New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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Apbil 13. World^Playcrs r. —\fttn Id ncelpt of tli« lint niimiier oC TV Xtw *nn OMratlor, t jooraal published *l Hla- btlli, N. J; brHubcit A. ntnwn, ogrcorrapondent tt UutplM*. TtM obj«ot tt tkls publication b to rnrallk idtMM repcna of bnlldlDg pnjeela tor tbe meclil ua ol nrolj omd, contmcton, liullden, etc It wID b« MTOIod to tli« advannnMDt or mattr Ellabetli, and will cndesnr to prove Itaair a Meiid o( labonr aod apllallkt alike. The Cm- (mtfor haa catabllalied a taUnr bnreaa Inllsomce, itniifli wblcb indtloiu or belp (male odI)) can be ■acored nree of cbaim. \l» understand that tlie new Journal alatta onliwilli a good alzed imlnciip- llon oat In Dnioo Conntr, and it nopea eoon to prove Itairorlh. -J.P.BaTam.otniceM "U»2," waa enlertalneil aner the ahow In AUegbeny, lit., Aprti e, iij Wm. L. tfmlth and a number of hla proremlonal menda. -Ibe McOimr Bna. fian cloaed irlth "Tlie Derbj Winner," audwUi )ola Kd, F. Davla'<'U. T. C'O). — Doetsrof FRd. Ifarah'a Select llanrs: Kred, lbrsb,nuuia«rand proprietor; IMnta l)ean,atai manager; Al. r. Danr, Lew Sllveia, Walt SInclal llenri Kalnche, Jladellne Oleaaon, JCate WeaKiu (MmHarden and Blanche SInclalc. — Chailea P. Canler, through Colonel i. F. Ullll ken, his connael, commenced an action on April agalnat Mn. Ullla Ungttj for one week's nIatT. — Barrr U, OiaTea, late builnesn manager ot Rl- linwooda' Flajen^ has left the company and la In the citr, ormnldng his company for the Snuuner, — Hta. Eden Connelly, momer ot Michael Uoiinel. ly, died in UnMlD, Ireland, Harch n. — Olga Brandon Is touting the English provinces with an autllsh renlon ot "U Tosca." — BdiUi Bande, well known In Ihls country, U at preaantlIn.Aaailn Brenton,and haBl>een Aigaged (TyC.W.aawlhome tor the leads. -William Coirtrtght baa Joined the "Unsay Wooliey" 00, — Edwin Vamy has been engaged by Augnsiln Daly tor next season. — Sadie Hartliot's Co. relumed to this clly but week. — "Jnlina Cnnar" Is to be produced .\pni 15, at the Olranl Arenna Theatre, I>h1ladelDhla, n. It Is 10 be gotten up in great sQle tor a tortnlght's run, >»nlly Rlgl plays Portia, John T. Halonellaiv An (OUT, Frederick PankUng Ouuins, and Joseph Uoh land Brutus. — Roster of E. A. Andre's Co.: Uyitle Owtn, Unid MonUgue, Floyd Peonoyer, HUlard fnne Rati Hoibe, E. A. Andre, manager: l)e WIU Hiown musical director. Vr. Andre bas engaged aien DeniaTor leads and beavles. — 'The Lady's Idol" Is the title ot Arthur Tjtw's new farce, which will soon In ptodnced In London, Eng., with Oeorrn anaamllh in the leadlug lola. — IL B. Leavltt has broogbt nilt agalmt Hts. teB KEW YORK OLIPPEft. 83 - IIM KtD . a. red I. Tbay ha Lrcaun. TnatoB.—ptauncey (Xooit came to lUylor'a ?• ™> SL*'•"If »!• "I" uu KwtiiekT,^ d^SViooi Kufc blinder the tents# Uiigtrrfor$l,'joo for alleged breach or contract, for blUng to Appear ftt bla ibeatre-lu Uenver, tbree Team ago. — U)ulM WtA bas l>eeD gmatod $l» n w«ek ill- peodlog ber acttoii for sepRratlon froiii UmII — "PnWn'lieid WIIhod," Frank ILiyo'H (iramall uUon of UatlE Twato'B etoir of tlie same imme, vas acted, for tbo flret tltrn on anr stajn, at I*n)ctor^B ineatn; Hartfonl, Ct., April 8, wllh Ur. Mayo in Ibe prindml role. — "The White Fawn; or, the Vnqueroby neal' tmlcl p. Head and Fraii/. Uueller, waH hiiok, for ihe flret tlmo, at ibe aVadltorluni, Bpokuue, Wanb March *A. NEW JERSEY. Jenejr Clty^A tour of Ireland, with stereopU- cva t1«wi, w id «tir«el(on «t Un AcMletiir A|*ril 7. "HpMer and Flj" phooU pl«M tha varietl t»iDtt«rmineiiU ^!!^ 1^ of "I>ukeitt KoMlft" wMk of 19. "Til* \ tie of Ato(«" daUlwl % light vosk «. Bet Ton,—TtilH wMh luulu 111* ftnt unlTanuy at Ihli ruort. Tli6 people: Uany WllllaiDa, Ui« Naliera, Xed B«no«tt, Kitty RoHO, Ktjna niul Kondo. CortraUl, Meeker u4 Mwk lltrn Keeler, Borelll ud Zeliu, Netile KUId^ the Amerfeu MWii, (Jeo. Tlnniomi, Wllleit-end Thome, ■0(1 flajlor ud (limfT Bonlneee U jtood. J. T. 0.—Agaea Randolph. lUule Ujtrt, Miude BerhiK* luD, IJtU mnroitf, Tiny Weldmao. Ueo. Kalin, Toinniy iiikeUnu, JKk I^QCb ud Prof. BaTmoDfl. ^ WiaBiifOTOX^oUle WhlUen. Her Madlaon, Teule nuUlrao, Frudi Wetdon aod PmlZoller. Botbienli NOTtM.—'"TheTale of AToet** wan prenenttd In a ntii- fkctorr metaner at the Academy lut week, both ee rennJi etaMeeitlnpandtbe people who ueumed the dllfemot para. The efeoi eaoinioDeda Urfte numberoniieetriciJ people fVomjou city, who highly coiiimendMl Chat. 11. Hopper 1q hie readltloQ of OuDy Famll. Xr. Hopper oaoR a oaniher oT IrUh balUdiLand he unr theoi veil. Wllltui Uoey appealed uioDg ble ueodate*, who, 1 *Ter, blled ton<oiiattehlin,u the lenlal William eept u to mmtedie... .John Uajoa. ofthe or Pl(*bett ud Uayon, bee efialD Joined HaRitan'N force*. Mr. Heyoo «u a iiiemhtr of "Id the TeoderloUi," plarlnir the part or Cerrot*. and wes un- foTtonateeiMniBli to be rtatobed In the ehle bya knife need byoDeoftbecbwactere, naklnit a wonoo too deep for confort.. The liort m palnftil, end a little deeper vouM haveniede ItdugBioui P.T. JohnMon, nuiter nta- chinlct for ETeu and Uoer fbr dre yeens !■ now with 'Tlie Vale of Avtca." Neit wihmi he will be with ■Tbe Fatal Cud." WlUliin Uoey ti Indlnvl to bollere that '^e Plane" will net teke tlie road next aea- MHL Dnrins ib* Summer nohrtlce he will uke a trip ebnad fbr buKloeM ud pleaiure. lie hu BoUilofi 'Dew In rlew Ida Ruael) niede her fli«l apMannce In ibli city iit Ihe Bon Too Ie«t week. U«rpre**ntailonoret7peofUieBowery Mlriwae unique In naheup.ud Ihe ntetwIUi u bietutaoeoue Attotwe. Bbe ain pfajed Ibe Uubaitu Clubaveiy olfhi, and WW a "peold Ibr one nlctit et the New York Attaletio pinb Jeen UowlMO. of Perlli. 8coL, giiTe en Intereit^ Ing lecture eoButiuat the Tabaraecle night of 16 ConroyuilUUndBlleda olalii et tbeJereeyCliyCInb duijuH Iheir Bon Ton deta. The Belle Bletere cucoled their data at the oboTe houi«, nattie Belle betoit en the "lok lUt U«o. (rDoDnell,or**Tho Flanii." will wnke huhome Iteie lor tlie preetnt Coshllo,Buthertud aihlWlnten aallliileaertle Cocheren, four yean okl, thedilU with the wonderful memoiy, were^ieclali at tbe Bon Ton i Andrew By^le^ end ntoe, a loo of Itfeder Andrew Byrne*, for a number of leasooe et Hc- Vlehei'i, Cblcaito, 111., and lately with U'm. Barn-, made Itlidebnt u a lolo TlolInlHt at the J. I. C week of April 1. Leader Bvmee will be et Doyle's l^vlllon, Ailtntlc Oily, K. J. for the Hummir Jack Lyndi. who htJi beeo veiy lu. reported for doty et the J. I. C. nlalii of 0. Hanagereei Ettle llandervon liaa a londi of ihe griji. Ilaboken^Hie Police Inqiector" opened hbi .—.... BobFltwlmmonx U due 11 to : "fliilderand ~ " ' tlteBowei2."U-». Du McCarUiy dowed lliTMnlghU'Mar April _ _ tiDlah the weekTxeit week: "Aiilderand Ur*' 1&-I7. "On tlieBowert" Du McCaribydowed atair weeke. BiiOD.—This week BlUy aicLaln's mammoth effregatlon oftalenL Kextweek. Oliarlea Blatt'e VanderlUeCompuy. BulnesswrehendlDRG, vlih 'rfhe Monie Carlo(llrls,** vu medlam. iHmHiAL—Tlie u of the a J rarlety. Lsst week was llie boat Nona.—Mansgen Morrllou A Phtllliw, wlio are now JU*ctloglhedertlDyofi1ieHiIou,)mveb«en making u nffer for iLe KIdorado, wlilcb allll remains onaltered, aod the deal. If not already brouRbl to a lemiloatlon, ■diortly will be. Mr. MorrlwD bas a nombor uf culosnl Ideas that era blrly startJhig u regeids their manltode ud daring. One idMmB Ui^t he looks opon with favor IsannnlneSpaDblibuU fliibt. Tbe oilier Ideas era all on Qie BOM line May UadUon, at tJie Imperial, night of 6, while doing herduce (taciurcd the bones of her left leg. flbe «aa seat to her hone lo Brooklyn, N. Y., toacatrisga Roeaellud Faari bareeepsrited,end Piad BuMell will fonn a teem with Bern Ardter t'dier Joe^ Ackennsnbaa taken Loots Tegtanieren' Klaeo ea doorkeepsr at the llobokeo Leo Zufretta ulaconlaowlatloo atrlptotbePuUc coast lo rerlve eomeef theoM time pantomltoes Fanny ForTetier aod LonU Uowanl Vloosot are doing s very floUlied operatic torn. If ewark.—AMIb excellent attnctlooii all aroand Inislnese morod slong briskly Ian week. Tbe Bdwerd tlarrljrao Co., at Hloer'a, eiUoycd uoloierrupted atten- tion all tha week, drawing good lioupee each night. DaTler "Uode Toore Cablo" In lU blU for Holy Week. It wasaaohfltutfalsncceasheTe Urt leapion, and Ihe out- look la laiorabla for the prefent n-eek. Robert Mutetl, In repenorr. week of U. Jacoh*.— "^Tlie Browslea" were here ApriM,!,?L aod mwded the house at doable prices. Frimroie A West's Mlutiala foHowed 4.3i, d, ud were also accorded good ratronaaa. lIolyweekdiidsiblshooMdsrk. WALOHAMira.—llopklDs'TraiuOcesnlcs racalied their f^UeheraorihabaalnesaihalpreTalled last week. Rutaell lirML.'Como<)laosarawlUins tills week, and their popu- larity le likely to Improre wlih aequalntuoe, Uila belog a ratnm epga«anenL A good house welcomed them eoBsMeriog the rain. Irwlo Bros.* Show comes U aod week. , HKwa.-6eTanl chuna are made Id the rosUrotllop- Blos* TruaOoaanlcifbribe week wbkh will nutenallr ^tnngtbeo It Ford ud Fruelaand Bogon Bros, dosed ^ ud Qua iriUlaraa, the Ntdgelys and Kpadoola ud Agnee Joined a- , Pateffaon.-OpeimlIoaaeboolJun:HendentOD'a r TparioDt, la *nhe laughbtgOIrl" aod *Tbe Three Hats," •prUS-U;WB.O. Andrews, lo -Honbog," Urll. Tbe leceaaltr of a hunr eadllorlom for ihia honia was dear- ly denHmsiniMl K wbaa not mora Ibaoooehalfnf thoaa *be upUed for tJcketa conU be accomnodeled. the ei- tnctlon balig Primrewe A Vast's MInaireK "A Trip m Chinatown" lisil ipleBilM buslne•4^ (. BiiocTaaiTaK.—Bob Fltnilmmona* Athletic aod Rpeel- ■Ur Oomeaar Is the bill H-10, Flynn's London (ielety Olris ll-lirneOnliinaXoteliy aad Hpadalty oompaoy vublaaad I. T1»e bonae was dark the remainder ortba *eab. BooMirfta.-ArHTmls for 8 and week: Marhn ami nwLFrfnca FUbrw. the AobarDlaten, FoaUUe and En- >M^BewartainetkCirirDeatt,Car^ aod Cteik MUaaaMl tralaM, £LmaQmM,BuDattaolDatr* w» Aaue Map yate ud raok KUtfiiUi SieSiiSViS-A^fS^':^^* C»nl.aT?ootuD5,«tof - Ji iJ™^ Mrenrji.-Waek «if J: iMrlo haJP-ZaL Zsm is**';, w^*"-^'"'*. »M AnnU Haraoo^l JJukVup ng.lUnrleWalkeraiid Heltle WsUerTSlcL n«ndN, l-rfilllMtliaiid llarrrUuld. WISCONSIN. Mllwaukoe,—At tbo DaTldrton Tliealro "Tbe PasalngMww"plays a letom en|Iill•nt•DtApril7.^e. 10. De Wolf llnpperflnlKhej lite ^h In "Dr. H> ntai." The house retnalneddarh U>t aeok dit acrouni of the dosing ofliagenbeck's AnImsK "Klihi B^IU" remes II, Keller U, Id, ir, Ibe Bostonlus IK, IP. flo. Buoi; OhRiu llocu.-llslUn A Itarl, In '■UierOn,' dropped In for T- Por Ihe rhMloji veek of the stuck wa E« \!>e.*lliron-XaIII Stack Oompaoy ftere "Nucy A Co." March SI. April l.tS: "Ulil* T^.tJl^uotleioy'SiYV. aod aftermeeUngwIihdltrauraklegatleDtlucaiheflrsi two weeks It was a pleaMoi suipRse to nolo ihat ilurina tbe lattfr part of this wrok builoess was ri>ry irood, sihI tbe managemrnt are now contemplailng lirlnjtlDg the compasy bsck rbranollMr ennicement aner ih<>lr Mlnoe- apolla a«ason. ■'the White Hqnadron" U end week. ACAOKMVoi' ML'SIL'-Tlisflta.It TlieatTO Coropuy Rsre WArrpnge's play, "llawnuin's Twhier," i«foreawe)l ^n«dbouee^ aou for7,itMlr last ftondsy Mrfoniiuce for Ibe season, itdilll«r'sinitndy,"K«bsleut»l l.lebe." (Ill- nioia'sBand23i. ThatcherAJohiison*sMloMrehi2l. reona'sTMBATni.—Pur week oi 7.Msaager John a Rad nor loiroduces John, Lntile, Clarence and May Hur- ton, Bdwsnl TfegMtooud Nettle llsnmiii,nnd Ma Nic- ola), and reUios Chsriea B- flful«r, Msrtlo (I.O'.Valll and Ihe stock. "Xsna, ihe Mtiimle troeeo," Is the bur- lesQuepresenteil. Roslnesa wiNssiUfkctorT last vtek. WuxnxRUNO Miiist'M.-\Vsek of 7: (."orio lull-Tiie I'lue skloned mao, Matile Jack (diiirer <|ueeo)i Mile. Tempest and her sIllintnrK and the Hiiilih Tvio tflsieni. Rtan-AlaxRiMlnr Cniierllmit king), the Rnep Modeler White, Hilly Link ami the WnnderUnd stock. In **nie Justice-" Biuineas Is iiool. Corroxn.—Manager Jacob Utt was In towo B At Ihe cnodaslon of their anKageineal here at the BUone tliefllgen-KelllBtaokOanipaiiT went lo8i. Faa) The season at the BUoo will not done SI, si PUted Inst week. Msnsjter Jfibo Cfluodla's Hi. Bernard doganwand lo "I.Uile LonI Fkantleror." (leonte Detihain, oftlie <liaenNelllHtock,|t<wtwlih Hol.Hiiilth Hussall neixteea- wm LouisKaJbrteU, nowmanagtncllarrT Plekllng'a <»nipuy, was here 3 ManiBer Dornian, of Ine DarRlson lloteU gare die tliifrn-Nelll fltnek Com- pany a Ikrevell ban^ioet aRer the )terfoniianre 6 The Hundatd Anosenieni ni., vlildi will coitduct a comlcopera and TaudevlUe Mason at rtdillti Park this Bomiiier, wan Incoriwrsted, 0, Ity Uscar P. Miller. William W. Wllllj(ud0ttoll.(>ob«). The aiiiooot of the capital atof k Is tOfiOi. 0. P. M nier Is Uie iiiansger Bcenio ArtUt Joseph Hart will i>alDt a nsw drop curtain lor ilieBUoudoriofr tlie Bununef Dick Little vlU put out the Marie Ranger i^inpuy In better nhape next sea- son than ever be'ore. CANADA. Moiitrvala^AI tbe Aradeiriy of 9iIiiiilcllni.lAng- try, lo *h;omIp," la booked lor April 13. ijL'KR.x'nTiiUTnK.—JAmenVoong did a lair business eek of 1. He la booksil to taappear U. Booked for week of I&, Jo«p)i llavortb. In repertor>'. TiiiuTRK Kurau—UuH llill's Noveltiesilld a large busl- uoM week of I. Booked: Week of 8, 'Tech's Bed Boy;'* week of 1^ "Tli o llurtler." » Torantoa^At tbe GraiHl Opera Uonse, April "flowing the Wind" drew big bosloaes. Coming: 9, 10^ Mm. Langtry; H-U. Pnods Wllsoo, lo 'The DeTll*s Deputy." lV>ao)fTO OrKBA tlorai.—April 1-d, "Peck's Bad Boy" had good builneat ComlnKS-U."81iaftNo.a." Tut AOAOiwr OK Moaic la dark- MoORi'e MtWH bas lieen dolna a bji builneu. Tlila week: Lecture hall—Delkano, La BUnche uil Col (VMmer. Theatre—The Rasaslls, Mooroe Slater^ Ia Boy MUlaid, riuokait, ud Lrnch and Jewell. Patiuo!C.— Uarr KllngeDfeld'a 8)inpbony Orchaalim drew fkir buslnm Hsaullton.—At tbe tinnd Ida Van CortlADd cloaed a succaxunil two weeks' eogaaenieat April 0 Mrs. Lugiry. In "Qosslp," comes II; "In Okl Kuiucky" IS, and Hnaieile g'lves u entertainment, amier the patn»- age of Uie I. U. u. F,, 1^ Tbe Daughter of the Regl- ioent"wIllbapfoducsd byloral amateurs, under the ill- ruction of Prof. 1). J. O'Rrlen, \%, IV, SD. Btar Tiikathr.— Aprils ud veek: I^ooard and Hart, lA Roy MlllarO. Lynch and Jewell, the Russelts, llelu CoDkllnand Katharim Potter. Gnelph.—At tbe Itoyal Opere IIoubc, Uarob 30, AlklosonV Couiedy Co.. In "Peck's Bad Boy." bad a large bouKe. April ILRoseCeKhlan. NEBRASKA. LlBcola.—At the UiiHlog "The iMt Patrndbw" came March 21, lo good beitlneea. Katie Potnam pta- seoled "TlteUld Lime Iltn'*as. Rica's "lisr* packed Ihe house sa. Marie Jansoo came 19, to a nice boslneea. Nel- lleMoIleory rane 3D to a light Iioum. UrifDth's **Paust" waa prvHented to a big lioase April 1. "mienandoah" comes UL "The Black Cnwk" 1^ , ^ ^ POKXrn.—Tlie Unlrenlty Dramatic Oub gave "Chums" ud another comedy March 8, to a good audluce. "A Temperaocs Town'* did a f^lr buMneM V. Annie May Abbolt bad llglit bouses April 3, 4. Ollmora's Band comes U, Thomas'Orchestra ill Katii PtTXia ckMes her smboo 1ft at Beaioa Harbor, MUu afters snreasanil tear. Onisha.—At Royd^ llieatre Varto OnrToughs opeoad a two olghu' eogageraent April & aopoarlou In ■The ProAliata'* norbett Builer, leader of Boyd's Thea- tre OrchesiTa, alU l>e giran a bwedt by tjie musical tal* entofthsdiy 10- ManeJussn.ln "Delntonlco's at 0," cnmes 11. IX U, *^perba" 14-11 Theodore Thomas' Ordiestra, under Ibe snsploss of ihe Apollo Club, will -WeooncerU 1*,». Nellie Uclleno. lo *^A Night at ihe ; reus," did a gooil baslnen Mercli SI. April 1. John (iriintb, In "PsQsi," bad good bousee 1,3. TENNESSEE. Heiaphla.—At tbe Kew Ijycetiqi Theatre WIIhod Banelt, April praieoied "Hamlet," "Ben My Chree." "The Muimu" aod '^e Sign of Ihe Crou." The latter prored audi a stroog drawing card Ihat It was rapeatad bur times dnrina the ennaemeni- "Hamlet^' ww sllmly attended, t^tng: tllunon'e Bau«l (J^P, theBoa- tonlus U-U. the Marine^wl IS-I(. (liu:(D OfONA llofwit.—Tbe regnlamee^ lias about closed, and ooiblng la booked aliead. ACDiTORii'V.-Hoon'N Band comee Si-May 1. Ch«tlBtiao||ft.»A( tbe New Open Ifoueo, April 1, "A Texas Klecr" came to a fair bouie. The rest of ilte week the Imase waa dark, ftulle Msrtlnot filling lo nil her eongenient ft. Bookings: "Bel^hazsar" lA, 19. by local talent; Bousa'ahand Is. Cooper A Co.'a Circus came In from Jackioniilk, PU., end s ill be here a week or two reorganising for *Jie season. KENTUCKY. I«ealswllle.'Al .Macauley'a Tbeatreraul Alex- ander Johnalone, tliemlod reader, gireu eiblblilon of Ills powen April X drawing n large audience. Fanny nice, 4-6, metwlih good patronage. Mei O'Rell corneal lo hlaleetore. "Her Hoyal lll|linep>«. Womw." TuruL—WlUon Hamtt will rtll a three nighu* en- ■aaement 11-13, prodaclOK **The8lgn of Uie Cross", and *^ie Muxniu.' ORAifD OriBA llocai.—"The Derby Mavot" was Uie ettracUon last week, and proved to i>e popular, drawing EOodlKnarH. WoakofK. ^'Jue." . AvitKta.-EiJa Keodall. In "A I'olr uf KMs," eIo»ed a week's ran e. "Jloesaod Iloss" wrsk off Blcici!roHAK.-Tlie Mgbl Owls played tt> good houses last week. Yucca, tha Ihe head of a com- '*tiMT?tfA?5iK.-Naw lacesS: OaTMToia,Fd. B. Whlle'a Lola. Carrie Hcotl. aVallU aod Noble Parker. P.llUTerr]r, Ed. Murpliy. MagileTlieen, Cora Prukln wards. BuiloessUgood. .VoTCK—Waller L. Halo'i Clrcos ei«aa tha teotlog soa- aoohere Ifc Al. Booillsr, ofBoorilerHmv-, nanagera of theTenple, wlio liaa beu quiu 111 for the fuat Two vetka. Is slowly rac«Terinf.eDilexMcia lobetrat affals Inafewdars KobL R. K«1«an]s assumed Ihe mul. oes< Dsnagemsot of tbe Oem Theslro e. C ALIFORNI A. Lm AngvlH,—Maria Bumuf ha pUjed a fair .Di.I*DMt %K tb. Lm Aai,l«. nntr«, Mirrb 33-30, inmsllua "Jiiilih" ud "Ttw rn-aimu." 1. K. Em- iiult am. Aw" l-3.'T1i« Ktndoa Ha«ur"M Al Um laituk 'T«k»o From LIf." did bltlr wk (DdhllUitliS tli,Oi»l»ui« l.diawlai ••II. N,w PMIX. April I: Itoikllor i»jSuiil<pii, reid »d U.UMd bran ud UaiTlioo Darl»« . n>wn>l of "UU- Titu," br ImU uv,.!. a tin FM.dw. pp.ra Hwj, MvcLa^ .Mai* trap rk, w.j-.imlpluilDa.liMopl. lgulbUMM.wHMr1milrh.n- Tb. Kddnt wu, it a chAfi.d, di. lo caialawaiM In eoaimcUaf lb. Uip. NoTO FannTiii ManAWi; Cikits llun- anan(n>.-Tlia larm bric* iHilldliw rnmiertj iha Hohawl: Vallfj- Opfm iioow, aiu loa.xuft., U the waiinii ilaparinKiii, aail ihc Mrsa Imlonj a »ror«- rinuM anil |wlnt aliup. In lbs itar of Iha blilldloir u (tw lam* boraa rtalila, wllh foitj-Bre alnirta alalia and (nnlT-nre Iwx alalia, micd wllh ilap|>la imr and J«l lilack horao, arenglnR l,9Mlb tach and atudlog aLtlean tuoda tlgh. Iha prMe of Ida alabla Ua lieaiilirnl |«lr of Importad llockj Maun- Uln horaaa, an nnrlj matrhcd that It la hani lo dla- llninibb one tnwn Itw other, and will vclih MJOIh each ami atanillnir il.xiwn hand* hiah. wllh while 2S?V ■11.* •■"»• r*le ot Ihe children win be Ihe lilt e lilark MalAon, (leneml. helihl Wln-.aiid wc (hlni 3101b, and UhI, bul nol ihe leant, Iha two wulleit and homlleat ilnnhrja evn'oxhlldl- M iiofore Ihe niilillc namedTrllbyanilliMar WlMe. Thin (how will Rtre lla Initial perfonnanre on April », at Xiihawv, and no |ia(nii ate Iwlnit mml bt lia managna, Mnom. I«well and Sliwin, In nMNe It the neattot and Iwt waifnn ahiiw on Ihe foad. Paint andnmUh have hwii ami Iho barrel at Ihe winter qiiartfrB. Iho wajiona wppo nil nude to order; Ihe liaiid wami Iclnf one ot the Itnent 1 he »ii\-ai4|ii new and Ihe iMot'lt l« *eiT (rood i-ondl- ttni). (.veiTtblnilofikaliriiihi, eUceilt Miiiie et the people, who, of oiiiiiie are never conlenied until Ihe red wxeodh are nlllntf over Ihe mad. Wo cany Oftjr head of honte^ anil noTenir pconio who ai« Htam In their line ot hualDM*. The Winter qaaneni an dally mieil with Tidlorxandnewiiiianerreimrleni, eairertomand Intm all they ran, anil nee half the nhnw before the wawo oprnii. Conlaiid II. llaiTia, our (pineial agent, haa chaise of the advance, wllh five nKditfaoIa. .k folloWH; I'. J. Carroll, Iiom mil. poater, wllh ta-ii a>ut<tantii, anil Ilany H;an, llilin- RTiphrr, wllh iHie andalant, Tliey una all lithograph paper rniii the l)nnald.«in Oiro- Biny. iiiiiiie of the people rnxaDod are Hire lolheim Etta lllce, Knia anil Rddle Magtaler, the Three I'artnt liru.. Walker Una., Oharlea V. I/ee, While, SnUlnnand McOnwan,J, Alliert ntylnr, Koaa Dro*., I«onard Walen, frank ItowanL Annie and MUie Ivy Howard, Prince Xuhi, II. (I. Hvd-n, h'rlata. Hod. Lorerlog, Ur. and Utt. Kred HiimsII, (leorge aillii,Oeorganift, WlllleT>rt,(leor(o Uamea, Kmeat llartar and UcmaiMl Chcaii r, 0. .\. Uonlale haa charge of caudvprlvllfgeail'mf. Kieil Wnmu, leader of band, with twelve plecea; Jnhn n'lllirr. charge ot atock; Ike Soltb, charge of caiivaa, and Kd. Buna, propenloi. llonxR or HcNiHsmi A Bumi'a Cmvi ii: Ham A. .<<ci1lmer aod Nell Mnillh, owiicra and iiainagcni; I. Ilenn llut>l«rd, trrsaaret; Hatty WIlllaniH Jr. anil Fnnt A. nireiK, hlg abow ticket Htlleni; Jaa. ItealHe, nianagerufptiniegen; lliilil.atlcknoy.eiiiicii- trlan director; Al, U. Hircei, band niaaler; Ihivii Mar- kowltz. MiperlnKiiilciilor I'anily alamlK; .Ni'll Mmlih and Frank nuniis MRidioir door tendem Jiilea Jor- dan. In charge otrMn ed aeataaml concert lli kcta; R J. UollaDd, parmile Inapector; Urn. Ilobt- Mlcknoy and Hn- Nell 8ailiti, In charge of rmrvcil neat gatea; F/ldle Bweeoey and lloo>:iion, renerveil wat and concert Ikket wllero; Frank Ilenewy and Joe Httoii. aide ahow mllcllon: (leo. Ibirtzell.ln charge of hotel people; Frank llun'hini, mall ineiaciiger; John Kent,genenil aiiperlnlondent; H.J- Haley,In charge ot canvaHj >Vni. Hmllh, In charge ot nlito ahow canvaa; Andy Watdi, In charge or baggage abKk; John Cliapnisn, In charge ot Hug utock; Ratftrty, In charge of propertlea; (Icn. SHininoiia, In charge of llghta; lluck KoglMi, In charge of Haul, the giant elephant; .\nliiir I/awli, lioaa animal man; R. S. Doyle, In cliarno of cook tcnbi. Male peiform- < em; ilolil- Hllckney, Willie Lowaiiile. the threo Mor telle llroa-, tbo Vcnum llrM., Danny O'llrlan, U .Tiide, Fisnk Dunhlui, Ilarry lloliie, Arthur Chapin, ileo. Uailzell, Joae Haiiil, llyanand He Vere, and Oeo. Al>- botl. Femalepcrfonneni:Nelllo Wllaon, Kniiini Hllck- ney, Vadelone,(k>lilloWsalilium,Allle llarlMll.Mnio. lUcardo, tlazlo U>irsnde, and Hm, Danny li'llrlan. Sldeahnw people: JaH. Beallle and wife. UUIIe Teiii- nenl, Rildle Sweeney, Wealey lUiim, Madgo Hann, TuUuaWrightandZarraro. Zulu Chief.' Concert peo- ple: DnmH and Uuroa, JuIIuh Jordan, Alice Daly and Hanilo Sweeney. Advance corps; (leo. W. (lal- lagher, general agent; Joa- VIoh, coiilrmcUng agent; Oeo. II. Flaher, preos agent; William Vino, aollcltor toradvertMng pngranime; A. lloMeln.ln charge ot ■ocond brigade; T. Behrlnger, bean bill poaler; Win. Bohiner'and A.Wela, lllhogmnheni; Jerry Onnand, prograninner; (leo, Mnnne, Ulke King, John lloach, Andy Fagln. Uaraey Fay and WlllUm Link, bill HuxnNO CiRCi'ii NODM.—Wo have Onbiheil onr tint week to ntlnfactory liuKlnciw. The ahow In giving HilUfacllon eveiywtiere. Itie n'valher liun been cold. Lew lluntliig met with a inlnful, but not aeiloua, accident at Kilentoii, N. C, Uu/ch The bar of hla Iraper-a liroko and prcclpllaled lilm Into the net unexpectedly. In tila fall hla hand cangliloneof Ihe hookiiut the end ot Uie iraiieM harand waa iBceiated- Manager Hunting to liimy from momtug onlll nlglit kKiklng uflcr detallii- ceii- eial BoperlnXendHit Frank A. noliblna la liiiatling all the time, and U kept biiay In Hie iragon nikliig In Ihe ahekehk Kiiuenltlnn IMnctor Dave CMello hua the perfoniiance nionlng like clockwork. Tbe menage act uf Hni, I). C. Ijinglilln on her ,\mlilau etalUou, "Dan," la pronounced lu tie one of tbe Btrongeat acta of lla kind. Joe lai Fleur'a back diope and aoroeiaiiulia from a ladder contlmiea to l>e a atrong fenliite. Onr coocvrt Ibia aeaaon la nnnaiially atroDg, under Hie able dIrecUon ot John J. Hiimy. Rverybody hwell.and aowecnntlnueon. AMBRiCi.v IUIMIOAU8IIUWH .VirTBi.—\Vo iMve re- ceived oiir uew ranvaaea, and tliey are ItoiiiitlDi, Wa are now eaxoly iiwalting uiir oiitnliig. Fmnk li. MxoD, aa Ireuinrer, ami J. H. llcnHiHi. aafilldo trombouhit, are recent adillilona to Ihe ahuw. Nona rBov the UAi-i-RNiim Famii-y I'lHci'a.— We will open at Uildgeport, W, Va., April i:i. Charlea McOrlde arrived al Winterqnartcra, a, wear- ing the Kline old aiiillr. The foHowlpg iivnple go wllh the ahow: Hall, Frank, IJwile and Venile llab longer, Uniiluabam and llyan, IMilby llroa., the Wlndelda (Time and Im), Uave MoUanb^ Clirlal Hroa., Toui Keller and (Hut Hendoimn. Pie abow will carry a bnam iMiid and a apeclnl iin:heatm. We will (revel by vagoiiand give two iwrtoniianica dally, II. 0. Cuuuogbaui la on rlio advaiKv, wllh two aaalatanla. AtJ.V- Cool's wisreaqrARTiiRB work bi tieing puahed aa rapidly aa poaalble, and ereryihlng, froin alake to cenlie pole, haa beau painted or renawcd- Theae people have already been engaged: The Dar- lington hand for the big ahow, iind Ihe Ollumwa, la-, Hand tor tbo aide ahow, fonr cbinrno, Aoiando, aingle nana liiigllng act and hla perfumilng gl- nilB; F:oiIIo Qenier, conlortlonlat; Hnhcit andllary Uughea, Yuuoi Thompaou and W. U. Hulllran, Mead end Dlnnlynln, and a ocore of olhen. Jim Haneylaboaahootler, lkiwThomj>mnbcadcook,wlih three eaahitanu; H. J. KIntade, cbandellcra, anil Jack Andemon, boaa canvaa man. Tliey open In Hay- TOE 7.AN0II have returned from Cuba, where Ihey played a twenly-tour weeka' engagement iriiii the brco I/>waDde. Theyare now reeling at thelrhouie, Bridgeport, Ct- Uahaoeh Cuta Hali., of Hall'a Clrcua wtIIcm fromBanAnloiao,Tex.,aH followa: "Ikcy (laid left here on Uarch ;io, on a atock Inln, bound for Chi* cage, wllh two luadaut callle, and haa not been heaid from aloce. Feara are enteiialncd that be baa met with a uitobap." V. C. FociEUAN, formerly with ilagcntieck'a Ani- mal Show, lui algned wllh Ooaro Tonlcllo aa bualnen manager ot bla marine tiand- titmiE QRiani, ot Tom and Uerlle Urlmca, haa recovered trum a recent Ulneaa- The team baa algned with the Forepangh Bliow. CONiar, lateof (>)Tiie and McO>nkey, haa nigned with John W. Kohlaion'a Clrciia. Max VErm write* that he baa aold hla bakery at Altoona, Pa., and will rnlnni to the abuw Mialneaa again, going oat with the Wallace Hhow. OiBiur„eqolHhrlHt, haa algned wllh Ihe KIrkhart Show tor Ihe araton. Tui; Uaoi. rai-ANu, aerlallala, have aleued wUli (leo. U. ttile'a CIrcaa and Tmlned Auluwl Kx|io>ltlou for thia aeaaoii OREGON. Portland.—At tlie >tan|nam Grand Ihe Krawley fltock Conpaor closed ha Are «Mka' «DB.|.incnl Mirrli SO, lJi.fdA7cpnMntod l^loa "Efmirolda," ",\ll ihtCuiii- foru of a ltoM"lQd''-Vucr 1 Co." Ttis lal.lnttt via ble. From Ii.t* tli* oHii|«ijyao.i loliulil#,TaCffai.aod blTiar tlacioDlh. -Vofthw..! circuit. Frudtrlcli Ward, aod LftuN Jam.* opaood April I, ID "Ittnir tv," fnra waal^loclodlocMturdarai.llnM. ArntllnMwaiali.n 3 for III. iMD.fll of ih. Klhaof llil. rllr. wban "Klclialkn" «i. prtMioml. William ttarky*. ■T.nclnaMa^l.r'.ltl l,«i«Mll. I3:v.*k of 1.^*111 b. prlncl^llf lah.ii up I.)' lor.l aoilUii r mrrnnau.:.'. CoaoaiVa TiiaiTaK.—Tlmlore knm.rljMan a v.ak'a «B|mt«ratnl Xarfb 31 In lilioan plar, "rh.Klhlll.t," In a aood hODi*. Moall-KA'a Tiiuna (Toaiiira.—Maaal* A1I.O. Kami Ro... Kll. Kylon, Kranhl. UrarloD. Mkli trllllaJn., nli^ll. Itarrf.. JaamlU and Mlau.iu, Al. Ktiar, Wallar farkar *A!aama.'^iMI.I«ball.. E.lua. M Xalua Clipper Post Office . 4^A«TAanDBfTmura,plalaljMMt«ss«dtfnBttbt IneWl ftorasch letter, aod tha lloe of bosliiaaa followad by tha petsoo aJdrvwlsr ■ - — ^ piarent mUteiea. I ahoaU ba ilTaa, (q oidar to KoTiL-rfttreMUtaals and oiheia shouU bear In tnlod that Ril loiiera, etc., In ina^lt between the United Sutea Anuoar. Ada V. aihhr, Un** Blanchi ion. Uav Anson, Aila Aletoe^ Mule AuBilBfllslpni Arrher, t^srTle Albvrta, Mite, PreTS, Rhine ''Benianl. Ilalilf Bodden. Anna 4«, Belonl, BlNia BfBdhom, I'ftsrl Boshell, t^ntien Burbuon, Louli*e BfllAarah Berleur, llenrieiia Beraanl, Mr*. M. Bdchler. Llaetie Be rtuun. Jessie Blsrb. Jnho J. BrlRirs, lltrbrrt A. Baldwin, Mra Rarn^T Bamelt, Ada B. Hooths, V^iKvi LADIES' U8T. Oerrr.MrKD.d. nwler, Ulu A. H;nl, ball)', llrart* IMIIii. K. Vrin UrlMol, rannl. Hurtiin, B^lla Eriablun.Owiral* CsTson, tlcnrals Osrlyle, Ainrs 4:|«ltD(i, Zella rUrlAn, Hiss K. tliirk, Annie • t-itlller, t^iilia tlismt'lnn, Nanle Cnlllns, Affiila (U>ak^ l*su1lne Crosrler, Xrlla Os'lellp, Ulnnle l^nil^ Adoix Ilisp«lln.risni CunnhiKMiii, Mn. B. ronnsli, hllllu rolling Myra c<lllIn^ ilorile ^ <U>nia, IliM* Oe Vau. nors UpuRlasi^ Bertha lOc l>e Carlton, D<it Itelinsy, Itoltle Ikevere. Jennie Uarllnaton. illMnd Dellr, Maud nersslpi. Biniiis Deni[>«ej, Urs. Cliai. f>evenA, Kar Dursnd, Hlia beane, Hadiarl "meat. Bertlo Bolalk. ~ K)tlnire, Kw Rnif ry, lleerelr HsKlmtnn. Kihel Biiitiiett, tirarle KilwertlL Jemiie ^llijialrlck. Ids rreoHi. Mrs. M Krwlorlrhs, ihrrio Fnuiklln, Unllla rl•rl«^ Liiitle Klslier, Dot Krench, Mm. O. f.. ~llbert, llessle aiovsr, Amelia .^ylor, Mrs. Mar Oleasun, Madeline Ureeoa. Koilly Otlberi Kbrsnte nrois, lira. Mai (larland, Laura Oaylur. Mrs. K4>bt UodfhDr. Ada iiimlliar, nt« ilnrdon, Delia Hansen, Marie lloeanl.Kellle flaiwlrk. Mantle ll(nraTd.MT«.W.A. KeUtMi HIateiv llvmandea, Irroa Ituliitas, TollT ileaebllne. Llllle Holder, Elta llaiullinn, Oeorile UIIL Utxle llaiOej-, Mrs. M. B. Ilowatu. Husle llarTluvtoiutlertle llaake\t'anrle llaka, Fpiinia lluves, Hadn lliisranl. Reasle llanlln,Xlale ilarbusn. I.lllle Howe, Mninle rrlnc, Mrs. sol JanseniiUien lontniniery jn, lilnle JenHn«,I.a(inaP. Msii Kelson, Mair Kelson. Mr«.AII<erl /Vdtn. Fannie ^)Mena.Deme fVRrloB, A Ilea llakler, Annie I nil Tier. Jessie o'Dea, Bunnaj Mania hlr^ Vain. U Pni.r. atni. IMor, Llilla roiiar. Kuiiinn IWhar, raulhi. I*b1oiu, (Inwo Pa.rl, Janal. llallLllanl. (Nimiu, Allf. Rial, Dab. Bup|«l, Julia Rlr^ Mab.1 IUll>aJ8^ Kllllg Kkld, I'aullne Kltilnver.Mrs.(leo Kearmll. Mlmilo Ceener, Bnima Clnfpdsnd, Mrrtle ilnir, HesslrtL KamOL Dot Lllfonl, Jeanetle faOTlno. Hiisia ><insTd. Ktora .e-llf, Bsilna L»n!,<lraclti Le VIdp, JiMle Lfoni. Kiltie Loitle, Ronnie Lsieree.CarlaiiA lirnni. Mar Lorell. Mm. Chas. TiS Rhlirhe,l1nule Lsnaler, Mnode Urksir-, Mine Ljron^ Ki(a Lear. Uarle 140. Minn lo lieluh, Kailisrliie Le Mar, Jsule Uo«(>lb'n, I^iuIm> I^wnnr*. t'ltra Ijtn|phtii,rliirvncr IiMtnanl, NelUo l<eslle. ,tiiiy MiMler. VtMia Mlaro, KsnnlK Ma^wtney, Msy MiillfllT, (irs Mes^lte. Vine R. Uslroiiio. H«nla Mr<:uy HIsivrs Hllkr. Ma Neyrr, Daisy MMlno, Bss>le Mrlnwo, rem UltrholL Dnllln Vnnleii. Adtlle UondiiEa, C1e« Uimlau, Jttaie 1). Ulunon, Ilelsii Mitrcan, Mnle Hnniollu. Kdoa MlllMmHUtprs Mitdiell. Litstia . s. Nsrie Rnirel, riiyllU lalbie, Ella Mulk<r.MaiMl UHrftm, iNtllln Uarlnw, Urule Uarkliaiii, AlU-e MHlmny, Amy Horl liner. Mra.Fm) MeKeoii.Hrs.1l.Ia. Miirrliy,Urs.Ueii.l' MitriHirth, Ma Ntlum, Lillian Kelsnn HUleis Nll>ln, Mlnsrva Naali, V\or»\* Neal, Mrs. W. W. Imtnej, Matile bman, laanalng ItUer*, Msbel KuMetl. rink Itayniond, Maude Htdinil, KTolyn Kitlllns, Kliil« Klcv,Mr*.<i. W. Rice, Louise lllalln,Mll*. Hittlifiinl.MaMI Rtwrs, Msrle Kayiiinnd, Daisy RihM, KIU KlTrri^ Kiiiiua Ktuu, Arllne Kli'loy. Klllle Qlevens, l>erl Joint. Anna RInilsinn, Aaslha KliowleJk Minnie B. lirolile, Mt*.(Imi. fllorkliiiint, Ada Htitlnn, Nellie H. M. i:is(r, llaiel Huttlsy. I>nt Hniiii. I.niiaii n. MiHlilanI, Minnie tttlntaiti, rhirw rianfonl, ilt>|Mno 0, Hrnll. rarrlit HlnrUIr, Knitna MierMsii, Mr«.nill Tutrln. llarrla Tumour. Millie Tiip»la>-, l.ltlla Tina, U H«>lle Timer, Lillian Vlltrrni, Rva Valleila, Mnie. VInreni, KlIiH Vionte, llmre II, Wllvnn, Mrs. While, May Wenull, Anne M. \Vellls.(llatlis WlllMTNnnna VTyllns. Msuil Wanl. Mantle Waile, UaUy Wiiui).MTs.(leii. II. WelK Klliy Wnuls. Llllle WoHl.^oule Wo«m|. Kitniia \VillUni«, JpMla Wiirtli. Killili Wllllatns, L«iiiie Watson. Katu Wesitin, Llllls Wrljrlil, laiiitle Wanle. Mslnl Weat, Khirrlu WIlMin. .Nina Youny. (Hja^ L. Yaln. May Vale*. Vina Zlttrlla.Mlle /.slla, rrlnrff^ Xnta, Millie GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Lnols rairlcokf'i iriek duv Dadee. HbaflUU'e 0pufitiBtadat% -Altler*. K. IL Aslte Jr.. J. Alblnl,!!. AdsnisA 4Vt. Ads, VtvA I3f. Andrvis^ inisH. AriDund, Will Ain.deleiynirlCo. Aouila, — Aiidenun, W. Asburr. W. 8, Alfsrahl, Hull Allen, Jas. Amtsimnir.V.t;. Alwn.tlDO. Alkunts, J. r. BIslinp. Wnt. Bameli.U«o, Bryan I, Hlilr Urown, Joe (I. Jarratt, Ilarry tyraa, AnUratr Bnlinst. LouN Brooks, T. Buchey, E. L. BsBco * Roberts Browo, Jolia Bruwii, Jack Hsrrloj[ton,C1tss.|l BejIlikB- terroit, ral^y JnnoenAWIisfller lostrertli, Frank Irowe, Ilarry BoatinktltU Brennsn. Jubn V.. BroaDS, Jm. II. Blech. Iao Berluv. II. tf. HaitBt«en.C.K. Boyatun, Frank u Barf no. (ilia a. Hunil.Fnok J. BUIidell. Wm. Busli, II. Hnil'liaw, W. y. Bryul. Fisncls UarreiU A MInnMU BelU RalrHi Benurd m Le* !■ BuuMBr, llosard Brouo, T'Kii Beriianl, t1is<. Barton, liarrr Burke, Hilly Hums, llnrry Hanker. VA. ■urluii. Clark Hun, W. F. Uurlvy. Dr. K. I- Hurfuo. laawM. Hattivufn. f;. >\. Hsnis, Kniikt:. Blaliaiii, Imv Htinkrur Hroa. Hul*«. K la. Baro'. Win. M. Brum. WelhcA Han^nck^Tlle Hakrr. iriuM. HasMtt. FIIIM. Berhell. His*. Cu»)ilni£, 41. II. Umtit'all.diis l.'urrsn, Juhu I'. Crari, tJao. Camilrlisal, K. i.'lajlAD, Frank (^il«n:an. Harry Carroll Frshk (:ret>illle.J. A. Criry. A. B. (;arter, Clis>. Crlmmlns, l>au Cnrroll. Jvhn K. t^tuley, T. iriiftoo. JosD. <^>ls, (le«>. K. iriiDnor<AOII<'>n (ra*ey * LeiMsir ruoley. llollUB. ciirroiil, Jsf. OmrllsiitK Win. Carr.Ocu. II. (Nxin, H«dK. C'suilnade. U. r.VaMyAFeerl CSiO. riia>. riifton, Iftrry t.'DnoIothiiii. J. r. riirk. Willi* 4?Binpi>elI, Nomiae OmkllD. W. E. Csnklin, Jas. one, Ilarry Cirionit. I'r<*f J.C. Took. J. II. Ceonloglism.W.K renKsnABanib i's<Ulli>. Uan rni>«. F/l. riiMs J i|oi<i»n t.'iirti-. Nsd CisMler. Lea r.rfff. Ik. I.Ttrfc, Arthur W. i^mn, Hum. X. tSart A Jwidan TV*'>l«'t The 'I'Da Cann, A. Jfenrar, Ed. De Vine. Jiilin Duma, Martin Uarldson, Alei. DemlDf, W. V. Ullbs, Js«. Ourlois It. Daty, J. Uu> f>etii|wey, l.'liif. Do))n, Jas. D. Ounber, Jesii I*. Dunbar. (Isti. W. I>«int>Tan, Jss. B. llorene, T. I>unl«r, Uen. If, De Mellu. Harry UavlaaUsiinns [>eBlloscli«rs,Ja-.H Da*ey k Bullock Day, wllsnn IKhirUm, Fred ns Lisle. i::aul. K. D'Omiond, Jnlni Uorkloir. Ilarry Ueouin, rnok Dvjer, Jas. Dobbins. R.T. De Kenu, II. Dvwilnr, J. J. DeUruvuAFrlls Darts, Jack DulilitP'Mi, J. W. Oonoranv. The DfiiiiHtloirsntMr l)eiii|su)y. J. J. Dunlier, (leo. W. IMalvos,- Ihion, Arthur Df Icanii, Hntis. Drlnn/i», Hraiilsy De Will. Mnrria Uo|*r«i, Win. De I.'iiiy, Tniiy Dunnu, (Ifo. Uucb, Haiti Duyallinambi. Dr. Ihiinunt. Fiauk Devere, Win. Ihiaiie. K. I>, IMvlne. Ja>. Dwyer, KildU lirliikslne. .V<iry Devlii, Marry <!. l)e('uurMy,Bdvln l)a\ |s,<im. i:. Uitnraii, tliaa. II.* Ell«irurtb, Jsi-k Kran^Frl^f.F.K. Kwern, (Isu. KIwiul, LIncuIn Ki||snn,Mr. AMrs Riri|laM|on,(leii.f!. Kstlwr. A. K. Kmc,— C*ani(iiit A * Wekdiiie Minn, MallJ. Frinb, Frail C. Fiinl, Will J. Fill, JOMI'll Faw,naenJ. FlelHiarA Ulor F«rMUM>ii, H. V. Frederick A I'tckin Fuller, Man In Flelov, I'rince FhitflUKfiis, Bertie Fleulierinilltlren Fsf u, Julm FUii. ilert Flhb.t.lias. 0. Foy, Ilarry FoWer, E. H. FtMlen, Iterry Fasti nv, Pr*0 Fiuiersld, llsrry Friedrldi, (Jus Flfnn. Malt FlUallllant^ Frank Frenr-h, I'. H. Fl*lirr. Frcil Feaum.TI J. K. Fiitte),J.A. Foslcr. J. K. Franclar'f. r. 1*. GreiPiry. fl'ss. J. (Irini,i:. W. (kMf<l«lii, Jbhn W. (Jllil>». IXk (llrrnpl, Lr>uls IJIII, lieu. v.. fisthzher. I»r. (itfklen, Frank rif^ita4l,LonH. 'Jsllaiher, O. W. (IsrrlHMi, Julee Utrdee, Eioll (JM'iiore, Mslor ftomLSo'sMloM. nu-iford a F.Mrldys rTfiDisIn, llieo. iuUle A nreic«r ilrBni.(^>ley riaitnler.J. B. (Ionian, Tout J. Dorhain, R. K. ilaylor, Habert Ueolry, I'ruf.lf.B. (illben,Chas. ■ B.J. AEIU Lu ilasiun, Aliirrt nreiwttla. K. iluolh<an, Mauri CO (JAlWn, J. K. (Irlinn, (Jsrslil (Iny llni*. illbMin, Air. ri, tiny, Harry IJoiiper, (larry •^ifiilnies, n/w. Ilnsm, Fred (I. Ilnyilon, Jiw llanlKsn, Julm II. lloHter. Wallan llarrlwrii. IL J. Ilalfon], Will. Hunt, J. Rtl. Ilarrlniclnn, Msit llafnev<*hss. F. Uarrls, Bnh llersl.c. H. Ilurtnn, ill lemlerwiti. W. F. Ilney, Freil mil, llsrry llalsifad, Frank lloudlol, J. II. Harris A Walters HowanI, Kdwanl Hart, Jua. Ilari>er. I^laro IIiiMirll, A. I'. lfBn<ler«Hi, W. H. II.M.d. Hanson, JnHus HarHs, Bub Hudson, II, B. Hovard, Kd. D llan»lrlle, J,W. Huey, WllUrd llasrsll, Lon Hall. Billy lluni, M. A. fleUslberKei Harris, Va\. HaydfD, Jiie Howe. H. H. illll,i:iias. W. lloudlnLT. K. Hull. E'lwanI Hancock, U. F, Hunt. Harry HllMlarr* llulniian, Frank V. Halfiln, »hm U, llansnn. John lltals. I^larry Harklns, Juljn Haley, TlHia.M. Ilurd.T. J. HtllAIIIII lliMiy, frv\ llaiiienr, Jdmny llarTls, (fe**. Inrlna, Rubt, J»aAa. If. Jnlinsni, Wni. Jarkaon, I'. A. .tbitsrsvn.Oliaa. (1, JacolM, Fhfl Jer'inia, Wni. Junker, W. A. Jvnei, Aftbur Ja«>|ue|lae k Nltmra Jess, John W. JuiiK. Olfd John«io, Klmer Juck.l^pt. J. M. Kern, AdnlfC. Klncald,KrDeit Klni-le/.JI.I. Keoilal). Ed. (I. KeonaiuA HAihaas Karr, Ji/hn Kull>,J nr. K.nnadjr. Iltv. L. Kraoan. jarrv K.uiilio, ij. K. Khulariiian, Bllljr Karl, IT. K. Klo>,ll«>. IT. KlDir,J II. Kml, Krank Kallar. ft. A. Kiuaar, Jacquu Klralrr, AraW 1 KiililiL Dr. Law Klnil.Vln Kallar, tun H. KMioarrk., Kull KcniiA, i;iia., Koiidall, l; KInf.rraakD. Lio.llar. iiiirr l/inia.. Aulir.r UxIn.L; rArloK4L.*lla ijfvn, lllranl l/>ralii<, ll.rrr l4rtir. Hat U alranga, Harry Utr.— "abmanfoab" (Ana, Abauo LonttM, 0*a. D, U«,Wl\biirt tiwncia,N..tor LannJUm Mvla,DaT.B. Lnll.ailuldr Lkjril, llanvrt Lmiapl. Bml Uaii. 0 W. U H.r, l^rank U Mirr, liarrr Lawmc IW. r. A. U«la,W. II. I,.bh^iiM>. it. I.or^fflllU I,•Tln^ Unlob LOT.Untl, Hen T. Link, Mlly liiwiwic a lialbiiu U D.I1,1.11 Llvliil^ton, liarrr i*oii,n anna l,liidoa,^r.rvr Ijle a Poo I.WI1. liarrr lA Bonl., Arthur I,.aK Anil)r iMniaL Thiu. I4wt^ nirhaid i,..l(., (iMt. lAiue'al3nnii.lrtru Munis K. M. U.ln, W. 11, Mack, Amlrav MllchalLa r. lfur|.hy, Knnk llc\Mn, Hi.nitan MoV.iili, John Mniiuna, Jo.. Slark. Jaa. II. Miiilaa. I> L. MDDil.r, I'll 11. Ua)< Jlr.lll.niaii Mart.Blllr X. Mrlldian. r. W. Mrlluraan. f'rallk M.mii, M. >lllla,Hi>l<l .Harbin. Jnlin B. Maiwlfl. W. MrOovaa, Thua, MiHidr, Hani Miiorv A K.rrlier HataUii, Hlrlinnl Mara, Krank Uarbiii, lla.a Mi'Atnl', Utrk MrCldlail, 11. n, Slark, Ihliena McOi.alls Til. HcOnlt,II. Mnlirina Hnx Jluiiuiaui\<lwi. I, Miiaan, Klwanl Marlon. Nam JliMtniiaii, A, It. llaais n.M. Mani, At. Uc<niitcli,«>n. Haul Manlnalll. A. ri. Uamlliti, K W. >li.rTlHiUH>.r. (I. MrAll.ler, Will MulllKait, Jm, MrViir, llaii Mrt^nmr, J. A, Uiinlok. J.J. Hark, rrankll. Mrnn.rll, l( Marblialii. A. K. M> ara, H. J Hcll'li, fnnk K. Jllltliall, Jua Mltcli.ll, I,. H. Ullbnir.r.ilill. Mark*Sll«<)l Mol.aa. P. II. Murray. (Iw. II. Nowlon, Al. Nor». A. 0. Nal«<uAlllnir.r Nomian. Daunt. Kankevlllf^ Win. NaUnn, Mania .No.l>r,A.II- 0'D.ll. Ilany Ullura, — Ofwna, J. IIBV, - (ri).li, EiMla 8nun, MMaa Hrlan.A. 3. ninatead. llHi.0. III). J'en^r.Loul. B. l^alrlcoki^Tlia I'o.lav, W. ■■aul, J. Oal. frtc. A Wainn Prainlca, Tha l-ortar, a w. I^rlol, llomian rallollar, <l. K. ■arkor, A. K. ■arkrr.WIII 1atll.)lanr vbr, rrank i,. 'al.ra, l^ill Niwank Jnhu T- ■unlr.J. W. Vrlatl, — ilpailer) Hl.llfwn., Ilarry KcoM.. licw. anMlhi Kill' rt|4Uiimi, ThiM. tt. aultllira. J. !„ rtyimmita. II. ariiil.—(miamau) Hchulu'a HuHiini HLt'Ulr, UlllyA l.iiul.« IMiinlill, (Hlu aavllln, ilu. Hmllh, nia.. HUrr, (lm. (1, Ulnar, Kurh Hnillli, J. it: niafliv (>. II. Hclaultar, II. II. MianliMi, tloltl, ThAnlii,Bil*anl TralanlTDuu Tliniuiwin^ H. If. TK>kir. rrof. B. 0. TmI, Jaa- Tuck., (lao- K. Thuntpann, H. (*, Ttiels John F. Tucker, ir. K. Millar, Ourrihin MalliLni^ Oni. R. Mcra-ldan, K- K. Mar". Will. MmiI. liTun M.llark, ll.nii.ll McXiillr, W. V. Mark. I.ariy MlIK Una Mrlknli)', Kraiik Mi.itlui.r, rrnl MrUllnhK-'k, Hlllr Mllrh.liaifoT. mcHmv AiHir McCnniili'k. I!. U*. Mriranliy. Tamil. Uukliam, It. H. Miinwii, l.liaa. Mnmii, Ja.. Hlllnr.r. l.'.<.'. Hanli. KarnuMs Ilu. lllchanlMHi. 0.0. Hayuiaml, Hoblir Ka«l, II. I. HuniliL n. lUld, (1. II. Hlrh, llw. K. Hit.., Ilni. Hiiuaa Ikil Kuuialn, Wallar HIatiy. Anliur Haun, (latt, navau, lliek, bl. nayittond, Ilr. Illn^ Ml. k. Kanmn,(1iaa. II, KlahliiilrK W. 11. Hire a Harlou Hlr., iIMl Ua>, kml J. liuliyna. Will lliilmy, W. II. ni..H.y, ^ nalil, II. Hnulaya Til. Ilua.1l, Hla., IL HIrn. I'ol.r lliiwoll, Ja.. Hlnakhs Win, KAyiminil Hnm, Hudd, Anliur llllclila A llllclila Hli r, llni. T. III.'... Krank I., qi (iriuunil,llarrr *^leaart, r.t. HlaunmiailUnJ Hiiillti. II. I'. Ht-iill, Ilarry auaiMan. W. H- K|«lirvr. Alal. Kiiilili. Iland.rwm Kliaualiu**.y,II.A. rilurh, Ilarry ailrln.y, llulil. H. K. Jim Hluiidlll, R. II. Hfl)niiiiir, A. j. Hiiila, J. II. iiiiiiiri, II. II. Kiiiimipn^ I?. K. aiiani, K. R. lUun.(ais (.lialk Minna. W. II. Knlai*llaii,i:ltaa.ll. Hiiydnr, IV. II. rtalloii, II. Mnllioilauil, Lawl. Hlmi.ii., Kraiik KaaniiMi, (I. V. HmllliAllUnrlianl HlaniiliMi. I'. J. Hnyilnr, Ilarry A. Hf.UI, {it. Hliirao^l.'lina. Kmnailnll, Kral rilauanl k (I11I.U ri|ill>. All. llUim., II.W, tumar, Itultt. Tniaa.«.r. II. (I. Taylnr, Jakii Titnmiwiu, 0. V. Trua, IVrllA. Tu.ara, l^lyilit Turpln, Hentant Uiiila,- IMall, I1ia<i. K. YnklUk J. Xlc. Vlrtpr,- V.muu, J. If. Varlay, A. II. Vane, K. K. Van A I...U. Vanilyk WlllUi Wa«t,fi>ny Walla, Amlrvw \\ Walker4IUildnl|ib ITalrume, Trod HTallr. Al. IVIIIant. It. 11. Warrick, n. A. WinnelLT. WalrMnr Harrllt AW.) ITamtc, J. O. Wllllama i'llartnn Walun A Ddi« WallJaa. Wallans I'n.r. 1*. Waklnin, l!lia<. If, Wllllama, Uenny Whils Alio Watilar, II. J, Waal, UarrT WaalUtiil, T. II. WakllDn, Jnn Wayll^ llAlit. Warner, Han It, WMhnr, A. II' Whlla, UUyU'U K. Walter, Wliliiiilc.1 Wlillconili, li. v. Welrli, TluM. Wrlilila, Twit Wllllauiaon a TeMar le.(»na.K. We>l,llr.J. II. I, John W. n,,iHir, l!lamiru Whale (111 Ilua Wlluu, HilGIll. Watle, (l. H. Waller., Jiila Wlialan.lliaa. R. W.rnar, Kl. Wallar^ Kiiaan. Wa.llaks W. U. Wall, Hull Wllnll Hna., V. I*. Wlllwy, f. II. WaalllllHIull. ttaney Wayiin, Al. Winlams Marl Wallai'., Illlly Wril|.|da. Kinl Wi. ' lll'lda. Kinl ul. Will. II. Yiniliai 11 I.. VI a. oiili) Viirk, T.iuir Zayiiiru, ren-y Xamuin. J. J. /, — /aniuni. Major /-amai, Tlio MARYLANa BMlUmar«^\Vllli Ilia l.yi!oniii itiiil IhirTls* AnuliMtiy «Iu>imI iMs weok, Kniiny DaTeniMift lias |lin Itobl etillrnly loh«>rMi|rat Funl'i Oiiora ilnnsn, wllli ''MlsnHHi. do," kIiU'Ii, liiiverer, will nnl ti)kfii until A|irll 0, In cmi' swiuenrti vfthA elttmrale arenlu |>rn{>aTAtl(iiiM necesaar)'* "\ llalety fllrP' rlnavllt, IwvliiKdnneonly a fslraroraiia liuilnnM. Kaattir vrnk. "A Tnxna Htesr." IUhiiiV AiijiliKMr.-ltlilianI (lnhlsn lisil s fslrwfsk ft llli "DM JmI I'riHily." diMliikr il. Tliuiuaa U. Reabrmkn IitIiius "riis tlnnul Vlilnr" wllh ihe FjiatnnlilD. AMiai'iiii'H laVirairHTiiKiTMH.—TliH aliurt eiiaaifnnient ur Htsrliuliiit Trpo. (mirod Iniflily ramiinerailra. LIIUu ilanbury dlrliM llm Imnors with Iha star lu "A Hunch ufVlolHlJi.'' Hlnart lb>i)Miii Isduo Ift. lliiLi.iiar HrHkKT TiiNtTHa—A steady iliiwnpmir uf rain had ailsiireailnKslfset unnn ihe openlne iiiallnnauf Martin Julian a Alliletlo Co.. n, "Tlie Hsmlll Kins" did m iMuderats bushiose woeh eiiulngd. "Ourtli^unlry Cousin" IfntviHit Al'iiiniHil'H.-**Tlifl Mhlnlahl Hpfclal'* runt- liiann«l a werk'saUo^H. Hiislneis was hadly allvfitnd by Iha stiinn. "Kiiat lonne" liad a Unlit week, endluK 0. "Unrle Toni'a i;alfln''^cuines lA. KRH)fA.rri MtisUHllTAL TiiKlTOH.—Irwin Hiothers' Hr«f:lallyl'(i.ltlletl the lioufeH. Tlia ibQlrHantley Co, drew larfsly 1-0. Tlis tllly Mimrts reUini lA. l!MTI<fl'H UltlCi'M TllKATHB.—.\etT M: J. W. H(URhaill, Kllly Hlniliani, Ilarry F. Wliianiu, Delternn ami llenin Fhiyd. Kitriw.-Vaaye will miurii Ui Harris' Araiimiiy al a risl iiisllnBaiin Kaaler MtHtday Mrs. Jsniifu itsiilner Htttwart, a aliidant In Ihe iM«ira rLisa tt\ Hie I'ealMsly ilrsil nsrea'HrlHHilof Uuajr. (if ililacltv. lias Ifron oniais'l illrm-liiriltislavn llhtrlrhs fur life iijMira niniisiny end «lj| iMalielif<riirTifBiaiirtis|i|flliul tn Wanhiiiiflitn, D. (I., In May Tlis fhlsiui Theslrs liss t*oen hMiseil to a ineiPin* ■lie nnn and will Ihi coiiTerteil Into a de|>nrliueiit sturo, Msna|ert.'aa|ln«'s lease extends furutie yuar. GEORGIA. A<ttaNta>«-At llio (Imml (.loTtilond'ri Mliislmlii drew nudlencei iff fair iimjHirlloiis A|>rli a. JItwketl: "iiost In New Yiirh " It, 13, Houu's Uend III, H. UK (IIVKH* firimt llifL-SH.-'*nin Hiiulh flefurft the Wur" 0, |U, Carrlo \^\uM\l Ift and week. Hurh^^niesky's jaeliM- loir, "Nana?' has IkMii on etliUillIiHi at Ihls houM fur Lwn weeha, ami riH slirwl tfotal isitruiiaKo. KirruL—TiM aeasfHi of Hnnii f*\tt*r% will ctnintennM al Ihedrmiid 7J. Tlie ci>in|siny, under tlie dlrscltun nf HIk. Caiii|«lwllo, Im now rehrandni In Naw Vork, The torn- Bny cnnLslna siicli iMo|<lti as Mureaks. UunlnkirirTi^ Hum nds and i:aiiii4liell». It la a rorlainty Ihat tho rennirn wilt ba ■ eun-aas, as llm adranre snli la inurb Isrtfer llisii was giHctad laslnrln fhs p«i«sunMsiisit<ir DnUltn will plerfl In his Hsnolla Hlnuit house a airuna ruiiiln 0|Mra riimpany for Iha Kuiuiiier, Uuis kIvIiiu in Ailanla two I'tiera ruiiiMiiliM It. Iha ilKe [s nuw In Knw Vork, kHiklng afler Ine iHNiklnit for his twn Imums fur iihiI srt N>0 Work on the .SewLycouiit ls|'inftrrulii|r rsphll), and Manaiter VattliBnslshsi>i>y «>rer iho i»r(H|siriNMr iim ii|«enln(, whk-h urrurs W. wflh Iami* MurrlHin as ihn al- Irai-tltMi. Thn Uran flwra <;oni|«ay has liotn enttaRr*! fur the Kuinnier at this iiuuse. • ♦ H*vaanBh.«4.*lovelBiMrH MliulrclH wna bum Ajirll 3, iMforea ifutsi auillsiicn. "Wang" fullitwiiiis. antl bail a tackad InHiae. Coiulnfc: "Aunt Rally" K "fxiil In .New York"9, 10. H. II. Ilulhrlehl, whiihasUen Iwro all seasnti. will close Willi Ihe ihsairn land May]. Ills hi-« Inlenllon m iCO nn Ihe rtis<l nealsMSffn Thel'. H, Marine Haod, eodsr iha anaHcas id rtie KavaniMli J^iiIsm of KlIis, irfayed twoferftirniancfs al (luards* Hall to fair busliivM 3. Auffoetft—Al the (Ipem llniiHe tho Marliio Ifaiii'l had a fair attsmlsnre Ai>ril I. "Wenif" follnwtd 'J.ti> irood busloesa. Oleraltnd s Ulnatrels, t, bail a U^p liMry hftua*. (lur fieuifledM not take klodly In tlis inlituro nf black and whlla no the aliRe Harris* Mckal I'Ula L'lrrus c/inte 9, tt. CONNECTICUT, N«w llaiv«ii.a»At Ilia Ityperl'm Jmopli J<:ir<T sen ceine Aprlld, l» "H. II. 0." "rrlnr<i I'ro Tein" bfl good baaineas 3. Oinilng: "Fudd'ohenfl Wll*4in," «flh FrankMayii, Kl; John Drew M. K. H. Kniharn iS. OnAnnUfReA llursR.—"McFadden's KP*i»enieni" fsuis Vi fair luiklnes'. e« did Miera HnallH, in "fhi the IV'« ■ ery." *The llnMUr' criiies n-Kl, .\. Y. Tesivfirj ■■Aw" 11-13. 1*00*1 WuiMKMI.iaO Tlll:.irMI.-IIU«lliaha UU t*fak waa gonl. Tills week: Mil*. AKnesiriurml, .trie Flrnn, Barf Ml awl Hiy. Fnilasa and (Julnn. OnUiaui Hlr'/<JSi- tat! Hllay and Wolfs,f^dllna mn»f Madall, Kellle Uwrobr'!. UM Hcaolan and Metsos. Httiifttftl.—At JTiH.lor'e Oiwn Jlouu "i'lidil'ii* head Wllaon" will hnn lis drat Mrfonnaoees April/. V. Itobett 0. liifei*ollvlil lecloialOon'Tlie Dlbis:" .fohii Ilraw, In "The HnMarfllsV 11; "The lliiMlor" II H. Knbett ilaykir. In ' M|->rt MrAlllal*r." dkl fslily kali I. "<m lliaH'*e'ry"dMa i'"vl Iiii*ln*'as3. 3. "The liasKsr Hlffnar* wa4 well ailaiuM I, Jf*«epb Jeflera<fn •lin^ "H. K. 't." a. Tlie oirliMatra was reinuvoil bsi-k of ihi ■Isire and erery sralLsiile swce was usn|, raiiui alw>l« belnfi'lacad In theaUhs. *'a lanrhof Ke)s"itld fair)/ wsti « Hartford fantln. No. II, A. K il. K, nl lis anoosl elertloii cbMA the foliowlog offlcera: K H. I*alrlck HrflDvsnt: R L. K~ Col. Wm. WoodmrT; K. I.. K., Frank II. Fallon; K. U. K., TlioinM it. Ilerton; |r»aa. oror, Jnhn V. Wau«rbMh;aerr*Utr,Thomas A.4iaiieun; iTlAf. fl4rnimir F. Afnew; tnisra^v, OoL It. M. Qrares, H. P. CbunbarUlo Md NllUid f. Cook.