New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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APBIL 6. THE NEW YORK OMPPER. 75 RMln( at <1» ViMuat VUy. u -1. a-Tint i«o»-(il« li"toiiit». pom-Dr. Wotk, 'la'&SiiiiM; MTT il. mlilJis »lol, thlid. Time, 1 mx'. "iun lll^etnlflfl « <■> * llilrt. Tlmo.l:0 ifuWhlU. MB, cTilmwo, IJ l»I. Mcandnt. F. 4,Tj5' Ml HUlSjViVin. <>>ln>- TImt. I a.'i FlIUi "LllMtV (5rtoS»-Vl)S SmKkl. IIU. McKnlilit.O lo I, SrSft-tfalf™'"- «>"li>H-J«nii . Jo.n. lS», KQ.W, Vlmo, MO. KlBM. « In I, wcond: BplnoU, •* PoSrtS r«^-8l» n>ri«im»-I«niibn»k, KM. Kiiipr L.-irViJn° BlKktall, Mm Tiiniar, H to 2. HMond; Cm, SMOOJ r»»-8«T«n forlooia, pum-^eaulo W., vn. T^rairl u 10. Koo: EaiM, ICa,8uu!,Hlo I, McODd: Mba rSin: Anolo KV.TfiT Tumar., 7 lo ?;,•«<>■'<'■ Bockoja. KII BroiB,«in 1, Ihlnl. Time, 1:16.'; Fonrtli net ISnao^U. wlliOK-IikMi, m Panny, J lo I, i(od: Hot. W 11. alaklK. « 10 I. woiid: UoMiion, IIS, L. Sn. 7 »1, Uilnl. TlIIl^ I Finli I»c«-fll J ftir. M»-Er«l■ll^>>.0.8UllKllla^.a)u>l. von: VoM, III, '■jlarrha-Flili niVo-Sll fbrloDaa, •alllni—Ylriln, 109, SMI, II to I, iron: Paowij. KB, II. U «> anI' lUailliui, VU. R. JODiv, aran, UiM. Tlmo, I :U>4. , ' SJtniil iM«-ODa mllo-Tiiannini, IIB. PaiiD>-.7ui Kim; Anillna, m. Baliliia. 14 to I, aacjnd: Kiliar, liB, mll»-Upk)ai>. |n7, Kdm>p,II 10 2. won; llutipur, llll, II. KCkivlif" l.««»tid; Flortna P., IW ScLarer, 9 to II), HiSilMi-PriaM loiparlal, lu, Maybanry. 9 to .wi; Uaibionk.inR Ktupp,7 to I,Mcond; Htvanua,!*.Tlifiiar, aSf. iMid. ■flmf.lTIl Fidli na-PlTa uiil .1 hall nitlODn •alllni-Vanll, IK), rooDy. t ti. I, nnd \ an Bnint,Tlil, McKoliht, 0 iol. mn « dwd liaal; (lienoa, »ai3aOL-Flnt raca-FIra rurkinc, Klllnc-Fabia, 1(D. Haka.S to l.von; Bltdcaldiar, 11$, HiitioKliaii, lu to I, Snnd: atmm, KM. Xaybany, 8 to I. thinl. Tlnir. I fn. „ .fhcMid nc«-Klro flirlonv*. MlllnB-Kliiia-ran, ItC Tanlar, > In l,woiii Baaoraiaixl, 102, llayliarry.O to I, !inai[ Ilaaonio Home. MB. *Uko. B m I. llilnl......JliliJ Vi^I^ialld oiwliairrtlrlooif. puiw-Wonla. lot, Mldl- l.r,r to», »od; Joo Wooliuan, lO|,Hat|; to I. Mcond: YoU inTsbike, 7 tai,tlilrd. TIma, l:W, Founli ^^£!:^Taa nirl<fna>.wUlDf|-llarrel)'a lllllat.lllllMl. Itr.r to >,>oo; Priacan Boh. 9S. i:. RUu|di)ar,!l to 2, Honl: Ok Mo. lOM. ScoU.t to >, Unnl. Tinia, T^nb tMil-Ona mllaJllIVy MrKanile. Int. Alar, lo la I, (on: Sl mil. III', J. McDomkl.S ui 3,>acond; ytical, to.Tumar. tint, tlilid. Time, l:lVi. M*H SNir VONOTAX, wtin vaH wrvliig ft tan jean' wn teiice Id the b>ute lUion at TMnton, N. J., for Ui« tUcnd ktlllDit of John L'lie\r, at Uonmoulli Fark, In JiilF. mt, Wis pBTdoned lijr Ihe Siate HiMtil or I'ar- doiu oslterch W. It iru oUtmcd lliat a ttimnse ri bad beeu Been roHowlDir Donovan aim Chew ul al tbe Unuiioutta Itrk llolsl on Uia HattinlftT eTcnliigpreceijlDBlhatnigeilT, anrt ibai .llila man ■Uiiit lure lK«a tba ponon who HtablKd Cbtw. II wu upon affltlittliii to tbU enkcl, klviieil l>j prom- Intnl recliiit men, la aiipport ut a plea ut rciiMiDablo doubt, tbat ibe pHitlun waa gnnteil. A pisPATCii Cmm tlic Clljr of Me.vlro aajs that Ihe aeceaurr captui fur equliipliiir Uil. I'oli IMIe'A iiev lace track, Vhlch tetoliellalilcd ii; electrlrltj, ha:i been ptTMond. Urotiud vnll Iw broken In a toir dara. The now xlte In la lutllanllla Cnlonr, anaddlt- kin to ilie wutbweetem porllou uf Ibo city aurt tor- uiloiunt the old ami plclurti«iiie lliirarellilrlre, and K a ibort ilMnnce west o( Uie bull rinv. It la one or Ibe iiiUirbiior Ibo citjand trell aupplled nllli tnna- innallunraclllllaii. Fbakc 1L \Yju.krr, of liidlanapnilji Ind., will ilatt Ibe homes at Fleetvoud Fark dimng Hie June and Auinuit trolUni fneellnge. Tbo e.xeoullrc roni- mlttee of tlio UiMug Uub, ot tbla cliy, have nlm decided lo enpIOT one paid Judge, wboso dutr It wUl be to know the nilea of trotting and H«e tnai Iter are applied. Tbe movement In favor cr pro- reaatonal Judges aeeuu to bo gaining gtuuud. TDK OBAND N'ITIONAL SntEl-LBCHABB, Of V-00 MveralgnB, tbe Mcund to recire 9M Hiverelgoe, and ihetUin an aoverelgns from the ataken, a handicap, about fonr milea and MUifdH., was won at tbe Aln- tree conne, nenr Liverpool, Eng., Uarcb s, bj John TTIdger'a Wild Uan fmm Uoneo, Callial aec- ond, and Van der nerg Ibin). ioOKRV Bovi.R, who wiH omplojoil by the I'oto- nuio Slable, wb« atruok and Instantly Killed by a iiBin ou Ibe tnalle work ou tbe Waamngton, li. C, end of Um king htldge, Hanb SB. Uoyle whs Iweu- ty-tira yearn old, and was considered a Rood rider at the JUaiBiider Idand tntck. IIU borne was In Kew York. OUAHifs RoBiNiwx, one ot the fonnden nt Ihe Fleelwnxl IMtIng Park, died March ai.nt bis home In ibU cItT. Iiitertnent was made lu the ccoieteiT at Fongtikeepite, N. Y. lie was a lover ot flue lioiwii, and bred loiue well knowu troller* on hia atock farm at FlHhklll liuidlng. He was bom there la U21, but baa lived In Ihls cllj UHM ot his Utr. AlBAXOtHKKn, It bi 6atd,are lielai made lor a Uiree weeks' ninalng meetlnir at Namtgatitieit lltrk, 11«vld«nce, R. LTlieKliiiilnic alwat June 1. It la claimed that the bookmakeni can wurk there In spite ot the rvcant leglilallou wtptug out the law which sanctioned pool selling, ak tncre Is a loophole or.wtilch tbelawoakeniarenotaware. :Tbb niii Ozed for vie'iliajrofjuilgmeulln tbe seAlenre or Uennia Jforangblln, John <<. Otir. (lott- lelb H'slljaum and. John V. Cniidiiii, Uutlenborg'a "Big FOnr," eipli«d April 1. The biancb court of thB ..New Jeiwj Uapreme Oonit, whirb Mutencnl the fonner nee track maguatex, agreed to extend tbenmeiuUIIfarls. fliR tonrth biennial conmtsa of the Atneilcan Tnillog .VKuclallonwIll convene al Chicago, III., ou tiaj 7, for Ibe uuipoae of ctecting oniceiv and aaeadlofr lAe mlcK of trotung lor ibe ensuing year. A aeetlng of tlie UoanI of AppeaH will be held at ibeaamentne. TBI ARIKMBLY at Albanr,S. V,, posMd Ibe Perry- (itty bill April 2. The act legalizes racing In thhi KUle on mile tracks Ixtweeu April u and Nov. li, and pemliB belling under certain nauow itstrii'- lions. The main provbiloDii ot the bill were given In a former Issue. Tdb roBTV-Eionrn HAru fur the I Jverpool Spriug Riip or SCO eoveidgns, one mile and three Mriongs, a handll^ap for three year olds and upwani, was run at lAveipool, EngViurcb .V. 1). R. Wlbwa's Tlllon won, MerTTWlseaecondand (iar.«lle«rtbitd. Framk T. Cbpmp, capllallat, of Columbus, Ind„ will begin at once the. bnlldlngot a one mile laco iHekMik' Itaat town. A largo amphllheatn will b« erected, aid Ihe track, when completed, will l» one ofibelneatin thoBlale. TUB imocBLEioY 8TABR9, of MO M>veRtgna,aiMed lo a sweopalakes or IOsots. each, are furi(>ng^ was won at Ancoln, Fnir., on March 17, bJ Wallace Johntlone'a Kjoio, nTth Salebala second, antl Fesia ihW. FUDlliu.iBhaa entered ault against William T. Wtlker for 110,000 In the CUj Court at Washington, l>.U., for lie kMH nt Ue hoiae Urebmont. Tbe botae was killed bj one or Walker'a brick wagooii, on the long bridge, last ^VInter. THE ROCOBSTIB DBITIKU J'ABK ASaOOIATIOM bare iieen compelled ti> declare oir » iiamber of auke erenls, laclndlog Ihe Flower Cllj »lo,0<» •<»ke for 'JS Itotuv, a« IM7 (Ud not Ul. WiuBi oauui'iir, the UulUBg sUUIon, liOU, died at I'Uca, N. v., March a He was foaled In IW, was ]>! Young Jim, out or Lucille (lolddiist, sad woe owned lij U. a. Thouipwu. Tbb yraiKa mrbtimi ot tbe Little llocV Jockoj Clob began April 1, at Uiile Iluck, Ark., and will cntlnneBlxdajs. TnBRBQUtjABHpring meeting or tbe Neir Unlid. ana Jockey Club opened at New (Means. La., April I. Ihe Winter meeting came lo an end March x. Tub U1,ooo Fuinrilj, ror two fear old Intlen, ylll be decMod Oct 8, at Leibigton, Ky. *0»*iy, Tsaiaw.'e thsis tnia.tiasjr MM. Aum'tlna. Fla, <kM*l a Bants. T.H.BackilUi•onlh«alnileaprln *°3 Ik* ebaaiploaablp allrar nip, TSluatf al llini A. B. ■vnibi taklogaaaiod prif*. Tlia donliln priu»»«'oo ST-^ Beefcilui uMl Clurlaa Ooklen, doraallnB A. K «iiillilanlb.ll Dnllaii. „,Taa piin or a sariaa or taam natcbaa b«<»aa tba slTanMlll. J.)ooaUtabsod Uw Haw ulndilUaDask, •f BiwUn K. r., tsB maa a oUt, iwaolr lira Wnle ■sa.,wn alrat at BWaitoD od llaick ff, Uw Rhaftau •IodIdi by a oeste or Hr lo Id. tk« wMlbar w» Uror. •tlJVbat ■ blgb aoitkveil wlod, tod tin blida ni* a OEIOKET. Tke Hew York t'riehet AaoKlBtlon held Its llrei Hcbedale meeting Msich Si, In Ihit rlljr, the tollowloit clubs being then npmtnted: New Jersey Athletic, at. George Athletic, Ooliinilila, Har- lem, I-atervon and Melrupolllan Atblcllr, the KIngB Conntj Rt. OeorRe anb talUng lo send a delegate. Tbe claiuM nlatlog to tbe luaoner b< which the championship should tie decided was changed to lead aa tolkiws: 'The champlniublp of this aitiorU- tton shall gn to the cinli with Ihe hl|he«ipereenta(s ot ganm VTon to gauies lout al the conclusion ot the eoaaon, provided that hsif tbe schedule ban liein piBjed to a OnUh by the leading club." A scheilule nt rhamplnnship rnnlestii ror Hatnnbiys dnitag the coming eeamn vas .then dnwn up. conimeoeing Juno I and tennlnallng Kept, -.'1. liach or Ibe veven cliiba playa home and return games wltheveiy other club, making a IntOI ot forty-two cbauipTonshlp games for the coniing acasoiL M«M TUB MBTROPOUTAN DlOTBIVr CBirKRr LEAIJIX will be Umltttl thU coming suuon to Ibe following dye clubii: New Jersey Aliilellc, Slaten laland, Man. halun, UiDoklyn and Now York. Ibe ttst named lieing also a member of the New York Vrickct .is'o- clatlon. These dve rluM, liowerer, are tbe utreng- eat hi this viclnltv, and an Intemulug race fur the ohainploniblp will doubilcss lie the reaiili. Al a re- cent nweUngot Die Metropollbinnuarict League J. I>. Iloyd, 11. Ht. II. Walker and Jeniiue FbniwiT were appointed a coinmlltee to revise the ronallluUon, and the name will Boon bo brought up tor adoption. ARnANOBSiBsn have lieen mmpleteil In reiani to Ihe liiteroatloual Inlcrcolleglate cricket match tolte played Ihls year. Thegnine will prolnblr lake pinco on Ihe aennintowii Chili's liruiinds, at Philadelphia, Vit., Jnne -.91, ai. Canaila will Iw repreMuted liy a teamchoeeii from Triiillyand Tnrento Cnlvendllcs, and the United Stales by Ibo L'lilvensltles or Ibr- vsnl and I'ennKjIvaiila and llavcrTnrd Cullege. D. Iti-ssiu.i. Caijiwku, who dicil recently at Alaraoda, Cai„ was one or tbe orgiinlr«n snti Iho nnit secretary or the clismplon Abiuicda <1nb, otibo CBIIIorou Cricket Aivorbtllon. In Its InlthI year Ue was one or tbe rinb's roreiiiost pbiytm. llnslnesB cares, however, prevented bini taking an acUve part In chsmpfotuldp conlcnii In Ihe suiiriequent years. TnK pimi and deciding game lictwceu the team of Kiigllah crtcketerB atptslned b,v A. K. Hlialdsnl mill Ihe combined stroiiglli or Aui>tralla, which whh played Mareh 1 to a. Inclusive, at MellMumo, Ylc- lorla, atltactcd the hirxestalleudance ever recorded ttt any cricket match, an sgimgste of .lo4,ooo neople passing Ihoturustllcri during the live days ul Ibe conieeL Tub oincBRS of the Kew York Club for tho coin- ing aeHsoii an: Pmldent, J. Shortall: ilea presi- dent, A. 0. Iiacre; socretaiy, K. A. Biiilth. -ja West Twenty-third Street, New York City; treasurer, J. Ilanmowl, and captain, J. K. Iliiiieri!i. Tbr ctlcket conUngeul or the Ikwton (Mass.) Aliilellc .Vssoclallon boa elected J. W. Iiutton rnu- lalu of Its lint eleven, wllh Oeorga Wright and J. .V. KiUrbrook as vice captains. Knwn< MAPrBii, an old Kiigllnb cricketer, died Uareb (,at llutshitm, Kug., lu nU clKbly-Hnit year. He was for twenty oeasoiis a iiicuilicr uf Iba Sil-ucx eleven. ATHLETIC. Tke Indoor Champlonahlpa of Ihe Kew Koclsnd .\KucUllon uf Ilia Anuiteiir Athletic Uiilrin were cnnipotnl fur »t tbo rink In Wiirceslcr, Maia., un !<atunlsy evening, Usivh 30, and lliellMurenllno'led a kirvo siwinlilSBC of tlic liiven or atblello »|H>ris and pmved highly liitcra^i- Inu. The toaiilts are given iKlmv: Ab/ffi mti-iU rus.—Km, A. L. JnrkM.n, II. A. A.; KConil, y. II. Blialw, II. A. A. anil W. A. C. Tunc. IV. itrtnu nlcv. Hlk'Mvaullw ura mile.—Wunn-lvr Arademy bra! Ivorroilcr IHsb .-icltoiil. Time. .Tui. II".',,-. .Nl.< /iRfiitml pnnU rim.—Finn. T. Murkr. B. A. A.; msc. ond, K.H. IliiVr, W. II. C; llilnl. II. K. Flekl, \V. P. I. Time, llll. B'v-'. „ o««fAo««i«*lj»inlij-w«.—I'ir>l,.1. n. Ueliiney. W. A.C; pvcomt, 11. W. Londanin, W. P. I.; IlilrJ, F. II. AllraiiHin, IV. P. K rime. Jin. WV. TWiMi nff^. r<inr',.avendianra mile.—wnrfe"l'rAllilellr club anil Wurt^lur PolytcclinlcliiMllulr. Him l*> runner. Time, :fnl. A'^M. , OIK Willi?iwU-.—Fin.l,r. V. Jli-ire. tt. A. (\: «,.Tonil, J. D. llilUll'A, II. A. A.; Ihlnl, A. II. Klielllekl, W. II. S. Time. 7iii. Jti^ «nr mile J-«».—Flm, Arlliur HUke, B. A. A.; aeuniil, PeiinlaP. Bnllliall.HI. P. I..: tninl, .li~^, ."liiirTy, ». A. C Tline. 4(D. Cff*^. ;Wi-niMli.—Firal, Fred Coubni. W. A.C., jn. lo'.iii.; xioilHl. Blanlev I'. BreiliwD, W. A. C, an. 'Jin.; llilnl, h. W. Fark, W. II. S., 9n. lliu, IMhIoq Hit* Jii«ii.-Fir>.t. (•. J. Paiuo Jr. II. .\.,A.. nn.Hn.; Seoul, W.t Putnam, II. A. A., .'.n.aln.; llunl. W. II. HlaluB, \V. .V. A. A, all'l I.. K. nneiimin, «. A. 1 , on. llll. (m llie tiiu tlie prha MonI lu Braiioan. Weatem Footballlala Caiiftr. A CDiiferciKO of tiolliall pl-i.vcnt ivus Mold sl fimnston, III., March i), CO, for Ibo piiriHH) uf con- sidering Iho piu|H>:>cd changes lu iHsyliiK rules, lo lie prewuKd at the roilbcunilng meeting lu lie neld In the Kaat. It wa:i decided lu send a dehtgate t^id In I'sse Ibe Koritem courerence were «1lllng lu receive Wenlcm r<|iiwentaUon, ami the secretara ^yns Instructed lu cuiniiiunlcsto with tba New York i-nlvendly Wnli. .Slagg waa unanlniouly elected s» hurh delognte. Tlie revlj«d niles. a" «dii|iled by tlio lonterence nnd which will be pivsenled »t the eni meelUiB. are as roUow: I.Ttollherabalffuuliiplrtaswl one laraioe coalit-ll. lug ihagKoie, and lhal ilia rer^roa bo euipuwered to nu a ruullGcaMorrlolallonorrulte. , , ,., J. Tluil Ibo ikle making a fair cttch bo reiraidail xllli n vanln. and Irom Ibat place Iba ekio roaklnK Ihe filr «I lid that audi Mr Caleb U ao4 made wllbin laeoly.llTe yards or tbe on>oaanu'B<>aI, Tlioplaferallaiiipllogaucb ralrcalchiliafi all out "lair calcli.'< and ir interfered • [111 or taoktedwblla making Ihe aileiitpt aliall be Blieo Mtanly-dreyanla. . ,i I 3: Tliat a aubatllute from eacli leaui act w llnaiimtB. End lliry rholl uu a lino Ave raidn long, iilUi a alake al V'^'nuil'dio «k]e niltaluR a Bi4l lltall bavo lb«oi4lonur Iking Ihe lioll or bIvIo( II to Iba olJior «lile. «. \rbooarotaalde lisa tried a droii kick at Ihagno^ upon tbo llrsi down loHlde ilie Inaaly.ilva yanl llae, and the reauU has bean a toucliback. Uw Una or klekuol eliall be tlie llltecii yanl Hue. New Jecoef *a aysnnasU, Tho lultlsl gymnoatlo compcilUons or a series lo be held under the aiuqilces ot tlie Inleracholasllo League of Norihem NewJeniey look pUce on Sat- urday evening, Mnreh 30, In the Newark Academy llymnsslnm, andallniclcd a fair staed onembhige. '^ninillctban.—Wun by A. B. Ciooka, Newark A<ademy, SS ^Kls; iS5ird, ll.F-. Knilht, BooicWrllllilaiy Acul- "5fc5 S'altvron b, T. W. WriBlil. Montdalr Hllll.J Aadamy. lie, wllh 7l».. 7ln.; aecond. «. F. lItl>o«ell, V^irrrll?fr'ft^'l:ti^Cj«.II.X...,kA^^ eii«r.O polntp; wcowl. f.H.Coe, Keirsrli Academy, fl '"/"(rt anil Hi-1-.-Wno by W. F. BcUosall, Nessik Aiod- oniy.BLMo.; eowud, «. F. Ablred, .Vennik Academy, '"rrw'ri««».-Won by II. ll.Tair Jr., JIunUUlrUilllaiT AoSlilDy, a Hnte; "WHS), w. 11- gufiuliy, Newark AcaJ. *"»&.'iilto'*!!il Jo»«i.-Wim b)- J. nlU. Newark Afwlaiiiy. Mt a" Is." iSindT IL T. Tutl, KoolcUIr Bllllary Afad. amy, I.'jln. eaaM A iiABE or footUU In tlie championship nertes ot Iho .VaUonsI Amoototlon KooIImII League ivas cun- ^eJ aiJrtwaric, .v. J., un Sunilay anemoon, March 31 Stween the leaml ot the Scoill-h-American AihWIJ CliillTof "ewartt, aud the CenlreMllo Atli- leiluClali, the Utter eulrtrtog defeat hyfuurgoaU tJtWO IT 11 HBTOBTxn that F. F. Keanc, iiuarter mile n nn ?; "!!^"f!ngel, '''^h }""|P"'.K."S,«J runner UA.Oatpeuterand (1. II. Ilodkkliis, all i.t llio DoaUinAthlel c AssocbOlon, are to Join Iho pro- rSdwisI rsnka. Just how they are lo lienedl tliem- 1^S^•} mUng the cliauge bi dimciiU to perceive. TUB capllal UcrwMC Club or Ottawa, Ont-, held tlilr annual electkiu but week, with Ihl. pesul : I'Sddent U. eutletr; «Bd vice president. II. II. Wdd^Scond vice |i«4idcnt, W. Baakervllle; secre- IsS i.T."Vane; Imisurer, A. J. Hltswaj; asalst- initiwsuitr.ll-CKetchnni- TuETecuniMh Ucrosso Ouli. uf Tiiroiilu, (»nl., U n.«?Sl5Sr5lasfollow: llwldeul. F. \V. 1J.«ni-oni J SDreSenI,e.M. mker; secretary, II.B-lMenws; JrtJ.Hnr\V iTllrenl; caiiUln, W. A. IrwIn. If a MirirMtles U addled lu tbe Canadian lJiiru«e AiJSllon the Tccmnsehs will enter a leani. K3SrinSwuMnl»^i.^^^ ttViiSe!!* loial of III mues lu bis opponenfa 102. TaaaeTtnleenlh UileniaUonairoolbaa natch be- SSH fSm«T2SiTlde Bcortni one goaL iMtker Kieken Im Ihe Field. Tlie Ufiul Minday schedule ot Ihe Long leland SulHirlan Koolliall .IssocUllon wai workol OIT <iB Mareh 31. when Ihe weather waa dellghltn). Re- rnlt: niendale Athletic Uub heat llannlle« Alhlellr dull,4till; WofldnHlo Alhlcllc Club l*at Feerieas Alhleltc Uuli, :> to 3: AllanUo Athletic Oub neat hjninire .Mhlcdo Cluii, t ti> 1: ItlilgawwHl AlhlcUc Ululi lieat llamlliuo.lthlellcClnb,3ln-j; Ihishwirk Aihlello Cull Ileal Newtown Alhlello Cbiii. a lo 3; BayMew .Ithletlc Club lieat Olyniplr Athletic UiiK 3 lu i. Tbo standing ot the oliilis np lo data Is as fitllnws; I'lafc*, TTon. nieadaki.\.c....l3 Woodskle A. (:...» AllanticA.n 11 BhliemiOA. IMI Budiwirk A. <\.. H llanillloa .1. C... S tan. 1 i niift^. Won. Bar view A.r... n tUimplcA.O.... i PeerleuA.i: .... I Koiplra A. I! I IMoDtloioA.r... 3 Newtown A. I*... I to Tub annual Inleniallonal fooiuil nutch between teanuatepresenling Ireland and Wales wascoutrstrd on Mareh 10, at the Canllir Anna liark, Ibimgh the galea of which place thlriy thousandpetsoospanwl, so great was the Interest taken In tba contest. The result was a vlcloiy tor Wales by a score of one goal lu one try. TUK new atncora of tbe IMIawa (Onl.) Uriuwe Club ai«; Freiddeul, W. II. Mc.tribiir; Hrxt vice president, 41. F. Nnitml; second vice preiddent, (leonn Fepbsui: iblnl vice president, R. llcClenag- han; wcieuiT,i;, Mhigenld; treasurer, l>.II.Taylor. Tub Tecumaoh Ucreme Cliili, or 'nirmdo. Can., last week elerled the rolkiwhjg oiilccre ror one year: l>iei>ld«ni, F. W. TlHiropMin; vice preiddent, r. M. Hukrr; bccrelair, II. It. Cleines; Ireasurer, \V. II. Ilrent; captain, W. A. Irwlu, Jauba Axpbbsos, tba noted Brolch ptoTntdonsI golfer, Ills lieen engagnl asaKdslant lo w. F. Davis fur tbe Kewpori, 11. I„ links. He Is booked lo sr^ rive here on May I. Ilia rmher wou the llrtilsb chamiiloRsblp ruuryeara In hiicceMdou. FVAS I.KVM uuido short work or a catch as cnlcb can wroUer luimed MrMIIInn In n cunlesl at lie- cuiab, la., March •£<. He bsik three ISIbinul or four In wren, ten mid nflcen inlniilcs respecllvcly, Hc- MIIU«u gaining the third In Iweuly-lwo lulniites. Tbb Montieal (CHn.) ItMillmll Club U now onicereil as rolloYs: Frvaldenl, Ariliiir li. Fiy; llisl Ma proldciit, VIcior c. Uucbsunn; second vice prrsl- deiit, Kd. W, Jatnrs: accrelaty, C, S. V. ilranch; treaaiirer. K H. Ilniwn; captain, W. c. Ilagar. THE RING. Tint Ainci.Hi for Iho Oght iKlwcon Ted Pritchard and Fnnk Craig, "The Colltoo Owler," call for the best ot iwtuly muuds, with 4 ounce gloves, fur (.'lOO s ilde nnd tlie ih«i pnnia niTeied, tho men to weigh liet ween I snd J r. u. of Ihe day ot lUthiIng, and Isilnir conilned lii IMlli. <l. W. Moore U sinke- hiildtr, Ueorge VIxo ivUI act as referee, and Ihe Oght hd.veil for April 19. Cliariey Ultchcll signed the arilrlex for I'ritchsnl nud K, C. Iliilske wltnoaied fiircnbt. TtiK UelniiH>lltsn Athlellc dub's new Imiiso In Wheeling, IV. Vs., wns iinened un tbe evening of Marrli ■Hi, when a series ut buxing Isiiibi liiok iilsce, tbe nrtnclpil one lieliig iMilween Jerry Msrshull, llie Aufilni Itii, Huit Jack IVny, nf Homestead. 1hey tveix sriicdiilod In light iivcblj-dve nniiuls. Inn MsnhHll kniH-ked hbi oppmieiil nut In tho 1 wsnllelb round. They weighed In St l±.'|ii, TiiK Ji'HV In tho rose of I'hsriey HcCHriliy, tiliarioy McKcersr ami Jti k Fogsriy, uf I'hMHdelnlils, charged wlili ongsglng lu a prize light at tbe Win. lor UrniB lliilldlug. In llisl city. Jan. 'Jl, t» but, re- tiinictl H vcnilci or giillly on Usrch *jn. Counsel Ihe defcuiluntK spplleil for a new trial. Fogsriy, McKcevcr and Uct^iriby were cnrli held In jl.ouo ImII lo keep llic iKsce. Jack Hifjiiri.iiHii'K,cf Wsloriuwn, ond Ike I'ar- rell, uf ItocbestiT, N. Y„ charged wllh prlu- dchr* Inir, were iritn\ Iclnl at Waleriomi, Msn-li ix. uiid HCiileiiced lu juiy n line ul f .V) escb, ur gn tu JiiU fur six uioiiilu. UcUuiildrick |«ld bis nnc. Inn FSiRll was iiiHlile to do so, and sccunllugly went lo Jail, ll.\miMAKKR Jiu Kknnkdv, of tbo .'<easldo Alh. Icttc Chill, fif Coney Hbinil, bn.H. wc are luronncd, siiuocdod III etlCrtlng n iiwlcli lirlwrcii Ttunniy llysn, or Cblcsgn, in., uud "UyMerinns" llllly Bmllli, l« lux liehiiv ilwl urganl/jitlun on Apill 'Ai. 'niUsfHiiild Iwa nillllnggood cunlost. I'Aiipv KE.STIIB was given Ihe docliduii lu hla firiecu munil gu wllb Kodlo Connolly, of 8L John, K. Ue sreuiint tbcliugulk Atldeilc Cluli, lloilon, Miui.,Haivlifl. Jack Mai ankv inlliihed oiT Ernest Iliady In tbe twcniletli niiiid uf u iduliiMm ghive cnnlest al Ncwcutle. Mig.. Uareh is, Tlicy cunlendcd for a hiHke ot «l'Jj a slilo and s purse of |3M. W. lkiHnK.\', cuhircd, dercsted Harry lliysnt In an uiKU debl near IKx-aiiir, lud., uu Uan>h:n. Bryiud wan kiocked out In Ihe tenth round. I <iiiCAii (lAUn.NBR.ullas'Tbe llnisbaKld,"defealeil Mike lielongbsriy lu two rounds In Uavoiiworih Count;, Kan., March 31. JiHsr llAiiBV and Oiaper IS!on fought a drew, IsidliiE thniugli fourieeo iineeosls^rry miinds, at Clilcuitn, lU., on JUircb .D. THR CLIPFBR ANRVAL. Tke BhI Book ot lis Klail. >'ii'Ni The .Vfnri .VuH'tny Oill, TnK Nkw Yuhk (^Lirrss As.^t'Ai. tor MA li an eser- clupedls of aporllns Inromntton and a nJ^ ain*aat for iheanHUwr ur proTa'ilonal stiilote. Ftomaa onllnoiy ktatamc of dates TsB c'l.iri'SK AX.M'Si. Iiae grown Inuia cfHiiprvlieaalTO and reliable diionlcle of Ibealrlcal and ■IwnlDg eranlN. It Bb'sa a full and accvrs'.o llaiorU*t cear'N aqaatlc oad aliilellc perfonnance^ loelnB aisl tnsUng ncofdiond Ibe uounonby achleraiiieitu In all dvMruiaaUor a{«n. In addlllun tu tbla valualile and cjuvl^dly arruBM dnonolooy Tiik A.\.\i'Atcoiitabia liair tiHta runimllM of Uie pnnnrnenl aclora and adraaaoa of ■ tie v««r. of tbo principal Isueball i-lobe, aod ur liuracn kndnlklal«awlioiaadaoevneul\UlaU)ear. Tiik l.' I'RH A\.M'il. la Ilia belt book orlukind publlihad. Mar be Impllellly Belled Vfiasi. ynm ne It'nmln^m IMnlovnith. Tus Naw Vuas Curpss esckyaar liuaea sn rub of aces rale dau oriiilerext not alone lu Ihealrleal aod aponlnK people. Iiol lo many In other pniresiloii*. Ksch ymr THS ASSCAl. becoine« mora TsluaMeaNa rsrereece book, ami tlil> year aeeina lo bn so eicaislou. Tlie roft- ei4 lima, Ibe beat perruniiancsa. ilio worKI'aracorda In all alUleltc aienla are fuuml botweaii lie cureri, and Mwy be rwlled oil luipllrlUr. Ilealba and Important evenu In tbo tJieatrieal world lor Ibe post year are Iklly alven. u>- RellierHllb a lalne or ollrtr ealuahle Inroniiallon. Tsa A!i.^l'AL Misy bo obuineil o( soy eiiterprl«liiB lawkwllor for only twaatyflreceala. It Haa ITo Bqaal. Frvst ne Urtmit Journal. Till Cul'fKk A-isral.. ahlcli lioajutt lieeli recalred. la one iS* tbe iiiuat valuable nuuiban erer laaueil by Uia Vrsak Uneen PobllaltloK <'onii«iiy. or New Turk. As oniaL Itia loaded lu the brim wlili llie conacletl reeonli of IJba year, and for leTeivnco ou nM,r1lns STenti has no «4aal In Anerlra. Thle yasFa Humlier, In addition lu Uia imrllng ivouide, and lliey an wunderTully conilHela and acruraUiOontilua noma exeehenUy eieailoil iJiotograv. nraaiadatclilusiorieaillnicartUtiln Uie lliealrlral lias. Il alw cenulna a Uiaatrioal clironoluavand raudi ollior lotanallag matter In llie ireooral iniblle. The lioob cud- uln>"nelinndr*l and Uilrty«lshl pssei Uilayoar, bnter tlianever beftire. and le In every way a gem. SHOULD BE IN TH E FIELD. Dr. Fomesi.ur I'hllsdelplila, tells s chaincterlallc lUirr aisHit Weinlell I'Mlllps. "Mevenil clergyineu," be lais, "laianleil a street car In Hualuu one day, turtiineof Ihem, hearing It liitlmaled that Wendell I'lilUlfki was In lliii car, gut up and s>ked tbe cun- diicKir tu isiint hliii out. The cotuluclur ilhl sii, snd Ihe uilnb<icr, guing up lo tbo uratur, .aid: '"VdO are^fir. Phillips, I am told.' •"I sisinhl'like tu speak lo you nlsHil suiiicihbig, and I tniel. »lr, you will nut lie lUiemteil.' "■nierelstsi tear of It,'was tbe stiinlT answer; ■ml then the niloleler began lu sak Mr. I'bllllia esncsily why bu penlslcil In sllrriiigup mich nn- IrteuUIr sgliailuu lu nnc |art uf Ibe cuiiulry alsiut III evil that oxbiledluanulbcr part. - 'Why,' Abl tbe cleruynun, 'dii yon not gu fksilb •lid kick up lbb> fuss aud Inve Ibe Nurtli In peace:' "Mr. Fhlllliai wan nut Ibe least mmed and aii- awrreilsnillliigly: •"You, sir, rpi»«inie, srea uiliilMcr uf the goH- "^•■'•1 sui. sir.'sald the ilenfyinaii. " 'And your railing Is lo «ve suiile fmu hell >' "'Kwcllr.iJr.' '■-Well, llieo, why diiii'l you gu there*"' IriSNild tint since tbeliilnsluctlonrif llie cleclrie llabtpnidic wrfiiniieis ire side to preerre llieir voices In lirller iiimllllini. and are Hfiy per ceiil. more ofuu III gissl vidcc. Ttey an cooler, do ml pen>iiliT. anilare not hiii*y while ainging oracling, nia ainvMilHre Is much alike, and Ibe etgual ten- «mTaJJhS« greatly dlnilnlahed tbedou^ of lak- Cit coW. Hielr throaU are not pareb^and IMr voices are not Injured so mocb lacompirtmi a* la bouMswhereiaidlghbiare used. PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. Wanti ol Mt«ag*n ind PtrfftriMn, Op*n DatM, ata-SM ' DRAMATIC. Tho week of April 'Jl Is open at the Fuunlsin Sqiuin Theatre, flnelnustl. Milton Nobles' American Block Co. will produce a npenoi7 of fonr ot Mr. Nobles' playa Ibr a Spring tour, commencing April li, al popular nriees, Ihaniatle people can bo placed wllh llendenon'a Big l\imedy CO. Hnslclana an aUn wanted. A. 11. liensluw wanla an attiacilon tor tbe fair datos at Rnrilnglon, Kanna. J. K. Wllllanw repnna excrllent Imslnesa st bbi llnnd l>pera House, Oahkoah, WbC A cisnpelenl and experienced niatutger Is wanlcit for Allmaier'sThealn, McKee>|»rt, Fa, Homo 'talent eilfeni a new .\nirricaa Comedy for •ale. Tbe Park Thcaire. Iinsid Street. I'hiladelphbi. has lieen k-Hi<il by J. Ibinl Wiinx'lt, fur a lenu uf years, lie will cunduci Iho imiiHi un imslrni ImsbiPM islu- rliilcs. nt iTiliicnt prices, comineiicliig Iho •raiwHi .Vug. '.'I. MaiMgers boldliig ibilcs are renueninl lu fore-ant ti>nlnii-rs fur cunilniutUtu. U'gllhualeat. trarlluiiH are waiitnl fur opening and biter ilates. Itntmallo iieople are waiiletl by Jas. s. (lst>'l(k', UlSMsrunl ami Rhlridge, Matuiger, Walhire llnppcr, I), g. Betrhell, F. Ilulvhliis, lllvbsnl (lliee, Kunwll. Mis. Mnillo IKivnIc, Klllnwissl's llaycm. "L'liclii TiHii" Show. At lilieny: llowani West. Charles iklley, Ibiy Thayer, .l>hl«y llnsh, lleo. C. Ikcker, Harry K. Iktly. I'harics 11. Mniay, Mollle BeroanI, Mr, and Mm. jM'pb Isi lhaiull. Utile Irene. I.. K. Walter. Jikseph Riiiwell, who Is stage inanager and char- acter comcillaii Willi the Ward A \nkes Co., csii Ih) engaged rur next scaeon, anwicAL. imeor Ibis aeoaon's aeniqttloiui In Ihe Held uT niiislo will lie the enlerialninent provided by Innes' Ikinil, ur BlxlT'llve sokilats, under Ihe leadetship and per- sonal (flitcllon or F. N. Innes. Their luiir will cum- nieiice May :o. MUa H. II. Miner, Ml-w K. UcNrll, Nkw A.M. Weed, I4)ul<e Kngel. Ktban AIIpm. I'.r. FergiiiHsi. W. A. Nautsn anil llownian llalslun will furtileh Ibe voial numbers or Ihe pnigreniino. Tlio inuslral spcctai-le. "Wsr and l^ace,''pnivfll a dc. cidetl Hurcess kst year, and will be augmented ror the coming season by the exhiiillluii of the "I'oliiin. bUn IJlmrly Bell." which has lieen wiired by .Mr. Innes, stsrtlng Its lour aninnd tho wurbl wllh thU ougsgeinenl. All Inielm'Ni cuunuitiliatluns reganl. Ing bookings, etc.,sliuuld Ih> sfhlroseed to Mr. Inues. Frank llanhng fiinilshefl a ouuilsjr or lelocloil songs ror ten rents. Maltle hnexaiider wanla laenly btilloa lo pliiy bmss and airing. "UkoTrtlbV" Is Issued by llenn While. August I'ulhuaii 1*011 riinilah l-*rall A Co. oichcs* Iralliins. "I'reliy Jennie Slallery," tlie bilMt loialsisig liy C. II. Ijiwbir, can lie ordered Irom tho Crascenl nili, CO. Tlio llaxcn Hnilc Co. have Isiiieil "l,«t Ho Kin Voiir Tcare Away." "Hweel Utile Msggki Mahiney" Is puWIIslieil by Mie lluikilph WnrilmrUo. "True lo Ihe Ship." with which song Wn, A. nal- nen lias iiiado a big hit, can be onlervd rroni Jauiei Billlman. •llll, llio winds Hccui to Knov,"bi pnlillshni by iheW.H.carrCo. Fred Anitortou, tcnnr, can be engaged. V. O. Famll, nnislcsl illreclor. can lie engaged. Waller Kadcl wauls a second hand vanro Irniu- lione. "Oil. Child ur Mine," U piibllslieil by Ihe Tnurr MnilcCii. "Wlien IbMcs III04IIU Again" csn Irfi unlered from J. J. MclnlTre. "The c'lilldren on Ibo Hired" U ImiiciI by the I'olrtc Unsic Ol. M. \VlltiwrksnilS«uisre|Hirtn.\i-i'llcntsurrci« fruni vnriiiiiM fiusrler^ uf .Msiirire l,ovl'snew songs, "Pisir I. ltllo Unry" and "Ally Fain IJIIIaii." Ill< new "'Iho Naisileon" TwiiBtep Is iiTso well rocelvotl. Fiird and lliadibin's "tiiily .Mr" and Nut Mann's novelty. "Msyiii, Miiytii, C^nnu Tell .Mo That Vou Isive Me," are hlls. U-iinilno NUiineld's "I'nini liiil or tlio Pael"!' piibll>hrd by W. A. INiiid A Cii. "I>ues IJIIIe Willie Wsut III" andsovcnil utbir new hlls sre Imiicd by (^ger llnis. HualrbuiB are wanted by Kara llshcr, (1.11. Vance, Iteai'b snl Ikiwtre, Jss. Walker, At IJlH!riy: P. II. Holines' land, Fieil KopelEkr. Iicrt Poller, Fred llufstotlpr. F. II. Ibtir, Juiin Win- ner, Mary Andrews. II. Marimi. F. J. lleliiinudl. F. A« ItiUMll, leader; Kniogeno l„ Ha.xwell, llert I'ottcr, C. K. Isncc. Tliu Tontine Music I'u. will siijiply tnrenty-llirec King lills by Felix Hrlllcutiun. "lllvr Mo lack Myl'Urlhlnga"anil "Hirealertbin Any la My Utile Jcunle"ara pulillahcd by II. Alex, i.'aiiiplieir. "A IJllIc Ikiw ur lilno,'! "Aiwwer with a KIws" "Me liareiil liM I'uclc Mli-k'iaud "I Isive Vuu Vet," piildbilicd by Clias. W. Held, are riH'unimended to slngem. Wiillcr P. Keen has wrillen "Fur Ho OHiiearn'in MyTiinii.'' nlilcli liu will sell with riglils, fur isiu dullura ciipy. Tlio Kiigllidi Hong Publlidiliig Co. have Imiied sev- crel ik;w siicceiWH. VAHIBTV AMD fnHimiBLI. Hpecbilty Iieople are wanted lor Ijiwmin's KuiiSro Hpci'hiltyCu.;al-iiia|iluiioplayer. Thbi allraclkm call lie tssjked* Bam T. Jack publMiiM an annonncenieal reganl. lug Ihr IJIIt Cbir Co. Jeny aial l^iuUe Ciinnliigham can lie engaged tor next wawin. Ailaiiilc l,yceiiiii lliircau wants two clever chll- dreu. Follies aisl ^ulnn can lie engaged ror next ra- Hiui. Tliey are recomiueodrd by Jaiiiss Hyde, Aiming the many iiicceatul songs wrillen by Wm, II. Fox, are the following: "The Fjnereld In Ibe Hea," "I nehi Jasper Hoou Mnal Ho,'' "Awaiting a Voice FroiB Ibe M'alen," "Then sml Now," "file llallanl Kmmell duards," ■<linnl-a Hero, Holdlur, FresMenl alul Han," "I'reliy Ullle Clare," "Aaierl- ca'nFar Aliead,'! "Jiisl Arrived from Ibtriabiiif," "I'lie lurkles Ihrbaciie," "Lllllo Kaly llyan," "lie (lot II—InthcNeek," lie hi ab»tbecomnaior of the music lo llie folluwlng wsigs: "Twelve llonlhB Ago Toiilklit," "Hweet Hemuriesaiiil Hebsllea ul Hunta." "Benteiii-ed lo llealb," " Twaa Hut a IJIIIe Hand or Hold," "Hiepping Hlones," "llreak the Newi lo Mother llenify," "Mtice NcHanuaOoea llowo tiilhe Track," "The Judgment liay," "lie's iValUng Yet," "Tbe Ullle Clare Hchutllonlie," "My Idol WaliE," "/ellma HpanMi Harjirka.'' and Ilia "Paderewslil Octave Mareh." Ills specially Is a laughing auvcena. A. H. Mounnan, JuiU|ler,.caoJie engaged. Csrr aiHl Juidan are at liberty. Hpe<'biltyartbdaandniu4claiislnall linnohesare wanted fur Lucler's HInslrels liy lir. lleo, W. Iluiil- ley. Dirrh anil llartlell. In their cunictly BCI,*'Treiiip and Hlddy," can Ini eugagnl. Klrlnt Hsiuwnl, ilnHig wunuin, laal Ulicrty irier A|>ril T. r. F. Ilaney wanla iiublisir acjs of all kinds. HiKClallks are wanted lir A. T. Jisies, lir. K. Hll- ver. A. T. Jl^lr^ lir, Hed Cloud, tlias, C, Attan. Cy- clone Charile. Ruhn A IVyall, llert lAike, Thos. Pow- er. Iir. Haiiy liavli, Hpeucer, llr, J, F. Idling, Tlnsiiu Bmllb. Ifaiwger, liertle llath, Dr. H, lliaiidim, Cm|S. W. II. .Imeiit. Dr. While Cluiid, llr. C, U. Hpangler, Cuogaii aud lluwier. Al IJIieriy: Mdle Martliie, Isiren l|ullllii. (limelll wanla bi liur InUinl dugs. Ilavlln's Theatre, llilcagn, III., bi upcn lo ubiy llfai cbm cnnlilnsilons. Maze RdwanU la IssikfiiB lltiic. lady acruliat waiils a partuer fur sn scnilaallu dunce. Ferfomien snd leriureiaoin sernro engagcnieiils wllh the Kk'kapisi Indian ll:illcliie (ViuiiMiiy. II. F.<tellc wbihas lu dlsi^os; at Ids blind reading uiclbo'li'. k liul l.eroy wants a partner for a Iripbi lar an. Ilarry Hudwunh U playing Ihe Davis cireiill. The HUtem Mllbum, vucaflHis, can lie eugiigcil. II. II. Ii.s-krtll wanu aclafcr the lb>yal Kiigibb (Mrriis, Cjicrgo. Hager and Crinimlns rapiiri cnnUnucd sncctM In Huu FrenHsco. They can lis engaged. IJeui. W. Allen's veuiriloqiilal act U recommeniled by Hauager M. Hhra. He has algued for Htmh's N'audevllfei. Ibtslosky con fiiniNh vaadeT|i|e IbIcbI. Ciimjieleni wants a hidy for a partner. Adgle Chstello, Kgyplbn ohsracler aciren and dsncerr can be engaged, also Turkloh danrerei swiird conilatania, elc. 'Whiunical Walker, clown and coowdlati, Uat lll«rty. Hamuel Diiri, rrinllliirisi, ean lie aagaged for hla uisRippi rtM neinndh n'ar ladder an. Wewin and Waltera are playing two booses In LTiloago lUs week. Biocluoa and Bonu* ael Is a hit at Kosler A INll'B. Tte roar Amlok In a o«« ad, can lie encaged. llaoMB BeaATaiiablnnpekBimeiily; flnxne, Iho Turkish dancer, who cloaed a hue. cesstnl engagement ot aevenlcen waeka wllh Iho Sam nevereOi., Mareh an, u auelally retained at Ulnrr's Ikiwciy Theaire, New York, Ibis week, with Inim lyix's Cn. Iter ihinclng Is a great tealnre ami hss pitived a genuine attrecltun. Hhe baa lonio u|«in lima In April and May. Find cbus •iri'lslllea can liook lime al Hallnn'a Open FavlUun, formerly Kngel's, Ctilcago, now under Ihe nuinagcnientnt John II. nnlion. Leon, Iba Wlnnl, at Ibe head of a specially rem. pany, can be looked through Manager Hairy Rank. CIROVI. Blnons A Co., manafaclnre circus tninha at $a,W. W. I'. Clarke sranta mualclana for his cirena. Itople engageil for Chaa. iM'a Shows are callM tor April -a. Ttioa. I. Ihtrh wanla an aerenant. Hrrllner and 8ndlh Isaiie a call for Iheir people, (lee. W. Hall Jr. wanbi pertomien. J, II, U I'earl wanbi rlmui peiformetn and mu>t- clans. I1reiui|ieeplaaro wnuird by manager Kuropean Oruus. J. R. Vetler. cireus Idll inaler, ran he engagtil. (Icorgs llextonl wauls cireus peoplr. cm. K. Daniel Ibmie'a animal show Is oirered for Mlo at a low ngiira, Mr. Iloona having eslalillshed Ihn ikinlel Hoona Hotel In New Orirans. iieorga cnti wanu a cireus iinldl. WIM Wenl and rlreus people, and a Imnil are warned by K. D.itiWlu. Wilier J. IHniiiier wanla cirena and other aala fur the Clivua Hnyal, Hall Fmnolaru, and other rlr. culu, J. t^lhers wanla Wild West pniple for the Wynni. ln|iWlldWi<nt. Wni. Hells wants bi buy a pad nadille. Ho also wauls lo bear tnini mil isuleio. lUack Hnn'. Irirk isinlrs, dogs nnd ihinkcys ran bo engagsd. ,\ call L" litMinl for Ihe luaniliets or Ihe Waller I. UaluDhuwii. MMCBLLANKOVg. .\ilnicllona can Issik llnie nl llenderun (TtBn.) Opera llousi', r. M. A. Ilrnellt, Hyraruse, N. Y',| II icin lluiisr, Marxvllti', IHit.; Tiinicr Opem House, Ui'isiinlnoc, Midi, Tbo lliiss I'ark Annuiemont Cii. want outdoor nt* traclluiis. ForHnlii: Teuls, etc.. by J. K. Juiiea; ilng«, etc,, by F. H. Adell: magic, liy Xulbk: leiils, elc, by (Kilil lliillon mil: trick niarrs. donkey and |iouy, by (•. II. UlU; liloislhound, by John Henderson; IsiUoon, by lira Colllna; dogs, liy Tlininaa tl'lbinnell; phutu- gniph>, by American TOlkIng Haahlnei l^,; net, by I'liss. A. ilratuiw; tricks, by A. Iloiariieiii; mlni- Ingn. etc., Iiy S. H. Joe; biribino, l>y III Miers; liiiuil organ, etc., by J. (I. Hcbelillcr; slareupllcuu, iiyj. I. Allen. I. V. Miller deals lu ciialuniss, wigs, elc. Tho (Iml Anierirnii Kngiavlng and Mnllng CV>, liimbib all aorta of piclorial and letter work, Tho Venice Trensisiriatlon Co, amr ror rent or leaso ilat earn by ibo niiinib, aeaaonor year. All soris or cats i-an Im scoured rroni Ihe N. J, Cir HlomgoaiHl Itoisilrl'u. llr, A.d, lloptilnHwanlsn small pel dog. llr. Frank II, care Ls at lllieriy. Baiiiiiel I'uller nanls lu liuyorreiilacyclorHBta of aellysburg. K ibrich funilshcs laillisius and iwoiialuns. letter brails i-sn be idilaltied fnim lh« Qroa* Ihlnllng 1^1. ihildiM)rnllrai'lluii>run sn-nre privllegos al Itn ITnlli'd (Xmfsib'niti' Vcterniia' llrimhiii Association, at lluiialon, Ti'xas. May 'Jii. A coatiinw business Is oiU'ttd for wla liy ens* tiiin.'r. Tlia Ki'iup Ibiithris' I'll, uf fair Hllmclbiiu ren b* ciursgrd. Hie Jnriiln linitben, "Hlx IJIIIe 'tailors," report M grrni tiuli r<ir llirlr H|iring >iilUat 1111.10. Malarial nud iiisku up nn' giiamiitrrd lu lie flrwt cIbm. l'ri\lb'un can l« secutvd at .S'urth lleacli. 'Cbiijicniigmidiy" ami Iricks, lllnalon% etc.. aro ivcrtliu'd t>y W. II. J. Hbaw. Uniisgrr K. C, lleaidbin, ur Hknwhigan, Ualne, ul.lirs lu hear fioui iiumageni ul cunipanlrs anil cln-iisc^. A GRAMMATICAL LANDUOY. A l.iiiidun grntlpiiian ndvpnl.e<l bir a|Mrtiiimlsal 11 rHoliliiimidi' wslcring idaru and rrrelvril nuuir ivjdles. Ill' idirliiHl ii|hiii iiim chlelly liei'suae ft iiH'iilliiiicil n eplrndbl "M'S view," and as II was not cuiivcnleiil bir liliii to Icavo liU Isialiirss lo lee Iho HjMrtiuonts bp rliiMHl wllh the ulA:r ny piail, Mudlng u ^iilMluntlal deiseitt. ^VIl^n llin lliiin mino fur lilui bi lake hh hallday III' duly niTlvi'il nl bis dcslliuillon. anil wis aiir- isbsNl III ilnil Hist nui s Blliiijkio of llio sea waaoli- liliislile fnint uiiy wliiiluw ur lih aisirtiueiils. "I tliisigbl run sslil there a'os a s|ilenilU] sea view I'l lie lailit, angrily, lu Ibo landbidy, "Ho Hii ro U. vir." repllcil ilai biinlbidy, drawing III., iiiiciilliin loiijdrliituon Ilia anil; "a really ex- ci-llriil iiilutliigiir Iba sen,'' "Why. yiiii—er-cr— Wliiii do ymi inrau by siii'li a sH'biillu!" gS'iu'd lliu genlleiiisn. "I itieaul n* view ur lliu'n'sl'seii.'i "IMi, did yuii. idri" I'lHilly sold lbs biiidlndr. 'elf you will refi-r lu my Idler, you will ra-u llial i ills. Ibictly slated Ihern nni a splniHlId sea view 'hi' llw diawliig nsiiii. Had I iiiniiil a vbiwiif the ml aca, Isbiiiild have said llwro was a ifileuilld sci view 'fmnr Ihe ilnnvliig nsiin, I esnnot think how an eiluculiil gpiilloiimii, as vuu ovkli'iilly are, coiibl have made audi all egregliius vrriirl'* 'Hill giuitleniau wan so taken ul«ek that be was • isit i!i|iisl liiiirguliigtliu isdiitsiiil riialiciloni oftha liiiiise minus Ids snlisUnllal de|uiilt. THE SEVEN STARa III ancient Kgy|d Ihe Issly uf Osiris was alwaya Mslml iijr In Ihn ark during the nsmlh ul Nntainlier, liocuuau Ihu pcii[du liellevcil lliat tho sevea stara ffon'suven lirolbars ■ailing their slilpe anione Iho aky, and rairylng wHh Ibmn Ihe louli of the dead. Tlia people of ancient Haul liallered that Ihe BBgebi and Ihe suiiU uf great men lield a celestial taslTval on lliat lairlleiibir nlgbt lu Nuvciiilier, wInn both Ihu full niiKui and llie aeioii alara were on Ilia me- ridian al lbs Hainetliiw. ' Tba llultciitols, ur Huiilh Afilra.aml Ihe Alil|sine>, or Huulb AtiHirica, each dslin Hal the seven tlan ire tbelr deiriMil falliera and ipandfathero. (lakni nys: "I'ortslii Irilies In Isilli Africa ind Ifoulb Auwrfca hold Uiat Ibe seven idafB U (are) their father (fathen), and weknnia Iheir relum wllh r«i- tlvllhw and iniicli rejoicing." Tlioaiirlent llexb ans ulwiiya McriAcNl a human lieliiv and klndleil a aacnd lire (niaild of Boren nn- brands) on Ills Istck, when Ihe seven alara and Ihs uiisiu were on a ccrialu meridian Uigetlier. Tbo I'enivlniiB also had seven siBn ceremonlra, hat wllliuul Bscrillce, ut slsjnl Ihe Ibue the Mexhmia were carrying isi llwlrFagunbdkrifs. lUeaaclent linilda belhived Ibe aeven alan to lie lioau, which rallied aoiils lu lliu Jiidgiiuinl aealuf Ibo "Rod of Iba dead.'i WHY HE COULDKT COME OFF. During a perrumianre of "Fanil" by llie Herman Opem i'oiii|Hiiy, In Ihii Wal|Hirals ulglitactue vote a lot or small hups In red nnil buck skipping lightly hllher and thither iiver elienti of darting flinte. by and by those silling cIish-sI bi Ihe Mage heard tbo <un given Iw Ibe liiiiw bi be ug, anil tliry all did lie* Uke llieuHUvrs blllbcly lo tbe wings, wllh Ibn rxceirtluuuf uim |airtlciibir liny Hup, «nu Iwlilitil up uiHl down energetically. Isil who iiianirealeil B<> liiieulbsi otgriiliig blinselt out of Hie way. Then Ihu Isixea Heard a livaiM whisper from Ike •;lrigo dlre^lur: "i.'omeoir, Ibere"' Nil aiiswcr.exueiita more energetic Isiblilog. Then a leconil Oerce whlsner: "Come oir. there, I tell yon :'* This time fraullc Ikibblng >Hi Ihaiailiur the Imp, bill still iHi iriiigTi'ni lowani Ibe wings. IsiHi ur all an luriirlatcil whisper. If one caa lm« aglneaiicb a IbUig; "Cuiira og-eoiiio oir ibU iiiliiulal Tke olhen hsie gut tu gu IIU Hieu Ilia Inlerestvil s|ici'lslon sawtberoorHltIa luip make a wilder plunge than oirr, ami hcania shrill, dislresseil voire iiiiaver l«i'h; "On, I can't—my tail's ranglil :'■ "CoiMi lo bsigs, Artliiirv' fxelalnied Ihe yoBbg aire. III Biiriirlse. "I didn't know yuii wen a nieui- Is-r of any Indge.'' "Wby-aw—yes, llcorglau," will Ihe yuiing hiiaiiand, "I tuluug lo llie (Mar ul Klhs." "And would yon raihcr apend Ihe araning wHh a M or elks iluin wllh your own Ullle dearl'' And Arthur meekly huiighu lial tipaiolii, Tub young man's father was paybig hint s TWr, Juei to see how he was gerilna along at coHeie, "Ho yer learain' lenclur' "reih" "rbel'a rtibt, WllllaiD. licara to make yeraelf oasfnl lo joir father. Iion'l bother bone alioul nil fcncea. fttaae lencea bi wbai Ibey ue«l In our aecUon of Ibe cant- n-"