New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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THE NEW YOHK OLIPPEB. April 13. <ea. 'BO, AND AVTBTU THAT IiAUOHINO SUCCESS/ "O'HOOLIGAN'S MASQUERADE," A coramlf In time acla, hy PRANK DUMONT, InlnxlacInK <h« well known Comcdlitnf, GALLAG] and WEST In conjnncllon -«rllh the Cfll«bnit»d Orrman CoaaMllftii, W. B. WATSON, A.NI> A. (riELECX COMPANY OF PLAYEHS. EVERrTHINQ NEW, ORIOINAL, 8PARKLINQ AND BRIOHT. ALL KINDS OF SPECIAL PAPER. NO WORN OUT IDEAS. WILL INTRODUCE NEW, NOVEL IDEAS IN ADVERTISING. WANTED, An A No. I IRISH COMEDIAN, who can act and do specialty; also a good SOU BRETTE, must be a good singer and dancer, and a LEADER, to play piano and violin and arrange; also EIGHT GOOD LOOKING LADIES, who can sing and dance r. R.—Tlie RlrtTft li duir copyrl,liloil, and mny Infrlnae- mnt on |>loce nr this will i>e iImIi wiUi iirronllngly Uy oar slU>rii(r, JAK. rcwTKH MIU.IKKN, 9(7 llnwiUiiy, Stw Vnrk Ollr. ITOULD UKP.Tn IIP.AU rilOX MARK HURI'IIY. Addreu all commaBlcAlloiiii to W. B. WAXSON, Weak Al>rll n. Cnolt RlrMt Tliwlit, DulT^la, N. Y.; April 15, ACMMmr of Huilc, ToronU), OnL CREOLES AND OUSSIE L DAVIS, - PICKANINNIES. - - Stage Manager Fr«d Piper, Dsn llann, Dlll)r Johtiun, Blllv Wllun, Jerry Mllli,Bethel nad Jonei, One Billy PKrreU, W. II. Prmlor, llfin 'WllllBmt, Ed. Parber, Irvlna Jonei, jBmM Ilotlf, Jmmet WllllBini, Ooli Cslai, Htella Wiley, Ualtlc Wllkei, lien WUe, Vnlqne Qaiirtel, Goule I<. DkvIi, Jamei Wliion, Weeley Iforrli, Jm. Rnurll, Mtckrnc Uird lUbe and iiO olhen. . THE BEST WRED TALENT FURNISflED FORAIL OOCAHS Now ulBylns the 40lh wreh at Worth's Family Theatre, 30lh Nt. and Oth Are., New York. Nanaaore will addreM all commnnlcalloni to C, V. MOOllK, care of Worth'* Family 'flirnire, 30lh 81. and Olh Are., N. Y. Off erutut DMiri to nnu thi Piblle. HENDERSON'S BIG, COMEDY CO. wow BOOKMO SBASOl* •89 »«<» '«'•• Tu/bSSt." WAi.«2ni4. ""^ FULL OnCHBSTBA AMD BBAB§ BAUD. s nllFAT COMEDIANa S SPBianTLT goBBBBrrefl. ' II"HllT.Sr,lS2l"5dOn -{ID oniromM«l b/ lb. WA.VTfiD. one more ctorer. sood J""'hncV Willi SD •Ini uid duiee: ilno mml io Mn and rtncj dtncM. Mm ptioto, will r«tam It. "oncETLotAL Wahaobmi-i » V*!? luwD ror road PAIR OATHS. !«»<'"PJ? Jl"!!'?!* 4? Ctre Howmid « PwH Prtmelle gid'MiW. CblCMO. Ill WE ARE THE Six LITTLE TAIL0R51 Our Echo Is Heard all over the coantry about what we do In the flm tailoring line. Suits Oar gooda come direct from the leeding rollU, and the amortment to lelect fVom Is enormons* SIXLITTLETAILORS, KEW TORK 229 Broadwa), opp. P. 0.) Boiery, cor. Brooms St. ) Bamiilei and geir-meaiarement golde unt OB application. All order* muet be ■enl direet, b« Ikli Urm hae no agente. A SONG THAT STRIKES HOME TO EVERTBODT. CIIAM. B. IiAWLOR'S OHEAT HIT. JAMUH e. SHANNON, or.A HAYDKN. CAUI.i'F'IlELiU ANU .TESH. OICRTJB: OILSOIf nnd Abt, TUB UOOD PEOPIiK ARE HINUINQ EVERY BOY HAS QUARRELED WITH HIS FIRST SWEETHEART. Dr nitAH n. LAWUIII >ikI JAUKH W. III.AKK niillKini nf " Ksv York" nnd "Pnllr Jenolo QlklletT." JOHN J. IILAKB, Muilltr. TIIK OHKKORNr I'UHI.lnlllNII CO., IIO Tlilrd An., NttT York CItr. REND toil I'llllPKKHIIINAI. (XII'IMI PRKK. mMS & wm, tlO-112 GREENE STREET, NEAR PRINCE, NKW YOKK. PmnnletMt Riock «f <M] T1N08, STAOR for COSTlll'lEII Md Ui« rawn, n oiir'iSmlio. 'lirtiBfTS' (oiir oiii miie'iiid Iny ported). In Cotton, OOr.trwIuceO from •I.IO): Ittavr hill, •>lilon«l Cotton, (l.n (our Ixtlor tlun 1101 vorMjd tlslill; iMt rrulB Wonlxl. 13.(0: nilk.$io.uid tt OO; \ml flilk, ITio. W« nrrrS .liuin In «ndi quti tr nnd nlto In Ktock. nnd makft tn onlor In foiirilnr,. I'kdifed tlEliU *'-""^'-'^'i'*AR^», tg'ifyfed wi! ^onro nol* nniin t. for Ilio U.. B.)_P7i2*l N iiniQWBR PB10E8 Ihuur nthoi EARDS mi«l»l CAUlon,). H>r ladle. ntHToa OOe.. mnde ution HATIN .a. (l.n, lam lOperfe. M.74; HA' ,PliS§&^ OESIton IMIn.dM^ Onenvork laco^ Qou Olmpi, ildi, I,ecfta, Oord^ fmlllon Ploveri, ote._ 34 loch rluiliM. v'oU.leOTn.'nJiSEI. BROCADE8, ic. AFUIUR8, RmBLDS,^ HEIMETS, iWOUm, DAOOBRB, •llli nnd wruiout JaroU. ~>WElJ9 (In pettlnl or rlUi liolei). A FVIil, LINE OF THBATRIOAIj JEMrEIiRY. OATALOaUB, PRICER AND ETERT INFOUIAnON REKT RY HAIL. aOODR SP.KT C. O. D. DF.I'nslTn BEIJUIRED ON ALL onnEim. SIG. OESAllE T0B8IELL0, lieader. Three anrcetalve aratona with lleganbeok*e Olrcua, all aeatona ■( Aabnry Perk. 40 iilecet, bntss nnd ilrlng. Addreu . F. C. P0CKBL9IANN, Dnatneu Mnneger, care ofCLIPPEIU SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE TON BROADWAY, N. Y., OME DOOR BELOW NINTH ST. (FttnncrlJ W Haldon Lniie), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. Oold anil Bllvor Ucoa, FiHiROa, SiMniilM, Blare, TaitMla, UfDcndog, TIrMd, Slilili, raddlnga, n«l8, WIga, Blioca ittil Jowclrr, TlicnUInU, I'^iiimmau and Allilollo aootl^ (Xwltimen' and lutlgo Hakois' Suppllw. Vlnt» ami Umiiioni, Wlllarjr aitd Stirloljr THmiiiltuni. Annoni at all Hindu to onler. Bond tor caUmalm. Tliolttritu4iKiMumnoutuu0licAvl08t»toulc ot tlioso gooditolio found aojwlioro. Olroulam tree. Qoodn nnl 0. U. II. HIGH CLASS SPECIALTY ARTISTS. Adilceai JAfl. K. KBNNK98V, Peoiilf*!* Theatre, t-laelnnatl, <>• HITS. 'OONT BKAH ANY ILI, FRELINQ." HI Elin IR IIU. MAN.TOniHIIIVK IIIVINBI" IDwcriplln lUrltmoaiid 'imlmllo nil.) "HIIK I.KIT TIIK UAS Wlll> LUVKU IKU Mill AS'OTIIP.II IISI.YA LITTLE ■ ■ 'altiallo Kong.) .1IKOINO,"(|;II.._ „ dlllliatlo roclUtUo.) "TIIKY ABK TIIK nftRT KIUhNIM Wuted, for the Great New Yorli Stows and Trained Anlnil Eiklbltlon, A Tow inoio novel nc\t^ l.v\y Aillali anil tlnilwjutt 1ll|h HAS KloklnR. Uixui^itviia Usti iDimmliAlcly. A: thit ilonlile. UuPlclKuavrllAto Kni.l lor, N.U. AUolliem HUM KAIltllASKS, HI I ^ xlnglon AYe -a Jenmy tHljr. N.J. GREAT SONG FOR GREAT SINGERS, "He's Somebody's Darling, I Know." NOTIOB.—tlftndwtiMDdin or ntmiitioall *inR»ni(|>n> r»MloiiAl or otIiSTwl**) who «IUK ih« AuUior'i rton■^ upon tecvlpt uf jirosramin* or nennuiiter culllnit. u urool. H«iiil Iwelre n>nu to \VM Tl|(>NA8. Umniktle Anlliftf, Hoi >l. \\ 0-. nillnlclplitw. r*. CALL. AUl*«orl» lioMIng ntnirafli wIlliW.P. KIRKIIARra (IRKAT AHRHIOAN HIIOWH itrvbor*l>T nlOcUllr nolin««l lonronal PKHIiV, 1A.. iioi Ui^nlun A|>rlir- raauM ft raw itnxl rrMka nml nil At>niuil ififrtrmtrA. PAST nBa)MIN() I'CU'l'LAR IN TUB BAfn*. JuleslElla Garrison WANT BAND AT ONCE FOR SIDE SHOW WITH 4.PAtt-STRAi:iinS FAIR. WHITE URIXILORED. RIIOW OrEKS AI'HII. ». AJilre" .„ _ . UbO. O. KABLAVAON. 67 N. Pmh 8t.. rjint^f IIK Ohio. WANTED. ONE HUNDRED FOOT ROUND TOP or eon., 4011. MIddl* I'iMO. P«at. and Lljtbta. Two eir ruw. Aildrou RICIIAIII) LEtVIA. CIraia No. I, WH innlN, CIrcnaNo.:, No. 7 Tgrrra HI., BalMo, N. Y. WANTED, OUTDOOR ATTRACTIONS FOR TIIB rnURTII UP JULY KNiailTROPPVTIIIASOBLB- DUATION on PAlr Onund. SprloflMM, Ohio. OBOHOB R. OA^TB^Ok•IIlnu." lda«rlnllro and |<alliulc.) KVALI.KH IKKV'Hlitinr, Owicriiitlio. , 'TIIR RAMK rnVKh-T BKL1JI AIIE llAB. IIDIIVItKVR l,ondan Wklu lilt, altli BKirKIIlKN" " IV ALU" "HAOK TO TIIK OLD IIIIMK AllAIN^ VlnMr<'li1r>ti'*.t|<*lliotioMui.) "I WKKTIinUKWID IICIIAKI." (nroal nialoel IlltO ''I DO U>VE YIIU.' MY PKAlt01,11 l>AUI>Y,"joltherRarloCoiiilo,ailMI .. rUltyorCliaractarlfonif. tliolill of Loudon. Railed in Hiiy voice or anr cUm of .loRer. "PATKV AND TIIK lll)fIIIF>lll(IK" (IViillIc Irldi IHacrlpllro.) "NOTIIINO R TIIOIItKlU nm TIIK lltlHII." 'TIIR KIcK I'PA ROW llHItlADK" (tha Orue ot Uia Loniloo Huft: llalli) 1 n<o. nilloliilniar. Bala or Itiiula. 'TIIKRE'RA NEW l,VV r„UIV,l IW UllllWIMII.' . - ■ ■ nl.lDll HONn run. l»V,8^^^. Uoore direet, Noa York. If.lNII.'. TAIIIIIIT PttKK to llie Proraulnn liotacM a anil 4 P.M. Takefllith Ave El. R. R.aad|iotnir>t PntaktlnSL ad" anv ottlia alKiTO MinaiL c i.iRii HONn run. IS)., sTn. flICK ELLIOTT SIDE SHOW TALKER AMD UCniREII, CAN BE ENGAGED. Strong Optnlngs and Conetrt AnMunetniMiti. ALL DAY WORELXR. Addreae IMT Conaella St., Breoklyn. W. Y. -W-aJNTTBID, OiioDozcii TrnliicA Monkeys, WRITE I'ARTIOULARfl OP TRIKKK AND FRIOBft, 1*. O. BOX 477. Baa Antoalo, Taiaa. emeus CANVAS, lUMod hand. Id ipml CDndliloa; oaa (On. R«and To|\ on* aofL, ont eOwL on* Ui9ft. dd« flDiKDL ffrlU for priwa. JAMBS IIARTIK A BON. n and Vr Rlchmoad Btieal. Bottoe. Ni FUTURE WIFE OR HUSBAND. $5PE TrillTEB OR BLACRB. rDrtooea,e<& Tlielariiwt Tarlatr Id tin .orkl. AJdtMa EARLY A RmBET, lit LawiMce n., (looklin, N. T. A aiat cUaaMBDIOINSLBOTVBIII; ttnatralee: BUI be a iMd odloa maa; oaa vho aimota team prenma. WV^HAUaiTTU^ m W. nt Bt, otaaiuatiro. .IKBOnll LIPPEBSL Circus People WrHt lor New lllustnted Catalogue. "GHITHTIV 717 611) Ave., cor. 41 St., N.Y. 91.1)0 MAKE UP BOX, 50 CENTS. GREAT SONGS! "In Lovely Old CaslHe," By T. Briilliam Blahop. A niperb aonK, tull of Ufa ajiU color, dMcrlptIra of tlie copnt. laa. cliarma nf tlia "lorlnp aad tandar' nialdana ot Bunny Rpaln. Tlia woria and are eiinallj taklnR, and lha aoni ■hould rival Uia popularity of "In Old Madrid." "I'm Happy Todayi" Ry T. Rrlgliain BlrtiOfi. A brlitht and breoiy wnlli aoDR tliat alnioat •liiiia lualf. "In Time ConDding," Uy T. BriRliam BNiop. A Doa dual. In naluilnie, rorolthar .laaaor conoort uao. Tlio air la frooh and cliannlnff, ami can ba tuailo vory olT.ctlvo liy Itood aloitara. I'mfraalniial coplen on aptdlcatlon. Or* ^a^t^ IV coDtM. OUVER DITSON COMPANY, Isa-MSWaahlniilaB 8t,, Boalan. NEirVOBK: C. II. Dltaon A Co. PIIILA.: J.R Dltaon 1 Co. SINGERS, AHOY! I PUT THEM ON YOOR UTTU USTI Four BeanttCal Songm, "GIRL OF 99," "LITTLE PEARL," "IS THERE A HOME," "BILLY AND TRILLEE." O!!! JEAN WHITE, 226Washlngten 8t, Botloiii Mats. WANTED, TO SUPPORT THE EHINEirr YOBHO ACTHBSS, HILDA VERNON, IN REPERTOIHE, SUMMER SEASON, FULL COMPANY. iragad muat ■ood dreawra. Only tlioao allllnn to work for Bumniar MSSrSSdapply. nioto.M«l'''•"PVtf'ilK:i"JoHnJ- RaaainoBona Xjiriia B«h».r»aH at Baltimore Af rll,l«. .oomp fcankaoS row HaamiopenaApriia. B«h»«r»aH Tlia moaloompfataorjanlutkiD on tha road. ... aad MatumlBi Uiam correctly. Bpacli , rneclianlcal affocu. We ranulra no band or. o^iwtra to boom tlila attiactloo. Eattem Dianactn aaodoponllmo. JWaakatanda.) , „ „ - ■• ■■NEB'EAVEB.Bu.lnee.llanamr, No. I,IP Mynio Avanua. Baltimore. Md. Manaiiem.nt paya boaid^and B. B. fare. P«Pl« •'); ■ "-- lidIn and jrantlanien, cooipolant and to work IqrBuniniar ■e API- -- PlednclOR - lal In Curing XJ,rturing Disfiguring Skin Diseases Qticura Works Wonders Sold throDtlioat dx world. Brilllh d«pn(i P. Ntw. ■Itr a 8np«. I. RinB-Edvard-M., I/iBdun. Forril Daoo a CniHicit Coar. Pmpc. Uaalen, U. B. A. WONDERFUL! ?^??-P«^»-.!?.?!^.?a¥^w?oN. I Poiilfln. Maat.. and w> what yoo will ctC niniDC HUBB AWD OR WIPE PHOTOA NRW rUIUnt BTTLER WPERIJXD. PORTUNES. Sara- ploalOo. 8Ue»t Raltarl** Bgand ap. PfTOTO 00.. Bdwn. P». A. GOODRICH, UkWYER, S!JSf.«'?J.ffi knalandgoloL BnmchM and lacllltlew to other Hm»>. BOAT BUILDERS li:^ird'x:;;:'^.^^ noot, hvntlnr and row boaia, dlnghya. Ao. wrlle roreall'ii. TTKNRT J. FDRLONO. Counaelor at Lav, S17 BroJuJ. XlwaT. N. T. Theatrical nwU«nap4clilt7. ETerrihlni oonfldantlal. qulat; cootract^ MltlemoDU made: practin Id all couru; cUimit. co1l«ctlona or all kloila. No cliiri;e onlQw aucwanil. Corre>pondontalnoiher8tato:". BHEUMATICS MsiWi;! ir. Faollon. Dramatic Aullior,M wwtBt..Worwuiter. Mw FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND. The boa norelty for clreu««t, moMama, locerdemaln*, otc. Circulan and Minp)«a, ten centA. FUTURE COM- PAKT. 7» EaitTblrtaenth BUeot. W. T. "WANTED," lEXICMCDICKNEDIClNECOal aOOD VERSATILE BKETril OR MUfllCAL TEA* to dodoulilr and ilnitlt tum^ put on aclaairf play organ. OOOD COMEDIAN to do >|>nlaltle^ put on acU and play organ. Tlila la a gill odgo aliow, » net according y. Write Ju.t iTliat you can and will do. Mu't bo gaDa^ir uHful. RaUrracconllng to timte. FRANK BARNERD and HELEN LEWIS, wrlla mltk. I pay eip«n»a alto loiolng. LIvo In cautpa, wfclch are the boat on tlio road Open Apriia, Norfolk. Ya. Wrlto jo „ ^ . ,. 14EXI0AN CHICK, Hantbe.Ur, Va. PI IIB DIIIC nlMl metal kttcTi, ULUD rinOi Mad« to Order. An, letter* or fiffuresU not more than five. Enameled in one ortTOColoit. Suluble for Schooli, B. B. Clutii, BicY- de Clubl, Sodclles, etc, SaiDplettcr.ill.a5c _ „ all plate, 10c „ $1.00 EDMUND E. PRICE, Counselor at Law, NEW YORK CUFFER BMUDIRO, AND to CENTRE BTREET, Raw York CItj, Prmctlee In all tlie Courta,ClTll and Criminal. Rpaciil attention given to tbe colwcUon of clalma and do)4aor all kinda, uio praparatloe of agreemanli and oUier legal buBlnett. Wanted! Wanted! The Gem Theatre (FORMERLY WOHDEBLAKD). AVUiKESBARRX, PA., Win open u a MnlgUl VarJtlr and Comlilnulon TTiMtre on MoDdar, Har 6. Vlll plar all maUoewi aad Hi nlclitf. twalre perTonDancoa a week. Waoi No. 1 Sveclaiir Pan- pie (or opanloR week ami latar, and woold uao plaj corn- btaailoDii or flm cUm raperiolre compaolea. Prlcoi wiM beten, twefity and ihlrtf cents. All rerfonnera moiit work In flrei part and afterpiece, and be prepared to cltaoge llielraoDfr* on Tliandar irao requeued. Want to | hear fipm lleaininera for opening weok. State youi tnnier Mlair. Addreaa /RANK IIIDIPIIREYa Manager nom Theatre. WlUeabarre, Fa. OPIUM » Blorrhlne Hmblt Cared In 10 ■vs. No par tin cared. Dr. J. SMipheiaa, Cebonon, O. THE HOST EXTENDIVK UAliUPACTURBIlSOP Billiard and Pool Tables THE woniiD. MANAGERS OFMEDICINECOS^^, To Sell a New Article. AllfrhtnlnRBeller. Something that oTerpbodrwanta. A I woaderAil caratlve agent, and yet not a nedlclne. Can make It loiereulDg for ilie rlglit men. Poll panleolara I on application to panlea who afaow ther nean builneaa. Addiw K. K.. Cincinnati. 0. ' THE BRUNSNin-BtlKE-COlLEMDER NO. 860 nnOADWAY, NEW YORK. Naweatand moat elegant atylaii, witb li'«,l"'fSl'*ii?i? MO.IARCU CUBHIONB. Bllflani malariaU, doOi. Iialla, cue^ alt, of our own manufacture and ImnorUtion. tRw bbunswick-balke-collei/dp.b O), Chlcano, Cincinnati, BtLoula, BanPtanciwo. KLECTRIC DBIT8, ETC., Manufactured In quaolltlaa for (no piofenlon and tilde. CIretibiia np pIM at CMU Write forapaclal prl«" U> E. TAYLOR CXI, Claveland. 0. Snmmer Companies, Look Uere. | DO YOU WANT SPECIAL STAND WORE, EITOBR LARaEORBMALLQUANTITIEai Ourelagintdtacrip- tlva atanda go oroiywhera. Fllty eompanlea naad over 0,tDQ tlila Maaoo. Lowaat pricaa; no dapoalla: pminptaer vice; a maaeot and money »var; beauUAit variety In ovary order. A No. 1 and op to date. NO PAKE. Band 7IIC. and reading matter and lacelvo FAEPAID aample 4lA ataod. Be convinced. TUB IIEKTBICII CO., tha Ploneail, Olttwa, III. NO, dtlect onr noely dlacorarod, Im- ported gema from real dlamonJ". Bold at WorldVFair fir $1». A handwmo Bll- Shaw's Book on "Chapeaugrapby," YouCaR't I. Bold at Worki -■■>., .v, .——,, . taire ring, rtud, Uce or iicarf pin, oolid goJOy Eip.O.O. D. for$l Privilege of oiarajnallon, oliargea prepaid. Ctaloiue of eoma, watcheaand Jewelry rreo.Intera allonalnemCo.,l.tqMaaonlcT«nplo.rt'l'-'CO. aOeta. BlIAWS BOOK ON "HAOIC," OcU BlIAWS BPIBIT BOOK, $1J0. SIIAWtl tOOK OP "HUBEUM AOTR." wan. RIIAW'8 "IIYPNOTIO FORTONE TEL. LKB," lOcla. RUAW'S LABOE BOOK OATALOOUE OP TBI0K8. ILLUBIONB, ETC., lOda. LATERT SPIBIT CABINET. tKD. NAOIO LANTERN. ROKEEN and ICD BLIDE8, IS. PINE OEKTRB and TWO BIDE TABLEB, full illclel [ ~ SUSPENSION. (S. BOX MVS- TEBY, 17. KLEOAhT BLACK ART OUTFIT, (It. Alao PIOUBBS, 0R0AK8. PAINTINU8, WfOr W. Iin. 8UAW, WAX cheap. 'lOUBBS, OROAKB Addieaa W. II... . m AuguBU Blreet, Chicago, HI. LeadingLady for Repertoire! (One wlUi Utile HlriprerflrTed). blary maat be low. Ad- draM OEO. W. LAIWBN. Altoona, April 6 Ut U llarrinburg. Pa.. April IS lo 30. CURES QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER REMEDY. Tatrranfa Ex«r«€t of Cnpelia and Copaiba la a aafe, certain and quick core, and la an old tlme remedy, com- bining In a hljtlilr concentrateil form the nidlclnKl, virtue, ot cupebe and copaiba, lu P?'"''? abape, freedoni from tarte and a|ieed|| action (curing In lew Jian an; other prepnrallon) make It TllK MOST VaCiia»LE KNf>WH RENEDY. To prerent ii„u,l. aee UiU everr package Iim a rod .trip acroaa llie race of l« 1«1, ulth the algnaturo of p'- rant A Co., M. Y., upon IL PBIOE, aim Bold by all dr^iggla". YOU'RE-IT-FOR-TAB iS^ MOCKKniES Wonliand MnilobyT.A. Patlon. IlIEl A King that la adapted forlhe ballad ainger, the Miubrettea or Ilia "all togetJier" aoncatreu and alnilnii Pnilaailonal people aeodlog No. vlU receive proof copy and ordieatm pariL Write quick, and aand route. E. I..8IMMUNA. publlidier.l WalnutBU, CleveUnd, 0. Wanted I NWl. Kncloae atamp. DOTOUWANTBOMETIimil NEW THAT WILL MAKE A HIT I HKNll FOB (IVBRTUBB, "HOT ffniPF," nv LOflK K. BOOS. I'lllOE, »l.a) TIIB PIKALE WILL MAKR'F.II LAUnll. ALBO "RED LETTER MAHCH'* I. lu.t out. A.Me nom being a lliat claaa march Ihla place la a gnat novelty, being printed In nd. nice, 10 centa. To pro^eaalonal leader, we will nail the two piece, for and goarantaolham to pleaw, or nDind the amounu BOOS MIIBIC PUB. CO.. Jackaoo, Mich. N. n—Band lor W. P. Eegllali'a new march. "Royal Pagvant." Price. 80 centa. WE WANT AT ALL TIMES GOOD VBBVUL MEDICINE PEOPLE WHO OAK CII AN<1B ACT. LMiuTvnwhncan pull teeth. Deivrlba rour tall lineol work and MUr%- In Ant letter. We paj aaUrraihl tran^^ latloQalterJolnlngcompanjitwoweekiundiL Thoeewho wrtila before wrhaagain, and fUa rarmanent addreM.lf poMlhle. DKJ.B.n.L6Na.WlliyEBPCARIiEDICIKE CO„r.anT>ll.lowa. M. Ae McAPAMS, BASS AND TUBA, AT LIBERTY Mr Sammer BeaMB 'W, nolyoke, Maaa- week of Apri l 15; Tanaton, week of Arrilfe. (TreBAWfaLLtfR DRAMATIC CO. A TnAVEUNB HAN WOULD IHE A LADY PARTKER AB OONPANION. One who bu aniaclaltj, nck a. I».t eoacy or ••j}l»ft'5a£3f. ItSStV T. For Spring and Bummtr, LAD? PIANIST, who will double miall pattJL Full partlculati ilm letter. Olber ueelul people write. Addreat Monigooiery. W. Ta. WANTED, AT BARTON'S THEATBE NEWPORT RBWB, VA., RPECTALTV AMD FIRST PABT LADIES. Wnle quick, flood aalaiy to the right people. Htor J. M. BARTON, Prop. ED. BCOriELD, Manager. ^n^T^fri^Wa^lTO BE POSTED CLIPPER ANNUAL FOU, 1895. COKTAININO BECOBDS IN AIX PABTMENTS OF SPOBT, raCltrlMO CUBONOLOQIES FOB 1804, AQVATIC, ATHlEnC, BACIK6 AM) TBOTTniO ETEKTS, DA8EDALL, CBICIET, Bit- UABD8, ETC. BECOBDS OF FAST* EST TIKE AITD AU. BIST FEBFOBM* AHCES. DLLVSTBATED. Price 26 Cents. I A-ddress THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, fJUPPKEL BITIU>IITOf AT UBEBTT, FIRSlCUSnLimiOIIEl TO LOCATE OR TRATEU. Addraaa C. W. HBIVDRYX, 43S lllram ArentMi, WUhlta, Kaniaa. Clarionetist at Liberty, JVNB 1, FOR BUMHBR. EXPRIEKCED AND FIBST CLASa Seailiore or local aongemenl only. Addnae E P. WHITOOMB, care BAWTBLLB DBAHATIC CO, Uolyoka, Maaa., Apill li to v. AOer atx aa per route. TUB UP TO DATE ABTI9I8, JuleslElla Garrison MlSCELLANEOUSe LADIES, IP YOU HATE BUrERrLUODB HAIR ON THE FAGEJ Send for new laforwatloQ bow to t«iaoTe tl eMilr aad elleetullj, wlibovi dtemleala or taetrasienta. Oon^ moBdene* ooDadeDtUL In plalo aaalad aarelM.