New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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74 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Ai»RiL a t. \t)im\ Btark mjiI Knd (XkcH ulired off the Her' niiii iniiio iif itw tie on Apill l< the ffinoer wm re* ■tulied hr hiri lundlcap lii nron son \<ttan hl/i ao' lamnlM mcUed :Ka. In iborcnlarloiinwygiiineii Ojtei itefiuted MMrk, Hcoilnii 9M1 to hi* tdrenarT'ii L'OI. Ablv rmiril n«HoHbudbi«llnMthliicoii- lOHi, iritii irhom Hlurk ■npeaml \» Im nenenllf the Uvdillr. Ilo Hlarml i>ir well uiil lurntd hie Dnt wire Hliend of hlH rrlonillr ilvtl, with a neon of Iw lu IKI. 'nio bmile iMrame lalenael^ exclllns when, III the ittln^-founh Inning, each ptajer Mood cv-eo, wllh vti point! to Ro, btndlop ulloweil for. Hlsrt WIS Miveu |>olut« lielilud hlg himllcnp vhcn be turned bin mcodiI wire, with exncllr 200 to Oakea' l«. Uoih nU;eni were wonled, iml Btark meed ahead afcer tliat, and nlth n fluu inu nf 43 he KiDed • Irnd or more lliao too on hln opponent, irk nolebed an cany winner, Moilnff .no to O^kee' 19.1. Tlie More; ni>rb-o,ao.e,i3.i.9,o,M,i;,ai2.e.2. i,ii.n.s, i, u. X «.0. i.\ 13,1.1.1,u. 1,0,0.a.«. 17.1.M. I.-.4 I,iH,2, 11,0.5, <.K. I-30U. Oaka>-3. II. 3. I*. 11.1, Oi a. X 1.1, 1,17. IZ 7,4.1. 1. U. a IL I. U 1.1. J. I, 4. I, 4.17.1, .1,4. lO, 4K 10.2. A. u. a ^Ifn. Aiimis-marh, a; Oakna, Illih nin-fuatli. O; Onkf-^ IK. I(«rem*, Ton) (lalUatier; iiiiirker. 1'. J. Mojd. Tlia dpcldlnc (Tame of Ihin Rucceitiful lonmej, aliw a complete tnlilo or the gamen plared, wlin lioet mm, avortKcs, etc., will appear In rnir iwxl iMiie. Maurice Daly will prcwul Ihe prlMH Ut Ihe wiccetM- rul pUurer«ata liaminet lu liOKlvon liyblin to the Hiara, In Bnwklyn. B.A8EBAL.L. llaiiajior llmnon. or llie LulilRh rnlrendiy tcuni, haa completed hlH hcIiciIuIo or gninca rur lItU aea- Hon. TliQ f.'iiniell I'ulvoially cuiiM not uii terms anil nn ffanirn weni ananjied wlllj lla team. Two Rniiioi will lie played wllh Iho I'lilvenilly or I'ennaylvaiibi, one at I'hlliidelpbln anil one at Huiilli llethloiiciii; two with rrinircton, one on each teom'a homo irroniMtii; alwi three with fjirajette. two to he played In Kontli llethlelioni anil one at Kaitou. The Mclicdnic: April n, Cidiinilila, ul Hoiitb llelbleboni: li, Allentown (WniMyhanla Htaie Ijoanie). al lUliemvllle; lo, lleoiveloivii i:iilrenilty, at U'eablngkiii: II, Itnlvcndly or VIiuIdIh, at Char lottaavllle: rj. Wako Forcat l'nlven<lty,ot lircena- ■ton; 1.1, llnlveriilly i>r North Vanriliia, at Chapel lllll; ir,. I^iilvoriilly nr KiKlh Carolina,at IlaleiKh; 17, Allenionii, (I'enniiylrania Klate l«iiKiie|,at Hoiilh llelhlehein: 'U, i;olvcnllyiiri'cunnyli'anbi,ut Koiilli llethlehoDi; Htalo Collcini, at boiilli Uethlvliem; 27, Uraycllo, al Kaiitnn; Hay 1, Trlnrelon I'niver. ally, at I'llncoinn; 4, urayotle, at Houih lletlilc- lieiii: a, I'rinvetoii t:iilVDniliy, ul Hniiili Uelhlehani; 11, rolled IWalea Naval Auiileniy, at Annapidlii; ti>, l.'niver'lty or I'unnnylvanla, iil llilhtdeluhla; IH, rnlledHlali'H NllliaryAciitlemy.ul Wat roliil; !:>, Pnlled males Indian HcIuhiI, ulHniith llelhlehem; 'M, Mrayotte, al Aoiith llolhlehciu; Jnne I, Kllu. Iwth Alhlelli; au\<, at Kllraliotli; a, llrowii l.'nirer- ally, at rrovlrteiife. Yhe New Yorka drrcatcrt the rulvcrallynr VIntlDia toam Ity M to u, Uanth 'JO, al tliarlnlloiivllle, Vu, Meekin, Ooriiun nnrt lluiiUi alteniutcdin the iilii li. urt posllinn for the New Yorka, and llio collenlaun made only »no mro lilt diirlni the mine. Tlio play- onior tho Now York Chili divided Into two teama, known aa Iba rennlara and wn-ond Icnm, March 'i7, at Richmond, Vu., the wrnnd Irani then wlimliiK liyiaio l.'i.' Moekln and (leniiaii dlil Ihe plli:h1iiR for Ihe vlclom, and Clark and Knaua tor Iho lonem. Un March'ja, at Itli'liinuud, Iho New Vorkadertuted Ihe lllchinniiil UolleRe tcamliy I:i In4. Iluidcwhn played Willi the ciilleiilaiia, liuttcd Ihe lull over Iho lori fleld fence ror a homo run. Tlio Novv' Yorka ahiil lllll tho ronaiiioiiili team without a rnii.andallowed llivin only Tour anrv blln, on March 'Jf, at .N'nirnik, Va., they thou wliinliiR liy * lu u. Ueniuin, lliinlo and Uoekln iillematail lu thuidtchcr'rtiHialUtin ror the Victors and UtilllKaii and flmiidt for llic liMcia. The Now ViirkH played their Onnl ninio nl Ihn e.vhl- lilllon aeaann III tho Minth on Marrh iB.ul Noifnlk, Va., they then derraltnK Iho Niiifolk team l>j •i.'' to K. The nhiycn left rur tlilacliyou Iho evcnlUK or Iho :H)lhliyiholHiat lliiil leavuH Norfolk ul; r. m., iiiid ufTlvefl OH Mid rolliiwIiiR arivriKKm. A dlapah^h froiu I'Inrlnnall. i)., datol A|ir11 I, aaya: "Tho Uev, lir. t'eltoii iiiid ulhcia, rcpii'aonl- liiirllioltoronii I.caRno, apiMHirrd at tho llall l*ark Jeilonlay and lii.'dalMl ou the Iudhinii|>4l4 anil I'lu- InnatliilayeraltcliiK arreated aa NainnHtliry ap- lieannl lu iiiiirnnn ou the |rrollnd^ lint tho jaillcu rernacd i» make anvatHuiitll nrtera naino of nlua liinlnKH hull lawu pliynl. Tlion Ihny were all ar- raited. Tlilawllllio ihe way nl alLHumUy imincH hen ilufliii Ihe acawiii. Tliuni wom u,irju |uilil ad- iubarioiw.*' Prvalduiil Kreodiiian, lit llic Now York lliili, iM;r- nelrated an April Jnku on hla nlayerri. Tho killer null lieen uolliluil to ru|airt at lliu rliih'a iiIIIcch, on (.■iHirllandHln'Ot. thla rliy. April 1. Nut kunwliiB what waai'iimliiR Ihe playera hurrieil downllieto, when, to llii'lr aiirpriao. Ilioy won ilvrn eiiuuvh «d- vuuco niouoy lu carry llieiii over iinlll iMy day. Tho playeia nil uuruitl that fiich Jukoa "tfo.' The alovkhiddera ur Iho Now York Ctiiii held u aiieiilal ineoiliiii nn April 1, hi Jeiwy iriiy. Tlioau were prv<viil: Androw Kri'odnmn, Valentino l>. Hnyilor, J. W. HimIiIIiik, JiiliuT. llniali, John ll. Day and C. T. lillllnHhiim. Hallom of h inlvaio iialnro wore ultcnilrd to. Thuiili ivuadorldnl tohtild Iha anuunl inoetlnif a row daya prior tt> tlir uuBiial Fall iiioulliilf or the Nalluiwl l,oa|iuo and American Aa. wwUtloii.HU aatocimlilo oiitor lowuatookhutdora to •tlouil. Pnwldonl Kruoiliunii, ol lint New Verk iluli, haa aaloclud K. II. Tah'ull, John II. IMy iiiid h'rank Mi:. Km aa Iho couinillleu who will decide aa lowhlob collORe team Inia made tlio liCiil ahowlug aguliiat the Nen' Yorka lu tho gantea In bo idiiyetl at Ihe I'oln (iruiindK, Ihia cliy, diirtiig Ibo uoxt two weeks. 'J1io team iiukliui Iho boat abuwing will lai pn- Hoiited Willi tho Oliver uiiii iik'eiiily purc-huHcil l>y tlie dull tor that pnrpono. Tbe vtnrlnnaila dereateil tho I'enMcolna Maivb 2,',, atrennn'oln, Fla., liy * lu o. ThoClnolunalkidctcalou tho Nonlgnnioryanii Mareh'ia, at Monlitiiinory, Ala., Iiir to to II. nijo Clnclnualls played Ihelr drai game of tho o.xhlldtlou acnaou at bunio on Uaieh al, Ihcy Ihvu having tho ludlana|iolU team, or the Woateni iMgiio, ror opiwuenta. Tho funiwr won by a acoro III olo I. Ilr. Albert (I. Iletluii, nlio died March £l,lii I'hlla- delhhia, I'a., wa* oiui of the ploncera of liaaelMll In ibiil city, lie waa boni ainini at.MyHilahl yeani ag». In riilladolphla, and bail praollccil ikuUatnr theao fnrty yoant. In IROo bo helped lo oiuanbw tiio AIL. lollo Ululi, uihI waa a luoinbor of ll In lla luliiiy daya. The Ilnn'anI Hiilrendly team opened Ihelr acaaon al Cainliridge, Maaa , Harrb .1), Ihoy then having tho Audovor (killcgo nine Mr up|uitH>iila, anil Ibo former winning by i; to fi, lu eeven Innluga. The ifgiilnr Icnm of the llnaiklyn Club waa do- foated' by the Cuba on April I, al Augtiala, ila., by I to 0. Anderaun uiadu a homo niti on a long drive to thoiiuttlvld, (lunibert pltcbeit fur lira vivluni and iMCld for Ihe loacra. Ily acoriuual.v nina lu Ihe alNtli Inning In the gauio played April I, at I'hsriealuu, ^<. i;.. Iho intlaliunn aitrcecded In doronllug tho Waatalnglona by 10 to T. L'|) to that lailnl Ibo Waablngtona led by 0 to 'J. The Joaiwra, or Manhkttan College, liad Iho Miir ray llUla tor opponoiile when thor i>|vned tlieir pre* lluUnary aeaaon March' uu, lu tbiarlly, llio runner Iheu wlouhig bylu 7. The 8t, laiula llmwni dereatrd the Allantaa Uanh 'ja, at Atlanta, <la., by 4 to o. Iirelleutino pllchwl rur the vlotniv, and Wwxl tor llie loarn. Duly ruur naro hlta were nude oifeach pllohpr. A nephew or Cherioa II. KtilicU, MCrretar; or Iho llnxiklyn Huh, lakea Ihe pari or ilninniirr laiy In the "llunwultyu Cumnniiy, now phtylng al the IIIJuu Theatre, In llnioklyn, N. Y. The Y'alo Uulveially team oiajiicil Ihelr aeaaon al New Haven. CI., March M, liir dermiug thu W leyun Oillege nine by 14 to 'J, In ■l.'( billing*. In Ihe game laitween the New Vorkaaiid Nurfidka, March w, at Norfolk, Va., CMplabi Ihtvla of lias runner team, waa urodlted with tiro aare nlla, lu. cludbig a double bagger. Tbe Ueorgctowna dercaled'ilie I'ulveraliy nr Vrr- munt team on Manb -it, at Waihlngiuu, l>. i'.. i>y lo to I; In loveu Inulnga, The Oiilian (llanta, of Ukewowl, N. J.,dcrrainl the llelghla Heboul nlue lu that pbUT, ou Haix'h S, by 8 to t. In HOTOn luuloga. The UultTrelty of Virginia team dercaled the SI, Albina ou March 90, at t1iarii.ttevlll«, Va.. hy II toa. Tlie llosbina dereateil Ibo North l^indliiaa on Aiwtl 1, al Cbnrtotir, K. ('., by i; to 3. The llalllinorra acopril a vely oiio aided vlctoty over the AlhiHlaa April I, al All>t>!u, (!a„ by -il lo i Tiia Near Jemiy Tiap Hionlera* iMino haM lliilr . jcvod ROnaal InuniaalMil at H|>rin|ia*hl an Marrh f7. Ilia vetllior lalng clear, hiil a Mah wind pietiMlna. KlHht eluhawora rvriaamled lii itaaiiof flra man aatfi, tvanlr.are btnla |.«r nun. anil Ins naaH waa u (blloaa: Houuialile nun Cluh. K«; I'nian <lua CIuK MB: Ma|4a- «ood aun Club, HS; nlrtialda HUB OluU, KH. 0.0. HrLaA>'a eaMiimtad oiastlltdoa, Madl^ valnail al ^fOt, tlglil yeaia oVI, died March », ai Jiaeaillla, wIl COMIHU BVENTH. Mar aMImilh Boaoo tMaaa.) Yaclil ritib annul raiiaUa. May ao-ltarlfHi llegalta AMwlatlun annua] lowlog fojmlia. Naw York. May 9>-l*aaaale Jllrrr Ainalaor Bovlng AaaodatloA annual reaalu, I'aafaic K. J. May ai-llarl«n Yarlil IMiil, li|>rinit rvnalla, iMg I«laad Rniind. June 9—Knickarhockar Yacht OInb anaool ngmtla, Lona laland Hoand. June II—Atlaollc Yadit aubuooal regatta, Kav Tork Bay. Jane I^Now Tnrh Tadit t^ob aoBoa] regatta, Kaw Ynrk Mar. June rfr-LarditDDOt Yacht Clob Bpilog ngalta, Losg lalaiHl floanil, June lA-plillailelplila (Pa.) YVhtClub aaonal raaatla, Dalawara Rkar. June 17—Maaaachnaeiu Tadit Clob aaonal rtgatla, MarUohaad. Junes—Douglaatno Tacht Clob annuallegatta, Loag laland Hounil, JiineZt-aioaDi yaclil rare. Yankee Dfloille va.Nunrottl. lliidann HIvrr. N. Y. June li—Haaaanhaka-Corlnthlan Tadit Club innDal ivgalfa. IrfHitf liland Hound, junn s—.Saw Ruchallo Yacht Clab aaonal rfgatu, frfaia I*bu)d Kound. June s-Yunkara (.V. Y.) CorlaUilaa Yacht Clab annaal raaalla, lludMn Hirer. JiiiiaD-Hlaani i-aclitniral«la«an Vamoaaa, Rex,Judge and Vaiikae ItaddK Morrill Challange Cup. m knola, Nav I,oadon, Cl„ In Mlllon Folnl. N. Y. July l-tndian ilarlwr Yadit Clab apaclal regalta. Leeg laland Hound. July I—Yacht roflalla al .\aw laind(iti,C,dln. July S-Haaaanhaka.tkirlolhlan Yartil (.1ot< nee lo Mrclimonl. July 4—Hwiuin City annual javreaalooaj and aaiataor rowing recatla. l.liarli,* Hlrar. Jiilr 4—Boalop Clly (Haaa.) annual aalllog ragatta, B«a. ton Hay. July l-re<,iila'a am) Cup RegaUa. nilUdelphU, Pa. July 4—Larclimonl Varlit ulok annaal ragatu aod dnrt a|i«clnl laca rnrSun. and Ssn. claaaaa. Long I (laud Kotiud. July 4—Triaugolar r«l)ega boat rare, 4 oillaa. atralglila- wny, UnlTarallrorPannaylranla,€umaJI t'otvarally and Colunilila Collaga, l-hlladalpliUri'a. , July ft-Aroarloaa Vadit Clab annual regaiu^ lyaig fajand riooml. July e-Hlreialde Yacht (.'lab aanuil regatla, lludaon Rlrar, New York. July a-Xaawanlaka CarlnUilaa YadilCIali ipadal re- galta. Long laUnd Hound. July a-lioraerfine llariMr Yadit Clob annaal ragatta, Lfillg Iilaud Konnd. July ll-.Vew York AllilallcClab Hteclal aalllng ragalla. Long Mand Hound. July U.'Lardiiiiout YacJil Club aaeund apeclal nee for »fl. ani 3ln. mia. Long laland Hnnod. July IS—Allanllo aiHl GirctiiiiantY'arlit fluha'Joint aa- liual cralju. romiiicocr^ lairclinionl. N. V. July 13—llfliu|wian,l llarlmr Yaclil Clui, aoniul ragaUa, Long labuiil Hooiol. July 17, la—.\alloaal Aaauclalluoor Amatevr Oaiaioea of Aiiiorlea annual ragalla, flnralon Lake. N. Y. July 97-Iiidlan Harbor Yaclil Club aaonal ragalla. Lone ItlaiKl Hound. July 3»-.\ew York Yachl cruli annual cruiaa com* inanraa, (lien Co\a, 7.. 1. AUR. s-Larrhinonl Yacht (Tlob thiol aneclal nca ftir nil. and 9in. clauea, LoaK laland Hound. Aug. S-Miollar lalaod Yachl Club annual ragatta, Loag labuid Hound. AuH, 10-Anierioan Yacht Club apodal race, Leog laland Hound, Aug, is-Amarlcan Vadil Club aptelal nee, Loog l>bndKooail, Aug. 17-Corlalhlan Vadit Clab anooal ivgatia, Nov York Hay. . Aug. U-llnraaahoo Yaclil Clob anneal rogalta, LonR lakind riouiid. Aug. au-Ainorlcan Yadit Clob aiachil nee. Long laland Houn,l. Aug, 31—Larclimonl Yaclil Cluh fourth apaclal nee for am. and lln, claaaaa, l.iaigIi,laiHl HounJ, , Boiir. 3-New York VacTil Racing Auoclatlon annaal l^lmr Day ngalla. New York Hav, Hept, l-Lartl,iiiont Yarht Cluli Fall regatta and BtUi apaclal race ftirauo, and Sift, claaaaa, Lang laland Bound, Hapt.6—Larcliiiiunt Vadil Chili alith apeclal nte for SOIL and im. claaao^ Long laland Huand. Heia. 7—Inlllal raca for tb« Aoiarlra i'li).. ulT Kaivly Jlimk. THE YACHT RACBg AT KICK. HrllailBlB Beau Ailau and Vialkyrle I In a Ilalrtiulv, Ibi March a the .vaclil^ Allni. llillHiinla ami Val- kyrie I Htarieil In a tncu tur thu lalno urlKliuUj coiitcnilcil rur on Ibe preceding rtalnrday, when Iho raco waa ileclanMl oir un account of the Allaa and Itrtluiinia cniaHlug Iho Uiiu before tho algiml tuh given. Tlieiirizca wereu.uou, 'j.iwUHiidl,uunfrani:a, together with gold, allver and biouxe uicdnla, and Iho courao waa tlw Muie aa that aalhal over on Hat- imlHy, wboiia triaugiilar cniinu \va..« rovetvd Ihreo tIniOH, making the total db^lnnco llilrijndlca. The weather wiiaclenr, Iho wImlllRliI, ami tlieava calm. UeHdea tho rare l«twceii the larger yurhla, there wna II dcclalve trial laitwc-ru tho nniall raieia. Hello 111 und J,olo II, over a hrenty iiiUo i-onrro, Ibe nriwa lieliiif iifiMa «' «>i givim by thu Iiiike vf laiiicbteulierg. Tlie Allm liaaMCd Iho HlArllng line nl inii.lJm. dOH., Ibe Ihtlaniila nl lOli. Juin.ami tho Vnlkyrio ul loll. Uiii. ara. All three or ihe ynchin cnirteil their bcaUaalla nud workluu tn|a«tlM. l*ho wind frrKb* enedalwrlly after the alnri. lu Ihe otb4»r taco Ibo Ibdbi III paracil Ihe lliiu el llh. 3in. 2;«., aiiU tlie Ulo Hal llh. 4m.:gM. Tlio AlUa tunieil thu real iHiiiy at lib. 'J»m.:aK, the IliHaimU al Ith.-ran. Xm., And the Valkyrie 1 at llh, 3dni. nori. Itniiiidliigllie buoy all the laMla cnrrlcd lialloini topmlla. It waa H long leg lo the atarboard lu reach tho a-eat buoy, which thu ,M1« luiimd at llh. 4um. 4|M., anil tlio llrilauubi at lib. Mm. sua. It iviiinrcd a irncli lo pori lu make the Jelly. Tlie wind rimbened alter the laiHia mnnilcd tbe wo^d liuny, mukliig a atrong nailing btecxe. The Alhia kopi In tiai in^arllKHhorc, HiHl waa ubilgnl lo tuck lo reach Iho Jetty. Tlio llriuiibia, however, uuide a hinit leg, and mielied there wllliuul lacking. Tlio lliiiea of jaaaliig tlie Jetty weie: Allaa nil. lllll. Mb. Briuhola 13 u tu ThoAlbu lliilabud Ihe oecoiid luund at Ib.'jeni. 4M., and Iho llrtlnnnla al Ih. -JTin. SH. The lauita carried ik> loiwalla, and bad only Jibs anil nay- nlhi gel. llie wind waa very alrung, mid llio llrt. taniiU Bhoweil benell to lie the lielter lioat lu that kindof abreerxi. Itealdea.Hha wanbellerhaudlcd. II waa a atarboad leacb to ihe aoulh (o iiuike the biat buoy. Tbe sea was very bigb, aiul tlie wind con* slaully Incieaeltig. Diiilie tidnl roniulihe liillau. nia overhauled and lainul the AILa, The IMInnnbt seemed In make Iwlior weather iluin iheAlUn. Tlio liecanio rougher and rougher during the nrogrvas of Ihe third luuiiil. The llnlanulaarTlveillioiiie nt Jm, aim. 7a., and Ibo AIIni cmwed tho OnUh line nl 'Jh. 43111. 4.VI. The unicbil tliiii.<s or tlie Allan and llrilunula are aa follow: AllBA. .vrnrf. /trrtMiwair. ,>Wiia,l mioh,!. yititih. loll, 4IIU, Wa. llh, llni. Ua. lb. sm. IV. 3Il 43bi, «]a HRlTi!!,^!!. Id u s i< u ai 1 £1 SI i M SI The llrtlAUubt won over the Allaa by idiii. 3'<a.. aetual lime. Tho upliitou la geiicnilly rspPMied that the IITlUiiiula la a Iwller larnt Ui a rough avaaiid a heavy wind than Ibe .Mba, audit lii abw c<iiic«led that ane wan nunucnvird with gtvuter aklU bi IhlH nco. In the iiwlch race Iwtween Iho Holla III and liOhi II Ihe fnmier gained atoadlly,and tho Loin II ibnilly aluind»iH:d Iho couiesl. The Allaa Tunia the Talilea, Tlio Uritsnnla waa lieaten March ai,uTrra Irt. angular coune of thirty lullea, Willi eight lunia, by Ibe Allaa, In a piping bceeie tnitingli while capped aeaii. Tbe llrilannbi, however, had laidluck, otber- whie Iho raaull ulglit have Iweu dlifeient. Tlie mce waa ror ptliiea ntfoml br James (lonliin llciinett, a cnp valued at (J,r«io anu a pnive of Mi sorerelgiia. Tbo yarbta aoproarbcd tbe lino wllh lupniaida boiMd, Tho llntannia had a mr In her iiMlnwll, and carried Mayaalbi and a small Jib. Tbo Allaa,!«. lug lomowhat tciideirr, had tatr luainsull double reefed, but carried ihe aauie hrailsuIlK as her rival. The wind waa very atroiig irotn Ihe aouttiweai. It waa a dying atan. Tbe AlUa wag haodkKl more rievetly than llio llrilnhuhi, aial got tbe wniher gnago on her aa they rniaseil the line ou a i luae rrarblu the Uralnwrk, Tlicy wen'llnird aafulkms: Allaa llb.Unai. IS". Mriunula II tu 43 Tho llrllauula aliHid up well uudcr llie great prso' aun ol cauva", but Ibe Allaa bccleil reunldenUy. Tbe llnlaunia ili\<w away fivui the Wa model on the reach. Tho Ural n>uinl waa lluh>lii>d thua. Aii<a in.tuii.aia. Hrlunnia 13 ul 13 liy wnmg nunn'iitTlnglu tvuuillng Ibe Unit mark the Hrttannla loot Ibe advnnlage abe hid nlacd lu the Chile reaching. Tlie lime or thcyachiHal the end or tbe second nniud waa: Alln Ib.Sfai.l.v Briuutnla I XI .'0 The llrtlaniibi loai a inlnulo Inalioit lacking while aiipnwohlng Ihe home mark al thn bnlali or tbo aecund itiond. Tho Allaa waa aoniewlut i|Ulckpr In alaia, and Ibiia got an advantage. Slie waa alM awirier In aelilug her spinnaker, selling It nut aloHMl two niliiutea ahead or Ihe thltauula. (N> Ihbi nniiid, while nmulng lierora the wind, Ihe llrilannbi'a spinnaker halyanU paiteal, and Ihe big Mill waa carrleal away, Hy an accident In Ihe llial muml the Itollanula also lost s lllll« time to her rival by tbe parting or her Jib iMklyatda. Tula occurred while sbe waa working Ui wlndwaid. 1\iwaid Ibe last part of Ihe mce Ihe wliHl moderated aomewbat, and shifted lo tbe aootb. In tbe tna) leg to Ibe boiw natk the Mm mabaialMd berlead, which waa partly due lo the niUliapa or Uieltrltan Ilia, but did nut gain ony. Tho All* ilnbihed al ita.'Jlm. 4(bk, and Ibe Ilrfunnlast3b.ztni.4ia. Thus tbe Alln TaniiiiWied Ibe Uribtnnla, wlthont taking Into cnmddefallon time allawancc, by Im. ;a. . M*H OXFOHn Vf. CAMBRIDUB. For Ihe Sli«h ■■ereaalre Time l^e C'an- tabe Are B^alea, Hie usual ImmenM cinwdH thronged tbe lianka of Ibe Thames lUTer, Roglsad, March 90, lo wlt- neaa the nfty-recond raco between Ihe crews of the unlvendtles of Cambridge and Oxfoid. Tte race was, as iianal, rowed oyer Ike cbamplooablp conrae, from PntneyloHoniake,feur and a quarter rollca. Aa In roimer yeai* tbe start wan made from hoata moored Just aliore Puiiiey IMdgt, and Ihe rare was Dolahed nt The Ship, al Horthike. Cambridge launcbedthelrboat dnlniidwaa foltowedalnieatlm- nie<lbiiely by (igfoid. 1Mb ci«ws were heartily cheerol by their reapecilre parlhana. The weather waa odd and raw, with luinaUaol dilnllng rain. There was alto a changeable aonlhweal wind, wblcli Rul Ihe water In pteltj liad condldoD. Bboilly lie- He the laco Ihe aiHiihwest wind died away Hunn- wliat, but It waa ntUI a stliT liree» and the Kde waa atrong. iLxrord won Ibe loae for poillhin.andchose Iho Kiirrey or aoulh side ot Ihe rtvcr, wheie they would lie aliellercd greatly fftHO Ihe guali of wiml. The atartliig »lgnal waa gtna at eight ulnuleH paat 4 r. H. Aa Ihe pistol waa llred Iwth crewa gut well away, iippoalle Ihe la>al honHC Uxfoid bad alrenilygot the cunvaa itav of Its Imst Infivntof the UiniTiriilgo laial. For Ihe llmt minute (i,\funl niwcd llilrty.eigbt atrokeaand CUtnlirtdge Ihlity alx. UxfotVl waa iliawlugabeaUtapldly.aniTat lUahup'H Cicok Ibe ilxnnlana were leailliig lir bair a length. Karoieil by the shelter atlbnled by ino .Siiney ahoie, the O.xrord laut wan rapidly larieaaing Its lead over the Uinilirtdira shell, and thej were mwlng esally. At Unvcn Collage n.xrnrd waa a length shend. Cambridge w»sspurilog,l>ut could iinl gain sgaliwl (LxronlV long, sweeping strokes. .Mhudlng Tiammenunllb Bridge n.\rnnl waa aim ji IciiRlb ahead, camliridge naile annlber apun, wllh Ibe same reaiilt aa licmre. At Tlioraeycrori'a the miigli water bothered laiih rrowa,sn(lCarabrldgo liad n aliade Ihe l>eat or II, O.troM lieliig larely a length ahead at tbli poliil. Tlila waa moie than two-lhlnla of Uk dlataucc. and IbeOambridge parti- sans bad not given iip hojw. Fniin tliLs polnu how- ever, t^iubringe fell liehliid, and at Ibinwa' llrtilce 0.vfor<l vaa three lenglba ahead. From Uanies' llridge lu The Ship O.siord pnctlcilly malstalned that lead, and wou eaallj by two and a iiuarter lenglba. The lime waa aim. MX., which, deaplie the adverae condltlbna, la 401. railer than tbe time In which lha o.vonbiuH wou bist year's race, when tbey llnlaheil three and a hair leugtha ahead. Tlie crewa, with Ihelr welgbbi, wei« as follow rAUBRIIMIF. T. B.lla|«.boa' ISin P.C.Uewan.No,] ia»> II. A. llama. NO, 3 im W, 8. AdIo. -No, I IM& T-J J). Dnncanaoo. NeX IMfe R.T.Boaa<y. .Vo.e m>> A K. RalUao.; laiti 1)..V. n'au(lM|ie,Mr«ke Irtsft F. C. Bagga. coaaraiii. liah enty.nlne niid Candiridgo twcuty.two mcea since the aerlea began, tbe content lu 1H7T reaulllng'ln a dead heal. oxniKli. M. B. CoKon, bow I.Ta M. C. Pllblogua. .\o. 3. ITia C, K.nilllpa.No..1 I7W T. It. Htratdi. So. 4.... I71fr IT. B. Riewan, No. .1.... 190ft C, D, Bumall, .Vo,'d..., llMli IV. K. Cnim. -Vo, 7 171» C. M, rlunan. alroko... irra C.a.S«ro<^awaln 113a O.xrord haa now woo tw International 8niaU Boat Taopky. Tlio raco coinmlliee or the Bcuwaobaka Yaclil Club met In Ibbi clly, hirnniially, tlan li 31, ror Ibe pnriKwe or rmmliig rulea ror tho govemncnt or rkceabiru Inipby ror liitpniullonal amall Iwnt rac- ing, which was suggeated by the propinwd vUt here or J. Arthur Ilniiid, ori,'>ndnn, with hla hair rater Spruce III. The couillllona ngrecti uiain are aa follow: 1. Tho cop ahall 1m] a iieipolool liilenialb.nal challanKa rup, open lo ruiii|i*llllun to x*achii lialongtHg (u ueintieia „rrscognbafl yarlir rluba orfuialgn counlriaa. 3. (3iaUengasiJialll«nwd«thniugh Ilia yarhl club to whidi ibouwoororownorauf ilia clmUenglng >aclit b«- lonira. 3. Ttiodlioonalona ortlia dialleoglng yarhl abnllnotea. raa.1 audi aa would bring ha cUaalllcallon wllhln tlia llnill of racing rlonaaa umler Ibe .'^wanbaka nilea or im. to 'jnn, aalllng longlh. 4. Tlio races for llw nn* Ihall be lloilleil lo a alogla ■liallanger, to be met by only one compelltor. 6. Thuracaa aliall be not leaa tbau Ibne nor iiwre lhan di e la number. rt. Tlie i-oum. aliall he. or naar, the waleiaoro.vfter Baj', .-11 looa aa Ibo cup la In I1,« cuntnly of Ilia Henamiiliaka. Corinuilaa Yacht club. 7. Tlie cmaa riiall be lliiillait.oKcapt In tlie caaaofa Jialltnin In llio Sftfl. aiilllig length rlaaa. to nnialoara, 00,1 In all raaea lha hebiiaiiiaji ahall be aa antataar. K. ir pncllnibhi. an Inlomatbaial ajaiomor moaaura. lain lor ynrhla cian))atlng (br Ibo cup aluiU l« agreed IKin, 9. Not leaa Itian three tu.iutlia' notira ahall lie re^iulrad rrom noy dialloiiinr. HI. Tlia racaA i4iall lake place between Hay 1 and Oct. 1. Tlie autlon baken by the club waa telegraphetl lo KiiglaiHl, anil on Maroh no C. A. Hherman, secrelaty or Ibe race commlltee, received a challenge by caliK) from Mr. Illsudfnr Ibolropliy. In hbiohal- leiige he naineil tlie half later Minims, wblcli be U now liulldlug, and Mbl that a fomuti cballenge would Iw aciii .Vpril % wbeu liU cluli met. In Fa Tor ot DnnraTen* Tlie Court or A|i|icals ot Knglsnd Inta tcvenwd thu ilecbilou of tbe lower court Id tbo case of lArd Uuunivon ugnlnat A. II. Obrke for damages tbrougb the sinking of ibe former'a yacht, Valkyile II, Dy Ibo latler'a laml, Sstanlla, while Ihe two were lOa- nicuvnug for a sUrt lu tbe Hud Hook regalia on Ihe Clyde on July ( but, Tlie <;ourt resdeied Judg- ment In favor or Mr. Clarke, wbetwipou Lonl Uun. nven appealed, wKh the result Hut the Conn ot Appeals iiaa ordered Mr. Ctarke lo pay datnages according lo xachtliig nilea. Ur. Chtrke will now o|ipeal lu tho lluuse er Lords. Wtf alaildloa ccar an,, balog up, aiHl iHl llie k»t luni ur iIh* courve ilia gair, vblcli It la rcaretl waa crippled on Halurday wlion Iba iiouti happened, waa Irtnllog lo audi an ovlaiit aban ou k btoad nacU uiai tlie main -Jieet bad lobe aaaod utf to aara tha aaar. Allaa'a aklppor liail one liami ao badly apninal ibat be onb' aiavied tho leaael going niund Diarha: and, by way ur wind up. wo may aay that two tiiatcbcawubool any oihor alreuldng ilo iiol mimce to got a now rail of rar. Ingcanvaalu iimperahar*. Incoan« ortlmene think llio .\lbia will liare •<* perfect a mil of aalta aa baa arer been lureod out. (biliig lo wlndaacxl and tree reach- ing nera again tlie olrlblogpolnla lo Allaa'a rarluR dia. pUy. awl iriuay bo aald tbat wliaa alio la doing bar ckiao iMoled work alio aaauii. loaattledoaiioncDninioqly by Ihe beail. Rill. Ian rr*a,.l,bowovar. lery cOMlbr ll|>ped. Hrlt. aoiila,wliktiliailaaloni dura all day. uaa porrecily ao, aiiiarilr liaiidloil. aauaualibul lnthe.lllaaabaliaa found Iter aii|«rior^ln liglit winda and imoolb vatar nt leaat. Tbe Allanllc'a Nair Classillcatlana. A special meellng of Ibe Allanllo Yacht Clnli was held In this city April 1 and coiulderalile linslneaa wsBlninuricil. It was decided to lioM tbo next aniiiisl criibai during Iho unnth of July, Ihe len- dczvoua in be lo UrchmonI IlariKir, July VL Tbe Larcbimni and Atlanlli' Club ficebi will cruise In compsnr. Tlie Idea la to have tbe cliihs lace one day imifer the larchmoDl Hag and one day under the colon or the Allsntlc Cluli. Oyer 12,000 lu pilzea wHl IH) ottered by the two cliilHi. Tbo new cbiMlb'allan prtaented by tbe itgultu commlltee waa passed, with some uiollllcstleas as rnllows: RCIldONKRA CU» 1-AII orertslt.. racing length. Claw 2—.Sot urarton. and over Wit., facing langtli. Claaa 3—-N'ol over 83ft. and over TBft., racing leogth. Claaa 4—Not over Ttft. aad over racing length. CUn &—Not over OR, racing leoBtb, SLOUPR. CUTrEJIB AND TAWLR. Claaa 1—AU ovorast. racing length. ClaMS-Nut ovorann. and over TKt., laelng leogtb. CIim:}— Nmovor jIHl. and ovortvn.. racbig langtli. claai I—Not over tiOIt. aod over CICL, racing loogtli. „ Claaa A—Not over Silt, and oror431>., rmclng length. ' ClsM d-.Vot ovor 43ft, aod orerSSIt., racing leoitUi. ClasiT—Not over .tut and orar.Dlt., racing lengtli. CUaaH—Not over lift- and oreratt,, racing length. CUaa u-Noi Of or 0ft., racing length. Cb\>a to-AH open aloopa. ?AT RlilllED YAI^HTa. CUa I -Cabin jadita of arttft- racing lenglb. .cbiM 2—Cabin )achbi under 2Mi. radng length. Claaa .1-AII upon cat rigged yachta. In nannl lo tlionaniborofcrewalloa-ed tliore wenaUo aiune allglitrliaiiiea. aa roHoa-; Cbiaa als, for aloupi and cuurra, one man for orery fift. ofrarloglangtli, (jat rigged yachts, one tnan for ereo' ftft. ur racing leiigtli o^iclaalvo ortb« halnia , an. M«M Tin: ti.vTC of tbe steam yacht race lietween tlie Yankee Uiaallo ami NnncwKl. on tlie lludaon Illver, baa be«u changed rmu May aitn June 12, at the ro- rineat or tbo Uesiiv. Mcllrtdc, «r llilhidelpbla, owuera or the romier. Tiig l.'HIrondelle Rowing Club, ot nalHmore, Ud., last week elected oHlcera aa follow: rreodent, Jubn Redwood: vice piesldcnt, Tunttall Bmllb; livasuier, IL c. MoUuard; secretary. A- L. Bbreove. Lord Ui'nratex has arranged wllh A. n. Walker to sail a series ot private uatcties between the Valkyrie III and the Aim prior to fllllng tbelr en- gagements ou Ibe Clyde. Thb main iHwm of ihe Flenr do Lto tell March 28 aud killed a seaman while the yacbt was on' Ihe coast near Torlmy. TiiR Yacht IIacikii 1'nio:< of lAxn Islami Socnd Is likely to be fonncd at tbe meeting of ibe delo- Siles from tho various liouad clnlis lo lio hold In U clly ou April lA. Tlie subject ot a uuloa In this couniiy Bimlur to Ihe Ysoht lUdng Anaodatlon of Kngland, or Ibo I'olon dee Vrancalsot France, was Intoniuilly discuaied at the meetings nt various yacht clnba during Ibe \Vlnter, sod while nothing dunulle cau bo shued at present, Ibe union seems veiy likely lo be cdniiununated. A set at roles have been pnpaieil tor presentation at Ibe meeting on April 1&, at which tlino. the subjoct wHI be Ihor- oiighly caiivaoed. TUB NKW jKRSir Y'ACUT Ct.l'k'B RMicnoN, beM March 2S, resulted as rollows: Oomniodore, FrankH. Kelcbam: rice commodure, Allred Wenzel; tieastiier, Kdmird r. Fisher; rtcanllni secretary, tieorge K. flnrland; lluanclal sccretaiy. t'luk Springlbig; cone- spoudlng secietury, LouU vVunder; meoaorer, 1VII- llaiii Hheniian; rvgalU conmltlee, AUml tTeuMi, John W, IHcklnsonand wuibim iMieniian: Inisleee, Frank 8. Kclchain, Kdwiu A. Sterena, Iboophllua Uulls, Alexander Henrand WIlllsniT. Haller. Thk Nkw Yubk YAi'iir Cwn hcM a meeting on March 2K. The regatta commlltee waa autborlzed to take charge ot tbe regalta lo in held otfKcwport, 11.1., during tho Bummer, tor wlilcta the citli'.eiui and Bummer italdonts of tbe totm have salisoribed a generous anm, lo be naed In purses and tor prizes. The lisle ot Ihn annual cnilsa of the club was fixed ror July-JP, and (Hen Cove waa designated as Ibe place or lendezrous. CAiTits AnNmoNii bas made several chaugeain the Yale 'varalty lioat Jiidd It 111 troiu the eRbrts or bis vacclualluii and tinslde to rtin*. silnjaion, Iho sttvke or Inst year, taken hla place at Iaw, and Ungsfonl, wbu Ins iicen at Nu. e, guea to stroke. Uater weul tivni A to 0, ami CYoss fnnii 4 In 6. 1/ing- acie la luwlng No. 4. TituMAS IIinwiiRTit, laial biiUilcr. ol liaiialnn-on. lyne, l-Uig., died reccnlly. at Iba ageol Afly.nluo years. After tbu death of the celeluateil cunstnic. tor iif sheH lioala. llola>rt Jewell, be acleil as niaiia- gerforMta, Jewell,anil siilMiinently Ihe bualocas was Inuiiforred to hlui. \V.vijaci llnsa. the oaranun, e!Nia.veiI the feat or walking un the water, lielweea tbe rHIney aud llammeramllh Bridges, over the Illver Tlwuie', Eng., ou March is, bihI a big crowd aiveuibteil to wllnextheperfonuancc. Unas iraa tn sccuuptlah the leal lu an bunr, and he won by Hre mhiutea. lllTim Iii'NciN Jh. baa snhl bla twcnlf.oi>e twter. Ilourt, which waa third lu her claaa hinl rear, to \\. lhanon Man, ot the IndUn llarhnr and lliignenol Yacht ITuba, Nr, Usrt will isako some altetalkina In Ibe llonrl. Coirii Watbus, ot the llsrvanl rtew, has mads Rome radical ubangra. Tbo new onler Is: HclUslcr, stroke: Btevcnaon, Nn. 7: tValetw, No, <; rerfcliia. No. t; raineiwy. No. 4; liaDon, Ko, 3; Bbepard, No. 9: nuUaid, bow, TnR TiMBAMT BoiTixa CLTB o( TOnnto, Ont, beld lln annual meeting ou Marrk S, old the fol- (owing onnn wen elected for Ik* eoialiit jear: ILA,Bheirard,neMsal; Janea B.MeCMtayirice presldeiiii J* A,Bmuieri tecitdaiX'tieMiirer* EaiwH «>vlnlaBOf the Allaa. The lecenl regalia In the Medlletnoeaa has at- Iracicil wlileapmd allentlonand called tnrtta much rommeiil. Aa a vnlnalde eatlmate of tbe merit ot Iho cblel cpifls-tbe Albai and Hrllanula-we i|nole fniii thrlmUton flHi lu comment on tbe llennett- fkielet Cup race at Osnnea on March 14. Then was Juat braoza anoogli cooilog lo mm the Medltamnaan l» darken ibe aurtsea or Ibe Bay orga- Biala, and. aa a trial of ap«d belwien Uio Allan and rilannla, llw raco wai obaply anpallllon of Uia dnt and oolr prefloaa cuoteat belwoen tba i«lr. Had Allaa'a gear wly atood and aUowed brr to take pan la Uie nulch fmii Canoea U Monte Carlo, on lha erecadlng Hatuiday aomeUilng mora or bar powon woukj hue laan knoan; but, without a shallow oT doiiU, aha JuatllM our Una opinion, wlildi waa lo tie alTect that alia la tor and away the naiaai big (uitrr In llglit weather aver bafil In HrlUIn or America. Hlia galoetl a victory today or upwanla or thirteen nilnuuaorer Hrllannla. aod alio waa Ikr from l»Ingvfaal her heat. Tlie hnken nuin iMlyanl bk^-k had been teni|iorar11r raplami by M. liar. ncchloofNIra, whliane walgbloB liol lllllo aliorl era liunilradwelKlit, nallio new one naa not Onlabed. ,Tbo "main" lUd nul fall down toilay. TiMi tuinnaat rigging, lotfavar, wa* mi luudi lui tlie alratdi thai Ibe Jlldoib .all liad lo IM pnlleil down In the rtiat nuud whUe WHEELING. CemlnB Ew-enlo, HarO-CoHegelllU Field Club BprinR mtetlng, Olocln. nall.O. Mar dl II—CliarloKo 'Cyda flub .^tpring meet, Cliar Idle, N. i:. Ha)' .1>—Houie 'Cydora* annual Spring loumamant, Rome, N. Y*. May a>—Xeiahaniliiy FalU Awoclallon Kpring meet, Kaidoiiilny Falbi. Fa. Ma)' at—Malioiilg 'Cycbi Club Hialog noel, Younga- lown, (I, May a)-Orieiiial 'Cycle ('lub annual race^ Urand labuid. Neb. June IX, U—Mercury tviiaelaien annual Ppring racea, AlleatoiTD, Fa, June I^New York IHvlalun, league nl American WbeolnMn. annual meet, Brooklyn. June 34—Kaaloro Ulrfrict Tuner Burnt meellng, <nlf. Ion. X. J. Johnson Gets Into Trojible, John S. Johnsou, tboWesteni whlrtivhid on wheels and skates, was arrested at Syacuae, y. v., ou March 28, ou Injunction prpceedloeH brought by R. 0. Steams A Co. to pievenl him trout leaving Ibis coun- tiy lo ride In Franco, as be medluted doing, and also to prevent blm ti«m ridbiw any otbor wheel tbau the Bleanu make. Tbe Injunction papeia stated tbat Johnson had signed a coDliaot with the Steams people a short line ago to ride the Bleanu wheel aud no otber between Bay 1 and Oct. 1,18M. It further staled that be bad beeu aecretly ncgotut- lug with other ams since ho signed the contract to ride Ihelr wheels In Kuiope. Jobisoo denies that he ever negotiated wllh other flmis, and Mates that Ihe reascHi ne iranbi lo ride la Fiance hi because he hi a pioiMlonal now, aud llieie Is no prnteaalonal riding In tbbi counnfy. lie must ride lu Fiance or uol at sH, I le hi wUUng to ride tor Bletnu In Fiance If they will par him enongb, but they only offer |il,(ioo, whUe be aaks (3,000. Ho acknowledges Ihe other conlract, but states thai that conliacl was nude while he was an amateur and befoie he bad any tbojigbt of pnteaslonal rtchiv. If be stays with Ue Bteanis people under that coutrect he inU be Idle, for be cannot' ride lo America. Tbe con- tract sUpolated that he should receire t400 a uonib for bla services from May to Ociober. TiiK ^TitjjjwiNii RUDRra linrelicpn alk>we<l by Ibe CenUiry Kood Club ct Amertia: T. W. Hae, 10,000 mllea during vm. Booth Iiakoiu Slate record; K. S. Slienkenberger, ll,la^ niUea during ism, Indl. aoa State raconl, UUrty-alx ceutiir1es;J. C. Knowles, alxty-tbiee ceniniica (liirtng 1M4. New York Slate record. TitKCiMkRA 'Crcl.RCl.v^ comimaed or anmteur kodak Heuds, hn!< liecD urmulietl at lluilklo, N. Y°„ with Ibe ridluwing otilceni: ITealilent, A. J. )l. Builtli: vlceptvtddcut, TlKHnaaK. Ijiwrence; secre- mty, Kell Y\. .VmlreWM: lieawiivr, Jacob lUcken- lielmer; captain, J. H. Sriiirck: lliat llculensut, II. A. IJnnrniaii; second llenleiiaiit, R Cllsyuea. TitR I'nms WiiBgiAtKN, of Ibis clly, held their annum election nu March 2>, with the fnltowlng le- siHI: riesldcut, A. J. Ulsncll; vice pteslrient, <l. F. Blalsdell: secretary nu<l treasurer, F. B. Motila: captain, I,. A. Johnson. The naine ot the organlza- llou was changed from I'rcsR iCycIeiM In enter to avoid any clasb with the rienaClub 'Cyclists. Tuii wuERUigK ot tho Ccniial AaaorUtlou ot tbe Young Men's Chilatlan .Vssoclullou, ot Urooklyn, N, Y., hare organb'xd a 'cydlog club. UKIceni: Usd- taln, II. It (Imy; Unit lleuleiiani, W. R. Haitin; sec- ond lleiilenani, A. Kckenon; secielsir and treat, uier, II. UeUtz. TBE Ilamlilers Bicycle Club, of TUnnlo, Onl.,JiaB electeillbefolhiwlugonicen: ITvsldeni, Alexander HUirtt: vice preslilont, John Hatbeni; secntaiT, Ur. Loncbeed; Ittaaurer, IL HImpaou; capuin, f! II. Doley: ant llenlenont, Thomas Brentunl: oec. ond lloiitenaul, B. A. Oake. nil (ieoiBetown(I>.a)"C»cleni rtcenlla elecltd tbe following omceni: Preddenl, J. IL HcUln: vice president, C P. Munay: necrttoiy, J. W. Mumy: lieasurer, II. W, Cook: captain, llatTy R. Stokes. Till MaiTlsnd Whedmeii'a newlr elected ofllcera were: I'realdenI, lliiward T. Wllltenu: trcasnm. itSe^tiiSlsiss?'"'-""" ««p'«S: iHk roof Of Madison Square danlen lus been Innafonned Into a 'eycllug academy, under Ibe mai>agtmenlol(leorgeIl.Hdw«u, AptUlwastbe epsnlngdale. fOaa Roar aad ila BtUsaallhaaraa " Utiea al XonaJ lha gaU medal,! THE TURF. Callftirnia Joekejr Clob* M<Aullire.«lol.woii: RobcIInir, wTr. Imtii'i uTx ml- oDtl;TrlBce. mO, llrarlcb^ 10 to i, Uiinl. TIdiv. |-I£ ^ to I. vofi: ARilc. Ml. um, 10 Xo\ hod«1 ; ComuUMM Jtn, Wa Wjno,* 10 6, Uilri. TJoB*. 1:1*?;.. ...T^ilrSvJ?; -Pl« ftrtoon. MUloy-JM Cotton. 1^ OrUnn, 4 won; UcFarliai^ 111, 1^; Ctrr, I to I, wcoad; Abl 1*. 1^ vADUPa im, uianiior, t va a, inira. Tiiiie. 1:I3W Ftiili no*—Ons mil* waA a auirter, or«r itro liurdi^.' aalllDff-IUd PsT, lU,B^c«, 7 toL von; B«nriD|«r iiv Airiiuirk. 8 to I, racomltTlie Urk, UQ, Cbii«f.s Jn^ Inir-CBpt. na*^ m, (Irlniu, « lu a. «on; Cliirtnaio HI flVRott, 3 to I, Mcond; Mnlbarryt IU2, VAtmsk^ a) to ] llt'inr Tlmo, lA'a- Mirth27.—rirrt imce—nirlooKwMrmn, lOL i)ti«ii A ti> I, wod: Dolmonlf, \\X Tii>l«r, 6 lu 5, P^conj- riutii EooUKb, »1, W.KIvnn, 8 to I. ihlnj. TimKiilia:' ^' Bfconu nc^KlTo ntrionp, *eil(nv^fllr Hfliln^ki. sb'xf Flyni). 4 tn I. won: Mr, llenrirh',6 to i' MtcniHl; llantunan, 101, nicnn, 4 to l^ilnl. Tlmt. im*.' Tlilnl nic«-Ona di'Io, uUIoi— The f«rii,97,i:rimii' Alo I. voq: KmnMlUclc.til, Hura*. 4 to I. »«(odiI: VUtx iro«i). AS, H. raom, U lo I, thlnl. Tlnie, IriB'^.. ..'..Vounli ncB-Frturand • hairfurfontr*—UnulH,lia, K. Cirr .1 i.i 0. iroii: KT6nlld», KB, IlcnrirhH, 13 lu I, >««oimI: OomU nilr. ICO, n. I«Dui, 810 J. Ihlni. 1\\n*, om Kimi noi -One dliU wmI nTaqtv >-Anl^ ItAodleap-WhlioMoDf. lie V.i;arr,8lo^ von; rUfllilltiil, ^ 4;hBTa1l«r, IU|a 1, m-'. onO; iQliHrmr, lOU, P. loom,« to I, thlnl. Tlin», }:49'j. Uirdi 2<.-rlTit TIM— FIt« firloofpi, ■flHiiK-Oemu. ri(,<lrirHnal loft, «mi: Plwt«oo(l,01. n. I«itn.Cio 1, mcoikI; MldtllPlon. IQI. Rbioo. 9 to 1, IlitrO. fltiir lsB>j BocoQil rnce-rlvo ana a liiir nirlodiM ^ii- Inic-AmiIf>MooTr,91, Oi|TaJl6r,6 lol.vun; (^imcL'a Ban)P.3 tul.MflHMl: AilTUC«.tl8, SIo«il 10 to I, ihli^ Ttiit*. \:\Vi Itilrd no—FIvauKi» taairhirloork»«|i loff-Cbuloii A.. IN, <;rimD, 4 to &, «od: CoQUf^ViT): Tw>iu,3 to l.MCOThliTpmN'oTa, 101, SlcAuUtTf, 10 tn l' thlnl. Time, l:li>S' Ponrth rtce—Ooe mile, ill «»• -Lackr Dor, ia^WAlk«r4 toA, voo; TlionliUL ll&> dfT, 3 to I. Hcond: Royu Fluvh, lOS, (iritnii, 3 to I, thlnl Tim*. 1:41 Pilib m«*—AtKiat ooe mil* ami ■ imii' •teepiecfaiu«.'elllog-WIU OaXm, 131^ UanoMHer, 4 to i' von: Mero, I3&,8nmu>,8 to a.Mcond; King lUm. vti cuncr.fito l.thlnt. TI^I^3:t7•,^ diitlt ni«-HTa lQrlonavwl)lDi-ValnRtA7,97.8tMOa6 to 1. voD;RuUn. iloD,fi\R.I«Am,)to I. Mcood; Btr RIchanI, lOQ, N. IIML 4tol.tmid. Tlin*,l3(nV' Ifardi 9.—Flr*t nee—PUe Airlooitn, Mlllng-llidOlv- Ion, too, SlOiU. 4 to la won; C. M. <L, \m, A. Cot Incion « to I, Mcnnd: Aloe, 100, Qrlino, e lo 1, thin). Urn*. I iJ^L, Beeond no»-Pive fortoogp, MlUog-Joeo, iii? RkMin,3 lo l.nrna: Bed Pike, lUS K Cnrr, a to LmcodO: Kletur. im nrliHiL « to 1. thlnl. TImo. l:Qrt ThiM nc«—One mWt. ^elllng-lDirDnur, 105, R. Iwio. 3 lo &. vbn; OruKle^ KO^ anmn,3to l:ie<ond; BIr YValtera Hut HeniteMej, X> to I, thlnla Time, VAIK Poumrncr- Aboui tlx rarlooKi, leniDg—Ileraun, lUU; ChenUIir; 6 to i, von; Utile BoN SB, A. Iwm.l.') to 1. ■ecood: aienn. 1ft tD 1, iblrd. Time, l:H>4 Pinii nc«-Hi\ furlonn-^ack Ucli«lleii,llQ, F.Cur«eu> l.voo; Ualrt. 99, Urlffln, 3 10 I, wcmd; Don Fnlluo, 111, ll. T^ior, 0 ttj 1, tbinl. Time, 1:1774 Bl^iih mce-Aboutalx lurlonv^ ■elitoK—Boedninoor, lOBLOrifliLB io4svod; Botuji,0& W. Fl/nn, 3 In 1, ucottd; Ban Locu, 97, Bloan, U lo I. Uilnl. TlJnAl:lt Mwrh 8Q.-Plnl ince-Alt fbrloBgn-UeiMn, KB. a. Covington, 3to I, von; Iidi». Doacastar.llB, Flrnu,4to I, HfoniY; lnAudIu^ ItA, llenoeiu), 4 to I, third. Time, 1:19 Becond race-About rurlontcn^Belllcow, n UriiTn, 4 to ft, vun; Qairt, WS, K.C«rT.Hto I, necond; Pennr lAMilM, 91, Bloen, eren, third. Time, 1:D>; Thlnl race—PiTO roriongi. huidlcap, tvoyeer ohln, Uli- ler Itoot MtAheti, Tilue tiw--CiMrendiK 1(7, W. t:bac>-, llolwon; KerT«llllr,lA,MaVtilllf<i,.1to 1. aecood: P«r rielUrtraaD.lU,F.crArr,M to I.thlnl. Tiii)M:UC;. pDurlhnce-Ooo mile WHl » nirlonir, heBdleap-Whlie- iiune, liaK.CArT.4 to iMvon: RMdilighL tVt A.Te6ni.} to 1. nemnd: ORklaihl. lOft. II. TAflor, Bl'> I. thlnl. TImr. \-Jb'\ Pfnii noe—About a mile end a bair, iihon courM MeeW^cliAMi, liAmllrep— TIm I if, 13ft. Clency.! tnlavon; ApriLlStOAlmi*, 13 lo 1, Aecond; BellrlnRer, IS, AllmArb,3 lo 1, tltlnl. Time, »:» Hklh ncr- ■Ix nirionEN-t^kpt. Reee. lOtL Okrr, 2 t« ft, vmi; Krir Uuenl, lOL KhMn, A tn 1, teconO; CaiiL Potter, lo:, Q rillln, ftlnl.ihltd. Tlmo,l:14ij. A|irll 1.— PIfhI mre—One liuK tulle, iimldtn tivo vf«r AMi»-0>-|nuttle gekllng, HA (IrllHn, 4 lu 1 «Mi;\eti. no, Peters Ittol, MCond; Blnlle C. 101, A. truriDv1on.( tA I, tliln). TIraf. (I:fi0 Hecond rac^Pire Ami a tuK Airlonrs Mllliiit-t*oi>lAd[n, n, CliarRUer. 6 lo I. «uii; .Nellie (I., 101, N/UIll, .1101, wcond; Floetvood, w. Wtn- riebiklin 1. third. Time. lAl Thlnl nte-Melden i»o yeer oldc. helf a mile—WllliAm Pluherton, in*. .\. llili,.1iol. von; UemiAbI, IH F^ t^arr, S to I.Mnmd: I>oiiaACerloua lOS, Urldti.4 tol. third. Time, 1:19 Fourth rare—Aliout pilx rurlonj(>t, Ae1lln|t—Ameite, vt, Bun)ii,4to&, voii: RoaiI Ituuner, MH, (IriMn, 2iol,«cr- ond; .NonnuHlle, 1(0, ClieTAller.S) lo la ihlnl. Thiie 1:1a. PI llh nce-Plreand a IteK hirlonn, Mlllnit—Hlcur do. lilIBIiAw.llloI. von: NervoHO, 91, H. I«oia.Hto&. Mcontf:nracleK,llU,FaCArr, 3io I. third. Tlnie.llr^V Sixth Ta(»-F1ve fttrtoog^ A«|rhi|[—Viilnriay. Iiik SloAn.8to I, von: C(intributliiii, 4lrinin, 4 in S,<^ oml;t:uc<|Uer,IIZ,Tii>-lor, Ift t«il, tlilnl. Tlii)f,l:OI. Tke St. Aaaph Neetlng. Mirch n.—FInit race-8eTenelgblbNoramlI^rAr or Pier, IQI, Welcli, 6 to 6, Dm: SoUtelre. lOH, Relir, Ato^ •eoood; NoektMrren. KD, Mac*/, ZU to 1, tblid. Tim*. - TZ?Ive«ir 111,9 to 10^1 n Bn>«'n,,lffl....Thlnlrace—Two >earo , inic—Religion. 107, Bellt 3 to I, Br«t; Ladr Lavrenoa IQJl I'JOh' Second rac*-Plve«l|rhtbi oT ■ ntlle, hAmll^ii - 13i^DonellJtolOLlnt:HDCkr«neaIO0i,R«lrf. d: repteln Bn>vn,13^ c;ierlro,AtAltbin]. .Thlnlrace—Two >ear olda bAirenlle, ten ■OJK-nviinfd, 107, Bein; 3 to I, Br«t; Ladr lAvrenni IQJL Larnl)-, B to 1, lecond; CidlK, 99. Necej, 11 tolO. inlni. Tlnie,(i:Mt^ Pounh rve—Seren-elghUmof Amile, hII- Ing, three year oUe—Sun UPiWiUAUoDAdo, 3 lo 1,11pm: TaMAn, IOI,NMer,t toft, eecond: TaHul^^ K, Abeeily.Oi tol, third. Tloie.lfl:^ FmiirAC«-Oneinlle,ee01n)i -PIfnty.OlSbeedya 11 tu& flfHi; Kilkenny,^, Welcli.ft lo 1 ■econi; CentA^ lanily. t lo 1, Uilnl. Tlm«, 1:44 Hlxth race—Meldenf, itt-o-elgbih" of a inll^-FiiundnDc. 07, Lnnily, 4 tf (L Brit: Cockuo, 0, Keefe, B lo t Mconl; CAO)rAlgo,U0.Uorton.8tul.tlilrd. TImr,lM. UATtlt O.—Pint rmce-IlAjr mile, tvo year oldH-Hie lltrtroni, i\L Keflfe,! toC, voq: Hummer Time, NT. Nic«), Otu 1, MCond: TArentunt. IIS, voggetk7to 1, third. Time, 0:«?« Beooiid nc»-«Aldeoii. aIi flirloon-Tbe K•e|^ Its, Uorton, 7 lo A. woo; HooDrlllea 10^ Arley, ft to I, mc- ond; Kandor, KU, fleriro, ft to t. Ihlnl. Time, 1:19 Tlilnl nee-Heren-ilghthPi ot a mllei, eeUlng-MAndiiU, 111, IXmtett, 7t«S. vod: Par or Flar, 101, Weltli, 2 lu I, tecood; Partotam, KU, Bheedr. U to 1, (bird. Tine, iseiy Fourth rAM-OoB mile, hand Icnp. three ytArokle-Hr Dixon Jr.. HI, Welch, AtoX, voa; WIlllAniT., lli),Clnln>. Htfl t,ieoiKid;r.oKUkJDa, A. Doml^BtoH^tblrd. Tlm^ ■ 1:13 PIftlinM—Thiee-fbarthAoramlle, Afli|lqg-8»ll- ulie,V7,Rh»edr. 7 to A, won; Mlteeler. lUlfl; atol. eecond; I'alltier. 01. Co>lit, U> to 1, llilid. Time, 1:17.■ ■ ■ ■ BiKiirrare—fli end a half farkHin, eelllng—Pleoir. 111. IIonoo,ftto2,von; Jack Roea INL J.Uanett.fttoi. sec- ond: Kt.lIlchtel.UI. UoRRelMto^ filid. T1me.l:3AK- April I.—PIrrt nn«—Tline year old^ hAirmlle-SuDi- mertlme, IV. Kacer, 3 lo A, flral; OM Age. lUB, Loate^ i* lo I.HOOOBd: Bandalfa^ 1(0. Relit 7 to l.Uilid. Time, Did. Becond.nce—Aevtn elgllth^ eel ling—OectKe vlton. 107, Keefe. Id lo A, llnM; I'ulltztr, lOt. lU Domtt, ft lu I. eecond; DAriroeu, lio, Dojmltt 3 to 1, Uitnl. Tiwr, 1:8>4 Tlilnl rare—llAnalcAPa aIx (Virlonge—CepUhi Brovn. 11$. Clerico, V& lo ft, DnM; aiende. 109, DoggeU. > rot, eecoiid: Ooklen Gele. lUB. KeeTe, 11 to I, thlnlTTimfa l:lii*4 Ponrth race-MAlUMiA, tiitee quATlen ur n nille-Wetrinuao, lOL ReliT. 7 to 2, Bnt; Ceekoo, UV, Ecefr, ft to 1, aerooJ; Blleot Prtend, lOft, Lanly. 4 Xai^ iiille.MlllDR-U«n,B&.Mieedj,IOiu l.ilna: lUndcAr.w, Wolrh, 4U U) I, Afcoad; Full Bea, lli Doggeir, 10 to I. tlilnl. Tln»,OJO,'i. oo The Opening at VnalaTllles Tlic HprlufT nitiulOR meeting of the KftBlivllle lUootl llonw .\iwk1h11od Itegan Aprtl 1, at NaghvUle. TeiiiL» Ibe Hnit tUy'tf reMilca being bs follow: Flr»i nire-Alx rtarloege-MoOIe B.alt4.TurMr,tS,lol. wgn;8lii)0D VT. WA, J. porkliui, 7 to I peand; L'ucie LQk^ lll,TlH>rpe,30tal, Ihlnl. Tlmt^l:!!?; Bemnd nre—FnurHirlAOf^Vesper, lia,TlioTpe,3iuX,von: .vui- cy T., IQOl a. Hamit, Nlu |, aeeond: Imp. Bugar. IRk Ber- inr.4tol.Utlnl. Tlt»e,0:M'.'.- --TTilnl race-UreenbrUr Rialreii^on* mlle-Prliwe Mlniairr. ll5,Caai>lB. 12 to I, eon; BurkMAmle. IIA. Perhln»,8 to l.ecrend; D^ntv, llDLlr^ Ing, liuXiliInl. Tbm, ItiMj Kearth rare-Brllluir. Ore end ahAir fbrlongii—Aniu MAfre, IMl Trrlng. II toft, vod: Red Jolm, HZ (hmer. d tu la lecond: poraWtf^l. in, ParklnA. 2 lo I, third. TtoiealnBiB rirUirace- Oneuiilf^Tum KImore, KD, Turner, 6 bt], woe: Cleitirn- tine, no, mofiv, eien. Mcood: Pmiaeeo, 119; Per1lln^ * to I. Ihlnl. Time, 1:4P; Blxth nee—Fire and one- heir rUrlonge-Lconell. KM.Tamtr, Stol. von; Kate O- », l^rkliifi, :l to la Monnd; Marble Hock, KD. Goto, 1:1 tn I, Ihlnl. Time, li^a. The Spring Bleetlag In Lonlalnnn* 6lx tlBjB Of ncliig waBbuQgtirjtcd 17 Ibe New LoulBlana Jocker Club, at New Orieaos, U.| Apill !• TtiercMUltaodbollntdiifof ibomeotanurolloiv: ea,?''^* "c»-«*«n elgltiln of R mite. »e||lBg-RedlnA. 10a«»)|aa|riit«r.Atol. von; B.P. Ply Jr.. 109. BUke,4tofta aertwd; PMiel, l«i YenlaBrk. IB tu 1. thlrJ. Tfaie. Second me-^aUalnIle-I^A|«clo^lluntalU^ Uopn.9 to ^woo: 8rlnola,l07, H. itoieMa,8 to N rad; Bjnleea,lur.Naaoe.ftiol, Uilnia Time, 0:51 Third lace-ReTco-elghtbaofa nill«.«lllDK-I<^ndbor«i. 1». Tlwrnlen. A to 1. von: I. 0. "W.. lot. Merer, I to I. e^;- ond; Zeke llaidy. 109, RbleU^ 3 to I, Iblt4. ..l^tnrth race-AeTen-elgblljiiora mlle-Ciia, B«in,7 t« in.v«i: Maroal, KB, BUke,3M le l.eeoeod; Blue aad WhUe. VSX. PfunegaiTlO to I. thinl. Time aot Siren Pinh rnce-tiereii ItaThingi-Bttier, 107. Flanc- m, fl to I, non: ITharlej B.. MH. V. ^7UllAm^ ID to 1, wea ood:Coorer.iei,BAr|er,10tol.Uiln)a TIrar.lJO'c, During Ihe flrvt ib m Bt Ibe Alexin^er UAOd tnck, near Waablngton. D, C» BUnb 3S, Xeadom. bj Inported Tbe JBtx>blte«iule FQUer, cnatMl a now worM'A record for foar and b btlf farionfs. Do canted 103b, Bud wu riiUentiTllaipbj. UtedU* taDce WM coTered In 0:A3, wtalcb cellpMB tbe pn- TtoQB record (0M),inBde1nrlteno.Bt^ttBObiirr. bra«imUtoepfttO»UBodtCBl.,on SI. im, 17 one aecoad. TMno carrfcd l»n,