llulla. "A llaRRuito Cliuck" dnea not ubbio HeHMU imlll July :io, and ilivii only iwla four weekH irafore oiieiilng Iih VM aoaann. l,eo1a Hollo, Uthi Clark, IJnlu Molnini, Helen Jewell, Claim llealioriie am) Nelly MiMrka, of ihia com|a«iiy, make Hlxor Iheliaiulaonieai Rirla In a rarco i^imwly. — Allle Mandiill iurunna iia llial hIio waa Rianled ail aliaolutu diviiri'e rnim Cliarlca K. fMwanIa, on Fob. e. Bbe luw alRiicd wilh MauaRor AskIn ior bbi buuiiucropera aeaaiui. In Ibwtiin, Mum. — Jainea K. uud Alice U. Knano a|Hin IholrBprinR tnur at frovldciKO, lu I., April Ki. . — "ThoBlRU or tlioCiv««,"lij WIlHiin Ibiitell.waa otiRliiailj acleii by lla nulboral the (Iraiid U|iera llonae, iX. l/inl«. No., Unrcli -s. — Mr. Ilmdioy.ataiic rnriHiiiler or (liiniiaii'a Tliea- ITD, Naiiclieatoi',N. ll.,iTceiiilyliudlilahaudaevenily liiimoil in Iho DXploalun wriiu In "Aluiie In a (Ireiil Cliy." — F. r. Fidaom, hito aclliiR luanauer Novcliy The- am<, llruoklyn, N. Y., laul luwnl in lloaloii, Uaaa., eaui|iiellnR Hrrangeiiionla wlih a i^nilicate from that city ror Iko itnaluclinu or a new cuinrdy dniiiia, eutltletl "lu IHd Cmvllna," dealhiR Willi Doulhoni diinioMlu nnd plaiilaihiu life iK'tore ami after the war. Tlio aonaou will oiien at I'lilladol. pbbi, IV, BeiiM — Iiau 11. Rnvo cloml bla aeaaoii with the "Had Uuy" cuiupany Uarvh I. lie will nut lake ont a i»m|iaiiy iiexl aeaiaiii. Mr. Howe baa Jiiat coiuplcled alliieo an, leMllliiMto irlHli comcily, enlllUil "The Irtali Ainiit." — Noloa fruni ItellVCoimillana: WolnteudcloaiuR our aeamin ill XlilleilRovllle, (la., on April *J0. Bca* Min, M rar, thniiiRh Iho aiitall lowna of l^iineasee and noorRta, ban laien fairly Hucceaalul. No chauRe III Ihe ceuiiainy, except tlutt Wil* Neliaiu Zeigler aud lloHwn (laiTUII have lofi ua. — CaiTic K. HtiuiiR rhwd with Hobl. ItlllhiM'a cuuijMiuy Marvli 10 and ouvned with the allien A NelH Denver Block Oi. (he loilowlna week. — aiiiBoblkelalatlhit luaalerwlih IUco'<"tM2." Uur lypea recently iiiade Mr. Sohiko'a name lead Ncheke. Mr. Aihlke niourna Ihe loan of hie mother, who dieil in thia cily racenlly, — l.a Ptillle Ktiia Oi. has ckined teiupomrtly, uiTliiR to Iruuble In the unraniutiou. — Johnnie l*rinRle will cktao his ctuupany in Hmkon U<iw, Koli., April se. All ineuibere naTe (lei'ii euxaRod fur ihe tiiiiunieraeaaiin. — ill lUyiimnd HrlRRa, aullmraudoouieiHan, aud hU wife, HuHle Hank, are n-alluR al their home In Hay Clij, MIcli. Nr. HrlRRa will iMiaaibly rejoin Ihe (Lxfonl (.yiinedy (>i. — Frank IMeli haa la-en apiadulodHaalen lepre- Heuutive of Ike new IHealte, Milwaukee, Wla. Tie hnn« will lai opeiiol Oct. 1 by Ihe (ler- man Stuck Cunuiany onmnlznl by l«on wnehaner. The laal Ibne nlihln er every week wlU In reaerrcd ror the bookiug of Kn(tlah apeakliiR atlracUons. trivial l«RtniiliiR, iiaeleoa ihan thia ono wo bare Iwrnre na. II la loulalilnR tlmt full RTonn men would allow ao petty adiirorence In Rrnwinlo the prnp^irtlonaweliave hcrv, where a famoua and iiaeriil social society wilh rich liekniRluRa baa la»n disrupted seemlnRly with- out hope or reconMnictlon." CnnllnulnR, JiidRe llsininond mid that ihe amount Involved waa hiiiH- cloiii ill senlhiienlal value of pamphemnlla 10 Rive llic Court Juriadlclion. lie nid Hie Jury must con- alder Hut Atbtiillc Cliy waa the loRal place for hold- liiR Iho convenUnn In diapiile lieraiuu it waa llxed by the (Imiid I/hIro ami Ibo Rrand Inialeea.and Hie HnlH«i|iieiit removal of the Rrand Inisf ea In no wine cbnuRrrd Ibe ICRnI meelluR niaco. — 1). I,. MiidRe, or MiidRe'a Comedians, Inromia us Ihathis sesaon opeiw April Hi, In llasllnRS, HIch, Ilia company will Include (leo. il. Kdwarda, Marie Ikxilli liuimil, Ilavid Court and wire, and Chas. Ijiwls. — Clurloile Wlnnelt lina lieen Iransrerred to Ja- cob IJtl'a "In OM Kenuicky" Co., No. 1. T. II. Wln- nelt conlempiaica a Irip In the apriuRa or Mt. Clom- ena, Ukh., In Ihe near future. comblnhiRliualneMi with nleoaure. — Wtlle Ibo Van liyke k KaUm Co. wero playlnR In Ibo (Imnd (Ipcm lloiiso In Kaii tiair, Wla., on March K, a defcciive Ilue In an adjoliilnir builillnR caiued a cry or llreniHl soon llio entire File l>epart- nienliil Ihe city were lined up in rroni of Ihe build InR. HansRcr IluMlnRbnm, of the open house, slopped upon ihe obiffe and diaiulhaed Ihe nudl- oiice, who iiulelly withdrew. The Hre proved a liarndcHioiio, Slid the audience was sRuIn lu Ihe htiiuHi wllbln twenty nilniitea. — Manager Warde, ol the Frederick WardeCo. ■ ■ :!l - liaalMMkcu Ihe follnwIUR pcoiiie tor Ihe seawn ol lS9i-M: Uharica II. Ilrmiaii, Kdiniiiid llayca.Jamea (kKHHjr, (Iconre (hilHaime Jr., Howard McBlienr, Jnliii CL lllckey, Harry C. Ilarton, Cliarlea F. Clarii, 11. C lliidaon, Fiorenco Kvcretl and Fanny How. man. Wlllbtm (Ireer llanlson'a play,"Hiiniiyincdo, or Holiln Hood and IIU Merry Heii," will lie one of Ibe coBipMiiy's princljail olliactlons next scaaoii. — B. N. U i'orle haa c'naeil wilh Miiriioc'a "U. T. a" Co. — NoicH and loater of "True Iriab Hearta" Co.: Wo were In Ibe wreck on Ibo Ynmbilla IJnc, near Terre liaiile, hid., March 14. Wo liarely aavcd our liaRRARo rmin the car when Ibo ImRgiiReand ex- preiw rani woie liurncti. The inoiulwra or the coin- piiny nrelved iieveial bniiaca, liul ikiIIiIur Keriotis. Our IttgRURe waa coiiHldenilily ainnHhcd, bin tbe ciniipHny rully lecninpeuMcil ua ror our Iiha. W. F. Purkliiawaa lakenlll wKli pneumonia .March 20,nnd wtu taken lollio rreabylrrian lioapllal, Coliiinitiia, 0. IKwier: W. I'. J\HI>, Rd. Ilieniian, KdRar Mur- ray, II. C. I'erkliiH, W. J. Colo, r. Toubey, W. F. I'cr- kliiH, Lillian Kcciie, HIem llerve, M. K. Fish, W. A. Ilowlniid, ircaiuirer; C. II. UcCaull, bualncsa iiian- aRcr, and Kilwani Itowland, proprietor. — J. II. NoRToHo's Company, headed by Marion IHnIr, opened tbe new opeim lioiim at Utrey, U., Aialll. — Oiilnue will clu» her Htasoii at Hrouklyn, N. Y., April (. — (kinioii McDowell and Klnia Cornell infoim us ilisl tbey have alRiied conlracta to star under Ibe inaimROment of T. II. HIddanRli durtnR Ibe Henaon or latM-s. Tlioy win play a ropcriory or iibiys und wHl carry a Rood aupporiliiR comiaiiiy. — Mlllon Nolilea will real durfiiR Holy Week at Hrooklyn, N. Y., nnd will iKciipy hb leisure In iwr- foolliiH plaua for a umpoaed nMliicHoii in nricei and fienemlreomanUaliun of btsmelbodHfortho iieartu- iin. Mr. Noblea banea a card In the liualueaa m\- unuinof Ibis laauoof Tiiii Oi.irrkn which oxplaliia bis Ideaauiid iirraiuiemenia for Ida Spring acasoo. Ilii DOW departnni will connliily lie obnervcd wilh Inlereal by many manaRera niid alan who have fUiiered tliroiigb the Reoonil biudiioaa deprea. aion. He liiia an ndranlaRS, however, In hnvluR a reiienory of bla own pliiya. Bhoubl hIa SpriiiR tour meet with aaHHfaclnnr iieciiiibiiy ^esllll^ lie will iHxik Iblriy weekaiioxfaeaann iiii the popular pricxi rilan, when lie will add two more pbiya In bla iviair- (j ■ ■ " JooH e. IliO!, who baa lieen the leading comedian Id Wn, lloey'a CniapaDy thin oeaaon, haa, witb hia wife. Dally Colien, signed for a alx weeeka' tour over Hie Keilli conllnunua peitomiance drcnlt, opening April e, al Mr. Keith's Plilkidelpbla Ibeaiie. Mr. lUce and bbi wife will not a|ipear in Sew Yurk aiainunlH April »,wlieDlbcy wlHopenattlieUDlen Square fgr a forinlRbt. Next season Mr. nice gee* with May IrwiD, as her leading eoraedlan. KfiDixTiuir, Ibe ooe legged sodr and dance per- former, haa lieen Uld up for three monlha wlib a dislocated hip. HeUal his hone, 131 neat llorop Direct, ChlcsRO, Ml. NiXi IlAHaiHOtiMi. oriawrence and llamnRten, waa taken very III duriug Iheir engagement at Froc- tor'a Theatre, this city, week nfllarch 13-23. *Da waa nbilged In close In llie middle of Ihe week. 8ho will leHt at ber home Id Wssliloglon, 1). C, until AprilB,whenlbeleam openn al Pastors Tlicalie. CasH aiir Toiiiukk preaented their new acl Hi Ima- Ion, Haaa., lor the past rour weeka omi rtimrt meet- ing wllb succen. OWINO lo the lllneaa ol Chaa. 0. Manib, l«rilone linger with the Hrilllanl (luariet, Ihey were ceni- ncllel In cancel lliclrenRaRemcnt at the liljou Then- Ire, Pblladelpbbi, \%., last week. ' TiiB llESiiiJinBinraia, who have lieenon Ihe mad thla sesHon wilh "1492," nlled ror EuRbind March 30. lUcy are iHiokeil to appear at Ihe Alhamliru, l<iiidnn. . _, ^ (luiHiiE 11. rHiaiuwi!, or Prtmroae A weal, woa lecenlly severely Mllcn on the arm liy a bull doit. The dug IH owned by Mr. lYlinrofie. J. IltiiKr IILAk* baa signed wilh llllly Casad's Colored Mlnslrela. H. J. CanoKK, or Usdden,Carroll and Feeley. acro- bats, riBctured his collar lionc while practlclnR re- cenUy. He Is being treated at Ibe Fountain B|HlDg llospllal, tihciiandoah. Fa. BiiuHE Ann (%>!iNii.L are working for Ibe Colum- bia Fire (/u. Fair, Shenandoab, Fa. InsNB Hick sailed tor Kumne March 21. 8bo In- tends prntluclng a new specially In London. KnR. MiHiOM AND 1'r.iKi., black race alnRmg and talking comedians, are pbiyhig the luvia (Urcult. They play at Alleghany, I>»., April 1, and open at ClDdnnatl, 0., Hay I, wllb Waahbiini'a CIrcua tor Ibo Summer. OtiNHiKunau Aan BiAtn', mnalcal Dovclly come- dlana, have signed a Iwenly weeks' contract wilh (leo. A. 7Abn and Ocn. U. lie Vcre, pro|irtetor and aaslslant manager or Tlicatro Ibiyal, under canvas, commencing at Troy, N. Y., Hay 14. rAPiNTA was a special rcslure In Dudaio, N. Y., last week, with the l/indoii llellcs Co. Her engsge- mcnts In Ilocheatcr and Delmll tbe two previous weeks wen eminently sncceasfiil. ijtwFAUiKa Asn Vivian lis Monto are playing a three weeka' engagenien at Kohl A HIddlelon's, Chicago. lOTHK Hi'iuiiiKi, or the Park Theatre, Liwttnce, Mnaa., prcaeiitcd Jeniilo Peari, or Ibo limae Shoe Ttio, Willi a liandsoiue Blewari Innju on Msn^h 26. JoiiKtais, ItiAKo AN» UBNri.BV Sailed rur KumM March 27,10 IIII a leiigiby cngnRcnient at Ihe Al liainbra, l4)iidon, Kng., npcnIiiR April B. Tiix TiincAnKHo ({iiARrirr are liookcd tor four werkani Kmiik ll'ili'a,CldcaRo, opening at ibe Hid- Wliiier (Jlrciis, March 31. Tbey are enRaual for next ia:aaou with llnrry MoliluMin'a "Ills Nilia the Uamn" Co. Ynnx AKUxaxox, rosnsRcr of ilio Kclipae guartelt has rcrovercd froiii an attack or pneumonia, and la pliiyliiR fiver ihe New Roglaud CIrciiH. Kt.iA DUKnAH l<plH>lngnt llall'aOMiio, ChlcaRO. RtiKiiUAN A MuHtHRY's"AJayCln.ii'"Co. broke tlieir own record, we are InloniRd, at the Uljnu, lu Fatenon, N.J., March ii. Miller and May, and the lairerdcH BlHtcra, arc recent aildltlouH to Ibo com- pany. C(tiiTi0 ANP noHPOK, after an cnnRenieni or two •^'JS;i''^,'"A?BS?H<«iAii. AoooioinoH, «^»«jrv?»,?« L'«*°iriiS!ln h« l?rS»l | oiier«l t. L«il. N«di.«! refued by hini. Bui^ ),„.„, atlharlkaOraia Moose u far aa HuiagarFnak tlura lafbnels cooeamMl. Htia Edwanli airlred Um Chi caia Maldi A to elm np (be boilnsn. WlieUier >ix WMki of Tsritty «ni be an roonh Rlraet will be uked t„ ■opport ranuloa to be leee, but It Is known Uiit ibe oplioa 00 a tiro jreaia' leaao hekl by Praek llaD vu "'^.^iilll'l?d'^;iu'folJSdUM°an?w'^ I ouru. a.wart r«unis to theCulaoal CU'eaTO .ui;; pewsoiy.andwm loiroaucean. 1- Lio» «r die week. Tbe iln.1 bill ef fai^Mtidi 31. Id Tna wimeuaT Daoa. liavo Joined the Oeo. d„oa<«eonieiib<(;DlcliaadAllc*]leAtor. Wion \ii^m Co. for the remainder of the ,h, na«»nm Bdi.trsr and UalLNedaiid Era Tbaick.r. iaaon. ^ . .k. >i._ Uanr Biorli, Dallj aad Jordui, Tsaiaer aad Raonti, ib« JNO P RimieLie woa discharged from tlie New k,,^, Boiiua Wood, ih. LuodgrMna, ui. itoech«i^ Tork root Oradiate Uoaplul March 30^a«5r bav- u,arl«aaad Jsnnlasiawart. Boalaen wta iisbi ia.i tog a Bocceasrul •O'*'"';'?!?!)?!?'!!..'!^^ es- 'owan Opsxa iloCTa.-D.lla Fox t<nmui T.. Uiii. IMniOLpn RoetKBBV.tbe EoraiSJO/SJl^^S; Ure^ l..' itdbihedabmDchonicelnlhUcityomortRiDontnB l„„>E,||laiiHo«UtnJorea Ui.^irijmpb of bar iiie.. ~. h.. ™-«iiitiniade coDBmcUiwilbanumueroi ~ ■ tkrai the Queen City la coDcamed. She was gnoM 1,1 Unt« •iHl Unhloubla uidlMCoa. Tlie reTlnl of "The Unui41laclnMe'*«Ma|»ne(M*0. aoil dDrlnjr thtUu«r a.. . B. J.»...... , f I,. ,1 ^ i«Ti of Um vMk **L>* Perlchola'* wm put o **A BlKk BliMp" $. _ . ... WAUtOT BTKIKr THBlTRt—"The Twtnikth Caniurr Ulri"ftinr«dMftrc)i 91. with fMlnKilDp B«UltiA Qenrd M'nbe"Ulri. CADftir A L«ler«r'aconipu)|-lo(«niret«d ih« pUy.MW) hore Tor Um nr*t lime. TlHtBamlowTivca- d«ro VawlerillM did « srtoiMled buKlaem. Tlisn nu Uit ooediURO lo the company nlDce UielrUvtappemncf. MtipilcAl Uale hAvlDgauecMOM Banlee \eoeeon tfaepro- ■rvnine. The Utt matinee vw made Doiftble bj the pre- Senca of no muir llul* ptople. Mr. and Un. Aniiur uiilbtbedft Bffo, bu rRcenilr ntftde coDtncu " al''«?rm'r«.«JM~^ for the raJiniaTIpril SndKy^ba. )"?,™£!|;,'}vrreal conlalQs the umai 'JJf^S^XJt^d Ini for all pertormera on the banjo, guj " »""' kindred malnimeDU. NoUceable amoog lis a>n- feSST?a lenSty aud thoroughly w mi vracUcal Fingering for Ihe Baojo, by Oeorge w. n?e»OT Among thfmnslc conulned lo Uibi Issue SS'iSSoiissSSiluihe^ waioes, ajd 01^^^ eliiona for the banjo, guitar or maodollo, some of !K:aS''ISaTSla^?«raiiSt^UwVu,U^^ "bar h««. 1. „„ *'**'^'/,'r RilDrolUi-Uatdn elieull,a norollywaaaliooner«lbm ihc pulabiber. .^m^^m ihndanrar I llartb St. when "A Oreen OoodH Haa," wilh I^ut Dr«a*«r Alrri(i:BWiLUAHH,roaiiageror()nwne,lh^d^^^^ m 51 iai, began ooaiailoofc La«t ...k •■(Xi.ndo- waaaCtirrBHcallcr April 1. '^5'''?,,?^'"',"^!??! |ri,,ali«Oi-ikmiprofenuiloD,and 11 win dooNiM. weeka Onicno has appeared with the SaraUeTere proTjoiaUa. lo Um wild Wonera drama, J«ani« Kera n^^nr who rioaea Ihelr aeaaoD March 30, at Ml- ninnr, a youoa aclreaa in ber twna, plavtd Ibe n > tl '^^SL^i!^^ ltS!^!t»ni1lt\ttflOaait berSni. Bo«lue»a«aabad. •■fllFlunlianl-AprtlT. Der'altowery Tb<»l™. hw eiiy, ana wi^re " ii,oca'aOr«aAllooei.-ln''i)lialiNo^"wii1cbo[«n»i remains Ihbi week, which bi ™,JJ™,"™?/?,".!,,^^ siaith st" were two total raToriias. Frank Lowraad yearn that a pertomer «n»y«J "I^f, "iM SIKn "Tba Balninak.ij," a. ini.rpreiel b) bouse. Alioullbe Oral ol JunoO™,"'"J"?'**"' Moaelly aad airaiU'a aggresaUon, did wall, ni herdaiicoandwHl pulon anenUrelydinerentacL i„rtrJfis»t"Arril7. ... KlhiTMr Williams and iroroFox,the comlocoD- roiWiaSiieAKaTuaATa>.-JooOuoun«Marai3t,b> ISrS^ri'lrpr.Tow ontb. ,«d ror Ibe summer, ™r^"ffi'^n»n».lS't£trk'^S*c« irllbOmcDeBttneneu. lOD'aOim Company AnrilT. Romno^fi OPBHA ilousR.—'Tme Iriah llMitW' n- tuned lfftreli3landwa« tLeonlyoM friend od thenrekV blllhoaidii. All tlie other hoa^ea had war ptaya. Lait week "Lliile Lunl l^unileroy Up to Date" itaTeOlfta, the '—^ ""-lI Baler, a *■ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WiaihlnBton^K. 11. Solhcm presented the briihtlltilodauirtiurorwilIBi roltowlo, re'nory a. Rapley. N.w KaUooat Tlioatr. jJJK^Mia.SfiiJi'J'lKS durioic the part week: "A Way to Win a Woinwi, | nuUliiMB wiaTety pwd. 'UniaiumIoy,""C*puloUltarbWr" and "The Ill«h. •it Bidder." It waa a bwiner week, and crowdwl houa«s itnHtedMr.Rotlieru at efery perfonnanco. "The Coun- t^yCIrc^l^"at AllenXIrand Opera Ilouae, diew appie- clatlTAaudiencw,aad the wpeJrP'e"" •jLlt^S?,'!.* Uod lift, aa depicted In tlie clrcua arena. Vronptlitrorth vi.m chance lo add In Aner Uie perfornanc* (loral tribute. BuHlncMittlie PEorut'HTHKATiiE.—Reerev A Falraer'a Coionopoliian ConiADy came March 31, LrllATaamana-TIUiaajMlTmja beloB featorttd. Hartln Jullan*a Athletic Vawl»rlii«« pbtred to nod boaloea^ the boxen and wrentien oieei- inR all comem, thua creatlnv peieonal Intertnt la ihr local nperllng colony. PeterHaltsr'a Compuiy March 7. LSTAHtov ilALU-Allc* Lotlirop Bcott nre a coocen Marcli2l.aMli(tei] by Loulfe Volglit, Anna KorbleraiHl 11. U. AndreH. Ttie tlurd Andrea-IlAhn Otncon, (he nlRht iirvrlouK, filled the hall. Tlie aoloUla wer« Anna Sienger, AnnyKon«riuidla.E. UTa«on. , . , UWIC HiLU—Sonna'a Band came April ^ fur en con- ceitonl)'. Uarle Barnard and Annie Duke were the mIo. lata. ODtKi5.—Draxden Hhephenlen*," the pantonine, will be plren by the orlffliial company, managMl by SRl oSiiilSTa). in. reSSlIlM ?a" aiJ M° ffiSnatI Orclioalnf Ibbatt I. Cnar, deun.Uc .dll.r KSif iMIwlfVariXnci ^xnl. AnntU but ap- of n« nmo-War, will raad apaperbelbra the luK^ala,. CrHL™?dal!Sii'o"il?nl.'? UffJill, aSSSyf'cJf "Kifi MlODLKniM'S MCTaf.TUSATaK.-Th. eld .inn JSS ^"""'-"^ssSr.'Vn.«"Fn°Vbi'?i!ia^TL'i?,.rri AiiaVS c aSo urea* Uocaa.-VKorbobui Tie. 1-3, ir«tby,ro»r)Kor«aud N.lll^ Barreltairt Mrtylb, M^»"ira-tZ«lthn^^ Slle.Oart«llaandtiorlialneddop,llioNondeicritaTnu. lUPlavTAuuaav or Hca™^^ Dankr" l-«, "A Do Varo and Itaiion, Mlonlo Pwidio lev Hin«n loj Otiin Umxia SIi" a-11. • "stk. TtiaKliaia. Otlmore and Bmdielt and Uiarlio »S%:Tl^KnT^"yJa'->^;^ I "^iSir.or tiik U,a,v,-l!an.„r B,nB..n,,„o(.-T.,. Uod lirt,aBdo|>lcltd li i!;^li",..""Acij;Sy"f l.»ilc,»«i;jd-a>qnll.r-J. wnio ftoin g«.l'aodl.nMi, JTbo Fl« Mail" arrlrri M KheJiito llnio al noU«r-« BU»» "!•« .■:■•"' wa^n Bliltrie«lv«lbTtar«e a»illone*i and wlUi boun- urol twlauw. Joba F. rioTda' Drawing Carda met wlUi ulial renelloa al Keraan'. Lrcouin Tboatre^ Blao- ion AbbolLllio HiblwtiRlii lioier.wa. dio Iwdlni: at- liaclton and oirersd lo nml aad boat any comor. The luiy, nuikhigiilx InslK — Ilmoklyn laalge, n, II. r. O. KIks, has olected Iho followfng ofilcera; Rxalteii ruler, Cbarbja M. Newlu; oaieenied loading kniglil, (ieorgii I,- Weed: eateoDWI loyal knlghl, Kdwin C. Maaon; catoumeu iecliiilug kiilghl, lleorgo W. IMlion; secnlniy. Amerloiia ilairlsuii: Ireaaiirer, Fred W, liovojoy; Uler, Thnims Foy; Inialeo for thiee yean, Walter A. Cooper. — Allhorogularcetniniiiilcalloii of Camden IamIes, No. in, Iteiiovolcnt I'rotecUro Unlet of KIka, March t», Ike followhiR iiillccni were olected: Ksiilled niter, John II. Forticaleoined leading knlghl, lir.W. II. K. Hitler; cHlooined loyal ktilgbi, I'blllp llurch; ealooniod lecturing knlghl, Kobert I,, llarlier: seoni- lury, William I*. Kalghn; 1ieaaua>r, Knii:at II. lanig- Htnilh; liler, J. FrodNewloii; Irualcea, Judge IL T. Miller, (Icorge II. Hurlou, (Icorgc Itoltlbr Jr., How- land Ourt and Maurice A. Ilogera; cbapbilii, llev. 0, W. (latoa. — Cliaa. Otghlaii and his wire loluoil Itoao Cugh- iHii'a Hupiairling cuiii|Hiiiy si Tuleibi, (I., March us. — Tito comer slonr or (ho now $in,ouu ball or Iho Allaiitip CHy ijialguof KIka wnalald March 'jT,wllliap- pntpilale ccieiiioiilca, Kxullnl ItiilorUaiiinol K. Forry olllclalliig. Ilologalluua fnuii Ibo New York, I'blla- deliibbi and Oiiiidcn balgea weni iirraeni, and |air- llcliuloil 111 llio cxcn-lnca. Tlio Iwll will lai cinii- plelwl Iwfore thu Hiipnuiio lAHlgc Itolda its aniuiai iiieulltig next July. — UanagorW. A. I.lvcrmorti baa added the Fnurot Open ilouae, Lima, t>., and bhceler'a (l|Mra llotuto, llolpkos, U., (0 Ills (Ina Uelt CIrrull. Mr. IJvcriiiorv lakos poMCMdou of the former lionao May 1 and Iho laiier Aug. it. -unto Italay IHxun, Ihe wlnutiiRjuekDy, Juhii- ule nine, or Foanuin'a "IMriiy Maacoi" Co., met with BO accideiil III Dayton, u., last week. A coreliiaa super knocked dnwu a pitcbrork, which slnick Mtas 111X011 on Ihe check, culling a deep Rush rivtii the car k) the cbln. Blie plucklly uionnled bor liorao, rodo Ihe race, and tbou raluted. A doctor waa auiiiDioned, and afler a delay of nfteeu inhiulea Ihc phiy proceodetl. — fAouoid'a Comedians will cbiso tbeir aoiuain at Tlirce IllTors, Mich., April s. Tlieir next hraiam'a lour caiuineiicea Sept. 13, aud will embrace New Kugkind and New York Male priocliiaUy. —1> Ij. (Iivcuo, uiaiMger of "The Urcuo Olrl," wriloaus (hat Ihe company wUlclaiiellsaeaa<ni April -.1, when be will look after Ihe American Ideal Uperm Co. (or the Suiumrr, oiieulng May ao, at l-^linwood Fark, Byl»uua^ N, \. Uarluu Ikiniielly will lie inlnw donna and Arthur MoWallers drat tenor. — Iluliy Uyliou, of Cbaa. A. Loiier'a "(lu tbe Oo' Co.. haa ivaumni her lialbid singing and yodllug, ami Is singing "Sleep, Uaby, Steep." — Ulitr. \V. Qnni naa closed his aeason with "liiuiy's Uosquerodo" Co. Next season Mr. llmul Inlcntla to put out a comedy, wilh a almlhir lilki, to play week ataiido. — (Iraliam Karle Oi.'s iiotee: 7.oe Zlele, idanlst, Joined March U, to auccotd W. li. Oitnell. lawn 1). leate, or the "Oinntry UoualD" IV)., visilod us JO. Hevenlnewplayaare in preparaHoD for next sea- son, liualueaa has been veir gooii for some weeka. Tbis company la now to Its thlrtlelh week, and wlU leuiala out until July. — Edward Vroom and Charles Renauld have ar nugod with Francois i^ppee, author of "IMur la <\iuranoe," lo produce that play In this city next Fall. — lUMttrot the reoi^nlr«l like Upeia Co.: 0. il. Fyke, director and pnpitelor: Idulse Manned Pyke. ^Ylullold HIake, M.lMLa Molla, Daisy Tbetw), (leo. bird, llany James, Millie Ixh-ro, llelone Dal- liiger, Arthur Uojrce, Al. iMch, Frank llcpbun, Hoae Souibetn, llurttmie Nellaon, Hertba Myer, Maud Kvcrnin, Elbel Tlldtn, Ktbcl Avary, Kbde Ito- iiiahie, Corinue Tillon, Maud Clevelaud, Maud My- ier, liany llaulou, Frank Severance, Orn. Mllc^ lloiiiy HcVaddrii, Uro. tviuipliell, IL lianvll, IUitt Ixive, J. F. Kirby, Fred Uriian, Qeo. Haiahall, II. lloOman, Joe SIcIn, Sam Moll, advance, and L. un- caster, bualneaa insiiaaer. This roinpany la under Ibedlrectton of JebuMaguIre, of llulte, HonL, for sUieen weeks, when Ihey come BssL — Hay Mortimer boa Joined Uouioy and Fox's "lloi Tanulea" CO. for the nmal^dorot tbe seasoa weeks at Steiibrnvtlle, <)., are plnvhig two weeka at the High SIrcel Thnitre, Muncle, fiid. Tub llraHii.La, In tlieir new act, "The Canvas Man ami TOxaa Ulrl," nre ongagcd for two weekaat Hie llnward, lloslon, afler which tbey open on tbe Kollh clrcnll. May e, lu I'lilladclnhla. Oakuv' llorrnR ano Fannik stahh, sketch team, wore mnrrieil on March n. Tliey are pbiying at Ihe Parlor Theatre, Itempa, Kla. HovAnn Axn Hlanr bavo diilslied four weeka In Chloogo, III., playing Frank Ilsll'a hoiiHea. Tliey apiwsr In HI. Louis, at Iho HtaudartI Thcstra, (or a week's ongagomonl. FiaiiEH Asn OtRnoi.i, luive sighed wilh Ibo Irwlu llroa,' lllg Show for next season. W. 1,. lluctlAKAN Joined Hie "Sonib lleforc the War" CO. In 1/OuUrllle, Kt., las! week. PBAiii. INHAX, wife of Jack McAiiilne, has re- turned to tbe stage. Wii, I,. Baxeh and Rnnii Randall were made niomberaof tboAclors' liroiecllvo Union,of Chicago, lll.,Mandiai. MAY KvANH.- lAury Drown, and iKing and Welsh Joined Ihe K. F. Titus Co. nt lilieator. Pa. IIAHHY II. AnciikH, of Archer and AHoo, aerman kiiockaliout coniedlaiiH, wns oetled home Harcli 28 by tbo death of hlagiandfalber,/,. Ilmmberg, which occurred nt lliiilKio, N. Y. Hoenn or KiiHnT<8 Hikstbku; J, K. RmmlU, pnipiictor; 0. II. lloyd, nwusgcr; V. K. Veller, ageni; Cot. Frank A.Ilsll, assistant agoni: KiDsel I'varcc, leader of orchestra; Wm. Wamn, leader of Iwnd; Cliao. It. King, Charlie H. Uoyd, Ihirt L. King, J. K. Kminlil, llllly lloyd. Anzobi, coolorllon- lal, and tbo MelropoHlaii Quartet. We are pbiyiog Ohio. MvKTiJi ZiMHBH preuinled ber husluud, Dave Xhuraer, with a taitiy girl on March SO. 0. MissniTr, of Menilt and Wpich, baa Joined handa with Bd. Itnnalde, ol the Tliree IhHialdos, lo producu bis now acL JoaiB Xahura, of Hie Uexiran Zainom Family, 1b very HI at ber liiitiio In Chicago, III., and some of tbeir etigagenionia have lieen canceleil. TiiKTiiHKK IHVINU lln03.AND Fhakcis bavoJoined R. 0. (Ilanfonl's New Uricaiia Mlnaltela lor Ihe Snm- ilior scaaoii. TiiK vaiNO SON or Iho tale Ullly Ulamoud, who was alrlckuii idltid a year ago, Ima icceully under- gone a Bnccca.>«riil operation oiilibi eyes. Ills sight will be partially reatoretl, but complole recovery Is not hopul ror. Tlio niotlior or tbo young Iwy was married on Dec. 17 laal to Cliaa. lie Omu, Juggter, nt l^iwell, Ma)«, sbu will anon Join her sou In Ncw- nrk, N. J., where (hey Intend to reside. MANAIIKlUia. CIJIHK-IIACJLLIAN AKIlJt'AN ill /.A- MORA Inriinn us Ibat Ihey hH\-e algiieil toa'ery and llanley lor Ibo New Watson Blalora' Kxliuvaganxa 0>. for iiexl Henaon. Mlas llanley la to lai featured lu a new spectacithir bnrioa4|iie. The Vldocria are alMi ciiRaReil, aa well aa Mike llronnnu, fornwrly or Ibiwo nnd iirennnii. who will lie seen In a now acl wllb (I. (lark, lair or Fblicr uud Chirk. Hay CUrk, Joale Zauiom, lieoiia /jiniom iitHi Moriie Zamom, MaRgle (;iark and Fretl Kuiiud., musical director, who la at pieMinl Willi tbo company and aminglng und couiraialngall new music for next iicas4iu, have algiini. nricuii wonioii will lie canlctl with the now ahow. 1'. Coaii will bo (rcnsiirer. The UonaUfawD IJIbngrapli O)., or CluciuuntI, C, are turning out new and unique (wiwr ror Ibia company. 0. W. hAwaoM has engsRcd Will Harder, bite of Andrews' (Hicra Co.. lo nuinsge and conduct bis bnalncftiwllu Ibo Knipiro Specialty Co., wblcbopeiia In Kauaaa Cliy, Mo., A|h11 14. Bah Hkvkhu's CourANv chncd their scaiun at Mliirr'a Howcry Tboalro, (bla city, on March 30. IJzzlu It. Hayniond, who waa specially eugaged tor last week, waa (akoo HI with loflauiuiatory rbeuma. Ilsni, and was obllRed to close on 28, and I.lllle Weslom, while out driving on 2T, had a ninaway accldeul,and was noscrlouslylnjuredthatshecould not appear ror tbo rest or Ibe week. Hie (lotham Cily (juartel and Ibe Vldocqs wore engaged lo thoir pUiccs. Ut'isnn AND (It'^'ga opeord April 1, at KelUi's Th.atre, lloaton, Mass. Wk ahr iDroruird thai J.J. Zainorala danger- ously 111 al Tracy, Cal. Till 2 Ubib played week ol March IB at Ibo Km- plre, Swansea. KRgvB A I'ALVRH's 00. Will lay oiT lloty Week. Ward aud Hrown, of thai company, will play thai week al Ualilmore. Md., wllb Ihe Irwin Uroe.' Show, and wlH rejoin tbo Heeree i ralmer Oo. ApUl It, al Hloei'a Bowery Thealic, Ibis cily. Joi OoDFKgv AND WIPE (NelUo BoDd) have JOlDCd bands with Wall. Meakin, comedian. FuiHiKOR l^iAsa, operetio vocalhd, who sailed tor Rurnna Feb. SI, writes us that she opened at the Royal lloihoni, Loiidoo, liog., March 10, aud met with success. She also wriles that oho is consider^ log olf^rs from several nuuiagora for lodellDlte en- gagonicDla Id London. (IniHOB l.nui. of Alice nilmon's Casino Qirlt Oo., playing al Ibe.UIJou Theatre, I/iwell, Mass., waspreaenfed wKh a hambionie rtoral trlbule by hU t9k mends, March H. After (he prrtoniuince (ho niemben of (be comnny were enicrulncd al (he lUk'a Club, wliero a wine aupner waa served. Hilly Jacxson writes nt fbat be celebrated the iweDly-nlnUi annivenary of his binb March 31, al Beeton, Maoa, and was presented wilh a gold beaded nmlireibi by the comedy qoarteL Nin Hrrii Jr., an oM time block face cumcdiaD, U III at his boflie Id Cincinnati, 0. kVasAli'a'LtcsuM TaluTa'K.-Marlln Jullan'.Aiiiilia- llan Alblollc and Specially Co. l-O, llio Cily Stuiroi Big *SrriiiaotT Ruaic IIall.-Pi« Oeman Ullitaiy Band J. Koran.—Annlo Lawla will lake i«n la a boaent to be atroQ tlie MoTOin Culew al Mrtierolt llttl. A|irll 19. Tbo pioarainnie will atiui Inclailo Mary llolen Hone and TnC. Martano Mains Tlio Iblrd aonuat comedy wauin al Hapley'. New Natloual Tliealta will ofon May 2T. with Uio prodiiclloo of Warren's farelal conieOr, "Nils'" FlmL" Mia. Fanny Addiwa-Fill, now wllb E. II- RoUieni. and Hargarel DIbden liava been easaaed for the Mltwu. The company in now complole. Percy Winter III bare Ute rtaae manasement and produce Ihe play.. For llie Runinier comedy aesMnal Allen's Orand Opera llooM Hand WtilM and HUlle Janioaliavi-b«n onaaood Tlie renaH)-lTanta Mask and W kUub will imltica tbeir aew burlowiue, enltUvl "Keollwonh," at tatiter'a Academy of April 27 "Tbo <>>unliy CIrcut" doMd lliotr aeaMio liere Siarcli 3D Tbo rettdeoca of Ibibort Downing, Uio iraaedtan, wai rcconlly broken Into by buratAia and con.idoTabt« Jovolr)* waa •toloD. , RHODE ISLAND. TweotlotbCeiiluiy Oiri." Uhore".'.... Naaatiei M.C. An- demon, oribo Founuiln Souara. apent a day In laucaco Ifut wMb W.J. PieldlnR Is Htltl III atllioBaraell UouM. Hia wire haa falthrully nursed lilm durlog hi* loaK sick M«ll, and la honelfataioal wore oul Mia- agor Wanier,orthoI,tllianRuaaeU Company, wuaii,hl for|2iD by the Commercial Bank. He purdiaied a dtall Tor that amount two liours before the dooia wore doMd. ...Ilennao BelbladtJr. and LnuU Haltaobonr bt.o xona (o Clilcain E. II. McDowell waa Iho tliatloilia pUy "Oroon Ooodi" bore laal week......Wilt .Black .ai oaooflhe tianoloau J. U. Wlialon, of llie Oimnd Opara Houie and Buclilnahain, at L4ulaTlll^ Ky.. occupied a boi at dio Feaple'a ono ovenirat aM week Bam Dawaou ,haB toUred tVom ll.uck'. .lair, and baa Rono lo Now York to compltio tome ariaasemeala for Ihe Haihlninan (^lieoa wlilcb opeoallafoaMn In ibis nolRbborbond early In April..... rtank A. Lee waa In Beslon part ot Uie woak Wllllim E. Oraliaav aanialod by Pkira Mclrorjaf o a mu.lcato al nsUwtn'n Muric Roomi March a) Tbo Uilitf Uavlcal Clab celobralod Uie birtliday annivenary ol - ■ -■ - '>llrga Hall Lai , Haadbr. Lily 8. Tyler Hia. Charioi W.UnU... Frtd J.Tilua In hore......HanaROr JamM B. FenneMr Jobann Sobaaliaa Badi at ColUtga HalL Tbo wloiw nereOooraloe Brewo. Lena Laubocb, Emma Itolticli- Keltey, Emma K. Von UeilROro, Jonale KUaor, Emma P«»ld««e.,_Al Kcltb's 0,«» Hou«., Haab JJJ„'ffif.°^?^'';5\°4S?W -S>, "BpMar aad Fl)'" save a Hibl abow to a llslit „—^ Daorkeaperaoorga Alloa baa left the Founlaio ' tiqaare toJolQ Ibo nlngllng Brotbon'Circus, al dilcaao. week's builQow, piebablylhollBhlMl week of llie Ttiia wook "Tlio Black Crooti" make, lu tm appear anca al Uila Itouw, and if tlie adraiico sale 1* anyUiIng U) Judge die bualnoM by It will b« die bnesl week thas I iMrine li sirooslr marked lo memory ss ptMslbTr tbo fur till. Mawn. Noil week, Froilerick Hirloo, In "For- Veok's buMneu of Ibe, M> far, fairly pro<pereo« -■ * Porhapa die allractlon^ or raUior tack of alim- Rtvon. PauTiDsacBOrsHA lloi<aK. Clereland—The week of Haroh li baa gone, ■ memory aa pr Ml far, fairly i -yatcb a, IS. 77, Mr. and Mrs. .''ra I tlooa had wimotlilnalodo wlUi Uio generalcolUiaa..The Kowlil wore niado tiaiaiy by tlie nay tyiplo paW tholr re- bniiooiiaorUiecammiinlir la geoeral Is beuer, and Ui» Ruectato Uiam. Tlie utler iiilf of Ibo week"lrionda" I „g|]ooh rortliaSprinRand Summer ainttiemonltauren dUnol do M well, bolnif w unroniinatetatoget in be* laeen Ibo^KeadaU and Joaepti Jagoiaon, bnt Uie builoon noUeek ror Ilia Sprina and Summer amuiomoilKauia aoomaunoiualb'orlRlil. PieparaUon.araonderTayfiir , . .. , , aprnledialeeshlbli by Uie Pales. UatuorUio Oaidm waa very fair. Tlio ilr.1 two nialiu of llie praant irook it^i^^ng ovoiliaulod. and a new lake renert called Beach Jowiili Jelfenoo will prweol '^Hip Van Wfnlilo" and a p^S. St wblch • Smiiinor Ibeaire will form Uie main doubto b U "Und Mo Fi.e Rlilnlan" and 'Tlio Cilckel rniT|'~ lnbulMIni:. onlhalloarlti." Tlie nmtlndor of 1110 week Faullne Hall PT^Z^uL' tlJ^^^^^^ will make hernial.appeamcebere la''Dorcaik^snd lb; | niilty lood builueaaeflho weak. Thla oaceltonj^ auiac- Tlio Paaalng 8bow" did die onb' . .PpcaraiiceTiere la"Dorcaa,"«naili5 1 eiiyVoodbUiliioaaeflhowoak. Thla oxceltoni aiuac- rollowlog wook will In dirtdfld liotweeo John Drew and I tkai drawnackeil htiuM al eaeh porfVinuance 23, fl, S7' ' '"^ilrela. I n.l3 i. ..Ti.krA.,nir* RAntni." farad badivA 8. rrlinroaa A Wear. Uinalrela. WKBTUlsvTsa TIlKATaH.—March 25-30, Bam T. Jack'a Oreolaa Rare tlie lie^t allow ilioy liave over gtTen litre and enjoyed a bif week*, bualniva. This li anoltior flam Jack week, and bla EalnTa)caoia Co. will pfaaont "A Bull rliblor." Week of AprTl b-U, Uie Fay Fetter Co. The advance aale for Iho Hundajr conctrt glv< Alclito Boyd, In "TIio Country R<iul™," fared badly B.S. 30. Iltmiiann, Uie magician, comas Apnl2, 31 T»e Devil's AueUon" follows t.t.0. Wilbur dpeis Conpany, lorJudtn«llTlnRpfctore!i,woekori EcoLin Avsscs OraoA House.—Bwan Bobioa pro- Haoltd "TlioHonriella," "Leaj Vtar" and"8he aloefaw i„v au.wivv "«>T V .>»..u^ nlvon at a I coDuuBt'*'MardV£'3L'27. to itirtr Kood buatoem 'Tbe bonedttoTnaauror Herman I'aiklo la btrge, and a good if^iTiTK Ir orTr«'o^r6oan waiduly aiwbtn a Itauitpeoideliavetioon on«ago.L . ... I KnXwit ri/ebblroaad llouao Oiifoer Ulekiu Marie Malnwrigbl appeared In "Tlie DauRlittia of Ere" to a packed bouae. liio«iinopburwaapreiaBljd9.a», l«rilr Ualnoaa '■Oiarieya Aonl" apeeaia weak ol April 1, rol- '- ..•ii.«Kii*eiACT<* ItaBsr- TROWuaiDUKKTAnTliaATaa.—HarcliZS-ao, Jaa. J. How- ling aad Nvn DaTl^ In "Hobody'i Claim,'' pbiyod lo a large week a biiRliiMi., and on March 30niaoypeo)ilo wore turned away. Tlibi week, "tOio." "Tbe Danger Sttpial" April ^13, I "iiiinirftl ivwxintx 1ULL.-M*rch27 Iho Dalalan rlollnUL Ymye, ,,,7orSSirnuio. and Carrie Duke. Tlollolat, did \yn niMjy l>la>ffl befort a Urg«audlonc«i>rthabe«t paopla of ihe juVazTa BiWn^^ pertornianwa. Prtderick viT- -' lIonswTrcSrreivoSoeni.IwiorMApiU4, kwedbjlloyi'a 'AMimWhUeHait." ^, Music lULL.-Sounam) hla baoa, auIttad byMli city, ai IiIbIi irlcan Korxn ucT -aiaM. B .'OVKO Oct —CliaM. Barrtnner, of ihe "Land or iho UIO* nlRlit Sun" Co.. WHH III town on ■ rUlt lo hla nunllr V- Cliaa. L-HnliervRR hero Ivt weak tlivjul at "8lie." Hr. WMllvr mDh fur Eani^ June lA In learch or dmniatlc DovollloN Netfr In Ihe lilnlory ot Iho rrorlUence U|Mtn llouM liava nil (ho waia Iweii aold In *uch n nhort time aa tm 29, when Ihe Hal* fffiened for Juu JeirenuD. TTie heun wia hiM for Ihe two perfonnancea In four liiiura Hie Lorenberff Slneni lulned *firl(ler ant] Fly" liere,taklnit Ihejarlior llie 8|>mrrand the FIj 3lualtal Cnniluclor Ctian. Lorenbera, of KelUt'n Oimra Ilouae, In emiiilDir a niualcal reatlveU lo uko place at infantrr Hall In June, for Uia brneflt of lite St JoMpha llwpilal Tnaaiinr Prank AMrich, nl Keltli'a Opera llnu»«, Uon Ihe i>lck Hat. , HtXh "tuiATM^RSeVoia'Ti^iePV TrcekMaitliSSa Bnalnew raa poor. Kelllr A Wood-a Ccd; pwivweakur April 1. ell ' Lot," Pawluokelt—March 2S-30 "A Jolly headed bv Ibe uriifliial Pour Kntporonol Mu»lc, plijml to e Kotu week'a butlnesii el LoUitou'k (Jraml Ofiem lluuH. TIiIh week, J. K. Toole, (n "KlUnmey ami Ihe Kliliie." IOWA. Dee nolueei—Al Iho Qnind Opom lloiitte, Uarch tft Katie Putaeiii, In "T7ieOULIn)eKlhi," opened a ibrae nlithlit' engBKement to a Iklr aiied houne. Tlie HoblnMn Uontic OivnCompnnr April 1. t'opTKH'K OrKRA llM'itK.—nhea came loeicellent bual- neaa March SS. 77 ami niatlnf e, praunllnit "The Netr Unit- dalen." "Tlie i*arlalaoa" end "The Ladyef Ljona." KJ- , die Foy, In "OlT Ihe Uerth," li«d a lante beuao 21 S. "Tlie while BquadruD" April 4. ' WO!inKHlJI!tn Ul'aHUM AHD TllXATHB.—Week or April I: Cerio end lecture ball—SIpior OorOooa (Buropean mu- ideainoT«|tla>,and ]). P. KlnRandhUpenrpatace. BUon llano—HUou Ooinedy t>inipajQy. Main Iheaire—llaiimin ami llanfittt, I'arker atHl RelAnlo. Kittle Clarion, Etta De PorteaL Ida Bmodi, end Tliomaa and Parrell. Norn.—r. U. BalKVCk will tetimi I, irom ChiciRo Tbe Kden Meaae hai cloaed for tlie aeaaen The ee». BOO AlUioaruh) willbo duMdby aUACkconiPeny, which vinbepln a alx «eeka' enRaieiuent April IX The oian- aiter, Mr. BUb; ' '- - — aud ji exii be Klren < mice a week. Manajcer Peeler la detennlned to we If I thla rliy vlll iup)>*>rt a aiock company at popubir pricea. tbe New York Suira an booked wteliofs. .. , „ r— Ourguao TnKiTaa.-"Dniry'a Maniuorade," a laict comedy, did duly Mnrcb B, 3i,V. Unalnoit waa poor. "Down In Utile," 28,0,30, did nlcily. Tbe eonipaiiy ere- aladaoniolbliurofanlnnoTatlon by opening la dioniH' die of lilt week for a "ook'a alaad. Tlioy appear Aprli z 3.4. "I'awnTlckoUKr'apiieara i, a, 7, and Hie Count) Fair" week of 8. , . . Ce«K.-8liiart Rabton alartod rebearaala bora on a new May Kriiwn lor bini by Sydney ReaoafoU, and wlileb will lio produced for the Hut time In Bo«on, April «. »'- RoeenlkU waalitie poraoaaUy auneretalaa Ike rHioanai. Ilagonbtok'a Animal Stiow la booked at Sitngoriaal Hall April a and woek,glrtngolKbliiorfomliico«-j- ;- Wilaoii Iltal, E. J. Lawlor and tVio. Haywaidjplnod Ibo forcaa of'Bown In Dlaie" company here. J. Bbnuod/,: Omka. reader, haa tatumod after a abort an! atcfiM<«il lour lliioiigli Soollion Ohio WItlta ClarkeJolojdie Roevea a IMIiiier Company lo dnclnaall. On lb' eomlng week. DajtoB,—At Ihe Qiaud Opeim Hotue Stuart Robaon appeared Id "Tbo llooitetla" Haieh O, bonrt a krae aoJionce. San T. Jack'a BlUaTaganiaCo. wai lalrlr welt palroniiad SS. nanfc» Brea'. "floperla" PW- (d ifiree nlghu and a uiaUnee to big bualneaiu CJia^ DIckaoo, In "Incog," la booked Ibr April 1-Jbefg",? Tbomaf Orcbeaira 3, Seuaa'i Band 4, "Bbere Acres >, in CbauDcay Olcott 11. _ m, Pang TlllUTai.-"A Baagago Chock" PW*?-." SI! beatooM Matcli & 21 grrjolin B. Branoen. [a "nm Tinker" hod falrboflnoaaB, 29.30. Tl«PaikwlU, In all jTOtjbllllj, be dark April 1, J, S. •Tbo Two Johoa BOLOIiaa' Uoaa Tugaiao.—Cbaa. A. Ualor aiiwarod Hanli 2), to good biitlntaa. The csm|>anr clooed U a -aggaae Check" conea Aorill. "I>u«y*i BlunJeia •TO. Aaaoaanoa lliLL-UUndT. rowan' CSmeertOo. ap I bualoeaa or dit week Baggaae Check" cornea Aprilt, "Duffy' AeaoaaTiox llau-—Uland T. rowau Rared March 2^ u the biggtn bualoeaa - - U wia tbe laal enlerialnmonl for llio lagulu courne. Tlie conipanr baa decided to play a talunl data Nay v. Mr. BUby, la now to tbo Baal aecurlngacom|«ov, a eipecied back noil week. Two iiorfoniiancet will Tea daily, matinoe and nighl, wlUi a cliange of bill Cedar Haplda,—At Oreene'a Opera Uotue the Roblnaon Oi«ra Company did a fklr bualneaa Match 24 and week, llio adTiace aalo It largo for Eddie Poy. In "Off Ibe Eanb," April I. t. A.armnionotokl nietne'a Open Unuat laal wook lo a corapany which wUI be la. corivnled ondor Ibo oamo ol Orceoo'a Ot*n llonae Conarany, wUh L. J. minor, pnatdoal; John B. Header tun, vice pmbtaat: Bd. 11. Snillh. lieaaurer; P. A. Btm* moHK aeciatary. Tbe eiocullTo alad; Joha B. Iloodar- Hin, nitaager: aeo. B. I'eck. aatlaiant manager; Pivr. Jacob 6dimldl.muakal director, and C. II. Iluux, alage niaata«r riaudo HalKeao ealner, ten yean of ai^ Itallalnlngquilea npulalton aa a rocal prodigy. ahlgb aopnoo votco. Colombaa,—At IheamndOpera nonn''raw'> Tiokot 2lir' opened April I, for ibne nijbu. "Two new Domtnhia" bad-tight botlataiMaith£-«. Tbe Xe' Boy" conea April 4. L A. llnnBTaaaT Tuaa-raa-TbeWalton elat«taCeoi>an|r oeened a ibret nighl oDgagemaat April I. "Deiairoa, 1 did well March S-ZT: "Tnulrith lloaita' "- neaiMD. Aepnoaiek.—Thomai^ Orehtt ancea 8, 30l lo good audlencea. 1. "Soporl Had ulrbi gate three peifeno- BarlBKlleld,—AtmeOrandOpeia Honae Rob- tit 0. lageiaoin leetnnen -Llaoob^ waawtUalUndM Maicbltr John Kora'tll,' In "McPtddtn'e Elopenienl," bad good bualneaa ». Baggaae Clioct" 30. 'JSitSl' beataeaa. Cenilag: Bouaa'a Band Aprlll Cbaa. Diekaoa. In "Ineog," I......At BUck't Opera Douaa lbt.<»l«MJ Orcbeain, nmlor tbo dlrecUoo of Theodore Tnnnaa, win appear Aprils. Keokak.—At Ihe Keokuk Oticm Ilonee "Dn | Knalgn 'came Mitch r. Ui good bualneaa. Bllen gearh I County Pali''nttaaed a iroed hoiiae March SL "Oie.rjer;; i-;S.'^V;f™'^™".'° iM •ffi'oi"'"* •udlonee ». Annt"'bt<l abWhouaen. "Dnffy'oMaaqneradt"did nol *'"' *• "♦" *■"' Women'and >hewnp30. "Coon Holtow" Api5l4..r7At lie,!f"i? •Tbe Cbtilly BaH ^ «. I Thoam week of April 1: B««a itaynen, Bdwant Jobnaaw. BullB(«OB.—At the OmndRddleFIIJ.InepUe I Ooaley and Cetomto, Haule McKay. Carrie OolUant. of alroni counter allracltoni March 21, litud the etatlog Llerla Aailln, Clyde niltllpa and Ihe alack. lagactlj ~-—. » r - _ . . - _ BttlkT PBIaanO.-nie iiniiaBqaaarea "A -wepena" IL u. OhaimnMnn Aprilt Ironi cojnior allracltoni March 21, litud Uie etatlog kBana Aailln, Clydt rnilllpa and Uie ilocl. tctl/oflhehonat. "Tti«llnatgn"pelnpagoodahow 1 EaBe«wlUe.»AI 8c]inltl*a Roge OoltllaO, HI orkTrh«ln,«ooly. BUoo ■j^b^a^prSiaTlfaU. -IHldoBS,™?^ipSiSTaanSl^^ aang. -tlie Wbltoaaaadrea^'lk "ftipetba'' ll,Tg. ab^SrmM/!fMitiaSl. Oetbell 13.