New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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Apbil 6. "^^^ NEW YOBK CLIPPER. 73 Th« Y«rk AtUMfa OImb i,lolisn»n«l>o»>*ln UicnMtnpoUi. TUi bu Men ttIM ttioafr (or some montlu put, bat no deflDlieMUOB wu taken until lUreh u, vlnm Uh forenonlHM • nweUiig, M which ma nuller of > club hoax «u dlKUMd, ud > connilim tp- ^bSS. ooulidiicot B. F. OVonoor, K. U. Lemon ud Jotn B. Vu Wonner, to leport at a special MilMOt UMhoaidheMonlCatcb it. Tlilacom- !aaee nnMnted a plan wMoh wu onanlmoiulf iirMK. iaoog olher Italngs U calle for dealnis uSuf tot* Btn dull hoiiae, to be conatnctnf In uiB meat appn'cd manner tor conTenlence and uUdlir, on ue dub^a propeitr at FUlr-nlnlli Street and Slxtli ATenne. Four prizes are offered ror Mini 10 be iiibmiued on or before Har 11, iiie M pilM 10 VflOD, ihe second llto, the ihlrd uoo, and tli« fouith tW). These prtze defIgns are BtiiIts ateoloU propeitj of Ibeclub, theunanc- eeaafiU designs to M relumed lo the ownera. A eonunlltee on plans manppolnud, constating of ine president, j. Wbllely, and live memben uf the board, nanelj, Jobn n. Van Wonner, John V. Qu- Dck C. B. Ooodhue, E. O. Umon and U. F. O'Con- Bor, wlih power to add to their nnmber olher meni' bert of Ihe cinb not memben of (be board. Itis commiuee will adrertlse at an earljr date (or deigns and estimates, partlcniare of which vUl be tnllr sated. The callniiue<l coat of the building Is tbout t49O,00O. All the denartmenis now conialoetl In Ibe club will hare superior accooimodallonii, and lenral newdepaitmentiiwIUbeprorldeJfor, Includ- Ing a ncquet court, banduall conns and Bhunte' boaidi. Tneie will probablj be from fortj-llve to iljrtT deeping roonu (or memben, aud Ihe aocUl element will uaTe splendid quarten. A niagnlOcent root gsiden, overiooklug the park,lscoDieBiplateil, The racjllsts will Have a home, with ereiy con- Ttnlesce (or alortng their wheels. BeTOBtk Regiment OHmet. The Bereulh Hegtment Athletic Association will hold tnolher compeUUve ineellDg In their spacious aioorj on the evening ot April 0, the events (onning Ihe pngnmme on which occasion will be as (o|. low: ftSyds. run, scratch, for those who have never won a sriie In anjr ninning race; ttjrda. run, handi- cap; l,ooivds. mn, bandleap, loojds. limit; one mile salelj blefcle nee, scnitcn, (or those who have never woo a prize In anr bicjcle nee; MO/da. run, scntoli, for those who have never won a prize Inaoj nionhig nc«; 220;ds. ran, handicap; on«.balf mile walk, handicap; two lap wheelbarrow race, ncntcb, (or those who nave never won a prize In auj wheel baiTow race: aojia. sack race, handicap; ono mile aa(etr bicjule raca, handicap; QO;ds. hurdle race, scnich, (or ihooe who have never won a prize In anr hurdle race; 120rds. Hurdle race, handicap; one- mt mile ran, scntcli, for olUcere' cup, for those who liave never won a prize lu anj ruuning race; potato nee, scratch, (octnoee wiio nave never won a prize bi anrpolato race; 4to;da run, handicap; two mile sifelj ulevole race, handicap; one Up loiee legged race, handicap, memben of teams to be memMra of auno compauj; elgbt lap reUy race, teams of four men (two sulstliutes), memben of teams lo be nembero of same company; two Up obstacle race, aoratch, for those who have never won a prize In anr obstacle nee; patting I6lh shot, handicap; raoning high Jump, handicap, bar to start ac4fi. Un. Bpotta at PklUdelphla. The Spring outdoor sporlo of the UnlvenillT of remurlranU Athletic Asaoolailon were held at Iheir grounds In West Philadelphia, Fa., on Saturday tfttinoon, Utrcta 30, and, considering Ibe time of year end the (act tlat Ihe track was (oo salt (or lood work, Ibe reaulls were quite Balla(actoiT lo ihoM who ate Intoresled Ui the dobiga o( the Uul- vendly ttbleies during the season Just openlug. A lunmiaiy followe: Ok hmdrtd yanli nm,-FIr«t liaat: H. A. aiemtt, "97 v.. Sfila, iroa, Id IK. SmmxiiI linl: W. B. Hillary,-n C, ttii, woo, lu lis. Tlilnl hut: 0. P. MlilOlaUiu. W Snli., WM lo 1IK<. rnurUi hrat: W. 0. Oiar, te C, tjila., •01. Ii>n>fi. Final hetl: Boyar Onl, lllllory tecooil; nrtmltUiinl. TIma, lOKn. UM/ mile run.-^.D. llalioiiey, 17 C,tlhdii., Irrt; 0. W. OrtOL t) c, ■cimtdi. kcodJ ; J. H. gllliar. W M.. nrdi., Ihlnl. Ttiiie.3io.S|<L JIurdU net, iaM<.—0. a. FerKuion, 'OJ C, 4yilii.. Unit; W.A.Hu»rt'«7C..4yd>., Hcoed; W. Scblalf, W M., (Jill, UiliU. Wmo. Iti OvaUeialU.-W.B. FaUsrmu.tll M., Ui, gm; A. B. 8. DarU, V L., aia., uuod; W. T. Wortb, 'Si SI.. Kit. Ihliil. rime. So. 7a. 0«ailKnn.-O. 0. SIcbel, -U M., lUyili., Ilnl: W. M. (luldrull. ■*! M., IStrdiL, ocoiHl: U. II. Ooaiiiaa. tux.. lOr^a., uO J. H. Vbllllpa, 18 M., UUyill.. Uwl lioat for Ihlad. TIma, un. 381. . rvoAuiiilrrd dml liamlf iKinU nni.—Ftia haal: H. A. Slamll, Vr SydL, Irat: W. R. Taylor. W M., MyJi.. MKUuI; C, & Boyar, K d, llodi., Uilnl. Time. ilKi. facooilbaal: C. a. Judd. ■!> H. lOrdt. OrM; A. B. ul|. lanr, <:., larda., letoiid: j. c. Iilru, ti u., iiy.u, UiH. TluM, ZHis. Final beat: l^lor llm, IllUory lac oad.lllratlblnl. T(iD^23«a. IfaitSi mo, mjiK-ViM liwt: U.W. Ortan, W 0, KiMch, Otrt; W. A. Slawut, 'OT C, aydi., Hcood. Tlina, Z9KL Secnul bsu: n. P. Hlddlaton, W L., icntdi, dni: I. A. Silmar, M., Uida., lacond. Time. 911. t'l- ul htal: Hlddbloo Irat, OrtoD Hoond, SliiiDcr llilid. Tlma, Na. ^AurAundralafhtftirfr yordi rOM.—A. B. Wamo.V UlydL, dial; B. A. EurralL IT H., aacODd; C. B. Boyar, 'M 0., Uydl. Uilnl. T1iiia,6IKi. Tm mtKHerds nu£—A. C. Elglo. tl D.; aoydi.. nmt; L. nunif, 'gic, lajydiu, uconl; W. D.Oafiood, ■»0., uilrd. TliDa,6in.aa. Siiiuiliietl«»/iuiii.-o.ll. Faiiiuwii.'er C, 3ln.. ilnt; A. H. BaiDlnilaa H U.. —tani; M. T. Lealla, ML., •cnulL third. Actual hal|rti(,tn.)Kla. *«: W-Jffitoif. » ffTlm., lacond: W.^. Wtnw.ti "t'!!?*ll>■^ar"^Jurul^alrt3ln. „'!!Sbi£'»«»*o«-A.A.IInlEi, •« M.. Kimtcli, Unit: C. T.:.*',"'1°l.*Jf-if««odi A. Criobiiar, W U., «lt,Uilrd. Actual put, a9n.31n, nrmolw r»£»o»«io.._A. Craaalugar, •»»!., JOft., «r»t; ■ 4;*;i.'fS/'V!'".-««ra"h. iMOixl; W. Woodruir, w m., «n., tlbd. WbiDaf s Uiroir, Wll tin. DIatriet er Colambla CkamplOBs. A series of athletic compe'ltlons (or the Indoor ehamplonshlp o( me INsbrlot o( CoIumbU were held op the evening of Uaroh 27, at the gymnosiuui of the ColumbU AttUello aub. The games was open to the entlra Dlatilet, hut the ColumbU npreaeoia- tlves won every event save one, District records being Unproved upon In every event Summary; FuatnffUs left UtoL—Won br 0. Royca Uusb, C. A. C, 9Ul.gXlii.; aooiod, U. M. Dlckluon, U. A. C, Mt.JKUl. SorlsnliU bar.—Woo br B. D. Bavall, R. A. I' to pornia onto(i>aiilblaeu; EmaM XotmII, Y. M. 0. A, « polou. Aianlno AlpAinp.—0. Rovca Uouph and Arthur HcEI. kooa, 0.1. C tltd at AfLSJiU., and lloufb sot Uia priia oo a tou. attoMnt broodjamfi.—Won liy C. B. Uough, 10ft. iHia.; -«wuj, Jow|>hTsus>Jir, Mt 0>ilu. Aupltd ban.—Won by Orlando H4>m, Cl A. 0., SS polou out 0(73; B.D.SOVOU. ncond. fi8 polou. fMlmiU.-W'oibrCbarlai Dudlay.C. A. C, Wt IIId.: Fnnb Bminoiui aod A. A. McBlhona llad for Mcond at vftHa., and Biamoiu woo tlia tofiN UUc* (»>Uet.-WoD byC. Royco Uoogb,IVI.Ma.: C. Dwllay, Mcood«.ltftllo. ftltwrlfUf.-'WoD by Orlmodo Boai, 63 pobilj out of 73; E. D. BenlCaKOod, 41 polou. Bolteou loijlnf, for halRbl:—Won bjr Joa TuMle, 9fL jSlialloy, 0. A-CKft. Rofc* BooRta woa Ibe ipacltl prlia for tlia graatait oombar or palau In til evaou. TBI iNNUAL TOURHAHorr Of Ibo American Ania- leur Bowling Cnh)n closed In Urooklyn, N. Y., hut week, the Ove men learn of Ihe America Bowling Oub, of Newark, N. J., winning the championship trophr. The standing of ihe olube at the llnlsh was at foUowa: America, won 7, luat 1; Osceola, won >, tout 2; SoUnunder, won t, lost 8; Phtcnlx, wou i, last a; Echo, won 4, lost 4: New Yorit, won 3, lost 6; Uoomhigdale, won 8, lost 6; Waveriey, woo 3, lost «; Blvenlde, won 1, loel T. OaaniAL Kmiuw, of the flret Klngi lleglmeni, Is repotted to have broken the endunnce club swhiglng record Id an attempt made at the gym- naUnm at Olacla Bonockt, Halifax, N. B.. on March It. Be need a pair ot IndUn dubs, weighing sm <aoh, and commenced swinging at elgbt o'clock, A. conllsnlDg wimont Intermission onUl 11.90 r. a lotelof 1211. 30m., which, If comet, ecllpsea all previous records. IFALtu Pallih, a member of the Knoi Collem alhletio team, of Qalesburg, III., died on March 37, his death being doe to Injuries received by over ez- «nlog hlmeelTIn throwing the hammer, wblcli he can a dlsunce of lofb, breaking the Knox College ncord. A strain caused a donbie solemn ot the U- Owwii D. Babbh. of Richmond, Vs., a (leorge- u>*n nnlvemtj student, who had his back bnken dirlag a foolhah game between his college team and tie OdnnbU AlhleUo anb, at Washington, D. C., died on Mareh 2t, at the Emergency Uoaplnl In that city, where he haa been oonUned since the accl. dent. The leinkliu wete taken lo Richmond for In- tsnaenu Harvabo [iNrvBasiTY lias fonndll Impossible lo ■tnnge a dnal leM meeting with the team ot Call- roniU Unlveniiy athletes, who are lo visit the East tus year, and captain Bingham has wind the (loldea Oata athletes to that eOiecl. Tn Heather Carting anb, ot Monlnal, Can., Usi *<«k elMted the following oOloen: FRridenl, AUMBodnr: vteeIfMtdeD^ & Bamwer, tna» inw, A. a Batchlton; secnlair, a H. OnBiU. BASEBALL. Hew Collega Rales. The following nles have been adopted by the manageni of the Yale and IMnceton batebaU teams In regard lo Iho ellglblllly of pUyera (or the com log—— necdon wlu, ,ib1etl«. ikiriate nnlSZ'VuUTlr buabaU talwam Uia two unlvanltiM. Hcaa. Ko uDdaritrtdiialaabobftji attaoded Uclnraa or MltSiT,lt "'-I^V un*"S5'iS3l il ellslbia In lakM pan lo Uio Ramai or bSHtMU balvMn ih. two uDlTaBltleS: uol«i ll^i ba!r7nrell{dWhl! year haibMO a realdent Undent, aiitl baj puMd lallilk^ »n;eiinilD«tlooi u|<.n Ibalull year-awortNo ubdoJ ■ndosu ilalaot ahill be illslblo to play unlHi ha li PUnulova nun* ..^1^.1. "'7?-" .Hi.,vu, wiui m viiaiole to play unleii ha li lufteliht kouTV ofrKliailoDi orlr ■ • ■ r""'» aaasiv «|>|iy, .rS-jLS?^''' "»!»"'"Ii'll Ukel«n lo Ihe nniei S!!!tify'i''' bli piwwit unlveniiy iSr one ealendiJ yeiruddailnBaaU year liaibeen » raiMenl uoOani SJJ:^ latkrattort eunilnalloiM urm SJ" I f^tt'/.^'Li: [""Jonir iJueu ilodoiil iliairKe ellKibU to play oolna bo la putaiilDs a nur>a or iludy raqulrlni fiSpS w«C°" ^ °"«l'«a<i"«Sr iS Bic. 4. No snduilo iludint iliaU ba ellilble to late on Ten ly. or uolen be Hiai been enrolled In bl> prwDI onlmnlly roroDO aleodaryair. iM.pi»i«ui i™"^;,'.ifIllVi'''"' '•P'«nud Yele or Frinca loo or any colleire or un lenlly upbn le baiebatl leeui teams lolanetod in Uile ^Kreomfnt •'i';.*^? "i'. "ST..*!"'' » •f»»l«l wuiralllee ap. HL"K?,.'" 'J' C*"" ■* ™^u«»>l to «« .« a cuninilllaa on elleibiiliy orpiayon. Sic. 7. A ll« or all ponlblo candldilaa inuit l» for- wirded u Uio chalnntn of tin Comiulilae on Blltlbllliy bylliocapliliioreacbleannot Uur lhau April S. Eacli caplain dull hare acroM to laid llitJ, and Ifhe eaei dt mar orolait anr nUvir. Imi nn iimi*.! ■^in.. « .1.^.. i^>.tain MMii niTo acTOM to laid llitJ, and Ifhe eaei dt iniT proleit any pUyer, bot oo iitoleit anlml a player ■hall be «ubnillled lolliel^omiiillleoon Ellitlblllly Uur Uan A|>r IS. Every pralut ihall be In wrllins eud "lull contain llii irrotind* oa wlikh Die pmieit [1 mule. M*M DIAMOND HELD GOBHIP. I>ateat Bafrlnga and DolBgi or the Baie- ball Fmleraity. The UlMtbulleilu heued by Frei.ldeut Young of National League and American AsaucUllon In refer- ence biplayeni for Ihe coining season Is as follow: Contracts lor IBSS-Wilh UalUmure: W. Iloblnson, J. J. UcMnhon, C. II. Eeper, W. lloiTer, F. Iluraer, I). Broulliew,U.Jebnlng»,F.J.Unn«er,W.8. Hr«dle,\V. Oarke, 0. Hemming, W. KIsseuger, \V. Qleawii, H. C»ni, II, Hellz, J. UcUnw, Joseph Kelley and \Y. II. Keeler; PblUdelphU: W. IL llamlUon aud L. .V. vioss; CInclniuiil: W. Hhlucn; St. Uula: 0. II. I'ellz and RIehird Uooley; Chlrugo: T. Douohue. With Western ,\isocbillun: IL Hues. With ^kalenL lAguniT. J. Dowse, tVIUbimClynier,C. U. Suillli, J. Uehuiey, W. F. Johnston. U. Wliilchrail, F. 0. Winl, J.T. Leuby, K. McDonald, J. U. Gunsou, P. Qllben, F. Sliaunuu, J. Donnelly, T. J. Svheille, II. liVnch, J. U. Bmltb snd C. W. Lulenberg. Willi Skiuihcrii Iteague: John Corcoran, J. T. HBeld, M. Ilobriglil, K. O. Sumner, F. P. Tliyinc, Ucorge llobiii, R. I. UoniianandT. J. Shetluin. Wlih Xevr Yurie Stale League: James Hagulre, F.A.Jones, WllllsiuMarilo, J. F. Tuioau, A. Wlllbinu, J. II. Spear, J. Aiduer, L. Ogdeu, II. Qiay, P. N. Shea, K. UonegHn, T. K. Wll- lUuui, H Zlwnn snd P. J. Crayan. Wlih I'ennnl- vanU League: J. Uerriman, T. Nlvlii9,W. Ilannban and arorge Leidr. With New Knglsnd AKaoclallon: T. II. UcNallv, Wlllhtin Oiny, J. McUsniiH, A. Shaw, A. Kegau, W. II. aenenb,. C. U Hoouey, t!. U'Nell, F. Myera, B. J. Adaniwu Jr., II. W. Luux, F. (liiirk, P. J. llsKgeriT, U. Lonus. II. Suiidyke, J. J. U'Vou- oell, 11. Siandlsb, M. Slaiidliih, J. Shcehun, J. 11. Unidley, J. U. Kelly, J. F. Harding, T. Utnipbell. V. II. Scrlliner, U. Uecker, J. Uairord, A. F. Nlcbols, K. LeninclM, UennUi Kelly, T. E. Ulunghenr, Fred P. Craves, U. F. Uenienbi, M. J. Crlsbam, U. A. Telieaii, OeomelloyI, li. Lacy and C. Samiillson. .Spectal: The Texas Stale League his paid (ur nieiiiliereblp In Oasa B. withoutleseivallon. ClulioemlieniiAUKlIu, Dallas, Fort Worth, Oalveslon, Uousion, Ban An- tonio, Sbennan, Texas and Btireveporl, La. captain Aiuon, uf llie Chicago hsain, lu receully speaking about Fred I'felfer, shw referred lo tbe once famous team that repreiienieil Chicago In ihn NailonsI League, nld: "I am gUd 10 see 'Fred' Ffelfer Ijack lo the ranks once more, for he hi too good a baseball pUyer to l>ekept uutof theltiislnein. He has been a long lime lu hurnesti, but he Is sllll a young man lu Ihe prime of life, and Is good for half a scon of yean' work yet. lYciTtr wsh under me for a numberof years wheu the old MVIilie Stocking* Infleld of Anson, rfelh;r, WI)llauM>ii and Uunis tvas considered llie model one. Poor Wllltanison Indeed, and Hums Is now a non.pUylog manager In the Easlera League. Ualirinple, Kelly and Core, Ibo greatest Iriu of oiitllelden ever golteu together In one club, backed us In Ihoee days. We had Frank Flint (also dead snd gone) behind the hat, and then was John CUrkson, HcUonnIck, Uoldsnilth, Cor- coran, Mark Usldwlu snd olher slant lo do the Iwlrilng. Wbinlnir peunanis were easy things fur that old band. Wlih thscrowd I have logelher now I aiu going 10 rapeat that hUtorr. The team bi ntrong enough to suit me, and It Is now lu good working shape lo go to Ihe front." The Ulzabelli (N. J.) AlhleUo Club will present Ihe following leam during Ihe coming season: Beheld, catcher: QUrny, pitcher; UavU, Hlbbard and l>aley, on the liases; Aihim llothtuss, short slop, nnd Har- bor, Ogden andUclndae,lu theoulileld. Theeched- ule of gaiaes airaoged Is as followe: May 4, New Jeney A, a, at Blzabelh, N. J.; II, Jaspere, at Klltabetta; IS, Urooklyn Assodallon, at Ellzabelli; 2f, Unban ilUnts, at EllzabsUi; 30, r. B., open; Juno 1, Lebigh Dnlvenlty, at Ellzalictb; 8, Yale Consoll- daiad. al Elizabeth; II, Kenr Jeniey A. C, at FJtea- belb;18, Latsyetta College,at eaeloo;22,Leonilncs, at Ellnbetli: 2), West Ends ot Somervllle, at Ellza- belh; July i, r. u., open; «, Day Itldge A. C, al Ellzalielb; 13, Orange A. 0., at Orange; 20, open; 2T, open. The Mumy UUU, of thU city, a sKong aenil-piD- feselonal team, have been leorganlzed, and a schedule of games arranged for inem as follows: April 8, Yale university team,at New Haven. Conn.; 4, Brown, at Fiovideuce, R. 1.; e, Johns Hopkins, at Ualtlmon, Md.; 8, Oeorgetuwo, at Washington, U. C; >, Roanoke, at Roanoke, Va.; g, Danville, at UaDvUle, Va.; 10, ll,Ijochburg,atLvncbburH,Va.; 12,13, UagereUvo, at Uagentown, Md.: It, 18. Htr- rlsbnig, St Harrlaborg, Fa.; II. Fotlsvllle, at Folbi- rille, Fa.; 18,18. Scmnlon, at Bcmnuo, Fa.; 20,22, Carbondtle.atCorbondale, Fa.; 23,24. Ilatlelon. al llazlelon, Fa.; 2S, 38, Allentowo, tt Allenlown, Fa.; 21, Lebanon, at Lebanon; 2a, 30, Lancaster, at lau. caster, Fa. The Tutu (Mlege leam have amnged the follow- ing schedule of games: April 20, Harvard at Osm- brtdie; S, Lowell at Lowell; 24, EseUr at Bxeier; Z7, Wesleyan at Mlddlelown; 80, tlowdolo at College Hill; Hay 3. H. A. 0. at Amherst; 4, Amhent al Am- herst; 7, Holy Cross at Worcester; 11, ^Vorcester Tech at CoUege IIIU; 16, Andnver at Andover: 18, Boston UDlvenlty at College lllll; XI, Uanmoulh at Hanover; 8, Bowdoln at Uninswlck; 30, Bates at LewUtou; June 1, Woreester Tech at Worcester: I, Kxeler at 0)llege Hill; 8, H. A. C. at College lllll: 13, Holy Cnws at College IIIU. The dales of April 11 and It and Hay 21 ore open. The schedule of games arranged for the FhUllpa Andover team, all of which will lie ptayed at Ao- dover. Hats., U as follows: April 8, Lowells: 17, Holy Cross; 20, Boston LaUa Bchool; 21, reserved (or Har- vard 'Vanity; 28, Dartmouth: Z7, Harvard taw Bchool; May I, Uowdoln; 3, Yale 'Vanlly; 4, Boston College; 8, bsles CoUege; II. Worcester Academy; It.TutlsCbUege; 18, llsrvard Freshmen; 20, Diowu 'Varsity; 2i, Worcester Folylecholo; June 1, athleUc tuntnament; 12, UwrencevUle. The exhIblUon gome lielweeii Ihe lllUburgand Bnoklyn teams, played Manh 28, at Augusta, Us., resulleid In a victory (or the former by a scon of li to 6. Tlie above resolt waa nveraed when these teams met on Hsrcb Zl, at Augnsta, the Brooklyns llien winning by 8 to T. T)ie Brooklyns divided Itelr pUyenInto two teams March JS, at Augusta, the HeguUn defeaUng the Colta by 8 10 8. The Oolta defeated the Regulan on March », at same Glace, by 13 to 7. Btain pllclicd for the Coltii and umbeit for the KeguUra. The Regulan scored anoUier vkilaty over Ihe (MU ou March 30, at Au. gnsta, by 010 £. Kennedy pitched for Ihe vtctan and Danb tor the losen. The New York Oub wUI present a solid silver cup lo the coUege team that niakea Ihe beat showing against the Kev Vnrka In Ihe cvmlng exhibldon Bamea to be puyed tt Us Polo Unnnds, lo thU city, duilng the next few weeks. ilThe Princeton Oollege team had the lean of the MooUDmeiy AtbleUc Club for opponenu on Moreb 80 at Prlncelon, M. J., the former then winning by 98107. nwragular team ot the Dnlrenllyot Pennsylvania dtfsaladlli* reserve mne by l4lo 11, on HoRh 88, at fUkMphla. OatysUlBBlagBwinplaisd. CharlcitU. Ilstuliurg. wtio has liven vugaged by Manager John C. Cbapniau for the Itochester team, of tho Essttro iMgiio, for Iho coming season. Is wril known to that veteran manager, having played for aeveral seasons uuder Chapuau's umn- agemeiit. Ilanihurg was bum Nov. 22. Itiu. at Luiilivllle, Ky., und picked up his knowledge of tho national game by playing with the various anmteur teams around hta nalire city, in 1884 ho l>ecame n meniiier nt iho liiiilor (icilpse Clnli, Ihe crack anui- leur leam uf iauIsvIIIo. It was bis clever work with that nine that Ictl lo bis Orst pnifcssluiial en- giigeinenl, having signed wlih the Culumiius (i;a.| Club, Willi which be Hiilstieil tinl llmtscaMon. He was re-ungnged hy the Oilumbiis Club for the season of 18S6, taking part llwt y. ar In olghly-seven chaiii- ploushlpcunleat.H. The Coluiiibus team was a strong one thai year, and coiilslned some playem who sflurwardH nude leputatlons for Ihcinselven, tint In llie Auiertcau Assoclatluu and later lu Ihe National League. Hamburg accepted his Ilnl Niirtbeni euusgernenl In 1688, wbeu bo sigucd with the Bridgeport C\\iU, ttl the CiinnecUciit (.eague. His excellent work thst season attracted the attenlloit of managcra of ibe more proiiiliieut of the minor league dulis. and be received a nunilier of nattering oireni, but Hiuilly accepied the one submitted tn him by Manager Juhu U. Cbapinsu, who was theu lu cluuge uf tbe UuffWIo team, uf Ihe luternallunat AssocUilon, aud be Joined Ihe Uufflilm In IBS?, tak- ing part tbat Heaaon bi nlnoiy-slx champlouiililp Kinea as su outnelder. Hamburg was re-engaged . the UiiOUlo Club for Ibo season uf ISM, laklng port lhat year In an eveiioiiehundred cliaiiiplunslilp cuiiiuMtM. Ilt^ reiiisliiLHl Willi lliu lliiinibtli-niii until ths close tif Ibo sesnun uf Ism, taking piirl as an nulflolder during thst year In tuio hitndrod ami uliiu chaiiipluiiHhlp Raiiirs snd ranking Wfll uplnlMtlh the unicbil hatttiig and Qcldliig nreioges of Hie In- teniallnnal lAUgiie. Iiiiring Ibo fuHuwIiig Winter Joliii C. (.'hniinwD wm rngagcd b) iiiansgo the biiilsvlllo teiini, of Uh* Altmrtcali AsMnclalluli, fur ths scAmiii uf uuo, and al lilsHullcllntlun tlii< uhliiali uf lllr liiuliivlllo Club iShTlulseil llHililiiirg's re- lease fniiii the Hiiintlii Hub, by imihig 8:<loiu llu* Istler. Ilsiiiburg ilgnetl wlih llio l.iiulHt'lil|.M lu IKvo, anil Ills uxrvlteiii work iMitb nl Ihe bsl snd In Ibo llvlil that sntiiuii grently Hlili-d the l,iiulivllti'S lu wlu tliu |H-|IIMIll uf lite AlllL'ricAII AtwiMiMll..|i. Iio Isklng jurt In uiiu biiiMlri'il niiil tlilriy-rniirrhniii- lilolirililh cuutests as a left Hehlcr. Ill livl \\v Juliu'd Ibe IM.I^tul Club, uf llie Weilcm Aimiclnlluii. lo IHM ho WHsa iiicliiliurtifllie pnifi-ivluiisl Irani Ibal reprvsvnleil Mllwaiikeo In tin- Wvittuni l.cngiu>. In IHIU llantliiirg went }usilb again, nnd ibiiliig thai ic:tHOn pliircd Willi tlioMublli' ihcHuullicrn l,esKUi*. In I'M be aariwiili tlin llsrriiltiirg Clitii, of Ihe Puniutylvanla Bialo U-sgiie, hikI his Hup HvIiI. lug anil timely Isilllng greaily hIiIciI tlir llsrrN. burgs In Iiuldliig a prnnilueiit ikmHIuii In thefluiiii. Conililii net*. Ilaliibiirg, Iri-slUu Is'lng a line Helilcr. a gorat Isitsiiinli. clever Ihwo ninuiT and a haul worker for bin itluli. lie was very MiccDoiriil during his lliive scamiis al lliiimin and Ibu one at l.uiiU- vine, as woll bh Uhi ytiir at llarrlnlinrg. Ills eiini- ent work un Uio ball Held makes bllii very |Mi|iiilir with Ihe spccuilun* tn ilm eliy In wbli-li Iih i-IiiIp In lucaled. 'Since tbe ta-elve club hiague was orgaulzed the Clevelands never have opened the season at St. Louis. Ill 1(81 ihev tiegaii at Uiilsvllle, In 11182 at Ctnclnuall. In 18V3 at Plusbprg,lu VM al lAuUvllle, and fur lens they an booked fur dnolnuatl the sec- ond Une, lo 18>l Ihe opening was a dlnppolnt- mcni. The CleveUuds lost tbe Ont game with Meekln In the Imx for the Lniilsvllles aiiirDiivles fur the Clerelsnds," lays 7^ tumiau^ A'rtra, "In 1802 CleveUnd almost killed Ihe CIncluoalU. lu 1M3 Cleveland wou the opening game al FltUburg, to tbe conslenuilloo of iba entire Allegheny Valley. In 1884 the am game was loat at l.ousUv11ls with Young lu the Iwx, lo 1883 Cleveland has a cincli unless the Cinclnnalla devehip more ball pUylug ability under Ewing than they nave known (or tho last three yean." Al a meeting held March ■a. al ManaOeld, U., Ihe Inler-Slate League was (ully orgaulzed. The lepre. sentatlves prewut were If. II. Xelgler and H. II. West. Colnmbui; A. L. Coble, Uufou; Oeomo L. MoreUnd, Suubenvllle; Harry/^ITllayloo; Oeorge Hbue, Akron; E. 0. Burrows aud W. D. Whlu. Wbeellng; John W. Hyen, Uhrtchsvlllo and Dennl- SOD, and Frank (yBrleD, MaiuOeld. II. H. 7.clgler. o( Colunibiu, was elecled pi>:sldenl, secretair ana treaaurer, and Ibe old Tri-Blale League consUluUon wsa adpied. The season will begin May 1 and end Sept. IS. Tie niary limit will be 1890 per month. A cash guarantee o( |3U0 ia put up by each club In the IntarState League. Aacbedule of games will be nported In a tew daya. The UUlo and Kentucky Saturday Afternoon League was (ully organlzea at a nieeiing held 00 March 29, al ClndnnaU. It wasdeclded to llmllthe loemberuilp 10 alx clubs, as (ollows: Cincinnati Qymfl, Itanwells, Corcoraiis, of Ft. Thomaa; Youog Hen's CbriiUan AssocUUon team, Llnwuods and HanbaUsD. Tbe (ollowlug olllcera wen elecled: Howard Penis, lodge o( the Probsta Court, prest. dent; Asran McNeill, Judge of Ihe Insolvency (iourt, flret viceprestdent; Frsnk Deble, second vice presi- dent; W. E. Cooper, necreury; acorgeP.CarTDll,aa. ristant necnurj; llennan BUIr, Ireaaurar. Each club tvlll post a forfeit of 121 aa a guarantee tbat It will play out tbe schedule of championship games. The season opens on Hay 30. In Ibe Criminal Court at 8L LouU, on March Z7, Chrta Von der Abe, president of the St. LouU Oub, was held to the (fraud Jury In bonds of |U0 lo snswer to Ihe charge ot shooUng one (leorge Btaven- nn lu Uie fool Chief of Police Harrigan went ou bU bond. The popoUUin uf each city In Ibe Eaatern League circuit Is alioni asfolkiws: Ourlklo, 276,0U>;Tonnlu, m,m; Kocheaier and Providence, each IM.OUU; Syiwcue, 100,000; Scraninn, 88,000; Bpringtleld, n.nm, snd WUkeslam, 40,00). MsDsger W. II. Watklns bss Iteen elecled presi- dent or the IndtanspoUa Club, uf Ihe Weatera League, vice W. C. F. Uali, ledgned. Mr. (lalt will connnue u> act as secretary sudtreasurer. It nor looks as If HcMabou'sarm may be penua- nenlly bijund. If IbU U su It wiu prove a severe blow lo Uie Balllnore Club, aa he was one of IM crack pitcbera The Frincelon CoHego team had the CulumliU College nine for r-ppooenia when they opened Ibelr Mason 00 Msreh 27, al Princeton, N. J., Uie former then wUulngbyfiol. Tho Dnlverslly of FenosylvanU team liegan lu ja»a 00 Hsrch XI, al Phltadelphta, by defeating the PnnkfoTds by 41 to 0, In Bve Innings. Presklenl Freeduisn bss decided lo chsfgs 0(ty cenhs for general admUsloa bi Iba Folo UiDnnds duilDg tbe eibllilUon seaaoo. Ibe Fotdham College team defeated Ihe tfniver. •Ily of Vermont nine on March 28, al Fordham, N. Y.,byatcoreuf l»U>e. Tbe ColunbUn Cnlvenlly leam defeated Uie Vnl- venllr of Vermont nlos by 12 to 8, on March 27, at Wssblnitoo, D. C. Ttae Jaspen, of MaobaUaD CoUege, defcalad Iheir resene nine, lu Ibclr opening gam* March 27, In UiU d^, by 13 lo 3. yf. B. Weaver, who waa reosnUv nisased by Uw tiusbora, hst been signsd (or IM coilsg saaan bf tts MUwaaka* Oob, o( a* Wtrian isagM. Tlie players signed fur Ihe ruroing seasuii liy the clulia 01 tue Now l^nuland Annotatlun sre si fullow; FItcliliurg—Mwanl., W. J. Scaulaii. F. N. I><in. uvan.Tlininas H. McNslly, J. C. Hloiii, W. II. Clem, siiu, W. J. Hctiee, F. W. I'upkay, Fral P. Cravm, Peler ISinipliell, (I. II Slandlglo, P. I,. Nssh. W. V. tllllla, TliuuiBB J. Whaien: l«wreiiec-J. II. Keller" H. Uorke, 0. P. IllcbnnUoii. Al. HIniwgrr, J. T. llurke.T. K. Uiiiigherly, ilreiil My|pr,julin Irwin, U. II. IM, J. J. (t'Cuniiell. <l. It. Hnire, Ulrluel I«<HUTd, Auslln Hall, CUilils ricrtbbsr, J. It. Ibadley. J. J. lillUiie, J. HcCmcken; llsveriilll- luiilsl Liicey, a, llaiTkrr. U. SiamlUli, II. HWiiillih, J. llnobnl, A. K. Ilriniiiii, Uri Haiiiiielain, C. J. Ohi. ley.C. I. Kiainoy, N. F. Friel, James llnicblU'wn, John Hheehaii, II. W.iiranI, 11. II. CUvbm. J. C. Kpii- iiedy; l/>wsll-A. F. NkhnU, II. W. I.iing, II. W. Nelsuu. WlllUm Uallny, J. Bulllvali, (I. F, CtelllenU, C. A, TOivnu, II. Van Alityn, W, II. i;<Highlln. K<l. warn il'Nell. M. Uiilik, F. N. Ihwcisi: Kaihiia-P. J. I, iicliU, K. (I. u'llare, C. nerriuger, H. AnBfll, W. Tliutsiiy, F. A. Ildgeun. W. J, Hnrgsn.H. F. Illr- inlngham, J.J. Il'llara, Hark II. lllll, Alfred Misw, Jamei Slokes, John Uownei, Thunua llanley, Fniih Hyen, Frank Maimt; Halem-J. M. carrigan. John HcMinus, II. F. Murphy, Cluriw Mdlnw, Cliatlos F. Morae, William C. llegan. John Hhalbr. Fnnk HrUteen, Martin l^iflas, P. J. Itaggerty, Philip Ja- son, William Carey. Tbe Washlngtoiudelealed Ihe llltaliurgauii Man h ■.n,aiBavannab,Ua., byg lo I. Mcrctrand Mulsrky alleniatrd In Ibe nlb:ber*B pualUun fur llie vlclnry, and Klllen and Ilswleyforlbslnaera. Ths llim- biirgi made only Ihree safe hlbi. Tlie PlllsbiirgN managed to revenatliealHive result when ths tesnis nietsgsln, on Harch 2D. at Bavaniiali. The Wssli- IngtoBH were then l«aten by 13 1010. Tin lltts- burgs won sgain Hsrch 30, al Havannah, by a muui s of It to I. Hawley and Klllen pllched fur the IIIU- biirgsand Herreraud MulUrky fortbs WaBlilngtons. The PhlUdelphUs defeated Ibo ArUllery Hubum nine at Fori Hoiinie, Va., Harcb 27, by a score of 32 to I, The PlilUdelpliUs spill up IheIr team ou the 28th, at Port Huiiroe, the llcguUn deftallng llis CiillB by i lo 4. The IteguUn defeated the Culls again on Harcb 2B, at Fort Munnie, by 32 lu II, The PhlUdelphlaa plavnl two games un March 30, the Ont une al llanipfon, Va.. when they ilefeslen Iho Fortresi Hunroes by 24 tu I, In alx Innings, Tbe second game was played at Newport Sewa, lbs Phllllea defeaUng Ihe local team liy 32 bi 2, In seven Innings. The lUIUmores defeated thu New Orleans leaon on Uarcli 27, al New llrteaoa, la., by It to 4, (m the followlDgday Ihe Ualllmores sgalii won by a sc<m of 11 to u. Ths BalUmurea scired anolnrr vlcu>ry over the New llrleaus loam ou Harch 2>, al New (irleaos, by 8 bi 0. Jennings, tbe llalilniure slMilaUiii, accepied fourteen out 0? fltleen chances. Ttae lUliluKirsa defeated the New (irleana leam agtin on Harrh 31,tt New IMeaiia, tiy asiwra of 12hi«, The Uonluns anil Washlngtuns met hj au esbllfl- Ui» game Harch B), at Havannah, Us,, lbs former then winning iiv 38 lo 12. The eonlesi waa nurfced bj heavy lailllDg, In which Nicholson and Uorl. irrighl led for Ihe losen and l/mg and (lolllns dbl the treat (or Ihe vicuin. NIchulson'a gve aafe hits Included s boina run and a iluubls tagger, wblle (;ortwrigkl made a homer, a triple aud two ologb-s. t^oUtiuaUo made a borne run. Tbealiors result was nvcTsed when Ibeae teams met un tho folkiw. log day, tt Ihe same pUce, the Waahlnglom then wloolng by 18 to 4. 7beHt.f/iuls Uitiwns defeated the Henipblslcam March 31, at HenphU, Tenn,, by 12 lo 3. Tbe Colombia College leam defeated the team uf Ihe City College of .New York Harch 38, In lbl> dly, by 14 to 0, Flahel aod Stewart alternated In the pllcher'B poaltloo (or Ihe vlcton,and Lyons and Hogen for the losen. The taller leam niade only one safe hit. Tta* CIsveUnds defeated Uu MempUs Uam March 37, at MtmphU, Tenn., by a scon of 8 lo 4. The OeveUnds wsnt lo Alkola, (la., 00 Manh w, aod then defeated Uis AUaolaa by II lo 7. Alafseeat msslhigot It* New Kogland Aoocla- tlco 11 waa scnsd lEsI th« vMHaglaoas wUI n- olTs tnvsHia sgptMBS la OMS •( niB. Tho MnntcUIr (N.J.) Athlello Club hot airanied ths folkiwing tabedule ot games tor Ita mm; Mst «, CoHegeCirynf New York; II, Jeney Ctty Club; 111 Clark's leam; -a, M. LouU College; 80, Prlncelon CuoaqIMated; June 8, Uay Rlilge A. U.; 18, Boulll Orange F, C, at Sinitl) Orange; 28, Knglewood Field Oub; Jul; a, uriiani P. C.,aV Hack Unnge F. C: 27, Hay Hidge A. C; Aug. 81, New Jersey A. Cat Iteinn PiAnt; Sept. 1, New Jeney A, C; 14, KuglewiKxTF.«'. FInl rbw clulsi wishing to teciira the remaining Uttes sliuuld addreas Vhariea A. Tervy, P, «>. Uox 820, New York. Tho 81. I/Hili llrowos vislled At'anu, da., on Hareh 'it, and were liealen by the Atlanu leam by a scon nt 4 to 1. Hchnildl, lumierly ul Iho New Yeru, plluhtd (or the virion and held the Uiuwnsdown to orveo safe hllR The linwua rtnnied Ihe above f*. Milun March when these tcanui again met, Ibe AUanlos lieing liesten by 4 tn u. On March tt, al MempbU, Tenn., the HI. Tsiuls llmwon iletntsd the Uvniplils (cam by IH lo 10. Tim JbniVi nflHal llnMr U uut aod la one of Ibe l«si iMwks utlts kind Issued by that llnu. II con- ulna al»ul luo psgra uf Ihe mnsl valuable baseball Ibforeullun. Anmng Ihe lulrresting loptcs an the odlctal baiting ami deldlng avenges o( Ihe Na- tional, RsHtcni. New KugUiiu, Western Lcsgue and AmncUllon anil Chicago Aiiwleur Uagues, tbt 1Vim|ile Cup lerici, deaih notices, pisying nUes, Mheduks, etc. BILLIAKDS. THE INTEH-CLl'B TOIIHNBV. Brilllaul Plaplag bp Aiualears Leails Vp la a Triple Tie. lu our lasi liiiiB wo gavu an accuuutui Ibe gaaes In Ihli* tiilervKlliig lunniey up in ami Inrluslve ot Uan-h '.0, wllb a eoinplelo rvi'uni o( ths aUndlngot Iho eonleilaniH, ibt*lr livat ruiui, averages, elo. The lint trsuie uf iliu cloBliig n cek wss ptayed afleraoon n( Manh 25, with Kniik A. Kreiity and l>r. Hanney SH iMtiilrslsnii. Kefnuy'ssiippurtere woredUmayeo liy his niMir Mbuwlng iliiri' g bis ilr>it half ut tits iiaiim. It Iwian ti> look Ilka a ilrtrat (ur the Uruok. lynlte uiiill tlio ihlriy-luunb Inning, wben he hiade 211 puiiiu, and sinin aflerwani iiMdeaiuuu(4l. The scuro tty liinbigw: Kwlliy l«M-3, Klt.lO. l«.>.«.».0,f,S,0,3,tt.«,lllO, .\«.>.7,S,U.l.l.U.t l,J,.M. J, 1, Ill,l,«,a,», 18,41, I.I< 9,1. TiiliL-Jia. Aven»e,et44. tllgb l■u^ 41, S, S. Ilr. Kinney HaO(-», t, S, I. 7,l>,ll tt H ». I, ll ij, IX I, li, 1. n. 27.a a. iC 1, ^ 1, Ul u. 3. I*, I .vVli 3, t Aij A .vu. Tniil,tlll. A>en««,4»0. Illsh nin>,17.31,11. Tlio flrot evening gniue <■( Ihe same lUls waa be. tweeu Ilr. Jennliigi and Fml lubes. Tlie funner. In lillllanl isirisnrr, "plsyrd lu piHir luck," anil tiaki*s won esslly. Tlis suun*: l.»A AtsiiiF.isriiil . , Ttiu soruiiil itanie uf Ilia svuhlug wss lielwecu J. Ilyriiii Hurt luuo) and lir. Hlllor (2«i). Htark won liy a M-ure ul aou Ul 233. IIU average was 1K. Uls lilgli niiis wen 3& and 2>i. l>r. Hlllrr's avonge was >'.«i-ll, BUd hU blgbesl run au. Ilefsres, Tiiui Ual- Uglier; iiiarkrr, I'uler J, Fluyd. Tlie afumiwn Knie of March 28 was lietweeii F. A. Keeuey and J, nin Mark. It waa au Intenwllng euiilrsl, and n- Mlltnl lu a vlclury fur tbe Haiihattan i bamplon by Ihe fitlluwing scuni: Mart CUI)-U 1,3, U. I, 4,7.1. 4,0,0, 1; t, 13,1. g^u. I,tt >. Ma.IV H. 8. 1. li. lo. It ll il. 0. 13. ll.b, U; 9.1 t^lXCS. J,o.i,s.ii,uM. 3,11 ii,a I, 10.5 ij: 7, Ija,i;i)l,i: Touil.ail. A>rrwm4tll. 1llBh runi, n. 33, IK. Kaeoai ia«l-,TI,u.3.4. l.oiJ 13, 1.1 1,110,4,ULS,li. s.1,1.4.i,»,.\i,(iiii.M» I 1^/, I. 1,^ I.Tld l,TliiS «. 3. H8.3, 0. iXIl,2V«, II bl W 4, tt n, 11, iXi. iMiX. ni. Averawe. .IZIOS. iMsb runi. la, a. III. ArlliurTiiwiiwiul, Iheseratrh iiinu In Ihslouniey, gsvoiiiie III llie lieil rxlilbltluni uf blllUrd pisring Bccnduritiglliu tuunisninnt Inlliu Ilnl cuhlcBtoflbe evening. In whli'h lie defealed Ilr, Jennings, The smrv: Tiiill>ri.|ll.Ui|-l, II. 7. «, II. U IS. 1,3, I. J, 73. I\3.0, W, X.S.3.II. t.l, \\ I.U ll,8!l,3. 3, S,l. I, I,ttl0, SX<t ltl,< 1,11.1. I.IS.K 13.1. 1.3.7. I. I. Tulil,.«ll. Aveisil<l^, llluli nun, n. ln.zi. Itr. JniniBSiiait-l. A. 14,3, i|,0, u, 1,4,(1.0, tttt U.ll 4,0, I. 10,11 3l,tt 7. 1.7.1. Is. 3. ik, 1 l,7.3,0.S. .MtTS II, IS,I, 1,14,lo,6.II; 13. TUUI.3U. A»nine,44181. illali nlll^-il, 3I,IN. Frcd (lakes {UU) defcalnl Uariisnl (288) In Ihe see. nnd gsiiie uf the evening. Tho acute was: Cakes, 2Mi: aventie. 311103. lumani, Tti; avenge, S1141. Itcferee, TViiii llalUgber. Hsrkor, I'eler i. Floyd, Tbe muihI atxt.'d auilluuco wbuh was on lunid for ilio OiM iiauiu lietweoii Arthur Tiiwnseoil sudlliuk Keeney un the fulluwiiig lUy, wltnroKd a line du- plet ul lillllHnl Kkill, Keeney wun Jiy 288 lo Tbwua- iaid's3i7. Tlio laller had Mhi much uf a handicap III Blrngglg Hgsliut. Tlie score: . ¥■?'?>;-.'; »•t. l«i I. H tt 0, u, n, 11,», tt 38.14, tt 18, d, ttI"rrii,T''A'7\^; VS: ? "i^'M^": 3,1,11.0 7.u,ii 1.3,ttttn-3i7. '-• A*«riso.-Kei.iiRy.S:TiiinMiiil. A 8181 lllsli-ruBS— Ko>iier, 31: Ti.wnisnil, 31. Hrlerei. Timi (lalkihar. Milker, r. J. Fl<i)il. TI1U next nuntsBl was Isilween Iho stuilluus Ur. lUiiiicy Sllll tbe tiiueb ami go atyle of William Bar. iianl. Tbe funiior, after a rliwrly cuiilesled game, wun by lbs fulluwlugscun: BiliSM -I. a, I tt 7,1,1 13,3.7,4,0,1.1,1. 3,1^ ». t, tt 18, tt 3. I. ]. IX I, I, I. It, 31. u. 4. II. u 0,4,1, tt Id, 771, W S la. tt tt n. 3,3. J, II, 4,.3,Vsui. ■"'■•.■.>*". tfarsalil-U. I .■1,3. I 11 lie,Its, », IV 1.1. 4,3. a, tt8,7, 1,7, 111 111 itt ». li tt 0.4,1,7. liTi, 4, e 3,2, tt s/Cori, li, AnrsMn-lUiiney, 4 14 (S: Haniinl, 3 UU. II lib nios -lUnn.y, 31: Hliliinl. a. KelirM, Turn ilsllssbir. Mirter. P.J. I'li»>il. Ilr, Miller ami Ilr. lUniiry, Iwili playing al SbO IHilnu, wcis Ills next bi nicol In a one sided game ■in the fiillnwiiig evening. Tlie (uruer wun Willi fan*, 2fiO to 131. Tile score: MllUr-l3, 17. 3,1, 3, 1. tt 3, 34. 8. 37, tt >, 1.8, », * 0, 7. Ul .♦. ^ .-^ 'if m'. !• '•• I. I.».tt 1,11, l.»,6. Ii7,lj,ll,ft H«nrirj-'i, I, l.u, U, 7, 7,U.u,u. 13, I.U, 11, at L9.U, Ul n^iB|j| ifOi. ». kb. u. 1. Vk % \\ I.II. \\.%h.i'iSii 4, *iA.*»"l';'S""'"*''L.* **j i HUli niD- lllll«r,M;Hiniin,!e6 H«r«rM, Twti UftllMlHr. Mirktr, Ji Fi rlo)d. J. Ilymi HIark and Wllltaiii lUnutid wers Uiecou. Itslaiilslii tbt) secuiid game anil Htsrk was htudl. capped St 300 pulnls tn IUinard'n388. HUrkwoo by a scon iif 300 tn 202; hlsaveiago was t e.||; Ixsl ruos, 34,21.27,28, lUrnard's averags was 3 »v, his I Ixb niiiB, 18, 18,10. ..T!" opening game iilgbl of Hareh 2> had l»r. Mlllfraod Dr. Jennings ai eiintesianla. The Utter lisd lustsix ■tralglil gaut-s In tbe tourney, ai.d IhU game odileil another to bU siring nf dsieaU. Ut uuuto a gallsnt up hill Dghl, but Ur. Miliar waa la lino fnnii and wun by a N-ure of 220 lo 218, Both llr.Hlller (BO)-tt0,*,>l - - r^- ■ An Impuriaul gams followed, when Towuwnd snd (lakea met In a conlesl which, Ibrnugh Uis foniMr ruining ulf the vletur, rauaed a tiliile He fur 0nt buiiurain Ihe tourney. Towuseud nail lo plaiaM bi IMken'lSiU. aiid In lieallng his clever opponant be gave Htark and Keeney a chance lo capture the Ilriiimwick-Baike silver cup fniui (lakeaun a triple lie. Tbe ns>tn was packed wlih billiard kiven, aus- bins Ul wltOKM wlial ibeyhnuw would lie a floe cou. ■rat of skill, TuwnscDd, jilayliig wllb a great d4Ml uf Bafily, swung amund hU llrsl win with IM lo Uokea'M. Ibiia huldlng his handicap well In hand. Townseud's siiuerlor poelUun pUy and nursing car- ried hini Into the humcslnlch wllb a total of 318 lo Hakes' 17S. lis mn uul, cheered lo Uis echo, scottig IfiO b> bis opponent's 184. The score: Avangss-TosnuiKl.tial*; nata^kUM. lllsh ran -VnwsMiid, m: llsbii, 3U. Kabrre, Br. llallMber. Hsraar. I'. J. yiuyj. • J. HtniN HUrii and Frank Keeney pUved ulf Uie Orst gsiiio of tbe iripto lU ntxlit nf Harcb to. BUrk waa bandliapLed at 300 bi Keenry't >«. Then U InUDsr, but friendly, rivalry iMIwttn these Iwo et- perta, snd It U atltl thai a prints uiab:li haa liceu wads fur a Uter dale, HIark bsik the lead al Iba start, but Kteiiry braced blmaelf and lied bU oppo- nent In tbe thlriy^coDd biolng. IbjUi men htd tunied their nm wire aud stand even at lOL Keeney captured Um lead after lliat,nolyb>iialctly yield It til hbi rival, tiut wlih a run uf Zllools torty.alxlti Inning be waa again In ths lead with m u> IM. Ik* BnUhwaitheniiesiof thelounev, Keasey pulled Iha gaOM rtgbi uul of Hie flis, winning by Jaat t*u polnli. Tbescurti KM«y-l. tt r " '