New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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86 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Apbil 13. mid Ilut alM woulil r»j (imtlier vMl (o llils coud irj Mm. roller iiKl Kjria Btilev, itl ibe IIei- Hiii'Aiiii TUKATKK, (llmtinled "CliirloUeContey" fur ono iiIrIiI only ilurliigllia pniil wwlCpBiHl(initial ■KCBiaiiii, April Ci, preaenled '/aiWh Irkttiljr, 'HiC' rcM." "Tho Now Uoulnlim," a comnljr, in four HcU, l>y C\»j CIcnioDi, IiriI lla Imt prwliictlnn In ■ Ilia clly, April », il Tchhai'K Ojihiikx. Tbo kullior lii>iiilcil tho cnnipanr.wlilcb wan unitor llw inaniRC' iiiciiiariliiKiHvoI'rolinian. Ill Ftorj Dannies that JUnin Vdii Jlitliciimniiirfii, o ynimR (lermnn nolile- luaawboln Inlcrnlnl In bolniilriil hIiiiIIck, utilla iraTellnR Incognito, talla In lovoniili ilio <litii||littr o( Norman Edgar Randolph, a planter, nt vrlion Iiome, In Virginia, lie la iilajing. IJlii liMt ta almod nilntd bj the war, and ono Unixliall lloner, who haa Inlnrltod a noHgage upon tlie ninrtolph Ci- tat«, uaea It an a mcana ot exacting rmm Hoia a pronilH ot Daiilage. The llimn Inn pro- pOMd, but bli fiolt liaii lieon rejecleil, allbough Um girl gives blm amuiance ur her love. lie weretlj hujit up Uio moitgage, howorer, and rt' toma to blA borne, but returaa at the end of bIx mooUia and wloa the woman o( lilii cliolce, whoao heart he terms "Tho Kow Dominion." Tie caat waa aa rollowa: Uamn Fraus Victor Von lloliCDatauireDi Clay Clement; Norman Kdgarltandolpli, Ilorlram U, Hood; J. Charlea UoVelgh, WUllam llonelU; Napo- leon La Vayolle lUndolpli (Uncle i'oly), liOiila Hilel Manliall lioner, II. (I. WllUanu; Mm. Harriet llao' dolph, llanletBleillug; VIom Hay llandolpli, Francea liralie;Harlhalloland, Itoao Biahl; Ifrt. JoMphlno Dulaney, Karra Kenwyn. Peorui'BTiTIATiiE.—Kdwin Ulllun lloyle'ii com- edy drama, "Frlonda," wan prcaenttil here ou April H, with agoo<l Hlied audience In alttiiiUiiee. .V mrete ralnntomi during the iilghl prolmlily kept many of the Monday night pntmiiH of the buiiw In their homoo. Thote who Tciitiircd out woro well repaid. If wo nuyjiidgo from tlio iiipUuiie whicb waa bestowed upon Ur. lloyla'n wnrk an an aiittanr, and also In appnclallon o( IiIh cainblllllen In tho leading male role. I,iicliiii llRiidonon, II. A. Weaver and Harry Alien alwi iippninid tii ailvoii lage In well Mimalncd rotes. Bcllna Keller lt»yle, lu tho leading foiiuile nilo, ii*vo ii gnu eful remllllon of the intrt of Hargiieilto (ittii. The plato Holes raiitlerod by LucIiih lleiidermii In act two dcwr^'cd the eiicomi acctinlcd to them Mr. Hoyle bi liislly ontllled in llie siicceia HOhleved with "rilenda," hlx Unit ntioiiipl oldia- maUo authorship. The cast: Msrfcuerlte utio, HeUna Fetter Iloile: IIsiih Ulto, II. A. Weaver; Ibuold Iluatlug, Adolph Jiirlti4on; John l*sdenBr., Ilarry Allen; John INideu Jr., Klwln Milton Itiiyler Adrian Ksrje, l,iicliis lloiiilcmin; Jennie MerrT- weather, Oreiclien I jons; tllaa u'nife, Mtm Wi\l Jams; Mlia llarUiisn, Xoe IluliH-n: llenry, r. H. Kelly. Tho present tour of "Krloii(lH'* Is under the nanagement of Atthor 0. Alston, Next wcolc, '■Hie roHe* inspector." On Apill a KrKiik Harvey's KogllSh meloiltama, "Kkllcn Among Thieves," will be produced lion, fnr Itie lint time lu Auieilou HmiHOit HguAHE (lAnniN.—The Uaniuiii A llslley "Ureateat Show on hjirtli" entered on April 8 upun tbe third week of Its stay In tbhi spacldus aniiihl' theatre, It boa dmwn tbe usual tiiiuiense crawiU und bus aiTorded buwlldorlog delliihl. Tbe prodl guilty ot llio managenioiit In siiiiplyliigstlnctlve features keops vWloia busy from tbu time tlio doors open until tliey close. Those who ko curly ouoiigh luaynot only visit the aiiliiiulsnuilihe queerloonliij peopio who fonn tho "Ooogrrss of Kstloiis" In Ihel hUblerTHneaii iiiisrtera, but Ihoy lisvo sbm the oi^ Krtiinlly of enjoying the concert furnished by the nd, a prominent feature of whli^libi the solo comet Iilsilng of Jessie Millar, who lies tsieu enthunlaitl- •tally greeleil during thbi engagumeut, unit Hhose lilaying bi whining well Ueservcil fsiiw. Wlieii ihe IHrroniwnca bcinua lu the rliiim and upiin Itie Htageaevonla miilUpIr so i|ulr.kly they liexinr ile. HcripUon, but It way lie slated itisi tho Water Ctr nival, wblcb closes the show, ncclves niiicli favor able coinoiont Isicanso of Its Isiaiily, novelty and HeosatloiuU foaluros. NiNiii's EiniiTit Atksi^k Tiikathe.— The lUintz- BanUey Co. opened bore niglil of April a, mllb an nudleooo of fair pro]s>rllous lu atleuilsnce. It whs an Inoleuient night for thcatiognetM. Those wbo love burlesque, when dominated utmost exclusively 1>y shapely women, can be graltllnl this week by witnessing the two biirlosniies ontllled "A Hhakes- pearcan Oaiulval" aud "Veiius and Apollo I'p tn UtIO." The oUo of olever sneclslly peifomianoaa lueludea Howo and Kent)!, Olsta IHnipson. Teddy HUd Ulsts ttluwnda, l,csMo and Tonlcy and Clias. 11. liiwlor. Tbe living pictures were well iimduccd. Next week, tlio Hose lllll Co. Tho CHte walk snd uonoert given hen niglil of April ; atincted s lanie nudlenoe. Uauager Louis llolHu's lionellt, April il, IHomtaoa to be ouo of ihu season's most suoceasful urenta here. ABBaVsTiiiATni.—HeerlKilmi Tree and lilslbiy- markotThealn Uo, nliimed lu this house A|irll8, for a suppleuienlary engagement ot ono week only, iIUTlug whloh he will be seen In a varied tepertorr. DnonThe opening night ho preseiiled Ihe oulr nov- oily, "An Kuemy of tho l>eoplo," a <lninu, lu nve iicu, by lleutllc Ibsen, which thus had Its Am pro- iluoUon In Kugllab In tlihi city. Under Ihe title of "Uer VolkafrleiHl" Uihi pluy was produced In Her- man St the Auiberg Theatre (now Itio Irving llsce) on April a, IHM. Mr. Tree Orsl pteseiited It at tbe cmoago upois House, March s of the eunent Jear. It was given bore with the rolloviug cast; r. Thomas Ht4Kikman, Mr. 1'ree; Teter Hluckuatn, Charles Allen; Morion Kill, Munel lliDuah: llovaliitl, Herbertitoss; lulling,llulmnnClark; Homier,UM. Ilslhkrd; Aslakaon, Alfred Wlilcy; A liniiiken Nau, Kdwanl Maurice; Klllf, Master J. Uookwn; Monuii, MasterH. Mend; l>Dtta, IJiy llsiibnry; Mn<. Htoi-k. man,Fninceslvor. FuHhorannnancriuenlHtorlhe neek Include "Usiihilu Uwlft" u, "llHiulei" imtlnue 10 aud evening of I'J, "A Uuiiuh of Violets" eranlug of 10 and matinee 13, "Merry Wives ot Windiurl and "The Italhidittoiiger" II, and s siieclsl fsrevell Ull for tho norfonnanee evening of 13. Mr. snd Nni. Kendal beglu a furlnlgbl's letiun ungagvineni u. John Ui'iuu, of Ulucksom niul Ihinis, a'ua acri- fleulnlly shot In the log on Aiitil u by liU patluer ■luring their act at Kostor A lilirs. The pistol nin- Islnen ouly a blank charge, but ihs wad puuetnitad iilmost to (be bone. The wound vss dKKWd by a lihyslclau who was sunimnned.anil llie liilured man wont homo. Owing to Iho ncclilont Ihe (euui van unable to appear during the reinaliider of Ilia weak, but Mr. UuniB la reooveHug rapidly anil will lie able to aoon ntiim to his work. Tlie leaui Is cngsgcd (or several weeks at Kostor ,V lllal's. FofimiKtii Bruirr Tukathk.— Owing to th<) vontlnuanoo ot tlie liijuncllnn nialiut Ihu proilur- lion ot "Tho IVioe that Kllbi," this house is silll cloaed, It will opoii April 13 with t>ueni of Night," a DOW phty by Juliii U. Dixon, In this con- neoUon II uiuMbeiuenlloutMltltstLQOuanlOr.intiii eniphatleally denies the niithnrsklp recently aurlli< tiled to Idni nt "The I'nce 'mat Kilts." Ur. Uiilraiu Mysho did not wrllo the pisy slid never mw II. lie niso SSTS lie tiaa never had any liuslnoss rpbilUiiis with Waller HaufonI, under whole luaiingeiueiit II waa produced. IlKUUiliiiUAHiTitKATiiit.—HH Poller and Kyrts liellew Isrgan on April a the third aud last week of their stay nt this liuuso. They |irescnled lUiinaa* "Klanclllun." whloh will Ih> their sule utniriiig tor the week. They have siresdyliecu seen hen in this ulay, and tliolr sdmln'ra will duultllcsa Isi glad of Ihls now o|>poi1uiiliy. Mrs. Ivilvr ctrlslnlyHhiiwa much advauoeinuni lu her art, ulthiuitih aunie uf her inettioda are (.■srelesa: Mr. Hellew la uudoiiModly a good aclor and there Is luuoh good luaierlsl In Iho suiilxHIlug conipau.v. on A|irll U Fnuk Hayn's drsmattxaUnu of Msrk Twain's faimuis sUiry, ■•rudd'uhead Wiliaiii," n lll bsve Its ilnit iirodiirtluu In this city. It will Im spleiulldlf cast, ami wliat is now known ot il gives iiruiiiini of success. FitTU AVKKUk TiiUTIiK.—Uiiring the stayot VVni. II. Crane there luust iict'esMrlly lie much ranunew lu all thai la wriltcu conceniliiu this house, ftir Mr. (imne's httesl play, "Ills tvito's I'albar," now In Ihe ssvenili week of Its niu. Is S4i conspicuous and con- linuuiis a siu'cesi Hist uo further commeut Isre- fjiilnd. II Is III onler, however, to aiinouuci' thai isiuveiUra a'lll lie presonted 15, upon the iH*i>sslou uf Ihe Hfileili jierfunimiiiT. I, V('iti<aTiiH4TiiK—"An Ideul lliiidHinil" eulemi nn April H u|s>tt llw llllli nliil Host nci'k or Its tuu, Mr. FmliiiMii Ims imi iiiiiy ersM'd fnim Ihe tillls Ihe name of llsnuilini*, Isii Uo liss ulili gnoi Jiiilgnieni ileiideil to wllliilr.iw ihe puy. siiditii A|irll Ml he will prrseni H new ctuiicdv, cul|i|iNl"i>'orliiue," liy Frederick lloriivr, of I/huJhu. It sill eiu|tloy the (Miiiro stork romiKniv. TiiKAi'niH.VKi'NiilienMli will lio given thlsyear atfalnier'sThenlrii on Ibiy t, when Ihe tlrsl per- Jwmanco of hlHlelu* ris)iot)*s rnuilc niwrs, "Tha 'Ubl(," will In) tlv. II. Tosv rASnin's TiiKATHt:.—Tlie heavy downrsll o lain preceding the Isiur f'lr Ihe emiing perfom ance at IhU house on Monday, April s, bad a dctil mental tir«'toutho aileiidaiice, but Ihnsllght dellcl eiH'y In iiurols^ was more than supplied liy the CU' Ihiishuni of ttnao present. Tlio excellent Mil prn- vldeil was thnmiighly appreciated llirenghonl. Init Ihe hoiinn nt the niglit fell to Maud llulh snil Hilly H. Clliford. Their srtlallc work was applauded voclterniii.|y. Miss Ilulh's singing lieing In especial favor. Uorman aud West liegan Ihe bill nllh a douiile harp song and ilance, and were followed by MrCsbi nnd Dsulels, wh<iM knnchals>iit set met coiislderulile favor- KA. lAwrenca and Nina llsrrlniiion raiiie lu tor tiiiich applause, and Kti, Freni;h |H-ifonncil cleverly on t\ liaujo, limh and Clliford came iie.M, nnif were folinneil hy Usud naynmnd. Tha next set. s sketch, *^ne Mriinnncs," was given with good eiTeci byJoH.T. Ke'lr, Annie Hanford aud Frank Oanlncr. Tlio Itugen* llrulliers then Inttodiiced their cieverdlalectsuilexceeiliiiilr tunny knockaliout work, aud were cordially lecelvcd. ITof. Hampton Inlahcd the lilll with hia boHug cats aud dog clreiis. , jACoiai' TiilUTnii.—Wmb's Vaudeville Company, comprlslnganumlwr of performerawhohavc already found favor hero, made Its InllUi tnelmpollian ls>w April lietoratalrslxedrnd welldbiposedaudiences, atterooon aud evening. Applaun and encores were hearty and trei|uent, and, It a ptiipliecy may be baaed on Its opening lecepltou, II nlll assuredly achieve success. Tho lilll, which wsa lung and illvendOed, cuiitalned several acta of uncommon merit. It wsa headed by llogan and ulenruy, who swapped witUcUDB and conrliideil their art with n Isixing exhliilHon. They were fiillowed lu regular onler by (leo. il. iiavhs In commeiidsbh) Impemooa- Uoos of pniiiilnent actors: tlio Vatdatea, aensatlonal trick IMcycllsts, who diipilcalcd tenner succesKsnn bical bwnhi; Uaiiile Umli, In Indlderent dances; F. W. Htmh, who denionstrnled superior strength In handling sundry weights and raMng in bsmcm a dumliTiell npresenlnl weight of which was 2,000 pounds; Msrgiierlto Newton, in songs; Tbinson snd llimell, exponenu ot niiiHlcal comedy; Lieut. W. Allen, whose usiih: was oinltteil from tho pro- gramme, and who conlrlliuted s capable entertslii- uient In ventrlltMiuisin, nnd Hsnls and Wallets, who were well supisled with s slock of fun. anil dls- Kste<l ot it Ilia droll and orlirlasl iiisiiiier. Then, succession, Vougero snd the lllrkults were wel- comed, tlio fiiniier pmcHcolly csrrylngulT Itie palm of the evening's iilaiidlts, liut orarcely meriting the exulierauro of her welcome. Tlio perfonnaiire was brought to a close by the Ulcketls^ who execulefl n number «t daring nudalrtests. which were rerclved bi an apimclatlve nuiuner. The allncUou fur llio coming weak will liellobFII»linmens'Bpecbiltyl'o. KoBTKR Ic lliAi.'a.-^Des|ilta Ihe had weaibcr a good alied audience galheied In IMs house on Mou' day night lo iiass Judgment upon Ihe bill ptesenlcd April t and week. Marion, Ilsyei and BbrloD, aa- Blsted by Ihe Misses Winihip, Illshop and Warren, were now cumera, and preaentcd an original dunce creation, entitled "Ve UMe TImo Belles and Dcaux,'' which proved lo tie very pleasing nnd atlraetirOL and won lieariy applaiiso mm Ihe audience. Othere on tho bill waro the Itoaaow Bros., Illlpnlluii slh- letea (iwenty-thlrd week); lluriay sod Waliou, trijile horizontal bars (ninth week); the Frania ntnlly, acroliau (eighth week); the Muhleoanii Trio, Uwlsa inonulalnecrs(soventh week); Ivao TselicniolTsnd hbitnupe ot trained dogs (third week), iheBbileni Hon, lo aonga and dances (lecoud weeKi; U'<K)dsnd Hhepard, coinodlans (second week); lllll sod Hull, gnwuiiics («coud week), and A. U. Diiiicun, ren- Ullofiulst, all of whom wore isipiilar liobluvera. The rognmme concluded with (ho living plulurea. Tl iiirtli series of piclursa U annoiincHl (ui- April l(, I,oM«.i TilKATHK.—Weber A Flehls' Ouiu|iany sre playing a return engagement. Hteriur weatherand Hio holy days kept tbe house <in Uoitrisy night, April s, below the iisusl sixe. Tie ronipauy llsell remains unchanged, and the same excellent pro- gramme Is prevldcd. Jiweph M. Welier liss almost entlRly recovered freiu his recent tlliioss snd works with his old time vim. James F. Iloey's health U also linpravliig. Next week, ihe lily Club Co. MiNKH's IkiwBRY TilKATHt—Klco A llirton's Rose lllll Co. were seen hon nRaiu Ibis week by fair sized audiences on Monihiy, April *. Les Vuujcies, In their aeisalionsl lUnelng act, lus t«en added to the nlin, otherwise the isograiiime la tlie same, Clara Ijiwrence, Cmwfortl and Manning, J. llerl«rt Mack, Iho Washliuni HUleri and Morion Kckliotr boing Iho other siiccesjrul euterlalneni. Next week, IteevesA I'alnier'sCo^iiiiipulilaiiOo. Till ntsirrr tor Wm. H. Clark ami Julius Uoyuiau, ot Miner's llowety Theatre, armuiied for A|>ril 14, at tbe I'eoplo'sTheaira, will lie iiisrknl by an excelleut entertsfumant, many well known isirfuniicrx linvlug volunteered their services. The two |s>pular bene- llclarlesahould realize haisbH>iuelr. lliin"H TuiATiiK.—' Tnc Fouudlluu" is lllll nnex- cellent drawing and ul this hoiiie, wheie It liegan on April H the aevoulh week uf liarun. The ntllelh perfoniiance Is auuiin'»d for Vi. Cissy Ktbigersld has nttirued lo the coat, grently lo tbe delight ot her adinlron. A new ciinulii lulner, "The Man Up Sblra," by Augustus ThuiuK, Isnniiounceil lor v. Tui TWO uuNiiHinni i'i:Hn»iiANcE uf "The New York Unwer" will lie celcl>nitsii ul tho Oer- maida Theatre April 13. Boiivouin trill lie given lo theaudienceat the uwilneosntlovenlug parfomi- aucea. The play will end Its tons run on Atinl IT. Manager Adolf ('hUlpps' Istist play, "-llio Uiitohar from Ihe Flnt Avenue," will be brought out on April U. Nr. and Uks. Keniiai. will idsy their fsrewell eugagomoutat Abbey's Tliesire weeks ot April 16 and'ii. Tbe reperton tor the first week will be ''Impulse," "A White lie," and "The tlueeu's tf hil- ling." Fur tbe second and laal week an enlire change ot bill will be given, OAaniH TIIIATHK-—"Utile Clirfctopber" begun ou ,\nt1l I Ihe twenly^Ltlh week of lu niu and Hie last uf Ibi stay at ihUliouso. It will remove, 1.1, lo I'alm- er'a Theatre, when It will probably remain during the greater isin of Ihe Buuimer. I'aul M. I^llter's dmiiuithnUon ot "Ttllliy" will have Its Unit met- ropolitan piMnlallon at thia house on April 10. KMriRi TuBATHk.—"John«-l>itains,'i whloh on Aiwll a started upon the fourth week of Its run. Is atlll drawing ualisfactorT houses. No data haa yet been announced for lU withdrami, although It baa lieen sisled lu a geuetal way tbnt wniio novelties are Inaton fur prosouuUou before the cloao of Ihe I'ALMIR's TiiKATHK.—"Two Celonehi" began its aeoond nnd laat week on April a. Itlsanlnoden- sive idaT, written by one whose ssplralloua are In the light dlteotton, but who has yet muoti to losm liefor^ he cuii rluhlfully claim thetlUe of dnmslbil. "IJillo ChrlalOiincr" removes to Ihls houte April IS. BtauTiikitu:: —"Tlie Old lloiiieitend" conlluues toibawgoiHt sixed uudlciices at this house. Itlte- gsn April H IIS iltimilli woek. Btaniiahii TiiVHTiit:—"IVm Much Juliiisoti*' Is Sim the altntrllonni thlsliouw. Itlieuun Aiirlinthe tweullelli week of lis run. The one huiiurefl nnd IKIIeili iwrfurnmuro will lie gives II. llMiir TiikATSk.—"iltdcleiiie, ur llir Mnilc Kiss" 'oiilluues St Ihls li'Ui4e, itlh'UAu.VprilN Us sev- enth week. (Ill Hint ilnto also llie iw<t lisndrod and slxly-llfth pcrfoi iiuiuco ot llie oivre vcnn clvon, snd ihd event wasceloiiniU'it nllliiiitiiniiivlikicsonvciilts, TiiK fAKTMiiiriiiii' Isilween .\. U. mliiier.ssleK'tec uf Iho (tanleu Thesire, snd hMvvsr^l K, Itlcr, the Itnsluuor ot liurlesi|Ucs ihere. IIU sniiuiiucod, will end with thU season. Nanausk J.dUAaiw Davis •hi Ihi tendered a beuetll at the KUth Avenue '|iiealni .kiiill :!l. liAXim. FiiuiiHAX will r|ll for (liiMpe during Hssler week. He will remain alir«std tor a few weeks ouly, reluniing In tliuo to )iih> Die I jeeiim Co. on Its lour to Ihe I'aclllo coaiS. DAVibllKsiiKHSitN Ims lusdo llio ennouucemeiil that lie la desirous of luvsting pvruaueiitly In this cliy. Maiui Hanks* now jdsy, "Wlldlln.'' will bo pre- oeuled In Hie Mflh Avenue Theatre on Ihe sftmiisiu of April V, for Ihe lienoUl uf the Now York In- llniiary for Crtpidcil Clillilivu. IlIss Hunks will op- poarto the title role. Katurvn KinniiH, Manager Augiiatus Mlou and the niembem of Ihe "Mme. Mans Uene" Uk. asire lianaueled 4tn Ihe ntage ot tlie Umadwar Theativ byKausgorT. Ileiirr French at tlie condnslou of the pertanianre on llie night otAiHlie. Tbe ucca- siou was to celebrate the close of tlio run uf tho Ha^ dou.Murenn Comedy. TiiallAsrv ri'pnisuCM'n of llarkanl, has hireil Rl. James Halt tor the last half of next week, and will perform "frnserpliia," Tub Uasixo.— Tlie aiinoiineeinenia tor Ihls week's bill liicliido Klliel Irene Htewari, CrcMendo llros., Itavid Watdetd, Cariias liros., Cushmsn and Hal- nimlte, 1*apnlla. Kdwio Ktevens. Wllntot liuo, Om- sirens and Ids, Jusiitta, tbe Kahl-llradtey llronrj] Htatuea,andlho iMllel. IIORis' lluoi' TiiKArHB.—Alonio Match liesds an e.M'ellent bill here this week. otheraDnniincements are: Najorand Ailams, Hllla and narrow, (Mnnlng- ham and aialey, Iho Doyles, Cnriln and Uarii, I'at Muiji^, Ihe Kllnure Bliteni, Kd. Odell and Nettle Ukoaiiwat TUBATiiB.-The American Kxinva' gaiira Co., under the management ot IMvld Uender- aiio, descended upon Ibis city April R with an hU' pclunslly that found a parallel In the wliiri of tbe storm that nged out of doors. The oOl-ring II brought to enliven the Holy Week was Ihcspccbicularexinvaganza, "Aladdin," the book of which was written by J. Cbeever Ooodwli, the music composed and arranged hy W. H. llatchekif, W. ?. Olovcs and Jene Williams, and the scenery ami effects dCKlgncd and paloKd liy Frederick Usngerfleld. Of the corps ot co-laliorere Mr. Dan- gerileld Is alone entllled to pnlse. In thfai pro- dnctliin he has added one more trinmpb to tbe many he has already Aon, and bin tor hbi etTorls tills work would have found dlitlcnily in proving lla right to live. The wnrk had tta Oist pronurilon nil June ; of last year, ut Ihe Chicago ilpeni House, of which Mr. Ilenilm<in bi manager, aisl idnce tliat lime It has lieen dragged alKiiit the coiintrr, sonie- wlMl 10 Its ilelriiiient: Mr. Ilendenwu, according to leceiit aniioiiDceineuts, desires to make this city In future the headi|uatten of hhi productive en- ergy. Bhonid he do so he will enjoy many advan- iBves, and even our tliealregoen wllr lie lienedlted, aofarushlsprodui'tlouaareconrenicd, by having tlie opportunity ot seeing them while they are new and before they have liecoine wuni and faded by use Slid aluise. Moreover, the theatrical market here Is sell atis-ked with perfnmien and other reignl- allFs for iiruducUons of this sort, so thnt an Ituprnve- nieiit oil aroiiml may lie itredlcted aa the result of Ibis clisiigo of liose. In toe present pruilucllou we niU'* iiuiny tilings which Mr. Ilendeiwn was wont III give IIS. We inlsa Kddlo Foy, we ronnm Ihe ab- H'liri! of n good singer In tbe prinrlnal Iwy'a role, we look III \alii fnr toe chamilog ballets that Cap- lulii Alfred Tlioiiiwon nscd tn give us, and we regret the absence nt that nice dlMriiubmtlon that Used 10 select sccenluble songs from Ihe thou- auiids that are available. I'erliaps all of these Ihliign may either reiiim or Iwve their equlv- atenis, should Mr. Ilcndenion decide upon mei- nipollrsn luislncUons, and luvlew of the condi- tion of the present work we wouldauneattbat their resppcaniii-o lu some tom may lie found an aliso- liite neces5lty. Tlie book of tills present "Alsddin" Is liuiuc. lis attempb4 at humor are tullle, and In llsleiilng lo It we are forced tn regret that nanlo- niliiilc art lias liceii so thoroughly neglected In this counliy. The selected soogB sre coane and olffeii- slve, and the stage Is lllk»l with alwiitlngs and ahrill screaiiilngs llisl nilliles.'ily aaaill the ear. There Is uiri asliigieslnilihtinri; evetjone tries to liefniiuy, and few suci;ecd. Very little of the original or se- lected music \a encclive or espcctslly pleaalog. The one imllot eliuwn was i>Rnily nannontaed III color, and wss cleveriy aminged, but some- nlist clunudlr executed. Thatwo premiers,Cathe- rine JlarUio, toe dashing brunette from Moscow, and Marua Icwier, Ihe charming blonde from Dresden, were veiy pleasing and thoroughly deserved the aiiplause so lllienlly bestowed upon them. Why, however, were we denied another iMllei dlreriltc- menl, and what compeDsaUon could we be expected to find In an anitqoated match lu the founh act, even acknowledging that tbe costuming nude a liandaome plciurer The owtunies worn through- out tbe piece are In the main haodiwiue, although they are lacking In f reahiiesa. Few ot tbeut, however, are particulariy striking, and the entire production lacks strongly salient featiirea upon which to be- slow commenilailon. Of Ihe porformera tbe chief honora were easily won by Chsrtca Turner and John K. Murphy, whoM team work an the Irlib Waalle^ women was excellent, snd whoso song, "The lls-Hs Family," was Ihe licst selected and licst rendered of all that wore ogered. Ainu Uoyd, though so well known, failed lo gain any newdbdlncUonoreven tn mainlslu that which slie had already won. Nature lias dealt so generously with Inns Verona that wo sre letl lo regret the prodlgallir shown to ono who bt comisrllefl lo don tights. J.W.Herbert has done so mncb really e.Ncelletii work,.a very re- cent piece ot which liiigcra so dellgblfitUy lo mem- oiy, tliat his ovoiy appearance Increased the regret lhat he had elected to assume a role which airords him no opuortiinltirs whatever. Ads Ueaves tros unuecesnrily noisy, and pitrhul Isitta bar voice end her perfnnnsnre upon too bigli a key. John J. Ihirke, princlpiil comedian, did somo clever work and made u good ioipieft<lon. He seemed, however, somewhat mechanical, and hta humor laokeil siwnlsnelly and unction. Ileniy Nor- iiuin, although, like nil llie rest, fur too nobiT, was In ether respecta thorouglily acce|itable. He basanexcellentvolce,whichne uses well,andbb* solo In the founli act vrae capitally rendered, and waa one of the moat enjnyalile featuivsot the per- formance. The scenery wsa all very handsome, that uf scene 3, the golden glen, being cspeclslly com- Diendable. It II bi true, linwever, that Mr. Hender- son Is esisiclally deslreus at Uibi ttme to win favor In New York, we cannot uudorslaod Ills failure lo present a new tnnsforeuitlon scene iiuuead ot cm- uloylug ono that had already done duty In one of bis former prodoctlons. The house was crowded upon the opening night, and applause wsshonn teously lieslowed. The gallety gods were e» KcUlIy delighted by Ihe aoHca of David Abre- ms, as Ihe Itlack cat, and so boUBirous and )>rolnngcd were their phiiidlts tho audience on the lower door wma compelled to keep them lo aubjoctlon by blues. It Hie temper of the Hist ulgut'a audience can be accepted aa a criterion, the extmvsganxa ochleved u popular success, and ahouldhaveaprodtablerun. Itwasthuacast:Alad- din Jr., Anna lloyd: Chee Kee, Froiikle M. Ilaymoiid; lUdroulluulour, Allene Crater; Widow Uohes, Ada Heaves; Oolong. Irene Veraoo; Kl Yl, J.W. Herbert; Cliow Cliow, John K. Catu: Abauazar, llenry Nor* nun; Cramlio, John J. Iliirke; Vtm Mulcatiy, Clisrlea Turner; IJIy Miilcahy, John K. Murphy; Liicirer, the cat, David Abrahams; Qenll ot the lamp. Albeit Freom; Tii Tea Fni Tee, Kiss L. Kaa- lon: l.ee1^lWee Lee.MaryThone; DaSeediir Lee, Jnsle Slulden; Foo Bee Wee lio, NeUle Lynch Dplrit of Iho lllng, lleaole I'ope.' AT a meellng of the theatrical manaien ot New York and llrooklyn, hold at A. M. Farmnr's oAlco, No. 3D West Thlrtletb Street, April a. It waa iinanl- nonaly agreed that Immediate and declelre action lie taken nganllug tho bllU now pending before the leglalatiire on Ihe subject of wearing tlghta ou the stage, aud the llcen-sliig uf cklldran to appear before the public. It was further nsolred thai ex- Jiidge A. J. IHiienhoefer be empowered to go lo Al- bany, lo appear ls>fore tbe legbilabire, and aisne the case ot the nuiiagcnor Now York snd Urook- lyn. It was further ngreed lhat Manager A. M. I'aloer should be empowered to dealgnate a com- mittee of New York and Brooklyn nanageni, which should iiroceed In Albany and onlil ex.Judge Ult- lenhoefer in the presentation nnd argument ot Iho bills referred lo. It was voted that a pro rats as- seaunoiit Is) levied upon the sosecbtted maoageni of New Y'ork and Uroolilyn lo defer the expenaea and cDUiuielfec. J.A. Fynea,resident managerof Kelth'a Union BquaroTheiitre,was elected accrelary I'RIHTOB'S Ta BNTV-TOIKI) STIIKkT TUKATSB.—TIlO head lloera at the alwvo houae tbbi week are strong eiiongh lo draw good business, and they fully met the e.\peotntloiis ot tlio uiansgriiieol April a, when the hnuao waa well Oiled, doenlie tho stonii which prevailed. The bill tniu atari to Onlih Is a good one, and Incbiiles the Throe Bugenes, trapeie per fnnnen; the Dellorelll UttM., musical giotaanues; the AmnioDs-Cleil<6 Trio, Imogene (Xmer, singer; llsrry Wright, sluger: Hsxeppe, tin tslklng hone; .Mellon sua Deagie, llalazy and Vnrand, IHanehe hiiiiierelle. Fields and Uiwlo. Charies Fostelle, Wsller and Waller, Taylor Slater*, Foster and Lewis, Jamoa W. Thompion, Kiltie Builth, Uarry Weal, Kathleen Warren and Major KngUah. WuHTira MlMKi a.-C. V. Moon's Culore<l Mln- ilrels still iH'ciipy tho sluoe lo tho cosy theat;e, whilo I'm!. Wiinli altenda tu the enterlabiment of Iho vlrllors in the iiiiweuiu doiiariiiieuu. Hosier of ttiu iiilnalrvl coui)iatiy: Hilly ^obnson. One Hilly Fanell, llcii Wise, M. Fntber, Clussle 1. Davla, llllly Wilsini, llnli i\>)es.Jas. Wllllani.i. Jerry Mills ami bis ph'ksiiliiniea: >jutile (('libs SlelU H'lley, Isiltlu Ihsvis ami Msiule Kmeison. Tbe mluatreis will vulnuteer for tlic beuellt of tlie Theatrical MeclisiilrV A-v-wcbillnn, ut I'Durteenlb Utreet Tbea- tn>, April In. ili'usR's I'Ai-ti'k Mi'SKi'u.-Tlie nfth week of Ihe fsl women's lilcyclo race l>egan .(pril 8, when the house wss crowdeil desslie the aturui, Ulticr tea- tiiraa In tha uurl^i hall are Parvo, human idn eushioni l-no, aiiake i:haraier (her fourth week); F. Kamuiaklcbl, couloriloulal; Ualbronia, Are king; Mile. Olgn, llivclan beauty; John D, Whalcu, uiagl- clam Claw llaniiuer (Jiia and II. C. rolmer, Btage —Uut liavennirt. Kildle Kdwanla, Doiulhy Blslets, Al. Ilseves, T. J, llefren. Mover and Doyle, ami Hhsrii and Itobeils. "TiiK Sin M ASS," an anarcMsUo play, by (1. lUoden- kapp, wss glren Its Oral pvodnctlon j(pnl 8, at Ihs ThsllaTTiesire. The play Is founded upon the labor dUliirlsinces In Sicily In Iias, and seU forth tha views ot Ihe radicals upon lalar and aoolal qoes- tlons- Tlie ncrfomiance waa given by amatcun. Johanii Mosl. for whom the play waa written, did not appear, though he was present bitheaudlence. OSTAR llAUBBasraix has snannd with K. Hire for Ihe produi-noo of "RxcMslor Jr." sa the opening nllracllon of llammenleln'a Olympla, neit Oelnlier. Kniir8Uxiox«<J0ARBTBBATmE.-New York de- buts, were made at this home, April 8, by Uuugel, tbe French McycUst, wlw perfonned some remarka- bly ctever feats, and by tlie Bftleni He Forrest, nperel- Icdneltbds. donget made AbiAnertcan debut at the BIJou Theatre, I'bUadelphla, lV.,Hareh 18, where hb work met with much praise. Ills performance at the Bfluare on Monday Imnght him fresh ianrebi.aiid the applause lhat grctled tilm was hearn and sin- rere. He worka with an eaae thatbi pleasing tosee. The De Foncst Hbiten, In their openUc duets, were very pleasing. They do a very nest turn, and are capable singera. The MsnhaUan Four, roulr vocal- ists, received a flatlrring reception, nisi proved one of the liestloms on the bill, they lielngforeed In answer Hve encores. The Two Cllppera, In a sing- ing iinriesque art, met with surceM, ss did Hnnth anil Rudd, Nellie II. Chandler's wblto orrheotm (second week), Hssler Chas.Meehan, lay aiipreno (second week), Oeorge l«alle.eccentrlr mnnolngnlat and grotesque dancer: Hogari and O'llrien, miislcsl iMui: Wm. De Uoe, head l«lsnrcr snd aerUlM; Btegfrled, mimic ond faclslbu; Maude Mclutyre, aeito comlo, and Heave's Marionettes. ACAOKUV op Miwic—The Imiwewlll lie closed this week. Prof, flernnsnn, the magician, will open there April U. for one week. Manaukr Datid IlkKnxsso)!, of the American Extnragania Co., aettl<d A. M. Fahner's cbtlm for t2,iu.l7,on April 8. J"dgenildenleevebadlssned an order for Manager llendenon's arrest, but when the court onicial appeared at Mr. Rendencn>s hotel to aerve the warrant Ihoclalm was quickly iistd. R. E. HIce claims that Ids company played al Manager llendenon's Duqnesne Theatre, In nliabnrg. Fa., hi Marehnt last year, on an agreement that tUce was to receive seventy per cent, and Mr. nenderaon thirty per cent, of Ihe receipts. Mr. Rice cUlms he never rerelved his abare. Ho aiulgncd his cbUm to Mr. faUner. Barlem.-At the Opera House "A UUk White Flag*'pisysd to cnwdad tiousss all tsat week. FnokJ. Ketaas, wbo hail b««n pUylas Oen, llsrier Burtelsh, succumbed to the grip April 0. ami Hr. Uort wss nolt- n«il. UswenttoUie llMstrs and took bliplirs,plsylog FrMsy nlglil, flstunlsv mallnae sod alilit to Ihe mtlnTie- tJon ofs Israe suilleDcs on each otrsshni. Jofepli Jegsr- soa bsxsohls Antsnd onlyKsv Vorksn|agfineat8 Ins Isrgs-auillencs. cuniililrrloKtlip vesUitr. with s Urgssd- Tsorsmla r«port«*l (In II a pnrssiloasl matloae will beeIrM, Kelt wvek, K. 11. Rnlfiam. tn rsmnory. CoU'HSCS.—**ni« riws llosiU of Life" illd a libc week's ba»lneMl-a. "Tis tlslleyMaie" openni to a lalrabad lious«S,aislvenwallncslrad. Neit seek, C.T.Hopper, In "Tlie Vale or Avon." OLVspir —Hie Hiinall Bros.' Csme^lbioi did not dn as wall ss Qpsal, wlitcti vw do doutit dua lo tha company not being up to Ilia planilanl. Tlis Imro fox Conipssy beaan s wask's snsssauiantH, to a sood boiMS, consider- lag tli« weathsr. Tlia compasy; Altaa sad Dalmsin, B. A. Claih, Imra Pox, Weston Bres, Anale Ifan. FnVs (Biailowgisplia. BarasaDdCosklar. (Imeneaisl the Pun- rlilnalloTroape. Kaxlweak, tlie ReoCLgasltay BorisKiaa Co.—Ru«ln«JH hitproTed at lliu houie Ilia paRI weak. The rollnaluR DeoplaarehaielhiMwaak: Dsllle LsfarTls, Mails king. Yoane Anierlns. ^Ito. Rig. Bds- sall. CIsra Dalraont Sulla May and Kl<«eU asd Buliesno. Uaslks Hcsscif.-Usl weak wss s rseonl bresker bare. Uie fSt women belqs Uie masiiel Uiat draw the bast week's buploeia In the hUlor.r aflhe lMUi«. At Uia a\sn- ln( parfonuances Ilia riowdi serv «o ulg lliat eiln ■hows had ts b« alvan. TliUwaek ksnagsr Boilth hn* Uia rstwomao imalnsln llvlnsiilclurv' for the flr^t lime In Xiw rork. New ISox: Ja>. Illlka ami barn'Wade, Dies Oornian. Jaula Bojd. lha Mlramlm Band. Varic, Haiiilo ^unl^ (ieu. V. Csmll ami Halt J. Uikln, Oao. Ituik^y, JsAila Caril and I'lef. Klugofskl- NEW YORK STATE Bliiiasa,uinioalariirlhnaalabl>. TliaWllbarOMn ^ flolaliad a two waaki' •naaaeraaat 6: Uolns s niiTn. buflnaaa. t'odarilaed for IM7. "Toiiiado." * AOinsar OPMcsia—"Peek's nod Bor" a for Um amir, weak. Blca* Battoa-a Comadlana olay^ to Wr uIT DSHlastwaak. TtieSadle llasua Cosipaay,which\ru boDkad for weak of 1^ have canealed, and Uia beaea wui prnbablynuisbi dark fortka week. "••'"oeawui VoxoaalAXD HcsaaTMSATss oatlanas lo draw bir hosaaa, and piaaaau Ihe foUowlag bill for the waak- Toaati*—Massie Clain, Itsira aisl csrllan. "Saosio^i Piaok Ball, Bsolly and areva, xoalna, mala Impanu. nator, and O>nD0fa ami Olbson. Curia halla-PnriL- Cotlon's Donkey CIrcsi, fllsnor Boland snd hU wranlint baais, snd Dsino Vriu, awonl swaUewsr. Braoklyn,—lluslneA coutliiiies tu Issiiii si Iho local ptayhounes. aud ae long as the msnsgant conlloua to glra aodi aicalleDl bllU Uiey can eipeet to be liberally aoppoitail by tha Brooklyn paaple. la no piaeeillDg aea- aoD bare the bookings ai|UallMllbo#eoriblia«a«OD,Dorlias Ihan been aaan ko iiiaoy saw pteducUona In any former aasMBsa liaa been Ilia case wlUi the prOMOl one- A petualortlie bills olfelwl Is coovlnelng pnof Uist our lliaslregoers will not aulTar for good Ihlnp thleweeb. Havaral novelties are offered, aad will be »aeD lo tbla city ror Uia Ural lliua. The chief attractions will proba- bly be "Mme. Kans tiaoe," whtrb Is lUged for two weeks at tbe Colombia, altlioosh tha other bllla are all pml. Hie Park haa Idea's "lot." aod Uia BUns has Kdmuoil (jollier. In mie Cron Road« of Lire," while "Tba Daolar" bi at die Orsnd Osars llousa, and "Ike Bandit glat" and "Tba naule Kiss" wlnbasUan dorlog iSa weak at Rolmea' Rur. noodTarlalyparfiifTDadeaawlllhaaeaoatHfde A Bahiuin'a aod Ilsher A derbanlt'a Oasloo. Tbe Eaalarn DIslrlahouaea will give Ibeir pstnos soma axcellant booklao tliU week. The Amp'itoa haa "Hie Vala or A'?*-'.' •'•"lor liaoffeia bla company tVom Ilrda A Balimas's u ihf. nayely. 'Hie rut Kali," which was aeea hut weak at Holmes^ Star. Uat the Km- pin tiiU week. '-The Two Oiphana" la at Uie Lycann, and a varletr alisw h Uia altncllnn at the Unluna. CmA Ptaua's Udlei' VitealSodalysnd nraohbn BwaedlsliOlee Rlub win xlva ananiooo aod erasing cnuraits at Asaoela. thin Hall April 10. Several other ineeloU perfbruiancea will be givao duriDs tba week. Cau'aBii.-AcriileslaudlaneaBIM this lieun April KlhaiiceaitoiibaliiillKOnilappearaDca In this city of Katbryn Kidder In "Male. Barn Oeoe." which w-aaen- IhuabaUeally received. The May lilda iair Ibr a big run whilaliera. "Tba Fatal Card" Lad aaucceainil luQ last weeL niiqc.->Kdmuiid Hfllller aad > atfona coroi BaAIOi—At Ihe Academy of Mnsic "Bowinir llieWlad"lallila •aek'ablll. Nail week "A UllhWhIi. Flar'raiures. Julie Marbwe-Tatai<a ihlny waefcii'iM son endail Aprils.lbs patroosn hare bailog beas tnh' suollaL Tiwiauier Daniel P. Finn's hensOt n^ M„ nuhe a sum. and the geollaoisn bs> iloantO hiiTTaraltlu, ralmsnl here. Hr. and Hn. Taber will produce aateni new playa next aeasno. Hran TuaAraa—Mrs. fAnstr>- ft. Ilerfmaon ft, in Kii o (locdwln 11-13, 'TIM HIksito" (by aaialann) 10^17. Uniin Riuaell IS-m, I'aiey Foltanon; madctai^^ rtS, young inaa le a son of Uwyar Janiaa 0. Follenon, of ihU city, and heladolDxaomerleTerwdrk. Lvcsea TniUTSK.—"Tha Tornado" Hili week "Tlia Two Johns" neit weak, "dlavea of nold"plMi«l tinn aodtenres. ^ CocsT areskr TnRAvan.—TbeWatwn SlstersCo tl,u weak. .Ken weak, the .New York Blara. J. F. pitUe' Cu bai a good data. lioRA'sMcslo HiU—loei Uecuiker, Llatoo BnilbanL Talaaca, Baitlia OiMba, Pnd HeClall^ Hlgun Fona/ cue. Speck Brelbeia, Pearl Isoias, Morton andllack aisl Titonias D. Vanotlea. Noras.—Msnager Koblnwm h flulog op eoninioilluiia oMoaa In ibe Lyoiom Prof. Kail FraakllD, an ecno. trie Aoatrlao. wbohsscondaeleil a sehi«l for dramatic mining and elorulhin hen for ten years whb omraorlaa:, ssreeaa, haa been itectared biwie and conSoed bi iha Blata Asylum lo taleclty. ■« ino Albanfr.—After a few days spontln putting down Uie new siase the Lelaad Opera Ueuae opened April i for a two olflils' ensaaemenl of Marios Hanota and John Meien, In ''Fijeod Krllt" Uige sistlencte ireeisd Uieo. Wanland tokaaplsiKt anluradsleln "AHononUie Baak'-t. anda lilaWe waa aean. Bob Pllulmmoaa' Own Ili>eclalt>- Comrany dellslited rrowdaofhla admlrarH 6.1 <!emliig: s,li.tiiii Mureliyaad Rugaae Canlekl. In "Alimony;" l(t B. A. SolEnre. lo "A Way to Win n Woman:'' II. CaplUI rity AUilello Clubboalng loorea. Dient; IX Hamnaan, the naslclsn; lA, Wluism? tJolleta Olae. Bsnio snd MandollsSluba; IIL III llur>?Mrn° pirela: 17, lieaellt to Henry p. Boullar, whan "Trilby " by A- M- Falmei'a company, will ba praeanted: Is 31 "Cliariay'a Aunt." HssuAXrs BuintiB lliu was opened during the U1.1 three dalei of lha week, preaanUag'The Suwawsr" 10 Isrse audlencas at aacii parfomalKe. Booked: a Mr anil Mis, Kendsll. In "fbavoeen'aShlllins;" 18, raninior Psluiefs Uux'a ' Hrosnlai;" ig, ai,TsvaiT Opera Com- pany. UOD FaLiowB' llAU April If. Yssre, aaaUlad br Larliaunte, the plinlal. TUB lliirry TsSAras atlimeted large Iioukob all tut weak. Uia hilt being nmlihed by ihe London Bellaa Bur- leinue Company. Romlna: »-li American Oalely Otris: 1>S, Isullea'Oluii Buriesque Co. Iter's Ova act play, "Ibe Croea Baads of Lire." and aa the place had been wall adrerUaed. a krn audience waa PrceeoL AreatsreorUiapreductlnntaluecsnloefleeta. nie stay look with Its audience and waa llbenltyap- Kioilad. '•Unniudiy' was Uia altradloo lam weak, bby naylor. In "Aaoit MsAllbUer." 10, '■'".'irllte''" 'iV-" "^ean airiler In Uie lea- »n at the Colombia ralanxl lolhlatlty snd opened ben 8, before a large audltnce. Ibomas w. Keeoe played lo sood bnabiaaa but weak. Alaisndar Balriol, In Rperioiy, OBASn OrsBA HonK.-'Hie Dsnler." a cspllal tares comedy, amoiied Ibe htnsudlenca wMclisnamblad here K when 11 heesn brief aoiammeat. Ckirione waa tlie aOnelton laal week, "Ilw Man WItbeni a ConaliT" l£ Hobnei praaanU two bllU iblaweek In "Tlie Banlll Klot" and ''The CatUe Kloi" The tnl named opened with two liaribnnancea S, hatnn andlencsai Uial Oiled thl< hnaae to tha ilnnn, and will be aMli snl^l Ihe close of Vklaeiday nisbl'a pert-onn«ct Pl'JS" h'?"!'«'""""'.*>'°'''«v ssiallnea"Tbe ralUe Elsr' will lie Ilia allraetlon. Irjlonlsy'' citiwda eaa be taken aa a criterion. Itian lha pUy ahouki meet wlUi en' caaadsHng lite nmalndar oftlta weak. ■*llie Fast Matr' waaberekat week. "UnclsToia'artiitn" 11 '*""*" Hvns A BsnaAS'a-lheFrsaeb Folly Boriasnua and SMdally Company hoM Ilia bosida Itila weelTVpvaliig '"' IwoPerfonsanceaS.befentwoteiy Rairerinjcui'll- •""T-, 9!"? Kwarasn. Ibe valenn ninunl. la one ofthe weelal ISsTur^. uthen are ibe Imperial Japanm Troupe or JumUri and the niynpisQusrteT. Tlioanter. RTJle". and ihe applauaa wu llberaUy be- 5°I'1l ?'"»■ "SS!?"!' T" awnled a wehsmie ilul made lha boueelSlriyabake: aod abnwad that hehadlcet noneofhla fonnar piipolarilr. HcsieAOeausan'sCAHlla.-AOnlrlaMperroniianea waapraHnied lien Mo a brae audlaaos. ^apnpie^ iNO' J-Morion anil Maud KeTllle lha TVs WabinCoa Pn •^'•"•."elllSFraW- ri£t".'°,l -;{' '"' "rlleoce was prevnt when Chatlsa Hopper made his uallir dalnil tn Uie Iriah drama. •■Ilia Vale of Avace." Tlie play licalculaled to Pl"'* "w hoiw'a palrair. Joaeph Jegeraeo r^nS; u. tlATKT^.—Tills week promtaea lo t>eoneor bla bual- .eahen. Tnny PsdbiliBabrauxblhlicompany of en. leittloers aenns ha Ins bridge, and thatha wlllbe Bnu- etelly benaoied by the Jnareey mna cailato. lha SScSnSS" '■ '*' * Baeins.-A jklily soud shad audh.nee ■•• preaentg. when Lincoln J. Canar'snllodrama, "Die FaalllalL" be pSU'n'SlVle"*"*"'"'"' ■"""* "■ "'*'"''■' '° *■"> Lvcsiv.—-^e Two nqihUK" waa ravlred H Emma RelleMylai Uie panorLinlaa, Uiabllod strtT TbeoSii' If j5°''-"' *** °' """"> f^rilou'- Mas" week, 'Wer rsrgrs--Maoa«sr llarr haa aeenrads king IM ofan- larialneis lhlB waab, Tliey Include Bovie afd Oisbam Usileandrvildr. Deauand lairbuo-.BImbsnandMia^ ban, Uia Huneiloj Klne Broa., H«» cihmS^ lOltS (riemanuand UieReit KUura. hieperfoJu"'uSi* eluded wlUi Dean'i ronietir ' •'"- -'■""^- Tlie openlnB waa IlliraVonblaa- 10 a sell ailed li<nise. Kaitweek. Una ."!0Il*.---T1ie flianieiiraasaoll bnmslil l.y I'lilllp Hosen- L?n„'"'-?ii"'V!,'i."C2i'f"anstlt Ulllliir. BInn, oritia I'ark'ljiMIre, waa haenl hr JnMlJjTliiho, K die kntlarlAnell:oarll. Anir llilealns lo , noiSU? or whnenea Ibe caaa waa,1 laiilaaad A tliealn uatla "lada111.of overriab mamljenwill.ll.nduffJSS! tnipeiiniiaoceof "ftlp l u W inkle" al tl a Aijdil^Pu. Tlie oU Bnaitbn Ully Rallnail llqiannii.T^ir any, laiond>l l.y Hn>adway,'urn(iT,A!'L<»ta 'Sii nvaanil Uluckloo uiraeu liailMn irairhaCd br a arnd, csu olilrh I. askl tu lie bacM np by ffiKnoT HMl' nlealliin oriheaysdleala In isit'up IliKllJalnihWi lliare will la a Ibiam, a Iwll rojn, and "uia Hsi and Ms* ruoiii.. Adjoloias 11 will U erarlid a l^n'an Tlia purrliaie «aa iiii.le by a loral real a.|~« Itiuiaell7; fnr Ibe 'jn. Icale. |l l.'aild thinHid SauiD fw UiS pioMlty. shicbhaea ftnnlanortUlCon MrnleAi»a. Saiin. on BMdway. srn. m «l»rtlii Bl?K„d 7*1.% on Kewla Aienae. Vba dalalla or Uie BrivTie arS il}!; TaiyiiiMce. Ihousli llliaabeaaglTtnootlhsl ll^balll. 'l£.*'i' ""Sretled anitraly A whluliivSeail n^. eM after ilmllsrairaclur«fln llemaay. """"" ■ ♦- no?i!S!i*;li!i^ili""ir™*"i'"*''''' •'"•cHooedo xSf. «"Jm'n?iiOTz:i'*'VTrrs't',!i,'ii;*!: ^ S?/'..\!)' *"h;ni rsme to Uie lyceura April A In "A War u A In a Woman;" Nat C. Ueodwliu s ^or iwo !iIS^£W2iSfB''" 9f55 i'-J" freeperfiSiSE; U-ll Bpl SsilUillo veil left oner a ne<isblaanBu2 TjoL Anaonnad Ibr Uaad week, "iffibf." •°«^ Ceos Oraaa llotss olbnd 'The Slarae of OoM" to tu TFoy,—At the Oriawold Opera House Sol Smith RaSaeU, In "A Paor RaUtton," pUyad tnO. R. U,at ad- vanced price^ A|iril I. Tim Muiphy, In "Allraon)-," dkl a goodbusIneaaA,a Herrmann comes U. Haso's Opisa nnvst,—JasieaT. Powans In "The .Saw Bol-," liad aumll boose 3,X Mr. and Mra. KeadalL In "nia lionniaaler," came 8. (lAiarv TBUTSS.-T1ie Ladlaa' aob Burleantie Com. pany came 8 for the weak. Hie Amerireo Ualaly Otrhi drew fair houaca tut week. BliiphamtOB^At Uk Stone Opera House Sid Sl"'!i^!V'**i''!" ,';'eaMflil Valley," came Ainil 1,10 8. H, II. "nilver Twlal" liad fair bo>Inaaa t, Boland Heed, In ■Tlie PoUdclan," dallthlad a snod ataedAndlauce 4. ipiisunrer ulcoit drew a good auandance i. Hamnaiin dM a BDOd IsialneaaS, Bijoc ToRArsK.-Kra Tansnay Jnw good bualooiv l-T "A Jolly Lu!" niared 10 good Rturru l-f, Coiulns B-ll, 'Tlie ISHidon Bella-*." Snmease-—At tho WIelIng Open House lb>laiid Head, ,ln "Tlis I'ollllebin," lisd larue Imslneaa April 1. "A Trip to Clilnatosn" draw wall 3. Week ott-O. llie Baklwlnl. BisTABLS TllsiVBk.—"Atlliiony" bad light bnelnm I- 1 "TlieSpan orUle'drea Iklrsudlenceel-e. .\u Uood. win. In "A nlUed Pool." s. U, It. JAinss' TuSATsa—'Tbe Nuwawsy" had inw.1 baabitsa 1-3. Huob'a Vaudarillea ilraw welll-C. Itica A Barton's -UcOoiidle aad Poodle" 8-10, 'ISIavea of uolil'' I&-I7- Elmlna.—At Ihe Open llonae Itolaud Reed miented "Ibe rolldelan''^for tba oaban' benelt, April 1,10 die capacity or Uw hooa. K. U. Solbani, bi ■'Capl- Uuarbtalr,"wai Ihe attncUoD t, to a lane sudleoca. Dae: HanoU-Haain Uo., lu "Friead Priu," U, "lisr' ». Molhlag la anneuncad at the Mad leoo Avanoe Ttiee- !£•»•;.'?'?.'''''<"'°» "era elected by Eloilm Lodse. No, a, B, J. ({. K.: K B.. a B- Pratt; E.X. L. D. Utile; E.L.HU. P. F.AUridie; B, L, K., Jultna s! Dentoa: lee: ntory, Lliaa. II. Areialaga; uesaonr, C A. Becer; Ijhir, Harry Fowler; Iraalae, John DIajler. .NewbDiB,—The Acadeuiy ot Muric bi dark Ibis week. "On UTa Bowery" cornea U, John Drew 17, In "Ilia Bnllenllea." "A Run nn Ihe Bank" mat with liberal t*'iS.°M;,J'1.1^l!' "*Triii toCblnauiwn"oo lla retoni «. The KIha « I lieneOl & "Arialoeraey" being the al- iraellnn Lillian liraham, of Uavla' "U. T. 0." Co.. wasdlediannd ftam Uie Poughkeepale Pastaonaeland. uoouipanlad by her alundant. Less (a ooKirtd iiltl or tbe Innpe. who nilnotered to none lier), lea town Is Join Iho company at Jersey City. Vi - sell. Otlea,—.M the llllca Opera House Sol Smith Rns- '"■ ".f: '!!S' Relatloo," April i, dnw a good aadl. >ce. ' A Trip 10 Ohbialown," 4, was wall leeslred- ItaDleoa' houaea. I _ II.U. 8o(lierag, "Irilbr' U IhaWoadariaad'laaisin ckieed. Manager Cbos. P. Vaux len 8 wlih ealarlwdue oerfDimen '■»>ntaima'; cloud Ike'weelL 5, Vto I „I>alad: Jlagota^Maion Co^ In .Triend Prill," 8, I LLINOIS Chleaio,—with Uie passing ot Holy Week iKal maiiagws Uilnk Uiay aee tha beginning of lha end for Uie pariot of depreiiloo In amoaemeol nattan. Tba Boa. tonlsna wlU flnlih with tbla week, aad among other coai- panlaa tliat will give way to new aitncUooa IbrRaaier Weak are "Cbariay'i Aunt," which andaa nonth'a ran al nooley'a; Uie LUIputkna, irho lean MeVlckei'a; Kellsr, who will conclude hb magleal work at Uie BchlUer, oisl 'TheWarofWealUi,"wbkhck»aa for Uwaaaaea alUx Colombia, ne Lycanm Onda that conUnnoua periorei- aneaa on tba Wast Side wlU not pay, and lha lionse cloaaJ April 7. It win probably open 29 for a week's benellper- fonnaoce. Hlnillng BreUien' Clreus maile lu llrsf sp- pearance In UilaeltyS. It wlU U here fur Uitee weeki. utng Uie bliTalundl arena, wblch hu bean leased by Um KlnsUni Una. for four yearn. Manager OeorseA, J1!V->fc*''^?'«,''^''sfileo, U laadlsg a eniaade Bgalna I ihoirnph UrkeU, and s comblnaUon may br fonnail whereby UieglTlDg oflhU ckuaorilcken wilt Iw *^KJ?. ? so sgreeiaot among kxal Danssars. Hoouv's TutAT«t-"Charlay.'a Asnfl^ began tbe fooph ud laat week of lla annnnentwlih ao aTldent e,<t<<f buUneaa, allbongb Uie one lisndredUi ami KiSi'S.'**' PreaenlaUen oruie place Is lo be given s. Maria DurrougbJ, In 'The I'nOinla," will open IS an ea. ngement that la aura u be a iTecUed eorceia, owing ti> " ^ InMlM John L. Eleanor Perry. die panonst nopilarily, lo tbla dly of the Bar!' SliiVSSS'K' '™IJ»"wlll appear tsiula Uaau KellenI, Harry A. Maur, Unib Uomy. Blai "ffS!/^ Kato LesteVsiilrHiloSVbbSr CulOAOo OrssA Honaa^Ffsnels Wilson closed a four IIJ^!L!!'P^™"."t°JDoTU'eDepaiyO. Bualnex waamed forUie taaihalrorthseoguementsnd tremend- ous for Uie im two weeks. Uo #111 he with Mr. Wllaoii frt'Jl*".' "Vl '." Chlenlan." WIUi "ITie Twaa- lleUi Caetuiy plrL'; which <maa 7, sre John T. Auy, Pea Daly, A.II. Wluoo.ArdileCrawfanl, Baltbiaaereiu, ud'cbriilVSiJiSu""^ """^'•' a2li!tu^."',i. ksy^-Tbt fosrth and loat weak of Uie *M«olana wlu be derated to "Hobln Hood," Uiamo« KE!li"5S7''"'"'"«l»n«'7- laatweak wudleWaJ u.'ISJf.. and'The Makl of Flynoutli." Itoyl's "A Black Sheep" will open II. J?^"l!1'*>''""*™i-"n'e*a'or WealUi" hidafood Sl.'i.fl'' Si?.''"™' «. It will be nUrednnUl M'''i.*^"'*P"'oa die readwIUi atabonle fIW?i?'!}f l""! SF'WJ'" "eeb LItL Oplnlona differ aa lo lUDirtt. bnllt wllTpraliablypnre a dnwlngcaid Ibr f»'*W°rJpf% ,OnaotPrefi!iiSi'ac«mpan(ea opena7, u.^.i^I^^.PS'' laadlns nlea will beMnUio ^iiS'Ki"^^!!!!^''- "■^''^ ..Ml'iS'' .'■ftHIWT-tellar cenUnuea lo inyatliy bis S2i?,'li;*'iiy""'f"'"""'i wondertSI faala. Ufa an- Hf. VST'i "III "iillnue unlit 14. when he will be auceewl- fi I'i !f'l"'*,,'™^'"'" Fred Lennox and JoalaSad- lerlntfaelfadlngrotaa. i»> l:)SK*fJ;,'^'W"-d''««' Uislneula IhllUg to the lot or Ibe I,lllpiiilai>. 71»y i.ire anaO>arireekcle«li( .i~,.,I''-i^rL'''""'*> -. J°"WI ArUiur-s new cdnaiir draiiia, wilt be prenenied for ilia Oral ilme IJ, wlt|i alood iJSXl.'Sr' 7"!,"'??—'J'"" "d Hart pUyed lo l)l» ".'lie LlKoti. Tliey ckUe 8, an] annooere "pioSSIJ]u!fhi*"" •*) bare agals In paroniablp- ^^lSS^F^S"':•--?y'•.'!!?'i.'^^ nrare boiiimlai Daane. MatUa: llATSAHSVT markal" Banr ' cleeloi ""H"!*!'.""!!'*"'" llmaonani alajin. ' pftf"" H*lt.^OAS|.xo.-Maie (JwanlB |s beak si IhS Cll?ft.ili'_* .'Js'rt.abranf. InClnclonatt, whan he ?2S?i'.°J2!.? ?f,.'''!L''T'l" ofrlka oeen llonae. fsfl. • TCA.V'''? •lUl.lhJroCwlng forUis aS.l5?^r^'*5'fi.»'*'* WIlrBlca'a Mlnrrela will nJ-lni.PP "iJ'* iregremme. Albert DawUmree, •'SIS\'M*'^r;•*'*''l">•b^ Oao. Soberta, Chaa. M, ^nwit, BUIr Ulca, A. W. Ilinm, acMahoa aad Xlog, Ito'T?;'G,';.*"*V'*" BfydiSaSftaU? —- a.SSIlV.S.I!;'" Ciacm-Vit a noanr 3Sl o2Vli'*w"^- aateciirts?!! Meee Uie hoaaa If ay t for Uie Bomaer,