New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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76 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Apbil 6. ASIGNOFTHETINES We Have Had a Great Run • IN OUK Nobby Spring Suits AT$|5.I». Tbwre Is Nothing Ijlkn 'fhrn Ih Hit* Wholti Worlil nir (hs Matiey. GOOD VALtJia A.1' #ii«5. SIX LITTLE TAILORS 229 Broadway, opp. P.O.,luau,Ynrk Bowery, cor. Brooms St., r'"'""' HanplM ■nd wlf luoaManimant guldv unt on ftppllcAtloa. All onlvn uuit l*t< MBi dlreol, Ki thli Arm lini no anvuli. WARNING. Mr. HEMON liai Forr<illB.I hli Conlract with Me. I hvrvby WAIIN all Nunagcn DfTbfKlref, Opera Ilouivi nnil llnll* ni.t to play Iho Mi.I.V CI.AV <'0)IPANV \vUhau( >.l>' lH.r...l«al..... I liold Co|)y- rl|lit Kn. t.,>TU nu TIIK L.ILI.V VI.AV TIUn. HAM T. JACK, ClilrnHO. =WARNING= Tn IIAUACCDC ICO'* Blmlrlcal lU KMAUCnO.—Kir«cl> uua craatloas pndactd In "SALOME" >>>' •IMS FUl^ LBH, BSW TUlinll.g «s QIIRAT 8VCCBS8 lit the CoiitMlle*Parlile.ia« Tlivativ, Parli, are (klly protcctMl hy h«r by all righUorpatvnii In Urvnl Ut'ltnin, Vrauca ■ad ContlaiBtal Eura|H< uud VbUikI ■lalM. ANYONB ALLOWING or iMiyingliiR on tha Raai* will ho proioculMl to thf* eKtont or tha LAW. rATEMT AOKiiT, ALFHKU IICIULT, aa lllitli lliilbnnv LuidoD. ATTOKMHVH. roUUlSIIT HltUA.. JHurUcrilw, I'^rli. ATIORMEVI), UAJtTOH A VAN SCIIAIRK. M UriMJlwir. K«* Yurk, EDWARD A. STEVENS, MANAGICR, LA LOIE FULLER. 3IU.TON !«ODLKII' American Stock Company. Bporlal. Oil lipnX IS Milton Nobles will iiian|{uro(e Hpring iDUr, produciua fanr of Iiih best kmiwu plajH, viz., "Loto and law." "For n&voDiio (July," "Frcm SIrt to Sou" iind riio FLcDiiix," For IbiH Bapplemoulon ...aiarn a radical d''nartare will bo made. It will bo dovotedto tnroe and nixDlgbtatands, at |jo|iubr prices. 'I lio appeaMncc of tbiB dbIIoiuI faTorit«, ill l.ii famuan Ainerioan plajs, at popular pn'cc». will 1x1 on event oriaoro than paMiing lutorcHt. Mr. MnbloHia Ibe Senior Combina- tion Mnnngcrof America. RiDco 1676 be bun ii*atrud coniiuaoualy In bla OK-n plays, ondcr Ih own roniiegeNicDt. in all principal oitlos of tlio Union. Ho will lie tbe Qnit standard iltmcliou to iicccpt tlio lofjio of carranl vents, mid pruBt by nrcvailiog conditions. ManeKorH IbronRbout tnc United States, and miijnrity ol Ihcntre goers, nm so well in- irmcil OH to render it nnnecesEot; to om- plinuze the tact tliat no attiaetion of tbis liaractur line yet been presented at popular prices. I'bo HupiiortinR compiny will be in keep- ing Willi tbe Htanilina of tbe uttnictiou, iind will comprise names lonnasioelotcd witb Mr. Nobles and bis playa For eaoli of tbe plays be civuii lliore is unlimited advertising mailer, ricloiial Hlands, Po.itcni andLilbo- liinptis in cndlcsH variety, fuiniubed by snch llmisiit thn Qnlilci^Dank Notot^., Cbicoge; the LidgHr Job Print, I'iiilndelpbiai Mulropolitan Job Print, Now York; Ipbia; tbe York; the Oilliu' Piiiiting Co., New York, and tbe Fnrbu4 Lilbo. Co., IWistou; Illuminated Hemlde, HnnKim and Dodgcrn Irom Iliohard K. FoiC«., New York. rills' su|iplemuiitai7 tour will be in a iiieiiHurc experimintal, and will lio cuDtinuod iiulll it coiises to yield pay ilirt. Tli'jto will be no blind au.l uo panide. AddrcHS all coinmnni- caiions ea per published route, or to 130 First Placii, liroukiyii, N. Y. CINCINNATI, O. Open Time Wttek of Apill (>|IHII tills mMLSOIl. WANTED. NmoikI VIoII.., Doable U-llat Cornell Pro|H>rty Han tbr Uaia Uruiu by uole. Week ulandi. Beaaoa cloiai July 14. Muit be A I. HABI PIHIIBR, Lender, ilawani Hlock Co. Ortbeilra, Saratoga, N. Y. Nchenrctmly. X. Ti'., S. JIUOINNINO MA.-V- >.H>, HOUSTON, TEXAS, will be erowrdti4 with vli Ibe Uiiiy Uedefate li Reunioii tssociation will eOBVene. The HIate and Fedeiml troop* will give eoutlwtltlvw rirtUl. Tlle railroad! mn mablag Iho lowvel ratra •Tor haatvu. All uul of duor alliaelloui of creditable luerlt wliblug prlrllegre will dad It to their Intervat toeorreipoanl with W. A. CIIILUIIIEIIM, ttene rml Manager , ll ottiten , Tel "OUTDOOR ACTS OF ALL EUTDS (SUtTAULK »tm I.A>VN. THAI^K ANUSTAtlK.1 Wanted foi'Siiiiiiiicr Sciuioii IV WBKK§, ONLY RBHPONHIliLB PBO- PLH WANTBU. HftlAMM en iHtflllTelv aiir*. urn hII enpieiienu tt* Wr oemliillM. T. y . IIAIIVK Y. IHUiiiil >y ».l:..fc!S?»=.?^"V: Asi^BiiiXfi" n'RNiaiiiiii. OIITfllX H«UH TU (lltllKK. TIIK IIK<T AND CIIKAI'- K8T. SOMKCiOOO BKI-OSIl HANI. <INK!< F<1R KALK. ONI MKARLY NEW. AL.<ai HALLOIIMCUTH , ; KAUWItll, mareia, Mlrb WANTED. LECTURER FOfl NEIICIIIE CO, Loni HAxia: seek aluKK Abn A VEWflRSTCLASS UBOIALTY rBOriA <llKi>l*elke«nrT>e<li. Ad4nae TUOa. TOWEU, rwUeed, M. D. MLUm LICUTa W. ALLEN, ^he V.*ri"l.t A.t jpr«..t«I by Lio... W. AU.n -t -r 'T»1^il!!'£t'V:Si:ii::i!'SiSSo'r^!< " W'.SC'." A^rtV^ "m^^'V. W^d.*^^^ B«b..t.r, S. V. Join. SIroV. Va-doTlUoe. at th. Thltd At.... Tkeatro. ».» AhW iBTolrTTIE ACT. PLEASED TO HEAR FRQy mm OF FIRST CLASS COMPANY FOB NEXT SEASON. •Molly MrtJML" l>«Te M*rlon: "8eboo» Hoy t>^jy'J,^V** UhTmr: "WlMCh Will Vou iUt*. My Frttlr MiW?" Lo- nliif: "Tlie Ht^ne OutihlaDso Uurphr'i Door." Doue; TIM Con I roll! D It Inllutoceor Driab,'* Ednnl liarrlnn; IIU Lft«t Qooil Hyt," ■DHK uid tlioni«,DaT« llirlon; 'Sc«o«j) la Nev Yottt" LAvlor anJ TltonUiD; "Yoan Truly. Mr. Doolty," Jam** Tlioratoa: "Tnniny Atklni," comic tnircliioav: "Uro !■ Hot Uliat It UMd to B«." Im Tliontion; *-TtitraWhtt lla Dli) PorMil CountfT." 'AaBlelUUIy''uidl1veoUi»r« Thtwholvof llw tbor* «nt iKMtmltf upon ncelpt oT t*D cmU Id Munpror caib. AJdnM FAANK llAftDINU'S MUSIC STORE. 270 Dovery, N«w York. P. B.-EtfTAHLISIICU 30 YEARA CoDip«Unt Planlit i)UK«l 10 play fur cuftmnitrt and prolMilooala. Sodr Roijkii for (he tiillllon. SAMPLEH AND PHICIS PKE£ OrchtiiratlooK or bare MtrloD'n "Molly McOm" nov retily. PfW loiinjfeJwlonah»«iiJliigttlwoMnf tamp. LIBERTY, EDDY MARTINE,j; THE AMERICAN JAP, ^ ronJAPANBSE SLIDES FORUPE.AnT- ISnU TIUIIT WUIB AND FBNDU- LATINQ BAMUOU. Menageie wlplilns lnl)o„k l)ie.»«ctje.10reJw a UUnKINOIIASI AVE., BrMiepon, Conn, i'. B.-HeKenla loMelroee Brut, owl OM Blotk Heeii. 'il. Only week Wire Quick. CIRCUS PEOPLE IN EVERY BRANCH EXCEPT RIDERS. Lady for Wlrn and Binide SwInK, Lul/ CoatonlooUt aod Juirt(l«r or oilier icood act. Man wtth ikiift. Two AcrobAtlc SiiiKinv and DancInK Coinedlana for Cloan AelJ. Drlok- er« clorrti on alslit. AdilreM quick. MAKAUKll EUROl'BAS CIRCUS, Sox M4, llyoioulli. Uaaa. Low«aUrl»s; Roodhntoln; r«i;uUr iralDi; "WEEKLY HCST." fliiuw oponii 17. Look Mamp. AT IiIBERTY. MUSICAL DIREGTlill. Operatic Engagement Preferred. F. C. FARllELL, UUoii ThentiY, Noifolk. Ya. (INK Hi niDT llAailACIK t;.\lt. O.NIi 03 ¥i)Ol FLAT ONK I'lllVATKRAK. wlHi W Double UflrUin, « I* ' villi I'lTlur, PriTnle HMloruuio, Uvatorloa, , etc. Ill tliOTuuitli unlur. NEW JERSEY CAR STORAGE AND REPAIR CO., Lake View (Paletwn), N. J. The New Walta Song, "WEDNESDAY NIGHT," 'ruroMUiiiil roitl Icvniiu WU.V By DENIS J. DALY >lu« fiTv, Tiir ■laniii. WItli urdioplration DKLAKKY. II? Urk Hqwr.Heg Vurk. A Atw First Clau Pvrlbnnon^adlpa aud UitMtluukviti u ticM»d Tuba Play«r and Hobvr 'WorklnKwen Till" Hliuw noTor uil" ' - for rpliOBWal April 18. TlilaHltuir noTeruiUuwl a nalary Jar In (ouryvara. Call J. II.LA I'KAHL UaoYlllo. 111. Circus Canvases. Alittoal ne«; VitL and Wit Rounil Tom; om. aiid lUft lluunil Tui<«, wlUi 3Un. Mlildlu: lUKl. Iluund Top, wlUi MMLMldilb.lon.Wall*. AUchNiri>. Addreai , C.J. BAKKIl. 101 W.TIilnlHln>ol. KaniwCliy. Mo. AT UBEflTY FOR COHINB SEASON, EiiplKiiiluiii, Alto, or Tuiior and Trombone iu Orclu^tru. Sul* tlio al.e Dfyoiir .Ihii.- wIipii ytMi write. BHIIT ItirrKK. K«n.«i«Clt>. Uo. MILLE-RjHEATRICItl(itlSnm(R I i^ejiwooo iT. PHaADciraiA.p*. \i , Qtsn/NESWIGS ETC TDHIK rOR AMV V PUY'ANTAIA'OltllATABlEAUXETC. ' Qrv CAtuoout a iiiimaic ruftaismD "TIIK HOME FOU ARTISTS." AiwrtnieiiU wllti boanl. t*tiulc« of Koulltli, nomu ■d ^"ivucli kltdliMiB. l'rlc««iitodorat». & l'KTUE80 «M V. TvanlUlIt ItarMt. Haw Yurh VMx. % HEFNER BROS.. UANUFACIURERS 0 Elc. lUIT Am BALLOONH, A1WK.VSIUKH MADK HY PABAniUTKll, LADY OH nUKT. srusniB, Midi. WANTED TO BUY. 30O OR 400 OPERA i:llAIIUI m\\ t^AHII. NiiM l« In lini nnilliloe. KVKHhTr A li niUUr, llenirrn. Knnklln Orwrm lluuiie, Nuhue, N. II. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND, Tlio UtM itiivvliy fbr rlmtie^ tniiPruiua, Imnlrnialnp. rlr. CiTTiilara and aatnplfi^^ tpn rvnta. V'UTUtlK COM- PANY. TV KaM TlilrtMiilU Hirwt, N. V. WANTED, To Bu) Sicoml-liind Vilie TroBbont, Mii.l lie nr Mime ileiHlenl ninke. In sural CQQilltlon, iDil rnr Mio clirap. WALTER KAUKL, lUiitllle. llllnol.. cere U r««rl'« Winter Sliii». ILION OPERA HOUSE, ILION, HEW YORK, P. C. HLUN, rn>t>r)*1orand MauaKW. 1V|hiUiIoii,&,0D0. 8c>allnit rai<arlir. I.UV. llaTo optii lliii* In Pvbruaiy aihl Marrli. tft. Only flrat eUM aura ctinaa wa ntaat. FUTURE WIFE OR HUSBAND. $5PE I.IW WIIITKS DIt IILAi:Ka rorluneiL e'r. Ttie UrieM <• In llieeelkl. AiMreM KAHLY A RTHEKT, l» lu»ience at.. lln.ikb p. N. T. WANTED,' SKIRT DANCER TO WORK 1 l<ll!ilM<llT (II' LAIIDK OUIt:i<B. AilJren thie week IIKKTIK I'LATII, Hiiyie A Bliee'e HuHum, Beileii, M...... after, care oft'LII'I'ML J OB PRINTEI VAN IfLtHJlCT. I Cflff,, BuMli^ <M0 CENfUE IT.! KACII AND EVP.BV OVT. A OKU. WUKUS ANU 3IU8IC. TICK ORBATEBT SVCCESB OP - _ OF THE THBEB DONO BIBDa, AT KEITH S (N. V.) LAST WEEK, IN TUB L ATEST BONO, Tnie to tbe Sblp, nn VIIR utBT> eTKAMfilUP ELBE." Pmreulon, Ten CeoU; ORbietiitlciis Ten Cenui eitim. OR TUB LOUT a™*""'"*jjSlEyffi|j,»AN, Mualc PuMliber. ta Bllth Ave, New York City. READING. Ocinf 10 111 bulth I oTTer for MlMioycomplet* aofflca ofMlod R«adiD|t aa parfomwd by in« Id reCfDt yaara. The pria- tlpl9 b t«|{itlnist«, 00- ablUiR anyooo to cullt- Tat* iho Ul«nt by cloa« atuil/ and appllcallou. Firr Fartkuura aildroaa H. XSTELLE, BUMHPIBLD, IND. TllENOVELTT ACT THAT EVERYBODY SPEAKS 80 HIOHLY OP, AND THE THE «OVB,I.TW OP ITS KIHD IN AlfBRICA. SAMUEL BURT, EQUILIBRIST, On tbe aniapported parpendl cnlar ladder, le AT LIBERTY, and would be plenaed to bear ft^m lunBgerrol^mt elaie TandoTlllo theatrM, eipaelllone, pnrbe, Samrner SSortl: ouT AHrwa 34l» Weil Tbiriletb Strwt, I«ew York tJfty, or AgenU. Kind regard! ta all «Henda. "OH, THE WINDS SEEM TO KNOW." VrafMalanal pootaa 10c Doa't fnrKel lh« ntamni. I*nl. Aa allll atn)DK«r tliay blow, lo nfcka thia md« a aaro fo. Ill bed by AJr LIBERTY, 2(1 Violin and Alto. FIRST CLiSS IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Permanent location only. Addr«M P.J. BELUONDT. 1,3:13 N. tVnler St., Decatnr, IU. A HIT. A LAVUHINU HIT WAS MADE 0¥ THE ">"'Ciiii;iiiii« WHk of March 10 al IIOI'KINS' TOPE'S THEATRE, Si. Louln. No., hihI «era rfl'VnKacciI fnr laat wmV or AprIL ()|ieiieO at EdoDMuaM, Qulncr, 111., tnro vooka Maxcbtft. UatiaK«rii or roiitlilaalloiw. we ar* upen lor onfraaomant ' - PArmaQcntadilreaacanof CLIPPER. TWENTY LAOIES PIAYIN6 BRASS AND STRING. LONQ ENGAQEMENTTO THE RIQHT PEOPLE. Send age, helgbtaad photograph. Addreee RIATTIB ELBXANOBR, Randolph, N. Y. Nature's Remeily Go. WANTED AT ONCE, First CUm Mftdlelne Lactureni and Qo«d, Voiaaill* P«r< runnen that can cliaDga tftacUUtwa olup, and work In acla; alao, Hlomn aud iteopli that doublo In bi ror ItlK tlioiT, b) oi>M Id May. '" - [iM»d ur ror I)Ik tlioiT, b) oi>M Id May. All tniut h« notwr rftu, and Blale lo«»ai uUry and rull panlcuUn n lint letter. CnoaMer UIodco a polity OMvatlra. AtlJrert CUAB.C. At.LKtf.FarmYlllfc Va.. en roul«. MY CIRCUS le now on ronte North fbr Spring and Suniuior. Can nee a few more mnelelane. Douilulo Rutllo, Italian clarionet player, please write. W. C. CLARKB, FayettevlUe, Ark.. April IU, GYMNASTS, ATTENTION. PAUL LS R07 Ial« or a TROVER RRa**.. vaolH a Pirloer for Triple Bar Acl. Mu*t IM A Nit. I au J do doulilea. 1 bare bara. P. H.-\V(iiild Uko ti> ItMf rt«m Chaa. Catdello or Frank Amour. Addn)a«LmLKlX)KEYiaLAt>D. PatarwD, N. J, OAT .Xj. ALL PEOl'LE E.\'UAOm) FOR CHAS. \Xm GREAT LONDON SHOWS M'lll rrpurt at (Tanlon, l*a., 011 Tbarwiny. April S Kolll ihatynu have nen rait. Can «a« a rov utot« moil 'round i>«rruniteT« Miu*. don't «ant the Ticket WanDO. WmiiM like a plmiln i>1ar«r. Aihlrau CllAB. LBE. Roi 171. Cantoo, Pt. coptea, lOc Dw't rorgel Ihe ntampa. Pub THE W. a OAHR CO. A W.Mlb St., N. Y. City. LOTTIE COLLINS' Latest Song Success, "Like Trilby." lOe. ti> profeeaton, WHITE, 03» F St. Order from HENRY Waehlaglon, D. C. "SWEET LITTLE MAGGIE MALONEY." Oor Tery lat«ft aooii «tth wmKz chorua. We know you will like IL BecauM k haaibe tn« rlA|. Etc to tlio pn>re«IoD. THE RUDOLPH WURLIHEft CO., Cincinnati, 0. WANTED, Medicine Leeturen and Aic'Dta, to aell and Introilaea BaymanUVeffotible Soap and M«ll- cinea. Bapenor to any bt quallir, ready nale ao*! point of profit I ftnmlih benldL poaien. dodsen, tack op tiffna, afaow priDtloit FREB. StmploN oT four medklnea and aoap T5CU., namplea of prlnilnirand car- loona lOcta. Remit tbe pnca with your oorreapoodenca. I w(A toar- TtDBo Willi dm dan leeturen, of repute, lor aeaaon of '9S. Addrtaa DB. T. H. RAYUAN. Bi. Loula, Mo. . For Sale or on Royalty, A BRIGHT, NEW AMERICAN COMEDY BY AN AUERICAK AUTHOR. A money maker for tbe right man, Ad- dreee HOME TALBWT. eare of CLIPPER. "That Nauglity Little Twinkle In Her Eye." Words by Jere D'Halloran. Uaslo by ITed Weston. 18 A "HIT' raOU THE BrART. EVERY eOUBKEni: eiNQER WANTS IT. ProreMloDel coplee free by seodlog cenl. Ordienn perte, K) ceote. Pabltibetl by THE MERWIN MUSIC CO., 110 BOVLSTOK BTBBCT. BQgTON. I1AS3. CO. CIRCUS CANVA8E9, • FolMudStakM, BEATS. rUg*, . s=g^ lM'S PATENT CIRCUS UMTS. WANTED, FOR SIDESHOW, STiDEL BBOS.' NEW UNITED SU01VS, LAST SNAKX OHABMER, Who ceo rumldi own Suaket. AUeoUierUili-ecteealt. ebleforBldeiiliow. All people .ti» at holeU. Sleuloweet ulw Dru letur. SHOW OFEMS HAY 1. AMreee C. E. CUAIIBERLAIN. Elmlra. N. Y. AT LIBERTY, ROY THAYER, LEMIS, UUVES OB lOVEIIIliS. JdnoSI FORTY-THIRD 8TBEBT. CUICAQO. UJ.. Eldezx Tvmffiee, PATEBBON, K, J., UENHV B.TOOVBr Preprleler eml lieunr WAKTED-OOOD 8PIC1ALTY ARTISm STRONQ RAWIHO ATrHAOnONBeed BUBOrKAM N^VELTIIS. Oaec£ountoriDye«rTe«poDdenoe beloH too large utleu lit oblige by tonitdertng elUoce a polite nenaUfe. First Glass Novelties FOR TUB BELL COUNTY FAIR, OcL 8 to 12,1895. Aildre— L. K. TARVBR. Beo'ty. Belteo. Teiee. ^ BRASS BAND f Inatrumenla, Dnnii, Unlfonna, Equip- inenterorBJLikleudDniDiCorpa. Lovoit 'eea ererquoted. PineCataloii, 400 lllua- tUona, luiiai fire; It Rlrea Band Mnalo and Inttiuctloan for Amauur Banda. LYON St HEAIdV. am Adania Bt^ Oilcaiio. WAWTED. „„„^ WAlfTED, AT ONCK, aULcciurera, Manaien and Bpeclilty People For Metll- doe Qua. Al UrfuTita wbo can ilo two ormore epecl- altlea. Looit «ngniteoi«nt lo (ood. compeunt people. Mubera and loiben can ure atanpa. We want pwd people. Slate loweat aalary la flnt leiur. alao what you can and wlUdo. Addf«0 OVCLONE CHARLIE, Qen*!. MKT. and Ontanlar, Mohawk lad. MedicineOoa., LouU- bunt. Eanaaa. FOR SALE, AT A BAROAUI TwoTrlckMarea four and Ire yean old. brake for rlnv oraia( aeu tojniher or by tbemaelTea. up lodato trick inana. "Clown Donker," takea numben or lelten. - . .... jjj^ ^ij^ — ■ Th*^ bavc . Wn(eorwli«. C. H ELLia. Quean City Hotel Charlotte^ W. C. uicB inanw. ^lowo iraoaeri laaei auno drinks out of bottle, carrlet table, fraat < ibow. Pony, Jumpi throutb hoop aflr*. nerer been on Iha road; nim beaolil. Wn( NOTICE TO MANAGERS. 12,00 CASH VILL UUY TUE WHOLE OF COL L DANIEL BOONE'S ANIMAL SHOW, ConaUtlnpof Are Unewell broke African Llont wlUi caxea, aM rrom StolOyeara. BULTANalonoliworthibemoDey, ube latbelarRoatllon in the U.S.; also one Kanfiaroo, labe; troupe of Ore Doa^ three Aogorian Gotta, Bound Top. vlUi Mft. Diddle piece, with lOft. aide __l, with poloa and ropaa all complete: olao 22 Lenittfai orelKht lieraeata. conplole. Rfaaon foraellloff, leavinf tbe buBloau, havlnir opened ihe Daniel Boone Uotel, cor- ner Camp and Poydru 8t«., New Orleana, La., where be Item SLCbarlea Theatre and Academy or Mualo. Special rataa lo the profefclon. Call aud aee Mm. A COMPHENT AND EXPERIENCED MANAGER, FOR Altineyer's Theatre, UoKEESPORT, PA. ApplleatlOB. recelTed aatU Hay I, Deet of reftrenee reqalred* R. B.BEANE, McKeeaport, Pa. Leather Piaps A UnlTeraalSLoe that can be used for alack wire walklngtClowntoK. dancing, bicycle nolng and sym- naalum work. Iteieahldo upper, all alua In itock. \oor ^. ^— ..lULAVut a pelr. Price, IIJO. 3y mail, 91 to. Sand 3c In Uaiopa for our 8U paf* calalofntt wlUi It page »u^pIenMnt. oak tanned 1ole^ welglit, i , warurobe la not coiuptete witliout a pelr. a B. CALL. Zb Main Blrwt, BprtngfleM. Maaa, GOOD WORK. Write for 8UBK FITS. Estlnates. WICS ANTHONY BOCH, m BouUi Blerentb Bireel. FlillaJelplila. Fa. Wanted, for Nistferd & Ellrldge's Paillloii Theatre Co,, LEADINO LADY AND OTUER USEFUL BEFERTOIRE People. Muet be (rooJ d iwere on and off tlie etese. Tliow dolnr •pecliltle, preTerred. Alw want Leader of Band aiM Orcneelim. Seajon npeo. Uav II for tlie ftuDimer. Ad- dree, QLABaFOBD A ELDBIDOB. cere of N. V. CLIFI'ER. AT LIBERTY, MR. ASHLEY RUSH For Hpring nud Snniiker eBUKementi Good wwlr obe. AdJr«»ae NKQgllO, Mo. BONNEY'S THEATRE COMIQUE, 46 Commtrclal SIrMi, Bulilo, N. Y. OPEN THE YEAR ROUND. WAN'TKIl.TO imAK nu>ll bl-EClAl.TY FEOI'LE IN ALL I.1NLA II. 11. IIIINNEY. OSHKOSU, WIS., BUSINESS March IB, "Olitl Lett Behlal," S.B.O.: 20 aid 21, Taatitia," S.R.O.; 27, Hernaau. breathiag rtta. J. E. WILLlAXa MAWAUEBORANDOFERA HOUSE. A.T HHKHXY. LEADER AND WiFE, VinLlNlST, IMHNETIK IHOUIIll l!nv BRBTrES, BAND. AKRAKOE. .lEM. RUHINKm AND I BrKCIALTIBS. KinloUMTiini end Mellclne Coniiienle^ aaeeer. Ad. dlTM LBAIIKH. flOl We.lilne.«B Htieel. Biirlterton. la emeus eANVAS, ReconJ hand. In irm^ cowlllloa; one BUn. Bounil Top, one AMV, one lOifUk one MtA one Oitoa Write for prieet. JAMES MARTIN A HON. ntamlflT KlrhmMtcl RtrveL Bnainn. Maaa. At Libert), First Class Circus BUI IH^RR: twolTeyMn«'eii>«rimc«. Wire or write. Can Jolti al tmce. .\ihlffw J R. VBTTBB. Dalphoa. 0. WANTED, TO HEAR FROM CLEVER AMATEUR, LADY DAKOKDB AND Al-RnBATB FOB OlMUB. Ad4teee MANAaEil, <an<Md FeUon'OpenUeeia, FlfiBoelh, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AN BKTIRE REPERTORY COMPANY, Comedian and Boubratte, nuat do rood apeclaliiaa: Ju< Tenlle Man and Woman, wbo can ilnR piYferTed; ChlU wltbcl«TarB|ieclallUa Conld aae lood aheteh laaio, who cam play mall parte. Ocod drvalng Indrapeniable Addreaa, atatlnc loweal tariDK and full unkulara. ■'M AKAOBR." Bmlon "Au" BoatoprVaaa. All Varieties of CInns People ntMeneit«pted)for Bunieer r^illlon during Jane and July. Hend loaeat Hummer eelaiT. Addreee OBOROE RBXFORD. can HI UENBT'S HIKlirRELR, aa par root*. reniiaseoleddnee9UEaalUUiBl,Eite,Fa. WenUltke to hear frtne the iteoDleia. qathile, and Ut, Uemana MARY ANDREWS PIANIST, JUST CLOSED Wmi ANDRBWB- OFBRA 00. Ad drew ftTt nmBTII BTRBBT. CTiltaao. IU. AT UBERTY, VIOUN AND CORNET aWlAX). Ptm daai maaa«*ra and leatnri ooly. ad. M r. A. BQnLUi.raM» Ion. C. Shindheim, WI6 MAKER, _ 171 OIIRYBnE OIltBET. NEW YORE. Win on band end made lo oT.ler. Olrcaulao wlg« fe. up, BaVI. Crop and Ntpo Dram WIga tUO up. Drea. WIr. •1 Soubtelle tt, Nigrotripi 71 cenia, Frinhl %\JC.Sti Man BI up. Sand itamp for new price llet. TWO CHIIUREN WANTED Who can Blna, Dance. Beclle end do Speeleltlei aulubl, lor Churth EnlertalDmeobt. Muet bare waidroba end raperun. end be terr brlglit. Feim aad ronnne for llie rlgbt chlhltan. Vetr tM*t of trealmeaL Hood photo. ATLANTIC LVnEUM BtiniiAU. Baellnr Oreea. WnttI for Mel.Co., Good Black Face Coie- DIAN, SlnilnR end Dancing Hoobrette and Hmlcal Kobe, (bp can ptev arnn. r»opl. In ell biancliea write al once. Bebn end Wyett. Mnhiwk l^ne. Wo. M. Bmllbton. Mo-. WANTED, FIRSTCIASSMEDICINELECTUREH. NO BOOZEBS. 1 PAY BOAJID. Addren TUOHAS BMITU. ^ „ No. > Talbot Ar.nua Buddocb. Fe. WANTED TO BUY. 10 IOWA STATE LICENSES. BMTB WHAT TUB DATE OF EXPIRATION IB. UONT DILAT Al 1 WAHT TUBM AT ONCE. Addne* U>. r. OBliif Manktla, Htns.